Ministerios de Formación en la Fe
Ministerios de Formación en la Fe
21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 24TH, 2014 21º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 24 DE AGOSTO, 2014 The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving. Saint Lucy Parish Parroquia de Santa Lucía 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548 Email: [email protected] SaintLucyParish Twitter @StLucyCampbell Office Hours 9AM - 6PM Mon - Thurs 9AM - 5PM Friday Horario de Oficina 9AM - 6PM Lunes a Jueves 9AM - 5PM Viernes School / Escuela (408) 871-8023 Religious Education Educación Religiosa (408) 379-5900 SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales (408) 378-8086 Office Open: 10AM-11:45AM Mon - Fri Horario de Oficina: 10AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados 8AM & 5:15PM Sundays / Domingos: 7AM., 9AM, & 11AM, 1PM (Spanish/Español), & 6PM Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco Rev. Kevin P. Joyce (408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected] Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Rev. Steve Kim [email protected], (408) 378-2464, x 105 Pastoral Associate / Asociado Pastoral Antonio Ojeda (408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected] Co-Directors of Faith Formation / Co-Directores de Formación de Fe Irma Alarcón de Rangel (Spanish/Español ) (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected] Principal of the School/ Directora de la Escuela Ms. Sue Grover (408) 871-8023, [email protected] Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia Raymond Langford (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Accounting/ Contabilidad Russ Paige (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina Maricela Gallarate (408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected] Administrative Assistants/ Secretarias Ingi Ibarra (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evan- Yvonne Franco gelization / Coordinadora del Ministro de (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz la Juventud y Evangelización (408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected] Patty Osorio (408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected] Andrew Brown (English/Ingles) (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected] ADORATION: Every Thursday, 9:00AM - 5:45PM What Is Eucharistic Adoration? Eucharistic Adoration Is The Act Of Worshiping God As He Is Present In The Consecrated Eucharist. Since The Last Supper, When Jesus Broke The Bread and Distributed The Wine, Saying, "This Is My Body" and This Is By Blood," Catholics Have Believed That The Bread and Wine Are No Longer Merely Baked Wheat and Fermented Grape Juice, But The Actual Living Presence Of The Second Person Of The Trinity. Spending Time Before The Blessed Sacrament, In Prayer and Devotion, Is Exactly The Same As Spending Time Before The Living God. Adoration Occurs Whenever Someone Kneels In Front OF the Tabernacle That Contains The Blessed Sacrament, Genuflects Toward A Tabernacle, Bows Before Receiving The Blessed Sacrament At Mass, or, In A More Focused Way, When The Blessed Sacrament Is Exposed For Adoration. "Of All Devotions, That Of Adoring Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament Is The Greatest After The Sacraments, The One Dearest To God and The One Most Helpful To Us."---- St. Alphonsus Liguori Special Note: Our Next Adoration Publication Will Contain 8 Various Things We Can Do During Eucharistic Adoration. SAVE THE DATES: Fr. Kevin’s Spirit Seekers Seminars A pilgrimage to the Tomb of St James – Compostela - Spain 4PM - 6PM in the Parish Activity Center A few weeks ago our parishioner Oscar Lombardi returned from his second pilgrimSeptember 14, 2014: Introduction and instruction age to the tomb of St James. This time he experiin the Jesus Prayer, an ancient form of enced the path used by those who pioneered this inChristian meditation. credible journey in the ninth century. You are all invitOctober 19, 2014: Follow-up on instruction in the Jeed to share his experience on Sunday August 24th at sus Prayer; teachings of great saints regarding the 4:00 PM in the PAC A room. Ultreya! affects of daily meditation Second Annual St Lucy Parish Picnic. Save the Date! Come join fellow parishoners for a fabulous day filled with food, games, fellowship and laughter. A BBQ lunch will be provided along with great memories! The picnic will be held on Saturday, September 20th from 11am-2pm at John D. Morgan Park in Campbell. More details to follow. Sign ups for both attendees and volunteers will be held after all masses the weekends of August 16/17 and August 23/24. Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses-New Minister’s needed & Training Session: This Fall we will be offering Children’s Liturgy of the Word (when the children and parents are separated during Mass to read the Sunday’s Readings & prayers) at the 11:00am Mass too! We are in need of new minister’s for both of these Masses. A C.L.O.W. Training Session will be held on Sunday, September 7, 12:15pm-1:30pm in the PAC-B. All C.L.O.W. Ministers current and New are asked to attend. Please RSVP to the Faith Formation Assistant, Erika at [email protected]. SCRIPTURE STUDIES The St. Lucy Scripture Study group will be addressing the Letters from Prison of St. Paul in a 10 week course in PAC B. We will be focusing on the letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians. The course will be presented on both Monday evenings at 7 pm starting August 25 and on Thursday mornings at 10 am starting August 28. The suggested donation is $15 to cover the cost of books.. Contact Jim Miller at 408-377-5070 for more information. Prayer Shawl Ministry: All parishioners are invited to submit a name of a loved one who has experienced an illness, having surgery, the loss of a loved one or celebrating a birthday, anniversary and or a personal achievement. So if you know anyone in need of a prayer shawl/lap throw please contact The St. Lucy Prayer Shawl Ministry at [email protected]. St. Lucy Parish Office will be Closed Monday, September 1 In observance of Labor Day St. Lucy Parish School has a few fall openings in grades K, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. Go to and download an application, or give us a call at (408) 871-8023. Join the St. Lucy's Prayer Chain or submit prayer requests here: [email protected] ADORACIÓN Todos los jueves, de 9AM - 5:45PM ¿Qué es la Adoración Eucarística? La Adoración Eucarística es el acto de adoración a Dios como Él está presente en la Eucaristía Consagrada. Desde la Última Cena, cuando Jesús partió el pan y distribuyó el vino, diciendo: "Este es mi cuerpo y Esta es mide sangre”, católicos han creído que el pan y el vino ya no son trigo horneado y jugo de uva fermentado, pero la presencia de vida de la Segunda Persona de la Trinidad. Tiempo ante el Santísimo Sacramento, en la oración y devoción, es exactamente lo mismo que tiempo de gasto ante el Dios viviente. La Adoración es cada vez que alguien se arrodilla delante del tabernáculo que contiene el Santísimo Sacramento, hace la genuflexión hacia el Tabernáculo, se inclina antes de recibir el Santísimo Sacramento en la Misa, o, de una manera más focalizada, cuando El Santísimo estará expuesto para la adoración. "Entre todas las devociones, ésta de adorar a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento es la más grande después de los sacramentos, la más apreciada por Dios y la más útil para nosotros. "---- San Alfonso María de Ligorio Nota especial: Nuestro siguiente publicación sobre la Adoración contendrá 8 sugerencias de cosas que podemos hacer durante la Adoración Eucarística. MARQUE SU CALENDARIO: Pláticas en Ingles del Padre Kevin 4PM-6PM en el Centro de Actividades de la Parroquia 14 de septiembre 2014: Introducción e instrucción en la Oración de Jesús, una antigua forma de la meditación cristiana. 19 de octubre 2014: Seguimiento de la instrucción en la Oración de Jesús; enseñanzas por gran santos con respecto a los efectos de la meditación diaria El Segundo Picnic Anual de Santa Lucia. Marque su calendario! Venga y únase con sus compañeros feligreses por un día fabuloso lleno de comida, juegos, comunidad y risa. Habrá almuerzo junto con grandes recuerdos! El picnic se celebrará el sábado, 20 de septiembre empezando a las 11AM en John D. Morgan Park en Campbell. Inscripciones, tanto para los asistentes y los voluntarios, se llevarán a cabo después de las Misas los fines de semana del 16 y 17 de agosto y el 23 y 24 de agosto. Una peregrinación a la tumba de Santiago - Compostela - España Hace unas semanas, nuestro feligrés Oscar Lombardi regresó de su segunda peregrinación a la tumba de Santiago Apóstol. Esta vez Oscar utilizó el sendero que usaron los primeros peregrinos en los años 900. Están todos invitados a compartir esta experiencia con