Inglés I-II-III-IV-V


Inglés I-II-III-IV-V
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES I
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Present Simple (Verb be) Personal Information Have got Present Simple with all verbs FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA 1 2 3 4 5 6 For Real (Begginer) student’s book – Units 1 to 7 ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 1 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Choose the correct word. 1 Jack’s my best friend. He / His is 16. 2 My Mum’s from Poland. She / Her is a teacher. 3 Alex and I are in a football team. We / You play every Saturday. 4 Sarah’s parents are from Chicago. We / They are American. 5 Hi David! This is my brother. He / It is a student. 6 Are he / you good at football, Josh? Complete the dialogue with these words and phrases. cool | favourite | good at | How | Me too | What about | What’s | Where 1
A: ...What’s.... your name? 2
B: My name’s Jill. ............................. you? 3
A: I’m Sue. ............................. old are you, Jill? B: I’m 16. Today’s my birthday. 4
A: Wow! Happy birthday! ............................. are you from? B: I’m from Ireland. And you? 5
A: I’m English. Are you ............................. sport? B: No, I’m not! 6
A: What’s your ............................. film? B: It’s Breaking Dawn. I think it’s great. 7
A: .............................! So, is Robert Pattinson your favourite actor? 8
B: Yes, he is. He’s ............................. ! Rearrange the letters to make adjectives. 1 atreg ........great........ 2 nufyn ........................ 3 ronbig ........................ 4 wufal ........................ 5 treetinnsig ........................ 6 blererit ........................ Fill in the gaps with is, are, isn’t or aren’t. J.T.P. Where are you now? SK8ERZ I’m in my room. J.T.P. Tell me about it. SK8ERZ 1
There a big desk. J.T.P. 2
............ there a TV? SK8ERZ 3
No, there ............. J.T.P. What’s on your desk? SK8ERZ 4
There ............ some books, my laptop, and there ............ some CDs and DVDs. J.T.P. 6
............ there any pictures on your walls? SK8ERZ 7
No, there ............, but there ............ a photo of my family on the desk. Choose the correct response. 1 A: Good morning. B: Good morning. / Goodbye. 2 A: Hi! B: Bye. / Hello. 3 A: Goodbye. B: See you. / And you. 4 A: How are you? B: Very well, thanks. / I’m Bob. Complete using these words. beaches | bridge | museum | park | river | stadium 1 There are lots of boats on the .......river........ . 2 You can see lots of sports events at the ....................... . 3 There are beautiful old things in the ....................... . ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 2 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
4 The ...................... here are great for surfing. 5 There’s a big ...................... over the river. 6 Are there any animals in the national ......................? Complete the table. Positive Short form Negative Short form 1
I ...have... I’ve got I have not I haven’t got got got 2
You have You have You haven’t got ................. not got got got 3
He has got He’s got He He hasn’t ............ got not got 4
She has got She’s got She has She not got ................. got 5
It It’s got It has not It hasn’t ................. got got got 6
We have We have We haven’t got ................. not got got got 7
You have You’ve got You have You haven’t got ........ got got 8
They have They’ve They have They got got not got ................. got Write the words in the gaps to complete the dialogue. about | busy | but | country | It’s | they | time | weird Boy: Where are you from? 1
Girl: I’m from Glasgow. .......It’s....... a city in Scotland. Boy: Is your house in the city? 2
Girl: No, it’s in the ......................... . Boy: Are your parents doctors? 3
Girl: No, ........................ aren’t. They’re teachers. 4
They’re very ......................... . Boy: What about your brothers and sisters? Girl: I’ve got one brother and two baby sisters. My 5
big brother is ........................ ! He likes snakes! Boy: Any pets? 5 A: How are you? B: Good night. / Not bad. 6 A: This is my friend, Sue. B: Pleased to see / meet you. Complete using these words. aunt | cousin | grandfather | sister | stepfather | uncle 1 Your mother’s sister is your .........aunt........ . 2 Your grandmother’s husband is your .......................... . 3 Your aunt’s daughter is your .......................... . 4 Your mother’s 2nd husband is your .......................... . 5 Your dad’s brother is your .......................... . 6 Your parents’ daughter is your ......................... . ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue. Interviewer: Tell me about your day. 1
Pete: Well, I go / get up at seven in the morning 2
and I have / do breakfast in the kitchen with the others – five of us share this house, and we are all 3
really nice / good friends. Interviewer: And then … ? 4
Pete: Lessons start easy / early so we go to college at eight. My lessons finish at one or two. Then we eat lunch in the canteen and we come home. 5
Interviewer: What’s your favourite / best subject? Pete: I love Art & Design. It’s very interesting. But I 6
have to do Maths. I not / don’t like that! Interviewer: And in the afternoons? 7
Pete: Well, I work very hard / strict so I study or write in the afternoons. Página 3 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Girl: No, I haven’t got ........................ for pets. Boy: Tell me about your little sisters. 7
Girl: They’re sweet ........................ they’re very 8
