Bulletin - Church of the Resurrection
Bulletin - Church of the Resurrection
Page 1 July 17, 2016 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD 8121 CYPRESS LAKE DRIVE FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33919 PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. Stephen E. McNamara, V.G., V.F. Parochial Vicars: Fr. Oliver Toner, Fr. Thomas Kelly, Fr. Murchadh O'Madagain Deacons: Rev. Mr. Michael Esper, Rev. Dr. David Reardon Business Manager: Bonnie O’Connell Co-Directors of Faith Forma on: Deanna Latell, M.A., Joanne MacPeek, M.A. Youth Ministry Director: Vikki Melchiorre Organist: Connie Kish SUNDAY MASSES & CONFESSIONS: See inside BAPTISMS & MARRIAGE: For these Sacraments please no fy the church office as soon as possible so that we may advise you of the requirements. Thank you. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please fill out registra on card and return to ushers or the church office. RCIA - Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults: Tel. 482-6883 or 481-7172 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE: Tel. 437-9876 The Gi Shop is located in the front of the church RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE: Tel. 482-6883 YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE: Tel. 481-5144 PARISH OFFICE: Tel. 481-7171 or 481-7172 Fax: 481-8007, www.resurrec onch.org July 17, 2016 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WATCH YOUR POSTURE Our posture is o en a p-off to our hospitality and reverence for the Lord. Note the ac ons of Abraham as he greeted the Lord in the presence of three men who appeared near his tent. He ran from the entrance of the tent to greet them. He bowed to the ground as he met them. He and Sarah, his wife, hastened to prepare a meal and bring food and water to their guests. In the Gospel story, Jesus’ friend Mary sat at his feet in order to listen to him speak. How do we welcome and reverence the Lord? What do our ac ons show? Do we remember the Lord’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament? How do we welcome the Lord in the scripture readings? How do we acknowledge his presence in our brothers and sisters, both at Mass and a erwards? Whether we kneel, stand, or sit in the Lord’s presence, may our hearts and minds always be a uned to him. Page 2 July 17, 2016 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2016 It is [Christ] whom we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. — Colossians 1:28b SAT. 3:30 SUN. 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:45 MON. 8:00 TUE. 8:00 WED. 8:00 THU. 8:00 FRI. 8:00 SAT. 8:00 SAT. 3:30 SUN. 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:45 JULY 16 - VIGIL MASS †Margaret Himler Pellen by Family JULY 17 ♥†People of the Parish †Rick Weber by Jane Weber Slaten †Joseph Jacobik, Jr. by Chloe Gier La n Mass JULY 18 †Joseph Gillen by Al & Paula San Souci JULY 19 †Donnie Pierce by Jim & Lois Dooley JULY 20 ♥†Living & Deceased Members of Res. Women’s Guild JULY 21 †Joseph Jacobik, Jr. by Doc & Jerrie Woods JULY 22 †George Weber by Joe Weber JULY 23 †Phil Sgarlata by Stan & Vivian JULY 23 - VIGIL MASS †Alfred Massimino by Colleen Tinsley JULY 24 ♥†People of the Parish †Philip Bruhner by Mary Ann Serva †Sarah Sessa by Kathie & John DiLascio La n Mass CONFESSIONS - Saturdays 2:15-3:15 or 30 min. before Sunday Masses or by appointment. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS……all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, especially Eileen Boland and Barbara McKinny. PRAYERS FOR PRIESTS - Please join us every Thursday immediately a er the 8:00 Mass to pray for priests. RESURRECTION PRAYER LINE MINISTRY For prayer requests or to sign up as a volunteer call: 481-1170. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Abraham and Sarah show hospitality to messengers of the L (Genesis 18:1-10a). Psalm — He who does jus ce will live in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 15). Second Reading — Paul speaks of the stewardship given to him to complete the word of God, the mystery hidden from ages past (Colossians 1:24-28). Gospel — Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. Mary has chosen the be er part (Luke 10:38-42). Waiting on the Lord: Scott Hahn Reflects on the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time God wants to dwell with each of us personally, in mately— as the mysterious guests once visited Abraham's tent, as Jesus once entered the home of Mary and Martha. By