Oscar el domingo 24 de Agosto en la sala PAC A a las 2:15 de la tarde. El Ministerio del Mantón de Oración: Invita a todos los feligreses que presenten el nombre de un ser querido que ha experimentado una enfermedad, una cirugía, la pérdida de un ser querido o la celebración de un cumpleaños, aniversario, o un logro personal. Si usted conoce a alguien que necesita un Mantón de Oración por cualquier razón, póngase en contacto con nosotros a [email protected]. Dios los bendiga. La Oficina de Santa Lucia estará Cerrada Lunes, 1 de Septiembre En celebración del Día del Trabajo La Escuela Parroquial de Santa Lucia tiene algunos lugares en los grados K, 1, 2, 4, 6, y 7. Vaya al y consiga una aplicación, o llámenos al (408) 871-8023. Únete a la Cadena de Oración de Santa Lucia o envíe peticiones para oración al: [email protected] Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa August 25 - August 31 25 de Agosto - 31 de Agosto Monday/Lunes 8AM Roque Alba Jr. + Tuesday/Martes 8AM Hirmalie Shanti De Alwis + Wednesday/Miércoles 8AM Special Intention for Keller Family Stephen Joseph Keller + Thursday/Jueves 8AM Special Intention for Kevin Bilger Friday/Viernes 8AM Dorothy McGee + Saturday/Sábado 8AM Betty Muscha + 5:15PM Connie Berbevich + 7AM Pat Flores + 9AM People of the Parish 11AM Special Intention for Restie Reyes 1PM Pablo Valencia + 6PM David Hannen + Sunday/Domingo Please Pray for the Deceased: Oremos por los Fieles Difuntos: Joanne McCall + Larry Perry + Michael Callahan + Arlene Podgorsek + Please Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los Enfermos: Aurora Muñoz Steve Schrupp Mike Jelovic Betsy Begley Rosaora Nateras Minerva Gomez Welcome We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Lucy Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available outside the Church, at our Parish Office and on our Web Site. YOUR GENEROSITY IS APPRECIATED PRESIDERS NEXT WEEKEND CELEBRANTES PARA EL PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA 5:15 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Steve Kim AUGUST 31ST READINGS LECTURAS PARA EL 31 DE AGOSTO Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 1st Reading/1ª lectura: Jeremiah/Jeremías 20:7-9 Responsorial Psalm/Salmo: Ps/Salmo: 63:2-6, 8-9 2nd Reading/2ª lectura: Romans/Romanos 12:1-2 Gospel/Evangelio: Matthew/Mateo 16:21-27 READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday/Lunes:: 2 Thes/2Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday/Martes: 2 Thes/2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday/Miércoles: 2 Thes/2 Tes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 124:1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday/Jueves: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Friday/Viernes: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mk/Mc 6:17-29 Saturday/Sábado: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30 Bienvenidos Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llegados a la Parroquia de Santa Lucía. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parroquia y participar activamente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles afuera de la Iglesia, en la oficina parroquial y en nuestro sitio Web. AGRADECIENDO SU GENEROSIDAD The offertory collection for August 17th totaled $14,769. La colecta del ofertorio del 17 de agosto fue de $14,769. The second collection for the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa totaled: $1,974. La segunda colecta para el Fondo de Solidaridad Pastoral en África fue: $1,974. The Second Collection next weekend will be for St. Vincent De Paul. El próximo fin de semana la segunda colecta será para la Socieded de St. Vincent De Paul. Diocese of San Jose - Office of Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, Ph: (408) 983-0113; Emergency # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] Diócesis de San José -Oficina de Protección de Niños y Adultos Vulnerables, Tel: (408) 983-0113; Tel. Emergencia # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] Schedule of Events / Calendario de Eventos Parroquiales This schedule is subject to change. For the most current schedule please visit Este calendario está sujeto a cambios. Para encontrar la versión actualizada Thursday/Jueves: 8/28/2014 Monday/Lunes: 8/25/2014 Catechist Meeting Scripture Study Grupo de Oración - Choir Practice Lally PAC-B Church 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Scripture