noisy! What ........................ your family? Read the email and choose the correct answers. Hi Janice, I’m at summer camp! It’s great here and we do lots of different activities so we look forward to every day. It’s big old house with about 50 rooms. We sleep in tents in the garden but we go in the house every day for the activities and for meals. We do things like painting and drawing – sometimes we draw the house or people, but other times we go out and paint from nature in the gardens. I do music every day. That’s my favourite activity (there’s a small studio with loads of instruments that we can play). We play lots of sports here and we do a different sport each day. I want to try netball and hockey next. In the evenings, we sometimes watch a film – can you believe that there is a cinema inside the house! Every weekend there’s a party and barbecue on the beach. See you when I come home, Helen 1 The email is from Janice / Helen. 2 She likes / doesn’t like the summer camp. 3 People on the camp sleep in a room / tent. 4 They eat in the house / garden. 5 They sometimes paint / play in the gardens. Match the words to make interests and free-­‐time activities. 1 hanging out ...d... 2 listening ......... 3 painting ......... 4 surfing ......... 5 taking ......... 6 texting ......... 7 using ......... 8 watching ......... a and drawing b social media ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Interviewer: What about the evenings? 8
Pete: I see my friends and we play / have games or watch television. I often listen to music in my room. Interviewer: Thanks Pete! Choose the correct answer. 1 ‘Is this your skateboard?’ ‘No, it’s not my / mine.’ 2 This isn’t our house. Our / Ours is big. 3 We’ve got the same car as Mr and Mrs Smith but their / theirs is red. 4 Give those pens to me! They’re not your / yours. 5 ‘Is this Jane’s house?’ ‘No, hers / her is on the beach.’ 6 My brother’s got a big CD collection. All these are his / he’s. Complete with these words. Are | Can | change | each | Enjoy | Here | Much | of | we | You’re 1
Boy: How .....much..... are the tickets to see Teen Movie? 2
Woman: ....................... you students? 3
Boy: Yes, ....................... are. 4
Woman: They’re eight pounds ........................ 5
Boy: ....................... I have three tickets, please? 6
Woman: Yes, ....................... course. ....................... are your tickets. Boy: Thank you. Página 4 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
c TV or DVDs d with friends e photos f friends g to music Complete the dialogues with the question words. 1 ..................... do you do? I’m a teacher. 2 ..................... do you live? In the centre of town. 3 ..................... does the term end? At the end of June. 4 ..................... do you sleep here? Because I like being by the window. 5 ..................... do you sit next to in class? My best friend, Carla. 6 ..................... film do you want to watch? The action movie. 7 ..................... do you get to school? I walk. 8 ..................... time does the lesson start? Nine o’clock. Don’t be late! Match the jobs to the descriptions. He or she… 1 works in a shop ........ a nurse 2 works in a school ........ b cook 3 brings you food or drink........ c sales person 4 cuts your hair ........ dteacher 5 takes children to school........ e waiter 6 makes food ........ f hairdresser 7 works in a hospital ........ g secretary 8 works in an office ........ h bus driver ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” 8
Woman: ....................... welcome. Here’s your ........................ Boy: Thanks. 10
Woman: ....................... the film. Boy: Thanks. Bye. Write sentences using the information below. 1 Ken goes to the cinema twice a month. (2 / month) 2 Do you eat fruit ...................................... .(1 / day) 3 We have English ...................................... . (3 / week) 4 She downloads songs about ...................................... . (4 / month) 5 They go on holiday ...................................... . (2 / year) 6 I check my emails ...................................... . (5 / day) Match to make dialogues. 1 Where does your cousin live? ...h... 2 What newspaper do you read? ........ 3 Where does your mum work? ........ 4 When do you have English? ........ 5 What job do you do? ........ 6 What do you do with your friends at the weekend? ........ 7 Why is your teacher good at her job? ........ 8 What do you like about living here? Página 5 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Speaking: talk about your favourite city Accuracy Fluency Use of English Vocabulary Write about you. You can write about: ·your age ·where you are from ·where your parents are from ·your brother(s) and sister(s) ·your best friend ·your favourite team / favourite things Write 30-­‐50 words. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Write about your house. Answer these questions: ·Where is it? ·Is it a house or an apartment? ·How many rooms has it got? ·What’s your favourite room? ·What furniture have you got in your room? ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 6 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Write 50-­‐80 words. ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 7 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES II
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Habilities (can-­‐can’t) Present Continuous,Simple Past with all verbs and verb be. Adverbs of manner Object Pronouns Countable and ouncountable nouns Comparatives and superlatives 1 2 3 4 5 6 For Real (Begginer) student’s book – Units 8 to 14. FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 1 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
No way! I can’t run the marathon.
