Invitation to register


Invitation to register
Nordic Wastewater Conference
promoting the
exchange of
experience, knowledge
and skills between the
practitioners and
scientists within
management and
Bergen, Norway
November 4th–6th 2015
Invitation to register
Wednesday Nov 4th
Workshop YWP: Planning for the Future
Welcome & Opening Session
Keynote: Water utilities contribution to Circular Economy—
what can we achieve by nutrient recovery. Bruno Tisserand, Norway.
Innovation, green growth and export – the role and responsibility of the utilities. Carl-Emil Larsen, Denmark
Reinvestment challenges. Toril Hofshagen, Norway
Quantifying the impact of high flow conditions on some Swedish Wastewater Treatment Plants. Ann Mattsson, Sweden.
Pressures for more efficient waste water treatment in Finland. Ari Kangas, Finland
Coffee Break
Platform Presentation; Wastewater Treatment Plans
On-line catchment simulator integration into wastewater treatment plant operation.
Doug Lumley, Sweden
Practical application of LCA for benchmarking of the environmental performance for the VEAS WWTP. Rune Holmstad, Norway
Complete inhibition of the Activated Sludge due to industrial discharge—
A true story in our WWTP. Kristina Stark Fujii, Sweden
Performance and operating experiences of the first full-scale Discfilter installation for advanced phosphorus removal in tertiary treatment in Scandinavia.
Trollhättan Energi AB, Sweden
Poster Presentation; Wastewater Treatment Plans
Recycling phosphorus is not only a matter of solubility. Outi Grönfors, Finland
Use of organic coagulants to increase primary sludge production and reduce the load on downstream biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes. Bjarne Paulsrud, Norway
Coffee Break
Wednesday Nov 4th continued
Platform Presentation; Stormwater Management
The new guideline for maintenance and operation of stormwater ponds.
Lise Melgaard, Denmark
Three steps for mitigating pluvial flooding in Oslo. Bent C. Braskerud, Norway
Using SUDS as a tool when separating rainwater from wastewater in existing living areas.
Anne Laustsen, Denmark
Uncovering Oslo´s lost rivers - a golden opportunity for realising the big cleanup.
Tharan Fergus, Norway
Poster Session
Welcome Reception
Thursday Nov 5th
Platform Presentation Sewer Management
Sphinx – a decision support system for sewer asset management.
Tuija Laakso, Finland
Waste water tunnels in Oslo. Frode Hult, Norway
Using distributed temperature sensing (DTS) to search for illicit connections.
Kristian Kilsgaard Østertoft, Denmark
New basin and tunnelling at Marselisborg. Ruben Lauridsen, Denmark
Platform Presentation Management
Alternative Stormwater Management.
Sveinn Thorolfsson or Magnar Sekse, Norway
Guide for Occupational safety in Finnish water and waste water utilities.
Saijariina Toivikko, Finland
Internal benchmarking for reinvestment strategy planning.
Emelie Alenius, Sweden
The main bricks of the asset management system for Oslo Water and Sewerage Works’
portfolio of wastewater infrastructure. Jadranka Milina, Norway
Poster Presentation Sewer Management
Use of fiberoptic cables in the sewage to detect illicit connections. Jan Scheel, Denmark
Benchmarking three different control strategies for hydrogen sulfide abatement
in pressure mains. Martin Lyngsø, Denmark
Poster Presentation Management
Citizen involvement—a new challenge and opportunity in water management.
Anja Wejs, Denmark
Economic analysis of source control systems for blackwater, grey water and food waste in urban areas. Hames Kjerstadius, Sweden
Coffee Break
Platform Presentation Management
How we develop research, development and education in atriple helix concept in southern Sweden. Karin Jönsson, Sweden
Investment plan with 40 years perspective using Asset Management and the calculation
of the long-term sustainable water tariff. Benny Nielsen, Denmark
Urban Planning with the users in focus. Frida Syvertsen, Norway
Hazard Analysis on Wastewater Systems. Mats Leth, Denmark
Thursday Nov 5th continued
Platform Presentation Biogas Production
Dry digestion of dewatered digested sludge from at thermophilic temperature.
Erik Nordell, Sweden
Optimization of energy yield from waste water at WWTPs using on-line control of pre-filtration. Mikkel Mühle Poulsen, Denmark
Installation of Sweden’s first full scale thermal hydrolysis plant (THP) at the Sundet wastewater treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. Anneli Andersson Chan, Sweden
Experiences from five years of receiving external substrates at Himmerfjärden WWTP.
