Vol 21 No 4 - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Vol 21 No 4 - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 21, No.4, December 1983 Note: There is a surname index for VoL 21 at the end of issue No.4. THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN , Volume 21 " ~. Number 4 December 1983 i ) I '" .,. Publ...... ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Inc. 4200 'A' STAEET LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS ARKANSAS CENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. INC. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: Ms. Margaret Hubbard, President Rt. 6 Box 238, Hot Springs, AR Mrs. Frances Allen (Mrs. A. Hall) 7 River Valley Road. Little Rockt AR 72207 Mrs. "staId Alspaugh, 1016 Highland. Magno11a~ 71901 Mrs. Pat Lape Bennett) Vice President AR 71753 1211 Dyson, North Little Rock~ AR Mr. Russell'P. Baker, 6525 Magnolia St., 72116 Mabelvale, AR 72103 Mrs. Gerald B. MCLane, Treasurer Thomas Allen Bruce~ M. D., 4 Hl11andale. Little 112 Leach $t., Hot Springs, AR 71913 Rock, AR 72207 Mrs. W. E. Fullenwider, Corresponding Miss Jeania Moore Burns •. P. O. Box 353, Alma, AR Sec, 523 E. Un10n. Magnolia. AR 72921 71753 Marion S. Craig, M. D~) 300 Beckwood, Little Mi~~ Virginia Wright, Recording Sec. Rock, AR 72205P. O. Box 726. Camden, AR 71701 Mrs. Janice Eddleman, Rt 1 Box 137, Hackett. Mrs. B. J~ Suffridge, Jr •• Historian AR 72937 3801 Caraway Court, North Little Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, 628 Banner, Camden. AR Rock. AR 72116 71701 Mrs. Larry P. Clark~ Herald 1211 Biscayne Dr.) Little Rock t AR .Mrs. Bobby Mays. Box 149. Marshall. AR 72650 Ed Sanders, Harding University 1861, Searcy, 72207 AR 72143 Mrs. Wanda Arno, Exchange Chairman Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr •• (Elaine Weir Cia) 1421 N. Univ.rsity Av ••• Apt. S-326 Editor, 4200 flAil Street, Little Rock, AR Little.Rock, AR 72207 72205 James Logan Morgan, Parlimentarian 314 Vine St., Newport, AR 72112 R. W. Dhonau t 4410 Lee Ave., Little Rock. AR 72205 WUERE TO START RESEARCH? WHEN ARRIVING IN LITTLE ROCK ... PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING! NOTICE I NOTICE I ! lIOTICEiI lIOTICE! I ARKANSAS HISTORY COMHISSION OFFICE: PRESElIT ADDRESS: One C.pitol Mall (Large Building directly back of the present Arkansas State Capitol Building. (2nd Floor. Open 8-4 every day except Sunday and Holidays). CENSUS, OLD NEWSPAPERS, CARD FILE, BOOKS. ETC. (Please make 8, note ... they have moved t I f They were at the Old State Capi,tol Building! ALL THE BOOKS, EXCHANGE QUARTERLIES. GIFT BOOKS, ETC. in the Collection belonging to our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. are housed in the Little Rock Public Library, 600 Louisana (one block west of Main Street) Little Rock, Arkansas. Hours 9 to 4 except Sunday, MDnday. and holidaYB.~.2nd Floor ••. Righ~ at the end of the halll EDITOR Mrs. Mario B~ Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) 4200 "A" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Page TIME TO PAY 1984 MEMBERSHIP FEE 1984 SPRING SEMINAR - 17 March, 1984 .••.•...•..•••••.•..•.••..•.••••••••.••..•.•• Front:: FROM YOUR PRESIDElIT - Ms. Margaret Hubb.rd •.•••••••••••.••..•••••••..•••.•••......• 217 MARION COUNTY. ARKfu~SAS - RECORDS of HISTORICAL INTEREST IN A PRIVATE COLLECTION ... Z19 MORE SANDERS/SAUNDERS RESEARCH - Bobbie Jon•• McLan•....••••••••.•...••••••••..•.•. 228 INFORMATION TO BE SHARED - PENSIONS ................................................ 231 OLD FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS ON THE wtLSON RANDOLPH OWENS FAMILY ••••.•.••.••.•.•...••.• 233 1983 MEMBERSHIP LIST ............................................................... 242 DIRECTORY of HISTORICAL and GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES in ARKANSAS 1983 ••.......•.••••• 261 BOOK REVIEWS. by Bobbie J. McLane~ Thomas A. Bruce, M.D •• and others •••......•... «.265 (R. W. Dhonau is on temporary leave/E. Cia.) ENTIRE SURNAME LIST for our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN for 1983 ••......••••.••..•.•• 269 QUERIES. '" .................................................................... 225-241 Neither the Editor, nor the Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc. assume any responsibility for information or material shared by the contributors. Correspondence concerning any article should be addressed to the a~thor (address is listed either at the beginning or end of their article). Corrections will be made, as soon as possible') if our office is notified~ and proper correction is given). Mrs. Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) Edi~or. !l"'~1 -/983 vt()lifJ~ g~() .. \o/() .. ~ 8t1i1()~ DEAR MEMBERS AND READERS OF OUR ARKANSAs FAMILY HISTORIAN: Should your name not be included on the Membership List for 1983 •.. do not be alarmedl Our Membership Li5t 16 $0 long. the typing was started in early September. and we did think we could keep the list current with the renewals~ and new members. but we soon gave up on that idea. Even when a new membership comes in November, the request is uplease begin as ll 600n as possihle • and many have come 1n since this list was started! All of us are so busy, and live so far apart (NOT all in one office~ or building •.. as has been mentioned many times) it is hard to complete so many different projects~ but we do TRY! IT IS -ALSO VERY HARD TO KEEP OUR PUBLICATION to about the same sizet This almost needs to be done ..• as the envelope will hold 2 quarterlies only! and if one is large and the other one small, the two large ones will not fit! All these things have been worked out in the past (we try to save all we can) whether it is your money or the money that belongs to our Society). We have considered NOT publishing the membership listJ but so many contacts are made among the members thru that list. we deCided to continue that for the time b¢ing! Also many questions are answered with the DIRECTORY of the various Historical and Genealogical Societies. so that was continued! A good researcher needs all these helpful lists. but we also need t<; stay within our budget. If you have an article on your Family and would like to ahare it with others, let us know~ and we will make an effort to find spacel [1'1",,.. I()~ 9''''+'''/1 9'ifJ"''''''~! Plans have already been made tor our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY'S SPRING SEMINAR! 17 March 1984 - Saturday (St. Patrick's Day!) University of Arkansas Medical Science Auditorium. Those who pre-register need nat arrive until 9: 30 AM (as a seat will be waitin~ or you!). Come earlier, if you want to look at our large book display or visit with friendsl OUR SPEAKER FOR THE ENTIRE DAY t WILL BE: Brent Howard Holcomb TOPIC: "GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH IN SOUTH CAROLINA" INFORMATION ON OUR SPEAKER: Brent Howard Holcomb is a native of Clinton, South Carolina. now living in Columbia. South Carolina. He received his B. Music from FU!"!I18.n University and his M. A. from the University of North Carolina. Brent is a Certified Genealogist with ten years of research experience and in his spare time is a Church Organist and Choirmaster. In 1982 he became a Fellow, American Society or Genealogists and in 1981 received the Award or Merit from the National Genealogical Society. Published materials by Brent I include over 40 volumes of source material on North Carolina and South Carolina. Since 1977 he has served as Editor of the South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research. His major areas of int~rest are migrations to South Carolina and early German settlers in Dutch Fork, South Carolina. (March issue will contain more details on our program .••. ) We are delighted to have already secured all this information. at this early date, so you can make plans this far ahead! Those of us. who have not hear. Brent Howard Ho1comb~ are looking forward to the 17th of March 1984! Pre-Registrati.on Fee $7.00 At the door on March 17th the Fee will be $10.00 Pre-Reg~ster as soon as possible) and be sure you have a seat! I plan to attend the Spring Seminar at the University of Arkansas Medical Science Auditorium. on 17 March 1984: Pre-Registration Fee of $7.00 is enclosed - I understand there is no refund, as with this fee, a seat is being reserved for: NAME NAME._ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - ADDRESS,______________________--"ADDRESS,_________________________________- CITY__________ STATE ZIP:_____-'CITY Ms. Margaret Hubbard, Membership Chair-person Rt. 6 aox 238 Hot Springs, AR 71901 _ _ _ _ _ _STATE,_ _ __ ZIP,_ _ _ __ $12.00 before 1 Jan. 1984 $15. AFTER 1 JAN. 1984 Amount Enc1osed,_-------- NAME,_________________________ Donatioul__________________ ADDRESS CITY I would also like to order the following Ancestor Charts! STATE_ZIP_ _1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13___ 14 15_16_17_18_19_20_21_22_23_ County'____________________ Family Croup Sheet Volume 1__2__3___4___5___6___7___8___ Occupation'____________ 9_10_11_12__13_14_15_16_ (All Ancestor Chart Volumes and Family GrQ~n~_~h§~k_YQlym~i_g£g_it~11_!l4QQ_~a'bl __________ _ ------------------(MaiI-nowT-before-you-forget! January 1, 1984 is almost here!) RENEW AL TIME! Dear Member s : This letter is being written as the year-end issue of The Arkansas Family Historian is being finished for publishing. 1983 will complete the 21st year of the Arkansas Genealogical Society. Throughout this period of time, much has been accomplished by the society and it's members, and much more will be accomplished in the future. The purposes and objectives remain the same--the sharing of genealogical information amo~g our members: Those of us ,involved with our publi9ation are very dedlcated to gett1ng as much Arkansas information in our quarterlies as we can; this will provide more people with access to information and be an avenue of assistance to those who may be "stuck" in Arkansas or with an Arkansas line. At this ported that believe itl manned with day there. and that i t writing, the 1983 State Fair has just concluded. It is rethere was more attendance than any year in the past. I can . The Arkansas Genealogical Society again had an exhibit there, volunteers, and it was quite an experience for me to help one I hope many of you got a chance to go by our booth and visit, will encourage you to help promote AGS whenever you can~ The membership list in this issue shows our actfve members as of October 10, 1983. Many of you have renewed for 1984, and several have sent their renewals for 1985 (and a few beyond that). This is of great. help in planning for the next year. Thanks to each of you who has contributed material for the Historian, and to those who have helped in getting it ready for publication. I invite your comments and suggestions, and, of courser will welcome hearing from you. If you have source material you would like included in a future issue, let me know. If you don't know how to put it in form for printing, I will be glad to help in any way I can! or write to any of our Board members -- they are all interested in this society and we share the common goal of promoting genealogy in our state. I have enjoyed serving as your President this year/ and appreciate the support given me by all involved. As long as the spirit of teamwork and cooperation continues to prevail, we will remain about the best society in existence. Best regards, ~ ~~HUbbard P. S. FROM YOUR EDITOR: Our Fall Seminar was a great success! We had a great attendance. and some of you may well remember a bad rainy day at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, when we did not have enough space for our group, plus the ones that came as far away as Fayetteville in the rain.~.and how we managed to finally find seats for everyone •.. that did not happen this time! We are happy to say we have a large auditorium at the University of Arkansas Medical Science Campus. and I ~ope we need to begin having problems in a few years~ but at present. your Editor i_s not worrying about seating space. The Cafeteria was ready and the crowd was served in record time. Many books were displayed~ some for the first time (some will not be displayed again. as they are out of print!) Our Speaker Mrs. Jo White Linn gave a super program. on North Carolina Research! We all enjoyed the entire day. Those of you who missed that day will be sorry when you need to research in North Carolina. Every good speaker tells us much we need to know, and whether you are interested in that particular State or not, much of the basic material is worth your time, we have a bad habit of forgetting same of the important basic information~ etc. Of the three Door Prize Winners, we have heard from two" Dorothy McBride (Mrs. Haydn H. McBride, Jr.) of ElDorado and Caroline Witten from Boise City, Oklahoma, both with kind remarks such as II 1 would like to Thank all those who worked sO hard to put together the SEMINAR. 1 truly enjoyed it and hope I can atten again. My 800 mile trip was well worth ie'./I We thought Caroline came the longest distance, but one was here from Hawaii and several others were from a long distance. SEND YOUR MEMBERSlUP FEE BE.FORE JANUARY 1, 1984 if you have not already sent your ,1984 RENEWALl IF yOU FORGET NOW ... AFTER ALL THESE REMINDERS ......••.. , ... !!! !!! t!! t! I ~\NY THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE RENEWED FOR 1984 ... S0ME FOR 1987 Happy Holidays and g~ genealogical hl.lTIt.ing in 1984! ~;t,..$ ;a. tJ/.Mit t,;,... SOURCE MATERIAL FOR ARKANSAS RESEARCHERS TO PURCHASE: • • ARKANSAS I?EMOCRAT • Mrs. Zora AlkiDson Jofn. Zen 1. AtklIllOIl, Ill. <of Lillie' Rock, a retired teaebior wllll Ille LIttle Bock Publl. Sebool SytIem. died l"rid1l1. lin. Attiuon wu a member of Bla/<oD"" Remmel Fint United liIe_tat Church. A:rb..... EdueaUonal A&oocl.· tlon. Bet1red Teachen or Ar- kan... Aaloclation. and a member ot The RloIorl••1 Soelet;v. Survlvori are three .1... ten 1iIro< EJ. T.te and IiI:I'& Eari TrIplett, bolll ot 1iIar!. anna. and .... Herbert J0I19 ot SOn m_. callt ll'uDeral wlll be at I p.m. 1040)' at Grit. lin Leuett Healey .. Roth by Dr. Alvin M!UT01. Burlal.will be In Rotela_ Memorial ParI.:. lIemoriala _ bo made to Fint United Methodtat Ch"""lt: . Mrs. Atkinson was one of our former Presidents and still kept her membership current, and was always interested in helping others with their Genealogical Research! We will miss her! We have revised our list (some books are already out of print.