I’m good at football. I_________ a goal every match.
Do you know how to __________ monopoly?
Come on boys! We can _________ this match!
__________ the ball – watch the dog run!
You can’t play football. You can’t _______the ball very hard!
Oh no. this is not good! I hope we don’t _________the match.
Some baseball players ________the ball along way.
Match to make pairs.
) football
a) helmet
) mountain
b) boots
) rugby
c) ball
) hockey
d) stick
) baseball
e) bike
) bicycle
f) hat
Write the letters in the correct order to make places.
Caroline is reading in the college rilbray _______________
They’re building a new spingoph trenec ________________________
Dad works at the wont lahl _______________________
We play tennis at the strop enterc ________________________
We’re going to the icelop titosan______________beacuse we can’t find Gill’s bike.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Write the clothes in the correct column.
When it’s hot
_____________ ____________
When it’s cold
____________ _____________
On your feet
____________ _____________
Match then shops with the things you can buy there.
) book shop
a) a pair of jeans
) gift shop
b) boots
) clothes shop
c) chewing gum
) sports shop
d) a present for your girlfriend
sweet shop
e) a new workbook
shoe shop
f) a baseball bat
Underline the odd one out.
Sausages/ chicken/ mushrooms
Milk/sugar/orange juice
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Write the name of the transport.
We use this in the ocean________________
It has two wheels, but it’s hard work._________________
It has four wheels and most families got one________________
This has four wheels, but it’s not for carrying people_________________
It’s bigger than a plane and goes on the sea__________
Match the words in both columns.
Cam __________
Mouse _______
Mp3 ________
Sat _______
Lap _____
Memory ________
Computer ________
Underline the correct feeling.
It’s my birthday tomorrow! I’m very excited/ angry.
The film was very depressed /sad. It made me cry.
The maths exam tomorrow is difficult and all the class is nervous/ hungry.
Lucy was alone in the dark. She was very sad/ scared.
I didn’t eat lunch today and now I’m angry/ hungry.
Do you get angry/ thirsty when you make a mistake?
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Joe’s a bit nervous/ depressed. His girlfriend left him.
Are you thirsty/ angry? Do you want a drink?
Modal Verb Can Exercise
Fill in the blanks with can or can't.
1. The boy ____ run because his leg is broken.
2. She ____ go to the store after lunch. Let's eat.
3. ____ you get the door for me please? My hands are full.
4. They ____ be happily married because they are always fighting.
5. That boy ____ have written this essay. He doesn't have the skills.
6. We ____ go to the movies tomorrow night. Let's stay in tonight.
7. Mom, ___ I watch the football match on TV?
8. Can I go to Steve's tonight after dinner? No, you ____.
9. He's a smart boy. He ____ do multiplication tables and he's only 5.
10. You ____ be serious. There's no way we will finish by then!
Exercise on affirmative sentences
Use the words below to make sentences in present continuous.
1. I / to read a book - ________________________________________
2. it / to rain - ______________________________________________
3. he / to repair his bike - ____________________________________
4. they / to watch a film - _____________________________________
5. the cat /to sleep on the chair –_____________________________________
Exercise on negative sentences
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Transform the sentences below into negative sentences in present continuous.
1. I am watching TV. - __________________________________________________
2. I am talking. - _______________________________________________________
3. They are drawing. - ___________________________________________________
4. He is opening the window. - ____________________________________________
5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. -_______________________________________
Adverbs of Manner
Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in the correct place.
1. She speaks. (slowly) _______________________________________
2. They sang. (wonderfully) _____________________________________
3. He treated her. (respectfully) _______________________________________
4. John speaks English. (well) _________________________________________
5. The dog barks. (loudly) ____________________________________________
6. My sister plays the piano. (awfully) __________________________________
7. She met him. (secretly) ____________________________________________
8. The children laughed. (happily) _____________________________________
9. She hurt her leg. (badly) ____________________________________________
10. They sneaked out of the house (quietly).___________________________________________
Object pronouns.
Fill in the correct pronouns.
1. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for (she) __________.
2. My children like Disney films. The video is for (they) ________.
3. My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are for (he) _________.
4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for (they) ____________.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
5. I like watches. This nice watch is for (I) __________.
6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for (we) __________.
7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for (he) _________.
8. My neighbour wants to go to California next year. The guide book is for (she) _______.
9. Here is another souvenir. I don't know what to do with (it) ______.
10. You know what? - It's for (you) _________.
Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U) with a circle.
