Web - Step Into Health


Web - Step Into Health
Step Into Health
User Guide
Version 0.2
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................1
1.1 About this User Guide ................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose of this Document...........................................................................................................1
2 STEP INTO HEALTH .......................................................................................................................2
2.1 Accessing Step Into Health .........................................................................................................2
2.2 Change Your Language ..............................................................................................................5
2.3 Registration ...............................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 Account Information ...........................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Profile Details .....................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Notifications .......................................................................................................................8
2.4 Sign In ......................................................................................................................................8
2.5 Reset Password .........................................................................................................................9
2.6 Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.7 Session Expiry ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Sign Out .................................................................................................................................. 10
3 USER PROFILE ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Edit Account ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Privacy Settings ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Earned Badge .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 BMI ......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 My Buddies .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 Add a Buddy .................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 View Buddy Information ................................................................................................... 19
3.5.3 Delete a Buddy ................................................................................................................. 20
3.5.4 Change View .................................................................................................................... 21
3.6 My Clubs ................................................................................................................................. 21
3.6.1 Add New Member ............................................................................................................. 22
3.6.2 Request New Clubs ........................................................................................................... 24
3.6.3 Leave Club ....................................................................................................................... 24
3.6.4 Change View .................................................................................................................... 25
4 NOTIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 26
5 DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................ 27
Activities.................................................................................................................................. 29
Food ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Water ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Calories ................................................................................................................................... 32
Sleep....................................................................................................................................... 32
Weight .................................................................................................................................... 33
Top Walkers ............................................................................................................................ 34
6 LOG ............................................................................................................................................ 35
6.1 Activities.................................................................................................................................. 35
6.1.1 Recent and Favorites Tabs ................................................................................................ 36
6.1.2 Select a Date.................................................................................................................... 37
Table of Contents
6.1.3 Search for an Activity ........................................................................................................ 38
6.1.4 Add Activity ...................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.5 Edit Activity ...................................................................................................................... 40
6.1.6 Top Buddies by Calories .................................................................................................... 41
6.1.7 Top Walkers and Clubs ..................................................................................................... 42
6.1.8 Activity Graphs ................................................................................................................. 46
6.2 Food ....................................................................................................................................... 49
6.2.1 Recent and Favorites Tabs ................................................................................................ 50
6.2.2 Select a Date.................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.3 Search for a Food Item ..................................................................................................... 52
6.2.4 Add Food Item ................................................................................................................. 52
6.2.5 Edit Food Item Record ...................................................................................................... 54
6.2.6 Top Buddies by Calories .................................................................................................... 55
6.2.7 Graphs - Calories Consumed ............................................................................................. 56
6.3 Body Weight ............................................................................................................................ 58
6.3.1 Select a Date.................................................................................................................... 59
6.3.2 Add Body Weight Details ................................................................................................... 60
6.3.3 Edit Body Weight Details ................................................................................................... 61
6.3.4 BMI ................................................................................................................................. 62
6.3.5 Graphs - Body Weight Details ............................................................................................ 63
6.4 Sleep....................................................................................................................................... 64
6.4.1 Select a Date.................................................................................................................... 65
6.4.2 Add Sleep Details ............................................................................................................. 66
6.4.3 Edit Sleep Details ............................................................................................................. 67
6.4.4 Top Buddies by Sleep ....................................................................................................... 68
6.4.5 Graphs - Sleep Details ...................................................................................................... 69
6.5 Water ...................................................................................................................................... 70
6.5.1 Select a Date.................................................................................................................... 71
6.5.2 Add Water Intake ............................................................................................................. 72
6.5.3 Edit Water Intake Details .................................................................................................. 73
6.5.4 Top Buddies by Water ...................................................................................................... 74
6.5.5 Graphs - Water Intake ...................................................................................................... 75
7 REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................... 77
7.1 Health Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 77
7.1.1 Health Calendar................................................................................................................ 78
7.1.2 Top Walkers ..................................................................................................................... 82
7.1.3 Top Clubs ........................................................................................................................ 82
7.1.4 BMI Calculator .................................................................................................................. 83
7.2 Statistics.................................................................................................................................. 84
8 SOCIAL ........................................................................................................................................ 89
8.1 My Clubs ................................................................................................................................. 89
8.2 My Buddies .............................................................................................................................. 94
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Before you begin using ASPIRE's Step Into Health web application, take time to read this guide to
understand the different features and their functionalities. This will help you to make the best use of the
About this User Guide
This Step Into HealthUser Guide details the process involved in registering as a user and how to use
the different features of the web application. This document will also assist you to track your health
record using the application.
Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this document is to provide usability instructions to the users of the Step Into Health
web application. Use this guide to quickly look up information, find out what you need to know, and
proceed accordingly. Use the detailed table of contents at the beginning of the guide to find information
2 Step Into Health
Step Into Health is an Aspire Zone Foundation's initiative designed to engage the people of Qatar in a
self-managed lifelong program based on a modest amount of daily healthy activity. The aim of the
program is to encourage you to walk extra steps a day in a non-competitive, recreational and social way.
Throughout the program, you will be assisted by a personal pedometer and uninterrupted online support.
Accessing Step Into Health
To access the Step Into Health web application click Start All Programs Internet Explorer. The
Microsoft Internet Explorer webpage displays. In the Address field, enter the Step Into Health
website address, http://www.stepintohealth.qa. Press Enter. The Home page appears.
Change Your Language
The Step Into Health web application provides you with an option to toggle the web application language
between English and Arabic. By default, the language is English.
To toggle the web application language, click the link provided to the Arabic on the top right corner and
English on the top left corner, respectively, of any page. The web page refreshes and appears in the
language selected.
The registration process is mandatory for first time users to create sign in credentials as this will allow
users to access the Step Into Health web application. The application requires personal details as part of
Account Information, height, actual weight, gender, date of birth, target weight and frame size details
as part of Profile Details to register as an authenticated member.
