

For Saint George’s Day, a rose
and a wish come true: A vote on
independence this September
On 23 April Catalonia celebrates Sant Jordi (Saint
George’s day) in honor of its patron saint. On this
spring day, streets all over the country are filled with
the roses and books that people give to those they
love on this festive, family occasion.
This year millions of Catalans will once again be
following this cultural tradition, now with more
reason than ever: 81% of the 2.34 million citizens
who took part in the November 9th non-binding
ballot cast their voting card saying “I want Catalonia
to become an independent state”. Our future will
be decided on September 27th in snap elections,
and the Parliament of Catalonia may finally make
the Declaration of Independence. Peacefully and
democratically, the Catalan process is happily getting
to the end.
Make it your tradition!
For Sant Jordi, a rose, a book.
The Catalan National Assembly
Working for the Catalans right to self-determination.