his hospitality in this week’s First Reading, Abraham shows us how we are to welcome the Lord into our lives. His selfless service of his divine guests (seeHebrews 13:1) stands in contrast to the portrait of Martha drawn in this week’s Gospel. Where Abraham is concerned only for the well-being of his guests, Martha speaks only of herself—"Do you not care that my sister has le me by myself...Tell her to help me." Jesus' gentle rebuke reminds us that we risk missing the divine in the mundane, that we can fall into the trap of believing that God somehow needs to be served by human hands (see Acts 17:25). Our Lord comes to us, not to be served but to serve (see Ma hew 20:28). He gave His life that we might know the one thing we need, the "be er part" which is life in the fellowship of God. Jesus is the true Son promised today by Abraham's visitors (see Ma hew 1:1). In Him, God has made an everlas ng covenant for all me, made us blessed descendants of Abraham (see Genesis 17:19,21; Romans 4:16-17, 19-21). The Church now offers us this covenant, bringing to compleon the word of God, the promise of His plan of salva on, what Paul calls "the mystery hidden for ages." As once He came to Abraham, Mary and Martha, Christ now comes to each of us in Word and Sacrament. As we sing in this week’s Psalm: He will make His dwelling with those who keep His Word and prac ce jus ce (see also John 14:23). If we do these things we will not be anxious or disturbed, will not have our Lord taken from us. We will wait on the Lord, who told Abraham and tells each of us: "I will surely return to you." GIFT SHOP HOURS Sat: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun. 8:00 - 11:45 a.m. THE GIFT SHOP IS LOCATED AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH Page 3 July 17, 2016 RESURRECTION CALENDAR ALL events take place in the Parish Center unless otherwise stated. Adora on, First Fridays, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Bereavement & Beyond Ministry, June 6, July 11, Aug. 1, 8:30am. For more informa on call Alouise 481-8168 Coffee & Donuts, Sundays a er 10:30 Mass Cra Club, Tuesdays, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Men's Club, 2nd Monday of month, 7:00p.m., Sept. - May Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Novena, Saturdays a er the 8:00a.m. Mass, church Prayer for Priests, Thursdays a er the 8:00a.m. Mass, chapel RCIA, Sundays, a er the 9:00a.m. Mass, for info, 482-6883 Rel. Ed., September - May Resurrec on for Life, for info, call Judy at 287-1237 Resurrec on Prayerline Ministry, call Deanna Latell 481-1170. Rosary, before daily Masses and Tues. & Thurs., 1:30p.m., chapel Rosary Makers, 3rd Thursdays Oct. thru May , 9-11 a.m. St. Vincent DePaul Board Mee ng, 1st Tues. every month, 7:00 pm. For SVDP assistance call 239-600-6749, or email, svdp@resurrec onch.org Teams of Our Lady, call Joann for more informa on, 4827982 Women’s Guild, 3rd Wednesday every month, 8:30a.m. Sept. May MINISTRY OF THE SICK IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS: When admi ed to the hospital please register as Catholic and no fy the parish office immediately, 481-7171. Resurrec on priests visit the hospitals daily. To protect your privacy hospitals do not give out informa on on pa ents without their permission. The following hospitals are a ended to by the parish in which they are located: *Gulf Coast Hospital - visited daily by St. John XXIII Parish, 561-2245 * Lee Memorial Hospital - visited daily by St. Francis Xavier Parish, 334-2161 * Lee Memorial and Hospice at Health Park - visited daily by St. Columbkille Parish, 489-3973 This week’s Sanctuary Candle: WEEKLY OFFERING July 10, 2016 Regular Offertory : $15,058.00 SVDP: $653.00 La n Mass: $914.00 Lectors Needed Looking to grow in your faith? Look no further than par cipa ng in the Lector Ministry. It will literally change your life! No experience necessary since training will be provided. Flexible Mass schedule. Call Todd at 239-284-4979. Altar Flowers This Week: In Honor of: our wonderful Volunteers at Resurrec on parish Thank you for all that you do! ALTAR FLOWER BOUQUETS TO HONOR YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES The beau ful flower arrangements that you see each week on the altar are available for purchase as a memorial or honorarium. Altar Flower Bouquets are a wonderful way to remember the anniversary of a friend or loved one’s death or to honor a special event such as a birthday or anniversary. If you wish, the