Dog Lovers VIP Package Application Form


Dog Lovers VIP Package Application Form
Dog Lovers VIP Package
Application Form
Application for London Pet Show – ExCel London, 9th & 10th May 2015
Your details
Date of Birth
Tel (home)
Tel (mob)
Dog’s details
Has your dog been neutered?
Additional Information Required
Has your dog attended any training sessions or have you trained him/her?
If yes, please state what level your dog is at?
What level of training class would you be interested in attending:
□ Beginner (no training at all)
□ Beginner/intermediate (dog can perform basic commands)
□ Intermediate
□ Advanced
Please state what you would like your dog to learn in the training session and what you would
like to achieve?
Has your dog ever had any behavioural issues or showed any aggression? Please state below:
Please indicate your dog's behaviour around:
Other people:
Other Dogs:
Please note that it is important for you to be open with the information you provide as your dog
would be around other dogs and people in the VIP lounge and during the training session.
Please return this form to Julie Dauncey:
Email: [email protected]
If you have any questions please call on 03300 555 731 (please note this is a London number)
If you would like this document as a word document, please ask.
We will come back to you within 2 days of your application.
Thank you