Bulletin May 19th - The Rotary Club of Blenheim South
Bulletin May 19th - The Rotary Club of Blenheim South
BULLETIN OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLENHEIM SOUTH DISTRICT 9970 PO Box 437 | Blenheim 7240 Meetings Tuesday 6.00 pm | Scenic Hotel, cnr Alfred and Henry Streets OFFICE BEARERS 2014 - 2015 Bulletin Edition May 19th 2015 PROGRAMME th NEXT MEETING -May 26 - Bay Audiology - Hearing nd COMING UP -June 2 - Yvonne Dasler – Poverty in Blenheim th -June 9 - TBA LAST WEEKS MEETING PRESIDENT Peter Edwards IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lachlan Marshall PRESIDENT ELECT/ CLUB ADMIN Francis Maher MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR PAT CLAY WELCOME President Peter welcomed everyone including our guest speaker Hamish MacFarlane from the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce. NOTICES COMMUNITY SERVICE/ PROJECTS DIRECTOR MICHAEL PARKINSON PUBLIC RELATIONS NOEL TEMPLETON INTERNATIONAL/ ROTARY FOUNDATION PAUL EDEN YOUTH DIRECTOR Graeme Faulkner VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR Kevin Parkes SECRETARY/ ATTENDANCE DEAN HEIFORD TREASURER Bob Marks ASSISTANT TREASURER John Beattie SERGEANT AT ARMS PHIL KENNARD PROGRAMME Eleanor Keitzmann BULLETIN ROBYN WHITE/GRETA FIRTH DUTY ROSTER Russell Young WELFARE OFFICERS John MacKenzie Stewart Sargent HISTORIAN Lawrie Saunders Greta: Rotary t shirts—last chance to sign up—going to printer tomorrow. President Peter: Josh Gwynne—raising funds for Tennis Academy—Tuesday 28th May— movie night - $15. See Peter for tickets. nd Josh is also holding a Fundraising dinner at the Bamboo Gardens on June 22 . Cheryl West is putting together a Rotary Table of 10 to support Josh. See her for tickets at the Rotary Table. Papanui Rotary Club Letter received expressing thanks for our support for Conference— much appreciated. Host Families are needed—to host our Rotary Youth Exchange student arriving in to our Club in July. His name is Thibault Provost. He speaks French and Dutch and a little English. He loves to play basketball and he plays the piano and guitar. We urgently need 4 families who can each host Thibault for 3 months each. Please contact Francis Maher or Marge Scott if you are able to host. Mike Veal: Has offered to take over the Chairmanship of the St Marks dinner. There will be a meeting of all involved next Tuesday after the meeting GUEST SPEAKER – Hamish MacFarlane Hamish MacFarlane—General Manager for the Chamber of Commerce (Introduced by Heather Fear). Hamish gave a ‘State of the Nation’ talk as it related to Marlborough. He pre-empted his speech by saying not to take the numbers too seriously, however they were a good approximation. Hamish spoke on Marlborough’s economy (predominantly forestry and farming), in relation to what is happening nationally and to a lesser extent internationally. He indicated marine farming and tourism are important to Marlborough as well. He also mentioned that the Chamber are concerned about the level of debt experienced by our Council which he predicted would rise in years to come along with an increase in our rates. Hamish mentioned the work being done on the cycle ways around Marlborough and how they were good for our region. When questioned on the empty shops in town he suggested better signage on the highway to entice traffic in to town, that people should live closer to town so they could walk to do their shopping and that possibly the rents on the buildings were too high. Heather Fear Introducing Hamish MacFarlane MAY CELEBRATIONS MEMBER BIRTHDAYS VOTE OF THANKS Hamish was thanked by Tony Smale. STUART TRUSTRUM 11/5 KEVIN PARKES 14/5 WIM VANVELTHOOVEN 14/5 ROBYN WHITE 19/5 JOCK STRUTHERS 31/5 HUSBAND/WIFE AND PARTNER BIRTHDAYS KEVIN PARKES 4/5 NEIL MARTIN 10/5 KEVIN MOSELEY 23/5 CLUB ANNIVERSARIES PIERO ROCCO 26/5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES CHRIS HENRY 14/5 HEATHER & ROBIN FEAR 20/5 ROSS INDER 21/5 NEIL MARTIN 25/5 MEETING May 19th 2015 John Leader with the thought for the day DUTY ROSTER Please note that the roster is prepared a month in advance and it may not be possible to take account of apologies received less than 30 days before a meeting. If you are absent and unable to fulfil your roster duty please arrange for someone to stand in for you. Thank you. VISITORS & GUESTS Ian Bond (a past member who wishes to rejoin now that he is back in Blenheim). Date May 26th Speaker/Event Bay Audiology Hearing Scenic Circle Scenic Circle S Trustrum R Tyney Scenic Circle W van Velthoven Preparation M Veal J Struthers N Templeton S Trustrum ATTENDANCE N/A Reception/Steward C Jones R Inder R Gauden Ing D Fairlie Cash Desk 1 J Hasseldine G Alexander R Marks J Beattie LEAVE OF ABSENCE DAV E WEIR KEVIN MOSELEY STEWART SARGENT LAWRIE SAUNDERS Cash Desk 2 C Rodgers J Hasseldine G Alexander R Marks Speaker’s Host R Fear R Gauden Ing C Henry Grace J MacKenzie F Maher R McNabb K Moseley Vote Of Thanks R Young J Andrews S Allcutt G Alexander 3 Minute Speaker L Shaw R Marks S Trustrum Sergeant S Doeke P Eden W Munro Parting Thought J Beattie D Buckley D Buckley P Clay Bulletin Reporter G Faulkner C Henry J Leader R Young VISITING ROTARIAN GRACE BULLETIN REPORTER THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Given by John Leader “For what we are about to receive—thank God”. Venue Bring A Guest June 2nd TBA June 9th TBA June 16th Breakfast Meeting If you are bringing a guest to Rotary or are unable to attend please advise your apology and guests by 3pm at the very latest to the Nativity Church Office either by phone to 578-3909 or email [email protected] Failure to apologise means that you will be recorded as ‘Silent’