Sayre Healthcare Center Cares April 2015


Sayre Healthcare Center Cares April 2015
Sayre Christian Village
Healthcare Cares
Picture goes here
and changes
every month
Volume 5, Issue 4
April 2015
Ann’s Assessments
Grievance Policy Updated
Inside this issue:
Miller’s Musings
―Its Never 2
Celebrating Easter at 3
the Healthcare
April Poem
Activities Alert
April Dates
April 1st— APRIL FOOLS
April 3rd– GOOD FRIDAY
April 5th– EASTER
April 15th– TAXES DUE!
April 22nd- EARTH DAY
April 24th– ARBOR DAY
Sayre Healthcare Center acknowledges the right of the resident/interested party to voice concerns and expect prompt
efforts by the facility to resolve those concerns. These concerns may include the resident’s treatment, medical care,
behavior of other residents, staff members, theft of property,
To ensure the resolutions to the concerns are being carried through, the facility
reviewed our current grievance/complaint policy and made some changes.
When a grievance is filed (orally or in writing) the concern will be investigated
and reported to the Administrator within five (5) working days. The Administrator
will review the findings of the investigation along with the solution to the concern.
Then the staff member conducting the investigation of the concern will follow-up
with the individual that filed the grievance.
To ensure the solution to the concern is effective. Grievance forms are located
at each nurse’s station and in the Social Service Director’s offices. Grievances
may also be reported directly to the Social Service Directors.
Time to Brush Up On Your Spanish
May is not so far away that it is too
early to be aware of National Nursing Home
Week from May 11-15, 2015. We are going to
have a Fiesta and it promises to be a flurry of
fun! Plan now to bring in something festive for
your resident loved one to wear to the festivities. There will be lots of music,
games, contests and events, all focused on going South of the Border.
Families are of course always welcomed, invited and encouraged to
come along on this awesome journey. Tuesday and Thursday evening will be
filled with fun events. There will be plenty of Mexican food items to sample during the week. The Gathering Place will be customs so be sure to bring your
passport to fun. (If you need one, we will be happy to make one for you.)
Mark your calendars now and save the date for National Nursing Home Week
Fiesta! You will be glad you did!
Page 2
Sayre Christian Village Healthcare Cares
Sayre Philanthropy
Sayre Christian Village strives
daily to provide Godly care to
those in need. It’s supporters
are changing long-term care in
the name of Jesus Christ.
Sayre Healthcare Center is
utilizing best practices in elder
care which is helping residents
function at their highest levels.
Sayre’s ministry is able to
continue because of the
support of people who
recognize the importance of
serving older adults. A gift to
Sayre Christian Village’s
nonprofit ministry makes a
significant and positive
difference as we seek to
provide Godly care – care that
makes God happy – for our
residents. Should you wish to
discuss how a gift may benefit
both you and Sayre Christian
Village, please contact John
Dundon by telephone at 859271-5945 or by email at
[email protected].
Upcoming Outings and
April 8 Cooking by George
April 22nd Keeneland racesMay
May 10th Mother’s Day
May 11th -15th National Nursing Home Week
May 19th Voting at the polls
May 25th Memorial Day
May 27th Aquarium in Newport
June 10 WalMart Shopping
June 24th Lunch in the Park
(subject to change)
Miller’s Musings
Someone once suggested that Easter can be summarized in
one word- ―Surprise!‖ And it certainly can. Jesus’ enemies
thought they had won the upper hand and Jesus’ followers
would soon be dispersed. Satan hoped this would be the end
of the mission of Jesus to break his (satan’s) hold on mankind.
Even Jesus’ disciples were confused, frightened, and in hiding.
Surprise! Surprise satan; surprise Caiaphas; surprise Pilate; surprise unbelievers; surprise death! Jesus is alive! Death is conquered! Sin is defeated! Hope is
alive! What a wonderful surprise!
A lot of real concern is felt by faithful people regarding their future, the future of
those around them, and the future of the organizations of which they are a part.
Many times that concern deepens greatly as we become more elderly and we
see what we perceive to be a serious lack of commitment and meaningful purpose in the world in which we live. With the state of our world it is too easy to
say our future is bleak.
Surprise! The people of God, people who love Him and whom He loves, are
many!...and the Christ they love and serve is alive! ...and so are His people who
worship Him and serve Him. Hope is alive! ….and so is that the resurrection of
Jesus Christ is real. He is alive! He lives in and works through the hearts of His
people in every place. This Easter season may His ―aliveness‖ be real in you!
—Bill Miller, Campus Chaplain
“It’s Never 2 Late” Fund
In February we had a fundraiser selling candy bars, valentine cards
and red heart balloons. It was a great success as we took in right at $800
toward the touch screen computer system. Then, in March we had a great
number of books that had been donated to us so we had a book sale for two
days in the Life Enrichment Center. The profits from that sale amounted to
just over $200. So, with just over $1000 collected, we are very happy to be
approximately one quarter of the way to our goal of $4000.
