S100 Wiring Diagram
S100 Wiring Diagram
S100PRO Power Connections Fused 12V 86 LAST UPDATED 18/11/2014 NEEDS FIRMWARE V77.00 AND HIGHER FOR ALL OPTIONS 85 Idle Valve Turbo Pressure Valve Aux 8 / Shift Light / Elec Dump Valve Aux 1 / Cam Control For Firing Order 1 3 4 2 Cyl Numbers In Green Aux 2 / Fan Relay Fused 12V Drawn from pin insertion side Note this connector has Three keyways in total Aux 7 / Fuel Pump Relay Aux 9 / Tacho Tel +44 (0)161 877 1419 Fax +44 (0)161 877 7086 Email [email protected] WIRING SCHEMATIC FOR S100PRO Latch Coil 3 Cyl 4 Inj 1 1 3 2 4 6 5 Fused 12V 8 7 9 Coil 1 Cyl 1 10 12 11 15 14 13 16 26 27 28 29 30 NOTE POWER CONNECTOR HAS ONLY ONE KEY HERE Earth Pin on Case Fuse 40 Amp Battery + The fuse protects the ECU in the case of severe errors in the wiring (12V to Sensor GND for instance). With it you cannot damage the ECU, without it you can. The choice is yours. Cyl 3 Inj 4 Cyl 2 25 Inj 3 12v supply circuit Why The Fuse? 24 31 32 33 Aux 3 / VTEC Valve / Bosch 3 Pin Idle Valve Fast Side NOTE:- COIL O/P NUMBERING IS FIRING ORDER NOT CYLINDER NUMBER. SEE PAGE 5. 23 22 Aux 4 / ALS Valve / VTEC Coil 4 Cyl 2 21 20 19 Inj 2 17 Coil 2 Cyl 3 18 Cyl 1 Cyl 4 34 NOTE:- INJ O/P NUMBERING IS FIRING ORDER NOT CYLINDER NUMBER. SEE PAGE 6. Relay Bosch 0332 014 112 Ignition switch 86 40 Amp Fuse MUST be Fitted 30 or equiv 85 87 Battery - GND Fused 12V Fused 12 V To Page 2 S100PRO Power Connections Drawn from pin insertion side Note this connector has Three keyways in total 2 Inj 10 or VANOS or Cam 3 Valve or Gear Down Valve 1 Inj 9 or VANOS or Cam 2 Valve or Gear Up Valve Coil 5 Coil 9 or Cam 4 or Neutral Interlock Latch 3 4 6 5 Inj 5 8 7 9 Coil 7 Inj 6 10 12 11 16 15 14 13 17 Inj 7 Coil 8 18 28 29 30 AUX6 27 AUX5 note this gives out 12V ! NOTE:- COIL O/P NUMBERING IS FIRING ORDER NOT CYLINDER NUMBER. SEE PAGE 5. 23 22 24 25 Inj 8 26 Coil 10 or Throttle Blipper Coil 6 21 20 19 31 32 33 NOTE POWER CONNECTOR HAS ONLY ONE KEY HERE GND Fused12 Volts from Page 1 Fused 12V 34 NOTE:- INJ O/P NUMBERING IS FIRING ORDER NOT CYLINDER NUMBER. SEE PAGE 6. Fused 12V Fused 12V Fused 12V Sensor GND 5V 1 Ana 1/Traction Cut %/ Launch RPM Left or Only Lambda Signal 21 16 23 22 5 V O/P From ECU 8 7 15 14 13 ALS/Map 2 or Lambda Sw or Paddle Input Air Temp Fuel Pressure 6 5 20 19 9 Oil Temp 17 24 Water Temp 25 NOTE SENSOR CONNECTOR HAS TWO KEYS HERE 33 32 34 Manifold/Baro Pressure 2 inputs are provided for each of these sensors to accommodate differing types. Only one of each must be used at any one time. 31 Sensor GND Crank Sensor Magnetic Cam And Crank Connections 30 Cam Sensor Hall Effect 29 28 Crank Sensor Hall Effect 27 Cam Sensor Magnetic TPS 26 CAN L (CAN -) Some OEM Hall Effect sensors require 12V supply. This will cause no problem to the ECU. 4 12 11 18 Oil Pressure Launch Button 3 Sensor GND CAN H (CAN +) Latch 2 10 Shift Cut or E85 Sensor Air Con Signal or Shaft Speed or Up Paddle Ana2/ Log Switch/ TPS 2 Hall Effect Left Undriven Wheel Speed Sensor GND Drawn from pin insertion side Note this connector has four keyways in total Ana 3 / Gear Pot S100PRO Sensor Connections Sensor GND S100PRO Sensor Connections Traction On/Off Traction Wet/Dry Drawn from pin insertion side Note this connector has four keyways in total Latch 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 