~.most of these books were printed in either 100 or 200 groups, so if you are interested in any of the books on this list, do not wait to order! More books will be added~ to our list. so if you have a book~ printed in the past few years, or if you know of a gooa Arkansas Source book, let us know!) We have constant requests for ••. the names, and authors of CEMETERY. CENSUS. MAlUUACE. VARIOUS FA.'1ILY BOOKS. etc. BOOKS IN PRINT, Bud where they might purchase a copy. Workshops and individuals. are always seeking new source material. Many mention III live 150 miles (or so) from a Library, with any Genealogical Books") Genealogical books (and Memberships!) !Rake great gifts, love gifts, Memorials to Libraries and Individuals! Send S.A.S.E. with your request for this list (37¢ for postage ••• 20¢ is not enough for 6 Or so pages). A recent request: From William R. Lawrence, M.D. 655 Maple 'Court) Frankfort, III 60423 - HI would like to locate a publication. available by State Congressman Lige Hoge, from your diBtrict~ and has theoretically compiled a book on Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith's descendants. r wish to know where I might procure a copy". If you know about this book. please drop two notes! one to the above address and one to: Arkansas Genealogical Society 4200 "All Street Little ROCKJ Arkansas 72205 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY TREASURER'S REPORT 9/30/82 to 9130/83 Balance as of 9-30-82 $12,507.80 Publication costs - AFB (Reprints, Postage, Printing, Supplies, Public Relations, etc.) Book Committee (Exchange, Purchase, binding, etc.) InSUfficient check errors $17,700.00 500.00 42.00 Addition to Certificate of Deposit 500.00 Seminar Expense April 8, 1983 633.64 Total Deposits 18,707.87 Balance as of 9-30-83 $11,840.03 Certificate of Deposit 0085-670-1, First National Bank of Bot Springs, Current balance $2,797.69 . ~L~~) Treasurer •• -21.9MARION COUNTY, ARKANSAS RECORDS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST IN A PRIVATE COLLECTION Henderson H. Fee (1820-1915) and son, Benjamin Franklin Fee (18501937) were attorneys who were active in the civic and community affairs of Marion County during some of its most interesting years of development. Both men served terms as Marion County Judge, H. Fee from 1882 to 1884 and B.F. Fee from 1902 to 1906. It would appear that B.F. Fee was something of.a pack-rat~ since several boxes of assorted papers were found at his death, containing both personal and professional items. Many of these are of little historic value: clippings of poems, Biblical lesaons, accounts of Confederate heros J treatises on moral issues, recipes for home medicaments~ methods for grafting trees t legal references~ election returns, political lists. newspaper accounts of various legal and criminal happenings? and the like. Three or four notebooks deal with personal financial accounts and transactions. One notebook contains scribbled notes apparently.made in preparation for trial hearings during his tenure as County Judg,e. The miscellaneous items listed below are drawn from this larger volume of material in the belief that they may have some current historic or genealogical interest. It seems likely that primary source materials prior to August 1888 may be of particular value since the Marion County Courthouse burned at that time, destroying most of the old records. The au~hor is grateful to Lena Mae (Mrs. George Newman) Fee of Gassville, Arkansas, and to Betty Lou (Mrs, William Dennis) McCrotty of Cotter, Arkansas for permission to catalogue these family records. Mrs. Fee is the daughter-in-law of B.F. Fee~ Esq., and Mrs. McCrotty is his granddaushter~ Thomas Allen Bruce '" Hillandale Little Rock AR 72207 9 March 1872. State of Arkansas, plaintiff. vs B. FEE and G. LAYTON. def~ndants in Marion Circuit Court. $8.00 to be paid to ARCH ADCOCK for debts in four days attendance as witness in the March Court, 1872. s/ JOHN H. THOMPSON, Clerk 15 Sept. l878. Letterhead: PA.TTERSON & CRUMP, Attorneys at Law, Harrison, Arkansas. "Dear young friend, Your interesting letter in answer to mine is received; it gives me much heart pleasure to read your noble resolves. I fancy I see a man and hear him speak a resolution from the very depths of honest conviction of the glorious reciprocity of the thing. As I have said before, I know whereof I speak. and although never a drunkard, yet I am first to confess that the use of alcoholic drinks has ~een the worst enemy I ever had, directly and indirectly; it has coat me fortunes and peace, and so it will be with any man who will yield to its influence. For me to aay that, but for that. I could have held any position the state has had to bestow, is simply saying what I know to be true, but for that I could today have been in the U.S. Senate as easy as to have turned my hand over, and yet I was never absolutely drunk. I am glad of the tone of your letter you .are safe. I conjure you to "hold the fort!! You will soon get strong and will then rejoice. My kind 'regards to your wife? too. I rejoice with her~ It will be delightful to have your letters upon this cs well as other subjects. I am truly your friend". s/ J~H. PATTERSON. ~~~c. 1878~ Notice: U.S. Land Office* Harrison. Complaint having been entered at this office by E.J. RHODES against CHARLES W. NOE for abandoning his Homestead Entry #2155, dated Jan. 26, 1874, upon the S~ of S~ of Section 5, Township 18N, Range 16W in Harion County, Arkansas. with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 18th day of Jan~ 1879 at 10 o·clock a.m~ sl J.M. DONBERRY~ Register. (Note at bottom: IISheriff J.J. KEETER certified this notice was read to NOE on 12/12/1878"). -220IIMARION COUNTY. 11 Mar. 1881. ARKANSAS'~ Letter from Little Rock to Hon~ W.E. FLIPPIN: "Dear Sir; After having saw a letter from you to Bro. BRESHERERS I now write you complaint to the Bro. about me allowing TATE of Baxter (County) to crop our '(~~rion) County. In anser I say that you nor no other man could helped under the same circumstances. First, TATE presented the bill the first I knew of his intent. 'Second, he presented a petition from ever man in that section asked for with notice sworn to. Third, he had two scales made from different maps of the our (sic) county. One showed 889 square miles from yore friend 1n the land commiBsioners~ second from the auditor of state. auditor showing 641.15 square miles which scale I had made myself. I am inclined to think it right though I am not positive as to that, owing the line between Boone and Missouri and Marion not being well defined. Fourth, he showed that we had a population of nearly eight thousand inhabitants, all of which I was unable to defeat. I made the best fight I could but not being one of the thin haired crowd I was defeated. Hope to be excused though no apologiesJ to the very Resfr (7)11. 1$1 F~M. CASH. itA true copey". sl W.S. FLOYD, J.A~ DODSON, B.F. FEE. (Note: W~B. Flippin served as representative for Marion County in the Arkansas Twenty~Second General Assembly, 1879, and P.M. Cash served as the Marion County representative in the Twenty-Third and TwentyFourth General ~semb11es, 1881-1883. "Tate" apparently is V. B~ TATE, the Baxter County representative in the Twenty-First through TwentyThird General Assemblies.) 15 Mar. 1880. N.C. HOGAN signed note borrowing $5.55 from H.C. ALLEN. Repaid 27 Apr. 1882. IlExamined and allowed'" H. Feet atty. 16 June 1881. Yellville, Arkansas. Seven months after date I promise to CALVIN RAGAN as the guardian of DALtIS RAGAN the sum of $186.00 with 10% interest for the town lot #2 in Ye11vi1le~ Section 3, Township lSN, R~nge 16W. s/ R.A. JEFFERSON. Tax Keceipt 1882. Rec'd. of NANCY HOGAN $20.65 for taxes on the NE SE 11-20-16 and NE f~ 11-20-16, amounting to 119 acres~ valuation $1000. sl J.J. KEETER, Collector. Rec·d. of CALVIN HOGAN as the guardian or DALLAS HOGAN the sum of $16.17, balance in full of any claim against the estate of NANCY HOGAN J deceased. sl YaM. NOE. 17 Apr~1882. Marion County handwritten statement, debt of NANCY HOGAN to J .A. SANDERS. "Halling one load corn $1.50; ha1ling shingles $2.25. total $3~75. J.A. SANDERS stats on oath that the above account is true and correct and that the same is now due and unpaid~ 5/ J.B. MUSIC!(. ~ Oct~ 1882. 7 May 1883. In the Probate Court of Marion Co. AR. Account current No.2 of CALVIN HOGAN, guardian of DALLIS HOGAN, minor heir of NANCEY HOGAN, dec'd. Now on this day com~s this accountant and shows unto the Court here at his last settlement in this Court made on the 6th day of Feb~ 1882 he stood charged with the sum of $655.00 as will more fully appear by his account, Currant file No.1 on said day, amount charged in last settlement, and ask a credit for the follows vouchers: Voucher #1 $16.17, #2 $20.65, 03 $3.75, 84 $6.00, #S $10.00, and #6 $5.55, total $62.12 off the $655.00, $592.88 bal. by which it will appear to the Court that there is ati11 in his hands the Sum of $592.88 in money and notes all of which is respectfully submitted in the Courts and asks that the same be confirmed. sl CALVIN HOGAN, Guardian. Aug. term, 1883: "ExamIned, confirmed and ordered to be recorded", a/ H. Fee, Judge. 5 Feb. 1884. Marion Probate Court, to the Han. H. Fee, Judge: Now on this day comes the said CALVIN HOGAN and would respectfully represent unto the Court that he is now the guardian of DALLIS HOGAN, a minor over the age of fourteen year, and that the said DALLIS HOGAN desires to select another guardian and he would further represent and show unto the Court that the codisson (condition) of the helth and -221- "MARION COUNTY. ARKANSAS" buisneS8 of your petitioner is such that be can not act as the guardian of the said DALLIS HOCAN any longer and that he has this day filed his account showing all the moneys and efects that has come to his hands as such guardian and the condition of the same. He therefore asks leave of the Court to file this his resignation and asks to be released and soms other person be appointed in his stead. And that he be authorized by an order of this Court to turn OVer the notes, judgements and effects of said ward to said guardian and in duty bound he will ever pray. 5 Feb. 1884. Letter of Guardianship: Know ye, that whereas B.F. FEE has on this day t by the Cour,t of Probate in & for Marion County been appointed Cuardian for DALLAS HOGAN and enters bond for $800 for the use,of said minor. s/ D.H.N. DODD, Clerk. 12 June 1881. "Mr. Fee. Dear Old Friend, I seat myself to let you know that I am still living and hope when this comes to hand it will find you and all the rest well. tWALK' received a letter some time since from you but I have not heard one word since you(:r) m~ssage was e---. Tell 'ELL' to write, or to do well and go to hell. Now I tell you I have been afraid to write to you all. I want to know all the news there. I get letters from RUTH P. and HOLLIE c~ but never write anything but who is married or going to marry, end as I am done married I do not care for. Ben, please write all about the country as SIMON i$ going to leave here this summer and I believe he will come back there. I am very sorry WALK is talking about coming back there for Ben you know he will not do very good if the NOE'S still have the country and he has not (sic) KITTLE with him now. I have written to LOUISA (?Fee. wife of Ben Pee) but have not received any reply and shall not write anymore until I hear from her. SIMON wants to know what chance would there be for him to get a holt on POLLY NOE'S farm or any other around there? Tell Sis I think she might write for old times sake. What 1s MARY SMITS and GEORGE FEE getting along7 Yhat has become of BUD Me, WILL NOE, KENNETH HUDSON, KELSIE WILSON and the LAYTON girls? I will not scratch any more now. Kiss Sis and the Chap for me. Write soon all news, news (sic), Your friend, ELLA H. (postscript) My postoffice is Masonville, Daviess Co., Kentucky. Ben, tell Sis to write me for I expect we will come bac~ home. You got your new house bu1lt or are you still on OLD NANcytS hill? write me all of the news. Good bye Dear Friend, ELLA HENSON. 1883 Legal Statement. T.M. REA, plaintiff vs D.T. DUNLAP, defendant. In 1883 Rea gave Dunlap a $25 silver watch in trade for a milk cow which was never delivered, and in addition Dunlap owes Rea for 30 days labor @ 50~ per day and 7 days driving cattle @ 50~ per day, for total debt $43.50. Prays judgement and relief. Atty. Ben Fee. Dept. of Agriculture. Wash. D.C •• letter to Mr. B.F~ Fee, Yellville: Sir, You are hereby appointed statistical correspondent of this Dept. for Marion County on the recommendation of Hon. S~W. PEEL. M~C. If you accept this appointment. please inform the Dept. by mail without delay; you will then select three assistants living in different parts of the county to aid you in preparing replies to the inquiries that will be made with regard to the area, condition, product, and Quality of crops_ nvmbers t condition, etc. of farm stock, and any other subjects connected with agriculture •••• I can only acknowledge indebtedness for such favors by a generous remembrance in the distribution of seeds and of such reports as are printed in editions of sufficient size. 6/ NORMAN JOHNSON, Commissioner. 16 Mar. 1886. Yellville AR, rec'd. of B.F. Fee my atty. in case of mine agains t WILLIAM JOHNSON in the Marion Circuit Court. ANDlIEW GEOR(;E (X) his mark. Aug. term 1886, the sum of $148.00 in full. 30 Aug. 1880* State Treasurer's Office, Little Rock, to Ron. B.F~ Fee, Yellville. Dr. Sir, Herewith I hand you my official receipt on acct. of 16th sect. fund for $186.00 for draft sent me by you on the 30th ult. Would be glad to serve you at any time. Truly reap., W.E. WOODRUFF, Treas., by J.R. BLOCKER. On the 27th of last July, one G.P~ GAWSO, a deputy sheriff of your' county, came to Little Rock with some insane people: he eame to me and 8 Dec. 1886. "MARION COUNTY, ARKANSAS" said that he had left home very unexpectedly without seeing the sheriff. whom he said was out making the canvass~ and had not enough of money to go home on, and asked knowing me slightly, asked me to loan him twenty dollars. saying at the time that he would remit at once on reaching home. r let. him have the amount. of course, taking his due bill, supposing that he would do as he said. b~t he has never paid me~ nor has he even answered any of my letters that I have wrote him in regard to it. I would like to know if you can collect it for me~ and if so please let me hear from you at once~ Do you recollect about a year ago you and he came down here in a wagon~ and while crossing the mountains you broke down and by the time you reached Little Rock you were busted and borrowed money from us to go back on (and ~ich you returned promptly)? Well, he is the very man who owes me, and if you can get it out of him I would be very glad of it. He borrowed the month (sic) on Mr. KEETER'S name, and I shall certainly call his attention to it when he comes to settle with the State~ If you think you can collect it for me let me know, and greatly oblige. Yours truly & resp., J.H~ BLOCKER~ (Fee wrote back that it was LAWSON, not GAWSO.) 29 Jan. 1887. Mortgage saying that GRANVILLE L. HOLT of Marion County. Arkansas, received $5 from Keet t Roundtree & Co. of Springfield, Missouri, for a portable steam engine. gin stand and cotton press, and a pro corn burrs. Said HOLT owes Roundtree & Co. $500 due 29 Jan. 18S8. Flyer: Z~M. HORTON, Mountain HOffie J Arkansas, announces himself a candidate for the Office of Prosecuting Atty. of the 14th Judicial Circuit. "I am a native of Arkansas, and have resided in the territory now embraced in this circuit for the last nineteen years. I have been engaged in the practice of my profession for over eight years in Baxter and adjoining count1es~ and as my professional engagements will forbid my visiting all parts of the circuit between now and the election, I refer all those with whom I am not acquainted to the citizens of those counties, and the bar of this circuit for my standing as a lawyer and a Citizen, cheerfully submitting my claims for preferment upon such recommendation as those who have known -me from my youth may give ... ,. 16 Mar. 1887. 15 Jan. 1890. Chattel Mortgage, E.M. DUNLAP to B.F. Fee, recorded in Book B, p. 312, Clerk's fees $1.65. s/ A.W. WICKERSHAM, Clerk~ •••• that DUNLAP ~ill plant and cultivate 10 acres of cotton on the J.B. MUSICK farm in James Creek twp., Marion County, for $50 (guarantee the cotton crop, a two horse Harrison wagon, a dark bay horse 7 years old. and a light bay ball-face horse 8 years old). 