July - August, 2016


July - August, 2016
Your local Christian newspaper in New York State
“Go Into All the World and Preach the Good News to All Creation” (Mark 16:15)
July/August 2016 (Published since 2005)
New Hope Family Services:
Helping Those In Crisis
Choose Life
By Pat Shea
Complimentary Copy
Mars Hill Network: Taking Back The Airwaves
From The Prince Of The Power Of The Air
By Rick Kern
New Hope Family Services is a not-for-profit
pro-life Christian ministry that Director Martha Raub says seeks to be Christ’s hands extended to offer hope and help to people with
pregnancy, parenting, adoption, or post-abortion needs in the Syracuse area and throughout
the State of New York.
Martha Raub, Director of New Hope
Family Services in Syracuse, NY
The organizations offers help, support and
assistance to women facing an unplanned
pregnancy; those struggling with the emotional pain of post abortion; families seeking
parenting help or searching to adopt; and teens
Continued on page 27
Camp Whitman On The
Shore Of Seneca Lake
Finding The Love Of God
In Tetherball, Tie-Dye, And
By Rick Kern
To say that the Finger Lakes are breathtaking could well be an understatement of epic
proportion. Among the Lord’s seminal masterpieces, if there was even a shadow of doubt
about our God’s artistry in creation, the briefest visit to the shore of any one of the Finger
Lakes will put it to rest. Awe-inspiring and
sublimely beautiful, they are an iconic reflection of the supernatural crafting the natural,
and the perfect piece of real estate to conduct
a camp for children, young people, and the developmentally disabled. Which, by the way, is
where you will find lots of them this summer,
drinking in the dawn and dusk at Camp Whitman on the shore of Seneca Lake.
Photo by Camp Whitman
And though the splendor of creation, with
all the majesty of its natural wonder, inspires
Continued on page 20
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With a mission statement that could double
as the opening paragraph of the 29th Chapter
of the Book of Acts, it is pretty clear that the
Mars Hill Network (MHN) came to play, and
play to win! They are winning souls, hearts,
and ground from the enemy. And do they play!
They play quality Christian programming
from music to messages. With a roster featuring choice and chosen vessels who have risen
in the ranks to become national leaders, hearts
will always be challenged but ears never tickled by servants such as Dr. John MacArthur,
Chuck Swindoll, Ravi Zacharias, Greg Laurie,
and James McDonald, just to name a few. Yet,
like any transcendent structure that towers majestically against the skyline, what is seen, or in
this case heard, could not loom so large or with
such spiritual grandeur without what you don’t
see — its foundation.
In this case that would be the dedicated leadership and staff of the Mars Hill Network. These
people are not paycheck players who punch
a clock and keep their eyes on their work but
their hearts on their days off. They are called by
God, and zealously team up to use media to impact their communities with the clear message
of Christ in hopes of transforming and inspiring
the lives of their listeners.
The Mars Hill Network is a ministry staffed
Photo by The Mars Hill Network
The Mars Hill Network is a ministry staffed by people who are
extremely dedicated to its mission and its Lord.
by people who by-and-large are extremely dedicated to its mission and its Lord. And though
perhaps it eclipses convention to describe the
workers at a radio station as “ministers,” that is
pretty much the way it is from the top down —
they are all servants charged with going into all
the world to preach the Gospel to all creation.
And like any minister, though their professions
have “job descriptions,” they are more than
“professions,” they are “passions.” “I look at
this as a ministry,” says Wayne Taylor, MHN’s
Continued on page 22
The Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse: What
Are They?
By Tim Bennett
Throughout the world over 3000 “healing
rooms” have sprung up in over 75 countries
and the ministry of Healing Rooms International continues to grow. Yet, many Christians
are unaware of their presence; much less take
advantage of what they have to offer. So, what
are they about and how do they work? I spoke
to Vince and Deborah Aquilino, the Founders and Co-Directors of The Healing Rooms
of Greater Syracuse located in Liverpool, NY,
which opened its doors in 2003, to find out.
Aquilino explained that the ministry actually
started in the early 20th century when the acclaimed American evangelist, John G. Lake,
returned from his widely successful ministry
in South Africa (from 1908-1913) where, according to the Healing Rooms International
website, he was used to convert one million
people to Christ, start 625 churches, and train
1250 preachers. In terms of signs and miracles
following his messages, one writer claimed
Lake’s ministry “rivaled the early church.” After this time in Africa, Lake resettled in Spokane, Washington where he opened the first
“healing rooms” to receive anyone seeking
physical healing. It is reported that there were
100,000 miracles and healings during this ministry period and that the U.S. government even
officially declared the state of Washington as
“the healthiest state in the country” at that time.
Rochester NY
Permit # 540
Photo by The Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse
Vince and Deborah Aquilino, the Founders and Co-Directors of The Healing
Rooms of Greater Syracuse
After Lake’s death, however, in 1935, no one
carried on the ministry so it stopped…that is
until Cal Pierce from Bethel Church in Redding, California reopened the healing rooms’
doors in the same building where Lake started
his, in 1999. From that time forward the minis-
try has blossomed throughout the world. Pierce
believes the success of the ministry is because
they focus on the work of the Holy Spirit and
not that of one man. He sees the mission of the
healing rooms as being three-fold: 1) To equip
Continued on page 23
Christian Camps and
Read on pages 17-19
Page 2
The Good News
“For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
JOHN 3:16
The Good News
is published by
The Good News Rochester
Dedicated to the memory of
Vera Nikitichna Minko
Our Mission
“Go Into All the World and Preach the
Good News to All Creation”
(Mark 16:15)
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his
name; make known among the nations
what he has done. Sing to him, sing
praise to him; tell of all his wonderful
acts.” (Psalm 105:1-2)
The Good News Rochester
P. O. Box 18204
Rochester, NY 14618-0204
Office (585) 271-4464
[email protected]
Visit online at:
Susan LeDoux, Rick Kern, Jennifer Lamey
Graphic Design
Robert Green
Contributing Writers
Mark F. Viencek, Rabbi Rick Chaimberlin,
Dr. Ralph Kerr.
The Good News is a non-denominational, biblicallybased Christian newspaper and is published bimonthly since 2005 by The Good News Rochester.
The newspaper is distributed to over 3,000 churches
and ministries in New York State.
Committed To Winning The Lost At Any Cost, Faith
Temple Apostolic Church Storms The Gates Of Hell
With God’s Love
By Rick Kern
He is the Bishop’s Bishop, literally! In 2007
Bishop Jerry McCullough was ordained Prelate Bishop; that is to say he shoulders the responsibility as a Bishop serving the Bishops
of his denomination, “Faith Temple Apostolic
International Ministries, Inc.” The honor was a
solemn upgrade which was preceded by Bishop
McCullough’s faithful oversight of a number of
churches in the City of Rochester, the state of
Florida, and across Africa. But the road wasn’t
always quite so even.
If you were to look in Bishop Jerry McCullough’s rearview mirror, you’d see a roughand-tumble guy who had worked as a bouncer,
had a background in gang-life, and even caught
a bullet once. You’d also see a confrontation
with the Living God and a humble man surrendering his life to Jesus through the remarkable
witness of his wife, Maggie Davis McCullough,
who led him to Christ. From that point on, Bishop McCullough went from being on the wrong
end of a gun to the right side of Jesus and from
showing people the way into a bar to showing
people the way into the Kingdom of God. He
has never looked back.
“He always had a feel for people,” reflects
Pastor Maggie McCullough, “He wanted to
lead people out of that lifestyle. He wanted to
Initially, his passion for souls led Bishop
McCullough to work with the Reverend C.E.
Strauser’s, “Full Gospel Ministerial Fellowship
International,” located in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. “He served under Reverend Strauser,
who ordained him, until the Lord urged him to
move on,” his wife notes. “Bishop Jerry McCullough always knew a special call to proclaim God’s Word. After being prompted by
a vision from God, he opened the first Faith
Temple Church, August 18, 1973.”
Bishop McCullough’s pilgrimage through
this life has been dramatic, storied, and downright inspiring. It poignantly reflects the reality
that all God needs to work His will and wonders is obedience. According to Pastor Mag-
Bishop and 1st Lady Maggie
gie McCullough, the Holy Spirit prompted the
fellowship to change its name to “Faith Temple
Apostolic Church” in 1973, and in 1976, their
present location was purchased.
A decade later, in 1986, her husband was ordained Bishop over several churches in the city
of Rochester, Florida, and Africa. Presently,
there is also a church in Toronto, Canada, and
the African ministry has snowballed with an
amazing ten active churches thriving in Nigeria. All of which are affiliated with Faith Temple
Apostolic Church. Subsequently, Bishop McCullough completed his studies at “Colgate
Rochester Divinity School” which he attended
in the 1990s.
Presently, he is deeply invested in the pastoral
duties for a congregation of some 300 people
while overseeing the leadership of a number
of ministries. Included in these programs is the
church’s Community Outreach Center which
provides food and counseling for substance
abusers as well as homeless and mentally or
physically challenged people. Additionally,
Faith Temple Apostolic Church is home to a
flourishing youth program along with a ministry to senior citizens. They also pass out holiday
turkeys, provide a Thanksgiving dinner to the
community, and during the summer months offer free food and clothing from the church parking lot.
Bishop McCullough married his high school
sweetheart, Maggie Davis McCullough who
serves as his co-pastor, and labors faithfully
with her husband to carry out the Lord’s work
through Faith Temple Apostolic Church. They
are the proud parents of eight children, who, in
turn, have blessed them with 31 grandchildren,
and 35 great-grandchildren.
He has been elected president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, and has also
been recognized for his efforts through a number of community awards from groups such
as, Action for a Better Community, The Urban
League, the Rochester Psychiatric Center, and
the Rochester Police Department.
For more information about this fellowship,
call them at (585) 235-6814 or visit their website located at www.faithtemple.weebly.com.
Photo by Faith Temple Apostolic Church
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Abundant Harvest UMC ............ (585) 798-3173
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center ... (315) 348-8833
Alpha&Omega Bookstore ..........(585) 381-1250
Angels of Mercy........................ (585) 730-4556
Ark of Jesus Ministries ............... (585) 262-6420
Asbury Camp & Retreat.............. (585) 237-5262
AVS Law, PLLC......................... www.avslaw.com
AXA Advisors - Diana Apostolova.. (585) 475-8460
Barden Building Systems............. (800) 945-9400
Bethlehem Revival Temple........... (716) 284-0705
Bliss Summit Bible Camp........... (585) 322-9975
BMF USA, Rochester Chapter .....(585) 355-8196
Bridge Builders Ministries ...........(585) 342-0288
Brigade Air................................... (520) 248-0980
Brighton Presbyterian Church .... (585) 473-5876
Calvary Assembly of God ............(585) 889-0190
Camp Cherith of WNY............... (585) 468-3850
Camp Hickory Hill .................... (585) 535-7832
Camp-of-the-Woods ................. (518) 548-4311
Camp JYC....................... www.campjyc.org
Camp Li-Lo-Li........................... (716) 945-4900
Camp Whitman.............. www.CampWhitman.org
Carpe Diem Travel................... (585) 295-9393 x235
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center.. (315) 364-8756
Christ Community Church ................(585) 637-3979
Christian Community Church of EW. (315) 589-9190
Christian Friendship MB Church... (585) 359-0899
Church of Love Faith Center ... (585) 454-3270
City Church .............................. (585) 343-6895
Community Lutheran Ministry.... (585) 338-2420
Conte’s Flooring & Installations........ (585) 957-4027
Davis College................... www.davisny.edu
Delta Lake Camp...................... (315) 336-7210
Destiny Christian School.......... (585) 473-1680
Dr. Orville Beckford...................... www.obeckford.com
Duffield Camp........ www.campduffield.net
EFFChurch.................................... (585) 219-4909
Elim Bible Institute and College.. (585) 582-1230
Elim Gospel Church ..................(585) 624-5560
Faith Chapel of Churchville ........(585) 293-2336
Faith Christian Center ................(585) 288-7857
Faith Temple............................... (585) 473-1680
Faith Temple Apostolic Church ...(585) 235-6814
Findley Camp & Retreat Center... (716) 769-7146
First Baptist Church of East Rochester.. (585) 586-5287
First Baptist Church of Penfield... (585) 586-2876
Galleria Pizza ..............................(585) 262-2222
Global Outeach Mission.............. (716) 688-5048
Gwen Collier ................ www.thebipolarchurch.com
G.R.A.C.E. ...................................(585) 723-1165
Grace Auto Repair .......................(585) 671-3470
Greece Christian School ..............(585) 723-1165
Green Graphics.......E-mail: [email protected]
Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse. (315) 395-9674
Henrietta Church of the FB........ (585) 334-3602
Hope Christian Fellowship.......... (585) 271-1172
Hope Valley Camp ...................... (585) 683-4907
John Knox Presbyterian Church ..(585) 225-6533
Joseph Business School............... (716) 631-8595
Joseph’s House for Women......... (315) 288-0319
Joy Community Church ............. (585) 288-0863
Kyani Independent Distributor.. (585)747-0431
Lakeshore Community Church ...(585) 392-5253
Law Offices of Mark F. Viencek.... (585) 419-8075
LeTourneau Christian Center........ (585) 554-3400
Liberty Temple Ministries COGIC.(585) 464-8467
Love Fellowship ... www.loveministriesonline.com
Manage the Books LLC................. (585) 454-9408
Maranatha Plumbing ...................(585) 738-9120
Mars Hill Network...................... 1-800-677-1881
Master’s College and Seminary.......... 1 (800) 295-6368
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New Covenant Church ................ (585) 216-1350
New Hope Family Services........... (315) 437-8300
New Testament Christian Church...(585) 723-1400
New York School of the Bible..... (212) 975-0170
Northeastern Seminary ............. (585) 594-6800
Nyack College....................www.nyack.edu
Oasis Christian Fellowship .......... (585) 670-6244
Odosagih Bible Conference ..........(716) 353-8555
Ontario Bible Camp..................... (315) 593-4684
Open Door Mission .................... (585) 454-6696
Passero Associates..........................(585) 325-1000
Pastor Barbara A. Perry... www.garden33publisher.com
Pearce Memorial Church ............(585) 594-9488
Petah Tikvah Messianic Congr ....(585) 475-1188
Place of Hope Pregnancy Center.. (585) 697-0003
Pregnancy Care Center in Geneva .(315) 789-0708
Ray Ciervo Ministries.................... (888) 264-3979
RCCM ............................................(585) 247-4444
Reigning Miracle Ministry ..........(607) 756-5770
Restoration ...................................(585) 598-3689
RF Remodeling...............................(585) 727-1707
Risen Savior Christian Center....... (585) 247-8860
Roberts Cultural Life Center......... (888) 222-1048
Rochester Area Right to Life ...... (585) 621-4690
Samaritan’s Purse.......... www.samaritanspurse.org
Silver Bay YMCA......................... (888) 758-7229
Shaun Campbell............................. (403) 975-7792
Shema Yisrael Messianic Congr. ...(585) 288-0670
Shepherd’s Heart Christian Fellshp..(585) 225-4090
Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center... (607) 467-2750
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center... (518) 494-7170
Southern Gospel NY........................ (585) 329-3840
Speaking Truth in Love.................. (607) 359-4366
The Charles Finney School ...............(585) 387-3770
The Fig Tree Bookstore..................... (585) 288-0670
The Healing Place .......... http://www.facebook.com/healingplace224/
The King’s College in NYC .............. (888) 969-7200
The Merry Misfit Series...www.themerrymisfitseries.com
The Salvation Army.........................(585) 987-9500
TLI, Inc. .........................................(585) 567-2080
Union Theological Seminary in NYC...www.utsnyc.edu
Victory Fitness .............................. (585) 370-2480
Vince Latorre ... www.thebiblecanbeproven.com
Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. .............. www.wol.org
The Good News
Page 3
First Baptist Church Of Penfield: Over TwoHundred Years Old And Still Going Strong
By Susan LeDoux
Just east of the intersection of Five-MileLine-Road and Route 441 sits a tidy white
church you could easily miss, but for the large
sign and impressive bell encased in a raised
brick memorial on the lawn. The sign states
First Baptist Church (a member of the American Baptist Churches USA), was the “first religious congregation in Northfield- established
1804.” Local history buffs will learn quite a bit
by clicking on “history” at the church’s website, www.fbpenfield.org. There you will learn
that in 1804, this town of Northfield eventually would be part of Penfield in what would
become Monroe County.
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Rochester, NY.
Although organized in 1804, it took until 1823
to build the church, which they later dismantled
and moved to its present location in 1839. Over
time, concerned that the wood used to support
the church’s 1870’s bell could give out, they removed it from the tower and re-hung it in the
memorial, using some of the original timbers.
Church clerk and Sunday school teacher,
Debbie Lochner noted, “We are at a crossroads,
bridging past and future. We have a strong core
group, working to keep our heritage, examine
our goals, and move forward as God leads.”
Interim Pastor Reverend Philip B. Davis Sr.
shared his initial impression of First Baptist.
“My first encounter with the congregation as
a whole was at a flapjack breakfast. I walked
into the room and it just felt good.”
People working together every third Saturday,
to serve the community breakfast while raising
money for different organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, the Ecumenical Food Shelf, or
Learning Links, impressed him. He said seeing
people come together to do the mission work of
the church was a beautiful thing to watch.
“Beyond that, we’re people. We’re far from
perfect. The understanding we, and a lot of
other churches need to develop, is that we’re
a hospital or a museum. We’re people thankful
for the Gospel, but still struggling to understand
how to incorporate the Gospel into our lives,”
Davis said.
Although organized in 1804, it took until 1823 to build the church, which they later
dismantled and moved to its present location in 1839.
Moving into the sanctuary, the majestic Andover organ, built specifically for the church, graces worship services. First Baptist developed a
connection with the Eastman School of Music’s
organ program, and every year, they present a
joint concert with the Eastman Organ Initiative.
The church organists have been exemplary students of the Eastman, and the current music director is Jacob Taylor, a Doctor of Musical Arts
candidate at Eastman.
tor’s sermon, but could just as well involve a
book discussion, a hot potato topic, a Bible
study, or even a movie.
Georgia added, “We sponsor, with a small stipend, a soprano and tenor from Eastman who
sing with the choir. It started as a project that
was endowed by a couple; we’ve had fundraisers, and that’s how we started being able to pay
Georgia said it is easier to know everyone in
this smaller congregation. The deacons visit
shut-ins, members in nursing homes, or anyone who needs a visit. Pastor Davis said he is
amazed how easily people move in to help each
other without a formal plan in place. “When I
got a sense of what was going on at that level, I
was in awe. This they figured out. It has a sense
of authenticity,” he said.
Pastor Davis acknowledged the “spectacular”
music program, and described the effect of the
choir’s musical magic. He said as he listens, the
music brings him closer to God.
The church is home to Penfield Village Nursery School, cub and boy scouts, and the Elizabeth Clark Dance Studio. The spacious church
hall’s wooden floor makes it a perfect venue for
the dance studio as well as for the Copy Cats, a
square dancing group, which gathers there.
Although an interim pastor, Reverend Davis
does have goals.
“One of the things on my list is to either introduce or acquaint the church with what it means
to have a prophetic voice, going back and taking a look at the Biblical prophets and the kind
of voices they had, and what they brought to the
church and the community as a whole.”
Georgia May, Worship and Teaching leader,
added, it is the act of “being the church,” not
just witnessing in the church. “Being Church”
for this congregation involves supporting Colgate Divinity School, the Baptist Home, Shepherd Home, Open Door Mission, Salvation
Amy, and other ministries.
First Baptist remains faithful to its 25-yearold commitment to Rochester’s Cameron
Community Ministry. In addition to preparing
Sunday dinner at Cameron on each 5th Sunday
during the year, they help with Cameron’s after
school program, and its emergency food and
clothing distributions.
Since average Sunday attendance is about
75 people, and children grow older, age demographics vary year to year; so the Sundayschool teachers are flexible and creative. The
church currently is gearing up for its VBS program, “Son Games” from August 15 -19.
He hopes his people can claim that prophetic
voice “in a way the community hears us that
this is the place where I want to learn how life
is to be lived. This is the place where I can connect with the eternal love of God to draw the
community to Christ (not just this church), reclaiming the prophetic voice where we say ‘Jesus matters.’”
“There’s this vibe from Jacob in particular.
I have worked with a lot of church musicians
and Jacob is in that special class of church musicians,” he said.
Georgia added that the choice of music each
Sunday relates to the sermon topic, which is
based on the Lectionary. The after-service discussion hour for adults may be about the pas-
“I’m standing in the gap momentarily for a
place that has a 212 year tradition, doing what
I can, being as faithful to Christ as possible.”
He is not standing in the gap alone. Committed church leaders surround him.
For more information, visit www.fbpenfield.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
(585) 262-2222
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Page 4
The Good News
Calendar of Upcoming Christian Events
For current Christian events, visit online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
To advertise your Christian events, e-mail at
[email protected] or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Upcoming Events in July, 2016
July 1, Friday
CAMPMEETING 2016. Free Camp! July 1st
thru the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers,
as our main speakers! Free Camp Meeting;
free camping; free food 4 times a day; free
horseback rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide;
volleyball or some other sport, camp fires and
Heavenly Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles, Healings, Word of Knowledge,
discerning of spirits, prophetic Word. 2910
Douglas Rd, (Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-7583928, 607-756-5770 or Check our Website
for more information and directions at www.
Reclaiming Our Life: Reconnecting With
Our Divine Nature with Rev. Bruce Tamlyn. Friday 9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Spiritual Life
Tent. Over the last hundred years humanity
has been on a long march emphasizing our
left-brain. This is represented by the likes
of power; knowledge; information; knowing; concepts; models; data; forecasting; research; and testing. [email protected] or
518.543.8833 ext 243.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast. 7:30 a.m.-9:00
a.m. All are welcome. [email protected] or
518.543.8833 ext 243.
3519 James Street. Syracuse, NY 13206. (315) 437-8300
July 2, Saturday
CAMPMEETING 2016. Free Camp! July 1st
thru the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers,
as our main speakers! Free Camp Meeting; free
camping; free food 4 times a day; free horseback
rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball
or some other sport, camp fires and Heavenly
Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles, Healings, Word of Knowledge, discerning
of spirits, prophetic Word. 2910 Douglas Rd,
(Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-758-3928, 607-7565770 or Check our Website for more information
and directions at www.reigningone.net.
The Torchmen at Odosagih Bible Conference in Machias. Saturday, July 2nd, at 7:00pm.
All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If
you’d like to join us for Dinner at 5:00pm, call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
Invest in Israel Seminar: Evan Liberman,
founder of Wise Money Israel, and a Registered
Investment Advisor with the Israel Securities
Authority will be speaking on ways to invest in
Israel on Saturday, July 2, 2 p.m. at Congregation Shema Yisrael, 1326 North Winton Road,
Rochester, NY 14609. Admission is free.
July 3, Sunday
CAMPMEETING 2016. Free Camp! July 1st
thru the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers,
as our main speakers! Free Camp Meeting; free
camping; free food 4 times a day; free horseback
rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball
or some other sport, camp fires and Heavenly
Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles, Healings, Word of Knowledge, discerning
of spirits, prophetic Word. 2910 Douglas Rd,
(Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-758-3928, 607-756-
5770 or Check our Website for more information and directions at www.reigningone.net.
Challenge Camp: Duffield Christian Camp
and Retreat Center. July 3-9. Our experienced
staff provides a unique vacation for mentally
handicapped adults. Come experience the usual
camp activities such as campfire sing alongs,
swimming, fishing, theatre in the woods. 11740
Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581 or
http://www.campduffield.net/ for more info!
Summer Services at Odosagih Bible Conference in Machias. Begin Sunday, July 3rd. Our
speaker for the week is Rev. Marc Chamberlain,
pastor of Genesis Bible Church in Scio, NY.
Price Harris from Shreveport, LA will provide
special music for each service. 716.353.8555.
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center, Warrensburg, NY. July 3-August 12, 2016. Summer
Camps (ages 7-18). We offer a wide variety of
camp programs from Adult Special Needs Camp
to Fun on the Lake and River, camp for beginners, and high school aged programs. www.skyefarmcamp.org.
July 4, Monday
CAMPMEETING 2016. Free Camp! July 1st
thru the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers,
as our main speakers! Free Camp Meeting; free
camping; free food 4 times a day; free horseback
rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball or
some other sport, camp fires and Heavenly Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles,
Healings, Word of Knowledge, discerning of
spirits, prophetic Word. 2910 Douglas Rd,
(Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-758-3928, 607-7565770 or Check our Website for more information and directions at www.reigningone.net.
It’s time to get your registrations in for Day
Camp at Camp Cherith of Western New York
located in Hunt, NY. Day Camp runs July 4 – 8
for children ages 7 – 12, between 9:00 a.m. and
5:15 p.m. Visit our website: www.campcherithwny.org for information and registration forms,
prices, directions, etc.
July 5, Tuesday
Introduction To Religious Naturalism. 9:00
a.m.-10:15 a.m. There is a growing movement
called Religious Naturalism which sees that it
is possible to accept twenty-first century science
and still be religious/spiritual. What is their understanding of God and traditional theological
beliefs? With Rev. Harvey Noordsy. Offered
each week through 8/19. [email protected] or
518.543.8833 ext 243.