To initiate the registration process:
1. Click the Register button from the top menu of the Home page. The Account Setup page
Note: All the fields marked with * are mandatory.
2.3.1 Account Information
2. Enter a valid numeric value in the Qatari ID box.
Note: Field information appears in a tool tip on mouse hover over the
3. Select an appropriate option, Pedometer Device or Smart Phone Application, against How
do you prefer to calculate your steps? field.
4. Select an appropriate option from the Nationality dropdown list. The flag image of the selected
nation will appear against the dropdown list.
5. Enter a required name in the Display Name box.
6. Select an appropriate title from the Full Name dropdown list.
7. Enter a complete name in the box, against the Full Name field.
8. Enter an appropriate name in the User Name box.
Note: The User Name must contain English characters and Digits only; and the total length
must be between 4 and 16, starting with a character.
9. Enter an appropriate value in the Password box.
Note: The total length of the Password must be between 6 and 12 characters.
10. Re-enter your password in the Confirm Password box.
11. Enter an email address in the Email box.
12. Re-enter the email address in the Confirm Email box.
13. Enter a value in the Registration Code (if available) box.
14. Enter a valid 8-digit value in the Mobile Number box.
15. Select an appropriate language option, against the Preferred Language field.
Note: After logging in, the Step Into Health web application appears in the language option
selected during the registration process. However, you can toggle between the languages by
clicking the link provided to the Arabic on the top right corner and English on the top left
corner, respectively, of any page. The web page refreshes and appears in the language selected.
16. Select the Email and/or SMS check box(es) as required, below the How do you prefer to
receive notifications? field.
Note: Select the check box against SMS field if you would like to receive notifications through
SMS. By default, the check box against Email field is selected.
2.3.2 Profile Details
17. Enter a valid numeric value (in centimeters) in the Height box.
18. Enter a valid numeric value (in kilograms) in the Actual Weight box.
19. Select an appropriate option, Male or Female, against the Gender field.
20. Select suitable options for Day, Month and Year from the dropdown lists, against the Date of
Birth field.
21. Click an image to select a suitable Frame Size field. Medium is the frame size, by default.
22. Enter a valid numeric value (in kilograms) in the Target Weight box.
23. Click the Browse button below the image placeholder. The File Upload popup dialog box
24. Select an appropriate file to upload.
25. Click the Open button. The image appears in the placeholder, and the selected file name
appears against the Browse button.
2.3.3 Notifications
26. Use the scroll bar to read the text mentioned in the Disclaimer box.
27. Select the check box to confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and
conditions text mentioned in the Disclaimer.
28. Click the Cancel button to terminate the registration process. The Home page appears.
29. Click the Submit button to complete the registration process.
Sign In
Using an internet browser you can easily sign-in to the Step Into Health web application.
To sign-in to the web application:
1. Click Start All Programs Internet Explorer. The Microsoft Internet Explorer webpage
2. In the Address field, enter the Step Into Health website address,
http://www.stepintohealth.qa. Press Enter. The Home page appears.
3. Click the Sign In button. The Login popup box appears.
4. On the Login popup box, enter your user name in the User Name box and your password in
the Password box. The User Name and Password fields are mandatory.
5. Select the check box Remember me, if required.
6. Click the Sign In button. After you have successfully logged on the Dashboard page appears.
Reset Password
Without entering a password, you will not be able to access the Step Into Health web application. If you
have entered a wrong username or password, the system displays the Username/Password is
incorrect message.
In case you have forgotten your password, the option to retrieve is through the Reset Password
feature provided on the Login popup box of the Home page.
To retrieve the password:
1. Click the Reset Password link on the Login popup box to display the Reset Password popup
2. Enter the same email address, provided while registering, in the box.
3. Click the Submit button.
The message, An email has been sent to you to change your password appears if the email
address matches with the email address used while registering.
A very important aspect of an application is navigation. Navigation means moving across the application
modules and pages. Some of the features that facilitate smooth navigation across the application include:
On any page, pressing the Enter key will act on the default button.
In pages, you can move from a field to next field by pressing the Tab key.
In pages, you can move from a field to previous field by pressing the Tab key along with SHIFT key.
Click a main menu item with the mouse pointer to display a list of sub-menu items.
WARNING: Do not to use the Back button on the browser as it may not return to the previous page.
Session Expiry
The Step Into Health web application provides uninterrupted services to its users. However, subsequent
to signing in, if the user keeps the application idle for 20 minutes, the application redirects the user to
the Sign In page. Enter the Username and Password to sign in again. If the user is entering any
information in any page and the session expires, the information entered will be lost.
Sign Out
After using the Step Into Health web application, or at any point of time, you can logout of the
To logout of the Step Into Health web application:
1. Click the Sign Out link, below the logged in user name displayed on the top right corner of the
header of any page, to end the session. The Home page appears.
3 User Profile
The Step Into Health web application displays the member profile details. The profile section allows you
to view the details, edit the profile, configure the privacy settings and manage buddies and clubs.
To access the user profile:
1. Click the signed in user name link appearing next to the notifications
the header. The My Profile page appears.
icon on the right side of
The My Profile page displays the basic details of the member. The dashboard of the My Profile page
displays the number of steps walked, calories burned, water consumption, weight loss and number of
hours slept.
It also displays the My Buddies and My Clubs sections apart from the activity details of the member.
Edit Account
The Step Into Health web application allows you to edit the profile details as required. You can edit all
the details except the Qatar ID and User Name.
To access the member profile page:
1. Click the Edit Account & Privacy Settings button on the My Profile page. The Account
Information page appears.
2. Make necessary changes to the details in the Account Information section.
Note: Refer to section 2.3.1 of this document for complete details about entering the data in
the Account Information section.
3. Make necessary changes to the details in the Profile Details section.
Note: Refer to section 2.3.2 of this document for complete details about entering data in the
Profile Details section.
