“wappenschale“ of spittal
“wappenschale“ of spittal
SV VOLKSBANK SPITTAL/DRAU Obmann: Ferdinand Kendi Schäffnerstraße 6c, A - 9800 Spittal/Drau Tel.u.Fax: + 43 4762 42442 Mobil: + 43 650 4244201 e-mail: [email protected] Verein der Stadt Spittal www.sv-spittal.at 33rd INTERNATIONAL SWIM – MEETING FOR THE “WAPPENSCHALE“ OF SPITTAL (Spittal / Drau – Carinthia – Austria) Saturday, 21st March and Sunday, 22nd March 2015 „Drautalperle“ (indoor-pool), Am Bahndamm 14, 9800 Spittal – 25m/6 lanes – electronic timing Saturday, March 21st 2015 Sunday, March 22nd 2015 Warming up: 8.00 – 8.45 a.m. Start: 9.00 a.m. Warming up: 7.45 – 8.30 a.m. Start: 8.45 a.m. Winning Ceremony 19. 50 m Freestyle women 20. 50 m Freestyle men 21. 200 m Breaststroke women 22. 200 m Breaststroke men 23. 100 m Backstroke women 24. 100 m Backstroke men Winning Ceremony 25. 200 m Butterfly women 26. 200 m Butterfly men 27. 50 m Breaststroke women 28. 50 m Breaststroke men 29. 100 m Freestyle women 30. 100 m Freestyle men 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 100 m Medley women 100 m Medley men 50 m Backstroke women 50 m Backstroke men 100 m Breaststroke women 100 m Breaststroke men 200 m Freestyle women (Qualifikation for 200 m Freestyle men “Australian final”) 1 hour and 30 minutes break + 30 minutes – warming up Winning ceremony 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 50 m “Australian final” women 50 m “Australian final” men 100 m Butterfly women 100 m Butterfly men 200 m Backstroke women 200 m Backstroke men 50 m Butterfly women 50 m Butterfly men 200 m Medley women 200 m Medley men Winning ceremony GENERAL RULES: The competition will be held under the general competition rules of Verband Österreichischer Schwimmvereine (OSV) and they are open for all associations of FINA. ENTRIES: should be addressed with the list of entries including names, years of birth, sex, clubs and latest best times to MSECM Austria Martin Heger Rappetsederweg 1, A-4040 Linz e-mail: [email protected] phone: +43 660 3760565 fax: +43 660 33 3760565 The winner (male and female) is receiving prize money amounting Euro 200.-- The “International Swim – Meeting” is endowed with € 3 000.-+ € 400.-- “Australian final” GENERAL RATING: st th cash-prizes 1 – 6 place The emblem bowl of the town of Spittal will be given to that swimmer who will be able to win the „International Swim-Meeting of Spittal“ for 5 times. The winner will be found out by the 1000 points table (the three best individual results). th not later than Wednesday, the 18 of March 2015. Together with the entries a team captain representative of the club is to be named. st th 1 place € 600.-nd 2 place € 370.-rd 3 place € 200.-- or 4 place € 150.-th 5 place € 100.-th 6 place € 80.-- You can also make your entries in electronic form. If you have an entry program (Splash Entry Editor), which could provide LENEX-Files, please download the LENEX file with the class and event definition from www.msecm.at or do the entry on www.cis-online.net. AGE GROUP RATING: a) 1998 and older d) 2003/2004 b) 1999/2000 e) 2005 and younger c) 2001/2002 ENTRY FEE: Before the beginning of the meeting € 5,-- per competition are to be paid in the indoor-swimming-pool in Spittal, if you prefer you can transfer the money till th 18 of March 2015 to the following account: 1 – 3 place – age groups a) b) c) d) e) will get prizes of honour at the end of the competition (therefore the points of the three best individual results of each swimmer, calculated by the 1000 points table, will be added). Schwimmverein Volksbank Spittal Kto.Nr.: 41754280000 Volksbank Oberkärnten, BLZ: 42820 IBAN: AT50 4282 0417 5428 0000 BIC: VBOEATWWSPI RESULTS: The results will be published also in LENEX after the competition. If you have a further question don`t hesitate to ask Martin Heger ([email protected]).If you need the results in printed version, please write it already on the entry form or by e-mail. st rd Medals: Diplomas: AWARDS: 1 – 3 place in each competition age groups a) b) c) d) e) st th rd th 4 – 6 place in each competition age groups e) AUSTRALIAN FINAL: The fastest 6 athletes over 200 m freestyle (competition number 7 and 8) hold the “Australian final” (male and female split). The slowest participant of each of the following 5 runs over 50 m (start interval 4 minutes) is eliminated from the competition, until the winner is determined. OPENING OF REGISTRATION: st March 21 in the “Drautalperle” in Spittal, Am Bahndamm 14. The runs will be ranged without consideration of the age groups according to the best times. The judging will be made seperately for each group. Competitors of all age groups are eligible. Timing is electronic. Each race will be started according to the 1start-rule. ACCOMODATION: Reservations for accomodation can be addressed to: Tourismusbüro Spittal/Drau Burgplatz 1, A-9800 Spittal/Drau e-mail: [email protected] phone: +43 4762 5650-220 fax: +43 4762 3237 LUNCH on SATURDAY is possible in the swimming pool area of “Hallenbad-Drautalperle”: The restaurant of the "Drautalperle" prepares on Saturday three different meals for swimmers and rd guests of the “33 International Meeting” (11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.). Please contact: [email protected] phone: +43 4762 5650-330 INSURANCE: Insurance is a swimmers affair. The organizer does not undertake a responsibility for any accident. During the competition you will find a stand of Fa. Hans Hebel (www.sts-austria.at), where you can buy sportsarticles. We would be pleased to welcome you to our International ASVÖ Kärnten-Swim-Meeting for the „Wappenschale“ in Spittal/Drau. SV Volksbank Spittal Lodging for the International Swim-Meeting in Spittal / Drau 2015 You can adress your reservation to: Tourismusbüro Spittal/Drau Burgplatz 1, A-9800 Spittal/Drau Tel.: 0043 4762 5650-220 Fax: 0043 4762 3237 e-mail: [email protected]