Summer Camp for children entering Kindergarten through age 12. Full-day programming
from July 5-August 26. Call 585-594-1833 or
visit www.pearce4kids.org. Pearce 4 Kids Child
Care Center, 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili,
NY 14514.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, July
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
5th, at noon. Ann Harris will speak at 1:00pm
with Faith Baer providing special music. Lunch
reservations necessary - call 716.353.8555 or
July 7, Thursday
Business Men’s Fellowship Oasis Gathering.
6:30am – 7:30am. Passero Associates 242 West
Main St. Downtown Rochester 14614. Message
/ Discussion / Networking. Refresh – Refocus –
Recharge. Contact 585-704-3980. Call - Text
[email protected].
July 8, Friday
PTSD conference with speaker Dr Mike
Hutchings. July 8th & 9th at New Covenant
church at 1350 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield,
NY 14526, (585) 216-1350. Cost is $45 (includes conference fee, materials and lunch).
For more info or to register go to www.abovegroundchurch.com.
July 9, Saturday
Bob & Darlene Puffer will present a concert at Odosagih Bible Conference. July 9th
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for Dinner at
5:00pm, call (716) 353-8555 for reservations.
PTSD conference with speaker Dr Mike
Hutchings. July 8th & 9th at New Covenant
church at 1350 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield,
NY 14526, (585) 216-1350. Cost is $45 (includes conference fee, materials and lunch).
For more info or to register go to www.abovegroundchurch.com.
July 10, Sunday
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center, Brantingham, NY. July 10-15, 2016. Summer Camps
(ages 7-18). Choose the camp experience that
fits your personality and interest! We offer
“Campolodeon”, “You Can’t Do That: On a
Horse”, “You Can’t Do That: In the Yurts” or
“You Can’t Do That: At Aldersgate”. www.aldersgateny.org.
Mission Aviation Adventure Camp (in partnership with the Sacandaga Bible Conference). Broadalbin, New York, July 10-16. Click
on Brigade Air website’s “Camps & Campers”
menu to register for this one-of-a-kind program. To learn more about Brigade Air, visit at
www.brigadeair.org or call at (520) 248­0980.
Chipmunks Camp: Duffield Christian Camp
and Retreat Center. July 10-13. Camp for
‘First Timers’. For those too young to experience our other fun camps. Parent/guardian must
stay with their youngster. Fantastic bonding experience - no charge for the grownup! 11740
Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581
or http://www.campduffield.net/.
Science Camp / Music Camp: Duffield
Christian Camp and Retreat Center. July
10-16. Sing, play, perform! Or, just learn how
Page 5
The Good News
science and music connect in God’s world while
we do chemistry experiments, play in drum
circles, start gaze and more! 11740 Worden Rd.
Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581 or http://www.
July 11, Monday
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Jimmy DeYoung, Jr from Prophecy Today Radio Network, our speaker for the
week of July 11-15. Bob & Darleen Puffer will
provide special music for each service. Services
are held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen
Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. (716) 353-8555.
The Healing Place dates are Monday, July 11th
from 6PM-8PM, Saturday, July 23rd from 1PM3PM, Monday, August 15th from 6PM-8PM
and Saturday, August 27th from 1PM-3PM. The
Healing Place is a safe, non-denominational
place to come for prayer. 288 Van Buren St.,
Newark NY. [email protected],
July 12, Tuesday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday,
July 12th, at noon. Barb Herdzik will speak
at 1:00pm with The Puffers providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
July 13, Wednesday
Faith Temple Apostolic Ministries Annual
Convocation. July 13th -17, 2016. Workshops
6:00 pm Weds. 6/13 through Fri. 6/15. Evening
service 7:00 pm. Speakers, Bishop Rodney
Roberts, Pastor David Singleton, Bishop James
Wright, and closing Sunday, July 17th with Prelate Bishop Jerry McCullough. 141 Arnett Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14619. 585-235-6814.
July 14, Thursday
Impact Now Leadership Development Youth
Camp for grades 9–12, July 14–17 at Elim
Bible Institute & College, Lima, NY. Training
high school students to be leaders for Christ and
Impact their world right Now! Group discounts!
Register at www.elim.edu/impactnow. Questions? 585-582-1230 or [email protected].
July 15, Friday
4One Quartet at United Methodist Church
of N. Chili. 2200 Westside Dr. Rochester, NY
14624. Concert will start at 7:00 PM. A Love
Offering will be taken. Come and receive a real
Womens Prayer Breakfast. 7:30 a.m.-9:00
a.m. All are welcome. [email protected] or
518.543.8833 ext 243.
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center, Brantingham, NY. July 15-17, 2016. “Family Life
Weekend”- Everyone welcome! Enjoy swimming, activities, and sports while relaxing with
other Christian families. The FLW adult choir,
sacred dance, and special music help make
Sunday morning worship unique. www.aldersgateny.org.
July 16, Saturday
Join us at SummerFest 2016! All Activities
Free! Saturday, July 16th, Noon to 3pm, Joy
Community Church Parking Lot, 890 N. Goodman St., Rochester. Pony rides, Bounce houses,
hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy,
children’s games, music, Reptile Showcase,
Dunk Tank. For more info, contact 585-288-
0030; www.wearejoy.org; [email protected].
necessary - call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
PAINT ‘N PRAISE! July 16th! Join us! Creativity. Conversation. Christ. Decorate a Bible
journal with professional artists guiding every
step. Live stage art! Worship! Food! Fun! For
information: www.itickets.com.
July 22, Friday
July 17, Sunday
Night Owls Camp: Duffield Christian Camp
and Retreat Center. July 17-23. Teenagers
dream schedule. Stay up past Midnight, sleep
in late too! Enjoy a relaxed day, everyday,
while experiencing all camp has to offer. Singalongs at the campfire, night time games. 11740
Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581
or http://www.campduffield.net/.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Dr. Gilbert Parker, past professor
from Davis College, now Chief Academic Officer, speaker for the week of July 17-22. Chris
Conklin and Carol Farrand will provide special
music for each service. Services are held Sun –
Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:008:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 17-21, 2016. Reach Out: Community
Mission Experience. Youth groups, churches,
and families are invited to unite and be the
hands and feet of God offering hope to the people of Wyoming County. www.asburyuny.org.
July 18, Monday
Deep Sea Discovery - Vacation Bible School.
July 18 - 22 at 6:30 pm. Kids of all ages are
welcome to come and share team-building
games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats. Registration begins June 5th. Rochester Christian
Church Ministries 3177 Lyell Rd Rochester,
NY 14606. Call 585-247-4444 or visit RCCM.
Org for info.
Hope Christian Fellowship, 3495 Lake Ave,
Rochester, NY: “UNEEK N Specially Made
Ministries”; Presents their 2nd Annual Family
N Friend Fun Day July 16th 2016, 11:00am till
4:00pm. We will have Family worship, family
games, T-Dye Shirts, face painting and more
Fun! For further info contact: Sis Brenda Essilfie (585) 455-9762.
The Needhams will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. July 18th at
7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering
taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at
5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for
July 19, Tuseday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, July
19th, at noon. Marolyn Parker will speak at
1:00pm with Chris Conklin & Carol Farrand
providing special music. Lunch reservations
Light Up The Darkness - Sharing a Biblical Response to Sexual Abuse and Domestic
Violence. A Speaking Truth in Love Ministry
Conference at Watson Homestead Conference
Center, Painted Post, NY 14870. Friday, July 22
from 5:30- 8:00pm and Saturday, July 23 from
8:00am - 5:00pm. Register online http://speakingtruthinlove.org or 607-542-0316.
July 23, Saturday
Light Up The Darkness - Sharing a Biblical Response to Sexual Abuse and Domestic
Violence. A Speaking Truth in Love Ministry
Conference at Watson Homestead Conference
Center, Painted Post, NY 14870. Friday, July 22
from 5:30- 8:00pm and Saturday, July 23 from
8:00am - 5:00pm. Register online http://speakingtruthinlove.org or 607-542-0316.
The Healing Place dates are Saturday, July
23rd from 1PM-3PM, Monday, August 15th
from 6PM-8PM and Saturday, August 27th
from 1PM-3PM. The Healing Place is a safe,
non-denominational place to come for prayer.
288 Van Buren St., Newark NY. [email protected], https://www.facebook.
The Jacobs Brothers will present a concert
at Odosagih Bible Conference. July 23rd
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at
5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for
July 24, Sunday
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Pastor Stanley Mohr, pastor and
former adjunct professor at Cornerstone University, our speaker for the week of July 2429. Joe & Barb Bordonaro will provide special
music for each service. Services are held Sun –
Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:008:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 24-27, 2016. Asbury Express I (ages
7-9) and Asbury Express II (ages 10-12): Fearless Faith! Fearless faith helps you draw courage from friends, family, and your church.
July 25, Monday
Deep Sea Discovery - Vacation Bible School.
July 25-29 at 6:45 PM. Kids of all ages are welcome to come and share team-building games,
awesome Bible songs, and tasty treats! Register
Today! Call 585-247-4444 or visit RCCM.Org
for more info. Rochester Christian Church Ministries 3177 Lyell Rd Rochester, NY 14606.
VBS 2016! “Surf Shack - Catch the Wave of
God’s Amazing Love!”, Monday, July 25
through Wednesday, July 27 - 6:30 - 8 PM - free
event for PreK through 6th graders at New Covenant, 1350 Five Mile Line Rd, Penfield, (585)
216-1350, email: [email protected], website: www.AboveGroundChurch.com.
July 26, Tuesday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday,
July 26th, at noon. Karin Mohr will speak at
1:00pm with Teresa Ciraolo providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, July 26th from 6:30-7:30
p.m. at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield.
Prospective families are invited to take a school
tour and get information about admission. Call
585-387-3770 or visit www.finneyschool.org
for more information.
July 27, Wednesday
Food Truck Rodeo at the Rochester Public
Market! Enjoy live entertainment while supporting the Open Door Mission’s food service
programs. Details at www.OpenDoorMission.
Cave Quest VBS, July 27-30, 9am-12noon
each day. Kids in preschool-6th grade are invited to join us! Registration forms available at
pearcechurch.org. Pearce Church, 4322 Buffalo
Road, North Chili, NY 14514.
July 30, Saturday
The Bontrager Family Singers will present a
concert at Odosagih Bible Conference. July
30th at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner
at 5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
July 31, Sunday
Summer Academy at The King’s College
NYC. Join the best and brightest high school
students to study philosophy/politics or media/
journalism for one week in the heart of New
York City. Deep discount for locals who don’t
require housing. July 31–August 5. http://s.tkc.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Rev. Ron Park, pastor and teacher
from Nichols, NY, our speaker for the week of
July 31-Aug 5. Cheryl Torainwill provide special music for each service. Services are held
Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry
7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.8555.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 31 August 3, 2016. Asbury Express III
(ages 13-18): Fear Factor. What are you afraid
The Greater Rochester Area Christian Educators invite you to consider a
Christian School education for your child. Call or visit us today!
Calvary Chapel Christian School
Genesee Country Christian School
Rochester Christian School
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Greece Christian School
St. Paul Lutheran School
Destiny Christian School
Lima Christian School
The Charles Finney School
East Palmyra Christian School
Northstar Christian Academy
Kindergarten thru 5th
1777 Route 332
Farmington, N.Y. 14425
Kindergarten thru 12th
60 Holley St.
Brockport, NY. 14420
Pre-School thru 11th
1876 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, N.Y. 14620
Kindergarten thru 11th
2023 East Palmyra Port Gibson Road
Palmyra, N.Y. 14522
Preschool thru 8th
4120 Long Point Road
Geneseo, N.Y. 14454
Preschool thru 8th
750 Long Pond Road
Rochester, NY. 14612
Kindergarten thru 12th
1574 Rochester Street
Lima, N.Y. 14485
Preschool thru 12th
332 Spencerport Road
Rochester, N.Y. 14606
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Preschool thru 8th
260 Embury Road
Rochester, N.Y. 14625
Preschool – 8th.
158 East Avenue.
Hilton, N.Y. 14468.
Kindergarten thru 12th
2070 Five Mile Line Road
Penfield, N.Y. 14526
God Bless you!
Page 6
The Good News
of? Join with other youth in wacky and outrageous fun that tests your fear factor. Draw courage from friends, family, and your church. www.
Upcoming Events in August, 2016
August 2, Tuesday
August 9, Tuesday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday,
August 2nd, at noon. Paula Smith will speak
at 1:00pm with Cheryl Torain providing special music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, August 2nd from 6:30-7:30
p.m. at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield.
Prospective families are invited to take a school
tour and get information about admission. Call
585-387-3770 or visit www.finneyschool.org
for more information.
August 4, Thursday
Rochester Chapter
(Monthly), Marketplace Prayer / Share-(1st
Thu.), Senior’s Fellowship Luncheon-(2nd Mon.),
Marketplace Breakfast / Luncheon-(3rd Thu.).
[email protected]
Visit online www.bmfusa.com
Risen Savior
Pastors Bill and Judy Garcia
We are an Apostolic, Prophetic and Deliverance
We are a family of believers worshiping God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We are called to equip, impart and anoint the
Saints of God to boldly declare to the lost the
Kingdom of God.
For prayer request go to
facebook/risensaviorchristiancenter or visit our website
at www.risensaviorchristiancenter.org
Sunday service is at
10:30am. Children’s Church
Intercessory prayer Monday
thru Friday at 7:15pm.
2710 Chili Ave.
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 247-8860
August 5, Friday
August 6, Saturday
Apostle Dutch Sheets with Jon and Jolene
Hamill will be in Syracuse, NY. August 5-6,
2016. The event is sponsored by The Healing
Rooms of Greater Syracuse, Transformation
Syracuse and Core 1:9 Ministries. For information, please visit Http://healingsyracuse.com or
call (315) 395-9674.
The Skyline Boys will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. August 6th at
7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at 5:00pm,
call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
August 7, Sunday
Single Parent and Blended Families Camp:
Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center.
August 7-13. Camp embraces all families with
open arms, wherever they may be on the single
parent journey. We exist for every family to
have hope, experience growth, find acceptance.
11740 Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-8770581 or http://www.campduffield.net/.
Mission Trip Base Camp at Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake. August 7-12. Ages
13-18. Youth - $175, Chaperones – Free. A
New program especially for High School aged
youth or Youth Groups. All meals are included.
Visit www.CampWhitman.org or contact us
at [email protected] or call (315) 5367753 for information.
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, August 9th from 6:30-7:30
p.m. at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield.
Prospective families are invited to take a school
tour and get information about admission. Call
585-387-3770 or visit www.finneyschool.org
for more information.
“Second Hand Rose” Fashion Show is scheduled for the August 12th ladies luncheon at LeTourneau Christian Center. The Fashion Show
starts at 11:00 am. A buffet lunch will be served
12noon. Ticket prices are $12. Call the office at
585-554-3400 to reserve your seat.
August 13, Saturday
Apostle Dutch Sheets with Jon and Jolene
Hamill will be in Syracuse, NY. August 5-6,
2016. The event is sponsored by The Healing
Rooms of Greater Syracuse, Transformation
Syracuse and Core 1:9 Ministries. For information, please visit Http://healingsyracuse.com or
call (315) 395-9674.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August
9th, at noon. Jan Meloon will speak at 1:00pm
with 3 sisters – Judy, Jean & Jan providing special music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
August 12, Friday
Business Men’s Fellowship Oasis Gathering.
6:30am – 7:30am. Passero Associates 242 West
Main St. Downtown Rochester 14614. Message
/ Discussion / Networking. Refresh – Refocus
– Recharge. Contact 585-704-3980. Call - Text
[email protected].
Dr. Deone Drake, pastor at The Chapel at
Crosspointe in Getzville, NY, our speaker for
the week of August 7-12. Michael Minnella,
singer, songwriter, and guitarist, will provide
special music for each service. Services are held
Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry
7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Revival 2016. Come to Renew Your Faith.
Saturday, August 13. Rain Date August 20.
Yaphank Presbyterian Church Grounds. 65
Main Street Yaphank, NY. Time 12-8pm. Refreshments. Prayer. Healing. Music. Sermons.
Come Worship. 631-281-6359.
Operation Christmas Child Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast at Hope Lutheran
Church, 1301 Vintage Lane, Rochester, NY.
14626 on August 13th, 10 a.m. Hear Yves Dushime tell how a shoebox gift changed his life.
Call (585) 727-1274 for reservations.
Forgiven will present a concert at Odosagih
Bible Conference. August 13th at 7:00pm.
All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If
you’d like to join us for dinner at 5:00pm, call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
August 14, Sunday
Join Christ Community Church August 14,
11:30-3:00, for their Annual Community Picnic
to celebrate the end of Bless Brockport, a week
long outreach to the community, and their 40th
anniversary! There will be free food, a water
slide, bounce house, and many other activities.
Check out www.cccbrockport.org for more details.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Dr. Dino Pedrone, President of
Davis College, our speaker for the week of
August 14-19. Kim Kiekel will provide special
music for each service. Services are held Sun –
Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:008:30pm. 716.353.4337.
August 15, Monday
The Healing Place dates are Monday, August
15th from 6PM-8PM and Saturday, August 27th
from 1PM-3PM. The Healing Place is a safe,
non-denominational place to come for prayer.
288 Van Buren St., Newark NY. [email protected], https://www.facebook.
SonGames Vacation Bible School at First
Baptist of Penfield. 9 AM until noon August
15- 19, 2016, for kids from 4 years through 5th
grade. We will discover how to live as members
of God’s team. $25 per child, maximum total
of $50 per household. Email communication@
August 20, Saturday
Sherry Anne Lintz will present a concert
at Odosagih Bible Conference. August 20th
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at
5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for
August 21, Sunday
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Rev. Ken Harman, excellent Bible
teacher from Graham, NC, our speaker for the
week of August 21-26. Kim Kiekel will provide special music for each service. Services
are held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen
Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. August 21-23, 2016. Summer Women’s Retreat: Bread of Life. Do you need to get away to
feed your soul or deepen it with God? Hands on
experiences with bread and bread making, lead
by Chet Fery the Breadman. www.asburyuny.
August 23, Tuesday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August
23rd, at noon. Beth Livingston will speak at
1:00pm with Crimson Chord providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
August 24, Wednesday
We are celebrating the 100 year anniversary
of the “great tabernacle of Batavia”. On August 24-26, join us for worship, evangelism,
bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring
all who are hopeless, hungry, and desperate to
know their God. Please see website for more
info www.effchurch.com.
August 25, Thursday
We are celebrating the 100 year anniversary
of the “great tabernacle of Batavia”. On August 24-26, join us for worship, evangelism,
bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring
all who are hopeless, hungry, and desperate to
know their God. Please see website for more
info www.effchurch.com.
August 26, Friday
We are celebrating the 100 year anniversary
of the “great tabernacle of Batavia”. On August 24-26, join us for worship, evangelism,
bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring
all who are hopeless, hungry, and desperate to
know their God. Please see website for more
info www.effchurch.com.
August 27, Saturday
The Healing Place. Saturday, August 27th from
1PM-3PM. The Healing Place is a safe, nondenominational place to come for prayer. 288
Van Buren St., Newark NY. Healingplace224@
gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/healingplace224/.
The Hyssongs will present a concert at Odosagih Bible Conference. August 27th at 7:00pm.
All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If
you’d like to join us for dinner at 5:00pm, call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
August 28, Sunday
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Rev. Mike Sanders, pastor at
The Open Door Church in Chambersburg, PA,
speaker for the week of August 28-Sept 2. Hank
& Janet Sonnenberg will provide special music
for each service. Services are held Sun – Fri
at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:008:30pm. 716.353.4337.
August 30, Tuesday
August 16, Tuesday
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August
30th, at noon. Carole Jonathan will speak at
1:00pm with Janet Sonnenberg providing special music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon Tuesday, August 16th, at noon. Sarah Uhlman will speak
at 1:00pm with Kim Kiekel providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
Food Truck Rodeo at the Rochester Public
Market! Enjoy live entertainment while supporting the Open Door Mission’s food service
programs. Details at www.OpenDoorMissionRocNY.org.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
August 31, Wednesday
Page 7
The Good News
- Education -
Teacher Unions Stack School Boards
By Dr. Ralph Kerr
Over the last 12 years, The Teaching and
Learning Institutes’ primary purpose has been
to encourage people of faith to consider running for their local school board. We encourage this because local school board members
have the opportunity to influence critically important issues within the district. These issues
include approving all personnel appointments,
including the hiring of the superintendent, textbook approval, the annual budget, salary and
benefit negotiations and all curriculum decisions. The deciders of these issues can have
a lasting impact on the district and its students.
When we are fortunate enough to identify potential candidates we assist them in everyway
possible. This may involve suggesting campaign initiatives, editing campaign materials or
simply encouraging the candidates as they begin their campaign and face the challenges and
uncertainties of running for elected office. I am
pleased to say that God has honored our efforts
by having the opportunity to work along side
many candidates and in many cases applaud
their efforts as they achieved their goal of being
elected to their local school board. Often our
contact with elected board members continue as
the new board members deal with the myriad
of unfamiliar documents and pieces of information new board members deal with. Often this
involves public financials statements and how
to read and interpret them.
Over the last several years a concerning aspect of school board elections has continued to
trict where they teach. But, if they live in the
neighboring district they can run for a seat on
that board. When districts begin contract negotiations they always compare salaries in one
district with other districts nearby and in the region. As a result districts are comparing salaries
with districts in which board members who are
teachers have directly voted on contracted salaries and benefits.
Dr. Ralph Kerr, President of the
Teaching and Learning Institute
be a reality. In over half of all school districts
in New York State there are so few candidates
that voters really have no choices. For instance,
if there are two board vacancies, there are only
two candidates. In a few districts there are no
candidates on the ballot and so board members
are elected based on write in votes. This is really unfortunate, particularly when there are no
doubt people of faith who could be elected if
they were simply willing to become a candidate. As a result of this situation I have recently
noticed a disturbing trend. Teachers unions are
stacking the school boards with their members.
Obviously teachers have the right to run for a
school board seat the same as any other qualified citizen.
The concern I have with teachers serving on
school boards is their opportunity to vote on
contract negotiations, which indirectly helps
themselves. Let me explain. Teachers may not
run for a seat on the school board of the dis-
In Western New York, during the most recent
school board elections, 35 candidates out of
38 endorsed by teachers unions won elections,
according to New York United Teachers, or
NYSUT. The number of successful candidates
who are teaching in neighboring districts was
not disclosed, but in the Williamsville Central
District the teachers association endorsed a
slate of three candidates who teach in other districts, and they won. NYSUT has also started
its “Pipeline Project” to develop candidates
friendly to the union. The initiative also seeks
to interest teachers in running for office, from
school board to town and village board to the
State Legislature and Congress.
If you are concerned about this development
I would urge you to contact us at The Teaching
and Learning Institute, www.whyrun.org to talk
about your opportunity to consider becoming a
candidate for your local school board next year.
We urge you to “Step Up and Make a Difference.”
If you have questions about our rights as
Christians in the public school as parents, teachers, or students please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website www.whyrun.org.
Homeschooling Gaining Traction With Parents
Across The U.S.
Uncommon Core And Uncommon Sense Becoming Common Place
By Rick Kern
The chalkboard is fading fast. There are
schools that have replaced it entirely for hightech upgrades. In fact, some districts have traded
in textbooks for the Internet and iPads securely
fastened to school desks. And while microfiche
and microfilm were once impressive, cuttingedge technologies that graced school libraries,
they have long since been deposed by the digital
revolution. In all fairness, these “microforms”
are still being used today, albeit sparingly, but
they are probably racing to the Smithsonian,
where it’s very possible that display cases are
already off the drawing board and in the design
departments, if not already open to the public.
The good news is that you may actually still be
able to bring the teacher an apple, even if it’s
not organic!
Education is changing with the times and
may, in fact, be changing the times themselves.
For example, the 2010 Common Core education standards have eliminated the addition of
cursive in elementary school curricula. The
omission is a glaring reflection of the emerging view among the higher echelon of educators that keyboarding will help students become
more professionally and academically successful than cursive.
And though that may well be the new reality,
in spite of its growing irrelevance, cursive has a
large enough fan-base to lead many lawmakers
to fight to keep it in the classroom on a state-bystate basis. Additionally, it has spawned a cottage industry of sorts, with some libraries offering “cursive camps” in the summer and tutors
offering private lessons. This really isn’t your
father’s classroom, so if your investment portfolio includes holdings in the “chalk” industry,
you may want to think about getting out while
you can.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the primary federal
body for gathering and analyzing data related to
education in the U.S. and other nations, about
50.1 million students attended public elementary and secondary schools in the autumn of
2015. Additionally, some 4.9 million students
were expected to attend private schools.
2014 NYS Homeschool Graduating Class
NCES also notes that in addition to those
50-plus million students, approximately 3 percent of the school-age population were homeschooled in the 2011–12 school year based
on their data. And while parents gave them a
number of different reasons for homeschooling their children, during that same 2011–12
school year, a whopping 91 percent of homeschooled students had parents who said that a
concern about the environment of other schools
was an important reason for homeschooling
their child.
Whatever the specific concerns about “the
environment of other schools” may be, the
homeschooling movement appears to be gathering considerable momentum both in the
United States and across the globe. Research
conducted by the National Home Education
Research Institute (NHERI), a 501(c) 3 nonprofit research organization that conducts and
collects research about homeschooling, notes
that it may be “the fastest-growing form of education in the United States.”
