Village News - Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club
Village News - Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club
Happy Landings, Page 9 Village News Ariel, Clipper Cove, Flagship, Harbortown, Lighthouse, Longboat, Mariners Cove, Riverside, Schooner, Steamboat Bend, Steamboat Bend East, Sunset Cove, Sunset Harbor, Trawler, Windjammer I’m looking forward to meeting my new neighbors here at the poolside cocktail parties. “Settling down doesn’t mean I am through traveling of course. With children in Arizona, England and Long Island, N.Y., I expect there will be many more travel opportunities in my future.” Steamboat Bend East development winter residents may have not yet heard is that Hertz Global Holdings is moving its headquarters here from Pine Ridge, N.J; to a site at U.S.41 and Williams Road in exchange for tax credits and stimulus grants. It will mean 700 new, relatively high paid jobs and lots of construction work for local Hugh McCandless contractors. Another is the renaming [email protected] of Edison State College to one that won’t be confused with New Jersey’s Thomas Edison State College. The new name is Florida Southwestern State College, FSW for short. Linda Tucker reported that she has received our village mitigation inspections sheets from Sentry Management Grant Gorski and will have them posted on the SBE webpage of the Landings website along with our other village documents. This documentation can be used to receive a discount for most condo content insurance policies. Many village residents took trips this summer. Two couples took notably interesting ones. In September Marie and Mario Di Rosa (4100) took what may have been their 30th cruise, this time to Alaska, and agreed it was the best yet. Marie wrote “We saw bear feeding on salmon, moose, Dall sheep, reindeer, Iditarod Huskies, Humpback whales, Stellar sea lions, the aurora borealis and birds, birds and more birds. We also saw the top of Mt McKinley, thus joining the 30% club. Since it’s usually shrouded in clouds, 70% of time it can’t be seen. Our driver in Juneau summed up travel’s benefits this way: “A rich life is made of the things you see, the people you meet, and the experiences you have.” In August Greta and Jim Drury (4140), owners here since 2000, drove with two other couples from Kentucky to A Trawler Y Greta and Jim Drury Michigan, and ferried over to historic Mackinac Island to stay at its Grand Hotel, “where the guests still dress for dinner,’ Greta wrote. “The men played golf while the ladies took a horse drawn carriage tour of the area’s historical landmarks.” New owner Myra Hall (4140) was born in New York City, was raised in Massapequa L.I., attended Hofstra Univ. and settled in Stony Brook, L.I.; “That was in my distant past,” she said. “For the last 20 years I have lived and worked in Ft. Myers, with a stint from 1999 to 2001 on England’s south coast with a British investment firm. Until retirement this summer I worked as a third grade teacher at Gateway Elementary School. I have rented over the years in other Landings villages (Sunset Cove, Ariel and Windjammer) and Myra Hall our reporters returned to Trawler Village after Labor Day and stopped for some Lincoln memorabilia in Springfield, Illinois on the trip back to Fort Myers. The stop was well worth the time, and we would highly recommend it to anyone. Another Trawler traveler in August was Pat Daniels who Annette & Paul went to Chicago to visit family and Malven attend her granddaughter’s first day [email protected] of kindergarten. From there, she flew to Tuscany, Italy for a 10-day watercolor workshop. The group stayed in a 500-year-old farmhouse just outside of Lucca, an ancient walled city that dates back to the early Roman period. Pat reports that they had wonderful food, cooking lessons, local wine, some sightseeing, and of course painting time. They also enjoyed a Puccini/Verdi concert in a lovely old Renaissance church and a day of shopping/sightseeing in Lerici, a resort town on the Mediterranean. Pat reports that she learned much about painting and looks forward to practicing some of what she learned on this most interesting trip. Cheryl and Doug Craig enjoyed very much what they call their “West Coast Family Reunion” in Dana Point, California. They rented a condo for a week in this coastal town located south of Los Angeles in Orange County, and Village News on page 10 Page 10, Happy Landings Village News from page 9 Windjammer they hosted four children and three grandchildren for the week. There were many excursions to the beach