at on (preposiciones de lugar 1)
at on (preposiciones de lugar 1)
In at on (preposiciones delugar1) in, at y on corTésponden en muchos 1bserva lasdtferencias casosa 'en'en esBañol. entrein, on y ar. in (a place)='en' Qnlugar),rodeado por eselugar. ln a room in a shop in a car in the water o o o r . o in in in in a garden a town the city centre France .S?here'sDavid?' 'In the kitchen. / In the garden. / In London .' ... En la cocina. / Eneliardín./ EnLt 'l?hat's in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard? ¿ ... en esa caia/ en esabolsa/ en esearmario Angelaworksinashop/inabank/inafactory. ... enunaüenda/enunbanco/enunafábrica I had a swim in the river / in the ¡ea. .., en el río/ cn al mar, Santanderis in the north of Spain.Valencia is in the east. ... en el norte...enel este. I live in a town but I want to live in the country . ... en una ciudad... enel campo. at (a place) = 'en'(un lugar),perono dento de ese lugaro rodeadapor el mismo. l'm a.ümg dzek. at the bus stop i..., ,n:. ',.i' i;:, ii at the door at the traffic lights o There's somebody at the bus stop / at the door. ... en la paradadel autobús/ enla puerta. o The car is waiting at the traffic ligh6. ... en el semáforo. o Julia is working at her desk. ... en su escrtonb. Se dice at the top I at the bottom I at the end (of ..,1 = at prindp:n/ al finat(de ...): o W¡ite your name at the top of the page. ... al principiodela página. o My house is at the end of the sfteet. ... al finalde la catle. at her desk at the top (of the p: at the bottom (of the on = en (sobre, encimade) on a shelf on a plate on a balcony on the floor etc. ::-:: . . a:--,: r Thereare somebooks on the shelfand somepictureson the wall. ... enIa estantería ... enlapared. o Thereare a lot of appleson thosetrees. ... enesosárboles. o Don'tsitonthegrass. ft'swet. ...enlahierba... o Thereis a stampon the envelope. ybmtien: on a horse(a caballo) I on a bicycle(enbicicteta) | on a moror-bike lenmofo): o Who is úar ""an onthemotor-bike? ¿...enla moto? on a wall on a door on the ceiling e tn at de lugar2) on (preposiciones in normalmente corresponde a 'en'en estasexpresiones: in bed in hospital / in prison in a street in the sky in the world c .Where'sKate?' 'She'sin bed.' ... enla cama, o David's father is ill. He's in hospital. ... en el hospital. e I live in a small sfeet near the station. o I üketo look at the stars in the sky at night. in a newspaper/ in a book in a photograph / in a picture o llhat's the largest city in the world? o I reaclabout the accident in the newspaper. o You look sad in this photograph. in a car I tn á taxi in the middle (of ...) o Did you come here in your car? o There's a big tree in the middle of the garden. Detrásde un superlativa a'de': narmalmente in corresponde o What's the biggestcountryinAfrica? grandede África? más ¿... ('en'en español): at se usaen estasexpresiones at home at work / at school at university / at college o l7ill you be at home this evening? ... en casa... o .Where's Kate?' 'She'sat work.' ... en el trabajo.., o Helen is studying law at university. ... en la universidad. o Do you want me to meet you at the station? at the station / at the airport at Jane's (house)| at my sister's (house) etc.(en casade alguien) o 'Where were you yesterday?' 'At my sister's.' at the doctor's / at the hairdresser's len un lugarde trabajo) ¡ I saw Tom at the doctor's. at a concert I at a party I at a football match etc.(enun acontecimiento, reunióno espectácuto) o There weren't many people at the party. (hoteles,restaurantes, Avecesse usain o at paraedificios etc.): 'We ¡ stayedat a nicehotel. o We stayedin a nicehotel. ... enunhotelbonito. on se usaenestasexpresiones: on a bus on the first floor 'on a bus I on atrain / on a plane / on a ship r Didyoucomehere onthebus? on the way from A to B ¿-..enel autobús? on the ground floor lon the first floor, etc. o The office is on the first floor. (no'in the ñrst floor') ... en el Wimerpiso. o¡ thewav(to "') / onthewavotT ; f.,i frTi;',h" *"y to work/ onthewayhome. on the nght I on the left = a la derecha/ a la izquerda o My desk is on the left of the window, Kathy's desk is on the rigl .Eff UrSA EJERCIGIOS I f¡0.1 y laspalabrasentreparéntesis. usandolrr,{atJon a laspreguntas tosdibujosy responde Observa 1'Where is he?'.......... 2 'Whereare the shoes? 3 'Whereis the pen? 4 l7here is the clock? 5 Whereis the bus? 'Where 6 are the horses? 7 8 9 10 11 12 'Whereare they standing? 'Whereis sheswimming? ............... 'Whereis he standing? Where is the spider? Where is he sitting? \trhere is shesitting? lasfrasesconinlatlon. Completa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 the grass.It's wet. Don't sit...9.11... your bag? What haveyou got............... the roof. What's he doing? Look! There'sa man this river. There are a lot of fish numberis ............... the door. is number 45 the house Our left ............... the raffic lights.' near here?' turn cinema 'Yes, 'Is the the city centre. do my shopping I usually Brussels. My sisterlives park ............... the top of the hill. There'sa small the door. The¡e's somebody I think I heard the doorbell. ...............the south of Germany. Munich is a largecity the end of the street. Thereare a few shops........,...... a bicycle. lt's difficult to carry a lot of things ............... the bottom of the list. I lookedat the list of names.My namewas ............... living room. the the wall There is a mirror t5F * EJERCIC¡OS E entreparéntesis. usandoinJatlony las palabras a las preguntas losdibujosy responde Observa oG@ (a ship) (thesky) (the doctor's) (the secondfloor) (a wedding) '!7hereis she? ..ln.hp;pif*!,... L 2 Where are they? ....................... 'lflhereis he? 1 J 4 'tülhereare they? 'Where arethe stars? ..................-.-.. 5 6 Where are they? 7 8 9 10 11 12 \íhere is Brian? Whereis the restaurant?............. \7hereis she? \7here arethey? l7here arethey? Wherearethey? lasfrasesconinlatlon. Completa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Helenis studyinglaw..4& Therewas a big table............... the middle of the room. 'What is the longestriver the world? \7ere there many people the concertlast night? the left. My houseis at the end of the street home tomorrow afternoon? Will you be 'Who this photograph?Do you know him? is that man ............... school? Where are your children?Are they the station. Georgeis comingby train. I'm goingto meethim ............... He's goingto havean operationtomorrow. Charlieis this book? How manypagesarethere the train.' 'Lre you hungryafter your journey?' 'No, I had a meal the way here. I'm sorry I'm late.My car brokedown ............... his brother's.' 'Is Tom here?' 'No, he's the newspaper! Don't believeeverythingyou see the bus. I walked to work but I camehome...............