October 17th - St Mary`s College
October 17th - St Mary`s College
October 17, 2014 ST MARY’S COLLEGE NEWSLETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL Michael Pepper Welcome back to the final term for the academic year. I especially welcome all new students and families to St Marys College. Our Year 12 students have now completed their mock examinations and they are busily completing any final assessments and revising for their WACE examinations commencing November 3. The coming weeks will be a particularly busy time for students and staff. Next week a number our primary and secondary students will be travelling to Mandurah to represent St Mary’s in the Youth on Health Festival Finals. We wish our team of talented dancers and drama students well and congratulate them for being chosen to represent the College. In Week 3 we will have the opportunity to farewell our Year 12’s during their final assembly, Mass and the Year 12 Dinner. On Wednesday October 29 an Assembly will commence at 8.30am in the Notre Dame Hall and Mass will commence at 5:00 pm in the Our Lady Queen of Peace Cathedral. We extend our best wishes to all of our Year 12 students in their final weeks of schooling. Parents and community members are most welcome to attend the final assembly and Mass. Student/Staff Achievements During the holidays, Year 10 student, Harman Sharma, travelled to Perth where he was interviewed as a one of the 57 finalists in the Premier’s ANZAC Student Tour 2015 competition. The competition attracted more than 1000 entries and will see 32 Western Australian secondary students given the extraordinary opportunity to visit Gallipoli in Turkey as part of the State Government’s ANZAC Centenary commemorations. We congratulate Harman on this outstanding achievement of being shortlisted and we wish him every success. On Tuesday 28 October, a number of our ATA’s will be recognised at a special graduation ceremony on the primary campus for completing their Certificate III in Education Support at the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. We are very proud of the achievements of our 2014 Graduands, Reannan Corpus, Sonny Dann, Joseph Davies and Prince Dallas Hill Jnr. Ms Vicki Thompson has been named a finalist in the WA Dance Awards recognising outstanding achievement in teaching. We wish Vicki every success is a finalist in these prestigious awards. Several students from Year 8 - 12 trained during the school holidays - and performed at the opening of the KIMBERLEY GIRL Finals last Friday night. I was honoured and proud to watch our dancers doing a professional and outstanding job representing the College. The event provided a substantial sum of money for their travel fund. Congratulations to Vicki Thompson and the girls . Abbey Ford was given the opportunity, at very short notice (with another professional dancer pulling out of the event) to step in and perform a contemporary solo (dedicated to a young girl from the Pilbara who tragically took her life). It was a beautiful moving piece and Abbey embarked on her first opportunity to perform as a consummate professional. October Events Confirmation Retreat 24th Interschool Multi Sport Carnival 24th Assembly Kindy Mass 24th Confirmation Mass 6pm 25th Final Day Yr 12’s, Graduation Assembly, Mass and Dinner 29th Hail Mary, full of grace Our Lord is with you Blessed are you among women, And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Secondary Campus Administration 3 Port Drive, Tel: (08) 9194 9500 Fax: (08) 9192 1797 PO Box 100 Broome, WA 6735 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stmarysbroome.wa.edu.au This newsletter is also available on www.stmarysbroome.wa.edu.au Presentation Night Friday October 31 Parents and guardians are reminded that the St Mary’s College Presentation Night is on Friday evening October 31, just two weeks away. Please enter this date into your calendars as it is an expectation that all St Mary’s College students from K-12 and their families attend this important event to celebrate and recognise the many gifts and talents of our students. Students will be required to attend in their full school uniform unless they are involved in a performance. The evening commences at 6.00pm on the secondary campus. There will be food and drinks on sale for families from 5.00pm. Please be seated by 5.50pm. Confirmation Next Saturday our Confirmation candidates from primary and secondary will undertake their Sacrament of Confirmation at 6.00pm during a special Mass in the Our Lady Queen of Peace cathedral in Broome. At Baptism, we receive seven special gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are freely given to us to help us live as followers of Jesus and to build up the Body of Christ, the Church. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are sealed and strengthened within us at Confirmation. These seven gifts help us to respond to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to make good choices, and to serve God and others. Professional Development for Staff in Gifted and Talented Education On Tuesday afternoon, CEOWA consultant Ms Donna Deed delivered a professional development seminar to all teachers and ATA’s on Gifted and Talented Education. Donna also spent two full days working with key teachers on both campuses to assist us in developing a curriculum at St Mary’s College that caters for students identified as being gifted and talented. Polycom Lesson This week, our Year 12 students studying Religion and Life 3B had an experience in real time online learning delivered by consultants from the Religious Education Learning and Teaching Team at the Catholic Education Office of WA. Using the polycom technology we have installed on the secondary campus, our students were able to have face to face instruction as they work towards their final WACE examinations. We thank David Byrne and Peter Higgins from the CEOWA for delivering this online learning session. Month of the Holy Rosary In our Catholic