SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Lee County Public Schools
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Lee County Public Schools
Lee County Public Schools SCHOOL BOARD MEETING June 9, 2015 2:00 p.m. The School District of Lee County 2855 Colonial Blvd. Fort Myers, Florida 33966-1012 (239) 334-1102 Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan Chairman, District 3 Steven K. Teuber Vice Chairman, District 4 Mary Fischer District 1 Jeanne S. Dozier District 2 Pamela H. LaRiviere District 5 Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D Superintendent SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Keith B. Martin, Esq. Board Attorney June 9, 2015 – 2:00 p.m. Order of Business I. II. Opening Exercises A. Call to Order – Ms. Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Chairman B. Invocation – Mr. Steven Teuber C. Pledge of Allegiance – Mrs. Pamela LaRiviere Special Presentations A. Recognitions 1. Character Education Digital Design Competition Mrs. Pamela LaRiviere For the month of June, Anna Presson from Riverdale High School B. Acknowledgement – (None) C. Special Presentations to the Board – (None) D. Staff Presentation to the Board – (None) III. Agenda Public Comment IV. Consent Action Items (Action items pulled for discussion will be considered during the Unfinished Business/Tabled Items section of the agenda.) A. Resolutions – (None) Vision: To be a world-class school system 1 IV. Consent Action Items – (cont’d) B. Executive Services – Dr. Nancy Graham 1. Approval of minutes of School Board Meetings: May 26, 2015, School Board Workshop - Protocols May 26, 2015, School Board Student Hearings May 26, 2015, School Board Briefing Meeting May 26, 2015, School Board Meeting C. D. 3 Business and Finance – Dr. Ami Desamours 1. Approval to remove from the Official Property Records, 393 items listed on the reports titled Property Records Asset Retirement by Bar Code/Tag Number. Approval authorizes the Superintendent or designee to sign all related documents. 5 2. Approval to piggy-back Brevard County School Board Bid No. 13-B-040DR - Bulk Commodity Processing, awarded to multiple vendors, for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated expenditure of $450,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 7 3. Approval to extend Bid No. B147182CP for cleaning products District wide to AFP Industries, Inc., Cheney Brothers, Inc., Dade Paper & Bag Co., Ecolab, Inc., Interline Brands d/b/a Supplyworks (formerly Amsan/Pyramid), Marco Office Supply Furniture & Printing Co., Pyramid Schools Products, and Quill Corp for a 90 day period of June 24, 2015 through September 21, 2015, at the estimated expenditure of $75,000.00 pursuant to the same terms and conditions. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 9 4. Approval of one purchase requisition in the total amount of $41,628.37, and authorization for the issuance of one purchase order as described. 11 Operations – Dr. Gregory Adkins 1. Approval of the general personnel recommendations including administrative, certificated, support and substitute staff, and out-of-field appointments. 13 2. Approval of the Reappointments for the 2015-2016 school year effective July 1, 2015. 15 06-09-15 Page 2 IV. Consent Action Items – (cont’d) D. Operations – Dr. Gregory Adkins 3. Approval to award contract No. C157225JC, for concrete floor repairs to JDL Surface Innovations. This contract will be effective for one year beginning June 10, 2015 through June 9, 2016, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendor and the District, expenditure not to exceed the amount of $56,775.00 for the first year. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 17 4. Approval to renew Bid No. B147186TA, for the replacement or repair of the District’s bus and vehicle windshields and windows, awarded to West Coast Auto Glass Inc., for the first renewal period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $110,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 19 5. Approval of the Annual Fire Safety, Casualty Safety and Sanitation Inspections for the FY15 school year as required by the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) Chapter 5. 21 6. Approval to renew ITN No. N137126BC, for bleacher inspections, awarded to American Management Resources Corporation (AMRC) for the final renewal period of August 13, 2015 through August 12, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $25,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 23 7. Approval to renew Bid No. B147179GN, for the purchase of electrical maintenance and repairs to All Phase Electric Service of Florida, Inc. and Brittania Electric, Inc., for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $260,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 25 8. Approval of the listed firms for FDP360 Continuing Contract Architectural Services for the period of June 9, 2015 to June 9, 2018: 1. BSSW Architects, Inc. 2. Alliance Design Group, Inc. 3. Parker Mudgett Smith Architects, Inc. 4. RG Architects 5. Springline Architectural Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all necessary documents. In the event negotiations with the top ranked firm are not successful, I recommend authorization to proceed with negotiation and execution of a contract according to the order of the ranking. 27 06-09-15 Page 3 IV. Consent Action Items – (cont’d) D. Operations – Dr. Gregory Adkins 9. Approval of the listed firms for FDP361 Continuing Contract Roof Consulting Services for the period of June 9, 2015 to June 9, 2018: 1. BSSW Architects, Inc. 2. Alliance Design Group, Inc. 3. NOVA, Inc. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all necessary documents. In the event negotiations with the top ranked firm are not successful, I recommend authorization to proceed with negotiation and execution of a contract according to the order of the ranking. E. 29 Teaching and Learning – Mrs. Christy Kutz 1. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. V. Unfinished Business/Tabled Items – (None) VI. Superintendent’s Recommendation 31 A. Good Cause – (None) B. Approval to award Bid No. B157220RC, for beverage products for all schools throughout the District, to US Foods, Inc. as indicated on the attached tabulation sheet. This bid will be effective for one year beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendor and the District, at the estimated annual expenditure for the first year of $500,000.00. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 33 Approval to renew Bid No. B147175TA, for the purchase of bakery products, awarded to Flowers Baking Company of Bradenton, FL, LLC for the first renewal period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $750,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 35 Approval to award Bid No. B157227TA, Cafeteria Tables, to Schoolhouse Products, Inc. and Ernie Morris Enterprises, Inc. as primary and secondary vendors, as indicated on the attached bid tabulation. This bid will be effective for one year beginning June 9, 2015 through June 8, 2016, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendors and the District, at the estimated annual expenditure for the first year of $500,000.00. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 37 C. D. 06-09-15 Page 4 VI. Superintendent’s Recommendation – (cont’d) E. F. G. VII. Approval of the estimated annual expenditure of $2,800,000.00, for the period of July 20, 2015 through July 19, 2016, for ITN No. N137103SM, for indoor air quality/environmental consulting, asbestos/lead abatement, microbial remediation, remodeling and painting to American Management Resources Corporation and Freshaire Solutions of Southwest Florida. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 41 Approval to renew Bid No. B147180JM for Navistar International OEM Parts, awarded to Wallace International Trucks, Inc., for the first renewal period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $1,500,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 43 Pursuant to the contract of employment with Superintendent, Dr. Nancy Graham, I recommend the School Board take the following actions: 1. Consider whether it wishes to allow the term of the School Board’s employment contract with Superintendent, Dr. Nancy Graham, to extend to two years, pursuant to provisions of the contract and if it does not wish to allow such extension, take action to prevent such. 2. Take action to determine the award of performance incentive pay based upon accomplishment of the five measureable performance goals, as established by the School Board in August 2014. 45 Public Hearings A. B. IX. 39 Attorney’s Recommendations – Mr. Keith Martin A. VIII. Approval to piggy-back Collier County Schools Bid No. 116-4/14 for Automotive & Bus Parts and Services, awarded to multiple vendors from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $1,500,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. Approval of contract renewal for The Island School, Inc. for The Island School; a K-5 grades school covering a term of five years from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020. 47 Approval of contract renewal for Pivot Education, Inc. for Pivot Charter School; a 6-12 grades school covering a term of one year from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. 49 Non-Agenda Public Comment 06-09-15 Page 5 X. XI. Other Business A. Board Members’ Comments/Reports B. Board Attorney’s Comments/Reports C. Superintendent’s Comments/Reports D. Next scheduled meetings of the Board: June 22, 2015, 1:00 p.m., School Board Workshop June 23, 2015, 9:00 a.m., School Board Workshop June 23, 2015, 2:00 p.m., School Board Briefing Meeting (to begin immediately following Student Hearings and/or Special Board meeting, if scheduled) June 23, 2015, 6:00 p.m., School Board Meeting Adjournment Anyone wishing to appeal a decision made by The School Board of Lee County at a meeting or hearing will need a verbatim record of the proceedings. This record must include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The School Board meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Cable (Channel 99), Time Warner Cable (Channel 99) and via YouTube at Lee Schools TV ( Private cable companies may change the channel indicated without notifying the School Board. 06-09-15 Page 6 The School Board of Lee County encourages public input into decisions made by this Board in a courteous and educational manner. To ensure the rights and opportunity for hearing diverse opinion the following procedures must be followed: IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK AT TODAY’S SCHOOL BOARD MEETING REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS OR ANY MATTER RELEVANT TO THE OPERATION OF THE SCHOOL DICTRICT YOU MUST… 1) Completely fill out a blue card located on the wall in the hallways or the back of the Board Room; 2) Give the blue card to the Secretary or the Board Attorney in the Board Room, BEFORE THE START of the meeting. Rules for Speaking: Speakers will be called in order of receipt of cards. At a Regular Meeting, o Speakers addressing agenda items will make comment at the beginning of the meeting, speakers addressing non- agenda issues will address the Board at a separate time near the end of the meeting. Any speaker addressing a non-agenda issue during agenda comment will be required to hold their comments until the non-agenda public comment time. Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes speaking time unless the number of speakers is greater than 20, in which case each speaker will be allowed up to two (2) minutes of speaking time. If the number of speakers is greater than 30, speakers will be allowed one (1) minute. Please state your name for the record before you begin your speech. As each speaker nears the end of their speaking time, the School Board Attorney will instruct the speaker to conclude. Please conclude speaking at the end of the time period allotted. Failure to stop speaking when directed to do so by the School Board Attorney and after a warning issued by the meeting chair may result in being required to leave the meeting. No Speakers may yield their time to other people. Speakers and the public attending the meeting are expected to act in a respectful manner. Those who fail to do so after being warned by the meeting chair may be required to leave the meeting. Attacks on individuals are prohibited. Speakers may ask questions during their comments, but will not engage in dialogue with Board Members. The questions asked may be answered later in the meeting during Superintendent or Board Member comments. Speakers may also address non-agenda issues of educational relevance during public comment. If a speaker is advocating a certain action be taken by the Board which requires the expenditure of funds, the speaker shall reveal any financial interest in the Board taking such action. If the speaker is an employee, owner, or has a financial interest in or is related to an individual who is an employee, owner or has a financial interest in an entity which provides the product or service being advocated, the speaker must reveal such interest. IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK AT TODAY’S SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFING… All Rules are the same for speaking at a Board Briefing, except you can only speak to agenda items and it is unnecessary to fill out a card. THERE IS NO PUBLIC COMMENT PERMITTED AT SCHOOL BOARD WORKSHOPS. Policy 1.09 Adopted: 2/27/07 Revised: 7/31/07 Revised: 1/13/15 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Date: June 9, 2015 Subject: Section: Recognitions Character Education Digital Design Competition Item No: II.A.1. Presenter(s): Dr. Nancy J. Graham SCHOOL BOARD ACTION Background Information: One of the great education reformers, Horace Mann, in the 1840s, helped to improve instruction in classrooms nationwide, advocating that character development was as important as academics in American schools. Throughout history, character education has been the shared responsibility of parents, teachers and members of the community, who come together to support positive character development. Character education is learning a process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values. It is these core values that we form the attitudes and actions that are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities that serve as the foundation of our society. The School District of Lee County is placing a renewed emphasis on Character Education. In addition to the monthly lessons and activities provided to all schools, there is a creative competition for middle and high school students enrolled in Technology & Digital Design classes. Students are provided an opportunity to create a graphic that illustrates and/or incorporates the character education word of the month. Each school submits one design to be judged each month. The winning designer has his/her design displayed on computer monitors in the District’s schools and the online Character Education sites and receives a pizza party sponsored by The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. The Character Education Digital Design winner for the month of June is Anna Presson, a 10th grade student at Riverdale High School. The School Board and Superintendent are pleased to congratulate and recognize Anna Presson for her creative design and supporting character education in our schools. 1 Prepared by: Linda Benzing, School Board Office 2 IV.B.1. 3 4 VISION: To be a world-class school system. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF LEE COUNTY School Board Workshop – Protocols - MINUTES (Support Services Annex, 3308 Canal Street, Fort Myers, FL) Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Attending Ms. Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Chairman Mr. Steven K. Teuber, Vice Chairman Ms. Mary Fischer, Member Mrs. Jeanne S. Dozier, Member Mrs. Pamela H. LaRiviere, Member Dr. Nancy J. Graham, Superintendent/Secretary Mr. Keith Martin, Board Attorney Mrs. Susan Johnson, Office Manager/Recording Secretary Mrs. Linda Benzing, Executive Secretary Welcome Ms. Cathleen Morgan, Board Chairman, called the School Board Workshop of May 26, 2015 to order at 9:02 A.M. Action Plan C: Ethics Policy (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) Action Plan E: Superintendent/Board Relationship (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) Action Plan B: Board Protocols (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) It was decided to have a Board Workshop on “Using Data” on Monday, June 22, 2015, 1:00-5:00 P.M., at this same location and utilizing an FSBA facilitator (pending the facilitator’s availability). Adjournment Ms. Morgan adjourned the May 26, 2015, School Board Workshop at 1:06 P.M. School Board Workshop May 26, 2015 Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Chairman ATTEST: Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D, Superintendent/Secretary Page 2 of 2 VISION: To be a world-class school system. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF LEE COUNTY School Board Briefing Meeting – MINUTES (School Board Meeting Room, 2855 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, FL) Tuesday May 26, 2015 Attending Ms. Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Chairman Mr. Steven K. Teuber, Vice Chairman Ms. Mary Fischer, Member Mrs. Jeanne S. Dozier, Member Mrs. Pamela H. LaRiviere, Member Dr. Nancy J. Graham, Superintendent/Secretary Mr. Keith Martin, Board Attorney Mrs. Linda Benzing, Recording Secretary Mr. Teuber called the Briefing Meeting of May 26, 2015, to order at 2:17 P.M. Executive Services – Dr. Graham 1. Chapter 1 Policies The Board decided to add a sixth responsibility to Policy 1.04 (old 1.03), School Board Responsibilities, that the “Board shall review and revise its protocols annually.” The Board also requested a change in the wording in Policy 1.17 (old 1.14), School Board Internal Audit Function, in the first paragraph that was added during this revision, they would like to remove “Lee County Clerk of Courts” and replace it with “from an outside source.” (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) 2. House Bill 7069 – End of Course Exam Discussion (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) Business and Finance – Dr. Desamours 1. Community Eligibility (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) Operations – Dr. Adkins 1. New Job Description and Position for Specialist, Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) (The backup is on file with the official meeting minutes.) Good of the Order The Board directed Mr. Martin to prepare an agenda item pertaining to the Superintendent’s contract for the June 9, 2015 Board meeting. School Board Briefing May 26, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Teuber adjourned the May 26, 2015, Briefing Meeting at 4:23 P.M. Steven K. Teuber, Meeting Chairman ATTEST: Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D, Superintendent/Secretary An audio-visual recording of this meeting has been produced to provide a verbatim record of the proceedings and may be viewed on the School District’s Website at Members of the public wishing to obtain a copy of the recording of this or any meeting of the School Board must make a request through the District’s Communications Department at (239) 3378327. ` MISSION: To ensure that each student achieves his or her highest personal potential. VISION: To be a world-class school system. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF LEE COUNTY School Board Meeting - MINUTES (School Board Meeting Room, 2855 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, FL) Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Attending Ms. Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Chairman Mr. Steven K. Teuber, Vice Chairman Ms. Mary Fischer, Member Mrs. Jeanne S. Dozier, Member Mrs. Pamela H. LaRiviere, Member Dr. Nancy J. Graham, Secretary and District Supt. Mr. Keith B. Martin, Board Attorney Mrs. Susan Johnson, Recording Secretary Opening Exercises Call to Order - The School Board of Lee County, Florida, met on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, in the School Board Meeting Room for a regular School Board Meeting. Ms. Morgan called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Ms. Fischer, and carried 5-0 to adopt the agenda as the Order of Business. Consent Action Items The following item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion under the Unfinished Business/Tabled Items portion of the agenda: IV.D.16. – Approval for Ranking of Construction Management Firms for FDP359 High School “LLL” South Zone. (Ms. Morgan) Motion by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of the pulled item. A. Resolutions (None) B. Executive Services – Dr. Nancy J. Graham 1. Approval of minutes of School Board Meetings: April 28, 2015, School Board Workshop April 28, 2015, School Board Meeting School Board Meeting C. May 26, 2015 Page 2 of 8 May 12, 2015, School Board Briefing Meeting May 12, 2015, School Board Special Meeting Business and Finance – Dr. Ami Desamours 1. Approval of the Budget Amendment dated March 31, 2015 to amend the 2014-15 annual school budget. 2. Approval of the Monthly Budget Report for the period ending March 31, 2015. 3. Approval to remove from the Official Property Records, 122 items listed on the reports titled Property Records Asset Retirement by Bar Code/Tag Number. Approval authorizes the Superintendent or designee to sign all related documents. 4. Approval to authorize purchases from local vendor Fred’s Award World in a not to exceed amount of $30,000.00 for the fiscal year. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all documents. 5. Approval of the estimated annual expenditure of $72,000.00 for Agreement No. A127089CP with Cerra Consulting Group, Inc., to provide complete state legislative services to the Board, to include legislative and governmental relations activities for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all documents. 6. Approval to piggy-back Collier County Schools Bid No. 33-9/10 for Classroom Supplies and Equipment Discounts, for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $350,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 7. Approval of four purchase requisitions in the total amount of $21,257.25, and authorization for the issuance of four purchase orders as described. D. Operations – Dr. Gregory Adkins 1. Approval of the general personnel recommendations including administrative, certificated, support and substitute staff, and out-of-field appointments. 2. Approval for the position of Specialist, Florida Inclusion Network; approval of the job description; and incorporation of this new position into the Instructional Salary Schedule. 3. Approval of the SY16 Instructional Calendar waiver requests for the schools identified herein, at no additional cost to the District. 4. Approval to reimburse Jason Dixon to transport (ID) to/from their residence, to/from Royal Palm Exceptional Center, for the period February 24, 2015 through June 5, 2015, at the cost not to exceed $2,158.00 for FY15. School Board Meeting May 26, 2015 Page 3 of 8 5. Approval for the following ranking of Architectural firms to provide services for FDP358 High School Prototype Architect: 1. BSSW Architects, Inc. (Lee County) 2. Schenkel Shultz Architecture, Inc. (Lee County, Branch Office) 3. Parker Mudgett Smith Architects, Inc. (Lee County) 4. Alliance Design Group/Song and Associates, Inc. (Lee County/Palm Beach County) Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all necessary documents. In the event negotiations with the top ranked firm are not successful, I recommend authorization to proceed with negotiation and execution of a contract according to the order of the ranking. 6. Approval to piggy-back Lee County Board of County Commissioners Contract No. Q110171, for the purchase of Ford automobiles, sport utility vehicles, passenger & light duty vans, light & medium duty trucks and cab & chassis, awarded to Sam Galloway, Inc., for the period of May 26, 2015 through November 25, 2015, for the one-time expenditure of $300,844.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 7. Approval of the estimated annual expenditure of $190,000.00 for ITN No. N137129CP, for uniforms for Transportation Services drivers and attendants, awarded to Itchin’ to Bee Stitchin’ d/b/a SingleSource Imagewear, for the period of June 4, 2015 through June 3, 2016, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 8. Approval to piggy-back Brevard County School Board Bid No. 13-B-079-LL for bus cameras, accessories and installation, awarded to Seon Systems Sales Inc., for the period of June 18, 2013 through June 10, 2016, at the estimated expenditure of $328,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 9. Approval to award Bid No. B157217TA for cafeteria equipment and services to Gasket Masters of Southwest Florida, Inc., and Whaley Food Service Repairs, Inc., as indicated on the attached bid tabulation. This bid will be effective for one year beginning May 26, 2015 through May 25, 2016, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendors and the District, at the estimated expenditure for the first year of $225,000.00. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 10. Approval to renew Bid No. B137132CP for custodial cleaning products to Pyramid/SupplyWorks for the final renewal period of June 18, 2015 through June 17, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $350,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 11. Approval to renew ITN No. N116977GM, for bleacher repair services, awarded to Lyle Bleachers, Inc., for the final renewal period of July 26, 2015 through July 25, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $75,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and School Board Meeting May 26, 2015 Page 4 of 8 conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 12. Approval to piggy-back The School District of Collier County Bid No. 87-2/14 for stage rigging inspections, preventative maintenance and repair services, awarded to Tom Kat Rigging, Inc. for the period of May 26, 2015 through June 30, 2015, at the estimated annual expenditure of $75,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all documents. 13. Approval to piggy-back Charlotte County Public Schools Bid No. 11/12-913 for ABB ACH550 HVAC ACH550 VFD’s Motors and Drives, awarded to Commercial Air Management, for the period of May 26, 2015 through March 31, 2016, at the estimated expenditure of $75,000.00, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all documents. 14. Approval for a one-time increase of $275,000.00, to the estimated expenditure for ITN No. N16982GM, for roof repairs at two District schools, for the period of October 20, 2014 through October 19, 2015, for a total estimated expenditure not to exceed $375,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 15. Approval to piggy-back National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) RFP No. 031014, for the purchase of public utility equipment with related accessories and supplies, awarded to multiple vendors, for the period of May 26, 2015 through November 25, 2015, for the one-time expenditure of $34,774.16, with an option to cancel if deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 16. Approval for the following ranking of Construction Management Firms to provide services for FDP359 High School "LLL" South Zone 1. Gulfpoint Construction, Inc. (Lee County) 2. Chris Tel Construction, Inc. (Lee County) 3. Suffolk Construction, Inc. (Lee County, Branch Office) 4. Owen Ames Kimball, Inc. (Lee County) 5. Gates Butz Institutional, LLC (Lee County) Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all necessary documents. In the event negotiations with the top ranked firm are not successful, I recommend authorization to proceed with negotiation and execution of a contract according to the final ranking. Pulled for discussion during the Unfinished Business/Tabled Items portion of the agenda. E. Teaching and Learning – Mrs. Christy Kutz 1. Approval to modify the 2015-16 Instructional Calendar for Oasis Charter Elementary School, Oasis Charter Middle School, Oasis Charter High School and Christa McAuliffe Charter Elementary School. 2. Approval of the Northern Palms Charter High School Planning, Design, and Implementation grant proposal for $375,000.00 and no additional cost to the District. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute related documents and to approve School Board Meeting May 26, 2015 Page 5 of 8 normal and customary accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll processes to maintain continuity of federal and state grant expenditures during fiscal year changes and other technical transitions. Any processes so approved by the Superintendent will represent best practices, and will conform to funding agency regulations. 3. Approval of this Suncoast Credit Union Foundation (SCUF) Sustainability and Expansion of Promoting Science among English Language Learners (P-SELL) Grant Proposal. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute related documents, and to approve normal and customary accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll processes to maintain continuity of federal and state grant expenditures during fiscal year changes and other technical transitions. Any processes so approved by the Superintendent will represent best practices, and will conform to funding agency regulations. 4. Approval of the Amendment to Professional Development for Digital Learning Grant Proposal. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute related documents, and to approve normal and customary accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll processes to maintain continuity of federal and state grant expenditures during fiscal year changes and other technical transitions. Any processes so approved by the Superintendent will represent best practices, and will conform to funding agency regulations. 5. Approval of the Amendment for Performance Adjustment to School Districts Grant Proposal. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute related documents, and to approve normal and customary accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll processes to maintain continuity of federal and state grant expenditures during fiscal year changes and other technical transitions. Any processes so approved by the Superintendent will represent best practices, and will conform to funding agency regulations. 6. Approval of the Agreement and Articulated Acceleration Plan with The Board of Trustees of Florida SouthWestern State College to enhance learning opportunities for eligible students with the opportunity to take specified college level courses in lieu of standard curricular courses at an estimated annual cost of $70,000.00. 7. Approval of the contracts with Thinking Maps, Inc. and the expenditure of Title I and Title III funds to provide eight Training of Trainer sessions for a total cost of $57,504.40. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 8. Approval of the contracts with Kagan at the cost of $117,848.00 for events and materials. 9. Approval to award Bid No. B157212TA for uniforms for the Public Service Programs to DCP Holdings d/b/a Image Depot as primary vendor and Express Press as secondary vendor, as indicated on the attached bid tabulation. This bid will be effective for one year beginning May 26, 2015 through May 25, 2016, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendors and the District, at the estimated annual expenditure for the first year of $45,000.00. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. 10. Approval to renew Bid No. B147102CP for musical instruments District wide to Shar Products Company, Washington Music Center, West Music Company, and West Music d/b/a Percussion Source for the first renewal period of June 3, 2015 through School Board Meeting May 26, 2015 Page 6 of 8 June 2, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $200,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. Unfinished Business/Tabled Items IV.D.16. – Approval for Ranking of Construction Management Firms for FDP359 High School “LLL” South Zone. Motion by Mrs. LaRiviere, seconded by Ms. Fischer, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve the following ranking of Construction Management Firms to provide services for FDP359 High School "LLL" South Zone 1. Gulfpoint Construction, Inc. (Lee County) 2. Chris Tel Construction, Inc. (Lee County) 3. Suffolk Construction, Inc. (Lee County, Branch Office) 4. Owen Ames Kimball, Inc. (Lee County) 5. Gates Butz Institutional, LLC (Lee County) Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all necessary documents. In the event negotiations with the top ranked firm are not successful, I recommend authorization to proceed with negotiation and execution of a contract according to the final ranking. Ms. Morgan moved the previous question. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Mr. Teuber moved the previous question, seconded by Mrs. LaRiviere, and carried 4-1, with Ms. Morgan casting the dissenting vote. Main Motion carried 4-1, with Ms. Morgan casting the dissenting vote. A. Motion made at the April 28, 2015, Regular Board Meeting by Mr. Steven Teuber, seconded by Ms. Mary Fischer, to approve to award RFP No. R157216JM for financial advisor consulting services to Ford & Associates, Inc., as indicated on the attached tabulation sheet and ranking form, for the three year period beginning May 26, 2015 through May 25, 2018, with renewal options for two additional one year periods, upon the written agreement of the vendor and the District, at an estimated annual expenditure of $150,000.00 for the first year. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all documents. The action was postponed until the May 26, 2015, Regular School Board Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Superintendent's Recommendations A. Good Cause (None) B. Approval of the 2015-16 implementation agreement with AVID Center. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Mrs. LaRiviere, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve the Implementation Agreement with AVID center which includes annual site membership, training resources, curriculum, and educators’ professional development for fifteen schools and two District Directors, in the amount of $680,387.00 for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. School Board Meeting C. May 26, 2015 Page 7 of 8 Approval of renaming the District’s two Postsecondary Technical Institutes to Technical Colleges. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve to change the name of location 0541 from Fort Myers Institute of Technology to Fort Myers Technical College, and to change the name of location 0581 from Cape Coral Institute of Technology to Cape Coral Technical College. D. Approval of Agreement with Johns Eastern Company, Inc. to Provide Claims Administration Services. Motion by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Mrs. LaRiviere, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve of the agreement with Johns Eastern Company, Inc. to provide claims administration services to The School District of Lee County for the periods: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 at the annual service fee of $606,181.00; July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018 at the annual service fee of $630,428.00; and July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020 at the annual service fee of $649,341.00. E. Approval of the Expenditure to Obtain Property and Casualty Insurance for FY16. Motion by Mrs. LaRiviere, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve of the expenditure to obtain property and casualty insurance as outlined in the Board approved brokerage contract with Risk Management Associates, Inc. d/b/a Public Risk Insurance Agency for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, for the estimated “not to exceed” amount of $6,979,265.00. Approval authorizes the Superintendent or designee to execute related documents. F. Approval of utilization of funds not to exceed $1.75 million from the District’s Health Care Fund for the purpose of wellness incentives and wellness programming for FY16. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Ms. Fischer, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve of utilization of funds not to exceed $1,750,000.00 from the District’s Health Care Fund for the purpose of funding the wellness incentive program and additional wellness classes in FY16. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute related documents. G. Approval to Renew Bid No. B147170CP – Cafeteria Kitchen Wares and Equipment. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0, to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation that the Board approve to renew Bid No. B147170CP, for the purchase of cafeteria kitchen wares and equipment, awarded to Business Services, Calico Industries of Florida, LLC, Commercial Glass and Restaurant Supply, Inc., Johnson Lancaster and Associates, Inc., Gulf Ice Systems, Inc. and SRE Culinary Equipment & Supply, LLC for the period of June 3, 2015 through June 2, 2016, at the estimated annual expenditure of $800,000.00, pursuant to the same terms and conditions School Board Meeting May 26, 2015 Page 8 of 8 as previously approved by the Board. Approval authorizes the Superintendent to execute all related documents. Attorney’s Recommendations A. Approval of the Appointment of Citizen Member to the Value Adjustment Board. Motion by Mrs. Dozier, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0, to accept the Attorney’s recommendation that the Board approve of the appointment of Charles Gutekunst as the citizen member representative to the Value Adjustment Board. Public Hearing (None) Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Board, Ms. Morgan called for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Teuber, and carried 5-0 to adjourn the May 26, 2015, School Board Meeting. Ms. Morgan adjourned the School Board Meeting at 8:05 P.M. Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, Board Chairman ATTEST: Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D, Secretary and District Superintendent An audio-visual recording of this meeting has been produced to provide a verbatim record of the proceedings and may be viewed on the School District’s Website at Members of the public wishing to obtain a copy of the recording of this or any meeting of the School Board must make a request through the District’s Communications Department at (239) 337-8327. IV.C.1. 5 6 IV.C.2. 7 8 IV.C.3. 9 10 IV.C.4. 11 12 IV.D.1. 13 14 June 9, 2015 Administrative-Page 1 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT Catherine Valerie Scoville Sheckler RESIGNATION Paul Kirk TRANSFER Aida Saldivar TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT Diane Sherman Rita Effing Christy Kutz OTHER Christy Kutz Effective Position Date From Principal to Assistant Principal 08/03/15 From Interim Principal to Assistant 08/03/15 Principal Location Riverdale High Reason Accepted Other Employment From San Carlos Park Elementary To G. Weaver Hipps Elementary From Rayma C. Page Elementary, Assistant Principal Research and Assessment, Coordinator Teaching and Learning, Assistant Superintendent To Spring Creek Elementary, Principal Technical Career Education, Director San Carlos Park Elementary, Principal Effective Date 05/26/15 Effective Date 07/01/15 Effective Date 07/01/15 06/10/15 07/01/15 Location Teaching and Learning, rescind resignation effective June 30, 2015 on April 28, 2015 Board agenda. 06/01/2015 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 1 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Megan DeRosso Tyroncia Powell Alyssa Raterman Daniel Collins Carol Costigan Rachel Palmer Location Cape Elementary Harns Marsh Elementary River Hall Elementary Tortuga Preserve Elementary Tortuga Preserve Elementary Tortuga Preserve Elementary Effective Date 04/20/15 04/20/15 04/20/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 APPOINTMENTS FULL-TIME Coriean Burgoyne Bradley Todd Lear Thomas Jacqulyn Ali Jennifer West Jennifer Rodriguez HOURLY Lauren Carol Whitney Melissa Doreen Molly Wendy Erica Valerie Mora Tucker Bryant Dominguez Frankel Haskill Olson Orjuela Weston- Location Cape Coral Technical College Dunbar High Fort Myers Middle Academy Hector A. Cafferata, Jr. Elementary Rayma C. Page Elementary Spring Creek Elementary Contract Type Open-End Effective Date 05/01/15 Open-End Open-End 04/27/15 04/24/15 Open-End 04/27/15 Open-End 04/27/15 Open-End 04/24/15 Location Adult and Career Education Cape Coral Technical College Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Effective Date 04/24/15 04/01/15 03/12/15 04/20/15 04/16/15 04/22/15 04/24/15 04/29/15 04/29/15 05/28/15 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 2 HOURLY Location Michael Burns Hoesley Stephanie Russell Statia Michele Tricia Kyle 05/15/15 05/08/15 Effective Date SUBSTITUTE Lillian Barbara Sohmer Mark Cecile Southwest Florida Public Service Academy Southwest Florida Public Service Academy Effective Date Bator Day Knowles Maksimowicz PerezRangel Rider Tucker Volok Yankovich LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE William Sanchez Kathleen Johnson David Bates Britany Popovich Nicole Riegle Yvonne Hart Steven Whedbee Kyle Burchfield Robert Mele Robinson Tisme Jennalee Shierling Valerie Thomas Brodrick Jenkins Lisa Munizza 05/01/15 05/01/15 04/29/15 05/01/15 04/10/15 05/01/15 05/04/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 Location East Lee County High Hancock Creek Elementary Harns Marsh Middle Lehigh Elementary Lehigh Elementary Lehigh Senior High Lehigh Senior High Oak Hammock Middle Oak Hammock Middle Oak Hammock Middle Orange River Elementary Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle South Fort Myers High Three Oaks Elementary Effective Date 04/27/15 04/13/15 02/23/15 04/24/15 04/27/15 02/09/15 02/11/15 02/24/15 04/07/15 04/13/15 04/20/15 03/05/15 04/07/15 04/13/15 05/28/15 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 3 LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE Dennis Yemma Supplemental Contract Leroy Benjamin Dylan Rainey Michael Curtis James Sparkman Effective Date 02/23/15 Location Three Oaks Middle Location East Lee County High School East Lee County High School Island Coast High Island Coast High Position Athletic Coach Effective Date 04/27/15 Athletic Coach 04/27/15 Athletic Coach 03/13/15 Athletic Coach 04/17/15 EXTENDED LEAVE Lindsey Dopfer Location Cape Coral High Howard Withrow Rebecca Jolliff Amanda Sennett Ida S. Baker High South Fort Myers High Treeline Elementary Reason Family Obligation Family Obligation Family Obligation Family Obligation LEAVE OF ABSENCE Laura Vail Lindsay Graham Debra Reith Kristen Shuler Dori Dunham Location Bonita Springs Middle Center for the Arts Edgewood Academy Reason Maternity Hancock Creek Elementary Mirror Lakes Elementary Ray V. Pottorf Elementary Medical Maternity Maternity Medical Effective Dates 05/01/1506/05/15 08/17/1506/13/16 08/17/1506/13/16 03/12/1505/12/15 Effective Dates 05/07/1506/08/15 04/30/1506/08/15 05/08/1506/08/15 04/14/1506/08/15 04/07/1505/15/15 05/28/15 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 4 OUT-OF-FIELD Location Jennifer Rayma C. Page Elementary West RESIGNATION Amanda Romero Location Caloosa Middle Steven Swanson Melissa Crouse Laura Link Elizabeth Kozak Deena Reinard Jennifer Ready Randy Lozano Stefanie Minihan Roland Rose Lisa Bocock Rachel Lawrence Erin Nemsky Crystal Golden Challenger Middle Cypress Lake Middle East Lee County High Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Harns Marsh Middle Lehigh Senior High North Fort Myers High North Fort Myers High Three Oaks Elementary Three Oaks Elementary Treeline Elementary Villas Elementary RETIREMENT Jeffrey Parker Location Cape Coral High Subject Area ESOL Reason Accepted Other Employment Moved from Area Effective Date 04/27/15 Effective Date 05/08/15 04/30/15 Personal 06/08/15 Moved from Area 06/11/15 Moved from Area 04/30/15 Moved from Area 06/08/15 Moved from Area 06/02/15 Educational Enrollment Moved from Area 05/22/15 Personal 06/08/15 Personal 06/08/15 Personal 06/08/15 Moved from Area 06/11/15 Moved from Area 06/08/15 Position Teacher Effective Date 06/08/15 06/08/15 05/28/15 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 5 RETIREMENT Margaret Drake Steven Funnell Margaret Haugh Karen Michael Karen Francis Beth Autry Brooks Connors Hassel Browder Debra Daniels Catherine Fowler Walter McGee Marsha Malamut Pamela Davidson Judith Collins Kathy Fumero Kathy Jones Patricia Scott Darlene Jarvi William Luten Location Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education Fort Myers High Fort Myers High Fort Myers High Fort Myers High Fort Myers Technical College Fort Myers Technical College Fort Myers Technical College Fort Myers Technical College Gateway Elementary Lehigh Elementary Riverdale High Skyline Elementary The Sanibel School Three Oaks Elementary Three Oaks Middle Trafalgar Middle Position Learning Resource Specialist Effective Date 06/08/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 06/09/15 Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher 06/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 06/05/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 6/11/15 Technology Specialist Teacher 06/11/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 06/08/15 Teacher 05/04/15 Teacher 06/08/15 05/29/15 05/28/15 Certificated Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Certificated-Page 6 RETURN FROM LEAVE Mirta Medina Pardo Location Cape Coral High Position Teacher TRANSFER Susan Staples From Fort Myers High To Exceptional Student Education Effective Date 04/22/15 Effective Date 05/01/15 05/28/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 1 TECHNICAL/SUPPORT PERSONNEL ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Kathleen Coogan Robert Smith Michael Patterson Location Harns Marsh Elementary Tortuga Preserve Elementary Villas Elementary Effective Date 04/17/15 04/07/15 05/04/15 APPOINTMENTS FULL-TIME Deysi *Lindsay Abella Crespo CalderoYassin Roy *Sandra Racicot Lori Saxty *Garrett Davis *Alina Sandoval Stacy Pine Christelle Fancovic *Cassandra Harris Kimberly Armstrong Jimmy Riche *Samir Location Bonita Springs Elementary Colonial Elementary G. Weaver Hipps Elementary Harns Marsh Middle Insurance and Benefits Management North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts Patriot Elementary Research and Assessment South Fort Myers High Student Welfare & Attendance Sunshine Elementary Position Custodian Effective Date 04/27/15 Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Insurance and Benefits Specialist Food Service Worker 04/30/15 Food Service Worker 04/27/15 Clerk Typist 04/17/15 Data Management Specialist Food Service Worker Secretary 04/24/15 Custodian 04/27/15 05/11/15 05/01/15 04/27/15 04/17/15 05/11/15 05/05/15 05/19/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 2 FULL-TIME *Agueda *Randi *Keena *Carmen Roman Location Tice Elementary Quintanilla Tortuga Preserve Elementary Price Treeline Elementary Caceres Tropic Isles Perez Elementary Position Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Effective Date 04/17/15 04/30/15 05/01/15 04/29/15 *Full-time – working less than 30 hours. PART-TIME Evelyn Lopez SUBSTITUTE Sherrie David Juan Daisy Sonia Jontavius Karen Johnson Jones LaraHernandez McDonald Rodriguez Smith Strine TEMPORARY Evangelina Rosas Daniella Merzier Ranesha McCowin Location Manatee Elementary Position Educational Paraprofessional Effective Date 05/01/15 Position Effective Date School Bus Attendant School Bus Operator School Bus Operator 04/28/15 04/27/15 04/27/15 Custodian Educational Paraprofessional School Bus Operator Helping Teacher, ESE 04/24/15 04/24/15 04/13/15 04/27/15 Location Bonita Springs Elementary Colonial Elementary East Lee County High Position Custodian Educational Paraprofessional, Instructional Support Food Service Worker Effective Date 04/23/15 04/17/15 04/29/15 05/19/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 3 TEMPORARY Aimee Warren CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT Laura Robinson James Busscher Birute Majewski Lisa Sions Susan Duncan Dianne Welch Floria Bell EXTENDED LEAVE Sandra Sanfilippo Wanda Cartagena Maria Penton Location The Alva School Position Educational Paraprofessional Location and Position Early Childhood Learning Services, from Head Start Paraprofessional Instructor, Level II to Clerk Typist Franklin Park Elementary, from Head Custodian to Building Supervisor II Lexington Middle, from Part-Time Food Service Worker/Heights Elementary, Part-Time Custodian to Heights Elementary, Full-Time Custodian Lexington Middle, from Helping Teacher, ESE to Security Specialist Mirror Lakes Elementary, from Clinic Assistant to Bookkeeper North Fort Myers High, from Clerk Typist to School Secretary Southwest Florida Public Service Academy, from Support Specialist to Accounting Clerk I Location Colonial Elementary Edgewood Elementary J. Colin English Elementary Reason Medical Medical Medical Effective Date 04/24/15 Effective Date 05/01/15 04/29/15 04/27/15 04/20/15 05/01/15 05/13/15 05/11/15 Effective Dates 03/02/1506/05/15 08/03/1509/28/15 04/27/1506/05/15 05/19/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 4 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Deborah Davis Sandy Charles Danielle Sarmiento Belen Nunez The Alva School Medical Janiel Boyd Maternity Brenda Pointer Janice Scanlon Kozette Sinibaldi Transportation Services Transportation Services Transportation Services Transportation Services Location Buckingham Exceptional Student Center Fort Myers High Franklin Park Elementary Harns Marsh Middle James Stephens International Academy Maintenance Services Mirror Lakes Elementary River Hall Elementary The Alva School Tortuga Preserve Elementary Reason Moved from Area Effective Date 05/01/15 Personal Personal 04/24/15 04/24/15 Personal 05/08/15 Personal 04/30/15 Personal 05/01/15 Personal 04/30/15 Moved from Area 04/23/15 Personal Personal 04/23/15 04/24/15 RESIGNATION Lisa Tomsik Janet Wilena Olson Thornton Judith Lewis Rolando Garcia Carolina Benavidez Windy Brandon BrooksWilliams Bolger Aimee Cynthia Warren Woolverton Reason Medical Effective Dates 03/16/1506/08/15 Location North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts Ray V. Pottorf Elementary Riverdale High Maternity Maternity Medical Medical Medical 04/20/15 06/05/15 01/21/1504/06/15 04/28/1506/08/15 04/07/1506/05/15 03/11/1506/05/15 04/08/1506/05/15 04/27/1506/05/15 05/19/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 5 RESIGNATION Marcos Gil Michael Mangold John Thomas Gardell McKinney RETIREMENT Dario Urbano Hernandez Licea Gale King Linda Onash Haroldean Nancy Lewis Pickles Carlos Illana Patricia Weng RETURN FROM LEAVE Janeil Boyd Charles Fowlkes Vonetta Vickers Reason Personal Effective Date 04/30/15 Personal 04/21/15 Personal 04/27/15 Personal 04/16/15 Location Diplomat Middle Harns Marsh Middle Information Systems Rayma C. Page Elementary Riverdale High Southwest Florida Public Service Academy The Sanibel School Transportation Services Position Custodian Custodian Effective Date 06/30/15 05/29/15 Location Transportation Services Transportation Services Transportation Services Position School Bus Operator School Bus Operator School Bus Operator Location Transportation Services Transportation Services Transportation Services Treeline Elementary Computer Security Administrator Helping Teacher, ESE Assistant, Clinic Accounting Clerk I 05/29/15 Custodian 04/28/15 School Bus Operator 06/05/15 05/11/15 05/29/15 05/29/15 Effective Date 05/08/15 04/07/15 05/05/15 05/19/15 Technical/Support Personnel– continued June 9, 2015 Technical/Support-Page 6 TERMINATION Eumelia Brito Location Transportation Services Reason Failure to Report TRANSFER Zoyla Paz-Van Vo Rosa Padilla Gerard Clerc To Spring Creek Elementary Diplomat Elementary Food Services Jennifer Zengel Teri Joslin From Bonita Springs Elementary Heights Elementary James Stephens International Academy North Fort Myers High Spring Creek Elementary From Dr. Carrie D. Robinson Littleton Elementary, Head Custodian I Manatee Elementary, Custodian Rayma C. Page Elementary, Food Service Worker To Maintenance Services, Sites Worker TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT Cornelius Hawkins Mariaelena Cruz Reyes William Procopio Transportation Services Food Services Effective Date 12/18/14 Effective Date 04/16/15 04/27/15 05/01/15 05/11/15 04/07/15 Effective Date 05/11/15 Dunbar High, Food Services Worker 04/27/15 Franklin Park Elementary, Traveling Food Service Worker 04/28/15 05/19/15 IV.D.2. 15 16 REAPPOINTMENTS 2015-2016 Administrators THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Executive Administrator ADM Asst Super BusinessFinance Desamours,Ami V ADM Asst Super Operations Adkins,Gregory ADM Exec Dir Financial Srvcs Tubb,William B ADM Exec Dir Human Resources Pruitt,Angela J ADM Exec Dir SchoolDevelopment Flecha,Shanna M Folaros,Jeananne V Spiro,Jeffrey S ADM Exec Dir Teaching&Learning Carlin,Denise M ADM Exec Dir Transportation Morgan,Robert Administrator on Assignment Schroll,Donna P Slichter,Peggy Principal Special Assignment Macchia,Brandy A Director Alton,Dwayne C Bohatch,George P Brown,Andrew Steven Brown,Robert G Bursztyn,Michael C Chandler,Amity Ann Christensen,Christine A Dobson,Kenneth D Eberz,Brian J Elkin,Patricia M Everly,Todd G Flock,James L Hayes,Martha Kuntz Itzen,Richard J Lafountain,Jeanne J Malay,Susan McCormick,William B McCullers,John F McFarland,Bonnie Jean Faulk 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 1 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Mora,Marc B Muvdi,Leila M Ralph,Soretta L Robery,Melissa S Santiago,Mark A Shelhorse,Dolores A Smith,Shannon E Snell,Reginald H Stelmacki,Henry A Zazzaro,Rita A Assistant Director Brooks,Lori M Codie III,Robert Lanier Gatewood,Lana S King,Francine Mae Letcher,Kelleen Lloyd JR,Roger W Lucas,Ellen C Monroe,Ranice E Short,James D Turner,Jacqueline B Coordinator Allevato,Candace M Bowen,Theresa M Buchanon,James L Busenbark,Christine R Cedeno,Barbara Couchois,Lauren Clare Curls,Brian L Duncan,Jessica K Edwards,Jennifer A Eldon JR,Darryl D Frink,Robin R Grohs,Susann Halstead,Shellie S Hayhurst,Pat J 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 2 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Houchin,Lori M Hughes,Leo Joiner,Susan L Kinsey,Terri M Kurtz,Jason W Martin,Helen Davis McClung,Sandra K McLean,Amy Weston Mell,Michelle S Negron,Carlos L Ramina,Victoria T Rivera,Evelyn Roach,Brian W Rodriguez,Mary Lynn Rothenberg,William Bradley Solana,Marlen Stout,Crissy W Stratton,Robby L Stroh,Mikeol J Taylor,Shellie D Way,Padraic Wright,Lisa M Prog/Proj Manager Olguin,Oscar Octavio Engineer Antkowiak,Dave J Hanna,Stephen L Reichenbacher,Scott C Silcox,Tina Loy Principal/Vo Tech Director Adams,Alane E Ausman,Benjamin I Barfield,Alice Elizabeth Bennington,Maura G Bowens,Tommy Lee Broughton,Monica T Bueno,Kristin T 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 3 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Bur,Marsha A Burgess,David Eugene Burns,George K Burnside,Carl C Butz,Robert L Cannady,Teri L Caprarotta Berry,Linda Michelle Caputo,Susan L Carson,Michael S Carter,Edwin L Cole,Ann F Cook,Scott G Cooper,Robert Francis Corey,Jackie L Courtney,Dwayne M Covert,Jami Dobbins Demming,Gerald B Dobbins,Jeffrey H Eastridge,Lisa D Edward,Lynn M Essert,Daman J Fainer,Ann W Galbreath,Michael R Gould,Rachel Gunderson,Leslie A Herrell,Leona L Hopper,Donald L Lamar,Ronald A Larosa,David P Layner,Melissa A Lemaster,Scott R Lepera-Robinson,Michele Lohmeyer,Ruth Luckey,Charles Mangan,Brian M Maniscalco,Kelly A 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 4 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS * Manzi,Karen C Markgraf,Shelley Mazzoli,Robert W Mederios,Matthew C Mitchell,Linda E Moorhead,Janet J. Moreland IV,James W Nader,Angela M Osterholm,Nicole D Phillips-Luster,Cynthia D Quisenberry,Bethany L Roles,Angela R Saldivar,Aida C Salko,Diane T Santini,Douglas O Savage,Kenneth A Schuyler JR,Ronald Keith Shaker,Nathan E Shilling,Albert Siebenaler,Christine M Simmons II,Clayton D Sneddon,Jennifer M Stevens,Jane M Thornton,Kelly V Trent,Cherise W Trombetti,Laura A Verblaauw,Kimberly A Vertrees,Mara K Vilardi,Charles R Von Harten,Barbara Walker,Toni M Watson,Neketa Carthan Whittaker,Dorothy J Williams III,Joe Williams,Herman D Wipf,Sherri M 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 5 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Wood,Larry N Zellers,Susan K Assistant Principal/AD VoTech Amabile,Michael L Amaya,Ronda K Anderson Thomas,Chevoneese Angella Anderson,Holly L Beall,Troy A Bernard,Misty J Berry,Dana A Biggar,Andrew M Blackmon,Mary Ann Bobak,Amy C Bode,Tara L Bolden JR,Benny LaRue Booker,Stephanie T Borel,Darcia S Boyle,Linda K Bredenkamp,Matthew T Brooks,Kimberly A Browder,Jami M Buckley,Linda C Byrnes,Brian F Cann,Christopher R Carlsen,Lorie A Carter,Anika B Chiorello,Cynthia A Cort,Michelle Curls,Aaron B Dawson,Kenna J Dietz,Leta D Diggs,Deborah L Donohue,Katie A Drake,John W Druskis,Johnathan P Duttko,Julie A Dworzanski,Alex J 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 6 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Egdish-Baxa,Kimberly B Engelhart,Christian Estes JR,Jeffrey B Falzone,Gina Vanessa Feliciano,Elizabeth F Fitzpatrick,Denise C Forkey,Tamara W Freeman,Michelle Harris Frink,Carol A Fristensky,Gwendelyn Yukiko Gedde,Beth A Gehlhausen,Lawrence M Geise,Brian P Gibson,Brian Lemar Gibson,Cherry Grecsek,Mary B Groeneveld,Erin B Grote,Darya N Gutierrez,Vivian C Hall,Deadra L Hamstra,Andrew J Hardman,Kari A Hause,Toni L Hendrick,Brandon J Henkel,Jessica C Houchin,Dale M Huber,Belinda W Iandoli,James M Idlette,Mary T Iovine,Martha B Jackson,Ryan J Johnson,Jill E Kepler,Shelley A Knight,Tonya F Krevinko,Timothy E 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 7 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS * Kurtz,Adam J Lafalaise,Manestonrous LeMaster,Tami M Lopez-Romano,Brianne M Lowry,Diana J Marks,Joy R Massey,Tamika R Mathews,Edward A McDaniel,George D McDole,Nancy A McGlohon,Kimberly McKeever,Douglas I McNeeley,Angela T Metzger,Stephanie D Michel,Thomas J Miller,Matthew R Millins,Thomas C Milstein,Jennifer L Misewicz,Jennifer J Mitchell,Samone L Molhem,Kimberley A Morales,Obed N Moretti,Robert V Morgan,Jackson C Mullings,Ceclyn D Murphy,Lisa J Musich,Shane E Osgood,Laura N Palow,Douglas C Perdue,Richard W Peters,Jason L Pitura JR,Joseph T Player,Mitchell D Plucker,Jason B Pointelin,Amanda M 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 8 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Pollitt,Brian Thomas Powell,Julie S Rader,Pamela L. Ramos,Virginia Reid,Jamie B Restino JR,Joseph M Roszell III,John C Sanders JR,Jeffrey L Sanon,David A Savage,Rebecca Jamme Schillinger,Andrea L Scott,Tammy Marie Seluk,Jennifer A Shonak,Jennifer I Slivoski,Lisa M Sparks,Karen Cabai Staruk,Cayce L Stedman,Kelly Ann Steele,Michael James Sund,Kristine A Thimlar,Rochelle L Timko,Morgan Leigh Toadvine,Mathew Torres,Mirta S Trelease,Donald W Vickery,Elizabeth A Wagner,Barbara A Walker JR,Forrest Wallace,Kenneth C Washington-Knight,Toni White,Roberta A Wilcken,Jennifer K Williams,Erin Rae Wilson,Jereme E Winfield,Emma Winfree,Stacia A 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 9 of 10 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY FORT MYERS, FLORIDA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 ADMINISTRATORS Woelke,Carol A Wood,Karen L Woods,Winston A Wunderlich,Marla S Zenoniani,Tracey S 5/28/2015 9:50:00 AM Page 10 of 10 REAPPOINTMENTS 2015-2016 Departments June 9, 2015 Board Agenda THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 1 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Board Attorney NonInstructional, NonAdmin Secretary to Attorney Wall,Brenda L Board Members NonInstructional, NonAdmin Manager,Office(Superintendent) Johnson,Susan M Secretary, Executive Benzing,Linda K Accountant-I Cronk,Linda L Lazenby,Sarah M Rivera,Melissa Rodriguez,Margaret R Secretary, Executive Pearsall,Cheryl A Custodian Bailey,Jeremy S Caldwell,Benjamin Lee Clay,Preston A Curtis,Stephen De Valencia,Gloria L Janus,Ronald E Martinez,Alma E Valencia-Espinosa,Hernan Wendt,Shirley Ann Custodian, Head Trujillo,Ana A Supervisor, Custodial Kemp,Janet D Worker, Sites Rodriguez,Luis Toledo,Jaime Y Clerk Typist Galindez,Zayomara Coordinator, Communications Deshazo,Jennifer L Receptionist Fasciano,Amanda L Smith,Vera Budget Department NonInstructional, NonAdmin Central Services Operations NonInstructional, NonAdmin Communications NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 2 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Specialist, Instruc TV Centr Charlwood,Barbara J Specialist, Internet Comm Howard,Laura M Specialist, Security Compensation & Recruitment NonInstructional, NonAdmin County Wide Exc Child Prog Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Nerenberg III,Arthur Specialist, Video Production Alexander,David Phillip Supervisor, TV Production Sill,Jason S Video Editor/Digital Artist Gilbert,Kyle Ray Tulis,Susan M Analyst, HR Staffing Kemmerer,Paula A MacLean,Ellen T Clerk Typist Manning,Stephanie S Coordinator, Comp&Recruitment Gatewood JR,Michael L Giannotti,Suzette Addison III,Joe Edward * Bailey,Danielle Stoffel Best,Katrina Borodunovich,Nancy E Carvajal,Xinia M Depuy,Nicole N Feurig,Janet E Guile,Lorraine P Hoppe,Nancy Kerfoot,Judith A Major,Theresa Milton,Lori A Nest Tapanes,Vivian Marie Newton,Jennifer R Olson,Wendy S Sass,Kimberly Diana Shaul,Justine L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 3 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS White,Margaret Page NonInstructional, NonAdmin County Wide Expenses NonInstructional, NonAdmin Clerk, Accounting-I Draskin,Betty L School Nurse Marino,Sherri Lynn Miner,Moira V Weaver,Frazer C Secretary to Director Wisman,Karen R Secretary, School Diaz,Marla J Gomez,Neycha J Harmon,Lesley C M Sagastume,Rosa M Scinaldi,Florence A Siracusa,Marie J Wilkinson,Felicia M Wood,Lori A Specialist, Job Coach Chianese,Mary E Dowdy,Sona T Miller,Nannette C Ramirez,Paul Wear,Margaret M Specialist, Support Eldon,Nola O Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Michael,Jamie R Curriculum & Staff Dev Elem Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Curriculum & Staff Dev Sec 5/28/2015 Lavalle,Melinda Marie Sirianni,Stephanie Lee Clerk Specialist Mena,Maria A Clerk, Accounting-I Prorok,Kim C Specialist, Applic Support Holcomb,Julie A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 4 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS *Ades,Heather Renee Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin District Planning NonInstructional, NonAdmin District Warehouse Operations NonInstructional, NonAdmin Early Childhood Learning Serv Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Messick,Frances Marie Helping Teacher, Envrnmntl Ed Kienzler,Valerie R Secretary to Director Fowler,Jamie M Specialist, Inventory Dicus,Rachel Lorraine Specialist, Support Gaston,Joyce A Planner, Long Range Huff,Dawn M Secretary to Director Johnson,Patricia L Specialist, Enrollment Gemelli,Dominic T Specialist, Procurement Anderson,Annamarie Specialist, Stock Control Burke,Douglas J Horst,John C Jones,John R Rib,Julio Spengler,Joseph A Supervisor, Warehouse & Recycl Bender,Paula M Anthony,Martika Sade Archambault,Julie Patrice Dence,Michele Janine Franklin,Tiffany Lashelle *Gerbasio,Kimberlea Kjos,Erin Anne Magnante,Sandra J Pierce,Melisa D Routsis,Maria I Salinas,Katiana Lorena THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 5 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Accountant-II Sanders,Brenda L Attendant, Child Care Aime-Joinis,Dominique Babb,Jasmine Janita Crespo Gonzalez,Smyrna Davis,Bridgett M Donehoo,Taryn Kimberly Harris,Valerie Cereise Marty,Gleinny Ortiz,Michelle M Ramirez Moreno,Luz M Sabiston,Frances E Salazar,Martha Oliva Soto Leon,Yeraldin Thomas-Parker,Alicia Monique Velasco,Veronica Williams,Brittany Nicole Williams,Cynthia J Wright,Francena Bookkeeper Rivera,Carmen L Clerk Typist Mena,Pamela Alejandra Robinson,Laura Lee Velez,Wilma Ivette Driver, School Bus Operator Villanueva,Maria C Nurse, Licensed Practical Gonzalez,Teraza Lorraine Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bartolome Sica,Luciana Veronica Bell,Shyler A Bottorff,Amanda Jo Carrasquilla,Consuelo N Combs,Shellie J DuBose,Terrika Airrel Gensler,Susan M Giddens,Natalie Kaye Guerrero,Mercedes Martinez,Ilsa THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 6 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Mayhugh,Katherine S Merola,Ashley Julia Mitchell,Rose A Perkins,Gregory L Puegeren,Beverly D Rosario,Christine Enessa Salas,SanJuana Singh,Deborah D Underwood,Fransharlette Winters,Olivia Desiree Paraprofessional, HdStrtIns-II Barber,Scarlett E Breese,Adrielyn Davis,Amber Ashley Engstrom,Brenda S Falligan-Gilyard,Irene Gamez,Olivia Guerra,Ilse J Hull,Brandi Michelle Omeara,Dary Powell,Brenda Reider,Tina R Schwandner,Mary Jean Sushil,Maria F Velez,Daisy School Nurse McManus,Joscelyn k Nelson,Corinne R Snyder,Karen S Secretary to Principal Rodriguez-Nazario,Edda M Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Bautista,Irma Bustamante,Severa M Cardona Cruz,Francisca Cody-Reed,Debra A Deleon,Shirmaine O Diaz,Manuel Esquivel,Viola M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 7 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Figueroa,Jane Gaona,Heidy April Glasper-Wells,Marlette Lashal Guerrero,Debra F Hartzell,Maria L Howard,Patricia A Hull,Lylia M Montanez,Yadira Orengo,Ivonne Rafuls,Irelis Rafuls,Sunen Resto,Teresa Roldan,Joseph L Roldan,Marisa Gabriela Santiago,Bernice Smith,Lisa E Tejera,Lucilay Specialist, Information-Sec Torres,Viola Sanches Specialist, Support Smell,Susan K Specialist, Technical Support Baskin,Leroy M Enterprise Resource Planning NonInstructional, NonAdmin Analyst Business Process Aviles,Richard Malaise,Greta M Facility Dev & Programming Srv NonInstructional, NonAdmin Accountant-II Weicht,Debra H Secretary to Director Kirchen,Debbie Dianne Specialist, Facilities Docmnts Reyes,Erika Esther Accountant-I Best,Luciana J Cox,Sarah M Tant,Lori M Financial Acct Property Rec NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 8 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Food Services NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Clerk Typist Edwards,Diana A Clerk, Accounting-I Barnes,Caroline K Collins,Kristina L Collins,Susan Y Dodd,Lisa B