The group’s president, Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.,
put together an informative research-based fact
sheet that notes, “parent-led home-based education; home education – is an age-old tradiContinued on page 26
New York Collegiate Baseball League
Enjoy some good collegiate baseball action this
summer between the Genesee Rapids (Fellowship
of Christian Athletes) and the Rochester
Ridgemen (Athletes in Action)
Friday, July 1, 7pm @ Houghton College,
Houghton NY
Saturday, July 2, 7pm @ Basket Road Field,
Webster, NY
Wednesday, July 20, 7pm @ Houghton College
Friday, July 22, 7pm @ Houghton College
NYCBL, a Development League for Professional
Visit our website: whyrun.org or Contact us at [email protected]
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 8
The Good News
Announcements - Classes - Seminars - Workshops
To advertise in the next issue, e-mail at [email protected] or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
2nd Annual Trunk and Vendor Sale scheduled this year for Saturday, July 23 at New
Testament Christian Church on North Avenue
in Greece. Anyone interested in participating
as a vendor can reserve a space for $10 (nonrefundable). Tables may also be rented at $5
a table. 585-723-1400 or email [email protected].
Awesome Bible Exploration! Bible Study,
Every Wednesday, 7:00pm; Liberty Temple
Ministries, 144 Reynolds St., Rochester, NY.
All are welcome! You don’t want to miss these
opportunities to learn. For additional information, 585.464.8467.
Bible Study at First Baptist Church of East
Rochester. Every Wednesday, 1 PM. 119 W.
Elm St., E. Rochester. 585-586-5287.
gmail.com. All books are based on true stories
with real animals.
Inflatable Water Recreation “Blob”. Great
for youth camps. In good condition, used two
summers. Contact: Jerry at 814-671-7291.
Bible Study at John Knox Presbyterian
Church every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening.
7PM. 3233 West Ridge Rd. Rochester. Study
is on “Seeing Christ in the Old and New Testaments.”
Christian Women on the Move for Jesus:
Meeting 3rd Saturday each month, 2:00 p.m.,
1775 Clifford Ave. Meeting to encourage women to provide them with practical help and turn
their hearts and thoughts toward Jesus Christ.
For more information, visit our website at www.
faith-christian-center.org or call 585-288-7857.
Insightful Christian Books Published by Garden33Publisher - Books that Teach, Encourage, Inspire, Motivate, and Empower! For more
information and to read books’ summary visit
http://www.garden33publisher.com/. Books can
be ordered from http://www.lulu.com/ or http://
www.amazon.com./ To contact the publisher,
call (803) 507-3229 or email Pastor Barbara A.
Perry at [email protected].
Calling all Volunteers! We are looking for
Teens & Youth Groups for a work weekends.
Letourneau Christian Center has ministry opportunities here waiting for you! Call office to
get details and see which weekends are available for your group! 585-554-3400. Or You may
email [email protected].
Call us to check out our new Small Group
plan! We have new ways for your group to
come to a retreat at Letourneau Christian Center
in the beautiful Finger Lakes. Call the office for
details how we can serve you! 585-554-3400.
Email [email protected].
CAMP-of-the-WOODS is a Christian family resort located in the beautiful Adirondack
Mountains. Spend a week with us to refresh
your faith and relax with your family. Make a
reservation today! Call (518) 548-4311 ext. 0 to
speak with our Registrar, or visit www.camp-ofthe-woods.org for more information.
Rev. Dr. John S. Walker - Pastor
(585) 359-0899
Odosagih Bible Conference
& Retreat Center
Summer family camp on Lime Lake in Machias NY
Retreats Sept-June, yours or ours.
Director - Ron Uhlman
Contact us at 716-353-8555 or
[email protected]
Visit online www.odosagih.org
Campmeeting 2016. Free Camp! July 1st thru
the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers, as our
main speakers! Free Camp Meeting; free camping; free food 4 times a day; free horseback
rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball
or some other sport, camp fires and Heavenly
Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles,
Healings, Word of Knowledge, discerning of
spirits, prophetic Word. 2910 Douglas Rd,
(Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-758-3928, 607-7565770 or Check our Website for more information and directions at www.reigningone.net.
Celebrate Recovery: Safe place for people
with hurts, habits and hang-ups to meet. Fridays 6:45pm – 8:30pm Lakeshore Community
Church 3651 Latta Rd. Call 392-5253 for more
info or www.lakeshorechurch.org.
Celebrate Recovery. Mondays, 6:30-9 PM,
Elim Gospel Church. 1679 Dalton Rd., Lima,
NY. Youth Room. This ministry brings the healing power of Jesus to those looking for freedom
from hurts, habits, or hang-ups. Email [email protected] or call 585-7810877 for more information.
Christians Needed to Get Involved in Local
School Districts. TLI says: “This is the time
of year people should be thinking and praying about becoming a candidate for their local
school board. We stand ready to help anyone
who needs more information or encouragement to run. We are simply a phone call or
email away.” For more information contact The
Teaching and Learning Institute at [email protected], 585-567-2080. www.whyrun.org.
Christian Children’s Author releases 1st book
of the Merry Misfit Series, “George the Squirrel”. We found George, raised him until he was
strong enough to be released. Healed with faith
and love. Buy book/contact author www.them-
Davis College, Distance Online Learning –
Choose from over 60+ courses. Accredited and
completely online! Earn your Bachelors Degree, Associates Degree, One-Year Bible Certificate, or One-Year TESL Certificate. Register
Now! www.davisny.edu.
Deep Sea Discovery - Vacation Bible School.
July 18 - 22 at 6:30 pm. Kids of all ages are welcome to come and share team-building games,
cool Bible songs, and tasty treats. Registration
begins June 5th. Rochester Christian Church
Ministries 3177 Lyell Rd Rochester, NY 14606.
Call 585-247-4444 or visit RCCM.Org for info.
Drive–thru Chiavetta’s Chicken Dinner
Fundraiser – Every Friday April - October
2016 from 3PM-6PM at NCF Academy, 3325
Genesee Street, Cheektowaga, NY. All proceeds
to benefit the Academy. Call 716-632-6084 for
more info or visit www.ncfacademy.com.
Elim Bible Institute & College is now accredited! Earn an AAS degree while you grow in
God! 1, 2 and 3 year programs. To apply or for
more info: www.elim.edu, [email protected], 585582-1230.
Explore the world and share the Gospel on
a Short-term mission trip with Global Outreach Mission! Now organizing trips to South
America, Asia, and Africa. Or if you have a certain location on your heart, we offer customizable trips too! Visit www.missiongo.org to learn
Grief Care Group meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30pm. Caring support
for those experiencing loss. Pearce Church,
4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514,
Group fitness classes for your church, worksite, organization, or special event. Pilates,
Aerobics, Senior Exercise, Zumba, Hula Hoop,
Line Dancing, and more. Contact Victory Fitness, (585) 370-2480 or http://www.VictoryWorkout.com for more info.
High School Students: Get a head start on
college with LAUNCH! Dual-Enrollment Online or On Campus, at Davis! Earn up to 30
college credits toward your degree at Davis College, or a college of your choice, while still in
high school! Significant cost savings! For more
information, visit: www.davisny.edu/launch.
Hope Christian Fellowship, 3495 Lake Ave,
Rochester, NY: “UNEEK N Specially Made
Ministries”; Presents their 2nd Annual Family
N Friend Fun Day July 16th 2016, 11:00am till
4:00pm. We will have Family worship, family
games, T-Dye Shirts, face painting and more
Fun! For further info (585) 455-9762.
Internships Available. Great Opportunity for
college students & grads to gain experience and
skill sets! Rochester Christian Church Ministries International currently has openings for interns in Children’s Ministry, International Missions, and the Media department. Call today for
your opportunity! 585-247-4444 or visit www.
RCCM.org for info.
Is the Lord calling you to serve through a
short-term mission? GOM exists to facilitate
people to accomplish the mission God is calling
them to do. To learn more www.missiongo.org.
Is the Lord calling you to serve as a career
missionary? Serve in an established mission or
design a mission to the call of your heart. To
learn more www.missiongo.org.
Journey of Hope Cancer Support Group
meets the last Wednesday each month at
6:30pm. Come for a time of encouragement.
Pearce Church, 4322 Buffalo Road, North
Chili, NY 14514, www.pearcechurch.org.
Kids’ Gym for Preschoolers: Most Wednesday mornings from 10-11am at Pearce Church,
4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY. Preschoolers, with their caregivers, are welcome!
Call 585.594.9488. www.pearcechurch.org.
Lakeshore MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers:
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month from
9:30-11:30 at Lakeshore Community Church
3651 Latta Rd. Call 392-5253 for more info or
Lifetree Café: Discuss everything from politics
to prayer at Lifetree Café North Chili. Meets
most Thursdays at 7pm in Pearce’s Common
Grounds Café. 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili,
NY 14514, www.pearcechurch.org.
Light Up The Darkness - Sharing a Biblical Response to Sexual Abuse and Domestic
Violence. A Speaking Truth in Love Ministry
Conference at Watson Homestead Conference
Center, Painted Post, NY 14870. Friday, July 22
from 5:30- 8:00pm and Saturday, July 23 from
8:00am - 5:00pm. Register online http://speakingtruthinlove.org or 607-542-0316.
Morning Moms meets most Fridays at 9:30am
(follows Churchville-Chili school schedule).
Child care available. Pearce Church, 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, 585.594.9488, www.
New Adult Non-Fiction Christian Book Recently Published! The Bipolar Church: Restoring Spiritual Balance by Loving Each
Other by Gwen Collier. This book argues
Want to be in the Ministry?
The “King’s” College is looking for 40 students who are on fire for God, Spirit Filled,
and want to be in Full Time Ministry. Willing to commit themselves to a three year College Course that will prepare them to work for God now. The time is getting shorter and
because of that, God has rolled back our price in order to prepare You for a Full Time Ministry in any field God has called You into. The “King’s” College has been training students
for over 20 years for Full Time Ministry.
Are you ready? We’ve rolled back the prices in order to get workers into the Harvest Field
for the End Time Harvest. Call and sign up for this very special offer now. College starts in
September. Don’t miss this special offer as we can only accept 40 at this price!
Enroll today. Do it right now! The Spirit is ready and moving in a
powerful way! We’re ready; how about You?
The “King’s” College
Reigning Miracle Ministry, Inc
2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY 13045
607-756-5770 – 607-758-3928 www.reigningone.org
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 9
The Good News
that the Church is spiritually bipolar and stability is found in fellowship. The Bipolar Church
provides the activities for fellowshipping. To
contact the author, please email [email protected] or purchase your copy at www.
New Book Encourages Young Christians To
Embrace Their Identity. You Are Not Normal –
Dare To Be Different by Shaun Campbell tells
young readers that the call of God upon their life
dictates that they be different from the rest of the
world. To contact the author, call 403-975-7792
or email [email protected].
New Christian Book Just Published! “Prophetic Meditations on Esther, Kingdom Keys
to Save Our Nation”. Kennedy Publishing. 817262-0626 (leave message) also Amazon and
New Christian Book Just Published! Listen
To Me by J.C. Dearing. Ordering information
for this book is: Westbow Press, 1663 Liberty
Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 or www.westbowpress.com. Phone (866) 928-1240.
New Christian Book Just Published! Revelation and the Age of Antichrist by Steve Magill.
Revelation and the Age of Antichrist follows the
ordering of the book of Revelation as given to
the apostle John to show the ordering of last day
events. Available now at www.Amazon.com.
New Christian Book Just Published! Patty
Mondore’s newest book, A Bird Lover’s Reflections: A 90-Day Devotional and Journal
for People Who Love Birds is now available. It
is the third book in Patty’s outdoor devotional
series. A Bird Lover’s Reflections retails for
$14.95. It is available from Amazon, www.goldmountain.com and your local bookstore.
New Christian Book Just Published! The
Seven Churches of Asia Minor by Dr. Orville
Beckford. Order your copy at www.westbowpress.com or www.Amazon.com or get an autographed copy at www.obeckford.com.
New Christian Book Just Published! The Love
Defender by Arthur and Norma Kerr. Order
your copy at www.westbowpress.com or www.
Amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com.
New Christian Book Just Published! 1948,
The year the countdown to Armageddon began by Frank “Zook” Lo Zucco. This book
is now available at www.Amazon.com, www.
Kindle.com, http://www.countdownarmageddon.com/1948.html.
New Christian Book Just Published! The Bible
Can Be Proven by Vince Latorre. This book
gives you solid answers to skeptic’s challenges
to the reliability and divine inspiration of the Bible! To order your copy go to http://www.thebiblecanbeproven.com. To contact the author call
315-492-6039 or email to [email protected].
Now Enrolling Children Ages 6 Weeks - 12
Years! Rochester Christian Daycare has been a
NYS Licensed Daycare since 1970, serving the
community for 46 years! Your children will love
our indoor mat crawl, active & innovative learning program and enthusiastic teachers. 3177 Lyell Road Rochester, NY 14606. 585-247-4444.
Nyack College. New York’s Christian College. College – Seminary – Graduate Schools.
Christian Higher Education Since 1882. An accredited college that stresses the importance of
learning and faith. A college that will serve you
to fulfill God’s calling for you. 1 South Boulevard. Nyack, NY 10960. (800) 33-NYACK.
Part-time Ministry Position Open: New
Hope Family Services is looking for a coordinator for their Real Love Respects Abstinence Education Program. This paid position
includes administrative oversight of all phases
of the program. It will also require classroom
presentation when needed. If interested, please
call Judy Ruch at (315) 439-3265.
Pastoral Instruction: Every Friday, 7:00pm;
Liberty Temple Ministries, 144 Reynolds St.,
Rochester, NY; 585.464.8467. All are welcome!
Power Wednesday’s begins with 6:00am conference call prayer. All are welcome. Free call:
(1-601-781-1000) (access code: (189092#).
Followed by 12:00 noon 1:00 pm bible study,
Christian Friendship MBC 165 Beckwith Road,
Henrietta, NY 14467. Call 585-359-0899 /
585-334-2122 for additional information.
Pro-Life Questions? Please contact Rochester
Area Right To Life at 675 Ling Road, Suite 3,
Rochester, NY 14612 or e-mail at RARTL@
righttoliferoch.org or by phone 585-621-4690.
Visit at www.righttoliferoch.org.
Rochester Christian Daycare and Preschool
- Accepting new enrollments for children 6
weeks - 12 years! RCDC has been a NYS Licensed Daycare since 1970, serving the community for 46 years! We have the best rates
and care around. Schedule a tour today or visit
www.rccm.org/DC or call 585-247-4444 for
more info.
Summer Academy at The King’s College
NYC. Join the best and brightest high school
students to study philosophy/politics or media/
journalism for one week in the heart of New
York City. Deep discount for locals who don’t
require housing. July 31–August 5. http://s.tkc.
Summer Worship Schedule: Worship with us
on Saturdays at 5pm or Sundays at 10am this
summer, June 19–August 21. Pearce Church,
4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514,
Sunday Series “Too Busy, Too Crazy” Sunday Services 9 & 11a.m.: at Lakeshore Community Church 3651 Latta Rd. Call 392-5253
for more info or www.lakeshorechurch.org.
Teen Mom & Pregnancy Support Group:
“New Life/Young Lives” Tuesdays evenings
6-7:30 p.m. Dinner provided; group provides
friendship, encouragement. Lakeshore Community Church 3651 Latta Rd. 392-5253 ext.
1213 info or www.lakeshorechurch.org.
The City Church Life Night: Every Thursday
night at 7 pm. Nursery available and Classes
for kids ages 5 and up! Tag Youth for Grades
7-12. See you Thursday. For more call 585343-6895. www.thecitychurch.com.
The City Church Sunday Services: Sunday
8:30 am & 10 am, 210 East Main St, Batavia,
NY 14020, We do life Together, Everyone is
Welcome, For more call 585-343-6895. www.
The Fig Tree Bookstore has new hours! Located at 1326 N. Winton Rd, Rochester NY,
we’re now open Tuesdays and Fridays from
noon to 5 and Thursdays from 3 to 7. Come
in to learn more about the Jewish roots of the
Christian faith, find interesting gifts, music,
books and more. 585-288-0670, www.figtreebookstore.com.
The Healing Place dates are Monday, July 11th
from 6PM-8PM, Saturday, July 23rd from 1PM3PM, Monday, August 15th from 6PM-8PM
and Saturday, August 27th from 1PM-3PM. The
Healing Place is a safe, non-denominational
place to come for prayer. 288 Van Buren St.,
Newark NY. [email protected],
The Salvation Army’s Kids Adventure Program. June 29 – August 21. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Boys and girls ages 6-12. This program offers
learning, arts, and crafts, music and exciting day
trips. Breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks are
provided. Call Now! (585) 298-1590. Space is
Limited. www.rochestersalvationarmy.org.
We are celebrating the 100 year anniversary
of the “great tabernacle of Batavia.” On August 24-26, join us for worship, evangelism,
bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring
all who are hopeless, hungry, and desperate to
know their God. Please see website for more
info www.effchurch.com.
We’re Hiring!: Davis College is currently
accepting applications for a Men’s Resident
Director, Women’s Resident Director, and an
Assistant Professor, TESOL. For more information and application procedures, please visit:
Welcome Back To Rochester, 4One Quartet
By Joyce Spamer
We are excited to announce that The United
Methodist Church of North Chili will be bringing back 4One Quartet for a Gospel Concert you
will not want to miss.
Last year, Southern Gospel NY brought them
to this church and people have been asking for
them come back and they will be there July 15,
2016 at 7:00 PM.
If you were unable to meet this group when
they were here before, let us tell you a little
about them.
4 ONE Quartet is an all-male southern gospel group, with their name deriving from 4 men
who sing for ONE God! Their mission is to encourage, uplift and serve their Lord and Savior.
These 4 men use the gifts God gave them,
their voices, to spread the message of the gospel
through their songs. Never is there a concert or
church service where people don’t feel blessed
by their music.
4 ONE has had the honor to share the stage
with National Artists such as Triumphant Quartet, The Collingsworth Family, The Perry’s,
Primitive Quartet, The Browns, and Soul’d Out
The guys feel just as at home in the big venue
as they do in the small church setting. They really enjoy bringing the gospel message with an
“Evening with 4 One Quartet”. They also enjoy
working with other artists in big events. The
quartet would be honored to work with you in
your next; Special Church Service, Fair, Homecoming, or just a great concert. You will not be
disappointed in the program the guys bring.
They are at ease with drawing the crowd in
with humor and ministering with one of their
power ballads.
These guys love God, family, each other and
it shows that they love what they are doing for
the Lord.
4 ONE Quartet began their ministry in
March of 2012. Their roster of singers have
years of experience singing southern gospel
They have had the privilege to record 4 CD
projects and 1 DVD project. The group has
done their track recordings in Nashville at the
Family Room Studio with high end studio musicians like Robb Tripp, Aubrey Hainey and
Joel Keys. 4One Quartet will be coming to
The United Methodist Church of North Chili
for a Love offering. Come out and show some
love to them for what they are doing for the
Lord and also receive a blessing yourself.
United Methodist Church of N. Chili 2200
Westside Dr. Rochester, NY 14624. For more
information you may call Joyce at 585-3293840.
Ministry Opportunities
Operation Christmas Child is a dynamic, fast-paced ministry of
Samaritan’s Purse that transforms lives around the world through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Leadership Development Manager, Albany, New York
Are you someone ready for a challenge, with experience managing staff and volunteers? Would you describe
yourself as a gifted visionary, with the ability to motivate others, and a strategic planner with the ability to
articulate the plan to those volunteers you lead? This opportunity will allow you to use your gifts to not only
envision the plan, but complete the strategy!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a career with impact!
Please visit https://sp.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/samaritanspursecareers
to locate our employment listings, use “7392” to search this specific job.
Ray Ciervo Ministries/No Pat Answers
PO Box 507, Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Twitter @rciervo
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 10
The Good News
Barbara Perry: Pastor And Authoress With The
Heart Of A Lamb And The Work Ethic Of A Lion
By Rick Kern
Listen To Me
by J.C. Dearing
Ordering information for this
book is: Westbow Press, 1663
Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN
or www.westbowpress.com.
Phone (866) 928-1240.
An insightful, yet enjoyable book on
Following in the literary train of Left Behind
and the Harbinger.
Now available at Amazon.com, Kindel.com
Alpha and Omega stores in Penfield and Greece,
For autographed copies, go to:
www.lifeconquerors.com home page and order
with a credit card.
Christian Children’s
Author releases 1st book
of the Merry Misfit Series,
“George the Squirrel”.
We found George, raised him until he was
strong enough to be released. Healed with
faith and love. Buy book/contact author at
www.themerrymisfitseries.com or
[email protected].
All books are based on true stories with
real animals.
a spirit-filled non-denomination church,” Perry
reflects. “We started having Bible study and service at our parents’ house in Aiken.”
Welcome to the beautiful City of Aiken,
South Carolina! A spirited municipality that
mixes the quaint, meandering social landscape
of the iconic Old South with the forward motion of contemporary America’s urban, sporty,
and outdoorsy cultural attractions. And while
anyone could get lost in the allure of either of
its two worlds, among Aiken’s most beautiful
attractions and best-kept-secrets is a precious
pastor whose life and work are tucked humbly
between the lines of the thriving city’s life. And
while majestic oak trees adorned with Spanish
moss and magnificently landscaped gardens
take one’s breath away with their rustic beauty,
Pastor Barbara A. Perry labors tirelessly to take
something else away from the community she
loves: The power of sin.
The pastor of a small church with an enormous heart that is driven by an unrelenting passion for souls, Pastor Barbara invests herself in
ministry with the teaching of the Word of God,
discipleship, and evangelism, while serving her
flock which meets as a church called, “Spirit of
Prevailing Faith.”
Established some 24 years ago in 1992, the
fellowship was initially christened as the,
“Truth Foundation Center,” a name it went by
until some five-years-ago when it was changed
to its present moniker. “The Holy Spirit led
us to a new level of ministry,” recalls Perry,
“a level that focused on standing in faith. He
quickened that to me.” Philosophically speaking, “Spirit of Prevailing Faith” is a gathering
of believers who go out into the highways and
hedges to call men for the Lord’s sake and bid
them to come into the Kingdom of God. Among
their primary tactics are both the aggressive
distribution of tracts and literature, and simply
talking to people. And while it may seem a bit
understated in today’s high-tech world, this is a
fellowship that plays offense not defense. They
take Christ’s command to “Go!” to heart and are
quick to put legs on their prayers.
The rest, as they say, is history, including
the establishment of a small publishing house.
Called “Garden 33 Publisher,” the independent
publishing company was birthed from a vision
Pastor Barbara says she was given by the Lord
in June, 2013. The actual publishing house was
launched less than a year later in March, 2014.
Pastor Barbara A. Perry
“We strive as a body to fulfill the mission
given to the church in Luke 14:23 and Matthew
28:19-20 by word of mouth and through distribution of free literature in hopes that we might
reach and be a light to many souls in our city,”
says Pastor Barbara.
“Garden 33 publishes Christian books that
teach, inspire, motivate, and encourage,” she
says. Tapping a longstanding desire to write,
Perry has authored three books to date, with her
latest offering titled, “The Blessing of Numbers
6:22 -27.” It is said to unravel an ancient biblical blessing that proves it is God’s will for the
human race to be blessed and not cursed. In addition, Pastor Barbara writes that “The Blessing
of Numbers 6:22 -27,” “…imparts insightful
teaching that helps you understand what the
blessing is, the source of it, and how you can
have it bestowed upon your life now.”
More information can be gleaned from the
Garden 33 Website at www.garden33publisher.
com. You can also e-mail Pastor Barbara at, [email protected], or call (803) 507-3229.
The married mother of two adult children
and grandmother of four, actually reached out
to God as a child, and felt a call to Christian
leadership for years. “‘God had a calling on my
life when I was younger,” she explains, “but
He didn’t place me in that calling until 1992
as a pastor.” Early on she led her mother and
siblings to the Lord along with a host of nieces
and nephews and attended a Baptist church with
them. In 1992 the call she felt as a youth found
its fulfillment as Pastor Barbara founded the
church under its original name.
“He called us out of a Baptist church to form
Inspiring New Xulon Book Encourages Young
Christians To Embrace Their Identity
Shaun Campbell pens thought-provoking book to help today’s youth discover why they cannot
and should not be like everyone else.
(Maitland, FL) - Shaun Campbell’s new
book, “You Are Not Normal – Dare To Be Different,” ($11.99, paperback, 9781498469593)
tells young readers that it is okay to be different because the call of God upon a person’s life
dictates that he or she be different from the rest
of the world. He stresses that God is calling his
followers to something greater than the norm
of the world and even greater than the church.
Readers will be encouraged to embrace what
makes them different from everyone else, and
to discover the divine purpose that God created them to have. This book challenges all to
embrace their unique identity in Christ and discover why “You Are Not Normal.”
“My hope is that Christian readers will be inspired and encouraged to discover their purpose
and to do everything in their power to fulfill it,”
states the author.
Shaun Campbell was born and raised in the
UK as a member of Bethel United Church of
Jesus Christ (Apostolic) UK. He served his local church in Birmingham as a teacher in the
Sunday School Department and also the New
Converts Class. He has also served the Youth
Department on a local, district, and national
level. He has a passion for young people and a
desire to see them excel in God.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media
Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to
date. Retailers may order “You Are Not Normal
– Dare To Be Different” through Ingram Book
Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors.
The book is available online through www.
xulonpress.com/bookstore, www.amazon.com,
and www.barnesandnoble.com.
Are You a Christian
Did you write a Christian Book?