33 32 Sensor GND 30 5v From ECU 29 28 Right Driven Wheel Speed or Cam 4 27 Left Driven Wheel Speed or Cam 3 Some OEM Hall Effect sensors require 12V supply. This will cause no problem to the ECU. 9 13 Cam 2 Magnetic 2 inputs are provided for each of these sensors to accommodate differing types. Only one of each must be used at any one time. 8 7 12 Cam 2 Hall Effect or Paddle Input Cam And Crank Connections 6 5 11 Right Undriven Wheel Speed or Paddle Input 26 4 10 Aux Switch or Pit Lane Speed or Paddle Input Right Lambda or Launch RPMl or Paddle Input 3 2 34 Sensor Connections Crank sensor connections Use twisted pair wire with overall screen for crank sensor VR sensor pin outs (magnetic) Ford inc Duratec Pin 1 to pin 12 Pin 2 to Sensor GND Shield to Sensor GND at ECU Vauxhall/Opel/BMW/Volvo/Saab/ etc. (Bosch & Siemens) Pin 1 to pin 12 Pin 2 to pin Sensor GND Pin 3 to shield to Sensor GND at ECU Marelli Pin 2 to pin 12 Pin 1 to Sensor GND Shield to Sensor GND at ECU All 5 volt and Sensor Gnd connections are equivalent (except Lambda Gnd). Use the ones which are most suitable for the sensors connected. If not using twisted pair wire, twist together separate wires a pitch of approx. 2.5 cm ANALOGUE 2 WIRING FOR LOG SWITCH If using the analogue 2 input for switching the log on and off use the following wiring. 5 volts 3 2 4 3 2 4 And similarly for 6 or 8 cylinder engines. Use the lowest outputs. For a 6 cylinder engine with a firing order of 1/3/6/4/5/2 wire as below. Analogue 2 Sig Gnd Marrelli Map A = 5V B = Sensor GND C = Signal 1 -> 1 2 -> 2 3 -> 3 9 - 15 pin (Dyno Control Box uses the rest) 4 -> 4 5 -> 5 Toggle switch Log on = switched closed Cyl Cyl O/P 1 4 1 3 5 2 6 2 3 Distributor Flash Programming Switch 8 Use Coil output 1.. Twin Spark Depends on the number of cylinders. Say the engine is a six cylinder, wasted spark, twin spark then 1,2 and 3 are plugs 1, 4, 5, 6 are plugs 2. Four a similar 4 cylinder the groupings are 1,2 are plugs 1, 3 and 4 are plugs 2. 8 cylinder wasted spark, twin spark is the maximum allowed configuration. 13 Throttle pot Output Driver Limitations All Auxilliaries Unless otherwise stated 1 Amp ALS Valve Aux 3 4 Amp 4 Amp Injector Drivers Coil Drivers 4 Amp 9 amp Colvern (Jenvey) pot Red = Wiper Green or Blue = 5v Yellow or Black = Sensor GND 1 1 Wasted Spark Serial Port Connections any value 500 Ohm to 20 K Ohm Remember that the outputs are numbered in firing sequence, that is 1 is the first to fire, 2 the second etc. For a 4 cylinder with a firing sequence of 1/3/4/2 connect wires as below. A cam sensor MUST be fitted for coil per plug operation. 4K7 resistor Bosch Map 0261 230 004 1= 5 Volt 2= GND 3=Signal Connect 5 v to side to which throttle wiper goes at full open Coil Per Plug Cyl O/P Manifold Pressure Sensors GM Map A = Sensor GND B = Signal C= 5 Volt Coil Wiring Injector Wiring Note all injectors must be high impedance types or use a ballast resistor. Sequential Remember that the outputs are numbered in firing sequence, that is 1 is the first to fire, 2 the second etc. For a 4 cylinder with a firing sequence of 1/3/4/2 connect wires as below. Cyl O/P 1 1 3 2 4 3 2 4 A cam sensor MUST be fitted for sequential injection. Up to 5 cylinders can run sequentially twin injection. Non Sequential Use O/P’s 