Study Benediction Wedding Rehearsal Leadership Night 11:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Friday/Viernes: 8/29/2014 Tuesday/Martes: 8/26/2014 School - Opening Mass Grupo de Oración - Meetting School - Back to School Night School - Back to School Night Church Lally Church Annex Wednesday/Miércoles : 8/27/2014 Funeral Funeral Reception Vietnamese Prayer Group Novena with Rosary Hispanic Children’s Guitar Lessons Parish Picnic Planning Meeting Hispanic Choir Practice “With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir Church PAC-A,B.C Church Church PAC-A PAC-B Church Lally 11:00am 12:00pm 2:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Wedding Bilingual Reconciliations and Spanish Prayer Group Grupo de Oración - Youth Group Despertar Juvenil Church PAC-B Church Church PAC-A,B,C 9am-5:45pm 10:00am 5:45pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Church 11:00am Church PAC-C Lally 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Saturday/Sábado: 8/30/2014 Choir Practice - 5:15 Choir Orientation for Bodas Comunitarias Church PAC-A 4:30pm 7:00pm Sunday/Domingo: 8/31/2014 Faith Formation Registration Hispanic Children’s Choir Practice Cameroon African Mass “With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir Lally Annex Lally Church 10:00am 11:00am 3:00pm 4:00pm BEYOND OUR PARISH COME AND SEE: Religious Life Info Day Sat. Sept. 13, 2014 (9:30-4pm) for Single Catholic Women (18-40) at Dominican Sisters of MSJ Motherhouse 43326 Mission Blvd. (entrance on Mission Tierra Pl.) Fremont, CA 94539 RSVP by MON. SEPT. 8 at [email protected] or 510-933-6335 Are you looking for a sign? Maybe this is it! Catholic Professionals Thursday, September 11, 2014 Mass Time: 7:00AM, Msgr. John Sandersfeld presiding, Speaker Program: 7:30 AM Location: Three Flames Restaurant 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose (just north of Hamilton Ave) SPEAKER: Ned Dolejsi, Executive Director of the California Catholic Conference TOPIC: Be an Informed Voter this November! Catholic Issues in the Coming Election. Reservations needed: $15 Members, $20 Non-Members. RSVP at : or contact Jessica King at 408-491-9229 or [email protected] PAUL J. KIM YOUTH/TEEN event at St Leo's Church. St Leo's is hosting Paul J. Kim at a Youth and Teen : "MEANT TO LIVE FOR MORE" event on Friday Sep 19 @ 7pm. The event is open to all Youth and Teens from Grades 6 to 12 throughout the Diocese. Paul J KIm is an International youth speaker, vocalist and beatboxer. He shares his passion for Jesus Christ and the New Evangelization via music, comedy and inspirational talks. Doors will open at 630pm - please arrive early. Admission is FREE but please PREREGISTER for the event at: If you have any questions please email Lidia Fiandeiro at [email protected] OR call 408-394-8060 Faith Formation Ministries Children Every week hundreds of public school & home school children gather in our school class rooms to learn about the faith. Do you know we have over 120 English & 240 Spanish children in our faith formation programs? During this time children learn about God’s love through the Scriptures, teachings of the church, the prayers, songs, characters in the Bible, the importance of the Mass and more! Our English sessions meet on Sundays and Wednesdays and Spanish meets on Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays. As parents you are the primary teachers of faith for your family but we desire to aid you in this service. Children should be enrolled in Faith Formation & Education classes each year to advance their knowledge & love of Jesus Christ and His Church! Young Adult (College & Post College) Youth (Jr. High & High School) Crazy things begin to happen for you Junior High teens; bodies & brains grow, boys start lo like girls, girls start to like boys and you’re all star ng to think about what it’s like to be a teen or an adult. You’re not children anymore, yet you’re not adults either. You are in a place we could call… The Edge. St. Lucy’s EDGE program is aimed to meet the educa onal, spiritual, emo onal and social needs of 7th and 8th graders. Its purpose is to “Draw you closer to God and God will draw nearer to you” as James 4:8 says. This is done through games, food, friendships, retreats, Edge Nights, Camps & more! The best friend you will ever have is our Lord Jesus Christ. Come to EDGE Monday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. As you students journey