Advertise your new book in The Good News!
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book advertising.
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Page 11
The Good News
Hope Christian Fellowship: A Church
with a Long Reach
By Susan LeDoux
Hope Christian Fellowship is a worldly
church in the best sense.
To explain how, Pastor Alfonzo Galvano
graciously invited The Good News into Hope
Christian Fellowship’s sanctuary for an interview. Built in 1954, it connects to an earlier
church building, erected over thirty years before. Stained glass windows adorn the side
aisles, while 13 national flags rise from the
wooden canopy above the altar. They stand like
silent sentinels before the sunlit multi-colored
window depicting the risen Christ.
“From the beginning, my wife and I wanted a
multicultural church. Multicultural is what the
Body of Christ is all about. Right now, we have
28 different nationalities in the church. On the
first Sunday of the month, we have flags from
all the nations represented in our church. People don’t even know they’re mixed culture. We
never have an issue with race,” he said.
Photo by Hope Christian Fellowship
Galvano, who arrived in America from Italy
at the age of six, welcomes all comers to Hope
Christian Fellowship; the more diverse the better.
They first planted their church on Goodman
Street, in the heart of Rochester, and the early
congregation was mainly black people from the
neighborhood. When they moved to their present location at 3495 Lake Avenue, near Charlotte, five and a half years ago, Galvano said
they did not lose one person.
“We have an attitude of family, caring, relationships built within the church body. People
are attracted to each other, not only because
they love the Lord, but there’s a personal touch
(even) from the leadership.”
Church bodies, like families, are each unique,
and often have one or two special ways of fulfilling The Great Commission. Rev. Galvano,
and his multi-national people, reaches out to the
world with yearly missions conferences. Pastors
from India, San Domingo, and Jamaica have returned to this church, which supports them in
many ways. Galvano explained that they are
currently helping finish a roof in Jamaica, and
the 30 to 50 Jamaicans in their church are assisting one of their church leaders, as he spearheads
the project.
As if that were not enough, Galvano said they
have 12 churches in Spain affiliated with them,
and 20 churches in Africa, also called Hope
Church Fellowship, that rest under Galvano’s
umbrella. They have an additional 20 churches
in Mozambique also affiliated with them. The
Good News wondered exactly how Hope Christian Fellowship “covers” these churches.
Pastor Alfonzo Galvano
“Some churches, when they cover other
churches, have total control. We don’t want
to. We aren’t there, so we don’t know what it
takes to lead the operations, so we give them total autonomy to do what they want because we
do know the pastors there. They are under our
spiritual covering. They are under out tutelage.
Everything we do is based on relationships.”
Closer to home, Hope Christian Fellowship’s
ministry leader, Brenda Essilfie, is in charge of
UNEEK “N” (see The Good News May/June
2016 page B9). This special class for children
and young adults with “social, cognitive, emotional, neurological, or behavioral challenges”
allows parents to worship on Sunday without
worrying about their sons or daughters during
the service.
“We understand that’s something you can’t
control instead of making the parents uncomfortable, making the child uncomfortable, let’s
have a class for them with a nice team that loves
the Lord,” Galvano said.
He believes it is important that, depending
on a youngster’s capacity, they are taught, on a
basic level, about Jesus’ love. Essilfie’s current
goal is to create a room with a multi-sensory
environment that will improve “thought, intelligence, and social skills development.”
A new game room provides fun and fellowship for the city youth on Friday nights, creating
a much better place for excitement than the city
Hope Christian Fellowship’s commitment
to children and young adults will extend to an
in-house youth and parents conference as well
as youth and parents connect groups. Galvano
noted parents need answers, and he is already
developing a ministry that will deal with teens’
concerns and give patents pointers.
From these ministries, the three vans that pick
up Sunday worshippers who have no transportation, and the church’s food pantry with donated
bread and vegetables from Wegman’s, it is clear
the congregation lives up to its motto, which is
written on the sign hanging from the pulpit. It
reads, “People matter to God....” with the implied conclusion “so they must matter to us.”
Camp Duffield Christian Camp
& Retreat Center Is Available All
Year Round For Group Rentals
Submitted by Camp Duffield
Located just south of Buffalo in beautiful
Delevan, NY, Camp Duffield is a 137-acre
campground that serves as a camp, conference
center and retreat space.
During the summer, Duffield, Inc. conducts
Christian camping programs for 1st graders
& up. We feature a camp for special-needs
adults, a single-parent & child camp, as well
as traditional camping experiences for youth.
Our camp is also available all year round for
group rentals. Our beautiful, winterized lodge
with kitchen facilities sleeps up to 32 people
and features a large flagstone fireplace. We
also have 6 smaller cabins that sleep up to 12,
a large dining hall with commercial kitchen
and lovely waterfront with a spring-fed lake.
We are happy to help you plan your retreat,
or provide other assistance as requested. Ask
about our discounts for youth groups.
For reservations, please email rental@
campduffiled.net, http://campduffield.org, PO
Box 84 Lancaster, NY 14086. If you would
like more information about this topic, please
contact Vanessa Patrone at (716) 560-3769 or
email at [email protected].
You Are Not Normal – Dare
To Be Different
By Shaun Campbell
New book encourages young Christians
to embrace their identity and tells
young readers that the call of God upon
their life dictates that they be different
from the rest of the world.
To contact the author, call 403-975-7792 or
email [email protected]
By Gwen Collier
This book can be purchased through www.Amazon.com
When asked what message he would like to
share with our readers, Galvano was adamant
about the need for pastors to preach against evil.
“I have a passion that people would realize that the only thing that will survive is the
church, the Body of Christ. We understand
many things are going to happen because it’s
the sign of the times. My concern is that Christians are being way too passive in allowing no
demonstration of their dissatisfaction with some
of the laws that are being passed down, because
our children and grandchildren are the ones that
will have to deal with them.
“When the church does not speak against evil,
whether it is in the White House, Congress,
city hall, or the local bar, it is saying it’s okay.
The people will accept it because it is accepted
by the church pulpit, and the pulpit is made to
preach the full Gospel. Paul tells the elders in
Ephesians, ‘I do not shrink from teaching the
whole Gospel,’ the whole Gospel. It is not just
happy, happy, joy, joy...
“So if I were to say anything to the pastors, it
would be: not only know what’s going around
society, but how it affects our people. When it
is evil, we must speak against it. We must challenge our people to speak against it.”
For more information about Hope Christian
Fellowship, go to www.hcfministry.org.
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a Concert, Conference
or Special Christian
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Photo by Hope Christian Fellowship
E-mail at [email protected]
or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
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Page 12
The Good News
Pray for the
Peace of
PSALM 122:6
Photo by Nikita Butakov
Exodus 20: 3-17
1. You shall have no other gods before
2. You shall not make for yourself any
graven images.
3. You shall not take the name of the
LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep
it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not lie.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s
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Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am.
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(315) 589-9190. www.cccew.org.
Messianic Congregation Worships The
Greatest Jew Who Ever Lived
By Rick Kern
“Our purpose is to effectively reach the Jewish community,” explains Rabbi Jim Appel, his
voice enriched with understated passion. “The
specific way we do it is to be a visible witness
and testimony that you can be Jewish and believe in Jesus.”
An incendiary statement, Rabbi Jim is no
stranger to the confrontational nature of being
a Jewish believer in Jesus, much less the visibility that accompanies a leadership position
in the Messianic movement. It comes with the
territory. He has been the spiritual leader of the
Messianic Synagogue, Congregation Shema
Yisrael, since 1996 and a Jewish follower of
Yeshua (Jesus) since 1977. The name Jesus is
actually the Latin rendering of the name Yeshua
which corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous.
His ministerial credentials were conferred by
the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS), an organization which Congregation Shema Yisrael is also
a member of.
The IAMCS is an affiliate of the Messianic
Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), which
was established in 1915 and is the largest association of Messianic Jews and Gentile believers
in the world. Thus the MJAA has been introducing our Jewish kinsmen to their Messiah for
over 100 years. However, Messianic Judaism
has enjoyed a prodigious expansion in more recent times, which seems to have been ignited
somewhere in the 1960s and 1970s, and appears
to have grown into a bourgeoning movement.
And while the cultural roots of contemporary
Judaism appear to run deep inspiring a provocative level of fidelity, mutually embraced values,
and social camaraderie. When such a tight knit
sense of family loyalty encounters the reality
of their long awaited Messiah, the net effect is
nothing short of compelling.
Accordingly, Congregation Shema Yisrael
holds services that are characterized by inspirational distinctive ways unique to Jewish tradition and culture. The experience seems to bring
a whole new meaning both to Jew and Gentile
alike. “You don’t have to be Jewish to come,”
notes Rabbi Jim. “We have a lot of non-Jewish
people who simply want to understand the Jewish roots of Christianity.” He continues, “If they
can understand the culture and way of thinking,
they will know Jesus better. We have an ideal
place to live a Jewish lifestyle in community
and follow Yeshua.”
Services, which are held on Saturday, include
a period of Jewish liturgy, Messianic praise
and worship, a Torah processional, and reading from the Torah. Additionally, during the
praise and music some of the people worship
by participating in traditional Jewish and Israeli
circle dances. This is inspired somewhat by
songs with a Jewish/Israeli flavor that have lyrics in both English and Hebrew. And for those
who wish to worship through dance, but do not
know how, beginners classes are offered at various times throughout the year.
Furthermore, the Jewish Holidays described
in Leviticus, Chapter 23, are commemorated
with special services, and celebratory foods
and activities. From the Passover Seder that
foreshadowed the Lamb of God who offered
Himself through the Eternal Spirit, to Yom Kippur’s most solemn Day of Atonement, they are
all treasured experiences that hold a deep, abiding meaning, drawing participants ever closer
to their God.
Messianic Congregation
Petah Tikvah
Messianic Rav Rick
Rick Chaimberlin with
his wife Miriam
For Shabbat Services time
and location call at
(585) 475-1188
E-mail: [email protected]
“I decided I wanted to follow up John by reading the Gospel of Matthew,” Rabbi Jim recalls.
“That’s how I found out I was a sinner, it was
the Sermon on the Mount that made me realize
I had been breaking God’s laws. I had no idea.”
From there the Lord revealed that He was calling him. “I held out,” he says. “I wasn’t willing
to make Him Lord.”
However, it wasn’t always that way for Rabbi
Jim Appel and until 1977, his Jewishness was
more or less, just a word. An abstraction that
had little or no bearing on reality. He was a
child of the 1960s brought up by parents who
were both communists, which, translated into
the vernacular, meant that Jim was raised by
atheists with a kick!
“Not only did my parents not believe in God,”
explains Rabbi Jim, “but as communists they
were antagonistic to the idea and actually saw
Rabbi Jim Appel
religion as the opiate of the masses. A tool that
powerful people used to keep working people
oppressed and controlled.”
In fact, they were so conviction-driven that
his father actually had to go into hiding during
the McCarthy era because hunting communists
became a sort of blood sport. During this turbulent season he would have clandestine meetings
with his dad at different locations once a week
until things settled down. Emerging from this
somewhat radical context, the man who would
one day become a Messianic Rabbi found himself enrolled in grad school in Rochester, NY,
immersed in the hippie culture, and searching
for the ever elusive meaning of life in the late
1960s. His pilgrimage took him on a passionate quest for reality that brought him up-closeand-personal with the drug scene, Hinduism,
meditation, Yoga, and other bohemian dreams
and dreamers that all made promises to fill his
empty soul, but couldn’t keep them. He was
a poster boy for the hippie movement, but as
much as he loved his search, he still could not
find what he was searching for.
Ultimately Jim wound up with a bachelor’s
degree in optical engineering from the University of Rochester and a master’s degree in physics from the University of Southern California.
His academic achievements then led him to a
position with Xerox as an optical engineer and
eventually an engineering manager, which, in
turn, brought him to Webster, NY (just outside
of Rochester), when the company transferred
Rabbi Jim Appel’s father
Since then he and his wife, Diane (did I mention that love happened along the way?) have
put down roots in the area, raised their two
children, and, oh yes, he ended his search for
spiritual reality upon discovering its source.
This son of two atheists, who grew up listening
to the message that God did not exist in stereo,
actually came to know Him intimately, personally, and lovingly. Once a poster boy for the
hippie movement heralding the battle cry of his
generation, Jim Appel became living proof that
“a man with an experience is never at the mercy
of a man with an argument.” He also became a
man on fire, ablaze with the love of God.
His wife, Diane, gave her life to the Lord first;
surrendering to Christ after attending the women’s Bible study her next door neighbor invited
her to. The change in her was undeniable and
revolutionary. Diane, who had struggled with
depression, was filled with joy, depression-free,
and nicer to Jim. He was so struck by the transformation in Diane who kept pointing to Jesus,
that Jim decided to read the Gospel of John.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
But the old became new Labor Day weekend,
1977 when Rabbi Jim had a dramatic encounter
with Yeshua the Messiah who revealed Himself
to him in the privacy of his bedroom. “That’s
when I realized I had to make Him the boss,” he
recalls. “Nobody witnessed to me other than my
wife, I had only read the Gospels of John and
Matthew.” He goes on, “I realized that the Lord
was calling me but I held out, I wasn’t willing
to make Him Lord.” Once he settled the matter and determined to follow God’s plan, his life
totally turned around from his conduct at work
to the way he treated his kids.
The Appels began their Christian walk in a
Dutch Reformed Church and a couple years
later enrolled their son in a Christian school.
They wound up attending the fellowship affiliated with the school for six or seven years, and
Jim met other believers at work, eventually participating in prayer and Bible study during his
lunch break. Along about 1984 the Lord began
speaking to him about reaching Jewish people.
He had been largely unsuccessful in his efforts
to reach his family, but began reading relevant
books to expand his grasp of the topic.
Around the same time Jim heard that someone had come to Rochester to begin a Messianic congregation. The timing was significant
as he had decided that his then 13-year-old son
should have a Bar Mitzvah to help him better
understand his Jewish heritage. Accordingly,
Jim approached the man, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, to officiate the ceremony, which
took place in 1985. A year later Jim, Diane, and
their two kids felt led to formally join that Messianic congregation.
The next decade found Jim serving in numerous ministry roles and assuming an everincreasing level of spiritual responsibility, including that of an elder. In 1990 when the Iron
Curtain was pried open, his Rabbi took what
would amount to a life-changing trip to Russia
complete with epiphany. He dropped anchor
on a street corner, opened up a suitcase bursting with Bibles, and was immediately mobbed.
Inquiring if his newly found fan club was Jewish, the Rabbi (the same Jonathan Bernis) discovered that about half of the assembly was
descended from Abraham. And unlike the west,
the Jewish people he encountered in Russia
were wide open to the message of the Gospel.
Thus, in addition to an epiphany, a successful
ministry was launched that took Rabbi Jonathan
away from Congregation Shema Yisrael.
To make a long story short, after a second
Rabbi also passed through the fellowship, Rabbi Jim completed the training, apprenticeship,
and mentoring, which, along with his experience equipped him to serve and shepherd Congregation Shema Yisrael as its Rabbi.
While his tenure at Congregation Shema
Yisrael is richly rewarding and blessed of God
Messianic congregations by nature seem to
have a bullseye on their back, drawing the ire
of the Jewish community, especially its leadership. “They consider us traitors,” Rabbi Jim
notes sadly. ”We are resented by the leadership,
they are of course somewhat threatened by us.”
He goes on to say that, “They won’t accept our
ads in local Jewish newspapers. Jewish funeral
homes won’t allow us to use their services, they
teach people how to refute Messianic believers,
and have held demonstrations against our public programs.
“All are welcome to come and experience
Messianic Jewish worship along with myself
and the congregation,” says Rabbi Jim. “We
meet from 10 AM to Noon every Saturday
morning at 1326 North Winton Road in Irondequoit.” To learn more, visit their Facebook
page, Internet site at www.shemayisrael.org, or
call the synagogue at (585) 288-0670.
Page 13
The Good News
Legal Corner
with your Christian Attorney Mark F. Viencek
Law Offices of Mark F. Viencek
290 Linden Oaks, Rochester, NY 14625
(585) 419-8075 or Toll free 1-866-33voice
Tending the Sheep And Fulfilling the Call of God Where You’re At,
Right Now
This isn’t the typical article that appears
in the Legal Corner. My hope and prayer,
though, is that it will be an encouragement
to some of those who read it.
Many committed believers in Christ aspire
to do great things for God. I know I always
have. What that means and the road to
getting there, however, has taken a decidedly
different path than I first imagined. I always
viewed my law practice as secondary to
God’s call on my life to preach. I’m not
saying I don’t pour my heart into my work as
a lawyer. Those who know me know that I do,
and the four core principles of my practice
(www.christianinjuryattorney.net) attest to
this. What I’m saying is that I always viewed
my law practice as something that would
financially support my later ministry/calling
to preach the Gospel. Things have changed.
I now view my law practice as a ministry.
Let me explain how I got here and what I
mean. A law practice is a business and every
Christian business owner out there knows
how time consuming and costly running a
business is. You feel like you have little
spare time and there’s the constant pressure
to make money to cover business expenses.
Thus, although you may genuinely want to
minister to people through your business, it’s
easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind
and feel like you really can’t take the time to
do so. I’ll never forget the day I decided to
put God first in my practice no matter what.
I remember saying to myself, “I’m turning
my law practice into a ministry effective
immediately.” I knew this meant viewing
those who sought my counsel as His sheep,
as opposed to just clients, for I believe
true Christian ministry, first and foremost,
involves taking care of the sheep. David
illustrates this so well. When Samuel came
to his house to anoint the next king of Israel,
and one by one the Spirit of God showed
him that none of David’s seven brothers
qualified, the Bible says there remained one
more “… the youngest, and behold, he is
tending the sheep.” 1 Samuel 16:11. One
chapter later David recounts how he “…
was tending his father’s sheep [w]hen a
lion or a bear came and took a lamb from
the flock” and how David went and found
the lamb and rescued it from the mouth of
the lion/bear. The New Testament refers to
God’s people as sheep. Nothing in life is
more important than people. Like David,
God wants us to be faithful tending to
the sheep he has placed in our spheres of
influence right now (our family, friends, coworkers, employees, etc.). Only then will
He entrust us with greater responsibility.
Two Scriptures became the cornerstone
of my new ministry/law practice. The first
was Matthew 6:33: “But seek first His
kingdom and His righteousness; and all
these things shall be added to you.” If I put
God’s business first, He would take care
of my business. For example, if the Holy
Spirit prompts me to witness to a potential
client or visit a client in the hospital to
pray for and encourage them and I do not
have time to do so, I am to make time. This
doesn’t make sense to the natural mind; it’s
counterintuitive. How is one going to make
money taking precious time from his/her
business attending to someone’s spiritual
needs? The reason it doesn’t make sense is
because God’s kingdom operates differently
than how things operate in this world
(often the reverse of how things operate
in the world). The second Scripture was
Ephesians 6:7, 8: “With good will render
service, as to the Lord, and not to men,
knowing that whatever good thing each
one does, this he will receive back from
the Lord …”
Turning my practice into a ministry has
been a tremendous blessing. There’s no
better feeling or sense of accomplishment
than when a client bursts into tears and says,
“you have no idea what a blessing you’ve
been to me and my family.”
About the Author: Christian attorney Mark F.
Viencek has over 25 years experience. He has
developed a reputation as a voice people trust
and a first point of contact for those looking
for advice, direction, and the highest level of
representation possible.
Yo u c a n v i s i t h i s w e b s i t e a t w w w.
christianinjuryattorney.net , and can reach him
at (585) 419-8075, toll free at 1-866-33voice,
or via e-mail at [email protected].
All articles that have appeared in Legal
Corner are available on Mark’s website.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Life Is Precious
And So Easily
By Anne LeBlanc
Life is precious and can be lost in so many
- 49 deaths in the radical Islamist terrorist
attack in Orlando in June.
- 5,416 deaths from accidents in NYS in
- 30,000 annual deaths in the US from unintentional falls.
- 32,675 motor vehicle deaths in the US in
- 43,237 deaths from all diseases of the heart
in NYS in 2012.
- 93,299 babies aborted in 2014 in New York
State alone.
- 699,202 babies reported aborted in the US
to the CDC in 2012. (Not all states report.)
Life is so fragile and irreplaceable. Let us
cherish the lives around us. They matter.
If we can be of assistance on a pro-life issue, including providing referrals for help for
women with problem pregnancies, please contact Rochester Area Right to Life by mail at
our office 675 Ling Road, Suite 3, Rochester,
NY 14612 or by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone (585) 621-4690. You
are welcome to visit our website www.righttoliferoch.org.
Page 14
The Good News
Church and Ministry Directory
To advertise your church or ministry, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or call
(585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Abundant Harvest United Methodist Church.
3622 Knowlesville Road, Knowlesville, NY
14479. (585) 798-3173. www.abundantharvestny.org.
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center. 7955
Brantingham Rd. Greig, NY 13345. 315-3488833. [email protected]. www.aldersgateny.org.
Alpha & Omega Parable Christian bookstore in Penfield. Books, Bibles, Music, DVDs,
Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies, Candles,
Palms. Panorama Plaza. 1601 Penfield Rd. (585)
381-1250. www.anobook.com.
Alpha & Omega Parable Christian bookstore in Greece. Books, Bibles, Music, DVDs,
Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies, Candles,
Palms. Stone Ridge Plaza. 1540 Ridge Rd. West.
(585) 697-7693. www.anobook.com.
Angels of Mercy. 692 N. Winton Rd. Rochester,
NY. 585-730-4556. Through our coordinated efforts and our faith in God, we help women experience healing in their lives so they can begin
anew - ready to spread their wings and fly. “They
will soar on wings likes eagles.” Isaiah 40:31.
Bethlehem Revival Temple. Pastor Dr. Evelyn L. Parmer. 2010 Virginia Avenue. Niagara
Falls, NY 14305. (716) 284-0705. Email: [email protected]. Sunday School 9:30
am. Morning Worship 11:00 am.
Bliss Summit Bible Camp. Affordable summer camps and retreat space. Reaching the lost,
discipling believers, and exhorting to service.
Serving and loving Western NY since 1977.
585-322-9975. www.BlissSummit.com [email protected].
Bridge Builders Ministries. Phil Harlow, Sr.
Pastor & Ruby Harlow, Pastor. 1787 Norton
St. Rochester, NY 14609. Sunday Service:
9:30am. (585) 342-0288 E-mail: BldgBrdgs@
Brigade Air, Inc. Mission Aviation Adventure Camps. Youth aviation camps. www.
brigadeair.org click on “Camps & Campers”.
Brighton Presbyterian Church. Pastor Timothy Luddy. 1775 East Ave. Rochester, NY
14610. (585) 473-5876. E-mail: bpoffice@
rochester.rr.com. Sunday Worship Service:
9:30am. www.brightonpresby.org.
Ark of Jesus Ministries. Bishop David J. Singleton, Pastor. 506 Jay St. Rochester, NY 14611.
Sunday Service: 9 a.m. Wednesday Service: 7
p.m. Phone: (585) 262-6420. E-mail: [email protected]. Visit: www.arkofjesusministries.org.
Business Men’s Fellowship Usa – Rochester Chapter. (Monthly), Marketplace Prayer
/ Share-(1st Thu.), Senior’s Fellowship Luncheon-(2nd Mon.), Marketplace Breakfast /
Luncheon-(3rd Thu.). bmfrochester@gmail.
com. Visit online www.bmfusa.com.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center. PO Box 218.
(16 Lakeside Avenue). Silver Lake, NY 14549.
585-237-5262. [email protected]. www.asburyuny.org.
Calvary Assembly of God. A Safe Place to
Find Faith, Friends, and Your Future. Sunday
Service: 9:30am & 11:00am. Wednesdays
(during school year) Youth & Kids Programs
@ 7pm. 3429 Chili Ave. Rochester, NY 14624.
(585) 889-0190. E-mail: [email protected]
Visit: www.rcalvary.org.
Bethlehem Revival
Pastor Dr. Evelyn L. Parmer
2010 Virginia Avenue. Niagara Falls, NY 14305.
(716) 284-0705. Email: [email protected]
Sunday School 9:30 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am.
Sunday Night Service 7 pm. Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
Friday Night Youth Service 7 pm.
Prayer Monday—Friday 12 noon. Nightly Prayer at 6 pm
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Ark of Jesus
Bishop David J. Singleton, Pastor
506 Jay St. Rochester, NY 14611
Sunday Service: 9 a.m.
Wednesday Service: 7 p.m.
(585) 262-6420
[email protected]
Camp-Of-The-Woods Christian Family Resort and Conference Center. Located in the
beautiful Adirondack Mountains. 518-5484311 ext. 247. www.camp-of-the-woods.org.
Camp Cherith WNY. Hunt, NY. 585-4683850. Traditional resident camp; boys and girls
ages 7-17. Counselor-led daily Bible study,
background checked staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited. Great value! www.
Camp Hickory Hill. Summer Camp Programs
for Boys in July & Girls in August; Family
Camps also available. Retreats & Weekend
Events Sept-June. More info at www.CampHickoryHill.org, (585) 535-7832, Sam@
Camp JYC. Located high in the foothills of
the Allegheny Mountains in Franklinville, NY.
Affordable camps for all ages. Sharing Jesus
since 1960. Visit www.campjyc.org or contact
us at [email protected] or 716-676-5262.
Camp Li-Lo-Li. Contact us at 716-945-4900
for more information. Visit our website at
www.liloli.org for details or to register online.