3 Dec. 1890. letterhead: HARRINGTON & PEPPERDINE, Attys. at Law, Springfield, Missouri, to Mr~ B.J. Fee, YellVille. Dear Sir, I wrote you several days ago or rather weeks about the lot known as the ORR lot which as you know belonged to my father who has been dead several years, and by his death left the family which consisted of my mother and another brvther (as both my sisters were married) in destitute circumstances. And I who am an orphan, as my mother is dead, and who have chosen the Law as my Drofession. And can candidly say it is as you surely know a big undertaking for a boy who hasent a Cent in the ~orld to begin on, only what I make as office hoy and am having a hard time to make both ends meet. Write and implore you to recognize this missive which in the record I have written you pertaining to this matter and hope you will ~ind1y let me know on what grounds you claim the lot and whether or not you wish to buy it or continue this peTecution (sic) of an orphan. If you knew my father I can candidly say that he never done you or anyone else a particle of harm, hut to the contrary, and if ever you came to him for help in any way you received it, knowing that an old friend of my fathers who if understood this kind of situation in which the family an (sic) placed would not do anything unreasonable to hold them back from getting a start in this world~ Praying that you will recognize this poorly written and ungrammatical letter and beleive (sic) one who is in the deepest of despair. I re- main, yours to command. 11 Dec. 1890. JAS. M. PATTERSON. Yellville. Arkansas, letter to Mr. JAMES M. PATTERSON. Esq .• My D~ Sir, I received a letter from you dated -223- "HARION COUNTY. ARKANSAS!> on the 3rd inst. directed to B.J. Fee which I supose (sic) was intended for me, in which you say that your father was the owner of a lot called the ORR lot and· which you now claim to be the owner and say that I have possession of the same. I have owned several lots and still own four, but I have no such a description in any deed as the ORR lot. In fact there is no such a description in the records; moreover I have taken time and examined the records and I failed to find any lot on the tax books in the name of PATTERSON or where your father ever paid tax on any lot'H" s/ B.F. Fee, atty. 1 May 1892. Deed: tlKnow all men by these presents that I, JAMES CROFFORD ••••. for $25 paid by C.W. PANGLE for mining claims in Marion County, Buffalo Dlst.", claims #"2505, 2506, 2507. signed (X). his mark. Witnessed: B.F. Fee. Handwritten Resoluti"~nt Whereas the by la1Js rules and regulations of the Buffalo Mining District requires each minor to pay an annel fee of 25C before he can ~nrole and vot~, therefore be it resolved by the minors of the Buffalo Mining District that said by laws rules and regulations be and the same is hereby repealed and be it further resolved that all ellectors residing in the territory of the Buffalo Mining District shall have the right to have their names enroled and vote at any and all meetings held in said district without paying anything whatever for the priveledge, that these reselutions take effect from the after their add option and that all by laws rules and regulutions in conflict here with be and they are hereby repealed. Names on the back of this document are: ----FLOyD, ----WOODS, JAS. COWDRY, A.H. WICKERSHAM, H.R. JONES. WK. CotIDREY, JOHN COWDREY, CllAlU,EY WILSON, HENERY YOUNG, DR. W.C. WILSON, E.W. HAMPTON, A.F. HAMPTON, HUGH KING, DICK WOODS, NAN WOODS, BILL TllTLE. JOE WOOD, BOB JEFFERSON, JOHN RADFORD, GEORGE JENKINS, J.G. THOMPSON, J.N. MATHEWS, CAP LINVILL, H.C. BUTLER, L.S. WEST. THOMAS DEVENPORT, TOM HUTCHISON, DR. JOHN BEARDEN. Other names, written on the back at anotHer time and in another place are: GEORGE JUNKINS. J.N. BEARDEN, H.C. BUTLER, C.N. WILSON. JOE WOODS, BUD WOODS, BEN CARNEY, J. LUNDGING. BILL BLACK, GEORGE PERRY, H.E. NOE, B.F* FEE) J.Z. SEAWELL, ALX HURST. 21 oct.. 1893. undated: I.O.U. slip of paper, to JAMES D. STANLEY, $14.95 plus 10% interest. s/ JAMES ESTES. 1 June 1894. Printed Explanation: In justice to Mr. FRANK PACE, who is a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney, and about whom there is now being circulated some grossly untrue statements, wet the undersigned, wish to make this explanation in regard to the "Tackey Party" held at the residence of Mr. J .S. COWDREY last fall. We are not actuated by any political feeling, but by a spirit of justice and fairness, desiring that the truth may be known~ It has been alleged that the young people of Yellville had assembled on this occasion for the purpose of burlesquing the country people, and that Mr. PACE was one of the most active in the affair -- that he laid down in the floor and ate a piece of corn bread or an apple while 1n that position, saying nThis is the way the country folks do when they have something good to eat". The truth is, and we emphatically affirm it~ that there was no such a~tions. or language, by anyone and there was no intention on the part of anyone in attendance on this occasion to make sport of any person or class of people. The young people dressed as ~omically as they could on thia occasion for innocent and harmless amusement~ and not intending in any way to make sport or fun at the expence of the good people of Marion County, and we consider it very unjust to charge Mr. FACE with such ungentlemanly conduct, for we were present on the occasion referred to and can truthfully say that he is not guilty. Respectfully, Mrs. SUE LAYTON, Mrs. SADIE WILSON, Mrs. HELLEN COWDREY, JENNIE HUDSON, EMMA HUDSON~ Prof. S.E. POTTS, Dr. W.R. BROOKSHER. and J.S. COWDREY. 12 Nov. 1894. Quit Claim Deed. Know all men by these presents that I, T.G. ESTES, for and in consideration of the sum of $500 to me in hand paid by W.M. NOE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant him all my 1/3 interest and title to the City of London Placer mining claim, situated in the Buffalo Mining District. witness: B.F. Fee. -224"MARION COUNTY. ARKANSAS·! 12 Nov. 1894. Letter from Little Rock to Messrs. FEE & DOWD: reason wby yOll The have not been commissioned is that every commissioned officer must pay $1 for it as by the late constitution the amount goes into the Treasury instead of as heretofore to the Sec~ of State as perquisites» The House organized by electing A.A. PENNINGTON speaker and BRADLEY BUNCH president of the Senate. We received the Gov. message yesterday, an able doc. which was rec·d. with applause by the Senate & House. Cov. BAXTER 1s today the most popular man in the State and certainly deserves the good wishes and thanks of every hone3t true hearted patriot in the State. The message is Democratic from beginning to end. As to BROOKS taking possession of the government is "Bosh"; he would have a I'Happy" time of it if he dare attempt it. You will see by the papers that the next Congress, that is after 4th of March, will have about 16 majority Democratic. The Tide has turned. The Ball is rolling and carrying everything before it. Get out of the way. Radicalism, you are gone. Thank God Sats (1) can't save you. The Legislature is so far working in great harmony. There is not in the House so far as I have been able to ascertain a single Radical, though there,may be some few but say nothing about it~ nTis not popu1ar l t just nw. I am so busy 1 cannot write much now, 'but I hop~ Boon to have more leisure. I send you the Gov's. message. GARLAND will be inaugurated in a day or two. sl W.B. FLIPPIN. 13.. Aug. 1898. Marriage License between Mr. W.P. JEFFERSON of Onset, Marion County, Arkansas" age 27, and Miss GUEN D. WARD of McBers Lng., Marion County, Arkansas, age 15 years~ •.• married by C:N. BAKER, M.G. on Jan. 14, 1898. 1899 Resol.utions of Respect" printed tlTo the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of Lodge No. 117, Free and Accepted Masons", to the memory of Brother A.J. NOE and Brother S.L. VANDZANT. signed by the Committee! B.P. PEE, A~S. CALLAHAN, R.F. PATTERSON, HI. FEE, S.W. WOODS. and JAMES MEARS. "Brother NOE was born in the State of Virginia on the 19th day of JulYJ 1823, and a~ an early age moved to the State of Kentucky, and in 1851 he came to Yellville, Arkansas, which place has been his home ever since that time. He has been a member of the Methodist Church for a number of yearE -- he was made a Master Mason in this lodge in 1868, and was an honorary member at the time of his death which occurred on the 30th day of April 1899, and waS in his 76th year at the time of his death. For three long years he was confined almost wholly to his room with slight changes in his condition; but gradually loosing (sic) the remnant of his strength. Through the long months of last winter he conversed much and at times cheerfully with his friends. Although he did not expect a restoration to health he cherished the hope that the mild Beason of spring, as he expressed it, would bring to him strength enough to get out in town one time more. But alas! Spring that brings life to all nature, brought no life, nor hope to him. After the month of March, his vital powers rapidly wasted away~ For weeks he lay patiently awaiting the stroke of death. But the approach of the Grim destroyer had no terrors for him -- no clouds hung over his future -he met the end with resignation and composure and his pathway to the grave was brightened by the immortal hopes which springs (sic) from the Christain (sic) faith. It will assuage the grief of his family to know that he looked hopefully beyond the tomb and his far away friends will rejoice to hear that in his last hourE he reposed with simplicity and confidence upon the promises of the Gospel. During periods of his long confinement, his suffering was heart rending. No circumstances of torture or of horror was omitted from the awful ordeal through which he slowly passed._ He sought the aid of science, for life was sweet to him. But finally, for months before he passed in under the deep shadow of death, he told his friends that he was ready to submit to the decree of providence -- that he had suffered a thousand deaths", "Brother VANZANT was born in McNim (probably McMinn) Co., Tenn., on March 31, 1831, and removed to Marion Co.) Ark. in 1854 -- joined the M.E. Church South in 1866. and lived a consistent and faithful member up to the time of his death, which occurred on the 11th day of May, l899 t in the 69th year of his age. He was in the procession at the Masonic funeral services over Brother NOE on the 30th of April, 1899, -225HMARION COUNTY, ARKANSAS u and carried the Three Great Lights. Brethren~ how shall the dreadful contrast which flashes on every mind be spoken? To Brother VANZANT death did not come in its appal (sic) form. wearing its most cruel and ghastly mien. But at the touch of its icy hand he "Went down like an infant to gentle sleep, without a moan, or sigh, or pain. he passed 1n an instant from l1ght of earth to the city of everlasting light. Fortunate man -- fortunate in life and still more fortunate in death. Not a moment in the dark valley, as the shadows between the two worlds, he closed his aged eyes upon the joys of time, and quick as a thought opened them upon the brighter visions of eternity". 4 Apr. 1900. Letter from B.F. Fee at YellvIlle to Mr. DAN McCURREY. My Dear Sir, Your very strange letter reached my hands this evening. I have been away canvassing Cleburne and VanBuren Counties and have just come in home and found your letter awaiting me and not withstanding your advice for me to wait and give way, I have carried Cleburne County over your bosom friend and the election held here on the 31st of March, 816 good Democrats said in this county by theit votes tha~ I had not made a mistake and not withstanding your threat that you would try to carry things your way. I have concluded to remain in the race. And now I want to say to you that you canlt pull the wool over my eyes like you think you did j.C~FLOYD. So if you desire you can turn loose your Daggs of War. You profess to be a Christian and you know the kind of men you have supported for office. I also know the same and if you see fit to enter this race as a henchman for my opponents then I purpose (sic) to ventilate you upon every stump in this District so you can do just as you please. Dan, I know that you are no friend of mine and have known it all the time. Doubtless you thought that I considered you as such. but to be plain I never did and more than that I never will. I know lots of things that you may think I never dreamed of~ so do just as you please. Respectfully. (Note: Marion County election returns: B.F. Fee 816, J.M. Shinn 272). j Herschel C. Brown. 1011 Rolling Green Drive, Rio Vista, CA 94571 - I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of (or could suggest where I might search for info.) my great grandparents and their families, BOWEN and WILLIFORD who lived in the Boston MOuntains of Arkansas during the period 1850-1890. NOTE: I will keep reading and enjoying our ARKJu~SAS FAMILY HISTORIAN! THANKS MUCH I BOEN SLOWEY Constance Brown Aulph f 828 Woodcrest Dr., Royal Oak. MI 48067 - My grandfather James SLOWEY~ died around 1878 in Pine Bluff. Jefferson Co •• AR. I would like either an obl.tuary notice (with parents names list"ed if possible) grave stone info. (or any proof of death). BROWN Also marriage certificate for Frank and Mary BROWN, presumeable married in Pine Bluff or Little Rock! Pulaski Co., AR. Can anyone please help? MOVING! REMEMBER! I..P. YOUR EDITOR NEEDS TO KNOW WHEREIII PLEASE NOTIFY: A.G.S. 4200 "An Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 -226- HARDCASTLE WITT Barbara H. Ward, 10 Karen Dr" Covington. LA 70433 - I have recently learned my great grandparents may have been buried in Morrilton. AR! Can anyone please help? Edward Robert ftARDCASTLE, d~ May 1890. and Nancy Ann WITT HARDCASTLE. d. Jan 1891 (both in Morrilton. Conway Co •• AR.) Please help. DeMOSS T.M. Pearce t Dept. of English. Humanities Building 217, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 - My Motherfs name was Josephine Calla DeMOSS. and her mother was lsophine SALLEE DeMOSS. Mother had an ~unt who may have lived in Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., AR. (or perhaps some other Arkansas Community). I also recall my MOther, telling of a relative who was named. Capt. DeMOSS~ who was in charge of a boat. which may have operated on the Arkansas River. Mother told me that Aunt Josephine would go to Kentucky, when the cotton crop in Arkansas had been sold! How often she went, is not known, since all these events happened before my birth in 1902. Now at this late date I am interested to find if any DeMOSS data is available (or also data on the name SALLEE SALLEE) • A lady named CAUGHRON has prepared a booklet called tiTHE DeMOSS Family in America". I gave a copy of it to the Special Collections branch of the Alburquerque Public Library. It contains considerable data on the DeMOSS Croup in Kentucky, including pictures of the private graveyard of Peter DeMOSS in Mentor, Kentuck. from 1819 until some fifty years later~ I knew John Could Fletcher and Charlie May Simon, both old-timers in Little Rock. Some years ago my wife and I were in Little Rock and visited the mansion of A1bert Pike, who wrote Prose Sketches,and Poems (1834), one of the earliest in Anglo-American terms of books about the American Southwest. So my ties to Arkansas are both family history, vague but there~ in literary terms, definite if not very extensive., I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of any of these people, or a suggestion as to where and I how I might further my search. PHILLIPS Mrs. Robert L. Blanck (Marilyn Mullinix Blanck) 812 North Hidalgo Ave. , Alhambra, CA 91801 - I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of Louisa Adelaide PHILLIPS, b. 26 Jan 1837, Nashville. TN., married 2 Aug. 1859, Cumberland Co., KY (no proof of place) lived in Cumberland Co .