through high school you test the limits of independence and look for new iden es. When you’re young the future is wide open! This can bring both hope and anxiety. St. Lucy’s Life Teen program wants to provide that hope for you. God offers a voca on for everyone but with all the noise of the world, it’s hard for you to find your true mission. We want to guide you to God through games, food, retreats, lock-ins, Life Nights, Camps and friendships that will last longer than just 4 years of high school -- especially a friendship with Jesus Christ! Life Teen meets every Sunday from 7:15pm to 9pm in the PAC. Confirma on- Our Confirma on program is for you high school students looking to receive your final Sacrament of Ini a on- Confirma on! Through this sacrament you will be united more closely with Christ, bound more firmly to the Church, be strengthened by the gi of the Holy Spirit and be sent forth to spread the Good news. It’s a two year program –except for those that already a end a Catholic school. RCIA/ RICA What happens to your faith once you’ve graduated from high school? How does the Church support those in the 18-30ish age range other than by asking of their me in service? What does it mean to be a Young Adult Catholic in Campbell in 2014? St Lucy’s is forming an English Young Adults Group and we want you to be a part of it. Our aim is to have two differing age groups- 1: those in college and 2: those out of college. Currently we are hos ng a Happy Hour gathering for both age groups on September 11th from 5pm-7pm at Sonoma Chicken Coop in downtown RCIA stands for Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults. This process that we Campbell. call the Journey of Faith, is geared for adults who desire to receive the In late September, we’ll be having a “Dinner & Discussion” at the Rectosacraments of Bap sm, Eucharist and/or Confirma on. For whatever ry with Fr. Kevin & Fr. Steve. In October we’ll be forming a Young Adult reason you may not have received the sacraments at a younger age you sharing table at our “Catholicism Series”, and a ending the PureFire are here now. We want you. The Church wants you. Jesus wants you, Diocesan Retreat. Each month St Lucy’s hosts a Diocesan-wide “re:Sound from all tradi ons and backgrounds to consider joining us on a Journey night” of praise & worship. All 18-30ish young adults, PLEASE RSVP to of Faith towards a rich and meaningful rela onship with our Heavenly Andrew at [email protected] to be added to our distribu on list. Father. If you are already a fully Ini ated adult, do know someone who needs Jesus and his love from the Catholic Church? If you, a friend or For informa on about the Spanish young adult group, family member are seeking this same in macy with Christ and His DESPERTAR JUVENIL, see the next page Church, we invite you to register for RCIA Sessions. To register for any of these programs, please stop by the parish office and ask for a registration packet. Also you can download the registration forms at Classes fill up fast and the last day for enrollment is August 31. Ministerios de Formación en la Fe Niños Adolecentes Cosas locas comienzan a suceder para ustedes, los adolecentes que están en la secundaria ; cuerpos y cerebros crecen, a los jóvenes les comienzan a gustar las jovencitas, a las jovencitas les empiezan a gustar los muchachos, todos están empezando a pensar en lo que significa ser un adolescente o un adulto. Ya no son niños, pero todavía no son adultos. Están en un lugar que podríamos llamar ... The Edge (la Orilla). El programa EDGE de Santa Lucia está dirigido a sa sfacer las necesidades educa vas, espirituales, emocionales y sociales de los que están en el sép mo y octavo grado. Como dice en Cada semana cientos de niños de escuelas públicas se San ago 4:8 "acérquense a Dios y el se acercara a ustedes". Esto se reúnen en nuestras salas de clase para aprender acerca hace a través de juegos, comida, amistades, re ros, noches de Edge, de la fe. ¿Sabes que tenemos en nuestros programas de campamentos y más! El mejor amigo que tendrás en tu vida es nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Ven a EDGE los lunes por la noche de 7:00pm a formación en la fe más de 120 niños en Inglés y 240 niños 8:30pm. Mientras ustedes, los estudiantes ,recorren su en español ? ¡Durante este tiempo los niños aprenden soHigh School, ponen a prueba los límites de indebre el amor de Dios a través de las Escrituras, las