1,2,3 etc, up to the number of cylinders to any injector Non Sequential Twin Injector Injectors 1:- Use O/P’s 1,2,3,4,5. Wire equal numbers of injectors on each if possible Special Nissan Connections Special Nissan Connections Connections for combined Nissan/Denso Cam Shaft mounted sensor system. Engine codes RB25, RB26, RB20. General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 5 Connections for combined Nissan/Denso Cam Shaft mounted sensor system. Engine Code SR20. General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 8 4 3 2 1 1 - TDC Signals - White 2 - 360 degree signal - Green 3 - +5V - Red 4 - Signal GND - Black Note:- Before Firmware V49.02 Connect TDC signal to Undriven wheel speed on the ECU sensor connector, after V49.02 the normal Cam input. Connect 360 degree signal to normal hall effect crank shaft sensor input Pin 13 The connector is drawn looking at the sensor output. We have seen various connectors on this one but the wire colours are always the same 1 - TDC Signals - White 2 - 360 degree signal - Green 3 - +5V - Red 4 - Signal GND - Black Note:- Before Firmware V49.02 Connect TDC signal to Undriven wheel speed on the ECU sensor connector, after V49.02 the normal Cam input. Connect 360 degree signal to normal hall effect crank shaft sensor input Pin 13 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Alternative Connector 1 = GND, 2 = 5V, 3 = 360 Deg, 4 = TDC Injectors 2:- Use O/P’s 6,7,8,9,10. Wire equal numbers of injectors on each if possible. VDO Pressure Adapter Connections 150mm 1 Gnd 4 mm Ring 2 Signal 560 Ohm Pull Up 3 5 Volt 3 pin AMP Superseal This sensor comes in 4 and 6 cylinder versions, either is acceptable. This sensor comes in 4 and 6 cylinder versions, Only the 4 cylinder version is acceptable. Honda K20A Honda F20C (S2000) Honda B16 & B18 Distributor LOAD K20A MAP BEFORE CONNECTING COILS General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 7. Connect Inlet Cam Sensor to Pin 29, from firmware version 38.01. Exhaust cam sensor to normal cam input, Pin 23. Crank to Pin 13. LOAD S2000 MAP BEFORE CONNECTING COILS General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 9. Connect exhaust cam sensor to normal cam input, Pin 22. Crank to Pin 12. General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 6. Connect cam sensor to cam input, Pin 22. Crank to Pin 12. All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator Sensor Connections Crank and Cam Sensor Pin 1 = Signal Pin 2 = Sensor GND Pin 3 = 12V TPS Pin 1 = Sensor GND Pin 2 = Signal Pin 3 = 5V MAP Pin 1 = 5V Pin 2 = Signal Pin 3 = Sensor GND Power Connections Idle Valve Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = 12V Pin 3 = Signal 2 3 Pin 1 = Signal Pin 2 = GND Pin 3 = 12V Crank Sensor Pin 1 = Signal Pin 2 = Sensor GND Pin 3 = Shield Ex. Cam Sensor (2 pin) Pin 1 = Signal Pin 2 = GND TPS Pin 1 = Sensor GND Pin 2 = Signal Pin 3 = 5V MAP Pin 1 = 5V Pin 2 = Signal Pin 3 = Sensor GND 1 2 Connect VTEC Valve to AUX3 The Vtec Valve is on the exhaust side of the engine, inlet adjustment valve on the front 2 6 5 9 Coil Connections 2 Distributor Connections 1 Idle Valve Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = 12V Pin 3 = Signal 1 All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator 3 2 1 Power Connections