and one to Knott’s Berry Farm in Anaheim. They were happy to return to their less hectic lifestyle in Trawler. We reported in an earlier column that Commander Robert Coogan, the son of Frank and Kathy Coogan, was the commander of the elite Naval Aviation Squadron VR-1. This squadron flies military leaders to various places in the world. Robert recently finished his time as commanding officer, and a change of command ceremony was held. The picture shows Robert receiving a plaque from the Marine Corp General Amos, a frequent passenger on Robert’s plane and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Also shown in the picture is Bonnie Amos, the General’s wife. During his address to the group, the general had high praise for Robert’s tenure in command of the squadron. Robert Coogan receiving a plaque from the Marine Corp General Amos YOUR SOFA IS WORTH MORE THAN THE CHANGE IN THE CUSHIONS. Remodeling, redecorating or moving? When you donate your new or gently used furniture, appliances, building supplies and household goods to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, you will help provide decent, affordable homes for deserving families in our community. That couch looks a lot more important now, doesn’t it? • TwoConvenient Locations • FREEPickupof LargeItems • TaxDeductible DONATE HOTLINE (239) 652-0388 2 Convenient Locations 31 Willis Rd. N. Fort Myers, FL 33903 239.652.0388 Off Old 41, 1 block N. of Pondella We want to welcome new Trawler owner Maggie Palmer to our village. She has lived in The Landings for many years, most recently in Ariel. Following the death of her husband, she sold her Ariel unit and recently purchased 301-4585 in our village. Maggie is of Scottish-British descent, and she has a daughter living in Fort Myers as well as two teenage granddaughters. She also has a son living in Ohio. Maggie plays golf and sings in the performing group organized by Lynn Cisky. She looks forward to interacting with old friends in Trawler as well as making new friends. We are sad to report the passing John Keedy on October 1 in Culver, Indiana. John and his wife, Sugar, have been Trawler residents for many years, and John was also a past member of the Trawler Board. John will be greatly missed. Village News on page 12 ONE SOURCE. ONE CALL. • Kitchens • Repairs • Baths • Additions Call today to schedule pickup of large items. 27821 S. Tamiami Trl. Bonita Springs, FL 34134 239.949.4409 1st light N. of Bonita Beach Rd. New Store Hours! Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm owdy folks. This is your new Windjammer reporter checking in. My husband Pat and I have been full time residents in Windjammer since April of 2010. And, as all of you know, Windjammer is the best village to call home. Many of you probably know Pat as he serves on the Windjammer board Barbara Shields of directors and is the representative on the big board. Pat being a second generation Floridian is coming home, while I’m leaving my native Texas for beautiful southwest Florida. We traveled back and forth since we bought in 2008 and moved as soon as our son, Alex, graduated from high school. Alex is now a junior at USF in Tampa and studying physics. As Pat and I are both bean counters, we have no idea what he’s studying but we are very proud. I want to thank Jessie Michelon for writing this column for over 13 years. She shared the position with Joy Gifford for the first 11 years before taking it over full time 2 years ago. I look forward to getting to know even more of you during my quest to report the latest happenings in our fair village. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any news in our fair Village. We are starting to see our neighbors returning a little earlier this fall. By the time this goes to press, we should have enjoyed our first monthly Gazebo party and I’m sure Jackie Wagner has, again, organized a spooky good time for the Halloween party. Pat and I traveled to Marathon in September for lobster season and were joined by fellow Windjammer residents Rosann and Jerry Lamore. Rosann caught her first lobster ever and was able to check that off her bucket list. Good time and good food had by all. Judi Archdale escaped the September heat and visited Glacier National Park, then flew to California to visit her H • Complete Remodels FREE DESIGN SERVICE Put Our 50 Years of Experience to Work for You! Call for a Free Estimate Today! Ask About our “Long Distance” Remodels! ON TIME. 239.481.2500 ON BUDGET. FAX: 239.433.4099 Email: [email protected] 8695 COLLEGE PARKWAY #1261 • FORT MYERS 33919 