The Madison, WI Rotary News for April 24, 2015


The Madison, WI Rotary News for April 24, 2015
The Madison, WI Rotary News for April 24, 2015
a publication of the Rotary Club of Madison
Upcoming Speakers
at Inn on the Park
April 29 Rotary Meeting at Inn on the Park
Madison Beltline Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study
Join us next week at the Inn on the Park, on April 29, when guest speakers Larry Barta and
Tom Lynch talk about the beltline study background and related projects as well as UW
survey results and strategy development.
Larry Barta earned a BS degree in civil engineering from North
Dakota State University and began his career at WisDOT 31 years ago.
He has developed expertise in a wide range of topics, processes and
policies during 24 years of designing and managing improvement
projects and the last seven, managing corridor studies. He designed
projects in all 10 District One counties, highlighted by managing the
expansion and relocation of 38 miles of USH 151 from Dickeyville to Dodgeville. Past studies
include expansions of I-39 from Illinois to Madison and of the Verona Road corridor in
Madison. Current studies include capacity expansion investigations of the Madison Beltline
and of I-39 from the Beltline to Portage.
Tom Lynch has worked with Strand Associates for 23 years as a transportation engineer and planner.
He has degrees from Cal Poly State University in California, and University of Illinois, Champagne
Urbana. Tom focuses on major corridor studies and environmental impact statements. Recent and past
studies he has been involved with include the Monona Drive reconstruction, the Verona Road
reconstruction now being constructed, and the Madison Beltline Planning and Environmental Linkages
So that we can plan for sufficient seating, members planning to bring guests are asked to contact the Rotary office with
the number of guests you plan to bring by Tuesday noon ([email protected] or phone 255-9164).
May 6
Oscar Mireles
I Didn’t Know There
Were Latinos in
May 13
Annual Rotary Youth
Awards Program
May 20
Jorge Hidalgo
Honoring Our Fallen on
Memorial Day
Have the Conversation and Do It Now…
Jim Jaeger and Sandra Nuernberg urged all Rotarians and guests to begin the process of planning for future medical
care. Jaeger and Nuernberg represent the Association of Spiritual Caregivers working with Meriter Foundation and the
Gundersen Medical Foundation in La Crosse.
All of us have likely thought about end of life care; some of us have created a living will or other advance care document.
But how many of us have had the “conversation” with our family, friends and agents about end of life care? 60% of people
say that making sure their family is not burdened by tough decisions is extremely important, but 56% have not
communicated their end of life wishes.
Jaeger and Nuernberg showed a video about a couple who were having the conversation. Benefits include peace of
mind, putting your family at ease about what decisions to make for you when you are unable, having an agent to represent
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164, [email protected]
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you who is willing and capable of advocating your wishes on your behalf. And knowing what you want done at end of life
will potentially save money and extend life by taking the pressure off.
Jaeger noted that Advance Care Planning is a process, beginning with you and others understanding that decisions will
need to be made in the likely event you will not be able to do so. Next you need to reflect on what you do want to happen,
then have a discussion with loved ones, medical advisers and agents about your wishes. Those choices will be written
down and then this should be part of your medical record.
Also, plan to review this document over time as your situation may change and you may want to alter your plans. There
are resources and organizations to help you have “the conversation”. For an information booklet answering commonly
asked questions about advance care planning, contact Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI 800-362-9567, ext.
Our thanks to Jim Jaeger and Sandra Nuernberg for appearing before our club and to Linda Baldwin for preparing this
review article.
Registration is Open for Tri-Con 2015
District Conference being held in Appleton
on May 15-17. Visit for
more details.
Rotary Scholars Seeking Employment Opportunities
Each year, we have approximately 80 students receiving scholarship support through named scholarship funds within our
Madison Rotary Foundation. In addition to the scholarship support our Foundation provides, our Scholarship Committee is
trying to help connect our scholars to short-term jobs and internships. Jacqui Sakowski is leading this effort this year. This
week, we are featuring the following two scholars:
Samantha Talerico is, in her own words, “a hard-working, enthusiastic, and responsible
sophomore at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.” She is a Pre-med student majoring in
Physiology and minoring in Public Health and Neuroscience, and she seeks internships or work
experience in a health care related setting or opportunities to assist in research. Her list of jobs and
volunteering activities is breathtaking from being an America Reads Tutor to lab attendant in the
Department of Surgery at the Schulze Diabetes Immunology Institute to Water Ballet Director at Hill
Farm Swim Club during Madison summers! No wonder she says she’s comfortable in pretty much
any environment. She claims as skills, communication, organization, responsibility, teaching, leading
and independence. Samantha has transportation and is available work in a 15 mile radius of
Madison mid-May to late August. Kathleen Woit is her mentor.
Andy Rodgers is a junior pursuing a double major in Biology and Philosophy at Carleton College,
in Minnesota. Driven by his desire to help others and his interests in psychology and philosophy,
Andy is attracted to social work for individuals with mental health problems and chemical
dependencies. Work and volunteer opportunities have ranged from a Teaching Assistant in a
Minnesota High School to Mentoring LD/ADHD and at risk youth, which have equipped him well for a
summer internship with an individual or institution dealing with social issues such as mental health,
substance abuse, family social work, or community social work. Andy has transportation and is
available from early June to early September in Madison, Minneapolis or Chicago, and Jim Taylor Is
his mentor.
