3z difference etonic
3z difference etonic
ifpllQltll 1•HI 1•1nSH1i11i II m Is <W in Walking financial tightrope; S-SL Schools probe SMS options •gggi 1 h Kg BBSS I IS i I ;.i1 m1 i I 6 p £i •ile i QMggw 11I 1i m championship —See Sports Trailer's: An Arbor extravaganza i -page 12 r-_:-.-!.;^'-.T''r m 3B 44Ui Year, No. 41 August 10j 1994 Seiving Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake P^pS^)jf^^lv/.ioi':H7l»yiTflniWTCTWITOi.liJl^^n^w-^iiii.-iw™u^. Community \ Pulse ...And More RJ.HJr. Xleln retires from ALPD blue. On July 24,- Harry "Bud" Klein retired after 22 years on the Avon Lake Police Department. During hia tenure on the l>_rct-\ Kloin served under five different chiefs and four different mayors, said David Owed, police, chief. Klein, who'Joined the force in March of I972.rolJred as Patrolman No.!. Bud Is just an all-around good guy who has always girtten alorg well with everyone, flsd F Wish him the best in his ~ a AVON LAKE PUBLIC UBRARY 3 2 6 4 9 D e u n c 8!vd. Avon Lake, Ohio A4C12 50* . 1m 1 1ft nf • " • - . »! Had a lady stap by our igjibaut the ditches ™PaJ^fltWj2oad.ln;AvQrt Lake and the gouonii, :nrss that is going on in that . a r e a ; . - •!'•• -v *1 spoke with Avon Lake city onglnoor Wadu Mertz Monday, and ho sold the now dilchoa'ond general construction In both areas of - Walker Road around jaycaxnnd LutkV Koads are all part of the . Walker widening project. When the widening Is complete, there _ will bis additional turning lanes and improved drainage '600 feet north and south "bf.,Wclkor on both Jaycox and Mertz indicated the raw ground con; touring j a u now auo wilt bo scuded to givo ivtha fiamo green, attracllve ap> ' poararicc-we've bciS'usod to. Duslcaliy V'; spoafciag.vth*j area is a mess. It's a major - Incoriyonlonce. but liko all progress, you •il usually have to put up wilh some mud and dust. When the project Is complete. Avon Lakers will, bo .pluasud with the , ;A qutcomo. Hoy, good things take time. •: PRESS golf.scramble a success. A Continued on page 8 -, ,,„,— r - nr[n Copyright mm mi I Avon Lake braces for housing boom for remaining half of vacant land By Marcella Grande AVON LAKE - Planning Commission tabled vwa preliminary plans that would initiate tin; housing boom in the second half of the city that is undeveloped. The commission attracted a standing-roomonly audience last week when rcsidants neighboring the two proposed developments hstoncd intently to learn hew the kirn' around them :wi\\ bis developed. Sunrise Land Comptiny's 173-hnusu Wotoraido Ctoeing is p'annnd for tho farm acreage along the north aido uf Watknr Road cast of Maore Road. Kop! Construction plans (o construct 82 homos c'-Vthe oast sida of Jayrox Rond south of Stoney Broak Drive. Watersldo pians call can for iur an un Waterside (Jrossinu/s Crossinji's plans night-acro retention [^'.nd, near Troy School and the cunnectinR of Ftelmar boulevard m Walkur Rund. Of four or Rve strouts that could connect to some of the streets in Waterside, only Hclmar is slated to dit^ctly connect through Waterside to Walkur. Residents on Heliimr are concerned with traffic flow on their struct iind ilehool children corning Ironi this development ivho will vjeimrjite further lonKL'Stion near thu sold ;»;i;t!ts to Troy yctuiol. Thoy arw tilsri ;ij)pr«ht:nsive dlir)ut thu lurge riileiilfon [umd lacufil closu to Troy. Initially School Supl. Clayton Ousel-; objiictud to thu pond, A resident who lives just across from the Troy entrance. Jean Akhayati, said police have been n good deterrent to people coiiiinp, to Troy to pick up their children. liut wheVi poli^u aren't there, motorists, including buses, fly down Dtimar, she added. Kiiy Stafford of 242 Bclniar, u^rccd. She said shu and her nelyhborn must wtiit between two un6 fovr minutes to Hi'l mil i)f iVieir driveway dm IIIR u succor KEUM7 iit T r a y "When police «r« thuru, uveryono HtUDs. As soon us the cops IUPVU, it's » speedwuy u^uin," she suid. Bill P'lirrone ol 23^ tlolmar wondered why Belmar is the only street with direct {iiowover. Cily.Planner Albert Dispunza nrrrw* !o Wnlknr. n"mfijj'S\T' "ir" 1 * 1 "" sit id Dusok l«ft n miwing*; tit th» pt.innar's office stating ho was no longer ofjpu3t!u. Continued on page 8 d Avon developer lashes out, gets resuSts """'' By Kann Draslor AVON - Local dovclnper Gary Smituk lathed out at City Cuuncll members Monday night, threatening to personally sue isuch one who voted against his Fields subdivision, and ho got their attontlon. The decision was reversed. Smitok said his proicr.t. with $900,000 on the line, was being held up because of something over which he has no control: CEI's pl^ns to put live tclophono poles in city right-of-way on thu side lawn of a lot leading into thu subdivision. The lot. at 33332 French Crook Rd., is .owned by David Sclcstak. ^ CEI project manager. Sli.iwn Billy, insisted that the only way to change to voltage from above ground utilities on —: la ^TT~ '•• sily slty iticitiirunieril.i iticniirumenl.i w.iun %v!ion ho h e >hru(itoned threat on ml IQ |1"C*£I comes on strong. We jdst have to come back at them (/ie same way." 1 -John Eldred t • • ' Fiench Crcok Road to tho underground utilities in Iho subdivision is to reduce it b))'putting up the five utility poles. iflt is u ihrcat^l have a builder who is soil to go. Ifhe'jacici out...oach &nd every council menCier who voted against this will be suvd individually." Smitok said. Ijle made reference to on article in the IVllM Stivut Journal about changing den sue. Ho nppuruntly bulievus thut del.iying approval of the tlevolopimmt might make this project sublect to reduced density fenu'ruinents. Council recently changed the maximum single fumily density from 2.4 homes per aero to 1.4 per acre. However, following an outcry from property owners and developers. Council mU Planning Commission plan to reconsider iho zoning requirement. Council members who votud against accepting ihe improvements to tho Fields subdivision wera Jny Curtis. Shirley Doss, Tud Craczyk and David; Kaiser. " . Continued on page 9 Marrow donors are last chance for those who need transplant « .!„ ,,, r j_ j marrow. Onco people turn ugo 56. their names ore taken off tho registry. According to Al "Tho Count" Whitney, who organizes blood drives for tho Lorain County Blood Bank, donating samples of blood for the bone marrow registry is not nearly us involved as donating blood. Whitney, who is organizing tho bono marrow drive as an American Ped Cross (Cleveland branch) volunteer. saiJ tho procedure requires the drawing oflwo tubes of liloiid, about a tiiblespoonviich. Thuso samples provide [>;<iliniiii;iry information on tissue typus. Each -.time nuw tissuu types an: enleretP iitlo UHJ r»;t;islry, a dur.tnr queries thu nsntslry with a putiunt's ttssut; typn and smirches for a niiHch. If ... thttrt! Is II tinUaliv*; mutch, further lustinu ~~ is donn «n a potential donor. rn By Mareclla Grange AVON LAKE - For many people suffering from cancer, a bone marrow transplant is tho only thing that can save them, but looking for a person whoso bone marrow matches can be akin to finding a noodle in a haystack: Fortunately, as more and more people hove their bone marrow tested, tho pool of potential matches increases, which Improves tho odds of finding the needle. People from Avon Laku und surrounding areas will got a chance to become potentin! bone marrow donors on Sunday, Aug. 21. Uy donating samples of "*" blood, thijy will bo entered into the national bone murrow registry., The bone .^marrow drive Is at thoiakoshort; United Methodist Church in Avon Lake, 33110 - Electric Blvd. betweon 1 am) 4 p.m. ^Only people between tho ages uf Hi and 5B nro eligible to donate their bone n o t l l( Continued on page 9 '.' i- All set for '95 foursome p11 We •Sue Profiles in business the Big Stick traveling (short drive) PRESS Publisher Rick Hemmer awards the Bigl Stick traveling (short re) PRESS four man golf d scramtrophy lo Tom Thayer during last week's fifth annual PRESS four- man golf scramble. The traveling trophy gives Thayer an exemption on next year'a entry Ifet). Inside: more scenes of the exciting event. PRESS photo - Gary Arndt \ & Iffl i HP I wUm I m 1I 8 m £ w iiUnaf^ifrfcii* niiUii -i REGULAR SIZE B1C LIGHTERS MURRAY VABfflUA WAKSS SeaVVSHd DISCOUNT COUPONS available at all stores n everyday 6AM 'tSS AVON LAKE SHEFFIELD LOXE 137 Lear Rd. • 933-2718 4786 Lake Rd. • 949-7631 Food Mart ABSOLUTELY NO COUPONS NEEDEO OUR 15$N A 12 inch Large With One Item Costs SHEFFIELD lAK£ r i . DEPARTMENT Every Day Of The Week At 13 933-4224 • 933-4477. • 933-5708 ON DOTY PW6MCM OUUY BBQ Ribs BBQ Chicken I THERE IS NO PRICE LIKE OUR PRICE, is now establishing his Letters Girls league stronger To the Editor: The TJ94 Lassie League saftball ,'season is over. We all had a great season! The Shakers, coached by Ed Silvasy, won the Senior Division Tournament. Tilt; Gems, coached by Jim The PRESS welcomes letters to the editor. They must bo typed DOUBLE- Goorgo. won the Intermediate Division SPACED and complete with a name, ad- Tournament, and were the season dress and telophono number for pur- champs. The Bandits, coached by Doris McVay. won the Junior Division poses of verification. Tournamtnt. •' Letters will bo edited for brevity and clarity. I would lik« to thank Lisa Cooloy. Send your letters to Tho PRESS, at Girls' League director, for all or her hard ". "v-riorSox'aoo, Avon Lako, Ohio, 44012. work in planning nnd running this '•'•{£• or they can bo dropped off at our officu ye.ir's program. Abo. thanks ROCS to Ed •^ -• 153 Lear Rd.. Avon I-ato. Silvasy Senior & Junior division direcv\The deadline Is Thursday nt 5 p.m. to tor, and Pete Hi rd tiituniHV-ntu & Junior !*! published in,the coining Wednesday division director. TOitionrLoitcri-'will bo published on o We had over 400 girls this year in the , apjjttj^^laBle basis. Lassio I-utiguo. and wo hope to Inp 500 ' Wo^slloW^dulhors'^nafKHs to be next year. We have also noticed thu level •withhold upon request, provided the letcMhe girls' play has improved each yenr ters do not contain blatantly derogatory nnd the future <>r the Rirls lnanun looks reforopces to individuals, sttrongur nn-l NlroiiRer. PRESS office hours arc 9 a.m. to 5 We tiru all looking forward to nu.xt p.m. Monday through Friday. ye;ir. To any pawnt wontlnK to set involved in the Avon Lake Youth Basebal We thank you for your opinions and Federation, our meetings are ut the Uld comments. Firohoust! on Route S3 and Lake Roud. Please call Dob Mathisen. ("res., a Oktoberfest a success 933-8125. or Larry Daniels V.I. nt To the Editor: V , . . 933-4840 for time and date of our next t meeting In Sepl.mber. Tho hand embroidered tahtocloih and eight napkins sewn by Misi'Um Circle No 19 was won by Alice Bojo or Sheffield Lake on Sunday. |uly\31 at St. Sincere thanks Mary's Oktoborfest. Wo thankWryone for Ihoir donations and special Vhanka to To the Editor: Drug Mart of Avon Lako (or their help Wo would like to thank the Avon Lake again. It was* great success. V Fira Department and the Avon Lake e Police Department for the services they _ Mission Circle No. 19 rendered to our son who was.injured in a bike accident on July 29. It was a parent's worst nightmare since we wore Coaches say thimks \ both out or the homo at the time. Unable To^Our Little Leaguers and ,'heir to reoch us, the rescue team gavo tirst aid aVid transported ]ohn to St. Joseph s //fho Major League Rod Sox Coaching Hospital. Ho was safely in the omorgenStaff wishes to thank the parents of cur cv room receiving care when !im ornvLitlle Leaguors for, lending their od We reel very lucky that the comchildren to us,for the summer. Your munity cores for its children in tins way. sons had a wonderful season that they Again, thank you Tor your much apall should be proud or and we hope they preciated erforts. all benefited Trom tho experience. Hie |im and Bronwyn Jameson Littlo League oxporienco not only in; eludes learning "haw to play jthu game but also,how to win wilh dignity and Free skin cancer screening lose with grace. In adcUllon. it teaches Are you aware that skin cancer kilts more itian ,hom some of the lesson, erf life that can bo pni.Uul at times but help us all - develop into young men and women. We begrudgingly give yours back to vrs knowing that we succeeded in our eanrar serwninm on Saturday. A I M O.lrom 9 ! SJWS Family Health SorvlCB5 is Mission and that they oro individuals S I can truly be proud of. Your.Fupporl as parents throughout the season aided In our success and wo thank you. Ca This cos-hlng staff will always reman Health Services Is i ' LS 6 F proud to have had the oppprlumly >» $ ; |oach such a Hne group o f ^ i m Letters Policy forWSPCA 32730 Walker Rd.. Blda H. Avon Lake Bead Certified in Family Praia 933-7341 HOURS Monday 9-5 Tuesday 1-9 Wednesday 8-1 Thursday 4-9 Friday 8-5 L A W ou* family <v luunto* etnAf&yc** ^ r & A'J O F F REAL ESTATE Wills • Trusts • Guardianships Living Wills-Durable Power of Attorney • Survivorship Deeds 934-6543 p o r e moro I 933-7748. CMA^TUSSESS P^^AUS "^^fSw 2217WisieriaWay • Avon.Ohio - OtTDclfoitKrw.sfromAvonV.H3gc School DURING THE LAST YEAR. HE UNROLLED 1OO YARDS OF TOILET PAPER. COT EAR MITES. Aff£^* COT RID OF T H E M . GOT T H E M BACK ACAYM. FELL FIFTEEN FEET FROMTHE UPSTAIRS HANDRAIL. GOT I N THREE © * FIGHTS wrTH O T H E R T 4 p \ CATS. HID UNDER THE COUCH FOR A W E E K . ^ p J \ b GOT HlSTAtLCAUCHT IN THE SCREEN DOOR. BARELY ESCAPED THE NEIGHBOR BOY. COT INTOTHE.£ARBAGE THREE TIMES. STAYED OUT ALL NIGH E TWICE. COUCHED UP TWO HAIRBAUS. ATE HALF A PLANT. ' ' . ' 1 DRANK OUT OF THE TOIIET. CLIMBED INTO THE , DRYER. ATE TWO DOZEN BUGS. ATE TWO MICE. NO WONDER YOUKCAT NEEDS AN ANNUAL PHYSICAL ss as s" )lm Camellia Gordy Evans Craig B u r n s Mike Bfiker i School Sports Physicals N o w Being Donc...S20.00 X-RAY AVAILABLE ON SITE >_ 934-6516 \^ YELLOW & GREEN PEPPERS, •Deadlines r NEWS ITEMS: Thursday - 5 P.M. Telephone: 933 5100 La Let tin 933-7304 ADVERTISING: Friday - NOON CLASSIFIEDS: Monday - 5 P.M. .1 CtnuUlltm Fsix: f * • • P I IFPA F ) TOMATOES ZUCCHINI-CUCUMBERS COUOIJ. : OPEN 11 A.M. Uam-lla Cranle. Nnet MAYTON FARMS •hxn J Kalhij flrot'wrt 3315 Center FW. (Pt 63) Avon, 2 ML Sou* cl 1-90 (erl 153) Send n*** I^rram, advertlaind and •nv-k« lu •nTs PRESS P.O. Box 3OO Awn Lake. Oil 44013 Eric's South StxofvStnce J9S1 In service Academic notes J ' • t -, • * ^ * '- v } * i '. ^ ^ J, ^ > i ; • i : }•;:'; f. \ >i I J ; k i; i [ J it J [• Air Ton: i.' A i r m a n T h e following students must earn a 'IV'suit Lan^don. sun of |i;n:my J. Farmer lias Hrdduatcd from Air Force received degrees from average uf al lit;i';t 3.25 on Mr:; and Mi-i. John ij.Tiic training at Lackland Bowling Greun State the College's -t-puitit Lunyjuii ot Avuti Luku Air Forcu Hiisn. San University during sum- ijradinjj scali; and IiLotl '/.tnulmri, sun cif Antufiio. mcr commencement Iteld Schilling, a chemistry Mr. mil M r s . Frank Airmen who complete Aug. G: Lisa A. Ge.rasch. majur, recently cumpleted Zemberi uf Sheffield Lake, 194 Fay Ave.. Avon Lake; her junior yujtr at Kenyon. have been named to the basic training earn credits tuwurd an a s s o c i a t e Julie Hurt. 32041 Lake Rd.. a private liburul-aris cul- dean's ( *i at '.lie University of (1 icinnati for the degree from the ComAvon Lake: and Kristan leg« in central Ohio. munity College of the Air l!H4 Spl ..if* quarter. M. Soden. 2G7 Herrmann Force. Dr.; Avon Lake. \ ,! Farmer is the son ot Matthew J. Thompson, \ I; lames E. and Marilyn son of Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Brooke S- Schilling. Farmer of 638 Hollywood [•;<lwirti . . . Krystowski. Thompson, Jr.. uf 3«0 daughter of Susan and Ave.. Sheffield Lake, and Evergreen Court. Avon of Avon, hi i' been named Dennis Schilling cf Avon brother of Airman 1st Lake, received a BA lo the DV'Vti's List at Lake, has been named to degree, from Wittenberg Boston L>««-vrsity for the Class Joshua ]. Farmer of tho Merit List (it Kenyan : 2122-A Tennessee Circle. University during com- spring semes, -tr. College for the 199.T-94 Loring Air Force Base, mencement exercises held acodoraic year. I Maine. He is a 1990 recently. T o b e eligible for Merit graduate of Brookstde High School, Sheffield List recognition, a student Lake. FAMILY VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES TINTED DISPOSABLE ASTIGMATIC 1 * YMCA child care in SL, AL, Lomin Thr, North Coast YMCA and fhe Lorain Family Y are accepting registration for thoir child core programs. The Lorain Family Y offnrs its program at Knollwood Elementary School in Shcffbld Lake. Hours are from 7:30 a.m. lo G p,;n. Half-day kindergarten care is also uvailnblev-Nurscry school Is available at tho Family Y's main center at 1121 Tower Blvd. in Lorain. as well as full-time child enrc. The cuuler is open from 0 a.m. to G p.m. and pravfdiw core Tor children ages three through 12. For more information about (he Sheffield Lako and Lorain child enro programs, call Mary. Molnar or Lynn West at 282-4414. Tho North Coast YMCA has several openings in it'j.Schoal Age Child Care program (SACC) held at the Calvary Baptist Church, • 32007 Electric Blvd.. Avon Lake. Tho church's now gym offers a modern, clean facility for the licensed child care program. Beforo-school caro is provided from 6:30 lo 9 a.m. and after school, from 2 to v 6:3C >J m. Bus service is provide! for till Avon Lake students. SnacVtu • an'^. beverages will be given to kida\''ii the after-r<hool program.). The chileV, care program mcludes sports act\ .ities. crafts, tutoring, outdoor activiticr<\tluring nice weather and special uctf ities such aa puppet shows, utays and se.vVice projects. •: \'\\ Parents ami their children may sttl>,* tn any time the program is in sofdionA ipl visit with tht* staff. The program ,i,\'o provide^: Fun Days, whole- day chltj care dtiriitg school vacations, in-scrvici days and tonffarenco days. jI Summer Day Camp provides weekly i\1 care for your youngster for the cnllnV, .: summer break or just one or two weeks.\; Scholarships are available for School- J Age Child Caro (SACC). Fun Days or V Summer D.iy Camp. > For more details, call [udy Schmitr. at the Avon Lnko North Coast YMCA. 933-9100, or Sue Verlioy ill the West Shore YMCA, 871-6885. PET CARE owners get an extra Parvo virus vaccination this time of year. This message is brought to you as a public servico from Richard W. Thompson. D.V.M.. Avon Lake Animal Clinic, 124 Miller Road. Avon Lako. OH. Phono: 933-5297. Kretg ]. Bnurutun 933-3253 i-8O0-367'0018 32730 Walker RAJ AT THE LANDINGS AVON LAKE, OH 44012. Sylvia LavGll Auto • Homo Business • Life IIMSUFIAIVCE four partner In protection penfound insurance 36765 DETROIT ROAD AVON 934-5133 Richard P. Stuart BRUSNAHAN & STUART ATTORNEYS AT LAW 158 - A Lear Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 ^930-2600 Avon Luke Office 861-1992 Cleveland Office 690 Avoin Beldep Bd:^(Rtc: 83) • . Avon Lake, Ohio • ' OPTOMETRllST EVENINGS AND SAT. AVAILABLE AVON LAKE - All seventh and eight! Igrade boys interested in joining Learwood Middle S hool's football team are renitided to attend the first pi ictico on Monday, Aug 22. Practice for the first throi |da>s will run from 10 lo 11:30 a.m. and will consist tf conditioning drills. Veterinarian DR. SCOTT H. SEIPEL (216) 933-8300 Learwood Football Practice Richard W. Thompson Parvo virus is a deadly killer of dogs. It most . commonly strikes young dogs under 10 months of age, during tho Spring and Sum-.: mor. The signs include not eating, vomiting and diarrhea, often with blood, present. Even strong healthy puppies ran succumb to this virus in loss than 48 hours. Don't wait: we've already treated several cnjcs in this aroa. Havo your dog immunized now or as soon as the boosters coma due. Many dog See me for quality Grange Insurance. CRIMINAL DEFENSE ~~ • Felonies • Misdemeanor • DUI / Traffic • Appeals Office Hour*: 900 - S 00 Mundjy, Tuw, Thun. it Fridjy 9*0- 9:00 Wdlnesdiy 1000-ZOO Rttutdiy Werfkof Aug. 11 ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 21) You should be in the limelight and you could give the best performance of your life. A weekend of romance Is possiblo il you'll make an effort and It could lead to something permanent. You may fearWur father is going off the deep end out mayee he K just sowing hTs^ocond crop of wild * :a. TAURUS (Apr.<2*May 22)., Do something s-.ecu! for a parent. don (wait for a convenient occvflo'.. it will c " i e your conscience a lillle. Your work week shoutd^>nd on a'fun noto (or maybe something more spiffed). A Scorpio is going to throw a monkey wrench into your weekend routine out you may be glad s/ho did — eventually. GEMINI (May 23-June 21) You should be in an optimistic mood and for good reason, everything will work out Just like you want H » . except trial you could *:i?sf one of your rare "strike-out* " Yrni may bo a slow learner over the weekend but you may leato alesson you II nover forge!. ;t CANCER (June 22-July 20) The biggest (and maybe tho most secret) dream of your life can start now. Money is yours for the askng but if you don't use it wisely it will be gone in a flash. You will be in a .*omantic mood over the weekend and won't stand for second best, and that could mean a cha>ge'(s in the mil!. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) You wlrl be giving ordars to everyone who comes near you but you may know what you're doing (for a change). Private goals are the most imporjint thing now even i'Uwy are unrealistic. You will have renewed eriergy. al least in the area of the Arts, and looking for a new outlet. VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 22) A Libra could be spending your money and s/h*. II really know how to get rid of It You will see Mts of th 9S '!l W,,?? uv we aI n t 0o5vt o br l shho w o e k o n < l °u< you can't have everything fv." K^ ? . - " priorities. A party may not turn out like you M S O J ^ w o u . t J i ? r d J 1 m a y a l 9 ° c c s l mot" than you expected. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 25) You'll still be dreaming abouta dream home and wondering how to get it. Bo careful what (and how much) you put in your slomach this weekend, loo much of a good thing could turn on you. You won't be able to hide your emotionVand may 8 e f £ H ? £ ) ? l ! i ( ? H ' H o n a n d I h a t ™ a n * Y°" will "pay" moreSCOnno (Oct. 26-Nov. 23) You will & p o Z r f u n y m X a t e d to save and investment and should be careful about overcommitment.UYou-ll got a brainstorm but It will bo defective so keep L . « ?.? 2", v o u v e h a d t l m e t 0 Pa**:* it. You will be looking for something different this weekend No Vl 2 4 «„ ™ 7J A8i R0' U * S l1O , - ° e c - 21) Vou could bo lucky now but S ^ S ? ^ ?*0d 9 b00• B*uatjspicious. New ideas, new begin« f l "w' "o ln -and whatever nitsWejM* t b c bl ' V o u cul to "'and for any COuld out * «n throat ?,? * °« - 2Z Jan ' ' 17 > T h c r e w l " • » an alteration In X ShOuld ^ ( O f l h 0 b B l t e r - A Libra will be look1 e r s l s a n d RSSI c o u l d s o ' ? > ° *°™ immediate u ma V •"** yow«Hf taking up tho cause of an ro n or ?'" °4! o r B W l l l i n 3 t h l t ian. I8-Feb. 16) You will bo geitiiig some publicity o watch or somo may misunderstand it (or you). nco lo look good lo tho boss and may propose ona I03S. You vvin iind something you"vo boon looking may have c.'iangod and you no longer want It. i/-Mar. 20) Good lime lor a Pow Wow with the your lako-chargo allude. Careor and personal ie merged and it will make (or greater success in " mile ft idy you could make great health Imyou would be (Vi a position to help olhers. f ^r^ - I1 T-J - is I1 mi i- i I HP' I1 1i 1i l ! I R 1isH i 1 m 1 1is 11 1 Hm ml m I . i 3 mat 3- II i : i Mm i£HBH^ • •SI m 6 Center? 3 Sirloin^ : 6/3 Loin Half mmm is 1IfflSI 1 1i 1 12 Or. Can fleg. or Diet Asst Flavors California Fresh • VOrt • f i e cofc Jumbc • Orang* Ea. Ea. Mr. Turkey S3 i-b- Famiiy Pack, Eckrich Bun S/i iwtu OH Lb.4?l \ —Franks^ Lb. # / 5 Sausage, Kielbasa or Italian Bun Size ' ' 3.7 Ox- PkQAll VariatfOJ EcMch Beef Franks 1 Lb. Mr. 1 Mr. Tufkay Smokod furtey Chubs «£&**»! I Turkey Bologna Lunch Makers At Variety Eckrich Stroked Unks Mr. turtivf S«c»d 12 Oz. P*9 S*1'1 S/)CP<; Smoked Turkey Ham Turkey Breast S r * BreaWasf Sfr/ps d Mr. Turkey Pr&SHced 8 Oz. Pkg. Eckrich Sliced Hard Salami niwjwoo Smoked quartered Turkey Breast. MNMtCGO ntNtkt ' 10101-Broad 51 Around and About Avon Lake Oarnbakes are a comin* A'A3N - The Licm Club mil held Us annual damfcaJie or steak broil wi Surtlay. Sopt tB at Tom'ri Country PUco. Sorving Mill be tieni -J to 7 p m. Tho music will tw by Slcvce Gefl's Corne and enpy an evening of ttact priitii. raHios. Prcfsts Irom mis d e r t wi,'t go tcwartf !h« m.iny Lions C!ui public scrvictf acimlics Ye«. ii stayrs I;I Avert, so ig«t itwf HcXeC row a! Botinwr Irtsurano*. Tom's CourU'y PUce. Smify's Borb»r Sriop aivi Wiin«spc*.-n Opiiciani Tho pneu is W»e same as tasty? ar. S)8e«rpo(5or! Pp* Lho^i? « f o dig darrts. extra clams w!l bit availabfo tar SC. Se« you on Surd.iy. Sept. Ifl- Great Walk for MD Plan on waling your way to the Muscular Dystrophy Association** Great Walk held at Si. Jotm West Shoe Hospital 29000 Center R*Jg«? Bd.. in Saturday. Aug. 20 IromO a.m. to noon. Tho hosprtaTs walking rack will serve as tne evwrt'a slartijig and ending point Regulation wtfl begin at 0 a.m. with me wak to tcUow at tO ajn. sharp. In addition me tsvaubhd stroll along ttw Westtako Heaffii Campus. partJOponia will enjoy i i r f i w l u w t t ertertainmertt and the opportunity to win great prizes. Registration tor tho Great Watt is 510. After " y ' - i i 1 " . a sponsor sheet M U be moilod to you. Those nwing mora than XSO in schotusfups ani receive free T-shirts. Special eventsfckethe Great Waft aratha Muscular Dystrophy Association's primary source of funding. Proceeds frsrr . tha oranl will help those arteded t>> neorontuseular dnorders as weO as speed the research tor. causes of. and cures and treatment tor. thesa destructive conditions. Form r» Mormabon on The Great Waft, cafl tho Westfeka UDA office at 899-7112. Las Vecjas Night SHEFFIELD • SHEF-T1ELD LAKE - The Youth Bo-$t:t]..Hi A-snocutiod ••> ' j p c f i C ' i f i g a ' l a - , Veqa-i N»}ti!' on FdcJoy and Sjt'j'O-iy. Aug 12 and 13. ir.jr-1 5 p m until ' » ' " T>i« ..uent mil b<; hr;i:J ap !"•? Shcfdi'ld La«t.> Community Cwfil'-'f, 4574 P Lahe R J TiT Jdn'i-i'.ion chjrq.;. !rt;t> cr:''-;-i. a-' cunf;':on-."1 All player-, •«•!! bi> r.."]-Stt«r,.><J f ' j ' .i (Jrartit") IO t)*1 h^li] S a i j r i j j y L'VUfitnf] Wirur.-f wi!t ''••-•:•''• 'SICO wortti ol tn."? rjjsotin" Nature Scene Kiwanis August programs Kiwanis Club of Avon Lake meets weekly at the EST Bank building on Lalic Road from C:30 to 8 p.m. Programs for August are: Aug. 4 - Fran Bostwtck. Lorain County 20/20-A Vision for the Future. Aug. 11 - Bryan Weaver-Wildlife in Kenya. Aug. 18- [udge Thomas lanas-Loniin Court of Common Pleas-Voices for Children Aug. 25 - Sam Baldwin-Kiwanis Membership Growth tin: ni.n.^riit!i(.'[!t channel. The tlahltf Advisory' Cttmmi-.sum ii T h i s M . ' a r u i i l u t i i * l i . V . b . m \~ w . i - . u r n »• . i ^ . n ' i o n l)tt> tls.i H ' - . i r h . i s t u t . n u i •>t-i,t.'r.ii iilli.T tfifii i n t l u - .iri-.i .-t-'.uni'.-ii f u r i f " 1 " j i J t l i v , i r r e ! . ' o r i i l i n n <*\ l l i . i t i i . t \ w h u ' ' ru.irl.i-'! |hi- tiitf.in'i ( m i n t n i W ' l r i ' i U . i r IE i i ,llm.lt [ i f . I'l II About Avon /..IAL' ;inJ shows it on Channel 31. p'M'L HJtllitUJ'll- t.ii^s « Saturday. Auq 13- "Ltttor Good of a-id"3" Can hlter be good' St'o flow and under whiii conOiliort-j. French Cteelt NiSuru Center, 1 lo 2 30 pm • Sunday. Aug t* - Breakfast in tne Pa*k at F.encn Creek Nature Center from 7 lo 8 30 a m Enjoy an carty morning hike then have a contineowr tirtjaklast on tho dt'ch. Cost n 31 at the door. Call by Ayg 12 lo make reservations. I-8OO-LCW-PARK. Fo.' Vme *hci don't do mornings, come to French Creek lot an afternoon strort liom 2 to 3 30 p m Slow down the pace and enjoy nature as we walk the French Creek reservation • Wednesday. Aug 17 - Summer Concert Series: Kevin Richards, from 7 to 6 130 p m. at the French Creek Nature Center. Great guitar playing and smooth vocals describe Kevin"s musical style. • Saturday. Aug. 20 - Take a trip to Caley National Wildlife Woods (or ••Marshmania." to «•pure a marsh habitat. Dress lor wading. Irom 11 •0 12:30 p m Caley is on West hoad in PirtsficW Townshrp. There wit ho an insect study at French Creek Nature Center from 2 to 3.30 p m Participants w* receive bug boxM lor coaoctmg insects and a book tor identification. Program costs 52 payable by Hug. 17. Make reservations for this session by Aug. 17. Call 1-8OO-LCMPARK. nn-ision pnxluct."i ArufJ/it/ and O n j u i ' i ; d, l ' M 4 . C h i i L \ Si.iiili:v s U i r m i'i| ' i n t o lln.' Ntirinatu'i> p l n - M c h f ; w i l h t h i ! I llilti Hivi-.i'i:! uf t u i ^ i i i f - T s .!•> .i | J . n t '-jf t h e ;il!ii!ii I ' o n . f s i n v . i s i i j i i u f t i n ; K n n » - *.••<•- „ ,,..^., fri., (!,>• ivi'-V ,i(t|joifHi''l ''y !'''• iti.i\nr ;ni(! m m s i s t s o l KuAf-r 1)')«T ! '•••••'!» l.ui^iv. Ku;ti;ir»l I'ottr.. Hub Smith ;*ti'! H a n T r e n t . Uouturil. i!KMTiln'rs.(ri' M.itt i.unily iiml K.C-tKariJ ni-/-, Ari'iintl .it".' A/jouf Ait.'.'i /.;.'.V?.-15 dl >!> [ifuilui -•<! I'V tin; i;niiimis^iiiri, AnnnnJ JIH/ /WMHJ' -Avon /-.fiL- b H a.m.. srnnvfi at al :J •) a.m.. a.m.. ti i> a.m.. a . m . . "'.' a . m . . unoon. uun. o n j - J i n "ill iii.^rporat-: p k l u r ^ h..Armmi jnd About Avon Ljke is si own y.-ar ivrtil* ho w..s in KunjtJ^. ..t 1 .i-«i..'4 a.m.. 7 a.m.. JO a.m.. and at t Th« Avf.n l.J^«- i:i»l)l« Advisory Coin- ,. p.m.. I p.m.. 7 jl.m.. atul 10 p.m. fJ.,i;'t».is Marching band practice underway Avon Ijke Hign School Marching Band has begun to gel ready for the upcoming season which includes football games. Bandaranisjs, and the Uand Preview schcdulod for Tuesday. Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. at Avon Lake Memorial Stadium.,This event is FREE! The bi-nd practices twice a day From 8:30 a.m. until noon and again from 6:30 until 9 p.m. The public is invited to come and watch them. The first game is at Midview at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 2. Avon Lake's 30th Annual Bandarama will be held Saturday. Sept. 10 starting with a Parade of Bands at 7:15 p.m. at tho Avon Lake Memorial Stadium. Some of the bands which will make their appearance are Avon. Avon Lake. Brookside. Brush. Canton Soath. Lakcvood, and Oberlin. Reserve tickets are on sale now. Cal! early and reserve your seat. Cost is $4 for adults and S3 for senior citizens and students. There is an ALMS Band Parents' Block where parents can1 sit together and support their kids. Cal. . early to reserve your scats in the block. .Deadline is Sept. 3. For tickets call 933-0195 or 933-7281 BJood drive The Lrxain County Blood Bank w»B sponsor « blood drive or. Sunday. Aug. 14 ae Avcn United Metnotfcri CftunH. 37711 Dotroil Rd. tram 11 xm. tx«d 130 p.m. and st Avon Lato Ford Plant. 6S0 Miter Road on Thursday. Aug. 18 and Friday, Aug. 19 from 6 « j n . unbl tO p j n . 4-H CJub reunion The Lorsin County 441 Horso Club Alumni Reunon It tor iixtmfccrs. advisers, famfly and frierats. wil be held Friday. Aug. 25 at thsLoraJn Comfy Fair Cow Palace at 7:30 pJn. •; MISS:KANE'.-":'. $ Pisychtc C o n s u l t a n t •Eyo & Pntm Road or Roading* /ivOtUibl* F6r'PrkvatB-Po(1ic»- Chinese Restaurant LakeRt 933-4444 5 N O W S H O W I N G Now Showing The Uon King (G) LastT*oDor% " n » Cflent (PG-13) ' : Clear and Prosant Danpsr (PG-13) Trow U M (R) H*t Otmt Out9ekt(PG) — Good Food • Friendly Pooptm * Good Spirts • W* Now Accapt A Sad Torwn n (fit torn y-Wllia-IOiiiB.., Thun.Hajn.-11pjn. " 32485 Lake Rd. . . . . _ _ _ Avon Lake t; "MNMnnu-authentic Cheese food!", "It's so fresh!", "We're so glad we found this place!" "This is Great!", *Tve never seen a buffet like this!", "Very reasonably priced!" Just a few of the comments expressed by customers of the New EMJ'I&SS Chinese Restaurant located in The Landings in Avon Lake. Under new ownership the EMPRESS has imprrssed it's customers with their fine Mandarin. , Szcchuan and Hunan cuisine. You wil* find Everything from traditional sweet & sour dishes to sumptuous seafood specialties. Everything is prepared with only the freshest ingredients which creates an outstanding menu. Try something new even: time or try some of the local favoritre s'jch as Double Cooked Pork. Chicken with Black Bean Sauce, Kung Pao Beef, or an all time favorite with a twist..Egg Foo Young in an especially pleasing light sauce. The interior of the restaurant has also changed. With fresh paint and new carpet among the list of improvements the EMPRESS offers a bright, airy atmosphere for casual dining at its best. EMPRESS Chinese Restaurant is open Mon.-Thurs; 11:30-10:00. Fri. 1 l:30-lr.GG, SaL 12:00-11:00 and Sun. 12:00-9:00 for dining in or take out. 933-9122. r Stop by and taste the best restaurant to hit Avon Lake, we're located in The Landings Shopping Center... We know your gonna love it! 933-9730 -SeeUiQven t s2nd-MyGIri2 - The Ref-Lighting Jack \ -Intenection • _ L m r 3tsc and Audio Book Restate tmwitm 'irt hi;i»ks h u Dun UK the iiiijlit of Tiiiirstt.iy, July 1M. m m i pPI mi i BSffll pi? nisi Era^^RS ffl 11i1 n s a rwncrT. a tlr.Tr i tly|ift£&d 1 W«stwinds South foul a::nl spr;iycii ur;.ifili on UIIU of liit: picnic titbit's .jmi threw sevLTiil stcmus into tin* •Je..'p <•:>(! uf the pool. The foituwing ni^ht. Friday, July 2'). someone entered the rcurealion buildinjj al the Westwinds South Pool and nuiptied suvcnil buttle." of pool chemicals. Police are investigating the incidents. In other police business: • A 1 VI \'- p m .i ' i t r j . f l > 1 u . i s i l . n m i ; ; iM .it D ' . r r l o u k ['.):•;. • A ! ;) 4 U p fii p u l n !• rt;> t ' i v . ' t ! .1 r c j i ' i r t llt.il a l i d \ c l i - li.i'l l ' " r n s t u t t j d (111 F i n e s t Hk<l. • At 7A'.l p m. ^ ri'siilL-nt mi Forest [tlvil n.