Happy Landings, Page 11 MARKETPLACE STOCK OR BOND MARKET CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS? Call anytime. Scott A. Sanders Vice President / Investments, Branch Manager (239) 985-6540 or (866) 950-5525 12670 Creekside Lane, Suite 402 | Fort Myers, Florida 33919 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE McGREGOR DENT AL W ANTS YOUR SMILE! DENTAL WANTS Ambiance Fine Furniture and Consignment NEW PATIENT SMILE SPECIAL Cleaning & Oral Exam $165.00 Value - NOW $69.00 Set Y our Thanksgiving T able With Style & Elegance Your Table WILLIAM SHORA CK D .D .S SHORACK D.D .D.S .S.. WE CATER TO COWARDS! • 20 Years on Sanibel/Fort Myers • Emergencies - Walk-Ins Welcome • State of the Art Dentistry China Settings A dd Beauty & Ambiance T oY our Holida y Add To Your Holiday 239.590.9919 239.245.89 10 239.245.891 Royal Albert • Fukagawa • Winterthur • Noritake 15271 McGregor Blvd. (Across from Gulf Harbour CC) Ne wL ocation - 1290 1 McGr egor Blv d #22 New Location 12901 McGregor Blvd The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for another service, exam or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the ad for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, exam, or treatment. Cannot be combined with any other discount. (in the Bridge Plaza Shopping Center) Gracie’s Pet care Gilman Ciocia welcomes Amy Jensen to our Fort Myers office! Gilman Ciocia is pleased to announce that Amy Jensen formerly of Fifth Third Bank has joined the Gilman Ciocia financial planning and tax team Dependable I come to you so your pet can stay in the comfort & safety of their own home. 239-961-8221 [email protected] Loving At Gilman Ciocia we look at the whole picture-taxes, investments, retirement insurance lending, and estate. Pet sitting Amy Jensen 7370 College Pkwy, Suite 100 Fort Myers, FL 33907 239-481-4344 1-800-TAX-TEAM To Schedule an Appointment with Amy in our Ft. Myers office call: 239-481-4344 References Available • Securities offered through Prime Capital Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Gilman Ciocia, Inc. and Prime Capital Services, Inc. are affiliated entities. Prime Capital Services does not offer tax or legal advice. Securities and investments involve risk. Certain tax and/or estate planning strategies may be used in an effort to reduce the overall risk to one’s portfolio. However, risk related to securities and investment products can never be completely eliminated. Investment Advisory services offered through Asset & Financial Planning, LTD. Betty Hill’s Cleaning Service • Licensed Simmons Painting Expert in Interior & Exterior Reasonable Rates Since 1969 Licensed & Insured •DrywallRepair •Interior/ExteriorRepairs •PressureCleaning 239.332.4992 Free Estimates Home • Office • Vacation Rental • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • FREE Estimates 239.940.0454 References SLIDER MEDIC Making Sliders Glide Replacing Sliding Glass Door Rollers, Locks, Tracks and More 239 . 339 . 7355 Licensed & Insured • Serving Lee and Collier Counties Page 12, Happy Landings Village News from page 10 nephew and two great-nephews. They all toured the USS Iowa in San Pedro. That brought back some memories. Her dad was stationed there in 1945 when she was nine years old. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Judie Scott and Karen Fahle made their annual trek to Brevard, NC. While there they visited fellow Windjammer residents John and Susie Jack and Renee Moreland. The weather sounds delightful and I think there was mention of a sweater or two? Julie Grise had knee replacement surgery in early October and their son, John, will be visiting from Michigan to help his Mom after surgery. Well, that’s it for this month. Again, please let me hear from you! Ariel “village” such as Ariel has its paid staff who do a wonderful job maintaining the physical building and running the day to day business. We appreciate our staff and all they do to make Ariel a wonderful place to live. In the large cities, huge apartment buildings are run solely by employees. In Ariel and throughout Annabelle Hutson the Landings it is the volunteer effort [email protected] which adds the special touch that makes each village feel like home. One of those special volunteers is Mary Ellen Callier, a talented interior designer, A who has shared her skills for 23 years with her church and with Ariel. In her church she was in charge of seeing that First Assembly of God was decorated for Christmas and Easter. She did interior design for each new pastor›s office, a new conference room, refurbishing