Church the month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The word rosary comes from Latin and means a garland of roses, the rose being one of the flowers used to symbolise Mary. The Rosary is not only a mental prayer, but also a vocal prayer in which we meditate on the virtues of the Life, Death, Passion and Glory of Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary. The Holy Rosary is a significant prayer time in Broome, uniting families during special times. Condolences Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Ms Stephanie Taylor following the recent sad passing of her daughter Megan and to Ms Katrina van de Water following the sad passing of her mum, Pat in New Zealand on Sunday. May perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. FROM HEAD OF SECONDARY Di Popovich Welcome back to all students for our final term for the year. Whilst our Year 12 students only have a few weeks till Graduation and then exams all students should still be working consistently and striving to achieve their very best results for their end of year reports. Attendance at school every day is very important for all students BECAUSE EVERY DAY COUNTS! This might be especially important for any student looking to gain employment, as attendance is included as part of each semester’s report and if attendance is poor employers may well decide against employing anyone with less than 90% attendance. As a college we are concerned about the number of students whose attendance is less than this benchmark. We are working with other community organisations to establish some very clear guidelines regarding attendance at school. Subject selections should have been finalised by all Year 9, 10 and 11 students and the timetable for 2015 is under construction. Year 7 and 8 students will select their electives for next year later in the term. I am still in the process of meeting with The Year 10 students to discuss their choices for next year as these students will be the first students to receive the new Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) in 2016. Awards night is fast approaching and staff have been busy finalising award recipients for this important evening. All students are expected to attend in full formal uniform. As a result, students are permitted to wear casual clothes to school on the 31st. This date is also acknowledged as the Day for Daniel and students are strongly encouraged to wear an item of Red clothing on the day to show their support for this foundation who works to raise awareness for all students about the dangers of strangers. Students must remember to be sun smart and wear appropriate clothing and footwear on this day. I look forward to seeing all students and parents at this important celebration of our College community. FROM HEAD OF PRIMARY Coby Rhatigan Welcome back to the last term for 2014. It is shaping up to be busier than ever! We welcome all new families to the school and everyone else back from holidays. Thanks to our Pre Primary Team There was some very sad news for Miss Steph over the holidays with the tragic passing of her daughter. We are all heartbroken for Steph and have been missing her greatly this week. As Steph is unable to be back with us yet, the staff have demonstrated the amazing way that they are able to care for one another and our students and families. A huge thanks to Miss Peta Calladine who has stepped into PPST in Miss Steph’s absence. We must also recognize the fabulous commitment and team work of Miss Aretha, Miss Sally and Miss Rebekah during this time and thank them for making the start to the term for PPST so smooth. Thanks to all Pre Primary staff and families for their understanding and commitment. Sacrament of Confirmation Next Saturday evening the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at the Parish. Students will also be participating in a Confirmation Retreat Day on Friday, where they will spend time exploring and reflecting on the Sacrament of Confirmation and what it will mean to them and their lives. Confirmation involves the laying of hands and anointing of with Chrism. We wish all candidates strength, guidance and power from the Holy Spirit. Please join us on Saturday October 25 at the Cathedral at 6pm as these students undertake their sacramental journey. Interschool Multi Sport Carnival Some students from Years 4-6 will be representing the College next Friday to play a variety of sports against other West Kimberley schools. This is an opportunity to network with other students, as well as play in teams to promote sportsmanship. Information to students involved in this will be sent home very soon. Swimming Lessons This term we have swimming lessons scheduled in for students in years PP-6. Times and groupings are being arranged now, further details will be forwarded home shortly. ATA Graduation In Week Three, On Tuesday October 28 we will be hosting a very special celebration for four of our wonderful staff. Mr Joseph, Mr Prince, Miss Reannan and Mr Sonny will graduate from their Certificate Three in Education Assistant Course. The Graduation will be held at 1:15pm and we invite all families to attend this celebration of learning within our community. We are so proud of the efforts of these staff to complete their study and look forward to celebrating with them. Visitors This week we have Donna Deed work with the Primary Enrichment Team to look at how we can develop further our differentiation and enrichment for primary students. Miss Josie, Miss Keryn and Miss Sara spent time looking at future focuses and plans for 2015. It is exciting to explore further ways that we can cater for all students on primary. Donna also presented to all College Staff to increase awareness of Gifted and Talented. YOH Festival Our Drama team are heading to Perth on Wednesday evening, ready to perform at the State Youth On Health Festival. We have had great support from families for this to occur and there have been tireless efforts from