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Connect Student Guide:
Submit an assessment via Dropbox
In this guide you will learn how to:
 Access your Dropbox assessment.
 Submit a completed assessment item via the Dropbox.
 Access your assessment score and Instructor feedback.
Before you start:
Log in to Connect: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au
Username: (your student number) and Password
Then, select your Unit from the Unit dropdown menu in the Minibar.
Access the Dropbox
1. Select Dropbox from the Assessments context menu.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
2. You’ll see previous dropbox assignments, and their scores and feedback.
Select the Assessment title to view Assignment details.
3. Remember to read your assessment details and instructions.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
Submit your assessment
1. Scroll down to submit your completed assessment (under Assessment
instructions) by selecting Add a File.
2. With My Computer highlighted, select Upload (to access file saved on computer).
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
3. Browse to your saved assessment file and double click to open.
4. Select Add and your assessment will be uploaded into Connect.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
5. Add a message to your Instructor in the Comments field and then select ‘Submit’.
6. You'll receive confirmation that your assessment submission was sent
successfully to your Instructor for grading.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
View your assessment score and feedback
1. Select the Message Alert icon from the Minibar.
Select Dropbox Folders with Unread Feedback from the Updates widget on the Unit
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect
2. You’ll see your Score (S-Satisfactory). Select View to look at Instructor feedback.
3. Your assessment results and feedback will display.
Need more help?
Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/tafeqldconnect