For more details on these two students being highlighted this week or for the full listing of Madison Rotary Foundation
scholars who are seeking employment, visit our website at To view the scholar profiles from the
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164, [email protected]
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Members Area dropdown menu – click on “Rotary Scholars.” Contact the Rotary office at [email protected]
or 255-9164 to obtain your password information if you need it.
Rotaract Groups Lead April 22 Luncheon
Our Rotary club sponsors two college level Rotaract clubs – one at UW-Madison that was formed in 2002 and one at
Edgewood College that was formed in 2008. During our April 22 Rotary luncheon, members of each of these groups took
sections of our business agenda and led the Rotary meeting. We also had a chance to hear highlights from each Rotaract
Club and what they have accomplished during the current academic year. Our thanks to all who participated in our April 22
Rotary luncheon. Students who participated are: Patrick Bohrer, Livy Brandt, Ben Brooke, Erman Egeli (UW-Madison
Rotaract President), Alicia Emerich, Erica Fleming, Zach Hentrich, Idah Karonga (Edgewood Rotaract President) Kasia
Leus, Nick Lohr, Megan Lyneis, Aidan Quinlan, Annie Roensch, Brady Storhoff, Aidan Quinlan and Sam Wendt. For more
photos, visit us on Facebook; search for Rotary Club of Madison.
Rotaract is an international program for young men and women ages 18 to 30 who believe they can make a difference.
Rotaract clubs provide an opportunity for young adults to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in
personal development to address the physical and social needs of their communities and to promote better relations
between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
April Rotary District Newsletter
The April edition of the Rotary District newsletter is now available in its electronic format.
CLICK to read news happenings within our Rotary District 6250.
Members in the News
Dawn Crim and Oscar Mireles were pictured in The Capital City Hues as participants in a meeting
entitled, “All Lives Matter,” which was held on March 13. 4/16
Scott Flanagan was pictured and quoted in an article in The Capital City Hues titled, “Staying Relevant
in a Changing World.” 4/16
Carl Gulbrandsen announced that he will be retiring from WARF early next year after nearly 20 years
of service. WSJ 4/17
Our Sympathies….
Melanie Ramey’s husband, Rabah Gueffry, passed away on April 18. We extend our sincere
sympathies to Melanie.
Former member Dick Logan passed away on March 21. We extend our condolences to his wife,
Josie, and her family.
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164, [email protected]
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Jeanne Warzyn passed away on April 16. She was the wife of Rotarian Willard Warzyn who passed
away in 2013. We extend our sympathies to their children.
Wishing a Happy Birthday to…
Apr. 27 -- Bob Westervelt -- Adm. Date: 09/03/1980 Brokerage & Investments-Retired. Director
1985-87 PHF (4)
Apr. 28 -- Ron Luskin -- Adm. Date: 02/05/2014 Foundations. Meriter Foundation
Apr. 29 -- Sean Baxter -- Adm. Date: 07/11/2007 Real Estate. Kayser Automotive Group
Apr. 29 -- Neil Dinndorf -- Adm. Date: 03/04/2015 Brokerage & Investments. EnRich Financial
Partners, LLC
Apr. 29 -- Carmen Porco -- Adm. Date: 08/07/2002 Housing. Carmen Porco Consulting Services
Apr. 30 -- Hank Curran -- Adm. Date: 05/08/1974 Commercial Services & Products-Retired. Vice
President 1983-84, Director 1982-84 PHF
Apr. 30 -- Steven Schooler -- Adm. Date: 05/01/2002 Community Services. Porchlight, Inc. PHF
May 1 -- Dave J. Johnson -- Adm. Date: 03/04/1998 Community Services. Family Service Madison
100% Attendance since 3/4/1998
May 2 -- Rich Leffler -- Adm. Date: 01/03/2001 Colleges & Universities-Social Sciences-Retired.
Director 2011-13 PHF
May 2 -- Vicki Stewart -- Adm. Date: 03/14/1990 Arts-Performing-Retired. PHF
Weekly Statistics
MakeUp Artists
Gutknecht, Karl at Hilo Bay, HI 3/25; Silverberg, Joe at South 4/8; O'Brien, Mary at Geneva, IL 4/7; Beren, Jason at St.
Barthelemy, France 4/16
Guest List – April 22, 2015
Karen Lincoln Michel of Susan Schmitz; Joe Allen of Ron Luskin; Annie Roensch, Megan Lyneis, Erica Fleming, Kasia
Leus, Erman Egeli, Brady Storhoff, Zach Hentrich, Alicia Emerich, Aidan Quinlan, Livy Brandt, Nick Lohr, Patrick Bohrer,
Sam Wendt, Ben Brooke & Idah Karonga of Rotaract Advisory Committee; Richard Nuernberg of Program Committee;
Chuck Orme-Rogers of Marilyn Rhodes; Gary Klein of Neil Fauerbach; Rick Bova of Roth Judd; Carol Ruhly of Jim Ruhly
Visiting Rotarian – April 22, 2015
Dave Anderson from Wausau
Attendance Record
Total Members
Total Active
Active Attending (incl. make-ups)
292 (32)
344 (146)
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164, [email protected]
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