• KY from at least 1860. died 7 Mar. 1892. Ventura Co., CA. Seems to have lived for a time in Arkansas (had a trunk with letter1ng l1 f~ouisa Adelaide Ph1l1ips~ Little Rock, Arkansas • Her father was born in TN (def1nitely pre1820 and her mother supposed to have been born in Virginia. Her children: Elizabeth Louise; Olivia Ellen; Lucy Frances; Mary Agnes;: James Haggard ,(Haggard was the Dr. in Cumberland ,Co., KY.!); Addie Martin; William Samuel; and Georgia. I believe there is a connection with the family of Phillip Phillips. Kentucky pioneer who moved to Nashville area in l790s. There may also be connection with family of Joseph Phillips, Nashville pioneer~ Characteristic physical trait: cleft in·t~p of nose! I have checked every PHILLIPS I PHILIPS I PHELPS in Tennessee and Kentucky 1850 census; and Louisa Adelaide is not among them! Also checked through ,the Madison Co., Arkansas group, which r am sure are related. NO Louisa Adelaide» or similar name, was in Madison Co. , AR either! These PHILLIPSES seem to be a rather strong faml'"Jo there is apt to be much more about them than I have found. My suspicion is this! the father of Louisa Adelaide moved the fam11y from TN to Arkansas in the 1840s) and had died by 1850. Can anyone come up with any ideas as to who this father might be! based on these miserable clues??? I am hoping that someone might have access to: family histories, which I have not seen. Marriage records for Arkansas. in case Louisa A. was married in Arkansas and not in Kentucky. Records of guardianship for orphans. Phillips/ Philips WILLS which I have not examined. An Arkansas census at some period between 1840-1860, from the "offn years J i.e., 1845, l855?? A list of men sornamed PHILLIPS/ PHILIPS who resided in Arkansas from 1840-1860. Mortal~ty schedules. This is terrible family to research. because there are so many branches. with so many sons in the same generation, moving allover the American South. They seemed to speculate in land and moved around quite a bit. Can anyone please help? PHILLIPS Lamena Phillips J 2402 Sycamore, Wasco, CA 93280 - My husband. Bob E. PHILLIPS" grandfather is listed on the 1850 Federal census, his name was Joseph B. PHILLIPS, 7menths old in Crawford Co.,~ AR .• with his father. James Henry PHILLIPS and wife Susan. I have not been able to locate the PHILLIPS family in 1860 census, so do not have the names of any children (except Joseph 'Joe" PHILLIPS). The family did stay 1n Arkansas until 1890 or so. The following was extracted from Crawford Co.~ AR census 1850: page 322, d 75-15 McLough1in~ Samuel, 55~ h. SC~ wife Carlene. b. TN (I did not list children) but 1n the same house-hold ••• continoed: Phillips, James H. 41, b. TN; Susan, 4lb~ LA.; Phillip, Joseph B.• 7/12, b. AR., same house-hold ••• Compton, Mary, 18) b. AR (in school); Martha, 14, John D. 12, William A' J 9) James H. 8 (all born 1n Arkansas). (Richland Township) Reel No. 451. Joseph B. Phillips (Brances?) 7/12 Crawford Co., AR Not sure - 1st wife, I01ean and children (not in order) James Henry Phillips, b. 1-21-1883 (date from death record, shows born Kibler, Crawford Co. J AR~ Passib1e a IIDee" nickname family or friend? Lou or Louise Phi~~ips (possibly more), . 2nd marriage of Joseph B. Phillips (still in Arkansas) Evelene Pitcock (or Pideack) "no marriage date on back of a picture 1s Lna? & Joe Phillips, th~s being October 25. 1855 could be her birth date7 Children moved to Oklahoma (only two); Jewel Pauline Phill~ps. 8-4-1895 O~? John Buford Phillips, 6-9-1989~ Sallisaw, OK.~ Scquoah Co., just across Arkansas line. (cont'd next page) -227PHILLIPS (Con 't page 2) in 1910 Joseph B. Phillips family was in Chandlor~ OK and his wife Evelene (or Evelyn) died Jan. 27, 1910, Chandler, OK. James Henry Phillips married Rathel Sells. Can anyone please suggest how I can locate additional dsta on any of these people? I will gladly share! DYE STEWART Jane Farmer, 1040 Ferry St., Apt ·202. Eugene, OR 97401 - Need names of parents, siblings) birth, marriage, and death dates and places and children of Frank (Francis?) DYE. b. en 1860, Arkansas (but where in Arkansas?) d. before 1910 censuS. married to A elsie STEWART, h. 1868) AR, d. after 1910 census) Lamar Co •• TX., where she appears as~ow with children: Pearl; Randolph W.; Rosie; and Era; 3 older children away from home by 1910 •.• youngest child~ b. 1905, TX. Will be most happy to correspond with anyone who has knowledge of theese famLlies. THANK YOU!! Hope C. Pees, 11743 East Pacific Place, Aurora. CO 80014 - THANK YOU! Thank. you for the space allotted for Queries in our FAMILY HISTORIAN. I have had l?-everal responses to queries I had in the Sept. 1983 publication. ~ .and appreciate so much the opportunity to insert this in the HISTORIAN issues. l'm not certain yet if there will be a definite link between my family branches and the lines being researched by those who' contacted me, but am certainly heartened by the response to my queries ••. and am now awaiting responses to my letters. Again.~.thanka! Hope C. Pees ANOTHER THANK YOU! Rosa M. Crow~ 125 N. Church St., Bowling Creen. Ohio 43402 - On page 112 of Sept 1983 issue, I found the MARRS Query. I wrote Muriel Woosum KEENTON as it was just the lead I needed to start on my MARRS Ancestry •.• Wonderfu1! INFORMATION WANTED DEPARTMENT! . Mrs. R. M. Crow, 125 N. Church St.t Bowling Green) Ohio 43402 - Trying to locate a copy of: KINCHELOE, McPHERSON and Related Families by Lewin Dwinell McPherson, published 1951. Will pay any reasonable price. Mrs. Sheryl Busterno~ POBox 15, Blue Jay, CA 92317 - Can anyone please help with information on cemetery records in Poinsett Co., AR.? My great grandRECORDS father, Lafayette GOLDMAN. is buried in an unmarked grave in an old cemetery "about 1 mile north of Trumann~ between 'Trumann and Himan, Ark.1I A visit there by relatives in 1954, found the cemetery but not the grave (I have a photograph they took of the site.) I do not have any idea of the date of death~ and that is what my goal is to find. He was born in 1848, so I would guess that he died any time between about 1900 and 1930. If I ccu1d locate anyone with record of this cemetery, I might be able to get the year. Any suggestion will be appreciated. I just would lik.e to locate this·information for my family records. etc. POINSETT CO •• AA CEMETERY CORRECTION PLEASE! YOUNG TIMMONS Sylvia Howerton. 5455 North Peoria, Tulsa, OK 74126 - My grandfather; James Anderson YOUNG, was born 31 Jan 1873 in Howard Co .• AR~, married Jimmie Joura TIMMONS in 1900~ and when he moved to Oklahoma~ I do not know, but my mother was born in 1902 1n Okla~ (Correction TIMMONS was typed as RIMMONS) page 121 in the June 1983 AFR. Please correct this in your issue. Mark William Donner. 3807 Half turn Rd., Apt 336, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 (303-597-1639) - I need help! In Yell and Arkansas Counties in Arkansas. John GRIST received land from the US Gov. ·on 30 Oct 1857: SE~ NE~ sec. 19 Twp 5 R. 24 (40 acres) This was a Patent~ filed 8 April 1902. Record Book V page 31. Also l,nd: s~ S~. Sec. 17 Twp 5 R 24, 80 acres & ~ S~ Sec. 17 Twp 5 Range 24. 40 acres, State Deed. 22 Aug. 1870. filed 8 April 1891. book L page 442. John Grist was married to Minta ELLIS. Jerry DAVIS, husband to Nancy Jane SMlrH~ lived in Havana) Yell CO. t AR., until he was killed after the Civil War by bushwhackers, in Havana area. Can anyone please help? GRIST ELLIS DAVIS SMITH G. M. Hoge. 136 w. 27th P1~t Yuma, AZ 85364 - According to my research my great great grandfather, William HOGE, and his family lived in Arkansas from 1832 through 1850. Two of his children were born in AR: Nancy Ann ca 1832 and John ca 1834. Can anyone please help locate this family? in state population schedules or other indexes? HOGE Mrs. Tho9. E. Crawford. 10548 Stone Canyon Rd, 1228, Dallas. TX 75230 - Rhoda CRAWFORD, b. 3 Feb. 1814, Washington Co._ TN moved with parents to Rhea Co., TN in 1829. where she married Lewis PRIVETTE. 26 June 1830. Moved to AR with several of her brothers and sisters, early 18405. After PRIVETTE's death~ Rhoda married Elias McCOOL, and she died Saline I Perry Co., AR about 1862. Four children by PRIVETTE; James; William~ married and moved to Texas; Mary. married Alexander DOUTHAT and lived in Perry Co., AR.; Susan, twice married and had 2 sons. Two children born of McCOOL marriage: Archibald. lived in Benton, AR with an uncle; Silas, died in infancy. McCOOLS lived in Paron, Perry Co. area. Information concerning any of the above will be appreciated. Much material to share on allied families. PRIVETTE CRAWFORD McCOOL -228MJRE SANIJm1S/SAUNDERS RESllAIlCH - Ebbbie Jones Mclane D..1ring my years of correspondence with Mrs. Fletcher King concerning Sandersl SAunders rI-?...search. she was attempting to learn the narIES of the parents of J1['IUS SAUNDERS (SANDBRS) l>Ilo was born between 1760 and 1TIO, and by 1789 was in Greene Co., Ga..; 1802 in Clarke Co. t Ga.; 1830 in White 0:>., Tenn. l>Ilere he evidently died about 1837. His children were: John L. (see p.187, AFR, Sept .83) SUsan b. 1793 in Ga. m. William J. Barl""", lived White Co •• Tenn. Sarah (Sally) b. 1805 Ga. Elizabeth Uriah Robert b. 1810 Ga. JULIUS C. b. 1812 Ga. (Mrs. King's great-grandfather) m. Susan Hudson. (Went to Mississippi in 1830's) Martha b. 1820 Tenn. m. John L. Hensley Fr<xn Sarah on down. !lOved to Mississippi, llarshall Co. Mrs. King's Hue !lOVed to Hinds Co., Jacltson t Mississippi, Mlere descendants still reside. Julius C. Saunders WllS a son of John Saunders (Revolutionary &lldier) of He Continental line. In 1807 John L. Sanders and the above Julius Saunders had debt in Clark Co. Ga. for sene iron; this John L. Saunders was in Putnam Co. Ga.. in 1820 census, and in 1810/11 married Elizabeth Hatborn in Putnan Co. Ga. He was in the War of 1812 fromMilledgevi11e, Ga., where he mustered in. 1830 •. one John L. Sanders WllS in Shelby Co •• Tenn. In In 1850 census of Saline Co., Ark. is listed John L. Sanders. Note that Hamlin Sanders VIl!S also in this county in 1850 - both are in tax bocks. We believe Hamlin to be the son of John L. Descendants of Hamlin state that he had a brother Julius. SANDBRS CEMErERY AT SAGINAW, AIlK. Itn. P. Kirby, 10 Nov. 1832 - 22 May 1869 Abernetha, wife, b. 7 CCt. 1839 27 Mar. 1860 Sanders, Elizabeth, 9 Jan. 1828 - 16 June 1890 Sanders, JanES M., 7 Feb. 1866 - 14 Mar. 1906 Sanders, capt. JanES l.t:>nroe, 2 Mar. 1818 - 7 Feb. 1869 Sanders '.' Sen2.a, 1853 - 1853 Sanders, "'C&ndinar, 1857-1857 Sanders, Tbyrza, 1857-1870 Sanders, ThIlline, 1856-1870 SanderS, Arcenath 1859-1870 Sanders, Aley, 1849-1874 SANDBRS Marriag<lS - Clark 0>., Ark. Sanders, Elijah - liini1y C. Billingsly, 1-24-1864. D-309 Sanders, J. E. to N(ancy) E(lizabeth) Perry, 7-24-1861, D-224 Sanders, John W. to Mary Jane Canady, 12-4-1865, D-354 Saunders, Joseph C. to Eudoria Anderson, 2-9-1863, D-276 Saunders, Samuel E. to Mary J. Robinson, 12-12-1864, D-310 TALLAPOOSA CD., Ala. 1840 cenflUS Sanders, Mary, p. 4, malee 2 15-20, 3 m 20-30, 1 f 20-30, 1 f 60-70 Next door: . Sanders, William G. m 1 -5, 1 20-30, f 1 -5, 1 20-30 (later of Clark Co., Ark.) Sanders, R. M. p. 5, m 1 -5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 40-50, f 1 -5, 2 30-40 Sanders, Zach p. 6, m. 1 30-40, f. 5-10, 1 15-20 Sanders, p. 13 m. 1 -5, 2 5-10, 1 40-50, f 1 -5, 1 10-15, 1 30-40 TALLAPOOSA CD., ALA Marriages Sanders, William G. to Nancy Henderson, 15 Feb. 1837 (l7th) by Thos. D. Berry, JP, Robert Ward, boedsman (Ilk. A, 1835-1842, p. 17) (See 1850/1860 Clark Co.) Sanders, Reury W. to Usahe Gross, 20 Dec. 1847 (Book 1842-1850) p. 399 Sanders, F(rancis) M. to Virgo Allen, 16 Aug. 1851 (17th) by J. L. Porter, JP,p.73 Sanders, Blany to Elni1y Merritt, 10 Feb. 1852 (l2th) by Itn. catching, JP p. U5 Ilk. 1855-1860 Sanders, Janes H. to Frances J. Andrews CCt. 19, 1856, Nathan Sanders, bondsrran,p.176 Sanders, John:oo Martha I-bwell, Nov. €it 1857, '*n~ Griffin, bonda~ p. 341 .' -229- IDHE SANDERS/SAlI!.'DERS RESEARCH - Ibbbie .1. Mclane tilUtders, ~rry to Mn.:ry tUUl r_rwlee~ ol..a~ut::!r, .1 Mar. i~ Ranson G. Ray, ronds. p.716 Sanders, Elam to lllcretia Henderson 18 Apr. 1865, J.G. Patton, bonde. p. 129 Bk. A, 1835-1842 . Sanders, Hiram W. to lllanna Henderson, 18 Feb. 1841 (Mar. 10) by Thomas D. 8:rry, JP, p. 209 Bk. 1842-1850 Hinson, Thanas to Areaney SIINDERB, 13 Jan. 1843 (15th) by P.N. Scurlock, JP, John Sanders, bonds. p. 4 Buce, John, Junr. to Martha SANDEllS, 8 Nov. 1843 (9th) by \\In. C. Fincher, MG,p.60 SANDERS, John to Sarah Edgar, 30 Oot. 1845, p. 169 A Joseph SANDERS was bondsmn for a marriage in 1844. CLARK CD., Ark. IlIl F-200 - Henry W. Sanders, of Tallapoosa Cl>., Ala. appted James Gunter of Clark Cl>., Ark. as l1is attorney to sell land in Clark Cl>. 12 Jan. 1846 00 G-418, 10 June 1851 between \\In. G. Sanders of Clark Co. and Benjamin Golden. Nancy Sanders relinquishes ~r, signed by \\In. G. Sanders and N. A. Sanders. Witnessed by \\In. Il1:"o\<ning and Hirman Buchanan, JP National Archives sent Civil War record for the oo,y Jesse Sanders listed fl"OOl Arkansas (Union Army) Jesse Sanders, Co. D, 4, Hegt. Ark. cav. enrolled Feb. 5, 1864, deserted Oot. 8, 1864, and never returned. Age at enlistnent, 18 years, was a private. Declaration for invalid pension t act of June 27 t 1890, fran the State of Tex.a.s,. County of Henderson, on 23 Jan. 1899, "personally appeared before !re, a notary public, JESSE SANDE!lS, aged 52, a resident of the town of lOOunt Ide, County of IOOntgonEry, State of Arkansas, \\<ho being duly SllQIn, decares that he is the identical Jesse Saunders who en1. on 17 Feb. 1864 in Co. D 4, Ark. Cav. - has not applied for pension .before - appoints Patrick O'Ferrell of Wash. DC his atty. His post office address is Murchison, Henderson Cl>., Texas. Signed Jess Sanders, Attest: J. A. Pickering, and J. V. Shelton. Also personally appeared J. A. Pickering, residing at Murchison. Texas and J. V~ Shelton of Murchison, Texas. 'Ihey saw Jefse Sandes sign his nane; their acquaintance with him for 30 yrs and 20 yrs. respectively •.. signed by both, State of Texas, Co. of Henderson, Jan. 23, 1899. Signed C. F. Williams, Notary. On this paper was written l'No claimll Act of June Z7, 1890. OLD SANDERS FAMTI,Y CEMETERY - La!m.r or Pickens Co., Ala. Sanders, Harry M. - Co. G, 41 Ala. Inf. CSA Sanders, Jaues J., b. 1808 d. Sept. 25, 1865 Sanders, Rosa A. b. 1810 - d. Aug. 8, 1865 Sanders, Mrs. (believed to have heen a Downing) Sanders, John T. Cl>. B, S Ala. Cav. CSA Sanders, Sarah C., wife of John T., b. Apr. 8, 1836 - d. Sept. 3, 1918 Sanders, Asbury and son (Asbury is son of Jaues S. Sanders) Hollingso.;orth, Mrs. (dau. of Jaues S. Sanders) and her 2 children Trim, Mrs. John (lllta Sanders, dau. of Harry Sanders) SIDthers, Little (son of lllla (Sanders) Trim married SIDthers) Mrs. Delaine Edwards, 2231 f!ruj<\on Ave. lOOdesto, CA 95354 was interested in Daniel Sanders (age 30 in 1850) and Elijah Sanders (age 77) One Daniel Sanders, age 29, of Clark Co., Ark. married Elizabetl1 Cl>f:fllWl, 20, 23 Dec. 1852 by Geo. W. Snow, JP, Ilk. 1, p. 10, Hot Spring Cb., Ark.) Mrs. Edwards sent a copy of the Probate Hecord for Daniel Sanders (Probate Ebok D, p. 262, Hot Spring Co., Ark. and states this Daniel aJlIU) be the brother of her great-great grandfather ElihU Sanders of Van Buren Co., Ark., who also had a brother naued Benjamin. Probate was filed in Ouachita PariSh, LA, File A-927 - 13 Nov. 1860, which included the will of Daniel Sanders, deceased on or about the 8th day of No_r 1860, MIlch bequeathAl' all his lands, IlDneys, and effects to John Westly Sanoors, his only lineal heir. Benjamin Sanders is referred to as Daniel's brother and was appointed -230!ORE SANDERS/SAUNllERS RESEARCH - Bobbie J. McLane Executor of the last will and test""""t of the deceased and also guardian of said Il'inor, John Westly Sanders during his minority~ We have a con:plete oopy of this probate record fram Ouachita Parish, 1Nhich includes the transcript sent on from Hot Spring Co.; the will, appraisement of the estate; letters of appoin~nt, etc. Lu.rruta Sanders was one 'of the witnesses to the wilL 2ecurities for Benjamins' txmd included an Elihu Sanders and a.L M. Sanders. Mrs. King believed that this. Sanders family lived at one tiJoo in Lowndes CO. , Miss. Elijah Sanders married Margaret Rigsby 1n 1835 in Lowndes CO. Elihu, Elijah B., Reuben P., (',eorge W. C. Saunders (Sanders) were 1n White CO., Tenn. alx>ut 1810, ahout 1817 went to Madison CO., Ala., then to Lowndes CO. near C01unbu.s, Miss. Mrs. King stated Elijah B. also went to lIiss. with descendants possibly accompanying Elihu Sanders to Arkansas by 1850 where they are in Hot Spring CO. To.u other Elihu Sanders, IIDst likely father and son, and either son and grandson of Elihu or of Elijah. were in Van Buren OJ. 1 Arkansas in 1850 through 1880. Kent K. Gajewski, 515 North Walnut, Apt. 2. Hutchinson, Kansas 67501 - Russell . Oshel MONTOGOMERY. born 17 Oct. 1924 (or 25) Burdette~ Mississippi Co., AR (would like to know the names of his parents?). Lived briefly in Hutchinson, Kansas in 1953 married Jeannette SNEDGER, 10 January 1953. She was the mother of his child on 9 Oct. 1953. He was arrested in Hutchinson. 