-pnrtfd lluit two iuvi'iiitrv n» «l black Uuitl*. w*;re ai:tii'H suspicious. Uiv; jiot nut. wffil to the tru:iV. lookout a tin.iruii. .it'd wot back in. The car was l.i^t si't.'n heading: lovv;ird Grove St. Police w-r*? unable to Iut::ite the vehicle. • At 7;43 p.m. there was a complaint that an older man was at the t'«ai ramp acting; strangely. •••j pljiitl aljuul ,i Ti>;s of ifnnoyinj: phone cill.s on Carriapi! Lane. ''•"•', O At 1 l;'J0 p.m. police ruc:*;im] ,1 report of a disturbance on Woe! •>,>.; worn! Ur. Pour juvtmilus were tlir'juiuj: j»;irbaye around. One of the juveniles wait apprehended by a resident. The jmt-mln was released tti his parents. Monday, July 25 • At 6:16 a.m. police received a report of a bicycle accident on Windward Way. A &4-year-old white nidle was riding a ID-speed bicyefa when a 10-year-eld female pulled out of a driveway on an 18-5pecd bicycle and collided with him. Both bicyds riders were treated For their injuries and released. • At 3:01 p.m. police received a com934-5194 Wednesday, July 27 POLICE BLOTTER someone entered the JILKJ! JI-LM ut Hit- y.ird on Wood-iIotJ. St. • A rciidt'nl uri [.aki- Rd. reported a st-ru- i>t .ititioyiriK p h u n c calls at ti:li" p in • A y r o u p 'if iu\t;:iil''s d.»!iast;d a in.iillioi 'Mi Walki'r Kd. nurtti of Vandals target Westwinds pool « A p/sHk-nl mi F.liHtrii; IJlvd. reported t u u small fire cMiiiKiiisn.Ts stu!rn troiti il shf.'tl Saturday. July 30 • At J.-(i a.m. police teceivttla report that a window had hwn broken out of a vehicle parked at the Ek'at:hpark Restaurant. • At 12:09 p.m. a sqtiirrel !nt a man on Tomahawk Dr. • A resident on Furust Blvd. rvporttd that a juvenile waa driving recklessly. • Komanutu Dumpling* Top Quality Fresh Laka Eri« 1 • WAI & Chicken Paprikas * W«ln«r Schnlt=«l 453 AVON BELDEN ROAD, AVOW LAKE Top Quality LeJw Erie Pnch §|s:{ SI CONVENIENT SHOPPING AT ITS FINEST 44011 Acrou from FIRE STATION | In Our Dairy Dtpt. I Dairyntns 2¥0. t%. Skim Milk 75 Seating Capacity L Tom Car Quality Mtats Certified Angus Bttf M k?&l BHTER THAN CHOICE GRADE BEtf! Dturynm rxf^r GALION y y • A n 4 l - Oriental •Beef or Chicken ^ it & $J89 8.52 to 9,37 02. T-BONE STEAKS MI n Certi/ifi AK^US Bfff - Ml Fiirtm' SHERBET v.c«. Frozen FooJ S(f(rtio«s $ 4 Top Sirloin Steals Gallon ICED TEA I 19 MICRO FRIES Utat Hdrt'rst i'motfJ Spaghetti • ; 59* Ib. Jvm Gir Fresfc Product • Heg. • Thin, i6 oz. Nate c SIRLOIN'PORK/CHOPS ^ ' j i Sweet 5 &iis)f!fU ^ « ! r t i / ' Sweet Corn r'sS^pl 5/S119- PEARS or Gr«rt Sff Tada Vtites. '• • • SIRLOIN PORK ROASTS °£r CAT FOOD TRASH BAGS g'cfeffl Breasts AH 32 oz. SugarJalt Suprrfor I DUTCH LOAF ecare S-J89 I In-Stort Balmy Fratjapane Chicken Breast Sterltisl Cfcunt U. Tuna lii^fruit-FilW BREAD DANISH W c Wilfccul StrJs c C AMERICAN CHEESE 6.125 or. • Spring \Valor . Oil Tinted • Gas Permeable • Disposable t Extended wear • Astigmatism We give you the professional follow-up care and attention you need to be a successful contact lens wearer. - '] - i 41OJ n . PU»IN • MEAT • MUSHROOM S149,IB. PC jjtallhy ChoiQt 933-3214 SPAGHETTI SAUCE IB. CUCUMBERS Walker Conunons North 33398 Walker, Rd.. Suite B I M:W A v o n Lake, 6 H CU 8 k 3 /> . Rr^ub or IJV Sail SLICED BACON 2/79 SHELL MACARONI SALAD Ham Mrs CMSI . CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 79 C GREAT I SELECTION jfe 99 Pflj)fl Joes Pies Superior Hottfy HundryJalt From COLO BEER-WINE-POP -Al Stale Minimum Price i ' —OPEN DA!LY 7:30 A.M. TILL M I U N - O H T 453 AVON B2U3EN ROAD. AVON LAKE 933-9115 Hi L S 1 1 m ^^Tii ft I! >I 1i i I 11 i i j!3 UP Si •i" QUALITY MEATS Great Food For Great Prices T ^ u i r s i r 3 6 7 9 5 D d r o i t Rd- **"• Ohio B. ;! % • A: 1:46 a.m. police discovered two subjects with property thai had been stolen from Wtrstlake. Police turned tb*J property over to Westlakc police. The men wei e charged with possessing stolon property. Prices Good Wed.. Aug. 10th thru Tues.. Aug. 16th GREAT Homemade Soups mi 1 KBBH Sunday, July 31 • Sometime during 'ho night shift at CEl. the windshie|H 1 of an urnjiloyce's vehicle was smashetC.' . • At 11 a.m. police received a report that sumeonf had stolen property from a O At 9:14 a.m. police rtere notified of a trwft from Holy Spirit Catholic Clu-ich vn the corner of Lear Rd. and Walker SJTBt * *. Friday, July 29 Thursday, July 28 Tuesday, July 26 ; Vermilion Large Selection ol Cream and Fruit Pies In AH Shes 6 " - 8 " and 1 0 " . Delicious Strawberry Pies Are Also Available "Svr:^-i- til.- i i " v t ; > ] . m -':'!i'tit!<'ii | K t " l n i ' _ Continuedfromp J ? jf i n . ' i t r i > l i r n i : ! . t i " . til.iti '! t u s.ml UuUiiar was connector struct b«caus»i il stdrts at ant' run* all ifn; 'vay tu "Can't we chuti|.',u it?" ll is a l r c - i ' l y n.-it resident. .HI t.'xci.'ptiuii !i» t i n ; s . m i l . i f . -..-v\i-r j t n l i' V.1111M p j p pliiii ! u n i t \ !' [lilt .1 ni :!4lit>ortnni(i |i,i':k h\ the Beliiur -o:inuc*.or; ho is only n:M . i v o r 1 I,"\I:I: l . ' r h j i i s . i U ! d n i i n - i ' ; - - K .1 lV.--t.TSl quired to o.T.ply wi*!: !ht,- city's -;:IH!*>S 1 uiiijur p n i j l r i n . n u t u r i l \ i \ t i r n U'.idT.r.ite tin i* tu " U ' t - ivijiilil a t s and niasti;r plans. Ilolmar. a beautifully s i i l i ; C M ) .•.11114 W * 1 I l j ' - ' IJ it l i t . b i l l i n t i l ' s l l .j.ir. |inipi •j-.i;\d h - o n i t i n - •> trcolined street with tail oaks and 1 <;>;iii,-ril a r v a o f t f i " c i t y . Murray '.aiil maples forming a icaFy avurhead Tin: duvcliipers said th«:y ;ire Jivv.tr'1 nt' KLI! I 1 T : ifi.'vi'lfjf1"! i)';!i>n.:-i riinitin" canopy, should b« cormuclixl tu this, and that is .^hy the nstutitittn h.isiti t;.mti;riiury east, tii'.is uuikini* it ii major according to the Master h is as lar^t: as il is. Thyy aS.so s>iiil '.Vuti.Tllnrruuj;hfart'. u-')ulil present just as Plan. siiJe will have a homeowners' assneiam u c h uf ] h a ' i i n l . t o children as t h e Regarding .'he W B l retention basin, tion which will ovi;rsi;e rti.miti.'iiiiiLi: uf pond. • developers 3aid they would be hard- , j e rutunliun pond. Murray J.l^o SJIJ a traffic study must pressed to move the basin because it iu Commission mnniljL'rv tab!i:;l tin: plan ho dune on Waterside. :md rJ.u wants to in an area to where the mosl amount of because of many unknown.; a n d know if streetlights will Ire needed :m drainage flows. preferences titey have about WutL'rside. Walier'Road. Commission members, ir. reviewing For u.xampfc. nearly five acres oflaivl u\ Mayor Vince Urbin. a member of the the preliminary plan which shows only Canterbury a n d Curtis, near t h e commission, rvsk'es on Helmar. and street layout and lot sizes, said many development, art; :n limbo because tin; because of his rtjsidunce. he has asktd questions should bo raised by Water- city just realized that it .mil nut the the !aw director to research whether it is side's sewer improvement plan which school board, owns the land. .1 conflict uf interest for him to vote on Waterside, fie is awaiting the k>w director's decision. ,, Urbin told the audience'-that he is aivaru of some Helmar residents collecmust be executed prior to the date of the titifj signatures to petition the city :"or invoice. In violjtion of this regulation, By John Flnnerty t cu:'bs and gutters on their struct: the auditors found several instances Kcpf Construction's Wood fie Id where purchase orders were certified by , COLUMBUS - Tho state's audit of tho Estates subdivision will consist of H2 the treasurer after the invoice date. school district revealed only two minor homes next to the Dakotas subdivision. infractions by school employees accorSection 153.13 of the Ohio Revised The plan was tauled because of uncerding to « report issued by the State Code states that when a contract protect tainties about Division Road, a tiny oneis 50-percent complete, as evidenced by Auditor's Office on Aug. 1. payments to the contractor, all funds ,~eTho audit covered the fiscal year that tuined for performance must be ended on June 30, 1993. deposited in an escrow account. ',nd no The report stated that while the infracfurther funds retained. This rule is not Continued from page 1 tions didn't affect Ihc district's financial applied if the contract is for less than statements, the auditors thought they special thanks to everyone who supSI 5.000. were importable because of the public ported TAe PRES&s fiith annual golf policy, public stewardship and public Auditors discovered that the school ScrainbW last Wednesday. Nearly 200 accountability issues involved. district foitad to establish an escrow ac- Rnlf enthusiasts enjoyed great wnather count for the retainage for a contract Section 5705.41 (DJ of the Ohio Revisand the fine Sweetbriai hospitality. with Ryan Mechanical. lac. ed Code states that a purchase order We've already accepted the first foursome entry for 1995 - since so many were shut out. one eager group dee'ded not to take any more chances. A reminder to those many Avon Lake residents who US>J the libra."y: It will Announces clost today (Wednesday. Aug. 101 and The Association of Jose E. Mendoza M.D. will temain so through Monday. Aug. t o It: staff - as She Clinic's full-time weekday 22. Duri?s ( h' s time, workers will be getphysician. • . ting (ho new facility in order for the Dr. Mendoza Is a Qfaduate of Mt. Sinai ( grind opening on Aug. 28. Internal Medicine Program and Yale Primcry The Avon Lake Homecoming is sot >Care Internal Medicine Internship. for Oct. Q and 9. For booth, parade and • Dr. Mendoza is accoptfng t lew Patlenrj for general information, call 9.13-8515 or Urgont Care, Famlry Care, and Hospital 933*74 5Q. Admissions. Tho power of money. Avon developer M* 1 JO -9;3Q prrvSat: 9:30-9JO pm; Sun: 11«J-5:00 pm Gary Smitck gave council a lesson in money talks — or 30 It appears. Smitek threatened to sue each member of council Monday night who voted against his Two errors in school audit i-.v •Ui Willi.iiri'-tjMrji Drive. A U.K. Kr.i-.i-i. Mi>- only ruMilt'nt o n [In r , m i ' S 1 1 -''!' ;<r.ii-.'.'<l K.jpi f»r a good .j!.iti. lull In; sti'.;;;c'jti;d Kop) install •,i(!."A,iIks to ill.; I'lt'tm-nt.irv a n d ir.iddlu •;i:liuu!- s i n n - V.'oodli'.-Id b a c k s u p to schuul p[up*.'ri>. ••II tlmri; .in! mi sid^-.viilks. kiii* t Will n i l t h r o u g h pc<jplu*s y a r d s . " a n q i h e r r r i i d ' - n t ;mn;fd. [•'rasi;r also 'iii^Kestetl a Williamsl.'wrg North and a Willianisburg South to make the lengthened street 'Ip_s confusing. ' { A Dakota Run resident rev,ut!Sled iht size of homes be gradually enlarged 'o fiuw into th« Dakota neighborhood] T' L resident s^id homes in tho Dakota! at,, 3.500 square feet minimum. J Because the commission ncixls .^'formation on Division Road, and wanEii tho developer to clarify ownership of a few sublots in Woodfield. the project was tabled. • ' |. •'We don't know what it will coiit to improve Division Road." said Miiyor Vine; Urbin. ' Eat 'n play at BK • Tho commission approved \ _.. 827-square-foot playground that wilj be added to Burger King restaurant! on Avon Belden. just south of Walker. Community Pulse.,.And More •Avon-•. Lake Nledictihici% Extended ftourf£;• 933-2929 3.3398 Walker Rd.. Avon Lake Field Subdivision should they hold up his project over an issue he has no enn trol . While Nfayor flm Smith. Coundi President Ed Krystowski and Law D! rector Daniel Striiigcr advised against a "no" vote, somo felt the threat got the at tention of council members Curtis. Doss. GraczyL and Kaiser. (Seo related story this issue.) Other *tufT...Ongratulations to Avon Lako resident Glendaloc Burns whoso Jaycox Road home took first place in tho Lorain County Realtors Prido in Properly contest. There were a few other win nors from our circulation area who pine cd in the contest as well - 500 related orticlc.Wo hear 'he Avon LaJtn Board of Education has discussed the possibility of hiring the Troy Middle School prlnclpnl a year In advance - must be nice io have the extra money ...tho Avun Lako Library's Magic School bus has-been towed to the rear parking lot - must be somo of thai magic stuff from City Hall. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL IVf- I KICK PERM I or art'(art)./t. I. expression beyond ordinary significwet rjRODYWAVE Complete Art Services Newsletters • Logo De-sign • Brochure Design Photo Retouching & Restoration /' Illustrations, Pen & Ink and Airbrush /•' , Architectural Rendering // Michael Krai Phone/Fax: 9&3-2229 r METROPOLIX^N .G!a*s B l o c k & M o r o 11350BroobcrVRil I 1 BUY * SELL * TRADE SELL ON CONSIGNMENT & Supplies Open: Mon. - Ihurs. 9-8 Frl. 9-6 Sal. 8:30-2 949-7400 Coupon Good Through Sept. 30,1994 Hey JSport Fans! SELF STORAGE • Store Itrffij 1Q A Frinu Cccatie tc Sled Endued Area t Tfcc Keep The Key * 24 Hour Srauifr * Full Toe Urc-b fJkaatnt WearOfficjal Pro-Team and Collegiate Logos/IL • T-Shirts • Shorts • Baseball Caps * Sccuritjr Fence it WcD LightH • Outsk Stooge For RVi k Bcaa 814 Center Ed., Avon j a. i J a i JL t u.d. I S & • 10 ft. lOfcilOft. 937-9200 (kL 83ftTint KaKnwl Trwlw) to Ibe (ilit tcdlntlll : Dennis Vrcesc, Owner Uivn nihet Umca ' 937-6527 m a. i i n Itlttll ioft.i » IL I Office Iknix Uoa. • Sit 7f !0 x ua l5.-00 p a ,GtielWx hn—vn— 40% OFF All Summer Merchandise 7 m H Daii, Eie. if Afpt 998 Avon Beldeu (Ric. 83) Avon. Ohio Sim AMV un—iw Sat. 8 a m - 3 pm Avon 934-19941 7—TIT r .T^»*«s^3bH> -AjV r£<s AUGUST DIAMOND of the Month MAR9UISE DIAMOND O.&lct. iC-^Q •n:iii,t; !hu lirsl votu. Cauucil Frt-iin Ed KrysItidV!iIi,i <:ounsi;li;ii tlul voting against Ihi; subdivision would nol have any influtincu on cily ii^mjlidtions with CEI. "CEl conifs on strong. W« jusl liiivu to coma back at them the sanu wjy," Councilman and Planning Commission member John Eldred said. "If tht-y havu to do a step-down. th«y can do it on French Crvck Road." Law Director Uunicl Strinset and Mayor Jim Smith alio advised lhat CEl was separate from approval of Fieldi. and lhal Smitek had no control over it. Thu motion by Curtis to ruconsider the vote came after Dave Sclestak addrusstjd Council, stating that ho rw^* callu-d his councilmnn. Curtis, and asked that approval of Fields be delayed until th« utility pole issua was resolved. Ha said ho no longer objected to the Fields subdivision because th« city had promised tc resoive the matter with CEI. Council then voted unanimously to appr-jve the subdivision improvements. Ironically. Council bad just approved, without hassle, the subdivides' a g r e e m e n t s for f o u r o l h e r developments: ]oo Scalctta's Devonshire Meadows with 129 condominiums and six duplexes; phaso one of Chestnut Creek. • c6ii^ttmg or 11 single family pruvL'stn'iil1. Sinn's ];i>iI T \ Lor 111) I m m c s : liumi^ Ku.i'l. Ki'iivti'-:tim juil Sd!'<!n i .1(1 M i r . : ! ' ' i n [jh.'.st? t w u i i i li.V nil- . .. illtrm-J..r.iit;i--j.i^-!!^SiU^ ^pETlTIK <&t C O - C.,I.jr (i/CLiriiv SI ^ $l,hi).W FINANCING - 1 Plus l.iirulv : l l r i - i - V . <iif SK HJ. !n other business • Cuuncil ii[i[)ruvcd thu hiring <-"f J full-time p.Hrolmjn. Kubort OKK wlio pruvidusly worliiil part-time ill tl'C cfajmrtniunt. Police Ctuuf Jutm Vila^i :iv>un-d Council thiit funds for tin.- extra liuurs were already in the budyyl. • Nil uctiun w;is taken on tlirt:<.' J^1-'"" (!;I Hums pcrluinitt^ to iht* Avun Library iifmr Craczyl. rv waled thurt: arv problems witb water retention nnd with sediment which nrai lo be resulved before the city lakes responsibility for the property. O Council voted to accept the lowest and best bid. $114,579. from itentler Trucking Co.. for replacement of Nu«»;l Koad bridge. When r«ptacc«l. NJS«I Road can be traveled south of Detroit Koad. • Council approved the report of (he *vuter assessment equjliziilion board for the i.«ar-Naxel water rriiiin project. • Uniform rcTtc'cNve buildii.K numbers were mandated by Council. Sponsor Kaiser said liitfh school students will probably sell theBnumbers and perhaps install them a- a fund EVEN1SG 3 SA1VT1DAY APPOW1UENTS AVAUABLE 3Z 515 MOORE ROAD - SUITE HI • AVON LAKE IXfcVI TKt C t » N £ H Of MCC«€ A EH] W»'th Your Private Elementary Public School or Day Care? COME VISIT Le Chaperon Rouge I SmaT. Orw of the Bast Reading Programs • Marrow donors are last chance for those who need transplant • • . • Continuedfrompage 1 • • - ' . ' unless thvy wisher individuals, small businesses and coiporations often help underwrite the cof.ts. To donate money le the National Marrow Donor Pto/jram. serul a check (payablo to therf/KionnlMarrow Donor Program) in rare of Al WhiNiey, P.O. Box. 153. Avon Lake. Ohio 44012. "If by chance a ptirson becomes an exact m'tch for someone, iho only expense that wH', be incurred by the donor is transportation to the medical facility whore marrow will, be extracted. Whitney explained. ' If an exact match is found, a tlonoi goes either to the Cleveland Clinic or Goodtlme Ill/trip planned University Hospital. A trip on Ihe GCOcftimo lit has Doen *ch«duleJ •Tho procedure will Icavn the donor lor Sunday. Aug.' 14 by tho United Churtn o. reeling like <ney've been kicked in th« Cnriat <n SrtctfW*) U k o Tru» is of*m <w >™» pubrc t h e bus'will leave the church parking wi hiD by a,horse, when tho nnosihwlo al t p a and pick up people at Bflachpart weiirs o!f. hut the reeling should RO To*e« in A«or. Uko al 2:10 p m. TMe cruise will may within thren days to two v.-eeks. bo a fiarrated tout ot bclh Lake Erie and trie rive. trom 3:20-5/J0 p m. Beaerwattont. *im <r'« Whitney said. na 'Think o* thu person getting »m «" - chutch am r*qim«l aa ihe trip i* ' ' " " ^ . p i h o tion." he add »d, boat and b-/a. Th^ church Is located at Sur**rt & A hundred and fifty people have flicrwliou f^jsl ? blocks south P( the C o ( ^ n | * r f y already 9iS»od up for the drive Those Conlor). T'> make z. reaeivalion or 9 * ' ™ ' * , h* matbn. f(eaae cuntact Iho Pastor, eo* ™ *• • who want to donate a blood »mpw 949-5171. must make an appointment by callinu Whitney. 933-6104. Learii how to accessorize Many people may bo inolwolo « donate duo to age or health rt-asons. Uui WhUnoy said they can helpf wi«i a monetary donation to help | « " > " « | ; of bone marrow tests - each test costs S45. Potent!* bono n;nrr«, donors do ing weaker 5 « ' ° ? S S not haw to pay For a The bills don't stopwbenjwi'fe side or hurt a«i can't Ask About Health Insurance The !*ate Farm Wiy Deer Track Golf Club & Driving Range Voted Larsbi County'* Best Fully Watered Course Greens Tees & Fairways B e sure vour child, has a bright, healthy smile at school. Call today for a check up and cleaning. Save $20 with this ad; may be applied to deductible or cu-payment. Pcdiatric Dentistry Infants to Teens iiiy; towtmt n cavity-t jiMin M. Vciizcl, U.M.D.. inc 2199 Clifton Way • Avon. Ohio - H U M WBT SHORE WOMEN'S HCAtffl ASSOCIATES ispleased to announce tbecmvdof MARKPUFEL,MD Obstetrics & Gynecologj/ CALL ME. EILEEN REIGERT To schedule an appointment with Dt Kufd or to learn more about the other phyikians of West ^ o r e Womens Heafeh Associates, pfeasecaH 835-6996. Aoonl 32730 Vialkwf -in Trie'i-arKlings" Avon UKO. OH 44012 Start School Smiling Ca//torTee 77mes (216)986-5881 29325 Health Campus Drive - Sidle 1 • We&ke 32730 Walker Road • Building II • Awn lake (216)933-6215 5 9 . 1 Ml. South of Rt. 113 ,.,,-v... ^.•..••••i:':-r'?:pi<iTOK; ..i. . . . f,=..j.i. :..-J.i,!:-.-^".T,-.-,.:-.-..-.-.i.'sitfl4 THEME NOTEBOOK PORTFOLIO HOT ONE mhn BINDER ROUND STIC PENS CRAYONS HOT SPOT HI-LITER WITH $-10.00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING BEER, WINE . CIGAREnES & TABACCO #2 FANCY PENCILS FILLER PAPER WITH COUPON BELOW A N D VARIETIES a 12 PACK 12 OZ. BTLS. A JUNIOR™ 12-PACK I • I -—- GOO GOOD ONLY A* lD: MSPARKLE '=[«- D i n PEPSI, CAFFEINE • crn<i PEPSI, . B/1 b/U4 PEPSI FtrlE D i n PEPSI. DP. PEPPER I L. Si'- Watch our weeRi^flyer for additional savings! ^P: , «• V..•'rT'-1. &ZLs. i* T i r " ^ i" r ~ ^ > " " " « ^ ' >> > "•* — ' • •' • • —" f mm f , ' ^ . , ,, , 1 . Mm n „ , ' *lfeg^fcij^^ ar.tf rr,.ja.s J^VJafi^f H Avon Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Avon Lake Lagrange N. Oimsted N. Ridgeville Sheffield Lake Sheffield lake Sheffield lake Ji $223,000 "37T04 Hunters ff." $165,900 31825 Bayview #68 $163,500 32356 Birchwood $199,000 32179 Cambridge $19?5500 590 Chancellor $174,900 395 Creekside $70,900 33803 Electric $475,000 319S3 Lake Rd. $114,900 156Vinewood $179,900 40038 St. Rt. 303 $122,900 5045 Columbia $159,900 5985 Case $106,900 388 Buckeye $300,000 5055 Cliff $94,900 618 Idlewood ^3^I-- ; ^-^^ 4/Colonial 2-5 Buddy Glover 2/Condo 1-4 Jan Garner 3/Ranch £-5 Nancy McGhee 3/Ranr.h 2-5 Joanna Demos 3/Colcnial 2-5 Sue Brown 3/Colonial 2-5 Susan Schilling 5/Condo 1-4 Elaine Rotz 4/Colcnial 2-5 Mike Hexter 3/Ranch 2-5 Valerie Waddeil 4/Colonial 2-5Karen Jesensky 4/Ranch 2-5 Rick Misnsr 4/Co!oniaI 2-5Carol J. Gresco 3/Ranch 2-5 KathySatullo 4/Bungalow 2 4 Bev Aufdenkampe 3/Ranch 2-5 Kathy Pocos &- - BY APPOINTMENT i LISTING 679716. 3 bdrm.. 2 bath spadrw includes heat, LISTING 679219 Want space?? Here ts a Z bdrm home in Shottield TWD on one aero. Animals porniUod. Extra rm. la dlnenc, Call Carol J. G'osco tw « « H 933-3733 / 365-2587. ElJ Hou 93 ~ . •« 67B879 A lot d/spase with 3 bdftrs., VA tMtfu.plua extra rm. up. Newer roof, vtnyl aiding ft vinyl clad windows tor easy maintenance. All this olua storage bam. Call Caro: J . Grosco 'or details. 933O733 / 365-2587. ' R73017 Shfti KJtt) Twp. charmtng ranch on largo ccrnor lot. 2 tin hltc^o^ w/adjoining laundry room. .7 car garn^w'OP« 871-0488. 679214. ShollielO U k e bungalow on quiot troo 1 i n e t t •^1Faaturea include 2 boafms. down w/acctm to onclO."W 3 seasons patio/ extra bedrni up. largo country kilchen & rult basement. For mortf dotaiis call Carol J. Gresco. 933 3733. 3733 i •j^-m^v^'^Ns^SffSS^ii^-^ ' ' District lurks at receivership's door s S By Marcella Grande t- • • 3 SHEFFIELD - School board member § Sandcy Surface is beside herself; she •*_ doesn't know how to txplain lo voters H that the school district is borrowing j£ money from the slate and faces receiver°- ship, yet is contemplating construction x of a new school. "How can you borrow monuy and talk about building a new school and n bund issue?" sba asked follow board members. Her colleagues on the board replied that whether iho district is borrowing money or not. 'he condition of Sheffield Middle School isn't getting any better. "Tho everyday Joe isn't going to understand that." she responded. This past winter, emergency boiler and plumbing repairs were needed at the middle school. "I hope tha heating system Mil gel us through the winter." said Supti Charles Kropop. "The facility is falling apart. There's a gep between the gym and tho hallway that's boon collecting moisture end leaking, and the ceiling falling (sic) In tho Guidance Office last year...the sewage plant behind the middle school is a drain onour budget, aa pun Intended." Krepop said. "It's S90Q hero. $1,000 heiB». ,,/ One of the pump motors on the sewer plant that had to'be reconditioned was from 1944. : "We must keep it (sewer plant) functioning Tor EPA standards. It would be nlco to have some kind of sewer hookup," he added. - The district will dppeai to the voters in November for passage of an 8 mill conti' nulng operating lew. If passed, money generated can bo used for repairs and improvements as well as curriculum costs, salaries and benefits und instruc- ttonal materials. A permanent Improve- , ment levy and an operating levy were debated In May. t ' School Treasurer John Strcett informed tho board lliat tlio district anticipates a $2 million deficit by.next June when . ;. tho fiscal year ends - a deficil that surpasses seven percent or the district's t, operating budget, which may qualify for state receivarsrtip. ., Stroott said the state doesn't always i. consider a school district in rcceivcr. ship by virtue of Us' deficit exceeding i- seven percent of its budget: receivership mny not be considered until the district borrows from tho state loan fund for a second yean' .,' : !te? Sheffield-Sheffield Lake's, ailments haven't quite1'-reached that poir.t. but it' tho levy fails in Noyombcr.^Wcelvorship is imminent Once in receivership, could have a fresh appearance... "But w.j can't even afr-.ird that, am! school officials must gel slate approval for every expenditure, and standards that wouldn't uu a big deal. stie .. will be sliced to bare mstiimums. Well- lamented. ington has been in receivership for nearHoard members Surface and Mi Itr ly two years. have children attending Sheffield Mid"See what's happening in Parma?" dle School this year and are all the mere said Supt. Krepop. "It's a reality that the concerned about safety. A special meeting is scheduled lor state will come in and order minimum standards." Board member William Emory asked if busing for ulder students would get cut. Krepop gave him an affirmative answer and added that all special programs such as the Rending Recovery program would also be cut. School board President Barbara Miller -*aid the Greg White. Lorain County prosecutor board has been careful and candidate for U. S. Congress 113th in fiscal management while improving District) will be the featured speaker at the quality of education. the Wednesday. Aug. 17 meeting of the "We've come a long way this year," Avon/Avon Lake Republican Club. she said. "Our kids' proficiency lest While is one of the most highly scores were 100 percent. That didn't respected prosecutors in the state of happen for no reason." Ohio. He is a graduate of Kent State "We are not gouging our community," University and a graduate magna cum staled Emery. "Wo arc competitive with lauile from Cleveland Marshall College of Law. Mo served with the U.S. Marines other communities in the county." Supl. Krepop repeated, "Whether we have money or not. the building is coming apart. "A new school was recommended in Local self-employed persons can get 1989: We've made it five years beyond help with business-related issues by jointhat," he pointed out. ing the National Association for the SelfBo'ird member Cathy Caianesc employed. agreed. "This was the time to build a Members of NASE enjoy over 100 new school because of the new developments that have gont into the benefits ranging from advocacy to tollcities. We have 50 new enrol'ecs this free business services like long distance year." she said. telephone service, equipment leasing, Krcpnp said the Strategic Planning and e subscription to Self Employed America, a newspaper that covers pertiCommittee wants lo forge ahead with a nent topics for small business owners. plan on what to da about the middle The group purchasing power of NASE school. The board acted on the committee's recommendation ?.nU htred tho gives members negotiated discounts on Lcsko planning and engineering firm to study several different options: Move middle school students lo another building, renovate the middle school, put the middle school students at the high school and build a new high school. or build a new middle school. According to Streett. the firm's fee for the study is 515,000. The money would Reverend Bruce C. Broudigam will bo be included in the initial cost of a new ordained pastor of St. Paul Lutheran school if such an option is decided. Church on Aug. 21. He is married to "If not, it will cost us," he said. " Heidi (nee Meier) and has a son. Daniel. Krepop said the Strategic Planning His parents are Mrs. Viola Krosky Committee advises putting as little (deceased), Mr. Charles Breudigam ol money Into Sheffield Middle School as North Olmsted, and stepfather. Mike possible until cither a major renovation Krosky of Avon Lake. or a new school is decided. Breudigam was member of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Chi'rch of Avon Mrs. Catane-se stalcti that;she hazia Late for 25 years. He graduated from the same complaints from custodians Lake High School in 1377. attendand teachers: Ifcnly the walls could bis' Avon Lorcin County Community College cleaned arid painted and >he interior', ed and Kent State University. He received his Muster of Divinity degree form Concordia Theological Seminary of Fort -Wayne, Indiana. He now resides In Cross Plains. Indiana. White joins governor for ssigning of victim's rights 2444282 everything from travel benefits to eyecave to the Association Doutal Plan. One of the most popular benefits Is the attractively priced NASE endorsed Health Insurance Plans which, are "custom designed" for iho selfemployed to include: a two-year rate guarantee, any doctor any hospital worldwide, prescription card, and "0" deductible accident benefit. For Information on how' to [olu NASE, call representative Joo Kravec at 949-5471. ^ *: - , ^ .'• Bruce Breudigam to be ordained i , Faith Lutheran nursery school 1994. 327^*744 in tho 9th Infantry Regiment in Vietnam and was awarded the Stiver Star. Bronze Star and Navy Commendation Modal. The Ajan/Avon Lake Republican Club meeting will be held at the Old Firchouso. corner of SR 83 and Lake Road in Avon take. The'meeUng will start at 7:30 p.m. and is very informal. All area Republicans am Invited to attend. NASE offers clout for self-employed Faith Lutheran Church of Avon 1ms two nursery school classos; a prukindorgarton class and n class for three '•.-,. year old children. '•'• The class far three year Did clulr!.*cn meets on Monday and Friday from 3 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Tho children must bo three years old on or before Sept. 30. How?jWith the Allstate Auto AcHantaRe. A way folks with a prJiat driving record and Allstilte Home Insurance nf&y save\!ip to 20% on \\ car insurance. Call todaylfor details! \\ saw cmn Mn» M. Thursday. Sept. 1. 7 p.m. at Sheffield Middle Schuol. Citizens may hear rucummuittiatiuns presented by Lcsku & Associates regarding ih'i middle school. "Shall wu v>horu our hard hats?" asked board member Daniel Collier. The next regular school bonrd meeting is Monday. Aug. 22 at tho Administration Center. .., •; The prc-kindurgarlen class is for children who will Le four years old on or before Sept. 30. 1094. This class meets Tuesduy. Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m Tho objectives of the nursery school are lo help the child develop his or hew - own polontial in tho following areas: Socially - to learn to share and respect the rights of others; Physically - to develop large and small muscles to improve coordination: Intellectually - to stimulate the drive to barn, to develop pood speech and vocabulary patterns: Emotionally - lo develop a sense of belonging and acceptance of self; Spiritually • tu load I lie child lo trust und faith in Jesus. Faith Lutheran Nursery School is nondiscriminatory on the basis of ractj, religion, or ethnic origin in administration of their education or admission policies. For further information, call the church office at 934-4710. Rev. Bruce C. Breudigam Et€etera Clean-up Week in Avon AVON - The Avon transfer station located at tho service garage, 35060 Detroit Rd.. will be open from Monday, Sept. 12, through Saturday. Sept. 17 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Dump permits must bo purchased at Avon City Hali. 30774 Detroit Rd • • The use of "the transfer station is restricted to'Avon residents who must have permits boforo they wil be allowed lu dtsposo uf their refuse. No tires, refrigerators or air conditioners will be accepted. ^ Jr. Women's Club starting AVON - Anyone interested in becoming part of tho new Avon Junior Women's" Club should attend a meeting on Tuesday. Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. at the homo of Lisa Owens. 3-1411 Heatherwood Avc. !f you have any qucstiuns or aro interested but cannot nltemt, please call Lisa at 937-5147. All interested Avon women aro welcome lo attend. Avon Lake-Avon Chamber AVON LAKE - Our next general membership moc!ing is Sept. 8 at 7:30 a.m. at Cafe Expresso at. the Walker Road Shopping Center. Sheri Joavons is the guest spoakerwho will discuss Power Presentations. She will discuss how business people c»n tnmmunicale with an audience. v llrenklast is homemade muffin, eggs, fresh fruit, orange juice and Cbfo Expresso's fresh brewed coffen. Cost is $4 per person. Reservalions are required by Sept. 6. Please call the Avon Lake/Avon Chamber (Jf Commerce al,933-9311. COLUMBUS - Asked by the widow ur a slain police officer to help increase I he penalty for such a heinous crime, killing B law omforcoment officer. Slate Senator Alan J. Zaleski announced recently that he would help lead the fight to- unite behind the recently introduced bill. Zaleski, tho Ohio Senate's Assistant Democratic Leader, said he would help tend the effort to raise tho penalty for murdering o police officer. "This Is an Issue that demands a strong unitod voice from our legislature." he said. Senate Bill 341. introduced by State Senator Nancy Chiles Dix last week, would make the penalty for murder of a . police officer either death or. if federal case law requires, lifo imprisonment without parole. Maureen MnrVwuixl, widow ul ,i l.iinLtistur police officer, had lubbied Zuleski lo lend support to llie bill. Miirkwtiod hud originally coatiicluii Zalnski regarding i bill hi* pussud earlier ibis-yuar that allows families at murder victims to issue a victim impact statement. Zalcski's bill passed as an amendment lu another Senate Bill in March. "The deterrent of murdering u law enforcement officer has lu be the highest we offer - the death penalty, or if federal law prevails, life imprisonment without parole." Zaleski said Wednesday. He expects the bill to be referred to committee and voted on during a brief fall session. He will co-sponsor the legislation at the earliest opportunity on the lloar of the Ohio Senate. ; Automobile Injuries • Wrongful Death Imurance Claims • Negligence Cases • Uninsured Motorist 2217 W1STCB1A WAY-AVOfJ THE INTEREST RATE IS GOODFORAFEW White to speak to Republicans s Greg White, Lorain County prosecutor land candidate for U.S. Congress in the v i3th Congressional District, joined Governor..George Voinovich at a bill -signing for the Victims' Rights bill in the Governor's office. .White has been one of the leading advocates of victims' rights in Ohio. As a rnomber of the Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission, he chaired the subcora'mittoe that produced.the first draft for "victims' rights legislation which led to t U-the introduction and passage of Smote Bill 183. For"his work on the commis'slon and his devotion to victims of crime. White received the 1994 Public |rPolicy Leadership, Award presented by the Supremo Court of Ohio. Court of Claims, Ohio Victims of Crime Program. "Laws protecting victims' rights are long overdue. This legislation-begins a new era In victims* rights for the Stale of Ohio. For the first time wo have a comprehens.'vo set of statues which specifically defines the relr.tionshfp between victims and the criminal justice system." White added, "I will always be a staunch advocate of victims' rights. I intend lo take tho load in Ihc United Stales Congress to fight for those same changes to the U.S. Criminal Code. Wo must assure that victims of crime receive the dignity and respect they deserve." MONTIS. THEN I T GOES HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER! 5.929&Y 7.50% Pride in Property winners ^ » ,,,», Lbraln: County Association of l K«rt«» are proud t a announce the win^j>enjJoCUiW:49S4 Pride in Propurty Con^ b r t h o fifth annual event in thrcecategorioa based .'value. Category 1: up to 180.000, Category 2: $80,000-3150.000; :fad Category 3:$150,000 and up. 1 entries received were judged on .a_ bor or criteria including originallryrcoordination, maintenance and utlng Impression. , , - . , r iBitrants needed to submit a photo of fair homo along with specific informajdon coveringrtho homeowners name, ^dress and a phone number where they ' Id be reached. All entrants wew rood to be the owner/occupier of the a they entered. ' : place winners in all tnrea categories will rocotvo a S150 cash Sward and second place winners roceivo a cash award of S50. All winners will also receive a plaque to bo displayed in their award winning home. The First Place winners for 1994 are: Category 1 First Place Winner, Mr. and Mrs. Foglyano. 