2015 Tire & AuTomoTive eXPo


2015 Tire & AuTomoTive eXPo
Texas Tire Dealers Association
2015 Tire & Automotive EXPO
April 16 – 18, 2015
Westin Stonebriar Resort – Frisco, Texas
Choose:  Full Registration (per person)
FULL REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Tire & Automotive EXPO Admittance; all Seminars, Friday Lunch, Friday Ladies
Event, Friday Celebration Night Event, Saturday Breakfast, Coffee Breaks and Convention Materials.
Postmarked by
March 27
Postmarked after
Number of
TTDA Member
x __________= $ _________________
SPOUSE (with paid registrant)
x __________= $ _________________
NON-MEMBER *Special Rate
x __________= $ _________________
* Includes one year membership in TTDA – a $145 value.
Thursday Golf Classic
Attach completed Golf Registration Form for each participant.
_______ @ $125 = $ _________________
OR  Single Event Tickets (per person)
Friday Only (includes ALL Friday Scheduled Daytime Events, Does NOT include Friday Celebration Night Event)
_______ @ $85 = $ _________________
Friday Celebration Night Event with Reception
_______ @ $80 = $ _________________
Friday Ladies Event
_______ @ $80 = $ _________________
Saturday Only (includes ALL Saturday Scheduled Events)
_______ @ $60 = $ _________________
TOTAL DUE $ _______________
 Mastercard
 Visa
Enclosed is Check # ____________
Please Charge:
in the Amount of
Card # __________________________________ V-Code: _______________
$ ____________
Exp. Date ______________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________ Nickname: ______________________________
Spouse Name (if registered): _____________________________________ Nickname: _______________________________
Company: ____________________________________________________________________
 Tire Dealer  Supplier
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ______________________
Phone: (_____) __________________ Fax: (_____) _________________ Email: __________________________________
H__________ Check if you have a disability that requires accomodations to participate or have special dietary needs.
*Written requests for refunds must be received prior to April 1, 2015 due to Hotel guarantees.
Call the Westin Stonebriar Resort
Mail Registration Form and check payable to:
Texas Tire Dealers Association
4600 Spicewood Springs Road, Suite 103, Austin, TX 78759
(800) 844-8748 Fax (512) 343-1530 www.texastiredealers.org
1549 Legacy Drive – Frisco, Texas 75034
(888) 627-8441
for room reservations. Convention room rate is $155 per night
which includes single or double occupancy. It is important
that you indicate your affiliation with TTDA when making
your reservations. Reservations must be made before March
27, 2015 for the TTDA Group Rate.