of the sanctuary, and design for remodelling/refurbishing of the senior pastor›s church office, home, and study addition. The beautifully decorated tree displayed each year in Ariel’s Atrium is an example of her inspiration and leadership with those of the house committee. She also orchestrated the decoration of the guest suites, manager›s condo, card room and Taeping room. She served simultaneously on the Ariel Landscape Committee at a time when major changes were needed. Mary Ellen said that she has always had amazing stamina and took great pride in each project she did. We thank you Mary Ellen for all those years of service to Ariel. We wish you well as you assume a new position as a member of the Landings House Committee. Candy Kessing informed us that she is alive and well and now living at Calusa Harbour Assisted Living, 2525 First Street #A432 in downtown Fort Myers. Candy said she has lived in Ariel for 25 years and has great memories of her life here at The Landings. Candy served on the original tennis committee and was writer of this column for many years. We hope she will come by often for visits this winter. She welcomes visitors at her new home. Clipper Cove recently heard from Bonnie Collins who has healed well after breaking her shoulder and suffering a concussion. She is planning a trip to Disney World with her son Brian and her three granddaughters for four days. This will be a first time experience for the five year old. Bonnie will then head to Fort Myers. Corinne Mulqueen Other October arrivals will be Bob and Wilma Easton. Bob reeled in a nine pound plus largemouth bass while fishing in Missouri. The Eastons traveled to Europe and visited London and Paris with Ron and Vicky Garrett of Flagship Village. Bob also participated in the National Senior Olympic Games in Cleveland. Bob said that attending the US OPEN tennis tournament with his son Bob was particularly outstanding. We can’t put a price on those memories we make with our kids! Ginger and Art spent a week in Seattle and Portland attending a wonderful wedding where they had the opportunity to catch up with relatives. Bob Cloos and Jean made a side trip to our home in Guilford on their way to a wedding in Vermont. We enjoyed spending the day with them and having them visit our New England seaside village. We dined at a quaint restaurant called The Stone House that overlooks the town marina where one sees the lobster and oyster boats returning with their daily catch. Mary Ann Spry mentioned that Bill Ultsch celebrated his 89th birthday September 7th. Belated Happy Birthday, Bill. Other birthdays in the month of November are Derrill Holland on the 19th and Waite Alexander on the 27th. Happy Birthday, guys. Marge Johnson shared that she and Jim were going to be involved in a two day historical tour of downtown Milwaukee. There are approximately 130 buildings involved in the historic district some of them go back to Marge’s family members who were instrumental in founding Milwaukee. Mickey Steck had a raccoon invasion in his attic which he tried to manage but after coming down with an allergic reaction HAZMAT had to finish the clean up job! I remember Bev and Tom Brown had a similar problem one year at their Cape Cod home. Those critters can do a lot of damage. I recently went on a Full Moon Labyrinth walk at a retreat center in a nearby coastal town. This was something on my bucket list and an interesting experience. I have seen Labyrinths before in some of the cathedrals in Europe but this was the first one I participated in. The walk was special in the light of the full moon. I understand there is a Labyrinth in Fort Myers. I will have to find out more about it. Speaking of light, this time of year is beautiful, the sun here in CC is setting further to the southwest, the light on the water has subtle changes to it, and the marshes are cloaked in deepening greens, browns and oranges. Our son-in-law’s new sail boat is moored outside and I watch as it sleekly turns into the wind. The weather has been outstanding for both sailors and sun lovers. I am reminded of the beautiful sunsets visible at Picnic Point and from our lanai at Clipper Cove. It won’t be long before we will be commenting on them. God Speed All. I Mary Ellen Callier Jim and Mary Pat Willis South Rim of Grand Canyon. Harbortown I t is almost time to haul out the carving set and stuff the bird for our celebration of the Pilgrims. The fact is, they dined with the Mashpaug Indians on lobster, clams, Bluefish and pemmican (a mixture of berries and deer fat), a kind of Indian