4. Click the Cancel button to cancel the changes made. A confirmation message appears. Click the
Cancel button to stay on the same page. Click the OK button to cancel the changes made. The
My Profile page appears.
5. Click the Update Account Info button to complete the editing process. A message, Member
profile saved successfully! appears. Click the OK button. The Dashboard page appears.
Privacy Settings
The Privacy Settings section allows you to configure the settings of Account Information, Profile
Details, Dashboard and Contact Details.
To configure the privacy settings:
1. Click the User Profile link  Edit Account & Privacy Settings button  Privacy Settings
tab. The Change Your Privacy Settings page appears.
2. Select the appropriate option from the Nationality dropdown list.
3. Select the appropriate option from the Name dropdown list.
4. Select the appropriate option from the Display Name dropdown list.
5. Click the expand
button against the Profile Details.
The Account Information section collapses and the Profile Details section appears.
6. Select the appropriate option from the Display Picture dropdown list.
7. Select the appropriate option from the Height dropdown list.
8. Select the appropriate option from the Weight dropdown list.
9. Select the appropriate option from the Gender dropdown list.
10. Select the appropriate option from the Age dropdown list.
11. Select the appropriate option from the Date of Birth dropdown list.
12. Select the appropriate option from the Activity Level dropdown list.
13. Select the appropriate option from the Frame Size dropdown list.
14. Click the expand
button against the Dashboard.
The Profile Details section collapses and the Dashboard section appears.
15. Select the appropriate option from the Activity dropdown list.
16. Select the appropriate option from the Food dropdown list.
17. Select the appropriate option from the Weight dropdown list.
18. Select the appropriate option from the Water dropdown list.
19. Select the appropriate option from the Sleep dropdown list.
20. Select the appropriate option from the Calories In Vs Out dropdown list.
21. Select the appropriate option from the BMI dropdown list.
22. Select the appropriate option from the Badge dropdown list.
23. Click the expand
button against the Contact Details.
The Dashboard section collapses and the Contact Details section appears.
24. Select the appropriate option from the Mobile Number dropdown list.
25. Click the Save Privacy Settings button. A message Your privacy settings has been saved
appears confirming the change.
Earned Badge
The Earned Badge section appears on the left side of the Dashboard page. This section displays an
image of a specific place or location for each level. Each image represents the visualized, approximate
distance (in kilometres) covered from the Aspire Zone by walking certain number of steps.
For the purpose of visualizing the distance covered, the number of steps is categorized into different
levels. Each level is identified by the place or the location it is associated. Once a member enters into a
new level, that member's badges changes.
Currently, there are ten (10) levels covered by the Step Into Health web application.
The BMI section of the My Profile page allows you to view and keep track of your Body Mass Index
(BMI) based data. The BMI section indicates you with Underweight, Healthy, Over weight and Obese
categories. The BMI section helps you to check how much weight (in kilograms) you need to lose to be
classed as healthy.
My Buddies
The Step Into Health web application displays the buddies that you have added. You can view the
progress of the members in your My Buddies list. You can search and add new buddies as well as
remove buddies from your list.
To access the My Buddies section:
1. Click the signed in user name link appearing next to the notifications
icon on the right side of
the header. The My Profile page appears. On the right side of the page, the My Buddies
section appears.
The My Buddies section displays image, name and steps walked by each of the existing buddies. You
can view the dashboard of your existing buddies.
3.5.1 Add a Buddy
To add a new buddy:
2. Click the Add New Buddies
popup appears.
icon from the My Buddies section. The New Buddies Search
3. Enter the email ID or name of the buddy in the Buddy's Email / Name box.
Note: Your buddy should be registered on Step-Into-Health website. You can also enter the first
three letters of the name.
4. Click the Search button. A message appears if there are no members with that name or email
address. The details appear if a member exists with that name or email address.
Note: If there are more records, you can navigate using the navigation icons provided at the
bottom right corner of the popup.
5. Enter appropriate text in the box below the Search button.
6. Click the Add Buddy button. A message, Buddy request has been sent successfully,
appears. Once the buddy accepts your request, the buddy details get updated in the My Buddies
3.5.2 View Buddy Information
To view buddy information:
7. Click the link provided to the name of your buddy in the My Buddies section on the My Profile
page. The Dashboard of your buddy appears.
3.5.3 Delete a Buddy
To delete a buddy:
1. Click the Delete
icon against the buddy name from the My Buddies section on the My
Profile page. A message appears.
2. Click the No button to terminate the deleting process.
3. Click the Yes button to delete the buddy.
3.5.4 Change View
The buddies can be sorted alphabetic, top walker, ascending and descending order wise.
To change buddy view:
1. Click the Change View
icon from the My Buddies section on the My Profile page. The
Change Buddies View popup appears.
2. Select an option from the Sort By dropdown list.
3. Select an option from the Direction dropdown list.
4. Click the Apply button. The selected buddy view appears in the My Buddies section.
My Clubs
The Step Into Health web application displays the list of clubs that you have joined.
To access the My Clubs section:
1. Click the signed in user name link appearing next to the notifications
icon on the right side of
the header. The My Profile page appears. On the right side of the page, the My Clubs section
The My Clubs section displays member image, name and steps walked by the member. You can view
the dashboard of the members in the club by clicking on the club member name link.
3.6.1 Add New Member
You can add a new member to the club using the member name or email address.
To add a new member:
1. Click the Add New Member
icon from the My Clubs section on the My Profile page. The
New Members Search popup appears.
2. Enter the email ID or name of the member in the Member's Email / Name box.
Note: The member should be registered on Step-Into-Health website. You can also enter the
first three letters of the name.
3. Click the Search button. A message appears if there are no members with that name or email
address. The details appear if a member exists with that name or email address.
Note: If there are more records, you can navigate using the navigation icons provided at the
bottom right corner of the popup.
