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Sixth Sunday of Easter
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
(Rev. Monsignor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor)
“Peace” is the Easter greeting of Jesus. Today
again we hear Jesus offer “Peace” to his disciples. Speaking at the Last Supper he says:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”
Jesus is offering a peace that comes from walking with God:
“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will
love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling
with him.” The deep peace of God within us will always be
there, no matter what we face, because we are walking with
God each day and our hearts are open to the Holy Spirit whom
Jesus promises in today’s Gospel: “The Advocate, the Holy
Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you
everything..” It is through openness to the Holy Spirit, that the
Church dealt with the divisions in the Church at the very beginning ( the major question of imposing Jewish practices on
Non-Jews who were becoming Christians). Peace and life of
Christ are offered to all in the decision of the First Council of
the Church (the Council of Jerusalem). In these last two
weeks of the Easter season, let us pray more than ever that the
Holy Spirit will guide us so we walk always in the peace of
May 16, 2004
(Rev. Monseñor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor)
“Paz”, es el saludo de Pascua de Jesús. Hoy podemos
escuchar otra vez que Jesús les ofrece “paz” a sus discípulos. Hablando en la Ultima Cena Él dice: “La Paz les
dejo; mi Paz les doy.” Jesús está ofreciendo una paz que
viene de caminar con Dios: El que me ama , cumplirá mi Palabra,
y mi Padre lo amará, y vendremos a él y haremos en él nuestra
morada”. La profunda paz de Dios con nosotros siempre está allí,
no importa lo que enfrentemos, porque estamos caminando con
Dios cada día y nuestros corazones están abiertos al Espíritu Santo
que Jesús promete en el Evangelio de hoy: “ El Abogado, el Espíritu Santo, que el Padre enviará en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las
cosas”. Es por la apertura al Espíritu Santo que la Iglesia sanó las
divisiones que surgieron en el comienzo ( la gran cuestión de imponer las practicas de los Judíos a los no-Judíos que habían abrazado
la fe ). Paz y vida en Cristo son ofrecidas a todos en la decisión del
primer Concilio de la Iglesia ( el Concilio de Jerusalén ). En estas
dos semanas que nos quedan del tiempo de Pascua, vamos a intensificar nuestra oración para que el Esp?ritu Santo nos guíe y caminemos en la paz de Cristo.
• Se llevará a cabo un ensayo para todos los Candidatos y padrinos del Segundo Año de Preparatoria, este martes 18 de mayo a
las 6:30 PM en la Iglesia de Fray Junípero Serra, situada en el
número 42121 de la calle 60 W, en Quartz Hill. La Celebración
de la Confirmación será el martes 25 de mayo a las 7:00 PM con
• Confirmation rehearsal for all our high school second year candith
el Obispo Solís.
dates and sponsors will take place this Tuesday, May 18 , at 6:30
• Los niños de nuestra Parroquia están celebrando su Primera
PM at Blessed Junipero Serra Church, 42121 60th Street West,
Quartz Hill. The Confirmation celebration will be on Tuesday,
Comunión en este tiempo. Les pedimos sus oraciones por ellos y
May 25th , at 7:00 PM with Bishop Solis.
sus familias.
• The children of the parish are celebrating their First Holy Com• En el Oeste de los Estados Unidos, celebramos la Ascensión del
munion at this time. We ask your prayers for the children and their Señor el Domingo próximo, en lugar del Jueves de la Ascensión.
Roma ha concedido el permiso para este cambio, así que pode• In the Western United States we now celebrate the Feast of the
mos celebrarlo el Domingo con todos los elementos del Misterio
Ascension of the Lord on the following Sunday, rather than on
Pascual de Cristo: la vida, la muerte , la resurrección y ascenAscension Thursday. Rome has granted permission for this so we
sión del Señor.
can celebrate on Sunday all the major elements of the Paschal
La construcción de nuestra nueva Iglesia, Salón Parroquial y EstaMystery of Christ: the life, death, resurrection and Ascension of
cionamiento comenzará en la segunda mitad de
the Lord.