1. The children are playing in the garden. C / U
2. I don't like milk. C / U
3. I prefer tea. C/ U
4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution. C/ U
5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. C/ U
6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom. C/ U
7. We need some glue to fix this vase. C/ U
8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. C/ U
9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. C/ U
10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious. C/ U
11. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery. C/ U
12. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents. C/ U
13. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic. C/ U
14. I'd like some juice please! C/ U
15. Successful candidates will join the camp later this year. C/ U
16. A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for energy. C/ U
17. The exercises on this website are interesting. C/ U
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
18. Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water. C/ U
19. Adult illiterates learn through a special government program. C/ U
20. I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach. C/ U
Fill in the correct word (some or any).
1. Sue went to the cinema with ___________ of her friends!
2. Jane doesn't have _________ friends.
3. Have you got ________ brothers or sisters?
4. Here is ________ food for the cat.
5. I think you should put _________ flowers on the table.
6. Could you check if there are ________ calls on the answering machine?
7. I don't want ________ presents for my birthday.
8. Did they have ________ news for you?
9. I'm hungry - I'll have ________ sandwiches.
10. There aren't ________ apples left.
Decide whether you have to use much or many.
1. How __________ brothers and sisters has Anne got
2. How __________ rice do you eat per week?
3. How __________ people were at the par
4. How __________ plates do we need.
5. How __________ of you have ever been to London?
6. How __________ eggs did the hens lay?
7. How __________ lessons do you have on Mondays?
8. How __________ butter do you need for the cake.
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Fill in the correct forms
Positive Form
Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
1. My house is (big) _____________ than yours.
2. This flower is (beautiful) __________________________________ than that one.
3. This is the (interesting) ____________________________________ book I have ever read.
4. Non-smokers usually live (long) _______________ than smokers.
5. Which is the (dangerous) _____________________________animal in the world?
6. A holiday by the sea is (good) ________________________than a holiday in the mountains.
7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ______________________________________than a beer.
8. Who is the (rich) ______________________woman on earth?
9. The weather this summer is even (bad) _________________________than last summer.
10. He was the (clever) ________________________thief of all.
Exercise on Simple Past
Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I ________ happy.
2. You _________ angry.
3. She __________ in London last week.
4. He _________ on holiday.
5. It _________ cold.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
6. We _________ at school.
7. You ________ at the cinema.
8. They _________ at home.
9. The cat _________ on the roof.
10. The children ___________ in the garden.
Write positive sentences in simple past.
1. he / the question / answer _______________________________________________
2. you / a question / ask ___________________________________________________
3. the dog / bark _________________________________________________________
4. they / us / call _________________________________________________________
5. we / a mountain / climb _________________________________________________
6. John / stamps / collect __________________________________________________
7. we / in London / live ____________________________________________________
8. I / hungry / be _________________________________________________________
9. they / a hamster / have __________________________________________________
10. he / to school / go______________________________________________________
Rewrite the sentences in the negative.
1. They collected postcards. ________________________________________________
2. You jumped high. ______________________________________________________
3. Albert played squash. ___________________________________________________
4. The teacher tested our English. ___________________________________________
5. Fiona visited her grandma. ______________________________________________
6. He washed the car. _____________________________________________________
7. You were thirsty. _______________________________________________________
8. He had a computer. _____________________________________________________
9. I bought bread. _________________________________________________________
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
10. You saw the house. _____________________________________________________
Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. Put the time expression
at the end of the sentence.
football shopping meeting ring Jane buy flowers
concert sailing
Italian restaurant
When was his English course? ________________________________________________
When did he go shopping? ___________________________________________________
When did he buy flowers? ___________________________________________________
When was his meeting? _____________________________________________________
When did he play football? ___________________________________________________
When did he go to the Italian restaurant? _______________________________________
When did he ring Jane? ______________________________________________________
When did he go to the cinema? ___________________________________________________
When did he play tennis? ________________________________________________________
When was the concert? __________________________________________________________
When did he go sailing? _________________________________________________________
Exercise on questions with the correct question word (what, when, where, who, how, etc)
1. She pushed her bike. ____________________________________________________
2. She carried a bag. ______________________________________________________
3. We waited in the park. ___________________________________________________
4. The policeman arrested the thief. __________________________________________
5. We ate fish. _____________________________________________________________
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
6. She watched the match last night. ___________________________________________
7. She asked her friend because she did not know what to do.
8. I opened the door. ____________________________________________________________
9. The teacher checked our homework. ________________________________________________
10. Cindy had a dog. _____________________________________________________________
“2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES III
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Future forms ( will/ going to / Present Continuous Present Perfect ( yet / still) Past Continuous vs Simple Past Present Passive Voice Zero Conditional Unless/ when/ As son as FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA 1 2 3 4 5 6 For Real Pre-­‐Intermetiate ( Student’s book) ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 1 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