4. Enter appropriate text in the box below the Search button.
5. Click the Invite Member button. A message, Request to join club has been sent
successfully appears. Once the member accepts your request, the member details get updated
in the My Clubs section.
3.6.2 Request New Clubs
To add a new club:
1. Click the Request New Clubs
icon from the My Clubs section on the My Profile page. The
New Club Request Details popup appears.
2. Enter the appropriate text in the Club Name box.
3. Enter the appropriate text in the Request Message box.
4. Click the Submit button. A message appears confirming the request.
3.6.3 Leave Club
To leave a club:
1. Click the Leave Club
Club popup appears.
icon from the My Clubs section on the My Profile page. The Leave
2. Click the No button to terminate the deleting process.
3. Click the Yes button to delete your name from the club list.
3.6.4 Change View
The club can be sorted alphabetic, top walker, ascending and descending order wise.
To change buddy view:
4. Click the Change View
icon from the My Buddies section on the My Profile page. The
Change Buddies View popup appears.
5. Select an option from the Sort By dropdown list.
6. Select an option from the Direction dropdown list.
7. Click the Apply button. The selected buddy view appears in the My Buddies section.
4 Notifications
The Step Into Health web application displays the notifications that you have received, in the header. You
can view the notifications, accept or confirm the notifications, decline or cancel the notifications.
To access the notifications:
1. Click the notifications
icon on the right side of the header. The notifications popup appears
with list of all the notifications received.
2. Click the Accept button to accept the buddy request. A notification is sent to the buddy that you
have accepted the request.
3. Click the Reject button to decline the buddy request. A notification is sent to the buddy that you
have rejected the request.
5 Dashboard
By default, the Dashboard page appears once you have successfully accessed the Step Into Health web
application, using your valid login credentials.
The Dashboard page provides access to the following:
Top Walkers
The left side section of the dashboard page displays the signed in user Picture, Name, Membership
Duration, Gender, Nationality, Age, Height, Weight, Earned Badge and Recommended Locations to Walk
Note: Refer section 3.3 for details on Earned Badge.
The Activities section of the Dashboard displays the Steps, Activities and Distance achieved against a set
The flag
icon on each of the Steps, Activities and Distance scales indicates the recommended values.
Further information appears in a tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Activities section of the Dashboard allows you to set your activity target.
To set your activity target:
1. Click the Settings button from the Activity section. The Steps popup appears.
2. Enter a new target in the Set New Target box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Set New Target box, to specify the required new target.
3. Click the close button to terminate the activity target editing process.
4. Click the Save button to complete the activity target editing process.
The Activities section of the Dashboard allows you to log your activity details against the set target.
To log the activity details against the set target:
5. Click the Log button on the Activity section. The Log menu  Activities sub menu page
Note: Refer section 6.1 for complete details.
The Food section of the Dashboard displays the calories consumed against a set target.
The flag
icon on the Calories scale indicates the recommended value. Further information appears in
a tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Food section of the Dashboard allows you to log your calories consumed details against the set
To log the calories consumed details against the set target:
6. Click the Log button. The Log menu  Food sub menu page appears.
Note: Refer section 6.2 for complete details.
The Water section of the Dashboard displays the water consumed by you against a set target.
The flag
icon on the quantity of water consumed scale indicates the recommended value. Further
information appears in a tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Water section of the Dashboard allows you to set your water consumed target.
To set your water consumed target:
1. Click the Settings button from the Water section. The Water popup appears.
The Step Into Health web application calculates and displays the number of litres of water you should
ideally consume based on the data captured in the application.
2. Enter a new target in the Set New Target box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Set New Target box, to specify the required new target.
3. Click the close button to terminate the water consumed target editing process.
4. Click the Save button to complete the water consumed target editing process.
The Water section of the Dashboard allows you to log your water consumed details against the set
To log the water consumed details against the set target:
5. Click the Log button. The Log menu  Water sub menu page appears.
Note: Refer section 6.5 for complete details.
The Calories section of the Dashboard displays the calories consumed against a set target.
The flag
icon on the Calories scale indicates the recommended value. Further information appears in
a tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Calories section of the Dashboard displays the calories consumed against calories burnt by you in the
process of indulging in activity and consuming food.
The Sleep section of the Dashboard displays the number of hours you have slept against a set target.
The flag
icon on the hours scale indicates the recommended value. Further information appears in a
tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Sleep section of the Dashboard allows you to set number of hours you are planning to sleep, as
To set number of hours you are planning to sleep, as target:
1. Click the Settings button from the Sleep section. The Sleep popup appears.
The Step Into Health web application calculates and displays the number of hours you should ideally
sleep based on the data captured in the application.
2. Enter a new target in the Set New Target box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Set New Target box, to specify the required new target.
3. Click the close button to terminate the sleep hours target editing process.
4. Click the Save button to complete the sleep hours target editing process.
The Sleep section of the Dashboard allows you to log the number of hours you have slept against the set
To log the number of hours against the set target:
5. Click the Log button. The Log menu  Sleep sub menu page appears.
Note: Refer section 6.4 for complete details.
The Weight section of the Dashboard displays the current body weight against a set target.
The flag
icon on the kilograms scale indicates the recommended value. Further information appears in
a tool tip on mouse hover over the flag
The Weight section of the Dashboard allows you to set your body weight target.
To set your body weight target:
1. Click the Settings button from the Target Weight section. The Body Weight popup appears.
The Step Into Health web application calculates and displays the number of kilograms of body weight you
should ideally maintain based on the data captured in the application.
2. Enter a new target in the Please save New Target box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Please save New Target box, to specify the required new target.
3. Click the close button to terminate the target editing process.
4. Click the Save button to complete the target editing process.
The Weight section of the Dashboard allows you to log your body weight details against the set target.
To log the body weight details against the set target:
5. Click the Log button. The Log menu  Body Weight sub menu page appears.
Note: Refer section 6.3 for complete details.