Junio. Los planos, una fotografía y el modelo de
• Construction of our new Church and Parish
nuestros nuevos edificios se encuentran cerca de la
Hall and parking lot will begin in the middle
fuente Bautismal en el frente de la Iglesia. Pedimos
of June. Plans, a picture and model of our new
que cada familia y cada persona de la comunidad
buildings will be found near the Baptismal
haga una promesa a tres años, para ayudar a nuesFont in Church. We ask each family and
tra Campaña Capital a alcanzar la meta de $3 mieach parishioner to make a three year pledge
llones, como primer paso hacia el costo total que es
to help meet our Campaign goal of $3 million,
de $11 millones, para la construcción de nuestra
a major step towards the total cost of $11 milnueva Iglesia y Salón Parroquial. Encontrarán
lion for our new Church and Parish Hall.
más información en el boletín de hoy.
More information will be found elsewhere in
• Las Lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura para
today’s bulletin.
el próximo Domingo ( La Ascensión del Señor)
> Scripture Readings for next Sunday (the Asserán : Hechos de los Apóstoles 1:1-11; Efesios
cension of the Lord) will be: Acts 1:1-11;
1: 17-23; Lucas 24: 46-53.
Ephesians 1:17-23; Luke 24:46-53
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 16, 2004
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For Information: B.J. 285-3363 or Celia Cedillo 272-6880
Please join us in a Eucharistic celebration
as we seek the healing power of our Lord
at St. Mary’s Church. The Presider will be :
Father Bill Delaney
Tuesday May 18, 2004
7:00 PM ~ Music/ Praise and Worship
7:30 PM ~ Mass
Calloway Value Cards on sale
St. Mary’s School is having a value card fundraiser.
The Calloway Value Card lists 13 local businesses
who have offered to contribute to our school
through this program. The card will be valid for
one year, and can be used as often as you like.
Cards will be available for sale in the school office during school hours, 273-5555.
Movie Night!
The Palmdale Knights of Columbus, Council 4229,
is pleased to present Family Movie Night!
When: Friday May 21st at 7:00 PM
Where: KofC Hall 39110 10th Street East, Palmdale
Donation: Only $5.00 Per Family!
This month’s movie will be “Finding Nemo”
All Proceeds to Benefit the Antelope Valley Respect Life Committee & Pregnancy Counseling Center
Popcorn, Hot Dogs, Candy, Soda, & Bottled Water will be available!
What’s Happening
Mount Carmel in the Desert
Retreat Center
39501 180th St. East, Lake Los Angeles
264-5959, 264-2811
[email protected]
Monday, May 24, 7:00 PM
Victor Claveau: Speaker will answer questions and offer insights
on your faith
Summer Camp for Boys and Girls 1st-8th Grade
June 21-July 2: Science, Music & Games, Religion, Arts &
Crafts, $10 per day, $5 for each sibling. Call to Register
Where the human spirit fails,
the Holy Spirit fills.
Class Held in English
For those preparing for marriage for this year, a marriage class
is available here at St. Mary’s on July 24th, 2004. To register,
please call the Parish Office, 947-3306.
At Sacred Heart Kesterson Center, on Date Ave, Lancaster
“How the Devil influences us through music, TV, films, internet and cruises”. June 3rd, 7:30 PM. For more info, call Diane
at 948-9671.
Child Poverty Continues to Grow
As Catholics we are called to focus our attention on poverty in
the United States. In a land where many enjoy a comfortable
lifestyle, nearly 35 million Americans live below the government-defined poverty level, an increase of 1.7 million from the
previous year. One out of every six children in America lives in
poverty and one out of every ten families can not make ends
meet. To find out how you can help, visit www.povertyusa,org
or call the Office of Justice and Peace at the Archdiocese of LA
at 213-637-7550.
Attention High School Teens
Youth Group meets weekly after the 5:30 PM Sunday Mass.
Come build up your community! Bring your friends!
Upcoming Events: (call 435-5858 for more info)
Guy’s Night, Sat. May 22, 5:30 –9PM (Conference Center)
~ hang out with video games, sports, and food. Guys only!
Magic Mountain, Sun. June 6 ~ day trip, cost is $21.50
Beach Day (San Fernando Region: June 19, LA Archdiocese:
June 26) ~ Mass on the beach, food, sports, and fun in the sun,
sand and water!
Led By Fr. Carlo
A pilgrimage led by Fr. Carlo, former associate priest from St.
Mary’s, is now forming. Pilgrimage will go to the holy shrines
like Fatima, Avila, Lourdes, Lisieux, etc.– from August 2nd to
the 15th. Seats must be booked by May 30th. For details contact
Fr. Carlo at 626-330-2269, # 222 or email him at:
[email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul will be closing on
May 26, 2004. Thank you for your
support in the past. Please take donations of furniture and appliances elsewhere, we can’t receive any more.