name of your friend or loved one will be placed in an announcement in the bulle n in recogni on of their special occasion. In loving memory of To purchase Altar Flower Bouquets call the parish office, 239-481-7172. Terry Reed THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! by Jill LaƟmer Page 4 July 17, 2016 We invite all young people of the parish who have not yet received the Sacraments of Register fees:* First Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation To register now for Classes! ♦Sacramental Preparation is a two year faith formation program. ♦In preparation for the reception of these most holy sacraments, weekly Mass participation is expected. ♦All families are welcome! Youth ministry registration open for the fall! $45 thru July 31 $55 thru Aug. 31 $65 thereafter Junior Yth. grades 6-8 Senior Yth. grades 9-12 NEW TIME FOR RYM BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 25TH… Family/Youth Mass 5:15pm Followed by Youth Gatherings 6:15– 7:45pm Call RYM or email with any questions: [email protected] / 481-5144 *Add’l fee for Confirmation Prep. ~ 2yr. Program begins in 9th gr. *Registration forms may be found on line or in the church office– open from 8:00-4:00 daily. Registration forms can be printed out from our website: www.resurrectionch.org Or stop in at the Parish Center ! Registration for the 2016-2017 Faith Formation year is open! K-5th Grade Sundays from 4:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. Followed by Mass at 5:15 . “Let the little children come to me.” Matt. 19-14 $70 beginning June 1 $15 each additional child $25 Sacramental Prep fee if receiving sacraments this year Page 5 July 17, 2016 Page 6 July 17, 2016 Bap sm ini ates us in the community of faith! Confirma on seals us with Gi s of the Holy Spirit! Eucharist nourishes us daily with the Body of Christ! Sacraments celebrate the Love and Presence of Christ. Are you searching for meaning in your living? Do you have ques ons? Consider inquiring. COME & SEE “You did not choose me, I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.” John 15:16 SIGN UP TO BE AN ALTAR SERVER Being an altar server is a wonderful opportunity for our young parishioners to par cipate in the Sunday liturgy. Any child in the fourth grade or higher who would like to become an altar server is invited to sign up for training (2 classes, dates and mes to be announced). If interested, please fill out the following form and drop it in the collec on basket at Mass or bring it to the parish office. Server’s Name_____________________________________________________________ Parents Name______________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ Telephone # Cell_____________________________Home__________________________ Email Address______________________________________________________________ Page 7 July 17, 2016 Check out our newest CD’s, DVD’s, Books and Pamphlets at the front entrance of the church. Some of our new titles include: CD’s The Baseball Priest with Fr. Burke Masters Attack on Religious Liberty - Battle for the Faith From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion Diary 15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering Getting Others to Heaven - Learning to be a Leader Books Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Heaven Joan of Arc Crossing the Tiber Rome Sweet Home MARRIED COUPLES: What have you done for your marriage today? Successful marriages don’t work on automa c pilot – at least not for long. Like a garden, they require constant a en on: fer lizing, watering, and weeding. Healthy marriages, like gardens, don’t die suddenly. More o en they fade away from a gradual lack of a en veness, le ng things slide, taking each other for granted. Plan to a end a Worldwide Marriage Encounter and discover God’s plan for joy, romance and passion in your marriage. The next available WWME weekend in this diocese is at OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP RETREAT CENTER in Venice on August 12-14, 2016. For more informa on or to register go to WWME.org or call Pat & Debbie Powers at 813-270-7832. PLEASE JOIN US AT THE ABORTION CLINIC AT 3900 BROADWAY, FT. MYERS EVERY 2ND SATURDAY (a er the 8:00 Mass) FOR THE ROSARY AND EVERY 2ND THURSDAY AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD, CORNER OF WINKLER & COLLEGE ANYTIME BETWEEN 9 AM AND NOON. SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING— July 23, 2016, 9:30—11:30 a.m. at St. Katharine Drexel Church, Cape Coral. Ph # 283-0525 LOCAL COMMUNITY PREGNANCY CENTER IS IN NEED OF HELP Resurrec on for Life members ask you to help foster life by helping with your dona on of much needed items. Community Pregnancy Clinic helps mothers with counseling and provides them with supplies for their babies that they cannot afford. The current needs are: Disposable Diapers in Sizes 1,3, 4, & 5 - This is the most needed item Baby wipes (not adult wipes) New Ou its Sizes Newborn - 6 months and used baby clothes - all sizes New Sleepers Sizes NB - 12 months and used all sizes thru 3T Shampoo/Lo ons Teethers/Baby Toys New baby blankets, crib or bassinet size (gender specific pinks or blues). Hat/Boo es Maternity clothes, gently used are welcomed Dona ons may be dropped off at the PARISH CENTER. We thank you as do the moms, babies, and families you are aiding! Thank you for your generous aid to this most worthy cause! SHOP, SAVE AND & SUPPORT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL Clip your Box Tops from more than 300 General Mills productsand mail them to St. Francis Xavier School by OCTOBER 15TH. This will underwrite classroom projects and supplies. To date we have raised $11,389. OR…...Drop them in the box provided, at the main entrance of the church, here at Resurrection . Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to St. Francis Xavier School. Visit smile.amazon.com. www.stfrancisfortmyers.org 2055 Heitman Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901 239-334-7707 ext. 222 HODGES KISER FUNERAL HOME 9231 Cypress Lake Dr., Fort Myers 481-4341 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! Breakfast Lunch Dinner ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 7 Days 6 AM - 9 PM CUSTOM CATERING 800.393.9954 239-437-5504 18011 S. Tamiami Trail Ft. Myers Parishioner The Window Guys of SW FL, Inc. Pane Management Technicians Window Cleaning Pressure Cleaning Todd 239-223-7637 Jim 239-850-2847 [email protected] Following Jesus Every Day: HOUSE CLEANING WE ♥ TO THOROUGHLY CLEAN • PETS OK GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING 239-645-1516 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! CAROL & LIANA - LOCAL PARISHIONERS Sunday - Church Day Bring Your Bulletin. $1.00 Donated For Each Meal to Education Fund 239-275-7850 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm LENTINI’S MARINE SERVICE, INC. Jesus A to Z Inboard/Outboard Dockside Service Factory Trained Technician Licensed and Insured Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS CHECK IT OUT TODAY! 239-745-5884 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids 4820 Cleveland Ave. • Ft. Myers VINCENT LENTINI, PARISHIONER and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Dr. Timothy M. Iannone Board Certified in Family Medicine Specializing in Geriatric Care Now Accepting Medicare Patients New patients welcome! 239-314-1620 19701 S. Tamiami Trail • Fort Myers, FL 33908 Located in the Family Health Centers Building ½ mile north of Estero Parkway (next to the Vines) Recipients of the PATH Excellence Award for Quality of Care 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (C) 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 1375 Jackson St., Ste. 304 Fort Myers, FL 33901 239-332-3400 PAUL G. GRUMBACH, DDS, MAGD TOM KIERNAN PAINTING Interior/Exterior & Pressure Cleaning Serving SW Florida Over 25 yrs. Honest & Reliable - Lic. & Ins. Free Estimates • 239.357.4076 [email protected] • Parishioner Board Certified in General Dentistry Cypress Lake Dental Associates 9411 Cypress Lake Drive www.rubinstein-holz.com 482-0252 Vincent A. Azzara, D.O. SCREEN MACHINE Board Certified in General Internal Medicine (1996-2006) Primary Care Medicine Medicare Assignment Accepted 7381 College Parkway Ste. 110 Ft. Myers, FL 33919 (239) 482-1010 239-898-3528 REALTY GROUP Serving Fort Myers since 1985 Pool Cage Rescreening BBB Rated A 3 yr. war. on comp. rescreens Residential & Commercial RICK & CHRIS ESPOSITO 7910 Summerlin Lakes Dr. • Fort Myers 17595 S. Tamiami Tr. • South Fort Myers OWNER/OPERATORS 239-489-0444 AUDIOLOGY AND HEARING SERVICES Certified Master Technicians Computer Diagnostics Specialists Michael J. Frye, CCIM, Owner www.michaeljfrye.com Uncompromising care for all your hearing needs Mark Martina, M.A. CCC/A Certified Audiologist 15271-17 McGregor Blvd. 239-433-2060 www.MartinaAudiology.com Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. 