Ice Cream. Now that our homage to the Amerind, and savior of the kings colonies is complete, we carry Jerry Rossano on with our monthly musings of Harbortown happenings. The annual return of the “Snow Birds” has begun, with the early arrivals of several families who are itching to get at the newly re-habbed golf course and marina. Which, by the way, have turned out superbly. All it took was money. The Harbortown properties are becoming more and more year-round residences with the selling of (finally) the 4733 Harbortown Lane villa to a couple from Illinois that are moving there full time. We welcome Georgia and Bob Lowman as our new neighbors and hope to see them at our pool parties. They were long time owners in Windjammer and are ready to leave the wilds of the Midwest for the sunshine down here. Directly across the street, at the Hubbard’s (Nancy & Ken) a tree was hit by lightning and scared the bejeezus out of the neighbors, with a boom and crack of thunder that was like the end of the world. Two large branches were hit by the bolt and fell into the canal, where they resided for a few days until cut up and retrieved by the landscape crew. The rainy season has instigated the growth of the local flora, and the plants and weeds are growing, like, well….weeds. But fear not folks, Dolly Dalton will ramrod our Village to its winter finery with the help of the landscape crew, who never fail to step up to the plate, and do their utmost to carry the ball. The mulch / Spanish Olive detritus removal is slated to begin and will enhance the beauty of the landscaping. Ongoing repairs of the fences and gates around the Village are on schedule, and a great help to the Board would be the residents being proactive and informing a Board member of lights around Harbortown that need replacing. Our Harbortown entrance lily pond and fountain will have a new look with the completion of the long delayed repairs to the seawall, from the unfortunate accident of last year, where a car crashed through the chain barrier and ended upside down in the pond. Thankfully the only thing hurt, was the driver’s feelings for missing the curve, and the flower arrangements on South Landings drive. It appears as though the only daily use of the pool is by those aquatic lovelies, mother and daughter, Nancy and Lisa Diamond (Stein). They thoroughly enjoy the water almost every day and always have a pat on the head and a morning greeting for Spike and Ike and their unruly hound walker. Our neighbors Emily and Jim Norris, spent a lovely two weeks in the Emerald Isle taking in the sights and atmosphere of all that it has to offer. Both of them had a chance to check the family tree for a stray duke, earl or a landed baron perhaps, and had a wonderful time at their favorite pub, Gogarty’s along with another Landings couple, Elaine DiCicco and Pat McCarthy. While the rest of us sweltered in the summer heat, Joanne and Paul Zucker embarked on a cruise to the Northeast, along with Lynda and Mac McBride, visiting Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Maine, Quebec and the Outer Banks area. While on their trip they happened to visit the ships theatre and lo and behold, the entertainment was none Village News on page 13 Happy Landings, Page 13 Village News from page 12 Gogarty’s Pub owner and Jim Norris other than neighbor Doug Cameron with his myriad talents playing jazz violin for the passengers in the evening show. We surmise it is time to wrap up these ramblings, as the Honey-Do’s are piling up at the domicile, so we will leave you with this truism: There are 3 kinds of people, the ones who learn by reading, the few who learn by observation, and then there are the ones who have to wee on the electric fence… That’s all folks, see you next month. Lighthouse or those of you who have been around the Landings all summer and asking, “What is going on at the corner of Lighthouse Village and Flagship Drive? We all now have the answer! FPL hired a contractor 4 months ago to replace some lines coming from behind Riverside into JoceLyne Jahn our Village. They came and dug up [email protected] the sidewalk and left because of many complications and have now finally shown back up and made the repair. By the time you read this, hopefully, there will be no sign of that mess, the sidewalk will be back in and the rain will have stopped and the Behrhorsts will have their new F Beth Behrhorst’s bear roof and driveway too! We also followed the Behrhorsts around the western US through Face book and emails. They had a fabulous time and were happy that they had a