153 Preston St., EJyrin: Category 2 First Place Winner. Tim and Kalhy Cole. 42021 Oberlin Rd.. Elyrta: Category 3 First Place Winner. Mrs. GlendaliM) Burns. 240 Jaycox Rd., Avon Lake. Second Place winners are: Category 1, Mr. and Mrs. Nosbit, 3424 Amherst Ave.. Lorain; Category 2. Mr. and Mrs. Franz. 188 Vineyard Rd.. Avon Lake; and Category 3. Mr. and Mrs. Watts, 32295 Gable Lane. Av Lake. Judges in this year\ ••vent were Joel Loufman. Lorein Coui-.y Metro Parks; Nancy Corber. Gerber Landscaping: and Mary Jo Vasi, Lorain County Commissioner. DIABETES EDUCATION Intensive treatment can reduce or prevent complications' The Diabetes Comprehensive Care Center of Lorain Community til Watch your savings soar with a Rising Rale Certificate of Deposit (CD) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA) from PremlerBank & Trust. At regu24 month CD lar intervats throughout the 5.640% APY term, your interest rate will 4 . 0 0 ° / o first eight months automatically increase. You 5.50O/<B second eight months can choose from a 24 month 7-00 B / o final eight months CD, a 30 month IRA or a 36 month CD. Your interest is compounded and credited monihly on the CDs and quarterly on the IRA:;All you do is sit back and let 1 your savings grow. This is a limited time offer*, so If you want to watch your savings soar hurry over to PremlerBank & Trust. .]Doctor prcxripcion required ^to'mcct luunncc "mnbuMentent J 30 month IRA 5.703'/- APY 4.25% first ten months 5 . 2 5 % second ten months 7 . 2 5 % final ten months TYemieiBank ic education needs 1:00-3:00 p.m. .-Fri. 8:00 a. i 36 Month Certificate of Deposit 1-800-522-3034 I-8O0-524-3034 (TDD) or check your local listing. &TRUST MEU0ER FDtC TSi • Inlorosl r a i n and APY1 we uccurnto as ol AUQUSI 1.1994. Substantial Interest penally roqulrod (or OQfly withdrawal. $2,500 minimum to open the 24 and 38 month CD. $10,000 minimum lo opon Iho 30 month IRA. mmmmammmas Five years uj;o, PRESS Publisher Hick Hummer rualizud how many golfers u\tended worthwhile1 charity jjolf uvunts. and felt it was time to havw unu for the sole benefit of the golfer. Thus, Tha PRESS Coif Scramble was born. Over the p;;st five years, the event has moru than doubled in size and become so popular thai the 1994 Aug. 3 event was sold out in late June. "That really caught me off guard," said Hemmor. "There were an awful lot of local people who supported the event and my newspaper the last four years, who got shut out and really felt bad they didn't make it on time. I have a feeling that won't happen in 1995," he said. The Aug. 3 event added a new twist - a custom [JuiIiiiK cuursn s«;tup by the Swi'utbriiir stuff. Tho1 segment riippud off I lit. day with nearly every gu!furi:oiiipt>tii)K- 1Tin? drawings which took plan. iifter :i delicious Novotny-i;ulL*re<l dinner, lusted nearly u full hour because then; were so many prizes to be given away. When usfcud what he has planned ftir next yuar, Hummer said he really didn't know. "It's really hard :o fix something that's not broken," he replied. "Either way, I'm sure we'll come up with a new twist." The annual event is again scheduled for the first Wednesday in August of 1995. Don't get shut out - sign up early! Nesrly 200 golfers played !n the filth annual PRESS golf scramble. Taking a moment to rest are Terry Goolrey of Nightline Graphics. Wolfgang Schindler and Jeff Toth. who won the eolef TV given away as a door prize. PRESS photos - Gary Arndt Ron Able and his son. Tim Lyons, are all smiles after they tied for first in the custom putting contest, splitting nearly S400. , PRESS Publisher Rick Hemmer announces the winner of the Big Money Hole first place: Terry Ryan of Avon Lake. 'i: The Doctor wfll see you now Matt Burns drives the cart for his uncle, Chris Burns during the day-long event. Nowfamiliesin Avon lake and surrounding communities can take advantage of the convenient, quality care^offered by SL John West Shore Family Health Services. For more information AVON LAKE POWER EQUIPMENT or to schedule an appointment with one of the WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELLvANDMORE physicians listed below, call 933-7748. • Lawn • Garden • Recreational • Kerosene Heaters • Gas Grills • Propane • Trailers • Tool Sharpening Physicians/Specialties family Practice Orthopedics Ear, Nose & Throat JackBriH,DO JohnHerberth,DO Alan W. Davis, MD Michael G.Hritz,MD Joseph ScarcdkjMD David EBennhoff,MD MarkJ.VPladecki.MD James W. Wood, MD Rheumatology Internal Medicine I 1 Michael Dobrovfch, DO „ MussaretZuberi, MD Cardiology ~ Ramesh Brahmbhatt, MD KhawarSjed,MD .; X-ray IsamA.Diab.MD Routine Lab Testing Jagannath Das, MD 690 Avon Belden Rd. (fit. 83) Mon.. Wod.. Fit 0-6 TiMft.. nun. 0-8 Sat. " B-fi Sun. Cloud 933-4400 AD CORRECTION North Ridgeviile Press & Light Corn Festival Special Edition SHOULD READ OB/GYN General Surgery BARBAB^rJEAN'S , Power Washing "•;.'.- Dilip Narichania, MD St. John West Shore Family Health Services 32730 Walker Road * Building H-Avon Lake WlthTWsAcl | : Meel^iding,., ^Biuck'tjmcliitjlt' Exterior Cleaning Clwinihij Solutions ] • Vinyl Siding ' • " " " ' [MATES - ^ • ^ ' l' •'245-9899:•-' • .II.-,^)^!.,,..,. j . • We Apotegbe For Any Inconvenlanco Thla Error May Havo CauMd You. .m, Jr. Women plan 1 st meeting AVON LAKE- The Junior Wuinun's Club will hold ils first jjuncrcil mi:t:tinK on Monday. Auj>. 15, 7:30 p.m.. at Uiu Peter Miller House on Laku Kn.ul. All womnn in Avon l^aku. 19- years-ultl and older arc invited lo Iwcumo a part of I his BCtive organiziUion. Thu meeting will begin with a lour of Iho Miller house. The business nmutiriK start.i aflcr the tour, at 7:30. Ciirrunl members and visitors aru uncuurugi'd to bring a guest. Members and their KIIL-SIS will be entered into a door prize drawing. Thia is a wonderful opportunity for new Tjsidents (o get involved, plus meet new people. Tfce Junior Women's Club holds its meetings the third Monday nf each month. In addition to the b:isincss meetings, thu club presets intere^ng speakers such as iJianc Firostinc discussing "BafeiWig Career and Famity-Doiug it AU:" and Jim and Mary Lou Meanfo dbcussinc Imw thoy I;U|JL> wilh ii family disability. An upturning program will fcMturu a Lurnui L'ountv Cunimutnty CIolluKL' ru|)rr;s(;iilaliv(! who will ..•«.[il.iin Iht; colk'^t-'S 20/21) |)rti<:r.iin. Tilt' crimp's primary fund-raisiirs an; the Hinnuspufi Fairs heltl in tin; fall ami spring. Junior Wuniun's Club also hosts a .spring luncheon ami styli; show. AIUHK wilh civic activities, UILTI; aru social activities or(jani/i.'d throng I unit I In: year. Many activities are aln:udy ptnnneil. and .sujJKustir'is for new activities an; always welcome. • If you would like to join an organization tli-it offers the opportunity to benefit the community and establish new friendships, please plan to otteud the Aug. IS meeting. You detcrm'oe the amount of time you can commit lo the club and to piojccts. Each member and her input is just as important as the lime devoted. 4 INSURANCB AGENCY, INC A Full Service Agency Since 1952 Insuance Companies Local 933-5223 • 9J)0 zjn - 5M pm Daily Cleveland 835-7242 • Evenings by appointment 33399 Walker Rd. Suite B • Avon Lake Tree committee seeks new 'buds' Avon Jjiko's Tree Committee is lookIng For interested citizens to be a part of the committee for tho following year. The Tree Committee is interested in preserving trees and promoting trees in goneraL The Tree Committee was recently recognized for their work in making Avon Lake a "Tree City USA.- This designation allows the city to apply for grant funding for tree projects and opens tho door for many other possibilities. . , Over the past two years the committee has droTlod a Tree Ordinance, planned Arbor Day activities, started a Tree Inventory and Identification Program in tho city parks and purchased softwam to store the Inventory information. Tho Proposed Tree Ordinance will be reviewed by Planning Commission and then Cit i Council in the near future. The •$&tn suggests ornamental trees for the tree lawns for all streets In the city. A ^Mow^streets 'and ~ subdivisions have F^ftlieody Implemented such a plan. iltr Tree Committee members need not be ^experts on trees. All that is nodded is a Tbtt of enthusiasm and an interest in ESTABLISHED 1WJ trees. The committee meets on the second Wednesday evening of the month. If you would like to be a part of this, submit a letter of interest to Mayor, Vince Urbin. Avon Lake City Hall. 150 Avon Bclden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012. For additional information contact Tree Committee Chairman Chuck Jenkins at 933-7182. RASAP meeting, Aug. 17 Everyone Is Invited to a moetiog Wednesday, Aug. 17 of RASAP (Recognition. Acceptance and Support of Alt People) at Ihe Oomonkas Library, 4125 E. Lake Road. Sheffield Lake. Refreshments at 6:30 wilh program and gerwal meeting (rom 7-8:30 p.m. featuring our own version of TV's "Ufo Goes On* and "Count Us In* • a presentation by tfi'oo young mer. witn Down Syndrome, Barry Brooks, Chris Quintan and Dan Walters, who speak about life experiences and share their goals and dreams. Contact Smith & Smith Attorneys Ask for Jody L. Siwmaker, Esq. To Establish Your LIVING TRUST hone \ PhoiwS 874^2228 ,933-3231 WitherspoonCMP Opticians omcznaota .OtOOpm -4.-O0pn T \ COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Latest in Fashion Eyewear Contact Ltnses AVON Prescriptions Filled PROFESSIONAL Artificial Eyes 33461 York Street Avon Lake does noc «ppV » * * * < * " 440U ."r*: 933-S974 ALL CHILDREN WE CARRY AND USE MATRIX, 10% OFF NEXXUS & ABBA Cuts & Perms • Avoid Probate • Save Estate Taxes • Reduce Costs and Expenses of Estate Administration Duud a. cm»tf n. C U lEYEDMMSBirD&natfRK HOURS: Men, 9-6; Tues., Thura., and Fri^ 9-5:30; Sat. 9-Noon CLOSED VVEDNESOAY BUILDING 36485 Detroit Rd. Avon NorthCoast Obstetrics, Inc. - v it ^ - w : Specializing in.OB/GYN-lnfertilrty Incoritinence^Menopausal Care For advice you can trust and value you can depend on. DR. GROSEL received o Seo us thru August 31 st and receive - ^ FREE Labor PLUS One option ^ When you purchase any Kit at regular price Opftwcaid be > b e « ^ window or W f . k l D W« how* Aa profwswnol expnowKB ittote*to recommendforightcovwogw «* * • "Jlf P ricB * lo mil y w r specific irm*onc» ne«» and budget. And « • back up our prorraws wilh wperior serviot lo giw you ihe morf valw (or your insurancedoBon. CoHuitoday. ItooM. • H O M -Cor -Buiinm BOMMER r— 11 HlQhWilBam- Red Cedar Furniture and much more. INSURANCE AGENCY 2219 Wisteria Way, Avon, Ohio NAnONWIDE lNSURANCE • 30 yr. Warranty on ROOT • 20 yr. Warranty on Rod -nfancinaAvwaWe STURDY-BUILT mtg. his metijftal degree from Wilght State University and- -, completed his "; internship and residency at Akron Gty HospitaL Doctors Mihalii and Croset have privileges at EMIi Regional Medical Center and SLJohn Wat Shore Hospital Suite 201 Gates Mcdkal Center 125 East Broad Street Etyria • 329-7375 m Gatn Mtaiiol Onlifttm DK. KAMN MlltALDC •• li TQ YOUV UKE TO KNOW. . . 3y Vincent M . Urbtn, Avon Lake Mayor When Did You Say Your Vows? You may recall how amazed J -vas at the number of people who call on the mayor to perform iheir weddings. Well, l'vo done over 50 now and I'm still umuzed! We've done weddings in parks, backyards, gazebos, reception hulls, business buildings. Christ Winery, mayor's otfico. houses, city hall and onu is already scheduled next year to be done in a church. Co figure! I sure can't, but it is an honor to be involved in people's lives thl& way. My pastor says it's my ministry. You may recall that I do not accept payment of this service, but I 'do encourage donations to be given to an Avon Lake cause. Them have been many groups who have benefited from donations given at these weddings: Community Resource Services. ALPS, Project Park Awareness Day. Animal Shelter. Baseball Federation, the Library, and so on. I'vo married people who go all out wilh tuxes, the full bridal dp9ss and limousines, to tne bride and groom in shorts and summer dresses. It's always interesting that's for sure. I Just thought I'd share that little bit with you. .. Water Main - This ten million dollar jact.^ti.nnjn Avon take around July 20. It will Mo t!irimi[h Avon out! North Kkiguvilli: .itul titi into lln: Kiir.it l.uniiti County Watur Autliurily. This is jjoud for us bi-'cuusu it will luu«i|i! tin; ui-ak watur prussurL' concerns un thu castum end uF the city and i: will hulp ku«p our water rates among the lowest in the state. That is because thusi; cities will lie buying their water from us ut a little higher price than you and I pay. I'd like to congratulate the Hoard of Utilities, John Kniepper, and everyone etee who helped bung this project, to the forefront. S*:vrer Hales - With council on rucuss I hrni an opportunity to attend a Uoard of Utilities meeting recently. It appears the new meters installed in various locutions have taken care of Hip thought of raising sewer rates later year. That's good news, huh! Land Use Flan - I'd like to thank all of you who have contacted the mayor's office about thu citizens committee. If you sent your letter in. 1 assure you we will try and involve you during this process. There will be many public meetings on this plan between now and next February. Planning Commission and I would like to encourage you to be a part of this process. There will be pub'ic forums at some point during the meetings. If you arc going to live here for the next 10 years or tongcr. take advantage of this opportunity to put this "guide for the future" together. Rezonlng of Land to Light Industrial - As you prepare to vote on this rezoning issue in tho November election, ploase feel free to call on mo if you would like to know anything about it. or if you II UMINATIONS LIGHTING 20% Off All In-Stock Table Lamps s H.OVI oo M Lofaln.County's Newest Lighting Center. Wida Variety To Choose From Modem, Tradrtional & Contemporary Special Program For New Home Buyers Horn: Mon.-Frt.Wl Sal 3-3 Local*!: 39221 Center RIdgo Rd, North Rldgevllle Deii-'Restaurant 33332 Walker RcL Avon Lake (DrugmartiPlaza) ••— 933-4862 FAMILY DINING WITH A COMFORTABLE ATMOSPHERE $1.19 $1.19 BREAKFAST SPECIAL^ 2 Eggs, Home Fries, • Toast or 2 Pancakes or French Toast Add 2 Bacon or 2 *"••• Sausage t Ul» Liquor Purmil • Wi; LUST imr ».,IM; against HI1. Unless the i:ily upptnls llie (Incision of tho Dujjartnumt of Liquor Control successfully, \i\' will receive thuir buer and wine licenst;. I unly briny this up because of several culls i i-i:cuivud from residents that were opposed to this happening. I nave discussed our right to appeal with tho law director and liu bcliuvus that with the proper testimony we cuulii successfully defeat this request. At thr> original hearing we only had testimony from the IT A President. Police Chief. Youth Bureau Officer, and myself. 1 heard from a lot more people than that. IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT THIS SITUATION AND WOULD UE WILLING TO TESTIFY AT A HEARING. YOU MUST CONTACT MY OFFICE NO LATER THAN AUG. 19 AT 4 P.M. After reviewing the amount of interest in pursuing this, Mr. Smith and I will decide if we want to ask council to appropriate funds to uppeal the decision. Lola of Money - HPVU you heard the latest? Someone is passing around a rumor that the city received an unanticipated extra SfiQO.OGO! Yowza, I wish that were a fact! The truth is. as of June 30 wo were about $200,000 ahead of what we anticipated. That is still good news and we plan to put every bit of it back into (he city. So, once ar.d for ell, the city did not receive an unexpected $800,000. Basketball 'Signs - Wo finally received the ordered Mate champ's signs for our city signs. We tried to put a little ceremony together for tho learn, but with summer jobs, vacations, etc., we , couldn't get everyone together. The sign • nukoi may have been a little late, but tho championship (ho Shoregals won will live on forever! I-'uar of Ruing before thu board? Based mi many flyers, writings, ami conversations i'w: witnessed, it appears ihuro is a t:i:rldin ly|>f of fiMr that is btiinj; felt by soim; who have Ut w> before the Planning Curmnission ami the Zoning Hoard. I despise the thought of that h.ippeniny, i really do! These boards are just a group of yuur puurs put in a position to act upon issues that the code requires their approval. Yes, I am tho mayor, but 1 also unt only one person. I would like to strongly encourage people who have these fears or even concerns, to contact me and their council representative and express yourself. Every problem has a solution. I have confidence that if Ihcro really is justification for these fears and concerns, that council and I will do whatever is necessary to resolve them. By tho way - Do you know who GRENDLE Is? Tho editor and staff of this newspaper have been tight-lipped about this since ils inception. You may bo smarter than me and have already figured it out. 1 think I finally have cracked the mystery of this artist. GRENDLE really is...wait a minute, I had ID figure it out for myself, you should havo to do the same. HA-HA. " A - word or praise..,to all of tile residents on Sunset for the patience (hat they havo had during their sewer.project. Every day this slreot is torn up and . in deplorable condition. Part of tho problem has been that this sewor has so many unknowns because of its age. The contractors have been very cooperative and the people who this project affects have, for the most part, been very patient and understanding. Thanks folks! Do you have any concerns? Ideas? Please don't hesitate to givo mti a call at 933-6141, 871-5351 or 933-4930. May God continuo to bless Avon Lake. In the meantime, I'll bo serving you. 933-5100 Press Line What's burning at Troy? Tiffany Fixtures Have Arrived! 327-8811 would liki! a spt'.iVi'r lo lit; jiruviil'-'il l o r yuur Ht'-H'p or niiia.'li/.iiliim. " LUNCH & DINNER /; - SPECIAL Country Fried Steak Baby Beef Liver Meat Loaf Broiled Chicken Breast Breaded Ocean Perch All Include Potato, Soup & Salad No Discounts on Special Served Mqn.-Fri. from 11arn-7pm Sat. & Sun. 3pm - 7pm No Discquntson Special No Substitutes No Substitutes Dine In Only NOT VALID Dine In Only O»GrGaod7am-11 am HOLIDAYS WE'RE OPEN Mon. - Ftl. Q: What's burning nt Troy School every day between 4:30 and 8 p.m. It smells ter~ ribte. It smells tike trash. •, —A caller , , A: According to school officials, it is trash. Troy School has an incinerator that U approved by tho Environmental Protection Agency For burning paper materials, said Don Workman, custodian at tho school. • •-•• ••_,- :"Most schools around here aren't allowed lo use their incinerators, but because ours has a blower and is gas-fired, we are aUowed to burn paper materials," ho said., He added that any odor may bo caused by a Failure to turn on the blower, or if so- " meonc accidentally puts a non-paper material in the incinerator. Employees are supposed to sort through the trash before they throw It in tho incinerator lo raoto. sure that it is all paper, but sometimes, non-burnable materials like plastic aro accidcnlally burnt and that is what causes the smell. ' ' " • Though. Workman said, there is raroly a noticeable odor. < AVON VFW POST 7035 36950 Mills Rd. Avon, Ohio Ha!! and Pavilllon Rental • Weddings • Graduations • Parths • Etc. Pest Summer Hours-Open . _ -*,*»_ 934-9295 11 A.M. 7 WAYS TO SUCCEED... LET ME WRITE YOUR... • Press Releases • • • • • • Newsletters Brochures Articles Announcements Advertisements Product\Service\People Profiles 7 am-10 pm BILLTHORNHILL 215 MILLER ROAD AVON LAKE 933-2720 State Finn Just 400 More Monday-Sunday all your life insurance needs... permanent, tenn, universal and retirement^ life L u u m m Company O B f a lak flEU\TIOMS 216-933^368 When something is worth writing about Like a good nenli^or. Stale Farm i* ihere>' 11 Basil m I I fl 1 HHH 1 II fBHjIII 1n I ii 1 L 1 Hi _ .** THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN BUTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS tfiO Avon-Bclden Kd. (Ht. 83) (Ncxl to Slwon't) Avon Late Then* 933-7073 COOK'S GIFT SHOP 0p*n7dip iwttk.' SnatiM Outdoor EOIipou Stitup H r i d J4C3 AM* Fd. SWiirl Flm* 9344fB SISSON'S FLOWERS, CARDS & GIFTS WO Avon Belden Rd. Avon Lake. Ohio Phone 933-3233 Compliments of DR. MARK D. COULD -PODIATRIST DALE'S TV IV* i p n u i « in B1C itnrn TVt IIVCH'IIJ'UTI wHtiu1 m Avon B«IJ*n RJ 32730 Wjtk«r RJ. Avon LJIJ?, Ohiu )N.fflh c< HR ImLiJ Avon U L i Bill Thurnhlll 213 Midrib', Avon Like " 1'hoiw 933-2720 Doroi* Plncura, ConsulUnt 933-9400 DeANGELIS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE A gnat king, s o the legend god, Once stepped en • thorn In hit garden. In • furioui rsge, h« ordirtd his prim* minater to cover hia tntirB kingdom *lthtoather."tour rrjjwiy," r*pJi«d the wi*1 prime mlnisttr, "M me cover your leet with leather, and wfcemcr iou go, you win be protected." And to the flftt pair ot LANDINGS ANIMAL CONVENIENT HOSPITAL FOOD MART 137 Uat Rd. Avon L«kc * ^ ^ "I*00* Hrtt p«ir of ihoti spptaled to our photognpntr hii t long wiv to trml His or ntr jcunity through Uft will not bt fnw ot thorns, and n w n thin T<M>U| Sheffwld Like TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/ CATERING Tha chM wffl »wd to develop that tplrttuaj fiber which •ia do tor hit or htr chantttr what the first p«Jr ot «hoa« did (or It* Ung's I*«L Wt a n ! cvpet the whoto world but w* cin lequtit tha faith m d eoun^c which will anabla into dlmb Btt'i nott ruggad mat. Our chuTChat and fyittQoguaa onng wen QuaJniat lo the Kt rf sianUnd. Thty point the way to taper, who)ttocne Ivlng—for the growrHfi with the buueiit Of fihott hl» thotddtn - indterUM little tot bi hit first ptir of shoes. 3O0 Stcnrv Rldgi Rd. Aron . Phone 934-4553 THE CHILDREN'S CENTER Avon Lake Community Education Cutter, 337 Bflm*r Blvd. A * w i Like Phone 933-3158 "Hriptnj Young Chlldnf Learn" SONNIES LAKESIDE SALON 92 Moore Rd. Avon Lake Ohio Pbone 933-9074 ' PtmruUzcd haJntrting lor men. women It children DR. ROMAN BOIWKA 0 Optometrist s 515 MoonM» Suite 3 • !•-. •' (_,Avon Lake, Ohio AVON LAKE PRINTING 33467 Like Rd. A-/on Lakr, Ohio Phone 933-2800 1-800-231.1*31 \_ MELODIE AUSTIN'S SEASONS IN COLOR and IMAGE OF SUCCESS 2630 Dover Cenlrr fet We*tlike 44K> «3S-FACE(3223) "Why look good, when you o n look FANTASTlCr RAVS AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE 38319 Colorado Ave. AvoaOhk) BOATfcMOTOS REOTALS L a b Erie Fishing! ID W. a o w U . (NrdtoC n FUnl) Cmi>«' EASY STORAGE Mini Storage/AIi Sizes SCHILENS FLORIST Cnmihouw & Oirilm trnttr (Since 1%8) • ---_'; We p o w our own *t> wt- care!' 5422 I>t(oi( RJ. (1/4 mile Mil of Phone 934-JtB'J FIRELANDS FLOORS I-AM'S ALTERATIONS "SoTiiitj Iht ana for otvr JOynars" 664 Irving P-irk BlvdShcifieldlakePhone 949-5812 Fur M i n t W H I M AflMJjble I-rlcn Vermilion 1S0S Sui» Ki. Wl Phone » 7 - « 7 3 Wallurr Sqturt BWg. 3^43 Wilkrr Rd. Avon Ukr. Ohio Phone 933Jllt 320OU Detroit Rd, Avon 163 Avon Bulden Avon Lake. Ohio Phone 933-33E AVON LAKE B.P. OIL ALLEN HEATING & COOUNG "Full invkc Utility Comer of Wilker (• Rtv. 83 6I4McoreRd. Avon Lake, Ohio Phone 933-1333 SKUGGEN & BENSON INSURANCE AGENCY We Repair All Make* <c Modeb Dave DetieL Own« 32094 Drtroil Rd. Phone 937-5261 H&J AUTO SERVICE SPARKLE MARKET GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS 33600 Pine Oak Parkway Avon t jkr. Ohto LUPE CHEVROLET TRUCK and GEO 607 MUler Road Avon l j i e , Ohio rhoiw 933-O13I ClevcLiml Unr BJ5-33J3 KOUNTRY KUPBOARD TYLER RENTAL 1S8 U«r Rd./P.a Bon 3«) Avon Like, Ohk> Phone 933-9100 d b &CAFE troLI Kd., Avon 934-6JS7 H2K Center Rd. (Rt. 83) Avon. Ohio Phone 937-A«a6 "All your 'handyman' needs" LAKESIDE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Gry Sliby 1 l AAVF j f f iBAPTIST B A T r a n CHURCH uiwiui. S S a r t S o «Jn- F-ltoi«hlp «• nftwhn |O a.in. Sunday School: 11 o-m. Worahlp 6 p.m. 01W« Siudy: 7 p.m. Wimhlp W 7^a P «• Sharinn CHJUST BVANCEUCAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SKTUhvlUL *33-4M3/Vmtat Lynn ScMmman MtoMftrt *«» •ro;: -&/' 1 '- ' _..,„-« J ^ ' l U M^uter _ . r.|»»" Sat 3JO p m . Sun. II a.nv-1t» a.m.-* " Wed. 7JO p.m. ».t.WlUtam R>*. P 3HM9 French Creek Rd^ Avon Baa*u> Klpnxnkl, Mlnlawr Sun lOOU a.m. ^'FREEDOM CHAPEL AVON CHURCH OF GOD AVON LAKE UNTIED CHURCH OP CHRIST rtvilil ST. CLEMENTCHURCH OF OHRID MACEDONIA ORTHODOX ilnattonal) LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST O1URCH Avon. 1D4.VFM 3311* Electric Boulevard W3J23B Sunday. 1(KW a.m. "CROSSW Manidllh D. CuUman. MlnUter II.01) Wonhlp S*rvioi VVormhlp lO^JO a.m. Wednesday: T.00 p.m. Blbl* Study «• coffee Nunery and Crib Room Care h AvalUbto Durinjt llw Wonhlp Hour A V O N LAKE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH s ^ r j . , school 11=10. m. g?Wft«J A. Hart. P-aor , AVON S^tayWo^htpiMO-^ ST. MARY of * « IMMACULATE C0NCEH10N i H ; . :• • ' 3M0 Stonay Rld«e Rd. aM-4212 iu 33479 UkeRd. Avon Lake. Ohio Phone 933-6203 '..One Stop Shopping" THE PRESS AVON LAKE «_u. DETZEL'S GARAGE 36463 Detroit Rd. »101 Avon Phone 934-WC3 • 835-9652 COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICES I roit Rd. Avon. Ohio Phew 137-63)1 BURMEISTER-BUSCH FAMILY FUNERAL CHAFELS k3Wm3 nM G O O D SAMARITAN NURSING HOME PAINT & PAPER PLACE 1300 Monrt Rd, Avon Fhon* 934-4746 EPA I.-upectlon Stitkm Full iervke auto r»p*l?» All make* of can It trucks 38390 Chdttr Road 1-90 tcRte. 611 Avon. Ohio Phort* 934-6300 AvonUke 449 Avon DetJ*n Phone 933-30W 933-EYES or 933-3333 it-Tackle-Icf Cubes CHARLEYS Our lamlly *«ring at»* Limltir* for 27 yran. 37W0 French Crr*k Rd. Avon Phone 934-3X4 TIMELESS TRADITIONS Full Service Bridil Studio Custom WnlJing rtinttJPi L'rnly C'lnlWi, ]t*i\rj. L'nk(i*f fntn STATE FARM INSURANCE 3 H « Ute Rd. Avon Lit*. Ohio Phone 933-4007 Dr. Donald R-RowU, SMAvonBetden Avon Like Ohio Phone 933-2143 AVON' OAKS MJKSING HOME & CHILD CAR£CtfmR 37443 D«tiu<l Rd, Avon (Ch. 934-3 HO) Rev. Danlal Sviorkn Sunday Schml iuMU a.m. Sunday Mom. Wurahlp lt.«> a.m. Sunday Eve. Wonhlp AM) p.m. Thunday Family Training Hnur 7 « ) pm. . HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 33*OI Detroit Rd» Avon W7-33M Father |«hn I- &>n>lur MlnW.c S4L 3 p.m. Sun. » a.m.-HMO a m.-12 Noon FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH MM7 7 BWdtk Blvd Blvd. 933«Dlt 933«D buy R. Sdmoder. MJnl*e/ . d fcw.*49«jn.Sund-y School •CO « 11«) u n . Momlnjl Worrfilp |v»nlAeS«vlot»:Mp-m. W«d.«JM:13 P-m. AWANA Club. ;••,• Garden .ml Uhel«id Dr. Avon 93M710 S ^ a i y ' a ^ ^uT/mw. Cta-. I D * - . Wonhlp *W a.m. l CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEMBLY OF GOD SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH V»«»».m. and «U.43 Ev.nlnK VViWHp l UCC OF SHEFFIELD LAKE IStBfUiM tUt. 933-3132 iKav.J. Norman Rlley, Mlnlfcer li«in.7JOa.m^*0Oa.m..ll";3Ua.m.-12 Ni»'n FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ^V 633 Harri» Rd. Sheffield L*k» •M'WM Rev. Bllty B. Ci«>p»r Re»- V4«-7II7l> Youth Dlrrtlor-Limal 5rfir*ld»r Mu*lc DlrKU>r-Jlm Wat».m Sun. School *43 am., M. 'nlrm Wu»hlp II-UO t m . Gnnlna Womhlp 6 W p.m.. Yuuth BlbW Study 7il3 p.m, ami Mid We-k Pray«r S«rvl« 7:13 p.m. Wrdn«day. SAINT TERESA CATHOLIC CHURCH IH7H Abb. Rd. ShWIWId V34-4327 Rev. Ed-urd 1- Lu<». |CD, Pa-l.w Sal.: 4JJ p.m. Sun. V:iX>a.m. and IliXla.m. BAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3M47 Lake Rd. 933-333O tmvUy lOijn. FITM Wedne«Uy o( l,y month, T.X p.m. Isf. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 47«1 O.wr Rd- ShrflWId. « * « » » • Wonhlp Hour Sunday Mtwnintpi 10J0 a j n , Nuraery Ava'lable. Educatkinal Study Opportunltk* Sunday Mo.nln-5 adult/chlldnm * 1 3 a.«w Tu«day 7J0 p.Ki..In bom* blbW rtudy. Wed. 7 J 0 p.m. Community BIW« Study {•11 don m I natkww *..(«• NIW) LAKE BREEZE C H U R C H O F T H E BRETHREN 1430 Lak* tiMW Rd., ShrffWId ...«., •MO a.m. Sunday Sch.»J. 1«3I> a.m. Wi—hlp S.rvk», 7ffl) p.nv Wednmday BIW* Study •Mt-Ttm or 2HX-114H BAY VILLAGE PmWcHURCHOI.CHRISTSC.ENTlST SM. «J0ft730 p.m. « ftOOIOJOia N HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH NEW HAVEN BAPTIST 32W Fr.nth C m k tM~**i3 Sh.in.IJ. Ohio **iO* iKkMrd Whll». Pa»Uir _ *43 a.m. SuntUv Schmil 11.(10 am. W.wHhlp A.OOChurehTfalnlnK 7-WI Wiinrtilp W.d. 7.W Trayar 4> Blblv Study HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH 1280 North Abb* Rd. 934JO2J «w « * - « « Win P. Yeoman. MlnWirt Sciitt S b t M , Mlnliur n* Youth J> Mu»lc Sunday School 1(M» a.m. Mornlnx Wonhlp l l » * m . Sunday Evenlnn Woe»hlp rVDO pjn. Wrf. L.LF.E. 7*0 p.m- SHEFFIELD LAKE AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37711 Detroit Rd. Avon V34-3U1 i d W. W Bloo* M'nl.i.r Dr. D David Bloor Sunday m a.m. Wonhlp S.ryt« ^ ^ Z ' ™ ™ ' 5 ' ^ Practlm 1410 Law Rd. V33-3777 I «a». (*nw* H. Bmitty, P»to* CHURCH OF GOD, SHEFFIELD THE CHURCH LOVE IS BUILDING 713 tlirrl* Kiwi. Sh.fll«ld Lake •Ut-77** J.ihn |. MtCaflwy, PaMtir S*t 3 p.m. Sun. »:3i) a m.-1»3" a.m..12;3ii p.m. MI3 Sun«t * Rtehelwu rtlMW.M7t Vh» Carlnn O-mmunlly Church r-Kl'T Rotwrt R(kh Wurthlp Svrvlcit • I(fc3» a.m. •'Shanr. Pray-f, Can" *».10:13 a.m. Nunaty avalUbk I W 1 Lake Ri«ad Bay Vlitaa. Ohio M7I.213H3 Kawnnd Allrmt Mubler *3O*i 1I:tM Sunday W.*J.lp SenHtem 1-Xi Churcli 5chi<ii|'All Ap™ 1-hW Ci<(f«r Fvllitw.hlp ST. BARNABAS* EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4AH Undley It.'jd at W..II R.-d. 3ay VilUfie The Rev. R. l « m « Ta.ker. R«t.» Sunday S*»vk»: « 01) *.m. Holy CommunUm; 11HW a.m. Iliilw Communion; 1IMK1 a.m. Sunday Sth>x>l W*dn>«lay 1O-3U a.m. Mitid^y IIHIi a m. lltbl» Mudy BAY VILLAGE CHURCH OK THE RISE Ni.n.D*n..mlnall.Tial U-c*i*d at >A mil* Ea« of Hunllnntiin Death. on Ih* «m(h •Ide4>f Lak> RiMd. Sunday 5*fvfcr« 11>;3<t a.m. and 6:30 p m. Kldo on the Rlw 1U34I a.m. Hoyal RanK«r» and MIMIIHWIIH*fti30pm. Call <*33-7tutU panlur Paul Endrel. Chlidr.™ P.Mur Jim Wllke. f> f - •* Free rides for Cupboard donors Wo have till he:*rd of thebunufils of using public transportation. And in tin1 month of August, one of thu benefits oftared by tfcu Lorain County Transit will bo free transportation-with the ilonu! tionofa canned good to help the County | Cupboard Foodbank and thaso in need. [ Running through Aug. 29. the Counly j Cupboard Foodbank and the Lorain ! County Transit will conduct its "You '. Can Ride" Food drive, a month long | campaign to help fight hunger in Lorain "Luniiii County Transit wiitilwl tu iiivt- somi'lhhiK back lo Luniiii County rrsidL'tits." !>aid l.-C-T Trmisit Uiructor. Bill Ullrich, "Huimur is an important issue*, and wu \v;intud to make a real contri!ju(iun to the foodbank by sponioriiiK this uflorl," In: added. Additionally. L-C-T will havu » roving bus which will travel into areas nol on its service route. Individuals can donate Each .ivcek. a can of food will allow at the following locations: Aug. 11 - U-'«1 passengers lo ride free on fixed bus a.m., Rini-Rego. North KUJguville: Au« routes. 23 - 0-11 a.m.. Kini-Rego. Vermilion: 12-2 Rini-Kcgo. Amhurst: 2:-I5-4:30 For those folks heading to the Fair p.m.. later this month, one can do so for free p.m.. Finast. Sheffield; Auy. 2U • 12-2 on Aug. 23. Just bring a nan-pcrishaMu p.m. Rini-Rt:go. Midway Mall: 2:30-1:30 p.m.. Finast. Sheffield. food ilnm. Al food collected will be donated lo The foodbank is in need uf peanut but(he County Cupboard Foodbank. which ter, canned chicken or tuna fish, infant serves hunger assistance centers formula and canned fruit, according to throughout Lorain County. List year, Paul Baumgartner of thu County Cupthe foodbank distributed 2.4 million board Foodbank. pounds of food to member agencies. Collection containers will be placed at Lorcin County Transit "You Can each location on scheduled days. For "Ride" free days arc: Thursday. Aug. 11; further information, call the County Wednesday. Aug. 17; Tuesday. Aug. 23; Cupboard Foodbank. at 986-2442 or and Monday, Aug. 29. Lorain County Transit at 233-7888. Several collection points have beou Lorain Couity Transit will also have a designated throughout the county so in- hooth at the Lorain County Fair where dividuals who don't normally use the residents can also donate to the County bus. but would Hko to donate, can do so Cupboard Foodbank. on free days at the Finast Super Store in Geon can re-buy common stock \l\ SHEFFIELD Shuffjul*!: North Kidnuvilli: Kini-Kiwi and | hi: Lor;" in (luunly Cummunilv ' Tho Geon Company announced that of record at :the close of business on its Board of Directors has authorized tho Sept. 1. 