St. Mary, Mother of the Church


St. Mary, Mother of the Church
October 2, 2016
2 de octubre, 2016
St. Mary, Mother of the Church
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th domingo del tiempo ordinario
1008 Vandora Springs Rd
Garner, NC 27529-3546
Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website:
Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator
Email [email protected]
Deacon Ronald Soriano
919-772-5524 ext 205
Email [email protected]
Marie Chenevert, Elementary Coordinator
Email [email protected]
Allison Dunphy, Youth Apostolate Coordinator
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext. 209
Mary Dziepak, Music Director
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext 202
Rosemary Montague, Receptionist
Email [email protected]
Mon — Thu, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
919-772-5524, ext 200
Olga Salas, Receptionist
Email [email protected]
Mon, Tues 6-9 PM; Thurs, Sat 6-8 PM
919-772-5524, ext 201
Terry Meredith, Business Manager
Email [email protected]
919-772-5524, ext 207
Today’s Readings
First Reading — In spite of violence, destruction,
and ruin, the just person, because of faith, will live
(Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4).
Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not
your hearts (Psalm 95).
Second Reading — Bear
hardship with the strength
that comes from God (2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14).
Gospel — Lord, increase our
faith! (Luke 17:5-10).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from
Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International
Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Rev. Jaime Perez Restrepo,
Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial
919-772-7053 o 919-772-5524 ext 203
Email [email protected]
Rosemary Montague, Recepcionista
Email [email protected]
Lunes — Jueves, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
919-772-5524, ext 200
Olga Salas, Recepcionista
Email [email protected]
Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM
919-772-5524, ext 201
Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano:
Mike y Beatriz Munster, 919-567-1565
Música: Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051
Lectores: Rosa Marin, 919-398-0004
Monaguillos: Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153
Ministros de la Eucaristía:
Cesar Sánchez, 919-890-5734
Formación Religiosa: Mike Munster, 919-567-1565
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura — A pesar de la violencia, la
destrucción y la ruina, el justo vivirá a causa de su
(Habacuc 1:2-3; 2:2-4).
Salmo — Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz
(Salmo 95 [94]).
Segunda lectura —
Tolera dificultades con la
fuerza que viene de Dios
(2 Timoteo 1:6-8, 13-14).
Evangelio — Señor,
auméntanos la fe! (Lucas
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976,
Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con
permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
This Week
Esta Semana
Saturday October 1
5:30 PM +Frank Yeronick
7:15 PM In thanksgiving
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM
Monday through Friday 8 AM
Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning
sábado 1 de octubre
Sunday October 2
domingo 2 de octubre
8 AM
Masako Dalphin, health
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
Monday October 3
lunes 3 de octubre
8 AM
Rappl family intentions
Reconciliation: 1st and 3rd Wednesday 5 PM to
6:30 PM. Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM or by
appointment with a Priest.
Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact
Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info).
For Adult baptism preparation, contact Father
Matrimony: contact the receptionist at least 6
months before your intended date of matrimony.
First Reconciliation/First Eucharist: contact
Marie Chenevert (see bulletin cover for contact
Confirmation: contact Allison Dunphy (see bulletin
cover for contact info).
Tuesday October 4
martes 4 de octubre
8 AM
Matthew H. Lee, health
Wednesday October 5
miércoles 5 de octubre
8 AM
+Jeffrey Melillo
Thursday October 6
jueves 6 de octubre
8 AM
+Pat Webb
Friday October 7
viernes 7 de octubre
8 AM
ARCH families
Saturday October 8
sábado 8 de octubre
5:30 PM +Thomas Gomes
7:15 PM In thanksgiving
Sunday October 9
domingo 9 de octubre
8 AM
Allison family intentions
10 AM
for the people of St Mary Parish
5 PM
To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office.
Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia.
Parish Council: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: St.Mary MotheroftheChurch
We have an app! Download it to your smartphone
or tablet at
Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017)
Submissions for the bulletin should be made at
least 10 days before the bulletin date. All items are
subject to final approval by our Pastor. Submit to
[email protected]. Thank you!
25 September
25 septiembre
Year to date
Año a la Fecha
$130,118.21 (23% of goal)
We pray the rosary each weekday after
the 8 AM daily Mass.
This weekend’s second envelope is for Share
Sunday. Your donations support our parish’s outreach to the needy in our community and also help
Catholic Parish Outreach, the Hispanic Family
Center, Garner Area Ministries and Habitat for
We pray the Stations of the Cross on
Fridays after the rosary. On the first
Friday of the month, Eucharistic
Adoration begins after Mass.
To request flowers for the altar, please
stop by or call the parish office at
The altar flowers are given by a
generous donor.
Around the Diocese
Please pray for...
The annual Red Mass, which offers prayers and
gratitude to those serving in the legal and judicial
professions, will be celebrated on October 21 at
12:10 PM at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Raleigh.