Gilyard,Andrew Leon Lico,Margaret K Rabkin,Michele A Rewis,Rebecca Kay Webb,Talonda R Clerk, Inventory Bell,Heather Brooke Jansen,Keith F Secretary to Exectv Director Gill,Barbara A Specialist, Inventory Gesink,Patricia A Specialist, Support Beggs,John C Edwards,Diana A Nichols,Sharon G Tyndall,Heather Michele White,Robin D Supervisor, Fiscal Control Ingersoll,Jeannette I Supervisor, RcdMngmt&PropInv Mullee,Nancy C Manager Intern, Food Service Berry,Christopher James Blanco,Aylem Maria Bowman,Leslie Ann Grupe,Melissa La-Nita Maxedon,John M Orama,Raphael Rodriguez,Luis Angel Stowell,Crystal Ann Manager, Field (FdSrvc&Ntrcn) Cepeda,Nelida Keeling,Beverly L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 9 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Woods,Lorina J Yassin Gomez,Sabah Health Services NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Manager, Food Services-I Clerc,Gerard P Manager, Healthy Living Lab Bucceroni,Mary Ann Secretary to Director Thomas,Terri L Specialist, Procurement McPeek,Jean Eileen Rash,Rebecca D Waters,Stephanie Lee Specialist, Stock Control Dean,Timothy M Engle,Mark D Warren,Sam D Supervisor, Equip&Fcl,SchFdSrv Hill,James C Supervisor, Fd Prcr, SchFdSrvc Hinkley,Elizabeth Ann Supervisor, Tech (Fd Srvc) Howe,James Supervisor, Train, SchFdSrvc Cook,Elizabeth A School Nurse Books,Jill A Boyd,Gwen Davis Bumm,Shelley J Camarda,Gabrielle Candiano,Michele L Colon,Wildaliz Cortes,Madeline Cortes,Nydivette Cox,Jennifer Marie Demeter,Lori Duszynski,Tonia S Garcia,Monica Glover,Melissa Ann Martin Green,Herbia M Hall,Elizabeth A Harbison-Perkins,Marie Anne THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 10 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Helmer,Billie Anne Kirgan,Yvette M Klages,Adrienne Kiri Kozel,Carrie L Lewins,Carla J Miesner,Elayne K Nagy,Michaelene M Neagle,Kristen Daniel Porzio,Natalie I Spence,Michael M Taylor,Marcy Lynn Wallace,Melissa Rae Wardell,Cynthia Kay Weaver,Alisa Lynn Wolak,George J Secretary Byers Koisa,Jill Human Resources NonInstructional, NonAdmin Secretary, Executive Amaral,Melinda B Information Systems NonInstructional, NonAdmin Computer Security Admin(IS) Scott,Cathy M Controller, Technical Applctns Allen,Carmen L Database Administrator (IS) Fruauff,Gustave R Manager, Applications (IS) Sikkenga,Cindy F Manager, Systems (IS) Alexander,Ellen M Network Administrator Childers,James S Operator, Computer (IS) Abraira,Lorraine Programmer, Systems (IS) Brown,Thomas R Zimmerman,John A Programmer/Analyst (IS) Adkins,Dennis R Curley,Patrick J Hatt,Steven P THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 11 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Houghton JR,Eugene R Lerch,Kevin G Mains,Kenneth R Pilbeam,Diane C Sirois,Paul E Information Technology Supp NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Specialist, Applic Support-Sr Cripe,Ruby L Pardo,Norma I Supervisor, Comp Ops (IS) Leverrett,Deborah M Systems Analyst (IS) Bowman,Steven C Felice,Cynthia M Gembecki,Anita T Grand,William V Herold,Laurie H Houser,Jonathan W Upeslacis,Agnes M Wallace,Linda S Technician, Help Desk Land,Ladonna J Accountant-II Perez,Linda Marie Analyst, Network Hamman,Dennis Patrick Analyst, Network-Senior Serviss,Richard Network Administrator Ayala,Ramon Martin Pittman,Robert K Sage,Cory B Network Administrator-Senior Alexander IV,Robert M Sabean,David M Programmer/Analyst, WebApplDev Curry,Eugene M Secretary to Director Williams,Karen L Specialist, Applic Support Sandlin,Cory B Specialist, Inventory Blackwell,Elizabeth A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 12 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Insurance & Benefits Mngmnt NonInstructional, NonAdmin Internal Audit NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Supervisor, Applications Spprt Osterhouse,Dennis J Supervisor, Business Machine Johannessen,Andrew J Supervisor, Network Operations Konowal,Edward D Supervisor, Telecommunications Stanford,Jason C Technician, Elctrnc, Fld Srvc Adolphe,Peniel Technician, Field Support Arnold,Willard A Deming,Debra A Holland,Wes F Jones,Joe L Kreider,Benjamin R Monaco,Gerald P Rasmussen,Christopher K Rosencrans,Kenneth W Sanchious JR,Alvin Winter Technician, Help Desk Michel,Dianne Lynn Technician, Info Tech Support Palmer,Michael E Technician, Scurty&TV/Vid Srvl Acosta,Rogelio Accountant-II Durieux,Deborah L Coordinator, Benefits Cooley,Karen C Data Processor Jones,Alma M Secretary to Director Roney,Terri L Specialist, Ins & Benefits Beatson,Jean M Richards,Cathy S Saxty,Lori A Auditor-I Nierop,Virginia Doris Roode,Jennifer L Russ,Cheri Lynn THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 13 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Lee Cnty FLVirtualSchFranchise Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Maintenance NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Daniels,Robert Joseph Davis,Natalee Beth Miller,Rex M Morera,Ana Cristina Noel,Wanda Vanessa Weiner,Joanne Secretary to Principal Taylor,Ann I Specialist, Information-Sec Taylor,Joanna Lynn Accountant-II Vick,Shirley W Asst Supervisor, Bldng Crfts Nierop,Robert C Spear JR,Herbert I Asst Supervisor, Elec/Elctrnc Allen,Carlos M Tinney,Gary A Asst Supervisor, Grounds Adams,Keith Coleman,William C Griffin,Brandon L McCarraher,Garrett T Munera,Nelson Asst Supervisor, IndoorAirQlty Howard,Thomas L Asst Supervisor, Plumbing Garcia,Bernardo Asst Supervisor, Sites Lowe,John E Carpenter Allen,Paul Steven Christiansen,James D Gaylord,William H Kjos,Christopher Kermit Narvaez,Guillermo C Ojeda,Jose C Pineda,Libardo Reyes,Antonio J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 14 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Spurlock,Jim M Stephans,Gary D Steuber,Christopher M Vass,Curtis W Wimberly,Stevie W Clerk Specialist Campbell,Linda Electrician Armstrong,John David Bright,William John Cox,Christopher M Joinis,Jean Robert Parr,John O Phares,William G Redd II,Donald E Webber,David A Woods,Charles C Glazier Bradley,Sean R Group Leader, Painter Riley,Jimmy L Locksmith Batista,Juan F Vander Laan,Douglas A Manager, Zone Service Batewell,Richard K Jungferman,Samuel L Mechanic Pendarvis JR,Kenneth W Mechanic, HVAC/Refrig&Chllwtr Amburgey,Adam Brooks,Donald C Bryan,Adam Ross Flint,Michael Paul Flock,Richard A Hernandez,Ariel Luis Johnson,Willie L Leskin,Russell M Mora,Jose A Phillips,John D Roldan,Luis A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 15 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Millwright/Machinist Nolen,Alan M Operator, Equipment-Maint Srvc Hanchey,Don A Painter Call,Frederick A Davis SR,David E Herring,Demetrek J Nixon,Charles A Scott,Michael W Waite,Corey M Plumber Atmore,Eric D Calligan,Michael G Haskew JR,John W. Hinojosa,Dannerys A Jenkins SR,LeRon C Klein,Russell Memic,Ajid Moore,Loren D Myers,Scott C Smith,Randy R Roofer Garrett,William M Suarez,Ariel H Secretary Jones,Lolita G Lanier,Roxanne Marie Sanders,Lisa N Secretary to Director Judkins,Tina Marie Specialist, Data Management Mejia,Juan C Specialist, Locksmth/Hrdwr Sys Balint,Edward R Specialist, Stock Control Hutchings,Edgar M Martinez JR,Pedro Specialist, Turf Coleman SR,David A Smith,Daniel B Supervisor, Building Crafts James,Randall D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 16 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Supervisor, Elec/Electronics Cornwell JR,George F Supervisor, Equip & Sites Abrams,Jeffrey Allen Supervisor, HVAC Heggemeier SR,Bryan J Postel,William Joseph Supervisor, Indoor Air Quality Thompson,James Supervisor, Plumbing Cash,James W Supervisor, Sites Brady,Sean M Supervisor, Stckrm&EnergyMgmnt Stewart,Bradley J Supervisor, Zone, BuildingSrvc Greene,Debora F Technician, Chillwater HVAC Francabandera,Kenneth F Howard III,Mitchell M Hurilla,Steven T Johns,Michael J Joiner,Shawn K Moore,Glenn C Willis,Robert Technician, Elctrnc, Fld Srvc Cunningham,Joshua C Labrosse,Joseph E Nelson,Benjamin R Spry,Joseph Normand Camile Starkloff,Barry R Technician, Energy Systems Griffin,Jakob Clint Leggett,Shane Lyle Messaros,Michael J Technician, Pest Control Assad,Peter J Hall,Brandon C Saxty,Christopher C Technician, Srvc, Fire Eqpmnt Ahearn,Joseph D Welder/Sheetmetal Fabricator Little,Mark E Worker, Sites Alonzo-Moreno,Wilson F THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 17 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Cochran,Jovan M Daniels,Kyle Andrew Hawkins,Cornelius A Johnson,David Arthur Magart,Douglas J Martinez,Fernando Massaro,Bryan M McFarland,Chris Lee Myers,Christopher L Rodriguez,Manuel Luis Rodriguez,Roberto Sanchez JR,Adan Singh,Derek Raymond Suanez,Jordan Watson,Debra A Migrant Education NonInstructional, NonAdmin Operations 5/28/2015 Worker, Utility/Trades Helper Alvarez,Ricardo Antonio Briones Mendoza,Carlos J Brown,Michael J Edwards,Dylan James Farmer,Eric Jordan Ferrada,Lazaro A Grey,Edward J Leggett,Anthony Kim McIntosh,Joshua A Roche Rodriguez,Nelson Runnion,Charles E Smith,Robert E Williams,David Lee Specialist, Title I Mgrnt Wrkr Ibanez,Saby M Ramirez,Eva Silva,Rebecca Torres,Claudia THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 18 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS NonInstructional, NonAdmin Payroll Department NonInstructional, NonAdmin Printing Services NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Manager, Labor Relations Sanders,Linda J Secretary, Executive Esteves,Maria A Accountant-I Bauer,Karen M Riesen,Elizabeth A. Clerk Specialist Barney,Sally L Schmidt,Carol A Coordinator, Payroll Gammon,Belkys M Data Processor Schmidt,Carol A Secretary Gonzalez,Digna Walsh,John J Specialist, Payroll Bishop,Debra J Blanchard,Christine A Broadbent,Beth A Chastain,Betty A Dearmond,Pamela M Goss,Lee A Hamlin,Jeffrey L Nesiti,Carol Ann Pignoni,Kristen Elaine Rice,Brad L. Snow,Barbarina M Swetlik,Erin H Courier, District Getty,Alan E. Lafountain,Gary H Pinney,Mark S Rodgers,David B Valinsky,Deborah C Manager, Tech Sup, Prnt&DocSrv Hutchinson JR,Frederick W Operator, Finishing Prcdrs-I Bennett,Penny D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 19 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Procurement Services NonInstructional, NonAdmin Professional Standards Equity NonInstructional, NonAdmin Psychological Services Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Operator, Finishing Prcdrs-II Smith,Evelyn Ross Printer-II Llewellyn,Anthony M Perkins,Bobby L Secretary to Printing Services Johnson,Karen Specialist, Production Support Sands,Tina B Agent, Procurement Adams,Tracey Nicks Carrasco,Jimmy Cowie,Richard A McNeely,Kimberly Analyst, Procurement Nein,Lorie L Spiczka,Lori A Coordinator, Procurement Serv Marody III,Albert J Secretary to Director Al Shabibi,Joni M Specialist, Procurement Bard,Susan J Coordinator, Prof Standards Murnane,Barbara W Secretary to Director Tilton,Cindy L Beerom,Travern Bellomo,Nicole B Clark,Robin W Dansey,Emmanuel L Gorman,Natasha L Kearson,Lakia Latassa,Elvira Marchon Tully,Sharon M Masini,Kerri Jeanne Pappalardo,Monica Scappaticcio,Denise T Spector,Stephanie K THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 20 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Wiggins Strada,Mary H Zeidler,Theresa M NonInstructional, NonAdmin Research & Assessment NonInstructional, NonAdmin Safety & Security NonInstructional, NonAdmin School Development NonInstructional, NonAdmin Staffing & Talent Management NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Secretary Chaney,Laura J Shilling,Maria R Secretary to Director Saarinen,Teresa Specialist, Data Management Fancovic,Christelle Morales,Alina M Secretary to Director Ross,Andrea H Specialist, Sfty&Fire Inspctn Beddow,Dorn J Hall,Robbyn Sheryl Yanes,Elisa Supervisor, Security&VidSrvl Lindsay,Gregory W Technician, Scurty&TV/Vid Srvl Baker,Bruce P Crosby,Daniel Scott Johnson,Dean R Pikula,Lawrence P Secretary to Director Byer,Leigh L Secretary to Exectv Director Gonzalez,Martha D Peters,Susan Lynn Analyst, HR Staffing Ayers,Barbara A Schmitt,Renee Clerk Typist George,Cecilia T Ivan,Arlene B Data Processor Foley,Teresa E Morris,Sheryl W THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 21 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Student Assignment NonInstructional, NonAdmin Student Assignment - East Zone NonInstructional, NonAdmin Student Assignment - West Zone NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Manager, Retirement & Benefits Sites,Vicki Manager, Staffing & Compliance Leonard,Heather Secretary to Director Misenheimer,Mary M Specialist, Applic Support Calfee,Kevin W Specialist, HR Staffing Beams,Tonia L Brinkley,Elizabeth H Burnside,Barbara A Cruz-DeJesus,Annette Dawson,Paula J Dougherty,Deborah L Galter,Linda M Prelus,Merencia Quiram,Kelly A Sites,Jessica L Williams,Denise A Manager, Office-ParentInfoCntr Johnson,Ann H Specialist, ESE School Choice Roessner,Sherryl A Specialist, Information-Sec Camacho,Deborah N Diaz,Rosemary Galewski,Marina L Janvier,Michele Kalina,Patricia S Custodian Torrez,Eleida A Manager, Office-ParentInfoCntr Bierley,Sharon J Specialist, Information-Sec Massie,Delilah Maria Sanchez,Yaquelin Ursitti,Nancy P Manager, Office-ParentInfoCntr Bull,Pamela P THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 22 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Student Related Services NonInstructional, NonAdmin Specialist, ESE School Choice Brock,Christina A Specialist, Information-Sec Beudert,Alma L McInnis,Sara M Secretary to Exectv Director Mendez,Arlene Rosario Student Services Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin *Thompson,April Hope Clerk Specialist Lepore,Karen A Secretary Robertson-Andre,Dawn M Secretary to Director Bailey,Deborah S Student Welfare Attendance Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Superintendent's Office NonInstructional, NonAdmin Teaching and Learning 5/28/2015 Brumm,Elizabeth D Brunel,Branda Flint,Gina Romano Isaac,Lauren Amanda Loftus,Dolores Ridley,Ellen Ann Schusterman,Kayla Nicole Torres-Nunez,Sheena Wilson,Christina Y Zak,Ajla Secretary Harrell,Barbara A Manager,Office(Superintendent) Gumbs,Tanya V. Secretary to Attorney Watkins,Amy E. Secretary to Superintendent Tres,Melixsa Secretary, Executive Shaffer,Jennifer J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 23 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS NonInstructional, NonAdmin Technical Career Ed NonInstructional, NonAdmin Title I NonInstructional, NonAdmin Trans East-Bus Attendants NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Manager, Program, JROTC Madigan,Thomas L Operations Officer, JROTC Zacovic,William R Secretary to Exectv Director Evans,Deborah B Reider,Mary E Specialist, Spprt Tech AP (IS) Gordon JR,Jon Robert Supervisor, JROTC Mil Prop Galgano,Teresa A Humphries,John L Paraprofessional, Educational Singh,Aruna Baroondai Wakeman,Arron Rollanne Secretary to Director Paras,Maria J Specialist, Applic Support Short,Joseph D Specialist, Information-Sec Remy,Mona S Accountant-II Rider,Kathy A Secretary to Director Corbett,Carmen L Specialist, Grants Bachman,Lois A Attendant, School Bus Chambers,Carlyon Lynnes Cobb,Gloria Ann Crockett,Demetria L Davis-Stroman,Toni V Delaine,Eva M Evans,Shenikka Y Fletcher,Crystal Y Gill,Oliver W Gill,Verdie A Green,Kourouma T Hall,Sandra D Lee,Kiasha R THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 24 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Lewis,Denelda L McCarter,Debbie Ann Neal,Lena A Smith,Gail D Solis,Olga I Speed,Dorothy A Spratt,Delores Jean Thomas,Tresia N Twombley,Karen J VanFleet JR,J. Richard Washington,Prestine L. Trans East-Bus Operators NonInstructional, NonAdmin Driver, School Bus Operator 5/28/2015 Alfonso,Elvin Alkazin,Cordelia A Babb,Margaret E Baptiste,Claudette Jean Baserman,Cassandra Baskin,Gwendora J Battle,Keith L Battle,Shadrack L Baxter,La Toya Terion Benjamin,Kenneth L Bridley,Tony Bright,Alfredia L Bright,Terri E Brown,Tatiana F Caro Liberata,Brian D Cash,Brenda D Chamberlin,Jan M Chery,Eric Christopher,Annie Lee Clemons,Jessica L Coicou,Lydia D Colin Alcantar,Jacqueline Ann Cowan,Vivian A Dale,Latonia L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 25 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Davis SR,Robert G Demas,Desmond M Dennard,Edith N Dennard,Gregory D Dertes,Ruth Dorfeuille,Roowdvel Edwards,Thelma Jeanine Evans,Wanda G Franco Hincapie,Efrain Andres Frison,Samantha L Fulton,Kathy Gilbert,Marcia K Godwin,Linda M Grant,Twyla Cherice Grant,Vandrias L Green,Fatima Hall,Ariadne M Hall,Kelli Lyn Hammond,Richard S Hernandez,Miguel A Higginbotham,Sherri A Holloway,Emma Jane Howard,Leslie Marie Howell,Delroy George Jackson,Andrella J Jackson,Fransara T Jackson,Frederick Leon Johnson,Sheryl Ann Jones,Allen Jerome Jones,Patricia A Jones,Rhoderica Sheniece Kearse,Shirley Kent,Elvira Lester,Pamela D Lias,Sharon D Macias,Maria I THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 26 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Manuel,Natalie R Martin,Hugo R Matthews,William N McIvory,Nikenya C McKenzie,Alonzo C McKinney,Angela D Merricks,Shilonda D Mitchel,Benjamin Lewis Moody JR,Hunter Mota,Enriqueta Myrick,Bridgette T Napier,Darvis Jerell Nerval,Jean Osnac,Delair Ouellette,Mary A Parris,Marijke Payne,John Lee Peterson,Charmin L Peterson,Cicily Sharnell Peterson,Linnea D Pierre,Andre Poliseo,Joseph P Pool,Pebbles L Pritchett,Taffy L Rodriguez,Virginia C Roge,Benita Rubino,Kathleen A Scurry,Elijah Boston Sewell,Tamika L Shidler,Amy Marie Shields,Keaira T Smith SR,Shuntavious Undray Smith,Scialavva U Smith,Valerie D Stewart,Richard Lawrence Stewart,Risha D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 27 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Stewart,Shonta A Sumicz Hadley,Sandra Temple,Ghia Deanna Thomas,Sandra D Thornton,Sharon L Tolbert,Regina N Towe,Arrandal R Vanfleet,Cheryl A Washington,Ronald B White,Teresa W Widmer,Christine Ann Williams,Annie Delois Williams,Tonilynn V Yoder,Rose M Trans East-Office/Garage NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Driver/Safety Trainer Ferris,Deborah A Asst Supervisor, Trans Srvcs Heinkel,Betti J Clerk Typist Manuel,Barbara Sinibaldi JR,Anthony R Clerk, Stockroom-Transportatn Lara,Raymond Custodian Acevedo,Carlos A Dispatcher, Transportation Brown,Luvenia M Tuller,Judith A Mechanic Guri,Bardhyl Jeffrey,Robert Nault,Mark J Stygstra,Marc E Tipple,Mark E Specialist, Route (Trans) Young JR,Jimmy Lee Supervisor, Rd Sfty-Trans McKinney,Jarriad A Supervisor, Routes Estevez,Reina J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 28 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Trans Lehigh-Bus Attendants NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Supervisor, Trans/Maint Srvc Ragsdale,Daniel L Attendant, School Bus Allen,Melissa H Battle,Carolyn Jean Battles,Rayvine V Baxter,Amy S Benjamin,Nikkia S Bentley,Shawanda Nicole Bowman,Markaysha Fshardae Bowman,Shantavious Bowman,Tranisha Shannovia Brown,Gertha A Brunson Louis Jean,Hope S Brunson,Kasha W Carey,Cynthia D Dailey,Whitney Caprise Davis,Sharon A Desir,Gladys Dortch,Annette D Edison,Cynthia Edwards,Acquinita M Franklin JR,Clifton Gibbons,Robert Edward Hagins,Patricia A Hall,Miriam M Howard,Ashley Marie Ivy,Edna D Johnson,Trywanda T Lawrence,H. Vincent McCarter,Linda McCarter,Michelle N McMillion,Kashera Charnet Migliazzo,Maria D Owens,Janet O Page,Alzetta E Peacock,Kimberlyn E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 29 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Peterson,Janie R Pointer,Gloria J Powell,Ethel P Rivero,Jennifer R Scott,Shalonda P Sheffield,Ida M Sheffield,Latonya Y Sibert,Shirley J Sierra,Gabina Smith,Lynnwellyn E Smith,Sandra L Spates,Shelvond E Walters,Edlisha D White,Tiffanie L Wilkerson,Shunetta Vertese Williams,Sheila L Young,Lisbit L Zigler,Sharon S Trans Lehigh-Bus Operators NonInstructional, NonAdmin Driver, School Bus Operator 5/28/2015 Acosta-Acevedo,Wellinton Almestica,Sonia Alvarez,Carlos Antonio Baran,Mabel M Benjamin III,Kenneth Jermaine Benjamin JR,Alicia N Benjamin,Monique L. Bernardo Gonzalez,America M Black,Tammy Cherrall Blair,Krystal Cassandra Blaise,Frantz Boston,Patricia Ann Brown,Lattisa T Brown,Sandra L Brunson,Iris L Byrd,David Lee Canady,Tronda W THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 30 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Cardenas,Maribel Carranza,Rosa M Cartagena,Edwin F Castel,Rochae Chanel Castro Martinez,Carmen R Castroman Romero,Jorge Charles,Philippe Chenaille,Kurt E Cherry,Chanel A Claude,Gardy Clerveaux,Garry Cobb,Amanda Rose Cooper,Nathan Dale,Emma J Dampier,Gloria J Dauphin,Jean C Davis,Jacqueline L Diaz,Luis Diaz,Niurka D English,Fronnie M Erickson,Norman A Etienne,Launy Flores,Martha E Fowlkes,Charles W Gloster,Wileena N Gore,Nadine Green,Tiffany N Hardwick,Stoddard Henry Harris,Alberta Harris,Bessie A Harris,Clorine Harris,Debra A Harris,Tina R Harris,Tomika A Heffron,Ann M Herrera,Rafael Enrique THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 31 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Herring,Dorothy S Hertog,Fred Hill,Katina Hood,Bruce E Hood,Curtisha N Houk,Laura M Howard,Jacquelyn L Humphrey,Sheena E Jackson,Lisa Ann James,Edward Jenkins,Lakessa M Jennings,Lelasha Denise Jordan,Holly L Joseph,Emmanuel E Jourdan,Fenold Joyce III,William Joseph Justima,Jean B Kearse,Georgeanne Kelly,Verzel A Laurange,Sarah J Lazo,Roberto Lopez,Nora V Lymons,Thomas Lee Matheus,Francesse Matthews,Celestine J McFarland,Ronald D Medina,Juan M Mercer,Diana L Miller,India A Miranda JR,Johnny Mitchell,Gracie B Mitzel,Nora D Moore,Susie Morant,Shenita M Munnings,April C Napper,Angela THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 32 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Nault,Carolyn Novoa,Yeney Ortes,Mike Pazmino,Cesar L Pearsey,Gloria J Pena,Leonelo A Perkins,Daphine R Perry,Covi Dionne Pettigrew,James Glenn Pierre,Simon C Pigford JR,Clifford Pinckney,Albertine L Pinell,Lazaro Pointer JR,Gilbert Pointer,Glen L Ramirez,Roberto Ravelhofer,Markus D Reyes,Luz Lynnette Riveron,Andres Robison,Donna Renee Rodriguez,Jose A Rodriguez,Marta I Ronneau,Laventure Rosier,Frederick Russ,Shavonia L Seawright,Connie Seeley,Margaret Ann Shields,Charles Ervin Smith,Charles S Smith,Karen D Smith,Renita Snowden,Rufus J Standifer,Correna Tavarez,Syisha Taylor,Jamilah Joann Taylor,Kathy A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 33 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Terrance,Oliver Anthony Thomas,Laquisia Shonta Thomas,Laronda Vamos,Donald Vega,Beatrice Villa,Fabio G Washington,Lashun R Washington,Mia A Watson,Barlo A Weaver,Judy R Webb,Gloria M Whitfield,Tangela D Williams,James Taylor Williams,Jasmine Lynette Wilson,Kashavana S Wilson,Trufae I Woody,Mazilene M Wright,Alishia N Yordy,Deborah Dee Trans Lehigh-Office/Garage NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Asst Supervisor, Trans Srvcs Aney,Beatrice M Teston,James R Clerk Typist Thomas,Rita Y Dispatcher, Transportation Hicks,Cynthia Lucille Watson,Terolyn White,Bobbi J Mechanic Roberts,Daniel L Rutledge,Rickey L Sarmiento,Matthew Addiel Trippany,James D Wilson,Jason L Mechanic, Service Fritcher,Howard D McArdle,Kevin J Moyer II,Kenneth Gordon THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 34 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Trans SixMile S-Bus Attendents NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Secretary Zengel,Jennifer Margaret Specialist, Route (Trans) Lane,Karen R Specialist, Support Jordan,Kortney Regina Supervisor, Trans/Maint Srvc Galter,Thomas J Pohto,William A Attendant, School Bus Agent,Margaretta Baer,Andrew R Banks,Jerrica Lasha' Benjamin,Latrice D Blanks,Joyce A Blocker,Jamesha Kentura Bolden III,Halbrook Bowman,Jeannette Brown,Dianna J Collins,Michael Isaiah Condry,Bertha L Condry,Iris Y Corbett,Karen L Cunningham,Mary P Davis,Teshami Ystese Elliott,Wendy A Escobar,Gloria M Felton,Shirley Ann Florence,Lisa L Gary,Angela L Geissler,Sheila M Goodman,Sandra M Grant,Bridgett Nicole Green,Jade L. Harmon,Yolanda Haynes,Kimone S Jones,Rosie M Jones,Taharica L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 35 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Joyner,Kimberly A Kearse,Ida R Kilber,Elizabeth Krimminger,Tracy S Landry,Kizzie K Leaphart,Brittney Denise Lopez,Eunice Louis,Anoual Martin,Debbie Mason,Torya Dinasha Mitchell,Brenda D Mitchell,Brenda L Moore,Fredreka L Oliver,Kerra Chardae Peterson,Beverly Jean Pitts,Marilyn L Pugh,Lashaunda N Pugh,Pamela M Reddick,Jessie L Rivero,Kentoyia Gloria Roberts,Nate J Robinson,Carrie A Rosado,Elsa E Seymore,Stephanie Anne Stirrups,Catrina Y Stirrups,Patrice M Thompson,Tarita Victoria Townsend,Bridget L Wallace,Keila S Watson,Roderick A Watts,Toshia M Will,Theresa L Williams,Darrell A. Woodruff,Richard D Trans SixMile S-Bus Operators NonInstructional, NonAdmin Driver, School Bus Operator 5/28/2015 Aaron,Hildegarde Lucretia THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 36 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Abberger,Donald L Abella-Diaz,Rodolfo Alexander,Angel Almeida,Mary E Anderson,Niyia M Anderson,Shakita E Atkins,Takia Monshay Atkins,Tasmere Q Avrilien SR,Harold S Barnes,James L Barton,Linda Battle,Charles E Battles,Melenese A Bautista,George A Berardi,Anthony M Bonne,Elicienne N Breen,Mary Katina Bridge,Donna J Brown Monroe,Monica E Brown,Nakisha R Bryant,Florence Lashawn Bullock,Delbert G Burger,Gary L Burger,Paula Y Bursey,Deborah D Burt,Leo E Carroll,Corliss D Clark,Robert E Cody,Ronitra S Coleman,Cameisha L Collins,Helda D Colon,Senterriah B Condry,Alfreda C Condry,Elbert Cosby,Tabitha J Cousin,Siouniqua S THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 37 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Daniels,Thomasina L Davis JR,Lewis Charles Davis,Jessica F Davis,Priscilla D Davis,Robert L Davis,Shanna Shanta Davis-Bentley,Lakeshia Tamika Dawson,Dorothy A Debose,Renata A Del Bene,Debra Dixon,Leon Dixon,Stacey R Donohue JR,John C. Doralus,John Dortch,Tara E Duncan,Detrice Taylor Earhart,Willie B Edison,Tavaris Devon Edwards,Karen Edwards,Tikia N Eleaby JR,Charlie Elliott,Fonchona R Ervin,Bonnie L Eterno,Ronald J Evans,Amanda O Fain,Shaniqua Shinise Fain,Tacara Lashay Felgueiras,Luis J Ferguson,Marlo L Figueroa,Margarita Fletcher,Ashley P French,Jammie A Fulcher,Matilda W Gallardo,Erick Ivan Gaona,Jeronimo Gary,Darnesha T THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 38 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS George,Loretta S Gianetti III,Michael Richard Gloster,Kathey A Goebel,William A Gollman,Shalai V Goss,Donald Randall Goss,Vicky L Graley,James E Grattic,Kyle S Green,Jasmine Sharde Green,Levern A Gregory,Dana R Guerrero,Carlos Arturo Gurges,Christina A Hall,Debra L. Hall,Jerry L Hamilton,Monica L Hamilton,Tavarsha S Harvey,Juanita Hicks,Dennis Ray Hiel,Patricia Elizabeth Highsmith,Vivian D Hodge,Candi N Hughes,Pamela J Irons,Claunesha Leshay Jackson,Doretha M Jackson,Princess N Jackson,Treva A James,Gayla F Jimenez,Sulema Johnson,Janiqua A Johnson,Latasha Denise Johnson,Loretta Regina Johnson,Tyrone Gerod Jones JR,Jerel La Ban Jones,Clesha T THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 39 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Jones,LaQuasha Lenise Jones,Mattie Labrisa Davis Kearse,Melinda L Kearse,Nakiisha S Keene JR,Stephen D Kelly,Aldebvon L Knight,Barney L Kucinick,Diane L Landers,Yolandra Nicole Leamy,Linda D Leggett,Kenneth L. Leggett,Marlene S. Loggins,Shanna Celeste Loughrige,Gary P Mack,La'Keisha A Maloy,Equana L Manes,Alfredo S Marion,Mary A Marion,Oretha E Martin,Aricka L Mejia,Maria L Melson,Carol D Monnie,Catrina Moore,Arnesha Y Moore,Dorothy M Moore,Elmaria Morris,Sonja L Moton,Renata A Mowatt,Yvette M Muller,Loretta M Murphy JR,Maurice P Newton,Adrienne R Nixon,Donte A O'Connor JR,Edmund Grant Ocana,Magali Oliver,Faye THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 40 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Owens,Patrice M Parker,India Deanna Parson,Richard A Peacock,Shantae O Peck JR,Roy E Perkins,Caron Phillips,Chrishaunda E Poindexter,Chrisandra K Powell,Carmen M Preston,Lorena T Ray,Vickie L Reed,Stephanie L Remke,Ted Karl Reno,Sheri L Reyes Colon,Edwin O Reynolds,Gary M Rider,Mandy Lee E Ridley,Crystal N Ridley,Ranarda N Roach,Linda M Roberts,Stephanie F Robinson,Wilma J Roman,Magdaelene Ross,Bessie S Rumph,Davita D Salomon,Anna M Sanchez,Raisy Sanzari,Philip Joseph Schley,Jacqueline J Schley,Tony C Scott,Marsha C Semiken,Walter P Simon-Felipe,Enrique Skiba,Beverly A Spera,Regina M Spires,Terry D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 41 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Sprein,Romas Joseph Tanner,Jill Jeanne Taylor,Orieshae Kayona Taylor,Patricia R Thomas,David O Thomas,Naya Denika Thompson,Johnnie Lee Timte,Amanda Leigh Tracey,Jay T Tucker,Chiqueta LaKea Tyre,Jamie Fanchone Valentin,Asuncion Vickers,Vonetta L Walker,Carlos Walker,Sharon Y Wardlow,Kendra N Wardlow,Shaviere LaTia Watkins,Dominique S Watson,Antonetta Shonetta Watts,Ywanda L Weaver,Latoya N White,Angela Lashawn White,Cynthia D Wilder,Melanie A Williams,Arlease Williams,Audreya Karin Williams,Leroy Woody,Dorothy A Wrightsman,Jerry L Wuss,Steven Joseph Young,Camesha L Young,Jeffrey Alan Young,Shaniqua N Driver/Safety Trainer Trans SixMile-Office/Garage 5/28/2015 Basye,Anna Marie THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 42 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Asst Supervisor, Trans Srvcs Benzing,John J Lolly,Roger E. Clerk Typist Caldwell,Earthine L Clerk, Stockroom-Transportatn Hall,Cheryl A Custodian Perez,Victor A Dispatcher, Transportation Moore,Ruth L Peterson,Chantel K Robinson,Sheila D Mechanic Armstrong,Stacy C Colleli,John F Deberardis,David J Dunbar,William Gilbert JR,Joseph Hernandez,Gerald M Jones,Brandon Scott Jones,David E. McDaniel,Jacob L Perez,Alejandro Rejes Guillama,Pedro F Smith III,Aubrey L Taitano,John T Williams,William E Mechanic, Service Dsouza,Dominic Estevez,Ramon R Fundora,Jorge Luis Stadnik,Valentin Operator, Computer (IS) Paz,Denise Secretary Noel,Tina Marie Secretary to Exectv Director Spiro,Laura M Specialist, Data-Transportatn Ragsdale,Karen A Specialist, Route (Trans) Lewis,Mark S THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 43 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS McGlohon,Thomas M Shenton,Cheryl A Trans West-Bus Attendants NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Specialist, Stock Control Rivera,Pamela R Specialist, Support Toomey,Karen A Specialist, Trans Automation Schultz,Konnda Fay Supervisor, Garage Operations Lucas,Steve Supervisor, Opr/Data Sys Coord McLean,Kathy L Supervisor, Rd Sfty-Trans Crocker,Nancy M Supervisor, Routes Lolly,Roy E. Supervisor, Safety & Training Garrett,Nena S Supervisor, Ship & Receiving McDaniel,Ruthell Supervisor, Trans/Maint Srvc Kirby,Travis R. McLean,Lynn J Shirk,James F Attendant, School Bus Alfred,Lashunta L Bartkowski,Marybeth Bassett,Sarah M Beresford,Samuel A Brown,Susan E. Brown,Taran Casen,Stela Lucilier Christon,Debra S Davis,Selma M Davis,Tarlisha Michelle Davis,Yvonne L Dudley,Willene Duverge,Ligia Ferguson,Pamela L Gibson,Jackolyn L Harris,Ronisha O'shea THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 44 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Henry,Loretta A Jiles,Ayanna J Laster,Mia N Lewis,Margaret A Lopez,Bertha L Marion,Lakesa A Matthews,Frances E. McKinley,Towanda Miller,Kathy L Pautz,Juanita M Peters,Kala Wallace Quarterman,Linda Lavonne Rahm,Marlene E Ramsey,Ruth F Roberts,Beverly J Roldan,Clara I Schiegner,Elvira Stutler,Michael C Swanson,Keiosha Navice Taylor,Sandra Roberts Temple,Johnnie Underwood,Antoinette Shantae Ward,Judith H Weinberg,Nancy S Wester,Kiaundra De'Shay Wimbush,Shkayla L. Young,Cleophus A Trans West-Bus Operators NonInstructional, NonAdmin Driver, School Bus Operator 5/28/2015 Adams,Angela L Almanzar,Kevin E Almeida,Jesus H Alvarez Casanova,Alexander Amarante,Cecilia G Anderson,Catherine Manuel Arias,Orlando Arroyo,Maria E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 45 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Backus,Matthew P Backus,Pauline L Bahrs,Pamela A Baldwin,Barbara Mercy Balint,Denise L Bangs,Linda Sue Barrios,Ana P Barrios,Belkys Batista,Abrahan J Batista,Jeanette Batista,Maria N Baulf,Dale F Baulf,Melissa S. Bayless,Debra L Beard,Richard L Bell,Paula Y Belton,Eva D Bianco,Romualda Blachowicz,Donna J Blasquez-Tracy,Rachael R Boccaccio,Danielle R Borroto,Luz D Bowie,Claudia E Bowlsby,Catherine A Brown,David A Brown,Francis X Brown,Nancy L Brown,Tarrita P Bruner JR,Freddie J Buden,Jeannieann M. Bussaeus,Laurie A Caceres Daza,Jesus M Capriles,Jesus Caraotta,Cheryl A Carpenter,Elice M Carrillo,Carrie-Ann THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 46 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Carter Hicks,Shamicka L Castillo,Ernesto A Castillo,Sergio Catanzaro,Laura L Catu,Jose A Chavez,Carmen B Coen,Jerri L Colina,Maria V Cook,Deborah L Cook,Sherry L Cooper III,Moses Cross,Ya Ping M Cruz,Aquino Daley,Carl C Davidson,Donald R Davignon,Warren J Day JR,Robert E Decatur,Joseph B Delgado,Misael Deshield,Kenrick E Devaney,Carrie J Diaz,Marta B Diggs,Toyar L Dominguez,Glaroodia Escobar,Carlos Antonio Evans,Deborah M Fanego,Miriam L Fanego,Richard Ferario,Thomas A Fowler,Karen M Frye,Michelle Ann Fuentes JR,John Thomas Gentile,William Robert Gephart,Karen O Gillis JR,Patrick R Gomez,Roberto THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 47 