1994. company to repurchase up to 1.4 million . shares of Geon common stock, par value $0.10 per shore. Tho amount authorized represents approximately five percent of distribution set Goon's outstanding shares. The timing Food Tho Lorain County Cupboard has scheduled of purchases witl,'jc dependent on the distribution ol US0A commodities on Aug. 17 at price of Geon common stock and com- Northeast Lorain County Social Services. 4575 pany cash How. Lake Rd.. Sheffield Lake, for eligible residents ol The Board of Directors also declared a Sheffield Lake, Sheffield Village. Avon, and Avon quarterly dividend of $0,125 per chnrc Lake only. Iron* 9 a.m. to t p.m. on Geon common stock. The dividend is payable Sept. 15, 1904. to shareholders Definitions of some o* tho abbreviations laund infcePol'ce Logs GOA-Goni; O" Arrival UTL-Unatle to Lucato MVA-Motor Vehiclt' Accident B4E-8reaKjng 3 Entering BQLO-Bo on Uic Lockout FI'D-FieM inierrogateO DWI-Dnving While lnto«icated NCC-No Causu lor Ccfnctutil Clsp. Unit-Dispatched Urvts DUKlnving Under Mifl Influ^nco JULY 28 0009 • LAKE FO -Juveniles causing disturOance UTL. GOA 0212 - KNlCKEnBOCKER-Cc-mpUini ol Auto Tanvermg Report. 1357 • HARRIS RO.-Complaint o) ihelt. Report 1813 - EAST DR -Attempted swicte. Report 2028 • HARRIS RD.-Male arrested en warrant out ol Sheffield L?>"? Mayor's Court. 2213 - LAKE RD.-Tra!tic atop Male arrowed on marra.it out of Lorain Police Doot. 2226 - KNICKERBOCKER-Complainl ol nuto trespass. Report. JULY 29 0231 - BEACHWOOD-Noigtibor problem. Advised. 0706 - BEACHWOOO-Complanl of assault. Male arrested lor assault. 0952 - RlCHEUEUComplainl ol itiel! Repoft t-33 - LAKE RD -Comptabt of molt. Repel 1706 - BELLE-Unn assisted Rescue Squad. 1758 - SOUTHWOOD-Complaint ol thelt. Advised. 3025 • LAKE/ASBE-Complajnt a I disturbanc<9. Reoort. 21J0 • FERNDALE/CCMMUNiTY-Comolainl ol Juveniles breaMng glass. Juveniles defied up samo. 2155 • WEST DR.-Report ol suspicious vehicle. Checks OK. 2239 • LAKE FID.-Report ol domestic. Resolved. JULY 30 0057 - QEACHWOOO-Cornplainl ol 84E; Poport. 0050 - LAKE RO.-Juvenile picked uo lor curlew violation. Parent cited. 0253 • LAKE RD.-Male arrested on warrant out ol Fairview park. 1402 • BELLE-Unit assisted Rescue Squad. 1426 - BEACHWOOD-Nelghbor problem. Advised. 1513 - IVANHOECornplaini ol harassment Advised. 1753 • LAKE/LAKE EJREEZE-Complaint ol loud music NCC 2312- WARWICKU'.-1* assisted Rescue Scuad 2313 - WAHV/ICK-Juvemios pie*c1 up (or curlew uiCldticn Parenl cilco JULY 31 ,' 0221 • LAKE'ABaE-Hecort d mine disturbance Advised - .,. _.0245 • LAKE/ABOE-H**" .*• ot assault. Female arrested tor CC Pervstng. 0353 • KN1CKEHBOCKER-B4E. Report. 0852 • LAKE PO.-Vandalism to vehclo. Report. 1048 • LAKE nD.-Ccmptai^t ol thort. Report. 1054 - LAFAYETTE-Umt assisted Fire OeoL MOT • ROeEHTS-Vandalism lo velJclc. Report 2105 - STARK-Comrjlaint ol loud music. AB quiet 2! 16 - HOLL-Repor! or suspicious vehicle. UTL 2225 • REDV/OOO-Complaint cf damag*toPfOoerty. Report. AUG 1 0811 - ELMWOOD-Domestic. JuveniJe male •arrested Iry domestic violence. 1501 - LAKE RD-Complaint ol thelL Report 1545 - HARRIS RO.-Complaint ot theft Report. 2221 • IRVING PAHKReport of luvenlJes ptayfr»g cfiickon with traffic. GOA_ AUG. 2 234B • HAWTHORNE-Report ol hfl/asamenL Advised. 1026 • WEST SHORE-Complaint ol thet Report. 123-i - GAYLE-bnit assisted Rro DepL 1342 - LAKE RD,-Traffic slop. Male arrested fcr DUS 1733 - HCLL-Report o( unwarU»d lamao. Advised. 2104 - TENNYSON-Complainl of.orirmnat dan»g> tng. Repott. •. 2152 • ntCHEUEU-Unt assisted Rescue Squad. 2310 - HARRIS RD.-Male arrested on wffrant oul ol Sheffield Lakes Mayor's Court AUG. 3 -' 0358 • FERNDALE/IAKE BREEZE-UNI chockino mate. Checks OK. 0406 • EXLLZV/OOD-Unit checking ausptefaxa activity. Checks OK: . • 0601 - TRE.»DWAY-Report ol suspWous verdew. Checks OK. th. t01« • IAKE RO.-Unit assisted firs DepL 1123 - FORESTLAWHJuvetule problem. Report ^J 1209 • WEST SHORE-Complaint ol forg«y-V . Report. ^4 2035 - BELLE-Report of domestic RosoJwoV g 2044 - COMMUNITY-Neighbor dispute Report "^ 2052 - SADDLEWOOD-Complamt of loud music.' Advised. Avon Lake Podiatry, Inc. DR. MARK D . GOULD forward to the opening of school? ^flowers FRESH CUT GLADIOLUS Family Practice of Foot & Ankle Problems ; Bunions - Plantar Warts - Hammer Toes -Heel ' •". Fain -.Ingrown Nails - Fracture 6Y Sprains. ; •: : , Hospital & In-Ofilce Sttrgery f Most Insurance Plans Accepted ;-: Wc Accept Medicare Assignment 933-4021 $2.49/ OdecHourt •;"-. oy Appotntircnt -. • • Located At The LnndJnffl . ' > 32730WmlkerHd. . Suite 1-3. Avon U k e :-L Bunch CASH - N- CARRY SPECIALS We are. 36951 Detroit Rd • Avon, Ohio 33S-1500 or 934-6700. Of course we don't wish to see summer end. but the excitement we feel about the coming year makes us eager to begin. • .... Jewejnj/Repairs; Vhnountiru).'-Ritwj, Sizhi;/ iK- < Thel994-95schooiyearwillbeour3?nd year of offering quality college preparatory education to young men and women in klndergartenthroughl2thgrade. We'reready for another year of opportunity and challenge. If you're lookingforacademic excellence in an atmosphere that brings out the best in each student, there's still time to consider Lake RkJge Academy for this fall. .Call the Admissions Office for further information. 777-9434 or 327-1175. Lake Ridge Academy 37501 Center Ridge Road North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 933-3669 nNO N n a STUDIO The Landings i Walker Rd. ^ . Avon Lake U! i H Only$9.9S M $15.00) PF1UL FREE MITCHELL Pencil Bag with purchase of Call 933-3669 FREEZE and SHINE Fa Appointment Super Spray or FREE Consulation >• X)t. Muuricio Camacho, MD and Dr. Donald Bundc, MD are pleased to welcome PRl A. MITCHELL (32oi includes pa£ ftctnky . (iThe. LANDINGS'*.'; 933-3159 Back To School Specials Awapuhi Shampoo or Shampoo One i On Vw DR. ASHRAF EL-DABH, MD Dr. Et-Dabh is Board Certified hi Obstetrics and Cynecotogy Specializing hi IUD. Vorptant, Office D&C. Advanced Laser and ,; * , . Laparoscopic Surgery. Mon.9-I2 Iliurs. 1:30-6 32730 Walker Rd. Building 1-6 The Landings Avon Lake 933-4345 J JJM i'» • ' 6 V J> * W 1 _ "" • tf k W-vu> •&] Lake News Dy Palty Washburn Please M;HJ nil innns of LIIII.TI.-SI to our communities lu I'.itty Washlmni. 20U Sunset. Avon IJIKU, Oil -Ha 12, or <:;i!l 933-G754 and ltia.fi; a incss;ine. Alt ili-ms must bo ructnvud by noun on the Wednesday bcluru they am to iippisir. Free Eye Screening. Thu CIL-VL-I.IIUI Eye Clinic will be pniviiiinw frcn uyu screening to assist poojilo in itiaiiititinin« their visual health at the Sheffield Lake Community Contor on Thursdiiy. Sept. 22 from 1 p.m. tu 3 p.m. Thtire will bo no appointment hoedud for general vision screening, contrast sensitivity testing, glaucoma lusting, cataract testing, or vision health education. This program will be sponsored by Northeast Lorain County Social Services. Computer Orientation Third graders through adults can learn how to use the IBM compatible computer that is available at the Domonkas Branch for the public to use. To use the computer, you nend to attend one computer orientation session. You can come to the session on Thursday. Aug. 11 or Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. No pre-registration is required. For moro information, call the •Domonkas Brnich at 949-7410. The branch is located at 4125 E. Lake Road In Sheffield Lake. Record Sale. The Domonkas Branch will bo having a record sale on Monday. Aug. 15 and Tuesday. Aug. 16 during ' regular open library hours. The records will bo sold for 25 cents each. For moro information, call Xhv library at the above number. French Creek Nature Center. Saturday, Aug. 13. the French Creek Ncture Center will be having a hike of moderate L'xt'rtnn I rum 1 p.m. to '-.'Ml p . m . T i n ' lii|)icnf this Int.- will (i.* about lilN-r. Is it Hood or b a d ' CJIII iitti.T n.-illv lii> um»i ' Com;. 1 -,t.'<; h u u , a m ! u n d e r wh.it condition-.. S u n d a y . A U J I 14. tin- naluru i:initi?r will lit; bavins; u lin*akF,ist in tin; |iiirk from 7 a.m. t u H::il) a.m. I'.n'my .in i.-arly MiurniiiK hiki; .nul thi'ii liiivi; a i.uiitini-iit.il bn:akf.isl o n tin: iltvk. T i n ' i:os! for tliis p r o g r a m will !JI; SI at tin* du.ir. bill [irL'-rojtistriitiun will!).? ri:t)Uin:J bv Aim. 12. Call-in n'Histrattttns .in; .u:t:i.'[itinl from H ii.in. tu -i::HI p . m . M o n d a v through Friday, ami i'mni *•> a.m. to :> p.m. weekends. Tu pri'-rrj;islL*r. or For more information, call 1-HDU-I.CMPARK. Als-j on Sunday. Ann. H. there will \v an afternuun stroll from 2 p.m. to :i::iO p.m. Slow do'vii tin; pace of ovcry day life, and enic.y nature as you w:ill. the reservation. Wednesday., Aug. lfi tin; summer concert series will welcome Kevin Richards to the Nature Cunter. The concert should begin ut 7 p.m. and run to 8:30 p.m. Enjoy gru«il guilar playing and smooth vocals that only Kevin's musical style can deliver. The French Creek Nature Center is located in Sheffield on Route 611. near the Harris intersection. Attention women bowlers The Happy Daze League Is now filling teams lor the 1994-95 soason. Bowling is on Friday "mornings. 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Hudson's Family Lanes in Avon Lake. Bowling will begin Friday, Aug. 26. Babysitting is provided. To oign up. or (or any further Information, call Barb Krulik BISC3-9902. / ^HS, Only $7.90 THE LANDINGS Dinners Onlyt$9.9S Italia>l 933-38O1 IKEEXT O/V/.K August 14-21 Take additional markdoums on merchandise that is already reduced 35% - 7O% Additional 20%' Additional 3C%* Additional 40%' Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday and Friday Saturday and Sunday 10%" OFF NEW FALL ARRIVALS j uat* 2S9O7 DetioU RdWeMlake, Ohio 44145 [216) 871-7117 preiands p Two Large { Burger 1- £ £ ; ( or iclected beveracc HOURS: Dally 10-6 • Thursday 10-9 - Saturday 10-S • SUNDAY 1-5 Not V.lld on Prior P..rrh..*. - ALL SALES FINAL Floors s c ft; .•:•-• ... tCapefiynvl»Cefamfc« • Quarry Ife» Wood Parquet" r Wdcoverincg»Dfqpefies • WtndowTfeorrnenfs 'Sewing ihe Construction Industry• • in Lorafi Counly for over 30/ea^_ 933-3069 [216)967-8775 1508 St. RL 60 VfctmJon 937-5880 Open, DAILYJHS Smtn-5 NEW SHIPMENTS OF TROPICAL FOLIAGE PLANTS & CACTUS lU'ST ARRIVED UNUSUAL VARIETIES 8t COLORS SALE PRICED FOR YOUR HOME. PORCH OR PATIO ROOM. P E R 0 \\ I A • P A L Get to Fiesta before you get Back to School! With your Cool Cut, you'U also receive 4 VREE Fun Tattoos, while supplies last. VI s A UNIQUE HOME FURNISHING STORE1 WHERE QUALITY, VALUE 8c SERVICE FURNITURE COME TOGETHER ;o '-• BY DESIGN. BBOGBISWOLDROAD , OHIO 44035 ELYBIA.....216/324-3 I I I LQRMN....216/277-43B6 citvt 2)6/7771053 Sinefurniture, ' & Gus/o/22 iQ)fn</o Ureal/nertts. Great Pricesy Friendly Stylists And No Appointment Is Ever Needed. LEARWOOD SQUARE 375 N. Lear Rd. (Between Rini-Rego Stop-N-SSopfiiReVco Onigj) 933-0015 .; Affordable IverrdaT Htcc*. TOTAL LOOK / BASIC CUPPB fc**"*gmj», / CUT COLOR* HIGHLIGHTING DESlCNCUrPER CUT , no 99 / 5g9 ™••«••• — $2 O« 1 f Sebastian Products i , W •"•"—ZT fir* c T 11 -^ 1 '* i ^T( ' —S--^ m M s i S BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER 10,000 SHADE & FLOWERING TREES HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: CALL ABOUT TREE PLANTINGS! 1 i m m e m jfljPi 11IIS rai mmm 1I mL M \m Traxler's trees TRAXLER'S NURSERY •EBa&BBnIHflffiK SSJS Uy Marilyn O'DonncIl 931-6188 AcraufromAron Hi|& Schoul THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT !!! KWEIMr-Cbsscfiort W I 1 L D C A T SAIURDAT WGHT - - 1 LOWHO* fcMST*Ui**«t ' 33MO VUUJIZX K>. AVON L A M . OMO «40I2 (216)933-9785 SLKDAYLM Al FOSTER -toten Band ' Air Conditioning Lawn &f Tree Care Hi •I I Professional Quality and Service at an Affordable Price ! CALL TODAY f o r a FREE Lawn-Landscape Evaluation 933^6531 »!• til '-'I I! QUALITY PET FOODS AND BIRDSEED •OlfEN ALLYEARLANDSCAPING &&UILDING SUPPLIES Top Soil " Mulch • Stone • Boulders " Grass Seed • Fertilizers • Timbers Bird Feeders 937-0100 or Xfl00 VerittL Stained Qhss Commissioned stained glass panels and gallery showings Jmato OWtitT Stained Glass Lamp Winner (Weekend of City Wide Yard bale) KAREN MATHEWS m PKStsreP NOW tor FALL CLASSES (Bafora Soptambor) $16)934-401$ 3697GZ)etroit 3tf.t Avon U's kt'i. said that a ross is a rose is a rosy. And iiccurdins tu a spuuch lie made, former Fresidetit KLMgun insisted. "A Irw in a (r«u. How many more do you n«ed to luokul?" Show* what tliu actor, turned president, knew about horticullurn. Luckily, ihiire's Traxler's Treus in Avon. hi re;ilitv, there's a lot to consider when deciding nu a tree to uomplumunt your homo's landscapins. How big will il ^ t ? Does it attrnct birds or bugs? Does it drop messy fruit? These are just some of the questions you'll H«t answers to at Traxler's Trees in Avon. Traxler's not only knows trees, they grow trees. John Traxler has a Gachelor or Selene: degree from Ohio Slate University's School of Agriculture, with a minor in landscape horticulture and landscaping"What makes us [Traxler's) unique is that we takepride in the tradition of honesty. My dad. l-Iu^ene. started this concept 40 years a^o when ho began Traxter Trucking. "Because I grow the trees. I really care that they're i-ettiiiB proper homes suitable to their particular needs. It's so important that I personally go out and check on the trees my customers purchase/.' said John. Ai Traxler's Trees, yuu'll find o;,er 10,000 trees both deciduous and ornamental. Delivery and planning services are also available, it's a goof', idea to call for an appointment. Most days, [ohn and wife. Joanne, are out in the fields tuking care of their trees. Although Truxler's Trees are raised in the field, each tree is grown in a root-control container, muaning you'll get mofo tree, less dirt: a tree one-third (he weight of conventionally grown trees with five times the roots. "Normally trees are dug with a tree spade and then put in burlap and wire." said John. "That leaves you \vith about 500 pounds of dirt, and 15 percent of thu roots." \ With Traxler Trees, you gel 05 percent of the root system and only 100 pounds or dirt-\Not only is >our tree oH to a healthier start, but you vnn't need .large equipmont to plant it. \> Another Traxler advantage is the cost sivings whon you buy from the grower. Small container t-ees start at just S3 and up. or choose a 20 Tool trco Tor under S160. You'll Hnd some of the most popular and several lesser known, but nonetheless worthy, trees to complement your landscaping. The selection includes ornamental pears, purple plums, sugar and Norway naptos. snowdrirt crabapplcs. and many more. "The snowdrift gets about 18 feet high and is a clean trco," said John. "The fruit is very sweet and *s ready around Thanksgiving for the birds to enjoy. It's a nice tree for a tree lawn." Traxlor's also carries the Heritage River birch which is resistant to the deadly birch bore. The tree prefers wot soil, and gets about 45 feet tall. A nice accent tree, says John, is tho dawn redwood. It gels about 50 feet toll, and 15 feet wide. It has lush, green growth, and looks much like a tropical tree. Thu service berry, or "June" berry, is a small tree that gets up to 20 Tout high. It has a white flower in early spring, and the birds lovu its June-bearing fruit. In Tall, tho red leaf color adds interesting contrast to tho changing Commercial Residential I John Traxler (left) and Tom Fronck (right) hold up a"Snowdrift Crabapple for only S50. This Is TraxIerV Nursery's Augu3t tree lawn special. • V!'; landscape. ' ; ,• ' "We also have a variety of hedges lhat are quick grow-j ing and make excellent privacy screens,** said John.: .. ; Traxler's has four-foot, three-gallon flowering hedges.' Tor just SO- They also havo tree-lawn specials parting at 7 $30, *---.. Here are what some Traxlnr's customers have to My:.,.. Bob Conrad/Avon retiree: "Tcaxiar's trees are so light-1 • woiRht. 1 was able to plant a 14-foot tme by myselfTrees from a regular garden conter arc much heavier,: si-** and would cost twice as much." ,•: ,-• "<,&•,g. Dick and Cathy Herbesl/Avon: "We purchased foiit-t: trees from Trailer's this spring. We were thrilled to find-J; such a nico solection at such low prices. With smaller^, sized balls, wo wore able to plant them ourselves, and*' Mr. Traxler always finds time to answer our questions.", Kathy WilhelroVAvon Lake, and former president oF; tho Garden Club: "I have found Traxler's Trees to bo the right price for a superior tree. Their exclusive growing process gives you a healthy tree that weighs leas. Not-: only do you get o healthy tree, but information on planting." i_r" Call Traxler's Treos today, and odd your naino to their, ever-growing list of happy customers. Yraxldr's Trees is located at 2980Stonoy Ridge Rd. in. Avon, across from Avon High School. Call 934-5188 for an appointment. Mention this article, and reco'vo a free smnll container tree through August. - .-. m w RESIDENTIAL Show Hunters, Inc. COMMERCIAL liuntscathwsebackridingJcssons INDUSTRIAL' * Certified TeacVn * Boarding Available FALL REGISTRATION Going on Now!! Hurry - Space Limited SINKING orSETIUNG? BeginnertoAihinced OUR HORSES & RIDERS COMPETE & WIN LOCALLY & NATIONALLY Beth Nielsen, Show Instructor - 45&3905 PamNock-23&9U9 UndaHn»lersoa-937-66G6 920 Lear Ragle Road AVON (North of Detroit - at the RR Uacks) 1 I! m ms ft*/ Karen Hrili- 934*181 FARM-45M905 FREE TRUCK FOR MOVE-INS Month to Month Rentals 24 HOUneLECTRONtCACCES NO SECURITY DEPOSIT • Steal Brbuthablo Building - All Units Insutated • Commercial Sloraaa Spoeiols • INSIDE & OUTSIDE RENTAL SPACE 3 8 3 9 0 CHESTER RD. At tU hfnwftu d in 11) 1 AVO N DCNT REPLACERAISETHESLABJACKWAYI 9 3 4 - 1 7 7 4 1752 Mosre Road* Avon, OH 44011 THE RESIDENTIAL GLEANING x SERVICE HOUSEWORK ETC. 933-2066 871-0506 • Thorough Consistent Quality • Professional • Bonded & Insured r-4 *\ isswi«*_^: Sun. Hsn. Tue, Wed, Thr, Fri, Sat, 114 9-9 9*8 9-8 M 9-8 9-6 tL Parts and Service Open 'til Midnight Monday - Friday Ilxxox BRAND NEW 1994 AEROSTAR r. A!R CONDITIONING • DRIVER AIR BAG • AM/FM STEREO • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION BRAND NEW 1994 TEMPO 2 DOOR o •e AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION «AIR CONDITIONING • ELECTRIC MIRRORS • POLYCAST WHEELS 1 • STEREO CASSETTE • REAR DEFROSTER . TILT WHEEL • POWER LOCKS BRAND NEW 1994 > SALE PRICE $10,400 I -BRAND NEW 1994 REBATE 7 5 0 v r ESCORT LX;3 f=150 PICKUP. . ,,A|RCONDITIONIHa )-* - ' . " " l . $10^80 p- NEW 1 p EXPLORER 12-NOW IN STOCK . 69 R-StHIES IN STOCK- • _ $11^80 411 UHANL? N f c W - 1 3 9 4 . : : • - . ; . I f HUNDERPIRD LX- NEW 1994 MUSTANG SELECTION OF EQUIPMENT AND COLORS 11 NOW IN STOCK SALE *15.9BO REBATe'500 CAR & TRUCK VALUES 1383CAOLUC DEYli£ SEDAN S1995 1991 FORD ESCORT 1994 FORD MUSTANG GT •6700 MILES , -5SPEED 53995 1990FORD PROBE GT • Fuapora S7995 • FACTORY AIR • ELECTRIC RED 1993 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX ^9995 V-8 ENGINE FULL POWER 22,000 MILES J". .FACTORYAIR SATURDAY . SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY ... FRIDAY ... . MIKE BASS INTERSTATE 1C. ROUTE -n 1933KERCURY COUGAR I S 1991 FORD FEST1VA L $12,995 s 12,995 S3995 -_^CS-^~ &%S. f\% 1986FOR0 ESCORT S995 9S9 DODGE SHADOW 1991POHTIAC LEMANSLE 53995 $5395 CLEVELAND B71 8 ' 2I? LORA1N 934-6591 ELYRIA • 365-7323 SERVICE TIL MIDNIuHT MONDAY • FRIDAY ill AVON LAKE -The Avon Lake Swim Team swept through an undefeated season in the North Coast Swim League with a nail-biting win over Anihirr^l in the championship meet Aug. M. Tlibjocal swimmers outsuored their archrival>i the final event to take the overall team title. 1.55B to 1.549. The H 1/2 point spread made it tho closest championship meet in league history. Avon Lake beat Amherst in a dual meet earlier this season by eight points. "These two teams are so evenly matched that it's really a shantf that only one club gets to take home the team's trophy." said Avon Lake Coach Gary Fancy- "They (Amherst) have some outstanding swimmers on their team, and we were just fortunate that our depth was enough ta carry us to a win." Pat Gremban and Alison Dzwonc/yck were the only double winners for Avon Lake. Grcmban took First ^jn the 11-12 boys 100 individual niedley\..id 50 but(isrfly. while Dzwonczyck took top honois in the girls ti & under 25 free and 25 back. Dan Gremban and Bill Froehlich shf red in three first-placo efforts. Cremban won the 9-10 boys 25 back, while Froehlich won the 25 bniaststroke. They teamed up with Matt Hoban and Tim Poburs to win the 100 medley relay and 100 freo relay." Other individual winners far Avon Lake included Lauren Benedict (9-13 25 free), Laura Pulliam (11-12 girls 50 free). Julio Weaver (11-12 girls 50 back). Melissa Benedict (13-14 girls 50 breast). Amanda Cooper (15-16 girls 50 breast). Nicole Burgess [15-18 girls 50 fly). Amanda Ulrich (girl.t 8 and under 25 breast). Ratio Folz (8.& under girls 25 backl. Jordnn Campo (6 & under boys 25 The Avon Lake Swim Team part of this championship — iiad one p^rson been missing, we would be a seei,Uid place team." Coach Fancy said. V\ He praised the 10 A under hoys Cni.it Hrusky and Vince Kowalski for contributing to rulay teams in the 13-14 and 15-18 age groups. "They swam against much older boys yet managed to give us that winning edge." At the swim team's awards picnic Aug. 31, Justin Uhl and Jeanetlo Hrusky l L ! IH11 I - r u o b l l L h w a s a w a r d e d tlie MUFHL w<r Weaver rind PiiHiam swam on two " Kirchner plaque in recognition of outstanding work, ethic, comwinning relay teams, joining Liz Boiling and Christina Cobos in both the 200 petitiveness and team spirit. medley and 200 Free relays. Chuck and Sandy Jenkins were also honored as outgoing president and vice Avon Lakoralsb won tho 8 & undir boys freo relay, with tho foursome of Jeff president of the swim team board. ConConroy. Ryan Pulliam, lohn Dzwonc- nio Ulrich presented them with a gift /.yct and Mark Gremban out-touching certificate in appreciation for their hard tho Amherst entry. work over the years. Fahey cited team depth as the difRegistration for the upcoming fall and ference in tho meot. winter swim season will be announced "I'm really, proud of our B and C relay soon. Anyone interested in more inforteams, because they piled up points for mation about winter swimming should us. All of cur swimmers wore an Intcgrn! contact Mrs. Ulrich at 033-499*;. North Coast YMCA ii AVON LAKE - Tho North Coast YMCA. 3279Q Walker Rd., is accepting registration for its fall leagues for both boys and girls. All participants will receive Tshirts and trophies. Flag Football is for students in grades 2, 3, 4 and 5. Basketball is for students in grades K-2. : All leagues will have an organizational day followed by seven weeks of-.play. The season will run September 10 through Oct. 29 on Saturday mornings. For more information, call Craig at 933-9100. SMS Volleyball ! SHEFFIELD VILLAGE - Volleyball practice for nny seventh and eighth grade Sheffield Middle School girl begins Aug. 22. promptly at to a.m. The practice will bit hold until noon. All students need proof of a physicnl before being allowed to prnclice. Programs for Seniors ')' 'ill AVON LAKE - The Rccniiilior Uepiirtin.-nt i.flVrs ongoing progrums for senior citizens: Play pinochle or urid{;<> on Mondays ami Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. nl tfm Old Firehou.ie. If inlereslwi in calling Dingo on an alternative basis, callthe Kec. l)i:pt. lit 933-8171 between the hours of 10 n,m. urid 2 p.m. A bumper pool table and full-sizi: pool table are available for seniors Monday Ihtough Friday belweun Zoo trms^to rescue toad from brink of extinction TOLEDO - The Toledo Zoo has received 14 tadpoles of what may be considered the most endangered amphibian in the United States. "The Toledo Zoo. in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and this Wyoming Came mid Fish Department, will attempt to resent! the Wyonline ui.-iH from eminent extinction." says K.Anilryiv Od uin. c u r a t o r of herpelology for the zoo.' According to amphibisn experts, the Wyoming toad of Laiamic Basin, has a populalion of 90 tadpoles and only 50 loads in captivity. There are no Wyoming loads existing in tho wild. In Dncember of 1993. Odum and Bob Johnson of the Metro ToronlJ Zoo, attended a workshop in Laramio as representatives of the American Zoo anil Aquarium Association (AZA). After many discussions at this workshop, a program was created in an effort to help save this endangered species. "The Toledo Zoo was selected with a group of other American zoos because of our expertise with propagating endangered reptiles and amphibloni."/*aia Mr. Odum. \\ , Until thr Wyoming toad is released from the endangered species llsil tho toads will not bo on display a/t tho Toledo Zoo. jj "We arc dealing with an endangered spitcins crisis, therefore, putting [these amphibians on exhibit is our second priority," to added. -, „ " -: The zoo will raise and breed the tadpoles for nno year, with tha chonco of receiving more in tho future for breeding purposes only. If this AZArccommended project is successful.! the' toads will be released back into the wild next year. I There are nearly 82 different species of toads and frogs in the United States. It takes roughly 30 days for tadpoles to reach the "toadlot" stage, and riiost toads live for about throe to four years. For more details on the Wyoming t.oad project, contact Tho Toledo Zoo at (419) 385-5721. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Women's Golf League For more information on these programs, call the Rec. Dept. weekdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. .. The results of league play for Tuesday, Aug: 2 ore « follows: jf . 933-8171. Class AA: Low Gross - Bernie Ogan, Linda Howard Low Net - Joanno Wainscott, Linda Howaril Low Putts - Joanne Arnold, Linda Howard t Piny of the Day - Bornie Oaan Last day for physicals Class A: \ AVON LAKE - Physicals will be administered to Low Cross - Yvonne Borglund. Marilyn Schlogol students at Lcarwood Middle School and Avon Lake. Low Net - Yvonne Berglund •' [ High School for middle and high school students in Low Putts - Yvonno Berglund, Nan Corey sports programs, tonight from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The entire Play of the Day Jean Shelby, Nancy Hooks 'Marilyn exam will be done for n cost of $10, This cost will be I• donated to Community Resource Services. Avon Lake's Schlegel. Class B: Low Gross - Cheryl Harmon ./ own social services agency. Low Net - Cheryl Harmon •'/ Students MUST have with them I heir physical Low Pults-Ellic Fisher .. registration card SIGNED UY A I'ARKNT. These cards Play of tho Day - Carol Dlllman •/ are .ivnilitble at the high school nthlelic office. No physicals will h<;conducted uttboul llm.se signed <;;irds. Class C: Low Cross - Annette Kilter Low Net - Annelle Keister / Low Pulls - Marion Giannoni Women's Golf at Meadowood I'liiy of the D,iy - Annelte KoNlur Tim Tuesday morning Women's Go!f Association ie|)i*rls llie following results of play on July 2li: [I'liiv of the IJ.iy n;is ;i pninl tuurmimiiul.) Uciss A - Sut,' Myers, 2r>; Kiichcl Sliindeu. 21: MiltH'd H.-ili's. 21. Class It - Ktiy Sdiack, 15; Honnie Miicliovina. l-l. Class C - i;||ie Sluilsky. <J: Mary Alice Sandor. t). Bob-o-Link 2-man scramble AVON - The.HulMU.ink golf course will hold n twoman golf scramble today, Aug. ID. Cost is $10 per person ami includes green feus. U,nch and pri/.cs. Age divisions are as fallows: (must play in division of oldest partner) 12*14: '3-1(1: and 17-18. •: For more information. t:;i!f Hill Fitch at 934-6217. iT^r j * >** '*rr-\ - ^ 'i. rf '•J6'Jl"'" I !LW. l W J *iV'' ia f^\ Junior Division Champs The Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation Girls Bandits (9-10- year-olds) team...Front row: Lauren Wozniak, Stephanie Hasty, Rebecca Williams, Liz Gibson, Cassy Cooley. B.-enda Kostolanski. Back row: Coach Doris McVay. Amy Schlake, Jessica McVay, Katie Mariner, Felicia Rio, Kathryn PetW. Not pictured: Danielle Konkoly. Katie Stevens, Morgan Wheeler, Courtney Winnen. Senior Division Champs The Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation Girls Shakers (13-15- year-olds) team...Front row: Colleen Williams, Courtney Stevens, Lori Forest, Heather Siivasy. Jsnnette Antochow. Back row: Coach Larry Kopp, Shelly McKay, Jennifer Poland, Lisa Kopp. Becky Morton. Not pictured: Conches Lou Poland and Jed Standen. Manager Ed Siivasy, Lori Standen, Stacey Horn, Kim Krai, Rupa Pate), Sarah Balinl. V~. intermediate Champs The Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation Girls Gemz (11-12- year-olds) team...Front row: Erin Monroe, Kayla Reilly, Sarah Helbert, Kristin Cowan, Allison Fowle, Sarah Krafcik. Sarah Siivasy, Jennifer Saari. Back row: Coach Mike Fowle. Hilary George. Kate Hoitan, Pam Schilens, Sara Port. Jennifer Mensen, Katy Case. Coach Jim George. Not pictured: Nina Oitik. 953-2107 Dale E. BARNARD UrU W.ROBERTSON a t t o r n e y s WiJUU • Ett*te» • Drrorce • Bankrupt • D . U . I . • Criminal Defense / Initial CoiuuUiion AAA Avon Belden Ri. FREE * Avon T^ It's Time Again To Register At STO? BY THE PRESS AND PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE ETT WHICH WCUJDES. 1 Seven-Step Instruction Sheet t 3 Garage Sale Signs 1 Inventory Sheet • 3 Yard Sale Signs 1 Marker for Signs • 3 Stakes 1 Pamphlet "Secrets of Money Making..." o Mounting Materials 4 Mini Signs for Bulletin Boards • 214 Peel-Off Pricing Labels • 6 Balloons _ _ YQU ^ ^ ^ g plus your Garage Sale Ad for only $12. Tap-Bailet-Jazz ., Ages 3 to Adult Registration August 15-18 Mon. & Tucs. JO om - 2 pm Wed. & Thurs. 6 pm - 8 pm (or by special appointment) Registration Fee $5.CO per Family Garage Sale Come Dance With Us , OK44012 216/933-8400 158 Lear Rd., Avon Lake (216) 933-5100 I I Fall Outings Availabl Clambake; vailablel SHOES - Buy one pair and get 25% off the purchase a second pair! '0 CLUB SETS -ofMen's and Women's Name Brand Sets C ,. Priced to selll PUTTERS - Featuring Ray Cook and Cobra putters •K on SPECIAL! ) ; ..SHIRTS - Outstanding selection ot Designer Fashions O at Clearance Prices! BALLS - 15 Faks of Dunlop, Medalist & Lady "Jan" Dozens GLOVES - Wilson and Etonic Buy two - get one FRE£ o O AUGUST 13 - 28TH »weetbriar Golf John Pope...healing up. PRESS photo - Jim Jsjack 750 Jaycox Rd. Avon Lake Best Pro Shop Around! 933-9001 or 871-0822 PGA Professionals SPORTS SHORTS By. MikeQraco READY MIX CONCRETE BUILDING SUPPLIES Residential Commercial Industrial \ fl Radio Dispatthed • Saturday Delivery • Serving loroin and Cuyahoga Counties i i J Largo Selection of bride • For building or landscaping • Special pridng AVON CONCRETE if: •Lorain- 937-6264 930 Miller Rd., Avon 2 mi. from Rt. 2 & 90 eff 611 Cleveland Lino — 835-5773 Elyrio • 23C-5432 TOY OR DEFECTIVE PRODUCT In the real world, things can ivrn out much differently than you would'expect; Fortunately, the trial attorneys ot Miroldi & Barrett ore ready to help. If you have been injured by a product you think may have been defective, you have legal rights. There are laws thai protect consumers, and Miraldi & Barren Wrongful Death ... Auto Accidents Defective Products Medical Malpractice Slip's Fall Fires SExplosiois understands them. Put your foith in us. We're persona! injury attorneys, and w. !re on your sit1*. , fitc Intlle.l Coniultalion,' Miraldi & Barrett Co. A T T O R N E Y S AT •L A W 6G61 • SOUTH BROADWAY • LORAIH - OK 44053 (216)233 8525 35838 • KHTH RIDGE ROAD • NORTH R1DGEVIUE • OH 4403? (216)327-7214 Iwt (Df)»»nl«iH locations to i t r v i you In Uroin Count* ;.i S-SL Round-up: It's been same time since the Cubs - that's the Chicago Cubs - have won the World Series. Another Cubs loam look the crown recently, winning the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake World Series over the A's, 10- 0. The Cubs finished with an impressive 14-1 record. Congratulations to the Cubs for winning the big dance and all the other participants for a great summer. The hope ts that the now Holds on Otter Road will bo ready for next year's campaign so the league can be somewhat centralized in terms of playing fields. Many kids have played in iho S-SL Youth Baseball I.cnjnio over ihe years, and it appears the league will only gnt larger. Pope update: As the season is winding down. John Pope is heating up. Involved In tho Team Challenge that is in conjunction w*lh AMA Pro- Series, slic Avon motorcyclist has moved up to a solid fourth in tho points standings with three races to go. Recently, he finished eighth both at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin and Mid- Ohio (his home turf at Lexington) and 10th at Loudon. New Hampshire. • "A lot of teams ahead of us havo had mechanical difficulties or crashed," he said. "If we don't have these problems, wo should keep up tho standings. I've , kind of nickeled and dimed my wr.y up." With the movement up in the ?tandings^the first-year, full-time driver is happy with tho season, so far. "I've improved leaps and bounds with the overall racing this year," he said. Part of the success for Pope has been the season-long stability of riding partner Brian Kohl. Popo said the riding time between himself and Kohi varies from track to track find depends on who is the faster rider at the time.' Because of some money left in the b lid get. Pope wtinl 'eff-track' participating in n four-hour endurance race in Indianapolis. He said he was riding a solid seventh when, in the third hour, busted; a chain that forced him out of the . race. The obvious goal on the tract, is to move to first place in the standings. However, a bigger challenge might have to come in the off-season for this business IO really take off. "Melzler Tires does a good job of sponsoring because wo can go through three sets of tires a weekend aiid I sponsor myself (he owns Amhorst Power Equipment)," Pope said, "but we definitely have to got a corporate sponsor next year. The top Ih'ec loams arc all factory backed." The remaining racis arc in Brainard, Minnesota; Sonoma. California; and Atlanta. Hoop action: Shorumun guard Sean Deasy was par' of a 17-and-under AAU Ohio team tlmt participate-! in a basket* iiiill tournament in Winston Snlen:, North Giro I inn recently. Some of the top players in the northern iiulf of the sltito participated, in- cluding four from Loraln County. Two teams from Ohio played with the North squaJ. winning tho championship to advance in the Nalionels. The Ohloans s t a r t e d eff very well boating Massachusetts (5B-S6J, Tennessee (64-52) and South Dakota (83-65). advancing to the Final 16. At that point, the hoopsters lost to North Carolina. 