chance to see all the beautiful state parks of prior to the shut down! My favorite picture is the one that Beth took of a big bear sleeping on top of tree! How beautiful is that? The Gomes family will be in Philadelphia for the October 12th wedding of their daughter Mara to Jamie McCarthy. The newlyweds will honeymoon in Hawaii for 2 weeks. Their son, Edward, will be a groomsman. The wedding Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church in Rittenhouse Square. The reception for 220 guests will follow at the Racquet Club. Photos to follow! Attending the wedding will be Longboat residents Elaine and Ed Kolb - grandparents of the bride! Marc and Luci Cremin try to get out of Dodge during the month of September to avoid the heat and rain that always seems to prevail at the end of a Fort Myers summer. This year they were able to spend almost the entire month in northern Italy. Some British friends have a villa in Bellagio on Lake Como that they loan to the Cremins. Hard to beat that with George Clooney as a neighbor! While Computer Problems? We do it all through the Internet... Fast...Easy...Secure! If We Can’t Fix It - It’s FREE n n n n n n n n n Virus / Spyware Removal Wireless Setups Networking / Internet Share Computer Tune-ups / Cleaning Custom Built PC’s & Notebooks Data Recovery Troubleshooting All Certified Technicians Low Rates & Fast Service Call us now! 1-888-449-9923 The beautiful villa the Cremins stayed in at Lake Lugano their plans were initially to roam around northern Italy, they soon found that life in Bellagio and taking the ferry to other lakeside villages was really a better and more relaxing approach. They did take a 3-4 day excursion into Switzerland, staying on Lake Lugano. Now home, it’s time for them to get to the fitness center and the tennis courts to work off the pizza, pasta and wine. Mariners Cove Y eah, November is here! As I write this article, I’m still in Kentucky. The good news is I’ll get to actually read this months Happy Landings in print, the bad news...I’m currently still in Kentucky “chomping at the bit” (pardon the pun) to get home! Lucky for me that Pat Milkovich and Pat Benner stepped up to the plate with some information Christy Fitz for this article. Thanks guys! As a side note, this afternoon I’m going to get to see Landings residents Jim and Mary Pat Willis. No surprise, the two of them are hosting a charity event here in Louisville at one of our river restaurants, Captain’s Quarters. The charity is WaterStep, formerly EDGE Outreach. Their mission is to “bring clean drinking water to developing communities and disaster environments around the world.” I’m looking forward to seeing Jim and Mary Pat entertain and hope the event is a successful one for WaterStep. If you would like more information on a great charity, I have some more news that I think will particularly interest not only Cove residents but many in The Landings as well, especially since we have so many residents that earned their living in the aviation community. The Florida Gulf Coast University Club Wrestling program, coached by our own Mariners Cove resident Pat Milkovich, is hosting a luncheon to raise funds for their 20132014 wrestling season. The event will feature a presentation from former 4-time NASA Shuttle Astronaut Dominic L. Pudwill Gorie at the Cohen Center 12-3pm on Sunday, December 15, 2013. Captain Gorie is an outstanding speaker with an impressive military service record. He served as overall Mission Commander of Endeavour Dec 2001, which was the first launch after Sept 11th terrorist attacks and made the famous radio call “Let Freedom ROAR” on liftoff. He also was Village News on page 14 Dominic L. Pudwill Gorie Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat? Call for Help 239-338-5948 or visit LCD Screen Repair • Custom Notebooks • Multimedia Applications Intel IPD dealer • Microsoft OEM System Builder Page 14, Happy Landings Village News from page 13 the Mission Commander of Endeavour Mar 2008, which was a night launch and landing. He is one of only 10 U. S. astronauts in history who have flown on 4 or more space missions. He has accumulated over 6700 hours in more than 35 aircraft and has over 600 carrier landings.Captain Gorie was selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in December 1994, A veteran of four space flights, Gorie has logged over 47 days in space and over 18 million milies. He served as pilot aboard Discovery in 1998 and Endeavour in 2000, and was the crew commander on Endeavour in 2001 and again in 2008. Dom Gorie retired from NASA on June 