Top Walkers
The Top Walkers pane of the Health Calendar page displays the top 5 walkers of the day or week or
month or year. The Top Walkers list is displayed in a table. By default, the top walkers of the Day are
displayed and user needs to select weekly, monthly and yearly.
To view the top walkers of different periods:
1. Select the Month option. The top walkers of the month are listed in the pane.
2. Select the Year option. The top walkers of the year are listed in the pane.
Note: The list of top 5 walkers is updated once every four hours.
6 Log
The Step Into Health web application allows you to capture the details of your activity, consumption of
food, changes in body weight, total number of hours slept and consumption of water. Based on these
details the application calculates the calories intake, calories burnt and overall impact on the body weight.
The application also considers the healthiness based on the number of hours slept and consumption of
water. All such details are displayed on the dashboard page.
The Step Into Health web application displays the Activities page, which allows you to capture your
activity details and view the previous activity details. The Activities page also provides a graphical view of
the activity details.
To access activities page:
1. Click the Log from the top menu. The application displays the Activities page, by default.
6.1.1 Recent and Favorites Tabs
The Activities page displays the recently accessed activities list on the Recent tab and the favorite
activities on the Favorites tab, in a separate section on the right side of the page. On clicking an activity
on the Recent tab, the fields to capture that activity related details appear on the page.
An activity can be marked as favorite by clicking the Favorite
icon against the record in the Activity
History section on the Activities page. Alternatively, by hovering mouse pointer over an activity on the
Recent tab, the Favorite
icon appears. By clicking on the Favorite icon, the activity can be marked as
favorite. All such favorite activities appear on the Favorites tab.
The Favorites tab allows you to delete a favorite activity by clicking the Delete
activity on the Favorites tab.
icon against that
6.1.2 Select a Date
By default, the application displays Today on the current page. However, you can select a previous date
using the date selecting feature.
To select a previous date:
1. Click the calendar
icon. The date picker appears.
2. Select a required previous date. The selected date appears on the page.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the Yesterday's Achievement
and Tomorrow's
icons to select a previous date.
6.1.3 Search for an Activity
To search for an activity:
1. Select an appropriate category option from the All dropdown list.
2. Select an appropriate sub-category option from the All dropdown list.
3. Click the search icon. The matching search results appear in a list box.
Note: Alternatively, you can also search for a specific activity by entering the name of the
activity in the search box.
4. Click a required activity from the search results list box. The fields to capture the activity related
details appear.
6.1.4 Add Activity
To add activity details:
1. Enter the activity commenced time in the Start Time box.
2. Click the AM or PM.
3. Enter the activity duration in the Duration box.
Note: You can also select a pre-set duration by clicking the required duration button.
The application calculates the MET and displays the same in the MET box.
4. Select the intensity of the activity from the Intensity dropdown list.
The application calculates the calories burnt and displays the same in the Calories box. However, the
application also allows you to manually capture the calories details.
5. Enter the calories burnt in Calories box. The calorie capture mode changes to Manual.
6. Click the Cancel button to terminate the process of adding an activity details.
7. Click the Add button to save the activity details.
A message, Activity saved successfully, appears and the recently added activity details appear under
Activity History section. The total calories are updated in the Calories box of the Activity History
The Activity History section displays the activity details in a table grid. The table consists of Date, Activity,
Duration, Intensity, Calories and Options columns. The Options column has favorite, edit, share and
delete icons against each record.
6.1.5 Edit Activity
To edit an activity record:
1. Click the edit
icon against a required activity record. The fields to update the activity related
details appear.
Note: Alternatively, you can also access the Activity Log page by clicking the Log button from
the Dashboard.
2. Make necessary changes to the details.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the editing process.
4. Click the Update button to complete the editing process. A message, Activity updated
successfully appears.
6.1.6 Top Buddies by Calories
The Activity Log page displays top buddies by calories in a separate section on the right side of the
Activities page.
The list of top buddies by calories is displayed in a table grid. The table consists of image and name of
the buddy along with calorie count.
6.1.7 Top Walkers and Clubs
The Activity Log page displays top walkers and clubs in a separate section on the right side of the
Activities page.
The Activity Log page displays Top Walkers as the default option. The Activity Log page displays the top
walkers of the last one week, month and year. The list of top walkers of the week is displayed by default.
1. Click the week button. The list of top walkers for the last one week appears.
The list displays the picture and name of each member along with the average steps of the selected
duration. You can view the dashboard of the member by clicking the link provided to the name of the
2. Click the month button. The list of top walkers for the last one month appears.
3. Click the year button. The list of top walkers for the last one year appears.
4. Select the Top Clubs option from the dropdown list. The list of top clubs for the last one week
The list displays the name of each club along with the average steps of all the members of that club.
5. Click the month button. The list of top clubs for the last one month appears.
6. Click the year button. The list of top clubs for the last one year appears.
6.1.8 Activity Graphs
The Activity Log page displays graphical representation of the calories burnt for current day, week, month
and year. It also displays the Steps, Calories and Distance of the current date activity. By default, the
current date activity appears.
To view the graphical representation of the activity:
1. Click the Day button. The graphical representation of the activity for current date appears. By
default, the Calories option appears selected.
2. Click the Steps button. The steps details appear.
3. Click the Distance button. The distance details appear.
4. Click the Week button. The graphical representation of the activity for current week appears.
5. Click the Month button. The graphical representation of the activity for current month appears.
6. Click the Year button. The graphical representation of the activity for current year appears.
The Food page of the Step Into Health web application allows you to capture your food details and view
the previous date's food details. The Food page also provides a graphical view of the calories consumed
To add food details:
1. Click the Log from the top menu. The application displays the Activities page, by default.
2. Click the Food sub menu. The Food page appears.
6.2.1 Recent and Favorites Tabs
The Food page displays the recently accessed food items list on the Recent tab and the favorite food
items on the Favorite tab, in a separate section on the right side of the Food page. On clicking a food
item on the Recent tab, the fields to capture that food item related details appear on the page.
