The Pipeline - Volume 19 Number 1
The Pipeline - Volume 19 Number 1
Pipeline THE A NEWSLETTER FROM Kathleen H. Adams, Editor Volume 19, Number 1 Spring 2008 Notations The Open House reignited local interest in the Gloucester instrument, Opus 97, at St. John’s Episcopal Church. The organist, our own Mark Nelson, has launched a two-year 20th Anniversary Series, featuring special services, concerts, and the ever-popular silent movies with organ accompaniment. The pews are filled at these events and the organ has won many new hearts. recital by William McCorkle, the organist of the church. Bill has planned an impressive series of Celebratory Concerts that includes Lynne Davis, who played there just last week, and continues into the fall with Patrica Wright and others. Steve Dieck and Mark Nelson will be attending the AGO National Convention in Minneapolis where recitals will be played on our Opus 78 at the House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul and Opus 122 at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Shoreview. Do look for Steve and Mark for the latest news of the shop. The convention will also kick off the International Year of the Organ. For a whole year, all over the world, organists will feature their instruments, mount cultural and educational programs, and promote public awareness of the ‘King of Instruments.’ An Organ Spectacular on October 19th will create a collective event, with AGO chapters across the country participating. We encourage all Fisk owners to lay plans for their own instruments. It is a great opportunity for the pipe organ to make new friends. Photo: Dana Sigall O n Saturday, January 16, the shop hosted an Open House for Opus 133, the three-manual instrument headed for the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico. An article in the Gloucester Daily Times had invited the public to see the “ten-ton organ” at the Open House and a record number of visitors—almost one thousand—attended, many of them visiting the shop for the first time. They admired the workings of the shop and Opus 133, which was set up and playing in the Erecting Room, and were particularly interested in the tours describing various aspects of organbuilding. The organ has since been shipped and set up in Santa Fe and voicing is underway as plans are being made for the dedication in the autumn. (Please see our Calendar for dates and times.) We have received news of the passing of Sarah-Maud Sivertsen who was in her 100th Dean Eckmann builds the model for year. She and her husband Robert were Covenant Presbyterian in Nashville the donors of Opus 78 at House of Hope and showed a keen interest in the organ installation and voicing as the project progressed. The granddaughter of timber baron Frederick Weyerhaeuser, Sarah-Maud was a quiet but generous supporter of the House of Hope Church, Public Radio, At the shop we are now working on Opus 134 for Covenant the Schubert Club and many other musical and cultural institutions. Presbyterian Church in Nashville––while the church is pressing ahead to complete the new church building by the end of the year. We also mourn the loss of Fenner Douglass who died in April. From It is going to be a spectacular space, with grand dimensions, and the his days as an early Fulbright Organ Scholar, through his long tenure large three-manual, forty-eight stop instrument is scaled to fill the at Oberlin and his teaching at Duke and Stanford, he touched room with sound. countless lives. A fine performer and brilliant teacher, he was a The voicing of Opus 130 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center is nearing completion and each voicing crew has returned raving about the beautiful concert hall with its silver-clad interior and its stunning acoustics. A full schedule of exciting inaugural events (see Page 2) are planned for June, September, and beyond. Our instrument at the historic