8 August 1953 on a charge of Bigamy, was sent to Larsin~? Penitenary~ was paroled on 12 Dec. 1954. Topeka, Kansas in 1955 went to Denver. Colorado (place unknown). Was divorced from Jeannette MONTGOMERY, 6 August 1954 with one child Kent K~ MO~TGOMERY. 1 am requesting any information on his relatives, friends, or parents~ My adopted name is: Kent K. Gajewski. 515 North Walnut. Apt. 2. Hutchinson. Kansas 67501. I .urn searching for information of my natural father and his relatives. (in 1952, Russell was in anautomobile accident· and has a scar around left side of mouth - wreck was in Colorado). His last known address in 1955 was 386 South Grant Street, Denver, Colorado. MQNTOGOMERY SPICER Chessie Sheppard, POBox 1785, Central Valley~ CA 96019 - I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of Henry Atchley SPICER. born before 1865 and married before l8S} (but where???) his wife was possibly named Donnie Marie (maiden name unknown). This is not very much information~ but all I have! Can anyone please help? DECK Joanne Cassidy, 1319 Corbin Rd., Toledo~ Ohio 43612 - I have researched the DECK name for over 10 years and hope to put a book in our Toledo Library one day in the near future. After going over the N.Y Times Index 1 find that William P. Dl~CK was a publisher for the Pen Ridge Rod. and that he died or his obit. was in the Oct. l~ 1930 issue of the N.Y Times. Can anyone pleaae tell me anything about this Pen Ridge Pod, so that I may further my search on the William P. DECK in question. I failed to mention the obit stated that the Pen Ridge Pod was in the vicinity of Little Rock. Can anyone please help? HENSON Beverly J. McDona1d~ 4112 E. McKenzie~ Fresno. CA 93702 - Would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge concerning William (Cria) Christopher HENSON, b. 22 Sept. 1883. died 26 Sept. 1947 married Annie E. HIBBS, 20 Nov. 1914. Five children: Martha (or Maty Rita (Retha or Rether) b. 19l6~ d. 1918; Julie Odel HENSON, b. 1918; Cladys Juanita RENSON~ b. Feb. 1920. near Keiser. AR (in tent) Mississippi Co., AR; Bessie HENSON. b. 7 June 1922, Lepanto; Paul Leon HENSON~ b. Nov. 1923 d~ 1925, Lepanto, POinsett Co.~ AR. We do not know where my grandparents were married but her people are from Hoxie, Mintern. Alicia and Walnut Ridge t Lawrence CO~t AR.~ she was the dau. of Robert HIBBS and Tamar Matilda JACKSON HIBBS. Tamar was later married to a George or Robert ASHBY and then later to George DECKER. Tamar died in Walnut Ridge. Her son George HIBBS married Maggie DECKER. Her daughter Ca1li~ married Oscar DECKER. My grandfather IlCrisH worked in timber, and lived near Marie. Miss~ Co., AR in 1918 and Keiser s AR in 1920. He owned lots 1. 2. 3~ & 4 in Section 26 Township 12 North Range 8 East in Miss cv.~ AR 1115.59 acres. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, & 6 sec~ 35 Twp. 12 North Range 8 East in Miss Co., 134.39 acres and known as Jim Gosnell land. He also owned Lot 5 Block 5 of Thompson's 1st addition to the town of Lepanto, Poinsett Co., AR., also Lot 3 Block 4 in Payne1s addition to the town of Lepanto in 1922. He and Annie were divorced in 1925~ we would like to know where they were married & where they lived after marriage. She waa 13 when they married and he was 31. He was still working in timber for a sawmill when he died in 1947 (Monroe Co. C1ebourne Twp~) He ha.d lived around Blackton Holly Crove. Marvell between 1925 and 1941 he married Mattie BLACKBURN~ She died (we do not know when they were married or where. Chrls' father's name was James Joshua (Josh) HENSON and his mother was Mary {maiden name unknown & she may hnve been Indian) He had a brother or uncle named CharleYt a sister. Mary. and another n,"lmed Katie Dee. another named Amanda. One sister married a Creech. then a SEALS. 'Can any one please help With additional information, I wi.ll gladly share data wH:h others working on any of these lines. 7 .. -231- INFORMATION TO BE SHARED - PENSIONS FROM: Kirby D. Watkins, 1511 Tulip Dr., Arlington, TX 76013 uThank you for publishing my CALLAWAY FAMILY article. I have been told that ex-President Jimmy Carter descends from this family, that James E. Carter, Sr., descended froro the Parker & Callaways of Baldwin Co., GA. James Sr. t m4!rled Lillian Gordy who descends from the Gordys (. Callaways of Baldwin Co., CA. II The following has been abstracted from the Records of Examination by Dr. P. R. Watkins for pensions. Spellings are not changed. 1I RECORD OF EXAMINATIONS BY DR. PHILLIP ROSS WATKINS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Examinations were made at Mena. Arkansas. Key, (1) Date of examination (2) Company Reg't (J) PostoUm addre i s (4) Birthplace (5) Complexion (6) Color of eyes (7) Color of hair (R) Occupation William J. Kelley (1) 10 Dec 1902, (2)K Ba. Ind. Vol. (J) Vanderoort. Polk Co., Ark, (4) Warren Co., Ohio. Age 69, Ht, ,ft. 6in., Wt 1461b. (5) light, (6) Blue (7) I}rey, (8) Farmer Earnest S. Johnson (1) 10 Dec 1902. (2) H ;0- U.S.V.I. (») Black Sprin~s, Mont~omery Co, Ark., (4) Ambia, Ind. A~e 27. Ht 5ft. 10tin., Wt 1)81b •• (5) Light, (6) Blue (7) Brown, (8) Farmer Jeremiah M. Tayler, (1) 17 Dec 1902, (2) E-Jrd N.C. V.M.L 0) Gillham, Sevier Co., Ark .. (4) Henderson Co., N.C. Ap;e 57, Ht 5ft. 10;in .. Wt 151 lb., (5) Dark, (6) Blue gray (7) Dark gray, (8) Farmer James L. Standifer. (1) 17 Dec 1902, (2) H 18- Ill..Vo1 Inf. 0) Grannis, P10k Co •• Ark., (4) Moultrie Co., Illinois Age 58, Ht 5ft 9in, Wt 16) lb., (5) Fair, (6) Hazel (7) Brown, (8) Farmer James J. Stamps, (1) 17 Dec 1902, (2) M 9-Kas. Cav. OJ Octavia, LT., (4) Franklin Co" Tenn., (5l Dark Ae;e 59. "t 6ft 1i1n, Wt 158 lb., (6) Black, (7 Dark gray Thomas Null ?, (1) 17 Dec 1902, (2) A 48- Mo. V.I. 0) Gwynn, Sehastian Co., Ark., (4) St. Louis Co., Mo. A~ 58, Ht 6ft 2tin, Wt 172 lb., (5) Dark, (6) Blue (7) Bleck, (8) Flagman for RR. Daniel T. Burns, (1) 17 Dec 1902, (2) G 1)8- Ind Inf. (3) GUlham, Sevier Co .. Ark, (4) Carrol Co., Kentucky A~e 57, Ht 6ft 0 in., Wt 151 lb., (5) Light, (6) Gray (7) Dark gray, (8) Farmer McKenzie Bolden, (1) 24 Dec 1902, (2) G 39- Ind Inf. 0) Grannis, Polk Co •• Ark •• (4) Owen Co., Ind. A"e 67, "t 5ft 10tin, Wt 154 lb., (5) Dark, (6) Hazel (7) Dark gray, (8) Farmer William H. Baker. (1) 24 Dec 1902, (2) G lst- Iowa Vol Cay. 0) Rocky, Polk Co .. Ark .. (4) Cherokee Res., Iowa A/l',e 66, l't 6ft Hn., Wt 157 lb., (5) Dark, (6) Hazel (7) Dark ~ray, (8) Farmer James M. Covert, (1) Dec 1902, (2) D 4-Ind Cal. (» Mena, Polk Co" Ark .. (4) Clark Co., Ind., Age65, Ht 5ft 5tin, Wt 170 lb., (5) Light, (6) Gray (7) White, (8) Carpenter -232- INFORMATION TO BE SHARED - PENSIONS (Coot page 2) Wm \v. Brent, (1) 31 Dec 1902, (2) E l-Ark Inf., (3) Chapel Hill. Sevier Co., Ark .. (4) Pike Co .. Miss. Age 45 Ht j)ft·6 tin., Wt 116 lb .. (5) Light. (6) Blue (7) Dark brown. (Al Farmer David Wbite, (1) )1 Dec 1902, (2) D 4- Ark Vol Cav. (3) Lodi! Plke Co., Ark •• (4) ~onroe Co., Tenn •• Age74 Ht 5ft 2; In., Wt Of! lb., (S) Dark, (6) Gray, (7) Dark gray ", James W. Shirley, (1) 31 Dec 1902 (2) D 4- Ark Vol CaY. (3) Oden. Montgomery Co .. Ark" (4) Tuskaloosa Co., Ala. Age 62, Ht 5ft 4t in •• Wt 138 lb., (5) Light, (6) Hazel (7) Dark gray. (8) Farmer John P. Newman, (1) 31 Dec 1902. (2) E J- Ark Vol Cay. (J) Farks. Scott Co., Ark .. (4) Marion Co .. Tenn, Age 68 Ht 5ft 8in •• Wt 132 lb., (5) Light. (6) Hazel, (7) Lt gray Foster J. Mason, (1) 7 Jan 1903. (2) M- )rd Mo SM Cay. (3) Winfield. Scott Co., Ark., (4) White Co., Tenn. Age 62 Et 5ft 8in., 1ft 128 lb., (5) Dark. (6) Blue, (7) dark gray Daniel B. Huffman, (1) Blank, (2~ C lst- Ind H.A. () Minnie. Howard Co., Ark., (4) Washington Co., Ind. Age64, Ht Sft lot in., Wt 162 lb., (5) Dark, (6) Dark brown (7) Dark gray, (8) Farmer Benjamin F. Slaukard ?,or Slaclkard (14 Jan 190), (3) Geopen, Sebastian Co., Ark., (4) Po"", Co., Illinois Age He will be 6S on 14 Feb 190)., Ht 'Sft 6t in., Wt 11) lb •• (S) Light, (6) Blue gray, (7) Light, (8) Farmer Ifm T. Hoslitzell. (1) 14 Jan 1903. (2) H 2- Ky Cal. (3) Mena, Polk C'O., Ark., (4) Allaghany Co •• Md., Age 69 Ht 5ft lOt in., Wt 169 lb., (5) Light, (6) Blue, (7) White James M. Philpot, (ll) E~ger, Polk Co •• Ark., (2) A- Miss Mtd RH., (l! 21 Jan 1903, \4) Carroll Co., Ga., Age69 Ht 6ft H in •• Wt 16) lb .. (5) Light, (6) Blue. (7) Gray James W. Edwards. (1) 28 Jan 1903, (2) H 2A- III Vol Inf. 0) r.lena, Polk Co .. Ark., (4) MacQupin Co .. Illinois Ap'e 59 Ht 5ft lOt in., Wt 121 lb •• (S) Fair, (6) Gray (7) Light gray, (8) Farmer Chas. W. Belcher, (1) 28 Jan 1903. (2) D lst- Ala Cay. 0) Oden, Montgomery Co., Ark., (4) Jefferson Co., Ala. Age 62, Ht 5ft 11 in •• Wt 123 lb., (5) Light, (6) Blue (7) Light gray. (8) Farmer EOlTORtS NOTE: Our many thanks to Kirby D. Watkins - we do hope he will share more of these valuable records with the readers of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORiAN. This 1s a very large book and hard to abstract. but they are very valuable to our readers and we will hope for morel You might drop him a note if you are interested in additional records. PASSMORE DONAHO DUNEHEW CLARK Joyce A. Rex, 901 Mockingbird Lenet Purcell, OK 73080 - Searching for 1nfo. on Civil War era deaths of Hendrick/ Hendrix BC 1811. Ill. and Josiah Be 1815, Ind. PASSMORE reportedly buried in cemetery in Alco, Stone Co •• area~ Their mother, Elizabeth PASSMORE CLARK also lived in the Searcy/ Stone Co. vicinity and after 1860 census was never discovered again. Know the families were in Howell Co., MO during the Civil War. where Mrs. Nancy PASSMORE. widow of Hendrix, married William DUNEHEW ca 1863/4 and died ca 1867. Can anyone please help? A hslf brother to Hendrick and Josiah, Louis Clark, lived in Carroll Co~, AR after Civil War and died there. REX Joyce A. Rex, 901 Mockingbird Lane, Purcell, OK 73080 - William REX Sr •• born ca 1829 in North Carolina married Nancy RAY, Smith Co •• TN •• 9 June 1852. She BRUMEAD died where? in Arkanaas 1862/4? He married 2nd to Nancy CROSS, by 1864 weERE in Arkan.a.? !hey lived in Mi.souri in 1870 snd William sr., died 17 April 1879, (but where?) probably Boone! Carroll Co. ·or in Missouri. The widow was trot located On 1880 census, however. in 1881 married to John BRUMEAD in Boone Co., Arkansas and disappeared againl Two of her married daughters lived in Ark., and one want to Rex$s with husband and half brothers and sister's families. Please help me ~lear up ioose endsl! (Harried daughters names: Mattox! Varley~ Byrd. Hensley)~ , CROSS • -233OLD FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS ON THE WILSON RANDOLPH OWENS FAMILY From: Wilma Dickerson . Latht'op~ Box 280, Sheldon, MO 6478'4 Wilson Randolph Owens, born July 28 1849 Died March 16. 1891 Sarah Jane Owens born Jan. 16, 1861 Died Feb. 6 1885 Their ch11dren were: Mary Gertrude OWens born Nov 27, 1876 J~ J. M. Owens born April 1. 1879 William R. Owens, born June 21, 1881 Ada Elizabeth Owens Born March 28 1884 Also following notes: Matt Benton lived 12 miles S. of Harrison, Arkansas or 1 mile north of Western Grove Sed rick Benton, south edge of Harrison, Arkansas Old Autograph Album of my grandmother Mary Gertrude Owens Evans July 21, 1895 •• Dear Gertie: When rocke and hills are .•• signed Mary Carrell July 21, 1895 signed Mattie Carrel Feb 13, 1898 signed Fannie Potts Feb. 13, 1898 signed by J. B. Feb 13. 1898 signed by Uncle Mat OWens Feb 17 1898 signed by your cousin Ella Owens Feb. 14, 1898 West"ern Grove. Ark. Feb 14, 1898 Signed by your Signed by Claudia Cates friend~ Delia Cates End I found the family of Wilson Randolph Owens in the 1880 Newton Co. Ark Census with all of their children. I know the parents died soon after and someone took the children and raiaed them. But who? Another letter in the adl Bible March 7, 1895 Gertie dear: Needs I sit myself to write you a few lines to let you know that we are well and these few lines will find you all well. Gertie, you donle know how bad r want to see you since I SaW your picture~ it looks 50 much like you. I want to tell your Uncle Tom if he wants to ask your Aunt Mary? of so I will let Ada go and stay with them some when you marry. I don't think we ought to keep Y;u and her apart always. Well Gertie you said you wanted to know if you was old enough to marry, I guess you was old enough to marry, I guess you are, you was 18 the 27th of last November. Gertie, I want you to write to me-whether you are going to marry or not. Etters health is not any better. I guess it is worse, she has them spells nearly all of the time. I want to see y,ou awful bad~ I think you ought to come home this summer and see us. Ada said you must come out this summer and bring your old man and she would take a good look at her little fellow and he will grin at you all the time. Well. I will tell you Ada's, William and James ages so you w~ll know their ages. Well I will colse for this time hoping to hear from you soon. (The signature on the letter looks like J J and Bettie Thas or Thos) *••*••••••• Wilma Dickerson Lathrop, R~G'J Box 280, Sheldon, MO 64784 - I would like very much to find where Wilson Randolph OWENS and his wife Sarah Jane OWENS were buried. I understand there wag a Dr. Owens in Harrison, Arkansas whose father lived near Western Grove. Newton CO., AR. Maybe some of his family is still around Harrison or Western Grove. 1 am the Publisher of the new Vernon Co. Genealogical Societyls magazine "Bushwhackers and Rock Thumpers" that covers the counties of Barton, Bates, Cedar, Dade, and Vernon Co. in MO. We only charge $5. a year and have around 200 subscribers so far~ I am also a Director of the Vernon Co. Historica~ Society at Nevada~ MO. So lf I may be of help to some of the members of AGS let me know. I have the 1900 & 1910 Federal Census of Vernon Co., Me on my Apple II Computer. We are also putting all the records we can on the Computer. Hope to eventually have all of the families on the Vernon Co. Federal Census from the flrst Census on flle. I am also transcribing the Old Newspapers from Vernon Co. in my computer. Can anyone please help locate the above mentioned graves? OWENS Merle Lee. 1005 Ridge~rest, Sweetwater, TX 79556 - I would like to correspond with others working on the CRAIG-JOHNSON line. My great grandparents, Gideon and Donna CRAIG. My grandfather was: John Calvin CRAI~~ b. 20 Feb. l86e~ Arkadelphia, Clark C04J AR married 9 Jan 1890, (same place) died 21 Dept 1943, Coleman, Coleman Co., TX. t married Fannie Bell JOHNSON (I have a copy of their marriage license). Part of Gideon CRAIG'S children were: Neinon, Jeff. Nan. and John Calvin CRAIG (my g.f.) Other great grandparents were: Thomas J. JOHNSON and wife Sarah. Sarah was born 27 May 1852 d~ 2 Jan 1916. buried in Coleman, TX. I have unconfirmed information that my great grand father died in Arkadelphia or Oklonia, AR. Their children were: Claude~ (John W. Cox, . spouse), Dovia, married Joe McCauley). Sidney married Sallie (?), Walter married Ora (?)