(We hope the cost has not increased too greatly since we first
heard about this amazing system) . We want to purchase the
first system for our reflections unit so the residents will be
able to operate it simply by touching the screen. It has potential for many different ―windows‖ of activity including their own
page of pictures, music, games, history and much more. We
thank everyone who has assisted in this effort. Gradually by
gradually, we are getting closer to the day we get our first
Volume 5, Issue 4
Page 3
Celebrating Easter at the Healthcare Center
By Sharon Samford, Activities Director
Easter will be celebrated in a big way at the Healthcare Center this year. It will start on the
31st of March when Jacqueline Olsen will come to present a live rendition of Mary, the Forgiven One. She
dresses in character and reenacts her interpretation of
part of the life of Mary Magdalene. Her performance will
be at 2:30 in the afternoon in the Life Enrichment Center.
On Thursday, April 2nd we will have Bible Study with
Brother Bill Miller in the Life Enrichment Center at 2:30. Bill will be doing a study that focuses on the Resurrection of Jesus following his death and burial.
Good Friday, April 3rd, will be celebrated with a second prayer walk at 2:30. With six prayer stations set up
in the Life Enrichment Center, residents and their family
members who attend will be guided in prayer by volunteers according to different focuses for each station. The
stations will be enhanced by a visual to represent the
topic for prayer as well as a suggested list of things to pray about within that focus. A song
will be selected to be sung as it pertains to the focus of each group and the volunteer prayer
leaders will encourage the residents to offer prayers, whether silent or audibly.
Saturday, April 4th will be the big event as
Grace X4 Gospel Quartet will be back again
with their great harmony singing praises to
God. Starting at 2:00-4:00, the two hour famcelebration would not be complete without
Easter Candy and other refreshments. Families are encouraged to be here to escort their resident loved one to
the concert. It will be a great day of celebration and fun. Concert
starting at 2:30.
That brings us to Resurrection Lord’s Day (Easter Sunday)
and our worship service at 3:00. Families are also invited and
encouraged to attend this special day. With Christians being persecuted to the point of death in other parts of the world, may we who are able to still enjoy
the freedom to worship publicly take advantage of this privilege?
We look forward to sharing this wonderful time of year with all who are able to attend any
and all of these programs. We sincerely hope everyone will contemplate all that God has
done for us by sending His SON to bring us into fellowship with Him once more!
Sayre Christian Village
Healthcare Center
3775 Belleau Wood Dr.
Lexington, Kentucky 40517
Phone: 859-271-9000
Fax: 859-271-8160
Spring Flowers
For Older Adults
in the Name of Jesus Christ.
“We cannot do everything we
want to do, but we should do everything God wants us to do.”
The fourth month of the year has arrived in all its glory
As the lilies open up to trumpet the resurrection story!
The daffodils aren’t daffy. The tulips have no lips at all!
Still they communicate new birth as our eyes do on them fall!
The hyacinths and crocus stay close to the warming ground
While the forsythia and dogwoods are blooming all around!
The redbud and azaleas grace yards with colors bright
While the weeping cherry blossoms sway like a veil so white.
It all is so beautiful and yet the beauty is so fleeting
Kind of like our life from birth to our eternal meeting.
So let’s learn from the flowers and where we are planted, bloom!
Spreading hope and joy around us from the womb to the tomb!
By Sharon Samford
Activity Alert: Can You Say “BUSY” !!!?
What a big and busy month April will be. We have one of our favorite trips coming up on the 22 nd as we head to Keeneland once more
for the Spring Meet. Please be sure to check it off on the enclosed activity outing sheet and turn it in if you wish your resident loved one to
attend. We have limited space and it works on a first come first serve basis for as much room as we have on the busses. I can’t stress this
enough! Get your reservations in as soon as possible if you wish your loved one to go on any outing.
We will be ready for Celebrating the Death, Burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Otherwise known as Easter) starting on the 31st of March. There is a whole article on the weekend events and we encourage you to check it out inside this issue. We might add
that we do have the Easter Bunny who will be present to pass out candy to all who attend. The Bunny is cute but please remember; he didn’t die
for you. Jesus did!!!
These are just a couple of events posted on our April Calendar. And we urge you to check out all the special things we have going on.
And always remember that family members are invited to attend our events. Not listed on the calendar is our Volunteer Appreciation Banquet in
honor of Volunteer Appreciation Week. Indulge me to say that we could not do all that we do for our residents were it not for the loving kindness of
our great dedicated volunteers. Many of them are here on a weekly basis while others pop in once or twice a month. But it takes everyone doing
their part to keep us in motion and we appreciate them so much. Be sure to thank them if you see them around the building doing what they do
best, volunteering!
May will soon be upon us and we are gearing up for Voting either by Absentee ballot or giving the residents the opportunity to
vote at the polls located down at Friendship Towers. Mother’s Day comes in there right after the campaign dinner held each year at Southland
Christian Church. And the morning after Mother’s Day we jump right into our National Nursing Home Week Extravaganza. It promises to be
loads of fun this year and all family members are encouraged to attend. Mark your calendar – May 11-15th. We will top the month off with
Memorial Day weekend and then with a trip to the Aquarium in New Port.
Whew! Does it make you tired to think of it? Well, rest up now! Fun is coming down the pike and we are getting ready!!! Hope you are