Lexington Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Virginia, Opus 128, was dedicated in January. There was a Sunday morning Service of Dedication, followed by an evening champion of the highest standards in both organ building and organ performance. Fenner and Charles Fisk shared a deep mutual interest in classical French repertory, practice, and sound. With his late wife, Jane, Fenner became a long-time personal friend to many of us at the shop. He will be greatly missed. A memorial service will be held on May 17 at the Bower Chapel in Naples, Florida. NEW RELEASES CROWN IMPERIAL Mary Preston, Organist and the Dallas Wind Symphony Jerry Junkin, Director C.B. FISK OPUS 100 Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas Strauss, Gabrieli, Walton, Tomasi, Grainger, Wagner, Hindemith, Daugherty Reference Recordings: RR 112 LE SERMON DE GAÏA Meditatio XXI, Rui dos Reis C.B. FISK OPUS 120 Cathédrale de Lausanne Jean-Christophe Geiser and Rui dos Reis, Organ Hiroko Kawamichi, Soprano Choir of the University of Lausanne with Percussion Ensemble Jean-Christophe Aubert, Director Gallo Recordings: Gallo CD 1236 (also a DVD) HOMMAGE À MESSIAEN La Nativité du Seigneur Colin Andrew, Organist C.B. FISK OPUS 126 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Greenville, North Carolina Messiaen (and Lionel Rogg) Loft Recordings: LRCD 1099 GREATER LOVE Janette Fishell, Organist with the Choir of East Carolina State University, Daniel Bara, Dir. C.B. FISK OPUS 126 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Greenville, North Carolina Howells, Pearsall, Tippett, Britten, Ireland, Wilby Gothic Recordings: Gothic 49256 ORGAN ODYSSEY Mary Preston, Organist C.B. FISK OPUS 100 Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas Karg-Elert, Vierne, Mendelssohn, Widor, Ives, Messiaen, Montaine Reference Recordings: RR-113 THE TRIO SONATAS OF JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Christa Rakich, Organ and Harpsichord O pus 130 Performed on a Diverse Collection of Period Instruments including C. B. Fisk Opus 55 Old West Church, Boston Alice Robbins, cello and viola da gamba Dana Malben, violin, Wendy Rolfe, flute Loft Recordings: LRCD 1102-03 (2 CDs) Inaugural Concerts for WILLIAM J. GILLESPIE CONCERT ORGAN ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Dr. Frederick Swann Open House ◆ June 29 President of the American Guild of Organists Demonstrates Opus 130 Lobby Exhibit & C. B. Fisk’s Lecture on the Organ’s Design and Construction Paul Jacobs, Organist Organ Grandeur ◆ Sept. 18-20 Saint-Saëns Symphony No. 3. & Bach, Theofanidis, Langlais with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra Carl St. Clair, Conductor Classical Connections Concert ◆ Sept. 21 (abbreviated Opening Concert) ♦ Hallowe’en Spooktacular ◆ Oct. 18 Family Musical Mornings Series Olivier Latry, Organist Concert for Solo Organ ◆ Oct. 19 Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris Mary Preston, Organist Cathedral Echoes ◆ Oct. 25 with Pacific Chorale ♦ C.B. FISK OPUS 130 Photo: Robert Cornell ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER C O S TA M E S A , C A L I F O R N I A S P E C I F I C A T I O N 57 voices, 75 ranks, 4,322 pipes GREAT, MANUAL I Montre 16' Montre 8' Violoncelle 8' Flûte harmonique 8' Spire Flute 8' Octave 4' Flûte ouverte 4' Superoctave 2' Progressive Mixture II-VI Mixture VI Cornet III (CC-f 3) Trompette 8' Double Trumpet 16' Trumpet 8' Clarion 4' POSITIVE, MANUAL II Bourdon 16' Principal 8' Gedackt 8' Salicional 8' Unda maris 8' Octave 4' Rohrflöte 4' Nasard 2 2/3' Doublette 2' Flûte à bec 2' Tierce 1 3/5' Sharp IV Cor anglais 16' Basson 8' Cromorne 8' SWELL, MANUAL III enclosed SOLO, MANUAL IV enclosed Diapason 8' Doppel Flute 8' Octave 4' Tierce Mixture V Clarinet 8' TUBA, FLOATING enclosed Tuba Magna 16' Tuba Mirabilis 8' Tuba Clarion 4' PEDAL Untersatz 32' ext. Montre 32' ext. Open Wood 16' Montre 16' from Gt. Soubasse 16' Contre Gambe 16' from