1. Complete the sentences with be going to, will or the present continuous.
He __________________ shopping tomorrow. (go) (plan)
What __________________ tomorrow? (you, do) (future arrangement)
Mexico __________________ 5–2 this weekend. (win) (prediction)
I __________________ tickets. (book) (intention)
I __________________ you at 7am. (meet) (decision)
2. Circle the correct words.
1 They’ve been / gone camping. They left this morning.
2 I’m in New York! I’ve been / gone to the Empire State Building and Broadway.
3 Sorry, Steve’s not here. He’s just been / gone out.
4 I’ve just been / gone to the market. I bought some fruit for breakfast.
5 I’ve been / gone to Australia, but I didn’t do any diving there.
6 I’ve wanted to see this film for / since it first came out, ten years ago.
7 Have you played the piano for / since a long time?
8 I need a new school bag. I’ve had this one for / since about three years.
9 This shop has been closed for / since last summer.
10 My father has worked in the bank since / for 1990.
3. Circle the correct words.
Have you finished your homework yet / still?
It’s almost ten o’clock, and it’s still / yet raining!
Our new house is almost finished, but they haven’t put the roof on still / yet.
Don’t tell me the ending of the book – I’m still / yet reading it.
It’s been really cold this week and it’s still / yet snowing.
Have you seen ‘Avatar’ still / yet?
4. Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.
1 Mr Brent ____________________ me extra homework to do. (just, give)
2 ____________________ tickets for the concert yet? (you, book)
3 They ______________ a month to finish the job (have), and they _______________ it yet.
(not complete)
4 I _______________ a place at college! (just, accept) But they _______________ me about my
accommodation yet. (not tell)
5 ____________________ the lesson ____________________ ? (start)
6 Tom ____________________ the book yet. (not read)
7 Guess what? I ____________________ a famous film star! (just, meet)
8 I know what the word means. I ____________________ it up in the dictionary. (already, look)
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
5. Circle the correct words.
1 When / While I was singing, I started coughing.
2 The teacher helped me when / while I was trying to work out the answer.
3 What were you doing when / while you were on the computer?
4 I was reading a magazine when / while I was eating my lunch.
5 I was just closing my suitcase when / while the taxi arrived to take me to the airport
6. Circle the correct word.
1 I sat / was sitting on in a café when I heard someone call my name.
2 Penny wrote / was writing an email when her mum called.
3 When my phone broke, I bought / was buying a new one.
4 What were you doing when I saw / was seeing you this morning?
5 I didn’t bring / wasn’t bringing my phone today. Can I borrow yours?
6 They lay / were lying on the beach when it began to rain.
7 How did you get / were you getting to school yesterday?
8 I asked Angela out, but she said / was saying no.
9 I saw Lucy yesterday. She shopped / was shopping.
10 When Laurie got home, the police waited / were waiting for him outside his house.
7. Complete the sentences with these words and phrases.
by then | eventually | luckily | worst | then | so | first | nightmare | ended | decided
1 The ____________ holiday I’ve ever had was when I was a teenager.
2 I had a bad day yesterday. ____________ of all I woke up late, ____________ I broke my
favourite mug.
3 We ____________ to change our plans and went to Italy instead.
4 After many hours in the car, we ____________ got to our hotel.
5 We couldn’t take our bags with us, ____________ we decided to leave them at the station.
6 They finally got to the airport, but ____________ it was too late to catch their plane.
7 I forgot to take a book with me, but ____________ my friend had two or three, so I borrowed one.
8 The traffic was so bad that she ____________ up missing her flight. It was a ____________!
8. Complete the sentences with the present simple passive of the words in brackets.
Criminals _____________________ by the police. (arrest)
Our products _____________________ by expert sales staff. (sell)
Most fresh water pollution _____________________ by chemicals. (cause)
New things about the solar system _____________________ by every space mission. (discover)
She _____________________ for what she says. (often criticise)
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. (zero conditional)
be | burn | close | get | get out | go | have | leave | not put | wear
1 If you see a shark when you’re in the sea, ________ of the water as calmly as possible.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
If you ________ your hand on the oven, put it in cold water.
If you have a fire in a pan of cooking oil, ________ water on it. That will make it worse.
If you’re tired, ________ to bed.
If you are cycling at night, ________ something bright so people can see you.