50-53 in a contest they led until the 1:13 mark. However, tho host squad hit a three* point shot that put them ahead to stay for good. They hit free throws dawn the stretch, while the Ohioans couldn't find the bottcm of the not. The following game was against a second North Caroline team and the result was another heartbroaker, a 60-58 " defeat that eliminated the Hoopsters. The NC big man hit a shot with Just nine seconds loft for tho victory. "The experience was good for them." said assistant coach and ALIIS boss Dick Deasy. "Our players played against somd Division I prospect;. I was pleased with them playing as a team. Teams from Detroit, Now York City and Chicago had more stnr-studded teams." ' ; • Individually, Sean alternated at point guard and averaged 6 pp3 (points per game) nnd 5 apg (assists per game). ' "He did well defensively, had a number of assists and hit two -threepointers against Ma&sachuseUs," Deasy-; said.v"Tho big thrill for him was guarding a player from Durham (NC) that Duke is recruiting. There word about 150 to 200 coaches at the tournament. Including Nolan Richardson frorrJ> Arkansas a n d Coach K. . (Mlko Krzyzewski) from Duke." -'•'•. Oopt>: In the last column. I reported that Matt Greco had givon dp four hits in his team's win against tho Twins. In fact. Matt gave up Just onu hit. My , apologies for tho typo. ' VILLAQE POUCE BLOTTER Definitions ot some o( the abbreviations found . in (ho Police Logs. GOA-Uone On Arrival ini-Unable to locate MVA-Motor Vehicle Accident BtE-Qreaklng & f r i t t i n g BOLO-Bfl on iho Lookout H'D-Field Interrogated DWl-DrivIng While Intoxicated NCC-No Cause for Complaint o Diip. Unlt-Ospatcried Units DUI-Oflvino Under tho Influence " JULY 25 ., 1446 • Officers a i d Rescue Squad dspaished to occidont at E. 31 St. and E. River Rd. Report W e d ' " 1945 • Officers dispatched to Elyrta P.D, on a warrani pick-up out ol SVPD. JULY 29 ,,. 2154 - Accldont rororto.11-90 westbound at 254 exit ramp. Report filoO,. JULY 27 o—, 1932 • Officers and Rescue Squad dlspatcned to ' E. Rivor north of HI. 254 for accident w/ln]uries Avon Flro r>pt. requested for mutual aid RoDort filod. • . JULY 28 1337 - Acc'dont report on Abbe Road. Report Ided 1425 • Accldont report on Routes 2 and 254 with Injuries. Rescue Squad requested Report filed The following are some of the many services & convenient hours we provide for you. DOMLDGL ADAMS MD FAMILY PRACTICE OFFICE HOURS • Infants • Children • Adults • Geriatric Care Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays 9:00am till 5:30 pro. 9:00am nil 8:00 pm CLOSED 10:00am till 8:00pm 9:00amfill5:3C -9:00am til irOOpm M L ADAMS HAS 33398 WALKER ROAD-UNIT C HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES AT: Avon Lake, Ohio Call For Appointment • Fairview General 933-5533 • St. John & West Shore Hosp. Golfers Pete and Kathy DeBouis, Andy Schenneman and Jim Lyman are all smiles ao they get ready to play in the West Shore/North Coast Golf outing. Golfers bag prize-winners at YMCA golf outing Every golfer In the 1994 West Shiley. Maureen Walsh. Elena Baily. Shore/North Coast YMCA golf outing Craig Miller. Nancy Dankowski. Kathy held at Swcetbriar Golf" Club loft with -Miller, Juan Strlppoli and fudy Schmitz. their arms full of prizes and gifts. Some Local sponsors who contributed to the of the top winnow were Pat Walsh who success of tho outing include: Kopf Conwon a head driver, Don Hershoy who s t r u c t l o n . Custom E n g r a v i n g . 'won a new golf bag, Jim Clawsort who Dankowski & Associates, Laidlaw Tranwon four tickets, to an Indians gamo. sit. Inc.. Shorwin Williams. Gamellia pnd Dan Schnee who wen a golf vaca- Construction. Paint & Paper Place. BFI. tion for two at the Myrtle Beach Hilton. Soli's Hallmark, The Avon Lake Press. Oakes Country Club, the Oatey Golfers winning skill awards wore Avon Company. The "Y" Women's AssociaCliff SIchey said Donna Mann for low tion. Columbia Gas and First Federal of gross, Tom KsteRyk and Donna Mann Lakcwood. tot-low not. Dave,Graff and Audrey For information on noxt year's goll Walsh for longest drive onholo #3. Poto outing, uilher on sponsorship or parBorgaii and Nancy Jazwo for longest ticipating, contact Judy Schmitz at thq drive on hole $ia..7om Dankowski won North Const YMCA ?r 933-0ioo. the putting contest and tho1 fouronmo of ClHt ,Smlthv Cliff Richey. Miko- Maysn and Mike'Schmulto won Iho Odd Hull Game. ' . The West Shore/North Coast YMCA thank all the volunteers who helped make tho day a success: Andy Schenneman. Gina Sharfor. Jim VariglottS, SUMMER SALE Tom Dankowski. Joo Lombard!, Heion Now In Progress Henderson, Sue Wickstrom. Mary Mador, Jeff. Dankowski, Sue Verhoy. Becky Madar,- Colleen Herman. Julio School ctothes orrMng Stokes. Steve Thomas, Jim Lyman, Karla dally. Uyawaya ovallabto. 50% Off ENCORE SHOPPE Lamest re-wle shop In stata _ _ 5487 Uberty. a a WU vaftnlllon ? W P ! Rib burn-off scheduled (.The Hew Havon Baptist Church, 52H0 Rerch Crack Hd., Srwffiflld. will bo tho s«9 of a rib burnoff on Aug. 13 from 4-6 p.m. Coat Is S10 for adults. S5 for children 4-12. and undor 4 are fro©Also available will be barbecued chicken at a coot ot $6 tor adutts. S3 for children 4-12. and kid* tndei 4 are free. At 7 p.m. e.\*y trw Gospel slnfiing of The Arks. 216-967-8972 Michael Kearns, D'D-S' Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.b Convenient Hours 1 JEvening or Saturday New Faticnts Arc Always Welcome 33398 Walker Rd,Suite A ; Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 • tAd$acent to Drug Au/tf 933-4486 at the OLD FIRE HOUSE SATURDAY AUGUST 13,1994 8:3OAM-1PM for appt. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney or 233-8827 Jackie at The Lorain County Blood Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome • LORAIN COUNTY BLOOD BANK ,. ^ l t ml l Hi l l il l t i l i i ^ S ^ .SAVE A LIFE Thousands of people learn how 10 prepare income tax returns from H&R Block and then earn money as income tax prcparcrs. H&R B l o c k , t h e world's largest income tax preparation service, offers its Income Tax Course starting Sept 12. Morning, afternoon, evening, and weekend classes arc available DONATE BLOOD Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. . . CALL. i7g-S7on laninc. L.C.B.B., A S STEP RECONDITIONING PROCESS. At WATER WHEEL - -— CAR WASH : Special 6SteP Reconditiorinfl Process.. i i.RubOutBotfr , 2. Clean & Wax Chrome 5. a e a n & Dress Tires, . 6. interior CleanTna Includedi* For All U Size Gars Hottrsi Mon.-»«t- 1P-C dentistry IJ THE PRESS. . . Sponsors This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE E x p e r i e n c e d instructors teach tax law, theory, and application. Classroom discussion and practice problems provide students with a thorough understanding of each lax topic in: eluded in the course. Students learn how to handle increasingly complex income tax s i t u a t i o n s as the course progresses Ideal for people who want to Increase their tax knowledge, the course teaches students how to save money on their taxes and also prepares them for a rewarding career. The affordable fee includes textbooks and supplies. Graduates receive Certificates of Achievement and continuing education units (CEUS). Qualified graduates of the course may be offered job interviews wlih H&R Block but are under no obligation to accept employment. For mote VnfoTnaUoa about Uie H&R Block Income Tax Course please call: 1-800TAX-2000^ 933-2577 r - fc- K. T * r 1" Free Vol« Grectinft ^ 0 DWF. loving. ca'i"i) 'SO ao*n-to- S l U U E l LOVE Loyal, attn, good-h»4't»t) S-'OWM. 40-50 SMVP. 3;. 510". 1M", S secure, 0*n at•ilt. toiit. Saeks trim. »di«a S'IVF. Hcrt/vanous int»r«w Far ald-Uiri<on«d fiWe inHnlJisn* »6723 "67*4 SWU. NICE looking. 4 * . 5'4". 145», SWF, 23. attr.v Word hair, blue eyes. DWU, 4 1 . hard*o"iirq and marriage aidnrtier srofcer Likaj mcweydis. .nded L O * M ^•*>- P«<*. pcmes. camppetrta. Likes music outdoor*. qu>ei times. •t times ISO pfltito Wf. sincere r ~ ISO aor. SWU L 12-33 wno enioys s a w . ing Would hka IO meal S'DF «mh ma •6727 wrrw ideas. "8723 SUM SWM. 36. S3*. 175* ISO slim. N/S HANOSOUE. BLUE-EYED CWCM, 30. SEAyriFUL IUIWHJUTW) SWF. 2 * . Wu«W'AMan F. no k i d i . EniOfi muiic, ", Z05». p f o H i W M ' . athletic. SceW eyed brunette, M O M ot humor, on* child. movies, camping, h.liinp. Humor, quiet utgoino. atuactive. trtm O'SCF. 25-35. Enjoy ouldoors. mu»ic 4 conversation. ip & more. H2003 ISO S/DWM. 25-37. »21*8 67*5 . WW WF, 50. S"4\ 115». atlr. imokes. SWU, 14, 5'11*. blue «y«s. blond hait. LONELY SWF. 2 * . »hghtly ovemei c a g Ukes quier evenings, pecpki. flelnon vnoker. noo drtnlar. Lodung lor a Likes roeh and eouniry muuc riuijs and away weekends. dm>ng out ISO IpaoW SWF. 19-23totptnd t M summtf fun. ISO very hornM. aneere SWM. 2*WWDWM w/wmp i f w w B »20Q5 30 lot t x m LTR 167.17 w l i t #2148 OWU. 3 1 . blue-eyed bind. 5'9'. t65«. AFFECTIOHATE. caring, gwog SWPM. ATTRACTIVE, nealwy DWM, tired new to area ISO S/OTVF. 20-30. jlerWetE t y wortng »vwtts. movie*, concerts. ree loaders. SeeW B<"S»OIJS. matt iedium build & attractive to sho« me qut«l Umes. ISO attr, slim to medium S/OWF tor romance, p a w o . Wa*«f and around & wftaievef LoraineCo I I O ' b u M WS S/OWF. 3 ( M Z 12348 tun «67S0 VERY OOOD-LOOKIHO DWM. 52 Seeks an attractive, young woman, preferably with children who de^res a good husband and a good father 1LI 1 1 Free Message Retrieval QHE-MAN-WOMa.N duofeed Blue eyes. OlnO. 5'4". young 5a ISO o i l HOirtan-man. PUS S5-65 'Or country rnmii- r'jircino animal* and LTW «6~5J I ATHOLIC DWF. 23. moiner ol t * o , tnder. d e a " \ atlraelme Enioys i 51 ng, dancing 4 quality time ISO DWM. aS-10 ">lh same interests 16782 • HANDSOUE S 8 U . 27. & V , , _ . & movies Would bka to meot SBF wflh no childran for pots LTR. *67flt ATTRACTIVE DWF. hon njoys sports, movies, quiel evtmngs. lalki Seeking gentleman with similar iWCF 10 college student. HIS. WO. i i m l 48-58. 12020 .oves music, cnurch & ouldoari ISO SWCM 19-30 "iih s-milar interwts for SWU. 25, humorous, outgotf*. rornanscbO a preooraoned '2016 at-hean Vaned interests k setnMles. B O D0« I T U M01B S W H / A s l a n F. 18-30 lor po*»- UTR» OWU.young49.S".r. I75».H/S Enioys DWU, 44. 5'7", smokfr, social drlniai nmg out. outdoors^ mu*c & dancing (2029 and a one-woman-man witft strong valISO in. N/S S'OWF. 35-15 to s^a(e good EASYGOING S W U . 45. good looks, dart [•a 1 who likes luto racing and b l n g ernes ft pos3_LTR»MI2 hair k mustache. Seeks a pretty 6780 W/H/Asisn F, petitettsmedium. 3 M 4 , BOSEANNE ISO HER DAN SWF. 45. TIRED OF games' SWF. 22.175*. cute. outgoing w / a good sense ol humor. honest, canng ISO SWM. 45-55 who can lun romance. ISO SWM. 22-26. Garth 6763 give as ««U as recene m a r ' jart. N/S For IwHvJ a buddy hrst »S?60 N I C E - L O O K I N G , active, twneit, W S a »2C20 OWM. ISO classy, attr.. petite WiWAsian TIHED ol standing on beaches" Lortefy SBF. ATTRACTIVE 32. Seeking sincere, F, 4'B"-5T. 35-«5 tor fun nmas. reWlnnDWF gull. 53 ISO lonely WM gu". 43-60 attractive S-'OB/HM. 29-40 " h o enjoys ship. I worn bite. 16783 417 uancmg, m e w and Ornng out For LTR SWF, 52. Enioys traveWg. ear races. ISO FULL-FIGURED OWF. 41 Wno dopan- •CT76 mature, loving usflHefflan. * 5 ^ 2 . WS;' SWF, FULL-FIGUHEO. Steks SWM. MONOGAMOUS. KarxlOT* SWM. rmd- SEEKING GOLF PARTNER. Handsome denls. Ukes movies, dining out. wall * . ATHLETIC. OUTGOINO. attr. 0WM, WD who can appreciate ** tovt cl •ia«V m SWU. 45 Seeks a pretty WiHIAsian F. etc ISO white gentleman. 39-46 For Op«n minded. 30-4S Uuit enioy fisning. 40s. Looking lor * » « ' " attractive 220*. Loves workmij out. sports, movies, rirjured woman. I6TBT ^ ^ _ ^ _ amtifQ. counlry mu*c and Hartey*. Fix WfWAvan female, mull to medium. 30- 30-45. petile to medium 'or a g«l eom- possible LTR. t67S4 cooking and my 5-year-old son. ISO panion. dating. rtfano'tth'P »674* Wend«nipli»tt.»2l*g ' *4. i87S2 _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ FUN GUY. attr. SWM. 4Qs, dark hair petite, cute StlWF. 22-32- For dating k tine dining, being tpoilad- ISO tht rtrjM SWF, 4 0 * . Love boating, motorcycling, SWF. 35. Seeking SWM. 35-45 who FUN-LOVING, attraeove. romanbe SWM. w/musiache. Seeks attr. WWAsian F TRt2254 ona": S/DSVPM. sons* ot humor, dean 36. Look«» hy peuto SF. 2t-36 to sflarv win dark hair, psbla to medium, 32-4» parka, camping, theater. Blossom. ould like to enioy tha summer with a OWF, 47. ISO tall S/DWM. 46-59. SOdal cut, canorj. romantic. K 7 3 3 < an active lite. No dependents. For Inendilno'relaiionir.p. t6758 romanoCdlnnen. ISO mala' •6739 dnnker. smo*er okay w/various tnterests, Medina'Akron area «2006 courtship aMora *2247 SWF. 3 3 , Dm h a ^ ^ down-»-eart». REDHEADED SWF. SO. uncenj. honest honeM. eanng. employed. For comparv SBF HOPWQ 10 SnO SW, S*. hanJwwV Enjoy aerobics, outdoors, rjning, tports, SWK. 33. aflrtdiw. 5 T . 150i. » D . WS. ing. hcne« and lun. For sertous nUalwn- ATTR.. tun. caring, bind. Ncr*C. nice Enpys quiet times, suroels. walks, coun ionshio/poss. LTR «6771 music, movies,. ISO S / D W U w/satna ISO pe«a » rrsdium tsilt IWy. 2J-35 U shp a m pass. LTR Race not an issue guy. 31 DWM with eclectic interns ISO Iry music k dancing Sock WM, 5C-62. HANDSOME, romantic SBM. 21. Wants intenntstorposs. LTR 11033 attr.. tit. sporty S/OWF. 25-35 to share For InerWsftto/pOM. LTR. »6763 atiOT our dmarnatogether.«2000 •67*a to meel a SBF lor fun evenings and acbve lifestyle »tqi9 S W C E R E . « SWU. 29. NVD. WS. Enjoy* SWPU, 42. fit a attr. Steks trim, educal SWF. 45 loa^ntf lor a SWM. sacia DWF, 23. Looking tcr SDWM. under 30 possible LTH »5773 variety of activities. Witting to iry new tj, professional WF. beiweon 30-40 drinker thai likes Io fisti. camp. We out- DWU. U1D-30S. 5 T . 160», $ seeura in tor LTR or friendship 11020 PLAYFUL. INTENSE, witty, sane bu things. ISO C F . 21-31 to build special •6733 good joo. ISO N/S. long-Haired blond ( k m . country rrusic For 1 GOOD-LOOKING. Italian SWM. dark crazy SWPF. 4 1 . ISO sane but craz friendship, LTR. t6795 pent* •oman lor LTR. Must have run in WW WF. h*i loving, fndd« taco rtdhead. 3«la t-TFt. t672* hjir, mustache. 45. Seeks awesome- SWM who really goes out of hio way to outdoor He 12010 ' COOD-LOOWNQ SWM. 40. ff4*. 220*. SB ywi» young. Ian. ipontaiMOus. dean. looking. Italian lady. 30-45 tor lun femes, enjoy. Servieolrmmora must" e2025 SWF. 68 year* young Lookingtara genSeeks ear., petto S/DWF who enjoya lun honeA. good u n M ol humor. ISO SWM. ^ _ _ _ tleman who - n w » qu«l e*«r»ngs. dining 42 DWPF. Like r i - n action and mystery relationship »6766 ATTRACTIVE DWF. 29. ISO honest, car Vmes as w«« aa quiet evenings H twna) 50-70. t6738 Wout, couriry drive* and good compan- movies, hiking, star gaiing and pksuci. GOOO4.0OK1NQ SWM. 33.5't(T, 160*. Ing SWM wilt) hair. 28-35 who ert[Oyi kttoUna& oofanq tor main comparuonsr»p. »2011 T A U , ATTBACTKE DBM. «aiygolng ienshio. t?JC2 ' wen aslabUshed. $ secure. LJkos outdoors having fun. For possible relationship ATTRACTIVE OWF, itltetiOMUl Whrtng to meet iKm to m e * j m WfflF S U . CARAMEL comple«lon. curty hair. k movies. ISO SWF. 25-35 for dating. 18768 SWU. P»m«. 3 ' . 57*. 16S». own horn* CatnoBc tevtng. NVS. ISO WS W U . - « r i l h i *S7'0 In Medina. ISO pretty Udy Io complete 28, 5"11*. I * N producer. ISO articulate •2249 __ PLUMP SWU, 3 4 . 5 T . couch potato who cere, honest lor fun, romance. Enjoy SW/Asian F. RiAenesque. Z H 3 . a B HANDSOME. Short SWM.Seeks atlr.. movies, dining, rjarwing k qukil Bmas. enjoys playing witn reptiles. Saekin ATTRACTIVE, allectionata S W r . 28 vert. ambitious. §2250 •hort W/H/Aaian female. 4'B* to ST. WANTED WF! SBM. busmeuman. vary SWF, plump who loves to eet.«1021 a8784 Enioys movies, music and sports. ISO pallia Io medium. 30-44 lor fun and camg. Seeks special S/OWF. age open. CWCU. 23. brown hair, hawl evw. 5"8". SWM. 25-35 for run. romenes and posa HI THERE! I'm attractive divorced lady, » SF. honest, slim. S T . bm'iiir. Enjoy mmanco. 16733 MuU have many interests. F bH romantic & Quiet-lype. |oog«r & lilts We LTR 18767 musk, dancing, astrology, etc ISO cleanvery romantic Love hugs, fireplaces, canw*ght». Tired ol h<irttul lile. ISO W/HF. HONEST SBM, 24, 5 7 * . I55». S«king LTR. Lovw ou*t evening* i2007 ITALIAN SF. 23. 5'3". Hardworking, no dlelight dinners, tl you're special S/DWM. cut, slim. S7--6*. honest M. Not ISO mar18-25 M O M SF. 81-25. up » S X , f»ce unimponant riage. No WdsJflTW • p»bie SWF. 3 1 . k-dii. ISO SBM who wants a serious rela- 36-46' Can *22S3 ' ' AVfV, 14, ° l * ° j ^ 4 5 - » btvmn r*»r/#y«B UonsNp. possiUa LTR. No games please DWF, a i . Seeking down-to-earth, tall PROFESSIONAL WW W F , NTS. S T , WSrWD.'Lookirjfl'forisoeciatSWF. 2t camping male. 35-50 who wants ttto simple ttung green eyes, blond half. Enjoys sports, 27 io have lun. romance k good time: muatc. worts, amusement parks, fair I KNOW THERE'S an ideal companion thai Ilia has to oiler. Not a nopete* movies, dWng out & travel. ISO WM, B FUNNY SINGLE U D Y . 45 ISO my I O U - wtn. «e7Bt 83. S secure. For friendship. 18781 out there for me. SCF. 57. NfS. WO. ISO dreamer. PorLTR. •2023 nature. tfj737 maM: a N/S SVDWU who «mi treat me as S W U . R E T I R E D . N/S. 165a. 5 4 * . 53 SCM. 5545 with a good sense ot humor. SWU, 35, S T . lit. claan cut. tinned HANDSOME, Itaasn gent SWU, 45, dent S W F , working mom of o n e . Like wren as I win treat him. f > » ma. I'm wail- years young. ISO lady. 40-55. not to tVS.N/O.«024 Enjoy bOBttngAamplng. Cadw PoW, artheavy. N/S lor a relationship/possible Harlays. country/rock and picnics. ISO halr/moustacrw. Seeks aweaorne-knklng. ing. f 2 0 0 9 _ mala. ISO aflccUonaW. BubWy, Mend* SWU, 37, tag and slender. Enjoys travel- S/DWM wfab security, humorous, outgo- Itellan lady. 30-45, petite/medium. For marrtaoe. #8765 . FINANCIALLY SECURE 0WF. 59. varSFtorfUn/romarca t mort.!C747 lun. romance t, reUBonshlp. 16782 ing, movies, long walks and talks. ISC ied ntamts. Seeks WM. SOS) to share ATTnACnVE. PETITE, blond WW F, GO SWF. 30-15 with many Interests. J201B SWM, 33, SV. rJaik hak, Om eyas, hart but acts, looks and feels SO. ISO M tor D W U , 43. 6'. 1B0*. dark brn hair, rwt D W U , 40, Loves to play, aepedatty oulweekend summer fun. 18753^ workar, varied iMaraaa, not lancy. ISO #6756 ATTRACTIVE. CREATWF, camg. ftaflfr ayes witn open mind, rjentle, caring * te- doors. Seek SWF. 3 0 4 0 , remWne.but 25-35. honest, cadng. lit SW/HF Io 36-year-oW S W U Ukaa camping, movies gent SWM. 40. Into aits. Seeks attractive, terts. ISO SrtWF, 3 0 * . For poss. LTO. the outdoor rype. #0794 SSF, 42. S'tC. L O V M dancing, sports and ManoVLTR Loram Co. 16728 a i d dining ISO WF. 35-45 who erpv '< S W U . 3 0 . S'S*. Looking lor a F who movie*/Seeks SM. honest. 38-55. For caring WF. 28-43. For friendship. Nc Bnmawidt area. 12021 tha sama. For posa. LTH. IS734 FUN-LOVmOS, Mr., InleShjanl SWPM dependents pleaaa. 16770 enjoys Indoor and outJoor adhtfea.' For LTR I673T SIQ KID SWU. 32. 5 " t 1 \ 175*. n 37. 9 7 * . 1551. never man-Md. En|oys LONLEY SWU, 29 who's tkad ol <n« bai DWPF, S i . Enjoys (raveling, outdoo Itiln. N/S, pretty blond SWF. 18-00 lo friendship end possible LTR. *2039 aporta k fun. ISO H u e . alncara. anr. scene. Enjoys country music and movies HELP! OWPF. slave to baseball, (oolbal activities. lak-Qhler, visiling with ncttve lifestyle, boating, rriotorcycnng ,vid 81NQLE WHrTE female. Looking tot • SDWF. 30-40'»» LTR I8T28 ISO SWF, 22-26. For dating, convarsa basketball, bolting, go". Pslite. 40ijh, :• male mend, any aoa and mce. I 6 7 W • •-bind needs company, not rescuing! WPM, ramilyinends. (tatting & tome dancing pampering *6772 SINGLE COUNTRY gantlamen. Ull & Bon and posa. LTR 16746 Wou!J love 10 m«et a CM. i2022 Nft should acpty. «2O15 CUTE. peMa SHF. Lovra dancing. cViinc. LONELY, FLUFFY, 3 6 . NTS. N/O DWF honaaL Into aporta. ISO 25-35 F. N/S. SWPM. 155», S'10*. Enjoys dining, dancN/D. 16729 ing and romantic eve-nngs at home. ISO DAH SEEKS ROSEAUtlE. DWM. 38, VERY GOOD-LOOKING D W M . 5 2 out. liner things in lit*, many Interest!. w/t>rn hair & ayes. ISO • S / 0 W U for S T . 240*. Enjoys »ea markets, camping, Seeks an rttraciive. young woman ISO S/OW/llallan U . 3 5 - 4 5 lor LTR, lri»vhh>p S fun tlrsL to drne. bowl, long SWU. 23, ff4*. 1H«. tSO F. Muat antoy petite SWF. 4t5S- For Sincere relabonrkJesNaka. Medina.112027 ~ •tlsriing, kids. etc. Seeks RoMUina-rype preferably Wyoung J^ldrtn who desire' 16777 thirVposs. LTR »6749 _ aMoott and animate. 16730 a good hmband a a good Uther. »2252 &DWF. 18-40 »2O13 OWF, 3 1 , bind hair, Wuo eye*, great per W W W U , SO. N/S, N/O. retired, SMCCRE SWF, 33. love* imaB. cud« SWF, 42, cute, petit*, green-eyed blond, SINGLE WHITE KNIGHT In search of tonality. Enjoys metes, dancing, roman shy. Cfljoys god and gardefllng, Looking animalt. mutic. movies, outdoora. quie smoker, sodai drinker. ISO SWM, 38-45, ATTR.. tuO-ligured SWF. 23. rjm hair, hil princess, 18-32 lor long term relationship. tic avenings. ISO 'jood-looking W M to tor female, sama age group. N/S, M O tor hzn, d » tbraiy I concerta. ISO atimo S secure. Sanaa ol humor a *. For LTR eyes «/1 chdd. ISO &0WM. 25-35. N/S, relationship. «6778 . 1 2 0 3 0 • """ #1017 N/D who lUun children, quiet evenings 1) IS774 DWU. St. 5tO". 170*. W S . th'J, COM. orolwsor Enioys tMc^cackn.Q. outtJoors. home, walks lor LTR. «67S5 SLEEPLESS ki Loriki County. Honest SWF, a t ? * * , 120», blond hair, graen JANE SEYMORE-lypa OWF. patile. sincere DWM. 43. Seeks 3 beautiful lady, ayaa. ISOolrfhgiewin SWM. 36-»7fof 105*. no kkb. SaeU. rugged. Jearw-type DWF, TALL, slender, attractive, genuine inside k out who wants a hepoy ending friendship, poaalbl* biting ratationship. outdoorsman. taH. trim, rrwdum/long harr nice tady. !n search ol honest, genuina race oenPeman. 45 ptua. «22S1 *6775 & mustadw. 34-44.167S1 ICT43 '• ^ WW W U , 45. ISTJ S/DWF, tall, slander attractive, down-to-earth, genuine lady 35-45 who like* fishing, eampln etcetera. »8779'' • • ATTRACTIVE DWF. 42, S T , 1 3 M . b M hair, green eyea, run. caring, very romaitttc lady. ISO romantic DWM, itim. tat, attr.. 37-47. #8785 '•'" \AK)k Ibr Heart to Heart Wednesday in Avon L FREE V FIVE-UNE PRINTED AO V VOICEGREETINC ¥ MESSACE RETRIEVALT.VICE A WEEK Place Your Ad 24 Kours^ Place a Tree five-tine print ud i " Avon Lake Press t h e n - r r c o r t l your free voice greeting. Your ad . w i l l run in our Hcarl to Heart reaiurefor four weeks on Wednesday in Avon Lake Press You cai: retrieve your message* free or charpc twice*a week. You may check for. messages more than once a week by calling the 900 number. but there Is a charge of S1.99 per minute. Messages can be retrieved 24 hours a day. You must be 18 years of age or older to advertise. It's exciting and it's completely confidcmial. Place an ail by calling 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 8 0 - 7 8 4 5 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Or-Fax your ad to 1.513-797-8516--24 hours a day, 7 days u week ^rw1wWI«> r . w ^ n m l n w . i r f . . * ^ ^ . ^ a r t y r<rM^I^W«r.wnl«any w h l b h l , l , r w ^ ptnonatadnrti*»«nH me of Ihew • * «nabW» rrm ^ l « ^ h . li«) r ^ rrkr»R Dul mwmbcr. a ».«h»h.l< (rwJNh.p u l « a.«m«l V ^ I » « .«the r ^ conipenion ihoukl «xur t Respond To An Ad... Call 1-900 ^07-1156 ext. 801 $1.99 pi-i- minute Touch-tone phones only. You must be 18 years old. Then press I to respond//to a specific ad. V/hcn prompted, enter the 4 digit ad number of your choice'. <-Lisien to.the message ol.' the person you've chosen. I f y o u ' d like, leave your response. The person will hear your message when they call in. ' OR™ //' • ; Press 2 to browse Ihrough several personal ads. You can browse male or female voices. ':' It's exciting afii] it's completely confidential. Gall 24Nhours " a day dektearv i: Proper anew •. Twins win close championship in Avon Little League By Michael Greco AVON - Champ?onslup wuuk pruvuil ID b» very 'mlmesting as th« Liltlo League season concluded. Since the Twins and Blue |uys finished one-two in the fUiul regular season standings, it was only natural they would battle each other in the closing amo. final contest by virtue of victories in tltt? semi-finals, held on Thursday. July 211. Tlii! Twins lieu I the A's. U-2. UuChanl once iiuain pluyud a key rule iis he drilled i\ hi)iu« run over the fentx' ami piti.lied the entire (jiiim'. .striking out d butters. Alsu producing fur tin? 'lwins wvz.r. Kd UiimniL'rlin with a single iinil double: Kob Viers. Iwu singles; Schueszler <;nnnucted on a double: ami Uuszlnl ami llriun Wallace ouch hail a single. For the A's. who finished .it 7-11. both Dan Weaver and Jerry Raising hail Kill singles. Murk Urullislmk hit a double and Fat Henry and Kale Moran each gathered singles. Mutt Hyla and Weaver each pitched three innings for the A's. The other contest was a wilt! one pit- In the end. the Twins prevailed. 0-5. in a good contest and glorious diiy un Sunday. July 31. Tho score was tied aflcr the first inning. In the second frame, tho Twins broke the ico with two runs to go up. 4-2. Tho Jays regained the advantage with a three-run Fifth inning to go back on top at 5-4. Howover. Ihc Twins came back with a two-run rally in"tho bottom of the tins the Blue Jays and Yankees. X . ; fifth frame. Tho next big question was The Yan)"!os took a big lead early, only whether tho defence could shut the Jays to have the Blue Jays chip away at the down, and they did. holding them in advantage. Finally, down 15-7. the Jays check In the top of tho sixth to preserve turned it on with an oight-run rally in tho victory. the bottom of the sixth inning to win. Erlrii DeChant rapped a pair of hits, 16-15. including the two-run double in tho fifth The iiig blows enmo whtin Josh Zunis inning that proved to be tho gtcno- hit a two-run double to short left field to winner. Mike Schueazler and Jimmy lie the game at 15. Joe Churavy stepped ,,Dosztal both gained two singler- Josh up and crushed a double off the centerBason hit a single and mode some defen- field fence to score Bobby Ku|ala with sive excellent plays. tho winning run. Steve Bacher had a big Dcsztal pitched thc^istancc. striking two-run double that helped aid the rally. out six batters and giving up six hits. Kujalq pitched four innings for vicTho Twins end up the campaign at tory, joe and Chris Ct.uravy also hurled 14-3. for tho Blue Jays. "Tho gamo was back and forth. Wo For the Yankees, Matt Greco and had pretty good defonso and pitching." Steve Greco each had three hits as did said coach Brlhn Dosztal. "Our team Steve Eby. Both Dan Fitch and Mike was real balanced 'Ihroughout tho year. West contributed two hits and Brian Tho Jays, finishing &t 10-7.receiveda -- Fitch and John Graf had ono hit each. good pitching performance from Stove Matt Greco pitched five innings for Pazur. • " , the Yankees. Tho Twin?'and Jays made it to the Blue Jays runner Mike Keller beats the throw to lirsl on a close play In a game with the Yankees recently. PRESS photo - Michael Greco. Cooper Trendsetter 40,0SDMIIlAtlWtatbtf StetlBiltadRrtlii J»153/8OR13 P1U5/80R13 P17SAMJH13 P18S/75ni4 My WELCOME WAGON basket is loaded with usetu! gifts, Information and cards you can redeem for more gifts at local buslr.tides who'd Hke to say "Hi." M/call is a friendly visit to help CoaptfUlilUttr Ctmlc Wiuw no* M a m>M U tm*f a t rtt »ut aruw* 1st ugm<w4M meontxtntll tM •» » »«""« W« Kit - « »M 60,000 Mile Classic by Cooper you with ttp» 'o» all your needs. Engaged? New parent? Moved? Call me. OLGASCHAAF 933-8460 SPORTS CARD and COMIC BOOK SHOW SUNDAY, AUGUST 14TH 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. P1B57CSR14 Pt9S70SRt4 P20S70SR14 P21S70SR14 P31370SRt5 P215COSRIB SS4.OS SSS.9B SS7.OS N/A SQ2.SB ssa.os SB7.SS SBO.09 SUO.O5 SO3.OS 933-2442 saa.sa N/A EVERY TUESDAY Senior C1lta.n. Day wlOolden Buck.*- Cw CHECK THESt" NEW FACES AT \LUPE CHEVROLET INC James E. lisi, MJ). joins The Hyria Medical Groxsg 90S East Broad Street, Elyria affiliations, Dr. Llsl is a member oft FREE ADMISSION 1 9 9 3 GEO TRACKER CONVERTIBLE 12 WD, Conv, Auto.Cass. - The American College ol Physicians • American Medical Association • Ohio State Medical Association . Cleveland Academy ol Medicine - Ctotin's a Colitis Foundalion „ . « ti.1 o l America Dr. James E. Llsl Dr. Lisl is a Gastrocnlcrologlst Board Certified in internal Medicine and Board Elltfbk In Gastroentcrology with special training In? m Hepatology • Inflammatory Bowel Disease •TherapeuticEndoscopy/Sclerotherapy for appointment call 365-7326 $lQf495 1 9 9 3 CHEVY BEAUVILLE SHOKI VAN | s Pass, Auto, Air, More $±8 995 1 9 9 2 CHEVROLET LUM1NA 4 DR lv-6, auto, air, pwr locks, r/w defog. 1 discounts coma rfdownreal -i«,-_ »25*25 n $10,395 1 9 9 0 CHEVY BERETTA GT 2 Dr. V-6, auto, air, sunroof & more 1989 DODGE RAM 150 IconvVan, auto, air & more 1987 CAPRICE CUSSIC 4DR Brougham, V-8, Auto, p/s, air, pwr locks & win. & more $6,995 1987 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS,4Dr, auto, air, well equipped x LUPE C MIT MUltr Hii.nl AVON l.^KKt n i l . GEO . O O C <»:i:tt.i."»i I. *\.- YOU WANT.... */ Honesty t/ Knowledge • Experience • Communication %/ Personal Service %/ Dedication • Reliability • Integrity 1/ and • RESULTS Timely, sincere, dedicated and friendly describe Uie service you get from us. Put our experience to work for you: we arc both full tluic Realtors having helped more than 290 families reach their real estate goals since first licensed in 1973. Be confident of current information from us because we are active members of the CLEVELAND BOARD OF REALTORS. OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, and the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS. 1 have received the sought after CRS Designation. The Cei tilled Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest designation awarded to residential sales associates. It recognizes the designers exceptional professional accomplish nien.s. experience and education. It Is the nationally recognized symbol of residential » l « excellence, a A - Ken Kodger m Count on honesty and Integrity. In the real estate business, reputation is everything. We pride ourselves on openness and straight-forward dealing in both our business i»nd personal lives. :: Yes /-.• you sret ctH this and more when you call KEN and LOIS 1 • HELP!! ••' •.•Ed ;;:,!-'-": ••:::-i..-i"8-- • " • • • • ^ ' ^ • • ^ • t IN yl DAYS !M! , 1; - . , ••.,:,..:,- Realty One Office (216) 933-6S50 Office (216) 835-6500 Office (216) 323-7525 24-hour Voice Malt Is available through'^."] extension 260 at an^of the above numbers. lT -•:-.,•.• - . . • . » - . - , • - • J r j « ' i ' • • " - • - " " . * ~ : - ~ « i i j i 1 - l i - J . : I i i V - - - i ' A v , v _ > i ' ^ , ' * " - ^ ' - . f ^ ^ V L — r i V ' ^ ' v , only for the purpose of determining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school or othor program official. To discourage St. Joseph School today announced its Program. Local school officials have the possibility of misrepresentation, the 1994-95 school year policy Tor free milk adopted the following income eligibility application forms contain a statement for children unable to pay tho full price scale for free milk. above tho speco for signature certifying of milk sorved under Iho Special' Milk that all information furnished is truu and correct. Applications are being made In connection with the icccipt of INCOME aiGIBttlTY SCALE FOR fREE OR REDUCED-PRICE BENEFITS federal funds. Schools or othor officials Effective for the 1994-95 School Year may check the information on the application at any 11 mo during the school Income Eligibility Household Size: Parents. year. Deliberate misrepresentation of inScjle for Free Milk Children and niber Household Member* formation may subject the applicant to A prosecution under applicable stale nnd 'SiJ.f6H.iHt federal laws. 1 Households will be notifiei'.of the apS12.792.tH) 2 proval or denial of benefit::. If a child is Sld.OKVDI) 5 approved for free milk benefits, the * 19,210 110 scbovl/sponsor must he informed when a household's income increases by ore than &50 per month ($(i00 per year) or SJS.WtHlM) 6 when household size decreases. If a food S2H,'J12.I)II 7 stamp or ADC i:ase number is listed, the H household must inform the school/sponsor when it no longer receives food Fur each additional stamps or ADC funds. family member, add In certain cases, foster children are also eligible for thtisu benefits regardless of the household's income. If a family Children from households with in- signnluru of nn ndull household member hns foster children living with them mid on the application. All other households como o' or below the levels shown may wishes to apply for fret; milk for :hem. must provide the namus of till household be eligible for free milk. the school/sponsor should be contacted members, the social security ntimhur of -Application forms urn being for mort; information. th« iidult signing the application or stiilt: distributed to all homes in u letter to Under the provision of the policy, "nonu" if the iiihill does not have a parents or guardians. To apply for Tree number, the amount and source of in- Patricia Vaccaio, Principal, will review, milk benefits households should fill out applications and determine eligibility:. If come received hy eacli housuhold the application and return it to the muinber, (slate tho monthly income), a parent or guardian is dissatisfied with schojl/sponsor. Additional copies nre the decision on the application or the and the signature of an adult household available at tho principal's office in each member. If any of this information is result of verification, the decision may school. A complete application is re- missing, the school cannot process the be discussed with the determining ofquired. Households which currently ficial on an informal basis. If n formal application. rocoivo food stamps or ADC funds for a appeal is desired, the househuld has the The infnrmat'on provided on tho apchild must providoihe child's name, thu right to a fair hearing. A Fair hearing can plication is confidential and will he used food stamp or ADC enso number and Free milk policy explained & u Expect service through every phase of your transaction, lake advantage of our personal commitment that focuses on your coals and on creative, performance-oriented marketing techniques. •;.:';,: AST ft LISTINGS SOLD ON AVERAGE tlS r'. . WE; NEED LISTINGS t! • Ken Kodgef, GRI, CRS ,. r \ ". '^Keruypu are knowledgeable. ihoroughvndaccesstble: Thanks . • for keeping'our best'interests m mind. Were^mmendyoujughly r "'...;-.' ';•"„'''„;•'•„ ', . , bo requested either orally or in from Fothor j . Norman Riley, Pastor,^ 32929 Lake Road, Avon Uko, OH 44012, ? 