See you there!
Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake, traditional
resident camp for ages 6-16 as well as camp for
Faith Christian
Changing the Ghetto to a Garden
Dr. John Walker, Pastor
585-288-7857 – Call for Transportation
Enjoying God and Sharing the Joy
Sunday: 11am-1pm
(Nursery and Children’s Classes)
Wednesday Prayer: 6pm
Thursday Night Bible Study: 7pm-9pm
Focuses on life applications of the Bible
youth and adults with developmental disabilities. Visit www.CampWhitman.org or contact
us at [email protected] or call (315)
536-7753 for information.
Rd, Lima, NY 14485. 10:30 AM at Double Tree
Hotel, 1111 Jefferson Rd, Rochester, NY 14623.
Lead Pastor Joshua Finley. www.elimgospel.
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center. 158
Casowasco Dr. Moravia, NY 13118. 315-3648756. [email protected]. www.casowasco.
Faith Chapel of Churchville – Pastor Dave
Branch. A church for Today… preparing you for
Tomorrow! Sunday Worship Service at 10:00
AM. 125 Bromley Road, Churchville. (585)
293-2336. www.faithchapelofchurchville.com.
Christ Community Church. 36 Coleman
Creek Rd. Brockport, NY 14420. (585) 6373979. E-mail: [email protected]
Visit online at www.cccbrockport.org.
Christian Community Church of East Williamson. 5042 Ridge Rd. East Williamson, NY
14589. Pastor Tony Goddard. Sunday School
10:00am. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am.
Tuesday Night midweek service 7:00pm. (315)
589-9190. www.cccew.org.
Christian Friendship Missionary Baptist
Church. Rev. Dr. John S. Walker – Pastor. 165
Beckwith Road Henrietta, NY. (585) 359-0899.
Church of Love Faith Center. Pastor Myra
Parris. 700 Exchange Street, Rochester NY.
14608. 585-454-3270. Sunday Worship 10AM.
Wednesday Bible Study 7PM. Saturday Worship is at 6:00PM. www.colfc.org.
City Church. Pastor Marty Macdonald. 210
East Main St. Batavia, NY 14020. Sunday service: 8:30am & 10am. Thursday: 7pm. (585)
343-6895. www.TheCityChurch.com.
Community Lutheran Ministry. Deaconess
Maggie Harris. 942 Joseph Ave. Rochester, NY
14621. (585) 338-2420. www.communitylutheranministry.org.
Congregation Shema Yisrael. Messianic Jewish Congregation. 1326 N. Winton Rd. Rochester. (585) 288-0670. Saturday Service: 10 a.m.
Davis College. 400 Riverside Drive. Johnson City, NY 13790. www.davisny.edu.
1.800.331.4137 toll-free, or 607.729.1581.
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. A four
season retreat and conference center with summer youth camps. For more information, check
out our website: www.deltalake.org. 315-3367210.
Destiny Christian School. The Destiny
School is located in the Faith Temple church
complex at 1876 Elmwood Avenue in Brighton. For more information call (585) 473-1680.
Visit online at www.destinyschool.com.
Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center. Facility is available for overnight retreat
groups year round. Only 45 minutes south east
of Buffalo in Delevan, NY. Visit www.campduffield.net or call 716-877-0581.
EFFChurch. 8 Batavia City Centre. Batavia,
NY 14020. 585-219-4909, 585-297-3155.
Email [email protected], [email protected]. www.effchurch.com.
Elim Bible Institute and College. “Preparing
Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leaders”
for over 90 years. Year in the Son, 2-year AAS
degree & 3-year practical ministry programs.
7245 College St, Lima, NY. 585-582-1230.
[email protected]. www.elim.edu.
Elim Gospel Church. 1 Church. 2 Campuses.
Sunday services: 9 & 11 AM at 1679 Dalton
Bridge Builders
Phil Harlow, Sr. Pastor & Ruby Harlow, Pastor
1787 Norton St.
Rochester, NY 14609
Sunday Service: 9:30am. (585) 342-0288
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Faith Christian Center. 1797 Clifford Ave.
Rochester, NY. 14609. Pastor John R. Walker
Ph.D. (585) 288-7857. Services: Sunday. 11am1pm (Nursery and Children’s Classes. Wednesday Prayer. 6pm. www.faith-christian-center.
Faith Temple (in Brighton). 1876 Elmwood
Avenue. Rochester, NY 14620. (585) 473-1680.
For service times and upcoming events, visit us
at www.faithtemple.net.
Faith Temple Apostolic Church, Inc. Pastor
Bishop Jerry McCullough. Co-Pastor Evangelist
Maggie McCullough. Sunday School: 9:00am,
Morning Worship: 10:30am. Wed. Bible Study:
7pm. 141 Arnett Blvd. (585) 235-6814.
Findley Camp & Retreat Center. 2334 Sunnyside Rd. Clymer NY 14724. 716-769-7146.
[email protected]. www.campfindley.org.
First Baptist Church of East Rochester. Harry
Williamson, Pastor. 119 W. Elm St, East Rochester 585-586-5287. Sunday Worship: 10:00
AM. Bible Study: Tuesday 7:00 PM, Thursday
10 AM. www.firstbaptister.com.
First Baptist Church of Penfield. An American
Baptist Church, Established 1804. Rev. Philip
B. Davis Sr. 1862 Penfield Road, Penfield NY
14526. 585-586-2876. E-mail: fbpenfield@
toast.net. Sunday worship service 9:30 AM.
Visit: www.fbpenfield.org.
Global Outreach Mission, a missionary sending organization. 1670 Hopkins Rd. Getzville,
NY 14068. USA: Tel: 716-688-5048. Fax: 716688-5049. http://www.missiongo.org.
Greece Christian School. Herbert E. Parker,
Th.D., Principal. Preschool thru 8th. 750 Long
Pond Road. Rochester, N.Y. 14612. 585-7231165. www.greecechristian.org.
Harvest Bible Chapel Rochester. Help us plant
Harvest! Visit www.harvestroc.org for details.
Contact Pastor Brandon Capuano at 585-7299165 or [email protected].
Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse. Confidential prayer for healing and other needs.
Victorian Square, Bldg #2, Suite #7, 526 Old
Liverpool Road, Liverpool, NY 13088. (315)
395-9674. Web: http://healingsyracuse.com. Email: [email protected].
Henrietta Church of the First Born. Pastor
Ronald M. & First Lady Terri E. Poles. 769 Erie
Station Road. West Henrietta, NY 14586. Sunday School 9am. Sunday Worship Service 10am.
Bible Study: Wednesday 6:30pm. Come as you
are! 585-334-3602.
Hope Christian Fellowship. 3495 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14612. Rev. Alfonso Galvano, Sr. Pastor. Phone: 585.271.1172. www.
Hope Valley Camp - Year round retreat facility
offering modern and rustic environments at affordable prices. Close to Swain and Letchworth.
Call to plan your summer camp. (585) 683-
Community Lutheran
Deaconess Maggie Harris
942 Joseph Ave. Rochester, NY 14621
(585) 338-2420
Page 15
The Good News
4907. www.hopevalleycamp.com.
John Knox Presbyterian Church. Rev.
Charles M. Roberts, Pastor. 3233 West Ridge
Road, Greece. (585) 225-6533. Sunday School
8:45am. Sunday worship service 10:00am.
Joseph’s House for Women. A loving home for
women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Email:
[email protected] or call 315288-0319. Website: www.jhfw.org Facebook:
Joy Community Church. Pastor James Laughlin. 890 North Goodman St. Rochester. Sunday
Worship Services: 9am and 11am. 585-2880863. E-mail at [email protected] Visit online
at www.joycc.info.
Lakeshore Community Church. “Church...
outside the box.” Pastor Vince DiPaola. 3651
Latta Rd. Rochester, NY 14612. (585) 392-5253.
Sunday services at 9 and 11am. www.lakeshorechurch.org.
LeTourneau Christian Center. A year-round
Camp & Retreat Center on Beautiful Canandaigua Lake. For more information contact us
at 585-554-3400 or check us out on the web at
Liberty Temple Ministries COGIC. Pastor Charles G. Simmons, Sr. 144 Reynolds St.
Rochester. Sun. School: 10am; Sunday Worship
Services: 11:30am & 7:30pm. Wed. Bible Study
at 7:30pm. (585) 464-8467. E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.libertytempleministries.org.
Love Fellowship Worship Center. “A New
Church, for A New Day” Lead Servant & Pastor James Cooper. 740 Marshall Rd. Chili NY
14624. Sunday service at 9:00am & Bible Study
Fridays at 6:57pm. www.loveministriesonline.
Mars Hill Network. Streaming online at www.
MarsHillNetwork.org. 1-800-677-1881.
Master’s College and Seminary. 780 Argyle
Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 5T2 Canada.
1 (800) 295-6368. [email protected]. www.mcs.
MorningStar Christian Fellowship Church.
“Let’s do life together.” Pastor Gary Pfeiffer.
10:00am Sunday Morning Worship @ John
Knox Presbyterian Church. Fellowship Hall.
3233 Ridge Rd. W. Greece, NY. 585-748-6089.
New Covenant. Pastor Michael McDonald,
Sunday worship at 9:30 AM, nursery and Sunday school available, 1350 Five Mile Line Road,
Penfield, NY 14526 (585) 216-1350, Live service and church information: www.AboveGroundChurch.com.
New Creation Fellowship Academy. Biblically-based and academically challenging curriculum. 3325 Genesee Street. Cheektowaga, NY
14225. Mike Ward, Principal. Ph. (716) 6326084. www.ncfacademy.com.
New Hope Family Services. Free pregnancy
tests, peer counseling and practical assistance
when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Adoption Services. 3519 James Street. Syracuse, NY
13206. (315) 437-8300. [email protected]. www.newhopefamilyservices.
New York School of the Bible has been Teaching God’s Word to Train God’s People since
1971 in New York City – offering 14 certificate
and diploma programs – affiliated with Lancaster Bible College. 212.975.0170. www.NYSB.
New Testament Christian Church of Greece.
Jim Crowley, Pastor. Laurie Bolton, Co-Pastor.
Sunday Service: 10am. 349 North Ave. Rochester, NY 14626. (585) 723-1400. E-mail: ntcc@
ntcc-greece.org. www.ntcc-greece.org.
Northeastern Seminary @ Roberts Wesleyan College. 2265 Westside Dr. Rochester,
NY 14624. (585) 594-6800 or 1-800-777-4792.
College – Alliance Theological Seminary –
Graduate Schools. Christian Higher Education
Since 1882. 1 South Boulevard. Nyack, NY
10960. (800) 33-NYACK. www.nyack.edu.
Teacher/Pastor. Worship Service: Saturdays, 5
PM. Meeting at: Victory Community Church,
1619 Manitou Road. Rochester, NY 14626.
(585) 225-4090. www.shcfellowship.org.
Oasis Christian Fellowship. Pastor Samme
Palermo. 585-670-6244. E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Services: 8:30am
and 10:30am. At the Charles Finney School,
2070 Five Mile Line Rd, Penfield, NY. Visit
Silver Bay YMCA Conference and Family
Retreat Center on Lake George. 87 Silver
Bay Road, Silver Bay, NY 12874, 1-888-7587229. Group Contact ext. 345, Individual stays
ext. 350. www.silverbay.org.
Odosagih Bible Conference & Retreat Center. Summer family camp on Lime Lake in
Machias NY. Retreats Sept-June, yours or ours.
Contact us at 716-353-8555 or [email protected] Visit online www.odosagih.org.
Ontario Bible Camp. 385 Lakeview Road.
Oswego, NY 13126. (315) 593-4684. “Preaching & Teaching since 1921. Children’s Camps,
Cabin Rentals and Retreats. Register online at
www.ontariobible.com or visit at www.facebook.com/OntarioBibleCamp.
Open Door Mission. Restoring Hope…
Changing Lives! Phone: 585-454-6696. Fax:
585-454-2092. www.opendoormission.com.
Pearce Church. Worship Services: Saturday at
5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; Wednesdays: Community Night. 4322 Buffalo Road,
North Chili, NY 14514. (585) 594-9488. www.
Petah Tikvah. Messianic Congregation. Messianic Rav Rick Chaimberlin. For Shabbat
Services time and location call at (585) 4751188. E-mail: [email protected] www.
Place of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. Corner of Bay and Goodman (916 North
Goodman St. Rochester, NY), Just Walk In or
Call 697-0003, FREE Pregnancy Tests, www.
placeofhopeprc.com, Find us on Facebook!
Pregnancy Care Center of Finger Lakes.
Pregnancy Tests & Referral for Limited Ultrasound at No Cost. 551 Exchange St. Geneva,
NY. 14456 315-789-0708 www.imightbepregnant.com E-mail: [email protected].
Ray Ciervo Ministries/No Pat Answers. PO
Box 507, Oakhurst, NJ 07755. 888-264-3979.
Twitter @rciervo. www.nopatanswers.com or
Reigning Miracle Ministry, Inc. The
“King’s” College. 2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY 13045. 607-756-5770. 607-7583928. www.reigningone.org.
Risen Savior Christian Center. Pastors Bill
and Judy Garcia. 2710 Chili Ave. Rochester,
NY 14624. 585-247-8860. Sunday service is
at 10:30am. For pray request go to www.facebook/risensaviorchristiancenter or visit www.
Rochester Christian Church Ministries.
Pastor Stephen Galvano. Sunday Service
at 11:00am. 3177 Lyell Rd. Rochester, NY
14606. (585) 247-4444. Visit online at www.
Samaritan’s Purse. P.O. Box 3000. Boone,
NC. 28607. www.samaritanspurse.org.
Shepherd’s Heart Christian Fellowship. Al
Hauck - Lead Minister/Prophet. Lisa Fess –
3622 Knowlesville Road, Knowlesville, NY 14479
(585) 798-3173
MorningStar Church
‘Let’s do life together’
Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center. 501 William Law Rd. Windsor NY 13865. 607-4672750. [email protected]. www.skylakecenter.org.
Pastor Gary Pfeiffer
10:00am Sunday Morning Worship
@ John Knox Presbyterian Church.
Fellowship Hall. 3233 Ridge Rd. W.
Greece, NY. 585-748-6089.
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center. 1884
Clymer NY E. Schroon River Rd. Warrensburg
NY 12885. 518-494-7170. [email protected]. www.skyefarmcamp.org.
Southern Gospel NY brings Southern Gospel Music groups to the area to encourage and
bring Christians together for fellowship with
other believers. Info at www.SGNY.NET. 585329-3840.
Angels of Mercy
692 N. Winton Rd. Rochester, NY.
Through our coordinated efforts and our faith in God, we help
women experience healing in their lives so they can begin
anew - ready to spread their wings and fly.
“They will soar on wings likes eagles.” Isaiah 40:31.
Speaking Truth in Love Ministries. Providing Loving, Biblical Guidance in the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Abuse and
Domestic Violence. PO Box 314, Addison, NY
14801. 607-359-4366. http://www.speakingtruthinlove.org.
The Charles Finney School. K-12 grade.
Prepares students spiritually, intellectually,
and socially in a Christian academic environment focused on Real Faith, Real Education,
Real Results. (585) 387-3770, or visit www.
The Fig Tree Bookstore. Messianic Bookstore - Judaica, Jewelry, Gifts, Books, Messianic CD’s and more. Open Tuesdays and Fridays 12-5, Thursdays 3-7. 1326 N. Winton Rd,
Rochester NY 14609, 585-288-0670, www.
The Healing Place. A comfortable, safe,
non-denominational place to seek and receive
prayer for physical, emotional and spiritual
healing. Located in the High Mountain Prayer
House at 288 Van Buren St. Newark, NY. [email protected].
The King’s College in New York City. Christian liberal arts college raising principled leaders in New York City. 56 Broadway, New York,
NY 10004. 888-969-7200 www.tkc.edu.
The “King’s” College. Reigning Miracle
Ministry, Inc. 2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY
13045. 607-756-5770. 607-758-3928. www.
The Salvation Army of Greater Rochester.
Serving those in need in Monroe County. Volunteer Opportunities Available. 70 Liberty Pole
Way, Rochester (585) 987-9500. www.RochesterSalvationArmy.org.
Union Theological Seminary in the City of
New York; New York, NY; 212-662-7100.
[email protected]. www.utsnyc.edu.
Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. PO Box 600
Schroon Lake, NY 12870. Spring Conferences,
Summer Camps for all ages, 2 year accredited
Bible Institute. 518-494-6000. Visit at www.
To Advertise Your
Church or Ministry,
contact us by e-mail at
Heart Christian
An Apostolic and Prophetic family of
believers worshiping God and receiving
equipping, impartation and anointing to
boldly declare the Kingdom of God.
Lisa Fess –Teacher/Pastor
Kacey Hauck - Pastor
Al Hauck - Lead Minister/Prophet
Shepherding Groups – Teen Group
Men’s and Women’s Groups
Worship Service:
Saturdays, 5 PM
Meeting at:
Victory Community Church
1619 Manitou Road
Rochester NY 14626
(585) 225-4090
[email protected]
or call
(585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Minister Al Hauck
Nyack College. New York’s Christian College.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 16
The Good News
How Was Your Camping Experience?
By Carolyn Pollock
As a child I did not experience a traditional
summer camp experience like many children
enjoy today. I knew folks said it was beneficial
to their faith walk, and in some cases it was
even instrumental in bringing them to Christ
in the first place. I’ve heard people talk about
positive life changes that have occurred as a
result of attending camp. But it wasn’t until I
was invited to join the board of Camp Cherith
of Western NY that I really saw the impact that
was being made in the lives of young people.
Yes, there is a lot of work involved in making
camp happen, and it happens all year long, not
just during the few weeks when the kids are
there. Normally I am one to shun meetings, but
these meetings are different. Instead of shrinking down in their chairs to avoid being called
on, like a student dodging the searching eyes
of a teacher, these board members actually volunteered to take on big tasks with enthusiasm!
As the last day of camp came around last
summer I was doing some clean up work when
one of the parents, picking up a child, asked
where the bathroom was. I mentioned where
the staff bathroom was, but didn’t know where
the kids’ bathroom was. This parent jauntily replied, “Oh, she’ll be a staff member some day,”
and went into that staff bathroom. I smiled to
myself… another loyal camper! I kept meeting these people, like the family that drove six
hours to come to the spaghetti dinner fund raiser for scholarships, and the husband of a former
camper who picked up a broom to sweep up
afterwards. As we gathered for a spring board
meeting, the sister of one of the board members
chauffeured her over an hour, so that this board
member, coming off a night shift, could catch
a snooze in the car. I asked the younger sister,
“How long have you been coming to camp.”
She replied, “Well, my Mom started helping at
camp when I was in utero, and I’ve been coming ever since.” Then there was the chore of
clearing out the old rickety mobile home which
was being demolished to make room for new
staff housing – a lovely log cabin. I went over
Photo by Camp Cherith of WNY
to introduce myself to a young man loading
boxes of “stuff” on the back of a truck, to take
it to a temporary storage area. I asked about his
connection with the camp and he said, “Oh, my
wife was a counselor here many years ago, and
we LOVE this place.”
What about the mother of 4 small children
who lives well over an hour away, who got
certified and volunteers her time to help with
the tree climbing adventures? What about our
director of finance who actually moves to camp
for most of the summer, to take care of the
money matters because it’s easier than being
5 hours away? We have wonderful neighbors
in our area who come to our aid when things
break down. Our loyal business folks will add
a few hours of labor and shave down the billing rate. Some parents will choose to pay more
for camp than the “going rate” because they
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
know that in actuality, it does cost more. Why?
They were blessed by the huge impact they saw
on their child’s life because of what she experienced at camp. I could go on with more examples, but instead, I will ask you, ”Do you want to
send your child to a camp for a week, in hopes
that they will “have fun,” and perhaps you can
get something of your own done while he or she
is away? Or do you want to send your child to
camp for a life-changing experience, so he or she
will be impacted in such a way as to become an
instrument of change for future generations of
believers? When you ask your child, “How was
your camping experience?” I hope the answer
you receive is similar to some of the answers we
receive on the surveys. I made a decision to keep
reading my Bible, to keep my relationship with
Jesus strong, to put Him as my #1, and to trust
in Him more.” Become loyal to Camp Cherith…
The Good News
Page 17
Christian Camps and Retreats
To advertise your Christian Camp or Retreat, e-mail us
at [email protected] or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Adventure Tree Climbing at Camp Cherith
WNY dates are set for the season. Check out
our new website, www.campcherithwny.org/
events for dates, prices, group rates – and great
photos! Hey, if you want a different way to
“hang out” with friends, why not do it in a tree!
Call us to check out our new Small Group
plan! We have new ways for your group to
come to a retreat at Letourneau Christian Center in the beautiful Finger Lakes. Call the office
for details how we can serve you! 585-5543400. Email [email protected].
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center. 7955
Brantingham Rd. Greig, NY 13345. 315-3488833. [email protected]. www.aldersgateny.org.
Camp-of-the-Woods Christian Family Resort and Conference Center. Located in the
beautiful Adirondack Mountains. Contact at
(518) 548-4311 or visit online www.camp-ofthe-woods.org.
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center, Brantingham, NY. July 10-15, 2016. Summer Camps
(ages 7-18). Choose the camp experience that
fits your personality and interest! We offer
“Campolodeon”, “You Can’t Do That: On a
Horse”, “You Can’t Do That: In the Yurts” or
“You Can’t Do That: At Aldersgate”. www.aldersgateny.org.
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center, Brantingham, NY. July 15-17, 2016. “Family Life
Weekend”- Everyone welcome! Enjoy swimming, activities, and sports while relaxing with
other Christian families. The FLW adult choir,
sacred dance, and special music help make
Sunday morning worship unique. www.aldersgateny.org.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center. PO Box 218.
(16 Lakeside Avenue). Silver Lake, NY 14549.
585-237-5262. [email protected]. www.asburyuny.org.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 17-21, 2016. Reach Out: Community
Mission Experience. Youth groups, churches,
and families are invited to unite and be the hands
and feet of God offering hope to the people of
Wyoming County. www.asburyuny.org.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 24-27, 2016. Asbury Express I (ages
7-9) and Asbury Express II (ages 10-12): Fearless Faith! Fearless faith helps you draw courage from friends, family, and your church. www.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. July 31 August 3, 2016. Asbury Express III
(ages 13-18): Fear Factor. What are you afraid
of? Join with other youth in wacky and outrageous fun that tests your fear factor. Draw courage from friends, family, and your church. www.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. August 21-23, 2016. Summer Women’s Retreat: Bread of Life. Do you need to get away to
feed your soul or deepen it with God? Hands on
experiences with bread and bread making, lead
by Chet Fery the Breadman. www.asburyuny.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center, Silver Lake,
NY. September 16-18, 2016. Beside Still Waters. This retreat offers you a time to pause, to
put your busy life on hold, to refresh and renew
your spirit. As the leaves begin to change color
the lake’s surface calms, it is a perfect time to
rest beside still waters and restore your soul.
Bliss Summit Bible Camp. Affordable summer camps and retreat space. Reaching the lost,
discipling believers, and exhorting to service.
Serving and loving Western NY since 1977.
585-322-9975. www.BlissSummit.com [email protected].
Bob & Darlene Puffer will present a concert at Odosagih Bible Conference. July 9th
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for Dinner
at 5:00pm, call (716) 353-8555 for reservations.
Brigade Air, Inc. Mission Aviation Adventure
Camps. Youth aviation camps. Visit our website
www.brigadeair.org click on “Camps & Campers”. Call at 520-248-0980 for more information.
CAMP-of-the-WOODS is a Christian family resort located in the beautiful Adirondack
Mountains. Spend a week with us to refresh
your faith and relax with your family. Make
a reservation today! Call (518) 548-4311 ext.
0 to speak with our Registrar, or visit www.
camp-of-the-woods.org for more information.
Camp Cherith WNY. Hunt, NY. 585-4683850. Traditional resident camp; boys and girls
ages 7-17. Counselor-led daily Bible study,
background checked staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited. Great value! www.
woods. 11740 Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call
716-877-0581 or http://www.campduffield.net/
for more info!
Chipmunks Camp: Duffield Christian Camp
and Retreat Center. July 10-13. Camp for
‘First Timers’. For those too young to experience our other fun camps. Parent/guardian must
stay with their youngster. Fantastic bonding
experience - no charge for the grownup! 11740
Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581 or
Courageous Seminars! The WNY Iron Sharpens Iron team is ready to come to your church
to facilitate a Courageous Fathering Seminar,
to reinforce what the movie stirred in all of us.
Contact us at 585-535-7832 or [email protected].
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. A four
season retreat and conference center with summer youth camps. For more information, check
out our website: www.deltalake.org. 315-3367210.
Camp Hickory Hill. Summer Camp Programs for Boys in July & Girls in August;
Family Camps also available. Retreats &
Weekend Events Sept-June. More info at www.
CampHickoryHill.org, (585) 535-7832, Sam@
Camp JYC. Located high in the foothills of
the Allegheny Mountains in Franklinville, NY.
Affordable camps for all ages. Sharing Jesus
since 1960. Visit www.campjyc.org or contact
us at [email protected] or 716-676-5262.
Camp LeTourneau’s New Children’s Day
Camp registration packet is now available!
Call us today at 585-554-3400 to get a Registration packet! We have 6 weeks of awesome
crazy fun for your kids to enjoy!
Camp Li-Lo-Li. Contact us at 716-945-4900
for more information. Visit our website at
www.liloli.org for details or to register online.