our fabulous teachers; Miss Coco, Miss Elaina, Miss Nikki and Miss Josie to ensure that the travelling party is ready to go at such short notice! Special thanks must go to Miss Angie who has been booking all flights, travel arrangements and everything else in between that needs to be arranged to get 25 people to Perth in a group. It is wonderful to see everyone working together for our students to have this very special opportunity. I am so appreciative to all involved and wish the Drama students every success on the big stage, I am sure they will have a brilliant time and will represent SMC with the upmost pride. Have a fabulous fortnight! The ICAS Mathematics Competition The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics Competition, run by the University of New South Wales, has students of all ages from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, and the USA, competing in what has become, a global mathematics competition. In 2014, students at St Mary’s Secondary campus were again entered in this competition where some students achieved some distinguished results. Congratulations to the following students : Year Student Certificate Position 7 Mia Woodbridge Merit Top 43% 7 Alphonse Pigram Credit Top 14% 8 Wylie Scott Merit Top 45% 8 Max Healey Merit Top 39% 10 Alex Wetton Credit Top 35% 11 Navin Latchman Credit Top 21% 12 Abbey Ford Merit Top 42% 12 Rajiv Latchman Distinction Top 6% Well done to all these students and in particular, congratulations to Rajiv Latchman for achieving a Certificate of Distinction as this is an incredibly difficult feat to accomplish. ENROLMENTS 2015 We are now taking enrolments for 2015, there are limited places at some year levels. Preparation and planning is underway for 2015 classes on both Primary and Secondary Campuses. Please advise the College if your child will not be returning to St Mary’s College in 2015. Primary 9194 9560, Secondary 9194 9508 or email admin@stmary’sbroome.wa.edu.au If your postal address has changed please notify the campus your child attends, thank you. Primary Surfing Year 3 – 6 students from St. Mary’s College Primary were lucky enough to take part in a 2 week surfing program at the end of Term 3. This program is part of the Physical Education Curriculum at St Mary’s and teaches students to develop skills in a non-competitive, lifelong sport. The conditions at Cable Beach are ideal for teaching children about surfing and surf safety. The course covers water and sea safety, sun safety, beach awareness e.g. rips and other hazards and surfing skills. Two world class surfing instructors, Roz and Adrian, were able to come up to Broome to deliver the course to the St Mary’s students. The waves over the 2 weeks were absolutely incredible, with some off shore winds providing some perfect surfing conditions. The confidence and skills gained by the students was amazing to see, with most students being able to stand up on their boards after the first session. A huge thank you to Mr Joseph for helping out and also to the amazing instructors for passing on their passion for surfing. Parents/Carers, please remember to call Renee in Student Services on 9194 9580 for any student absentee’s. Thank you. PARENTS AND FRIENDS Term four means one thing for the P and F....Movie night! Lock in the November 7, on your calendar as we gather together to watch Despicable Me 2. It is a much loved tradition that welcomes the wider Broome community, so tell your friends to lock it in too. We are looking for more people to help to pick up or pack curries from 3pm and help set up or sell food on the night. Please contact Lynette Chidlow if you are able to help on 0408722168 or [email protected] The disco was a huge success raising $1800. A great time was had by all. A big thank you to the staff who helped us set up and pack away and those who came to help with supervision and selling food. The parental involvement was amazing. Thank you to everyone for making it such a fun event for the students. You may have noticed a tasting stall at the Disco for the Your Inspiration at Home fundraiser. If you missed out, then you have will a few more opportunities to taste or view the products at a sampling table at school pick up time on Friday 17th, Monday 20th, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday the 27th October. All commissions raised from sales have been generously donated by Krystina Smith. Keep it in mind for some early Christmas shopping. For more information please contact Krys on 0407382310. Rose Mitchell Red Earth Martial Arts Fitness, Discipline, focus, Self defence, Comprehensive Art. Junior Classes 5.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday with Master Tony 8th Dan. Senior Classes 6.30pm to 7.30pm Monday to Friday with Master Tony. Little Spartans 5 to 8 years of age Saturday 9.15am to 10.00am with Sifu Bianca - World Champion Ladies Martial Arts Class - Monday 9.00am with Sifu Bianca Enquiries 8th Dan Master Tony ph 9192 3049 IT’S PRIMARY BOOK FAIR TIME! It’s Book Fair time again! The Primary Library will once again be overflowing with books and students, parents and friends are all invited to come in, browse and choose a book or two to buy. There is an amazing range of books and activity kits to choose from and prices will suit every budget. There are some great bargains for Christmas for all ages! Students on Primary will have the opportunity to look during library classes this week from Monday October 13 to Thursday 16. They will bring home a ‘wish list’ of books they would really like to own. The following week, the Fair will be open to everyone before and after school from Monday 20/10 to Thursday 23/10. Please come along and buy a book to encourage your child in their reading journey. Sale Times: Monday 20/10 - Thursday 23/10 7.30 – 7.50 am and 2.15 – 3.30 pm. Access to Fortnightly newsletter online - http://www.stmarysbroome.wa.edu.au/home/newsletter/newsletter.pdf
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