933-3152. •-••'•i- The policy contains an outline of the.hcartng procedure. *Household may apply for benefits anytime during the school year. IF a ' household is not currently eligible or If the household size Increases or income decreases because of unemployment or other reasons, tho family should contact tho school/sponsor to ftlo a new application. Such changes may make -tho children of tho family eligible for free mi!k benefits if the family Income falls at or below the levels shown above. In the operation of child feeding programs, no child shall bo discriminated against because of raco. sex, color, national origin, age or handicap. If membors of a household believe they have been discriminated against, they should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washipston. D.C. 20250. V A copy of the complete policy is available to anyone wishing to review it in the school's/sponsor's office. Nursery school openings The Stepping Stones Nursery School still has a few openings fro tho 1994-33 school ynnr that will begin in Septombor of 15)94. Thi) school Is located in I ho United Church or Christ. 603 Sunset Ave.. Sheffield Luke. /r Kor mure informi-lfbn or to register your children, please call 949- 5171 or '133-4731. ' l\ Thinking of selling | ' your home? g Call your local Realty One 5 office to learn about our £ New Guaranteed Sales Program. £j Now you can acquire your new home and sell S your^existing residence.^GUARANTEED! _ g When one of our Realty One agents demonstrates commitment, dedication & teamwork, it's our policy to recognize that achievement. Realty One -JULY"BEST" Listing & Sales Team Spirit Leader For July How to use our HotLine 1. Look for the "HOTI" ol Realty One listings in our ads and on our yard signs. TOTAL REPRESENTATION 2. From any touch-tone phone, call 691-2345 or 1-S00-691-2345. Did you know thai a large percentage of home sellers simultaneously buy homes and want representation? It's iruc. mi i 1 P! 3. Enter the 4K)igit "HOT*** number to hear a detailed description ol that property. So choose the real estate company that can sell your present home at the right price plus provide you with representation In the search of your new home. 1 MARY SHAGOVAC The HotUne offer* FREE. 24-hour access to real estate Information and every Roalty » One property for sale. Try M PETE TETORAKIS —691-2345 w 1-800-691-2345 JUST LISTED W> REDUCED TO $92,900 - 160 MOOHEWOOD - AVON LAKE. -This sharp 3 bedroom. 1rt bath ranch boasts a cathedral coiling In tha living mom & all newer 'vinyt windows VmM ;Thls home Is one floor living at its best. Call WENDY LAFORC6-ZAMBO lor a prevfow. 833*195. (671439) (HOT 2888) " " , SOMETHING SPECIAL! 3 bedrooms, lull basemen!, hardwood lloors newly fenced yard and patio plus beach access! MARY ANN TILDEN, 933-S1S5. (676599) TWO YEARS NEW - 2 STORY - In a secluded hamloltypo area of Bay. wo offer a 2 year old home; 2 bedims. & bath down and 2 bedrms. a bath up; gnat room w,m-*wn S e c u r e and skyUflhts. So very bright * new set on a "clustor home" typo lot with association lake access. JIM & CAROL JUDGE, 933-6550. 0850. M776MEvery Thursday evening Irom 6-8 p.m. a loan officer Irom Rrst Ohio Mortgage Corporation will be available for pre-qualifications or any questions you mry have. $119,900 S114.900 S89.900 S309.500 S58.900 $119,000 S6O.OO0 $88,500 $69,900 $124,900 $71,900 $29,900 $115,900 S1B7.900 $132,000 A KNOCKOUT! NEWLY LISTED IN LORAIN1 imerlor has been totally remodeled. Light °akWtchon cabtnots .anfl.to. pantry. 3 bedrooms. 15 baths. ™"±*'%*°Zg from house to 2-car garage. A must see (or only HELEN OOGGS, 933-61B5. (679442) NEW LISTING, AVON LAKE CONDO - One floor living Includes 2 BH. 1W. baths, central a.r. comes wtth all appuances A 1 yr home warranty Is also provided. Priced at only S58 900. IMS Is • O'^X buy that won't last. For details or appt. to see call CHRIS MAYER, 933-7700. Visit us at our NEW OFFICE 32713 Walker Rd., Avon Lake Call 933-7700 for Details A baby girl. Vivian Aldona. was born lo Mr. and Mrs. Robert (SuelFekD of Maplo Heights on June 18. 1994. Vivian weighed in al 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20 inches long and joins her sisler. Alison at homo. Prouil grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Richard (Marilyn) Baldauf. Avon and Mrs. Aldona Foke of Worrensville Hnights. A baby girl. Mnllury Colleen, was born lo Todd and Colleon Gillcspic of Virt-inia Beach. Virginia on July 11.1994 H| Norfolk Nnvnl Hospital. Mai ory weiRhed 8 lbs. 13 oz. and measured 22 1/2 inches lon«. 1 Itir proud grandparents nro Sarah Malloy of Shoffield Lak« and I,umur and Kalhy Cilluspie of bheffield $;.Twin boys. Kory .Allen and Kylt phomss. were born to Da ve and Lori fCarior of 2262 Periwinkle. Avon, on |May 6.1994. Kory was born at 8:26.a.m.. Iwelghing 7 lbs. 9 oz. and measuring ZO flnicfaas long and Kyle was born at B 27 Sf ---. weighing in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. andwalso U Aiiaby boy. Amlruiv |ainos. was horn wring 20 inches long. They ° r t I,, Billy and U«b.,rah Okos of Elyrm on ^Welcomed homo by big sister. Uan i. J ulv 14. 19!)4. Andruw weighed 8 lbs. 7 llft.iihd big brother. Brett, age 3 1U. I ro- \ S anil was 19 inchi« lung. Brothers lud.grandporcnts are David and May Robert. 0. and Joseph. 3. are happy to isminger of Vermilion: Sarah Sitli IB« • C new l».hy. The proud grandfElyria: and Allen and Kathryn Carter of cuts are Hilly oiul Po»y Okes oj bht- • tl'Elyria. Groat-grandparents are.Marion field Lake arid Frank and Joanne Oksko. fabd Paulino Marsiglia of Avon. Avon Uke. Diana Ol..sko and Mark feX baby boy, Frank Robert, was born o S E a m very pleased to have a jFrank and,Cathio Keeling of Sheffield nephew. gUVe antkay 11. 1994 ol Fa. f F-General Hospital. Frank woijjheil o lbs. 5 IOUU ^•oz. antj measured ^3 inches_l»itf. ' BR/STYLE Amtarsl Am torsi Avon Avon Lat-o Avon Laks Avon Lake Lotain Lornin Loroin Loraifi Loraln Loraln Vet mil ion Wostlakn Westlaka WESTERN BAY LAKEFRONT, $274,000 - This is an "opportunity house" - 3 bdrm.. 1YI baih - 2 stor> with expansion space on 3rd with huoo park-liko back yard -no • £ * ? • **« of the Eagle Clilt Association. JIM & CAHOL JUDGE. 9336550. (675654) Wtchen. Value priced to sell. 933-6195 CITY I II i at Avon Lake High School REAL ESTATE Avon Police Log SECRETARIAL • Entry level position Selt'Starler. dala entiy. wad piocfl!*™). good commuracaWwrake aioa 635-4900. REAL ESTATE Definitions of some ol Iho abbreviations lound in the Pollco Logs. QOA-Gone On Arrival UTL-Unabte to Locate MVA-Motor Vehicle Accident B&E-£rcaking S Entering BOLO-Se on tho Lookout FVD-Fkld Interrogated DWHJrivlng While Intoxicated NCC-No Causa for Complaint Dlsp. UnU-Oispatcted Units DUI-Oriving Undur the Influence JULY 29 0004 - Dog at largo on Center Rd 0616 - 3 car MVA. WB I-90 west or SH 83 with injuries. 1211 -MVA, Bt. 254 west oI French Creek 1501 • DMV EB 1-90 west ol SR S3 2041 - Alarm drop at Loeser Excavating. Checked OK. JULY 30 0038 - Loud music comptoint on Jayww 0306 - DMV, WB 1-90 at city limits. 141B- Alarm drop at Xerxes Z15S • Loud music complainl on French Creek Rd. JULY .31 0126 • Piowtor complainl on Rt. 254 near Pick HJL 0236 - Fkeworks complaint In Northgate by the park. 1321 • DMV on Hunter's Trail 2144 • Shooting complaint on Rt 2 5 4 2232 • Alarm drop at Bi-Rilu AUG I 0 5 3 5 • Scuad run to Carleen 1430 - DMV, EB I 9 0 west of City knits 1721 • Open burning complaint on Candlewood 1844 • DMVSRB3 at 1-90 AUG. 2 0 0 5 5 • BarWng dog complaint on Stonoy 0 7 4 5 - Dog at largo on Detroit Rd. 0 9 3 8 • DMV. Rt. 2 5 4 A Stoney Ridgo 1237 - Res.denUaJ alarm on Hotly Lane 2237 • MVA w/lnjunes at SO 8 3 4 Mills Rd AUG. 3 0 0 1 5 • Prowler compla^« en Rt. 0 1 1 0 1 4 5 - Barking flog compla/ni tin WUlijms Ct. 0 3 3 8 • Trash tire on Jaycox \ . 0 6 2 0 - Alarm drop at Chomtron ,| 1016 • Scuad run to Detroitfid.rejidence AUG. 4 0 0 * 7 • Domestic at local pub 0 3 2 0 • DMV. WB 1-90 east ol SH 8 3 1000 • Dog at large on Center Rd. 1146 • DMV. EB 1-90 at county (in* 1301 - Troo down on Miller Rd. 1306 • Tree down on Stoney Ridge 1926 • Lockout at Avon Dale Golf Club On Your Local Court Dockets By Chris Assenaeimtr A V O N MAYOR'S COURT Sean P. Sabatlno. 2839 W. 381 h St.. Cluvuland. W I I fined $79 on n charge or driving under suspension. He was also fined $O5 for speeding. lames T. Condon. 473 Long Co in to Dr., Avon U k e . was fined J50 on « charge of improper lane usage, and $50 for expired plates. Michael A. KuU. 199 Berkshire Rd.. Avon Lake, was fined $83 on an insecure load violation. Wendy L. Mjrusa, 31307 Nnrrugansoll. liny Village, wa* tlneil JflO fnron(ilrtil licunsu ptati<s. ;.wlth $25 of the tine su*pend«ti Kevin |. Smith. 3303 Oukduli*. l.iirnln. won flu- wj S"0 Tor driving on a clovxl roadway. w " n $25 of th« fine suspended. Joanna L Knolite. 4411 Case Rd.. Avon, was nn«d $53 for an assured cluar dUlance violalion, with $25 of the fine suspended. Randall II. Fratiunne. 37952 French Creek Rd.. Avon, was fined !W5 for a reasonable control violation, with S20 or the Tine suipended. Flnetl $33 for speeding wore Roger A |o*oph. 3B370 Mills Rd.. Avon; Carl E. Wak». 4001 Stonny Ridn«> Rd.. Avon: nnd loffrcy Mlrmlick. 41532 Haznlwuml, Elyrlu. lanicii M. Dnlzet. 31MB Nnwlmry. Avon Uiku. wiii tln.-.l $S.r. lor I|HM*UIIX. with fiti "F ill-? ftnil! 05 Commercial Property LORAIM INDUSTRIAL PARK Industrial Sites 2-50 acres. Will sell or build to wA Two 6.000 sqftspaces now axaiiaBie. Located adtacont » Foia HAjtor Co. ott Brunswtek Rd Between Rtv3JS0: Loraln, OHIO. Contact: Denny OeMatco. Coldwdl Banker L w D r a u " " w ^ (216)3231B6O- 10 Homes For Sale X>B0fl TOWNOUSE.C«ntial air. flmstwd bawnwnt A.L LandincsSS9.9O0O0 C33-0C12 AFF0HDABI* HOyE LOAMS. RERKWCEyPflEQUAUFY Can Mart LumJv. FAMILY HOME UORTOAQE CORP. Avco Lake. OH 933-7100. AVON LAKE LOVELY BUNQALOW, 4 Badrocms. 1 1/2 Bathi. finl»tiad basement it I woodburmr, »cr««n«l pofdi. garao* |28'x32' w/ti«»t. warn. phon« ft KXM], ptaytwuM/srwd. S1O7.8OO. Ownar. 033-5547. No wqtm* AVON LAKE: Condo. tar «aM t y owner. 2-B«droom. t t/3 Batna. Garao*. U2.BO0.833-8022AVON LAKE: Condo lor ial« try owner. Smuggler's Smuggler * Cov«. c o v e , 3a-Bedroom, i 1/2 B*th Garage. ScreTd-ln P»uo, Pod. Tennit. Gorl Courts view. Only S6B.500. 0334647. AVOH-OY OWNEH: 4-Dedrcom tpM Uvlngioom. Dtniro. Lp Kitchen. Fa miry room. Finished Baiemerrt. Pool. Sci«ened-ln Porch. Lovely. Tree Rtled Lot. Welt Maintained. S124.P00. CaB 834-6172torappt BCD AND BREAKFAST HtffonHome e bedrooms. 4 baths 10 Cabin Rentals Incjround Pool Modem Bath House Looted 3 milesfromCedar PoW RicedatS2SO.00O (410) 627-B5S2 CEDAR POtHT CHAUSEE LaksftcrtHorM 2 bedrooms. 1 bath uaraQe. new roof Move m cond*ion Con yeor-round g«ta«oy PtlcwlatStoSOOO 1418)627-8552 Read & Use The Classifieds CITY FABUEH ^ H3v« your mini (arm « Avon and M Mfvn a (tve m«ut« onv« to hBO & CrocliorRd BtiOi &fcanwlulancft set on a w-o aa» tot- F«» '!*,'*Sg country kitchen. Central Air. 2-1/2! car »raa«, barn & much men Aswng 134 000 Call R Lo». Company Orw Raany. to details 333-6700N.OUJSTED. by w i x t . Open Sun 2-5pnV 23211 C!i«wd. 3-6H. 2-BA Cap* Cod. Appliancss. RocRm 1900 SQft.In»riacul3to. Mini Low IPO's. 754-3363 ? WESTERN BAY. 4 OR Cotonla^ L R F D.H.. oak loon F.fl. *"W tuitt-im. ch«ry couniry lutcnen. 2-1/2 Oatns. Boacti prlvilogos. S145.C00.871-9929 WESTLAKE COMDO: . ^ J 3 ^ Norm. Jamo* Ptacs. unit ISW. 1405 i^tt 2 BR. 2 BA. irwid* corner onrt S W l « * 33t-°«7 20 Lola and Acreage AVOMLAKE Vln«yard/Point allotm«nts. s»0to<r«n»: M appraisal, . B71-726S. WESTLAKE: wood-d Wtto'S a * J70.000- 63x180 ScfiwarK Rd. Ca» 900-9220. AVON L A K t : C O A C M y A N THAJLCONEJOS. 1-B«Jroom. SD awJ». AppWnc«s, garag?. tot*. S M ? » watiTpald- »4i3/rnlh SSLiW. 93^2559 or 934-4477. BUILDING FOR RENT/ LEASE 4 1 1 1 080 »qft-total- 2 ' W furnished2deskofflco. BMSQ Hl^J^ p (no*««orros buidmg but avatobie (or u » nwt j ) E«rtl«nttorstartup Call 327-4 FAIRVIEW PARK, . , Apartments. 20480 L o r a n . _ _ and two bedroom, carpeting, ait conditioning, electric Jutchen. NO D«ts $385 i S450. h««t. miW included- 333-1B41. NTntDQEVlLLE ParkwowJ Ap». • —\Rd •ecurttv. »CCt»noo«. ait «ooKWner. m L NO PETS. By appc-Wnert. 327-34M. . NORTH OLMSTJEa o r - W apt* condo. heat lauded i p o o i NO p^osanj oirlar woman W 8 H A R E HOME wrti »am* Own r o o m 1 o«m In return (or rrtnlmBl help tchore*. Non-ftftoMna Send ie*»ieoce« K Mobile Homes 25 WMUTBB4501* JW. Vi«ti*» For Sa1« CM <414S. MOBILE HOME. 14" KTO.2 BH. SHEFFIELD LAKE, 4 EeMjopnw. w w carpetjng. central air, $12,000. Morm ptut •ecunty depoait No P«««. 671-4257 . MOBILE HOME. 141 x W . 2 Bedroom, central Mr. S12.0OO. 671-4237. 52 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RENTAL ^___^^^_ 45 For Rent 2 bedroom Cape Cod. bwementlocated M Lorkn oft ENrta Ave. 327B224. after 5.327-0019. • A.L. CHARyiHQ One Badtocm House: a««oncea. carpet, window covering, and maintenance mckxJed. No peu: avsiUbie Sapt. 1- S47» 833aica APAflTMENTS FOR RENT, newN r a m o d e l e d . 9 3 3 - 8 2 * 7 . 1 ft 2 CommercMl For Rant sooosaFT.pntHri __ AVON LAKE RCTAH. SPACS Frontage On Avon Defcton FW. (Rt: S3) HtahTratflcArea Adjacent To Laro.* Volume FoodStor* Lots Of Parking Compettfv* L N H Rataa c No Add-On Charges FOR UORE « f ORMATtOM CALL CtCXKAYR Office ForRtnt A V O N L A K E RANCH: 2 Lg. SMC« 55 Bedrooms. Mfchea Living R o o m * ; ftteptoc*. Sunroom. Utkltw Room. Attached Garapa 1/2 block to beach. tUUEIXATE OCCUPANCY Available Sept 1st S67S • UHMet. AVON LAKE One moron deposit « Istta. B33660 SO FT PRIME OFFICE SPACE 3eet. . NEWLY DECORATED AVON LAKE, 3 Bedroom house with •• U • attached oarage. AS appliance*. ExCALL OICK UAYn caUont tocatxm. No P»tS. S«50/Mo VIP PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 933-8426 of 496-1JW f316)033-7131/671-0330 AVON LAKE: Lakfl Rd Unique OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE, Raocn. Cathedral ceAng. Fkectace. downtown Lorain. all or part of 2-Bedroom. Garage. No Pets. $700. 10.000 sq.tt. Contact; Denny 030-2034. ; • _DeMareo. Coldwell Banker Les , AVON LAKE: DUPLEX Z-B^Jroom; 1 t/2 Bath. Famh; or DK«q Rcom. Eat-In Ktchon. LQ. Bcoms. Ample Storage. Redtfcorcled. Carpeted. Apptances. No P*tt. ISTS/Vth. B335834. OFFICES ACCOMMODATIKQ YOU. Compare aavlnas, rent kndudes uttOel. Sign 2 yr. ceotrsct. ost 2 mas. tree rent. Call tot «ppokUjnenLB33-6C««. ' tfarry Lloyd's Colonies '94 CLEARANCE GOING ONNOW! * NOTICE * Now Taking Orders on '95 Cars and Trucks ORDER YOURS TODAY! OPEN: MON. thruTHUR/till 8, FRl. 'till 6, SAT. Mil 3 33450 Lake Rd -• Avon Lake LORAIN 933-3291 CIEVE. 871-1390 KOPF Builders proudly announces The Colonies. A community ofciuaint single-family home3 crafted i'/tno old-world tradition. Ahh... life in a beautiful tree-lined neighborhood where the kids can safely play and you can enjoy a peaceful evening stroll. There's nothing like it! Now, you can take advantage of our pro-construction . pricing and be among the first who secure the most •sought-after homesitcs! The Colonies... it's more than just where you live it's HOW you live. Starting at *190,000. Located on Webber Rd. off Rt. 83. just south or Walker Rd. in Avon Lake. 933-6908 or 871-R134 Mon.-Fri. 1-5:30; Sat. & Sun. 12-5 IIIIIKOPFBuilders 1 „ U£& -•_ J w IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCYI 670367. Features this mint condition 2 bedroom. 1 '/> bath condominium with eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room and screened in 16x8 patio. In suite laundry also featured. Neutral tones throughout. $64,900. For mote details, contact Mary Louisa. SK^-: EXECUTIVE L1V1NGI 672981. Features this magnificent 5 bedroom colonial with formal drninq room, lamily room with woodburning fireplace, eat-in kitchen, first floor utility room, 3'/t baths, finished basement, and situated on a wall manicured 100x203 lot. 3.000 square feet. $225,000. Cat' to see with Mary Louise. _^_____ HANDY MAN SPECIAL 678115. Featured this 3 bedroom ranch with living roam, kitchen, breakfast nook, first floor utility room, and an enclosed porch. Central air. 34x105 lot. Purchaser must accept home as is. 525,000. Contact Unda Ackerman. . JAMES REALTY OITERS: Free Market Analysis l Pre-Qualifying with Lenders; AFFORDABLE UVING 679570. A well maintained 3 bedroom colonial featL*res a living room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, full basement, and 2 car garage. All appliances remain. Fenced rear yard. $64,900. Contact Unda AcKerman let more details __ SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 678590. This well maintained Colonial in Central Avon Lake is priced to sell... Within walking distance to pool, library, baseball fields, school, and bus stop. See this 3 bedroom Colonial soon with Debi OeChant. $101,900. ' Minimum 1/3 acre wooded homesites. - Only Locally Owned Company With Over 30 Years of Service Tn Avon Lake And The Surrounding Communities . . . OFEii 7 DAYS To Serve You NATIONAL RELOCATION CENTER — Northern Ohio Regional Multiple Listing Service • Local 933-2500 • 52745 Walker Road * Avon Lake • Cleveland 871-5255 « COOK -69 Vacation Property ifoi ••.;•?"•./ -. F o r R e n t VAtt. COMDO tor rant Jarv21-M. Apply in parxon Huong buainac? hour*. THE UNICORN RESTAURANT Rt S7, O f DIETARY Normandy Manor ol Rocky R«v« t» —thing • DHUn Cook to Uart imiMdtataty lor Ow W c ^ g M W WANTED 75 tM wjlllnfl d S«kwi Autos Wanted A-A-A only 227W U*«tW«d Rocky Rlwr OH 441 IS UaadftJunfcadCv* rtNt D R I V E R NEEDED tor FMcky. OH Ladytr — Satan, run arranda. Help Wanted tABOUT AVON SALES SELL TO I Y » F « E H 0 8 , N O DOOR TO SALES REQUIRED. CALL " " ^ - M R . KEN 38S- EARN »1,0OrB WEEKLY us.aos3i. ! *.,«•, TVm\.ttyta^ » W, « r - ft A/R. Mutt ba ^ m t a ft famBat wKh U oti . Svnd raaum* to I, Oknatad Fala, OH PART-TOIE Mutt lbl FULLftPAftT-T«e CtERK««««|d wl«fy r w i n i d »P-O. aOOORV. Avon L»h» OH 44012. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MrnU 871-0874rt»r4pm. AGEHTS/REAL ESTATE 838-1616 -: > i 1 » COOK, part-Urn* for OmCE HEIP^HAHSTYUSIS KAILTECHMCUN .-W«t.Thur».. BJM WEDEDtor7 yroW , «BW •chool Ftolbta dMjto h*p U 7dwiA HANDYMAN WANTED: trimming. HELP WANTED. School[p QdirS. Wol%. 3«S long Rd.. . HELP WANTED tor FOOO PflODUCnOM LWE WORKER yvflAUTICIAN ft *«SiaTANT Can * f T Y U « T vintid. No *oltowlno MO-UM WLtmdmL Nwr grad OK B«wtti & H O M E TYPtsts, MadaarBngp«v.Cal22<»a00. *PC i uaara naaded, *" c * 22«jaoo MAM MOWER Mow lawn. K^UwXiWp-.MowLrwn: ffl^SSSflp-*: „ „ . „ ;Eajt «nd ot ShafMatd U k a . MB rrb. van. .... p«rt-*tlm« raaldanila) Room tor advanoamart. <Mon avalaWa. Apply at » » — « Cantar Rldga Rd.. N. Rhtonfta.Ori HOUSEKLfPma/UAINTENANCE GtMt NonTMMn Mai. Pan-Bin* pofDons BvulaM* br m * Food Court « M«n Mofl arm*. *pgfcapon> «valaCt« at t M Malt Offlc* incatiKt obov« t M Food Court Ol cal 734-6304 tw LABOREHO-Murt know conMruotton tratf^ V33-2M4 bvtwMO 7 * B LANDSCAPE LABORER: CM» IB yr. oM. 833-6232. , LANDSCAPE HELP WANTED: E«partanoi prelwfd. 934-€035 INSTALLA^ H SPRINKLER SPRINKL TION m»ad» halp. No a«pa.tnea nacaaaary. Cal B71-4B7S. •CAKETHtSAOnEEN CHmSTUASI Earn axtra monay now. Set your own houra Ho da&variro. No Collacooo. Avaraga SlO/hr. plua bonuaot by kilning Amarlca'a oaatail growing patty plan. Cal Joanaaa, 777-B474 orShar. 327-6088. • MEDICAL ASSISTANT . Naw OBGYN orflca m Lakawood aaak* partgm* UadlcaJ AaaMant » do patMt* vrtala ft aat-up. Send ratuma to.vLakawood HoapM. 1*319 Datrolt Av». Lakawood OH 44107, Aim: Fmanea Dapt HOW LAWN, 2 Daya a waak. Can BntwrM Port Camatary. Bam-Ipm, 837-5061. NAIL SALON aaoking exparMrcod Tachrtdan parterraWy wflh cuBomar tollowlng. Cull 356-6143 or fax raaumato350-7454. NAIL TECHNICIANS n*W«J tot nail ttudio In Avon Lako. fbov* t w i g v tMlon acala CaH 833-3)55. PLUUBCR'S HELPCR NecDCD. Uj«t nava daan driving >«cord. Ca.1 Panto 10am. P33-2330 POSTAL JOBS. Start S11.41/hr. For •uim and application Into call (210) 709-0301 «xt QM641, 9 AM 9 PM, Sun-F(l POSTAL JOBS StartS11.41/M. For axa.-n and appltcabon Into, can RIB) 760-8301 Ert. OH 51B. Dam-Opm. Sun-Frl. . NURSING SPHINQ VALLEY COUKIHY CLUB ha« N M B d * lOn- r • * &vaiaU«. APP> « panon only Tua«FrLaC 1100 Gulf Rd.. Syria TEACHERS PRE-K. i-5:30pm. Mon.-F»i Raouliacnantt: *&°»»'Z]!3lL. abilitytoplan and conduct acuvina* for a 4 yr old dot*.. _. PfllUAnY CLASS, M ^ V M o o - P A Planning and conducting actMuoa » r 1-2 vaoa U POSTAL JOBS Start S12.0Brtir. plua barafltt. For want anl appHcatton tnte. cal 21»7944»10 EJC OH134. BAMto10PM TEACHERS 7daya. RESTAURANT need* WaKraaaat Hoataasaa Dtahwashani Dusparaona Appty tn pareon: 1D033 Laka Rd.. Rocky Rtvar batwaan I-4pm. (acrou from WaalWia Condoa) Pia-tchooVDnycara l pa p r a l . ^ kraaa. Plaaa* THE PRESS tt • < * * ' n£ m •poili/ganaral • " * B «ftl^f; Muit uta propar apalllng and rttWiaccoracy arrf RETAIL SALES WaatlakwSOonotvllla Fun ilma Retail S a m axpartanca wim knowlfNlga ol cur ton I children's Bam*. » • « ¥ . Apply kiparaom OncaUponaCNM . 3S03lCantarHkJgaRd. No prtona cafla plaa RETinEO OR NEED Extra Morwy? Daiivary job avallnbla 10:00am to 1:00pm, MorvFrt No phone calls. InoiiraiKtLaarRd. ROOFING: Minimum 9 yaara axparlanoa. Call 033-2964 batwaan THE PRESS P.O. Box 300 AVON LAKE OH 44012 No phona cato. plaa»a. No h>par»on THE VILLAGE OF SHEFFIELD ta h l l i m n of InWrait Irom nirs*LPtfs PART-T«E7-3ft3-11 7O PRN ALL SHIFTS NormanaV Manor ol Bodry Btitafh SECRETARIAL saakM queMed NunJng Sttrl lor SERV1CH aoova antfts. AppBcant must poua«a BvrtaOH4403SbvAuQU«t 19.1004. HaadHatp? atrongar tedarsMp aUM and t w o THE WLLAOe OF BHU-HtLUto Word Procaasmg, Typing. mparlanca In long tarm car*. ApData Entry, Faxing pBcanti ahouW appry in panwo at **S22S£tiIEST Next to Waatgata stnuld ba aant *Normandy Manor of Rocky Rf«r Call^ . vS*Q* « ShaflWd. 4(B0 22700 Laka Road , B y a OH 44085. RocfcyRlvarCM441ie 356-2117 A m Nancy Kohl, Don WATTER/WAirRESS SECRETARV, p*rt-tlma In Rocky E/CVE Rlvar Canoidalaahouldbacomputar BARTENDER NURSING liiaratra.'axpartancad In ofjlcj Appfy in p«raon during orocadura. •atl-motlvatad ft STNA-S Piaaaa aand rwuma to: bOTHEUNicORN RESTAURANT PAHT.TtUE/FUULT1UE1>flH - omnnlzed. c T T Mlchalton Company, Box Rt ?7. Grafton ALL SHIFTS rm70,RocWH>var OH 44116. Normandy Manor o( RoeVy Rwr tt ICIAN FHI SERVICE TECHN1OAR . _. _ . . . WAREHOUSE P k i lamporary. O n a year cabia ., „ ("duty- f * * tana aiparlanca. aisodata dagraa. or 3^10 530 p m , Mon.Fa * . Indud* lul banafttt plua a tSOO »tgn •lactroruc ••pwtenca pratarrad. Af?ly at: 20275 Claman. Rd. on booua. Part*na poKBom Inchida SlntarponEnal W M U l o S250 algn on bonua. Apply m pwton work In Indamwil waathar. Valid Normandy Manor ot Rocky Rlvar Ohio drtvart lloanaa w/t«i than 8 22TW Laka Road pts ApplcKtonaaccapiadAufl. l i f t nockyRlvarOM44i1fl 12 tromft30am-4pm at Contnontal CoCievWton. 32730 Walkar Rd.. GttgSb^nnaCoordinator F. Avon Laka. Equal Opportunity Efnptoygf, M/F/H/B. \ vuuS oMSwS arBSWJsa PART-TIME SPORTSWRITER ~ Mu«t ba W laait 1B yaario* aoa^own transportation, good wrMng tUM. n Intaraitod, tubrnrt Z tamplea ot writing to: THE PRESS ft UOHT 34100 CartarRioga Road \_ N.flkJoav«a. OH. 44038 Aim: Carol KJoar STOCK HELP Stock Halp rwadad. Job Indudaa: tlckellng, oraanlzfng ft pulling ol invantory. diMng ft dallv«y, haavy hnngftganaral nuuntananca. APP %A*UARDBAYQIFTCO. 20200 Oamaoa Rd., UrM 1-F WaiMaka ~ 24T-U32. ^ • TREE SERVICE n«»d« Otound paraon. Muat nava valid drtyafa CMin-JMJ. TREE WORKERS W « * J 2 » i _ « OHOUND MEN AND CUMBERS CALL 734-267*. Child Care 83 BaoyMtar na«dad. 3 cnridiaa my horn*. 327-7058. BABYSITTER NEEDED. StuMnt walcomad. My ShaHiald Vlliaga home 3 aftamoona (2:30-4:30). Can 034-10M. CNTLD" CARE NEEDED: 4 Morrwiga (4 noun) Ttwa-FA Good kldo. Good pay. No othar cMldraa Non-amokar. Start* SapL Caf naca«»a^f. 8330623 _ _ CHILDCARE provldar naadad inoor Baraa homator4 yr.otd boytobagln lor 1W4-03 achoot yaar. iMi^ma ExparlSncad moWar will PfwrW* cnildcaia In my horw waakdaya. , Fancad yard. Wltn rafaroneaa, 3274156. ' EXPERIENCED " O T M E H will babyiK In rrw twna. UJ or part-ttma. Wllf ptovtda lunch ft attarnoon dkW. C t f QM.71B1. EXPERIENCEWnEUADLE. j j J wM oabyalt m my Avon iLaka•team balora/aflar tchool. Ralarancaa. 033-4506. MOM NEEDED to waWi 1 Chad «tw Morrtng NndaroarlBn. 1-2 houri par day. 033-6481. • '-' - NEEDED: DAYCAREtorI W . OldIn WANTED: PART-TWC BABYSUTER m my Avon homafcjr10 mo. old Infant:fteidWaoay houra: mujt baal laast 18 yra. old and prmkta_own traraportatton, nrtranoaa. 834-5768. 85 SlluiUonsWantoa CHILD CARE *Experleticod •Qualified, caring teachers *lnfant/Schoot age r. *Full & part-time •Low staff/child ratio '—Small group size THE CHILDRENS CENTER 933-5158 A CUSTOM DESIGN 2 SBBSBWS ft* or part tt.ne U*. unO s cttldren 6pm. V/lll provide lunch, I M C M . CERTIFIED, REOWTC PEFUEMCED day w t » provWw. Z W i m i opersnoa • B J M * Open ached Say* 5 O £ 3 2 7 CHILD CARE ' • Loving Home .; * Experienced Foster •'* Mom \ • Meals & Snacks Provided '• Certified by CCRC * Dally & Weekly Rates Call Carol \ • • - at B34-4622 CHILD CARE In my horn*. B«tore& attar school cflere>l Near acfooL 833-7008l D CARE In *. E CHILD CAHE in my A.L. horn*. 8am.-«pm. M-F. 3 yaera * up. Please ceiaaiJBMi. CHILUCARE, full time In my W t f S M l horn* Aoea 2_n*-*."PNda have lets otTun. References. TTB443-*. . CHJLDCilHE: Eiporiencad Mother to prov«e lovloo chikfeare in my Sttslfiald Lake ftoma at 730 Oakwooil. BreaBiait. lunch » anaefcs. RwsonatM raiee. Cal » » • Cleaning, i taring avaiaWe. Homes, apartmerti. and commercial. FfMiblc Irs. ' • • • o n i b j j ' > 1 " d > latarancaa .wtaablw. 327-gTtXl. CONSTRUCTION WORK: I?ff.cal malaafeJdar.11 " " CXPCR1ENCID MOTHCH will A* baby*« m my ton*. « * * ! * f»» assns Repairs *R*frnt<*vj Stucco A CuHom Tasdutng Craattv* Deport Work AvaltabM Estlmataa cVwerlutry gWen NaM&Ctean ONE CALL DOES IT ALL CaBSWvSrtaf apandabta. E»i par lance d. AVON L A K l WOOOWOnWNQ . COv'n *amed*of wood, we can On 1 It) Bookaharv««. cabinets, cuUom QUALITY CLEAWHO ". \-; closets, entertainment centers, HonactRaeMMIncMduMl ' ;' kitchen pantil**. Free estimates. PefonaflieJ oavtsaaacti bma C33-3678. Notadaar*«toam :-, ' ExcaaantnXarancaa BACKHOE / i t P H I H Q ft QEHgnAL HOU8E a RaMOnaWa ratae. Cal Donna at 323^7*8. W U . BABTWT si my Dyrta daya,ralam»a.30»00S3. • 95 WanfdToRenT COHDO OH APAnTMEHT -KAHT t O TO HEMT. Avon I r t e or Avon j NOTICES 120 » L. Personals NOVENA TO XT. JUDE - Maytne Saovd Htart ol Jaaus M adored. gkxMatt. k M d and praaervad Areugteut tt» world, now and foraverTbh. Sacred Heirt of Jasui. F . By the anysUeuptoitxi? THEPRESS 158 LEAH RD, AVONLAKE 835-4255 area-Cal HOUSECLEAN1NG COPIES MADE 25 CENTS A BEAUTIFUL C H U N G EXPWMWCtD C "OTH "OTHH ? L i MrfrLMaje p U CRlBWOOWURNITUfle REPAIR, 4A9* JAYCOX. AVON. Ba7-8SOa:_ CUSTOM TRACTOR WOflK Yards Putvertzed. Grating. Bush Hogging Oenaral Tractor Work SERVICE Compact Otasal for Smci ATMS • Addition Footan •OrtHauIng •Gracing ELECTRICAL « TELEPHONE WORK. Ucensad. bonded & mured. Reasonable ratea. B33-4863. FAX SERVICE Reasonable Rates 835-3550 THE PRESS 19S LEAR RO. AVON LAKE BOB MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN SERVICE FIELD MOWING CtxnpMa horrw & mobM nom« repair*, cucfexn decking and porchos. NolobUblgonosmU. FREE ESTIMATES. CALL BOB-322-8202 _ BOB'S MAINTENANCE i HANDYMAN SERVICE V; \\ RotoUXng Ught genoral Bactor work Reasonable Rates RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES (Carpentry. Electrical, Plumbing) V / h w l Cliair Accessible ^Construction (Ramps, Doorways, Bathrooms...) Customer Satisfactiontt*1 CallJohn at J R ENTERPRISES 7T0-73C3 FuJylnaurad RK MONEY HELP SERVICES-*!* preparatksn and pUnnino. buogertfig i cash flow analysis, pha Idearito •ave you money. CaS Ray at 937. M-U. ' ' RON'S GUTTER CLEANING / DECK CLEANING Pressure Washing 692-0907 Free Estimate Call H33-497B FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT Ktcfwns-Bathrooms Ccuntertops-n epi»cemert wiodov« w txtow tr eatments-OrywaJ! Omplete I W M & moblla home ' \V CkMMs-Paintln^Oecks i epairs, custom decking and V Oiubled remodeling and more. porches \: SHOWROOM - X K & LAKE FID. No (ob to oig or to snuH-. : 833-2000. F71EEESTIMATES .: , CALL BOO tai-sxa, RUBBISH HAULING Garage or small structurw removed. Cement or any typo rubbisrVappUarv cea removed, also garages cleaned. 221-9204 SEWING & ALTERATIONS by Diane 933-9857 WILL DRIVE YOU TO THE AIRPORT FOR SHALL FEE - 24 HOUR NOTICE B33-S231 i > 140 GUILDERS Cx, Fine Interior Painting Fau* Finishes - Psperhanging CiBUOva Wall DtH<Qnq 835-4255 ONE CALL DOES IT ALL Call S'ova Sitar CERTIFIED PAPERHANGING REMODELING a rcaB t &837-6OOC-. ct TLC. Reference*.! 3: cra!» needed. needed can937-6OOC BABYSm TAMHT. sue girt w* care tor YW* * • * • £ «v«rinQa. of wwhends. 327-4455 " BUCK'S HARDWARE, 37079 HANDYMAN "141 BuKdlnq Supp»Q8_ DoOortRd . Avon. Stem wind Tw and 25 YEARS Dl.counl U v M I M W.r-houM tneen upoir Call 934-51 te EXPERIENCE saunas upto ft*. Ca"j« aPP1 MS BUSINESS A RESIDENTIAL Ptumb.ng. Electrtcal. Carpcnlry LITE (5*83) or SB3-3277. TELEPHONE SYSTEMS. Sato), DICK MILLER NOVENA TO ST. JUDE - May iho addrtons. movfls and changes New Saaed Heart of Jesus b« adored. or used equipment, available. Serv>co 327-6922 . *145 c gtortrtod, loved and (.reserved on most rtianx brands. RiwdflnBal HANDYMAN throughout the worta. now and wiring. Reasonable rates, Lake REPAIR-REMODEL rcever. Oh. Sacred Heart of J«us Inleccm. 933-5771. 1.800522Any K^>d pray for us. St. Jude. workor of 25 Yrs. Experwnce S771 Fc- trw B«t Work, miraclea. pray kx us. St Judo, helper Big or Small f^ A C* Carpentry. PHtfnoing. EJatfiroom of the hopeless, praytorus. SAY B**tP""» Cerarrec Tile. Rscroom, Kitchen. THIS PRAYER nine Bmes a day By Cail Tony Vinci MAINTENANCE.INC. etc. BeavxiaOW Relorences. the eighth day your prayer will be 779-4350 HANDYMAN TREE ESTIMATES answered R has never been *ncwn REMOnELINQ to tail PubOcaUon must be. promised. Plumbing. Oecoicnl. Carpenlry. 734-0779 THANK YOU ST. JUDE FOR No (oti too big Oftoosmall HEALTH INSURANCE tor inFAVORS GRANTED. MAP, dividuals and a/oups. Medicare Sup835-5687 NOVENA TO ST, JUDE - May tha plement - Lrtelrauranca. Lono Te.m Cleaning 158 Sacred Heart ol Jesus be adored. CELLAR POSTS Care and Annuity. 331 -5215. glorified, loved and preserved BEAMS throughout * n * world now and DIRT OUT! _, LIBERTY HOIIE IMPROVEMENTS. tore*:*. On. Saoed Heart of Jesus. Heavy Duty & GaaOeaning Installed « fiepbeed all types ol remodeling, tor"" 1 * a o pray tor us. St Jude. Worker of WaEs. Floors. Window* SAGGING FLOORS Uno-eum, ilno-eum. batirooms. batirooma. decka. d e c . p Miracles, praytorus. St. Jude. HelCarpets. Upholstery. Draperies Leveled kltcriens. replacament windows. per of lhe Hopeless, pray tor us. Say Deodorizing. Carpet Repairs Mural & Son. Inc. FREE ESTIMATES. 10% * T « ^ iht» prayer 9 times a day. By the ^amOng & Paper Hanging 11340Brcokp«rk for »enlor citizens. Cail Doog B*a eighth day your prayer will be Cleveland 587-3322 835^255 at 049-20*1. . answered- It has never been known CLEANING) SERVICE: Owner suONE CALL DOES IT ALL M.T.O. pervtses •very deenod reuse We lo rail. a L Call Steve Srtar are a local company. We can design OFFICE CLEANING ST. JUDE NOVfcNA . May the DUST BUSTERS REASONABLE RATES Sacrad Heart of Jesus to adored, a planned regular maintenance Commercial *Remldentlal program as often as you need. We glorified, laved & preserved Thorough Don! have bme to dean & »Min«7 throughout th« wholo world, now and can perform an extensive cleaning . ' EiAderit Call Dust Bustors torever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pay af.ytime throughout the year or lust Impeccabla Rolerencas anytime.' for us. St Jude, Worker of Miracles & one small service, even Wndws. Gooded • Insured Oetora Kennedy. 934-4200. Help of the Hopetess, pray for us. You'll take pride In tha appearance of Estimate* Say ifta prayer 9 Bmee per day fw B your clean home. (WE ARE NOT 835-5036 days. Publish. It has never been COMPLETELY FINISHED UNTIL 160 Construction YOU A R E COMPLETLEY MARBUNO. Wood Crainng. FAUX knowntotail. M.D. SATISFIED!) CALL CLEAN Arts.WalG'avinB CONCRETE I1EMOVAL* RT. JU-3E NOVENA - May the CORNEJW FOR FREE ESTIMATE, InU&d. Patfitmo. Stammg. Etc REPLACEMENT Sacra Heart of Jesus be adored. WrJkxwwinaFurnrtura. ROUGH ft RNBH ORAtHNO olortfted & preserved throughout the 337-44B3. Why pay a Casigner? We Handle A l Jobs whole world now and former. Cacred CLEANING. Commercial. reeWeoDal. 0lm.934-1B14 Heart ol Jaws, praytorus. St June, Big or Small (WUl , y n paint your Barn or Stol) Worker ol MlrKlea & Help* ol the new construction, before or after you aie-aoei Hooaless. pray tor us. Say this move, apartments, officos, p«r> QOSENTEnPRtSES PAINTING & praywr 0 times por daytor0 days. •onaOzsd service. Bonded & insured. Publish, (l has nevar been known to Fre* esomata». AM work r^jaranteed. PAPERHANGING UNION CHAFTSKAM_ For more into«r.at!on call "JAY'S Htchan & Bath Renovation taa.SC. _ EASE. I N C 32>-63«. Others tend BRICK. BLOCK ft Drywu Repair STONEWORK ST. JUOC IIOVENA - May the- you a deanlno »*m...we sen.