top ten reasons to implement xsigo virtual i/o
top ten reasons to implement xsigo virtual i/o
SOLUTION NOTE TOPTENREASONS TOIMPLEMENT XSIGOVIRTUALI/O ThebenefitsofdeployingXsigovirtualizedI/O in the data center performance of the highest-end databasemachinesat1/10ofthecost. ETH SER VER ETH ERN ET ETH N ET SA CH FIBR ANN E EL ERN CH FIBR ANN E EL ERN ET ETH ERN ET ETH CH FIBR ANN E EL CH FIBR ANN E EL ERN O K R ET ETH ERN With Xsigo vNIC s ET VM SERV Hyp VM ER ervis VM or VM SERV vHB As Hyp VM ER ervis VM vNIC or s vHB As N SA 3. 50% LESS CAPITAL COST Fewer parts means lower overall cost. Ina120-serverinstallation,thecapital cost savings amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars, or about half of theoverallI/Oinfrastructurecost.Ifyou include the cost of installing and maintaining the infrastructure, Xsigo savings go even higher. SER VER NIC W ET 2. 70% FEWER CABLES, CARDS, SWITCH PORTS XsigoconsolidatesserverI/O.Inthe datacenter,complexitycanbehardto avoid with the multitude of networks and devices, but Xsigo reduces the number of parts involved. Cabling can bescaledbacktojustoneI/Ocableper server,andphysicalI/Ocardsineach serverarereplacedbyvirtualcards. The end result is 70% fewer cards and cables,andsignificantlyfewerswitch ports. Without Xsigo N K R O W ET N 1. FASTER PERFORMANCE With Xsigo, servers are connected to a fabric that delivers up to 40 Gbps bandwidth per server connection. Ethernet throughput up to 40 Gbps server-toserver, 4X faster than 10G Ethernet, is available with the Xsigo Server Fabric option. Examples of where this can help include: • 30X faster backup applications: Compared with conventional Ethernet connections, the Xsigo fabric provides a 4X to 40X faster link between application servers and the backup server. This high-speed fabric ensures optimal streaming performance, which keeps the backup device runningatpeakefficiencytogetthejob done on time. • 19X faster virtual machine migration: VMmigrationisahighlyI/O-intensive process. The high-bandwidth ofXsigovirtualI/Oallowsmigrations tocompleteupto19Xmorequickly. • 12X faster database performance: Database queries get done faster thanks to the Xsigo fabric’s low-latencyand40Gbpsthroughput.Getthe HOW IT WORKS SOLUTION NOTE ThebenefitsofdeployingXsigovirtualizedI/Ointhedatacenter 4. 100X GREATER AGILITY Datacenteragilityandincreasedserver utilizationhelpyousavecostandmore quicklydeliverservicesinalignmentwith businessobjectives.Xsigoboostsagility bylettingyouadaptyourinfrastructureon thefly,inrealtime,withoutserverreboots orresourceremapping.Byeliminatingthe managementconstraintsofphysicalconnectivity,XsigomakesserversI/Opersonalityindependent.Oneservercanquickly adopttheidentityofanother(WWN,MAC andIPaddresses),soit’ssimplerand faster to move applications among servers, addservers,andchangeconfigurations. • Application migration / failover: Move applications without remapping networksandstorage.Connectivityis re-deployedinasimpledraganddrop operation. • New deployments: Youcanpre-configure storage and network resources, so whennewserversareaddedtheycanbe deployedquickly. • Disaster Recovery: Create needed connectivityatafailoversiteinseconds.By replicatingconnectivityfromtheprimary site,DRissimplified. 5. CENTRALIZED AND REMOTE CONTROL OF I/O RESOURCES XsigoletsyoumanageI/Ofromanywhere. Because there is no need to move cables or to enter the data center, I/O can be managed from across the campus or across the globe. This can save steps or even trips. 6. ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT I/O GettheI/Oyouneedinminutes.Ifyouare adding another network, or switching Fibre ChannelstoragetoiSCSI,XsigoletsyoudeploytheneededI/Oinseconds.Thatcould save hours per server when compared with conventionalre-configuration. 7. THE SERVER CONNECTION OF YOUR CHOICE OnlyXsigoletsyouchoosetheserverconnectionthatbestmeetsyourneeds: • Standard Ethernet: For the simplest, lowestcostdeployment,onlyXsigolets youdeployvirtualI/Ooverstandard1G and 10G Ethernet ports. • InfiniBand: For the greatest performance,chooseInfiniBand.Choose 20Gbpsor40Gbpsserverlinksto achieve up to 4X the performance of legacynetworking. 8. ENHANCE VIRTUAL MACHINE DEPLOYMENTS Virtualizationdelivershugemanagement benefitsbutcancreateperformance bottlenecksandsecurityexposures.Xsigo can help. • Performance issues with VMs: Ina recent article, Enterprise Management Associatesnotedthatmultipleworkloads sharingasingleNIC“resultinproblems withbandwidthavailabilityandthroughput.”Xsigohelpsbydeliveringupto 80Gbps of bandwidth to each server— bandwidththatcanbedynamically shared among all requirements. • Security issues with VMs: To facilitate virtualmachinemigrationitisnecessary to deviate from the traditional controls onI/Omappingswhichcancompromise security.Xsigohelpswithindividual vNICsandvHBAsthatcanbeassigned tospecificvirtualmachines.Connectivity canbeseamlesslymovedbetweenmachines when the application is migrated. 9. GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE TO CRITICAL APPLICATIONS Get end-to-end performance control with Xsigo’s integrated QoS features. Both storage and network bandwidth can be controlledviafinegrainedtrafficpolicing, ensuring that critical applications deliver the required performance. 10. FUTURE-PROOF YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE Change is inevitable in data center infrastructure. Whether it’s a new network, a different interconnect standard, or a new connectivityrequirement,Xsigomakesit easytoadapt.WithXsigo’smodularhardwarearchitectureyoucanquicklyaddnew serverconnectivity. Furthermore, Xsigo’s commitment to open standards means that Xsigo is interoperable with the server, switch, and storage of yourchoice,bothnowanddowntheroad. VP560 I/O DIRECTOR The Xsigo I/O Director consolidates server I/Obyreplacingaserver’smultipleEthernet and Fibre Channel interfaces with a single link. It is the industry’s only virtual I/O solution that lets you connect servers via standard Ethernet portsforadapter-freedeployment, andconnectviaInfiniBandforbandwidthup to 80 Gbps per server. 70WestPlumeriaDrive,SanJose,CA95134Tel:408-329-5600Fax:[email protected] ©2011XsigoSystems,Inc.Allrightsreserved.Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Xsigo,I/ODirector,IS24ExpansionSwitch,andtheXsigologoare trademarksofXsigoSystems,Inc.intheU.S.andothercountries. SNTT-0811
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- Tom Peacock, IT Core Services,
New England Biolabs
Predictable user experience
Get end-to-end performance control with
Xsigo’s integrated QoS features. Both
storage and network bandwidth can be