4, 2010. It would be such an opportunity to hear more about Captain Gorie’s impressive career, special awards and life as a Naval Aviator, and NASA Astronaut. To purchase tickets, visit .VIP ticketholders will have the opportunity to do a “Meet and Greet” with Captain Dom Gorie one hour prior to the event. If you have questions about this FGCU Wrestling Club Luncheon, Contact Maj. Mike Pedersen 239.470.8298 or Jeff Malavsky 239.292.9384 In travel news, Harley and Pat Benner took a road trip in Harley’s new car. The first stop was Aiken, SC to visit Lew and Phillis Hoy. While the boys washed the car and dabbled around in Lew’s new garage, the girls, who used to be partners, were able to get in a few sets of tennis. Dinner was attended by some other former Landers; Tim and Toni Froedge and John and Jean Hyer. All were duly impressed with Harley’s new toy. The Benner’s trip continued with a stop in Asheville, NC, and a visit to the fabulous Biltmore Estates and dinner at the Tupelo Honey Café. Next they drove through the Smoky Mountains to Gatlinburg, TN. Pat said it was a visual treat! The last stop was Oxford, OH to visit Harley’s alma mater, Miami of Ohio, and to Canton, OH to visit his parents’ graves. Since she was not permitted to drive the Cobra, Pat amused herself by reading and doing crossword puzzles when she wasn’t enjoying the scenery. That’s all for now folks, until next month, I really look forward to seein’ you all ‘round “The Cove”! Harley Benner ArtFest News After School Art Clubs making rainsticks What: Southwest Florida’s premier art festival featuring 200 national artists, high school art competition, sidewalk chalk competition, children’s crafts, fine food and entertainment When: Jan. 31, 2014, Friday Night Opening Night, 6 to 10 p.m. Feb. 1 and 2, Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Where: Downtown Fort Myers River District on Edwards Drive Cost: Free admission Parking:Adjacent parking lots, street parking and city garages are open. Look for our bright directional signs. Trolleys also available. After-School Art Clubs Inspire Students And Student Teachers dding an exciting art experience to our elementary afterschool programs is the focus of the ArtFest Fort Myers Art Clubs. This collaborative effort of Southwest Florida’s premier art festival and Edison State College provides students, elementary and college aged, with an opportunity to get creative and have fun. Student teachers from Edison State College head up these clubs, while ArtFest Fort Myers provides the art supplies and facilitates a mentoring program between Karen Flanders, art teacher at Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts School, and the Edison State College teacher candidates. This fall, the Art Club after-school art experiences take place at Orangewood Elementary and Heights Elementary. A broad variety of projects, include watercolor, sculpture, collage and more will give hands-on art experience to elementary students and real world teaching experience to Edison state teacher candidates. What an exciting opportunity for everyone to join in and explore the arts! ArtFest Fort Myers, the annual juried fine art festival, takes place Jan. 31, Feb. 1, and 2 in the Fort Myers River District. Join the experience with 200 professional artists from across the county and around the world; the largest high school art exhibit and competition in south Florida and free interactive art experiences for children of all ages. A Learning to draw with Teri Aldred /Boys & Girls Club Collages are fun Art At Boys & Girls Club By ArtFest Fort Myers The Shady Oaks Boys & Girls Club is where children open their hearts to art every week, in partnership with ArtFest! The Art Club provides children with the opportunity to create great art projects under the direction of a dedicated art teacher and is made possible with the support of ArtFest Fort Myers and IBERIABANK. “Providing kids with a creative outlet for them to experience art at this young age helps to instill an appreciation and love of art that will last a lifetime,” said Bill Valenti, Market President for IBERIABANK. “Art brings joy, and we are proud to be a part of this program at Shady Oaks.” Teri Aldred, a well-known mosaic artist and educator, is partnering with ArtFest Fort Myers to provide fun weekly art projects for Shady Oaks children. Creating clay creatures, learning to paint in the style of Monet, Kandinsky and O’Keeffe, making wonderful collages and self-portraits are a sampling of the art projects in store. “The arts provide every student with a means