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Gordon,Anne L Graham,Kanisha Nicole Grant,Cynthia Greenwood,Ellsworth Kenmore Greenwood,Michelle Marie Gscheidle,Tracy A Gundy,Jon L Hadley,Mechelle D Hall,Patti E Hall,Randell Jay Hamor,Phyllis Heineman,Charles F Hernandez,Marsha R Hill,Donna Lynne Hillbloom,Deborah J Hosmer,Richard L Hunt,Barbara Anne Hyde,Dalgonal A Iglesias,Alan Ivory,Valarie Jo Jacobsen,Steven M Jaime,Henry N Jameson,Karl R Jennings,Chrysanthemum F Jennings,Eugene R Johnson,Carol D Johnson,Tammy L Johnson-Hart,Donna Lynn Jones,Grace C Jones,Marvin D. Jones,Shadae Martez Keadle,Shirley K Kniess,Kristy M Kontzamanis,Christos Kontzamanis,Lourdes Judith Lainez,Mario A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 48 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Leclerc,Valerie K Llerena,Miriam Lockhart,Marie L Loomis,Robert W Lopez,Carlos Ronel Lopez,Carmen S Lopez,Dennis R Lopez,Francia A Lopez,Martha L Lopez,Ninett Lopez,Rosalba Lopez,Susan Lorenzo,Richard Lozada,Marianela Lucas,Lawrence M Maker,Pattie Ann Maker,Robert W Mangan,Victoria Anne Marcel,Alix J Marler,Teresa S Maroon,Christina Maroon,Ernest R. Marshall,Cody L Martin,Robin L Matos,Xiomara McCourt,Patricia Ann McDonald,Andrew Ok McMillin,Sarah M Melum,Rayvonda V Mesa,Daisy Minsky,Andrew Montemurro,Cecile M Morales,Hector O Moreno,Reiner Tomas Mortimer,Belinda Jean Mucci,Christie Lyn THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 49 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Myers,Joy Dianne Narkun JR,Joseph J Navarrete,Maria Lourdes Navarrette,Pedro Alberto Noel,Eric Norris JR,Washington F Ogrodzinski,Inez A Oknefski,Jane A Ospina Naranjo,Carlos A Padron,Lourdes Pautz,Marlin Paz Diaz,Eduardo E Pena,Madelyn Perez,Eleida Perez,Felix A Pichardo,Florentino Pinero,Rolando L. Pinto,Angelica M Pinto,Orlando E Pittenger,Lida N Pooser,Amy M Pozo,Arturo Pridemore,Darlene Mae Primicile,Bonnie A Purvis,Tanisha L Ramos,Theresa Rayner,Shannan Elaine Reyes Castro,Beatriz Reyes Castro,Belkis Reyes,Humberto Rice,Nancy E Richardson,Cindy Richardson,George A Rincon,Franklyn R Rivera,Benjamin Roberts JR,Jimmie Lee THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 50 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Roberts,Cathy D Robilotta,Barbara J Rodriguez,Neris M Rodriguez,Pedro Antonio Rodriguez,Sandra Rohttis,Ana Rohttis,Nery Rosa,Rufino A Rummans,Angela M Sanabria JR,Julio E. Sanchez Marrero,Luis Manuel Sangiovanni JR,Raffaele Santiago,Tantania Zonyette Sawyer,Betty J Schihl,Renee L Schneider,Claire Schoonmaker,John H Seal,Donna M Servis,Mark D Sieveking,Peggy Sue Signorelli,William J. Simon-Felipe,Sor M Snowden,William J Sprague,Susan M Stocks,Kathy Stout,Harold William Suarez,Aramis Taitano,Terry L Tavai JR,Vailoa Taveras,Enilda M Thomas,Alan Thomas,Lula M Torres,John Tozzi,Frankie A. Troncoso,Marina Tyre,Nicole Denise THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 51 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Valentin,Joseph S Valentine,Connie Sue Valentine,Michael Joe Valerio,Rodiz M Vargas,Roberto A Velasquez,Monica E Velez,Ivan A Weger,Donna M Wilk,Evelyn Marie Winters,Demond Lorenza Wolfe,George E Young,Tiffany Marie Zabala,Carlos A Trans West-Office/Garage NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Driver/Safety Trainer Burke,Alice K Asst Supervisor, Trans Srvcs Steward,Yvonne L Clerk Typist Bowling,Margaret Virginia Lee Clerk, Stockroom-Transportatn Collver,Jessica Rhea Custodian Vella,Erica D Dispatcher, Transportation D'Anna,Juanita Fauser,Amber D. Larose,Victoria C Linscott,Edith J Mechanic Crabtree,Albert L David,Garvin Deshield,Gerald C Griffith,Chris L Griffith,Jeffrey T Howard,Jason R Leonard,Logan Brandall Pena,Rafael Plappert,Christopher J Rippl,Joseph G THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:01 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 52 of 52 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENTS Rivera,Joshua Tyler Thompson,Douglas D Mechanic, Service Burt,James W Secretary to Director Brick,Marguerite M Specialist, Data-Transportatn Hamm,Christopher P Specialist, Route (Trans) Marshall,Carla A Skau JR,Paul T Specialist, Support Bogner,Linda C Supervisor, Rd Sfty-Trans Gonzalez,Gladys E Supervisor, Routes Knight,Harrison Shedrick Supervisor, Trans/Maint Srvc McLeod,Benny Robery,Craig A REAPPOINTMENTS 2015-2016 Schools June 9, 2015 Board Agenda THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 1 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS ALC West Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Adult & Career Education NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Andrew,Rebecca D. Denson,Vashadi Vonte Gentile JR,Angelo Gilmore,LaToya K * Kleinmann,Colin Joseph Moore,Karen Nelice Pattillo,Christina Faye Rael,Stephanie Suzanne Silva,Linda Small,Charles Leslie Assistant, Clinic Fabick,Mari Lee Custodian Garcia,Israel Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Mojica,Taryn Elizabeth Nunez Rojas,Ruben Dario Palmer,Shashona Losale Secretary to Principal Tyrrell,Mariann D Specialist, Information-Sec Araujo,Iliana Specialist, Security Gilmore,Gregory D. March,Edward P Sparkman,Justin Eugene Teal,Cliffonny R Supervisor, Building-III Washington,Richard M Bookkeeper Hodes,Carol S Secretary, School Alvarado,Maria Isabel Specialist, Information-Sec Stowell,Nancy J Specialist, Support Hernandez,Maria C Voellinger,Milla P Supervisor, Adult Education Dussan,Maria T THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 2 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Allen Park Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Barrett,Melissa M Colvin,Krista L Duncan,Cheryl White Holland,Melissa Sue Marinell,Taylor B Melton,Crystal M. Neubert,Victoria Nicole Orlando,Peggy Marie Roberts,Tamika M Swope,Kirk Allen Tatgenhorst,Meredith Wolcott,Sheena M Assistant, Clinic Auchmuty,Marie A Bookkeeper Franklin,Roxann Gordon Clerk Typist Estremera,Megan N Custodian Edwards,Frederick J Green JR,Walter J Liranzo,Gloria E Quiroz,Argentina Custodian, Head Muniz JR,Osvaldo Helping Teacher, ESE Bennett,Brandie R. Crawford,Deloris P McDaniel,Victoria B Streeter,Lucrecia R Vasiloff,Anita D Wallace,Evelyn Ward,Shawn Hope Wechter,Sarah Ashley Helping Teacher, Interpreter Drimones,Melany A Monahan,Richard J Wiener,Denise S Helping Teacher, Speech Tech McCalden,Audrey L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 3 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Manager, Food Services-I Tobler,Sherie Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Figueroa,Maria T Paraprofessional, Educational Bamman,Sally J Bruno,Yvrose Fifield,Vicky A Landis,Kelly L Long,Patrizia McCarthy,Michele S Mera,Kellie A Ochoa,Yohana N Vigil,Sharon A Wooley,Gilda A Secretary to Principal Alvarez,Sonia G Specialist, Information-Elem Christiansen,Tracy L Supervisor, Building-II Rivera,Angelo L Worker, Food Service Cason,Linda S Gary,LaQuite Shante Luzney Cantillo,Farides M Rodriguez,Susana AlternativeLearningCntrCentral Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Albertelli,Fred J. Binetti,Laura Victoria Hutchins Colon,Lashanda D McMahon,John Andrew Sanchez,Icelsa Ivette Williams,Barry C Wood,Simone C Assistant, Clinic Ellis,Kenya L Bookkeeper Hart,Judy R Clerk Typist Ellis,Bernadine R Custodian Barton,Jackleane THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 4 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Campa,Rolando Cannida,Sarah J Espinosa,Lidia E Neal,Mary Bayshore Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Custodian, Head Fernandez,Rosendo Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Barnes,Edna R Castro,Nicole Cortes Rivero,Lourdes Golden,Peggy Lynn Jackson,J'ana Aileen Lennox,Sharon A Lewis,Willette Amelia Plazas,Adriana Rodreguez,Tonya D Secretary to Principal Coffey,Susan J Secretary, School Hart-Ebaugh,Tonya Specialist, Information-Sec Chang,Betty Specialist, Security Avila,Hector M Coston,Wade Allan Francis,Erin A. Smith,Terry E Weatherspoon,Bryant Specialist, Technical Support Boyd JR,Jeffery J. Supervisor, Building-I Steuber,Lawrence J Bosland,Khrystine Elyse Burritt,Shannon M. Callahan,Erin Renee Campbell,Kathryn C. Chase,Chelsea Ann Guthrie,Laura Lefko,James Ryan THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 5 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Miller,Beth Ellen Mitchell,Nicole Amber O'Reilly,Kristen Ann Santiago,Kristen N Sorhegui,Erin Nicole Washington,Mariah Isela NonInstructional, NonAdmin Bonita Springs Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Payne,Christina J Bookkeeper Stewart,Kimberly M Clerk Typist Markel,Shirley M Custodian Ortiz Velez,Michael Villasante,Sonia Zarco,Yohena Custodian, Head Gomez,Delfina Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Gines,Anarosa Paraprofessional, Educational Corradino,Maria Elena Midgett,Caron M. Tompkins,Bonnie Secretary to Principal Fischer,Donna L Specialist, Information-Elem Lemmerman,Malinda S Specialist, Technical Support Tant,David K Supervisor, Building-II Mathias,Kenneth L Worker, Food Service Gerhart,Tammy L. Noah,Alyssa Chonte Resto,Dora N. Rippl,Kathy A Schwarz,Catherine A. Anderson,Lauren Alexis Beltre,Marleny Esther Brown,Aimee Lynn THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 6 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Cessna,Lauren Brianne Hoffman,Kali Briann Howard,Lori Ann Johnston,Timothy Ryan Kelley,Eric R Mastro,Laurie S Omonte,Nancy Marie Ramsey,Lori Ann Romero,Raphael James Salek,Danielle Ranee Sandoval,Luis F Villanueva,Belinda M NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Flaherty,Laura J Bookkeeper Bennett,Lenore Ann Custodian Abella Crespo,Deysi Izdonavicius,Algimantas Reyes,Beatriz Manager, Food Services-II Coppola,Jill L Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bernal,Anna K Briner,Judith L Crawford,Melissa A Crocker,Pamela J Fogarty,Kathleen Suzanne Guerrasio,Emily Lynn Hunt,Megan L Joshua-Melendez,Ana E Marquez,Sandra Rivera,Jessica A Romero,Mariana Gabriela Sandoval,Estela Tabbi,Emily Elizabeth Taylor-James,Debra Anne Weeks,Robin R White II,Thomas H THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 7 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Paraprofessional, Educational Briner,Judith L Paraprofessional, HdStrtIns-I Danziger,Elizabeth M Paraprofessional, HdStrtIns-II Firmes,Andrea G. Perez,Esther Secretary to Principal Romero,Marta Specialist, Information-Elem Barillas,Maria R Worker, Food Service Guzman,Juana M Mendoza Lopez,Luz Adriana Montemayor,Norma L Bonita Springs Md CntrForArts Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Benham,Pamela Martha Brown,Regina Cox,Kelly A Crain,Jason Gardiner,Brittany K Glaser,Jaclyn Marie Hassell,Leah Ann Howard,Anthony V Kizzire,Sara Jane Knowles,Chelsea Kristen Krell,Kevin C Liggins,Regina Gail Alderman Lozier,Kathleen Louise Lynch,Vanessa Austin Mell,Paige Brindell Miller,Andrew J Moorman,Casey Lynn Smyrnios,Misty Phipps True,Gina Marie True,Patrick Caleb Wood,Kari A Assistant, Clinic Hamilton,Celeste J Bookkeeper Hingson,Brandi L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 8 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Buckingham Exc Student Ctr Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Clerk Typist Ramos,Yarira Weeks,Robin E Custodian Bocalbos,Alfredo G Duong,Phung K Molina De Saldana,Clara Isabel Paz,Rosalba Salas JR,Eduardo Custodian, Head Wallace,Steve W Manager, Food Services-I Ellis,Lynn M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Drye,Jessica Ranae Fernandez,Patricia Yvonne Flores,Merry L Matthews,Irene Christina Oliveri,Renee A Rodriguez Echevarria,Barbara Soto Garcia,Sandy Lee Paraprofessional, Educational Barnes,Aaron Clifford Secretary to Principal Gonzalez,Elizabeth Specialist, Information-Sec Trevino,Martha I Specialist, Security Barnes,Aaron Clifford Romero Arias,Juan Alberto Specialist, Technical Support Gridley,Matthew C Supervisor, Building-I Weeks,Johnny F Worker, Food Service Blais,Deborah Ann Earnest,Anne Marie Fonseca,Nancy S Moses,Cynthia Rae Smith,Bonnie L Cushing,Cheyney Lynn Montgomery,Jo Ann Marie THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 9 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Towns,Preston D NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Green,Helen M Custodian Pearce,David R Helping Teacher, BRP Beauchamps Brown,Eucharice Behnke,Jennifer Lynn Bell,Catherine Monicke Bolduc,Heather G Burgoyne,Tricia Lynn Cortes,Maria M Dickerson,Mary Alice Garcia,Elizabeth Brooke Garcia,Norma J Holley,Christine S Inderjeet,Anitama Jenkins,Tanya Yvette Livella,Stacey Lynne Miller,Gregory J Nelson-Estrada,Ashley Perez,Lillian I Richardson,Kim E Robles,Judith Salters,Shanika Shanise Schudel,Patricia L Solis,Tonya Lee Soto Cruz,Maria R Tuttle,Heather Ann Marie Wise,Joseph L Zito,Cheryl Ann Nurse, Licensed Practical Fatic,Linda K School Nurse Cartwright,Colleen Ann Secretary to Principal Smith,Linda L Secretary, School Leindecker,Gail A. Specialist, Information-Sec Leindecker,Gail A. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 10 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Specialist, Security Tomlinson,Karen J Specialist, Technical Support Shaw,Jeannie L Caloosa Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Clark,Katie M. Craft,Virginia R Devitt,Amanda Rae Gilbert,Melissa A Kirby,Samantha E. McCarraher,Allison C McCarraher,Jason S Osterhouse,Stephanie L Randall,Allison K Ross,Mary Allison Skocik,Jennifer Leigh Topham,Barbara Ann Walters-Haas,Wendy R Assistant, Clinic Laskowitz,Sherrill A Bookkeeper Santiago,Ruth Custodian Gonzalez,Daniel E Hernandez,Reynaldo Perez-Rico,Aleida Rosado Rodriguez,Emma Lilia Sanchez,Milagros Custodian, Head Tortosa,Rosa M Helping Teacher, ESE Batista,Janet Cincinnati,Alda T Gulash,Karry A Levy-Murphy,Valerie Annette Schafer,Andrea L Shultz,Carol A Tapia,Elizabeth Altagracia Helping Teacher, Social Commun Catalano,Sara M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 11 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Caloosa Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Cacciolfi,Kathryn L Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Carver,Amy E Paraprofessional, Educational Dimore,Lidia Garvey,Carollee A Lee,Lisa A Medley,Christine Heather Mounce,Paula G Napoli,Diane M Placido,Donna M Prusak,Donna A Rainer,Rhonda L Shepard,Barbara Shoff,Muriel Tackett,Tiffany Patrice Secretary to Principal Sagastume,Nellie Secretary, School Rood,Patricia Christine Specialist, Information-Elem Vasquez,Ana D Specialist, Technical Support Lundstrom,Kenneth R Supervisor, Building-I Fasenmyer,Scott M Ashby,Taylor Scott Ellithorpe,Ashlie Katherine Horner,Brenda Ann Jeleniowski,Timothy E Johnson,Kaj Adam Katkow,Laura C Knox,Susan Marie Kragh,Leslie Davis Martinez,Charleen McCarthy,Amy Kathleen Meyer,Tracy Morales-Terron,Carmen Doris Morehead,Rachel C THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 12 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Pfeil,Anne Marie D Pierce,Ashley Lynn Pierson,Jenniffer Marie Sefcik,Barbara J Taylor,Melissa S Whiteman,Karen L. Wibbels,Heather Elizabeth Williams,Lisa Marie NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Dunn,Tracy Kay Assistant, Clinic Jackson,Dixie P Bookkeeper Brewer-Dano,Jennifer Clerk Typist Schirmer,Leisa J Custodian Atehortua,Teresita D Expositorodriguez,Idania Orrego,Luis R Valencia,Gladys Stella Villacis,Cesar A Custodian, Head Castellon,Belkis Helping Teacher, ESE Crosby,Christine whitehead Hetz,Regina L Manager, Food Services-I Sherron,Kimberly A Paraprofessional, Educational Cano,Eleazar E Ramos JR,Inocencio Secretary to Principal Agrusti,Frances J Specialist, Information-Sec Garcia,Norma I Specialist, Security LaTorre SR,Steven L Specialist, Technical Support Torres,Juan A Supervisor, Building-I Corro,Anthony Stiward Worker, Food Service Almendarez Murcia,Angela D Carter,Katina R THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 13 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Durda,Janet I Gibbs,Enriqueta Gudvangen,Geni L Guzman,Rosa E Merhige-Earle,Deborah Morales,Doris P Sexton,Elke Jolin Sloat,Sharon A Zawisza,Donna L Cape Coral High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 * Barnes,Robert C Barson,Zachary O Copeland,Timothy M * Davis,Ashton Clarke Dominguez,Melissa S Dulin JR,John Elbert Ferland,Chelsea Ferlazzo,Chloe Elizabeth Frantz,Joelle Nicole Gorton,Michael R Green,Stacey L Groepl,Jennifer Leigh Gurgal,Alan John * Howarth,James R Hudgins,Calvin Ray Izquierdo,Max Jijon,Martin A Koehler,Ashley Lynn Lawrence,Jessica K * Magturo,Narcissus Estrella Marks,Christopher Allen Matos,Gretel Medina Pardo,Mirta Morgan,Kristina F * Plageman,Katherine Ruth Reimer,James Thomas THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 14 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Rose,Amanda Lynne Ruth,Michael E * Simmons JR,William H Smith,Amy Cunliffe Stone,Derek Christopher * Uhler,Katelyn Anne NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Ranville,Franklin B Assistant, Clinic Taylor,Janice L Bookkeeper Cortese,Jane A Custodian Acosta Fuentes,Yorlaine Bonnet,Luis A Diaz Rodriguez,Ana Yanelis Diaz Rodriguez,Pedro Librado Manzanarez,Pablo Montes,Rosalba Moran,Jose Moran,Juana E Ramos,Merida Custodian, Head Danna,Dominick C Helping Teacher, ESE Abeas,Silvia E Powe,Gloria Y Thomas,Genelle Turnbull,Sonia J Helping Teacher, Social Commun Hill,Jamie Marissa Manager, Food Services-I Harmon,Peter Kent Paraprofessional, Educational Carr,Patricia E Nicola,Sandra N Sturgis,Michael Secretary to Principal Moreno,Jill J Secretary, School Fernandes,Gail P Laborde,Sandra Ivette Tobias,Diane P THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 15 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Van Horn,Deborah A Specialist, Information-Sec Pribanic,Linda B Specialist, Security Allen,Jackie R Evans,Melvin Krucher,Lisa D Laborde,Raymond A Specialist, Technical Support Kudla,Deborah L Worker, Food Service Andrews,Pamela S Baril,Deborah A Brobst,Raymond Jeffry Chou,Wendy Dicaterino,Maria Dudas,Teres M Harvin,Isaac Ike Kachinoski,Deborah Conte Magee,Kimberly A Montejo,Noemi Rice,Carol E Sauerland,Maria D Tamedl,Donna Williams,Bonnie J Worker, Food Service-Traveling Vidal,Anel Worker, Sites Howard,Russell N Cape Coral Technical College Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 * Andreassi-Ridgeway,Linda M Bolling,Carl Hugh Cecil,Layla June Enns,Mary Anne Reisinger,Terri Sue * Torres,Amber Nichole Bookkeeper Johnson,Karen A Clerk, Accounting-I Betancourt,Minerva T 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 16 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Custodian Hernandez Custodian, Head Da Mota,Joe L Paraprofessional, Educational Cariello,Allison Rose Secretary to Principal Ryan,Susan Frances Secretary, School Madore,Janice M Surich,Betsy J Specialist, Information-Sec Robinson,Debbie D Specialist, Security Torres,Enrique H Supervisor, Building-I Trupo,John A Worker, Sites Robinson,Bryan D Cape Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Vidal,Heidy Genslinger,Michael T. Kotovsky,Pamela Lynn Molczyk,Marie Joy Panicaro,Jennifer Elizabeth Troxell,Carrie Ann Wills,Connie Marie Assistant, Clinic Schmitt,Carol A Bookkeeper Ralston,Dinah Custodian Infante Pupo,Graciela Emelina Napoleon,Beatrice Pereira,Ana L Perez,Onelio Custodian, Head Rico,Mirta Helping Teacher, ESE Badloe,Terry S Chandler,Christine Goris,Melissa Ann Hamilton,Clara J Parveen,Eyerin THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 17 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Manager, Food Services-I Solecki,Marilyn K Paraprofessional, Educational Appleby,Justine Falduti,Patty A Hess,Gail Huntington,Kerstin Dora O'Brien,Carla Jean Pukala,Camille Secretary to Principal Lison,Shirley J Secretary, School Durnell,Melinda Specialist, Information-Elem Drotleff,Wendy L Specialist, Technical Support Morse,Ryan N Supervisor, Building-II Benitez,Francisco Worker, Food Service Guapacha,Blanca M Henschen,Martha L Reyes,Josefina Mercedes Zbieranowski,Michelle J Challenger Middle Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Allen,Linda Bernice Calamela,Danielle Elaine Hayes,Eileen L Higgins,Robert A Johnson,Maria C Netherton,Jennifer Ann Perrault,Lisa Marie Reynolds,Kathryn Leigh Ruth,Elizabeth K Samz,Wendy Michelle Sierocinski,Bethany A. Walters,Edlyn S Williams,Christina Ann Williamson,April K Assistant Manager, Food Srvc 5/28/2015 Thayer,Theresa M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 18 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Bookkeeper Rabedeau,Jennifer Clerk Typist Perera,Teresita Custodian Causey,Adam P. Concepcion,Arielis Goodwin,Chad S Greco,Hsiu L Luft,Jason Paul Vargas,Digna Custodian, Head Brown,Michael D Helping Teacher, Social Commun Cruz,Nancy X Hulton,Yvonne L Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Perkins,Donna R Manager, Food Services-I Curry,Michael A Paraprofessional, Educational Ashley,Amanda M Cort,Colene N Gagnon,Rebecca Jean Jorgensen,Elizabeth S Lehman,Lois A McGuire,Kelly A Vazquez,Nery Wirth,Sonyanna Secretary to Principal DiGennaro,Diane Joan Specialist, Information-Sec Sgambati,Kathleen Specialist, Security Acevedo,Francisco Alexis Specialist, Technical Support Popik,Pablo Victor Supervisor, Building-I Zack,Richard P. Worker, Food Service Almanzar,Alta Escoto,Reynier E. Giordano,Joseph Emilio Lukas,Jennifer Lynn Montejo,Andres THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 19 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Quinones,Ruth E. Rivas,Karina Y. Seward,Betty K Willis,Debra L Colonial Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Bajwa,Sarina Khalid Benner,Katherine Paige Bonham,Carolyn Racheal Branham,Penny L. Bryan,MaryEileen Constance Costallos,Noel C Davis,Sherry Randolph Dwyer,Lindsey Cole Estevez,Matthew Joel Everett,Amy Faulk Straley,Wendy A Fee,Julia Elizabeth Hermance-Beaty,Nancy J Kelley,Lyndsey Nicole Kuzyk,Christine Ann Labrunda,Theodore J Lopez,Micaela Rachel Martin,Nicole Marie Michalek,Melissa Danielle Mullin,Amian Lane Noel,Marie Andree Nolen,Cheryl L Phillips,Jennifer L Pink,Alison Schuman,Lindsay Susanne Smith,Angela Lakisha Valensky,Paige Elizabeth Wilson,Roberta Lynn Yeatter,Brittany L Assistant, Clinic 5/28/2015 Candelo,Karina D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 20 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Bookkeeper Vick,Shelby Nicole Custodian Alvarez,Mirna Arce,Alicia G Cortez,Alfredo L Herrera,Sylvia PEREZ,ERIKKA Custodian, Head Serrano,Edwin Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Riles,Eliza J Sleeper,Natacha S Manager, Food Services-I Arnemann,Donna E Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Artiles-Perez,Tania Cyman,Diane A Dimock,Karen S Durrance,Stacy Ann Evans,Donna J Feige,Rebecca L. Gagne,Stephanie Ann Gary,Jacqueline Denice Gomez,Maria F Gresh,Mildred M Irby,Patsy Joseph,Mirlene Maher,Laura Ann Maxey,Renee L May,Bonnie Mere Pinglo,Carolina Sofia Moore,Ivania M Neal,Lisa Preston,Kathleen A Quigley,Barbara A Roche,Daisy N Sandoval,Marcia L Paraprofessional, Educational Feige,Rebecca L. Paraprofessional, HdStrtIns-I Thomas,Queen J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 21 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Cypress Lake High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Bilardo,Amy Lee Secretary, School White-Gary,Phyllis Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Clouse,Joan M Specialist, Information-Elem Villa,Cynthia Elena Specialist, Security Hicks JR,William Supervisor, Building-I George JR,Frank Worker, Food Service Caldero-Yassin,Samir Shorter,Jacque D Taylor,Nancy Marie Thurman,Marilyn A Williams,Rhonda K Alfaro,Edlyna Bradley L Bengston,Danielle L * Bennett,Levi Bolin,Willie J Carden,Rebecca A Cedeno,Kenya K Franklin,Sunshine Lynn Freitas,Renato Gleason,Tammy Marie Gomez,Rafael I Hawley,Lauren J Holik,John C Kaminsky,Joshua R Lisa,Kayla C McCray,Xavier Angelo McMillion,Gregory Wayne Meagher,Tara D Phelps III,Roger Paul * Powelson,Michael D Rainwater,Amanda Rochelle Rodriguez,Betty J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 22 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Roeth,Lisa Kay Rothenberg,Paul D * Scott,Todd K Stalions,Renee Marie * Zehnder,Julie Lynne de Freitas,Lisa H NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Barrera,Juan Jose Assistant, Clinic Salcido,Iris Bookkeeper Dever,Judith Clerk Typist Cornell,Jill Marie Damico,Karen Custodian Barnes,L A Bautista,Jose M Florio,Robert S Hein,John G Hendley,Erkie L Rodriguez Garcia,Aurelio M Rubio,Bethanie Machel Soto,Luz M Wheeler,Elizabeth G Custodian, Head Shade,Keith S Helping Teacher, ESE Bretschneider,Richard N Dusenberry,Megan Marie Guglielmi,Dominic Howard,Stephen C Meehan III,Michael J Murphy JR,Paul D Rivera,Seyni Sharp,Rena Mae Helping Teacher, ESOL Feliciano,Noelia Jerome,Jurnide Helping Teacher, Social Commun Thompson Fowler,Carol L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 23 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Cypress Lake Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Manager, Food Services-I Thiessen,Martie L Secretary to Principal Gadaleta,Melissa D Secretary, School Durdan,Michelle A Laine,Ellen K Rodriguez,Gladys Specialist, Information-Sec Schneider,Nola A Specialist, Security Hill,Terrence K Simmons JR,Jurrel L Voellinger,Richard Urban Supervisor, Building-I Damico,Stephen R Worker, Food Service Aguilar,Vilma Cristina Dupree,David G Johnson,Gloria J Kurciviez,Agnes Miranda,Blanca Beatriz Procopio,June A Procopio,Michael J Reszel,Karen A Rubio,Bethanie Machel Smith,Willie M Trent,Marla Latricia Worker, Sites Ficarro,Theresa s Irizarry,Raul Junior Bliss,Brandi L. Davis,Danielle Elyce Fiore,Wendy Giglio Kuzer,Karen Miller,Joshua James Miller,Kristine Maria Nandur,Srinivaskumar U Newman,Tammi Richardson,Shannon Hope THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 24 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Stansell JR,William G Stiles,Shirley L Sukany,Timothy J Thomas,Lisa Anne Thomas,Lisa Anne Vidlund,Christine E Wendland,Brenda R Woessner,Ben Michael NonInstructional, NonAdmin Diplomat Elementary 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Gettemy,Linda L Bookkeeper Guttery,Angela Gail Clerk Typist Pierce,Dawn M Rye,Amy V Custodian Avila,Estelle F Brown JR,Andy Green,Dorothy R Knoertzer,Scott Lee Custodian, Head Rivera JR,Jorge Helping Teacher, ESE Buckner,Patricia Joann Paraprofessional, Educational Iannone,Antonio Leung,Martha Ann Nastos,Carolyn Roque,Albarosa Secretary to Principal Karr,Sandra Kay Specialist, Information-Sec Konradt,Beverly J Specialist, Security Merisier,Kerline Specialist, Technical Support Way,Jane Elizabeth Worker, Food Service Chalk-Peoples,Susan Marie Darst,Helga H Salinas,Myriam THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 25 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Bazan,Jessica Lizeth Chilson,Domenica D Dalla Costa,Alisha N Fenske,Ashley Christine Hurrell,Julie D Judd,Julie Ann Lampila,Ansley Lauren Lauricella,Donna L. Mince,Diane Nero,Matthew R Pace,Joseph P Reed,Christine J Rose,Rachel Christian Runyan,Nicole M Schnell,Cassandra Mary Tejeda,Amy L Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Walker,Robin L Assistant, Clinic Lyles,Elizabeth D Bookkeeper Hamilton,Melinda B Clerk Typist Gerberich,Gail Custodian Linder,Stacy D Padilla,Rosa M Quispe,Feliciana Ruano,Marybell Torres,Johnny Custodian, Head Guzman,Rodolfo Helping Teacher, ESE Elwell,Cynthia H Ingegneri,Fatima Parr,Jennifer Michelle Saffren,Katherine M Helping Teacher, ESOL Alvarez,Brunilda Manager, Food Services-I Depaola,Jameson P THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 26 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Diplomat Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Brown,Deborah C Galter,Barbara J Hamstra,Michelle Nichole Hamway,Seth Robert Horan,Ruth Angelina Miulli,Dawn S Tremblay,Pauline S Werst,Sally J Secretary to Principal Walsh,Donna B Secretary, School Talcovitz,Martha R Specialist, Information-Elem Quinn,Karen Specialist, Technical Support Clark,Mark W Worker, Food Service Aguero,Virna R Atwood,Ashley Anne Brown,Angela T Cappadona,Maria A Carney,Kelley Ann Heldreth,Katherine K Holloway,Patricia Ann Rall,Patricia E Romanes,Blanca L Rosario,Hilda Snook,Pamela E Tang,Ann Lan Conley,Jillian D'Angelo,Renee Anne Evans,Teresa Ann Forti III,Roland F. Hart,Jean Marie Kamphouse,Amanda C. Koonce,Chelsey Christina Lane,Amber Letcher,Megan Danielle THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 27 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Morales Ward,Jacqueline Papp,Sarah Lillian Sebastian,Valerie Uphoff,Benjamin Dale Winiarz,Jessica P NonInstructional, NonAdmin Dunbar Community NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Morales,Carmen M Bookkeeper Sheehy,Lori Clerk Typist Vandeventer,Tammy Custodian Brinkley,Randy Joseph Gallogly,Michael P Kuhlenschmidt,Arthur Custodian, Head Griffith,Julie M Helping Teacher, ESE Bernhard,Lisa G Hermanns,Denise Ann Robinson,Mary J Taylor,Carrie Cornelius Ola Helping Teacher, Social Commun Watts,Dorothy A Paraprofessional, Educational Abreu,Carmen R Guglielmi,Karen M Secretary to Principal Olive,Arlia D Specialist, Information-Sec Bond,Marcia J Specialist, Security Agricola,Charles Supervisor, Building-I Morales,Edward R Clerk Typist Prophete,Tania Faustin Custodian Rodriguez,Ana Gilia Secretary to Principal Walker,Bettye J Specialist, Security Butler,Alexander Supervisor, Building-II Thomas,James Frances THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 28 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Worker, Sites Dunbar High Instructional-Annual Butler,Alexander Allen,Tony Antwane * Avila,Nestor Barry,Marc Daniel Bell,Jimmy S. Bellet,Adam Blacketer,Amanda Marie Bolden,Xavier Sinclair Borstelman,Tia Nicole Bumsted,Joseph T Caissie,Jason Paul Chilen,Janis S. Crouch,Rebecca * Daniels,Aubrey L Duluk,Christopher Ted Falk,Carl K. Giesen,James Andrew Liddle,Robert J McCaskie,Jared Patrick Onorati,Steven M. Panton,Donald W. Paulis,David P. Pichard,Mercedes R Powell,Jamal W. Rayner,MaLaisha D Savage,Franklin Douglas * Savage,Phillip Davis Simpson,Mary C Stollar II,Archie G * Terry,Kurtis James * Tomlinson,Tara M. Vona,Maria Ann Williams,Gregory Deandra NonInstructional, NonAdmin Assistant Manager, Food Srvc 5/28/2015 Scott,Bernes Lee THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 29 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Assistant, Clinic Bolden,Mildred R Bookkeeper Trainham,Linda Clerk Typist Cantor,Sandra B Daniels,Brandi Lynne Serrano,Persida Custodian Alcazar,Ismael Alfonso-Borot,Marcia Martes Nunez,Jose Alberto Ortiz,Carmen D Perez,Zoila I Torres,Gregory T Trujillo Diaz,Luis Villa,Sonia Custodian, Head Green JR,Andrew Manager, Food Services-I Dejesus III,Carlos Miguel Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Brown,Yasmine Dortelus,Ismaelite Ekkel,Carrie L. Henderson,Mario D Lee,Aissa S. Robayo,Nohora I Singleton,Christopher Daniele Thomas III,Guy W Thompson,Barbara J Truffin,Evelin West,Howard L Secretary to Principal Arnold,Karen M Secretary, School Banks,Lashawn A Ford,Beverly A Maldonado,Geraldine Specialist, Information-Sec Barnes-Churchwell,Mary J Specialist, Security Brown JR,Sammy THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 30 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Mitchell III,George James Pugh,Taruas A Stillman,Jeffery M East Lee County High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Technical Support Smith,Raymond J Supervisor, Building-I Gibbons,Anthony Ledal Worker, Food Service Benjamin,Britney Colon Roman,Antonio Luis Cruz Reyes,Mariaelena Hood,Chardesa Lavetta Jackson,Alisa D Killackey,John Graham Neal,Shalonda D Ortiz Rojas,Margarita C Robbins,Bridget E Roman-Torres,Sonia I Smith,Lutricia G Strawder,Angelina T Terrell,Clara B Vargas Acevedo,Aurea Estjer Worker, Sites Bronson,McKinely Brown,Reginald Cordell Adams,Brian J Alfaro,Julie W Allison,Lucy Kaufmann Arbuckle,Jake H Bailey,Tiffany Lee Bland,Fred W Blikstad,Jonathan D Braunstein,Jason C Brier,Nancy J. Brooks,Brittany W Campbell,Bethan E Canciani,Colleen C THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 31 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Clark,James Robert Clark,Valerie Anne Devlin,Samantha R. Diamantino,Joanna G Dickerson,Barry C. Emile,Sabrina D Estrada,Gerardo Falcon,Meghan Ann Abbey Filler,Jerriel Jerome Garcia,Michael A Genest,Israel Gene Giraldo,Santiago Gonzalez,Daphne Gorman,Melissa Catherine Grage,Sandra K Green,Tiana Nicole Hirsch,Adam C Holohan IV,William F. Hower,Samantha Jean Hubers,Aaron M. Irwin,Deanna Nicole Keiser,Sharon L Kelly,Christopher G LoPresti,Frank Lopresti,Meghan Ryan Marte,Elsa E Mayer,Jeffrey Scott Mohnkern,Kristen E Moor,Robert J Moreno,Betsy Nachman,Michelle Lynn Siegel Norman,Carrie M Norman,William A Overstreet,Benjamin Lee * Pabon JR,Samuel Paez,Anthony B Pearson,Shay Rae THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 32 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Pepin,Janet K Potter,Mary Jo Rapp,Linda Vorse * Robinson,Bianca C Schell,Kevin Paul Theodoro,Megan Leigh Wall,Phillip Ray Zak,Adam K NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic McDonald,Luz Celenea Bookkeeper Hanifen,Caroline R Clerk Typist Caro,Toni S Hermann,Victoria L Ireland,Pamela Marie Stanley,Verndell E Custodian Baez,Haydee Bass,Gerald D Colon,Loren Garza,Eloy Matos,Martha Rojas,Ileana L Thomas,Johnny Thomas,Robert C Viamontes,Marielis Williams,Ja'Nae Monique