Coil Connections 1 All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator Sensor Connections 3 2 1 Requires Firmware V17.02 or Higher 3 4 7 8 10 Crank Sensor Pin 2 = Signal Pin 6 = Sensor GND Cam Sensor Pin 8 = Signal Pin 4 = Sensor GND Coil Trigger Pin 1 Tacho Pin 9 12V Pin 10 3 Pin 1 = Signal Pin 2 = GND Pin 3 = 12V Connect VTEC Valve to AUX3 Via Relay Connect VTEC Valve to AUX3 Via Relay Rover 1800 K VVC Loom to S60 Suzuki GSXR 1000 K5 & K6 All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator Rover Red Connector Crank Sensor Pin 1 Signal (Black) Pin 2 GND (Green) 1 2 1 Cam+ 2 Cam9 Tacho Out 12 INJ 1 13 INJ 2 14 INJ 3 25 Crank+ 26 Crank27 Lambda+ 28 Lambda35 INJ 4 Rover Black Connector Rover 1800 K VVC Connector Pin Outs Latch 36 13 12 25 24 1 Drawn From ECU Side of Loom Connector on Vehicle 2 VVC inc 8 MAP 5V 10 Oil Temp 12 TPS Sig 13 Sensor GND 14 Air Temp 15 Water Temp 18 TPS 5 V 20,21,22,33 See Below 23 VVC Decrease 25 Coil 2 26 Coil 1 27 +12V 28 Fan 1 30 Fuel Pump 36 MAP Sig S60 Pin 22 Sensor 21 Sensor 2 Power 9 Power 25 Power 17 Power 12 Sensor 21 Sensor 19 Sensor 18 Sensor 34 Power S60 Pin 33 or 32 Power 9 Sensor 17 Sensor 34 Sensor 23 Sensor 7 Sensor 25 Sensor 9 Sensor 5 18 10 31 4 3 16 Power Power Power Power Power Power Sensor Ignition Relay Black Con. Relay 20 & 21 22 33 85 & 87 30 86 S60 Power Con Pins 13 & 14 To Bat Negative Honda CBR600 Sequential General Engine Settings, Flywheel Mode 10 Requires Firmware V19.02 or higher. Any Honda bike engine fitted with the cam wheel below and a 12 tooth (no gaps) crank wheel. Crank Sensor Pin 1 GND (Yellow/White) Pin 2 Signal (Yellow) 1 2 1 2 Cam Sensor Pin 1 Signal (Grey) Pin 2 GND (Yellow/White) Drawn looking at connector attached to sensor Air Conditioner Connections Suzuki Hyabusa 12V Control To Compressor All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator, wiring colours are sensor not loom colours Pin 1 GND (Green) Pin 2 Signal (Blue) 1 All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator, wiring colours are sensor not loom colours Signal Ground Crank Sensor 86 2 30 85 Relay Bosch 0332 014 112 or equiv Power Ground 87 Cam Sensor Crank Sensor Pin 1 Signal Pin 2 GND Pin 3 Shield 2 1 S60 Pin 14 Sensor side TPS Sensor 1 Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 5v 2 3 2 1 Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 Shield EX Cam to Cam 1 Mag input Inlet Cam to Cam 2 Mag Input Pin 1 5V Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 GND 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Cam Solenoids Pin 1 12V Pin 2 Signal Resistance Values Ohms 1st 560 2nd 827 3rd 1585 4th 2733 5th 6800 6th 15000 2 TPS Sensor 3 Air Compressor Gear Pin 1 = Supply Pin 2 = Variable Resistor End Pin 3 = Switch to 1 1 Cam Sensors (Both) Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Signal MAP Pin 1 = 5V Pin 2 = Signal Pin 3 = Sensor GND BMW Single VANOS S50B30 1 2 Connect top solenoid to Cam Output, Bottom to Aux 3/Vetec output. Note Old ECU phase sensor is not used. The two VANOS sensors which are used are situated at the front of the engine. Firing order 1 5 3 6 2 4 BMW Mini (Chrysler Engine) BMW Twin VANOS S50B32 S100 Only All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator, wiring colours are sensor not loom colours Crank Sensor Pin 1 