2217 Andrea Lane Fort Myers, FL 33912 239-482-4048 All Foreign & Domestic Vehicles Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! www.CertifiedAutoFL.com email: [email protected] www.jspaluch.com Call Dennis Gardner The/Floor Covering Specialists Carpet • Wood • Vinyl • Ceramic 12551 S. Cleveland Ave. 936-6900 6000 Trail Blvd., N. Naples 239-597-2195 261 W. Marion, Punta Gorda 941-639-2610 800.432.3240 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Stephen G. Fedec, DO, FACC • Secure income during your life through Charitable Gift Annuities. Eliot B. Hoffman, MD, FACC Get a discount up to 50%. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! I can help lower your premium through Drive Safe & SaveTM. Get to a better State®. Get State Farm. CALL ME TODAY. Larry Snider, Agent 12995 S. Cleveland Ave, STE 103B Fort Myers, FL 33907 Bus: 239-561-8599 [email protected] • Your legacy can enable the formation of seminarians, provide scholarships for Catholic education, support the needy, and much more. Phone: 941-441-1124 (239) 415-4900 Big savings for safe drivers. Create Your Catholic Legacy Today! • Establish an Endowment Fund to support your Parish, School or Diocese of Venice Outreach. • Preventative Cardiology • Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention • Nuclear Cardiac Stress Testing • Echocardiography and Holter Monitoring • Pacemaker and ICD Implantation 13411 Parker Commons, Suite 101 Fort Myers, Florida 33912 Email: [email protected] EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE 9451 CYPRESS LAKE DR. FT. MYERS, FL Heel Pain, Diabetic Foot Care, Ingrown Nails, Orthotics, Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus Parishioner www.mcnamarafootcare.com 14350 Metropolis Ave., Suite 2 Fort Myers, FL 33912 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (B) 239.481.7322 www.CypressPharmacy.com William P. Meehan Attorney At Law General Practice 1950 Courtney Dr., Ste. #205 939-4254 939-3163 www.jspaluch.com “Excellence In Eye Care” JEFFREY L. ZIMM, M.D. ANDREW J. HART, O.D. 6150 Diamond Center Ct. Unit 900 Fort Myers, FL 33912 768-7022 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 NEMETH AIR CONDITIONING, INC. INSURANCE Residential and Commercial Services A/C Installer - Our Lady of Light Church and St. Francis Xavier Gymnasium Call for Free Estimate 239-267-3660 Lic. #CACO45868 Life, Health, Annuity Call for a Consultation! John Donato HE HARVEY~ENGELHARDT Funeral and Cremation Service Serving the Community for over 100 years Parishioner 239-936-2177 • www.harvey-engelhardt.com 239-464-8010 EDISON AUTO SERVICE 35 Years of Excellent Service! 239-939-1447 28 Mildred Drive, Ft. Myers [email protected] www.EdisonAutoService.com Mary V. Palumbo EXCELLENCE IN DENTISTRY Wills and Trusts 5237 Summerlin Commons Blvd. Fort Myers, FL 33907 30+ Years Experience PHONE: 239-936-5252 [email protected] Seafood Steaks Martinis 47 BARKLEY CIRCLE, S.W. FORT MYERS, FL 33907 (239) 768-6898 437-4377 Cosmetic Dentistry • Family Dentistry Your Friendly and Caring Attorney FREE Initial Consultation Private Function Room Parishioners Bishop Verot Catholic High School Sponsors Needed! For deserving students to continue their Catholic Education. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:00-2:30 CPA Thomas Poston Dinner Nightly from 4:00 Cypress and Summerlin Business & Individual Income Tax 239-985-4165 [email protected] Inquire by calling Servicing SouthWest Florida Mention this ad, Get 10% OFF Service Labor CFC1426052 274-6780 TDA TAX SERVICES Tom Dyson, EA E-File & Tax Preparation Tax Consultation/Representation Year Round Service 239-415-2400 PLUMBER S P The Law Firm Of LEVINS & ASSOCIATES LLC Attorneys Jess W. Levins, Esq. Scott A. Cummings, Esq. Tasha Warnock, Esq. LLM Wills • Trusts • Probate • Estate Planning Guardianship • Corporations Real Estate • Foreclosures Asset Protection • Bankruptcy • Prenuptials 6843 Porto Fino Circle • Fort Myers, FL 33912 Telephone: (239) 437-1197 www.levinslegal.com 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (A) 239-936-7275 CHUBERT LUMBING Lawrence Schubert Breakfast Tues.-Fri. 7 AM-11 AM Sat. & Sun. 7 AM-2 PM Lunch Tues.-Sun. 11 AM-2 PM Home Made (239) 564-0379 Sausage [email protected] 9405 Cypress Lake Drive, Ste A License #CFC1425906 Behind La-Te-Da-Salon & Mozzarella Hot & Cold Catering Dinner Friday night 5 PM-8 PM USDA Choice Cuts Beef, Pork, Veal & Poultry 12326 Cleveland Ave. Fort Myers, FL 33907 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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