Custodian, Head Irizarry,Michael K Manager, Food Services-I Lee,Cynthia A Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Baquero Dominguez,Milton F Barrios,Blanca E Bell,Eleanore L Cruz,Yolanda Gutierrez,Carmen Hafeez,Monica McDowell,Adrienne Meredith THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 33 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Mitchell,Colleen M Montgomery,Michael Martin Reagan,Kara Renee Rodriguez,Nora Sepulveda Sanchez,Vanessa Sotolongo Gonzalez,Ernesto Vila,Maria D Edgewood Academy Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Capps,Lori Ann Secretary, School Torres,Leslie A Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Charneco-Williams,Ana C Specialist, Information-Sec Irizarry,Jennifer Specialist, Security Crudup,Christopher Herrin Cruz,Virginia Queipo,Andrew Geraldo Specialist, Technical Support Reilly,Christopher William Supervisor, Building-I Curcio,Peter J Worker, Food Service Corvi,Bradford Fuster,Gabriela Gordon,Tammie Z Lather,Noemi Mc Laughlin,Dawn W. Morraz,Johanna D Rivas,Irma N Scurry,Irma J Smith,Christina Leigh Smith,Jannie L Thomas,Emma J Young,Tanya D Worker, Sites Curnoles,Keith W Thomas,Johnny Berberich,Francesca Mary THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 34 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Chrovian,Sara J. Daley,Tiffany Maxcine Duke,Cassandra Lynn Frankel,Virginia Emma Furbeck,Pamela L. Huff,Melissa Victoria Marshall,Aysia Christian McDonald,Stacy Ann Miller,Sarah Nicole Poet,Shannon E Sanders,Kyla Elizabeth Schmitt,Stephanie Anne Sexton,Samantha Marie Spence,Marcy Jo Stewart-Wallace,Ailsa Sweet,Kimberly A. Torrent,Donna M. Trimble,Lindsay Michelle Yeung,Luisa Y NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Maness,Justina Lynne Bookkeeper Eddie,Dorothy Custodian Bennett,Michael R Dryden,Mary A Guyton,Alberta M Powell,Milagro E Custodian, Head Jones,Betty Ann Helping Teacher, Social Commun Krell,Rebecca Margaret Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Crump,Jessica L Manager, Food Services-I Mendoza,Ileana M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Carire,Edith M Collier,Claudia S Cordova,Amaryllis Crump,Jessica L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 35 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Crump,Martha J Gonzalez,Josefina Dalia Harrison,Dorothy A Moomaw,Kay E Scott,Kizzie L. Tomasko,Eric Lee Secretary to Principal Lippincott,Melissa S Specialist, Information-Elem Link,Rene A Specialist, Technical Support Noll,Deborah J Supervisor, Building-I Torres,Fernando Worker, Food Service Blackburn,Deborah Jean Gintner,George Raymond Phillips,Mary Lashay Valdez,Maria Edison Park Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Carmichael,James R Fox,Lauren G Hayes,Jennica Jean Houghton,Jessica Delaine James-Pennington,Lisa E Short,Adam Assistant, Clinic Wells,Beverly A Bookkeeper Stanfield,Shannon Ray Custodian Fernandez,Norma A Custodian, Head Archilla,Wanda I Manager, Food Services-II Dixon,Sophia L Paraprofessional, Educational Payne,Joanne Wernert,Julie Kay Secretary to Principal Genton,Kathy L Specialist, Information-Elem Matheson,Terry M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 36 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Estero High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Supervisor, Building-I Genton,Andrew W Worker, Food Service Peoples,Tonya L Wingate Reynolds,Cassandra R Worker, Sites Irias,Santos H Anderson,Erika Attard,Samantha Bianco,Rebecca Ann Bleiler,John Fredrick Caro,Jacqueline Casteel,Katherine Joann Claman,Michael Elliott,Mairee Q Forkey,Wilmarie Gant,September Marie Giordano,Suzanne Christine Guarno,William V Hanlon,Jeffery M * Hanlon,Marjorie Ann Jacobson,Timothy Jon Jasper,Jeremy Michael Johnson,Aaron Leslie Kaestner,Jennifer Matarrese,Kirsten Leigh Melchiorre,Erin Lewis Whitson Milne,James B Nassiff,Kirsten E Peters,Ralph Lee Reddish,Kari Marie Rimes,Cody R Romanach,Jorge L Scherff,Elisa Ann Sheehey,Gina C Sheppard,Ashley THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 37 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Stephens,Janhea Truesdell,Peter T Wissman,Barbara Jane Witkowski,Sundae Ruddock NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Malone,Teresa L Bookkeeper Vigorito,Donna M Clerk Typist Flores,Brittany Nicole Giovanniello,Madeline Kidder,Rita M Custodian Can,Claudia E DeMange,Scott Joseph Jordan,Belkis Lara-Reyes,Zandra Morell Alvarez,Dayle Padin,David Schley,Calvin Walton,Songhai Stanta Custodian, Head Figueroa,Donato Helping Teacher, ESE Ottman,Debra H Rothhammer,Linda L Wilson,Patricia A Paraprofessional, Educational Battaglia,Isabel Bowditch,Trudy J Zamora,Juanita Secretary to Principal Smith,Anita R Secretary, School Lane,Jill Kathleen Plaut,Vera L Specialist, Information-Sec Lindeberg,Kimberly Ann Specialist, Security Belliveau,Joseph E Buchla,Bruce Matthew Burgess,Joseph Jenkins,Donald W THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 38 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Specialist, Technical Support Welker,Heather E Supervisor, Building-I Edmond,Paul J Worker, Food Service Baricelli,Mary E Cabrera,Carmen S DeGaetano,Cara L Fries,Jerry Douglas Miles,Dolaya Santiago-Rios,Sofia Summers,Sally Jo Topping,Susan M White,Lisa L Woodburn,Elizabeth Marie Worker, Sites Fields,Ronnie S Fort Myers Beach Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Fort Myers High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Hunt,Margaret Sue Lodovico,Heather Marie Nichols,Holly Pizzano Wood,Jennifer Elaine Bookkeeper Gassner,Linda M Custodian Perez,Ramon Manager, Food Services-II MacPeek,Gayle M Paraprofessional, Educational Stephenson,Kerrie S Secretary to Principal Mulloy,Renee C Specialist, Information-Elem Gassner,Linda M Specialist, Technical Support Demilia,Jacqueline L Supervisor, Building-III Cribbs,Michael A Worker, Food Service Wynn,Shelly Marie Anderson,Janice Rae THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 39 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Beisner,Brooks Alan Brant,Angela Brown,Colleen S Castiglione,Crystina Maria Cato,Steven T. Dailidonis,Debra Kay Diaz,Isabel Drew,Mark Anthony Duty,Tobie L Ebert,Lynne Marie Grace,Mary Henderson,Donna Susan * Hendrix,Melissa Marie Holzinger,Erika K Hufnagel,Mark D Johnson,Gillian Augusta Jungferman,Jenna Lyn Melione,Francesca Metevia,Kelly Marie Montano,Brittany Paige Muller,Louetta H Nelson,Laurie A * Robinson,Rodney Scott Rose,Julie Savage,Francheska C Sentes II,Steven J Sentes,Caitlyn Marie Tenfelde,Colleen Michele NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Perkins,Jacqueline A Bookkeeper Wisniewski,Stephanie A Clerk Typist Cummings,Charity C Hedrick,Beverly A Custodian Carvajal,Janet Duarte,Julia Herrera,Villaney THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 40 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lyord,Jeanette Matthews,Jimmy C Paul,Susan Jean Viera Ortiz,Jose G Custodian, Head Scott,James Helping Teacher, ESE Kober,Susan Lynn Perry,Kimberly M Rodriguez,Alexander B Stobaugh,Maureen A Helping Teacher, Interpreter Christensen,Janette L Conley,Jennifer A Fasig,Alice J Harijono,Kelly P Jennings,William Christopher Larson,Diane K Pigott,Radley A Manager, Food Services-I Robinson,Brenda K Paraprofessional, Educational Felipe,Johanna Marie Ferras,Maricela Gustason,Patricia Elba Roberts,Cheryl W Secretary to Principal Nieves,Nancy Secretary, School Barrows,Susan W Beck,Christina Marie Burch,Ellen Anne Sousa,Rita J Specialist, Information-Sec Dueease,Christine E Specialist, Security Armadore,Gloria J Kook,Scott Gregory Miller,Byron James Terrell,Chadrick D Specialist, Technical Support Lewis,Mark B THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 41 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Supervisor, Building-I Strickland JR,Daniel Worker, Food Service Barraza,Sabina Bowers,Erik Joseph Calderon Victoria,Alondra Yazmin Gray,Annie L Henry,Dara E Justiniano,Nuncy M Little,Ebony Shavvon North-Turner,Nicola Denise Olivares,Amy Worker, Food Service-Traveling Acosta,Alba Rosa Worker, Sites Terrillion,Anthony M Fort Myers Middle Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Alexander,Lisa Marie Collins,Brittany Lynn DeShazo,Andrea Michelle Drake,Christopher D Edmonds,Angela Erika Hahn,Victoria R. Kay,Kathryn E King,Michael Henry Ledbetter,Nancy J Lemme,Michael Warren Little,Ashli Thomas McCarter,Curtis D McKisson,Katherine Fry Montalvo,Andrew W Scribner,Tabitha Langis Serrago,Jennifer Lynn St Arnold,Katherine Elizabeth Steinke,Carrie Maria Elizabeth Webber,Casey John Assistant, Clinic Allington,Debra A Bookkeeper Sturgill,Deborah Lee THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 42 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Fort Myers Technical College Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Custodian Berklin,Francise Leeann Crawford,Robert Conroy Grewe,Yolanda R Mitchell,Roy Leon Custodian, Head Marty,Luis Miguel Helping Teacher, Interpreter Hoffmann,Rose M Sangelo,Diane Y Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Davis,Maxine D Guirguis,Cherine A Jones,Doris Barnes Tarquino,Amanda Paraprofessional, Educational Berklin,Francise Leeann Secretary to Principal Harris,Kimberly S Secretary, School Peterson III,Jesse Specialist, Information-Sec Edwards Berklin,Arnessia Specialist, Security Harris III,William Charles Specialist, Technical Support Dussan,Luis C Supervisor, Building-I Whitfield,James E Worker, Food Service Browning,Teri E James,Jannie M Keller,Deana Marie Spinks,Jeanette Churaman,Bhisnauth Esterline,Michael L Franey,James V Gomez,Armando Hernandez,Donna B * Hubbs,Joyce A. * Marshall,Cynthia Wells McElroy,Christopher THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 43 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS O'Neal,Ruth Leonard Ohime,Jeffrey John Rieckhoff,Gail D Robarge,Todd Corey Schaefer,Richard A Smith,Judy Lee Stott,Patrick Terry * Tokie,Anita K. * Trimble,Suzanne B White,Ernest NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Bookkeeper Feliciano,Jessica K Clerk Typist Ellyatt,Roberta J Clerk, Accounting-I Dodier,Odette Ralston,Kristen Hope Custodian Chavez,Martha E Green,Jerrold P Lugo Jauregui,Yenima Mullens,Charles F Sosa,Esther Maria Sua,Yei C Custodian, Head Hogan,Gregory Operator, Snack Bar Stilin,Karen M Receptionist Brittenham,Sharon Leigh Stilin,Karen M Secretary to Principal Tutay,AnnMarie Secretary, School Bobbs,Rosemarie Colom,Gabrielle Colon Garcia,Gloria Specialist, Information-Sec Woosley,Shannon Annette Specialist, Job Coach Sauerwald,Claire M Specialist, Security Dougherty,J Stephen THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 44 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Fedorowich,Peter Philip Griner,Keith Adam Ruth SR,Troy Specialist, Technical Support Krouse,Deborah L Supervisor, Building-I Fletcher III,Thomas Worker, Sites Gonzalez,Alfredo Jones,Quillie Franklin Park Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Baughman,Holly J. Brewer,Elizabeth Richelle Chapman,Porshe Crosby,Katie Ryan Duncan,Andrew R Garcia,Anne Beckham LeBlanc,Lauren Lewis,Brittany Rashelle McConnell,Katie B Meek,Jillian Renee Merson,Carly Anne Minard,Shalicia Lynn Mullen,Christine A Robinson,Kaylee Michelle Scheidemantel,Jessica Dean Setzer,Tamatha Lynne Taylor,Genevieve Helen Velasquez,Gail J Wesley,Janee A Assistant, Clinic Martinez,Blanca Bookkeeper Parks,Susan K Custodian Manager, Food Services-II 5/28/2015 Quintanilla,Milagros M Santos Armas,Amarilis Shields,Wilma A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 45 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS G Weaver Hipps Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Campbell,Cory Raymond Harris,Taneisha T. King,Martha Julianne Mitchell,Sherry Osorio,Alexandria Singh,Deanna D Stallworth,Sherry D Watkins,Kathy T Watson,Cecelia A Wilke,Cindy A Secretary to Principal Hernandez,Helen Specialist, Information-Elem Sharp,Flora M Specialist, Technical Support Gilbert,Patricia S Supervisor, Building-II Busscher,James Kendall Worker, Food Service Battle,Victoria L Crummell-Abrams,Zetha Fernandez,Virtudes A Paul,Homard Stillman,Latasha M Anthony,Tonisha M Becker,Natalie Danielle Bell,Lisa Marie Benitez,Clarita A Bertel,Andrea J Blank,Rebecca Ann Clark,Landis-Anne Cochran,Michael A Corr,Kelly Marie Daniels,Carleen Marie Eastman,Jessica Marie Ford,Robert G French,Elise Joan THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 46 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Gunder,Rebecca M Keaney,David Michael Keaney,Tammy Lyn Kerlin,Kristen Elizabeth Koller,Miranda Lynn Olguin,Anien Yulen Olsen,Kelsey Ann Plunkett,Shana Rolfes,Jenilee R Severance,Samantha Soderstrom,Karmin Ann Speights,Walter Bernard Vandall,Sienna K Watkevich,Laura A Ziemer,Matthew J NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Phillips,Christine Bookkeeper Prosser,Lynda C Clerk Typist Balmer,Cynthia I Merino,Daysi Rosa,Martha Ivelisse Custodian Diaz,Yadelsy Bezada Guerra,Gilberto Orozco,Yordania Rivera JR,William Custodian, Head Ortiz,Nestor Manager, Food Services-I Williams,Janet M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Amaral,Mariela Marie Baillargeon,Nelida L Correia,Jodi Linley Diaco,Ana G Incardona,David J Lopez,Kayla McConahy,Linda K THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 47 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Morse,Jennifer R Olsen,Steven Erik Pedraza Amaral,Elisabet Shawgo,Vicki P Gateway Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Hernandez,Maria S Secretary to Principal Santiago,Jeanette Specialist, Information-Elem Howard,Laurie M Specialist, Technical Support Nees,Kenneth C Supervisor, Building-I Rivera,Raymond Worker, Food Service Borelli Cruz,Lizandra Elmer,Leanna Lynn Flores,Lydia T Leal Olay,Kleidy McDonnell,Kathryn Elaine Rivera,Valerie Ann Campanella,Sandra Jean Crocco,Kimberly Dawn Cronk,Catherine A Cull,Amy Lynn Derryberry,Jessica L. Dukes-Lee,Ashley Tiara Hammock,Jeffery E Hazeltine,Jennifer Anne Hood,Therese w Howell,Nichole R. Hyttel,Ewa Anna Piscopo-Hammer,Geatina L Reitz,Caroline F Rigsby,Carolee Ruedy,Shawna Rose Sawin,Donna J Shore,Christine T. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 48 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Smith,Jessi Nicole Spokane,Tayler L Stahl,Shannon L Taylor,Katherine Jean Toscano,Kerri NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Whitfield,Keeshall Lynetta Bookkeeper Alley,Shannon R Clerk Typist Soto,Elizabeth Custodian Delgado,Minerva R Ervin SR,Freddie L Linchenat,Andres Martinez,Milagros Custodian, Head Yother,Jason Ryan Helping Teacher, ESE Cerrina,Janet Lorene Clark,Diana R Gaona,Belinda Lather,Amy M Middleton,Lori L Torres,Jeanette A Helping Teacher, ESOL Jara,Tina M Helping Teacher, Social Commun McCombs,China J Paraprofessional, Educational Garcia,Andrea Rodrigues Harenberg,Noreen Heyner,Tracy Lynn Tinoco,Soymar Betjulie York,Jennifer Woods Secretary to Principal Middleton,Sherry Lee Specialist, Information-Elem Gonzalez,Ruth I Specialist, Technical Support Dennis,Martin F Supervisor, Building-I Kissinger,Gary Scott THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 49 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Worker, Food Service Gulf Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Alcheri,Elena Luisa Batista,Mayra B Shah,Kailash P Bertuzzi,Carla Marie Bisplinghoff,Susanne Elisabeth Davis,Paula B Jacoby,Jodi Leigh Keller,Emma Marie Koselke,Michele Ann Lurenz-Seguin,Renae Kathleen Resendes,Rachelle R Assistant, Clinic Lillie,Jaculin P Bookkeeper Itzen,Carey A Clerk Typist Lynch,Pamela E Custodian Arvelo,Luis R Fuentes,Marcia Gomez De Lerma,Maria Gordillo,Dixy C Merino,Lourdes Paredes,Ledys Custodian, Head Rodriguez,Jose A Helping Teacher, ESE Bottcher,Noreen M Braunstein,Dina Marie Buckley,Sharon Lyn Buenfil,Laura L Buenfil,Rachael Lynn Cavaluzzi,Roseann L Huffman,Germaine Marks,Teresita D Morency,Joanne M Perrington,Kaila Andrea Pineros,Luz D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 50 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Piscopo,Robin J Rys,Carol A Whitten,Martha G Gulf Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Helping Teacher, ESOL Ramos,Doris Helping Teacher, Social Commun Plazewski,Terri Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Lovelidge,Carol T Manager, Food Services-II Miceli,Valerie L Vanderplaats,Julie A Paraprofessional, Educational Garrett,Linda L Manzo,Theresa A Salvagio,Susan M Stapp,Kathleen A Secretary to Principal Hyler,Ricarda Ivonne Secretary, School Morin,Debora J Specialist, Information-Elem Kurkimilis,Elly M Specialist, Technical Support Lindvig Jones,Wendy J Supervisor, Building-I Kurkimilis,Steven T Worker, Food Service Harkins,Julia Hershfield,Arleen S Smith,Barbara V Stephens,Janine M Butler,Brhett D Cornwell,Leslie Daun Crussard,Carmen Marie Darab,Diane E Giller,Christopher S Haberman,Michelle M Hoopingarner,Courtney Arin Neron,Jill Elizabeth Newman,Michael Joseph THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 51 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Taylor,Lisa M NonInstructional, NonAdmin Hancock Creek Elementary 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Rucker,Dawn L Bookkeeper Snyder,Lori Clerk Typist Hallenbeck,Nancy A Custodian Arroyo,Sonia N Crocce Iturbe,Rolando A Martinez Hernandez,Miriam Vera,Yamila Custodian, Head Vera,Teresa Helping Teacher, ESE Christmas,Dorothy Marie Urbanowicz,Ashley Lynn Manager, Food Services-I Vient,Megan A Paraprofessional, Educational Arroyo,Sonia N Brant,Reba M Ocasio,Georgina Secretary to Principal MacDougall,Nancy A Specialist, Information-Sec Rodriguez,Yolanda Specialist, Security Hayhurst,Austin Patrick Specialist, Technical Support Wise,Heidi A Supervisor, Building-I Lindenmuth,Christopher S Worker, Food Service Cedeno-Alejo,Yamiling Disomma,Lucy A Durham,Ruth A Leon,Nubia Ortiz-Torres,Maria Lizzette Postolowski,Karen Thomas,Andrea Y THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 52 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Boring,Denise K Curtis,Deborah S Daugherty,Phyllis S Emery,Nicole Marie Evenstad,Kari L Forrey,Danielle Marie Hopkins,Danielle Lee LeClaire,Fatima Romana Mendes Maniscalco,Christina Lynn Medeiros,Brittany Kay Neuhaus,Todd M Rice,Vanessa K Roy-Gentile,Gisele L Seeberger,Sarah Elizabeth Spurlin,Deborah Hirtle Stone,Sandra Lee Williams,Rasheeda Shanelle Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Santacroce,Donna M Assistant, Clinic Jeter,Dianna Lynn Bookkeeper Ocasio,Carmen I Clerk Typist Dooley,Cherrie S Custodian Acevedo,Israel Cesaro,Franco Fernandez,Mailyn Grant,Denise L Narvaez,Carlos G Rivera-Robles,Eugenia Rodriguez,Maria C Custodian, Head Altruz JR,Paul Helping Teacher, ESE Cole,Patricia A Conrod,Mary C Johnson,Elizabeth L Walls,Kathleen H THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 53 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS White,Beverly Harns Marsh Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Deno,Theresa J Manager, Food Services-I Martin,Jill R Paraprofessional, Educational Drysdale,Evelyn Lally,Thomas James Pierre-Louis,Marie M Terrell,Lorna A Secretary to Principal Howard,Amy M Specialist, Information-Elem Deis,Bernadette R Supervisor, Building-I Becker SR,Robert John Worker, Food Service Abbondandolo,Kimberly A Chauza,Sharene Renia Fernandez,Mailyn Ramirez,Norma A Rodriguez,Ruth M Worker, Food Service-Traveling Bernauer,Gloria J Anfinson,Amy Burkett,Katie Elizabeth Carrillo,Amanda Arleen Devin,Libby Dale Edel,Jillian Noelle Ellefson,Victoria Sue Ficco,Julianne F Flock,Amy Michelle Folger,Mary L. Ford,Dorrius D. Hailey,Donna Piazza Henry,Deborah Amisial Henry,Maurice George Lasa,Maria Teresa Lopez,Jacqueline Dee THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 54 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Maxwell,Lindsey Beth McNulty,Tara Anne Meadows Baca,Angela Marie Mercadante,Richard M Morter,Melissa A. Mulligan,Patricia A Ortiz,Iris J Ortiz,Ysabel Padilla,Cristina Pan,Xin Perez,Maria M Schofield,Nicole S Smutko III,Charles Albert Walcher,Diane L. Whitten,Anna J Wiley,Megan Ann Zamora,Ruben NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Ruiz,Varynia Jeaneth Bookkeeper Ferrer,Linda Clerk Typist Ramones,Angelita Custodian Gallo,Maria Elena Hernandez,Alberto Quintiana,Dayami Rodriguez,Carlos L Shadduck,Debra E Custodian, Head Suarez,Dorquis C Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Ferrer,Catherine Manager, Food Services-I Reynolds,Debbie Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bisignano,Darla Kay Cason,Tiffany Lynette Chapman,Cynthia I Coogan,Kathleen J Cortes,Cindya THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 55 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Horstman-Ramsey,Nancy A Lantigua Ortega,Karen Paulino Lewis,Teresa Martinez,Yaniry Miller,Isabel A. Oliver,Aracelys Ramones,Audrey Lynn Sutman,Olivia Renae Sweely,Cathy Wheeler,Sonja D Harns Marsh Middle School Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Osorio,Maria M Secretary, School Santiago,Grisel Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Cruz,Migdalia Specialist, Information-Elem Rib,Theresa Specialist, Technical Support Woosley,Marian W Supervisor, Building-I Brun,Joel W Worker, Food Service Bascope,Norma C Calunga Marino,Katiuska Faulkner,Myriam J Keene,Sandra B Reyna,Dora E Valentin,Iris Velazquez,Mary Vicens-Darias,Sandra Acuna,Nuria Margarita Anderson,Stacey Ann Azzam,Sarah Eldora * Becker,Jeffrey Goodall Carson,Christin Marie Castera,Johanne Condor,Aaron James Dunne,Kaisha Lauren Huston THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 56 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Emerson,Traci Annette Faustin,Fortinel Finkley,Janna O Flury,Lori A. Harless,Tracy Lynn Hitchcock,Jennifer Lynn Innarelli,Amanda Marie Johnson,Nichole L Knaust,Allison Nicole Knox,Amber R Koens,Genevieve LaValla,Kathryn Ward Lampitt,Mitchell L Lennox JR,Gregory John Lightfoot,Christopher Michael Long,Caitlin Elizabeth Marks,Karlie Amber Moreno,Bethany Olson,Carol Lee Pagan,Kathleen Margaret Price,Vincent Ross,Lisa C Ryal,Quinetta D Sheehan,Clifford W Sheehan,Kathryn Elise Thomas,Courtney Alister Thompson,Sarah Leigh * Toliver,Kylie J Tyler,Nichole P Urban,Megan Erin NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Bocchino,Evelyn Bookkeeper Villafuerte,Ambar Cisneros Clerk Typist De Leon,Grettel Herrera,Geraldine E Custodian Alfonso Mena,Jorge B THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 57 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Diaz,Deyrick Hernandez,Olga Liendo,Oscar Rodriguez,Milagros Walker,Maxworth G Hector A Cafferata Jr Elem 5/28/2015 Custodian, Head Colon,Orlando Helping Teacher, Social Commun Escobar,Jawan Angel Dickerson Manager, Food Services-I Harris,Laura Dene Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Acosta,Alexis F Claimon,Edwidge Giordano,Ashley Merilien,Yvette Natoli,Frances Ayala Saint Vil,Jacob D Tatum,Sharon D Tysinger,Regina Lucille Velez,Carmen I Wilkes,Colleen A Secretary to Principal Devane,Nancy S Specialist, Information-Sec Clark,Rosita Lynette Specialist, Security Cortes,Jaime L Finnie JR,Clarence W Murph,Bobbie Specialist, Technical Support Flecha,Samuel Supervisor, Building-I Skocik,Adam C Worker, Food Service Adams,Danielle A. Boyd,Barbara B Florence,Iesha Lashonda Gomez,Maria Del Carmen McWhorter,Donna J Racicot,Sandra M. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 58 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Alton,Kristin Kathleen Archambault,Christine Burke,Tammy A. Calello,Anthony J Calello,Johanna M Corbett,Cara Beth Edwards,Jeannette A Gergenti,Janice Guelcher,Kelly Harley,Brittany Diane McVannel-Erwin,Martha Monroe,Britt Murillo,Sulaymi O'Grady,Trudi E Pescatrice,Chelsea Nicole Schopmeyer,Clarence Lee Stiriz,Jennifer Lauren Swickheimer,Lois F Velazquez,Arlene Elisa Wallace,Courtney Shay Weber,Dee J Wilson,Shelly Dee Assistant, Clinic Leon,Claudia P. Bookkeeper Mitchell,Tracie Lea Clerk Typist DaRe Marody,Linda Lou Custodian Grannan,Kathleen A Rucker,Gary R. Suarez,Maria L Custodian, Head Castellon,Roberto Helping Teacher, Social Commun Slager,Wendy A Manager, Food Services-I Davidson,Ginger T Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Alsberge,Barbra Jean Bari,Jamie THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 59 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Clements,Judy T. Colon,Jeanette Griner,Gina M Lane,Dori A Rucker,Charles W Sanchez,Mildrey Yaple,Maria Heights Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Griner,Gina M Secretary to Principal Snook,Shannon M Specialist, Information-Elem Gemelli,Alicia Michele Specialist, Technical Support Swetlik,Evan Joseph Supervisor, Building-I Bouwman,Robert D Worker, Food Service Boucher,Denise M Diaz,Dania D Garcia Roldan,Lionelys Gordon,Staceyann Malin,Nicole M. McFadden,Ritaellen T Pitt,Carrie L Albini,Andrianna Elizabeth Bac,Nina R Cantwell,Erin Carol Clarke,Brenna Marie Davis,Kelli Marie DiBenedetto,Jessica Morgan Dunhill,Elizabeth Ann Edwards,Michelle Diane Emler,Trina E Gonzalez,Jennifer Hassen,Charles M Kee,Sally Dorine Kover,Kara Nicole THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 60 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lail,Anne Marie Lakatos,Fallon Alexandria Lampitt,Christina Marie Reab,Holli K Sandru,Jennifer Irene Stallings,Katie Lynn Thorstad,Lindsey C Trina,Lorraine Louise NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Afanador,Sonia Esther Assistant, Clinic Mack,Cheri Bookkeeper Naranjo,Amy C Clerk Typist Clemens,Nancy W Doolin,Mirna L Custodian Asberry JR,Otis Batista,Carmen Ana Cristo,Saika F Mann,George Anthony Roman,Marta Custodian, Head Figueiredo,Lino M Helping Teacher, ESE Grow,Jennie A Kircher,Kimberly Gordon Thatcher Lanoie,Alison Wallace,Julie List Watrous,Diane Lynn Helping Teacher, Social Commun Giaquinta,Cheryl A Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Grey,Patricia A Manager, Food Services-I Kester,Susan M Paraprofessional, Educational Ceresa,Amy H Charter,Barbara D Chevalier,Alisa Suzanne Horstmeyer,Mary E McElyea,Austin Mitchell THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 61 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Parker,Erin Elizabeth Trina JR,Paul J. Ida S Baker High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Wilkinson,M Gay Specialist, Information-Elem Curry,Michele Specialist, Technical Support Zaleski,Vincent V Supervisor, Building-I Vazquez,Juan Worker, Food Service Bastardo Almanzar,Milady Clark,Ana T Collazo,Nelida N Estevez,Gladys A Martinez,Sonia Soto Cruz,Myrna L Boye,Kaitlyn Lea Carranza,Crystal Jean Deeter,Christiana Beverly Dingerson,Melissa Michelle Gorton,Christy Lynn Guse,Ana Villar Hanrahan,Patrick R Haskill,Joseph Haskill,Molly B Irizarry,Mary Louise Johns,Jason L Kirkpatrick,Patricia A Komar,Salle B Krichbaum,Todd A Kudla,Karleen K Kunk,Thomas G Marchand,Abby E Nelson,Bradley M O'Brien,Patrick J ODonnell,Carolyn Nadine Rosheim,Alan L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 62 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Silva,Ileana Margarita Stevens,Elizabeth J Styner,Linda Carol Theune,Julianne Marie Trendafilov,Dawn D Weiner,Michael Len * Williams,Kevin Eugene Wills,Scott T *d'Albenas,Kimberly Charlise NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Long,Kelly L Assistant, Clinic Lagudi,Helene M Bookkeeper Fleming,Rhonda G Clerk Typist Maldonado,Nancy Custodian Armand,Daysi Deschamps JR,Armand Emilio Jaime,Estela F Perez,Angela M Quinones,Milagros Quinones,Victor R Regueiro,Pablo E Tejeda,Victor Ovelio Torres,Yolanda Vento,Ivis Villaman,Tolentino Custodian, Head Castro,Hugo E Helping Teacher, ESE Busold,Arlene M Case,Yvonne R Jahn,Kelly Jean Shaker,Mary Jane Trawick,Tracy R Helping Teacher, Social Commun Riggins Jr,Ira Manager, Food Services-I Callahan,Denise E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 63 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Island Coast High 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Castillo,Armida Castro,Daphne Sue Colorato,Maria C Secretary to Principal Krichbaum,Susan M Secretary, School Luten,Debra Diane Morrison,Toni L Tieman,Johanna E Specialist, Information-Sec Yiris,Lyla I Specialist, Security Holloway,Robin H Porter,Kevin M Trombino,Peter F Walters,Michael W Specialist, Technical Support Jones,Amanda J Supervisor, Building-I Newton,Charles Wesley Worker, Food Service Bennett,Gloria B Binder,Crissy L Cedeno,Viviana Francisca Cruz De Mena,Maria Roseray Diaz,Nilda A Frasca,Cynthia Ann Helton,Wendy Lee Lindquist,Tami L Morano,Eugenia Morreale,Charlene Poisson,Patricia M Rodriguez,Gladys Roncone,Elizabeth Salyers,Grace M Susswein,Christina A Worker, Sites Marquez,Roberto Torres,Edwin J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 64 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Baradith,Emilio Ricardo Brown,Casey Nadine Carvalho,Jessica E Deeter,Zachary Taylor Faunce II,Donald Allen Green,Robert L Gruenewald,Carole Beth Hayse,Carmen Michelle Higginbotham,Angela Anne Koller,Christina R McCarthy,Denise Marie Osborne,Caitlin Michelle Pelland,Michael Paul * Perez,Roseanne Phare-Latura,Rachel Lynn Rasmussen,Cale Philip Regnaert,Julie L Reimer,Jessica Christine *Roberts,Georgia Ann Schweizer,Stacie Lynn Sell,Holly Marie * Smith,Frank Edward Statti,Adam D Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Haisley,Rena Assistant, Clinic Peterson,Brenda L Bookkeeper Rosen,Laura Dee Clerk Typist Proia,Kristina Marie Thomas,Candace C Thomas,Nicole Ashley Custodian Bush,Gloria D Forbes,Jayne Sewell,Ian W Viera Carrazana,Esther Lilliam Yeugelowitz,Patricia C THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 65 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Custodian, Head Field,Charla M Helping Teacher, Social Commun O'Brien,James Xavier Manager, Food Services-I Lock,Cherylann Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Coston,Brett Matthew Demello,Charlene R Denny,Brian Matthew Gonzalez,Ashli Nicole Howitt,Sharon K McCoy,Gwendolyn Ann O'Brien,Juliana R Philipps,Lynne Marie Sutton,Jack Uphoff,Linsey Marie Secretary to Principal Bishop,Cassandra Lee Secretary, School Perkowski,Patricia L Riera,Ariadna Florencia Specialist, Information-Sec Mighton,Carolyn S Specialist, Security Bastian,Brian E Brooks,David L Katler,Robert J Viera,Luis A Young Brown,Denita Lashan Specialist, Technical Support Brathwaite,Marlon Thelston Supervisor, Building-I Mighton,Timothy R Worker, Food Service Ascione,Peter R Blackwell,Theresa Garcia,Rosa L Groves,Janet L Henderson,Dallas K Lesteiro,Iradis Maiden,Nancy E Marrero,Ursula THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 66 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Mata,Yobany A Mathias,Jamie Mazzoli,Mary Ann McGuire,Monica Sue Memic,Samira Pennisi,Laura A Reid,Cynthia Worker, Sites J Colin English Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Queen,Rita K Shaw,James R DeCicco,Jennifer Rushelle Garcia,Rhonda Lynn Gonzalez,Sarah Marie Hallman,Janet L Jaskier,Diane Lynnette Knight,Rachel M Loso,Tracy * Macchia,Mark N Ordonez,Amanda Kathleen Trei,Daryl L Assistant, Clinic Pulley,Beverly C Bookkeeper Morant,Sandrita R Custodian Figueroa,Isabel C Guerra,Laritza Ramos Cruz,Elba L Custodian, Head Fuentes,Angelo Manager, Food Services-I Zeller,Mary E Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Arrindell,Valery R Bolling,Pamela D Campbell,Tiffany J. Colby,Kattia Z Denson,Lashydra Telisha Yvette Gomez,Claudia S THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 67 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lanham,Ginger A McIntyre,Cathy E Meader,Jennifer Elizabeth Palacios,Martha A Poole,Lorona S Prato,Christine Vollmer,Wanda Williams,Kathryne Sue James Stephen Intl. Academy Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, HdStrtIns-II Bianchi,Cheryl A Royer,Lee A Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Radtke,Lori Hanney Specialist, Information-Elem Rodriguez,Veronica Specialist, Technical Support Wert,John A Supervisor, Building-I Melendez-Lopez,Americo Worker, Food Service Carter,Sandra K Chittum,Ray J Oliver,Annette Marie Santos,Ada E Alin,Johanna E Bedell,Courtney Dianna Black,Trisha J Boone,Kaci Theo Corbett,Tamika Nicole Cummings,Gail D Delude JR,David C Delude,Jenifer Dolan Donnell,Derrick L Howard,Jocelyn Michelle King,Jacqueline Doris King,Jason Ray Lehman,Stephanie A Long,Sabrina Craven THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 68 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Martinez,Margaret K McGill,Bridget A Rathbun,Karie M. * Reinke,Rachel R. Romano,Janelle Elizabeth Speanburg,Lauren Marie Stephens,Angelina Rae Uhler,Kathryn Lorene NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Reyna,Teresa Custodian Aceves,Alma R Aguilar,Susana Cummings,Willie Calvin Fischer SR,Ted E Martinez Dominguez,Adriana Nunez,Moraima Rodriguez Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Robinson,Julia M Manager, Food Services-I Kirwan,Nicole R Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Brown III,Herbert H Brown,Mary L Davis Raybon,Annie Ens,Donna M Locicero,Heidi W Secretary to Principal Smith,Jacqueline Specialist, Information-Sec Duarte,Dania Rebeca Specialist, Security Cook II,Mack Dailey,Charles Christopher Supervisor, Building-I Pike,Robert Worker, Food Service Andujar,Elizabeth Davis,Natasha Tinisha Muhammad,Alice M Wilcox,Gillean V Williams,Lisa Crews THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 69 