DCNS Energies Marines Renouvelables
DCNS Energies Marines Renouvelables
©DCNS SA 2012 - all rights reserved Ports and Harbour – An innovation powerhouse for ocean energy development EMD 2015 – Athens Jean-Charles BOULAT EU & NATO Vice-president, DCNS May 2015 DCNS A world leader in naval defence ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés An innovative player in energy 2 | May 2015 – EMD Athens DCNS in figures €3.1bn in sales €3.6bn in orders (13.1 billions euros in order book) 8 ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés 13,130 employees subsidiaries 11 sales offices worldwide Key figures 2013 3 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Convinced that Ocean is planet’s future, we are inventing hightech solutions to sustainably secure and develop its potential • A world leader in these activities: Naval defence Renewable marine energies ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Surveying and sustainably developing the oceans’ potential • Developing a portfolio of activities evenly spreads in 2020 between naval defence and new markets | March | Corporate 4 4| May 20152014 – EMD Athens Communications ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés One-third of sales in the energy sector by the end of the decade 5 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Marine Renewable Energies activities Experience in naval defence and the development of all four key technologies for marine renewable energy have made DCNS a major player in the sector. Group together and expand R&D effort in Marine Renewable Energies ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés - In line with government initiatives following Grenelle de la Mer marine environment summit - Set up MRE technology platform in liaison with Brittany maritime cluster Invest in four key areas - Tidal stream turbines - Ocean thermal energy conversion - Flotting offshore windfarms - Wave energy 6 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Marine infrastructures activities DCNS applies its know-how and technological expertise in the marine infrastructure design and operation to develop a full range of benefits and services for energy sector. Expertise in the design of naval bases in France and abroad in the environment of warship ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés - Official ceremony of industrial construction site submarine to the Brazilian Navay with its partner Odebrecht Develop and strengthen its offering in service of the major players of electricity sector - Construction of the new electricity power station at SaintPierre-et-Miquelon for EDF client - Construction of the extension of the electricity power station at Longoni (Mayotte) for EDF client 7 | May 2015 – EMD Athens DCNS is investing in 4 of the main MREs Tidal-current energy A predictable energy source thanks to tidal currents ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés The densest form of energy with an immense production potential Wave energy 8 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Ocean thermal energy conversion A non-intermittent source of energy, with offshore or onshore plants of various power capacities Energy thanks to the regularity and power of offshore winds Wind energy Delivery of turnkey MRE farms 2014: Summary and detailed preliminary projects 2015-2017: From Engineering to installation at sea WaveRoller wave power farm in the Bay of Audierne (France) Tidal current power farm at Raz Blanchard (France) ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Wind turbine power farm at Groix 2017-2020: Development of highpower (300 MW) commercial tidal current power farms 9 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Floating wind turbines Key points Energy potential of 3,500 GW worldwide Large-scale, offshore farms Stronger and steadier winds Facilitated installation and maintenance Limitation of usage conflicts Partnership with Alstom, developer of the largest offshore wind turbine (Project Seareed) ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Timetable 2014: Partnership agreement Alstom/DCNS 2017/18: Multi-megawatt demonstrator 2019/20: Multi-megawatt pilot farm 2022/23: First commercial turbine park 10 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Key points Centrale à terre ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Onshore plant Offshore plant 11 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Renewable base energy High-power floating plants of up to 30 MW Onshore plants of 5 to 10 MW, with the possibility of adding air conditioning or water desalination, for example Timetable 2013 : Increase of the ETM range with onshore systems 2014 : Developpement of ETM key technologies (MARLIN project), supported by the ADEME 2014: Announcement of launch of commercial project for onshore OTEC plant of 5 MW 2014: Launch of commercial project for offshore OTEC plant of 16 MW (NEMO project) 2015: Export deployment 2018: First offshore plant Tidal-current energy Key points Predictable, long-term energy No visual or noise impact Worldwide potential of 115 GW Ease of installation and maintenance (specific barge) OpenHydro is a DCNS subsidiary, leader in the field of tidal stream generators ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Timetable 2014: Contract for a pilot plant in Canada, order for 2 new turbines for the Paimpol project 2015: Pilot farms in Canada and in France (Paimpol) 2017: 14MW pilot farm in the Raz Blanchard 2020: Commercial farms 12 | May 2015 – EMD Athens Impact of Marine Renewable Energy Development Like O&G, development of Blue Growth activities such as MRE, Aquaculture, Deep-sea Mining, etc, will create specific needs and requirements that will have to be addressed both onshore as offshore: Construction, ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés Maintenance, Logistic, Decommissioning, Etc… 13 | May 2015 – EMD Athens ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés One example: Lerwick Harbour case and the impact of Oil&Gas 14 | May 2015 – EMD Athens DCNS’ ambition: Developing new infrastructures in Cherbourg Cherbourg Port: Creating a Hub for Tidal Energy Agreement with Ports Normands Associés Localised jobs Hub for: Industrial prime contractor - Competencies in energy-farm engineering based on DCNS’ historical know-how Equipment supplier - OpenHydro marine turbine - Ocean thermal energy conversion cold seawater lines Service provider ©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés - Installation - Maintenance Bringing back activities close to the Sea 15 | May 2015 – EMD Athens