Practical Exam - Hand Signals
Practical Exam - Hand Signals
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________ Printed legibly. Demonstration of Skills – Crane Hand Signals Call the signal names below to each student individually. The student must be able to give the signal called for. For each sign that is correctly given, put a check mark in the box next to that signal. For each incorrect signal given, place an X in the box. Number Missed: ______________ Grade: ___________________ 100 - (Number Missed * 5.5 points) = Grade We recommend that you review with all employees all missed signals to ensure 100% understanding of material. Exam Administrator (Print):______________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________ By signing above you certify that you administered this practical exam and that the Employee named was able to demonstrate the signals shown above. *Keep this Exam with the Employee’s Certificate of Completion for the Crane Spotter Signal Person course.