The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop
of Raleigh, will be the principal Celebrant and
Homilist for this Mass. Those serving in these
professions and all the faithful are most welcome.
those in need of God’s healing,
strength, and comfort, especially
Joan Allinson, Wil Ankerstjerne,
Anita Augenti, Gerry Barlow, Peggy
Bell, Charity Betts, Donovan Bosman, Virginia
Boucher, Violet Brennan, Will Cannady, Daniel
Clites, Frances Costello, Anita Curtis, Ada Deliz,
Ann deStwolinski, Irene Dingman, Mary Dziepak,
Joan English, Michael English, Bryan Ewing,
Brenda Flannery, Mary Gabbard, Bill Gaddess,
Brenda Gay, Joe Heil, Evelyn Hine, Judith Hite,
Bill Hunt, Jennifer Hutto, June Jean, Stacey Jones,
Charlie Katawazi, Sue Kerrigan, Juanita Kirles,
Sonia Langen, June Lentz, Kathy Leonard, John
Lipps, Danielle Locasio, Marcos Maya, Eddie
McGloin, Delores McLaughlin, Marie Millette,
Landon Moore, Raymond Nery, Ed Outten, Helen
Outten, Ernest Parker, Roland W. Petruzzi, Sion
Pierce, Elizabeth Pires, Renard Pongrac, Jerry Potter, Karen Reilly, William Reinders, Carol Reiter,
Lillian Rese, Ellen Roberts, Michele Roberts, Alfio Romano, Mary Jo Rudy, Jerry Senter, Victor
Smurro, Bettilyn Smyth, Cathy Spillane, Heidi
Starke, Annie Stewart, Steve Stolarick, Bernard
Streeter, Tyson Such, Melita Suspine, Cathy
Tomany, John Tuck, Mary Ann Villano, Pat Wall,
Judy Woodward, Faye Yeisley and for the repose
of the soul of Tim Calahan.
Single/Single Again Masses will be Oct 16, Nov
20 and Dec 11 at 5:30 PM at Cardinal Gibbons
High School. For more info contact Celia Keator
at [email protected].
Catholic Charities Counseling Services will be offering four sessions of marriage enrichment beginning Thursday, October 27, and meeting every
Thursday through November 17 from 7 to 8:30 PM
at St Andrew’s Catholic Church in Apex.
Learn the seven principles for creating and maintaining a positive and fulfilling marriage, based on
the brilliant research of Dr. John Gottman. Learn
to identify the most destructive behaviors when
conflict occurs and their antidotes. Cost is $25 per
session or $80 for all four sessions if paid in full
prior to the first session. Space is limited. To
register, please contact Louise Dillon at 919-7908533, ext. 28.
You Did It for Me
Wedding Anniversary Mass
To pay tribute to the sacred vocation of marriage, Bishop Michael Burbidge will celebrate a
Wedding Anniversary Mass on
October 16 at 4 PM at St. Michael the Archangel
Catholic Church, 804 High House Road, Cary NC
honoring couples married 25, 50 or more than 50
years. Family members are welcome to attend.
Please register for this special Mass online at or by calling the parish
office. Deadline to register is October 10. Questions? Call the Office of Marriage and Family at
Conflict continues to plague
Afghanistan, forcing many
people away from their
homes and children away
from their schools. But thanks to Catholic Relief
Services and the Afghan Ministry of Education,
more than 23,000 are being given the opportunity
to find solace through engaging workshops and
activities as a way to deal with trauma and to develop their education.
Blessing of the Pets
Weather permitting, Father David will
bless pets on Saturday, October 8 at
10 AM. Please have leashed or crated
pets gather in the yard in front of the
church, not in the church. Thanks!
When the day of judgment comes, we shall
not be asked what we have read, but what we have
done.—Thomas à Kempis
sábado 7:15 PM
domingo 5 PM
Enfermos, visitas a las casas o hospital, recibir
los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía: llame Padre Jaime
a 919-772-5524 ext 203
Reconciliación: segundo y cuarto miércoles
de 6-7:30 PM
Bautizos: Estar registrados en la iglesia al
menos 3 meses antes del bautizo.
Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo
martes de cada mes a las 7 PM.
Para más información sobre bautizos, favor
de llamar a Jeymy Luna al 919-946-5719.
Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de
niños menores de 7 años:
• Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del Niño
• Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio por la Iglesia
Matrimonio: Maria y Leo Rangel,
[email protected]
Si asiste regularmente y necesita registrarse
en la parroquia, favor de llamar a Olga Salas
al 919-772-5524 ext 201 o Jeymy Luna al
Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años:
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana, llame Padre
Jaime a 919-772-5524 ext 203
Tú lo hiciste por mí
Presentaciones: Aurora Saucedo,
919-279-2281 (5-9 PM)
El conflict sigue afectando a
Afganistán, obligando a
muchas personas a abandonar
sus hogares y a los niños a
dejar sus escuelas. Sin embargo, gracias a Catholic
Relief Services y el Ministerio de Educación de
Afganistán, a más de 23,000 niños se les está dando la oportunidad de encontrar consuelo a través de
interesantes talleres y actividades como una forma
de lidiar con el trauma y desarrollar su educación.
Quinceañeras: Padre Jaime, 919-772-5524
ext 203
Social: Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310
Visitas Virgen Peregrina: Jorge Fajardo
Para solicitor flores del altar, por favor pase
por o llamar a la oficina a 919-772-5524.