A food item can be marked as favorite by clicking the favorite
icon against the record in the Food
Consumed section or in the Recent tab. All such favorite food items appear on the Favorites tab. The
Favorites tab allows you to delete a favorite food item by clicking the delete
icon against that food
item on the Favorites tab.
6.2.2 Select a Date
By default, the application displays Today on the current page. However, you can select a previous date
using the date selecting feature.
To select a previous date:
1. Click the calendar
icon. The date picker appears.
2. Select a required previous date. The selected date appears on the page.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the Yesterday's Achievement
and Tomorrow's
icons to select a previous date.
6.2.3 Search for a Food Item
To search for a food item:
1. Select an appropriate category option from the All dropdown list.
2. Select an appropriate sub-category option from the All dropdown list.
3. Click the search icon. The matching search results appear in a list box.
Note: Alternatively, you can also search for a specific food item by entering the name of the
food item in the search box.
4. Click a required food item from the search results list box. The fields to capture the food item
related details appear.
6.2.4 Add Food Item
To add a food item:
1. Enter the required quantity of the food item in the Serving Size box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Serving Size box, to specify the required quantity of the food item.
2. Select an appropriate serving unit option from the dropdown list.
The application calculates the calories and displays the same in the Calories box. It also provides the
Nutrition Facts in an information popup.
3. Click the information
icon in the Nutrition Facts box. The information popup appears.
4. Click an appropriate option against the Serving Time field.
5. Click the Cancel button to terminate the process of adding a food item.
6. Click the Add button to save the food item details.
A message, Saved successfully, appears and the recently added food item details appear under Food
Consumed section. The total calories are updated in the Calories box of the Food Consumed section.
The Food Consumed section displays the food item details in a table grid. The table consists of Time,
Name, Serving, Type, Serving Time, Calories and Options columns. The Options column has favorites,
edit, share and delete icons against each record.
6.2.5 Edit Food Item Record
To edit a food item record:
1. Click the edit
icon against a required food item record. The fields to update the food item
related details appear.
Note: Alternatively, you can also access the Food Log page by clicking the Log button from the
2. Make necessary changes to the details.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the editing process.
4. Click the Update button to complete the editing process.
6.2.6 Top Buddies by Calories
The Food Log page displays top buddies by calories in a separate section on the right side of the Food
The list of top buddies by calories is displayed in a table grid. The table consists of image and name of
the buddy along with calorie count.
6.2.7 Graphs - Calories Consumed
The Food Log page displays graphical representation of the calories consumed for current day, week,
month and year. By default, the current day calories consumed appears.
To view the graphical representation:
1. Click the Day button. The graphical representation of the calories consumed for current day
2. Click the Week button. The graphical representation of the calories consumed for current week
3. Click the Month button. The graphical representation of the calories consumed for current month
4. Click the Year button. The graphical representation of the calories consumed for current year
Body Weight
The Body Weight page of the Step Into Health web application allows you to capture your body weight
details and view the previously captured details. The Body Weight page also provides a graphical view of
the body weight details.
To add body weight details:
1. Click the Log from the top menu. The application displays the Activities page, by default.
2. Click the Body Weight sub menu. The Body Weight page appears.
6.3.1 Select a Date
By default, the application displays Today on the current page. However, you can select a previous date
using the date selecting feature.
To select a previous date:
1. Click the calendar
icon. The date picker appears.
2. Select a required previous date. The selected date appears on the page.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the Yesterday's Achievement
and Tomorrow's
icons to select a previous date.
6.3.2 Add Body Weight Details
To add body weight details:
1. Enter the required numerical value in the Weight box.
2. Enter the required numerical value in the Body Fat box.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the process of adding body weight details.
4. Click the Add button to save the body weight details.
A message, Successfully added body weight, appears and the recently added food item details appear
under Weight History section.
The Weight History section displays the details in a table grid. The table consists of Date, Weight, Body
Fat and Options columns. The Options column has edit, share and delete icons against each record.
6.3.3 Edit Body Weight Details
To edit body weight details:
1. Click the edit
icon against a required record. The details appear in the fields to update.
Note: Alternatively, you can also access the Body Weight Log page by clicking the Log button
from the Dashboard.
2. Make necessary changes to the details.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the editing process.
4. Click the Update button to complete the editing process. A message, Record updated
successfully, appears.
6.3.4 BMI
The Body Weight Log page displays BMI scale applicable to you based on the inputs provided by you in a
separate section on the right side of the Body Weight page.
6.3.5 Graphs - Body Weight Details
The Body Weight Log page displays graphical representation of the Body Weight in Kgs for current week,
month and year. By default, the current week details appear.
To view the graphical representation:
1. Click the Week button. The graphical representation of the Body Weight in Kgs for current week
Also, to view actual vs. lean weight graph, click the Actual Vs Lean Weight button.
2. Click the Month button. The graphical representation of the Body Weight in kgs for current month
Also, to view actual vs. lean weight graph, click the Actual Vs Lean Weight button.
3. Click the Year button. The graphical representation of the Body Weight in kgs for current year
The Sleep page of the Step Into Health web application allows you to capture the number of hours slept
details and view the previously captured details. The Sleep page also provides a graphical view of the
number of hours slept details.
To add sleep details:
1. Click the Log from the top menu. The application displays the Activities page, by default.
2. Click the Sleep sub menu. The Sleep page appears.
6.4.1 Select a Date
By default, the application displays Today on the current page. However, you can select a previous date
using the date selecting feature.
To select a previous date:
1. Click the calendar
icon. The date picker appears.
2. Select a required previous date. The selected date appears on the page.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the Yesterday's Achievement
and Tomorrow's
icons to select a previous date.