Josefin Flodgren, Sweden
Poster Presentation Management
Using social media in climate adaptation projects. Mads Uhherby, Denmark
Development of a baseline for ESCO financing of energy at wastewater treatment plants.
Jeanette A. Madsen
Poster Presentation Biogas Production
Optimization Strategies for Ejby Mølle WWTP, Denmark. Mats Leth, Denmark
Extended Retention Time in full scale anaerobic digestion at Himmerfjärden WWTP.
Maximilian Lüdtke, Sweden
Platform Presentation Micropollutants
The CONTRIBUTION FROM HOUSEHOLD WASTEWATER-A summary of data collected between 1995-2013 at the Henriksdal WWTP in Stockholm, Sweden and an overviewing comparison of some relevant studies. Maria Eriksson, Sweden
Monitoring and occurrence of micropollutants in Finnish wastewater treatment plants.
Niina Vieno, Finland
Pilot-scale study of pharmaceutical reduction with ozone in 10 Swedish WWTP´s.
Filip Nilsson, Sweden
Tekniska verken in Linköping targets pharmaceutical residues. Robert Sehlén, Sweden
Poster Presentation Micropollutants
Considerations for removal of micro pollutants at Swedish Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Michael Cimbritz, Sweden
Method for preventing metals from reaching the WWTP when flushing sewers with contaminated sediments. Emma Lilliesköld, Sweden
Coffee Break
Technical Tours
Conference Dinner
Friday Nov 6th
Platform Presentation Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Upgrading of 4 wwtps in Bergen at the same time—from strategy to operation.
Kristine Akervold, Norway
Improving the capacity of the Käppala WWTP by using hydro-cyclones.
Sari Vienola, Sweden
Piloting disc filtration at Viikinmäki WWTP for effluent phosphorus < 0.1 mg(P)/l
Anna Kuokkanen, Finland
Stockholm's Future Wastewater Treatment, Building the World's largest MBR-plant.
Niklas Dahlén & Jonas Grundestam, Sweden
Platform Presentation Stormwater Management
Copenhagen Cloudburst Management Plan: Identifying Solutions.
Margit L. Christensen , Denmark
Performance upkeep of 30 Swedish wet ponds for stormwater treatment.
Godecke Blecken, Sweden
Environmental pollutants in stormwater ponds and their effects on the residing aquatic ecosystems. Diana A. Stephansen, Denmark
Integrated urban design and open storm drainage in our urban environments.
Misagh Mottaghi, Sweden
Poster Presentation Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Stockholm's Future Wastewater Treatment, Building the World's largest MBR-plant.
Niklas Dahlén & Jonas Grundestam, Sweden
Positive energy balance at Käppala wastewater treatment plant—just the beginning.
Maximilian Lüdtke,Sweden
Poster Presentation Stormwater Management
Improving retention of DOM in engineered filter soils with Al coated sand.
Karin Cederkvist, Denmark
Modelling the effects of the joint occurrence of rainfall and snowmelt in urban catchments. Günther Leonhardt, Sweden
Coffee Break
Friday Nov 6th continued
Platform Presentation Nutrient Removal
Biological phosphorus removal in a continuous biofilm process with possibilities for phosphorus recovery. Torgeir Saltnes, Norway
Simulating the environmental impact of stricter nitrogen and phosphorous discharge criteria. Linda Åmand, Sweden
Anammox Side Stream Treatment of Reject Water using DEMON™ Process—
Full Scale Results. Per Overgaard Pedersen, Denmark
Influence of aeration strategy on N2O emission and nitrite-oxidising bacteria repression in a mainstream nitritation-anammox MBBR. Sara Ekström, Denmark
Platform Presentation Sewer Management and Stormwater Management
Not only preventing backflows: Flap gates for the estimation of separate sewer overflow volumes. Oleksandr Panasiuk, Sweden
Urban Climate Adaptation and Stormwater Planning: Creating green, water sensitive streets the Danish way. Ezra Rémy, Denmark
Separate sewer system, Aalborg city centre. Bo Laden, Denmark
Poster Presentation Nutrient Removal
Optimizing Nutrient Removal and Resource Efficiency at Suomenoja WWTP.
Paula Lindell, Finland
Mainstream deammonification with ANITA Mox process. Magnus Christensson, Sweden
Poster Presentation Sewer Management and Stormwater Management
Towards better practices for the detection of stormwater contamination by wastewater.
Oleksandr Panasiuk, Sweden
Open Format Data in Sewer Modeling—Case HSY. Anssi Yrjölä, Finland
Strategic work to combat inflow and infiltration: a case study at HSY, Finland
Tiia Lampola, Finland
Monitoring and control of urban water systems for future secure management.