~ Maggie Rose married Mark Smalley Beeck (or Burk), Fannie Bell (my g.m.) married John Calvin CRAIG. Can anyone please $uggest where I might search next? ALWAYS REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE S.A.S.E.(self addressed stamped envelope) when you hope for an ANSWER TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION! CRAIG JOHNSON -234 - MOORE Denzil Kauldin, POBox 1747, Valdez, AX 99686 - Need information on: Robert MOORE. part Cherokee Indian. d. 1858 Madison or Carroll Cos. , Ai., married en 1853/4 TN to Matilda A. THOMA'). presumed da.ughter of Anthony THOMAS of Bedford Co. !N. They were parents of Harriett Rebecca (MOORE) MAULDING b. 1855 and Robert I.N. MOORE. b. 1858, d. 1859. Matilda A. THOMAS married 2nd to Joseph WHITLEY and moved to Oregon in 1880. Also need info. on Wm. H~ & Marth M. (HALE) WILLIS married 1851. McMinn CO' I TN & moved to Ouachita Co., Ai. THOMAS WILLIS HALE WHITELEY Danny C. Hopkins. 711 First St •• Taft. CA 93268 (805-765-5449) I was born 30 Aug. 1943~ in England, Lonoke Co., AR •• son of Alfred Cleo HOPKINS, b. 20 July 1921 in Morrilton, Conway Co •• AR. My grandfather. George Alfred HOPKINS! b. 15 April 18S5 married Mentie Lavora KING in Ada. Conway Co., AR., in 1908, died in Little Rock. AR., 9 May 1973. My great grandfather was Billy Alfred HOPKINS (that is all I have!) Can anyone pleasf help! A tiny clue will be appreciated I HOPKINS LEE Rodney S. Lee, 359 Monroe St •• Mation. Ohio 43302 - I am attempting to locate two half sisters and one half brother. My father was Thomas W. LEE~ I have very little information. except that I know he was born about 1896 and married my mother in Grenada. Miss., about 1914. I was made aware of him. and visited with hi~ at his home in Carlisle, Lonoke Co., Ai., in 1942. He may have lived in Hazen. AR prfor to moving to Carlisle. At the time I visited with him. he had one son by his 2nd wife and 2 daughters. One daughter was named Letha (not sure of spelling). I only visited one day, and heard after my Visit, he moved to Little Rock and was in the automobile business. (not sure if this is true or not). If alive, he would now 'be about 88 years old. I would very much like to correspond with any of his survivors. No doubt the daughters have married and I have no idea their married name. Can aoone please help? Murriel Wossum Keeton, 1405 N. Pettet Lane, Payson. AZ 85541 - Thanks to A~G.S, I have gotten in touch with the I~S FAMILY!" Have found a 4th cousin. Mrs. Rea J~eson has my family (my husband, and our girls and children. grandchildren, and gr* grandchildren - chart typed up and ready for another book, she says! Have had several letters from her and more "MARRS II information~ Thanka so much! MARRS AUSTIN Jamie Bendure. Rt 2 Box 78, Chouteau. OK 74337 (AUSTIN-YEATHERS FAMILY TREE) I am trying to locate info. on my AUSTIN Family. My grandmother is Goldia Marie AUSTIN, born in King'ton, Ai 11 Sept. 1911. daughter of Jess Hendrick (Hendrix) AUSTIN and Christopher (Callie) Caldonia WEATHERS. Jess was born 4 March 1881) Loy, Madison Co~, Ai. We believe the town of Weathers, Arkansas was named after some Qf her relatives. They came to Oklahoma by covered wagon4 Married on 16 July 1905 (place unknown)~ Jess is the son of Charles Greenberry AUSTIN and Katherine Ann HILLARD. C·allis is the daughter of C.B. WEATHERS and Rebecca Ann (1). It is believed that Jess is one of three sons born to Charles and Kate. The other 3 are possibly named Dick and Jim9 We do not know if there were any sisters or other brothers~ I would like to correspond with anyone interested in this AUSTIN branch and will gladly exchange the info. I have. Additional info. will be appreciated I Susan E. Nickel. 1554 Beach St •• San Francisco~ CA 94123 - 1 am trying to find proof of birth on my maternal grandmother~ 1 think she was born 8 Nov. 1905 on the Cherokee Reservation near Fort Smith. Her name was Mildred Susan CLINE. She had a younger sister named Ola Etta CLINE, and a brother named Lowell CLINE (also born there). Can anyone please help? CLINE JAMES Alma C. Davis, 309 E. Bush Fort Bragg, CA 95437 - I need HELP! Almost all I have to begin my genealogy research with~ is stories told to me by my mother & great aunts. I was 1st told our great great grandfather, William C. JAMES. was a brother to Jesse JAMES' father. Has a history of that family been published? If William was a near relative, I hope his name might be mentioned! William C. JAMES met and married a Choctaw girl, who had run away from the "Tears of Trail March!" William's family was said to have had a large plantation on White River. Their daughter, Elizabeth lived on that plantation, and was acal1ed by a colored woman (by throWing scalling water on her back). The grandfather~ we were told, killed some colored people over it. Hid in a tree with sacking and peppers, so·_the dogs and posse couldnot find him, until a friend came along. His wife was to meet him in another state! The marriage must have taken place there. The plantation was supposed to have been around the March crossing on White River. In 1850 William C. JAMES was given a certificate #72 for 640 acres, in Dallas Co., Texas~ After the death of the Indian woman (both the baby and mother died), he married a Mary Ann JAMES. Certificate-Grant? was given {we believe) while he was married to the Indian woman. Would like to learn the year she died. I would like to have a suggestion. as to where I might search. both Indian and War Records. or any other records that might be helpful. McKINLEY HOUSE j Mrs. C. O. Egleston (Billie Wright Egleston) POBox 395. Glenwood. AR 719430395 - I would like to correspond with others working On the McKINLEY-HOUSE Family records. EspeCially interested in contacting descendants of Daniel C. McKINLEY, b. ca 1868. Montgomery Co» AR •• married 1st to Betty BELL and was the father of {cone'd next page) ~. -235McKINLEY - HOUSE - BELL (cont'd 2nd page) • one son (name unknown). Daniel married 2nd to Nervie (Manerva?) DRIGGERS~ She had tvo children by previous marriage, a son, Ira and a daughter, Coy DRIGGERS~ Daniel and Nervie were the parents of at least one child (name also unknown), CARTER Also, would like to contact descendants of Emily McKINLEY CARtER and William B. CARTER. Emily, b. ca 1870, Montgomery Co., AR. They had the following children: Gilford, Addie. Clifton, Mitchell, and Curtis. Addie married Downer HOBGOOD and they had two boys: Leslie and Louie. Clifton married and had one son, Sylvian. Curtis married, Rose STAFFORD and had two sons and one daughter, Mildred. Can anyone please help with any addresses? Can anyone please HELP! ASHCRAFT BYRD Mae AshcraftJ 1803 W. 31st, Pine Bluff, AR 71603 - Would like to correspond with descendants or anyone with knowledge of James L. ASHCRAFT & Sarah Jane BYRD ASHCRAFT. J. L. was born, S.C. ca 1828 & S. J. was born N.C. ca 1834. He was killed in Civil War and she died in 1907. They lived in Cleveland Co., AR (formerly Dorsey Co., AR.) They were the parents of 4 sons: Jesse, John, Frank, & Murray. We know that James L. fa father was Jesse ASHCRAFT. S,C4 & Sara Jane's mother was Ellen BYRD. I am so happy to be a member od our A.F~H.f! I've found two complete family histories. nO hope I will be lucky this time! HUDGINS MIMS Xhe1ma Colmer. 222 East Berna, Napa, CA 94558 - Information needed on Isaac HUDGINS, h. 23 Jan. 1792, Georgia. married 1st to Mary MIMS, 20 June 1815. Mary MIMS, b. 27 July 1797. Children: William Madison, b. 27 July 1816, d. 18 Oct. 1818; Julian, b. 24 Dec. 1817; Daniel W., h. 5 Mar. 1820; Hadwe1l, b. 18 Mar. 1822; Mary Ann J. W., b. 27 July 1824, d. 18 Oct. 1829; Malinda Caroline, b. 18 June 1826; Maria Elizabeth, b. 10 June (or Oct.) 1830; Isaac I., b. 10 Oct. 1831; George Ann, b. 1, d. l870? There could be a mix up as to which wife is the mother; although Bible Record show Mary. 2nd Isaac" HUDGINS married Elizabeth HILL, 8 July 1834. She was b. 15 July 1810, d. Oct~ 1863 (or 1883?) Elizabeth, b. Georgia. Children: Mareua D. Lafayette, b. 18 Jan. 1836 ruarried 30 May 1858 to Emeline CONDRY, Columbia Co., AR; Elvira P.~ b~ 19 June 1837, died 31 Dec. 1838; Luizor (1) b. 15 July 1838; Eliza Ann, b. 11 Mar 1839 married John Barry HILL. 12 Oct. 1855, Columbia CO' J AR.; Major~ b. 8 Mar. 1841; Giles. b. 22 April 1843; W11ey Thomas, b. 13 Jan. 1845; Martha Francis, b. 1847 (or 49); Ambere~ b. 25 Aug. 1851; John Thomas Chapman, b. 23 Mar~ 1856 (or 58?) I cop1ed this information ,from a very old Bible Record. It is partially non-readable. Many dates. places, and names of parents and spouces miSSing. All help will be appreciated and I will share information. Treva Roush Gilliatt, 7320 Birchett Drive, Prince·George. Virginia - My paternal g. g. grandfather, John ROUSH (ROUSE) served from 4 March 1813 to September 4, 1813 from Clark Co., Kentucky, under Capt~ Joseph Clarke's Co. of of Infantry of the Kentucky Militia. His wife's name was Ann (A) ROBERTS ROUSH. Documents indicate he received no bounty land from the State of Kentucky, Ohio~ or Illinois. Can anyone please suggest where I might search for any records on John ROUSH or his family. I will appreciate any help! ROUSH ROUSE Jo Billings, Rt 5 Box 418, Nashville, AR 71852 - Need 1870 Arkansas Census Record for Lewis HARDING, b4 1822. Ind. and his wife Sarah Ann THOMAS, b. 1832 Ind. Known children! Lige David, John W~. b. 1861, Iowa. Oliver Perry, b. l864 f MO.~ George W., b. 1869, Arkansas. In 18880, Lewis HARDING was living with wife Anna and 5 stepsons, surname unknown, in Prairie TownshIp, Johnson County, Arkansas. Uil1 gladly pay for copies and other expense. Please help! HARDING THOMAS Jo Ann Minge Haddock, 1613 W. 9th St., West Plains, MO. 65775 - 1 would like to locate a printed copy of a book that gives the list of Cemeteries around Little Rock. Does anyone know of a book like that for sale? My great grandfather is buried around Petti Jean Mountain, but I do not know the name of the Cemetery. His name was William Dixon MINGE. his death was around 1915/25. (The Arkansas Vital StatisticS Dept. does not seem to have a death certificate on file!) CEMETERY RECORD BOOK REQUEST! MATSON Rob Butler, 2341 Sagewood, Casper, Wyo 82609 - I am seeking info. on my great grandfather who was born in Arkansas. He,was the son of William H. MATSON~ h. 20 Nov. 1867, Pulaski Co., AR. HiS parents were John Bruce MATSON and Corde1lia Mexico THOMAS. Can anyone please sugg,est where I should search for records on these people '[ Roger Meador, Rt 2 Box 60, Hutchins} TX 75141 - I would like assistance in locating grave sites for the following people: John S. MANNING, born about 1801. d. between 1860-1870. son of Joseph MANNING. Edward Matthew MANNING, b. 21 Sept. 1852, died July 1869. son of John S. MANNING. John T. DEARASAY." b. about 1822. death date unknown. Dorothy Philippina DEARASAY, b. 21 Feb. l833~ (d. unknown), wife of John T. DEARASAY. Jessie ARNOTT, born 6 July 1887, died 15 Dec. 1887, daughter of Alexander ARNOTT, buried in Oakland Cemetery in Little ~ock (possibly in unmarked grave). The first 4 people listed were "probably" buried near the Fourche Cotimlun1ty. (But where) Can anyone please help? MANNING DEARASAY ARNOTT -236RESEARCH Dell. Mae Stair, 1215 Yale Drive, Roswell, N. Mexico 88201 (505-623-4203) IN ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO AREA I would like to do research in this area for others. Please send S.A.S~E. and soem information with your request. and a suggestion as to where you would like to have your research done. Census, Cemetery records, court records. marriage records, tax records, etc. HILL Mr. &. Mrs. M. W. Hill, 3980 Elect-ric, San Bernardino. CA 92305 - I would like proof of death (newspaper clipping, cemetery stone inscription, death certificate. etc.) on Winfield S. HILL, b. 22 Aug. 1845. TN married to Mary A. (1) 1868, died 23 March 1915, and buried in Greenwood, Sebastain Co •• AR. He was the son of Singleton KILL) b. 1814, VA., and Sarah E. (or Mary E.) b. TN~ He (or his family) was in in Wilson Co., TN l840 J 50 l & 60~ and 1880 Lamar Co. TX~~ and 1900 Sebastain Co~, AR.) Other sisters and bros. were: Manerva A.; Jesse; Frances (or Francis); Nore11a; Paulina; Thomas; and John C~ HILL. Can anyone please help? We have tried in vain to secure a copy of his death cert1ficatefrom Arkansas Dept~ of Health in Little Rock. KNAPP Mrs. Myrene K. Stevens. 428 E. Peckham St., Neenah. Wisconsin 54956 - I am researching the surname KNAPP. The~e were supposed to have been KNAP~ fami1ie~ in the LITTLE MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS area. My problem is: where is LITTLE MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS? EDITOR'S NOTE: MAUMELLE and LITTLE MAUMELLE are both listed in Pulaski. County (just west of Little Rock, Maumelle Lake is a large many made Lake of recent years). BURRESS O. L. Frazer, 1821 Leon, Belton) IX 76513 - I am interested in learning any vital info. about my great grandfather? Allen Dale BURRESS? who lived in the vicinity of St. Francis and Phillips Co. J AR from 1821 to 1841. He married Eveline STRONG the daughter of William STRONG J St. Francia Co .• AR on 23 Jan. 1834. They migrated to Texas in 1841 and settled at Marahall t Harrison Co~s IX. He had considerable land ho1d1ngs and was active in civic and political affairs. In various news articles including his obituary published in the Texas Republican of Marshall, IX. t he is referred to as tlCoL A. O. BURRESS or CoL BURRESS"~ I have send 1nquiries to the Military Service Records, Washington, D. C. regarding serv1ce in the Mexican War, 1845 and they have no record or his military service. I have also made inquiry to the Texaa Archives~ Austin. TX regarding poss1ble f1Texas Ranger S.ervice u but that office also has no record of his service. Can anyone please help? RUSSELL WASH HOWERTON NEWBERRY LOGAN Mary Perryman, POBox 633, Stratford. OK 74872 - I have researched my RUSSELL line for a year., and am at a dead-end! My great grandparents: Caswell RUSSELL b. 1840-60. in Chattanooga, TN., and Nannie (WASH) RUSSELL from Wheeling, West Virginia. They lived in the Carroll County, AR area. Grandfsther was John Melvin RUSSELL. Also need info. on my granddad, Nathaniel HOWERTON, b. 1858, son of John & Rhodah (NEWBERRY) HOWERTON. That'. all I know! Rhodah remarried to a man named LOGAN and had a son named Jack LOGAN. They are also frOm Carroll Co~ AR area. Also, deaperate for info. on my uncle, Jessie RUSSELL, b. 2 April 1907 in Pinol, California. He returned to Springdale area where he fathered at 2 illegimate daughters. They contacted my father & aunt a year ago. I know one waa adopted and knows about that. One is in Kansas City area. on in Dallas area. 1 do not know their names. I do know they were born around 1928. Please. sousins s if you read this, I am anxious to meet you! Please contact me (or would like to hear from anyone with knowledge of these people). PLEASE HELP! WALLACE WALLIS WILLIAMS Norma Wallis Coffer, 22080 Wallace Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014 (408-245-4890) Burrell WALLACE (or WALLIS) is my great grandfather and I need help finding the names OF his parents I What was his, full given name and what happe.dned to him. St. Francis Co., AR 1850 census (Johnson Township) shows: Burrell WALLACE, age 25, b. TN •• with wife Elizabeth, age 27 b. TN. There were 5 WLLIAMS children, ages 6 to 16 sll born in TN and Mary Francia WALLACE. age 2 born Arkansas. I have been unable to find this family 0- the census for 1860. with the exception of 2 WILLIAMS children. that have moved on and/or married. I have Land Deeds where Burrell WALLACE and a Philip GATLIN bought land from a Resin TALBERT in 1863/64 in Monroe/Woodruff Cos. In 1867 E11 •• - beth goes to Court in Woodruff/Monroe County and has the ahare from P. GATLIN also paid by her and put in he'r name. Mary Frances married Albert HOOD, 1865 in Woodruff CO' l AR. On the Monroe Co., Richland Twp_ .Census of 1870. Elizabeth ia shown with son John WALLACE. 