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Sixth Sunday of Easter
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
May 16, 2004
lans for the construction of our new Parish Church and
Parish Hall are moving ahead. The Planning Commission of the City of Palmdale has granted our Conditional Use Permit allowing us to build the new Church
and Parish Hall at St. Mary’s. Allied Irish Bank is providing a
line of credit for $11 million to cover the cost of our parish project. The Archdiocese has approved our choice of Matt Construction of Santa Fe Springs as the general contractor. This
Company has just finished building a Parish Center and an Education Center at St. Bede’s in La Canada and has completed
many other projects for the Archdiocese and other organizations in the Southland. Construction will begin on the parking
lot and the new Church right after school closes for the summer
on June 17th . The Church will take about a year to build and the
whole project should be completed by Christmas, 2005. Plans
and a model of our new buildings will be found near the Baptismal font in Church.
Many thanks to all who have made a Commitment to our Capital Campaign, “A Time to Build”. We ask each family and
each parishioner to pray and decide on a three year pledge
(which will be paid off monthly) to help meet our Campaign
goal of $3 million at this time. A down payment is not necessary. Join our Pastor and over 800 other parish families and
parishioners who have already made a commitment to help
build our new Church and Parish Hall. With your generous sacrifice in a three year pledge we will meet our Campaign goal of
$3 million. It is “A Time to Build”.
os planes para la construcción de nuestra nueva Iglesia
siguen adelante. La Comisión de Planeamiento de la Ciudad de Palmdale ha concedido el permiso de Uso Condicional, para construir la Iglesia nueva y el Salón Parroquial en Santa María. Irish Bank nos facilitará una línea de Crédito por $11 millones de dólares, para poder cubrir el costo de nuestro proyecto parroquial. La Arquidiócesis ha aprobado nuestra
decisión de elegir a Matt Construction, de Santa Fe Springs como
contratista general. Esta compania ha terminado de construir un
Centro Parroquial y Educacional en San Beda en la Cañada y ha
completado muchos otros proyectos para la Arquidiócesis y otras
organizaciones en el sur del país. La construcción en nuestra Parroquia comenzará con el estacionamiento de la Iglesia nueva,
inmediatamente después que terminen las clases y la escuela Santa
María cierre por el verano en 17 de junio. La construcción de la
Iglesia tardará un año más o menos y el proyecto total, será terminado para la Navidad del año 2005. Los planos y el modelo los
pueden ver en la Iglesia, cerca del Baptisterio.
Muchas gracias a todos los que ya hicieron su compromiso con
nuestra campaña capital: “Es Hora de Construir”. Pedimos a cada
familia y cada persona que ore y haga su compromiso el cual será
pagado mensualmente para ayudar a alcanzar la meta de nuestra
campaña en esta etapa, que es de $3 millones. No es necesario dar
un adelanto. A nuestro Pastor y las más de 800 familias de la Parroquia que ya se han comprometido, para ayudar a construir
nuestra Iglesia y salón Parroquial nuevos. Con su generoso sacrificio en un compromiso a tres años, podremos alcanzar la meta de
nuestra campaña de $3 millones. “Es Hora de Construir”.
“A Time to Build” Campaign Pledge Payments
In order to avoid confusion between your regular offertory donation and your payments to the “A Time to Build” Campaign,
please DO NOT include both your offertory and your pledge checks in the same envelope in the weekly collection. Please use
the envelope provided in your statement for the campaign, or if you use a plain envelope be sure to mark it CAPITAL CAMPAIGN. If you have not made a pledge, you may use the pledge card below and return it to the office or the offertory basket.
Thank you!
Estado ZIP
Numero de Telefono
Phone Number: (
Sus cheques a nombre de:
Please make checks payable to:
Saint Mary’s Parish
Mi/nuestra promesa a esta Campaña es:
I/We pledge to the Campaign as follows:
Y/Nosotros prefirimos pagar el debo:
I/We prefer to pay the balance as follows:
? Monthly/Mensualmente
? Quarterly/Trimestralmente
? Semi-annually/Semi-Anualmente
? Annually/Anualmente
Durante un periodo de:
Over a period of:
? 1 year/un año
? 2 years/2 años
? 3 years/3 años
? other period/otro periodo:
For Office Use Only :
Check ? #