See you there!
Campmeeting 2016. Free Camp! July 1st thru
the 4th. The Ben Johnson Family singers, as
our main speakers! Free Camp Meeting; free
camping; free food 4 times a day; free horseback rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball or some other sport, camp fires and
Heavenly Worship. Plus Country Gospel music, Miracles, Healings, Word of Knowledge,
discerning of spirits, prophetic Word. 2910
Douglas Rd, (Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-7583928, 607-756-5770 or Check our Website for
more information and directions at www.reigningone.net.
Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake, traditional
resident camp for ages 6-16 as well as camp for
youth and adults with developmental disabilities. Visit www.CampWhitman.org or contact
us at [email protected] or call (315)
536-7753 for information.
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center. 158
Casowasco Dr. Moravia, NY 13118. 315-3648756. [email protected]. www.casowasco.
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center, Moravia, NY. June 26-August 12, 2016. Summer
Camps (ages 7-18). We’ve put our brains together to offer a wide variety of the best summer camp programs for every age and curiosity! The “original” has Campolodeon and You
Can’t Do That at Camp. www.casowasco.org.
Challenge Camp: Duffield Christian Camp
and Retreat Center. July 3-9. Our experienced staff provides a unique vacation for
mentally handicapped adults. Come experience the usual camp activities such as campfire
sing alongs, swimming, fishing, theatre in the
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 18
The Good News
Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center. Facility is available for overnight retreat
groups year round. Only 45 minutes south east
of Buffalo in Delevan, NY. Visit www.campduffield.net or call 716-877-0581.
Findley Camp & Retreat Center. 2334 Sunnyside Rd. Clymer NY 14724. 716-769-7146.
[email protected]. www.campfindley.org.
Forgiven will present a concert at Odosagih
Bible Conference. August 13th at 7:00pm.
All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If
you’d like to join us for dinner at 5:00pm, call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
Hope Valley Camp - Year round retreat facility offering modern and rustic environments at
affordable prices. Close to Swain and Letchworth. Call to plan your summer camp. (585)
683-4907. www.hopevalleycamp.com.
A year-round Camp & Retreat
Center on Beautiful
Canandaigua Lake
For more information contact us at
585-554-3400 or check us out on the
web at www.letcc.org.
Impact Now Leadership Development Youth
Camp for grades 9–12, July 14–17 at Elim
Bible Institute & College, Lima, NY. Training
high school students to be leaders for Christ
and Impact their world right Now! Group discounts! Register at www.elim.edu/impactnow.
Questions? 585-582-1230 or [email protected].
Inflatable Water Recreation “Blob”. Great
for youth camps. In good condition, used two
summers. Contact: Jerry at 814-671-7291.
It’s time to get your registrations in for Day
Camp at Camp Cherith of Western New
York located in Hunt, NY. Day Camp runs July
4 – 8 for children ages 7 – 12, between 9:00
a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Visit our website: www.
campcherithwny.org for information and registration forms, prices, directions, etc.
LeTourneau Christian Center. A year-round
Camp & Retreat Center on Beautiful Canandaigua Lake. For more information contact us
at 585-554-3400 or check us out on the web at
LeTourneau Christian Center will be starting up its 6 week Summer Day Camp! Week
2: 7/5-7/8 Culinary Arts #1, Week 3: 7/11-7/15
Arts & Crafts, Week 4: 7/18-7/22 Water Olym-
pics, Week 5: 8/1-8/4 Culinary Arts #2, Week
6: 8/22-8/26 Field Day or Drama! Call at 585554-3400 for more details.
LeTourneau Christian Center will be hosting its first annual Paintball Tournament
on September 2, 2016. Eight teams of 10 will
compete for prizes, if you don’t have a team
LeTCC will assign one. A banquet will be
served at 7pm with award ceremony following. Call LeTCC office at 585-554-3400 for
more details and to sign up your team!
LeTourneau Christian Center will be offering a Teen Outreach this year to the city’s
disadvantaged, and underprivileged youth.
If your church has disadvantaged youth that
you think this outreach would benefit, or to
sponsor a teen or teens, call Cheri at 585-5543400 or email [email protected].
Mission Aviation Adventure Camp (in partnership with the Sacandaga Bible Conference). Broadalbin, New York, July 10-16.
Click on Brigade Air website’s “Camps &
Campers” menu to register for this one-of-akind program. To learn more about Brigade
Air, visit at www.brigadeair.org or call at
(520) 248­0980.
Mission Trip Base Camp at Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake. August 7-12. Ages
13-18. Youth - $175, Chaperones – Free. A
New program especially for High School aged
youth or Youth Groups. All meals are included. Visit www.CampWhitman.org or contact
us at [email protected] or call (315)
536-7753 for information.
Night Owls Camp: Duffield Christian
Camp and Retreat Center. July 17-23. Teenagers dream schedule. Stay up past Midnight,
sleep in late too! Enjoy a relaxed day, everyday, while experiencing all camp has to offer.
Singalongs at the campfire, night time games.
11740 Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716877-0581 or http://www.campduffield.net/.
Odosagih Bible Conference & Retreat
Center. Summer family camp on Lime Lake
in Machias NY. Retreats Sept-June, yours or
ours. Contact us at 716-353-8555 or [email protected] Visit online www.odosagih.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Jimmy DeYoung, Jr from Prophecy Today Radio Network, our speaker for the
week of July 11-15. Bob & Darleen Puffer will
provide special music for each service. Services are held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm.
Teen Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. (716) 353-8555.
vices are held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm.
Teen Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Rev. Mike Sanders, pastor at
The Open Door Church in Chambersburg, PA,
speaker for the week of August 28-Sept 2. Hank
& Janet Sonnenberg will provide special music
for each service. Services are held Sun – Fri at
10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:00-8:30pm.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series for
2016 concludes with our Sunday morning worship service September 4th. Rev. Wes Aarum
from Circle C Ranch will be speaking at 10:30am
and our talented Odosagih musicians will provide special music. 716.353.4337.
Ontario Bible Camp. 385 Lakeview Road. Oswego, NY 13126. (315) 593-4684. “Preaching &
Teaching since 1921. Children’s Camps, Cabin
Rentals and Retreats. Register online at www.
ontariobible.com or visit at www.facebook.com/
Paintball is here! Come experience LeTourneau’s newest fun recreation! Hero Paintball!
Enjoy 2 hours of adrenaline pumping fun for just
$20 a person! Call our office at 585-554-3400 to
get details for your group to come to LeTourneau
Christian Center on beautiful Canandaigua Lake!
Save the date. Camp Cherith of Western New
York, located in Hunt, is in its 70th year of
operation. We are excited to be hosting a celebratory gala dinner on September 24th to bring
together former and current campers, staff members, supporters. Details will be upcoming on the
website: www.campcherithwny.org.
Science Camp / Music Camp: Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center. July 10-16.
Sing, play, perform! Or, just learn how science
and music connect in God’s world while we do
chemistry experiments, play in drum circles, start
gaze and more! 11740 Worden Rd. Delevan, NY.
Call 716-877-0581 or http://www.campduffield.
Sherry Anne Lintz will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. August 20th at
7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at 5:00pm,
call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for reservations.
Silver Bay YMCA Conference and Family
Retreat Center on Lake George. 87 Silver Bay
Road, Silver Bay, NY 12874, 1-888-758-7229.
Group Contact ext. 345, Individual stays ext.
350. www.silverbay.org.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Dr. Gilbert Parker, past professor from Davis College, now Chief Academic
Officer, speaker for the week of July 17-22.
Chris Conklin and Carol Farrand will provide
special music for each service. Services are
held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen
Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Single Parent and Blended Families Camp:
Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center.
August 7-13. Camp embraces all families with
open arms, wherever they may be on the single
parent journey. We exist for every family to have
hope, experience growth, find acceptance. 11740
Worden Rd. Delevan, NY. Call 716-877-0581or
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Pastor Stanley Mohr, pastor and
former adjunct professor at Cornerstone University, our speaker for the week of July 2429. Joe & Barb Bordonaro will provide special
music for each service. Services are held Sun
– Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry
7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center. 501 William Law Rd. Windsor NY 13865. 607-4672750. [email protected]. www.skylakecenter.org.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series
continues with Rev. Ron Park, pastor and
teacher from Nichols, NY, our speaker for the
week of July 31-Aug 5. Cheryl Torainwill provide special music for each service. Services
are held Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen
Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.8555.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Dr. Dino Pedrone, President of
Davis College, our speaker for the week of
August 14-19. Kim Kiekel will provide special music for each service. Services are held
Sun – Fri at 10:30am & 7:00pm. Teen Ministry 7:00-8:30pm. 716.353.4337.
Odosagih’s Summer Conference Series continues with Rev. Ken Harman, excellent Bible teacher from Graham, NC, our speaker for
the week of August 21-26. Kim Kiekel will
provide special music for each service. Ser-
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center, Windsor,
NY. June 26-August 12, 2016. Summer Camps
(ages 7-18). Known for “Special Needs” programs such as Buddies Camp and Helping Hands
allows individuals to appreciate camp in a unique
way! Sky Lake offers classic camp experiences,
waterfront and athletic camps. www.skylakecenter.org.
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center. 1884 Clymer NY E. Schroon River Rd. Warrensburg NY
12885. 518-494-7170. [email protected].
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center, Warrensburg, NY. July 3-August 12, 2016. Summer
Camps (ages 7-18). We offer a wide variety of
camp programs from Adult Special Needs Camp
to Fun on the Lake and River, camp for beginners, and high school aged programs. www.skyefarmcamp.org.
Summer Camp for children entering Kindergarten through age 12. Full-day programming
from July 5-August 26. Call 585-594-1833 or
visit www.pearce4kids.org. Pearce 4 Kids Child
Page 19
The Good News
Care Center, 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili,
NY 14514.
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
at 5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
Summer Services at Odosagih Bible Conference in Machias. Begin Sunday, July 3rd. Our
speaker for the week is Rev. Marc Chamberlain,
pastor of Genesis Bible Church in Scio, NY.
Price Harris from Shreveport, LA will provide
special music for each service. 716.353.8555.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August 2nd, at noon. Paula Smith will speak at
1:00pm with Cheryl Torain providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Needhams will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. July 18th at
7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner
at 5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
The Bontrager Family Singers will present a
concert at Odosagih Bible Conference. July
30th at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner at
5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337 for
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August 16th, at noon. Sarah Uhlman will speak
at 1:00pm with Kim Kiekel providing special
music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Torchmen at Odosagih Bible Conference in Machias. Saturday, July 2nd, at
7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering
taken. If you’d like to join us for Dinner at
5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, July
5th, at noon. Ann Harris will speak at 1:00pm
with Faith Baer providing special music. Lunch
reservations necessary - call 716.353.8555 or
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August 23rd, at noon. Beth Livingston will speak
at 1:00pm with Crimson Chord providing special music. Lunch reservations necessary - call
716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, July
12th, at noon. Barb Herdzik will speak at 1:00pm
with The Puffers providing special music. Lunch
reservations necessary - call 716.353.8555 or
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, August 30th, at noon. Carole Jonathan will speak
at 1:00pm with Janet Sonnenberg providing
special music. Lunch reservations necessary call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Salvation Army’s Kids Adventure Program. June 29 – August 21. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Boys and girls ages 6-12. This program offers
learning, arts, and crafts, music and exciting
day trips. Breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks
are provided. Call Now! (585) 298-1590.
Space is Limited. www.rochestersalvationarmy.org.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference
will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday, July
19th, at noon. Marolyn Parker will speak at
1:00pm with Chris Conklin & Carol Farrand providing special music. Lunch reservations necessary - call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337.
The Hyssongs will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. August 27th
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner
at 5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
The Boosters of Odosagih Bible Conference will hold a Ladies Luncheon. Tuesday,
July 26th, at noon. Karin Mohr will speak at
1:00pm with Teresa Ciraolo providing special
The Jacobs Brothers will present a concert
at Odosagih Bible Conference. July 23rd
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner
The Stevens Family will present a concert at
Odosagih Bible Conference. September 3rd
at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Free will offering taken. If you’d like to join us for dinner
at 5:00pm, call 716.353.8555 or 716.353.4337
for reservations.
Volunteers needed at LeTourneau! We need
you in all areas! Kitchen, Dining Hall, Landscaping, Laundry! Call the office at 585-5543400 to talk to us about how you can volunteer
here at LeTourneau Christian Center!
War Room! The WNY Iron Sharpens Iron
team is ready to come to your church to facilitate a War Room Seminar, to reinforce what
the movie stirred in all of us. Contact us at 585535-7832 or [email protected].
Camp JYC, Feeling Friendship With Jesus In The
Foothills Of The Allegheny Mountains
By Rick Kern
Camp JYC sits on 160 acres of land which
was donated in the late 1950s by a farmer, Mr.
William Clark of West Falls, New York. They
started out in 1960 with tents and an outhouse,
and have grown to six cabins, a swimming pool,
bathhouse, pond, their main lodge, hiking trails,
and numerous other facilities — all of which support an engaging ministry that includes some five
very busy sessions through the month of July.
While their maximum capacity tops off in the
mid-80s, they average about 40-to-50 campers
per session.
“Ministry” is really the right word for what
Camp JYC actually does as they use their facilities and programs as a way to have fun while
sharing the love of God and teaching truth. They
strive to nurture individual Christian commitments and develop Christian leaders while presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only
means of salvation.
The team at Camp JYC is very diligent to follow through and do what they can to help campers who have surrendered their lives to Christ
grow in the faith. “We try to be very careful here
that kids don’t just raise their hand and walk
forward, we don’t want them to enter into this
decision lightly,” says Hatch, “we want them to
Call to plan your summer camp.
(585) 683-4907
Ontario Bible Camp
385 Lakeview Road. Oswego, NY 13126
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
a “Comrade” is An intimate friend or associate:
a companion, or: a fellow soldier. And for Camp
JYC, sporting an acronym that stands for “Jesus
Your Comrade,” the word “Comrade” couldn’t
be a better fit. The camp’s director, Martin Hatch,
explains that “Camp JYC focuses on what really
matters in life, the really important things and on
building a foundation for lifelong learning and
love for Christ.”
Among the more unique features of the camp
is the fact that it is an extension of the First Baptist Church of Franklinville, a non-profit organization that is entirely funded through donations
and almost exclusively staffed and maintained
by volunteers. “It’s very unique,” notes Hatch,
“I’ve always been told that Camp JYC is the only
camp owned and operated by a single church in
New York State. The only paid positions are the
counselors in the summer; everything else is
done by volunteers.”
Year round retreat facility
offering modern and rustic
environments at affordable
prices.Close to Swain and
(315) 593-4684
“Preaching & Teaching since 1921
Children’s Camps, Cabin Rentals and Retreats
Register for camp online at
www.ontariobible.com or come see us on
Camp Cherith
Hunt, NY. 585-468-3850
Traditional resident camp; boys and girls ages 7-17.
Counselor-led daily Bible study, background checked
staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited.
Great value!
Photo by Camp JYC
“Ministry” is really the right word for what Camp JYC actually does, as they use
their facilities and programs as a way to have fun while sharing the love of God
and teaching truth.
understand the gravity of their decision, that
this is a lifelong commitment with lifelong implications.”
To that end, they make every effort to keep
connected and help them grow. “We try to stay
engaged throughout the year,” says Martin.
“We try to encourage them with their walk
and get them plugged in to local churches.” In
keeping with the camp’s identity as a ministry,
he brings in exceptional, committed Christian
counselors such as students from Houghton
College, and they often develop deep enduring
relationships with the campers. And though
Hatch tries to bring them back for subsequent
camping seasons to nurture the initial relationships that the counselors have cultivated with
the kids, under the best of circumstances they
will ultimately graduate and have to cut ties.
For Martin Hatch, Camp JYC isn’t a homeaway-from-home; it has basically dominated
his whole life and been a home from the womb,
through birth, and ever since! His parents, both
very strong Christians, were involved in the
camp since the 1970s and even held their wedding reception there in 1979. His father, who
was a carpenter, actually helped build many
Camp Hickory Hill
of the structures on the property. And in fact,
Martin saw Camp JYC before he even saw his
crib as his mom and dad stopped at camp to
show him off as a newborn on the way home
from the hospital.
* Exciting, Christ Centered Programs
• Guys in July
• Girls in August
Nerf Guns, Archery, Canoeing, Climbing Tower,
Airsoft, Paintball, Photography, Dance, etc.
* Retreats & Weekend Events: Sept - June
Martin grew up on the property and went
Continued on page 23
(585) 535-7832
Do You Have a Christian
Camp or Retreat in 2016?
Advertise your Christian Camp or Retreat in The Good News!
Let thousands know about it!
Ask about SPECIALS for Christian Camp advertising. Limited time offer!
E-mail at [email protected] or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 20
The Good News
Are You in the Right
Relationship with
Your Creator?
Steps To Salvation
1. You Must Repent
You must repent of your sin and admit to God
that you are a sinner. The Bible says: “... that
they should repent and turn to God, and do
works meet for repentance.”
(Acts 26:20)
2. You Must Believe
You must believe with all your heart that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God, that He died on the
cross to save you and was resurrected. “...
While we were still sinners, Christ died for
us.” (Romans 5:8)
3. You Must Ask
You must pray and ask our Lord Jesus Christ
to forgive your sins and save you from an
eternity in hell.“ ...With the mouth confession
is made unto salvation.”
(Romans 10:10)
4. You Must Receive
You must pray and tell the Lord that you wish
to receive the wonderful gift of eternal life.
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of
God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord.”(Romans 6:23)
5. Turn in faith to Jesus Christ
Turn in faith to Jesus Christ by praying a
prayer like this:
“My Heavenly Father,
I come to You admitting that I am a
sinner. I ask your forgiveness. I believe
that Your Son, Jesus, died for my sins
and was resurrected on the third day.
I repent in my sins and give my life to
Jesus. I receive Jesus as my Savior and
ask you to give me eternal life.
Christ Community
Pastor Bruce Plummer
36 Coleman Creek Road
Brockport, NY
[email protected]
(585) 381-1250
Pregnancy Care Center
Pregnancy Tests & Referral for
Limited Ultrasound At No Cost
(315) 789-0708
551 Exchange St. Geneva, NY 14456
[email protected]
Reigning Miracle
Ministry, Inc.
The “King’s” College
2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY 13045
607-756-5770. 607-758-3928
Bringing Southern Gospel Music
groups to the area to encourage
and bring Christians together for
fellowship with other believers.
Visit at www.SGNY.net
Camp Whitman On The Shore Of Seneca Lake Finding
The Love Of God In Tetherball, Tie-Dye, And Tubing
Continued from page 1
a transcendent sense that you are gazing from
time into the eternal portals of heaven’s throne
room, the prevailing peace and beauty of the
quaint countryside is easily eclipsed by the
spiritual grandeur that is Camp Whitman; its
people: campers, counselors, and staff.
Tucked into the western side of Seneca Lake
between Geneva and Watkins Glen, Camp
Whitman features well over one hundred acres
packed to the hilt with everything necessary
to ensure a memorable camping experience.
A little piece of heaven on earth, the property
boasts organic highlights that include private
lake frontage, woods, ravines, meadows, and
a pond where campers can fish or enjoy paddle-boating. Additionally, an engaging roster
of wildlife can be found in its vast expanse of
wood lots and it is not uncommon to catch a
glimpse of rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, deer,
groundhogs, and dozens of bird species including the impressive great blue heron, osprey, and
even bald eagles.
Their facilities allow campers to enjoy swimming in their pool, boating on Seneca Lake, scenic hikes along their many trails, a wide array of
games on their main field, and of course, what
would camping be without memorable, moonlit
nights sitting by a crackling campfire...
The Main Lodge/Dining Hall is the camp’s
axis of activity and primary rallying point for
evening programs and meals, as well as the
meeting place for crafts and games. And while
every camp offers a healthy mix of old favorites such as swimming, archery (new this year),
crafts, and campfires; Camp Whitman has it all
and then some.
Their activity playbook includes a singular
assortment of pursuits such as banana boating,
disc golf, ice-cream making, a labyrinth, tiedying, music, a low ropes course, and gaga — a
Hebrew word that means “touch-touch,” and is
a safer, less competitive version of dodge ball.
These novel offerings enhance tried and true
camping standards like tetherball, canoeing,
hiking, and volleyball.
Camp Whitman, which takes its name from
Marcus Whitman, a missionary who pioneered
the Finger Lakes area light years ago, is owned
and operated by the Presbytery of Geneva, in
partnership with the Presbytery of Genesee Valley. Accordingly, it is a member of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association
(PCCCA) and is required to be licensed by the
New York State Department of Health, with inspections twice a year.
They run six one-week-sessions, beginning
in early July and continuing through midAugust. Their first five sessions are traditional
residential summer camp programs for schoolage youth between the ages of Kindergarten
and 12th grade. The final session, called “Pine
Camp,” is a residential recreation program for
teens and adults between the ages of 11 and 60
that have developmental disabilities.
With activities customized to accommodate
the distinctive needs and interests of these
unique campers, Camp Whitman opens their
arms and hearts to embrace campers with downs
syndrome, autism, traumatic brain injuries, and
learning challenges.
“They bring such joy to us, we try to customize their activities to their ability,” explains Lea
Kone, Camp Whitman’s Director. “We have
found that this is a population that has been
marginalized and hasn’t had as many opportunities as others.” She continues, “By using this
program, they are able to just be themselves and
relax. They have the same needs as the rest of
Each week during the season, Camp Whitman
welcomes about 65 campers, along with a staff
of some 15 counselors, lifeguards, coordinators, directors, and a full support team. Among
the more unique characteristics of the camp is
its organization into smaller “family groups”
which are determined by age and grade level.
“Our choice to organize our camp into ‘fam-
Photo by Camp Whitman
Camp Whitman, which takes its name from Marcus Whitman, a missionary who
pioneered the Finger Lakes area light years ago, is owned and operated by the
Presbytery of Geneva, in partnership with the Presbytery of Genesee Valley.
ily groups’ is one of many qualities that made
Camp Whitman truly unique,” says Ms. Kone.
“Set in the woods, our ‘family groups’ are clusters of small four-bed cabins circled around a
central fire ring.”
Two or three counselors live among and lead
camping groups of nine or 10 youth during each
session. These family groups are co-ed, but cabins are separated by gender. They share meals
(an experience that is more an act of ‘breaking
bread’ than just eating), participate in activities
together, and develop friendships that can become lifelong family relationships. Living in
close quarters cultivates a deep sense of community, inspires true friendship, and candidly
encourages children to come out of hiding and
open up, while sharing and exploring their faith
in a safe and caring environment.
Lea further explains, “Our groups are organized with both boy and girl campers —
again, in separate cabins, and male and female
counselors. This creates a ‘family feel’ that is
comfortable and familiar to our campers. It
also allows them to play, share, and learn from
campers and staff of both genders. There are not
very many camps that offer this type of structure, and we think it’s a really cool feature of
our camp.”
The campers sleep in small four-bed cabins
clustered around a central campfire ring. Counselors either sleep in the same cabin as campers or in an neighboring cabin, and are on duty
chaperoning campers 24 hours/day.
The cabins are simple, but comfortable, and
do not include electricity or water. In a grand
old tradition that doubles as a reality check,
restroom facilities include well-maintained outhouses adjacent to each cabin area as well as
a shower house with hot showers, flush toilets,
and sinks (just to counter any “First World”
anxieties that might compromise the campers’
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
That being said, no matter how sorely missed
they may be, televisions, computers, telephones,
and WiFi are off limits for campers. And though
they may or may not see it that way, campers
are given an uncommon opportunity in today’s
world to “unplug” for their week at Camp Whitman and instead “power-up” with the wondrous
camp community.
Campers may receive mail and email each
day, and a coordinator or director is always
available via phone to facilitate a connection
with parents in the event of an emergency.
Ms. Kone has a resume that begins with her
involvement as a camper at Camp Whitman in
the late 1980s. Her experience ultimately led
her to work in other camps in the northeast, and
down an educational path supporting her tenure
as director at Camp Whitman.
And while Kone’s Master’s Degree in “Outdoor Recreation Administration” equips her
for the title she has, no learning institution can
teach the love and passion she has for God, for
what she does, and for who she does it with!
Her directorship is something of a juggling act
that probably finds her with as many balls in the
air as there are seagulls soaring over the shores
of Seneca Lake. She handles hiring, training, recruitment of campers from area churches, paper
work, budgetary constraints, and then the white
collar comes off. You’ll also find her cooking in
the kitchen, with a plunger taking on a clogged
toilet, fielding questions from careworn counselors who need a shoulder, and on it goes.
Camp Whitman is a lot of fun, yet like its
missionary namesake, their program rests on
a foundation that always keeps the greater and
more compelling eternal considerations frontand-center.
To learn more about Camp Whitman, visit
their website at www.campwhitman.org or call
them at (315) 536-7753.
Page 21
The Good News
Managing The Books With Mike Wilson Crunching Numbers For Christ
By Rick Kern
panies, and multiple industries. Consequently,
it leverages these technologies on behalf of its
clients. “We can take all of the great ideas we
see at training conferences and apply them to
help my clients get their accounting done more
effectively,” notes Wilson, “my goal is to do
more than data entry and bookkeeping, I want
to help my clients understand where they stand
Not everyone can balance their checkbook
with the proficiency and faithfulness they feel
that God wants them to, much less grasp all
the nuances of leveraging fiscal complexities
to their personal, professional, or spiritual advantage. And because the Lord made us all with
very different, yet interlocking gifts and skill
sets, God created Mike Wilson and inspired him
to establish a powerful asset he has christened
with the moniker, “Manage the Books,” (MTB).