6.4.2 Add Sleep Details
To add sleep details:
1. Click the Yesterday or Today against the Sleep Starts field.
2. Enter the start time of the sleep in the box.
3. Click the AM or PM against the Sleep Starts field.
4. Enter the end time of the sleep in the Sleep Ends box.
5. Click the AM or PM against the Sleep Ends field.
6. Click the Cancel button to terminate the process of adding sleep details.
7. Click the Add button to save the sleep details.
A message, Record Saved Successfully, appears and the recently added sleep details appear under Sleep
History section. The application calculates the number of hours slept and displays the same in the Hours
The Sleep History section displays the details in a table grid. The table consists of Date, Time, Duration
and Options columns. The Options column has edit, share and delete icons against each record.
6.4.3 Edit Sleep Details
To edit sleep details:
1. Click the edit
icon against a required record. The details appear in the fields to update.
Note: Alternatively, you can also access the Sleep Log page by clicking the Log button from the
2. Make necessary changes to the details.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the editing process.
4. Click the Update button to complete the editing process. A message, Sleep time updated
successfully appears.
6.4.4 Top Buddies by Sleep
The Sleep Log page displays top buddies by sleep in a separate section on the right side of the Sleep
The list of top buddies by sleep is displayed in a table grid. The table consists of image and name of the
buddy along with number of hours slept.
6.4.5 Graphs - Sleep Details
The Sleep Log page displays graphical representation of the number of hours slept for current day, week,
month and year. By default, the current day details appear.
To view the graphical representation:
1. Click the Day button. The graphical representation of the number of hours slept for current day
2. Click the Week button. The graphical representation of the number of hours slept for current
week appears.
3. Click the Month button. The graphical representation of the number of hours slept for current
month appears.
4. Click the Year button. The graphical representation of the number of hours slept for current year
The Water page of the Step Into Health web application allows you to capture your water intake details
and view the previous date's water intake details. The Water page also provides a graphical view of the
water intake details.
To add water intake details:
1. Click the Log from the top menu. The application displays the Activities page, by default.
2. Click the Water sub menu. The Water page appears.
6.5.1 Select a Date
By default, the application displays Today on the current page. However, you can select a previous date
using the date selecting feature.
To select a previous date:
1. Click the calendar
icon. The date picker appears.
2. Select a required previous date. The selected date appears on the page.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use the Yesterday's Achievement
and Tomorrow's
icons to select a previous date.
6.5.2 Add Water Intake
To add water intake details:
1. Enter the required quantity of the water intake in the Quantity box.
Note: Alternatively, you can use the increase or decrease button provided on either side of the
Quantity box, to specify the required quantity of the water intake.
2. Select an appropriate serving type option from the Serving Type dropdown list.
The application calculates the water intake and displays the same in the Consumed box.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the process of adding water intake details.
4. Click the Add button to save the water intake details.
A message, Record Saved Successfully, appears and the recently added water intake details appear under
Water Intake History section. The total quantity of water intake is updated in the box of the Water Intake
History section.
The Water Intake History section displays the water consumption details in a table grid. The table
consists of Date, Amount and Options columns. The Options column has edit, share and delete icons
against each record.
6.5.3 Edit Water Intake Details
To edit water consumption details record:
1. Click the edit
icon against a required record. The details appear in the fields to update.
Note: Alternatively, you can also access the Water Log page by clicking the Log button from the
2. Make necessary changes to the details.
3. Click the Cancel button to terminate the editing process.
4. Click the Update button to complete the editing process. A message, Record Updated
Successfully appears.
6.5.4 Top Buddies by Water
The Water Log page displays top buddies by water in a separate section on the right side of the Water
The list of top buddies by water is displayed in a table grid. The table consists of image and name of the
buddy along with water consumed quantity in ML.
6.5.5 Graphs - Water Intake
The Water Log page displays graphical representation of the water consumed for current day, week,
month and year. By default, the current day water consumed appears.
To view the graphical representation:
1. Click the Day button. The graphical representation of the water consumed for current day
2. Click the Week button. The graphical representation of the water consumed for current week
3. Click the Month button. The graphical representation of the water consumed for current month
4. Click the Year button. The graphical representation of the water consumed for current year
7 Reports
The Step Into Health web application allows you to view the details of your overall summary of the steps,
walking frequency analysis, pictorial representation of walking frequency analysis on the Dashboard
page; total aerobic steps, aerobic duration, distance, fat burn, calories, active days on the Progress Chart
page; and Weight, body mass index and per cent of body fat on the Body Tracker page.
Health Calendar
The Reports menu of the Step Into Health web application displays the Health Calendar page, by default.
The Health Calendar page has following panes:
Health Calendar
Top Walkers
Top Clubs
BMI Calculator
7.1.1 Health Calendar
The Health Calendar pane displays the data fed from your pedometer or synced from smartphone. This
data is depicted in picture form to help you to track and analyze the progress made in the Step Into
Health program. The Health Calendar pane also analyzes and displays the summary of the data, up to the
current date in each month.
By default, the Calendar view appears on the Health Calendar page. In this view, the data is presented in
typical calendar form.
The Step Into Health web application displays the data uploaded from your pedometer or synced from
smartphone. All such data is categorized based on the steps taken per day. Each category is identified by
a unique color. The categories include:
Dark Green spots
on the calendar indicate daily walking steps are above 1001 steps.
Light Green spots
on the calendar indicate daily walking steps are between 501 to 1000 steps.
Red spots
on the calendar indicate daily walking steps are between 0 to 500 steps.
Red colored
on the calendar indicates the weight and height ratio as recorded on a day.
You can perform the following tasks on the Health Calendar pane:
1. Click the button against Year and Month on the top of the Calendar view pane to display the
previous month's calendar view.
2. Click the button against Year and Month on the top of the Calendar view pane to display the
next month's calendar view.
3. Click the
button against Year and Month on the top of the Calendar view pane to display the
first month's calendar view.
4. Click the
button against Year and Month on the top of the Calendar view pane to display the
last month's calendar view.