16 and William David, 11 (my grandfather); plus she has 3 young girls: Nancy; Pamela Beckett; and Clementine Brown, living with her. Elizabeth's age has now changed and she 1 s aged 25 years in 20 and born in South Carolina. Her WILLIAMS children are all married and I know where they were with the exception of 2 daughters. I would like to know the names of the parents of Burrell and Elizabeth 1 s name before she marr1ed a WILLIAMS. From the Goodspeed History Book of Yell Co., AR it gives the name sa a J. WILLIAMS of TN. I've written to many counties in TN for Elizabeth WILLIAMS marriage to Burrell WALLACE. but no luck to this date. live reason to believe Elizabeth was a BECKETT or TALBERT (but can't prove that). I've written to Monroe. St. Francia & other counties in Arkansas for a marriage record, but also no lick. All the WALLACE and WILLIAMS children married and lived in Yell Co., AR until their deaths. Elizabeth died between 1874-1880 probably in Monroe Co., AR. I do not know if Burrell was in the Civil War. but with just BURRELL WALLACE or WALLIS to go on and Elizabeth not living to draw a Pension, they could find nothing for me! Any information will be appreciated. Will reimburse any coSt. Will share any linea Ilm'working on~ HOOD PETTITT, VAUGHT, COFFER. BEt]ETT. BISHOP, ROBERTS. Fl.OWERS, HICKS, ISRAEL, BRISCO. IiIlIWi SCARBROUGH, TOLBERT OR TALSt(T. -237Louise Yielding, Rt. 1 Box 289. Ward, AR 72176 - My husband's FARROW line information is as follows: Virginia A. FARROW, b. April 1857, Miss., died B March 1932 Lonoke Co,) AR., married S. David Yielding~ b. March 1857, Ala., died 1905 Lonoke Co .• AR. Living in Union Co., Miss 1880 - Children: Alice; Mary, 2 months. Living 1n Arkansas 1882 (children born in Arkansas): Ethel, b. March 1882; John b* Jan. 1886; Sullivan Cleveland. b. June 1891; Thomas E., b. March 1894; Richard A., 1897; and Jessie W. h. 1900. Martha M. FARROW, b. 1860, Miss, died ca 1927 Prairie Co., AR., married John B. YIELDING b. 1858, Ala. died between 1897-1900, Prairie Co.~ AR. Living in Benton Co., Miss •• 1880, children: Oscar. 2yrs old and son 3 months old. Living in Arkansas 1882, Children: John L. b. 1886; David A. b., 1888. Married Minnie WALLACE. Elizabeth M. ( ) FARROW, b. 1822-25. North Carolina died 1916. Prairie Co., AR. (Mother of Virginia A., and Martha M.) came to Arkansas in 1882. It is believed her husband died during Civil War. His name and her maiden name unknown. Other children were! Elizabeth (Betty) married to James Harrison HUMPHRIES; Margaret married Sherm KYSER; Marion went back to Miss.; Pine had far.m in White Co,) AR., also in Texas. Settled in Texas; Dink, no info.; Pate. no information. Please can anyone help with any relationship to my FARROW Families and yours? FARROW may be spelled differently, A tiny clue will be appreciated! FARROW SKINNER Cheryl Rice Skinner (Mrs. Stephen Leon Skinner) Rt 1 Box 19. Tuskahoma. OK 74574 (phone 918-563-4403) - When I first wrote ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY "a few weeks ago, 1 was unaware of all the group had to offer. I recently received my first three issues of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN and have thoroughly enjoyed them! At the time 1 wrote and asked for information on where to get help on a number of lines and since reading the Query section of our magazine~ I would like to submit my information with a few extra names and more detail. I (along with my famly) recently moved to S.E. Oklahoma. My interest in genealogy is new (1 year) .but my enthusiam. is increasing! We chose S.E. Oklahoma~ because of it's natural beauty and we were exhausted with city life (name withleld by Editor!l!) While my husband was a native "Okie" we still had no family in the area of Oklahoma. We chose ~ or ao I thought! We are now learning~ through gBealogy, that the majority of our relatives (mine too!) came from the hills of Arkansas less than 50 miles from where we chose to live! As a wtiter &- former reporter, I 'Would like to hear from others) who were drawn Umysteriously" back to their roots. I've heard this is not uncommon and I believe it would make a great story! Also any help on the following Arkansas Families would be greatly appreciated! Stephen Trigg SKINNER. b. a811 (1) Tennessee died (1 date) Boston, Madison Co •• AR. Stepher. married a Margaret LAMAR in Madison Co.~ 1870-80 exact date unknown) they had several (at least 4) children: Albert; Wilburn and Gharles Neoman SKINNER. b. 1891, Madison Co.) are the only ones 'We kno'W for sure. Charles Neoman SKINNER married Bertha Clearrinda MURPHY, dau. of John William (or Wilburn MURPHY and Winnie Brunetta HALSELL (or HALLSELL) in 1914. They had 6 children: Winnie; DelIie; Lenore; Cecil: Charles Jack; James; Leon; and R~by Jewel. Bertha Clearrinda Halsell MURPHY SKINNER was born in Talequah, OK in 1901. Her father John Wilburn MURPHY was born in Georgia and her mother, Winnie Brunetta HALLS£LL was born in AR. Family information of late says, Winnie HALLSELL & her family had Indian land in Webbers Falls, OK in the early 1900s. They reportedly had a fire that destroyed their cabin and legal documents and the land was eventually taken from them. They were apparently of Cherokee decent - although thus far I've found no roll numbers to verify this information. I am also researching NICHOLS-WHISENHUNT lines in Arkansas. James and Irena (maiden name unknown~ but reportedly a Cherokee woman) came from Alabama in the early 1800s. They had a number of children. One being a Lavender NICHOLS~ Lavender was married to a Mary Ann GRIGSBY in Arkansas and they had the following children: George W.; Amanda Jane; Rebecca; Martha; Alec; Jim; Joe Cephus; Elija (or Lige); Evelyn; Cora; Tom; and Tima (or Time). Amanda Jane NICHOLS married Green Leo WHISENHUNT in Polk Co" AR (Cove-Hatfield area) and had the following children: Robert; Frank; A. D.; Carl; Mollie; Emma; Gracie Pearl; Elsie & Lee~ All of these children were born in Arkansas (Polk Co., Hatfield Cove area) in the lare 1800s & early 1900•• Gracie Pearl WHISENHUNT married Gilbert Henry TIBBS (son of William Edmond TIBBS and Annie Jane AVANTS, also from the Mena-Hatfie1d-Cove area of Polk Co,) AR. I have very few tidbits of information on TIBBS or AVANTS. ram awaiting some material and will give more information on these family lines later. I do know William Edmund TIBBS was a 8~~ill worker who migrated to Arkansas during the mid 1800s from Kentucky. Annie AVANTS was born in Arkansas. Gracie Pearl & Gilbert H. TIBBS moved into the Smithfield area of Okla. and later to Tulsa 'Where they had 3 children during the 1920s: Roy; Ruby Pearl and Coy TIBBS. 1 am also (I mentioned I was enthusiastict) researching the RICE- WOOLSEY (or WOOSLEY) lines. James Lee RICE t b. 1879. Kentucky) married Katy Patience WOOLSEY. b. 18791 Texas (possibly Brown County). Katy P. WOOLSEY RICE was the daughter of a Willie WOOLSEY who Was born in the Mena (Mill Creek) area (Polk Co. area) presemably in the mid 180084 James Lee & Katy P. RICE had a number of children (all born in Brown Co. (Brooks~ithe) Texas. However according to information received recently. the family. including the following (possibly more) children moved to Mena after 1910~ The children were: Charles Edwin; James; GCQrge w.• and other still unknown! all lived in Arkansas until 19205 when at least some of the children moved back to Brown Co., TX. Charles E4 RICE had a son, Charles Edward RICE in 1922 in Brown Co.) TX (mother was Nellie Clark) this family is still a mystery - also possibly originated in Arkansas area). A year ago, I only kno'W our grandparents names and as all you (contt next page) -236- SKINNER. ETC (Cont'd) veteran genealogists know the "fever" now has intensifiedl II need all the help I can get. Thanks for a wealth of future information! FENDER, ARKANSAS help us1 Isabella B~ Curtis, Sec-Treas •• ~lbrary Board. POBox 785~ Barron Library, LaBelle. Florida 33935 We would like to purchase a memorial book for our Library covering the FENDER Family of Fender, Arkansas. Can anyone please Does anyone know what county in Arkansas FENDER is in? PLEASE HELP! Katherine Smith Hernandez, Rt 9 Box 625, Sour Lake, TX 77659 - My 2nd great grandfather, William D. SMITH was born in Helena, Phillips Co., AR 29 Dec. 1635, son of John B. SMITH. He married Mary Ellen GIDION. 9 Jan 1861. ahe was also born in Arkansas (would like to know the exact date and place), He is buried in Hemphill, TX and his tombstone has a Masonic symbol. Both Arkansas & Texas state their records were destroyed by fire. I would very much appreciate any help. SMITH Clara M. Smith, Rt 1 Box 2111 Troy, MO 63379 - I need help! Can someone tell me where in Arkansas CLOT STATION is located? A great Aunt Annie STONE lived there and visited my mother in Lincoln Co •• Me in 1907. Would like to correspond with anyone with knowl~dge of her, especially her descendants. If I could only locate the County!! t CLOT STATION? ARKANSAS WILL RESEARCH Della Mae Stair. 1215 Yale Dr., Roswell, N. Mexico 66201 - I would like to IN NEW MEXICO do research in this area for others. S.A~S.E. Please. Nons L. Tonks, 1320 Paseo Dorado t San Dimas) CA 91773 Would like to learn the names of the parents of Adam D. SIZEMORE, born 1862 and Ella O. (?) both born in Kentucky. 1900 Census shows them in Carroll Co.~ Arkansas with children: Mark t 1891; Parker~ 1892; Gladys1 1694; Marion Lindsey, 1897, all born in Arkansas. 1910 Census chows them in Johnston CO~t Indian Territory. Apparently Ella had died. Children now included: Barry N•• 1901; George W., 1903; Paul, 1907. Would like to correspond with descendants of t~is family or anyone with knowledge of them. Please help! SIZEMORE OBRIEN HARBOUR Elia G. Daws (Mrs. Fred) Box 73. Centreville. AL 35042 - HELPI HELP! I have tried for 4 y~~rs to find the parents of my great grandmother, Mary Elizabeth OBRIEN "Molly". According to census records) she was born in Arkansas. as was her mother (whoever that was) and her father was born in Ireland. He~ tombstone states that she was born 9 April 1845 and died in 1900 in Kewepr Co .• Miss. The 1900 census says she was born May 1842. The 1880 gives age as 34 which makes her born in 1646 and the 1870 census gives another year. She married William Talmon HARBOUR in Kerr Co.~ TX on 30 Sept. 1863. I write a weekly column for the local weekly "The Centreville Presst! called tlLost and Found Ancestors· ' • If I can return the favor in any way, I will be glad to do so. SPEAKER NEEDED FOR liARRIS CO. Mrs. Eddie Simmons, 1st Vice-Presiden~, Harris Co. Genealogical Society, 15747 Wandering Trail. Frienqswood.'TX 77546 (713-462-3368). As the program chairman for the above Society_ I am seeking a Speaker on Arkansas Research TEXAS for 1964. Perhaps someOne in the Houston area could speak to us. We usually have about 50 attending a monthly meeting. EDITOR'S NOTE: I do hope someone will volunteer in this area~ We have several long time members of ARKANSAS GENE,ALOGlCAL SOCIETY allover Texas. If you can and will try to help this Society, and will let us know, we will try to help, by sending brochures~ and other material to be given at the uHOW TO RESEARCH IN ARKANSAS" meeting. Drop us s note. AGS~ 4200 "AU Street~ Little Rock, AR 722.05. P. S. To other Societies interested in this arrangement, please let us know, and we will try to help. Ann Thomp8on~ 3617 Anemone Cir. t Colo~ Springs, Colo 80907 - Thanks to this wonderful publication,' I have located many lost relatives, and have managed to meet a great many of them. Need Help! What were the p~rent's names of Mary PAXTON Louise PAXTON? Mary was b. 21 Oct. 1846 in GA., died 6 Dec4 192.1, Ozark MORsE Franklin Co., AR. t ~rried ca 1872-73 GA to Warren J. MORSE. They are said to have come to Arkansas in 1873 in covered wagon. Their children: Perry Felix, b. 29 July lS77 Ozark, Franklin Co.) AR.) died 21 Oct. 1969. Ozark, Franklin Co., AR., married Pearl HUTTON; Elias Jefferson, b. 30 March 1681, O%ark Franklin Co •• AX., died 30 Aug. 1941, Ozark CO. J AR married 1 Jan 1904 {same place) to Hester Ann CURRY; Lillie Mae, b. 25 Nov. 1884, Ozark, Franklin Co., AX., died 3 Jan. 1963, Duncan, OK married 9 Nov. 1902 Ozark~ AR to Charles Smithers LLOYD (LOYD). Ella, b. 5 Oct. 1686, Ozark, Franklin Co •• AR., d. 25 Feb. 1976. Marvell. AR married Albert Sidney WHITSON. LLOYD Also need both parent's names of:. Samuel LOYD (LLOYD) ba 9 June 1824, ~qme, GA LOYD d. 7 May 1858 Rame t GA married 10 Aug. 1848 Rome. GA to Louisa Mae CHAMPION CHAMPION b. 6 June 1833, Ala. & died 1919 Van Buren, AR.~ buried Rome, GA. Children: Elizabeth. b. ca 1850 GA married BENTLEY?: Thomas~ b. ca 1852. CA.; Daniel b. THANKS TO A.F.R. ca 1854. GA.; Walton Abner, b. 24 Feb. 1855. Rome. GA married Madora Jane KIZER. Please help! • -239KEY WYLIE REAVES TAYLOR DeLAMAR Mrs. Lula K. Porter. 601 S. 14th. Arkadelphia, AR 71923 - I have quite a bit of family history of the KEY~ WYLIE, REAVES, TAYLOR~ & DeL&~ Families. I have most back for 200 years. The KEYS back to1687. I write mine in a note ORCUTT Joel T. Orcutt, 709 N. Broadway, Geary, OK 73040 (405-884-2131) - I would lik. to correspond/ exchange vital information on several Arkansas Families: ORCUTT (mostly from Oakland, Marion County area). YOCHAMS, from all areas of Arkansas. CHESNEY, Statewide~ POYELLS) Statewide. MANES (MPu~IUS, MAINUS) Newton County. PIERSON, CATES, DOWD, all Marion County. I am thankful for any help! book & try to tell any bit of news about each. to make ~t more interesting. My four daughters do not show much interest 1n family history, but my little grandchildren. ask questions. I know if I do not record something, after my day the grandchildren will have no one to aks!' I have let moat of my elderly relatives slip away, without asking some important questions. My oldest brother is 84 years old and I find him very helpful, when I want to ask something! I would like to encourage others to find time to write something for their grandchildren, etc. YOCHAM CHESNEY MANES CATES, etc. Dorothy Frederick, 3710 Beachview, Arlington f TX 76016 - I would like to corespond with others working on the Family History of BELLAMY. Especi4lly would like to learn the maiden name of my great grandmother t Tempa BELLAMY. wife of my g~ grandfather~ James M. BELLAMY. In an 1880 census page 532 line 7272 she is .listed as T. M~ but on a warrant~ Deed she is listed as Tempa P. This Deed was recorded March 1912 in Pulaski Co., AR., although it was dated in Jan. 23rd 1879. I need a copy of marriage record for James M. & Tempa P. (married sometime after the Civil War). r think James was in the Civil War. My grandfather, John V. was their oldest child & he was born in 1877/8. Also death certificate would be great (if proof could be obtained elsewhere). Jas. M. Was listed in a census 1860 in Prairie Co •• AR with his parents: page 45 #923 line 30. I can be reached at 1-817-429-3028, if someone will try to help! In the 1860 census the name BELLAMY was misspelled (BILKIANY) but it's the right family! BELLAMY CEMETERY Mrs. Polly Carpenter, 434 Carmel Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX 78411'- Can someRECORDS OF One please tell me if cemetery inscriptions in Poinsett County, Arkansas have POINSETT CO., been~ or are being recorded? and will they be publiShed. and for sale? I 'ARKANSAS need about 999 of them. Please let me know the price and where I might order a copy. BEAUDRY Darlene Dabn~YJ 1740 S. 4th t Chickaha. OK 73018 - Would like to locate a place called IIBEAUDRY, ARKANSAS If • My father was born there, 30 Dec. 1913. A small handwritten not on his birth certificate states; "21 miles south of Hot Springf Is this correct? I need more specific instructions. if possible. He has never been able to return to this area. (He was 6 months old when they moved to ·Oklahoma.) EDITOR'S NOTE: RandMcNally Reference Map shows: Beaudry (rural), Garland Co. mail Jesseville, ARKANSAS? HOTEL-MOTEL Mrs. Rex Northcutt, Rt 2 Box 246, Carlisle, AR 72024 - My neighbor says there LIVERY STABLE was a rest stop with maybe a mort~l-Hotel-livery stable or something on their ????