And while he loves what he does and (as unusual as it sounds) enjoys crunching numbers
like chiropractors enjoy cracking backs, his
passion lies in helping churches and other nonprofits with their bookkeeping needs. This frees
them up to pursue their primary calling with
peace of mind knowing that a critical element
of their infrastructure is in order.
Formally launched in 2007, Manage the
Books was created to help churches be what
God has called them to be, not simply balance
their bank accounts. “I’m here to serve churches
and not-for-profit organizations,” explains Wilson. “I want to help them learn how to use finances to best fulfill their missions. It’s more
than depositing checks and paying bills.”
To that end, Mike, who is the founder and
owner of Manage the Books, offers a full range
of bookkeeping services for churches, nonprofit
organizations, and businesses merging timetested, biblical values with contemporary, hightech accounting tools. Thus, when it comes to
effective number-crunching and managing the
books, he and MTB constitute a weapon of
“mass-creation” as-it-were! With a resume that
equips him to seamlessly integrate his bookkeeping expertise with today’s technology-intensive accounting protocols, Wilson and MTB
are helping their clients to do all that God has
designed them to do.
Among other things, Wilson is a Certified
QuickBooks ProAdvisor and has a strong
technological background, qualifying him to
not only keep the books balanced, but to also
save his clients time and money by streamlining their accounting procedures. QuickBooks
has enjoyed an astronomical rise in popularity
because it can easily be used by small business
owners and bookkeepers who have little or no
Mike Wilson
accounting experience. However, with the accounting intricacies unique to churches and
nonprofits, there is still a learning curve that
plays into the equation which cannot be ignored
or taken for granted.
And while QuickBooks may be user-friendly,
accounting laws and regulations can be downright antagonistic. Thus, understanding how to
effectively use QuickBooks has evolved into
its own sovereign skill set independent of traditional bookkeeping procedures. Even the best
bookkeeper must invest additional time and effort becoming fluent in QuickBooks in order
to maximize its effectiveness on behalf of the
Manage the Books has gathered and organized its QuickBooks knowledge across multiple years, multiple versions, multiple com-
Wilson’s longstanding tech background keeps
him on the cutting edge of the ever-evolving
trends in the field of finance. Some of his more
recently completed projects include moving
one client from a cumbersome, more labor-intensive paper-based bookkeeping structure to a
fully-automated accounting and payroll system.
Another client reaped the benefits of completely
restructuring their accounting process — improving efficiency, reducing duplicate efforts,
and uncovering billing errors by the client’s
vendor which led to improving in the vendor’s
service at a lower cost. It is a win/win that can
pay for itself, enhance incisive stewardship, and
strengthen the overall integrity of a ministry or
a business.
First Baptist Church of East
Christ’s Light in East Rochester
since 1901
119 W. Elm St., E. Rochester
Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM
Bible Study: Tues 7 PM, Thurs 10
Rev. Harry Williamson, Pastor
Faith Temple Apostolic Church
Pastor Bishop Jerry McCullough
Co-Pastor Evangelist Maggie McCullough
Sunday School: 9:00am,
Morning Worship: 10:30am.
Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm.
141 Arnett Blvd.
Rochester, NY
(585) 235-6814
Rochester Area Right to Life
Phone (585) 621-4690
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit online at www.righttoliferoch.org
675 Ling Road, Suite 3 Rochester, NY 14612
First Baptist Church
of Penfield
An American Baptist Church,
Established 1804
Rev. Philip B. Davis Sr.
1862 Penfield Road, Penfield NY 14526.
Sunday worship service 9:30 a.m.
585-586-2876. E-mail: [email protected]
Visit: www.fbpenfield.org
A native of the Greater Rochester area, Mike
was raised in a Christian home and surrendered
his life to the Lord at a summer camp during
his middle school years and has never looked
back. “I’ve been involved in church my whole
life,” he recalls. “I’ve served working the sound
system, on the Worship Team and as a WorContinued on page 21
July 1st thru the 4th
FREE Camp!
Yes, it is Camp Meeting time again! Our 28th Year! 10 powerful, spirit filled services, flowing in the
gifts of the Holy Ghost under our big tent for 4 days! Wow! The Ben Johnson Family singers, as our
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- Free Camp Meeting
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Free horseback rides; bounce house, slip-n-slide; volleyball
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Country Gospel music, Miracles, Healings, Word of
Knowledge, discerning of spirits, prophetic Word; at times
personal words from God to you. Lots of space for tents and
self-contained campers.
All free! There are also many motels close by.
2910 Douglas Rd, (Rt.13) Cortland, NY. 607-758-3928,
607-756-5770 or Check our Website for more information and
directions at www.reigningone.net.
Don’t miss this awesome event!
The Ben Johnson Family singers
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Page 22
The Good News
Mars Hill Network: Taking Back The Airwaves
From The Prince Of The Power Of The Air
Continued from page 1
General Manager, “we’re all ministering here
to serve God, encourage the saints, and broadcast the Gospel.”
Like any organization, those who labor will
emulate their leadership, conforming to the
example he or she sets with respect to work
ethic, professional integrity, concern for fellow
employees, dedication to the organization’s
mission, and a dozen other critical dynamics.
At MHN, that leader is Wayne.
A veteran of the industry, Wayne has served
MHN an amazing 34 years and worn more hats
as he traversed the network and its stations
than the Mad Hatter. “I’ve done just about everything you can do here,” he reflects, “I went
and managed a station in Webster, was a Program Director for two or three years, covered
children’s programming, production, and all
kinds of things. I’ve been General Manager for
11 years now.”
Interestingly, the hand of God in crafting his
resume is not lost on Taylor. “I really think that
the Lord put me up in Webster all those years
ago,” he explains. “Working with local churches, pastors, handling things like concerts and
pastors luncheons there, the Lord really prepared me for my present position.”
Church of Love Faith Center
Pastor Myra Parris
700 Exchange Street, Rochester NY.
14608. 585-454-3270
Sunday Worship 10AM.
Wednesday Bible Study 7PM.
Saturday Worship is at 6:00PM.
Wayne was raised in what he describes as “a
nominally Christian home” saying, “I went to
church, but I didn’t get it. It didn’t sink in.” He
came up right in the heart of the Baby Boomer
era, which as might be expected, found him
protesting the Vietnam War with his fellow
students at the community college he attended.
It was there that the Lord hurled a curve ball
right across the plate with what might as well
have been a sonic boom.
“It was the cool thing to do in those days,
in 1970 and ’71; protesting,” he recalled. “But
one day I was challenged by a Vietnam vet
as to why I was involved in the protests.” He
continued, “I was trying to come up with reasons from the Bible thinking if I knew what
the Bible says, I could come up with a good
Joy Community
Pastor James Laughlin
890 North Goodman St. Rochester
Sunday Worship Services: 9am and 11am.
E-mail at [email protected]
Visit online at www.joycc.info
John Knox
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Charles M. Roberts, Pastor
3233 West Ridge Road, Greece
(585) 225-6533
Sunday School 8:45am
Sunday Worship Service 10:00am
Faith Temple
(in Brighton)
1876 Elmwood Avenue.
Rochester, NY 14620.
(585) 473-1680
For service times and upcoming events,
visit us at www.faithtemple.net
That incident seems to have provoked a crisis of conscience which led him to a sprawling grave yard where he sat alone among the
dead with his Bible and drank in words of life.
“The first day I read the ‘The Gospel of Matthew’ and the second day I read the ‘Gospel
of John,’” he remembered poignantly. “By the
time I got to the Third Chapter of John, God
had revealed Himself to me and I wanted to
be born again. There were no fireworks, but I
knew I had been forgiven. I got it for the first
time in my life.”
Wayne’s got his love of radio way back in
his youth when he broadcasted music, commercials, and news to his neighbors from his
own working AM radio station that was built
by his father. However, as you might have
guessed, it pales in comparison to his love for
the Lord which brought him to Word of Life
Bible Institute, then to Moody Bible Institute
where he earned a degree in Pastoral Studies. Subsequently, he served as a Youth Pastor
for some three years where he actually met a
young lady named Evie, who would eventually
Send us your
Christian news!
Press-Releases, praise reports, testimonies,
general Christian articles may be
submitted by e-mail at
[email protected]
We do not accept submissions by mail or by fax. All submissions must be submitted only by e-mail and include submitter’s full name, mailing address and a phone # for verification. Submitted material is published
as space allows. Subject to Publisher’s approval. Certain restrictions apply.
Photo by The Mars Hill Network
The Mars Hill Network was essentially established in 1966 when God planted the
idea in the hearts of a handful of Christians from the Syracuse, New York area.
become his wife. “My love of radio and love of
the Lord just meshed,” says the happily married father of two, “though I never knew I’d be
here all these years. I’m a blessed man because
God’s grace is available to anyone.”
The Mars Hill Network was essentially established in 1966 when God planted the idea in the
hearts of a handful of Christians from the Syracuse, New York area. Upon sharing their vision
for a radio station in Central New York, they
formed a corporation named “Mars Hill Broadcasting.” The moniker was adapted from Acts
17 where the Apostle Paul preached Christ to
the Athenians in the market place and on Mars
Hill. Bathing the endeavor in prayer, it moved
from miracle to miracle and today has grown
to an amazing 19 facilities all across New York
MHN programming is subject to strict criteria
that pass through an extensive vetting process.
In this way, the Mars Hill Network maintains
its professional integrity and assures that what
it puts on the air meets the highest biblical and
professional standards, reflecting positively on
the network, but even more importantly, on the
Photo by The Mars Hill Network
Wayne Taylor, Mars Hill Network
General Manager
Their Programming Committee, consisting of a number of MHN’s board members
and Wayne, exercises considerable caution in
scrutinizing a potential program. Carefully reviewing content, professionalism, the ability
to meet the needs of MHN’s listeners, and the
host’s theology and reputation, they prayerfully
search deeply into the candidates and their organizations. “We don’t want to have someone
who has questions hanging over their head on
the air,” notes Taylor, “the Programming Committee is very careful.”
The solemnity with which MHN approaches
their programming content is simply an outgrowth of their guiding philosophy of ministry. “First, we’re here to proclaim the Word of
God,” there’s no other reason we’re here,” declares Wayne categorically. “We ask ourselves
if we’re ministering to people. Christian radio
is predominantly listened to by believers, but
we regularly hear from those who have lis-
Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
tened and have come to know Christ through the
broadcast alone or the broadcast combined with
other witness.”
In addition to broadcasting, the Mars Hill Network touches their community with extended
ministries, which again is simply an overflow
of who they are. A non-denominational Christian, not-for-profit, multi-media ministry, they
have their hand in a number of undertakings
that include workshops and seminars hosted by
pastors, teachers, and professionals. They also
bring Christian concerts into the MHN broadcast region and offer high quality children’s
programming supported by MHN Hilltop Kids.
The Hilltop Kids ministry focuses on spiritually nourishing children’s events and resources,
while engaging in student outreach that works
with and offers support to related outreach leaders and organizations. Moreover, they have
developed a ministry to the military and their
Obviously, MHN needs to operate in the black
like any business. That being said, the reality is
that the Mars Hill Network is a ministry; more
of an organism than an organization, whose
“business” is to be about the Father’s business!
“We’re here to reach the lost and come alongside
the local church as well,” Taylor declares forcefully. “We want to reinforce the work of the local church and encourage Christians to walk the
walk and be relevant in the world.”
They have walked that walk themselves for
nearly half-a-Century and remain ever vigilant
to be sure that any changes will continue to form
the image of Christ in them personally and in
their corporate identity. And while the MHN
continues to carefully add new stations as they
feel the Lord leads (they hope to launch two
others by the year’s end), they are very prudent
about building broadcast facilities. “Our vision
is not to see how many radio stations we can set
up,” explains Taylor, “we let the Lord open the
doors.” The growth and impact of MHN cannot help but bring to mind the words of the majestic risen Christ in Revelation 3:7 where He
describes Himself as the One who, “…opens
and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one
Photo by The Mars Hill Network
For more information about the Mars Hill
Network, visit their website at www.marshillnetwork.org or tune you radio to their flagship
station, 102.9 FM.
Page 23
The Good News
The Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse: What
Are They?
Continued from page 1
the saints for the work of the ministry. 2) To
bring unity to a city as the Body of Christ comes
together. 3) To bring healing and restoration to
God’s people.
Vince Aquilino said, “We are not here to compete with the church and we are not counselors.
We are just an arm of the church. When people
say they do not have a church, we give them a
list of thirty Bible-believing churches in the area
and let them decide where to go.”
To start a healing room you must go through
the training and abide by the guidelines given
by Healing Rooms International for the ministry.
Debby Acquilino said that when a person comes
into the center they fill out an application stating
what they want from the Lord, church affiliation,
address, etc. and read information about the ministry. They also view a short video called The
Father’s Love Letter and watch a teaching video
by Cal Pierce to assure them of God’s love and
to build up their faith regarding their healing. As
soon as they submit the form it is then passed on
to the intercessors and to the three-person team
that will be ministering to that person. In Syracuse, the healing room is open on Thursdays
from 3 pm to 8 pm and there are three teams of
three people with two shifts, as well as people
devoted to prayer during the sessions.
Kim Shattell, who has been part of a healing
room team since the day it opened, said, “God
really wants to use everyone on the team and He
always gives each of us a piece of the puzzle. It
is interesting, though, how God works because
probably over 50 % of the time God brings
something up that the person has not mentioned.
In other words, sometimes the physical problem
is only a symptom for something that started in
the spiritual and then manifested in the natural.” Shattell gave an example about a woman
who wanted healing for back pain when the
real issue, that God revealed, was anger and
resentment toward her mother-in-law who was
then living with her family. Once she became
aware of her bad attitude, she repented and
then walked out free from back pain.
Kim’s husband, Jeff, who also ministers
at the healing room in Liverpool, said, “My
prayer before we minister is always God, open
our hearts that we might all be changed. Sometimes God moves in such ways that we are all
weeping, because He is doing work in all of
Another team worker at the healing rooms,
Patty Marleau, said she was healed of lifelong
vision impairment. “Since I was born I never
had peripheral vision. I always had to look directly at something to see it. One day at the
healing room in Liverpool, Vince noticed that
I did not see something. I explained my disability and they prayed for me and I could suddenly see peripherally.” Marleau added that
there was even a humorous side to her healing: “I hadn’t noticed before but my grandkids
would sometimes be doing naughty things outside my field of vision. When I caught them the
first time after my healing, they were shocked:
“You mean you can see us now?”
Mark Milles from Syracuse recounted a
special healing he received in 2007 when he
worked as a truck driver delivering heavy
materials to Albany, NY. “I dropped these really heavy counter tops on my hand that really
ripped the flesh and, I was sure, broke some
bones too. I went to the doctor and he did an
x-ray that showed that my thumb was broken.
The next day I went to the healing rooms in Liverpool and they prayed for me. Afterwards, my
hand was still sore so I went to see the doctor
again the next week. It was funny. I was watching him comparing the old x-ray with the new
one and he was obviously flustered about something. Finally, he came out with both x-rays and
said, “Okay. This is the x-ray taken last week
and this is the one taken today. Last week you
had a broken thumb. Today, there is no indication that you ever had a broken thumb in your
Most of the healings, however, are not instantaneous, Vince Acquilino confessed. Therefore,
he encourages people to persevere for their
healings so it is not unusual for people to come
multiple times for prayer. He said, “Sometimes
it is like there are ten deadbolts blocking your
healing. The first could be a lack of forgiveness.
The second could be bitterness and the third
could be belief in a lie that you can’t be healed.
Sometimes a full healing is like an onion. You
need to peel off the layers.”
Jeff Shattell probably summed up the foundational philosophy of The Healing Rooms ministry most succinctly, “The ministry is about
love. As you remember from 1 Corinthians, the
greatest gift is love and without that you can do
nothing of importance to God. Whatever we do
at the healing room, the first and foremost priority, for all of us, is ministering in love.”
For more information please visit at http://
Managing The Books With Mike Wilson Crunching Numbers For Christ
Continued from page 19
ship Leader, I’ve also served as Treasurer for
my church, was a member of the Building and
Grounds committee, and been Treasurer for the
Richmond Area home School graduation, where
he lived for years.
a client’s ledgers, you can find him in his own
books reading science fiction, studying genealogy, or following along in the music book
of one of his favorite artists as he is an avid
Mike is married with two adult children, and
a strong supporter of home schooling. He has
two boys 29 and 27 years-old whom he (predictably) home schooled. When he is not buried in
Wilson and MTB offer complimentary consulting sessions for anyone who is interested
in exploring whether or not Manage the Books
would be a good fit. Additionally, his com-
mand of technology enables him to offer the
same exceptional services regardless of their
location. “I can serve churches 100 miles away
just as easily as churches five miles away,” he
If you are interested in a free consultation or
learning more about Manage the Books, call
Mike Wilson at (585) 454-9408, or visit their
web site (complete with Blog) at www.managethebooks.com.
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Return to
Houston Following New Round of Storms and Destruction
(Christian Newswire) - Just days after finishing their ministry efforts in Houston following
massive and widespread flooding in April, crisistrained chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid
Response Team have returned to the Houston
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is deploying in coordination with Samaritan’s Purse,
the Christian disaster relief organization also
headed by Franklin Graham. Together the two
ministries will address the physical, emotional
and spiritual needs of those who have been affected.
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team concluded its efforts related to the April flooding
Continued from page 19
from playing there to becoming a camper, then
a junior counselor, a senior counselor, to assistant director, and finally the camp’s director.
He and his wife assumed the top spot in August
of 2014 after having been involved as workers with Camp JYC some 20 years. “We heard
that the husband/wife team that had served as
director were moving on,” he recalls, “and that
was going to leave a big hole. We spent time in
prayer then worked alongside of them and took
over when they left.”
It is a position that entails just about everything from administrative work, to fundraising, to staff interviews, hiring, budgeting, and
basically anything else you can think of. “I’ve
been involved here my whole life,” says the father of three, “and we really see a vision here.
It’s such a unique opportunity for kids and we
didn’t want to see it fall by the wayside. It’s a
labor of love — we want to see kids impacted
for Jesus here.”
Resting on top of one of the highest hills in
Cattaraugus County, its breathtaking scenery
and notable facilities often keep Camp JYC
humming with activity in the off-season booking family reunions, weddings, and retreats.
The National Guard has even rented it out for
military-related purposes.
Martin continues to build relationships with
other churches to attract new campers, and invests considerable time and effort in maintenance and the upgrades necessary to keep the
camping facilities functional and attractive.
His “to-do-list” is daunting with a number of
infrastructure projects demanding his attention, but as God’s ministry, it is up to God to
provide. For example, the cabins are showing
their age, so he is working on a maintenance
schedule for them and the log dining hall needs
a new foundation so they are looking at a new
structure to be designed to replace it.
“We’re really just trying to gear up for the
future,” Hatch observes, “and make sure that
Camp JYC continues to enjoy the success
we’ve had for the past 55 years.”
They offer early registration incentives, family discounts, and have a limited number of
sponsorships. You can learn more about this
unique ministry of the First Baptist Church of
Franklinville where Jesus is your comrade, by
visiting their Website located at www.campyjc.
org or by calling them at (716) 676-2148.
ments, visit www.billygraham.org/rrt. Updates
can also be found at www.facebook.com/RRTChaplains.
About the Billy Graham Rapid Response
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was
developed by Franklin Graham and the Billy
Graham Evangelistic Association following the
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It has since grown into
a nationwide network of chaplains in 48 states
who are specifically trained to deal with crisis
situations. They have deployed to more than
215 disaster sites, including shootings, floods,
hurricanes, wildfires and tornadoes.
Historic levels of precipitation across Texas
have produced another round of widespread
flooding, leading to swollen rivers, closed roads,
evacuated families, and devastated homes. According to news reports, six people have died
statewide in the floods.
“Many families are still dealing with the immense impact of the April flood on their lives
and on their homes. The latest round of rain and
flooding will have an exponentially larger effect
on those who were already tired and broken,”
said Jack Munday, the international director of
the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team. “Please
join us in praying for all of those who are facing
difficult days ahead as a result of the storms.”
Camp JYC, Feeling
Friendship With Jesus In
The Foothills Of The
Allegheny Mountains
Franklin Graham
in Houston on May 21, 2016, roughly a week
before the most recent storms devastated the
area. They also recently wrapped up ministry in West Monroe, La., where they spent 11
weeks helping the surrounding communities to
recover from flooding in early March.
“Because we’ve had multiple disasters that
have taken place so closely (both chronologically and geographically), we were able to use
existing connections and materials to proceed
quickly and get up to speed almost immediately, reaching out to homeowners within hours,”
said Munday.
For more information on the ministry, including videos, photos, news articles and an
interactive map of former and current deploy-
Is Your Ministry Hosting
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or Special Christian
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Christian Business Directory
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at [email protected] or call (585) 271-4464 for rate information.
Passero Associates. Exceptional Service, Outstanding Solutions, Value-Oriented Planning,
Engineering, Architectural Design, Surveying,
Sustainability, Program Management, Construction Administration and Design-Build Services.
242 West Main Street, Suite 100 Rochester, NY
14614 (585) 325-1000. www.passero.com.
store in Penfield. Books, Bibles, Music,
DVDs, Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies,
Candles, Palms. Panorama Plaza. 1601 Penfield Rd. (585) 381-1250. www.anobook.com.
Auto Service
Alpha & Omega PARABLE Christian
bookstore in Greece. Books, Bibles, Music,
DVDs, Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies, Candles, Palms. Stone Ridge Plaza.
1540 Ridge Rd. West. (585) 697-7693. www.
Grace Auto Repair & Transmission Center.
Automatic Transmission Repair and Rebuilding.
Full Auto Repair. Foreign and domestic. 722
Ridge Rd at Hatch Rd. intersection in Webster.
(585)671-3470. www.graceautorepair.com Email: [email protected].
The Fig Tree Bookstore, Messianic Bookstore - Judaica, Jewelry, Gifts, Books, Messianic CD’s and more. Open Tuesdays and Fridays 12-5, Thursdays 3-7. 1326 N. Winton Rd,
Rochester NY 14609, 585-288-0670, www.
AVS Law, PLLC. Arnis V. Sprancmanis, Attorney at Law PLLC. Rochester Office: 70
Linden Oaks, 3rd Floor Rochester, NY 14625.
Tel. (585) 672-6572. Syracuse Office: 7030 East
Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066. Tel. (315)
422-5557. [email protected]. www.avslaw.com.
Law Offices of Mark F. Viencek. A Voice You
Can Trust. Personal Injury (All Types - Auto
Injury, Legal & Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Major Loss), Debt Elimination, Debt
Harassment Relief, Traffic & Vaccine Law. Free
Initial Consultation. 290 Linden Oaks, Rochester; 585-419-8075; 1-866-33voice; www.christianinjuryattorney.net.
Manage the Books LLC. Bookkeeping and daily financial management services for churches
and nonprofit organizations. Serving New York
State. Mike Wilson - Owner/Founder. www.
managethebooks.com. (585) 454-9408. act@
Alpha & Omega PARABLE Christian book-
Barden Building Systems. Build your next
Building with Barden Building Systems. 800945-9400. www.BardenBuildingSystems.com.
Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center. 7955
Brantingham Rd. Greig, NY 13345. 315-3488833. [email protected]. www.aldersgateny.org.
Asbury Camp & Retreat Center. PO Box
218. (16 Lakeside Avenue). Silver Lake, NY
14549. 585-237-5262. [email protected].
Bliss Summit Bible Camp. Affordable summer camps and retreat space. Reaching the
lost, discipling believers, and exhorting to
service. Serving and loving Western NY since
1977. 585-322-9975. www.BlissSummit.com
[email protected].
Brigade Air, Inc. Mission Aviation Adventure Camps. Youth aviation camps. www.
brigadeair.org click on “Camps & Campers”.
Camp-of-the-Woods Christian Family Resort and Conference Center. Located in the
beautiful Adirondack Mountains. (518) 5484311 ext. 247. www.camp-of-the-woods.org.
Camp Cherith WNY. Hunt, NY. 585-4683850. Traditional resident camp; boys and girls
ages 7-17. Counselor-led daily Bible study,
background checked staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited. Great value! www.
Maranatha Plumbing
Cell: 585-738-9120
Residential. Commercial. Sewer & Drain Cleaning.
Water Heaters & Tankless W.H. Kitchen & Bath
Remodeling. Water power back up & sump pumps.
Call Peter Fedorchuk at 585-738-9120.
Pager 585-783-0708.
Conte’s Flooring &
Sales & service, quality workmanship. Products
at affordable prices. Commercial, Industrial, and
Call for an estimate at (585) 957-4027.
We guarantee our trust.
Camp Hickory Hill. Summer Camp Programs
for Boys in July & Girls in August; Family
Camps also available. Retreats & Weekend
Events Sept-June. More info at www.CampHickoryHill.org, (585) 535-7832, Sam@
www.liloli.org for details or to register online.
See you there!
Building with Barden Building Systems. 800945-9400. www.BardenBuildingSystems.com.
Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake, traditional
resident camp for ages 6-16 as well as camp for
youth and adults with developmental disabilities. Visit www.CampWhitman.org or contact
us at [email protected] or call (315)
536-7753 for information.