for learning,” explains Teri, “and we appreciate the support of IBERIABANK, who is committed to extending a helping hand in our community.” ArtFest Fort Myers High School Art Competition – Art Under 20 Art Under 20 is a visual art exhibit and competition for Lee County high school students, who exhibit their work ArtFest News on page 15 c New selection of c Antiques, Waterford, Swarovski Crystal Lamps, Pictures and More! Vintage Peddler Classic Furniture & Consignment 437-9117 Horizon Plaza One mile south of Gladiolus 16050 S. Tamiami Trail, #106 • Ft. Myers, FL 33908 Just North of The Forest Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10-5 Happy Landings, Page 15 ArtFest News from page 14 Precision Builders, Inc. Turning the Ordinary Into Something Special • Complete Remodeling • New Construction • Additions • Kitchens / Bathrooms • Tile • Wood Flooring • Windows & Doors • Driveways / Pavers • Mold Removal Art Under 20 competition winner at ArtFest Fort Myers as they compete for $7,000 in cash awards. Awards are given to the best student artists in six categories: Digital, Drawing, Painting, Photography, 3-D Art Under 20 exhibit and Mixed Media. ArtFest Fort Myers created this exhibit and competition 14 years ago to encourage students in their pursuit of art and to encourage community support of art programs in our schools. Kristin Woolam, Art Under 20 chairman explains “Each year hundreds of students exhibit their artwork in a gallery style tent to thousands of family members, teachers, friends and 70,000 admiring art festival attendees.” Edison State College is the presenting sponsor of Art Under 20 as part of their mission to “ ... create an innovative education system which provides accessible educational pathways that prepare students to be enlightened and productive citizens.” All Lee County high school students (public, private and home-schooled) are invited to participate in Art Under 20 showcasing artwork created exclusively by them. Entries will be accepted in six categories: Digital, Drawing, Mixed Media, Art Under 20 entries Painting, Photography, and 3-Dimensional. Entry forms and more information are available education. Join the experience with 200 artists from across through all Lee County high school art departments or at the county and around the world; the largest high school art Application deadline for the 2013 exhibit and competition in south Florida and free interactive exhibit and competition is Dec. 6. art experiences for children of all ages. ArtFest Fort Myers, the annual juried fine art festival, For more information about supporting the ArtFest takes place Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2 in the Fort Myers River Fort Myers art education outreach program visit District. The art festival’s mission is to provide the or contact us at (239) 768-3602 or community with an exceptional art experience, nurture [email protected]. the understanding of diverse art forms and support arts in Never Pay Another Expensive Repair Bill FIRST TIME BUYERS Special Group Rate Package $189 Per Year Under 4 Years Old $219 Per Year Over 4 Years Old • • • • • • • Includes all items listed below: Central Air Conditioner • Oven & Range (1 - up to 4 tons) (includes self clean) Compressor • Water Heater (40 gal.) Replacement • Garbage Disposal Freon Recovery • Dishwasher Heating (electric) • All Door Gaskets Wall Thermostat • Washer Humidistat • Dryer Refrigerator (ice maker & dispenser) Call for your FREE ESTIMATE on your A/C unit! BF S BROWARD FACTORY SERVICE Broward Factory Service 6240 Arc Way • Fort Myers, FL 33966 Call 239-482-1303 We Will Repair All Your Major Appliances and Air Conditioning Equipment for One Annual Fee. Parts and Labor Included. 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Make Sure to Call Lori for a Second Opinion! • SINGLE and Top (1) Residential Listing and Sales Agent in the Landings for the Last 18 Years • Ask me how I can save YOU money with my FLEXIBLE COMMISSIONS • Offering “FREE” Staging • Provide Strong Negotiations and Marketing Skills • Find out why I was Ranked Top for client satisfaction and customer service for the last 13 years • You will see why I have sold over $97 Million in Sales over the last 18 years Call me today... and let my expertise work for you!! As always... I appreciate your continued support over the last 18 years! Lori Emmons Your Resident Realtor® & Top Producer 239-229-5666 Visit me at Email me at [email protected] the Landings Realty, Inc. Page 16, Happy Landings
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