

t h e
B o f f i n s
C l u b
n e w s l e t t e r
N ove mbe r 2013
a m u s e - b o u c h e
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n o u n
[ F r . ,
l i t . ,
( i t )
e n t e r t a i n s
( t h e )
m o u t h ]
with Colette Zinterer, Pastry Chef
When you see a need, f ill it. When you see an oven,
bake in it. Boff ins Club Pastr y Chef Colette Zinterer has
been using the oven to f ill stomachs and the Saskatoon
baking market for years. It’s a muff in-warming stor y
that star ts on a farm near Hazenmore, Saskatchewan.
The farm is a busy place and someone has to handle the
baking. It’s a classic stor y where parents were too busy
and brothers and sisters weren’t interested, but Colette
was. And so, at around 10 years of age she became the
primar y baker in the household handling all the baking
for family meals, bake sales and church functions.
When Colette came to Saskatoon her intentions were
to complete an Education degree, however, while
attending school she took a job working at the Delta
Bessborough, which would set about a new career
path. This f irst job had Colette working under a pastr y
chef who seemed to intimidate and scare others. It
was a job seemingly no one wanted – need f illed.
Colette found this oppor tunity to be any thing but
scar y. Under this masterchef Colette grew her trade
and expanded her knowledge on the science of baking.
The Delta Bessborough was also the place Colette
would meet her husband, Don, who was working
in the kitchen as an evening Chef. Colette stepped
away from the Bessborough when she and Don had
their f irst child, Steven, followed by Stephanie almost
six years later. Now she’s Grandma Colette to two
seven year old boys, cousins William and Noah.
Being home with kids didn’t stop Colette from keeping
the oven warm, however. She star ted her own company,
selling baking to a restaurant in Saskatoon. Business
grew thanks to her and her husband’s connections
and the reputation of her baking. Soon, Colette was
supplying f ive restaurants. Apparently nobody else in
the city wanted to bake and so Colette was seizing the
oppor tunity from the kitchen in her basement. She was
also turning out amazing wedding cakes.
Eventually the basement kitchen wrapped up mass
production and Colette took a job as the Pastr y Chef
at the Saskatoon Club. It was here her aff iliation
with Chef Peter Phillips would begin. Peter would
later recruit Colette to join him at Riverside before
bringing her to Boff ins Club three years ago.
Need some Chr is tma s gif t idea s? G if t car ds and Tea For té ba sket s ar e available fr om B of f ins Club. Cont ac t 3 06 .978 . 2 582 .
a m u s e - b o u c h e
s m a l l ,
c o m p l i m e n t a r y
d i s h
s e r v e d
b e f o r e
t h e
m e a l
b e g i n s
Recipe: Thai Coconut Chicken Soup
4 cups
1 stalk
¼ cup
2 cloves
13 oz
2 tbsp
1½ tsp
1 can
To Taste
1. Measure all ingredients.
Whole Chicken
Chicken Stock
Lemongrass {chopped}
Lime Leaves
3” Ginger Piece {thinly sliced}
Thai Chillies
Cilantro {f inely diced}
Garlic {crushed}
Coconut Milk
Fish Sauce
Straw Mushrooms
Limes {zest and juice}
Salt & Pepper
Red Pepper {optional}
2. Cut up chicken into pieces and add to chicken stock in a large pot.
3. Bring to a boil, then skim off any f loating froth.
4. Add all other ingredients except coconut milk and cilantro to
chicken stock. Let simmer for 30 -40 minutes or until chicken is
5. Season to taste. Remove whole Thai chillies from soup, f inely dice
and add back to soup if a hotter version is required.
6. Enjoy with Jasmine rice or rice vermicelli noodles.
7. Add the cilantro and coconut milk just before ser ving.
Is there a recipe from the club you want posted in amuse-bouche?
Then send your request to amuse-bouche@boff
In the Boff ins kitchen Colette is keeping busy with her
Desser t Ex travaganza available at Club catered events,
helping supply the park food outlets like the Atrium
Café and ser ving up amazing lunchtime desser ts in the
Club. This leads us to the Gateau Marjolaine, which is a
delightful cake layered with nut meringue, buttercream
and more that you must have. It is the per fect end
to any Boff ins Club bir thday lunch. This cake is a
labour of love taking three days from conception to
completion and is so deliciously wor th the effor t.
Colette’s baking may have been available all
around town at one point but now you can only get the
goodness right here at Innovation Place. In fact, you
can get your hands on some of Colette’s baking this
holiday season by purchasing a seasonal goodie basket
at the Atrium Café. $15 gets you a dozen goodies
of your choice: Peppermint Patties, Cranberr y Pecan
Butter Tar ts, Reindeer Sugar Cookies, Gingerbread
Snowf lakes, Chocolate Kiss Thumbprint Cookies, Red
Velvet Brownies and Festive Nanaimo Bars. If that
doesn’t f loat your boat then just swing by the Club
and ask for desser t, you won’t be disappointed.
Theme Buffet
nov 7 · 5 — 8 pm · $5O
Register at
Theme Buffet
nov 7 · 5 — 8 pm · $5O
Vegetable Pakoras & Samosas
with at
Chutney, Curried Patia Prawns, Chicken Korma,
Beef Biryani Lentil and Spinach Dahl, Gulab Jaman,
Kheer, pappadams, naan and
much more!
NOV 13 · 5 — 8 pm · $5O
Register at
register at
register at
b o f f i n s c l u b
1 0 6 - 111 r e s e a r c h d r i v e
s a s k a t o o n s k
w w w . b o f f i n s . c a
b o f f i n s @ b o f f i n s . c a
3 0 6 . 9 7 8 . 2 5 8 2
by Sheldene Matyczuk, Hospitality Manager
Angel’s Gate Archangel Sparkling
A blanc de blanc (a white wine made from white grapes).
This wine is called sparkling because it can’t be called
Champagne for it is not made in the Champagne region
of France. However, it is called by other names in other
countries. For example, in Spain it is Cava, in Italy
Prosecco and in Germany Cremant.
Plaza Marques Gran Reserva
A Spanish Gran Reser va is a wine that commands respect.
This wine, by law, must spend two years in oak barrels
and three years in the bottle before the winer y can
release it for sale. The result is silkier wine on the palate.
The tannins and acids drop out during aging, therefore the
mouth feel of the wine is sof t.
Temple Bruer Shiraz Malbec
Angel’s Gate Sussreserve Riesling
Suss is a German term for sweet. Af ter the winer y
makes the wine they top it up with a small amount of
unfermented Riesling juice. This increases the body and
sweetness of the wine.
don Rodolfo Malbec
This wine is from a high altitude region, Salta, where there
is ver y little rainfall so the grapes are quite concentrated.
In fact, Salta is one of the highest altitude regions for
grape growing in the world. Don Rodolfo’s wines are
naked meaning they are made without any oak aging for a
fresh and lighter style.
Temple Bruer is the largest organic winer y in the
Langhorne Creek region of Australia. The winemaker,
David Bruer, is a maverick in the area when it comes to
sustainability and organic grape growing. He has a large
greenhouse from which he sells vines to other growers.
He is also experimenting by stressing various grape vines
to see how they will withstand ex treme heat. Thus far,
he is f inding the Italian varietals hold up the best. f insClub f insClub