Signal Pin 2 GND Pin 3 Shield 3 2 1 Exhaust Cam Sensor Pin 1 Sig Pin 2 GND Pin 3 Shield Connect to CAM1 Pin 22 1 2 3 Inlet Cam Sensor Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Sig Pin 3 Shield Connect to CAM2 Pin 30 1 2 3 TPS Sensor 1 2 3 Pin 1 5V Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 GND Inlet Cam Solenoids Exhaust Cam Solenoids Pin 1 Bottom (Brown) Pin 2 12V (Green/Red) Pin 3 Top (Black) Connect top solenoid to Cam Output, Bottom to Aux 3/VTEC Firing order 1 5 3 6 2 4 It is essential the connectors on the solenoid valves are removed and replaced. The standard connector contains diodes which will fuse when connected as shown. 1 2 3 Pin 1 Bottom (Brown) Pin 2 12V (Green/Red) Pin 3 Top (Black) Connect top solenoid to Inj 9 Output, Bottom to Inj 10. All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator, wiring colours are loom colours Crank/Cam Sensors Pin 1 GND (Brown/Stripe) Pin 2 Signal (Black/Stripe) Pin 3 12V (Red/Stripe) 1 2 3 TPS Sensor Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 5v Sig 5V Gnd Green/Black Red Yellow Coil Pin 1 Cyl 2 & 3 (Black / Yell) Pin 2 12V (Red)l Pin 3 Cyl 1 & 4 (Black / Blue) 1 2 3 BMW Twin VANOS S54B32 S100 Only All drawn looking at the sensor/actuator, wiring colours are sensor not loom colours unless otherwise stated Exhaust Cam Sensor Yellow to Cam1 Hall Red/White to 12V Brown to Sensor GND Inlet Cam Sensor Yellow to Cam2 Hall Red/White to 12V Brown to Sensor GND NOTE Wire colours are loom colour. Remove these diodes inside VANOS unit VANOS Solenoids Crank Sensor Pin 1 Signal Pin 2 GND Pin 3 Shield 1 2 3 TPS Sensor 1 Pin 1 5V Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 GND 2 3 Pin 1 INJ 10 (Green) Pin 2 12V (Brown) Pin 3 INJ 9 (Black) Pin 4 Aux 3/VTEC (Green) Pin 5 12V (Brown) Pin 6 Aux1/Cam Control NOTE Wire colours are loom colour. Pin numbers are on the loom side connector 4 1 2 5 3 6 Orientation of Magnetic Rotating Sensors Cam Sensor Shown is an oscilloscope trace of a typical magnetic cam sensor pattern when cranking. The orientation is correct when the voltage seen at the signal pin rises as the tooth approaches and falls sharply when the tooth recedes. If the sensor is connected with reversed polarity then the signal position will appear to move causing cam shaft errors and apparent movement in cam position. Note the presence of high frequency noise on this signal. This is the result of not using shielded twisted pair wire for this sensor. If this is strong enough cam shaft errors will result and the engine may not run at all. Crank Sensor On the left is an oscilloscope trace of a good clean signal from a magnetic crank sensor on a 36 - 1 wheel. Note the voltage rising through the gap. This is the correct polarity. If the voltage falls through the gap then the engine may start but at a certain RPM will begin to give crank shaft errors and re-synchronisations. The voltage variation is caused by successive compression strokes slowing the rotation speed during cranking. On the right is a more detailed view of the gap itself. Note the voltage rising as the gap traverses the sensor. You can also see that this signal is free of high frequency noise. The correct screened twisted pair wire has been used for this sensor. Both cam and crank traces are from the same vehicle.