Marinate Hagman, Sweden
From Rowboat to Robot. Steinar Skogbrott, Norway
Friday Nov 6th continued
Platform Presentation Stormwater Management
An action plan for stormwater management in the frying pan.
Cecilie Bråthen, Norway
Innovative solutions in Denmark’s largest roadside rain garden project.
Ole Munk Nielsen and Nena Krogsboe, Denmark
Middelfart as a climate laboratory “The Climate City” and “The Climate Waterfront”—
the most beautiful climate adaption projects in Denmark. Allan Bruus, Denmark
Sustainable stormwater management in historic Bergen—
multiple benefits of climate adaptation measures. Hans de Beer, Norway
Platform Presentation Recycling
Circular scales of economy of hygienization of sludges. Jussi Uotila, Finland
Life cycle assessment of sludge management with phosphorus recovery in Sweden.
Magdalena Svanström, Sweden
Vacuum evaporation—a novel nutrient recovery technology for reject water.
Joakim Faxå, Denmark
Commissioning Norway’s First Bio-fertiliser Factory. Oddvar Tornes, Norway
Closing of Conference, Award for best presentation, and welcome to NORDIWA 2017
The main language of the conference is Scandinavian. Presentations will therefore be held
mainly in Scandinavian (Swedish, Norwegian and Danish) with simultaneous translation into
English. Simultaneous translation will be available during all sessions apart for the following
Day 2: Management (morning) and WWTP - Biogas
Day 3; SysStorm, SewSys & SysStorm and Recycling
All workshop presentations will be presented in English.
Workshops during NORDIWA 2015
Wednesday Nov 4th
Workshop for Young Water Professionals—Planning for the Future
Would you like to help shape the water sector of tomorrow?Join us for an informal workshop, meet your fellow Nordic peers and help develop the YWP networks of the future
Workshop on Sewer Management and Stormwater Management
A Joint effort against misconnections. Benny Nielsen, Denmark
Improvement of quality of sewerage and drainage renovations.
Aino Pelto-Huikko, Finland
Open floodways in urban areas. Jon Røstum, PhD, Norway
Handling of the utilities data—from the CCTV-inspection to the actual renewable project.
Peter Hjortdal, Denmark
Multidisciplinary climate change adaptation in urban areas.
Sonia Sørensen, Denmark
Workshop on Wastewater Treatment Plants
Start-up of Anaerobic MBR on low-strength industrial wastewater at 25° C.
Hamse Kjerstadius, Sweden
Compact wastewater treatment—implications on biogas production.
Åsa Davidsson, Sweden
Aerobic granular sludge treatment in Strömstad. Mark de Blois, Sweden
eco:P—innovative struvite extraction technology. Gunnar Thelin, Sweden
Low Energy and No External Carbon Nitrogen Removal Using Optimized Process Control Strategies. Carsten Steen, Denmark
New innovative MBR technology used for upgrading small decentralized wastewater treatment plant in Norway. Anne Barslund, Denmark
MBR experience on full-scale plants, research results and trends in future developments.
Nicolas Heinen, Denmark
MBBR versus optimised hybrid MBBR-activated sludge process for pharmaceutical biodegradation of hospital wastewater. Jeanette M. Andersen, Denmark
Thursday Nov 5th
Workshop on Wastewater Treatment Plants
New concepts for wastewater treatment and utilization developed by The Warm and Clean City. Markus Paulsson, Sweden
How can chemistry contribute to sustainable municipal water treatment.
Bengt Hansen, Sweden
Online control that grows by visionary operators. Mai Sørud, Denmark
Application of membrane filtration in combination with municipal anaerobic digesters.
Jeanette Agertved Madsen, Denmark
Sustainable wastewater treatment plants—Mainstream deammonification using EssDe® technology. Mariann Sæbø, Denmark
Understand your workhorses with new and powerful microbial analysis—a fast way to
diagnose, troubleshoot, monitor and optimise process tank biology. Aviaja Anna Hansen, Denmark
Anticipating the impact of mainstream deammonification through advanced process simulation. Søren Eriksen, Denmark
Inducing Biomass Granulation through Hydrocyclones to Achieve BNR Process Improvements. Per Henrik Nielsen, Denmark
Workshop on Sewer Management and Stormwater Management
Sustainable stormwater management in Stockholm royal seaport.
Henrik Alm, Sweden
Climate adaptation of Gothenburg, Henrik Thorén, Sweden
Climate adaptation in connection with separate sewer systems.