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center. 158
Casowasco Dr. Moravia, NY 13118. 315-3648756. [email protected]. www.casowasco.
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. A four
season retreat and conference center with summer youth camps. For more information, check
out our website: www.deltalake.org. 315-3367210.
Duffield Christian Camp and Retreat Center. Facility is available for overnight retreat
groups year round. Only 45 minutes south east
of Buffalo in Delevan, NY. Visit www.campduffield.net or call 716-877-0581.
Findley Camp & Retreat Center. 2334 Sunnyside Rd. Clymer NY 14724. 716-769-7146.
[email protected]. www.campfindley.org.
Hope Valley Camp - Year round retreat facility offering modern and rustic environments at
affordable prices. Close to Swain and Letchworth. Call to plan your summer camp. (585)
683-4907. www.hopevalleycamp.com.
LeTourneau Christian Center. A year-round
Camp & Retreat Center on Beautiful Canandaigua Lake. For more information contact us at
585-554-3400 or check us out on the web at
Odosagih Bible Conference & Retreat Center. Summer family camp on Lime Lake in
Machias NY. Retreats Sept-June, yours or ours.
Contact us at 716-353-8555 or [email protected]. Visit online www.odosagih.org.
Ontario Bible Camp. 385 Lakeview Road.
Oswego, NY 13126. (315) 343-6111. “Preaching & Teaching” since 1921. Resident Camps,
Retreats. Register online at www.ontariobible.
com or come see us on www.facebook.com/
Silver Bay YMCA Conference and Family
Retreat Center on Lake George. 87 Silver
Bay Road, Silver Bay, NY 12874, 1-888-7587229. Group Contact ext. 345, Individual stays
ext. 350. www.silverbay.org.
Sky Lake Camp & Retreat Center. 501 William Law Rd. Windsor NY 13865. 607-4672750. [email protected]. www.skylakecenter.org.
Camp JYC. Located high in the foothills of
the Allegheny Mountains in Franklinville, NY.
Affordable camps for all ages. Sharing Jesus
since 1960. Visit www.campjyc.org or contact
us at [email protected] or 716-676-5262.
Skye Farm Camp & Retreat Center. 1884
Clymer NY E. Schroon River Rd. Warrensburg
NY 12885. 518-494-7170. [email protected]. www.skyefarmcamp.org.
Camp Li-Lo-Li. Contact us at 716-945-4900
for more information. Visit our website at
Barden Building Systems. Build your next
Church Building
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Visit us online at www.TheGoodNewsNewYork.com
Southern Gospel NY brings Southern Gospel
Music groups to the area to encourage and bring
Christians together for fellowship with other
believers. Info at www.SGNY.NET. 585-3293840.
Roberts Cultural Life Center – Celebrating the
Power of the Arts! 2301 Westside Drive Rochester, NY 14624 - for tickets or more info – www.
roberts.edu/clc or 888-222-1048.
Teaching and Learning Institute (TLI Inc.).
Looking for people of faith to consider running
for their local school board. PO Box 32, Houghton, NY 14744, 567-2080 www.whyrun.org.
Passero Associates. Exceptional Service, Outstanding Solutions, Value-Oriented Planning,
Engineering, Architectural Design, Surveying,
Sustainability, Program Management, Construction Administration and Design-Build Services.
242 West Main Street, Suite 100 Rochester, NY
14614 (585) 325-1000. www.passero.com.
Financial Services
AXA Advisors - Diana Apostolova, Financial
Consultant. 175 Corporate Woods, Ste. 250,
Rochester, NY 14623. Office (585) 475-8460.
E-mail: [email protected].
www.dianaapostolova.com. www.axa.com.
Fitness Center
Victory Fitness. A wide variety of group fitness
classes taught by certified Christian instructors.
14607. 585-370-2480. Group Fitness Classes –
Your Site or Ours. www.victoryworkout.com.
Conte’s Flooring & Installations. Sales & service, quality workmanship. Products at affordable prices. Commercial, Industrial, and Residential. Call for an estimate at (585) 957-4027.
We guarantee our trust.
Graphic Design
Green Graphics Design, Inc. Cultivating
Market Success Through Graphic Design. Bob
Green - President. E-mail: rgreen07@rochester.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding,
Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service, HighQuality Work, and Affordable Price! Call (585)
727-1707 or visit http://www.rfremodeling.com.
Health &Wellness
Kyani. The “Triangle Of Health” All Natural
Organic, NON-GMO Nutraceutical Supplements. Scientifically Designed to Create Results
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Guarantee. Independent Distributor (585)7470431. Online Store http://energyman.kyani.net.
Home Improvement
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit http://www.rfremodeling.com.
Global Outreach Mission, a missionary sending organization. 1670 Hopkins Rd. Getzville,
NY 14068. USA: Tel: 716-688-5048. Fax: 716688-5049. http://www.missiongo.org.
Music Lessons
Music For You: Private piano, voice, and flute
lessons available in a well-established studio:
beginners through advanced levels, children
and adults, flexible scheduling, and affordable.
For more information: phone 585-225-7027.
Galleria Pizza. Eat in or Take out. Free Delivery. Also featuring Pasta Dinners, Specialty
Salads and Friday Fish Fry. Christian Owned
and Operated for over 14 years. 16 East Main
St. Reynolds Arcade. Rochester, NY. (585)
Maranatha Plumbing. Residential. Commercial. Sewer & Drain Cleaning. Water Heaters
& Tankless W.H. Kitchen & Bath Remodeling.
Water power back up & sump pumps. Call Peter Fedorchuk. Cell 585-738-9120. Pager 585783-0708.
Pregnancy Services
New Hope Family Services. Free pregnancy
tests, peer counseling and practical assistance
when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
Adoption Services. 3519 James Street. Syracuse, NY 13206. (315) 437-8300. [email protected]. www.newhopefamilyservices.com.
Joseph’s House for Women. A loving home
for women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Email: [email protected] or
call 315-288-0319. Website: www.jhfw.org
Facebook: JosephsHouseSyr.
Place of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center.
Corner of Bay and Goodman (916 North Goodman St. Rochester, NY), Just Walk In or Call
697-0003, FREE Pregnancy Tests, www.placeofhopeprc.com, Find us on Facebook!
Pregnancy Care Center of Finger Lakes.
Pregnancy Tests & Referral for Limited Ultrasound At No Cost. 551 Exchange St. Geneva,
NY. 14456. 315-789-0708 www.imightbepregnant.com E-mail: [email protected].
Pro-Life Organizations
Rochester Area Right to Life. 675 Ling Road,
Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14612. Phone (585)
621-4690. E-mail: [email protected]
Visit online at www.righttoliferoch.org.
Mars Hill Network. Streaming online at www.
MarsHillNetwork.org. 1-800-677-1881.
Kitchen & Bath Remodeling by Maranatha
Plumbing. Residential. Commercial. Sewer
& Drain Cleaning. Water Heaters & Tankless
W.H. Water power back up & sump pumps. Call
Peter Fedorchuk. Cell 585-738-9120. Pager
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit http://www.rfremodeling.com.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit http://www.rfremodeling.com.
Schools, Colleges and Seminaries
Davis College. 400 Riverside Drive. Johnson City, NY 13790. www.davisny.edu.
1.800.331.4137 toll-free, or 607.729.1581.
Destiny Christian School. The Destiny School
is located in the Faith Temple church complex
at 1876 Elmwood Avenue in Brighton. For more
information call (585) 473-1680. Visit online at
Elim Bible Institute and College. “Preparing
Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leaders”
for over 90 years. Year in the Son, 2-year AAS
degree & 3-year practical ministry programs.
7245 College St, Lima, NY. 585-582-1230.
[email protected]. www.elim.edu.
Greece Christian School. Herbert E. Parker,
Th.D., Principal. Preschool thru 8th. 750 Long
Pond Road. Rochester, N.Y. 14612. 585-7231165. www.greecechristian.org.
Master’s College and Seminary. 780 Argyle
Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 5T2 Canada.
1 (800) 295-6368. [email protected]. www.mcs.
Joseph Business School. The Place Where
Businesses are Born! 3325 Genesee Street.
Cheektowaga, NY 14225. Stephen Grant, Director. Ph. (716) 631-8595. www.jbsbuffalo.
New Creation Fellowship Academy. Biblically-based and academically challenging curriculum. 3325 Genesee Street. Cheektowaga, NY
14225. Mike Ward, Principal. Ph. (716) 6326084. www.ncfacademy.com.
New York School of the Bible has been Teaching God’s Word to Train God’s People since
1971 in New York City – offering 14 certificate and diploma programs – affiliated with
Lancaster Bible College. 212.975.0170. www.
Northeastern Seminary @ Roberts Wesleyan College. 2265 Westside Dr. Rochester, NY
14624. (585) 594-6800 or 1-800-777-4792.
Nyack College. New York’s Christian College. College – Alliance Theological Seminary
– Graduate Schools. Christian Higher Education Since 1882. 1 South Boulevard Nyack, NY
10960. (800) 33-NYACK. www.nyack.edu.
The Charles Finney School. K-12 grade.
Prepares students spiritually, intellectually,
and socially in a Christian academic environment focused on Real Faith, Real Education,
Real Results. 585-387-3770, or visit www.
The King’s College in New York City. Christian liberal arts college raising principled leaders in New York City. 56 Broadway, New York,
NY 10004. 888-969-7200. www.tkc.edu.
The “King’s” College. Reigning Miracle
Ministry, Inc. 2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY
13045. 607-756-5770. 607-758-3928 www.
Union Theological Seminary in the City of
New York; New York, NY; 212-662-7100.
[email protected]. www.utsnyc.edu.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit http://www.rfremodeling.com.
Carpe Diem Travel. 225 Tech Park Drive in
Henrietta, NY 14623. Specializing in group and
religious travel. Call Cathy at (585) 295-9393
x235 or Email: cathy@carpediemrochester.
com. www.CarpeDiemRochester.com.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding,
Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service, HighQuality Work, and Affordable Price! Call (585)
727-1707 or visit onlie at http://www.rfremodeling.com.
The Skyline Boys In Concert in
By Joyce Spamer
Not new to the area, The Skyline Boys will
again be blessing us in a Gospel Music Concert
this coming September. Mark your calendar so
you don’t miss this great time of Christian fellowship.
Below you will find the mission statement of
the Skyline Boys Quartet, a sincerely dedicated,
ministry-based group from Northern, VA:
The ministry of Christ, the risen Savior, has
been spread for over 2000 years and is still being spread today through the message of song. It
should be the goal of every Christian to spread
the name of Jesus to a lost and dying world.
This job is costly and takes a lot of dedication.
Only when we reach Heaven will we know the
full impact of our efforts. Occasionally, in our
travels down here, we get to reap the benefits
of our labors as we see souls come forward to
accept Christ as their own personal Savior. Our
mission is as follows:
1) Deliver the message of the gospel according to our calling.
2) Give the audience the opportunity to response to the message of the gospel.
3) Do the best we can in our presentation for
the gospel and our singing.
As Dennis Power, owner and Base singer
says, “If we can say yes to this mission statement, then the program was a success.”
The Skyline Boys were formed in 1995 at the
foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, at the
beginning of the famous Skyline Drive. Dennis Powers felt a calling to organize a group
that would present the message of God’s love
through Southern Gospel Music.
Over the years, the Skyline Boys have appeared all over the country and have made a
name on television and radio. Though the members have changed, the message has stayed the
same. The priority has always been to bring the
plan of salvation to the lost and to uplift fellow Christians. They count the many who have
given their lives to Christ through their ministry
as the greatest blessing of all.
Dennis Powers of Purcellville, VA, the owner
and manager of the group, soundman, and bus
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driver is the bass singer for the group. As the
son of a pastor, he was introduced to Gospel
Music at a young age by a Blackwood Brothers album his dad brought home in the Mid
50’s. Inspired by the Couriers, the Great Cathedrals and other groups of the 60’s, he stated his first group in October 1964 in his dad’s
church in Hagerstown, MD. He has sung with
many groups over the last 50 years.
Rounding out the group with an extraordinary high range and smooth sound is Jerry
Skaggs, their tenor. He is no stranger to Gospel Music and has worked part-time with Phil
Cross and Poet Voices, The Faith Harmony
Boys and most recent his family group, The
Chris Williams, lead and a native of
Waynesboro, VA, is no stranger to gospel music. Having sung with several groups and having a group of his own, Chris’s exceptional
smooth vocals is a crowd pleaser everywhere
the group goes.
Chris is a longtime friend of Jimmy Fortune, former tenor for the Statler Brothers
who hail from the same area. Music is and
has been a major part of Chris’s life.
Come and hear The Skyline Boys September 9, 2016 @ Grace Church of the Nazarene
at 2924 Union Street South in Rochester,
New York 14624. Concert will start at 7:00
PM. Tickets are only $15 in advance and $18
at the Door.
You may order on line with Paypal @ www.
sgny.net or send check or money order with
a return stamped self-addressed envelope to
Southern Gospel NY 3250 Big Ridge Road
Spencerport, NY 14559.
For more info call 585-329-3840.
Page 26
The Good News
Oasis Christian
Pastor Samme Palermo
Sunday Services: 8:30am and 10:30am
(Sunday school classes available).
Wednesday evening midweek services for the whole family, 7pm.
At the Charles Finney School, 2070 Five Mile Line Rd, Penfield.
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit www.oasis-cf.net
Joseph’s House for
A loving home for women facing an
unplanned pregnancy.
Email: [email protected]
315-288-0319. www.jhfw.org
Facebook: JosephsHouseSyr.
New Testament Christian
Church of Greece
Jim Crowley, Pastor
Laurie Bolton, Co-Pastor
Sunday Service: 10am.
349 North Ave. Rochester, NY 14626.
(585) 723-1400 E-mail: [email protected]
Greece Christian
Herbert E. Parker, Th.D., Principal
Preschool thru 8 . 750 Long Pond Road.
Rochester, N.Y. 14612
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Homeschooling Gaining Traction With Parents
Across The U.S.
Continued from page 7
tional educational practice that a decade ago
appeared to be cutting-edge and ‘alternative’
but is now bordering on ‘mainstream’ in the
United States. It may be the fastest-growing
form of education in the United States. Homebased education has also been growing around
the world in many other nations (e.g., Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Japan, Kenya,
Russia, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, and
the United Kingdom).”
From the cold impersonal world of a facts
and data, however supportive to the intimacy
and joy of a tightknit family, homeschooling
has steadily eroded its opposition over the
years, and appears to be on its way to gaining widespread acceptance as a new normal.
Having crossed over from what was once considered by the establishment more like a right
that was somehow wrong, its adherents include
culturally canny, savvy success stories that
defy and even trump the negative stereotypes
associated with it in the past. Families that
include physicians, lawyers, chefs, and executives have embraced and moved homeschooling from something of a footnote in scrawled
graffiti-like on the bathroom wall of scholastic
history to a respectable, authentic academic
option that has one foot in the American mainstream and another on a banana peel.
A case in point is the Waggoner family: Jack,
Kim and their three kids, Ben, Paige, and Brad.
A Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Jack and
Kim are a conventional American family that
are homeschooling a high school freshman, an
8th grader, and a 5th grade student. They did
not pursue homeschooling due to any negative experiences; instead they were very satisfied with the Christian school that the kids
attended. For them, it was their love of family,
coupled with Ben’s desire to be homeschooled
that got the ball rolling.
“Family is just huge to me and Jack,” said
Kim. “We wanted to be together and wanted
the kids to be all that God has called them to
be so we prayed and looked at all the pros and
cons.” Continuing, she explained that, “We
loved the school, yet he continued to pray and
ask us to be homeschooled.”
Their school, Christian Central Academy,
was extremely supportive and open to God’s
will. It was also 30 miles away. “The travel, the
money, the gas, playing beat-the-clock, there
was a lot to consider,” she recalled. Thankfully, Kim did not have to work so time was not
an issue, but she was afraid of failing. After all,
the stakes were high. This was her children’s
education. However, learning the ropes may
have been a challenge but the pieces eventually
Henrietta Church of the First Born fell into place, “That first year was difficult,”
she reflected, “but it all came together. We did
Pastor Ronald M. & First Lady
Terri E. Poles
lots of praying and spent a lot of time on our
769 Erie Station Road.
West Henrietta, NY 14586.
Sunday School 9am.
Sunday Worship Service 10am.
Bible Study: Wednesday 6:30pm.
Come as you are!
Liberty Temple
Ministries COGIC
Pastor Charles G. Simmons, Sr.
144 Reynolds St. Rochester NY 14608
Sun. School: 10am
Sunday Worship Services: 11:30am & 7:30pm
Wed. Bible Study at 7:30pm
(585) 464-8467. E-Mail: [email protected]
Eventually they decided on “Bob Jones”
homeschooling curriculum which turned out
to be a good fit, and five years later, the rest is
history. The Waggoners reevaluate every year,
taking it before the Lord, and then they run it
by the kids, who are still extremely enthusiastic and supportive.
Among the more common criticisms about
homeschooling is the concern that it compromises the students’ socialization experience.
However, the way it all plays out for the Waggoner family may actually bring a little overkill in that department. “I have to laugh about
it when I hear that because it’s the farthest
thing from the truth,” Kim remarks. “We are
involved way above and beyond because we
are able to incorporate so many activities into
their studies. Dance, band, church, and Youth
Group; we absolutely incorporate them all. It’s
not an issue for us, the kids look forward to
getting out and people comment on how kind
and mature they are.”
In thinking about it, Kim observes, “As I
listen to my son pray, parents need to listen
to their children. God uses these kids! Homeschooling isn’t for everybody, but it’s up to us
to hear what God has laid on their hearts.”
Legislative Days 2016
Dan DiFrancesco, another homeschooler,
would agree! “We strongly believe it is the
responsibility of parents to train up their children and see that they get a good education,”
he says. “This can be done in many ways —
with the assistance of public schools, private
schools, or through homeschooling — but the
role of parents in each case is to oversee their
children’s development. This active parental
participation is fundamental to the success of
the next generation of leaders and responsible
A strong proponent of homeschooling, Dan
is a Western New York regional representative
of the New York State chapter of LEAH, which
stands for “Loving Education At Home.” The
group supports and promotes home education
throughout New York State, including legislative advocacy for parents’ rights to homeschool if necessary. To that end Dan recently
returned from a meeting with State Senator,
Rob Ortt which he said was encouraging.
A long time homeschooling family, Dan’s
kids are marquee students, did very well on
their SAT’s, and his two oldest are knocking
it out of the park in college. One is a nursing
student who has earned a 4.0 GPA after the first
three semesters of college, while another is a
biology major with a 3.5 GPA. His third child
is in 6th grade, presently being homeschooled,
and is also doing well.
on her own, not just getting the work done. I really love that. She actually had to learn the material, she had to do it, not just get it done.”
Continuing Jill notes that, “Cam’s achieving
what we had hoped; she is gaining confidence in
her ability to learn, going at her own pace, and
participating in family activities as well.”
It is not just homeschooling parents who advocate for the option. Mrs. Bethany Piatek is a 14year veteran of the public school system, a high
school teacher who loves being an educator. Yet
she sees the virtue in homeschooling. “I don’t
think there’s one right way,” observes Piatek.
“What parents and children are most comfortable
going with, and any avenue is worth considering, it is important to weigh all the angles.” As
an educator and a Christian it was easy to list
some of the advantages off the top of her head,
“There are smaller class sizes, you can hear Bible
stories, gain one-on-one teaching, tailor the curriculum…”
In the end her advice when considering homeschooling was somewhat “academic.” She said,
“Weigh the options, decide which aspects can be
thought out. The parent needs to be ready to be
committed, so don’t enter into it lightly. Make
sure your support system is in place.”
16 year-old Camryn Kelly is another student who has found a home in homeschooling.
Also known as “Cam,” Her mother, Jill Kelly,
is extremely busy. A New York Times BestSelling authoress, she has written or collaborated on some 10 books; and when she’s not at
her keyboard, she helps sets the sails and man
the helm of a highly successful national charity that makes a difference in countless lives;
Additionally, she’s on the arm of her husband,
celebrated Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly, and been at his side during his very public
battle with cancer and its subsequent reoccurrence.
With a hectic life that juggles the intense
demands of family, career, a charitable foundation and research center, a vigorous speaking schedule, and stresses of having walked
through a very dark valley with her husband.
Why pile on the rigors of homeschooling with
everything else? Because it is a quality educational option. A great fit for Cam, and worth
everything it demanded to pull off.
Camryn also attended Christian Central
Academy (CCA) up until this past year, and
the Kelly family loved it. Like the Waggoners, they decided to pursue homeschooling
for personal reasons that were no reflection on
the quality of the education offered by CCA.
“Cam is learning more in this year because of
the way she is able to learn,” Kelly explains.
“She’s processing the information differently
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Education is changing with the times
and may, in fact, be changing the times
And again, Dan DiFrancesco would agree, “It
involves quite a commitment on the part of the
family, especially for the person who is the primary teacher. Everyone has to play their part. It
is a lifestyle.”
1 http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=372
3 http://www.nheri.org/research/research-factson-homeschooling.html
4 http://www.nheri.org/research/research-factson-homeschooling.html
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Hair Removal
Part-time Ministry Position Open: New Hope Family Services is looking for a coordinator for their Real
Love Respects Abstinence Education Program. This
paid position includes administrative oversight of all
phases of the program. It will also require classroom
presentation when needed. If interested, please call
Judy Ruch at (315) 439-3265.
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Open House
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, July 26th from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield. Prospective
families are invited to take a school tour and get information about admission. Call 585-387-3770 or visit
www.finneyschool.org for more information.
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, August 2nd from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield. Prospective
families are invited to take a school tour and get information about admission. Call 585-387-3770 or visit
www.finneyschool.org for more information.
The Charles Finney School will hold an Open
House on Tuesday, August 9th from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield. Prospective
families are invited to take a school tour and get information about admission. Call 585-387-3770 or visit
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HUNT Real Estate. [email protected]. (585) 469-2843.
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New Hope Family Services: Helping Those In Crisis Do you Have a
Choose Life
Continued from page 1
looking for answers and support in regards to
abstinence education.
Love Respects, has reached over 42,000 students in 28 public schools,” stated Raub
proudly. “After each presentation students and
teachers fill out a confidential evaluation form
and we have received a majority of positive
feedback from both teachers and students. One
teacher commented how our program is always
relevant and up-to-date on current issues and
students have told us how much they appreciate
discovering ‘they’re not the only one’ interested
in abstinence and how the program has helped
them to make good choices for their future.”
The ministry began as the vision of Clinton
Tasker in 1958 who was looking to establish a
voluntary, not-for-profit professional Christian
family service agency. Evangelical Adoption
and Family Services (EAFS) was created and
became authorized by the New York State Department of Social Services agency in 1965 to
provide adoption services, foster care, and related counseling services throughout New York
In 1985, Larry Taylor, the Executive Director of EAFS at the time, took Tasker’s vision
one step further when he showed a movie,
“Assignment-life” at the North Syracuse Baptist Church. Deeply touched by the movie’s
storyline that told of how a pro-choice woman
changed her heart to become pro-life, the group
of businessmen became determined to create
a pregnancy center in Syracuse that would offer women faced with an unplanned pregnancy
a place to explore their options. In 1986, New
Hope Pregnancy Aid Center opened its doors
under the auspices of Evangelical Adoption and
Family Services.
In 1992, EAFS and New Hope Pregnancy
Aid Center merged into one agency, New Hope
Family Services, and resides at its present location at 3519 James Street in Syracuse. Eleven
years ago the organization opened a satellite location at 500 Walnut Avenue in Syracuse.
New Hope Family Services continues to
thrive today, and last year assisted over 1600
clients under the direction of Raub, who began
as a volunteer for the organization several years
ago. Raub accepted the position of director
three years ago when she felt God put a stirring
on her heart.
New Hope Family Services is funded com-
In addition to Raub, the organization has a
total of 16 staff members. “We do what we do
with a limited staff,” explained Raub. “The majority of our team are volunteers and everyone
does an amazing job.” Many of the volunteers
work directly as Client Advocates and have had
a lasting impact on those who have utilized the
services of New Hope.
Photo by New Hope Family Services
Martha Raub, Director of New Hope
Family Services in Syracuse, NY
pletely by donations, and all services are free
and confidential. These services include a loving pregnancy care program that offers selfadministered pregnancy tests, on-site ultra
sound, peer counseling, education and practical
assistance to the women facing the fears and
concerns of an unplanned pregnancy; parenting education that provides practical skills for
developing successful family living; adoption
planning services and child placement services; post-abortion counseling and education
that offers hope and healing for women and
men suffering the pain and loss of an abortion;
pregnancy loss counseling for those who have
experienced the pain of miscarriage, stillbirth or
other infant loss; and abstinence education that
encourages young people to view abstinence as
a realistic and attainable goal.
“The abstinence education program, Real
“Former clients have reached out to us
through the years to tell us how much it meant
to have their Client Advocate there for them.
It is our goal to reach out to those in need and
help support them with God’s truth and love,”
explained Raub.
Those interested in learning more about New
Hope Family Services can call (315) 437-8300
or (800) 272-3171, visit www.newhopefamilyservices.com, or send questions to a confidential email address, [email protected].
New Hope Family Services will have their
annual fall banquet on Monday, September
26,2016 at the Carnegie Conference Center at
Driver’s Village, 5885 East Circle Drive, Cicero New York.
Their speaker this year will be David Bereit
with 40 Days for Life. You may call 315-4378300 for tickets.
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