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Wilson,Frances W Worker, Sites LAMP NonInstructional, NonAdmin Lee County Jail NonInstructional, NonAdmin Lehigh Acres Middle Instructional-Annual Pawlak,Jeffrey D * Saldana,Saundra M Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Hill,Timothy Wayne Clerk Typist Oehring,Virginia K Scott,Judy B Custodian Cobb,Tameka Manager, Food Services-I Thrash,Wanda O Nurse, Licensed Practical Lennett,Shirley R Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Porraspita,Margarita Sieloff,Kelly Specialist, Security Ellis,Kenya L Thomas-James,Jeannette Worker, Food Service Bambrey,George Phillip Cruz,Esther Nieves,Marilie Royal,Vanessa G Worker, Sites Pritchett,Eddie Lee Secretary to Principal Sester,Monica L Anthony,Beth Ann Arroyo Casillas,Myrna M Barr,Jennifer Borek,Jillian Marie Boring,Lindsey Brantley,Tania Marie Campbell,Karly J Castellon,Martha Bernice THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 70 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS * Chechilo,Kelly A Cleveland,Judy Ann * Davis,Patrick E Della-Luna,Brandie Arline Erny,Casey L Giddings,Gabriel Patricia Grissom,Daniel Simone Guardado,Fallynn Nicole Harmon JR,Richard V Justice,Erin K Keast,Richard C Lawton,Elaine Moylan Lopez,Stephanie Carolina Macy,Drew Martin May,Catherine E Mulvey,Laura R Nelson,Jeremy William Paneca,Yordany Rogozinski,Sarah Gabrielle Ryan,Jennifer Lynn Salmon,Elizabeth Siler,Terrance Walter Suominen,Daisy Patricia Torres,Francisco Williams,Carmeline Sandra NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Favors,Kailyn Maranda Ann Assistant, Clinic Garcia,Adriana Y Bookkeeper Davis,Sarah A Custodian Gonzalez,Maria C Iglesias,Mercedes C Niz,Ciro Rodriguez,Zoraida Soca,Ana I Custodian, Head Aleman,Irania THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 71 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lehigh Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Manager, Food Services-I Bogart,Mary E Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Carzell,Janiece Leshea Nanasca,Maritza Rodriguez,Isabel Serrano,Yanira Fuster Stewart,Rosa L Tomlinson,Marli A Williams,Roberta L Paraprofessional, Educational Vanwy,Kandy M Secretary to Principal Brown,Patricia A Secretary, School Rivera,Elba I Rivera-Maldonado,Wanda Serrano,Iris A Specialist, Information-Sec Teston,Susan Mary Specialist, Security Little,Rosette L McDonald,Tomas G Specialist, Technical Support Houston,Jonathan M Supervisor, Building-I Caprino,James E Worker, Food Service Bogas,Eva Baez Howard,Kiara L Morales,Daisy Seward,Tanisha L Shahib,Dolly Vanwy,Kandy M Agosto Rivera,Milca Alvarez,Nuvia Amott,Christine F Arias Matos,Johamery M Bonilla JR,Freddie Carter,Elizabeth Tene Centner,Joni Alyssa THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 72 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Farrer,Michelle Lynn Fecko,Judith R Goode,Honey Dawn Gunns,Alexandra Lynn Helmerich,Sarah Bell Hurley,Allison P Johnson,Amelia R Lind,Lacey Lee Lovett,Ada Mabel Marciulonis,Jacklyn Michelle Mas,Rachael Chris Pincoski,Timothy R Pineda Teran,Sheila Ritchotte-Biszantz,Sara Marie Sherman,Carol Ann Sprandel,Ashley Lissette St. Louis,Jemma C Stanley,Cassandra Leigh Thorpe,Steven M Weiss,Karleen Wilhide,Samantha Morgan Youmans,Tricia K NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Ruby,Donna D Assistant, Clinic Poole,Cynthia G Bookkeeper Nagy,Karen Marie Custodian Calderon,Ana M Calderon,Daysi D Martinez,Flora M Rodriguez,Herminio Roque Roque,Edith Antonia Spengler,Jason A Custodian, Head Ruiz,Manuel A Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Torres,Elizabeth O THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 73 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Manager, Food Services-I Spear,Diane M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Blair,Keisha S Boils,Brandon Dee Bonilla Bernal,Tania Arelys Bravo Matos,Linaida Cargyle,Melissa Shentay Cruz,Delirys Davis,Achim Stanley Egbert De La Sota,Rose Madigan Deane,Janet A Edwards,Daryle Ann Juarez,Karla Juarez,Monica Marie Kinney,Donna J Leslie,Laura A Lippke,Terri Maldonado,Sonia Y Opell,Edwina L Rainey,Brittney Morgan Riascos,Maria Cristina Rost,Gina Shipp Samuel,Avril R Schultz,Sarah B Serrano,Jessica I Winn,Shimecca Theresa Paraprofessional, Educational Roque,Edith Antonia Secretary to Principal Gleason,Michelle L Secretary, School Gonzalez,Sandra E Specialist, Information-Elem Adorno,Anna M Specialist, Technical Support Bilardo,Joseph A Supervisor, Building-I Barnsdale,Kevin D Worker, Food Service Alvarez Brenes,Carmen M Braun,Linda Mae THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 74 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Flete,Rita Gunn,Kristi L Katz,Sheri C Martinez,Flora M Pelerin,Marie C Pitters,Carmen Lehigh Senior High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Alvarez,Antenille A Andoscia,Michael D Angstenberger,Sylvia Maria Baranowski,Carol A Barrett,Megan M * Biggs,John Michael * Booth,Matthew Edward * Booth,Melissa R Boucher,Brian S Boucicaut,Louise Marjorie Brown,Ellrowlyn Lavon Cintron III,Miguel Coble,Cara P Coser,Michael Raymond Demming,Allison A Dysert,Nicholas J Everage,Jack J Fite,Ilianet Gomez,Lauren Ashley Haskins,Betsy B Hearyman,Eddie D Hines,Tammy L Hopkinson,Andrew J * Hunter,Robert John Kouns,Linsey Morgan Krape,Tracy L Langley,Alesha Sharay Laux,Janelle Yvette Ledbetter,Jacob M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 75 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Ledo,Alexander Lewis,Ryan Scott Leyva,Elise Marie Mercurio,Kristen Leigh Neal,Vonea Yonique Teresa Nugent,Cynthia Penuel,Christina A Perri,Chelsea Ann Peterson,Haquikah F * Plucker,Jaclyn Elizabeth Preston,Matthew J Racius,Luboner Ramirez,Jessica Ann Reiff,Renee Erin Rodriguez,Lynette Cathryn Sensor,Brandon D Shine,Tricia S Skocik,Joseph D Smith,Heather Anne Solak,John Stephen Starks,Danyelle Nicole Van Voorhis,Casey Marie Waddell,Jenee Charise Wagner,Steven C Williams,Veneese A Wright,Amanda Brooke Young,Alexes Ann NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc McConnell,Carrie Pauline Assistant, Clinic Perkins,Catherine M Bookkeeper Lucas,Melody Dawn Clerk Typist Afanador,Maria Borkert,Jo Anne Scurry,Maude M Zatkovich,Julie R THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 76 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Custodian Alvarado JR,Noe Aparicio,Idania Cardentey,Maribel Diaco,Robert Joseph Ferrer-Talavera,Benjamin Hawkins,Bradley S Hinojosa,Carmen Lara,Maria D Mallary,Dorian Montesinos,Betsy Seenauth,Durpattie Custodian, Head Herrera,Maria A Helping Teacher, Social Commun Hammond,Depri L Manager, Food Services-I Summers,Theresa L Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Cedeno,Arthur A. Clapper,Kevin T Dillevig,Linette K Frischeisen,Mercedes Hawkins,George T Herbert JR,Jeffery Charlie Marc,Dieunnetta Peterson,Wendy S Rhynes,Melinda C Thornton,Alice E Paraprofessional, Educational Goss,Chase Nichole Secretary to Principal Stancel,Sheila S Secretary, School Maldonado,Fanny V Specialist, Information-Sec MacArty,Melody Specialist, Security Carson,Mozell A Outten,Tajmahal P Roker,Dominique B Slazes,Wayne G Wigfals,Kenneth Neil THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 77 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lexington Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Technical Support Asfour Roach,Tanya M Manning,James P Supervisor, Building-I Nanan,Humphrey Worker, Food Service Aceves-Sanchez,Guadalupe Lina Allen,Pamela V Brookhart,Jennifer Consolazio,Barbara A Davis,Lisa R Garcia Ruby,Martha Gilbert,Arthur Mark Goodwin,Deborah Houde,Lisa R McCord Rowe,Patricia Ross,Domenica Smith,Kristie S Tringa,Michael Dean Worker, Food Service-Traveling Ashe,Tammy Sue Worker, Sites Boggs,John M Suarez,Francisco Alte,Ashley Elizabeth Blythe,Larry Keith Boone,Kimberly Sue Butler,Carol E Carstensen,Jessica Nicole DeMay,Bianca B Dehon,Micayla Gail Doren,Maralee Sue Dorward,Patrick J Doxie,Daniel K Goldman,Elizabeth H Gomes De Mattos,Julia Gomez,Vivian Greek,Dana Michelle THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 78 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Henderson,Shaun Wayne Metzger,Melissa Susanne Millage,Emily J Miller,Sandra L Ryckaert,Michelle Marie Schultz,Ashley Rae Schwartz,Margaret F Sierra,Ida Larissa Smith,Amy Elaine Smith,Jennifer M Stowell,Ashley Nicole Volpe,Anthony Woosley,Billie Leigh NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Bauziene,Dziuljeta Assistant, Clinic Pena,Yadira Bookkeeper Jacobs,Michelle L Clerk Typist Largent,Tamara S Custodian McDonald,Anthony Jame Valentin,Rosa M Vazquez,Jose L Custodian, Head Hancock,Jeff A Helping Teacher, ESE Sanvidge,Lisa J Manager, Food Services-I Nestler,Lilli-Ann Paraprofessional, Educational Donaldson,Mark A Mora,Linda J Rivero,David Vasco,Soraya Secretary to Principal Sherry,Denise R Secretary, School Hewett-Kibler,Kim M Specialist, Information-Sec Sholes,Gabrielle Anne Specialist, Security Sions,Lisa Marie THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 79 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Manatee Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Technical Support Crenshaw JR,Robert Eugene Supervisor, Building-I Farmer,Mack Worker, Food Service Acevedo,Monica Barrientos Matera,Fabiola Gonzalez Cristo,Liulyn Limon,Teresita C Vazquez,Yolanda Adderley,Kimara Ann Calcara,Kristine Casais,Alyssa M Davis,Fantasia Glennelle Dell,Kristina Denise Doxy,Heidi Meghan Falk,Christy Dawn Fitzgerald,Dawn C M Giany,Taylor J Gonzalez,Ashley Maria Graflund,Anastasia Monee Guillen,Odette L Hissam,Julianna Hoogstra,Jennifer Renee Jackson Rice,Chaence Maranda Johnson,Maria Kelly,Sarah Elizabeth Koch,Robert Morton Luizzi,Andrea Matilda Marky,Dana Marie Morgan,Dionne M Munson,Rebecca Ruth Pasho,Kimberly Michelle Roberts,Molly A Santaniello,Christine Angelina Santiago,Linda Kay Schoonover,Rebecca L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 80 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Silveira,Elizabeth J Tull,Brian Duane Valentia,Susan A Witlin,Michele juliette Worley,Kevin M NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Ceasar,Fronia Vernail Bookkeeper Brocker,Carla A Clerk Typist Pineda,Jacqueline Custodian Carter,Charles S Costa,Tania R Hall JR,Ramon Edwin Walker JR,Maxworth G Custodian, Head Davis,Lakeisna P Manager, Food Services-I Trupo,S Anthony Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Cody,Terria B Collazo,Tatiana Flannery,Diana Rose Gonzalez,Efrain Jiles,Brenda A Ricci,Maria R Rodriguez,Jorge D Waldrop,Jodi R Willcutts,Linda S Secretary to Principal Leddy,Chiara Danielle Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Hernandez,Adela S Specialist, Information-Elem Watkins,Terri Lynn Specialist, Technical Support Smith,Richard J Supervisor, Building-I Rodriguez Garcia,Tammy R Worker, Food Service Cintron,Miguel Angel Crabtree,Amy L Lisboa-Silva,Cecilia THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 81 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Lum,Tommy Ming Miller,Kimberly Rezendes,Kathleen V Schab,Robin M Thompson,Neva J Mariner High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Arciero,Ryan P Barnett,Joelle Knighton Black,Kevin S Brennan,Jennifer Lynn *Cotoni,Christine Renee Crawford,Joseph Matthew Crego-Rojas,Tesha R Faasse,Melissa S Herrera Leon,Ismary Holloway,Rachel Beverly James,William E. * Jaramillo,Esteban Jones,Keeth Gerard King,Pamela Baldger Lamoureux,Anita Carmen * Miller,William Patrick Moulton III,William Arthur Overstreet,Sarah Elizabeth Peralta,Fray Antonio Rovelstad PHD,Steven John Sinclair,Holly Nicole Sitoski,Lynn M Smith,Travis Michael Strauss,Benjamin B. Swift,Jefferson Tucker,Carol T Vera,Megann C. Williams,Kimberly Anne Zalesak,Bridget Christine THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 82 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Larocque,Paul G Assistant, Clinic Daley,Victoria E Bookkeeper Amy,Deirdre A Clerk Typist Cira,Laurie Ann Custodian Espinosa,Mildred Fernandez,Alejandro J Gale,Alba L Lagrace,Simone Lopez,Sonia G McKinney,Nenita R Preston,Daniel Lee Reina,Alejandra M Solis,Nolma D Custodian, Head Jacquet,Edwige Helping Teacher, ESE Berrios,Rafaela M Naranjo,Miladys Del Carmen Reyes III,Alfred Joseph Sepulveda,Agueda J Helping Teacher, Social Commun Lampila,Lynne F Manager, Food Services-I Courtade,Lisa Paraprofessional, Educational Sauer,Janice E Secretary to Principal Ferlazzo,Helyn A Secretary, School Capel,Cynthia M Davidson,Donna Gene Mascarelli,Mildred E Specialist, Information-Sec Mennona,Gina M Specialist, Security Cabrera,Pedro McCarraher,Richard T Ramos,Ramon H Weaver JR,Michael Everett Specialist, Technical Support Lawson,Curtis Dale THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 83 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Mariner Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Supervisor, Building-I Sloss,Raymond E Worker, Food Service Daniels,Stephen J Drury,Diane B Duarte,Griselda Feeley,Alea Nicole Heller,Glenda F Noss,Marianne Lynn Price,Deanna Lynn Price,Michelle Rose Rodriguez Rivera,Joselyn N Sandomingo,Berna M Taylor,Jean A Vespier,Christina M Watson,Noreen Worker, Sites Gutierrez,Rene Pigott,Stephen Thomas * Baker,Catherine A Castaldo,Joanne M Clayton,Tiffany Marie Dimoff,Michael Earl Franzke,Casie Nicole Gross,Adam Charles Haslam,Candice Ann Nolff,Darren L Pachick,Kimberly Rose Rokosh,Michael P Romero,Melissa Brooke Sawyer,Stacey Jean Tiews,Robert Tominey,Jill Upton,Melissa A Walters,Margaret E Waples,Christopher L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 84 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Ramirez,Tania Assistant, Clinic Rogers,Kelly Faye Bookkeeper Grove,Susan P Clerk Typist Zuspann,Susan D Custodian George,Rita H Justiniano,Milton Orjuela-Morcillo,Humberto Rodrigues,Maria I Rodriguez,Ismary Custodian, Head Lopez,Luis E Manager, Food Services-I Gannon JR,Frank D Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Dooling,Kathleen Julieanna Gaines Sparks,Nzingha Nandi Liberto,Denice Gale Moore,Isolina Munoz,Ana M Perez,Katherine Perez,Luis Santiago,Sandra E Paraprofessional, Educational Rodriguez,Cristina M Secretary to Principal Nesser,Donna A Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Sbarra,Tina L Specialist, Information-Sec Ellis,Donna J Specialist, Security Kelly,Edward J Specialist, Technical Support Ramos,Lorraine Supervisor, Building-I Ferreira,Carlos Worker, Food Service Avendano,Victoria Barrero,Esther Gaviria,Martha L Larocque,Toni A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 85 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Minuto,Carmen D Startt,Susan Dawn Worker, Sites Mirror Lakes Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Arredondo JR,Luis E Ayotte,Jordan Eileen Bell,Katherine Ellen Binns,Denise B Brantingham,Emaly N Carpenter,Erin Lynn Cole,Wendy Leigh Cox,Lindsay Marie Darling,Lisa R Ganosellis,Elena Maria Gaskin,Debra Marie Glimps-Smith,Kia G Grunberg,Tausha L Hocker,Derek C Ingegno,Madelyn Lynn Johnson,Mindy Lee Kalka-Juhl,Linda LaBrosse,Athena Christine Lechner,Andrea Marie Miller,Kyle Joseph Miller,Michael John Osburn,Amy Elizabeth Pelikan,Kori Beth Perkins,Kathy Lynn Preston,Adrienne Leah Pryslak,Lindsey Marie Ramos,Anita Roche,Ruth Jenny Rodriguez,Amanda Shafer Shaw,Michele Lea Smith,Alana Latrice Starks,Latonya Monet Talbert,Derrick Bernard THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 86 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Tomasch,Brettney L VanKirk,Jessica Nicole Vera,Kaitlin Elise Vishion,Michele Marie Weiss,Angela Elaine NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Bookkeeper Duncan,Susan D Clerk Typist Hammond,Larry B Peters,Susan Custodian Cruz-Cruz,Edenia Evans JR,Thaxton Derrick Puente,Maria P Sanchez,Mercedes G Ventura,Kayla L. Weiss,Randy John Custodian, Head Vazquez Montalvo,Eduard Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Custer,Cynthia Evelyn Molloy,Rosa Manager, Food Services-I Thomas,Lori J Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bibbey,Wendy Y Calcagino,Amy Marie Carrasquillo,Daisy Jovet Casado,Ramona A Dees,Stephen A Esquivel,Tiffany M Funk,Leah T. Garner,Brenda K Hammond,Lisa K Hawkins,Vivian Dolores Iglesias Pages,Adielys Maceda,Daimery Maldonado,Rosa A Martinez,Maria Muir,Stephanie Rae THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 87 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Orsini,Myrzel L Patterson,Misty Denise Pearson,Paula Jeanne Perez,Jamarr J Sheets,Karla J Smith,Regina S Tipton,Claudia Vance,Mary E Von Stein,Deborah Yennerell,Juliette A N Fort Myers Acad for the Arts Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Revels,Dawn M Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Bonilla,Yolanda Specialist, Information-Elem Schrader,Diane L Specialist, Security Torres,Orlando C Specialist, Technical Support Azor,Jeronne A Supervisor, Building-I Ventura,Nelson J Worker, Food Service Adolphe Lucrece,Rosena Ramos,Noemi Regnier,Joan Evelyn Santiago,Neidaliz Snarr,Jodie Lee Stevenson,Sean Michael Ventura,Kayla L. Bambrey,Shawn M Bogaard Hazen,Anna Louise Canty,Megan J Farina,Wendy L Fattorusso,Nicole M Jackson,Paul D Landers Groves,Rechara Lekay Lown,Brenda Jane Madl,Lori A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 88 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS * Maxwell,Jan B Moreland,Jill Ann Siler,Natalie N Smith,Carli Elizabeth Summerall,Brandee Lynn Taunton,Robert C Wendel,Terri L NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Brewster,Sarah L. Bookkeeper Caldwell,Ann Elizabeth Clerk Typist White,Cindy Custodian Alexandre,Fred Debruyn,George M Gomez Hernandez,Oscar Alcides Hernandez,Ileana M Johnson,Sherry K Lopez,Rosalina Mesa,Odalis R Tucker,Teresa Custodian, Head Lane,Robert C Helping Teacher, Social Commun Bacheller,Robin E Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Cameron,Jaimie Elizabeth Manager, Food Services-I Cuff,Cheri L Paraprofessional, Educational Clark,Deborah L Duncan,Courtney Lynn Flores,Debbie Francey,Deanna Marie Pais,Cristina Parker,Della D Sanchez,Rosa Trahan,Nelita G White,Cindy Secretary to Principal Tango,Cheryl A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 89 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS North Fort Myers High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary, School Smith,Suzanne Specialist, Information-Sec Wiegers,Sue A Specialist, Security Prianciani,Douglas R. Supervisor, Building-I Johnson JR,Thomas E Worker, Food Service Bell,Jessica Marie Debruyn,George M Fernandez,Maritza White,Cindy Williams,Erin A Worker, Sites Gomez Hernandez,Oscar Alcides Beckler,Richard R Beller,Beth G Burkey,Linda Kemker Caminari,Katherine Ann Casolino,Steven W Clark,Amy *Coleman,Darcy Lynn Cook,Katherine Elizabeth Dellabella,Kathleen A Duffy,Bryan Joseph Eskay,Nancy Elizabeth Farland,Teresa Michelle Gaar,Noah D Hafer,Abbey Lynn * Lamberton,Brian D Lynch,Kassidy Marie Mitchell IV,Mack C * Morris,Charlotte Lorraine Prytyka,Juliana Alexandra Redeker,Lauren Anne Sheffield,Anna Marie Thompson,Danielle Brittany Tuer,Michele V. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 90 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Valerius,Amy Elizabeth NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Lum,Wendy L Assistant, Clinic Fischer,Sandra K Bookkeeper Antkowiak,Nancy Custodian Benware,Ernest Bruce Borrego,Jose L Bryda,Scott Eric Frigola,Gloria Kennedy,Kathleen M Rivera Robles,Carmen M Rodriguez Rivera,Jennifer M Custodian, Head Rodriguez,Kenneth Helping Teacher, ESE Fleming,Gail Velez,Rosa I Manager, Food Services-I Matteo,Cynthia Paraprofessional, Educational Malinowsky,Migdalia Urbanowicz,Kristina A Wiley,Scott A Secretary to Principal Proia,Cindy L Secretary, School Lippens,Gloria Diane Sester JR,Jesse Welch,Dianne M. Specialist, Information-Sec Carter,Susan A Specialist, Security Ford SR,William Randall Graham JR,Earnest Grucello JR,Anthony P Meers,James Burr Prado,Juan Jose Specialist, Technical Support Gehlhausen,Benjamin Bradley Supervisor, Building-I Corbett,William J THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 91 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Oak Hammock Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Worker, Food Service Barea,Marlys Dauberman,Elaine Marie Gray,Amber Monique Jenkins,Penelope D Lowery,Demetra Oliver,Nancy Perez,Maritza Worker, Food Service-Traveling Ranville,Catherine A Worker, Sites Santiago JR,Jose L Akinola,Ebenezer Babajide Blessing,Jeffrey Wayne Chechilo JR,Richard Cohowcz,Candace Adoni Del Rio,Jill L DiBella,Deanna Leigh Dodge,Jill Elizabeth Doxy,Hillary Deidre * Eaker,Amberle Nicole Elmore,Erika E Espaillat,Elisenda Patricia Harney,Michael * Howdyshell,David Joel Jebbett,Lizbeth Rae Kimble,Lodovic Brion Kruse,Lisa Marie Kurth,Jennifer E McDermott,Lynda Noell McElfresh Fernandez,Kea Marie McKinley,Edward A Meek,Andrew Stephen Menk Tindle,Gretchen M Monteith,Stewart Iain Mulloy,Monica Marie Naylor,Leslie L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 92 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Orem,Ihsan Paulk,Mirando Reill,Erica B Richardson,Lisa Dawn Rodeghero,Adrienne Marie Russell,Danette Irene Santimaw,Brian J Sherry,Tiffany * Skinner,Rosa Smith,Kelly Elizabeth Strunk JR,Benjamin Dewey Switalski,Molly Noel Talcovitz,Melanie Iviana Thigpen,Ashley Rachel Vetrovsky,Silvia E Wylie,Steven Richard Zimny,Olivia Kim NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Reyes,Daire Bookkeeper Negron,Omaira Clerk Typist Davis,Victoria L Mielke,Robin M Custodian Castro Jerez De Cruz,Victoria Maldonado,Suyapa Serrano,Caridad Sotolongo,Iraida Manager, Food Services-I Nestler,Richard V Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Cole,Veronica Fancelli,Jill Kimberly Hammermeister,Patricia Meyer,Chantal Munoz,Isabel Pais,Lourdes L Ramirez,Brittany O THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 93 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Orange River Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Montalvo,Leticia Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Lugo Hampton,Cynthia Marisol Specialist, Information-Sec Bills,Heather L Specialist, Security Garcia,Samuel D Gonzalez,Magaly Specialist, Technical Support Torres,Raul A Supervisor, Building-I Williams,Matthew W. Worker, Food Service Asin Morales,Karla Batista,Yanelis Castillo,Margarita Del Socorro Gonzalez,Aida M Hernandez,Maria Lopez,Ada V Montalvo,Syndia Maria Rey,Vivian Tavarez,Ester Morena Bastian,Emily Frances Bealer,Kim Mainster Birkhimer,Katie Johanna Crader,Kacey Rae Ellis,Cheryl C Englund,Tammy E Fernberg,Carolyn D Halvick,McKenzie Rae Happell,Megan Horn,Lisa Patrice Ickstadt,Rebecca Sue Kennedy,Jennifer Ann Kennedy,Kristie Maria Kokesh,Julia Kathrin Lathers,James Clayton Lathers,Pamela Jean THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 94 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Nettles,Katie Mason Rasner,Jennifer D Roberts,Diane Calvert Rockwell,Sara Mozelle Sheckler,Danielle Jewell White,Laura M NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Colon Garcia,Sheila D Assistant, Clinic Roque,Melissa Bookkeeper Bowling-Cramer,Patricia L Clerk Typist Torres,Glorivee Custodian Horst,Cynthia Suzanne Pascual,Nenita F Custodian, Head Jones,Aron Manager, Food Services-I Bowser,Jamie L Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Barber,Laura Ann Benz,Judith R Casella,Mary B Edge,Angela Encarnacion,Rosa Altagracia Ervin,Glenda D George,Katelynn Elizabeth Ibarra,Mercedes Jackson,Pauline Elizabeth James,Ronald Williams Martinez Puig,Elena Matos,Tania Mojica,Paola Nay,Joanne Pedraza,Elisbet Robinson,Danette J Sammons,Tracy A Sikes,Donnie B Villar,Andrea Esperanza THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 95 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Williams,Bertha B Paraprofessional, Educational Ibarra,Mercedes Secretary to Principal Anderson,Marie B Specialist, EarlyChildhdFmSrv Cruz,Blanca L Specialist, Information-Elem Morgan,Velda V Specialist, Technical Support Mateo Francisco,Sergio Supervisor, Building-II Kolnicki,Khristopher Russell Worker, Food Service Boyki,Debra A Figueroa,Maria Hart,Anthony Young,Debra Katherine Worker, Food Service-Traveling Alexander,Cleshea T Orangewood Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Borgese,Christine Marie Danielewski,Melinda Lou Farri,Melinda Erica Kassly,Diana Elizabeth Morgan,Kevin Anthony Ownbey,Angela Edith Zaenger,M Alison Assistant, Clinic Thomas,Dora L Bookkeeper Vastarelli,AnnMarie Clerk Typist Page,Diane L Custodian Ramirez,Petronila Solis,Guillermo J Turner JR,Larry Custodian, Head Smith,Michael A Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Taylor,Sharon I Manager, Food Services-I Herrin,Kathy L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 96 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Patriot Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Alteme,Altchence Dacosta,Renee B Jansen,Teresa Johnson,Herbert L Langer,Deborah Lytle,Doreen L Madieros,Jo-Ann McMillion,Phenicia Le Ann Minnick,Ashley Michelle Petrozzino,Danielle C Stange,Linda Marie Vega,Linda R Waas,Lucida S Walker,Karyn Paraprofessional, Educational Frys,Donna M Secretary to Principal Carmichael,Shelley W Specialist, Information-Elem Dean,Lynette S Supervisor, Building-I Johner,John R Worker, Food Service Allen,Viola E Gary,Debra Vernitta Gintner,Mary Ann McGill,Mary E Aguilera,Viviana Leiva Blanchette,Samantha Lee Crews,Jennifer Marie DiMeo,Heather Lynn Edwards,Carrie Lynn Fry,Megan K Gulli,Nicole Marie Hartmann,Amy Elizabeth Herrera,Orlando Howdyshell,Heather Marie Lockerby,Marissa Rose THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 97 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Loughren,Susan Elizabeth McManus,Shelby Nicole Tocci,Anthony Tocci,Suzanne VanCleve,Jamie Renee Yorty,Dorothy Johnson NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Tapia,Narays Bookkeeper Turpin,April Renee Custodian Exposito,Iris Lint-Kanashiro,Mariano S Romanes,Cristobal A Saporita,Michael P Torres,Dinora A Custodian, Head Villaman,Lorenzo Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Covert,Judy F Manager, Food Services-I Worden,Denise M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bullock,Brandi Renee Danci,Mary R Eisenbach,RoseMary Hackworth,Jackie Lynn Heyna,Amy Lynn Hudson,Deborah K McCrea-Davis,Alycia Raceine Mendez,Elda Newton,Linda Ann Ryan,Annmarie Schrowe,Lisa Jayne Stig,Misty Dawn Welch,Stacy Wiese,Alycia Ann Yadush,Roslynn Paraprofessional, Educational Torres,Dinora A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 98 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Reardon,Tamara Martin Specialist, Information-Elem Torres,Emely Specialist, Technical Support Kinchen,Daniel Javarian Supervisor, Building-I Vandeventer,Ronald J Worker, Food Service Lima Chavez,Susana McGee,Lori-Ann Sierra,Brendalee Slaughter,Catherine Josephine Walters,Gayla A Balzano,Christopher L Barbosa,Michael A Benner,Colin M. Blauet,Brian David Blauet,Jason A Colvin,Andrew Dwight * Derringer,Candace L Gaither,Dona Patricia Giordano,Heather L Gisse,Erin K Howarth,Montana James Larson,Connie Marie Lewis,Gordon A Lynch,Michael S Martinez Perez,Mildred Lissette Morris,Brigitte Nicole Mraz,Crystal Murrell,Matthew Pannone,Jacquelyn Marie Paul,Tia Marie Rolle,Krishauna Renee Schick,Kacey Nicole Smith,Christol J Tonks,William THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 99 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Wehrle,Rebecca Alyce NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Orama,Mariely Bookkeeper Hinman,James Clerk Typist Collado,Rosalina Davis,Ebony N Custodian Alcazar,Maribel Black,Kinsley Everton Colon Heaveliln,Yzael Samuel Gonzalez,Jairo Sanchez,Valentin V Custodian, Head Walker,Deoshane M Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Thomas,Rebecca P Manager, Food Services-I Scombordi,Deborah J Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Charlery,Johan Albertha Jackson II,Moses Jansson,Jane Marie Lias,Niecole M Miller,Anthony B Pepitone,Morgan Paige Person,Tondria Benice Roden,Sarah Catherine Silsby,Kelsey Elizabeth Velez,Agustina S Villaverde,Ruth Ann Young,Darrell L Paraprofessional, Educational McClinton,Linda C Townsend,Antoinette Secretary to Principal Florian Pichardo,Tania D Secretary, School Stage,Bobbi Lynn Specialist, Information-Sec Alicea,Yvette M Specialist, Security Cooper,Mary L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 100 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Specialist, Technical Support Bremer,James S Supervisor, Building-I Wooley,Kenneth J. Worker, Food Service Antoine,Vivian Gonzalez,Evelyn Lynch,Katy Nicole Martinez,Maria T McClinton,Linda C Riley,Geraldine Strawder,Linda Kay Townsend,Antoinette Worker, Food Service-Traveling Knight,Frankie A Pelican Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Balzano,Debra S Blackwell,Laurie A Burtz,Lisa Nicole Cahalan,Penny D. Carley,Casie E Danforth,Heather Michele Gallardo,Katie E. Gregory,Aslin Handerhan,Elizabeth Lee Hinton,Cortney Anne Humphreys,Jessica Lynn Khan,Samantha Michelle King,Alexis Caitlyn Vidal Knight,Javonda Lazette Lara,Rosa Ordway,Jamie Webber Reese,Debra C Segal,Julian K Smith,Michele Lynn White,Nicole M Assistant Manager, Food Srvc 5/28/2015 Delrios,Angelina M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 101 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Assistant, Clinic Deniston,Suzan A Bookkeeper Jobe,Dorothy L Clerk Typist Chappelle,Bonnie D Custodian Carrillo Navarro,Dania Goethe,Jesse E Martinez,Lydia Matteo,Jason J Mendez,Nelly Morel,Pascual Tognarine,Robert J. Custodian, Head Sportelli,Matthew Anthony Helping Teacher, ESE Aguilar Saborio,Karla Coletta,Linda Cooper,Debra R Malpica,Elizabeth Dasilva Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Dotson,Elizabeth Doviak,Carol D Manager, Food Services-I Dimaria,Sally A Paraprofessional, Educational Allen,Amy Michelle Barry,Josephine A Blanco,Jacqueline Boiko,Alla V Bono,Sonia Dato,Elba E Jobe,Kimberly Ann Napoli,Lynn L Tortosa,Jaclyn Secretary to Principal Allen,Kimberly Ann Specialist, Technical Support Murphy,Beverley Jean Supervisor, Building-I Fiechter JR,Richard Salvatore Worker, Food Service Ambrose,Maureen E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 102 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Bowers,Linette Yazmin Day,Kimberly N Harris,Harriett J Sanchez,Eleiry Pine Island Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Pinewoods Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Conforte,Jill K Dooley,Summer C Sporney,Diane Ladine Van Duzer,Gloria Jean Assistant, Clinic Busscher,Glenda Clerk Typist Wagner,Beatriz Custodian Artola,Noris Hayse,Clarence K Ortega,Gisela De Los Angeles Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Greenwell,Linda Arlene Manager, Food Services-II Greer,Diane L Paraprofessional, Educational Dooley,Rhonda D Newman,Elana M Schulte,Sheryl L Snearley,Donna Swenson,Claudia A Secretary to Principal Burner,Alice M Specialist, Information-Elem Williams,Sandra C Supervisor, Building-III Acosta,Carmelo Worker, Food Service Pleake,Sandra J Ackley,Kimberly J Ashcraft,Megan N Broadhead,Christina Marie Brochin,Emerrita Parker Evancho,Stephanie Catherine THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 103 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Forkey,Ryan Christopher Gigliotti,Andrea J Gold,Julie A. Holick,Melanie L Hurtado,Ximena Johnson,Mali J Latorre,Michelle Bousquet Layden,Keri N Lucas,Marie Mackereth,Jamie Lee Matarazzo,Colleen B Messinger,Erin M Nicholson,Karen Anne O'Neill,Karol B Odom,Melissa R Perkins,Hayley Amanda Poinsett,Christine Sarah Regelmann,Jenna Caylin Sanders,Kerry Jeanne Schwab,Courtney M Shine,Rebecca L Shultz,Meghan Kathleen NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Trueblood,Margaret Angeline Bookkeeper Ortengren,Lisa A Clerk Typist Minor,Maria L Wilkinson,Alexandra C Custodian Encinosa,Lidia Encinosa,Mario J Givens,Lelia M Jones JR,Robert Lee Ramirez,Juan A Custodian, Head Ramirez,Zulema C Helping Teacher, ESE Kammerer,Victoria King,Maureen E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 104 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Paschke,Maryann S Richardson,Colleen M Ray V Pottorf Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Manager, Food Services-I Smith,Linda A Paraprofessional, Educational Arencibia,Marilyn B Assad,Deborah C Bartlett,Adrienne L Bauman,Molly Henderson,Gloria C LaTour,Sherri L Leposa Schmitt,Karina J Mitchell,Jennifer Ann Raychaudhuri,Sumana Schweitzer,Tammi Amanda Smith,Brandon Donnell Secretary to Principal Morgan,Kimberly R Specialist, Information-Elem Perez,Judith Specialist, Technical Support Ellis,Kevin A Supervisor, Building-I Radley,Patrick A Worker, Food Service Kensell,Betty J Linzalone,Rhonda K McKenna,Colleen E Swartout,Tisha A Wuss,Rose M Anderson,Lori L Basinait,Andrea M Beck,Tanya Marie Blazina,Dwayne E Bordes,Shoshanna Daisy Brown,Amanda Blue Burt,Danielle Catti,Jessica Marie Costello,Sarah Caitlyn THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 105 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Ellenberger,Amy Lyn Garcia Acosta,Bertha Patricia German,Mia Graves Gilmore,Rakisha Nichole Jarrett,Kursten Renee Jeter,Dorothy L Kaufman,Brooke Anne LeGrand,Vionette Lemieux,Catherine Christine Lindner,Christina Marie Lugo,Alyssa Brooke Metcalfe,Michelle Renee Paar,Brandi N. Perry,Torsha T Quiroz,Amy Marie Ribas,Jessica Lynn Rose,James A Spinella,Kylie A Tomasko,Sharon Ann Valles,Elaine Welsh,Brianna Marie NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Tomlinson,Shelah O Bookkeeper Boley,Virginia Faye Clerk Typist Cruz,Yolanda Custodian Ferrer,Manuela Garcia,Mercedes I Gudvangen SR,Brian D Pierre Louis,Jackson Rodriguez Lugo,Ramon Antonio Custodian, Head Cuyuch,Vilma Manager, Food Services-I Cuthbert,Rhonda L Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Anderson,Goran J Breaman,Susan K THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 106 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Dinapoli,Oneida A Greene,Charita D Hawkins,Barbara A Hodge,Natasha D Leyden,Betsy Myers,Theresa N Peoples,Habacca Peoples,Kenitra Lashaye Schafer,Paul W Streets,Mable S Thomas,Toni Y Tyson,Tiffney Nicole Rayma C Page Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Dinapoli,Oneida A Hodge,Natasha D Secretary to Principal Sands,Joanne M Specialist, Information-Elem James,Mary Frances Specialist, Technical Support McGreevy,Brian J Supervisor, Building-I Reed,Christopher Joseph Worker, Food Service Gudvangen SR,Brian D Kendrick,Burnidine Nader JR,Roger Nardi,Melissa Jane Rowley,Heather D. Walker,Angela L Burr,Nicole Marie Drake,Jessica A Drake,Lisa Ann Fantasia,Jaclyn Elise Fisher,Megan Lee Fox,Brittany Ann Foy,Dennette True Hackbarth,Sara A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 107 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS James,Latoria J Jones,Caitlin Drew Layton,Laura Ellen Lewis,Keeley Samantha Lewis,Kelsey A Lucius,Hannah Patricia Mehta,Nirvi S Morgan,Christine L Parks,Julie Ann Pullicino,Lisa Marie Ramirez,Shirley Alesso Ray,Barbara Anne Reed,Erin Lynn Schulz,Valerie Anne Scott,Erin Lee Scott,Jessica Elizabeth Sherry JR,Robert E. Slichter,Aleida Mercede Straka,Robert J Strong,Sara Lynn Thomashefsky,Jason Edward Wheeler,Christopher Robert NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Rivera,Tasha M Bookkeeper Meiers,Kimberley Lynn Clerk Typist Roman,Jinerva Custodian Gonzalez,Doralba Agudelo Macias Rodriguez,Luis Yuriel Ricardo Pena,Lisbet Custodian, Head Dox,Carmen D Helping Teacher, ESE Harris,Angel L Hurst,Debra L Kruger,Pamela Diana Ochoa,Rosana N Samson,Kathleen THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 108 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Stabile,Pauline S Trapasso,Annamarie River Hall Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Helping Teacher, Social Commun Adkins,Kelley Ann Paraprofessional, Educational Castillo,Diane Eleanor Coates,Patrice Harrigan,Jennifer S Hurtado,Karrie Lynn Wiley,Karen L. Secretary to Principal Drzymala,Anissa Lea Specialist, Information-Elem Wollett,James E Supervisor, Building-I Arango,Jaime Worker, Food Service Malyszek,Mary Ann Richards,Josian Toussaint,Miguerlande E White,Eunice F Anderson,Ashley E. Anderson,Leslie Michelle Ankney,Lori Beth Ayers,Jennifer Elaine Ayers,Nicholas Berkley,Jane L. Bigelow,Gina Elizabeth Book,April Leah Botsford,Michelle Renee Cleary,Cassandra Kathryn Curnoles,Jena Elizabeth Daniels,Shantel M Fallas,Margaret Rachel Fox,Kailee Nichole Gonzalez,Alexandra Lynn Hallas,Sara Dawn Hunt,Maria C THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 109 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Illenberg,Darrell Robert Knight,Christine Amber Lanahan,Susan M. Niebrugge,Chasey Lea Pritchett,Alisha Lauren Raterman,Alyssa Nichole Rodriguez,Delvia Sample,Minerva S. Vaccarella,Sarah Ann Waldrop,Kelsey Breslyn Welling,Kali Lynn Williams,Claudia C. Yepello,Deborah M NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Carr,Christy Dawn Bookkeeper Murphy,Julie Ann Clerk Typist Martin,Whitney B Mays,Robin A Custodian Garcia Martinez,Joel G Garcia,Maria O Meloy,Denise Nunez,Damaris Padgett,Kathleen J Upshaw,Louvenina L Custodian, Head Shukes,Jonathan Albert Helping Teacher, Social Commun Kendall,Lisa M. Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Macchia,Rebecca L Manager, Food Services-I Evans,Melissa A Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bloxham,Teri D Boils,Lindsey Bucci,Stephanie Grace Colie,Sheryl A Collazo Negron,Nelida Enid THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 110 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Giunta,Nicole Jennifer Mallow,Heidi A Mathewson,Jessica Deanna Nelson,Amanda Leigh Ramos,Kalyana Maria Sloan,Sandra K Terry,Cynthia Ann Tice,Katie M Wheeler,Lauren Marie Riverdale High Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Meloy,Denise Secretary to Principal Amburgey,Barbara Specialist, Information-Elem Grace,Karen A Specialist, Technical Support Vega,Richard Supervisor, Building-I Williams,Douglas N. Worker, Food Service Garlick,Jamie Marie Maavich,Emelia Rose Merentis,Linda L Ragen,Joseph Russell Rodriguez,Lydia Vega,Maribel Young,Robin Elizabeth Ades,Holly C Ades,Shawn C Albanese,Heather Lea Ankney,Justin T Benito,Maria A. Bennett,KeiAnna Lynn Bourbina JR,Michael Anthony Bourbina,Matthew Andrew Brazeal,Vernon L Bruce,Brittany M Budmayr,Justin Miles THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 111 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Burgman,Christopher T Cintron,Judith Z. Crume,Sarah M Dawson,Kyle Jeffrey Dingwall,Michael O Eby,Sara Patricia Eliser,Luke Davis Favia,Cynthia L Fertil,Guerlene S Fox,Kristen Nicole Franklin,Julie A Gridley,Stacey Jo Grinstead,Jesse D Hayward,Vicki Lynn Hill,Mary L Huge,Terry L Johannessen,Samantha Dimock Johnson,Washburn W Jones,Damon E Junkin,Samantha Faye Lewis,Donnavan J Manetta,Heather Mae Miller,Jennifer Wallace Myers Madoian,Kelly Jo Selders,Lindsey Colette Sexton,Christopher J Shawver,Lynnda Christine Straus,Jeff Swain,Robyn Danielle Teglasi,Michael Francis Trigoso,Gabriela C Von Linden,Jesse M Whaley,Daniel Alan NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Stallins,Nicole L. Bookkeeper Revels,Kenneth E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 112 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Clerk Typist Grogg,Erica Linn Custodian Cuellar Ruiz,Idoris C Dejesus Alvarez,Orlando Glenn,Analiza Vidal Kirchen,Bruce Allen Modeski,Thomas C Silva Matos,Aimet Silva,Carmen Toledo Alvarez,Elianny Triguero,Israel Custodian, Head Blake,Randy J Helping Teacher, ESE Adams,Wayne Kadeem Campbell,Kelly Nicole Edwards IV,Thomas Stoneham Jones,Melinda Sue Yenesel,Melissa C Manager, Food Services-I Gudvangen,Tara L Paraprofessional, Educational Ades,Dawn M Blalock,Darlene A Secretary Snyder,Jill A Secretary to Principal Hall,Karen Secretary, School Barry,Pam Bruce,Teresa L Neitz,Beverly Smith,Elizabeth K Specialist, Information-Sec Sentes,Cindy L Specialist, Security Danforth JR,Joseph Arthur Gunn,Jack Wesley Maurer,Kyle James Myers JR,William U Schaeffer,Matthew S Specialist, Technical Support Ruiz JR,Ruben Dario THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 113 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Supervisor, Building-I Parsons SR,Charles O Worker, Food Service Byrd,Robert E Chodorowski,Mary A Cueva Hernandez,Mayra Ederer,April L Gelet,Cynthia Gudvangen,Matthew B Guri,Margarita Hansen,Cindy Ann Padin,Lydia Pilkington,Kathy S Rewis,Joan B Waters,Ludine Young,Lynett P Worker, Sites Bass,Bonnie C Robinson Littleton Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Andle,Jenna Barrett,Charrisse R Bush,Kelli Ann Connelly,Amy L Delgado,Wanda DiBiasio,Melissa Maria Fitzpatrick,Heather L Luyster,Maureen A McElhannon,Stacie Marie Micheel,Jennifer J. Miller,Joann Oliver,Debra K. Peters,Lisa Penland Regalado,Sasha Rowell,Rhonda Lynn Tingley,Jessica M Valentin,Yasmin E Assistant, Clinic 5/28/2015 Robinson,Shirley 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 114 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Royal Palm Exc Ctr Instructional-Annual Bookkeeper Ramey,Lori A Clerk Typist Rich,Kimber Custodian Aguinaga,Vionayka Fernandez Belmonte,Carmen E Rodriguez,Maria Herlinda Villafane,Jose M Custodian, Head Hrkach,Joel A Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Jacobs,Joy L Manager, Food Services-I Willin,Guy Gerald Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Austin,Kelly Marie Blanchard,Casey L Jackson,Genora Diane McHugh,Kristin Mimbs,Mary A Morse,Nancy G Nunez,Ordesita C Reed,Tamila Kiser Rice,Gloria F Rouse,Pamela C Williams,Traci L Paraprofessional, Educational Levatt,Lakasha Denaya Secretary to Principal Sumal,Cindy M Specialist, Information-Elem Crenshaw,Dona M Specialist, Technical Support Kaye,Jan H Supervisor, Building-I Hart,Walter N. Worker, Food Service Englund,Curt Timothy Lizasuain Escobales,Veronica Meadows,Susan J Shettlesworth,Cassandra Ann Marie Andrews,Johanna Margaret THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 115 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Eady,Roderick G Hocfbaum,Patricia Lynn Krachenfels,Michael John Petit-Frere,Joceline N Senat,Bethy Tom,April L NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Bookkeeper Pickens,Zavia K Clerk Typist Abrams,Antoinette Custodian Chester,Patrick L Paul,Homard Helping Teacher, BRP Anderson,Regie Elaine Blue,Taunya A Candelaro,Michelle Casseus,John Wesley Clements,William Michael Cruzado,Martha Cruzado-Medina,Angela M Cummings,Deshunn L Davis,Trevon Joshua Devita,Lisa Marie Farmer,Natarcha D Harris,Doris D Henderson,Faye Jackson,Mary J McMillian,Toni R Milne,Jessica L Mitchell,Jessica Shantae Murph,Eric Nicholson,Keith W Perkins III,Nathaniel Sneed,Rovina M Thomas,Tracy Arnitra Thornton,Elairie Tindal,Kathrina H Tivis,Jacqueline L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 116 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Walker,Twyla K Wheeler,Danita S Manager, Food Services-II Kester,Carl H Nurse, Licensed Practical Siefert,Marian Lynn Secretary to Principal Sibert,June A Secretary, School Abrams,Antoinette Specialist, Security Broomfield,Hazel L Freeman,Calvin E Mason,Alphonso Sims,David A Wilson,Roderick DeShawn Specialist, Technical Support Sanchez,Nelson Supervisor, Building-II Makos,John Thomas Worker, Food Service Taylor,Desiree L SW FL Juvenile Detention Ctr Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin * Henderson,Harriett * Patterson,Michelle Kristine Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Crabtree,Helen H Specialist, Information-Sec Espinosa,Elizabeth Specialist, Technical Support Negron,Edwin R SW FL Public Service Academy Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 * Martin III,Robert L * Thomson JR,John D Clerk, Accounting-I Bell,Floria J Benavides,Llilys Custodian Mangawang,Ginalyn Bernadeth Rodriguez,Blanca R Custodian, Head Kelly,Keith Ja'mario THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 117 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS San Carlos Park Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Operator, Snack Bar Petriella,Lisa Yvonne Receptionist Petriella,Lisa Yvonne Townsend,Amber Brooke Secretary to Director Henshaw,Rosa L Secretary, School Brown,Stephanie A Ojeda,Socorro Specialist, Applic Support Shelkofsky,Paul B Specialist, Information-Sec Townsend,Carmen I Supervisor, Building-II Sanchez Figueredo,Daniel Jorge Acosta,Janeli Alto,Lauren T. Axelsson,Linda Marie Baker,Abby G Beattie,Kristen E. Blanchard,Bridgette J Blosser,Lee Landrum Bradford,Kimberly Cole Crispen,Kristen J Dattilo,Abigail Ann Dunhill,April Michelle Erickson,Jacklyne T. Hammel,Alyssa Chelsea Hunnicutt,Juliann D Kearney,Craig Lyzen,Amber Lynn McIntyre,Eden Hjartnes Rack,Taryn Marisa Reid,Kathryn Renee-Siefert Reynolds,Sarah Mouzon Rhoads,Deborah Louise Russo,Brittney L Santacroce,Cathleen A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 118 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Sherman,Tera R Siat,Megan Helen Sipos,Michele Slager,Desiree Nicole Soud,Teresa E Trina,Mekenzie Lee Velazquez,Dawn M Weicht,Ashley B NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Conidaris,Sandra J Bookkeeper Puckett,Annette Clerk Typist Ayala,Sarah A Custodian Baca,Maria R Cavazos,Francisca Davis,Juanita A Pena Suarez,Silvio Antonio Custodian, Head McCormick,Clara Lee Helping Teacher, Social Commun Bryant,Hilary W Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Maxim,Madelene A Manager, Food Services-I Abed,Samia E Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Adorno,Maritza Avila,Gladys Barber,Sandra K Foster,Joy H Garay,Marisol Gesek,Denise R Iosco-Bartolomei,JoLynn Johnston,Michelle Renee Klipfel,Candice Lapointe,Rochelle Renee Naranjo Pazmino,Rosario D Parker,Deena J. Santiago,Norma THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 119 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Singer,Karen A Paraprofessional, Educational Lapointe,Rochelle Renee Secretary to Principal Ayala-Cavazos,Ana M Specialist, Information-Elem Mejia,Elaine Specialist, Technical Support Parker III,Jack N. Supervisor, Building-I Kellam JR,Mickey C Worker, Food Service Hernandez Fonseca,Elba Yamila Kellam,Liza S. Milewski,Deborah Pizarro,Jenny A Rios,Maria Skyline Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Ashley,Justin A Gurgal,Jill Hopper,Amy Rae Skocik,Amanda LuWayne Terry,Sabrina K Vicens,Melissa M Welling,Lucas D. Assistant, Clinic Seaman,Adele T Bookkeeper Aubry,Valerie Clerk Typist Rigoni,Nancy L Custodian Aguilera,Reina I Garcia,Reina Maria Gutierrez,Norma Miller,Karen M Santiago,Juan Carlos Vera,Nilvia Custodian, Head Nieves,Luis Geraldo Helping Teacher, ESE Ayala,Silfides R THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 120 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Blow,Jennifer Cannizzo,Ruthellen Crocker,Shari L Fatica,Mary R Ford,Kelly L Gull,Gloria Heisler,Judith Anne Merrill,Annette P Napurski,Donna A Petrocy,Amanda Basora Pollack,Debra V Riedewald,Pearl Olivia Robinett,Jennifer Anne Stella,Laurie A Thomas,April D Tolbert,Zeffrey A. Helping Teacher, Social Commun Nelson,Jennifer V Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Kohler,Christine J Manager, Food Services-I Martinez,Damaris A Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Parrish,Carol Paraprofessional, Educational Agel,Kristine M Brockway,Jennifer S Evanchyk,Susan M Pinto,Maria C Setaro,Lorry A Sgro,Maria A Van Zeyl,Catherine A Secretary to Principal Skaf,Lois A Specialist, Information-Elem Suarez,Niurvis Worker, Food Service Lacayo,Sandra S Ortiz,Miriam Prince,Manuel V. Serrano,Lina M THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 121 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Sullivan,Linda M Tamarit,Dayma L Worker, Sites South Fort Myers High Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin Leon,Carlos A Abernethy,Cateland Danelle Bailey,Nicole Rodenfels Bello-Ras,Marilinda Bishop,Donna Marie Boleen,Nathan Daniel * Branham,Sean Micahael Burton,Mica Lee Christian,Melanie L D'Amico,Kathleen A Ferrante,Lisa Noelle Flenniken,Jamie Denise Flory,Charles R Hill JR,John Tyler Holderfield,Matthew Daron * Locke,Taylor Shay Loescher,Bethany M Mates,Angela May * Mobley,Flen Dwight Montague,Rita Gail Morris,Katherine Toni Noal,Carol J OJibway,Nathan Christopher Perkins,Korey Allan Persing,Scott Robert Rondon,Nereida * Stiglich JR,Francis P Tracy,Michelle D Yearsley,Cameron Bryson Zukowski,Samantha Assistant Manager, Food Srvc 5/28/2015 Forbes,John Patrick THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 122 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Assistant, Clinic Asencio,Hyacinth A Bookkeeper Rubinski,Betty L Clerk Typist Bell,Sandra J Dixon,Shemariah Y Gaither,Tarshea R Sotero-Cintron,Warleen I Custodian Bailem,Arthelia Renee Baquero,Azucena Bussaeus,Allen G Casco,Herlinda D Dominguez,Eneida M Dominguez,Serafin Hardy,Marcia L Izquierdo,Reinaldo Perez,Catalina Santiago Velez,Luis Angel Thames,Johnathan Roshawn Custodian, Head James JR,Mack A Helping Teacher, ESE Anthony,Barbara Ann Bambrey,Kathleen E Brown,Heather E Causey,James Thomas Stubbs,Sherelle K Velazquez,Daisy Marlene Wilson,Lisa M Helping Teacher, ESOL Cotes,Maria Ximena De Sena,Andreyna Helping Teacher, Social Commun Ross-Martinez,Mandy Joy Manager, Food Services-I Wallis,Petra I Paraprofessional, Educational Monroe,Christine J Secretary to Principal Raber,Joy Annette Secretary, School Atchison,Carrie L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 123 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Spring Creek Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Information-Sec Roth,Carol A Specialist, Security Carroll,Patrick Richard Causey,Douglas L Dixon,Anthony T Kinchen,Jarvis D. Specialist, Technical Support Zinkus,Vincent J Supervisor, Building-I Williams,Reiner J Worker, Food Service Aguirre,Gladys Budzinski,Frances Chapman,Shairon M Cipaian,Cecilia Clements,Cynthia L Glowacki,Mary Ann v Herring,Karen E Kinchen,Gina M Matthews,Leanna Marie Milewski,Michael Lawrence Mitchell,Danielle Paredes Hernandez,Erwin Ernesto Rivera,Brendaliz Smith JR,Eddie W Soriano,Jessica Worker, Sites Bauza,Vidimantas Balentine,Mariesa Lynn Brown,Sigourney R Carrasquel,Mayling Carolina Cinicollo,Tara S Ellis,Anne Marie Fleming,Jamie N Funkhouser,Stephanie Summers Grossi,Heather Kellum,Trudy K THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 124 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Michel,Caitlin G Redenshek,Amanda L Riesenberg,Cynthia A Saffold,Kayla Ashley Somers,Stefany Dora Sowers,Ashley Marie Sposato,Gina Theresa Washburn,Allison Marie NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Cavazos,Bertha A Bookkeeper Molano,Maria E Clerk Typist Dennison,Andrina Kay Custodian Amaro,Maria G Flicek,Vernon F Lee,Shirley Ann Paz-Van Vo,Zoyla Custodian, Head Zigler,Fredrick Leartis Manager, Food Services-I Salinas,Reynaldo Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Becraft,Linda Jodean Chamorro,Michon Demar Cuello,Martha Mareia Dickson,Amy Jo Hawks,Veronica C Hoagland,Shannon Renee Hoenie,Judith A Hudgins,Kade Anthony Ingalls,Susan B Mounts,Jane A Pezzi,Doreen M Santini Vazquez,Daisah Ward,Sheila Paraprofessional, Educational Reyes Mejia,Rosana Secretary to Principal Maree,Rochelle H THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 125 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Sunshine Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Information-Elem Mejia,Helen Specialist, Technical Support Posey,Garrett E Supervisor, Building-I Tyler,Robriest Henry Worker, Food Service Alvarado,Maira Brannan,Gennie R Martinez Cortez,Maria Perez,Claudet Reyes Mejia,Rosana Aguirre,Amanda Renee Alicea,Erik Andrew,Mark Reuben Briddell,Ryan M Case,Julie T Cirafesi,Stephanie Elizabeth Cook,Franklin Scott Cunningham,Kamisha Sharifa Donaghy,Erin S Genao,Erica M Gesek,Jacqueline Nicole Haley,Brittaney Ryan Ivanov,Amelia Lee Kilgore,Cayla Danielle Lindburg,Megan M Matera,Matthew R. McClary,Carmin Bethea Michael,Alea D Nedelman,Jennifer Erin Nesfield,Georgian Peric O'Donnell,Jessica D Olson,Lisa Valerie Overby,Emily Petrekin,Teri Ann Renae Plaud,Carla M Rasner,Gregory S THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 126 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Schorle,Anne Sawyer Simser,Ashley Smith,Tiffany Sierra Sorice,Elia Sperry,Susan H Stout,Rachel Alane Wheeler,Carla Elizabeth NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Tuller,Charity E Assistant, Clinic Cavazos,Elizabeth A Bookkeeper Deetscreek,Kimberly B Clerk Typist Hernandez,Nancy Soto,Cynthia L Custodian Gonzalez JR,Edwin Gonzalez-Cruz,Wanda I Ocasio,Yandery Torres,Nancy Custodian, Head Lawrence,Joe Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Nicholson,Lourdes Manager, Food Services-I Fewox,Christina M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Antalick,Mary R Braun,Heather Victoria Canady,Cammiel Unique Castro-Ramirez,Roxanna Elaine Doubles,Lori Lyn Gutierrez,Rebecca Ann Hall,Jean James,Christopher Tyler Kuiper,Debra A Martin,Nora L McDowell,Tessa L McKellen,Starr E Molczyk,Maria D. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 127 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Napodano,Roseann Ortiz,Jeannette Pacheco,Maura A Rodriguez,Vilma V Ruivo,Joan Marie Santiago Calixto,Diana Skaggs,Patricia M Smith,Jarvis Leon Thrower,Jana S Tuttle,Sheryl M Ward,Lakiesha Tameika Wernert,Matthew W Young,Juliet Rebecca Tanglewood Riverside Elem Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Secretary to Principal Sanchez,Miroslava Specialist, Information-Elem Mitchell,Nieka L Specialist, Security Garcia,Jodie Lynn Specialist, Technical Support Emery,Barbara A Supervisor, Building-I Morris,Sanford Ephraim Worker, Food Service Brown,Elaine C Correia,Gloria Ledea,Katia Cecilia Ramirez,Leticia Rodriguez,Kimberly L Ruivo,Anthony J Solis,Maria Worker, Food Service-Traveling Turgeon,Judy Ann Acosta,Maria E Andersen,Jill Marie Davis,Gabrielle Dominique Hasting,Jessica L Hering,Jessica Ippolito,Christina D THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 128 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Kennelly,Starla Lynn Lawrence,Jonathan Mauk,Brittany Lynn Meiser,Jordan Violet Rice,Stacey Lynne Short,Tracey Silverthorn,Lara Mari Claire NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Barrett,Cassandra Bookkeeper Hopkins,Karen Denise Clerk Typist Perez,Marisol Custodian Chianese,Joshua A Kinchen,Diane A Machin,Blanca O Custodian, Head Mitchell,Margaret A Helping Teacher, ESE Defoe,Jennin Chanel Jonicher Georgatos,Elpiniki Green,Kelvin Levon Hulet,Jim C. Pagliarini,Wilma Patricia Simeon,Phoebe M Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Hermann,Kitty C Manager, Food Services-I Thompson,Charles Donald Paraprofessional, Educational Abad,Mirta Defoe,Jennin Chanel Jonicher Favorite,Shanan Marie Harris,Natasha Leigh Porter,Nicole Elizabeth Seidle-Seaton,Michelle Lynn Secretary to Principal Garris,Lillian Specialist, Information-Elem Wiggins,Margaret M Specialist, Technical Support Feliciano,Josue THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 129 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Supervisor, Building-II Spinks II,John D. Worker, Food Service Crouthamel,Craig Jeffrey Howe,Aaron J Karvelas,Kiriaki Marie The Alva School Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Aycock,Jesse Wayne Baumgardner,Katie Lee Bonacolta,Michael P Doyscher,Eric D Golden,Shannon W Gomez-Lippincott,Charlotte A Graham,Minniedot Easterlin Hagn,Debra Leah Johnson,Christine R Johnson,James-David A Miller,Faneromeni E Orlando,Dayna M Radvansky,Casey Razon,Allen B Roberts,Cassandra E Sukovich,Cherie A Watson,Karen E Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Renfroe,Dorothy Kaylyn Assistant, Clinic Busbee,Amanda Lynn Bookkeeper Hagan,Cleatrice D Clerk Typist Allen,Angel R Poole,Linda B Custodian Duque Acosta,Juan Camilo Harris-Rohan,Juanita Faye Reider,Terrell L Rodriguez-Bosque,Roksolana Talcott,Gregory Kirk Custodian, Head Santana,Ramon L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 130 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Manager, Food Services-I Coello,Janet L Paraprofessional, Educational Davis,Theresa V Gibbens,Jacalyn Carole Gonzalez Caballero,Yenisleydi Jennings,Dean A Johnson,Juanita A Myers,Charlene Nickell,Jana K Simons,Ashley N Smutney,Sara E. Zaremba,Ariane Lynn Secretary to Principal Davis,Theresa R Secretary, School Newton,Linda H Specialist, Information-Sec Fox,Cheryl L Supervisor, Building-I Strickland,Buddy S. Worker, Food Service Allen,Patty L Griffis,Donna J. Hagan,Kirstin A Outlaw,Michelle L. Tyndall,Lisa Elaine The Sanibel School Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Baker,Debora J Camp,Brittany Lee Anne Kielborn,Terrie L Macalka,Tiani Nicole McDonnell,Mary E Yates,Pamela Sue Zavala Flores,Silvia Assistant, Clinic Corricelli,Tajh Wei Bookkeeper Galioto,Ellen M Clerk Typist Wheeler,Kari Malene THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 131 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Custodian Ruiz De Garcia,Maria F Custodian, Head Thomas,David Lee Paraprofessional, Educational Kielborn,Terrie L Murray,Alexandra R Prescher,LeAnn Renee Wheeler,Kari Malene Wilson,Kyle Colleen Secretary to Principal Howarth,Debra L Specialist, Information-Sec Marks,Donna M Specialist, Technical Support Christoff,Soo Supervisor, Building-I Dean,Tim E. Three Oaks Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Alexander,Brittany Cora Davis,Beverly Diane Gagliardi,Michele Leigh Geise,Kristen Leigh Godsea,Anna K Hammen,Carlatta Joy Luciano,Christian N Lucin,Alexis Michelle Murphy,Kevin Patrick Thompson,Kelly Lynn Tumbleson,Catherine Ann Wallace,Lori Schucklat Assistant, Clinic Morse,Barbara J Bookkeeper Reichart,Lori A Clerk Typist Cavazos,Alicia Custodian Aguilar,Edith Aguilar,Guadalupe Bartkus,Daniel G McClintock,Michael Robert THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 132 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Three Oaks Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Custodian, Head Sholtis,Thomas Carlton Helping Teacher, ESE Damico,Stephen T Ford,Diane P Jolliff,Pamela L Morris,Elysa Pavelka,Maryelle Jacueline Ramseyer,Susan H Manager, Food Services-I Sommers,Eileen A Paraprofessional, Educational Anderson,Patricia A Blue,Jordan Michelle Downing,Barbara A Rodriguez,Toni L Secretary to Principal Zavada,Jean D Specialist, Information-Elem McMahon,Shannon Marie Specialist, Technical Support Hambling,Ryan Christopher Supervisor, Building-I Duffee,Jack Howard Worker, Food Service Collins,Lessie Gerges,Gehan McClintock,Candy J Sriruang,Nawawan Worker, Food Service-Traveling Procopio,William C Baker,Jaclyn Binoniemi,Peggy Lynn Campbell,Lindsay M Felegie,Kevin A Gandolfo,Adam Vincent Hissong,Keila Lynn LeBeau,Britt Colette McKellar,Travis William Mullings,Kevin Paul Muscat,Carole L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 133 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS O'Bannon,Tyler S. Paulen,Suzanne Marie Popple,Kathy J Sullivan,Kristin Marie NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Gaboury,Denise M Bookkeeper McGarry,April C Clerk Typist Janicki,Denise L Custodian Downer,Emily M Gearhart,Dave F Gomes,Robertina Ramos SR,Jaime Leonidas Silva,Evelyn Tuya,Juan Carlos Custodian, Head Salomon,Marco A Helping Teacher, ESE Joseph,Widline Koch,Audrey Anne Lewis,Shirelle Lehenita Livingston,Kristi Pentecost,Shelia D Smith,Carolyn Helping Teacher, Social Commun Robitaille,Cynthia Ann Manager, Food Services-I Frederick,Deborah I Paraprofessional, Educational Hoffman,Judy M Medrano,Vilma L Ramos SR,Jaime Leonidas Secretary to Principal Mount,Carol A Secretary, School Correll,Barbara T Specialist, Information-Sec Odom,Susan J Specialist, Security Sell,Brandon Wesley Specialist, Technical Support Jones,Cydney F THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 134 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Supervisor, Building-I Brunow,Thomas Henry Worker, Food Service Green,Delta Re'el Preshae Hebert,Ma Nunez,Carmen D Peppers,Mary Malissa Reyes,Letty V Rodriguez,Kellie A Tice Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Albuerne,Lilia Esther Alejandro,Idamis Best,Kenneth L Danault,Karina Diaz,Susana Galiotto,Sarah E Hodges,Marianne E Mendez,Yadira Perry,Sonja J Rivas,Lisseth Fiorella Stroud,Elizabeth Marie Van House,Eric Robert Assistant, Clinic Jones,Silvia M. Bookkeeper McLoon,Dixie Clerk Typist Bernardini,Loraine Custodian Gudvangen,Joshua Robert King,Robert J Lanier,Thomas Portillo,Blake Logan Torres,Jose Custodian, Head Brown,Gregory D Manager, Food Services-I Smith,Maria A Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Aguero,Belkis A Almodovar,Nallely De La Caridad THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 135 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Alvarado,Linda D Armand,Yudeisy Baker-Jackson,Aurdell Brant,Shayne E Cernick,Regina Cisneros,Sandra Edwards,Gloria J Gallo,Yasmin I Grabowski,Wendy J Neal,Diane Pascual Juan,Nelly Reyes Tortuga Preserve Elementary Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Paraprofessional, Educational Cisneros,Sandra Grabowski,Wendy J Secretary to Principal Chambers,Oretia A Specialist, Information-Elem Martinez,Norma Iris Specialist, Technical Support Feather,Nathanial J Supervisor, Building-I Gosselin,Robert J Worker, Food Service Garcia,Mirna Rosalva Gonzalez,Margarita L Martinez Pineiro,Osmara Roman,Agueda Akridge,Chansi J Alvarado,Judi Jo Aulenbach,Elizabeth Ann Blanset,Sherry McCubbin Burke,Dennis Carberry,Christine M. Ciaffone,Alicia Michelle Cochran,Bernice Juanita Crawford,Passhun Carlette Flecha,Rose E Freymoyer,Jeanne Frances 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 136 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Garcia,Inez Maria Garcia,Yamile Sanchez Gribbin,Melinda Kay Grida,Jennifer N Hamme,Monica L Hammond,Amber May Hulslander,Julie Christine Jordan,Tracey E Keck,Rebecca Elizabeth Kittinger,Katie Jane Lichtman,Natalie Michelle Mastin,Jamie C Mehl,Mary E Mock,David Orion Pappas,Nicole J Phillips,Mark Robert Polinice,Alexandria Barbara Pozner,Meredith E Ramirez Burgos,Venus Redecker,Alexandra Beth Roberts,Megan Lizbeth Sepulveda Ramos,Johanna Marie Shough,Valarie Ann Sterrett,Christina Marie Armstrong Taveras,Diana Carolina Tuma,Rachel Lindsay Tyson,Na'Shara Arquon NonInstructional, NonAdmin Assistant, Clinic Perez,Gisela Hernandez Bookkeeper Santos,Isabel M Clerk Typist Alcaraz,Sylvia Custodian Franco Melendez,Evelyn Gellibert,Offir Marie Gonzalez Decal,Dunia Interian,Carmen C Plana,Manuel O 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 137 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Trafalgar Elementary Instructional-Annual Custodian, Head Arias,Luz-Helena Helping Teacher, Social Commun Barilla,Nicole A Manager, Food Services-I Smith JR,Robert Levi Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Aguero,Lizandro Ceballos,Jazmin D. Clemons,Kimberly J Flecha,Brunilda Lugo,Natasha Mateo,Barbara Natali Menendez Perez,Emerida Pigott Kolias,Barbara Gayle Quigley,Courtney Lynn Rivera Velez,Oneida Maria Rodriguez Colon,Elizabeth Janette Velez Serrano,Jacqueline Velez,Grechen Marie Paraprofessional, Educational Davis,Tricia Lynn Secretary to Principal Coates,Christine Manzano Specialist, Information-Elem Lopez,Candice M Specialist, Technical Support Collazo Negron,Gilberto R Supervisor, Building-I Menendez Aponte,Carlos Josue Worker, Food Service Boyce,Brenda Michelle Burey,Sabrina K. Conde,Zoila Maria Doubleday,Renee Marie Lucha,Andrea M. Minor,Tonya Renae Sanchez,Isabel C Warren,Karen D Cerbone,Ashley Nicole Cooley,Lisa A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 138 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Darda,Megan Kathryn Decker,Nicole Marie Ditomaso,Deborah J Kramer,Brittany L Lohr,Lori A Palmer,Dorothy Lee Palmer,Lindsay Ann Wensel,Stephanie Lynn Zawisza,Michaela Lynn NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Trawick,Brenda D Bookkeeper Schreder-Guhl,Nancy J Clerk Typist Garcia,Rachel R Custodian Arcila-Marin,Gloria Ceceila Gale,Rosa M Souza,Richard Vargas Betancourt,Liliana Custodian, Head Fernandez,Jose V Helping Teacher, ESE Gibson,Camela L Jaffarian,Judith Louise Jurkowski,Joanna M Postel,Christine Renee Ruth,Cynthia K Vergez,Aniberta Manager, Food Services-I Thompson,Celeste L Paraprofessional, Educational Jennings,Karla Kay Littlejohn,Stacey Lyn Padilla,Natalie Susan Pfeiffer,Angela C. Seal,Liz E Teague,Rosemary Secretary to Principal Martin,Darlene A Specialist, Information-Elem Dobbins,Carol A THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 139 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Specialist, Technical Support Gonzalez,Karen J Supervisor, Building-I Muchmore,Jeffrey E Worker, Food Service Houser,Dawn M Rivera,Tracy Marie Trafalgar Middle Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Aviles,Judy Lock Callis,Maria L Cauble,Rachel Morgan Graf,Marti Jean Griffin,Sean M Kellams-Berger,Gabriel Julien Assistant, Clinic Kennedy,Deborah A Bookkeeper Ramos,Gloria M Clerk Typist Burgess,Hedy Anne Dimarzo,Toni A Custodian Arredondo,Luz N Guadarrama,Lilia Esther Johnson,Frederick L Regueiro,Osvaldo Custodian, Head Isaza Quintero,Hernando Helping Teacher, ESE Housewright,Richard D Livigni,Michelle Christina Perdue,Krista Dana Helping Teacher, Social Commun Pagano,Maryann Manager, Food Services-I Causey,Sarah R Paraprofessional, Educational Decaussin,Mary A Jarman,Yvonne Atcho Ogier-Wood,Diana L Pino,Modesta Quinn,Margret C Smith,Maddette M 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 140 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Treeline Elementary Instructional-Annual Secretary to Principal Boyden,Julie A Specialist, Information-Sec Moser,Gayle D Specialist, Security Flynn,Jerrold D Specialist, Technical Support Foley,Scott David Supervisor, Building-I Preston,Matthew Worker, Food Service Arredondo,Vincent anthony Flores Arteaga,Yuleidys Coromoto Flores,Luis Noguerol,Maria G Pino,Modesta Theisen,Susan I Worker, Sites Marin,Alberto M Abbott,Amanda Lee Armsworth,Nadia M. Brewington,Amy Paulette Bull,Krystle Leanne Burgess,Kristen Marie Carney,David Michael Crowell,Kimberly A DAmico,Stephanie Cristal Feldman,Brooke Shari Franklin,Chelsea Lynn Gale,Kristina E. Garcia,Vania Gerschick,Daniel Christopher Gerschick,Krista Nicole Hill,Stephanie Ann Johnson,Michelle A Kaplan,Jayme Beth Mann,Kaitlyn Meyer,Kristina Lauren Orsini,Melissa E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 141 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Parsons,Cara Marie Raleigh,Amanda Jane Schutz,Lynne D Shelkofsky,Tracey Lynn Spencer,Sarah Anne Takacs,Samantha Marie Thompson,Tracy Renee Tripple,Sonya Renee Wahrendorf,Lauren Winter,Cassandra Marie Wright,Nicole Marie NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Velasquez,Noemi Bookkeeper Colon,Magaly Custodian Alvarado,Jaime Ismael Garcia,Nelson Ramos,Barbara L Sanchez,Aylen Niebla Soto,Roberto Montosa Custodian, Head Cabello,Arelis Manager, Food Services-I Watkins,Jwana Y Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Barrett,Evalea Lane Crider,Melissa L Gago,Miriam D Hand,Dolores E Hanks,Kimberly Thorne Harris,Brandy A Joseph,Farah O'Neill,Bari K Redden,Cassandra E Rosa Del Valle,Wanda Iris Sabater,Xonia L. Steinberg,Marina S Vitiello,Tiffany Vonstein,Tamara M. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 142 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Wright,Deborah C Paraprofessional, Educational Redden,Cassandra E Secretary to Principal Heinkel,Karen L Secretary, School Altamar,Damaris Specialist, Information-Elem Howard,Debra J Supervisor, Building-I Santiago,Hernan Worker, Food Service Alexander,Andrea Alexis Garcia,Tawana S Maloy,Te'eria s Price,Keena Shawanda Stewart,Latora Tropic Isles Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Admire,Shanon Nicole Barkley,Amanda Marie Burch,Caroline Elizabeth Byrd-Contos,Carmen Nichole Dunlop,Jenna M. Fassold,Ginjer Guerrasio,Laura C Hester,Linda Lou Hoffman,Joy L Kaufman,Jennifer M Lampkins,Christina Lo,Candace Patricia McDonagh,Mark J Myers,Robyn Leslie Rutter,Siena Mae Socorro,Judith Theofel,Nicole I Weaver,Lisa M Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Estabrook,Betty M Assistant, Clinic Jefferson,Rosa L THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 5/28/2015 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 143 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Bookkeeper Gupton,Douglas Clerk Typist Sanchez,Jossy H Custodian Caraballo,Aida S Gonzalez,Rafael Rodriguez Rivera,Mary Carmen Rodriguez,Martha M Custodian, Head Cruz,Rafael E Helping Teacher, Social Commun Parham,Deborah C Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Kelly,Diane C Manager, Food Services-I Matuska,Kathleen Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Bonet,Veronica Arroyo Brownson,Caroline H Cowels,Lisa A Estes,Joanne M Franzese,Jennifer L Gonzalez,Amarilis Grogan Blunt,Shelly Haynes,Joyce House,Marlene M Hussey,Shaun E Joslin,Jessica Marie Klein,Kandice Nicole Kyle,Sara Elizabeth Mullee,Leah Marie Rivas,Roxanna F Scalzo,Michelle Lee Tinella,Jan M Ventura,Claudia Waters,Judith Ann Willin,Anna B Wood,Deborah H Paraprofessional, Educational Ventura,Claudia Secretary to Principal Taluc,Brenda E THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 144 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Varsity Lakes Middle Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Specialist, Information-Elem Coy,Lisa R Specialist, Technical Support Crouse,Jeremiah D Supervisor, Building-II Ortiz,Carlos Manuel Worker, Food Service Caceres Perez,Carmen Coppertino,Nikki Jean Engvalson,Zachary Florence,Christina Mary Hadley,Amber Lynn Leigh,Dawn M Roberts,Ashley T Royer,Dorothy K Adams,Carrie A Alexander,Christina Barrero,Yanet Biel,Christine Allison Book,Christina Anne Camacho,Amber Bowman Croteau,Kristyn Leigh Detar,Sarah Di Carlo,Jessica Elizabeth Dry,Brittany Christine Ellis,Marsha A. Forbes,Sherie A Gardner,Karen Valerie Guerra,Liliana * Hensley,Terrill P. Luda,Lisa Marie McCormick,Kara Louise Neal,Steven Roger Torres,Maria De Lourdes Weicht,Anysia Francesca Willis,Chad M Young,Veronica THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 145 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Assistant, Clinic Busbee,Monica Wilhelmina Bookkeeper Bacon,Brenda Joyce Clerk Typist Osborne,Karen C Thompson,Deloris Custodian Borrego-Zayas,Maria Chavez Bolanos,Fabian Alberto Diaz,Luz E Dominguez,Marta Perez Sanabria,Zunilda Reyes,Tatiana Custodian, Head Maldonado,Albert Manager, Food Services-I Kirkwood,Linda M Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Alonso,Bethzaida Hull,Debra L Purcell,Kristina Marie Reyes,Kathleen Priscilla Rogers,Kanisha Shunta Rosado Perez,Brenda L Shaw,Sheila D Somsak,Linda C Paraprofessional, Educational Reyes,Kathleen Priscilla Secretary to Principal Smallwood,Sulyn E Specialist, Information-Sec Ospina,Edith Specialist, Security Franklin,Allen Alexander Smith-Curry,Sherry Chandora Specialist, Technical Support Flores,Daniel Supervisor, Building-I Romero,Eduardo Worker, Food Service Borek,Lori A Borrego,Maria Del Carmen Cart,Mary Ann Curtis,Mary-Anne Hart THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 146 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Driggs Cuenca,Lourdes Edgerton,Tonya L Reid Moffatt,Veronica M Serrat,Yusimy Veterans Park Acad for Arts Instructional-Annual 5/28/2015 Antonucci,Jill Marie Arguelles,Henry Jose Banks,Kendra A. Barlow,Ellen Marie Barry,Amanda Gabrielle Bobick,Christine B. Charles,Irene Clark,Elyse Marie Cole,James M Cruz,Andrea Ruth DiRenzo,Ariana Lee Durant,Edward Durant,Jessica Marie Foreman,Rachel L. Frazier,Victoria Summer Freeman,Hannah C Funderburg,Chelsey Michele Funkhouser,Luke W Guzman,Tara Leann Hoyes,Jennifer Anne Iannone,Maria T Jacobsen Horn,Marla Julin,Bibiana Kurkimilis,Jaclyn Laine,Ashley Danielle Lind,Elizabeth Ann McGrath,Christopher M Montero,Edgar Phillips,Danielle L. Romano,Megan E Rooks,Sharon L 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 147 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Shadrick,Amanda D. Tennant,Carla E Tucker,Nancy Ann Van Den Handel,Caitlin Elizabeth White,Angela M NonInstructional, NonAdmin Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Wilson,Rachelle K Bookkeeper Moreno,Eileen Clerk Typist Alvarado,Rosanna Lillian Grandstaff,Jennifer Hope Harrison,Susan M Petrizzo,Lindsey Ann Ramirez,Elida Bellam Custodian Gissendanner,Deeann K Guerra,Magaly Guzman,Maria R Hernandez,Judith Martin,Alain Rabelo,Tomasa C Ramos,Selene Smith,Jeffrey B Custodian, Head Avila,Nancy Helping Teacher, Social Commun Russ,Colandra S Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Bergeson,Phyllis Ann Manager, Food Services-I Wilson,Mark A Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Beal,Amelia L Betancourt,Heidi K. Busquets,Yaksenis Clemons,Annette Clyde IV,Arthur Curtis Crespi,Heather Braveman Davis,Leotta M Diaz,Evelyn 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 148 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Dobson JR,Eric D. Fetters,Bonnie Anne Hinton Franciotti,Renee Lynn Kincade,Dustin D Kinchen,Reva D. Lewis,Marlene Patricia Makos,Catherine B McColly,Anthony John Nobles,Kevin B. Ordowski,Matthew James Perez Lopez,Anabel Rambarran,Pryntishaye Annaleshia Santiago,Bianca G. Santiago,Charlotte K. Schweinsburg,Molly Ann Valentin-Mayo,Brendaliz VanGarsel,Patricia L. Vertrees,Annabelle Amanda Young,Stephanie H Paraprofessional, Educational Leone,Mary L Outlaw,Janice L. Secretary to Principal Lebo,Misty D Specialist, Information-Sec Afanador,Ashley Geneva Faryn Specialist, Security Esponda,Raymond Supervisor, Building-I Rodriguez,Marycarmen Worker, Food Service Allen,April Michelle Blair,Joy M Johnston,William Aubrey Light,Blakely A Merino,Dolores Pena,Yarima Rivera,Luz M Spengler,Diane L Thomas,Asonte THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 149 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Wohl,Laura Jeanine Villas Elementary Instructional-Annual NonInstructional, NonAdmin 5/28/2015 Almonte,Katherine D Brensinger,Lindsey M Cline,Michele Ann Coston,Wendy L Fisher,Kimberly Ellis Goldman,Michele Ann Hileman,Kathryn Elizabeth Holik,Amy Michelle Jarek,Crystal A Lainhart,Heather Anne Landfried,Marcellina W Lear,Robin Lee Neymeyer,Darcy Gene Sanger,Lori K Schmitt,Lisa Marie Assistant Manager, Food Srvc Deleon,Priscilla Assistant, Clinic James,Megan Diana Bookkeeper Chastain,Melissa D Clerk Typist Garcia,Maria E Custodian Anderson,Linda J Gonzalez,Octavio Rodriguez-Pegudo,Lydia R Terry,David Lee Custodian, Head Sainval,Bostone Helping Teacher, Social Commun Labanna,Kimberly Helping Teacher, Speech Tech Rugel,Susan Manager, Food Services-I Bufter,Dorothy G Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Blair,Tracy S Brammer,Diane S 5/28/2015 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY 9:50:03 AM FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Page 150 of 150 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REAPPOINTMENTS FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOLS Brown,Kathryn L Clem,Susan England,Judith A Finney,Nancy A Flynn,Nicole Fry,Trisha Yvette Gonzalez,Anna A King-Lewis,Launetta F Medina,Luisa Rodriguez,Queen A Rumpolt,Barbara Sakharuk,Iryna Sanchez,Amada Seng,Sain S Stephens,Betty L Takais,Lynne N Vince Smith Center NonInstructional, NonAdmin Secretary to Principal Hunt,Linda M Specialist, Information-Elem Medina,Annette Specialist, Technical Support Mak,Zsolt Supervisor, Building-II Grannan,Kevin Patrick Worker, Food Service Alvarado,Eduviges Grant,Toya M Rodriguez Garcia,Jacqueline Inez Smith,Deborah J White,Debora I Worker, Food Service-Traveling Stephens,Ethel B Paraprofessional, Ed, InsSup Auer,Melony G IV.D.3. 17 18 IV.D.4. 19 20 IV.D.5. 21 22 IV.D.6. 23 24 IV.D.7. 25 26 IV.D.8. 27 28 IV.D.9. 29 30 IV.E.1. 31 32 VI.B. 33 34 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 BEVERAGE PRODUCTS BID NO. B157220RC OPENING DATE: Wednesday, APRIL 29, 2015 AT 2:00 PM ITEM NO. 1. 2. 3. DESCRIPTION WATER, BOTTLED, SPRING OR PURIFIED, STATE CASE SIZE: DISTRIBUTOR'S CHOICE, 8 oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES WATER, BOTTLED, SPRING OR PURIFIED, STATE CASE SIZE: DISTRIBUTOR'S CHOICE, 12 oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES WATER, BOTTLED, SPRING OR PURIFIED, STATE CASE SIZE: DISTRIBUTOR'S CHOICE, 16-16.9 oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES COCA-COLA BEVERAGES FLORIDA, LLC Attn: Charles W. DeCamp 10051 Alico Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 Phone: Fax: Email: CASE SIZE DS SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC. Attn: Michael Mottenbier 2300 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 500N Atlanta, GA 30339 239-590-2653 239-590-2624 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER Phone: Fax: Email: COST PER CASE Unit Cost 770-329-4280 678-460-3665 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER SWFL FOOD AND BEVERAGE, LLC Attn: Aubrey S. Cobb 4040 Warehouse Road, Unit #1 Fort Myers, FL 33916 PEPSI BEVERAGES COMPANY Attn: Dwayne Rogers 3625 Dr. MLK, Jr Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33916 Phone: Fax: Email: CASE SIZE No Bid 727-452-4799 239-337-0946 Phone: Fax: Email: [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER COST PER CASE Unit Cost 239-433-0381 239-433-0381 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER No Bid 24 12 oz. Dasani Water $9.12 $0.38 24 24 16.9 oz. Dasani Water $6.48 $0.27 24 Aquafina 12oz 8Pk 012000001806 Aquafina 16.9oz 0120000025754 $5.80 $0.24 $5.00 $0.21 US FOODS, INC. Attn: Craig Keppen 7004 East Hanna Avenue Tampa, FL 33610 Phone: Fax: Email: 813-660-4770 813-313-3080 [email protected] CASE SIZE PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER COST PER CASE Unit Cost 48 Zephyrhills Spring Water 8oz. Mfg#4800 $7.67 $0.16 No Bid 24 Nestle Pure Life 16.9oz. Water Mfg#12273758 $4.07 $0.17 24 Thirster Spring Water with Sports Cap Mfg#450482 25 oz $7.89 $0.33 $8.37 $0.21 4. WATER, BOTTLED, SPRING OR PURIFIED, STATE CASE SIZE: DISTRIBUTOR'S CHOICE, 25 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES WITH SPORTSCAP 5. JUICE 100%, VEGETABLE FRUIT BLEND, ½c. VEGETABLE SERVING, NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NONCARBONATED 4-4.25 fl oz. Carton Various Flavors Apple & Eve Fruitables (or approved equal) No Bid No Bid 40 Apple & Eve Fruitables 4.23oz. Tropical Twist Mfg #24023 & Power Punch Mfg#24024 6. JUICE 100%, VEGETABLE FRUIT BLEND, ½c. VEGETABLE SERVING, NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NONCARBONATED 6-6.8 fl oz. Carton Various Flavors Apple & Eve Fruitables (or approved equal) No Bid No Bid 40 Apple & Eve Fruitables 6.75oz. Tropical Twist Mfg #84502 & Power Punch Mfg#84503 $11.42 $0.29 7. JUICE 100%, VEGETABLE FRUIT BLEND, ½c. VEGETABLE SERVING, NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NONCARBONATED 4-4.25 fl oz. , PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES Various Flavors True Brew (or approved equal) No Bid No Bid 96 True Brew 4oz. Twisted Green & Rockin Reds $28.15 $0.29 8. JUICE 100%, FRUIT NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NON-CARBONATED 6 fl oz. , PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES Various Flavors Apple & Eve (or approved equal) No Bid 9. JUICE 100%, FRUIT NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NON-CARBONATED 8 fl oz. , PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES Various Flavors Apple & Eve (or approved equal) No Bid 24 Apple & Eve 8oz. Apple-59801, Orange 59082, Fruit Punch 59083 $12.07 $0.50 10. JUICE 100%, FRUIT NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NON-CARBONATED 10 fl oz. , PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES Various Flavors Apple & Eve (or approved equal) 10 oz. Minute Maid Juices Orange Juice and Apple 11. JUICE 100%, FRUIT NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE, NON-CARBONATED 12 fl oz. , PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES Various Flavors Apple & Eve (or approved equal) $12.17 $0.51 $13.68 $0.57 No Bid No Bid 24 Tropicana Juice 10oz. No Bid 13. JUICE 100%, NO ADDED SWEETENERS NON-CARBONATED 8 fl oz, Can, Various Flavors V-8 Splash (or approved equal) ) No Bid No Bid 14. JUICE 100%, NO ADDED SWEETENERS NON-CARBONATED 6 fl oz, Pouch Various Flavors CAPRI SUN (or approved equal) No Bid No Bid 15. WATER, BOTTLED, FLAVORED. ZERO CALORIES, NO ASPARTAME, NON CARBONATED 16.9 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. Various Flavors Nestle Splash ( or approved equal) 16. WATER, BOTTLED, FLAVORED. ZERO CALORIES, NO ARTIFICAL SWEETENERS, CARBONATED 16 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. Various Flavors Hint ( or approved equal) 40 Capri Sun 6oz. Apple & Berry $11.85 $0.30 24 Nestle Splash Mfg#1218445 16.9oz $8.12 $0.34 $14.16 $0.59 $10.17 $0.42 $11.85 $0.99 No Bid 12 16.9 oz. Fruitwater, various flavors $11.04 $0.92 No Bid No Bid 24 20 oz. Dasani Flavors, Lemon and Strawberry $0.43 12 Sobe Lifewater O Cal 739510002838 12 loose/ 20oz 24 Riptide 16.9oz. Strawberry Mfg#00085, Gonzo Grape Mfg#00086, Orange Mango Mfg#00087 No Bid No Bid No Bid 24 12 oz. PowerAde Zero, Mountain Berry 24 G-2 Gatorade 5200012161 4/12oz 6pk 24 GatorAde G2 12oz. Berry, Fruit Punch, Glacier, Grape, Lemon Lime, Orange 20. SPORT/FITNESS WATER, NO ASPARTAME, ≤60 CALORIES, 12 fl oz, Can. Various Flavors, Lite Roar (or approved equal) No Bid 21. SPORT/FITNESS WATER, NO ARTIFICIA;L SWEETENERS, ≤35 CALORIES, 12 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. Various Flavors. ASPIRE (or approved equal) No Bid 22. TEA, SWEETENED . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) 23. TEA, FLAVORED, PEACH . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) 12 18.5 oz. Gold Peak Diet $12.96 $0.54 18.5 oz. Gold Peak Unsweet $13.68 $1.14 $13.68 $1.14 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 30. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS . 4 SAMPLES REQUIRED NO LATER THAN BID DUE DATE 12 31. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS . 4 SAMPLES REQUIRED NO LATER THAN BID DUE DATE 24 32. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS . 4 SAMPLES REQUIRED NO LATER THAN BID DUE DATE 24 24 $0.49 No Bid Gatorade Propel 20oz. 052000707779 $18.00 $0.75 No Bid No Bid No Bid 24 Lipton Diet Green Tea 20oz. 012000018602 $16.00 $0.67 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 10.1 oz. Tum E Yummies Lipton Pureleaf 012000286193 18.5oz 12 oz. cans, Sparkling Soft Drinks, various flavors, including Tea 20 oz. PowerAde Zero, Mountain Berry, Grape and Fruit Punch $11.75 $0.83 No Bid No Bid 12 $10.00 $7.44 $0.62 $9.60 $0.40 No Bid $16.32 $0.68 No Bid 12 $9.75 BID WITHDRAWN SPORT/FITNESS WATER, NO ASPARTAME, ≤30 CALORIES, 12 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. Various Flavors, G2 (or approved equal) $10.32 No Bid NON-RESPONSIVE 19. 29. 24 $0.80 18. 28. No Bid Switch 8oz. Various Flavors Mfg Id# 200312,200313, 200314,200315,200316, 200317 $19.20 16.9 fl oz, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. Various Flavors Hint ( or approved equal) 27. No Bid No Bid 24 WATER, BOTTLED, FLAVORED. ZERO CALORIES, NO ARTIFICAL SWEETENERS 26. $0.51 No Bid 16.9 oz. and (20 oz. $23.04/cs) Vitaminwater, Rise, Squeezed and XXX Zeros 17. 25. $12.25 No Bid JUICE 100 % FRUIT CARBONATED, NO ADDED SWEETENERS, SHELF STABLE 8 fl oz. Can, Various Flavors SWITCH (or approved equal)) TEA, UNSWEET . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ZERO CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) TEA, GREEN . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ZERO CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) LEMONADE . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) LEMONADE, PINK . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) LIMEADE, WATERMELON. NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) FRUIT PUNCH, TROPICAL . NO ARTFICIAL SWEETENER. 12 fl oz. ≤60 CALORIES, PLASTIC RESEALABLE BOTTLES. True Brew (or approved equal) $0.31 No Bid 12. 24. $7.50 BID WITHDRAWN 24 24 NON-RESPONSIVE No Bid Aquafina 20oz 24pk 012000001598 $0.81 12 Apire 12oz. Fire (Cherry Berry) Ice (Lemon Lime) Storm (Grape) Rise (Orange) Rush (Blue Raspberry) 24 True Brew 12oz. Sweet Tea Mfg#5382 $16.69 $0.70 24 True Brew 12oz. Peach Tea Mfg#5399 $16.69 $0.70 $16.69 $0.70 $16.69 $0.70 $16.69 $0.70 $16.69 $0.70 24 24 24 24 True Brew 12oz. Unsweet Tea Mfg#1295 True Brew 12oz. Unsweet Green Tea Mfg#1387 True Brew 12oz. Lemonade Mfg#5405 True Brew 12oz. Pink Lemonade Mfg#5375 No Bid 24 True Brew 12oz. Tropical Punch Mfg#5511 $16.69 $0.70 40 Apple & Eve 4.23oz. 100% Juice Various Flavors $8.25 $0.21 40 Apple & Eve 6oz. 100% Juice Various Flavors $10.96 $0.27 No Bid Required Submittal Checklist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment A - Proposal Response Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment B - Reference Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment C - Insurance Requirements Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment D - Addenda Acknowledgement Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment E - Debarment Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment F - Drug Free Workplace Certificate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment G - Public Entity Crimes Form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Submitted - Non Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attachment H - Bidder's Statement of Principal Place of Business & Out of State Preference Electronic copy of the bid (1) Original and (1) copies of bid Page 1 of 2 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 DESCRIPTION CASE SIZE 239-590-2653 239-590-2624 [email protected] Phone: Fax: Email: PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER 13 Vendor(s) Were Notified of Bid 3 Vendor(s) Submitted Responsive Bids 1 Vendor(s) Withdrawn Bid 0 Vendor(s) Returned a No Bid 1 Vendor(s) Non Responsive 8 Vendor(s) Did Not Respond COST PER CASE Unit Cost 770-329-4280 678-460-3665 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER SWFL FOOD AND BEVERAGE, LLC Attn: Aubrey S. Cobb 4040 Warehouse Road, Unit #1 Fort Myers, FL 33916 PEPSI BEVERAGES COMPANY Attn: Dwayne Rogers 3625 Dr. MLK, Jr Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33916 Phone: Fax: Email: CASE SIZE 727-452-4799 239-337-0946 Phone: Fax: Email: [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER COST PER CASE Unit Cost 239-433-0381 239-433-0381 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER = AWARDED VENDOR IT IS RECOMMENDED THIS BID BE AWARDED TO US FOODS, INC. HAVING SUBMITTED THE LOWEST OVERALL COST AND BEST RESPONSE MEETING SPECIFICATIONS. APPROVED BY: RICHARD COWIE PROCUREMENT AGENT BID TABULATION ONLY. THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER. ATTN: SCHOOL DISTRICT PERSONNEL. BID NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER & DESCRIPTION MUST BE ENTERED ON REQUISITION(S). BID WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. Phone: Fax: Email: DS SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC. Attn: Michael Mottenbier 2300 Windy Ridge Parkway, Suite 500N Atlanta, GA 30339 NON-RESPONSIVE BEVERAGE PRODUCTS BID NO. B157220RC OPENING DATE: Wednesday, APRIL 29, 2015 AT 2:00 PM COCA-COLA BEVERAGES FLORIDA, LLC Attn: Charles W. DeCamp 10051 Alico Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 Page 2 of 2 US FOODS, INC. Attn: Craig Keppen 7004 East Hanna Avenue Tampa, FL 33610 Phone: Fax: Email: CASE SIZE 813-660-4770 813-313-3080 [email protected] PRODUCT NAME AND NUMBER COST PER CASE Unit Cost VI.C. 35 36 VI.D. 37 38 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Contrax Furnishings, LLC Attn: William I. Latham III 690 NE 23rd Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 Ernie Morris Enterprises, Inc. Attn: Ronald E. Morris PO Box 818 Bushnell, FL 33513 Hertz Furniture Attn: David Azer 170 Williams Drive Ramsey, NJ 07446 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 699-7516 Phone: (352) 793-2745 Phone: (800) 526-4677 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (877) 373-0622 Fax: (352) 793-2778 Fax: (800) 842-9290 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED STOOLS 1a. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length EA SICO $1,311.10 AMTAB MST88DRC $809.00 AMTAB $1,148.78 1b. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length EA SICO $1,546.62 AMTAB MST1012DRC $889.00 AMTAB $1,259.98 1c. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length EA SICO $1,631.19 AMTAB MST1212DRC $940.00 AMTAB $1,330.86 EA SICO $1,502.01 AMTAB MBT08DRC $879.00 AMTAB $1,227.63 EA SICO $1,552.12 $919.00 AMTAB $1,283.22 $979.00 AMTAB $1,366.62 $429.00 AMTAB $589.87 FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED BENCH 2a. 2b. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length AMTAB MBT10DRC * AMTAB MBT12DRC EA SICO $1,580.31 Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 6' length EA SICO $799.73 3b. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 7' length EA SICO $822.28 AMTAB MCB7DRCD $439.00 AMTAB $603.77 3c. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 8' length EA SICO $897.45 AMTAB MCB8DRCD $449.00 AMTAB $617.67 Palmer Hamilton $3,340.28 H Park Seating $718.55 2c. MOBILE, CONVERTIBLE BENCH TABLES 3a. AMTAB MCB6DRCD * BOOTH, CONTOUR BOOTH WITH T-MOLD EDGE 4. Contour booth, Molded plywood covered with laminate and stained wood edges. 44" W x 63" D x 36" H EA NO BID DISCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE QUANTITY ORDERS 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 0% Discount 1% Discount 4% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 0% Discount 2% Discount 5% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 1% Discount 3% Discount 8% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ 2% Discount 5% Discount 9% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 0% Discount 1% Discount 4% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 0% Discount 2% Disount 5% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 1% Discount 3% Discount 8% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ 2% Discount 5% Discount 9% Discount Page 1 of 6 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Contrax Furnishings, LLC Attn: William I. Latham III 690 NE 23rd Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 Ernie Morris Enterprises, Inc. Attn: Ronald E. Morris PO Box 818 Bushnell, FL 33513 Hertz Furniture Attn: David Azer 170 Williams Drive Ramsey, NJ 07446 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 699-7516 Phone: (352) 793-2745 Phone: (800) 526-4677 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (877) 373-0622 Fax: (352) 793-2778 Fax: (800) 842-9290 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE AMTAB 32 % Discount AMTAB 34% Discount General Line Catalog 39% Discount ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS' DISCOUNT 6. Mfg Name SICO 6a. Mfg Name Palmer Hamilton 24% Discount from current mfg price list and doesn't include freight or install 39.5% Discount from current mfg price list and doesn't include freight or install Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Required Submittal Checklist Attachment A - Proposal Response Form Attachment B - Reference Form Attachment C - Insurance Requirements Form Attachment D - Addenda Acknowledgement Form Attachment E - Debarment Form Attachment F - Drug Free Workplace Certificate Attachment G - Public Entity Crimes Form Attachment H - Bidder's Principal Place of Business Electronic copy of submittal (1) Original and (2) copies of bid Specification of products being quoted Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 31 Vendor(s) Were Notified of Bid 7 Vendor(s) Submitted Bids = PRIMARY VENDOR 0 Vendor(s) Returned a Non-Responsive Bid = SECONDARY VENDOR 24 Vendor(s) Did Not Respond IT IS RECOMMENDED THIS BID BE AWARDED TO SCHOOLHOUSE PRODUCTS, INC. AND ERNIE MORRIS ENTERPRISES, INC. AS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY VENDORS HAVING SUBMITTED THE LOWEST OVERALL AND BEST RESPONSE MEETING SPECIFICATIONS. APPROVED BY: Tracey Adams DATE: May 12, 2015 BID TABULATION ONLY. THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER. ATTN: SCHOOL DISTRICT PERSONNEL. BID NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER & DESCRIPTION MUST BE ENTERED ON REQUISITION(S). Page 2 of 6 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Schoolhouse Outfitters, LLC d/b/a School Outfitters Attn: Angela Webb 3736 Regent Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45212 Schoolhouse Products, Inc. Attn: Erik Posusta 13517 Prestige Place Tampa, FL 33685 School Specialty, Inc. Attn: Douglas A. Barnd 100 Paragon Parkway Mansfield, OH 44903 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 260-2776 Phone: (800) 942-3360 Phone: (800) 305-0174 (419) 589-1900 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (800) 494-1036 Fax: (813) 855-5414 Fax: (800) 818-5537 (419) 589-1449 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED STOOLS 1a. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length EA AMTAB MST88DRC $1,210.00 Midwest Folding Products $786.50 Classroom Select $869.78 1b. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length EA AMTAB MST1012PRC $1,278.00 Midwest Folding Products $912.93 Classroom Select $977.96 1c. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length EA AMTAB MST1212DRC $1,346.00 Midwest Folding Products $938.18 Classroom Select $1,054.91 EA AMTAB MBT08DRC $1,266.00 Midwest Folding Products $860.55 Classroom Select $897.71 EA AMTAB MBT10DRC $1,319.00 Midwest Folding Products $872.92 Classroom Select $948.13 EA AMTAB MBT12DRC $1,398.00 Midwest Folding Products $885.16 Classroom Select $1,032.54 FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED BENCH 2a. 2b. 2c. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length MOBILE, CONVERTIBLE BENCH TABLES 3a. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 6' length EA AMTAB MCB6DRCD $673.00 Midwest Folding Products $382.36 Classroom Select $426.41 3b. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 7' length EA AMTAB MCB7DRCD $686.00 Midwest Folding Products $393.45 Classroom Select $446.35 3c. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 8' length EA AMTAB MCB8DRCD $699.00 Midwest Folding Products $405.76 Classroom Select $497.80 Facility Concepts Inc. $2,422.16 BOOTH, CONTOUR BOOTH WITH T-MOLD EDGE 4. Contour booth, Molded plywood covered with laminate and stained wood edges. 44" W x 63" D x 36" H EA NO BID NO BID DISCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE QUANTITY ORDERS 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 3% Discount 0% Discount 0% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 5% Discount 0% Discount 0% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 10% Discount 2% Discount 2% Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ CALL 2% Discount 4% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 3% Discount 0% Discount 0% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 5% Discount 0% Discount 0% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 10% Discount 2% Discount 2% Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ CALL 2% Discount 4% Discount Page 3 of 6 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Schoolhouse Outfitters, LLC d/b/a School Outfitters Attn: Angela Webb 3736 Regent Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45212 Schoolhouse Products, Inc. Attn: Erik Posusta 13517 Prestige Place Tampa, FL 33685 School Specialty, Inc. Attn: Douglas A. Barnd 100 Paragon Parkway Mansfield, OH 44903 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 260-2776 Phone: (800) 942-3360 Phone: (800) 305-0174 (419) 589-1900 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (800) 494-1036 Fax: (813) 855-5414 Fax: (800) 818-5537 (419) 589-1449 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE BRAND UNIT PRICE Classroom Select 60 % Discount ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS' DISCOUNT 6. Mfg Name AMTAB Mobile List 34 % Discount + Shipping/Handling Midwest Folding Products 30 % Discount 6a. Mfg Name 2 % Discount + Shipping/Handling Facility Concepts Inc. 30 % Discount Required Submittal Checklist Attachment A - Proposal Response Form Attachment B - Reference Form Attachment C - Insurance Requirements Form Attachment D - Addenda Acknowledgement Form Attachment E - Debarment Form Attachment F - Drug Free Workplace Certificate Attachment G - Public Entity Crimes Form Attachment H - Bidder's Principal Place of Business Electronic copy of submittal (1) Original and (2) copies of bid Specification of products being quoted Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 4 of 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Virco, Inc. Attn: Beverly Belote Highway 65 PO 5000 Conway, AR 72033 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 448-4726 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (800) 396-8232 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED STOOLS 1a. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length EA Virco Inc MTS193188W or MTS172988 $894.14 1b. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length EA Virco Inc MTS19311012W or MTS17291012 $912.34 1c. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Stools, MDF Tops (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length EA Virco Inc MTS19311212W or MTS17291212 $957.06 EA Virco Inc MTB19318W or MTB17298 $894.14 EA Virco Inc MTB193110W or MTB172910 $912.34 EA Virco Inc MTB193112W or MTB172912 $957.06 FOLDING, MOBILE CAFETERIA TABLES WITH ATTACHED BENCH 2a. 2b. 2c. Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 8' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 10' length Folding, Mobile Cafeteria Tables with Attached Benches, MDF Tops and Benches (includes ADA compliant option) 12' length MOBILE, CONVERTIBLE BENCH TABLES 3a. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 6' length EA Virco Inc X-MTC8G $560.00 3b. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 7' length EA Virco Inc X-MTC8G $590.00 3c. Mobile, Convertible Bench Tables, MDF Tops and Benches. 8' length EA Virco Inc MTC8G $620.00 BOOTH, CONTOUR BOOTH WITH T-MOLD EDGE 4. Contour booth, Molded plywood covered with laminate and stained wood edges. 44" W x 63" D x 36" H EA NO BID DISCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE QUANTITY ORDERS 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 No Additional Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 No Additional Discount 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 79% Discount from Current List 5a Items 1a-1c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ 79% Discount from Current List 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 5 No Additional Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 10 No Additional Discount 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 25 79% Discount from Current List 5b Items 2a-2c, % Discount for multiple quantity order (Include qty required) 50+ 79% Discount from Current List Page 5 of 6 THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 2855 COLONIAL BLVD. FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33966 Virco, Inc. Attn: Beverly Belote Highway 65 PO 5000 Conway, AR 72033 CAFETERIA TABLES Phone: (800) 448-4726 BID NO. B157227TA Fax: (800) 396-8232 OPENING DATE: May 6, 2015 at 2:00PM Email: [email protected] ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UOM BRAND UNIT PRICE ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS' DISCOUNT 6. Mfg Name 6a. Mfg Name Required Submittal Checklist Attachment A - Proposal Response Form Attachment B - Reference Form Attachment C - Insurance Requirements Form Attachment D - Addenda Acknowledgement Form Attachment E - Debarment Form Attachment F - Drug Free Workplace Certificate Attachment G - Public Entity Crimes Form Attachment H - Bidder's Principal Place of Business Electronic copy of submittal (1) Original and (2) copies of bid Specification of products being quoted No Additional Discount Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 6 of 6 IV.E. 39 40 VI.F. 41 42 VI.G. 43 44 VII.A. 45 46 VIII.A. 47 48 VIII.B. 49 50