Sw. Bourdon 16' from Pos. Grosse Quinte 10 2/3' ext. Octave 8' Violoncelle 8' from Gt. Spire Flute 8' from Gt. Octave 4' ext. Tuba Profunda 32' Tuba Magna 16' from Solo Bombarde 16' Double Trumpet 16' from Gt. Tuba Mirabilis 8' from Solo Trompette 8' from Gt. Trumpet 8' from Gt. Tuba Clarion 4' from Solo Clarion 4' from Gt. COUPLERS AND ACCESSORIES Swell to Great Positive to Great Positive to Great (mechanical) Solo to Great Tuba to Great Octaves graves Great Swell to Positive Tuba to Positive Tuba to Solo Great to Pedal Positive to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell to Pedal Super Solo to Pedal Kowalyshyn Servopneumatic Lever General Tremulant Swell Tremulants (slow and fast) Contre Gambe 16' Violin Diapason 8' Viole de gambe 8' Voix céleste 8' Flute Celeste II (Ludwigtone) Flûte traversière 8' Bourdon 8' Prestant 4' Flûte octaviante 4' Doublette 2' KEY ACTION direct mechanical (tracker), except for certain large pipes Octavin 2' Plein jeu IV STOP ACTION electrically controlled Bombarde 16' COMBINATION ACTION by Solid State Organ Systems Trompette 8' KEY DESK manuals 61 keys CC-c4, naturals of bone, sharps of ebony; pedalboard 32 keys CC- g1 Basson-Hautbois 8' CASEWORK aluminum leafed Voix humaine 8' FAÇADE PIPES polished, burnished tin and wood with aluminum leaf Clairon 4' O pus 133 Dedication Recital FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO Larry Palmer,Organist October 12, 3:00 pm D u r u f l é , B a c h , D i s t l e r, R . S t r a u s s C ONCERTS ♦ AND ♦ R ECITALS BOSTON, MA OPUS 44 KING’S CHAPEL Tuesdays at 12:15 Heinrich Christensen, Organist; Pat Wroge, Saxaphone Heather Holland, Spirituals June 3 Brenda Portman, Organist June 17 Nadia Stevens, Organist July 1 Young Organists Initiative Showcase Recital July 8 Robert Knupp, Organist August 5 Heinrich Christensen, Organist; Gregg Sorensen, Clarinet August 12 Heinrich Christensen, Organist; Thomas Gregg, Tenor David Shapero, Baritone August 19 Josh Lawton, Organist; Steven Serpa, Countertenor October 7 Jan Overduin, Organist October 26, 5:00 pm “In Praise of Music” Britten, Schubert, Purcell,Vaughan-Williams, Pinkham King’s Chapel Choir, Heinrich Christensen, Director. Ross Wood, Organ May 20 BOSTON, MA OPUS 55 OLD WEST CHURCH July 8 July 15 July 22 Summer Concert Series (Tuesdays at 8:00 pm) Andrew Paul Holman July 29 David Beyer James Busby August 5 Joshua Lawton Natsumi Malloy August 12 Margaret Angelini ♦ ON ♦ F ISK ♦ O RGANS (LAUSANNE) Festival europeen de l'orgue, Fridays at 8:00 pm Donato Cuzzato (Italy). Bach, Macrcello, Vivaldi, Moretti, July 25 Vierne, Bossin August 1 Andrzej Chorosinski (Poland). Surzynski, Chopin, Messiaen, Widor August 8 E. De Geest (Belgium). Messiaen, Elgar, Duruflé, Bach, Tournemire, Jongen August 15 D. Zaretsky (Russia). Bach, Messiaen, Gigout, Kuschnarev, Koehler August 22 K. Schnoor (Germany). Cocker, Ravanello, Bach, Ireland, Camonin, Liszt, Wagner August 29 L. Romiti (Italy). Bossi, Langlais, Hindemith, Mascagni Fridays at 8:00 pm September 5 J. Wolff, Organ. Wagner, Bach, Liszt September 12 K. Koito, Organ. Bach September 19 M. Bambauer, Organ. Bach, deGrigny, Liszt, Lemare, Bambauer, Farrington September 26 P. Thimus, Organ. Buxtehude, Bach, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Pierné, Dupré Marathon d'orgue October 3 7:00 pm R. Marki; 8:00 pm M. Clerc; 9:00 pm C. Pahud; 10:00 pm D. Chappuis LEXINGTON, VA OPUS 128 LEXINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH May 4, 3:00 pm Celebratory Concert with Choirs and Organ CHICAGO, IL OPUS 123 ST. CHRYSOSTOM’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH MARBLEHEAD, MA OPUS 69 ST. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH May 9, 7:30 pm Roger Stanley, Organist Duruflé, Bach, Mendelssohn, Franck, Vierne May 11, 5:00 pm Rosalind Mohnsen, Recital October 19, 5:00 pm Douglas Major, Recital DALLAS, TX OPUS 100 DALLAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MEYERSON SYMPHONY CENTER NEW YORK, NY OPUS 92 CHURCH May 22, 12:30 pm Organ Demonstration DALLAS, TX OPUS 101 SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY CARUTH AUDITORIUM September 8, 8:00 pm Larry Palmer, Faculty Recital Bach, Distler, Hindemith, Widor DOVER, MA OPUS 107 THE DOVER CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION June 4, 7:30 pm Arnold Schwartz Memorial Concert “A Benjamin Britten Blast” Transfiguration choirs and soloists. A Little Midday Music at the Little Church Around the Corner Tuesdays, 12:30 – 1:00 pm May 13 “The Practitioners of Musick” Gavin Black, Organist, with John Burkhalter, Recorder May 20 Claudia Dumschat, Organist. Wm. Albright’s “The King of Instruments” May 18, 4:00 pm Peter Sykes, Recital Meeting House Organ Series OBERLIN, OH OPUS 116 OBERLIN COLLEGE FINNEY CHAPEL GAINESVILLE, FL OPUS 119 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH October 31, 8:00 pm Olivier Vernet, Organiste titulaire of Monaco Cathedral Franck, Widor, Ibert, Alain, Duruflé September 28, 4:00 pm “Horns & Pipes” Brass and Organ from University of Florida School of Music GLOUCESTER, MA OPUS 97 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH June 29, 10:15 am (after service) Patriotic Music, Sousa Marches Mark Nelson, Organist with Brass Band September 28, 4:00 pm Barbara Bruns, Organist 20th Anniversary Recital KOBE, JAPAN OPUS 132 YASHIROGAKU IN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, CHAPEL October 17, 12:40 pm Yuko Kogure ♦ October 18, 12:40 pm Shizuea Ueno LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND OPUS 120 LAUSANNE CATHEDRAL May 11, 5:00 pm June 6, 8:00 pm June 13, 8:00 pm June 20, 8:00 pm June 21 June 27, 8:00 pm July 18, 8:00 pm w w w. g r a n d e s o r g u e s . c h Jean-Christophe Geiser, Organ. Concert de Pentecôte. Bach, Couperin, Messiaen Olivier Latry, Organ. Tournemire, Duruflé, Langlais, Vierne, Messiaen, Latry Frederick Blanc, Organ. Tournemire, Grünenwald, Bach, Liszt, Fauré, Fleury, Blanc Franz Loerch, Organ. Bach, Schnizer, Genzmer, Franck, Kropfreiter, Mozart, Boëllmann Fête de la musique: 3 visites des grandes orgues 10:00 am 2:00 pm (pour les enfants) 4:00 pm Arno Hartmann, Organ. Bédard, d'Indy, Menotti, Messiaen, Franck J. Neuenschwander – H. Stettler (Organ and Alpine horn). Choir des Alpes. Bach-Vivaldi, Gade, SaintSaëns, Flück, Medley, Stettler Listen to Pipedreams: See our Concert Calendar and much more on RICHMOND, VA OPUS 112 ST. JAMES’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH May 3, 10:00 am May 4, 11:00 am May 4, 7:00 pm James David Christie, Master Class Youth Choir Cantata James David Christie, Recital ROANOKE, VA OPUS 124 CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL 2008 Summer Festival of Organ Music Tuesdays at 7:30 pm July 8 Thomas Baugh with July 15 Neal Campbell July 22 Jack Mitchener Marianne Sandborg, Soprano SEATTLE, WA OPUS 114 SEATTLE SYMPHONY, BENAROYA HALL WATJEN CONCERT ORGAN June 16, 12:30 pm “Adopted by America” Organ Demonstration, Joseph Adam August 4, 12:30 pm “Wagner” Organ Demonstration, Joseph Adam SAN LU IS OBISPO, CA OPUS 129 CAL POLY FOUNDATION FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER June 1, 3:00 pm Paul Woodring, Organist. Reger, Hindemith, Pärt, Grandjany, Woodring, Clokey TALLAHASSEE, FL OPUS 127 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH October 28, 3:30 pm Elizabeth LaJeunesse, Recital and Evensong WINSTON-SALEM, NC FISK OPUS 131/SCHREINER OPUS 6 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH May 13, 7:00 pm Scott Carpenter June 3, 7:00 pm Frances Nobert YOKOHAMA, JAPAN OPUS 110 MINATO MIRAI CONCERT HALL July 12, 2:00 pm September 25 September 26 October 9 May 21 June 25 July 23 Guy Bovet, Recital Concert for children Genzo Takehisa, Organist and Takeshi Kiriyama, Violin Hatsumi Miura, Organist and Tomo Yamaguchi, Percussion. Concert for Children Dollar Concerts at 12:10 pm Yuka Ishimaru