RTBU Members Second Opportunity to Voice Concerns about
RTBU Members Second Opportunity to Voice Concerns about
MEMBERS’ BULLETIN N.S.W RAIL TRAM AND BUS UNION 15th April 2015 Bulletin No: 20/2015 To: Customer Service Attendants and Guards members, RTBU MEMBERS SECOND OPPORTUNITY TO VOICE CONCERNS ABOUT SAFETY VEST REMOVAL “The removal of the safety vest will put pressure on the train guards to look for the Right of Way on crowded platforms which in turn will cause delays to train departing the platform.” - Quote from RTBU Member The RTBU had major concerns in relation to Sydney Trains making the determination of removing safety vests from CSAs. A large portion of guards shared the concerns and responded to the survey the RTBU distributed. Out of the survey the RTBU met with Sydney Trains and deliver the results in the form of a presentation which contained the charts and commentary as to what the results meant. The breakdowns of these figures were: 96% of the participants would prefer to wear a high visibility vest when performing Right of Way. 84% of the participants felt that high visibility vests make a positive impact on safety for staff. 76% of the participants do not feel safe performing right of way procedures without a high visibility vest. 73% of the participants do not believe they were properly consulted with about changes to safety procedures. 78% of the participants do not feel happy about the new uniform. As a consequence of the strong survey results and the advocacy put forward by the RTBU representatives Sydney Trains made the determination to extend the testing period. It must be noted that this is not a preferred position by the RTBU but Sydney Trains are admitting that there are concerns. Due to the determination to extend the testing period the RTBU are distributing two fresh surveys for members to fill in. There will be a CSA specific survey and a guard specific survey. It would be appreciated if people who fill in the survey could please return them by 4pm on the 1st of May 2015. Surveys can be returned to your local delegate, fax to the RTBU office or via email to the RTBU office. If members have any questions or comments please contact your local delegate or the RTBU office. Issued by: Mick Cartwright Organiser Authorised by: Alex Claassens Branch Secretary RAIL, TRAM & BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) ABN 55 090 785 801 Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 - Tel (02) 92642511 Fax (02) 9261 1342 – Email [email protected] - WEBSITE: www.rtbu-nsw.asn.au "Organising Workers in the Transport Industry to Protect and Build their Rights at Work"
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