Michael Glerup Jørgensen and Kasper Førby Laden, Denmark
The Socioeconomic Evaluation of Clean Water
Ander Finsson/Peter Sörngård, Sweden
Technical Tours
Ytre Sandviken wastewater treatment plant
The wastewater treatment plant in Ytre Sandviken is being expanded and upgraded, with work
projected for completion in 2015. The renovations will include some of the most compact processing
units available on the market. The treatment plant will handle the wastewater for 44.000 population
equivalents (PE) and treat up to a maximum of 2500 m3/h. The plant’s processing units will be
established with Kaldnes® Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR), Actiflo® and Actidyn®, with the MBBR
basins having a depth of 9 m. Throughout the design and planning process, the focus has been on lifecycle costs, workplace environment, energy optimizing, and energy recycling. The treatment plant is
situated in a network of rock caverns.
Kvernevik wastewater treatment plant
The wastewater treatment plant in Kvernvik is undergoing renovations, with work projected for
completion in 2015. The treatment plant is built in rock caverns as a traditional active-sludge plant, but
with deep aeration basins (depth of 10 m). Throughout the design and planning process, the focus has
been on life-cycle costs, workplace environment, energy optimizing, and energy recycling. The plant
will handle the wastewater for 56,000 PE and treat up to a maximum of 1,630 m3/h. During the
construction phase, more than 140,000 m3 of rock were removed from the mountain. The plant now
appears as new and the mountain has been covered with Giertsen tunnel-sealing, both to optimize the
indoor environment and protect the equipment and workers.
Bryggen: from imbalance to balance
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Bryggen—the old wharf of Bergen–is one of the most popular
cultural monuments in Norway. Over the centuries, it has been threatened by low groundwater,
settlement damage, and frequent flooding; during the last few decades, further imbalance to the
structure has occurred. From 1979 to 2000, the groundwater level in the northeast area (close to the
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bryggen) has sunk by several metres, while the front part of the wharf has
been repeatedly exposed to spring tides. An interdisciplinary approach has been established to find a
Graveklubben (digging co-ordinators) in Bergen
The Project Neumannsgate and surroundings is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the water
and wastewater departments in the municipality of Bergen, BKK network (energy provider), heating
and BIR (waste company). It involves the establishment and renewal of infrastructure before it is
covered by asphalt and other layers. What can and should be co-ordinated?
Separation in the rainiest city of Europe
Examples from Projects Håsteinerparken and Løvstien shows the planning of separation municipality in
Bergen. A project concerning a new walking path alongside the rock wall. Planning and finishing of the
separation, reopening of water systems and floodways based on guidelines for stormwater in Bergen.
Social Programme
Welcome Reception
Welcome reception on November 4th will be held at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bryggen.
The conference dinner
The conference dinner will take place at the King´s banqueting hall Håkonshallen on November 5th.
Håkon´s Hall is 750 years old and was built by King Håkon Håkonssons during the time Bergen was
Norway´s largest and most important town.
Are you young and working with water?
Tuesday evening we will meet in the hotel lobby at 20:00. After a short walk to a nearby restaurant we
will share an informal meal. You pay for your own meal, but remember to register, so that we can make
the necessary arrangements with the restaurant. This dinner is initiated by VA-yngre in Norway. We
hope this is an exciting arrangement and a nice way to get to know YWP and other youngsters working
with water.
Information and contacts
Registration for the Conference
You register for the conference online at the NORDIWA website and if you register before September
15th you receive an Early Bird fee of 500 NOK. The conference fee includes admission to the
conference, three lunches, coffee with light refreshments, a welcome reception, and a gala dinner. For
information regarding Conference fee and registration to the Conference, see the Conference website:
The Conference venue
The Conference will take place at Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bryggen. The hotel is situated right in the
center of Bergen, near UNESCO World Heritage site and 20 min from Flesland Bergen airport by
connecting shuttle.
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bryggen offers a variety of rooms. For more information and booking check
their website:
Contact regarding the Conference Programme
Helene Sörelius, Secretary Programme Committee
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact regarding Technical tours and Social programme
Kristine Akervold, Organization Committee
Email: [email protected]
Contact regarding Registration
Sissel Løvås-Hauge, Norwegian Water
Email: [email protected]
The Nordic Wastewater Conference has been held every
second year in the Nordic countries since 1989. In
November 2015 it will be hosted in Bergen, Norway.
This years conference is organized by Norwegian Water
(Norsk Vann), in co-operation with the Swedish Water and
Wastewater Association (Svenskt Vatten), organises the 13th
conference, the Danish Water and Wastewater Association
(DANVA), the Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA), the
Icelandic Energy and Utilities (Samorka), and NORDIWA.
The conference is aimed at personnel and managers of
sewers, water and wastewater works, consultants, suppliers
and contractors in the sector, scientists and authorities.