Saturday, May 09, 2015 Greetings, Our hearts are heavy, but our
Saturday, May 09, 2015 Greetings, Our hearts are heavy, but our
Saturday, May 09, 2015 Greetings, Our hearts are heavy, but our faith and community are strong. We will miss Emily Collaros so much. We will give her family all the love and support that we can. We will support your children as well. We are in this journey together. As you know, Emily’s wake is on Tuesday at Zabor Funeral Home from 3-8 PM on Tuesday and the funeral Mass isWednesday at Saint Charles at 11 AM. There will not be school on Wednesday. Because of these arrangements, some changes in the weekly schedule have been made. A previous e-mail was sent about the Kick-It games new tentative schedule. Be sure to take a few minutes to review and send me an e-mail if a change needs to be made. Tomorrow (Sunday) – Summer Solutions book orders are due online. Monday – Server Training will still take place from 4:00-5:15 PM for the students/families who have contacted me to let me know their child will be at training. It is not too late to let me know ([email protected]) However, part two of the training which was originally scheduled on Wednesday will now be on the following Monday from 4:00-5:15 in the church. Those interested need to attend both sessions to be fully trained. Tuesday – the final Scrabble Club will still take place from 2:40-3:30 PM. Wednesday – No school. The drama club celebration and the youth choir celebration will take place on Wednesday, May 20. The PTU meeting will be rescheduled. The Advanced Band and Honors Band practices at Padua WILL still take place since they involve more than just Saint Charles School. Thursday – Chess club and student council will meet after school as scheduled. Market Day pick-up will take place from5:30-6:30 PM. Beginner Band practice will take place at Padua (4:30-5:30 PM). Friday – Math tutoring for grades 5 and 6 will take place. There will be Kick-It games, but not the teams originally scheduled. Many thanks to Miss Perkins, Mrs. Gerity and Mrs. K for working with the drama club for the past eight months in order to perform a wonderful production of James and the Giant Peach this past weekend. Great job, everyone! Peace and love – Eileen. M. Updegrove