pdf info sg#7 - CookBooks.hu


pdf info sg#7 - CookBooks.hu
so good..#7
grégoire michaud, sense and sensitivity
hidemi sugino, dialogue with ingredients
arnaud larher, the second raspberr y
jordi roca, chronology of a unique desser t
thomas bühner, la vie’s apple
pain de sucre , "a good product is beautiful
by nature"
frederic rober t, looking for unexpected
desser ts
william cur ley, chocolatier skin, patissier
hear t
gilles delaloy, freedom with base
br uno van vaerenbergh, my advice: “less fat,
more design and smaller por tions”
emmanuel r yon, with pleasure
claire heitzler, between what is beautiful
and what is good
jordi puigver t, innovation in the technique ,
tradition in the result
stefano laghi, self-molded
raúl bernal, the value of perseverance
josep maria ribé, ar tisanal dragées
sylvain leroy, a versatile chef
dani garcía, sweet diver timentos
jerome landrieu, mignardises
andrés lara, a small tribute to chocolate
ramon morató takes chocolate to har vard
dominique ansel baker y, funny home away from home
bcncookies, more than just cookies
angelo cor vitto and the exciting game of ice cream
christina tosi, all in the family
susan hochbaum, offspring of freedom
the champions’ dream
tea time