ensependencia y buscan nuevas iden dades. ¡Cuando ñanzas de la iglesia, las oraciones, canciones, los persona- eres joven el futuro está muy abierto! Esto puede traer esperanza y ansiedad. El programa de Life Teen de Santa Lucia quiere ofrecer esa jes de la Biblia, la importancia de la Misa y mucho más! esperanza para . Dios ofrece una vocación para todos, pero con todo el Nuestras sesiones de inglés se reúnen los domingos y los ruido del mundo, es di cil encontrar tu verdadera misión. Queremos miércoles y las de español se reúnen los domingos, mar- guiarte hacia Dios a través de juegos, comida, re ros, encierros, noches de Life Teen, campamentos y amistades que durarán más empo que tes y jueves. Como padres de familia, ustedes son los pri- los 4 años de High School - ¡especialmente una amistad con Jesucristo! meros maestros de la fe para sus niños, pero deseamos Life Teen se reúne todos los domingos de 7:15pm to 9pm en el PAC. ayudarle en este servicio. Los niños deben estar matricula- Confirmación- Nuestro programa de Confirmación es para ustedes, dos en clases de Formación y Educación de la Fe cada los estudiantes de High School que desean recibir su úl mo sacramento Jesucristo y de su Iglesia. de Iniciación, la Confirmación! A través de este sacramento tu serás unido más estrechamente a Cristo, unido con más firmeza a la Iglesia, fortalecido con el don del Espíritu Santo y serás enviado a predicar la Buena nueva. Es un programa de dos años excepto para aquellos que ya asisten una escuela católica. Jóvenes Adultos RCIA/ RICA año para avanzar en su conocimiento y amor de Somos un grupo joven de adultos entre las edades de 18 a 35 que se reúnen todos los viernes de 7:30pm a 9:30pm en el Lally. Estamos aquí para mo var a nuestros jóvenes adultos a fortalecer su fe y comprometerse como líderes futuros de nuestra comunidad. Somos una familia que se reúne para adorar, orar, aprender sobre nuestra fe, aprender acerca de problemas sociales y servir a los demás. Vamos a re ros, nos reunimos con otros grupos de jóvenes adultos en la Diócesis, organi- zamos excursiones y recaudamos fondos, junto con otras ac vidades durante el año. Para información sobre un nuevo grupo de jóvenes adultos en inglés vea la otra pagina RICA significa Rito de Iniciación Cris ana para Adultos. Este proceso que llamamos el camino de fe, está dirigido a los adultos que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bau smo, Eucaris a y/o Confirmación. No importa la razón por la que no haya recibido los sacramentos a una edad más joven, venga está aquí ahora. Te queremos, la Iglesia los quiere, Jesús te quiere. Considera unirte a nosotros en un camino de fe hacia una relación mas rica y significa va con nuestro Jesús. Si ya eres un adulto completamente Iniciado, y conoces a alguien que necesita a Jesús y su amor por la Iglesia Católica, invítalo a venir. Si usted, un amigo o familiar está buscando esta misma intimidad con Cristo y su Iglesia, te invitamos a registrarse para las Sesiones de RICA. Si desea registrarse por favor venga a la oficina de la parroquia y pida un paquete de inscripción, o vaya al Las clases se llenan rápido y el último día de inscripciones es el 31 de Agosto. MAUREEN O’CONNELL Attorney at Law, Parishioner Living Trusts • Wills • Probate Kelley Solberg, Realtor® 408-297-6004 262 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Cell: 408.464.8629 Knowledge Experience Integrity DRE#01359475 Is this film suitable for my children? Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: MARK A. WATSON, DDS Parishioner This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting 356-1166 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-231-0805 Dr. Cheryl Vicencio Dentistry for Children & Adults • General & Cosmetic Dentistry (408) 255-2222 Medi-Cal • New Patients Welcome 753 Saratoga Avenue Most Insurance Plans Accepted Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Your ad YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY for information on what you can do write: could Morality in Media, Inc. be in this 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 space! (202) 393-7245 DARLING-FISCHER MORTUARY Associated with the Los Gatos Memorial Park Garden Chapel Chapel of the Hills Memorial Chapel 998-2226 354-7740 379-5010 Los Gatos FD 940 Campbell FD 898 San Jose FD 577 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 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