5. Hover the mouse pointer on any colored spot to view the number of steps.
6. Click any colored spot to view the details in a popup box.
7. Click the close button of the popup box to close the popup box.
8. Click the body tracker icon
to view the details in a popup box.
9. Click the close button of the popup box to close the popup box.
10. Click the Histogram icon
and the Calendar view.
or the Calendar icon
to toggle between the Histogram view
11. The monthly summary, up to the current date, based on the data fed from your pedometer or
synced from smartphone is displayed under the Month-To-Date Statistics Summary section.
7.1.2 Top Walkers
The Top Walkers pane of the Health Calendar page displays the top walkers for the week or month or
year. The Top Walkers list is displayed in a table. By default, the top walkers for the Week are displayed.
To view the top walkers for different periods:
1. Select the Month option. The top walkers for the month are listed in the pane.
2. Select the Year option. The top walkers for the year are listed in the pane.
Note: The list of top walkers is updated once every four hours.
7.1.3 Top Clubs
The Top Clubs pane of the Health Calendar page displays the top clubs for the week or month or year.
The Top Clubs list is displayed in a table. By default, the top clubs for the Week are displayed.
To view the top clubs for different periods:
1. Select the Month option. The top clubs for the month are listed in the pane.
2. Select the Year option. The top clubs for the year are listed in the pane.
Note: The list of top clubs is updated once every four hours.
7.1.4 BMI Calculator
The BMI Calculator on the Health Calendar page allows you to check and keep track of your Body Mass
Index (BMI) based on the data entered by you. The BMI Calculator pane also provides you with different
BMI zones to know your own classification.
The BMI Calculator pane helps you to check how much weight (in kilograms) you need to lose to be
classed as healthy.
1. Enter a valid numeric value in the box, below the Height (in centimeters) field.
Note: This value should not be changed unless there is a change in the height of the user.
2. Enter a valid numeric value in the box, below the Weight (in kilograms) field.
Note: Alternatively, you can also set the values by dragging the sliders. As you move the sliders
the values will appear in the corresponding boxes.
3. Click the Calculate button to display the BMI and weight categories.
The Step Into Health web application displays the statistics fed from the pedometer or synced from
smartphone in a graph. This helps the analysis of the Step Into Health program for which you have
registered as a member.
To access the statistics page:
1. Click the Reports menu  Statistics sub menu. The dashboard appears.
The Walking Steps Overall Summary displays complete data in a table.
2. Select a required option from the Week Day Walking Frequency Analysis dropdown list. The
relevant data and graph appear.
3. Click the Progress Chart option.
Note: Hover the mouse pointer over the bars or lines of the graph to display the data points.
4. Click the Body Tracker option.
Note: Hover the mouse pointer over the bars or lines of the graph to display the data points.
8 Social
The Social menu of the Step Into Health web application has My Clubs and My Buddies sub menus.
My Clubs
The Step Into Health web application displays the list of clubs that you have joined. The page also
displays the list of clubs which you can join.
To access the My Clubs page:
1. Click the Social menu  My Clubs sub menu. The My Clubs page appears.
2. Click the Change View
icon from the right side section. The Change Club View popup
3. Select the name of a club from the Sort By dropdown list.
4. Select an option from the Period dropdown list.
5. Click the Apply button. The selected club view appears on the page.
6. Click the Request New Clubs
popup appears.
icon from the right side section. The New Club Request Details
7. Enter a required name in the Club Name box.
8. Enter the details of the club in the Request Message box.
9. Click the Submit button. A message, Your request for adding club is successful, appears on the
10. Click the Add New Member
icon from the right side section. The New Members Search popup
11. Enter the email ID or name of the member in the Member's Email / Display Name box.
12. Click the Search button. A message appears if there are no members with that name or email
address. The details appear if a member exists with that name or email address.
13. Enter appropriate text in the box below the Search button.
14. Click the Invite Member button. A message, Request to join club has been sent successfully
appears. Once the member accepts your request, the member details get updated in the My
Clubs section.
15. Click the Leave Club
icon from the right side section. A confirmation message appears.
16. Click the No button to continue in the club.
17. Click the Yes button to confirm leaving the club.
18. Click any photograph from the list displayed on the My Clubs page. The Member Details
popup box appears.
The Member Details popup box displays the details of the steps in a table. The popup box also displays
a link to remove the member from your list.
19. Click the Remove Member icon or the text link. The member will be removed from the list.
Note: Alternatively, you can click the Leave Club link.
The details of all the clubs are displayed in a table in the Clubs Standing section.
20. Click the Request to join link against a club to become a member of that club. A confirmation
message appears.
21. Click the No button to not to join the club.
22. Click the Yes button to join the club. The message, Request to join the club has been sent
successfully appears.
My Buddies
The Step Into Health web application displays the buddies that you have added. You can view the
progress of the members in your buddy list. You can search and add new buddies, as well as and remove
buddies from your list.
To access the My Buddies page:
1. Click the Social menu  My Buddies sub menu. The My Buddies page appears.
2. Click the Change View
icon from the right side section. The Change Buddies View popup
3. Select an option from the Sort By dropdown list.
4. Select an option from the Direction dropdown list.
5. Click the Apply button. The selected buddy view appears on the page.
6. Click the Add New Buddies
icon. A New Buddies Search popup box appears.
7. Enter a valid email address in the box, below Member's Email / Display Name field.
8. Click the Search button. A message appears if there are no members with that name or email
address. The details appear if a member exists with that name or email address.
9. Enter appropriate text in the box below the Search button.
10. Click the Add Buddy button. A message, Buddy request has been sent successfully, appears.
Once the buddy accepts your request, the buddy details get updated in the My Buddies section.
11. Click any photograph of the buddies from the list displayed on the My Buddies page. The Buddy
Details popup box appears.
The Buddy Details popup box displays the details of the steps in a table. The popup box also displays a
link to remove the buddy from your list.
12. Click the Remove Buddy icon or the text link. The buddy will be removed from the list.