August 27 Mineko Kojima Takeshi Kondoh September 24 Ryoki Yamaguchi Rie Hiroe October 22 Ai Yoshida Photo: Dana Sigall PROFILE: D ANA S IGALL I f you’ve admired our new website (and we hope you’re a frequent visitor to you can thank Dana Sigall. Formerly a commercial photographer, it is Dana who collected and organized the information and materials, coordinated our work with each other, and brokered our ideas and needs to the designers. The result is a handsome site, kept current with news and information for potential clients and our extended Fisk family. Dana came to the shop in 2001 through Scott Ryder, our Director of Finance. The two had shared a studio in their Art Institute of Boston days. Knowing Dana’s work and character well, Scott called on his friend to photograph our organ for the Oberlin Conservatory and to ‘shoot’ the Open House. Observing Dana's methodical, quiet engagement with his subjects that day, Rick Isaacs quipped, “if you’re ever interested in a real job, call us sometime.” As it happened, Dana was at a crossroads. After college at Ohio University in Athens (and later on staff at the Art Institute of Boston), Dana had free-lanced for a number of years, making his mark on projects for Fidelity, Toyota, IBM, GTE, and Merrill Lynch, among others. Though it was a big change, Dana saw that, just as in the photography business, “you have layouts, production meetings, and the requirements of good craftsmanship. You have to have a feel for what it takes to produce a good outcome.” Perhaps Dana was reclaiming his earlier interest in music as a profession. He had been an enthusiastic pianist as a boy, wanting to major in music in college. His parents, thinking it unlikely that he would make a career as a pianist, lobbied his piano teacher to dissuade his student from this idea, and Dana wound up going to art school instead, leaving his family unsure that they had helped him secure his future! Now both disciplines play into the skills he brings to C. B. Fisk. When Dana first arrived here, it was his good fortune that we were just starting work on the organ for the Lausanne Cathedral. For more than a year he worked in the woodshop making parts for our magnum opus, honing his woodworking skills and learning the intricacies of the instrument. He signed up for the installation, knowing that the complexity and magnitude of Opus 120 meant a much longer time on the road than usual. Dana was in Switzerland for six weeks, returning for the inaugural recitals with his wife, Gail, a mixed-media artist, and their then 12-year-old son, Henry. “Henry had just gotten there and I had to go to the Cathedral to open up. I handed the key to him and he turned it and opened the door. He was bowled over…that filtered light in the huge room, the gargoyles, and then…the organ…even before he heard it!” A trial by fire, one might say, that warmed Dana even further to his new profession. Born in Tokyo where his father served in the Air Force, Dana was delighted to return to Japan for the installation of Opus 132 in Kobe in 2007. After the ‘tour of duty’ in Kobe, Dana re-visited his country of origin, and Henry, now a student at Vassar, joined him again. “Travel is great…I love to travel, but so is being here at the shop…it’s that mix of artists and artisans,” says Dana. He is the photographer of record for many of our newer instruments and lends his experience in graphic design to many a project. The pacing is different, he says. “It’s a much longer time-scale for the work. I like that, but I had to get used to it. In photography it’s ‘chop-chop.’ Still, fine art is fine art…and organbuilding here is fine art. You can be all eyes and all ears.” ~ Kathleen Adams, Editor Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930-5108 21 Kondelin Road GLOUCESTER, MA 01930 PERMIT NO. 40 PAID PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE
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