10. Choose the correct words.
1 I’ll tell her the news unless / when she comes.
2 I won’t call him unless / as soon as he calls me first.
3 Have a pizza as soon as / when you feel hungry.
4 She’ll help us unless / when she’s ready.
5 Unless / As soon as I arrive, I’ll call you.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES IV
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Present Perfect Zero Conditional First Conditional Defining -­‐relative clauses Simple Past vs Present Perfect Passive Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous Used to / would Past Perfect vs simple Past FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA 1 2 3 4 For real Pre-­‐intermediate student´s book and workbook ( units 2,6,9,11,12,13,14) ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 5 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
1. Complete the sentences with yet or still. 1 Has Sarah got her exam results __________? 2 Write a few more lines. You haven’t written enough __________. 3 They haven’t changed the sign. They’re __________ mending the old one. 4 My car’s been in the garage for two weeks. They’re __________ working on it! 5 Sorry, I haven’t tidied my room __________ but I’ll do it right now. 6 He’s __________ reading that book I gave him – he hasn’t given it back yet. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. listen | wear | give | call | turn | laugh | get | leave | leave be 1 If there’s a fire, __________ the emergency services immediately. 2 If you eat too much, you __________ fat. 3 If you leave ice in the sun, it __________ into water. 4 If it rains before seven, it __________ usually fine by eleven. 5 If your hair is long, __________ a swimming cap in the pool. 6 As soon as you __________, call me. 7 When I tell a joke, nobody __________. 8 When I feel sad, I __________ to happy music. 9 If you don’t like sleeping in the dark, __________ the light on. 10 When you see Joe, __________ him this message. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 If you _________________ harder, you’ll succeed. (try) 2 If Sarah _________________, she’ll be late. (not hurry) 3 Unless we start now, we _________________ in time. (not finish) 4 If the weather’s good, we _________________ football. (play) 5 If he _________________ help, he’ll ask you for it. (need) 6 Everyone _________________ if you wear that hat. (laugh) 7 If you tell me your secret, I _________________ anyone. (not tell) 8 Unless it _________________, the match will take place. (rain) 9 If you _________________ too late, you’ll miss breakfast. (get up) 10 If you get married, _________________ me to the wedding? (you, invite) ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 6 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
4. Make notes about these areas and add two more things to the list. We have to start looking after our world! Have you thought about these issues? • If we don’t recycle, … • If we don’t stop wasting water, … • If we don’t try to save our rainforests, … • If we don’t try to stop global warming, … • If we don’t save energy by switching off lights, … 5. Circle the correct relative pronouns. 1 She’s the girl that / which started at our school last week. 2 I know the people where / whose shop this is. 3 That’s the stadium which / where the match is going to be. 4 Is this the book who / that you were telling me about? 5 This is the place which / where I want to live one day. 6 This is the author that / whose book won a prize. 7 What’s the name of the street who / which leads to the park? 8 This is the house that / where I was born. 9 They are the kind of people who / whose are always happy to help. 10 My friend is somebody who / which loves swimming in the sea. 6. Complete the sentences with the past simple passive (PS) or present perfect passive (PP) of the verb in brackets. 1 The criminal ____________________ by the police yesterday. (arrest) (PS) 2 They ____________________ about the change of plan. (inform) (PP) 3 The train service ____________________ recently. (improve) (PP) 4 The old house ____________________ years ago. (destroy) (PS) 5 The cleaners ____________________ by the manager. (criticise) (PP) 6 The ceiling ____________________ by Leonardo da Vinci. (paint) (PS) 7 The cars ____________________ in Italy. (make) (PS) 8 The window ____________________ by that awful boy. (break) (PS) 9 All the prisoners ____________________ to the new prison. (take) (PP) 10 The room ____________________ very well. (not clean) (PP) 7. Circle the correct tense. 1 This place looks different! They’ve changed / been changing the furniture. 2 You look guilty. You’ve eaten / been eating chocolate, haven’t you! 3 We’re ready. We’ve practised / been practising for weeks. 4 She’s loved / been loving him for years. ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 7 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
5 I’ve studied / been studying all day. I need a break now. 6 Have you always wanted / been wanting to be a doctor? 7 I’ve wondered / been wondering what to buy you for your birthday. 8 He’s done / been doing his driving test twice already, but he still hasn’t passed. 9 Your hands are covered in paint. What have you painted / been painting? 