2009 minutes - Perry Township
2009 minutes - Perry Township
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 1 of7 The Board convened in Organizational Session on Monday, January 5, 2009 at 6:53 P.M. in the Perry Township Hall. ROLL CALL: Chet Chaney, yes; James Roper, yes; Robert Myers, yes. The Fiscal Officer was present. CHAlRMAN AND VICE CHAlRMAN, 2009: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to nominate Chet Chaney, Chairman for 2009, and to move that the uomination be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast. ALL VOTED YEA (001-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to nominate James Roper, Vice Chairman for 2009, and to move that the nomination be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast. ALL VOTED YEA (002-09) MEETING DATES, TIME and PLACE: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney that the time and place of the regular meetings ofthe Board be set on the first and third Mondays of each month (or as noted on the attached schedule) at 7:00 P.M. at the Township Hall, 7125 Sawmill Road, Franklin' County, Dnblin, Ohio, ALL VOTED YEA (003-09) TEMPORARY APPROPRlATIONS RESOLUTION: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that the Board has not received the Official Certification of Estimated Resources from the Franklin County Budget Commission; therefore, be it resolved by the Board that to provide for the current operating expenses of said Board, that until such certification is received and appropriations are passed, an emergency (temporary) appropriation be adopted for such expenditures, at which time all expenditures will be charged against the regular certificate in the proper amounts, accounts, and funds. The temporary appropriation as of this date being $ 5,658,611.70 and belonging to the funds on the books as of this date: General Fund, Motor Vehicle Fund, Gasoline Tax Fund, Road District Fund, Road and Bridge Fund, Police District Fund, Fire District Fund and UST Fund #34. (Note: when books are balanced with the bank statement and interest given the adjustments to the proper funds will be made). ALL VOTED YEA (004-09) ADVANCE OF TAX MONIES COLLECTED: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to prepare a letter to the Franklin County Auditor for a blanket ADVANCE oftax monies for 2009, ifneeded. ALL VOTED YEA (005-09) COMPENSATION (Trustees and Fiscal Officer): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, the office ofthe Attorney General of the State of Ohio on several occasions has ruled that whenever trustees deem it necessary to be in the public interest for the members and its Fiscal Officer to attend conventions of the State Association for Township Trustees and Fiscal Officers that they are entitled to the maximum compensation, as provided by law, as in the past. In addition to the compensation, the Fiscal Officer and Trustees may receive actual and necessary expenses, including meals, lodging and transportation incurred in attending such meeting. Be it further resolved that H.B. #852, effective October 9, 1978, permits township trustees to appropriate from its General Fund an amount sufficient to pay dues to the State Association and the subscription to the Ohio Township News. Be it further resolved, that health insurance, including dental and vision at the current rate be permitted to be paid from the General Fund for each Trustee and Fiscal Officer, if so desired. The Trustees and Fiscal Officer need ouly to pay any difference in premium during their term of office, IF BENEFITS INCREASE, (Resolution #340-83, December, 1983). Be it further resolved that liability Insurance, at the current rate be permitted to be paid for all three (3) Trustees and the Fiscal Officer from the General Fund. Be it further resolved, that the Trustees be paid on a salary basis (after the first $5000 of expenditures are made) and that this matter of information be filed in writing with the Franklin County Board of Elections. Be it further resolved, that the procedure set forth by the Attorney General's office that the Fiscal Officer and Trustees be reimbursed at the rate of fifty and a half cents ($0.505) per mile for travel outside of the Township on official business, and be it resolved, that the necessary expense or parking be paid from the General Fund. Corrections per 1.20.09 ~ItHnutes ;----------------------- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 2 of7 ALL VOTED YEA (006-09) TOWNSHIP RECORDS COMMISSION: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to establish a TOWNSHIP RECORDS COMMISSION comprised ofthe Chairman and Fiscal Officer (connty anditor, ifnecessary). Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) 149.41 is on file with the Fiscal Officer relative to the procedures. ALL VOTED YEA (007-09) PAYROLL DATES: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to set the payroll dates for all employees to be every other Friday, no later than 10:00 A.M., 26 times per year. Further be it resolved that the payroll for the Township employees is processed by Paycor. ALL VOTED YEA (008-09) ROAD DISTRICT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that in accordance with Section 5571.03 ofthe O.R.C., the State of Ohio~gives three (3) methods to be followed to control and maintain Township roads; therefore, be it resolved that METHOD C be followed by the Board. ALL VOTED YEA (009-09) ROAD DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that in accordance with Section 5571.03 of the O.R.C., it is in the best interest of the public to appoint a person, uot a member of this Board, to have coutrol of the maintenance and repair of the Roads within the Township, which person shall be respousible and !mown as the Road Superintendent, Bryan Shonkwiler, during uormal working hours and the actual discharge of his duties; and that before paymeut of such compensation, as well as necessary and proper expenses incurred, this shall be approved that this Board, and Mr. Shonkwiler shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. Section 5571.04 O.R.C., State of Ohio, states that the Board can fix compensation of the Road Superintendent to be honrly or salary. The Snperintendent shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schednle and receive benefits allowed the full-time, non-contract employees. ALL VOTED YEA (010-09) USE OF TOWNSHIP OWNED OR LEASED VEIDCLE: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to provide the use of a Township owned or leased vehicle to the Road Superintendent, who is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless otherwise on vacation or ont of the Township on other bnsiness not relevant to the Township; be it therefore resolved to anthorize the Snperintendent the personal use of a township vehicle for transportation to and from work only; however, use shall be considered a non-cash fringe benefit to the employee and income on such personal use shall be calcnlated and tax withheld by the Fiscal Officer (Resolution #164-91, July I, 1991). A resolution authorizing the Superintendent to use a Township owned (or leased) vehicle and the details are attached to this set of minutes and !mown as Resolution # 011-95, Amended. The cost to the Superintendent is $3.00 ronnd trip per day and/or $1.50 each way. ALL VOTED YEA (011-09) BOND: ROAD SUPERINTENDENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, Mr. Shonkwiler has been appointed Superintendent; therefore, be it resolved that [STRIKE: he} [INSERT: the Township] shall furnish bond in the amonnt of $2,000.00 and is hereby granted and approved by this Board, and shall be paid from the General Fnnd ALL VOTED YEA (012-09) ROAD DISTRICT STAFF (full-time): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, be it resolved that the appointed Superintendent, is authorized to recruit and recommend to the Board the hiring of a staff personnel. The full-time staff is Ian Warren, and Nate McCardle. The staff shall serve nnder the same formula as Mr. Shonkwiler in the discharge of their duties and receive the benefits allowed the full-time, non-contract employees. ALL VOTED YEA (013-09) EMERGENCY ROAD WORK: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, Mr. Shonkwiler and/or full-time staff may be called to work at nndesirable hours throughout the year, be it resolved that their work week be Snnday through Correctlons per 1.20.09 ~\~irJl1'ces RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 3 of7 Saturday, forty (40) hours per week and further, be it resolved that at auy time an emergency such as snow, flood, windstorms, or other Acts of God, or when called by one Trustee, each of these employees shall receive compensation over their regular work week at time one and one-half (1 1/2) their hourly rate per Fair Labor Standards Act, 1977. ALL VOTED YEA (014-09) ROAD DISTRICT (part-time): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that from time to time additional staff will be needed; and that the Superiotendent may hire additional staff (part-time) at the Trustee authorized step rate during regular working hours; and be it further resolved that when help is needed for emergencies, that the Superintendent may hire additional help for an emergency. Further, where help is needed for emergencies, over the regular 40 hour work week, the Superiotendent is to be contacted first, if unavailable then refer to Road District full-time staff schedule. Should the dispatcher be unable to reach any of the above, then the Chairman of the Board, or Vice Chairman, or Trustee shall be called. ALL VOTED YEA (015-09) POLICE CHIEF: Motion by Chet Chaney; secondedby Robert Myers that whereas, the Board deems it in the best interest of public safety to preserve law and order for the residents of the Township; therefore, Robert L. Oppenheimer is hereby reappointed as Chief of Police and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. He shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedule and receive all benefits allowed full-time employees, unless otherwise stated by this Board. ALL VOTED YEA (016-09) POLICE LIEUTENANT Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, the Board deems it in the best interest of public safety to preserve law and order for the residents ofthe Township; therefore, Robert Pendleton is hereby so appointed as Lieutenant of Police and shall serve at the pleasure ofthe Board. He shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedule and receive all benefits allowed full-time employees, unless otherwise stated by this Board. ALL VOTED YEA (017-09) POLICE OFFICERS (full-time): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, the Board deems it in the best interest of public safety to preserve law and order for the residents and property owners ofthe Township; therefore, be it resolved that the full-time officers be reappointed and paid in accordance with the FOP contract: Sergeants Michael Bleas and Edward Kontul; Officers Sean Bean, Steve Cesaro, Paul Grundei, Tim Malone" Meldon Hamber, Mark Rice and John Thomas. ALL VOTED YEA (018-09) RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS (Constables): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, the Board deems it in the best interest ofthe residents and property owners ofthe Township, that the following be appointed police constables: Joseph Gutches, Philip Delbert, Eric Delbert, Fred Howard, Samuel Mattison, Robert Wade, Dave Pickney, Julia Brown, Michael Conkle, Jose Hernandez, and Jeffrey Bohanan. Paid reserves shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedule. Each officer must work a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per month to maintain their commission with the Perry Township Police District. The Township from time to time can provide certain uniform components with the recommendation ofthe Chief and approval ofthe Board (Resolution #087-02, February 8, 2002). ALL VOTED YEA (019-09) [STRIKE] POLICE BONIlS: Metienlly Chet Chaney; soeond.dlly R<lbert 1"'")'01'5 that w#h the passing of the pre"i9Us ..seMieRs, that the poliee offieeFS, full time and velnnteer reserve listed herein shall furnish lleRd in the amonnt of $1,000.00 (required: State of Ohie llond), and that they shalllle eo'"eredll)' a lllanket lleRd and it shalllle approved and paidlly the BoarE!. The Beard shall also furnish liability inSHfatlee. Tho BoarE! ellff6lltly eorrios a three million dollar ($3,000,000.00) Iiallility eR all employees andlleard memlloFS (RilseMioR #I€i 88, Janaary 4, 1988). Corrections per 1.20.09 fVlinutes RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 4 of7 l.I.I. VOTED VEl. (020 09) UNIFORM ALLOWANCE: Motion by Chet Chaoey; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, the State of Ohio requires police officers to wear particnlar uniforms; therefore, the full-time officers will be allowed uniforms as provided io the FOP contract aod that the Board will be billed for .the expenditures; however, purchase orders must be obtaioed from the Fiscal Officer's office before purchase of uniforms. Specific c1othiog is listed io the FOP contract. ALL VOTED YEA (021-09) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (police): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to reappoiot Lori Burger as Admioistrative Assistaot, Step 6 on a full-time basis, (40) forty hours per week, excluding lunch. The administrative assistaot shall be compensated io accordance with the salary schedule aod shall receive all benefits of full-time, non-contract employees. Uniform allowance (Resolution #257-00, December 4, 2000) aod dry cleaoiog reimbursement for such uniforms is also included. ALL VOTED YEA (022-09) BENEFITS: Motion by Chet Chaoey; seconded by Robert Myers that io the best ioterest of the employees of the Township, for health aod morale purposes, to have the following benefits for full-time aod full-time "part_time" employees (working at least twenty-five (25) hours per week on a twelve (12) month basis): ALL VOTED YEA (023-09) VACATION POLICY [STRIKE: R<lselHtien #§2 01, Jeuuary 1, 2000,] [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #32908, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008], uuIess otherwise stated io the FOP contract. [STRIKE: (eellY attaehed)] HOLIDAY POLICY [STRIKE: R<lseJatien #284 8§, Oeteber 21, 198§,] [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008)], unless otherwise stated io the FOP contract. [STRIKE: (ee!,yatlashed)] VACATION POLICY for EXEMPT DEPARTMENT HEADS [STRIKE: R"seIatien #§2 01, Jane....y I, 2001.] [INSERT: Employee Maoual (Resolution #329-08, December 2,2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008.)] COMPENSATORY TIME for SALARIED DEPARTMENT HEADS [STRIKE: R"seJatien #170 94,.fun" 20,1994.] [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #32908, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008)], [STRIKE: (Hmst be a!,!,re'l"d by Trustees)] SICK LEAVE POLICY [STRIKE: R<lseMien #82 88, February I§, 1988, [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolntion #342-08, December 15, 2008)], uuIess otherwise stated in the FOP contract. [STRIKE: (ee!'y attaehed)] BEREAVEMENT LEAVE [STRIKE: ReseJatien #8288, Seetien 7, February I§, 1988, [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008)], unless otherwise stated in FOP contract. [STRIKE: (ee!')' attashed)] PAYMENT OF UNUSED SICK LEAVE [INSERT: Employee Maoual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008).] [STRIKE: l\mendment te R"seJatien #82 88, Seetien 4, February 1§,1988, ReseMien #229 88, AHgust 29, 1988, unless stated in the FOP eentrae!. (pelley tell! attashed te abe",. Corrections per 1.20.09 f\tlinutes -------------- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 5 of7 Feselatien.)] Further, be it resolved that the Board shall furnish health insurance (hospitalizatiou, surgical, major medical, dental, vision and life) for all full-time employees who desire coverage. Liability insurance is included for all employees and, be it resolved that two days of Personal Business Leave will be allowed for each full-time employee per year non-accumulative and is not paid for if not taken during the respective calendar year. VACATION TIME AND COMPENSATORY TIME [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008),] unless otherwise stated or by the FOP contract. [STRIKE:-YSB use efwi6atien leeffiJleBsateFY time must ae mutually agreeEl Uj3en by the 6FEIflleyee anEl the dBfJ_eHt head.] FULL-TIME "PART TIME" PERSONNEL An employee working [INSERT: thirty-two (32)] [STRIKE: twenty fP,e (25) heurs ] or more, but not forty (40) hours in a work week, shall accrue sick leave and vacation leave at halftime, unless otherwise approved by the Board. NON-SMOKING POLICY [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008).] [STRIKE: R<lselutien #I@ 94, June 2Q, 1994. (eepy attaehed)] PAID HOLIDAYS FOR NON-CONTRACT EMPLOYEES All full-time non-contract employees shall be paid ten (10) paid holidays per year effective with the date of employment, [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2, 2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008).] [STRIKE:(R<lselatien #239 93, Golea.. 13, 1993).] This affects part-time employees working, at least, twenty-five (25) hours per week, unless otherwise specified by this Board. ALL VOTED YEA (024-09) PUBLICITY: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that all publicity and/or news releases, etc., concerning the Township MUST FIRST have the approval ofthis Board before being released. ALL VOTED YEA (025-09) DEPOSITORY: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that through contract the Board names the HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, PARK NATIONAL BANK, NATIONAL CITY BANK, AND STAR OIDO, as the Township's depository through December 31, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (026-09) INVENTORY: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that the inventory ofthe Township be taken at this time and that the inventory be filed with the Fiscal Officer; two (2) copies for administrative control, insurance purposes, audit purposes, and that one (I) copy be filed with the Franklin County Engineer (O.R.C.) no later than [INSERT: March 12,2009.] [STRIKE: January 31, 2QQ9.] ALL VOTED YEA (027-09) LEGAL ADVISORS: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, with the counsel and advice of the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office and in accordance with Section 309.09, O.R-C., that the Board resolve to retain additional services of an attorney on an annual basis for counseling purposes. A statement of hourly rates and compensation shall be fixed, and not exceed the budgeted amount in this calendar year unless approved by, this Board (LAW FIRM: Loveland & Brosius, 50 W. Broad Street, Columbus, OR) ALL VOTED YEA (028-09) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to reappoint as Administrative Assistants to the Fiscal Officer and the Board Cheryl DeMatteo on a 32 hours per week basis, and Beth Beatty on a full-time basis, 40 hours per week basis, twelve (12) months per year at an hourly rate in accordance with the salary schedule and receive all benefits allowed full-time, non contract employees. Corrections per 1.20.09 [I/Hnlltes ----------_.- RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 6 of7 ALL VOTED YEA (029-09) [STRIKE: DEPARTMENT] HANDBOOKSIMANUALSIPOLICmS: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that the [STRIKE: Paliee Distriet, ana R.,ad Dismet] handbooks/manuals/policies be adopted and, in force at this time, shall remain in force until further notice or ameuded by this Board. ALL VOTED YEA (030-09) USE. OF TOWNSHlP OWNED VEmCLES (or leased): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to approve that the Police Chiefbe authorized the availability of a Township owned or leased vehicle at all times as each of these officers are on call for the safety of the Township and its residents 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, unless otherwise on vacation or out of town on other business not relevant to the Township. Further, this could apply to other Township employees approved by this. ALL VOTED YEA (031-09) SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to continue the Sexual Harassment Policy. [STRIKE: (R-esalatian #046 92, Jamlary 4, 1992) atlaehea ta this set af minates.] [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2,2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008).] ALL VOTED YEA (032-09) CREDIT CARDS/CREDIT LINES: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to maintain the policy establishing the guidelines for credit cards and credit line. [STRIKE: af $1,000.00 EResalatian #147 92, Jooe 13, 1992 atlaeheEl). T1Hs "aliey was amenaea in 1996 ta melllae the "aliee ehief, amenaea in Jamlaty 3, 2001 ta memae the .aad sll"eFintenE1ent, ana Jaffilary 21, 2002 ta memae eafllj3atOf systems ana web "age a<lmffiistFata. ($300 Iimit).] [INSERT: Employee Manual (Resolution #329-08, December 2,2008; Amended Resolution #342-08, December 15, 2008).] ALL VOTED YEA (033-09) TOWNSHIP PERMIT REQUIRED BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION IS MADE ON A TOWNSHlP ROAD: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to continue the policy under #5571.16, O.R.C., that the Board enact a resolution requiring a township permit before any excavation is made on a Township road (Resolution #195-92, September 8, 1992 attached). ALL VOTED YEA (034-09) ZONING APPOINTMENTS: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to reappoint Robin Fellure as Zoning Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and John Hewett as Assistant Zoning Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer at the hourly rate in accordance with salary schedule, and Virginia Shimrock, Secretary to the Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Exterior Property Maintenance Appeals Board at a rate of $50.00 for preparation of meeting minutes. The Board ofTrustees pays for the bond for the Zoning Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. ALL VOTED YEA (035-09) BENEFITS (Zoning Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer): Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that the Zoning Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer works twenty (2Oj [INSERT: fifteen (15)] hours per week; therefore, [STRIKE: this Baal'a aHthemes feny (40) hallfS af "aia 'faeatian "Of yea•. Paia heliaays al'e "Of Resallltian #189 94, Jooe 20, 1994 ana thet .esamtien is attaehea ta this set afminates.] [INSERT: Zoning Staff who work in excess oftwenty (20) hours per week may be eligible for prorated vacation benefits.] ALL VOTED YEA (036-09) POLICE CRUISER RENTAL/SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT: Administtative Regulation 108.12 (two part policy on file in detail with the Police Chief and the Fiscal Officertreasurer). Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that whereas, in the interest of public safety and to Corrections per 1.20.09 I'linutes RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 5, 2009 Page 7 of7 preserve law and order for the residents and property owners ofthe Perry Township, the District occasioually rents a police cruiser to a separate aud independent private or public employer in connection with special duty police officer assignments; therefore, be it resolved that whenever a police cruiser is rented in connection with special duty assignments, the renter shall agree to; (1) pay to the Police District a rental fee of $10.00 per hour plus a nourefundable cruiser cleaning fee (varies) which fees shall be paid to the Fiscal Officer for deposit to the credit of the Police District Fund, and (2) indenmiiY, and hold harmless Police District from any and all damages that might occur as a result of the police cruiser. Furthermore, the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the District Form No.04294 for use whenever a cruiser is rented, which form shall be signed by the renter and the Police Chiet; or his designee, prior to the rental period, and a copy of the signed form shall be forwarded to the Fiscal Officer as soon as possible. Guidelines for SPECIAL DUTY EMPLOYMENT are on file with the offices of Police Chiet; his designee and the Fiscal Officer's office. These gnidelines must be given the special duty employer and the officer who wishes to be privately employed by the employers on his off duty hours at Perry Township. Special duty employment of an officer SHALL NOT be considered employment of the officer by Perry Township. The special duty employer shall be responsible for required Workers' Compensation or other insurance coverage for any injury to an officer occurring during the course of special duty assignment/employment. Complete text of CRUISER RENTAL and SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT is on file with the Police Chief and Fiscal Officer. ALL VOTED YEA (037-09) EMPLOYEENOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARDS POLICY: Motion by Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt the above mentioned policy (Resolution #164-97, Augnst 4, 1997) and appended to that set ofminutes (copy attached to this set of minutes). ALL VOTED YEA (038-09) INVESTMENT POLICY: Motion by Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to maintain the Investment policy/document that is on file with the Fiscal Officer/ Treasurer, the State Auditor's Office and the designated depositories. This policy is in conjunction with the Ohio Revised Code, as amended, and will govern the investment activities of Perry Township and will be reviewed periodically for compliance and to effectively manage the funds portfolio. ALL VOTED YEA (039-09) BOARD RESOLUTIONS in FORCE (Includes Sunshine Law): Motion by Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers that it is in the best interest of the residents of the Township to have continuity of business concerning existing matters; therefore, be it resolved tbat until further notice ALL resolutions in force on the minutes as of December 31, [STRIKE: ;000=;] [INSERT: 2008] which have NOT been changed, deleted or corrected at this time shall remain in force. This resolution includes Sunshine Law Substitutes Senate Bill #74, effective November 8, 1975 and amended July, 1990 and any amendments since, unless noted herein (Sunshine Law 121.11 O.R.C.). ALL VOTED YEA (040-09) ADJOURNMENT: All formal actions of the Board concerning and relating to the adoption of resolutions and/or motions passed at this meeting were adopted in a meeting open to the public, in compliance with the law, including Section 121.22. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 7:00 PM. The regular session is scheduled at 7:00 PM in the Township Hall. CHETCHANEY Chairman Corrections per 1.20.09 Minutes ~I~ HELE ELLIOTT Fisca Officer ---_._----------_.- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP January 5, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, January 5, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Officer Fellure; Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2008 regular session: ALL VOTED YEA (041-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to correct the minutes of the October 20, 2008 regular session: • Resolution No. (288-08); Strike $2,100 and replace with $1,400 ALL VOTED YEA (042-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to correct the minutes of the December 2, 2008 regular session: • Resolution No. (324-08); Add: Administrative Office ALL VOTED YEA (043-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into executive session concerning employee compensation by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yes; James Roper, yes; Robert Myers, yes (7:09 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:23 PM Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the 2009 wage schedule (4.2%) increase for all noncontract employees; 3% merit raises for (2) Step 6 Administrative Assistants. ALL VOTED YEA (044-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent sUbmitted the December 30, 2008 departmental report. CEMETERY: Mr. Roper submitted the Cemetery Advisory Committee December 15, 2008 report. ZONING: The Zoning Officer sUbmitted the December 11, 2008 departmental report. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to reappoint Thomas Francis to the Board of Zoning Appeals and Rachel Schultz to the Zoning Commission for a period of 4 years, terms to expire on December 31,2012. ALL VOTED YEA (045-09) The Zoning Officer stated that the Zoning and Road Department staff would like to upgrade from the current Verizon cellular phones to "push-to-talk" phones. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the upgrade of 5 push-to-talk Verizon cellular telephones (2 for zoning; 3 for road) at a cost not to exceed $37 per phone for equipment and $5 per phone (per month) for usage charges. ALL VOTED YEA (046-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize the purchase of a vacuum cleaner for the Department at a cost not to exceed $215.00. ALL VOTED YEA (047-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the Home Occupation form, fee, and process. ALL VOTED YEA (048-09) ~--------------------------- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP January 5, 2009 Page 2 FIRE DISTRICT: The Worthington and Upper Arlington Fire Departments submitted the December 2008 Fire and EMS activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of (3) police badges from Sun Badge at a cost of $260.00. ALL VOTED YEA (049-09) OTHER: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt and establish an Employment NonDiscrimination Policy and declaring the Township to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. (see attached) ALL VOTED YEA (050-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Administrative Beatty to attend the Documents Retention and Destruction in Ohio seminar through Lorman Education Services on February 24, 2009 at a cost of $349.00. ALL VOTED YEA (051-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to retain the services of Donald Brosius of Loveland & Brosius, LLC and the law firm of Loveland & Brosius, LLC as Township's legal counsel to be in effect from the date of this resolution. ALL VOTED YEA (052-09) Chairman Chaney named the following Department liaisons and spokesperson for the 2009 year: • • • • • • Road - James Roper Zoning - Chet Chaney Fire - Chet Chaney Police - Robert Myers Waste Disposal - Chet Chaney Spokesperson I News Releases - James Roper FINANCIAL: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (053-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 7:54 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman LJLI...LL~~~~ep Mic ele M. Elliott Fisca Officer RESOLUTION NO. 050-09 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND ESTABLISHING AN EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY AND DECLARING THE TOWNSHIP TO BE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township, Franldin County, Ohio, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 509.01, 511.10 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Board has always maintained the practice of providing employment opportunities to the most qualified individuals based upon the needs of the Township and the merit, qualifications and abilities of the individual; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to reaffirm, adopt and establish an employment non-discrimination policy and to declare the Township to be an equal opportunity employer. RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PERRY TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO, THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE, AND IT IS, HEREBY ADOPTED: RESOLVED, that the Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of the Township to ensure equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. Discrimination against employees and applicants due to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or veterans status is illegal and violates the Township's equal opportunity policy; and be it further RESOLVED, that in order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at the Township will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. The Township will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment including selection, job assignment, compensation and access to benefits and training; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees reserves all rights authorized it by applicable law for personnel administration, and the Board retains the sole right to determine the qualifications desired for each job and to establish employment criteria, determine the weight attributed to each employment criteria, and the right to evaluate and assess the qualifications of all applicants. The acceptance of an application is no assurance of an interview or response, nor does it constitute an agreement or promise to consider that applicant or application. Moreover, a person previously or currently employed by the Township will not necessarily be afforded a preference over other qualified applicants; and be it further RESOLVED, that any and all lists heretofore prepared by or on behalf of the Board of Trustees for the purposes of ranlcing prospects for employment or job assignment on any basis or criteria whatsoever are hereby abolished in their collective entirety; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Resolution in no way affects, impairs or otherwise negates the Township's policy that unless otherwise specifically provided for by law, employees employed by the Township are employees at will and are employed on an indefinite basis until either the Board or the employee chooses to terminate such employment. More particularly, an employee at will may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board at any time, with or without cause, for any reason or no reason whatsoever and, in the case of the Township, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board. Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed as creating any contract of employment between the Township and any employee, and the Township, through the Board, reserves the right to amend, modify or rescind this Resolution, ,in whole or in part, at any time without notice and in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board. This resolution shall talce effect and be in force from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED: January 5, 2009 Attest: /AIduiebKlJ~~ V~ele EllIott Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP January 20, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, January 20, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Resource100 Ltd. representative, Mike Long; Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2009 Organizational session with noted corrections: ALL VOTED YEA (054-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2009 regular session: ALL VOTED YEA (055-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. . . ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the January 20, 2009 departmental report and 2008 Year-End Report. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize repairs by Strawser to a fire hydrant located in the 3600 block of Merwin Dr. ALL VOTED YEA (056-09) The Superintendent reported that two bathroom sinks in Building NO.1 are not draining properly and requested permission to hire a plumber to make necessary repairs. He stated that an unused water pipe in the maintenance closet (Building No.1) leaked and should be capped off. The Superintendent stated that building repair and maintenance issues will need to be addressed in the near future. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Jack Woods Plumbing to inspect and make necessary repairs to the two bathroom sinks in Building NO.1. ALL VOTED YEA (057-09) The Fiscal Officer presented road levy options to be considered by the Board. After reviewing the information, the decision was made to place either a renewal or replacement levy on the November 2009 ballot. Mr. Myers stated that a tax valuation error was made on the Request for Certification of a renewal levy. The Fiscal Officer will issue a correction request to the Auditor's office. Mr. Myers stated that several road and Welcome to Perry Township entrance signs are in poor condition. Several styles and options were discussed; the Superintendent will obtain samples. CEMETERY: Mr. Roper submitted the Cemetery Advisory Committee January 20, 2009 report. Superintendent Shonkwiler stated that the advisory committee had interviewed three landscape designers. A recommendation was made to hire P.O.D. to create a master design and oversee improvements. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize P.O.D. to create a master design and oversee improvements to the Davis Cemetery at a cost not to exceed $7,500. ALL VOTED YEA (058-09) ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the January 13, 2009 departmental report. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP January 20, 2009 Page 2 FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Oppenheimer reported that an electrical engineer has advised that the township property is not grounded properiy which has affected electronic systems in each building. Chief Oppenheimer recommended a second walk through with the Building Trustee to evaluated repair and maintenance issues. He reported that the cost of a new telephone system would be approximately $6500. Chief Oppenheimer stated that the Zoning Officer's telephone is broken and requests the purchase of one (1) replacement and one (1) back up telephone. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to purchase two telephones from Telecom Products at a cost not to exceed $200. ALL VOTED YEA (059-09) Chief Oppenheimer stated that Lt. Robert Pendleton's retirement party will be held at the th Township Hall on February 19 at 6:00 p.m. The Trustees, Fiscal Officer and staff are invited to attend. OTHER: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize Road Superintendent Shonkwiler; Administrative Assistants Beatty and DeMatteo; Cemetery Advisory Board President Nancy Riley to attend the 2009 Ohio Township Association Conference to be held in Columbus February 4-7 at a total cost of $180. ALL VOTED YEA (060-09) Mike Long stated that he met with Waste Management on January 12'h to discuss the pilot recycling project and provided a status report. Waste Management is expected to respond to nd recommendations by February 2 • He reported that membership in the current waste consortium is limited; however, a second consortium is being considered. Mr. Chaney propoSEld to establish a Business/Community relations board consisting of civic association members, business owners, zoning and police representatives. Mr. Chaney will coordinate the project. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (061-09) A motion to adjourn was made by James Roper. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8: 15 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP February 2, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, February 2, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Officer Fellure, Ohio Insurance Services Agent Frank Harmon; Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (062-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the January 29, 2009 departmental report. CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the January 29, 2009 departmental report. Zoning Officer Fellure stated that the owner(s) of the property located at 1382 Beechlake Dr. has not responded to home maintenance violation notifications from the zoning office. The matter will be forwarded to legal counsel, William Loveland. FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of (2) 2009 Crown Victoria cruisers from Byers as replacements for car numbers 5 and 6 at a cost not to exceed $45,000. ALL VOTED YEA (063-09) Chief Oppenheimer stated that grant monies are available through the Office of Criminal Justice for (1) in-car camera, installation of equipment, microphone pouches, and consulting fees totaling $6,777.78 (JAG Funds: $6,100; Township Cash Match: $677.78). The camera will be installed in one 2009 Crown Victoria cruiser. A UAN fund number must be established with a reimbursable cash advance of $5,200 from the General Fund to the designated grant fund. An additional in-car camera system will be purchased for the second vehicle (paid from Police Fund). Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize $678.00 as the 10% cash match related to grant number 2008-JF-LLE-5118 for (1) in-car camera, installation of equipment, and consulting fees; and (6) microphone pouches from Watch Guard. ALL VOTED YEA (064-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize the purchase of (1) in-car camera, installation of equipment, and consulting fees to be installed in the 2009 Crown Victoria; and (6) microphone pouches from Watch Guard totaling $5,200 in grant monies. ALL VOTED YEA ( 0 6 5 - 0 9 ) " h [CORRECTION: 2902] Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to establish UAN fund number 2005 for an Al7 Office of Criminal Justice equipment grant (2008-JF-LLE-5118); advance $5,200 from the {)'I c. General Fund to grant fund (to be reimbursed upon receipt of grant monies). ."t" ALL VOTED YEA (066-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; Robert Myers to authorize the purchase of (1) in-car camera, installation of equipment and consulting fees to be installed in the second 2009 Crown Victoria; and (1) microphone pouch from Watch Guard totaling $5,040. ALL VOTED YEA (067-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP February 2, 2009 Page 2 OTHER: Mr. Cheney reported that employees are having difficulty obtaining medication precertification through Medco insurance. Frank Harmon responded to questions and concerns and stated that his office is currently working with staff members to resolve current issues. The Fiscal Officer encouraged a proactive and cooperative approach when problems arise. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to retain the UAN consulting services of Max Brill at a cost of $25.00 per hour, pius standard mileage fees ($0.505). ALL VOTED YEA (068-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Fiscal Officer Elliott to attend a i-day competitive bidding conference through Bricker & Eckler on February 27,2009 a cost of $229. ALL VOTED YEA (069-09) FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (070-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into executive session with Chief Oppenheimer to discuss Police Department reorganization and personnel matters by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:44 PM) The Board reconvened into reguiar session at 8:04 PM Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:05 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman James ViceCh MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP February 17, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, February 17, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was on an excused absence. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (071-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the February 17, 2009 departmental report. The Superintendent reported that a new inventory of street and regulatory signs throughout the township has been completed; there are nearly 300 signs. Ideas for improvement and estimated cost(s) are being sought. Tree damage caused by the high winds on February 11 th and 12th was discussed. It was determined that the Road Department would removed the debris that fell within the right of ways. Trees and branches that fell on private property are the responsibility of the home owner. . Motion by Mr. Roper; seconded by Mr. Myers to authorize Superintendent to attend the Franklin County Engineer and Frankli(l County Board of Health meeting on Thursday, March 12'h at a cost of $29.00. Mr. Chaney will attend at no cost. ALL VOTED YEA (072-09) CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the February 17, 2009 departmental report. The Zoning Officer reported that there will be a court hearing on March 19th regarding Exterior Maintenance issues for a property on Brookdown Dr. FIRE DISTRICT: The Worthington and Upper Arlington Fire Departments submitted the January 2009 Fire and EMS activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Mr. Roper to declare as surplus Lt. Pendleton's badge and service weapon (H&K SUP.45 caliber: service no. 29-005151). ALL VOTED YEA (073-09) Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Mr. Roper to authorize the sale of the above referenced badge and service weapon (H&K SUP .45 caliber: service no. 29-005151) to Robert Pendleton at a cost of $1.00 each. ALL VOTED YEA (074-09) Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Mr. Chaney to declare as surplus a Cysco 8-port switch. ALL VOTED YEA (075-09) Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Mr. Chaney to sell the Cysco 8-port switch at auction to K & L Consulting Services for $450.00. ALL VOTED YEA (076-09) Township stationary and business cards were discussed; Chief Oppenheimer will forward samples to each department head and will obtain bids for production. ~ .. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP February 17, 2009 Page 2 OTHER: Mr. Chaney reported that there are referrals for grant writers and still need to get a third to compare prices. Chief Oppenheimer reported that Tom Swisher is slowly getting the radio equipment removed from Building NO.2. Mr. Chaney stated that the Waste Management meeting has been moved to next week. FINANCIAL: Motion by Mr. Roper; seconded by Mr. Chaney to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (077-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM d4r~~Mt v Chet J. Chaney Chairman MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP March 2, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, March 2, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was on an excused absence. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Marlene Pickney, Linda Delbert, Lori Delbert, Luke Delbert, Lee Telman, Teri Derebi!, Dave Pickney, Phil Delbert, "'ric Delbert, Todd Pickney; and Administrative Assistant Burger MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (078-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Roper received a complaint that there was a car parked on a driveway on 800 Clubview Blvd North that was badly damaged and appeared to be inoperable. Chief Oppenheimer will contact Zoning Officer Fellure to discuss the issue. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the February 26, 2009 departmental report. CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the February 25, 2009 departmental report. FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Six officers will attend ADAP class on March 25th, 26th, 27th. Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded Mr. Roper to promote and appoint Officers David Pickney and Eric Delbert to the rank of part-time Sergeant in accordance with the attached resolution. ALL VOTED YEA (079-09) OTHER: Preparations for the 2 nd quarter newsletter should begin. Mr. Chaney will follow up with the department heads to gather letters. Next year a new Waste Management contract will be negotiated with a 25% increase. FINANCIAL: Motion by Mr. Roper; seconded by Mr. Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (080-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session to discuss the creation of a new Support Sergeant position and compensation for the same by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:55 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:02 PM Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:02 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman fJ1J~m~ Michele M. Elliott Fiscal Officer RESOLUTION NO. 079-09 RESOLUTION PROMOTING PART-TIME POLICE OFFICERS TO RANK OF PART-TIME SERGEANT PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio ("Township"), pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 509.01, 511.10 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Board is an equal opportunity employer and has always maintained the practice of providing employment opportunities to the most qualified individuals based upon the needs of the Township and the merit, qualifications and abilities of the individual; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to promote officers from within the ranks of the Perry Township Police Department. RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of _M_f_._My_e_f-,--sc--:-c--:-=-:: c--:-c--:-=' seconded by Mf. Ropef , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PERRY TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO, THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE, AND IT IS, HEREBY ADOPTED: RESOLVED, that effective March 02, 2009, the Township hereby conditionally promotes and appoints Part-Time Police Officers David Pickney and Eric Delbert to the rank of Part-Time Sergeant with the Perry Township Police Department subject to the following: Officer Pickney and Officer Delbert will be required to successfully complete a probationary period in their newly appointed rank of Part-Time Sergeant. The promotional probationary period shall begin on the effective date of the promotion and shall continue for a period of one (1) year (i.e. 365 days). If Officer Piclmey's or Officer Delbert's service at any point during this time is deemed unsatisfactory, they may, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Board of Trustees, be returned to their former rank and salary with full credit for service during the promotional probationary period. If so returned, they shall have no recourse to appeal or otherwise challenge such return in a court or any other tribunal or body. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board, concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution, were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED: March 02, 2009 Attest: VV1 U}ju1~~~ Miche1e Elliott Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, F IN COUNTY, OIDO (' JamesM. ---;;;; R pe".. T ,} / ,? -x RobertE.M LOCAL GOV'TlPERRY\PERRY PT POLICE-PROMOTIONS DRAFf[1].DOCX\2l25/09 ' ------------ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP March 16, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, March 16, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Leigh Tulman, and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (081-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: th Fiscal Officer Elliott announced that the Brookside Easter Egg Hunt will be held on April 11 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Brookside Elementary School; the Brookside garage sale is scheduled for April 25th She reported that Phase 1 of the school's playground equipment was installed and the ribbon cutting will be held later this week. Mr. Chaney stated that Worthington Hill's will hold its garage sale and the Leadership Worthington Service Day on May 2"d. Officer John Thomas was thanked for his years of service as civic association liaison; Sergeant Cesaro will assume his duties. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the March 16, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Columbus Sign Company to installed signage in the township hall and administrative office at an estimated cost of $690.00. ALL VOTED YEA (082-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to enter into a road salt purchasing agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2009/2010 season. ALL VOTED YEA (083-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to renew the NPDES Small MS4 General Permit. ALL VOTED YEA (084-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to certify a total of 16.20 township highway miles for the calendar year as submitted by the Franklin County Engineer. ALL VOTED YEA (085-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to purchase 800 white pine saplings from Franklin County Soil & Water at a cost of $400.00. ALL VOTED YEA (086-09) The Superintendent reported that a failed service line running under Mac Court is affecting the integrity of the street. He will obtain three repair estimates and contact Mr. Roper for final approval. Signage for the township was discussed. It was recommended to begin with the purchase of street signs for the main thoroughfare and 'Welcome to Perry Township' signs. The Superintendent will obtain designs and cost estimates. CEMETERY: The Superintendent reported that the Ohio Department of Transportation is reviewing plans for a parking area. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the March 13, 2009 departmental report. FIRE DISTRICT: The Worthington Fire Department submitted the February 2009 Fire and EMS activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt the Support Sergeant's Job Task MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP March 16, 2009 Page 2 Analysis as drafted by legal counsel and approved by the Fraternal Order of Police. ALL VOTED YEA (087-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to accept the Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement related to the rank structure of the Department (see attached). ALL VOTED YEA (088-09) Perry Township has been named as a co-claimant in a legal complaint (Columbia Gas v Stephen N. & Martin L. Savko). Mr. Chaney has advised the law office of McDonald/Hopkins that the township does not wish to be a part of the suit. OTHER: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to participate in the Ohio Department of Administrative Services Cooperative Purchasing Program. ALL VOTED YEA (089-09) FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (090-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve, at the program level, the 2009 Appropriations of $8,143,495.56. ALL VOTED YEA (091-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to abstain on the Solid Waste Rate Advisory Board (SWRAB) out"of-district proposed rate ballot and appoint Mike Long (Resource100) as the Township's SWRAB representative by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session for the sole purpose of conducting employee interviews and the appointment of a police and support sergeant for the Police Department. Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:21 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:57 PM Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to promote Sergeant. Bleas to Support Sergeant effective 3/22. Salary as per MOU. (see attached) ALL VOTED YEA (092-09) Motion by Mr. Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to promote Officer Cesaro to sergeant effective 3/22. Salary as per contract. (see attached) ALL VOTED YEA (093-09) Motion to adjourn by Mr. Roper. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:01 PM , k~ /c)uL11J1 ,G:~ A:/ ) ! Michel~, Elliott Fiscal Officer - ~ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP April 6, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, March 16, 2009. ROLL CALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Office Fellure, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Legal Counsel Loveland, Gerald Polivka, Bradley Polivka, Leigh Tulman, and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (094-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the April 3, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to enter into a service agreement with Contract Sweepers for the purpose of curb / street sweeping at an estimated cost of $1 ,205.00. ALL VOTED YEA (095-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the purchase of (12) "Stop" signs and (10) "No Outlet" signs from Osburn Associates at a cost of $534.40. ALL VOTED YEA (096-09) The Superintendent reported that the failed service line on Mac Court has been repaired at no cost to the township. He will contact the principals of Brookside and Worthington Hills Elementary to discuss the distribution of saplings for Arbor Day. Superintendent Shonkwiler and Chief Oppenheimer stated that the insulation inside the air ducts at the police station has deteriorated; no mold was found. Estimates to repair/replace furnaces and clean duct work are being collected. CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the April 2, 2009 departmental report. Zoning Officer Fellure reported that the owner of 1381 Beechlake Dr. has spoken with legal counsel. The parties are in agreement and the office of Loveland & Brosius will forward a letter to the owner outlining a plan to bring the property into compliance. Zoning Officer Fellure SUbmitted estimates to replace the carpeting in portions of Bidg. NO.2. Mr. Myers asked if the township would receive a discount if the Police Dept. carpeting was ordered at the same time. He requested to know the terms of the warranty. Officer Fellure will follow up with each company. The matter will be discussed further at the next meeting. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to waive a 1-time variance fee of $202.50 for Rex Wilkes, 5089 Henderson Heights (#194 VAR 09). ALL VOTED YEA (097-09) Zoning Officer Fellure stated that she has received complaints from residents regarding legal notice postings. She reported that very few residents subscribe to the Daily Reporter and suggested the Suburban News publications as an alternative. Mr. Roper requested that she obtain a cost estimate from the Columbus Dispatch. FIRE DISTRICT: The Worthington and Upper Arlington Fire Departments submitted the March 2009 Fire and EMS activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the purchase of 1500 rounds of .45 caliber range ammunition, 250 rounds of 00 Buck ammunition, 1000 rounds of .223 caliber MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP April 6, 2009 Page 2 range ammunition and 100 OPOTA Targets at a total cost of $1 ,000.00. ALL VOTED YEA (098-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize KNL Consulting Services to provide consulting and service contract for the 2003 police server at a cost of $1 ,330.00 (to be reimbursed via grant no. 2008-JG-LLE-51·18) ALL VOTED YEA (099-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase and installation of a Watch Guard in-car camera for Car No.5 through Public Safety Concepts at a cost of $200.00 (to be reimbursed via grant no. 2008-JG-LLE-5118). ALL VOTED YEA (100-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the hiring of Charles W. Mills as a part time police constable, effective April 6, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (101-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of (2) additional cameras for outside security of the Zoning entrance and parking area, Township Hall! Administrative Office and parking area. Cost of equipment and programming via KNL Consulting not to exceed $996.50. ALL VOTED YEA (102-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to accept Sgt. Mike Bleas' retirement request; last date of service May 31, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (103-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers adopting the attached resolution creating the part-time paid position of Administrative Lieutenant. ALL VOTED YEA (104-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney adopting the attached resolution appointing Robert Pendleton to the part-time paid position of Administrative Lieutenant effective May 1, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (105-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to adopt the job task analysis for the parttime paid position of Administrative Lieutenant. ALL VOTED YEA (106-09) Chief Oppenheimer stated that the last of the trees have been planted and the township is now in compliance with the City of Dublin's zoning regulations. OTHER: Mr. Chaney suggested the possibility of moving the regular meetings to an alternate evening to ensure department representation. A factsheet on SB 36 - Home Rule will be made available to township personnel for review. Zoning Officer Fellure has offered to organize an Open House later this year. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to schedule a public auction of surplus property in June. ALL VOTED YEA (107-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into executive session with Chief Oppenheimer and Legal Counsel Loveland concerning disputes involving the Township that are subject of pending or imminent court action by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:01 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:27 PM FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (108-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP April 6, 2009 Page 3 Motion to adjourn by Mr. Roper. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman tI"~ / I J!kjlibji16~ Michel . Elliott Fiscal Officer RESOLUTION NO. 104-09 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE PART-TIME, PAID POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE LIEUTENANT IN THE PERRY TOWNSIDP POLICE DEPARTMENT PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township (the "Township"), Franklin County, Ohio, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 509.01 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Township has a full-time police department to provide police protection services to the citizemy and to respond to other emergency calls to protect life and property; and WHEREAS, the Township, for administrative and economic reasons and for purposes of providing additional police protection for its residents, has decided to create the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant in the Perry Township Police Department (the "Police Department"); and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to establish the procedures, guidelines and qualifications for the Administrative Lieutenant position. RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED that, effective April 6, 2009, the Board hereby establishes and creates the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant in the Police Department, which position shall be subject to the following terms and conditions ofemployment: 1. Appointment. The Board may, in its sole and absolute discretion, appoint and employ a qualified candidate as it deems advisable as an Administrative Lieutenant to serve as a paid, part-time employee of the Police Department, with such employment being subject to the conditions contained herein and such other terms and conditions as the Board may, from time-to-time, specifically prescribe, provided that the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede and prevail over conflicting provisions set forth in the Perry Township Employee Manual. 2. Job Description and Duties. The Administrative Lieutenant shall serve on a part-time basis for the Police Department and shall perform those tasks, functions and duties and maintain such qualifications as may, from time-to-time, be required by the Board and/or the Perry Township Police Chief (the "Police Chief'). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the duties of the Administrative Lieutenant shall include the items set forth on the Job Task Analysis attached hereto and marked "Attachment A". The Administrative Lieutenant shall report directly to the Police Chief or his designee. 3. Probationary Period. Upon appointment, the individual serving in the position of Administrative Lieutenant shall be required to successfully complete a one (1) year probationary period. Unless otherwise provided by the Board, the probationary period will begin on the first day that the individual's employment becomes ~._---_ .. _-_._--------- effective with the Township, as detennined by the Board. During this probationary period and notwithstanding Ohio Revised Code Sections 509.01 and 505.491, et seq., the individual serving as an Administrative Lieutenant may be tenninated at will and without just cause, in which event, such tennination action may not be appealed to or otherwise challenged in a court oflaw or any similar body or tribunal. 4. Supervision and Work Hours. The position of Administrative Lieutenant shall be under the direct control and supervision of the Police Chief or the Police Chiefs designee; subject, however, to such Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or policies as may, from time-to-time, be adopted by the Board or the Chief of Police. The Administrative Lieutenant shall observe such Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or polices as may, from time-to-time, be adopted by the Board, including, but not limited to, rules governing the operation and personnel of the Police Department. The Police Chief shall determine and schedule the hours of work for the position of an Administrative Lieutenant, which hours of work may vary from day-to-day and week-to-week, but are not expected to exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of work during any calendar year and which hours of work shall not exceed forty (40) hours during any work week without specific authorization from the Police Chief. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed as a guarantee of any number of hours of work per week, work period, month or year. 5. Compensation. The entire compensation paid by the Township to an Administrative Lieutenant shall be an amount to be detennined, from time-to-time, by the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, which amount shall at least equal the applicable minimum wage rate in effect at any particular time, and which amount is, at present, Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per hour worked. All compensation received shall be subject to withholding for federal, state and local income taxes, and such other taxes and charges as may be subject to withholding from employee wages, and further subject to withholding required for pension contributions and further subject to withholding for any other deductions or charges as may, from time-to-time be authorized in writing by employee and agreed to by the Board. In addition, the Board reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to provide for worker's compensation coverage, professional liability insurance coverage and such other benefits as may be specifically provided, from timeto-time, by the Board. Notwithstanding any provision set forth in the Perry Township Employee Manual, the position of Administrative Lieutenant shall not be eligible to receive health, dental, life and/or vision care insurance benefits, nor shall such individual be eligible for or accrue personal, holiday, sick or vacation leave. 6. Status of Position. The employee serving in the position of Administrative Lieutenant is employed by the Township on an indefinite basis until such time as he/she or the Board terminates hislher employment. This Resolution shall not be construed as creating any contract of employment between the Township and any employee, and the Township, through the Board, retains the right to deal with any employee and to tenninate hislher employment at any time, to the same extent as though this Resolution had not been created. -2- 7. Amendment, Modification and/or Termination of Resolution. The Township, through the Board, shall have the right and authority to amend or otherwise modify this Resolution, from time-to-time, and to adopt and promulgate such other Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or policies in connection with the subject matter referred to herein as the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems necessary and proper. Furthermore, while it is the expectation of the Board to maintain the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant, no obligation, contractually or otherwise, to do so is assumed by the Board, and the Board expressly reserves the right to discontinue and/or rescind this Resolution, in whole or in- part, and to abolish this position at any time. 8. Aclmowledlilllent. Any candidate selected for appointment to the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant shall sign a form aclmowledging that he/she has read and understands this Resolution and that he/she requests part-time, paid employment as the Administrative Lieutenant for the Police Department, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (and such other terms and conditions as the Board may, from time-to-time, prescribed). In the event the selected candidate fails to sign and return such a statement prior to his/her effective date of hire, then such candidate shall be deemed to have rejected, in its entirety, his/her prospective employment with the Township as an Administrative Lieutenant. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after APRIL 6, 2009. ADOPTED: April 6, 2009 Attest: PERRY TOWNSmp BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, omo 'fi,i~ I;/Y~~~-rt Mict1di1l1!;~ -Jam-e~s~¥~lf-Jt'-Yo"-le"'/~ r"',"-ru-st-e-e--------U9 n Township Fiscal Officer e -3- RESOLUTION NO. 105-09 RESOLUTION APPOINTING ROBERT PENDLETON TO THE PART-TIME, PAID POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE LIEUTENANT IN THE PERRY TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township (the "Township"), Franklin County, Ohio, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 509.01 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Board, by Resolution Number 104-09 created the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant in and for the Perry Township Police Department (the "Police Department"); WHEREAS, the Board is an equal opportunity employer and has always maintained the practice of providing employment opportunities to the most qualified individuals based upon the needs of the Township and the merit, qualifications and abilities of the individual; and WHEREAS, the Board fmds that it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to appoint Robert Pendleton to the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant. RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PERRY TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO, THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE, AND IT IS, HEREBY ADOPTED: RESOLVED, that effective April 6, 2009, the Township hereby conditionally appoints Robert Pendleton to the part-time, paid position of Administrative Lieutenant with the Police Department in accordance with and subject to all terms and conditions of such position as set forth in Resolution Number 104-09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Robert Pendleton shall sign and timely return the acknowledgement referenced in Resolution Number 104-09 a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board, concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution, were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED: April 6, 2009 Attest: U{ldWL ttelW#- Michele M. Elliott Township Fiscal Officer p~OWNsm BOARD OF JfRUSTE~, F~ IN COUNTY, OHIO .\ / '/}/a.r:/"./ l -- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP April 20, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, April 20, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present The Fiscal Officer was present OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (109-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Fiscal Officer stated that the Brookside Garage Sale will be held on April 25, 2009 and thanked the Police Department for its assistance during the Easter Egg Hunt Mr. Chaney reported that Worthington Hill's will hold its Leadership Worthington Service Day and garage saie n on May 2 '. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to waive the garage sale permit fee for the Brookside and Worthington Hills community garage sales scheduled for spring 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (110-09) The Fiscal Officer stated that bulk items were not being picked up by Waste Management Susan Lent (WM representative) wili be invited to attend the next meeting to address reoccurring issues. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the April 16, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the Franklin County Engineer's preliminary estimate for the 2009 roadwork at a cost not to exceed $299,297.50. ALL VOTED YEA (111-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Fresh Air Corporation to perform a complete air duct & system cleaning at a total cost of $795.00. ALL VOTED YEA (112-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize the purchase and installation of a Carrier 110,000 BTU Comfort Series furnace with a Carrier13 S.E.E.R. 5-ton air conditioner, matching indoor coil, line set, all miscellaneous vent gas, electric and drain fitting as needed (Bldg No 2) at a cost of $4,315.00. ALL VOTED YEA (113-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the purchase and installation of (3) air flappers and (3) gas flappers [(2) @ Police Dept, (1) Administrative Office] at a cost of $1,107.00. ALL VOTED YEA (114-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize the purchase and installation of a blower motor and Carrier 13 SEE.R. 5-ton air conditioner with matching coil and miscellaneous fittings as needed at a total cost of $3,643.00. ALL VOTED YEA (115-09) CEMETERY: Mr. Roper presented P.O.D. Design's master plan detailing proposed repairs and improvements to the Davis Cemetery. He stated that efforts will be made to secure donations and grants to defer the estimated cost of $100,000. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the April 16, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to advertise all legal notices in the Columbus Dispatch. ALL VOTED YEA (116-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase and installation of carpeting and hardwood flooring (Bldg 2) per the proposal submitted by Legacy Commercial ---~~-----_._---- -- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP April 20, 2009 Page 2 Flooring at a cost of $5,150.10. ALL VOTED YEA (117-09) FIRE DISTRICT: No new businesS. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Reibert Myers to authorize the purchase and installation of carpet tile and vinyl base per the proposal submitted by Legacy Commercial Flooring at a total cost of $6,485.91. ALL VOTED YEA (118-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize CertaPro Painters to paint the squad room at a total cost of $1 ,832.00. ALL VOTED YEA (119-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Fresh Air Corporation to perform a complete air duct & system cleaning at a total cost of $1,195.00. ALL VOTED YEA (120-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the purchase of (2) Trane Clean Effects air cleaners (model no. 245 ALFROOOB) to be installed on each furnace (Bldg 3) by Franklin Heating & Refrigeration at a cost of $3,369.00. ALL VOTED YEA (121-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the sale of Car No.5 (VIN No. 9641) to Jackson County Sheriffs office at a cost of $7.000.00. ALL VOTED YEA (122-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the sale of Car No.6 (VIN No. rd 4112) to Valley View Police Department (to include 3 generation camera system) at a cost of $8,500.00. ALL VOTED YEA (123-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Randal J. Walker to perform a pre-employment polygraph applicant screening at a cost not to exceed $300.00. ALL VOTED YEA (124-09) Chief Oppenheimer stated that he anticipates 2-3 staff vacancies and will request an Executive th Session on May 4 for the purpose of interviewing potential candidates. OTHER: Fiscal Officer Elliott recommended the implementation of controls to better manage the legal costs incurred by the township. FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize a total compensation limit of $65,000 for legal services provided by Loveland & Brosius, LLC during 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (125-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (126-09) Motion to adjourn by Mr. Roper. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:22 PM ·1 ~ (J,1~1 y, ~ / I / fj);UJf--Mic M. ElliatLFiscal Officer ~---- ----------- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP May 4, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, May 4, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper was on an excused absence. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Officer Fellure, Waste Management Representatives Susan Lent and Kendal Stephens, Zachary Stephens, Cassandra Stephens, and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (127-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Chaney and the Fiscal Officer thanked the Police Department for its assistance with the Brookside and Worthington Hills garage sales. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the April 30, 2009 departmental report. The Superintendent submitted a mock-up of Welcome to Perry Township signage and recommended Columbus Signs as the vendor. The posts will be discussed at the next meeting. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to purchase (12) 15"x24" 'Welcome' signs from Columbus Signs at a cost of $165.00 each. ALL VOTED YEA (128-09) CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the April 30, 2009 departmental report. Officer Fellure reported that two applications for variance will be heard on May 12, 2009. The first Business Community Relations Board will be held on May 13'h at 7:00 p.m. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the Application for Residential Driveway Permit form. ALL VOTED YEA (129-09) FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Oppenheimer reported that he has filed for two grants in an effort to obtain funds for an incar camera and police radios. A power surge caused damage to camera number 19. The Jackson County Sheriffs office purchased Car NO.5 and Valley View will vote on the purchase of Car NO.6 this evening. Chief Oppenheimer stated that there are three windows that routinely leak and he will obtain estimates for replacements. Mr. Chaney requested that additional quotes are obtained for replacement windows in Bldg NO.2. The Police Chief reported that transient vendors continue to be a problem for residents and suggested that the language in the current resolution may need to be reviewed. OTHER: Mr. Chaney stated that there have been complaints of trash cans being left In the roadway by Waste Management (WM) drivers. Kendall Stephens stated that he is aware of the problem and has taken steps to correct. It is the driver's responsibility to put the trash containers on the driveways and drivers are now being observed periodically to ensure compliance. Fiscal Officer Elliott stated that bulk items are not being hauled away. Susan Lent reported that she has been in contact with the driver and every effort is being made to rectify the situation. She stated that residents do not aiways understand the regulations and suggested that policies be posted on the website. Kendall will provide the necessary information to Administrative Assistant Beatty. FINANCIAL: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to establish Fund No. 2901; FEMA September 14th Wind Storm. ALL VOTED YEA (130-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP May4,2009 Page 2 Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to correct Res. No 066-08 by striking fund number 2905 and replace with fund number 2902. ALL VOTED YEA (131-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to establish Agency Fund No. 9001; insurance proceeds from fire loss related to the property located at 3565 Snouffer Road. ALL VOTED YEA (132-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (133-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: . Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into executive session with Chief Oppenheimer to discuss hiring and employment qf police officers by roll call vote: Jp;\';Y a7'- Chet Chaney, yea; James-Reper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:28 PM) [CORRECTION: Strike James Roper, yes] The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:51 PM Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to hire Manny Munoz as a full time police officer; effective 5/31/09 at B Step. ALL VOTED YEA (134-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to hire Mike Conkle as a full time police officer at Step B, effective .date contingent on availability of next full time position. ALL VOTED YEA (135-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:55 PM ~ fUcIuiu Itt &~ MiiJlele M. Elliott Fiscal Officer MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP May 18, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, May 18, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper; present. The Fiscai Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Nancy Riley, Barbara Miller, Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2009 reguiar session with the following correction: Strike under Executive Session "James Roper, yea." ALL VOTED YEA (136-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. OTHER: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the 2009 annual fee assessment for the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank, payable to BUSTR at a cost of $600.00 ALL VOTED YEA (137-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the OTARMA property, casualty, and liability renewal at a cost of $17,255.00. ALL VOTED YEA (138-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to establish a meeting date of June 15, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m. for the Records Commission. ALL VOTED YEA (139-09) A Solid Waste Management survey has been drafted and reviewed by the Board. Fiscal Officer Elliott and Administrative Assistant Beatty will distribute to township residents. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the May 14, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Superintendent Shonkwiler to attend the Franklin County Board of Health's mosquito conference on May 27th at no cost to the township. ALL VOTED YEA (140-09) The upcoming road levy will be discussed and the superintendent will have samples of posts for the new Welcome signs at the next regular meeting. st The Superintendent requested to begin 4/10 work weeks during the period of June 1 _ September 3"'. Mr. Chaney requested a monthly report listing all projects in order to determine the feasibility of a 4/10 work week. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the Department's request for a 4/10 work week for the period of June 1 - September 3, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (141-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to declare items (see attached list) as obsolete. ALL VOTED YEA (142-09) CEMETERY: Nancy Riley recommended that the Board adopt Option B of the master plan proposed by P.O.D. Design. She reported that the priority is to establish a parking area for visitors. Mr. Roper stated that engineering designs are required and recommended that the bidding process be initiated. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to adopt 'Option B' of the master plan as submitted by P.O.D. Design. ALL VOTED YEA (143-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to open the bidding process for the purpose of obtaining engineering designs for the proposed cemetery parking area. ALL VOTED YEA (144-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP May 18, 2009 Page 2 Nancy Riley and Barbara Miller were excused from the meeting at 7:20 p.m. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the May 15, 2009 departmental report. Mr. Chaney stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals met on May 12'" to hear 2 variance requests which were both approved. FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Worthington submitted the April 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize firearms training to be performed by Worthington Police Department instructors Sergeant Mark Marshall and Detective Wayne O'Neal at a cost not to exceed $1,840.00. ALL VOTED YEA (145-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize payment of up to 250 hours of vacation time to Sergeant Michael Bleas upon his retirement date of May 30, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (146-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt a resolution to create the part-time paid position of Information and Technology in the Perry Township Police Department. ALL VOTED YEA (147-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt the Job Task Analysis for the parttime Information & Technology police sergeant. ALL VOTED YEA (148-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt a resolution appointing Michael Bleas to the part-time, paid position of Information & Technology sergeant in the Perry Township Police Department ALL VOTED YEA (149-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize KNL ConSUlting to provide information and technology support during the months of June and July 2009 at an hourly rate of $60.00. ALL VOTED YEA (150-09) Chief Oppenheimer updated the Board on the status of Officer Malone's employment and upgrade of radio systems. The Department has assumed responsibility of Records Retention and Destruction. Chief Oppenheimer will forward instructions to all department supervisors. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Mr. Chaney submitted the BCR report and minutes of the May 13, 2009 meeting. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (151-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM T Fiscal Officer - - - - - - - - - - - _.. _.- RESOLUTION NO. 147-09 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE PART-TIME, PAID POSITION OF INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY IN THE PERRY TOWNSIDP POLICE DEPARTMENT PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township (the "Township"), Franklin County, Ohio, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 509.01 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Township has a full-time police department to provide police protection services to the citizenry and to respond to other emergency calls to protect life and property; and WHEREAS, the Township, for administrative and economic reasons and for purposes of providing additional police protection for its residents, has decided to create the part-time, paid position of Information & Technology Sergeant in the Perry Township Police Department (the "Police Department"); and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to establish the procedures, guidelines and qualifications for the Information & Technology Sergeant position: RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED that, effective August 01, 2009, the Board hereby establishes and creates the part-time, paid position of Information & Technology Sergeant in the Police Department, which position shall be subject to the following terms and conditions of employment: 1. Appointment. The Board may, in its sole and absolute discretion, appoint and employ a qualified candidate as it deems advisable as an Information & Technology Sergeant to serve as a paid, parttime employee of the Police Department, with such employment being subject to the conditions contained herein and such other terms and conditions as the Board may, from time-to-time, specifically prescribe, provided that the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede and prevail over conflicting provisions set forth in the Perry Township Employee Manual. 2. Job Description and Duties. The Information & Technology Sergeant shall serve on a part-time basis for the Police Department and shall perform those tasks, ftmctions and duties and maintain such qualifications as may, from time-to-time, be required by the Board and/or the Perry Township Police Chief. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the duties of the Information & Technology Sergeant shall include the items set forth on the Job Task Analysis attached hereto and marked "Attachment A". The Information & Technology Sergeant shall report directly to the Police Chief. 3. ProbationarY Period. Upon appointment, the individual serving in the position of Information & Technology Sergeant shall be required to successfully complete a one (1) year probationary period. Unless otherwise provided by the Board, the probationary period will begin on the first day that the individual's employment becomes effective with the Township, as determined by the Board. During this probationary period and notwithstanding Ohio Revised Code Sections 509.01 and 505.491, et seq., the individual serving as an Information & Technology Sergeant may be terminated at will and without just cause, in which event, such termination action may not be appealed to or otherwise challenged in a court oflaw or any similar body or tribunal. 4. Supervision and Work Hours. The position of Information & Technology Sergeant shall be under the direct control and supervision of the Police Chief subject, however, to such Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or policies as may, from timeto-time, be adopted by the Board or the Chief of Police. The Information Technology Sergeant shall observe such Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or polices as may, from time-to-time, be adopted by the Board, including, but not limited to, rules governing the operation and personnel of the Police Department. The Police Chief shall determine and schedule the hours of work for the position of an Information & Technology Sergeant, which hours of work may vary from day-to-day and week-to-week, but are not expected to exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours of work during any calendar year and which hours of work shall not exceed forty (40) hours during any work week without specific authorization from the Police Chief. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed as a guarantee of any number of hours of work per week, work period, month or year. 5. Compensation. The entire compensation paid by the Township to an Information· & Technology Sergeant shall be an amount to be determined, from time-to-time, by the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, which amount shall at least equal the applicable minimum wage rate in effect at any particular time, and which amount is, at present, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per hour worked. All compensation received shall be subject to withholding for federal, state and local income taxes, and such other taxes and charges as may be subject to withholding from employee wages, and further subject to withholding required for pension contributions and further subject to withholding for any other deductions or charges as may, from time-to-time be authorized in writing by employee and agreed to by the Board. In addition, the Board reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to provide for worker's compensation coverage, professional liability insurance coverage and such other benefits as may be specifically provided, from time-to-time, by the Board. Notwithstanding any provision set forth in the Perry Township Employee Manual, the position of Information & Technology Sergeant shall not be eligible to receive health, dental, life and/or vision care insurance benefits, nor shall such individual be eligible for or accrue personal, holiday, sick or vacation leave. 6. Status of Position. The employee serving in the position of Information & Technology Sergeant is employed by the Township on an indefinite basis until such time as he/she or the Board terminates his/her employment. This Resolution shall not be construed as creating any contract of employment between the Township and any employee, and the Township, through the Board, retains the right to deal with any employee and to terminate his/her employment at any time, to the same extent as though this Resolution had not been created. -2- ~-------------_._-_._-_ .. _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Amendment, Modification and/or Termination of Resolution. The Township, through the Board, shall have the right and authority to amend or otherwise modifY this Resolution, from time-to-time, and to adopt and promulgate such other Resolutions, rules, procedures and/or policies in connection with the subject matter referred to herein as the Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems necessary and proper. Furthermore, while it is the expectation of the Board to maintain the part-time, paid position of Information & Technology Sergeant, no obligation, contractually or otherwise, to do so is assurued by the Board, and the Board expressly reserves the right to discontinue and/or rescind this Resolution, in whole or in part, and to abolish this position at any time. 8. Aclmowledgment. Any candidate selected for appointment to the part-time, paid position of Information & Technology Sergeant shall sign a form aclmowledging that he/she has read and understands this Resolution and that he/she requests part-time, paid employment as the Information & Technology Sergeant or the Police Department, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (and such other terms and conditions as the Board may, from time-to-time, prescribed). In the event the selected candidate fails to sign and return such a statement prior to his/her effective date of hire, then such candidate shall be deemed to have rejected, in its entirety, his/her prospective employment with the Township as an Information & Technology Sergeant. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after May 18, 2009. ADOPTED: May 18,2009.· Attest: , . Miclfi!~~!kPIf PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO JamesM.R Township Fiscal Officer -3- RESOLUTION NO: 149-09 RESOLUTION APPOINTING MICHAEL BLEAS TO THE PART-TIME, PAID POSITION OF Information & Technology SERGEANT IN THE PERRY TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of Perry Township (the "Township"), Franklin County; Ohio, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 509.01 and other applicable provisions of the Revised Code, has the authority to appoint, employ and promote such employees as it deems necessary; and WHEREAS, the Board, by Resolution Number 147-09 created the part-time, paid position of: Information & Technology Sergeant in and for the Perry Township Police Department (the "Police Department"); WHEREAS, the Board is an equal opportunity employer and has always maintained the practice of providing employment opportunities to the most qualified individuals based upon the needs of the Township and the merit, qualifications and abilities of the individual; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to appoint Michael Bleas to the part-time, paid position of: Information & Technology Sergeant RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Chet Chaney seconded by Robert Myers BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PERRY TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO, THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE, AND IT IS, HEREBY ADOPTED: RESOLVED, that effective August 01, 2009, the Township hereby conditionally appoints Michael Bleas to the part-time, paid position of: Information & Technology Sergeant with the Police Department in accordance with and subject to all terms and conditions of such position as set forth in Resolution Number 147-09. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Bleas shall sign and timely return the acknowledgement referenced in Resolution Number 147-09 a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board, concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution, were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED: May 18, 2009 Attest: JicJAU~L ~11J~ Mich I M. Elliott Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF .J-"""""'-l EES, 5 NKLI OUNTY, OHIO Zoning & Road Department List of items to be determined obsolete Number 3 3 I 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I I 1 Color Black Black Black Black Black Pink Black Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Tan Brown Brown Beige Brown Green Gray Gray Black Brown Black What Motorola Car Chargers Motorola W385 Cell Phones Motorola W385 Cell Phones Verizon Holster Verizon Holster Motorola Razr Cell Phone Office Chairs on wheels 6050GX Ricoh Printer Swivel CoPY Holder Pelouze Postal Scale Duracell15 Minute Battery Charger HP 1020 Fax Drafting Table IBM Wheel Writer 1000 Typewriter Tandy Printer Twin bed frame with mattress Laminate oak typewriter stand on wheels Canon NP 3050 Copier Laminate oak fax table w/drawer Wall Clock Dalite Easel w/pad of paper Letter size File Drawer Metal Frames 6 ft Black Trailer .Laminate Oak book case Sylvania Projector Lamp Bulb Nokia3595 Cell Phone May 2009 Road Dept. Road Dept. Zoning Zoning Road Zoning Zoning Zoning Zoning Zoning Zoning Road/Zoning Road Zoning Zoning Road Road Road/Zoning Zoning Zoning Zoning Zoning Road Zoning Zoning Road r----------- ---~----.---.----- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP June 1, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, June 1, 2009_ ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper; present The Fiscal Officer was on an excused absence. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Franklin County Board of Heaith Representative Paul Wenning, Cheryl DeMatteo; and Administrative AssistanfBeatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (152-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Myers thanked the Road Department for its help during reconstruction in the Brookside area. OTHER: Paul Wenning summarized NPDES Phase II goals and terms of compliance. He reported that the Board of Heath has requested an extension from the EPA in order to meet stated requirements. An executive committee has been established to draft compliance responses and township officials will have the opportunity to submit recommendations prior to EPA approval of the document The Department has been approved to receive stimulus monies for 5 of 18 projects and can reapply for available funds where necessary. Mr. Wenning announced the retirement of Franklin County Engineer, Tom Schockley and status of the search for his replacement Jennifer Fish will provide educational information to be posted on the Township's website. The Employee Review Manual and Ethics policy was held over for the next regular meeting; department heads will receive electronic copies for review prior to the discussion. Ohio American Water has applied to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to increase its rates over the years 2010-2013. Mr. Chaney proposed that a Letter of Objection be drafted and forwarded to the PUCO on behalf of township residents. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to submit a Letter of Objection to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) in response to the proposed Ohio American Water Company increase. ALL VOTED YEA (153-09) ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the May 28, 2009 departmental report. Mr. Roper reported that Contract Sweepers are currently cleaning streets and curbs in the Worthington Hills area. CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: Mr. Chaney provided a status report of pending issues. FIRE DISTRICT: The cities of Worthington and Upper Arlington submitted the May 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the cost of a fuel pump assembly, ignition coil, front brake pads, rotors and fuel replacement for Car NO.8 at a cost of $1 ,247.07. ALL VOTED YEA (154-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded Robert Myers to approve Sergeant Bleas' request to purchase his duty firearm (HK 45 Automatic SN: 29-005150) and Badge (#S-1) at a total cost of $2.00. ALL VOTED YEA (155-09) ~----------------------- - -------_ .. _-------- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP June 1, 2009 Page 2 Chief Oppenheimer submitted a request on behalf of Officer Emmanuel Munoz to carry over sick leave hours from the City of Columbus and obtain seniority status to include 120 vacation hours effective June 1~. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Rober! Myers to approve vacation accrual rate for Officer Emmanuel Munoz with six (6) years of vacation only, seniority credit, 4.6 hours per pay period! 120 hours a year, effective, June 1, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (156-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: No new business. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (157-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:01 PM ----------_._.- RESOLUTION NO. 166-09 A RESOLUTION SUSPENDING FOR ONE YEAR THE COLLECTION OF SIX TAX LEVIES FOR FIRE PROTECTION Preamble WHEREAS, the Township is currently collecting taxes for frre protection based on seven separate special tax levies that were approved by Township voters; and WHEREAS, on or as of December 31, 1999 the Perry Township Board of Trustees entered into contracts with the cities of Upper Arlington and Worthington to provide frre protection services to the Township; and WHEREAS, the contracts with Upper Arlington and Worthington provide that payment for fire protection services for the year 2010 shall be made from the proceeds of four special levies for fire protection approved by the Township voters in November, 1977 (2.0 mils); November, 1974 (0.6 mils); November, 1976 (0.9 mils); and May, 1984 (4.0 mils); and WHEREAS, due to existing Township funds available to pay a portion of the contracts with Upper Arlington and Worthington, the Township will not need the proceeds of the November, 1977 (2.0 mils); November, 1974 (0.6 mils); and November, 1976 (0.9 mils) levies for frre protection services; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Township and its residents to request that for tax year 2009, for collection in 2010, the County Auditor collect only the proceeds from the May, 1984 (4.0 mils) tax levy to be used to pay Upper Arlington and Worthington pursuant to frre protection contracts and to suspend for one year collections under the other six fire protection levies. Resolution NOW THEREFORE, be is resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Board"), that the following resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED, that for tax year 2009, for collection in 2010, the Franklin County Auditor be requested to collect only the proceeds from the fire protection tax levy approved by the Township voters in May, 1984 (4.0 mils) and, for one year, to suspend collection of the remaining six special levies for frre protection purposes that were approved by Township voters in November, 1978 (2.5 mils); May, 1974 (0.6 mils); November, 1976 (0.2 mils); November, 1977 (2.0 mils); November, 1974 (0.6 mils); and November, 1976 (0.9 mils) and that the Township's budget for the year 2010 shall reflect only the proceeds from the May, 1984 (4.0 mils) frre protection tax levy that will be collected and used to pay Upper Arlington and Worthington pursuant to the Township's frre protection contracts with those cities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board shall review the status of the fire fund prior to the preparation of the 20 II budget in order to determine if the reduction in fire levy collections should be extended into future years. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED: June 15,2009 PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO Attest: ~duk)j;{, ZtLfiIL-~._-----,,----__ I Ml ele M. Elliot, Township Fiscal Officer James M. Rop ~,../," -----~------_._.- ------ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP June 15, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, June 15, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper; present. The Fiscal Officer was present OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Offic!"r Fellure, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Michael Bleas, Sgt. Philip Delbert, Legal Counsel Don Brosius and Peter Griggs; and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (158-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: th Chief Oppenheimer stated that final preparations for the 4 of July festivities in Brookside and Worthington Hills are being made. OTHER: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt the Perry Township Performance Review System Manual. ALL VOTED YEA (159-09) The Ethics policy handbook will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Use of Instant Messaging is no longer allowed and programs have been removed from computer systems. Staff may periodically access personal email accounts. Computer audits are being performed by the IT office. IT personnel must notify users prior to any changes being made to the computer systems. Mr. Chaney stated that a representative from the Hilliard Advantage Program will speak at the next Business of Community Relations meeting. The program offers incentives to residents to shop at area businesses. Detailed information will be available at a later date. Don Brosius and Peter Griggs responded to biliing questions related to legal fees. Options to reduce expenditures were discussed and the attorneys were asked to consider proposed alternatives. The proposed Ohio American Water rate increases were discussed and an E-Broadcast will be sent to township residents advising of the availability of informational material on the township's website. The Trustees will submit a letter to Franklin County Engineer, Dean Ringle, requesting a land survey to include the area between Bride Water Blvd. and the railroad tracks; south of Snouffer Road for the purpose of determining the feasibility of providing students a safe, multiuse pathway to/from the Brookside Elementary School located at 6700 McVey Blvd.; Columbus, Ohio. The Records Commission meeting will be held Juiy 6, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the township hall. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the June 11, 2009 departmental report. Peter Griggs explained the logistics of placing a levy on the ballot and the options available. He recommended that the Board request an updated certification of the revenue to be generated from a renewal and replacement levy at 1.5 mills. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to request from the Franklin County Auditor's office a "County Auditor's Certificate," pursuant to O.R.C. Section 5705.03(B), for the purpose of placing a replacement or renewal levy on the general election ballot to be held on November 3, 2009, for road construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair operations in Perry Township. The Auditor shall be requested to certify the total current tax valuation of Perry Township and the revenue that would be generated by a replacement or renewal levy of 1.5 mills. This tax levy is a replacement or renewal tax for the entire Township (this is not a Road District levy), to be placed on the ballot pursuant to O.R.C. Section 5705.19(G). ALL VOTED YEA (160-09) - - - - - - ------ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP June 15, 2009 Page 2 Sgt. Philip Delbert reported on the status of on-site repair and maintenance issues. He submitted bids for repairs to the fence surrounding the dumpster and above ground fuel storage tank; recommended Lannis Fence Systems as the vendor for the project. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Lannis Fence Systems to perform repairs to the fence surrounding the dumpster and above ground fuel storage tank at a cost not to exceed $4,790.00. ALL VOTED YEA (161-09) The Superintendent reported that a leak was found in the heat exchanger in the Lennox Pulse furnace (Bldg 1) and recommended that the furnace be replaced. A recent load bank test of the emergency generator indicated the need for repairs. Motion by James Ropers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize W.W. Williams to replace the governor and adjust the breaker on the emergency generator at an estimated cost of $944.87. ALL VOTED YEA (162-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper to authorize Franklin Heating & Refrigeration to replace the Lennox Pulse furnace in Building NO.1 with a Carrier 92% AF.U.E. rated furnace at an estimated cost of $2,024.00. ALL VOTED YEA (163-09) Superintendent Shonkwiler will install carbon monoxide testers in each building. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize T&T Concrete and Gaddis & Sons, Inc to repiace various concrete curb and gutters at a cost not to exceed $30,000.00. ALL VOTED YEA (164-09) Mr. Myers recommended that the curb and gutter project be reevaluated in 2010. CEMETERY: Superintendent Shonkwiler reported that Step 1 of the cemetery project has been completed. Mr. Roper stated that developing a safe parking area and walking path for visitors should be the next priority. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize P.O.D. Design to proceed with Step 5: parking lot and pedestrian walk plans for the Davis Cemetery at a cost of $7,500.00. ALL VOTED YEA (165-09) ZONING: No new business. FIRE DISTRICT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper authorizing the suspension of the following six (6) levies: • 0.60 mills (May 1974) • 0.60 mills (November 1974) • 0.20 mills (November 1976) • 0.90 mills (November 1976) • 2.00 mills (November 1977) • 2.50 mills (November 1978 and authorization of the following levies to reimburse the cities of Worthington and Upper Arlington for Fire and EMS services: November 1974 (0.6 mils) November 1976 (0.9 mils) November 1977 (2.0 mils) May 1984 (4.0 mils) ALL VOTED YEA (166-09) ------_._----_._-~--- MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP June 15, 2009 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of candy for the 4th of July parades in Worthington Hills and Brookside at a cost not to exceed $400.00. ALL VOTED YEA (167-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of an ADR 1000 Traffic Counter at a cost of $1 ,200.00. ALL VOTED YEA (168-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of refrigerator magnets with emergency numbers at a cost of $1 ,550.60. ALL VOTED YEA (169-09) A mandatory Ethics Training session will be held on July 22, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in the Township Hall. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Next meeting to be held on June 17th at 7:15 p.m. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (170-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:24 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman RESOLUTION NO. 160-09 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE REQUEST Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to request from the Franklin County Auditor's office a "County Auditor's Certificate," pursuant to O.R.C. Section 5705.03(B), for the purpose of placing a replacement or renewalleyv on the general election ballot to be held on November 3, 2009, for road construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair operations in Perry Township. The Auditor shall be requested to certify the total current tax valuation of Perry Township and the revenue that would be generated by a replacement or renewal levy of 1.5 mills. This tax levy is a replacement or renewal tax for the entire Township (this is not a Road District levy), to be placed on the ballot pursuant to O.R.C. Section 5705.l9(G). Robert Myers, yea ADOPTED:, ~\ ioe)5) James Roper, yea Chet Chaney, yea MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP July 6, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, july 6, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper was on an excused absence. The Fiscal Offlc~r was present OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Chief Zoning Officer Robin Fellure, Worthington Hills Residents Sandy and Tom Hlasten; and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (171-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Road and Police Departments were thanked for assisting with the 4th of July activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hlasten stated that a resident's clothes line has been an eyesore for approximately one year. The coupie has made several attempts to resolve the issue by speaking directly with their neighbor; but, have been unsuccessful. The current zoning code does not address clothes lines; therefore, legal action cannot be taken. To prevent future occurrences, the Zoning Officer will draft language to establish parameters for residential clothes lines and present to the Zoning Commission for review. OTHER: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to adopt the Ethics Policy. ALL VOTED YEA (172-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to designate Officer John Thomas as the Records Retention Coordinator for the Township. ALL VOTED YEA (173-09) ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the July 2, 2009 departmentai report. The Road levy discussion will be held over for the next meeting. Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize and request for the levying of .50 inside millage. ALL VOTED YEA (174-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to enter into a contract With the Franklin County Board of Health for integrated mosquito management services at a cost of $777.00. ALL VOTED YEA (175-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize Dinkmar to replace parts and make necessary repairs to the leaf vacuum at an estimated cost of $2,123.91. ALL VOTED YEA (176-09) CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the July 2, 2009 departmental report. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to declare the property owned by Michael P. and Tanna Smith, located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr., a nuisance. ALL VOTED YEA (177-09) The Zoning Officer will instruct Legal Counsel Loveland to review proposed Exterior Property Maintenance codes. Architectural Review Board on hold. She stated that the Board of Community Relations subcommittee will discuss potential redevelopment opportunities on Wednesday evening. A Variance Hearing for the owner of 6681 Merwin Dr. will take place on July 14th The Board denied the Zoning Officer's request for the installation of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on the Department's laptop. Mr. Chaney stated that the future use of VPNs by all Township staff would be prohibited. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP July 6, 2009 Page 2 FIRE DISTRICT: The cities of Worthington and Upper Arlington submitted the June 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to accept the resignation of Officer Tim Malone; effective date July 25, 2009 (non-job related disability). ALL VOTED YEA (178-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of a retired police badge in a leather case from Sun Badge for Officer Tim Malone at a cost of $100.50. ALL VOTED YEA (179-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to reaffirm the fUlitime positions for Officer Michael Conkle, effective date July 26, 2009, Step B. ALL VOTED YEA (180-09) A mandatory Ethics Training session will be held on July 22, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in the Township Hall. Chief Oppenheimer stated that Michael Bleas will return as the IT officer on August 1". Response times for computer issues are: • Job related; 4 hours • Routine Maintenance; 24 hours BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: No new business. FINANCIAL: The 2010 Budget will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (181-09) Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues involving the accrual of vacation and sick leave of police officers by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:30 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:36 PM Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:37 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman Fiscal Officer - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _---.. RESOLUTION NO. 174:09 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUESTING THE LEVYING OF .50 IN.SIDE MILLAGE IN THE PERRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Perry Township Board of Trustees (the "Board") is the chief legislative body of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Township"); and WHEREAS, in 1988 pursuant to Resolution #66-88, the Board created the Perry Township Road District ("Road District") comprising all of the unincomorated area of Perry Township; and WHEREAS, due to creation of the Road District, .50 additional inside mills has been available for use by the Road District; and WHEREAS, the Road District, pursuant to Section 5573.211 of the Ohio Revised Code has levied and collected the .50 inside mills since at least 1991; and WHEREAS, the Board is of the opinion that is necessary for the operation of the Road District and in the best interests of the residents to authorize and/or request the levying of the .50 inside mills available in the District from the Franklin County Budget Commission for the 2010 Perry Township Tax Budget. NOW THEREFORE, upon introduction and motion of Trustee Robert Myers seconded by Trustee Chet Chaney BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF PERRY TOWNSIDP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO, THAT: SECTION ONE. The Board, pursuant to Section 5573.211 of the Ohio Revised Code, hereby authorizes and/or requests from the Franklin County Budget Commission that the available .50 inside mills in the Perry Township Road District be levied and allocated to the Road District Fund in the 2010 Perry Township Tax Budget for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, resurfacing, repairing or improving the public roads within the unincorporated territory of the Township. It is found and determined that all formal actions of this SECTION TWO. Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. SECTION THREE. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption. ADOPTED: _J_u_l_Y_6_,_2_0_09 Attest: _ PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO tllduh/fi{. uUfft ~e M. Elliott Township Fiscal Officer James Roper, Trustee RESOLUTION NO. 177-09 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MICHAEL P. AND TANNA SMITH, LOCATED AT 6759 E. MERWIN DR. COLUMBUS, OIDO 43235 IN PERRY TOWNSIDP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO, A NUISANCE PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Perry Township Board of Trustees (the "Board") has found the property owned by Michael & Tanna Smith, and located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcelid 213-001580 being lot 8 of Brookside Estates No.5 (the "Property"), to be littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris (the "Vegetation and Debris"); WHEREAS, pursuant to §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board is authorized to determine that the maintenance of vegetation, debris, and junk vehicles upon a property constitutes a nuisance and order the property owner to remove such vegetation and debris within seven (7) days, and if the owner fails to remove the vegetation and debris or to make arrangements for the removal within the allotted time period, the Board may proceed to remove the vegetation and debris and enter the cost of such removal upon the tax duplicate for the property; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Perry Township (the "Township") and its residents to proceed under §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code in order to remove, or have removed, the Vegetation and Debris from the Property; RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED, that the Board has found that the property owned by Michael & Tanna Smith, and located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcel id 213001580 being lot 8 of Brookside Estates No.5, in Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, is littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris, and the Board hereby determines that the maintenance of the Vegetation and Debris on the Property constitutes a nuisance and, pursuant to Section 505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, orders the following actions: 1. The Board orders the owner of the Property to remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days after receipt of notice ofthis Resolution; 2. The Board authorizes the Zoning Inspector or hislher designee to notify the record owner and lienholders of the Property as provided in §505.87(B) of the Ohio Revised Code; 3. If the record owner does not remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days from the receipt of notice hereof, the Trustee designated as the Zoning Department liaison is authorized to order Township employees, materials and equipment to be used to remove the Vegetation and Debris or to enter into a contract with some suitable person or persons for its removal, and all costs and expenses so incurred shall, when approved by the Board, be paid out of the unappropriated monies in the general fund; 4. The Fiscal Officer shall report all expenses that the Township incurs in the removal of the Vegetation and Debris to the Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio for entry upon the tax duplicate as a lien upon the Property and for collection and reimbursement of the Township's general fund as provided in §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code. 5. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the passage of this Resolution were taken in open meetings of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board that resulted in formal actions were taken in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including but not limited to, Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22, except as otherwise permitted thereby. This resolution shall talce effect at the earliest time allowed by law. ADOPTED: July 6, 2009 Attest: ~ {~laiuZJLcf)'tf ~M.El1iot Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP July 20, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, July 20, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Road Superintendent, Bryan Shonkwiler; Worthington Hills Resident, Tim Bompiani; KNL Consultant Representatives, Ray Scites and Michael Bleas: Brookside Civic Association Leaders, Tom Francis and Rachel Shult~; and Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (182-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Francis stated that the Brookside Civic Association has two open trustee positions. The entrance at Brookdown and 161 will be renovated. The Brookside Directory will be distributed shortly and it was recommended that the civic association include emaii addressesofresidents.Mr. Francis and Mrs. Shuitz will chair the annual hog roast in Brookside. Mr. Chaney reported that the Worthington Hiils Country Club will host the Summer Fest; thanked the Road Department for its assistance during the 4th of July activities. Mr. Bompiani stated that his neighbor's ciothes lines are unsightly and provided photographs to the Board. Mr. Chaney explained that the Chief Zoning Officer is drafting language which will address this issue. [See 9.9.09 Minutes for clarification of comments] _~\"i\0 ~~ ~ Mike Long will attend the August 3" regular meeting to discuss the solid waste survey results. Ray Scites and Michael Bleas stated that changes to the current IT system are necessary in order to comply with LEAD directives. The Board agreed to the following recommendations: • Computer systems will automatically engage the "Control-Alt-Delete" screen sequence after 15 minutes of system inactivity; users wiil be prompted to re-enter their log-in credentials • Installation of automatic Windows and Microsoft Office product updates via the server to all workstations • Change in password requirements; follow standard Microsoft default recommendation(s) ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the July 15, 2009 departmental report. The road and bridge levy will expire on December 31,2009. The Board considered the option of placing either a 1.5 mill renewal or 1.5 mill replacement tax levy on the November 3, 2009 ballot. Based on certifications provided by the Franklin County Auditor, a renewal levy would result in an approXimate loss of $150,000 in revenue over a 5-year period due to 'factoring' calculations. A replacement levy would allow for increased revenue of approXimately $34,000 per year and would result in a $7.49 annual tax increase per $1 00,000 home. Mr. Roper reported that the Road Department's annual capital outlay expenses have historically exceeded revenue received from the current levy. Monies from the general fund have been used to supplement the cost of repair, maintenance, and improvement of streets, roads, and bridges. He stated that he would support a replacement levy in order to maintain the current paving and curb/gutter replacement schedule. The Fiscal Officer stated that a $30,000 annual loss of revenue would significantly decrease the General Fund balance over the 5-year period and supported replacement levy. Mr. Myers stated that standard operationai expense increases (ex: fuel, salt. asphalt) reduces the monies available for capital projects such as paving. He spoke in favor of the replacement levy in order to safeguard the general fund balance and provide the necessary revenue for road improvements. Mr. Chaney expressed concern over increasing taxes because of current economic conditions and asked if cuts could be made to the Department's bUdget. Mr. Roper stated that expenditure reductions would be limited to road improvement and maintenance projects. Mr. Chaney stated that the he could not support a tax increase; but, would fully support the Board's final decision. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP July 20, 2009 Page 2 Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt a resolution pursuant to the Revised Code Section 5705.192, deciaring the necessity for and submitting the question of a replacement levy for the purposes of general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, and repair of streets, roads, and bridges, in Perry Township pursuant to revised code section 5705.19(G) [Corrected 8.3.09] Abb VOTEQ YEA (1 gJ 09) ~ TWO VOTED YEA ONE VOTED NAY (183-09) '-..;\(;;f;vvY Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the repiacement of (8) tires for the equipment trailer from Bob Sumerel at a cost of $883.20. ALL VOTED YEA (184-09) CEMETERY: Superintendent Shonkwiler reported that a topicai site survey must be completed in order for P.O.D. Design to move forward with the planning of a visitor parking area. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize P.O.D. Design to contract with Advanced Civil Design in order to compiete a site survey for the Davis Cemetery parking area at a cost of $1 ,500.00. This motion is contingent upon the receipt of a proposal and agreement for said professional services. ALL VOTED YEA (185-09) ZONING: The Zoning Officer submitted the July 16, 2009 departmental report. A letter to the Auditor, declaring the property located at 6759 Merwin Drive a nuisance, was submitted to the Board for signature. . FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize shipping charges for (4) .45 caliber handguns made payable to the U.S. Treasury at a cost of $1 05.47. ALL VOTED YEA (186-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Superior Home Painting Co. to paint each township bUilding and entrance sign at a cost of $8,900.00 ALL VOTED YEA (187-09) Ethics Training will take place at the Township Hall on July 22, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Attendance is mandatory for all staff. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Sharon Township has expressed interest in the proposed Perry Township Advantage card. The BCR subcommittee will meet to discuss options on July 22"'. FINANCIAL: The 2010 Operating BUdget was made available for public examination. The Fiscal Officer reviewed the budget for submission to the Franklin County Budget Commission. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to adopt the 2010 Operating Budget. ALL VOTED YEA (188-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize payment to the Auditor of State for the quarterly UAN fee in the amount of $1 ,050.00. ALL VOTED YEA (189-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize payment to the Auditor of State for services related to the 2007-2008 financial audit in the amount of $1,928.11. ALL VOTED YEA (190-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP July 20, 2009 Page 3 Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the annual administrative fee to Avizent at a cost of $3,360.00. ALL VOTED YEA (191-09) The Fiscal Officer submitted the May I June 2009 revenue, fund status, and expenditure reports for review. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (192-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues involving the accrual of vacation and sick leave of police officers by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:55 PM) The Board reconvened into reguiar session at 9:30 PM Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:31 PM Chet J. Chaney Chairman MiCale M. Elliott Fiscal Officer SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOARD OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS PERRY TOWNSHIP July 20, 2009 The Board of Trustees and Board of Community Relations convened in special session at 6:00 PM, Monday, July 20, 2009. ROLLCALL: Chet Chaney, present; James Roper, present; Robert Myers, present, Andy English, present; Rachel Shultz, present OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Glenn Karr, Sharon Keaney, Stephanie Estice, Tom Francis, Tom Schwing, Nick Alexander, Tim Bompiani OTHER: The Perry Township Board of Trustees and Board of Community Relations discussed and considered the proposed road levy for the general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets and roads. Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 6:56 PM Chet J. Chaney; Trustee Michele M. Elliott; Fiscal Officer RESOLUTION NO. 183-09 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO REVISED CODE SECTION 5705.192, DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR AND SUBMITTING THE QUESTION OF A REPLACEMENT LEVY FOR THE PURPOSES OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, RESURFACING AND REPAIR OF STREETS, ROADS AND BRIDGES IN PERRY TOWNSHIP PURSUANT TO REVISED CODE SECTION 5705.19(G) WHEREAS, the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten mill limitation will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio; and WHEREAS, Township voters approved a 1.5 mill levy in November of 2004 for a five year period for the purposes contained in Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.19(G), and the Board believes it is in the best interests of Township residents to replace the November 2004 1.5 mill levy with another 1.5 mill levy based upon current property tax valuations; and WHEREAS, the Franklin County Auditor has certified to the Board of Trustees of Perry Township that the tax revenue that would be generated by a one and one-half (1.5) mill replacement levy is $236,588.13, based on the current assessed valuation ofthe Township of $148,431,357.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Board"), two-thirds of all ofthe members elected thereto concurring, that: The Board determines that it is necessary to levy a replacement tax in excess of Section 1. the ten mill limitation for the benefit of Perry Township for the purpose of general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads and bridges in Perry Township pursuant to Revised Code Section 5705.19(G) at a rate not exceeding one and one-half (1.5) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fifteen (.15) cents for each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation, for a period oftime of five (5) consecutive years, which such levy shall be a replacement levv that is the same rate and for the same purposes as the existing 1.5 mill levy approved by voters in November of2004. Section 2. The question of approving the replacement levy shall be submitted to the electors of said Perry Township at the general election to be held at the usual voting places within said Perry Township on the 3n1 day ofNovember 2009. Section 3. Said replacement levy shall be placed (continued) upon the tax list and duplicate of the current year for collection in 2010, if a majority of the electors voting thereon vote in favor thereof. Section 4. The Fiscal Officer of this Board of Trustees be and is hereby directed to certifY a copy of this Resolution to the Board of Elections, of Franklin County, Ohio not less than seventy-five (75) days before the election upon which it will be voted and notifY said Board of Elections to cause notice of election on the question of approving said replacement levy to be given as required by law. It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of Trustees Section 5. concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of Trustees, and that all deliberations of this Board of Trustees and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 ofthe Revised Code. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest time provided by law. Adopted: July 20, 2009 :YI >&,oo~ Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES FRANKLIN COUNTY, IDO r c) ; CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION DECLARING IT NECESSARY TO LEVY A TAX IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION The Board of Township Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, met in special session on the 20th day of July, 2009, at the office of Perry Township Board of Trustees with the following members present: ChetChaney Robert Myers James Roper James Roper moved the adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 183-09 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO REVISED CODE SECTION 5705.192, DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR AND SUBMITTING THE QUESTION OF A REPLACEMENT LEVY FOR THE PURPOSES OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, RESURFACING AND REPAIR OF STREETS, ROADS AND BRIDGES IN PERRY TOWNSIDP PURSUANT TO REVISED CODE SECTION 5705.19(G) WHEREAS, the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten milllirnitation will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio; and WHEREAS, Township voters approved a 1.5 mill levy in November of 2004 for a five year period for the purposes contained in Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.19(G), and the Board believes it is in the best interests of Township residents to replace the November 2004 1.5 mill levy with another 1.5 mill levy based upon current property tax valuations; and WHEREAS, the Franklin County Auditor has certified to the Board of Trustees of Perry Township that the tax revenue that would be generated by a one and one-half (1.5) mill replacement levy is $236,588.13, based on the current assessed valuation of the Township of $148,431,357.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Board"), two-thirds of all of the members elected thereto concurring, that: Section 1. The Board determines that it is necessary to levy a replacement tax in excess of the ten mill limitation for the benefit of Perry Township for the purpose of general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads and bridges in Perry Township pursuant to Revised Code Section 5705.19(G) at a rate not exceeding one and one"half (1.5) mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to fifteen (.15) cents for each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation, for a period of time offive (5) consecutive years, which such levy shall be a replacement levv that is the same rate and for the same purposes as the existing 1.5 mill levy approved by voters in November of 2004. Section 2. The question of approving the replacement levy shall be submitted to the electors of said Perry Township at the general election to be held at the usual voting places within said Perry Township on the 3rd day of November 2009. Section 3. Said replacement levy shall be placed (continued) upon the tax list and duplicate of the current year for collection in 2010, if a majority of the electors voting thereon vote in favor thereof. Section 4. The Fiscal Officer of this Board of Trustees be and is hereby directed to certifY a copy of this Resolution to the Board of Elections, of Franklin County, Ohio not less than seventy-five (75) days before the election upon which it will be voted and notifY said Board of Elections to cause notice of election on the question of approving said replacement levy to be given as required by law. Section 5. It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of Trustees concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of Trustees, and that all deliberations of this Board of Trustees and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 ofthe Revised Code. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest time provided by law. Robert Myers seconded the Motion and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows: Adopted the 20th day ofJuly, 2009. ChetChaney nay Robert Myers yea James Roper yea / '1 ff! 8iV/£ Miche e Elliott, Fiscal Officer Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio FISCAL OFFICER CERTIFICATION The State of Ohio, Franklin County, I, Michele Elliott, Fiscal Officer of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio do hereby certify that the foregoing is taken and copied from the Record of the Proceedings of said Perry Township; that the same has been compared by me with the Resolution on said Record and that it is a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my signature, this 20th day of July, 2009 WL~fb~ lrtliOttiiSC8I Michele Officer SPECIAL SESSION MEETING PERRY TOWNSHIP July 22, 2009 A meeting was called to address Ohio Ethics Policies and training and convened at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, July 22, 2009 without quorum. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chet Chaney, Susan Willeke, Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Lt. Robert Pendleton, Paul Grundei, Mike Conkle, Jose Hernandez, Ed Kontul, Fred Howard, K. Steve Cesaro, Lori Burger, Manny Munoz, Mark Rice, Dave Pickney, Joe Gutches, John Thomas, Shawn Bean, Meldon Hamber, Ian Warren, Nate McCardle, Cheryl DeMatteo, and Beth Beatty OTHER: No township business was addressed nor action taken. The meeting continued with guest speaker, Ohio Ethics Commission Education Coordinator, Susan Willeke, leading an Ohio Ethics Policy discussion and training workshop. The meeting was adjourned at 2:06 PM MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP August 3, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, August 3, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Officer Fellure, Resource100 ltd. Representative Mike Long; Administrative Assistant Beatty . MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the special joint session meeting with the Board of Community Relations on July 20, 2009. ALL VOTED YEA (193-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2009 regular session with the following corrections: Resolution 183-09 (Strike ALL VOTED YEA (183-09); add TWO VOTED YEA, ONE VOTED NAY (183-09). ALL VOTED YEA (194-09) Motion to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2009 special session meeting (Ethics Training) postponed due to lack of quorum on said date. Clarification of approval process to be obtained. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Chaney and Fiscal Officer Elliott reported on the status of upcoming community events. OTHER: Mike Long submitted the results of the solid waste survey. A field survey was recommended to clarify how often residents set out recycling items at the curb. Alternatives to the current solid waste and recycling collection were discussed. It was suggested that bidders shouid submit estimates based on services currently available as well as possible alternatives. Mike Long will prepare ianguage related to the scope of work in preparation for the drafting of bid specifications. This information will be presented to the Board during the September 9, 2009 reguiar meeting. Mike Long commented on the State mandated solid waste disposal fee increase which went into effect on August 1, 2009. Waste Management (WM) will not attempt to recoup this fee from residents for the months of Augustand September 2009. The increase will be reflected in the upcoming 3" quarter WM billing period. Township residents will receive a billing insert from WM explaining the fee increase. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to accept the terms and conditions of the Ohio Business System, dba Capitol Copy color maintenance agreement for the period of 7/1/09 - 6/30110 (Savin C3030; Administrative Office). ALL VOTED YEA (195-09) A proposed flu shot program was discussed and an Interim Health Care service contract was submitted for review. Mr. Chaney reported on related fees for service, responsibilities of provider and client, and other associated costs. Mr. Roper recommended that the Township absorb the cost of 'Set-Up fees'. Interim will provide a draft of a recommended email I flyer used to advertise the event. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize payment of Set-Up fees for the flu shot program at a cost not to exceed $100.00 and acceptance of stated contractual terms by and between Interim Health Care and Perry Township. ALL VOTED YEA (196-09) CTL Engineering, Inc submitted a FCCINEPA Public Involvement letter, dated July 23, 2009, related to a proposed stealth cellar tower (Project Code No. 200891436-188531). The Board determined that no action was required. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the July 28, 2009 departmental report. No other business. CEMETERY: No new business. ZONING: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to .declare the property owned by Michael P. and Tanna Smith, located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr., a nuisance. ALL VOTED YEA (197-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP August 3, 2009 Page 2 FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Upper Arlington submitted the July 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the cost of rewiring and reloc.ation of computers in the police squad bay by KNL Consulting during recent renovations at a cost of $960.00. ALL VOTED YEA (198-09) Chief Oppenheimer submitted updated results of the recent traffic survey. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the restoration of 218.75 hours of sick leave totals for Sergeant Kontul. ALL VOTED YEA (199-09) The Fiscal Officer stated that modified vacation and sick leave accrual totals for members of the Police Department were agreed to by the Board of Trustees, Fiscal Officer, and Chief of Police. Totals will be used as the accrual base point for the next pay period. Police officers will receive communication related to the modifications via the Chief of Police. Administrative Assistant Lori Burger (Police Dept) and Cheryl DeMatteo (Administrative Office) have been instructed to meet prior to the submission of each payroll to ensure that each department is in agreement with all matters related to the Police Department's salary amounts, sick leave, vacation leave, and compensatory accruals. Cheryl DeMatteo has submitted a draft of a recommended payroll verification form to be prepared by Lori Burger, approved by the Chief of Police, and submitted to the Administrative Office each pay period. The Fiscal Officer will review this document. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Upcoming meeting to be rescheduled. FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (200-09) ~CLMlIIFiscal Officer RESOLUTION NO. ,197-09 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MICHAEL P. AND TANNA SMITH, LOCATED AT 6759 E. MERWIN DR. COLUMBUS, OIDO 43235 IN PERRY TOWNSIDP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO, A NUISANCE PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Perry Township Board of Trustees (the "Board") has found the property owned by Michael & Tanna Smith, and located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcel id 213-001580 being lot 8 of Brookside Estates No.5 (the "Property"), to be littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris (the "Vegetation and Debris"); WHEREAS, pursuant to §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board is authorized to determine that the maintenance of vegetation, debris, and junk vehicles upon a property constitutes a nuisance and order the property owner to remove such vegetation and debris within seven (7) days, and if the owner fails to remove the vegetation and debris or to make arrangements for the removal within the allotted time period, the Board may proceed to remove the vegetation and debris and enter the cost of such removal upon the tax duplicate for the property; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Perry Township (the "Township") and its residents to proceed under §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code in order to remove, or have removed, the Vegetation and Debris from the Property; RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED, that the Board has found that the property owned by Michael & Tanna Smith, and located at 6759 E. Merwin Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcel id 213001580 being lot 8 of Brookside Estates No.5, in Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, is littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris, and the Board hereby determines that the maintenance of the Vegetation and Debris on the Property constitutes a nuisance and, pursuant to Section 505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, orders the following actions: 1. The Board orders the owner of the Property to remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days after receipt of notice of this Resolution; 2. The Board authorizes the Zoning Inspector or his/her designee to notify the record owner and lienholders of the Property as provided in §505.87(B) of the Ohio Revised Code; 3. If the record owner does not remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days from the receipt of notice hereof, the Trustee designated as the Zoning Department liaison is authorized to order Township employees, materials and equipment to be used to remove the Vegetation and Debris or to enter into a contract with some suitable person or persons for its removal, and all costs and expenses so incurred shall, when approved by the Board, be paid out of the unappropriated monies in the general fund; 4. The Fiscal Officer shall report all expenses that the Township incurs in the removal of the Vegetation and Debris to the Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio for entry upon the tax duplicate as a lien upon the Property and for collection and reimbursement of the Township's general fund as provided Revised Code. 5. ill §505.87 of the Ohio This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the passage of this Resolution were taken in open meetings of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board that resulted in formal actions were taken in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including but not limited to, Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22, except as otherwise permitted thereby. This resolution shall take effect at the earliest time allowed by law. ADOPTED: August 3, 2009 Attest: Township Fiscal Officer PERRY TOWNSIDP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP August 17, 2009 The Board ofTrustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, August 17, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (201-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. OTHER: No new business. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the August 17, 2009 departmental report. . Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of six (6) new tires for the 2001 International Dump Truck from Bob Sumerel tires at a cost of $1 ,836.00. ALL VOTED YEA (202-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of two (2) new front tires for the John Deere (955) from Bob Sumerel at a cost of $176.00. ALL VOTED YEA (203-09) CEMETERY: Mr. Chaney stated that Cemetery Board Chairperson, Nancy Riley, has submitted a request to resign her position. The vacancy will be posted in the upcoming newsletter. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to accept the resignation of Cemetery Board Chairperson, Nancy Riley, effective immediately. ALL VOTED YEA (204-09) ZONING: A letter to the Franklin County Auditor was submitted for trustee signature for the purpose of recouping fees incurred from the cost of mowing and related maintenance of 6759 E. Merwin Dr. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize Nick Alexander, Harold Rausch, Butch McDowall, and Ginny Shimrock to attend an Ohio Township Association trustee training session in October 2009 at a total cost of $200.00. ALL VOTED YEA (205-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize legal counsel, William Loveland, to contact the owners of 6612 Estelle via written correspondence for the purpose of bringing the property into zoning compliance. ALL VOTED YEA (206-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the Department to refer unresolved zoning code violations related to the property located at 1382 Beechlake Dr. to the Franklin County Prosecutor's office. ALL VOTED YEA (207-09) FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Worthington submitted the July 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to accept State of Ohio grant monies in the amount $52,882.68 and to authorize a township match in the amount of $17,627.56 [75/25] for the digital radio project. [Grant No. 2009-RA-A02-T10766]. ALL VOTED YEA (208-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP August 17, 2009 Page 2 Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to advance $70,510.24 from the General Fund to Fund PO 2009-RA-A02-T1 0766 for the purpose of purchasing digital radios for the Department. ALL VOTED YEA (209-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the Department to enter into an agreement with the DUI Task Force of Franklin County at no cost to the township. ALL VOTED YEA (210-09) Chief Oppenheimer reported that the township will host an Open House on October 5, 2009 to include Kidprint 10, flu shots, Waste Management representatives, and fire departments. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Oppenheimer to discuss upcoming union contract negotiations by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:30 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:45 PM BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Next meeting scheduled for August 26, 2009 at 7:00 PM. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve vacation and sick leave accrual modifications as submitted (see attached). ALL VOTED YEA (211-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (212-09) Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 7:51 PM. Michele M. Elliott Fiscal Officer U' Beth M. ~. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP September 9, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Wednesday, September 9, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscai Officer was on an excused absence. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Lorraine Bompiani;. Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper to approve the minutes of the August 17,2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (213-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mrs. Bompiani stated that she is the wife of Tim Bompiani who attended the July 20, 2009 reguiar meeting. She reported that the minutes of the July 20'h meeting did not adequately explain the couple's concern regarding a neighbor's clothes line. She asked that the minutes reflect that neither she nor her husband is opposed to clothes lines; but, rather the height and permanent installation of the structure. She stated that "clothes need to be hidden by the fence." Mr. Chaney reported that the Chief Zoning Officer has presented proposed language to address these concerns. However, if the new language is approved, current residents would not be affected by any changes to this portion of the zoning code as they would be considered "grandfathered." . Mr. Chaney reported that he received the following email message dated September 7, 2009 from resident, Tim Bompiani who requested that clarification of his comments, made during the Public Comment period on July 20, 2009, be reflected in the minutes: "I was reviewing the minutes from recent Perry Township Board Meetings and noticed that the Public Comment section that summarizes my comments at the July 20, 2009 meeting were not completely accurate. "Please update my comments to indioate that my complaint is with the height of the clothes lines. I have been very specific when I have discussed this with anyone from the township or my neighbors. I do not have a problem with clothes lines. My issue is that they are to high for me to hide and that they are permanently installed." Mr. Myers reported that improvements to the entrance structure located at Brookside Wesl/161 are nearing completion. The entrance structure on the corner of 161/McVey may be refurbished next year. Mr. Chaney stated that the Worthington Hills Civic Association's meeting is this evening. OTHER: Mr. Chaney reported that Mike Long (Resource100, Ltd) was unable to attend this regular meeting; but will provide a draft of solid waste bid specifications to each elected official by Friday, September 11'h. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the September 3, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the annual renewal of the maintenance agreement with Franklin Heating & Refrigeration at a cost of $608.00. ALL VOTED YEA (214-09) CEMETERY: Mr. Roper stated that he has received responses from people in the area who are interested in the chairperson position as well as those who are interested in becoming cemetery board members. All positions have been posted on the website. ZONING: The Chief Zoning Officer submitted the September 2, 2009 departmental report. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the annual renewal of the Gordon Flesch copier (H5416) service maintenance contract at a cost of $338.00. ALL VOTED YEA (215-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to declare the property owned by Mark Hill located at 6666 Millbrae Rd., a nuisance. ALL VOTED YEA (216-09) FIRE DISTRICT: The Cities of Worthington and Upper Arlington submitted the August 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP September 9, 2009 Page 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize Empire Window Company to replace windows located in Building NO.3 at a cost of $6,426.00 and replace one window with a broken seal in Building NO.2 at a cost of $128.00; a total cost $6,554.00. ALL VOTED YEA (217-09) Chief Oppenheimer reported that due to'advertising requirements, the Police auction has been rescheduled for October 17'h at 10:00 a.m. Department Heads should prOVide a list of surplus property to the Board for approval. th Chief Oppenheimer stated that Officer Munoz's wife delivered a baby on September 9 . Because the officer was recently hired, he does not have ample sick leave available. Chief Oppenheimer recommended an advance of 40 hours of sick leave to Officer Munoz which will be paid back to the Department. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to advance 40 hours of sick leave to Officer Munoz which he will pay back to the Department. ALL VOTED YEA (218-09) Chief Oppenheimer reported that based on information received from OCJS, the original figures related to the digital radio grant must be amended. Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to amend dollars amounts stated in Resolution No. 208-09 to read acceptance of State of Ohio grant monies in the amount $52,946.10 and to authorize a township match in the amount of $17,648.70 [75/25] for the digital radio project. [Grant No.. 2009-RA-A02-T10766]. ALL VOTED YEA (219-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to amend the dollar amount stated in Resolution No. 209-09 to read advance of $70,594.80 from the General Fund to Fund PD 2009-RA-A02-T10766 for the purpose of purchasing digital radios for the Department. ALL VOTED YEA (220-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: No new business. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (221-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Oppenheimer for the sole purpose of discussing upcoming labor negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:56 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:20 PM Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:23 PM. Chet J. Chaney Chairman RESOLUTION NO. 216-09 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARK IDLL, LOCATED AT 6666 MILLBRAE RD. COLUMBUS, OIDO 43235 IN PERRY TOWNSmr, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO, A NUISANCE PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Perry Township Board of Trustees (the "Board") has found the property owned by Mark Hill located at 6666 Millbrae Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcel id 213001634 being lot 63 of Brookside Estates No.5 (the "Property"), to be littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris (the "Vegetation and Debris"); WHEREAS, pursuant to §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board is authorized to determine that the maintenance of vegetation, debris, and junk vehicles upon a property constitutes a nuisance and order the property owner to remove such vegetation and debris within seven (7) days, and if the owner fails to remove the vegetation and debris or to make arrangements for the removal within the allotted time period, the Board may proceed to remove the vegetation and debris and enter the cost of such removal upon the tax duplicate for the property; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Perry Township (the "Township'') and its residents to proceed under §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code in order to remove, or have removed, the Vegetation and Debris from the Property; RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED, that the Board has found that the property owned by Mark Hill located at 6666 Millbrae Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43235, tax parcel id 213-001634 being lot 63 of Brookside Estates No.5, in Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio, is littered with nuisance i.e. weeds, uncontrolled vegetation, and other debris, and the Board hereby determines that the maintenance of the Vegetation and Debris on the Property constitutes a nuisance and, pursuant to Section 505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code, orders the following actions: 1. The Board orders the owner of the Property to remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days after receipt of notice ofthis Resolution; 2. The Board authorizes the Zoning Inspector or his/her designee to notify the record owner and lienholders of the Property as provided in §5b5.87(B) of the Ohio Revised Code; 3. If the record owner does not remove the Vegetation and Debris or make arrangements for the removal within seven (7) days from the receipt of notice hereof, the Trustee designated as the Zoning Department liaison is authorized to order Township employees, materials and equipment to be used to remove the Vegetation and Debris or to enter into a contract with some suitable person or persons for its removal, and all costs and expenses so incurred shall, when approved by the Board, be paid out of the unappropriated monies in the general fund; 4. The Fiscal Officer shall report all expenses that the Township incurs in the removal of the Vegetation and Debris to the Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio for entry upon the tax duplicate as a lien upon the Property and for collection and reimbursement of the Township's general fund as provided in §505.87 of the Ohio Revised Code. 5. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the passage of this Resolution were taleen in open meetings of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board that resulted in formal actions were taleen in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including but not limited to, Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22, except as otherwise permitted thereby. This resoh:ition shall talee effect at the earliest time allowed by law. ADOPTED: September 9, 2009 Attest: PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO ~ IJiit'fJ1vh?f!L' MiobOklliott Township Fiscal Offic ;;0 MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP September 21, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, September 21, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Mike Long (Resource100 Ltd); Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (222-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Brookside Hog Roast will be held on October 3" at 4:30 p.m. with dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. OTHER: The draft of a formal resolution objecting to and opposing the proposed water and sewer rate increases filed by the Ohio American Water with the Ohio Public Utilities Commission was submitted to the Board for review. The matter will be discussed at a later date. Mike Long presented a draft of 6 alternative bid specifications in preparation for the upcoming solid waste and recycling contract bidding process. The Board chose four of the alternatives to be incorporated in his next draft. He recommended that local waste haulers review the proposed bid specifications and provide feedback to ensure that stated requirements are reasonable. The recommendation was made to standardize the size of the totes and recycling bins. Mike will obtain the cost of additional trash/recycling containers. He recommended that a bidder be disqualified if the company does not submit bids for each of the 4 aiternatives. Other considerations: a) a section for bidders to submit alternative soiutions; b) inciude language related to free collection of solid waste for township and community special events; c) senior citizen discounts; d) assistance for disabled residents; e) length of contract. Residents can opt out of using a designated waste hauler; but, cannot hire a different company. Legal counsel is to be consulted regarding bonding issues. Mike will prepare the second draft and distribute to elected officials within a week. Mike was excused from the regular meeting at 7:55 p.m. Newsletter topics were discussed and recommendations made. 1h The Fiscal Officer stated that the 2007-2008 post audit meeting was held on September 18 • The Auditor's finding and recommendations will be made available to each elected official upon receipt of final documents. She reported that one of the recommendations was to amend the current Employee Manual to include the Township's Schedule of Records Retention and Disposition. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to amend the Employee Manual to include the Schedule of Records Retention and Disposition, Section 8:03. ALL VOTED YEA (223-09) ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the September 17, 2009 departmental report. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize Superior Painting & Service to prepare, prime, and paint the above ground "no-lead" fuel tank at a cost of $785.00. ALL VOTED YEA (224-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the renewal of the generator maintenance agreement with w.w. Williams at a cost of $550.00. ALL VOTED YEA (225-09) The Superintendent reported that he had received only one estimate to treat the ash trees. The matter will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Based on past leaf collection and snow events records, he did not recommend extending the current leaf collection period. The renewal of the Brickman landscaping contract for 201 0 was discussed. The Superintendent stated that the Road Department would prefer to mow and trim the grounds as a cost-saving measure. He will request a revised contract from Brickman, excluding the trimming and mowing services, and present this information to the Board at the next regular meeting. MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP September 21, 2009 Page 2 Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the purchase of leaf collection signs from Sign-A-Rama at a cost of $278.25. ALL VOTED YEA (226-09) Superintended Shonkwiler reported that Nate McCardle, and Ian Warren will participate in the Franklin County Engineer's Annual Snow Fighter's Rodeo at no cost to the township. CEMETERY: Board member vacancies have been posted on the website. Superintendent Shonkwiler reported that information received from ODOT indicates that storm drains will not be necessary; resulting in a savings of approximately $20,000. ZONING: Legal Counsel Loveland and the sister ofthe property owner of 3047 Brookdown have made arrangements to bring the property up to code. A variance hearing for the property located at 5029 Henderson-Heights will be held on October 13, 2009 to discuss the building of a proposed 1,350 sq ft accessory structure. The property located at 6666 Millbrae has been transferred to the new owner who has assumed all exterior maintenance responsibilities. FIRE DISTRICT: No new business. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Oppenheimer stated that the township will receive $21,400.00 from PERSO insurance versus the $10,000.00 initially quoted for Car NO.7 which was totaled during the recent pursuit of vandals. Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of a 2009 Ford Crown Victoria to replace the totaled Car No. 7 to be purchased from Byers through the state bid contract in the amount of $21,955. ALL VOTED YEA (227-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to designate October 29, 2009 as Beggar's Night to be held between the hours of 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. ALL VOTED YEA (228-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the replacement of 383 sq ft of metal roof panels, install new corrugated roof panels to match existing in same area by Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal at a cost of $2,300.00. ALL VOTED YEA (229-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers accepting the resignation of Officer Meldon Hamber, effective immediately. ALL VOTED YEA (230-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: No new business. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve the Budget Commission's 2010 Official Certificate of Estimated Resources and to accept the Amounts and Rates Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies. ALL VOTED YEA (231-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (232-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Oppenheimer for the sole purpose of considering the discipline of Department employees by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:46 PM) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP September 21, 2009 Page 3 The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:44 PM No action taken. Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 9:55 PM. Chat J. Chaney Chairman 1~~dlI Michiile M. Elliott Fiscal Officer " - - - - - - - - - - - _ _.. RESOLUTION NO. 234-09 A RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO AND OPPOSING THE PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES FILED BY omo AMERICAN WATER WITH THE omo PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PREAMBLE WHEREAS, certain residents of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Township") receive water and sewer services from Ohio American Water ("OAW"); and WHEREAS, in June of 2009, OAW filed a request with the Ohio Public Utilities Commission of Ohio ("PUCO") to substantially increase rates for all of its residential customers in Ohio, including numerous residents of the Township, over a four year period as follows: 24.63% increase in April 2010; 22.30% increase in April of2011; 6.82% in April of 2012; and 5.77% increase in 2013, resulting in a total increase of approximately 60%; and WHEREAS, the request by OAW is their third rate increase request in three years and, if granted, will result in approximate increases of 240% in water rates and 300% in sewer rates since 1999 to these Township residents; and WHEREAS, the PUCO mission is to "assure all residential and business consumers access to adequate, safe and reliable utility services at fair prices, while facilitating an environment that provides competitive choices;" and WHEREAS, Township residents receiving OAW water and sewer services already pay a substantially higher and unfair rate for such services when compared with both other Township residents and residents of surrounding jurisdictions that receive such services from other utility providers; and WHEREAS, due to the current difficult economic times and previous rate increases granted to OAW, the Board of Trustees of the Township believes a rate increase of 60% for water and sewer servic,es is unjustified and will result in many Township residents not being able to afford water and se~er services; and -, "." . WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees believes it is in the best interests of the Township and its residents to oppose the proposed OAW water and sewer rate increase filed with the PUCO and to further urge the Commissioners of the PUCO to reject OAW's proposed rate increase. RESOLUTION NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Board") that the following Resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: Section 1. The Board hereby objects to and opposes the proposed OAW water and sewer rate increase as filed with the PUCO in June of 2009. The Board believes that OAW's requested increases are unfair, excessive and incapable ofjustification. The Board further agrees to support, assist and work with other governmental jurisdictions affected by the proposed OAW water and sewer rate increase in opposing such increases. Section 2. The Board hereby requests that the Commissioners of the PUCO reject the proposed water and sewer rate increases as filed by OAW and secondarily requests that should PUCO grant an increase to OAW, that any increase be equitable to the consumer and be based upon fair and responsible calculations. Section 3. The Board hereby authorizes and directs the Township Fiscal Officer to file and/or forward a copy of this Resolution to the Docketing Division of the PUCO, the Ohio Consumers' Counsel ("OCC"), Frauldin County Commissioners, and each of the respective state legislators whose legislative districts encompasses the Township. Section 4. The Board authorizes and appoints each of the following persons to appear and speak on behalf of the Board at any meeting ancllor hearing to be held by the PUCO in its review of OAW's water and sewer rate increase proposal: each member of the Board; the Township Fiscal Officer; ancllor such other Township employee(s) as each Trustee may deem necessary or desirable. Section 5. The Board of Trustees encourages all Township residents to contact the PUCO, the OCC, and their state legislators through letters and phone calls voicing their opinion on OAW's proppsed water and sewer rate increases. Section. 6 All formal actions of this Board, concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution, were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and all deliberations of the Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted: /)('.:'7J"Bl9'? ,r ,2009 PERRY TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, omo Attest and Certified: ~:Otttit/lSll Township Fiscal Officer MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP October 5, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, October 5, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Richard Elliott, Deane Elliott, Elise Elliott, Susan Lent (Waste Management); Bill Johnson (Franklin County Farm Bureau), Tony Ashley; Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (233-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Brookside Hog Roast held on October 3fd was a success. Worthington Hills hosted an 'It's So Easy Going Green' informational meeting and PTA members met with the school superintendent to discuss the upcoming school levy. OTHER: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to adopt a resolution objecting to and opposing the proposed water and sewer rate increases filed by Ohio American Water with the Ohio Public Utilities Commission. ALL VOTED YEA (234-09) Stephen Kennedy, Prairie Township Trustee, has requested that Perry Township participate in weekly teleconference calls each Monday at 12:00 pm to discuss the proposed Ohio American Water rate increase. Mr. Chaney will represent the township and will provide the Board with routine updates. Mr. Kennedy also submitted for review a letter to the Ohio Attorney General's office requesting research of the rate case increase filed by Ohio American Water. As the Board of Trustees has previously passed a resolution in which a Letter of Objection to the Rate Increase was forwarded to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and passed resolution number 234-09 during this regular meeting, the Trustees declined signing the proposed correspondence. The Fiscal Officer will contact Mr. Kennedy to discuss the Board's decision. Bill Johnson summarized the intent/purpose of Issue No.2: To create the Ohio livestock care standards board to establish and implement standards of care for livestock and poultry. He asked the Board of Trustees for its support. Mr. Chaney will consult with iegal counsel to confirm that the Trustees have the authority to support the issue as a Board versus as individuals. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the October 1, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the renewal of the lawn service maintenance agreement with Brickman with the stipulation that the contract will be revised to reflect no base contract amount increase for the second year. Total cost $4,909.00 per year. ALL VOTED YEA (235-09) The Superintendent reported that he is waiting for a third estimate before recommending a company to treat the Emerald Ash trees on site. ZONING: No new business. FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Upper Arlington submitted the September 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. CEMETERY: Board members and a chairperson will be appointed at the next meeting. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to declare the list of surplus property obsolete and sell at the October 17, 2009 auction (see attached). ALL VOTED YEA (236-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP October 5, 2009 Page 2 Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize payment to LEADS for non terminal agency fees, October 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 in the amount of $1 ,010.00. ALL VOTED YEA (237-09) Chief Oppenheimer reported that residents will soon be able to sign up for house checks via a secured link on the township website. The fire damaged home on Charbury is scheduled to be demolished. The funds held for the fire damaged residence on Snouffer will be release as soon as the Fiscal Officer receives the Home Occupancy Permit from the property owner. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Mr. Chaney is in the process of contacting each BCR board member. The Trustees will be advised of the next BCR meeting date at the October 19, 2009 regular meeting. FINANCIAL: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (238-09) The Fiscal Officer submitted the August 2009 revenue, fund status, and expenditure reports for review. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Oppenheimer for the sole purpose of considering employment of a public employee pursuant to ORC 121.22 G-1 by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:40 PM) The Board reconvened into ·regular session at 8: 17 PM No action taken. Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:20 PM. Michele M. Elliott Fiscal Officer Beth M. Beatty PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION on October 17, 2009 10:00A.M. 7125 Sawmill Road; Building No.1 Garage 2 pry bars, 1 black in color and 1 red in color 1 screwd river 1 silver pin light flashlight 1 gold colored bracelet with plastic pearl 1 green purse 1 blue wallet 1 Panasonic Omni movie cam corder 1 battery charger 1 adapter 2 cassette ta pes 1 New Balance box with size 10 Tennis Shoes 1 Novo Nordisk backpack, blue in color 1 North Face backpack, black in color 1 deck of Bicycle playing cards 1 "d" ring with bottle opener 1 Philips screwdriver 1 regular screwdriver 1 Versace coin purse 1 boys Mongoose BMX bicycle, chrome in color, serial # SNGNP06E37866 1 boys Magna Exetor Series bicycle, yellow in color, model 8577 78 1 small grey flashlight 1 Compaq Presario lap top 1 Thumb drive 1 black CD case with 9 CD's 1 Net gear wireless access point 2 skateboards with tan wheels 1 Bocce set 1 black and grey Savier backpack 4 leopard print elbow and-knee pads 3 Motorola car chargers 4 Motorola W385 cell phone with holsters 1 pink Motorola Razor cell phone 1 Office chair 1 Ricoh printer 1 swivel copy holder 1 Pelouze postal scale 1 Duracell 15 minute battery charger 1 HP 1020 fax machine 1 drafting table 1 IBM Wheel Writer 10000 typewriter 1 Tandy printer 1 twin bed 1 Black Office Chair 1 RCA Camcorder with Battery and Charger 1 Sony Camcorder with 2 Batteries, Charger and Case 7 Polaroid 1200 SE Cameras 6 are in Cases 1 Polaroid 600 Camera 1 Konica 35mm Camera 1 Cannon 35mm Camera 1 Kodak 35mm Camera 1 Set of Harman Kardan Computer Speakers 1 Ohaus Triple Beam Balance Scale 1 Brass Eagle Paperweight 1 Radio Shack Radio Scanner 2 PCMCIA DVD ROM's 1 Audio Meter 1 Brass Lamp 1 Panasonic Cassette Transcriber 1 Key Box 1 Cork Board 2 Desk Top File Folders 1 Turbo Vac Vacuum 1 Double Roll Paper Towel Dispenser 1 Pentium 3 Dell desktop computer 1 HP DeskJet 648C inkjet printer 1 HP 6310 all in one printer 1 15 inch CRT monitor 1 Cannon Lide 90 scanner MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP October 19, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, October 19, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was on an excused absence. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Jeff Anderson (P.O. D. Design); Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (240-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. OTHER: Proposed changes to the Ethics Policy and Employee Handbook will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Mike Long (Resource100, Ltd) submitted revised solid waste bid specifications for review. Elected officials should submit any further recommendations I revisions to Administrative Assistant Beatty by Friday, October 23, 2009. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent SUbmitted the October 15,2009 departmental report. Motion by Robert Myers; seConded by Chet Chaney to authorize parts and service through Ace Truck Body for Truck NO.1 in the amount of $1 ,764.82, ALL VOTED YEA (241-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Oppenheimer to discuss F.O.P. collective bargaining issues by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:12 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:34 PM ZONING: The Chief Zoning Officer submitted the October 15, 2009 departmental report. Legal counsel forwarded a property maintenance letter of resolution to the owner of 6612 Estel. The variance request for the property located at 5029 Henderson-Heights was approved on October 13,2009. FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Worthington submitted the September 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. CEMETERY: Superintendent Shonkwiler will contact individuals who are interested in becoming members of the cemetery advisory committee. Jeff Anderson submitted an ODOT application to be completed by Superintendent Shonkwiler and approved by the Board for the proposed visitor parking area. Vendors will be asked to submit bids for the project. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the hiring of Anthony W. Ashley as a full time officer; Step 0; effective date November 29, 2009 with 7 years credit for vacation accrual only and 80 carry over hours of sick leave from Madison Township. ALL VOTED YEA (242-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP October 19, 2009 Page 2 Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve a Master Maintenance Agreement with Legacy Commercial Flooring to clean and apply low moisture Resistech processing in Building No.3 four times a year though a state government contract at a total cost of $751.68. ALL VOTED YEA (243-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve trick-or-treat candy at a cost not to exceed $400.00. ALL VOTED YEA (244-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the purchase of a 150GB HDD digital recorder for the interview room from Hi-Tech Technology at a cost not to exceed $600.00 (includes installation). ALL VOTED YEA (245-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded Robert Myers to establish a salary rate of $20 per hour for all part time officers involved with federal grant no. HVEO 2010. The township will be reimbursed for related man hours via this grant. ALL VOTED YEA (246-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: No new business. FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (247-09) The Fiscal Officer submitted the September 2009 revenue, fund status, and expenditure reports for review. Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:03 PM. flkclJJ£e )rt(b~ Ic I M. Elliott Fiscal Officer ------------ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP November 2, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, November 2, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (248-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Fiscal Officer thanked the police department for its assistance during Brookside's Beggar's Night. OTHER: Proposed changes to the Ethics Policy and Employee Handbook related to the newsletter were discussed. Mr. Roper will revise the current language and the issue will be discussed further at the next regular meeting. The proposed solid waste bid specifications has been forwarded to legal counsel for review. MORPC has requested that the township pass a resolution of intention to participate in a watershed planning partnership to develop a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River watershed. A representative from MORPC will be present to answer any questions at the next regular meeting. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the November 2, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize a contract with Varment Guard for a one-time treatment (Bldg No.1, 2, 3) for mice, spiders, and beetles at a cost not to exceed $359.00. ALL VOTED YEA (249-09) Motion by John Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the 200912010 Municipal Snow and Ice Control Service Agreement with the City of Columbus for Brookbend Drive, Cutter Court and Skyline Drive Township furnished materials, services and equipment. The City of Columbus will provide anti-icing at McVey Boulevard dip at a cost of $824.00 for ALL VOTED YEA (250-09) ZONING: The Chief Zoning Officer submitted the October 30, 2009 2009 departmental report. Zoning Officer Fellure will submit a revised zoning map for review during the next regular meeting. FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Upper Arlington submitted the October 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. CEMETERY: Appointment(s) to the Board will be made at the next regular meeting. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the installation and transfer of all emergency radio equipment from old Car 7 to new Car 7 by Public Safety Concepts at a cost of $2,083.59. ALL VOTED YEA (251-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the fee for language interpretation services through Language Line Service at a total cost of $562.91. ALL VOTED YEA (252-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve the agreement by and between Perry Township and the Fraternal Order of Police Capital City Lodge NO.9 effective January 1,2010 through December 31 ,2012. ALL VOTED YEA (253-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP November 2, 2009 Page 2 Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize supervisor training and education for Sergeant Anthony Ashley through the Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc at a cost of $1 ,500.00. ALL VOTED YEA (254-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve trick-or-treat candy at a cost not to exceed $400.00. ALL VOTED YEA (255-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: The next meeting is November 18, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. (Bldg 1). FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (256-09) Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 7:28 PM. Chet J. Chaney Chairman MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP November 16, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, November 16, 2009. ROLL CALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Andy English, Richard Horn, Mike Long, Legal Counsel Griggs, Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (257-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: No new business. OTHER: Proposed changes to the Ethics Policy and Employee Handbook related to newsletter content will be discussed at the next meeting. MORPC has requested that the township pass a resolution of intention to participate in a watershed planning partnership to develop a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River watershed. Mr. Chaney submitted the proposed resolution to the Board. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to adopt a resolution of intention to participate in a watershed planning partnership to develop a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River watershed. ALL VOTED YEA (258-09) Mike Long (Resource 1DOLTO) submitted the redline version of the solid waste bid specifications for review. The group discussed the pros and cons of container leases, small versus larger operators, contract language, performance bond, and fuel surcharges. Mike and Pete will incorporate recommended changes into bid specifications. Mike stated that it would be best to obtain several bids from various companies. Mike also submitted for review a service contract proposal between Resource 1DOLTO and Perry Township to be discussed at the next regular meeting. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the November 16,2009 departmental report. The Road Superintendent thanked all staff members who assisted with the promotion of the 1.5 replacement road levy and financial contributers. Mr. Roper acknowledged that the hard work, service, and dedication of the road crew contributed its success. The Superintendent reported that the cost of mosquito fogging through the County is anticipated to increase. The Superintendent recommended that the program be renewed based on cost effectiveness and educational benefits to the community. CEMETERY: Motion by Mr. Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to appoint Richard Horn to the Davis Cemetery Advisory Board, effective immediately. ALL VOTED YEA (259-09) ZONING: Revisions to the zoning map will be submitted and discussed at the next regular meeting. FIRE DISTRICT: The City of Upper Worthington submitted the October 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the purchase of an All-in-One printer from Micro Center to be installed in the Department's administrative office at a cost of $329.99. ALL VOTED YEA (260-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP November 16, 2009 Page 2 Chief Oppenheimer stated that he believed it to be in the Township's best interest to appoint an experienced officer who would continue operations in his absence. Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to appoint Lt. Robert Pendleton as acting Chief of Police in the event Chief Oppenheimer is not available to fulfill his duties to the township. ALL VOTED YEA (261-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: The next meeting is November 18, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. (Bldg 1). FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the renewal of the 2010 Cobra administration contract with Ohio Insurance Services Agency at a cost of $650.00. ALL VOTED YEA (262-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the renewal of Ohio Township Association Memberships for the Elected Officials, Chief Oppenheimer, Chief Zoning Inspector Fellure, Superintendent Shonkwiler, and Administrative Assistants Burger, DeMatteo and Beatty at a total cost of $260.00. ALL VOTED YEA (263-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (264-09) The Fiscal Officer SUbmitted the October 2009 revenue, fund status, and expenditure reports for review. Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:01 PM. Chet J. Chaney Chairman VJL~~ Mi~e M. Elliott Fiscal Officer RESOLUTION NO. 258-09 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE IN A WATERSHED PLANNING PARTNERSHIP TO DEVELOP A BALANCED GROWTH PLAN FOR THE OLENTANGY RIVER WATERSHED WHEREAS, Perry Township, Franklin County has learned that the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is applying for a grant from the Ohio Lake Erie Commission to facilitate the development of a balanced growth plan for the watershed of the Olentangy River; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Olentangy River Watershed is located within the boundaries of Perry Township, Franklin County and WHEREAS, should MoRPC receive said grant, it will form a Watershed Planning Partnership (WPP) ofjurisdictions with planning authority within the Olentangy River Watershed, and the WPP will then work collaboratively to seek broad public input and develop a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River Watershed based on that input; and WHEREAS, the balanced growth plan developed with said grant would identify Priority Conservation Areas within the Olentangy River Watershed to protect critically important ecological, recreational, agricultural, heritage, public access, and other areas, the preservation of which would enhance the quality oflife of the citizens of Perry Township, Franklin County and WHEREAS, the balanced growth plan would also identify Priority Development Areas within the Olentangy River Watershed, which will be areas in which growth or redevelopment should especially be promoted and through which the economy of the region encompassed by the Olentangy River Watershed will be enhanced; and WHEREAS, the balanced growth plan would also identify a variety of reco=ended tools and programs through which Priority Conservation Areas can be protected and enhanced while sustainable development can be driven to Priority Development Areas; and WHEREAS, while the final balanced growth plan would contain reco=endations only, and would not impose any mandatory requirements or limitations on Perry Township, Franklin County its effectiveness in influencing future growth and development in the Olentangy River Watershed will depend on the active participation of the jurisdictions with planning authority within the Olentangy River Watershed in the process of developing the balanced growth plan, and in attempting to implement those reco=endations; and WHEREAS, desires to participate actively in the development of a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River Watershed, should MORPC be awarded a grant to facilitate that development, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PERRY TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY SECTION I: That Perry Township, Franldin County supports MORPC's application for funding to facilitate the development of a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River Watershed. SECTION 2: That if MORPC receives the requested grant, Perry Township, Franklin County shall participate actively in the Watershed Planning Partnership that will develop a balanced growth plan for the Olentangy River Watershed, and shall make best faith efforts to implement applicable reco=endations of the balanced growth plan in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio and the wishes of its own citizens. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, PERRY TOWNSHIP FRANKLIN COUNTY, OIDO Voting Aye thereon: ATTEST AND CERTIF~~ lYJ'c/<dyIlf· I/~ Mich e M. Elliott ------------ MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP December 7, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, December 7, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and .Iames Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Andy English, Mike Long (Resource 100LTD), David and Nancy Carpenter, Frank Harmon (Ohio Insurance Service Agehcy), Administrative Assistant Beatty MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (265-09) PUBLIC COMMENT: The Brookside Santa parade will be held on Sunday, December 13 at 1:00 p.m. Worthington Hills' carriage ride will take place from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., December 23"'. OTHER: Frank Harmon summarized the proposed changes related to the 2010 Medical Mutual of Ohio health care and Hartford life insurance renewal. He stated that there would be a 6% health insurance premium increase if the Board accepted his recommendations. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize Medical Mutual of Ohio to provide health insurance coverage and Hartford Life to provide life insurance coverage ($50,000 elected officials 1 $75,000 employee) to elected officials and township employees, effective January 1, 2010. ALL VOTED YEA (266-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to authorize the renewal of the 2010/2011 Delta Dental program and 2010 Vision Plan. ALL VOTED YEA (267-09) Frank Harmon was excused from the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Mike Long submitted revised solid, yard, and recycling services bid specifications for review. The suggested was made to reduce the number of alternatives and revise the format. The Board agreed that haulers should have the option of responding to one of the folloWing tables: Table A Base bid plus Options 1, 3, 5 Table B Base bid plus Options 7, 9, 11 TableC Base bid plus Options 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Mike will provide the following information to the Board by the end of this week: • Contract language related to fuel surcharges • Revised bid specifications • Reason why consortium received only one bid Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to modify and extend the Resource 100Ltd contract at a cost of $1 ,000.00 for work items 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6; $500 for work item number 2. ALL VOTED YEA (268-09) Mike Long was excused from the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the 2010 Holiday Schedule as presented. ALL VOTED YEA (269-09) Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, owners of the fire damaged property located at 3565 Snouffer Rd; Columbus, OH, submitted the required documentation per resolution number 077-02 and requested the release of the insurance proceeds deposited into Agency Fund No. 9901. Fiscal Officer Elliott presented payment, warrant number 38842 in the amount of $22,400.00. ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the December 2, 2009 departmental report. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the carryover to 2010 approximately 70 hours of vacation accrual for the Road Superintendent. ALL VOTED YEA (270-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP December 7, 2009 Page 2 Mr. Roper commended the Road Department staff for its efforts during the leaf pick up season. CEMETERY: Mr. Roper reported that a grant writer has been contacted regarding the process of obtaining monies for Davis Historical Cemetery projects. Her fees are $62.50 hour; however, there is no charge related to the initial research of grant opportunities. Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to retain the services of Gatchell Grant Resources, LLC for the purpose of researching grant opportunities at no cost to the township. ALL VOTED YEA (271-09) The next cemetery meeting will be held in January 2010. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter were excused from the meeting at 8:00 p.m. FIRE DISTRICT: The Cities of Upper Worthington and Upper Arlington submitted the November 2009 Fire and EMS run activity report. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by James Roper to increase the Special Duty pay rate to $37.00 (per hour) and the cruiser rate to $15.00 (per hour). ALL VOTED YEA (272-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve parts and installation of a water pump and bells, timing belt, and two Serp belts, oil lube and filter, and replacement of the license plate bulb for the 2007 Chrylser Sebring plain car through Byers Dublin Chevrolet at a cost of $819.58. ALL VOTED YEA (273-09) Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the carryover of approximately 200 hours of vacation accrual with no liability to the township for Chief Oppenheimer. ALL VOTED YEA (274-09) Chief Oppenheimer reported that the Department has applied for computer server grant through OCJS. Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize the purchase of a $100 gift certificate to be given to the Employee of the Year during the upcoming holiday party on December th 16 ALL VOTED YEA (275-09) BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: Andy English reported that a goal setting session took place during the last regular meeting. The next meeting wili be held at the Township Hall on December 16th at 6:00 p.m. FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (276-09) The Fiscal Officer submitted the November 2009 revenue, fund status, and expenditure reports for review. ZONING: Chief Zoning Officer Fellure submitted the revised zoning map for approval. She stated that Savko Construction Parcel Number 216-151086 was inadvertently label incorrectly as 'Residential'. The zoning designation for the property has been changed to "Light Industrial". Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve and adopt the corrected zoning map as submitted. ALL VOTED YEA (277-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Chief Zoning Officer, Robin Fellure (via teleconference) concerning disputes involving the Township that are SUbject of pending or imminent court action by roll call vote: MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP December?,2009 Page 3 Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (8:18 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:36 PM Mr. Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:37 PM. tJ(A/T Chairman 'I ~~ i~~~ Itt [t/$:"ff Micele M. Elliott Fiscal Officer ~------ RESOLUTION NO. 277-09 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING A CORRECTED ZONING MAP Preamble WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 519 of the Ohio Revised Code the Township has adopted and enforces a Township Zoning Code, a part of which is the Township's Official Zoning Map. The Zoning Resolution including the Zoning Map was first adopted by the Perry Township Zoning Commission, the Board of Trustees, and the electorate in November of 1982, and said Code and Map have been amended many times since the Resolution was adopted; and WHEREAS, several years ago Perry Township's Official Zoning Map was digitized by the Planning Department of the Franklin County Department of Development; and WHEREAS, the Township is involved in litigation in case styled Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. v. The Stephen and Martin Savko Family Trust, et aI., Franklin County Ohio Common Pleas Court Case No. o9CVH03-3943. During the course of this litigation, it has been discovered that one parcel of real property (which parcel is a subject of claims made in this litigation) (Franklin County Auditor Parcel No. 216-151086) was originally designated correctly on the Township Official Zoning Map, but is now incorrectly designated on the digitized Map, an apparent error having been made in the digitization process; and WHEREAS, Board of Trustees has obtained a corrected map from the Planning Department of the Franklin County Department of Development, and now wishes to approve and adopt the corrected map solely to correct an error, and without changing or modifying the zoning status of any property, so the Map fully conforms with the legislation adopted to classify property for zoning purposes in Perry Township. Resolution NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio (the "Board"), that the following resolution be, and it hereby is, adopted: RESOLVED, that the document recently updated by the Planning Department of the Franklin County Department of Development and before this Board at this meeting be, and it hereby is, adopted and approved as the Official Zoning Map in and for Perry Township. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the members of the Board and the Zoning Inspector are authorized and directed to execute and approve the revised map as the Official Zoning Map, and take all further actions necessary or appropriate in order to record and use said map as the Official Zoning Map of Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio.. This resolution shall take effect and be enforced from and after the date of its adoption. Adopted: December 7, 2009 A'ITEST AND CERTIFIED: f1,C:~ Michele EllIott Fiscal Officer . //l/·I-~ tLt'vr/ ·v ChetChaney Trustee MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP December 21, 2009 The Board of Trustees convened in regular session at 7:00 PM, Monday, December 21, 2009. ROLLCALL: Robert Myers, present; Chet Chaney, present; and ,James Roper, present. The Fiscal Officer was present. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Oppenheimer, Superintendent Shonkwiler, Andy English, Legal Counsel, William Loveland; Administrative Assistant Beatty . MINUTES: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2009 regular session. ALL VOTED YEA (278-09) EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Chet Chaney to enter into Executive Session with Legal Counsel, William Loveland, concerning disputes involving the Township that are subject of pending or imminent court action by roll call vote: Chet Chaney, yea; James Roper, yea; Robert Myers, yea (7:03 PM) The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:39 PM Mr. Loveland will attend the January 20, 2009 regular meeting to provide follow up on matters related to the Columbia Gas versus Savko case. PUBLIC COMMENT: Worthington Hills' carriage ride will take place from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., December 23,d. OTHER: The following agenda items will be discussed at the next regular meeting: • Non contract staff salary increase • Non contract staff benefits: o Personal days o Sick leave conversion hours o Longevity pay increase • Authorization of payment of salaries for Trustees ($1,333.17 per month) and Fiscal Officer ($2,029.59 per month) • Proposed resolution retaining Loveland & Brosius for the 2010 year Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to set the 2010 Organizational Meeting date for Monday, January 4, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. ALL VOTED YEA (279-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by Robert Myers to approve the 2010 Regular Meeting Schedule as presented (see attached). ALL VOTED YEA (280-09) ROAD DEPARTMENT: The Superintendent submitted the December 16,2009 departmental report. Superintendent Shonkwiler will compare the cost of purchasing township uniforms versus renting. ZONING: No new business. CEMETERY: No new business. FIRE DISTRICT: Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize payment to the City of Worthington for Fire and EMS Services at a cost of $80,983.39. ALL VOTED YEA (281-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to authorize payment to the City of Upper Arlington for Fire and EMS Services at a cost of $18,996.10. ALL VOTED YEA (282-09) MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES PERRY TOWNSHIP December 21, 2009 Page 2 Chief Oppenheimer stated that a representative from the City of Worthington contacted his office to ensure that the township was satisfied with the current Fire and EMS service. He reported that the payment schedule to Worthington for dispatching services may revert back to monthly versus quarterly. The Fiscal Officer stated that any changes must be submitted in writing. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the replacement of a strobe light from Tel-Data Concepts, LLC for the 911 call box in front of BUilding NO.1 at a cost of $780.00. ALL VOTED YEA (283-09) Motion by Robert Myers; seconded by Chet Chaney to approve the purchase and installation of 7 new Motorola XTL2500 radios, warning equipment and face plates from Public Safety Concepts at a cost of $1 ,230.32. ALL VOTED YEA (284-09) Chief Oppenheimer stated that a Smith & Wesson 4006 TSW Tactical .40 caliber gun was sold via online auction at a sales price of $286.05. BUSINESS COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD: The next meeting will be held at the Township Hall on January 20, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. FINANCIAL: Motion by James Roper; seconded by Chet Chaney to authorize the transfer to accounts and adjust appropriations as needed with the Amended Certificate. ALL VOTED YEA (285-09) Motion by Chet Chaney; seconded by James Roper to approve payroll and disbursements for this period. ALL VOTED YEA (286-09) Chairman Chaney adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. f~ O!ukJ~ zttfii?l~ v . hele M. Ellio Fiscal Officer