La Misa Roja Annual, en la cual se ofrecen oraciones y agradecimiento a aquellos sirviendo en
el campo de las profesiones juridicas y judiciales,
se celebrará el 21 de octubre del 2016 a las 12:10
PM en la Catedral de Sagrado Corazón en Raleigh. El Reverendisimo Michael F. Burbidge,
Obispo de Raleigh, será el Celebrante Principal y
Homilista. Son bienvenidos aquellos sirviendo en
estas profesiones y todos los fieles.
Muchos programas de doce pasos usan la frase “Confía menos en ti y más en Dios”. En toda
su simplicidad, estas cinco palabras son el corazón de las lecturas de hoy. Para personas que luchan con alguna conducta adictiva, estas palabras
nos recuerdan de manera categórica que no podemos manejar, controlar ni manipular ciertas áreas
de nuestras vidas. ¿Cuántas veces podemos mirar
hacia nuestro pasado y encontrar evidencia de
algún plan elaborándose, diferente al nuestro?
Estos son los momentos cuando, por cualquier
razón, permitimos a alguien superior que nosotros que implemente el plan. En ese momento,
incluso ni nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos
dejando ir algo, pero en retrospectiva, vemos las
manos y la amorosa presencia de Dios. Es nuestra conciencia de esos momentos lo que nos da el
valor y la iniciativa para dejar ir algo más tarde.
Son el valor y la iniciativa resaltados en las lecturas de hoy. A esto lo llamamos “fe”.Copyright © J. S. Paluch
Los niños y jóvenes de preescolar
hasta secundaria, están invitados a
venir a la Misa del día de todos los
Santos, 31 ̊de octubre y 1 de noviembre, disfrazado de su Santo favorito. El vestuario debe ser simple, casero y barato como una hoja, correa y un elemento simbólico.
Use una etiqueta con nombre y año que murió el
Santo de su preferencia. Los niños son Bienvenidos a asistir a las clases de formación en la fe el 30
y 31 de octubre con su traje de Santo favorito. NO
disfraces de HALLOWEEN, estamos celebrando a
nuestros personajes católicos Super Heroes no de
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50 Facts About Our Parish
Faith Formation Announcements
On August 29, 1965, the church
building was dedicated by Bishop
Charles B. McLaughlin, Auxiliary Bishop of Raleigh. St. Mary’s
remained a mission (as we didn’t have a full-time
minister) until the parish was established in 1967.
Safe Environment Class
Volunteers who work with children are required to
take the 3 hour class every 5 years. If you are a
new volunteer, you must attend one of these Safe
Environment Classes this fall, Tuesday, October
25, 6:30 PM – 9:15 PM or Monday, November
28, 5:30 PM – 8:15 PM.
If it has been 5 years, you need to take the class
again. Contact Marie Chenevert in Faith Formation to RSVP for the class.
Our next event in celebrating our parish’s anniversary will be 50 hours of Eucharistic Adoration,
October 27-29. Come and spend one hour with our
Lord. Contact Ann Marie Lipetzky at
[email protected] or 919-779-3436 to sign
Children and youth, preschool
through high school, are invited
to come to All Saints Day
Mass, October 31 and November 1, dressed as their favorite
saint. Costumes should be simple, homemade and inexpensive, like a sheet, belt
and a symbolic item. Wear a name tag with the
saint’s name and year they died. Children are welcome to come to Faith Formation classes October
30 and 31 in their saint costume. No Halloween
costumes, we are celebrating our Catholic Super
Heroes, not fictional characters.
On Wednesday October 5, Father
David will hear confessions from
5 PM to 6:30 PM in English. During
this time the Blessed Sacrament will
be exposed.
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
takes place on Friday, October 7.
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at the end of the 8:15 AM
Mass. Adoration concludes with the
Litany of the Sacred Heart and Benediction at noon.
Our St. Mary, Mother of the
Church Parish Life Breakfast is
Saturday, October 29, from
10 AM to 11 AM in St. Joseph
A special thank you to all donors and volunteers
who took part in making the Thursday, September
22 Blood Drive a success. We collected 54 units
of blood. Colleen Doig won the $25 Target gift
card and Mary Ann Madonna won the $15 IHop
gift card.
There is no charge and all are welcome. If you
are interested in attending, please RSVP to the
Parish Office either by phone (919) 772-5524 or
email [email protected]
The Prayer Shawl Apostolate,
sponsored by the Fr. James Keenan
Columbiette Auxiliary will meet
Tuesday, October 4 at 10 AM and 7
PM in classroom C of St. Joseph Hall.
If you do not know how to knit or crochet, join us
anyway, there is always someone there that can
show you how. We welcome any bilingual speaking members that are interested in joining this
Apostolate. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Schott at 309-258-4119.
Our first breakfast will include Continental Fare
and a mini Apostolate Exhibit. Come mingle with
your fellow parishioners and check out the many
apostolates and organizations that you can join!
All are welcome to look at the new
diocesan website for vocations. Go to