10 Where are you? I’ve waited / been waiting for half an hour and you’re still not here! 8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to + base form. Then tick (√) the three gaps where you can use would instead of used to. 1 When I was younger, I _______________ blonde hair, but it’s much darker now. (have) 2 _______________ much when you were younger, Granddad? (you, travel) 3 I _______________ spinach at all, but I love it now. (not like) 4 I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid. I _______________ every book I could find about them. (read) 5 When my parents were children, they _______________ a car. (not have) 6 Our holiday was so relaxing. Every day we _______________ late and go to the beach. We _______________ in the sun for ages. (get up, lie) 9. Read the article and circle T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. Alain Robert: the human ‘Spiderman’ Alain Robert is a 47-­‐year-­‐old Frenchman. He has climbed the world’s tallest buildings –including the Eiffel Tower, Paris, One Canada Square in Canary Wharf, London, and the Empire State Building in New York. In 2009, he finally succeeded in climbing the 88-­‐floor, 452-­‐metre Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the third tallest building in the world. It was his third attempt. Robert climbs buildings without permission, and he has often been arrested for climbing them, but that doesn’t stop him. He was held by the police in Malaysia after his climb, and he could have gone to prison for six months. Robert has become so famous that he is often asked by companies to climb as part of advertising campaigns. In 2003, he climbed the National Bank of Abu Dhabi with a crowd of 100,000 people watching. In the same year he climbed the Lloyd’s of London building for the first time – wearing a ‘Spiderman’ costume, because he was paid by Sky Movies to advertise the TV premiere of the Spiderman film. Although this is a very dangerous extreme sport, Robert has only had one accident while climbing high structures. It happened when he was sitting on traffic lights, having his photo taken for a magazine. But he had more serious accidents when he was rock climbing, before he started climbing buildings. In 1982, he fell 15 metres and broke both his arms and his nose and was in a coma for five days. He was told he would never climb again, but within a year he was climbing again. 1 Alain Robert has tried to climb the world’s third tallest building more than once. T / F 2 He has climbed 47 tall buildings. T / F 3 He often climbs even though he isn’t allowed to. T / F 4 He sometimes gets into trouble after his climbs. T / F 5 He has never fallen off a building. T / F ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 8 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
10. Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past simple of the verbs in the brackets. 1 She _______________ the letters two hours before he _______________. (hide, arrive) 2 The team _______________ ten matches before they decided to change their manager. (lose) 3 We took off our coats as soon as we _______________. (arrive) 4 They took a break because they _______________ all their homework. (finish) 5 Tom _______________ her because she _______________ to him before. (not believe, lie) 6 It was awful. I _______________ anything like that before. (not see) 7 She _______________ angry because they _______________ her ideas. (be, copy) 8 The police had received secret information so they _______________ the thieves easily. (catch) 9 I __________ that I _______________ something stupid. (realise, say) 10 He _______________ of this moment, but he still couldn’t believe it _______________. (dream, finally happen) ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 9 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES V
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reported Speech (1) Reported Speech (2) Relative Pronouns Defining vs Non-­‐defining relative clauses Adjectives ( comparatives and superlatives) Vocabulary: worked in class Word formation/ re-­‐ordering (communication) Reading FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA 1 2 3 For real (Pre-­‐intermediate) Units: 7,8,9,10,11. ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 1 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
1. Write the sentences in reported speech. 1 The boy said, ‘I’m feeling really hungry.’ 2 Tim said, ‘I’ve haven’t lived here for very long.’ 3 My parents said, ‘We need a new car.’ 4 Mum said, ‘I can help you.’ 5 They said, ‘We aren’t lying.’ 6 He said, ‘It’s a lovely day.’ 7 I said, ‘It’s really funny.’ 8 My parents said, ‘We’re going out.’ 9 The girls said to Roy, ‘We might come to your party.’ 10 He said, ‘I’m really happy about my results.’ 2. Write the reporter’s questions in reported speech. 1 ‘Where did you go?’ He asked me ____________________________________________________. 2 ‘What was the best thing about the trip?’ He asked me ____________________________________________________. 3 ‘When are you coming back?’ He asked me ____________________________________________________. 4 ‘Which countries have you already been to?’ He asked me ____________________________________________________. 5 ‘Why do you want to go away for so long?’ He asked me ____________________________________________________. 3. Circle the correct relative pronouns. 1 He’s the boy that / which I met last week. 2 I know the woman where / whose dog this is. 3 That’s the club which / where the band is playing. 4 What’s the name of the film who / that you enjoyed so much? 5 This is the hotel which / where Agatha Christie wrote one of her books. 6 This is the author that / whose book won a prize. 7 What’s the name of the street who / which leads to the park? 8 This is the house that / where I was born. 9 They are the kind of people who / whose are always happy to help. 10 My friend is somebody who / which loves swimming in the sea. 4. Write one sentence using a non-­‐defining relative clause. 0 Mrs. Jackson came to see the teacher today. Her son is in my class. Mrs. Jackson, whose son is in my class, came to see the teacher today. ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 2 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