- you Experienced . Insured Ornamental DaccvalM. Sacred He"-** of Jeeua be adored, service. and Restoration CallJlMLEKAN glorified, loved and preserved CLEVELAND 3nj Generation rhrouohout V* whola wend, now and 779-8983 CALLIGRAPHY PETER SCMORK 111 lorever. Sacred Heart of Jews, pray PHILLIPS VACUUM CLEANER CO. tor us. SLJuda. Worker of Miradw & Quotestordisplay, certificates, tarwSALES AND SERVICE. New and 871-7490 Helper ol tha Hopeless, praytoron ry uees. InvltaCont. signs, place (ebutrt daaners. guajanteed lowest FreeEctJmtiaa Say thto prayer 9 Omae par daytorS cards...You name * Custom work, p n e on new cleaners. We repa* an daya. Publish. It has never be«n reasonabHi rates. rnakee. warranty (tore tor Hoove' known to W . W R . S . and Euraka. I 5 t l 6 Detioit Rd.. Cail Marc at 170 Landscaping Lakewood. Piek-up and delivery THANK YOU S t Jude tor favors 321-2521 avatabla. Call 1-22B-OT3Q. giwitMlLH. CHIP'S GREENWORLD POWERWASHIHMItAM LANDSCAPING CLEAMNO-PAtNTma COMMERCIAL Homee. boat*, trailare. aqulpmert UwnMartanonce CcxnrnerdaJ-lndustrlal Landscape De^ga inaialaOon B33-B680 MulchftTopaoa 135 Gonwal Services ShfuoTrtmrntng AN AOUNOANT THANK YCU, St Anfriorw. Your powerful intorcoMion nevtr fails to answer our requests. D.V. BABYSITTER: experienced, ' If you're thinking about upgrading your homee 1 . appearance we want to be responsible. •Design, Interior, exterior renovation •Additions, decks, redwoodjscrecn porches «PelIa window replacements •Free Estimates _' Business Opportunities COMMERCIAt. P R O P E R T Y LOfiAIN - Newer Downtown ordce compiox with paiking dock & surface parking. Two bkJgs. lenod by com™ n Srea. One Bldg 40.006 safl leaseablo. 98% leased by le t l agenews. One oldg. cflw'th 10,000 sq.lt leased bySJle ol Ohw. Will lease space or soil logetncK or separately. Contact Donnv DeMarco, Coklwell Banker • « rfrane Realty 1216] 323-1060. OWN YOUH OWN APPAHEL OR SHOE STORE. CHOOSE: Joan/ Sportswear. Bridal. Lingorle, Wosietrtwear. Lndio*. Men*. Large SUes Infant/Protean,, Petite. Dnncowear/AotClKC. Maternity, or Accessories Storo Ovar 2000 N.-ime Brands. 124,900 to J36,90a Mr, Lonqtilm (612) 888 655V 521-2692 D C. POLOVICH. Easy Rollar Painting. Oaartng & High Presto* Washing. Can 837-5460 lor free estimate. EUROPEAN PAINTING. ft SERVICE. INC. 83S-8488 Exiertoriintenor, Cedar Staining Alum.SklinQReAn>ahing Power Was* homes, drives. Senior Discount • Insured. For Professional work a Free Estimates. Cal 835 1MB. EXTERIOR P.O. DECORATTKO •Soap*. Sand, CaUk. Prime flaw Wood. *Ronall tooae skUng. Palrtkv side clutters. *CKan Windows. •Pressure wash. *SmaB odd tobs. 29 yrs. Exp. • Insured Work Ouarantad . FREEESTMATE9 an-mo» JAWORSK) PAINTING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, ALUMINUM WDWU REFWHWHQ, WALLPAPERIHO. FULLY . INSURED, FACE ESTIMATES. CALLJERRY JAWORSKJ 244-5807 PAINTING . Windows Repaired Watp*perRemr»<*J 734-2498 351-5843 Fraa EtUmatsa • Rater ancaa PAINTING & DRYWALLWORK ^ (FWeMngandPaKhtnaJAta), Ceillnge stlpeled and Plaaiar ReoairedandWoflpapwRamo*^. Exterior patch and paJnL Fr— EsttmaSaa. FastftProwMlonal. -.-. C!-Jialrno*rator* -'"> 331-70D2 LANDSCAPES EXTIUORDIKajRE. Lanclacapa servtc* apadalaru j n llgrdng. watarialla. ponds, brfclt sEtawalks and patio*. Cal Den. 8378753. „ _^__ ' •• •: PA1NTINQ,PAPOWO PLASTERMQ PrarrtumWork , Res./Apt/lndua.. •rt-eDoneRloU rteDoneRloU - -, Trm Rrst Tlma' J, FR£EESTUUTCS~ CaJBob • v •311-«1O1er3S>aS7S ' LAWN MOWING GAHDEN ROTffnLUNG EDGING Call Dennis Bt*ese 933^3618^ WALLS PLUS i ,;'• T- ''•i ; LJcanaart Mauwa-BonJasl P»k«fX3*Latax.Oa.Laaiwr V Wea^eanc. Wood Graining Watpaper Removed. W U Covering Tfc Plattsr Repair. laUuring ': TERRY D. MURRAY LANDSCAPING LAwnmowtnrvLandscaping ROTOTILUNO TREE/SHRUB REMOVAL Friendly aarvKa. LOW PRICES. . FREE ESTIMATES. TERRY 327-7173. 899-8132 " * Tr«Care 200 SWEAT BROTHERS TIRED OF WATERING YOUR LAWN? 734-2874 WILSON'S TREE SERVICE 871-4975 Pager* 363-761 toe 3*3-7*40 Painting ARTWORKS/Walls. Fireplaces. Floors, Etc MARBLES. GRANITES, Censtones. Laatner. Etc PAINTED FINISHES. Painting, Wallcovering. We teach classes also. Jtm, 9341614. Tree* Removed . .', Treea Trimmed Stump Qrlndlnaynamoval (Can Rt thru avopantng) -"" • Tractor work avatatta •• ,•;-/• 353-0083 luRGM MANAGEMENT ™*%, - TREE • trimming, removal. Hump grinding, smrm damage, [toning, W clearing. Tractor work ft brush cNppa<a*>»<> available.Inured.•'- -. Lake Erin Irrigation Wasttaka based Company CalltorFREE Estimate 185 • PAINTING. HOUSES Outside - Inside Latex alkyo stain. vamrtK Damaged & cracks In caiBngs. W*Hs. woodwork (epairetT QuaWy worknvwsiiJp. Cail Al JOIN US! • 5 Day Week • Excellent Starting Salary • Outstanding Company Benefits • Rapid Advancement . • Paid Vacations If you like running the show, a Job as a Burger King Manager could be foryoul Please apply at BURGER KING 519 Avon BeldenRd. "Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 It unable to apply In person, please send resume to same address. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER i , 1 . ( 1 > i ; TIM FORTHOFER Builder • Contractor Inc. HEATINC/A/XCONPmOHMClJl*/ • Service al! Makes & Models • Air Conditioning Repair & Inst. • Humidifier & Air Cleaner ' Furnace Repair & Inst. -24 Hr. Emergency Service • New Homes Ga.ages Remodeling Additions Kitchens ^ • Ptiono: 93/-64J0 34875 Timberview Dr.. Avon. OH 871-7525 Jeff and Debi Mitchell. Owners TYPES •Tur-Offi •tSYi.rFlitfeih • SMijItt • Sl.il!i < CsmjUli Skill H.I.I Siniei • 40 Tur DinutUiil SMIJIII • RjJia DitpifetiJ Cnn Stnitt Call Or Toll Free 933-2517 1-800-251-2517 Fully Insured • 24 hr. Emergency Service Tree Trimming and Removals 118' Crane Service FREE ESTIMATES PHONE:S34-4716 QUALITY WELDING RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL- FAIRWEATHER ROOFING Service ^ ivyD .„ OFHEU-ARC uilders inc. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND REMODELING • Aluminum Pipe • Stainless • Cast Minor Fabrication No Job To Small 937-6067 CHRIS BRITTON AVON. OHIO MARK DUOZIAK, PHESIDENT FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAST FOREVEL . . 'Custom G'riier Present! PVC Sflorriloii Ste«l Siding' %MU ? If It's Made Of WOOD. We Can Co I L " The BIGG.--R lil!le Store With More ASKMOVl" HARDWARE —iBOOKSHaVES £3i FINANCING AVAILABLE -: ALSO' VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING - <S Home & Garden Center —JCflOWN MOLDING 949-6296 WOODWORKING -^CUSTOM OOSETS FREE ESTIMATES 233-6450 323-7907 1-600-686-0709 200 WARDEN - PLYRtA. OHIO 1.800-87S-SNUR —^KITCHEN CAB1NCTS/PANTRIES | •JEHTEHTAINMSNT CENTERS A N Ccnsutetions and Estimate*' 933-3676^:1 5254 EAST LAKE ROAD Ccrn«r Abbe & Lako Road* SHEFFIELD LAKE. OHIO M 0 M 933-4492 933-3514 KRUMWIEDE CONSTRUCTION u ">Vjnr Ttttitl Kt'imxtclinji Co. " Third Generation Adiliiions • Rooms Finished • Roofs • Siding Major or Minor Repair;. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ^=,,, —SINCE 1947 — i I.©. Indoor Comfort DECK & GARDEN CONTRACTORS . LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION • CUSTOM PATIOS All T»Mi • ' Cowriti Wtrlt 1 RiiUutUl EinritufJ Keith Malloy • 933-0670 Steve Schmotzer • 949 r 5668 Ohio Certified Landscape Installer —«- 1teolin$ & flir Conditioning Serving Coraln C€ **"?*?£.«, ROXIOCNTIAL & COMMCBCIAL HEATING & COOUNO SALES - SERVICE m INSTALLATION24 HOUR SERVICE ' Free Estimates NEMETH SV3ASONRY CO N C R E T E I IF*- BuemertWabRnaired Frat Eitimatet ' m WILLIAM BARNUM DAVID BRAKDT I (216} 937-6801 •Surrpaotb&landTile totaled (216) 934-5S37 GARRETT-DUBER PABNTING, INC. 933-7898 INTERIOR - EXTERIOR WOHKERSCOMP. 87-1-0.820 TRACER'S NURSERY Bondert tUccnscd Since I960 HARTSEL ELECTRIC 937-5750 • FREE Estimates INCT* KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION N«*d an upstairs finished, adding on a family room or gangs? For major or minor rapairs. cull lor • tre« mtimaia. - 934^188 ANYTIME Storms-Screens Repaired rad Smith RbofinqCo. V • Windows • Painting 29HU Sioncy/Ridgc Rd. Avon, OW6 440II Lenny's Glass Service Company CALL 949-5442 937-6337 OWNER OPERATED^REE ESTIMATfcb ABOUT TREE PLANTINGS! 949-2623 Distressed by Pregnancy? Call Birthright at 3224652 or 244-4652. irepTJficrttping^; HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: CALL pp Ucensod&xidooJnsurtd Etiy Rollci Painting Sc Cleaning •Featuring" BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER 1 0 > 0 0 SHADE & FLOWERING TREES v. WHY DO SO MANY CALL • W« are • loi.il company p.W«*-ly own«J Home Improvements ' 835-3377 • Gutters • Masonry CALL 24 HRS. A DAY CORNERS? ...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME «. We Now Do • Carpentry • Siding Acnvts from Avon High School For Your FREE ESTIMATE Call. SUE UUENBERGER 327-4455 •jjl/inned regular, _ _ rr ainl a nance pfttiwn a* often as you neei'M your tiomo or office, \ \ V-, W» enn porto«n any v, ijnteniivq donning \\ \ 'anytime Ihrouahout t » \ \ yenf or just ono »mol(^ u Mrvico, evon window*,^ V, We add oil ine persona, V loucnes 'o our dun'nflVt | 1 lhat you would do \\ yoursoH. • \\ , Wo »ie finished when ^ you me sallslled ' i Super Store Wit* So Much Mare m Annie ot Aroa Homeaude food* • Ctlcnog mK-lliao*eac _ K u ( J Dr. Rentil _ *£ Rout it Ojm Cooka Keaiil O A Cut Above The Rest 37500 COLORADO RD., AVON, OHIO 44011 934-5403 USDAChoice. Beef Round USDA Choice. Beef Round Full Cut Pork Chops Stuffed Pork Chops Round Steak Boneless Sirloin Tip Roast USDA Choice Ueef Round Boneless Porb Loin. Country Style Spare Ribs Stuffed Roasters Rolled Rump Roast hipped or Chopped Ham Colby Jacb USDA Choice. Beef Round By The Chunk Q Cheese London Broil Porh Loin Sliced Slab Bacon Soft 'N Gentle Scot Lad Pure -.. Bathroom Tissue Granulated Sugar $«59 Smith s Fruit Drinks 1 gallon Pierre's French Si>*Ic Head Lettuce 10 Lb. B*C "New Crop Ice Cream_w ^ AH Purpose Potatoes^ Pierre's Soli Frozen White Yogurt Seedless Grapes..;*! Strawberries SOLb.Avc. Smiths i% hocolate Milfe Pierre's Pat Free Up and Beady Yogurt Whole Urge PbQ. Burptcss Cucumbers Golden or Red Delicious Apples. .t Pierre's Royal Scott Twin Pops Margarine Smith's PlerTe'5 Strawberry or Chocolate Iced Tea Crunch Bars Campbell's ^ i Pepsi . :^.. Porfc'N Dad's Econ-O Mets Dry p p 54 49 25 ib Scot Lad Red or Pinto Beans I •<=«• Duncan Hlnes. Except An?el Food J ^ 3 ^ ( Cake Mixes :^.i«-«. Weather Permitting. Can & Reserve Tfoor Order! Weather Permitting V ^ Supplement to Press & Light, Avon Lake Press & West Life Landscaping To Suit Your Lifestyle. LANDSCAPING, INC. (216)327-1212 ;i 38207 Center Ridge Rd. • North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 THE BEST DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS YOUVE EVER HAD!! BAR OPEN 5:30 qm-2:30am RESTAURANT OPEN ' OPEN24 HOURS BREAKFAST •lUNCJhf-DIMNER WED-FRI SAT $ FRESH PERCH LEYE ALL YOU CAN EAT CRAB LEGS Also THE BEST PRIME RIB YOU'VE Good n See you ai the * 1994 Vv O4. In Xike Steak? EVER HAD OUR STEAKS ARE SUPREME BLACK ANGUS BEEF THEY MELT IN YOUR MOUTH TRYbuR DELICIOUS BABY BACK RIBS 5284 LAKE RD. SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF RT. 6 AND RT. 301 949-3829 ~ HOT 15769 NORTH RIDGEV1LLE S164,900 ACREAGE 327-2110 779-7*00 CHARON HOT #1575 SI 89,900 ,. 934-4310 327-2110 779-7400 AVON 5159.900 HOT #1999 327-2H10 934^1310 779-740Q COLUMBIA STATION $289,900 JERRY CANTERBURY ANNA MEREDITH JOYCE ROB13ON JOE FISHER 934-4310 327-2110 779-7400 934-4310 U El p I 'J "•"'.•?' HOT #2151 ELYRtA JS4.900 HOT 14865 CINDY OWENS 337-3113 779-7400 ACREAGE 6RAFT0N 9S44310 327-2110 $153,000 NEW 779-7400 ~ $128,500 HOT 11579 77&.740Q 934-4310 327-2ttO NORTH R1DGEVIU-E $123,900 HOT 11426 /.834-4310 327-2110 779-7400 NORTH RIDGEVtLLE SI44,900 $119,900 HOT 13218 B.J. HALL JIM GERKEN 779-7400 OBERUN 934-4310 327-2110 $209,000 HOT 11028 934-4310 327-2110 CAROL GEIGER DIXIE MAZUR BILL BOWSER, 327-2110 NORTH FUOGEVUXE DIANA RIVERA 327-2110 934-4310 • 779-7400 779-7400 NORTH R1DCEV111E ta Hew to m $104,000 CRAIG COUGHLIN 779-7400 c-f One 934-4310 93*4310 GO SHOPPING ONUS $150^HOPPING SPREE GREAT NOR1 l^RN SHOPPING CENTER ^B ^D ^B ^9 ^B NAME: ra 1 ''''"' THINKING OF SELLING? '£_ ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ THINKING OF BUYING? ; __ OTY: «or H*lUn« REAL ESTATE CAREER? PHONE: TO WIN RETURN THIS CERTIFICATE TO: REALTY ONE 35095 CENTER WDGE ROAD. NORTH R1DCEVILLE. OHIO 44W9 $169 900 I HOT 15513 SHEFFIELD HYACINTH WILUAMS_ _ 779-7400 327-2110 | ^ ^ B\LL _ ^ ^ ^^^ FRAN SPIKE ( MT<aiw 779-7400 l sin.m | NORTH RttWEVUE GLENDA 934^310 I 327-2110 MEDDERS 779-7400 $74.9W f 93W31Q 9344310 I 327-2110 P 53f HOT #7824 ,. GRAFTOH ^"SSS1"*" „ _ *im* HOT I172B MAUREEN HEARNS 779-7400 934-4310 ^-1327-2110 0 337-2110 NORTH RIDGEVUXE RICK BENDER 779-7400 934-4310 1327-2110 779-7400 * $145,500 9344310 I 327-2110 $129,900 934-4310 ELVRIA $161,000 TANIA KEGYES 327-2110 779-7400 779-7400 | 327-2110 S95.000 I HOT #3217 NEW ~ NORTH RIDGEVIOE PHILIP LINN HOT #7467 779-7400 , 934-4310 Office ofthe Mayor b< halt) August 12. 13 and 14. 1994; WHEREASi th» original purpose of the festival was to honor Harold Sveet foe hl» successful promotion of this area for the growth and development of sweet corn; • ) * i •• it UtttaTones w^o visit the Corn Festival on Saturday will b e j e o l a good time if they show up for the Children's Games scheduled for 1 p.m. Don t miss It!. WHEREASt each year, through the efforts of a group Of dedicated citizens, this festival has become a meeting place to prompt* goodwill thrc-ighout our.:Communityi fe-r w a VHESEASt this is the 20th anniversary of the Corn Festival and promise* to b- a very special evont. NOW. THEREFORE. l.Jetlry J- Armbruster. Hayor of *.»«? City of North Rldgtiviiie do hereby proclaim August 12, 13 and 14th as CORN FESTIVAL DA*S In North Rldyeville and encourage our citizens to Join with Die in these festivities to promote a pojltlve image of our City. ng LlJMlNtM\s In witness whereof, t have set my hind and caused to be affixed the Seal or tho City of North Rldgevllle. this 14th day of July. 1994. /'I. \viNYL-SlbiNC.J \ Mayor 141S Obciiiii Ave.'.-Ldi-^ • • * : • - " • •• . . • • • „ , FREE ESTIMATES Custom Decorating SALE Stop by Our Booth for Glow Necklaces Be sure to Enter the Drawing for * Passes to First Night Pick-up FREE information Brochures and Maps North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce Visitors Bureau 7307 Avon Belden Road North Ridgeville, Oh 44039 SAVE SAVE SAVE 50* 40* 2O*t.4O* On Verticals, Mini-Blinds and Pleated Shades On All Drapery Fabric Including Designer Prints & Sheers 216-327-3737 On Selected Wallpaper Call Today For A Free In-Home Consultation 327-8044 Today thru Now Open Wednesdays Until 8 P.M. Custom Decorating 33060 Center Ridge Road, Nonh Ridgeville SEE YOU at the CORN FESTIVAL ssml ncrth1 dpsvt VBDS fcuecu Th« North Hldqavillo v i s i t o r s Bureau welcoaeo you to our •lity ond to our C&rn Festival. Our rich, agricultural backqround viM land warnth to your visit and enhance your stay. ture. Worth Kidg«ville i s a city that is qrowlnq toward tho fu- I t i s an ideal couunlty in which to work or expand a buuin * i t . . . n n ideal coeaunlty in which to l i v e and r a i s e a family...on« with an ideal bland of tranquility, S M I I sixe and Mtropolltan n«lghbor«. Ne i n v i t e you t o enjoy our F e s t i v a l , visit our businessss and q e t t o know our r e s i d e n t s . These North Ridgeville citizens received the Golden Kernel Award last year, tg From left; Norn. Gerhart, Dorothy and Harry Painter and June Yost. Oh my goodness, let's not lorget our Corn Festival mascot, who's always gets special -_, treatment at Corn Fes; time. (P&L Klear) !| EHJ0Y1 934-4092 Dayle Noll Executive Director 37470 harvest dr. avon, ohio (Comer of Horvwl Dr. & W. A l l , - VA Wle N. <rf W. ,., WT Aroa Betdm Raw) •• P.O. Ban 1T2 • North R id** ilk. Ohio *«M • (3161J2MTJ7 • IJI6JJ»-1MI HEI1£'SA HEW FACE Talcs time to meet our newest i*aft member. Wlnrtwr looking For afresh,! approach tn hair and ilcln cars need* or tselung an aUemate when yourriyfistb not available; ourruB-jervka Matrix B.»«ntJaU talon oFfsn the proFeuIonal beauty expertx euenh'ally for you. Good eatin Don't miss St. Peter's 14th annual Chlckon Bar B-Q on Sunday, Aug. 14 in conjunction with this year's Corn Festival.. From noon to 6 p.m. you can get a mouth-watering chicken dinner with corn on tho cob. cotn slaw, roll with margarine and colTce or milk and ^homemade pio...ond onjoy it St. Peter's air-conditioned gym. Take outs are available. Qno-halfchickenisSQand 1/4 chicken is iust $4.75. So ifyou'ro going lo watch the Granda Parade, you might want to cat dinner first: Or you might wont to work up a goad case of the grumbellio* during the entertainment and eat after tha last marcher has gone by. It's ynur choice. Just don'l miss it. Umm. ur,n. good. - Rachelle Stazzone - U)feora(ulJe«raedProMiog • i yw\ m Education CaraullonlfarMatrix* EuerticU • Sptciaraing in All Kctr Color Senita • FilfE Comultaliofls by a HMR-SKIH-C0SmE71CS AUTOMOBILE ACCIDEHT WORK COMMUTE OR NEGLIGENCE In the real world,, things can turn out much differently than you would expect. Fortunately, yyxone understands and is reody to help. If you've ' been seriously injured in an aulomobile occidenl, you need legal advice. Put your faith in MIraldi & Bonett. We're personal injury attorneys, and we're Wrongful Death Auto Accidents Defective Products Medical Malpractice Slip & Fall Fires & Explosions onyourskfe. hour bonking h i t li.'htt Cwniit ouo Til BROAOWHY - LOBAIH • OH « 0 S 3 RIDGEVIUE (216)233-8525 3UBB • UH1ER RIDGE ROAD • HORTH RIDGEVIUE • OH « 0 3 » - (21612277214 ' „,..„.,.(.„„• Rklge Rd. at Root Rd. by NiU Baker Around ihis time every summer North Ridgeville getsrealcorny. And this year. the city's coro-ered the markel on fun and entertainmenl as the Corn Festival celebrates its 20th party To stay in the spirit of things, here are some mouih-waiering recipes whose main ingredients are...what dtse^CORNin tCORNin t t So after you've spent Ibis weekend tasting, sipping, riding and watering everything in sight, get oul the pots and pans and keep the Com Festival alive with this good eatfn*. COK?< CUSTARD *c 2 C evaporated milk BI 1 1/2 T. batter or margarine f 2 eggs, slightly beaten 2 tap. sugar 11/2 bp. sail 1M tsp. pepper 2 C^ corn In a deep. 1 V2 quart, heat-resistant noo-BKlalUc casserole, beat evaporated piiTIr. uutmered. in Microwave Oven 2 1/2 f«»t»it»»* or until scaMrd Add butter and stirantil batter has melted. Stir tn eggs. sugar, sail and pepper. S i r to blend wdL Stir in corn. Heat, uimwciad. in. nuuuwave ovco 14 mirujUtsSet aside 5 minutestofinish cooking- Coming.,- CORNMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 1/2 C. yellow cornmual 1/4 C all-purpose flour t tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. sugar 2 C bullermilk 2 T. salad oil 1 slightly bcalen egg yolk 1 stiffly bcate.i egg while Mix dry ingredients. Add buttermilk. oil and egg yolk: blend well. Fold in egg white- Let stand 10 minutes. Bake on hot griddle. Makes 16 Tour- inch pancakes. DOUBLE COON STICKS 1 C silted aU-purpose Dour 2 T. sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. salt 1 C yellow commcal 1 weO-bcaten egg 1-3 3/4 ounce can cream-style corn 3/4 C milk 2T.saladoil Sill Hour, sugar, baking powder and sail together: stir in commcal. Blend egg, com. milk, and salad oik add to dry ingredients: stir just till moistened. Preheat cornstick pans in oven, then grease generously. Fill pans 2/3 full. Bake at 425 degrees sbout 20 minutes. Makes about 18. Thosa yummy com rodpes startrighthero- (P&L Ktear) turkey broth; toss welL Bake covered, ta a l l / 2 quart casserole at 350 degrees far 30 minute*. Makes 8 servings, or enough stuffingforan 8 pound turkey. CORN BREAD STUFFING In skillet, cook 1ft pound bacon (8 to 10 slices) till crisp; drain, reserving 1/4 C drippings. Crumble bacon, set aside. To skillet, add 1 C. chopped celery. 1M C chopped onion, and 1/2 C. wt^ar. Cover; cook till barely tender, about 7 minutes. Combine bacon, reserved drippings, vegetable mixture. 3 C course com bread crumbs, 3 C fine toast crumbs. 1/2 tsp. ground sage, and 1 C cHr-kan or SCALLOPED CORN SUPKEHS 1-1 pound 1 ounce can (2 cups) cnamstylecom 1 C milk. Continual on pao» 0 Howtohave a teen at home, and a phonetocall your own. It's easy; get a second phone linefromAUXEL R* the price of your daily cup of coffee, you can enjoy all the convenience a second phone line can bring to your household. • 1 And when you sign-up fia a second phone line, you can also take advantage of /•>—-'^ ALLFEIIs Specialtyfcackage. SpecialiyPackage enhances your second phone line by ... giving you Tel-Touch Service, 3-Way Calling and Toll Restriction. Why not open up the lines of communication in your home with a second phone line? For more information, <J callALLTELat 329-4100 today. Sobjtn to availability No substitutions. Other feanira a n be added at nbdng nues.Tbis oaer does not apply to primary line installations. AnJhble to rrddenital OBtoroen only L-W8S -nura H *"*)*f \ ! * other communities were a hit with Corn Festival visitors. (Contnbuted photos) The Bicentennial Committee Tho following is a rosier of iho original members of the Bicentennial Committee. John Butkowskl Patricia Dreger Connie Mate Becky Sluss Dr. Walter Stowers Betty Biggs Patricia Arndt Anna Marie Perez Eleanor Cow i; Louis Kordish Bod & Mary Daryea Dr. Roger T. Beltler Carol Shab Patti Flfner Mary Ann Krokos Meivin Aufmuth George Nellsen Carole Hamlin Vince Farrell Helen Hurst John S. Perry Roger Masaeik Jeff Sigsworih Rosemary Berg Marilyn Sawaya Urban Bucscher Ihe committctt members stayed on and 1976 event came and wont, but many of A Killer's Auto Parts, Inc. •* RIDGE CLEANERS Shirt Laundry Wedding Gowns Preserved Fur Storage & Cleaning Draperiss (take down/rehang) Alterations & Repairs 3248d C«rttr«di«rtor 327-6860 or 327-6861 all today £nd meet your new • I family doctor at the nearest; "Our trees are ygy like our children ... g a - v - ; - ^ \ - - . ; . v : - - - i : r - - ^ -••••-••• •••••• •• Tri' Compare tho variety of services offered by TH-City Family Medicine for infants, children, and adults minor or chronic illnesses . hypertension- tnammography vasectomies . EKGs . immunizaUons • weight counsehng We start them ... We fertilize them... We shape them... We nurture them... Ax.d then wedig them foryou! (2000 of them this year.) ^faciiife • ist av Office hours at lour locations b y appointment Evciiins and Saturday hours available. UTHM Don Mould's Plantation. Inc. Yowr Salesperson Where Their Trees Grew Up! Discover the Difference Privileges at EMH Regional Medical Center and St. John Westshore Hospital Par.ieipa.ing provider in n o s . major insuranee plans. JTJSSS. - = » - • ^5 MEDICINE GRAFTON AVON LAKE " L_ 933-ROSt ifl SAME DAY SERVICE 35363 Center Ridge Road North Ridgevllle A tientionHomeowfwrs Wetry real hard to raise good ones." u r ™i vin», 489 N. Main Sirtel 926-2581 1.R0O-94H-25H1 RIDGEVELLE 'IKOEmeiaUSlreel 327-7J72 1.80O5R9-7372 * *t\ W^ * - ^ •* " - * * 1 % fB I B to,n,t". Brassy and sassy by Carol Klear If you like Rock ami Roll, you're gonna love Street Flayers, the group thai hills thumselvcs "one of the hottest bands in tho tri-state area." The band has become The Premier Party Band ovei1 the last 10 years, as it brings to tho music a different sound. • i/hile at the same time doing some of ihe pop hits of all time. Just after the 20th Corn Festival gets underway Friday night. Street Playeis will pump up a brassy, sassy sound with its trumpet, trombone and a tenor sax lo Ret tho audience in a party mood with J Ruck and Koll and Kits more. Hut I he Hrnup doesn't just play music, its members yel together and sinti i» bur-purl vocal harmony providing a tun time far all. as they «et the iiudlencu involved. Besides pluyiim fur their nrmvinj4 audienixv Street Players luive buHun providing back-up for the nationally known Coasters, when they're playing in midwustorn United States. In Central Ohio, fans knuw Street Players better a* "The WNCI Murmng Zoo & the Zoolsuits." as they back-up the WNCI Morning Zoo. • ^ Be 'corny' all year long Cuatinued from page & 1 wcll-bealcn egg 1 C cracked crumbs 1/4 C. finely chopped onion 3 T. chopped canned pimento 3/4 tsp. salt—'1/2 C. buttered cracker crumbs - Hoat corn and milk. Gradually stir in egg. Add next 4 ingredients and dash of popper. Mix well. Pour into greased 6 Inch round baking dish. Top with buttered numbs. Bako at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Serves 6. GOLDEN CORN FRY Melt 2 T. butlor. or margarine. Add 3 C. (4 to 6 medium cars) fresh or frozen cut corn. 1/2 C. light cream, 2 T. snipped chives, 1 clove garlic, minced, dash salt, and dash popper. Coven simmer 10 to "15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with 1/4 C. shredded Parmesan cheese. Remove Irom heat and cover tell cheese melts. Makes 4 to 6 servings. (A - wonderful way Tor leftover corn on the cob or a good way to fix up frozen corn}. SWISS CORN BAKE " Cook 3 cups fresh-cut corn in \ C. boitinR salted wnlor Tor 2 to 3 minutes. «rJjU 1 12-ounce package loose-pack frozen hash brown potatoes 2 C. water •, 1 6-ounce can (2/3} evaporated milk 1/2 tsp. salt 4 ounces sharp process American cheese, shredded (1 cup) In large saucepan cooV sausage with onion and green pppper till meat is browned and vegoVibies aro crisptender. Drain off fat. Add corn, potatoes, water, evaporated milk, and salt. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat; simmer, covered. 15 minutes or till potatoes are tender. Stir in chtcso: heat till cheese milts. Serve immediately. Makes 8 to 10 servings. l-(S-ounco) can wholo kernel corn 1 C. soft broad crumbs 1 T: chile saucu 3 T. moltitd butler or margarine y Salt and Poppor to taste 6 wholo canned pimentos, well drained. Combine corn, bread crumbs, chile sauce, butter or margarine and salt and pepper to taste, in n small bowl. Stuff pimentos with corn mixture and place in a shallow, hont resistant, nonmetallic baking dish. Hoat, uncovered, in microwave oven 4 minutos or until heated through. • Weddings • Proms • Airport Service • Concerts • Special Occasions g|| • . 1 pound bulk pork sausage 1 1/3 C. chopped green popper 2 17-ouncc cans cream-stylo corn SPECIAL Mon • Thura. CORN-CHILI PEPPER CASSEROLE 2 T. butter or margarine 2 T. flour 1 C. milk 1/2 tsp. salt 2 eggs, slightly beaten • 1 (1 1b.) can whole-kernel corn, drained 1 C. soft bread crumbs 1 can peeled areon chili pcuimrs seeds • • • • — — ' Weekend Specials Alao Available CaUnwforcompUttdttaiUaadtortBrvejoarUMM&tfa BOB or LEO 941-4617 _-JiMiUJUBMffM KufflaBaSiaSM Pfl g e r * 596-8886' #596-8887 '•—f Frustrated Unhappy with your present kitchen or bathroom? because of lack of storage ';: or counter top space? •+.£ -m Visit Our Showroom Angry with the outdated appearance v and condition of your cabinets?3 when company comes to visits, and your kitchen needs better-:? work areas? ; BLANCHETTFS A "Unique" Kitchen & Bath Concept 327-3375 CORN-SAUSAGE CHOWDER 1 small onion, thinly sliced (1/3 cup) ' * Chauffeur Driven ; i#? Color TV • Privacy Divider • Cooler Equipped§g| Cellular Phone • Radio Dispatched ^^p SHouru Jar cheese, thinly sliced Buttered cracker crumbs 7 package directions: drain well. Melt buttor and stir in flour; add milk, Combine corn, one 0 ounce can evaporated milk. 1 bcaltm egg, 2 T. fine- and cook, stirring constantly, until mix, ly chopped onion, 1/2 Isp. salt, dash pep- ture is thickened and smooth. Add salt, per, and 3/4 C. shredded process Swiss eggs, corn and broad crumbs. Put onecheese. Turn into 1 0 X 6 X 1 1/2 inch third of this mixture in the bottom of n . . baking dish. Toss 1/2 * C. soft bread buttered casserole. Over it place a layer ' crumbs with I V. molted butter and 1/4 of chili peppers and cheese. Repeat, en• C. shredded Swiss choose. Sprinkle over ding with remaining con: mixture on : top.' Bako at 3S0 degrees for 25 minutes. top. Sprinkle with buttered cracker Servos 6. r crumbs and bake in a moderate over (3S0 degrees) about 45 minutes. Serves 0. CORN FUDDING BAKED CORN AND TOMATOES , 3 slightly beaten eggs 2 C. cooked or canned whole-kornol 2 C. drained cooked or canned whole corn - kernel corn 2 C. cooked or canned tomatoes -'2 C. milk, scaldad 1 tsp. salt -1/3 C. finely chopped onion Darh of pepper (:1 T. butter, melted 3 T. butter or margarine (1 tsp. sugar 1/2 C. buttered cracker crumbs or crushi' 1 tsp. salt, Mix corn, tomatoes, /> Combine ingredients: pour into grcas- ed cornflakes ! ed 1 1/2 quart casserole. Set in shallow seasonings, and butter; pour into a; ; pan; fill pan to 1 inch with hot wnler. greased baking Bako at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes dish: cover with crumbs. Hake in a or till knifo inserted off center comes out moderately hot over (375 degrees) until clean. Lot stand 10 minutes at room the crumbs are brown. Serves 4 or 5. temperature. Servos t3. PIMENTOS STUFFED WITH CORN 0 / SUPREME* LIMOUSINE Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 Sat. & Eve. By Appointment 9425 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt.83) \ N. Ridgeville. OH i1 d i 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ With TJjts -* 10% OFF_ Recycling Family Fashions Sina 1982 Men's • Women's, Children's Contemporary Clothing Costume & Vintage For Sale or Rental 1 Formals 1 Bridal Gowns Children's Resale Sizes Ncwhm to Ptrtem (Comic*ncnU •cwpltd duly) Kid's Fabrics • Women's Full Figured • Men's Department Con«fgnmtfn» by Appointment OthKnh. Hatth-bx & m a t Toys i RENU INTERNATIONAL 24raLoranfid. 777-AFOXP363) FRUGAL FINERY 31965 Center RUgeRd KAdgevfa JEWELBY, 26735 EfcckparV Fid Ext d 7341135 ARNICKYFOX WEAR IT AGAIN 24769 Lorain Rd.M0lmSed 777-AFOX £2369) 363*7 Detroit Rd. Avon Our consigners are very special people. They lake great care Tilling our racks with top or the line merchandise. Thank you. ; RENU INTERNATIONAL 29601 Lcrain Rd. N. Ctmsted 777-5C69 RODEO REPEATS ARNICKYFOX A Finicky Fox FRUGAL FINERY NEW TO YOU 627W,BrcadSl.BjTia 322-0755 6 2 7 W . Broad S t . , Elyrta Across From Burger King Jwt minuf« frwn 14SO and R:. 10 3220755 247E9 Loratn Rd. N. Omtted 777AFOXP369) 24769 Lorain Rd. N. OtmSed 777-AfQXt2363) Hon.-Fri. 1(W. Thun. 'Ul 8. Sat 10-5 33U4CtnterRidgeRoai N h RWilk 327-7988 -mm ARNICKYFOX A FINICKY FOX BOOK RACK Open: Moo-Fri 10.6 SallO-4 luddables For Sports Equipment KIDDABLES That's Used, but not used up! 35114 CenW Hdge Rd. CHECK US OUT for g r e a t prices o a used a n d n e w s p o r t s equipment! 327-7968 Buy•• Sell • Trade Hurry In With Your 777-5069 Our customer* « c walling Tor your weroens &• children* desip^r dotting fciccessorics. H M I V Moo. Ihro SiL" 10-30 fun. - 6 p . * . Eff*etir*S*rUtttt Open 1M <M» (""• I"1""*- e v « ? n 8 * 24769 Lorain Road fSfaOfruNr VUto « * » *«<> North Olmsted • Soccer •Softball • Skates - JIW-' • Skiing • Hockey • Excrciss NEW TO YOU FOflMAL GOWNS 627W.Broada.ElyTia NEW TO YOU 322-0755 627W.G«adSl.Bifna 322-0755 A FINICKY FOX RODEO REPEATS 24769 Lorain Rd. N. Ousted 777-AFOX(236S) We also take trade-In* 4 consigamentt. • Golf •Baseball - Rollerblades Koueroiaucs FRUGAL RNERY 93443C4 777-5089 FALL CONSIGNMENTS. Bt BOOKS 26735 BrodpartRd Ext RCKmstB(!73*-1135 RENUHnERNATIONAL NEW TO YOU 627 W. Bread &,Elyt> 322-0755 31966CerterFldgeR4 SPECIAL SERVICES AVAlLAHLf^ Sn.tr. Skae shupciunfr etc. Sat. 777-55 RODEO REPEATS 26n5erofcpaikW.E<L N. Olmsted 734-1135 PLAY FT AGAIN SPORTS RODEO REPEATS 4692 Gre* Nonhem Ehd, Ncrti O i R d E 777-5569 , TOT SHOP 777-AFOX (2369) WEAR IT AGAIN graZTDetro'lHa.Awn 3344TO4 WEAR FT AGAIN TOT SHOP 36927 Detroit Rd,A«n ACfrTdren's Resale Store RENU INTERNATIONAL RENU IKTERNATICNAL RESALE No Appt. Necessary Women's Clothing Men's Clothing Children's Clothing NEWTOYOU 62 322-0755 Small Household Items Collectibles Jewelry 28941 Lorain Rd. N. Olmsted I 979-9070 : RODEO REPEATS 26735 BccckfaAM. EH. (iOkraDd 734-1135 777-5089 so 0 : ,V M ABrturwi^i ! Consignment Shoj RENU . INTERNATIONAL "EXPENSIVE" i - Antiques •• Books Clothing • China Tovs " Glassware . Furniture • Knick-Knacks ConsignmentsWekome Thurs., Fri. 10-5 p.m. Sat. 10-4 p.m. Nof. M 31966 CENTER RIDGE R O A D K J RIDCEVILLE, OHIO N aabEte : mt | | 1B 1 •- mi W i! i BB&BM mtit AUGUST • 1 2 t h - 1 3 t h - 1 4 t ! i »EE Bean 1 Him 1 sEn TicwiilHwBBBBW STl o. 3 o < STIV^ K v UJ u. si. o u Xv jv v. o V1 V ^~ Aw M t if' it' If m M S 1m Welcome IV Driving 5276 Abbe Rd. 1/4 Mi. North of LCCC The Committee of the 20th Annual North Ridgeville Corn Festival invites you to come and enjoy the weekend festivities with us. We appreciate your continued support over the years. Thank You, OPEN 8 AM - 8 PM EVERYDAY Lunchtime Special \\ am-1 pm Mon v Wed.; Fri. Urge Bucket of Balls ONLY $2.50 Kuchenrither Carriage, Ltd. Horse Drawn Carriage Rides for Weddings • Anniversaries • Proms ^ • Special Occasions Strongsville Savings Bank 14092 PEARL ROAD STRONGSVILLE, OHIO 44136 238-7311 THOMAS P. PERCIAK, PRESIDENT 32800 CENTER RIDGE ROAD NORTH RIDGEVILLE, OHiO 44039 327-4000 TIM GOSSMAN, MANAGER r » r f t t All rates Include driver, transportation of Hvcstark and Insurance. For More Information Call Larry Kuchenrither at 327-9990 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER jString Day: Allrides12 to 5. SB.00 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Kemai Classic Soccer Tournament, Bagley & Root Rds. Complex 8:30 a.m. Lions 5K & 10K Corn Run 12:00 p.m. Grounds Open 12:00 p.m. Horseshoe Tournament, Doubles 12:00 p.m. Homemade Desserts, Coffee, Etc. Senior Complex Registration for Horseshoe Tournament 6 1 5 p m Opening Ceremonies 6 30 p m Golden Kernal Award 8 0 0 p m FREE Musical Entertainment by Street Players • Sponsored by Funtastic Midways 11:00 p.m. Grounds Close 1 / FREE ADMISSION PARKING • ENTERTAINMENT .Games, Booths, Contests, Horseshoe Tournament Adult & Kiddie Rides by Funtastic Midways D A R E . Vehicle on Display Tennis Tournament-All Ages, All Weekend Senior Complex-Indoors, Air Conditioned & Handicapped Facilities 12:00 p.m. Grounds Open 12-6:00 p.m. Chicken BBQ, St. Pete's Church 12:00 p.m. Alumni Soccer Game, High School *:OO p.m. Homemade Desserts, Coffee etc. - Senior Complex 2:30 p.m. Grande Parade 4:00 p.m. Introduction of VisHing Queens 4:30 p.m. Parade Trophies 5:00 p.m. FREE Musical Entertainment by Southbound -Sponsored by N.R. Visitors Bureau 8:00 p.m. Grounds Close I 12:00 p.m. Sand Volleyball 12-5:00 p.m. Kids Only Trading Card Show Ages 614 -Senior Complex 1:00 p.m. Children's Games 2-5:00 p.m. Bloodmobile, Sponsored by N.R.F.D. 2:00 Karate Demonstration 4:00 p.m. Com Crafts/ Cut- sine Contest 4:30 p.m. Awards Ceremony S3 t i i I i. 8:00 p.m. FREE Musical Entertainment by THE VOGUES, Sponsored by N.R.C.F. and Bud Light 11:00 p.m. Grounds Close t Schedule Sublecl to Change Thank« For Your Support i. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 14th AUGUST 13th AUGUST 12th 1 ADVANCED LAWN & GARDEN CENTER ^Complete Lawrf& Garden i & Materials Residentiat/Commerciai idil/Cercial Licensed and Insured A Flock of Rubber Life Size & Cement i Canadian Geese Geese JUSTARRIVEO ; L IN TIME FOR v YOUR Y A R D - pThe Latest in Goose Fashion •' CortHled Doatof Hamilton & Georgetown fctaDns Karaoke Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m. •'Happy Ken" In Stock Undo Sam 4 Betsy Ross Fashions VISIT OUR UNIQUE GIFT SHOP • Flowers • Bird Feedors • Cement Yard Decor • Geese • Rabbits ~ • Bears • Also Clothing • Baskets • Dreamsicies • Collectible Dotls & FIRE GRILL ST1HFPY Stiff ry From <Ui New Expanded Selection NoMSG Children under 1 2 eat for V i pricel Rt. 83 «t Supw «Jdg« Rd. N.RtdgvvHM . 327-2155 • , Call Today 327-7868 No. Ridgeville BEEF • SPIRITS American Menu Also Sunday Beverage ODI ••> •* Lunch & uinnor Daily We'ra In The Entertainment Book SPECIALS BKkKjf Ownand • Thucs. -14 oz. S Q 0 8 Poputof TtwHoraMho* BMMtwtdi • Friday - Kanoka EM. 1 Sun- • Ot SA90 • 3 Dart Board Games Frw Popcorn z Bt. 83 at Sugar Ridge Rd. N. Rldgoyille, Ohio (Next To Mongo'B StWry) ^O7-Q131 ^ •FoodTbOo 'y. BEFORE and AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM A uniaue program featuring help with homework! FREE arcade games, art, pottery, gym, crafts & much more! i fc^ a OPEN: 6:W a.m.-6:30 p.m TranwOtW j C*n*t£ S*odi. SI fWKfi Fitch Sdiool lOm. FaiU) Monday tnru FfWay Our White Cedar femes will odd Privacy and Beauty to Your Home 1 Good N e t o b o r ~ styles are specUUy crafted to provide a beauUMflnUhed Bldo to both neighbors. Our craftsmen are ikOkd In the constructloo of th«3 v trademark fences designed by • • Elyrla Fence. Available In all heights and many variations from solid to spaced pickets. i " Entertainment bound by Carol Klear Southbound Band liad ils ^ j in 1981 and has made stridus in tliu country-western scenu ever since. Each summer il adds more »nd more festivals and fairs lo ils Ions list of musical stops whore adults, toons and even youngor enjoy thu biind's versatile sound. In uddition to its many performance*. Southbound Hand is active in charitable organizations, it.cl tiding benefit performances for disabled children and the Veterans Administration. Berniu Roberts, the founder of the group plays bass guitar and sin^s with a ni'fllly Ihnt.'s suited to today's country sound. He taker; hii mimic seriously, but when he's on&t^e he LI;II cul up with Die best of them. Dick Dana is a versatile K.iilar \*\&yur. but features a special strmn'.lh in ihivocal part uf the show. Gar> Puj-h is Soulbhound's soul and nut <>u\y plays the drums, but provides a got id time fur atl. Joe Waynnd moves from violin to harmonica lo BUitur and keyboard, ami adds bis vocal to round out the group's performances. Southbound Hand will lake lo the Corn Festival stage on Sunday at 5 p.-n. You won't want to miss it. Southbound I otti^ deopl^ call it on call it Agony y 1 IS • • ' Si- Watch out, you're gonna bump into each other. This is ju3l one ol the many fun things lo do at the North Ridgevi'Je Com Festival. (P&L Klear) ••• I -' . They* re Fantastic by Carol Klear Hey. wanna have some Tun? T h u ridt 5 n n d -' Samcs aTO si* untctl north of the rows of vendors bul you •iWHwitiJrthw There are rides that take you up, up in .tho air. And rides that spin you 'round and' 'round and maybe even upside down.• And tho games. There are tossing games, throwing games, games of tho . hope-you-win kind. And .there arc prizc3«.blg, .little, and in-between, all waiting to give', you a wonderful, wonderful lime. And guess what. Saturday. Aug. 13, is Siring Day and that moans you can ride all the rides as often; as you want from 12 noon to 5 p.m. fl r Just $8. Isn't that terrific. So got on out lo the Corn Festival, ride the rides, enjoy the entertainment, and don't forget to eat some of that good sweet corn. \ Itchy, watering eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and congestion are all common symptoms of an allergy. Now you have an Allergy Diagnostic System specialist right in your neighborhood. We will treat the cause of your suffering, not just the symptoms. One simple blood test can put you on the road to relief. ALLERGY DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMr relief, comfort and peace of mind 831-4930 Offices in Bcachwood, Menior, North Otmsted, Strongnrtlte ft Panaa We U Help Your Child Become An Honor Student See you at the Corn Festival \ 3 Weeks *39°° Includes FREE Uniform! Adult Lessons Available New Classes Forming ft" For Over 20 Years, Kim's Martial Arts has Taught Over 500,000 People Just Like You the Way to a Healthier and Safer Life Orthodontics Member American Association of Orthodontists Center Ridg Road 9036 3885 Rocky River Dr. Cleveland KIM'S MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL GRANDMASTER JOHN (MYUNC) H. KIM 327-4822 34295 Center Ridge Road North Ridgeville 331-4898 21531 Lorain Road Fairview Park This weekend it's the big 20 w by Carol KIcnr Years ago when Chuck Stunrt was mayor, he gathered a group of puuple tu plan a special celebration in honor uf the country's Bicunt'Muiiui. The result was a six-hour community festival on Aug. 23, 1975 on tiic Held behind the Middlu School. "It was Chuck Stuart's idea," said John Butkowski recently. "Wis had tn come up with a therm;, according to tin; Bicentennial Commission's criteria and guideline. He had people ho Felt were a good nuctaits." That small one-day event caught on \>nd over tho years grow as rapidly as the folds of corn it honors. This weekend thousands of residents and nonresidents once again will make the summorti.Tie trek to Bainbridge Road where music, good food, rides and lets of fun will lake over the city and the 2Qth annual Corn Festival. As they wot Q preparing for this year's gala. Butkowski, who chaired the festival from; 1975 to '81 and Jo-Ell Jacobson, thii current presidont of the Corn Festival Committee reminisced about past events. In 1076. slid Jacobson, the one day event strctcbed to two days and included a block party and a roast beef dinner. In addition!the committee hosting the yearly festival dedicated that festival and succeeding festivals to the memory ot Harold Sweet, the 52-year Ridgcville resident who gave the city its sweet corn and its clahn to fame. The school on Root Road was also,.renamed in his honor and is .now known as FieldsSweet School. That year] the Committee also donated 30 flowering trees for planting along Bainbridge rixtonsion. "Wo paid $400 for those tracer said,,Butkowski. adding, "Wo didn't,have any ,-noncy, so I charged them oc. my MasterCard." Another thing Butkowski recalls is selling chocolate covered-bananaa^ "We had boxes and boxes of them," tj'/said. From just six boolhs the Hist year, tho number ro.te to 13. thanks to tht.- JayCues wh-j pruvitusly had tit;t;n sponsoriiiB Community Days. anil Uinmd lliL'ir boclhs uvur to tin* d m i festival Committee when vhey no lunger neitdeil them. "Then: were qui'e a l\;w lucal groups'*' tn (ho early days. :nid Uutkmvski. and fustuiud the original idea of Kidgovillo residents working toother. The Cum Festivals ol recent years have attracted so many people it has Kecome impossible to keep a tally, bur, in those first years, said Uulkowski. "we actually had people standing by lh>; gate and counting." • It was in 1977 lhal Colonel ^orn took up residence atop KidgisvilKs wutor tower behind the Old Town Hall. Butkowski said that before tint tlic tower was always full of graffiti, but after the new logo designed by.Ray Young, marketing and communication manager for Lnrain Products, was installed, defacing the water tower stopped. •^ fc'ach year as the festival grew, the 'jommittce added mom and more attractions, like the dog show in '79. said Jacobs, "when Butkowskis' dog was dressed up in gold and green." By 1981 tho Corn Festival had grown to a three-day celebration. "1 said we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket whon it was just one day," said Butkowski, explaining that bad weathei could wipe out a one-day affair. Then ho said. "Let's not put all our eggs in two baskets." and another day was added, creating an entire weekend of citywide fun. That also was thsyear that the festival was accepted into the Ohio Festivals and Events Association, a statewide, non-profit association with stringent standftrds, that also allows the Corn Festival to be promoted\*hroughout tho state of Ohio in the 350.W0 brochures published for the state*S\XtraveI and tourism department and tho (Aformntion on 1-800-BUCKEYE. Though being a member or the Corn Festival Cctmnlttcc is a yearlong commitment^ with meetings held your round uiid^on u weekly basis as festival weekend i.cors, • the weather is the one ingrediont-lhu Committee cannot schedule. Ono yen,-; it rained for two days, und in 198B. saM lacobson. "it was so hot people were i.v and out in 20 minutes." which lost: revenue for tho vendors. • Through the years the Corn Festival Jo-BI Jacobson and Jolin Butkowski o( the Corn Festival Committee pour over yellowed newspaper clippings and pictures about festivals held since 1975, and compare them with the events planned for this weekend. (P&L Wear) Committee has kept the best interest of the city in focus and after each celebration, it contributed money to a particular, community project, such as the $1,000 given for chandeliers in the Old Town Hall and anolhcr $1,000 to tho Olde Towne Hall Theatre in *78 and "79. In 1381 the Committee donated $2,200 tc build the Corn Festival'pavilion in South Central Park, as well as money to ]VS for the work done, as well as the concrete pad. Othor donations have included $1,000 toward 911. $1,500 toward the Jaws of Life for the North Ridgevillo Fire Department and in 1987 the Corn Festival Committee presented its first annual scholarship to a graduating yr.cnior. '• That also was the year the Corn Festival rclocateJ from Ranger Stadium to Bainbridge Road extension. The mbVe meant inslalline permanent electricity in tho ground at a cost of $8,500. In I9o9 and 1990, the Committee undertook perhaps its largest projoct. tho construction of the gazebo north of tho fish)ng lake in South Central Park, which a.'so serves as tho s\age for the entertainment for the three-day festival. This yean at an additional cost, the gazebo haa been made handicapped accessible, to. comply with the ADA requirement A. Tho Corn'Festival is 8 wonderful event, and people from all over wait for the second weekend in August to enjoy the sights, sounds and good old- fashioned Amish sty!& awect corn (made from a secret recipe). \, John Butkowski says tho key to its success is-"the free admission and free entertainment."* \\ Jo-Ell Jacobson adds "It's wondorfdl and a lot of hard work, but when I standup there and sue thbso smiling faces. 1^ think...we sure throw ono hell-:of a The Best Kept Secret for Quality Home Furnishings Toss a ringer by Jamli Finlcy Ken Carney's 4th Annual County EnEincers Horseshoes Tournament is tho perfect chance for pros, amateurs, and even beginners- The competition - will benefit the United Servicos Organization, which provides lood and clothinR for veterans. '- . Registration includes a S5 enlry fee which may bo paid from 6 p.m. tlh closl 3 Friday'Aui. 12 on Bainbridga Rd. Uraln County Engineer Ken Carney weal of the gazebo. Tho doubles gnmes will begin at noon Sows off his best horsosjioe throwing Saturday. Aug. 13 and singles games torn during the annual Com Festival on will follow at 3 p.m. Bo^eshoe Contest (P&L Klear) Fine 'Furniture Since 1952 $1Good Only At: Burger King 33005 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeville •, Expires 9-1-94 118911 Grdfton Rd., Rf 57 yOUP way 1 mile south of RM 0/480 •sa M Th. Fri. d:30-9:00; Tues.. Wed. 9:3tW:00 Sat. 9:30-4:30; Sun. 12-5 458-5156 oil promptly at 2:30 in the afternoon. (P&L Wear) Head to Center Ridge Road on Sunday and find a spot to watch this year's Grande Parade which kicks Autos floats and more, oh my by Carol Klemr Look, hare comes the parade! The Corn Festival Grande Parade will be heading down Center Rtdgc Road at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, with a line-up that's sure to please. -•;, • According tojparadc chairman. John Butkowski. th«r applications are comma in steadily with some returning entries, and some new ideas. The Triple-T Holler Skating group will win applause with their routines, while festiva! queens from all over the slato will receive a warm welcome from Lorn Soccer game set by Jamie Finley , < Tho World Cup is over, but what will the outcome of the Kernel Classic bring? To find out. RO to the soccsr games and see North RidRcvitle's champions. -Approximately 30 teams, (boys and girls) from 8-13 will travel to the Uaglcy and Root Road complex Trom Cuyahosa and Lorn in Counties «vith hopes of taking ho.he a trophy. ~ The games begin al B a.m. and will .finish at 6 p.m. Festival visitors lining the street to watch the parade. Tho always-a-trcat antique cars are getting shinod and polished for their ride down tho parade route and the Elvira look-alike will be on hand to give a wave and a hello as she goes on her W Thcre will be floats from such places November election will walk along Rt. as Smith Dairy and Crystal Springs. And 20. waving and asking support. the Shrine Fire Brigade will be hand lo Get to Center Ridge Road early, pick add fun to the event. Members of the out a good spot and watch this year s Heat Wave Baton Corps will strut their stuff, while political candidates in tho Corn Festival Grande Parade. THIS IS WHERE ITS AT!!! 'Courting' games by Jamie Flnlcy What better way is there to play volleyball than on a bed of sand? The spikes, seK and serves will fly in South Central Park. Saturday. Aug. 13 from 10-3:30 p.m. The first eight teams registered with the Parks and Recreation Department with a S20 fee will play. Culling all those who share the "love" of tennis... The Corn Festival Tennis Tournament will hit the courts Aug. 13 and 14. Everyone from senior citizens to children arc invited to participate. Call , the North Kldgo Racquet Club. 327-2114. to register. Singles events arc S12.. while doubles events lire S14. per luum. frr WILDCAT (216) 933-9785 33550 WALKER RD. AVON LAKE. OHIO 44012 That's Where It's At!! LOUNGE & RESTAURANT rato ±3. 32489 Center North RidgeviUe Lunch • Dinner • Sunday Liquor Tues.-Sun.t Closed Mon. 777S79 327-9880 ,- ] > K E RIDGE ACADEMY College Preparatory .,. Coeducational independent Day School Kindergarten - 12th Grade Call The Admissions Office JFor Further Information 37501 Center Ridge Rd. North Rldgevilie WEDNESDAY-Classic Rock NEW Sound Equipment.. THURSDAY-All Request New DJ By STEVE FRIDAY NIGHT Ladies night Buy One Drink Get One Drink On Us SATURDAY-"August 13 Appearing Live ROCKEIT88 SUNDAY- UVEatTJ's AL FOSTER One Man Band 327-1175 777-9434 E *>&* 29TH ANNUAL Sun. Sat. Wed. Thurs. Fri5 p.m.-8 p.m; 5 p.m.-8 p.m. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. , 5 p.m.-9 p.m. 1 p.m.-6 p.m. • Clam Broth • Chowder • Top Neck CUnu • Amish Raised Chicken • Scampies • Maine Lobster • Chalet Rolls * Sweet Farm Com • Sweet Potatoes • Beverage & Desserts Galore. - SERVED DAILY Top Nedc Clanu I doz.»6 31 ~ °. I Blut^oint Oysters Your Hosts Eddy & Catherine Ratusz ''The Friendliest Corner in Town THE CORNER STORE : 0 Stop In & Buy YoUrSnacksr&. , Pop On Your. Way To The Cprn Festival Nursing Home Skilled Nursing Care & Rehabilitative Services 38600 Center Ridge Rd. •-• North Ridgeville^ ,. ; 327-1295 Ice Cold Beer & Wino at State Minimum ^ Ice Croam • Ice • Snacks • Lotto * Beverages NOW HERE All Lotto Games THE CORNER STORE 327-8303 35365 Center Ridge Road North Rtdgeville, Ohio 44039 The Vogues, a crowd-pleaser by Carol Klear The 20th annual Corn Festival will feature the sight and sounds or an alltime favorite at the yearly evert - The .Vogues. The internationally acclaimed group and its talented back-up singers keep Com Festival visitors coming again and •gain to hear their very special brand of harmony. In the world of music, singers can rise qmckry to stardom, and just as quickly beforgotten.Bui The Vogues continue to delight audiences, adding to their repertoire the songs everyone lowj to hear. And across the nation The Vogues \han Income one of the nxnt popular *.group* on coDege campuses. The Vogues The (troop ha* such crowd appeal that the show travels all around the U.&. as WBQ « Engtanrf and Australia. The number, the stage is theirs. They sing. joke, they laugh—and the crowd lakal. entfctmasm. polished style and tbe>' choice of, terrific songs have loves every minute Though Rock and Roll gave The skyrocketed tbs group to the top of Vogues their roots, they have added many must-tear lists. And Corn Fcsti^u1 j other iypes of music, including County andieoces «re some of their biggest Tans. J nnd Western, the ones that remain Members of The Vognes grew up! among the topbut 20 national hits are Turn loerth^- in Pronsylvania a*id,.eariy ©oA Aroaad Look at Me." 75 O'clock attracted attention, but it wasnt^uilil j World." "Magic Town" and -My their rfscon*Sng of -You're the One." tofcv Special AnscLthey began to gain a following nationalTfae Vogues will entertain Corn ly. From thai springboard came a string Festival visitors on Saturday eight at 8 of Billioc aeUer reoonb and albums. pjn, sponsored by the North Ridgcviuu From the moment The Vcyues step on Corn Festival and Bud light. sta^ until they sign off with their last St. Peter's 14th Annual , '{ Chicken B a i ^ Q Sunday August 14th r>Pj Noon to 6KX) p-m. •• in conjunction with Com Festival At S t Peter's Air ConcfiBoned Gym 35777 Center Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeyfflc roo Sifl75 Chicken Tndudes: Com on the Cob • Coie S a w , Roll w/Margarine TakeOuts CoHec or Milk and Available Homemade Pie! This Ad Paid For By Knights of Columbus Is The Cost To Cooi Your House Going Through T h e Roof? Time to run shoes Fun Ron, including a wheelchair division arc available. All that's required » « ^Zrcgistrationl^^rccu^ha^ Inisly runnins shoes- Tne rur lake off rrotn Wilcox Ucrnenl^ on Bainbridge Rd. al B*0 a.m. OH •VGA" SMITH. CORONIX • 25GKRAU #|TOPLS ' ' Personal Word Processor PWP5400LR .?JWtnIPn«ssr I'jMiiiilittTirrrr* felFw-- ' 23931 Ll WacMne ?^rs^*« Call Today For A if=ree Estimate On Insulation! TEMPERATURE CONTROL 15910 Peart Rd. in Strangvrile 238-3000 0BT0aFRffiDW.14TH£M Karate comes to festival by Carat Klear A new demonstration v.ill bu hand for this year's Corn Festival as Kaba-Sans Institute of Karate Total Fitness of the Mind and Body presents a program of basic self-defense and fcata. which simulates a fight in dance Form, and ihu use of weapons. Markus D. Fort, owner of the institute located in Lakewood has e> tensive experience in the art of self-defence. He has a black belt in karate, and has worked at Cleveland's Karurou I louse, as well as leaching al a school for the blind, helping the blind to learn to dcfen'l themselves. Fort said ho had been pan of thu blind experience for some years, which allows him to understand situations people who are blind must endure. He also has worked for CMHA. as well as HUD. which also led to his understanding of the need for selfdefense. When Fort appears at the Corn Festival at 2 o'clock on Saturday, he will have with him several of his students, who will help with the demonstration. Sam & AntU'ff VB T t<r Pre-School Education through Physical Activity for Children 2 through 5 yrs. of age. Open House Weekend Aug. 12, 13 & 14th >y. Classes Start Sept. 6th i£..?L 28641 LORAIN RD., NORTH OLMSTED 777-8555 {Above Fragapane Bakery) PROFESSIONAL & RELIABLE Markus Fort CATERING Weddings Showers Anniveraries Funerals mmz &m • Business Meetings • Club Functions • Dinner Parties • Graduations. 934-434W *M&. jjoliHHf'^beel *KSfc%£ ...•OtfZW •,. iy(i)f£g5 nif%_. M Through the years ' » minfvan has combined the Safely. Versatility, and Value thai have endeared Caravan to nearly 4 mil&on people. In fact, some of the Newest minivans have grown/too long to fit in a standard length garage. Yet no other From wheel drive mhrvan has as much usable cargo length a'j Grand Caravan. The future is now and ft's Caravan. Mfl&ons cani be I wrong. IS** ft MU MO SEiCURffYDEPOSiT • Steel Breathable Building • All Uni*s Insulated - Commercial Storage Specials INSIDE & OUTSIDE RENTAL SPACE • I - m i 2 £ZL n 6,258 - hc.teaOkiBAaiM MANY CARAVANS AT 31MBJUI SAVINGS MARK III DAKOTAS FREE TRUCK FOrfMOVE^NS Month to Month Rentals 24 HOUR ELECTRONIC ACCESS: NEW '94 CARAVAN V-6S Dual air bags. VS. automatic, cassette, ik. luggage rack, tirted $as*. not delnnter; 7 passenger, doth interior, remote hatch release. Crush Zones, fifeets all 1996 federal car safety standards, more. Stk. * ' s 4459 & 446a H MARK III CONVERSIONS Full"/ equipped with air, "automatic power windows, kicks, minors, and sota/bed, titt. trubo, 4 Captain's chairs, aluminum, wtwets and much more. All tuO size conversions, no SWB vans! FROM (fcie. 11.000 Mbata) H9.965 IN STOCK) /.' F'jffy equipped sport truck* with potm windows, beta, mirrors, Ut, endss, iMther irtortan, pofanod *)ufniou(Ti 'Mvnh. MM, tulomatc. ca^vQe. color toy«d bed rafa, ' buQ (tefloctec, Jtfid ^ A insMt, *p^^*^ ttn m d monrtf $ 16, A C At This Mcel ] ;-ss«iBj 38390 CHESTER RD. I " • 1 • 1 1 J AI the intersection of 1-90 & 611 A V O N 1530 KANSAS AVE,. 288-1116 0^1-800-253-6343 :&i Memories of early festivals by Carol Klcar M ambers of North Rid{juvilk>'s Bicentennial Committee provided the Impetus for what has evolved into the three-day event known as the Corn Festival. This weekend will mark the 20lh Corn Hstival and The Press & Light asked some members of lhat early committuu to share with readers some fond memories of celebrations gone by. / was mainly a reporter with the C-T and I was at a meeting where they talked about having an annual event. They talked about apples and corn and somebody said. "Oh. corn, that would be good for Past Corn Festivals boasted its share of celebrities such as John Lannigan. Harold Sweet." They used to put fvnny signs all Connie Diekin, Big Chuck and Little over...Think Corn...King Corn...they John and comedian Martin Mult, shown here in 1987 with Ridgeville went corny but good. I :'-,- Pat Dregcr resident Helen Cotterman. (Contributed photo) / was Just there in the planning stages. it was a small committcc...a smalt •number to be planning a big event. We Just live down the street. They really have done a lot. Carole Hamlin I*f r :•;•"' <?.-"- It was For 1976. All tho organizations in town wero involved. Everyone donated everything to the Corn Festival. i~ was involved with the Jay-Cccs and we had a festival in June or July. After that ended We donated the booths to tho Corn Festival. Cathy was really Involved m the children's games. Vincc Farrcll One year we set up an arrangement that the kids would come in to shell corn. We took cars of corn from Sullingers and for 5 cents the kids could shell two vr three ears. The Kiwanis sponsored a 1QK race behh-c the Lions Club did it. Everybody helped. Urban Mucscbcr At first there were five or six people that started the whole organization...!! was hit or miss. The goal was to be allvoluntary, all' community. I was treasurer and it was hard to get people to set up booths. So we offered them 50 percent of their profits (the original idea St. Peter's used to have Family was to donate all tho money to the Corn Festivals, that was one of the m&in Fes'ivalJ if they set up. events1 that led into the Corn Festival. We had police around, but it was the Aflcrithe Bicentennial (celebration) we scariest John (Butkowskil and I talked about making it "bettor. They would gothing. to booth to collect the renamed the school Ficlds-Sweet in the money af booth night. They would give us a spring of 1975 . -, • ••'•'^ paper bag with the money. Vinco (FurJefrsigsworth roll} was the head of his booth and had n bag of dimes and asked /five could fust the dimes. We hed all this change I didn't do much. / %vas in the Army split and it weighed a ton. We bad it in the Reserves and they wanted it military back of a pnJico car. CJh*t uf ih" contact for participation in tho parades. policemen had the key to the n.'ght For the first couple of years there wero deposit at the bank so wo r.ouhl put in some military people - no units, inthe bank., dividuals - to snow tho /Ing. Lou Kordlnh John Porry There's gding to be a Card Show ITX. Only Trading Card Show" in the by Carol Klear ., Complex. , : . Tho Senior Center will bo buzzing 1 So if you have somo cards to buy. sell with activity when" the 20th Corn or trade, sales space is available. Festival sots underway this weekend. Or if you'd rather just visit Ihc Center On Saturday and Sunday from 12 and see what you can find. Emission is noon until 8 p.m.. Ihore will bo home fust $1...and no adults admitted (there baked desserts and coffee, so you can sit will be adult supervision en hand). o spell and rest up between the exciting So get yjur Favorite basketball, footovcnls going on at the fest. ball or baseball trading cards organized On Saturday from 12 to 5 p.m. bo-s- and got ready to make a dcd. and girls from 8 to 14 vtfll enjoy n Mas S* i Qffp/7 TK A new look is ... waiting for you! Save nor*1 with these Money: Saving Coupons. : 327-5332 HAIRCUTS Full Service 'Childrens [Shampoo. Cut Adult ' 9O f*~3 vJill' " , I.' ftStylej^y*^ I /,' Sfi°° * j [SharnfW), Cul &^Jy^i *£. —! .?• $500 Meet the hides inside. Beltone has developed an exciting new hearing aid called Invisa (pronounced in-VEE-za). Now all the joy of better hearing comes in the tiniest aid Beltone makes. We call Iuvisa our "hidden hearing aid" bocnuiic UH incredibly nmull **rsize allows it to hide deeply, yet comfortably inside your oar canal. Out ofsicht and ^Aj out of mind. *** It's also available with a selection... faceplate colors designed to match the shadow of your ear canal. This natural camouflage can make it virtually impossible for anyono to see Invisa once it's in place. Invisa also gives you the luxury of totally hands-frse operation. Your Beltone specialist will pre-select a volume setting that's right for you, so'youil never have to mess with a volume control. MINICANAL Of course, the Invisa INVISA hearing aid is not • appropriate, for everyone. The benefits of hearing aids yaty by type and c degree ol\-hearing loss, noise envhnnment, accuracy of bearing evaluation aridproper _ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ fit. That's why\ve feel that a personal evaluation is necessary to determine if the Invisa is right for you. %-V* 1 Only Bettone offers bftth Invisa and Btf-Oare™, a commitment to customer satisfaction unmatched in the hearing aid industry. Wo>l(show»You what.you're hearing and what yotAe not. - ' • ' - - M , Invisa, « « . ~s3s.oo SFREElO-Step Hearing Tests 2AIKCUij»^;Col •childrens J 4 " " , /JOOPON My /7owrt's grown At left is the flyer advertising the very first Corn Festival, white the one at the right previews this weekend's fun at the 20 annual event...what a difference! < » (216) 324-6999 ! 1-800-800-8390 j Located: 1490 West River • Elyria. Ohio C m « . B«Mon» ftMiroflict Bring t h i s coupon to r Beltone today BetlofHciHngThrough m^V Profeisionjl Care - • laid -_t--J-i.-^* -k!L rjijr -A- J j *- - - J r *-.. i: ?&*.:••.:" **•-- w 8 o 3 i \ • •0 V 1 £ UJ a. a. •• :• ! i_ Ul j • wilson '' .- : U' 1 Maintenance, Fertilizing, Sodding, Decks, Patios, Fences, Dogwatch, Sprinkler Systems • \ 1 I I 36190DetroitRoa ' \A/e Accept The JOIN THE FUN AT. . L- —-v- Rod Wilson Authorijcd Dealer.of CORN FEST HIDDEN FENCE SYSTEMS "WUson&Sotts Landscaping. Inc. 36190 Dttrota RJ. A»on.Ohlo 44011 , DON'TSETTLE \ FOR LESS GET THE BEST! '94 CHRYSLER CONCORDE 4-Whoe! AnlHock Brakes • Dual A»r Bags * Power Windows • Power Locks • Till W h e e l * Cruise Control • Diwi Illuminated Visor • Mirrors • 4 Speed Automatic • Pow*.r Trunk Release • 1 V-6 Engine. RYSLER MEW YORKER .-.- ;0' OR ^E^ $425** Office Hours: Mon. - Frl 11 AM • 5 PM OUIIT Hours by Appointment MOK.&THURS. V n T T W 9 A.U.4 P.M. vlMP^WI LOfiAIN 933-3S00 S H U 835-ssoo uirwoocf^ illage^ LEASE* 38 MONTH LEASE 45,000 MILES l o a n New Construction Starth • All-brick, one-story ranch condominiums, • Two-bedroom with family room or three- •; bedrowm • No steps • Attached-garagei • Muirwood Center with pool, statc-cf-the-art exercise center and party* room with fireplace • Conveniently located to 1-90, i-480 & the Ohio Turnpike Call Muirwood Village today for more Information. Cleveland: (216) 2J6-9199 • Lrnaln County: (216) 327-2287 r\v-..s" 9 4 CHRYSLER LH S. After all these years, leave your work and worries behind. Instead, take a leisurely walk; go for a swim or entertain friends. You can do the things you enjoy most at iwuirwood Village. \, TUES..WED..FW. CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH JEEP'EAGLE 33723 WALKER ROAD - AVON LAKE UHWSLEH 35300 Greenwich Avenue * North Ridqotfilla, Ohio 44039 I * f " h *. im T. it's coming ...-••' Dance & Exercise Studio I .1 he Corn Festival will open its 20th annual fun-'illed celebration beginning Friday - ; night and doing on until Sunday night. •Ballet •Tap* Jazz •Karate* Step Aerobics Country Une Dancing • NEW Aeroboxing FALL Class Registration Going On NOW!! NO Registration Fee. Age 3 thru adult-dasses. Babysitting Available : 753 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. S3), Avon Lake ^Ilie Ne Do/ivor A a s y on purthawt o* new «ulpmer>l .•'.•••' •<&• P f .•• 1995*. No moneyjiqwn, no paynaents and no interest until, •March, Easy-start Honda 5hpOHV engine HOIVDA P o w e r ; : .'•:.. BESTBUYl EdUipment • Exclusive twin-blade system for superior 6 Step Mulching 2:speed self-propelled model 21" durable, resilient, Xenoy ' deck Zone start Nothing's easier. STOP! DON'T BUY A MOWER IN A HCX. We offer oisembly. Fuel & OilTeslinq, Adjintmenh, Delivery*, Instructions On HONDA•v -Equipment ; • Nothing^ easier. HotiJaUhpOHVcnKim.' Hyclrosuik transmissiiin with infinitely variable speeds . 301- cutting deck Convenient i-trtirk stnrtlntt Converts «• mutch or bi>KK'n1 wilh cpiimul kits How To Operata-Al No Extra Oiaw To You—For Equipment We Sell We Service Most Mates & ,; Models of Power Equipment AVAILABLE COLUMBIA LORAIN POWER EQUIPMENT 25044 Lorain Rd. «•" •/ North Olmsted ^ ;C 777-8333 1-90 Equipment Sales & Service GARDEN CENTER Lawn & Garden Supplies 36383 Detroit Rd. o AVON Avon-934-5286 Elyria - 327-B726 Cleveland -871-5028 IS ,3 i 32676 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeviile 777-8500 or 327-2123 Fastest Way To Buy Or Sell A Home. FrederfcYat C~oldwe!l Banker, The National Real Estate Company with over 2100 offices nationwide. Pat Frederick Has a Proven Consistent Track Record * 2 MiHign Dollar Club > Professional of the year • Legendary Service - FIRST TIME OFFERED ; 1Vi ACRE SI 29,900 .• Run your business out of your home. 4 bod., -2 "full bath colonial. GoraeoOs lot w:th fruit , trees at rear. Newer kitchen, natural wcod; .work 20x12 out building, basement. Cali Pat ^Frederick. 327-2123. OWNER TRANSFERRED S 1 7 7 , 9 0 0 K Gorgeous conlemporary cedar sided cotonial situated on a quiet cul-de-sac: Only five years; old. shows like "brand newl Fu.l basement, lovely deck. Call Pat Frederick for all the details 777-8500. ,. i; "S119,900 Original ownerl Well maintained 3 bedroom split, newer root, windows, air, 3A acre lot -with'trees. Large utility room. Call for all-the details Pat Frederick, Norlh Ridgeviile Office, 777-8500. " , - INVESTORS!! 5 Great starter or investment property 3 bedroom colonial with basement. Priced !o sell $42,900. -' Call Pat Frederick for all the details; 327-2123^ .' hi,. DESIGr" ^» *• Stunning 4 bs\ fL f unique contemporary colonial. C u i t t * ^ " a n d decorated!! Situated on a v ^ a l e - wooded cul-de-sac. Sunken living room * formal dining room * fantastic kitchen with island & bu'lt-ins * wet bar " first floor laundry * full finished basement and much much more! $179,900. Call Pat Frederick, 777-8500. SUPREME .LIVING. ..• . . . You'll be entertaining lamtly and friends n the 3/4 bedrm. conlemporary split with a loft, iarqe great roc.^. 3 lull baths, custom kitchen, only 5 yrs. old. 2 min 480 Offered at $159,900. Pat Frederick. 777-8500 or 3272123. *•- ' LAKEVIEW!! REDUCED $137,900 Rare opportunity to purchase a 3 bedtoom home completely remodeled 1 yr. ago. Gorgeous, not a driveby! Enjoy the panoramic view of the lake from your kitchen, family room or screened in back porch. Full basement. Call Pat Frederick for your personal tour,. 327-2123 or 777-8500. >IRST TIME OFFERED $917900 Oldio but goodie! Charming Iwo story 3/4 bedroom colonial, Large eat-in kitchen, formal dining rooim. newer carpel in living room and dining room, large attic could be ^bedroom, basement. Situated on ,33 acre, \Call P^, Frederick. 777-8500, North Ridgeviile office. HOME OF DISTINCTION!,. n £. -• This 4 bedroom brick Tudor is just '.he one for youlr Nestisd in a, beautiful rustic 3.5, : acre estate with your own creek. Horns;-, includes bassment with finished rec room, 2700 sq. It. A / a r e find!! $249,000. Call Pat Frederick. 777-C-500. t$&iir ( i n s t r u c t i o n .;•. ••• u s t p m Built • Quality Built^fte H S S $79,900>