1 My brother-­‐in-­‐law is a very good footballer. He comes from Scotland. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2 Her first book was her best. She wrote it when she was 21. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 London is a great place to visit. It is the capital of England. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Circle the correct word and write the missing one. 1 Raul is taller / tallest than me. 2 Who is the more / most important person you’ve ever met? 3 All his films are boring. But the last one was more / the most boring. 4 We must get to the class earlier / earliest than last time. 5 Which country has less / the least rain – Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Tunisia? 6 The restaurant, ________ is owned by a top chef, was fully booked. 7 My cousin, ________ is a writer, has just finished his third book. 8 Mr. Dickson, ________ car was stolen last night, has been to see the police. 9 Nick, ________ lives nearby, is often on TV. 10 The London Eye, ________ is next to the river, was closed for repairs. 6. Read the crime description and write the proper criminal. 1 Boy takes magazines from shop. _______________ 2 Robbers take TV from house. _______________ 3 Man attacks woman and steals phone. _______________ 4 Two people killed. _______________ 5 Boy takes four wallets in crowd. _______________ 7. Write words for food groups. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 8. Read the text and complete it (15 Marks). e-­‐mail / mouse / files / Internet / click / download / Google™ / upload / send / burn Now Grandma, this is what you do to work your computer. To send an e-­‐mail you click the ____________ here to open a new _____________. Then you write in the e-­‐
mail address for the person. Then write your message and ____________ on “send.” That’s it! ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 3 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
You can use it to listen to music, too. You just _____________ the songs that you want from the Internet and save them into the folder called “My Music.” There’s also a folder called “My Documents” where you save most of your other _____________. You can find out lots of information on the ___________. If you want to search for something, just click on _______________ in your favorites and then enter the words into the search box. You can find out anything! You can share lots of photos and send them to the family. You just ______________ the photos from your camera onto the computer. Then you can _______________them to anyone. You can upload videos, too! If you want to keep your videos or songs on a CD you just need to ________________ ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 4 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
Unidad de aprendizaje: INGLES VI
Revisa y resuelve el contenido completo de la guía de estudio y apóyate en las fuentes de consulta que se recomiendan a continuación. Retoma los apuntes y bibliografía del curso para revisar ejercicios similares a los que se proponen en la guía. Acude a resolver dudas específicas sobre los temas de la guía en los horarios disponibles de los profesores para asesorías individuales que se publicarán en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. Acude con tu guía resuelta a la sesión grupal para revisar la solución de la guía en la fecha y horario que se publicará en la página web del CECYT ( o en la jefatura de departamento que se indica en el encabezado. INSTRUCCIONES PARA PRESENTAR EL EXAMEN: §
Inscríbete al E.T.S. a través de la página del SAES ( o en ventanilla de Gestión Escolar el 24 o 25 de junio de 2013. Acude puntualmente en la fecha y horario que indique tu comprobante de inscripción al E.T.S. Para poder presentar el E.T.S. deberás presentar identificación con fotografía reciente y comprobante de inscripción sellado por el área de Gestión Escolar. TEMAS A EVALUAR EN EL EXÁMEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Vocabulary-­‐ Hobbies Third Conditional Modal Verbs Wish / if only Used to Past Simple and Past Perfect Past Continuous Past Simple and Past Continuous FUENTES DE CONSULTA RECOMENDADAS PARA RESOLVER LA GUÍA 1 2 3 4 For real Pre intermediate ( Martyn Hobbs and Julia Stan Keddle ) Editorial Helbling Lenguage 2010. For real Intermediate ©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 1 de 41 SUBDIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” JUNIIO, 2013.
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
used to / be used to + ing
Used to + base form
Use used to + base form to talk about things which
aren’t true anymore, and past habits.
There used to be 6 million square miles of rainforest.
be used to + ing
Use be used to + ing to say that something is normal
for you.
If you are used to shopping every day…
1. Choose the correct answer.
1 I used / am used to recycling things now, but it was difficult
at first.
2 Christiana isn’t / didn’t use to like walking in the country.
3 We are used / used to hearing about the problems the planet
is facing.
4 In the old days, people weren’t / didn’t use to think so much
about the environment.
5 You used to be / were used to able to swim in this river, but
not anymore.
. Choose the correct form of used to.
I can’t believe my dad
_________________________________ such long hair when
he was a young man! (have)
_____________________ to school when you were a child,
or was there a bus service? (walk)
I ______________________ shellfish a few years ago, but I
love it now. (like)
I was mad about collecting football cards when I was a
_________________________ every card that was produced.
When my grandparents were children, they
________________________ (not have) TV.
It was strange living in a city, after being in the countryside
for so long, but I soon _______ it. (get)
GUÍA DE ESTUDIO Exámenes a Título de Suficiencia 2013/2 “2013, Año de la Lealtad Institucional y Centenario del Ejército Mexicano”
“80 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Textil”
“65 Aniversario de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas”
“50 Aniversario del Centro Nacional de Cálculo”
“50 Aniversario del CECyT 7 Cuauhtémoc”
PLAN DE ESTUDIOS 2008 – 2009
JUNIIO, 2013.
©IPN – CECYT NÚM. 1 “G.V.V.” Página 9 de 41