~? farm (still plowed up bricks a few years ago) was along the Military road from Memphis thru Ark. We live 4~ miles Northwest of Carlisle. Lonoke, Arkansas & the road went thru here. Can anyone help with any information about this? We have not been able to locate any data. Would like to know the name &etc_ All the older people we know have not had the answer, as yet. No one knows! Please help! McCRAY Mrs. Dorothy Gray, 759 Seminole Dr .• D.C.B_J Granbury. TX 76048 - Need info. on wm. McCRAY, b_ ca 1810-17 TN. William and his brother Massey McCRAY, b. TN.! are on the 1850 censug of Pike Co •• AR. In 1860 cengus Wm. ~ 1st wife, Martha are in Greenwood, Sebastain COot AR. Both these men were saddlers by trade~ In 1870 cenSUSt Wm. and his 2nd wife) Caroline are living in Scott Co.~ AR. The 1880 census shows William, a widower, with the children in Logan Co., AR (Ferguson Valley). William and Caroline McCRAY are my great grand-parents. Woulq like to know where they are byried in Arkansas? Any help will be appreciated. WYLIE Also would like to have any info. on Elias WYLIE. and his wife, Sarah. EAST This family came to Arkansas (Henpstead Co.) in 1849 from Franklin Co. Ala. Elias WYLIE died in 1855, Columbia Co., AR. Sarah WYLIE was still alive in 1868, Henpstead Co. When did she die? and where is ahe buried? Known children: Aleline. Jane. Mary. Louisa, Thomas. James M~t & Martha. James M. WYLIE is my great grandfather. He married Athmiah EAST, 24 March l864 t Hempstead Co., AR. This couple came to Bosque Co., TX in 1878. James M. WYLIE was in the Civil War. (Which side?) Can anyone please help us??? LEWISBURG ARKANSAS? Dwight G. Robinson, 11713 E. 78th St.) Raytown, MO 64138 I have been doing research on one of my ancestors during the Civil ~ar period. His military records show that his unit, Company M, 9th regiment t Iowa Ca:\!alry, was located at Lewisburg (Louisburg?) in the spring of 1864. The records show the town name spelled both ways, but I have been unable to find the town by either spelling on any of my Arkansas maps. I realize town names can change, cease to exist or I might have poor maps. In any case, I will appreciate any help on information, historYJ etc . . EDITOR'S NOTE: This is now a part of Morrilton in Conway Co •• ~ Richard D. Greer. POBox 7193. Monroe. LA ~ I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge (especially descendants) of any of the following people who resided in Drew or Ashley Counties, Arkansas. beginning mid 1840s. *1. Aquilla GREER~ b. 1793. CA married 26 Feb. 1818 to Mary WILLIAMS, b~ 1795 in South Carolina. Children:2. Atho GREER¥ b. 1825. GA. 3. James Frederick GREER. b. 1830, GA. married 2 Sept. 1851 to Eliza RAWLS, b~ 27 March 1836, Hinds Co., Miss and died 10 Sept. 1892. Long View; Ashley Co., AR. 4. Jane L. GREER. b. 1828 GA. married 24 Nov. 1847 to Hilliard Vastine WOLF, b. 1819, S.C. 5. William C. GREER, b. 1832, GA., married Eliza J. (1) b. 1845, N.C. 6. Gabriel GREER. b. 1833, GA. 7. Matilda K. GREER. b~ 1836, Miss., married 31 Dec. 1857 to William L. BERRYMAN, b. 1827, TN. 8. Fuller GREER, b. 1838, in Miss. * Children of James Frederick GREER, b. 1830 and Eliza RAWLS: 9. James C. GREER, b. 1852 at Long View, Ashley CO' J AR. 10. Mary Jane GREER, b. l854 Long View. Ashley Co.~ AR., married 3 Sept. 1871 to Matthew McGOUGH. b. 1840. LA. 11. M. D. GREER, b. 1856, Long View, Ashley Co. t AR. 12. Martha M. GREER, b. 1858, Long View, Ashley Co., AR. 13. Robert C. GREER~ b. 22 Jan. 1861, Long View, Ashley CO' I AR and died 4 April 1917 Ho1um~ LA., married 4 Dec. 1887 to Malissa HUMPHRIES, b. 13 March 1861 Holum, LA and died 1 April 1917, Holum, LA. 14. Virginia L. GREER, b. 9 March 1864, tong View, Ashley Co., AR and died 15 Sept. 1915. Grayson, LA •• married 1894 to Marion THURMAN. b. 24 Feh. 1851 in GA and died 17 Jan. 1901, Long View, Ashley CO. t AR. 15 Elizabeth GREER, b. 1868, Long View, Ashley Co .• AR. l6~ George GREER, h. Jan 1870, Long View, AR., 17. SuI a Florence CREER, h. 1871, Long View lshley Co.~ AR.~ married 12 Oct. 1890 to Robert Franklin GIFFORD, b. 1861, Alabama and died Jan .938, Ft. Hill 1, Ai. 18. Thomas Aquilla GREER, b. 1873, Long View, Ashley Co.~ AR., & died i Aug. 1942. Grayson, LA., married 11 Jan. 1903 to Eula Estelle HUMPHRIES, b. 1880, Holum. LA., and died 1960 Grayson, LA. 19. Sara Amos GREER. b. 22 Dec. 1877, Long View, Ashley Co .• AR •• and died 15 Dec. 1921. Holum,_ LA .• married 27 Feb. 1901 to Fannie Elvira VOLENTINE, b. 27 Mar 1883 1 Holum, LA and died 29 Sept. 1976 at Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Please helpt IIILLIAMS GREER j Mrs. Lucille V. Whiteturkey, 5813 NW 67th St., Oklahoma City. OK 73132 Would like to find further information on the HOLT, SHADRICK, LAWSON and MILLY lines. Have found them on the 1850, 1860 and 1870 cenSus in Crawford Co., Arkansas. Married about 1844. Sons: John W.; George P.; Charles D.; and Thomas A. and daughter, Marjant A," all born in Crawford Co., Arkansas~ Also. the DUNFIELD, CRAS C. and JEFFRESS, Elizabeth lines: Faughter Leona Martha. married George P. HOLT about 1867. Have found them on the 1860 census in Crawford Co.) Arkansas. HOLT LAWSON DUNFIELD JEFFRESS CUNNINGHAM Roy D. Cunntngham~ Rt 1 Box 82. Clarkridge, Arkansas 72623 My CUNNINGHAM Family came from Tennessee and settled here in Baxter Co., Arkansas. Great great grandfather was Samuel Bradley CUNNINGHAM and his wife was Sarah OILER~ Can anyone help with any additional information? I will gladly share data on this family. Please help! Mrs. ~. K. Johnson. 1311 N. Parkland. Claremore~ OK 74017 - My grandmother is 91 years young and would like to know something about her father. He passed away when she wag just a few years old and only knows his name. I have been unable to find any information. Would like to correspond with anyone. anywhere that has done research or knows anyone who has on the EDD1NCTONs in Arkansas. Grannie's dad: Howard EDDINGTON* died about 1896/7, Arkansas. married Ora Ida PRATER. Children; Rachel, b. 1892, Baxter Co~. AR; and Hager~ b. 1896. Can anyone please help? EDDINGTON WHITTENllERG WHITTENBURG STOUT Murriel Wossum Keeton, 1405 N. Pettet Lane, Payson. AZ 85541 - I would like to correspond with anyone working on the WHITTENBERY (WHITTERNBURG) Families. My Mary A. STOUT married William WHITTENBERY, Rhea Co •• Tenn, 31 Dec. 1839, My great grandparents. Another William WHITTENBERG, b. 30 Aug. 1873, in Washington C04, Arkansas has been brought to my attention, can anyone help with any additional information on any of these people? COCKRUM LAMBERT KEEL PEARCE BENTON Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Lambert. 1036 Westview Dr •• Rocje1le, Ill. 61068 - We are seeking any information on our family's background. COCKRUM; LAMBERT; KEEL; PEARCE; BENTON. We have written to vital records of Arkanaas and they can't help. We did visit some of the counties last June and obtained some of the records we needed. Any suggestions will be appreciated and we will gladly exchange data. Sandra Schiermeyer, Rt. 1 Box 84A, Cyrene~ MO 63340 - I would like to locate information on Lucille Nora (or Nora Lucille) O'DAY, b. Arkande1phia. Clark CO. t AR 30 Jan 1906, daughter of Joseph Martin O'DAY and Alice Donie HICKS. Joseph Martin Q'Day, b. 10 Nov~ 1870 Germany, died 26 Aug. 1950, St. Louis, married 1898 in LA. Alice Donie HICKS, b. 15 Sept. 1882. Logans Port, LA, died 15 Dec. 1969, Ellisville, MO. Can any one please help? ALWAYS REMEMBER - ENGLOSE A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE - WHEN YOU HOPE FOR AN ANSWER TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION I o I DAY -24lPeggy Kane, 209 N. Broadway, Hugo, OK 74743 - I would l~ke to correspond with anyone researching the HERITAGE Family, lived in Monroe? Co., AR. This family had two sons: William Ira HERITAGE, born 1892 and James Brantly HERITAGE. h. 1888. Will gladly exchange data. HERITAGE Charline Brown. 410 Jefferson~ Seminole, OK 74868 - 1 have just learned the name of what I believe to be my 3rd great grandfather, Jacob BROWN. A 1977 issue of "Dusty Trails ll published by South Plains Genealogical Society, % Municipal Garden & Arts Center, 4215 University Ave., Lubbock, TX 79413 (Sept. 1977), His name 1s Captain Jacob BROWN & he was stationed in Little Rock. in 1831. He helped the Choctaw Indians~ who crossed at Helena from Missiasipp on their way to Onaks Stand, Oklahoma. I am confined to a wheelchair so correspondence is my only means of learning this data. If this should be my 3rd gr. grandfather, he had a son, Jim BROWN, b~ 16 Jan. 1815, Bertie Co .• N. C. married 20 Dec. 1835 to Eliz. Anna CURLEE. Would like to find where and when Jacob was born and any other vital information. Can anyone please help? BROWN Emma DeMain. 13661 SE Richley Rd.~ Boring} OR 97009 ~ My great grandfather, Zacharia Taylor FITZGERALD. b. either 9 June (or 20 Nov~ 1847, Fayet~eville. Washington CO. t AR., son of James and Mahala (1) FITZGERALD. Great grandfather Zacharia was on of several brothers and sisters t all born in Arkansas. Their parents were from Alabama. The must have lived in Arkansas several years as the oldest child listed is 16 and my gr. grandfather was 3 in 1850 (Washington Co. Census 1850, Clear Creek Twp. My great grandfather and his family left Arkansas when my great grandfather was near 5 years old, they crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852. His mother and father died just as they reached the Dolles in 1852, leaving the children alone. I am trying to locate more information on Zacharia Taylor FITGERALD's life and parents, I would like to find where they came from originally! Can anyone please help? FITZGERALD Mrs. Andrew Mekis. 116 Ross St., Santa Cruz. CA 95060 - I would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of Aubrey Russell McDANIEL. He was th4 son of Volley and Irene, probably born in 1900. He had two older brothers: Burria who was i~ service, and Oscar E., who was married to Anna R~ and died in Feb. 1943. Also two younger ststers: Ruthe & Irene. In Oct. 1923, Aubrey married Minnie SCOTT. and they lived in Fayett~ ville (221 S. College) next to Mrs. Page (whom I talked with) and worked at Southwestern Electric Fower Co. (they had no records). They had children, moved to Maryland and subsequently to Florida where Autlrey died approximately five years ago. Can anyone please help? McDANIEL Sally M~ Lucius t 1206 Winchester Dr •• Spring, TX 77385 - My husband's Mother and Grandmother are buried at Halstead Cemetery there at Little Rock (and maybe other family members). Has this Cemetery 'Record been published? FleasE McCLAIN let me know I Grandmother was Josephine Elvira CLEMENTS JOHNSON McCLAIN. His LUCIUS mother. Rosemond Johnson LUCIUS was buried 26 Harch 1947 and his grandmother was buried there about 9 years ago. I am working on the CLEMENTS and JOHNSON Family History and would like to correspond with anyone who can help with information on this cemetery or these families. Please help! HAI.STEAD CEM. near Little Rock?? Emil McLean, 6016 N. Euclid~ Kansas City. MO 64118 - Seeking info. on the MARLER (various spellings) Family History written by an individual in Little Rock during or prior to World War II. He states that 5 brothers left South Carolina and moved west into Tennessee and then into Arkansas and west. MARLOlJ These brothers were the descendants of three brothers who fled England after a tavern brawl in which someone was killed. They settled in Virginia or North Carolina. t am interested in any info. that might relate to this MARLER (various spellings) Family history Can anyone please help? MARLAR MARLER MARLOR Michael G. ~ilsonJ 1401 McDonald Way 122. Bakersfield. CA 93309 - I would to locate info. on the birth of my grandfather. James Harvey WILSON, b. 14 Oct. 1906: Arkansas apn of Tary WILSON and Annie MINTON WILSON. This info. was taken fram his death certificate. Would like to know where? in Arkansas he was born. etc. Can anyone please help? WILSON MINTON Sandra M. Todard. 12727 Preston Rd .• Dallas, TX 75230 - Would like to correspond with anyone with knowledge of the following people: Who were the parents of Louise PONDER, b. 1824, AL who married Edward Bourbon RODGERS, h. 23 May 1812 in S.C., died 18 Dec. 1854, Bosier Parish, LA. They had children: William, h. 1843, AR. Ann. b~ 1845, AR.; Abram. b. 6 Feb. 1846, AR.; and Parthenia Susan. b. 14 Sept. 1850, Bossier Parish, LA. WALLACE Also need info. on parents of Martha Jane (Janie) WALLACE, b. 13 Mar. 1876, VOWELL Junction City. Union Co., AR., died 19 June 1948. Webster Parish. LA. She married William Malachi VOWELL,' 11 Feb. 1894. He was born 19 Jan. 18.69 in Winston Co •• Miss?, died 7 June 1930, Union Co., AR. Children: Ruth and Roy (twins); Robert BenrYt Vincent, Vineyard (called Ben), Qllie, Brodie, Lavader, Oscar, and E11zabeth~ Please PONDER RODGERS 7 help! - :2 ",sBOGK ll'VIEWS by Bobbie J. McLane EDITOR'S NOTE: Several have offered to help with the many gift books that have been given to our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. OUT thanks to our busy Treasurer (who has two homes, and does not seem to have time to spend in either one of them, very muchl) We try to review all Gift books, and place them with our collection, at the Little Rock Public Library, 2nd Floor South, in the Genealogical Section) Hours 9 to 4 except Sunday and Monday (8th & Louisana. one block west of Main Street). Thanks Bobbie, we were really collecting a bunch! . AIABAMA IDRrALI'IY SCHIDULE 1850, by Marilyn DaViS, pub. 1983, 288 pp. including full name index, cloth hound, $22.50. This list contains the names of persons dying within the 12 months preceding too taking of the 1850 census in Alabama (fl'OOl June 1849 to June 1850). Other information given is the age, sex, color t whether a free person or a slave, place of birth, occupation, m:::mth of death, cause Of death, and n1l!1/:Jer of days sick. Approximately 4,500 free persons and 2,500 slaves are listed giving valuable insight on these 7,000 people. At the hottOOl of each page on the census was a place for relmrks. Sciile of the assistant marshalls who teak the cenb"US added additional information on the people who died. A very valuable addition to the 1850 census record. « ELBA LAND OFFICE IlEXXJRDS « MILITARY WARRANl'S, 1822-1860 by Marilyn Davis Hahn, pub. 1983, 202 pp., including full nrurn index, cloth hound, $20.00. The Land Office opened in Sparta, ilL in 1822 in terri tory taken fl'OOl the C!lhaba Land Office and was later transferred to Elba in 1854. All the land sold out of these offices was located in the extreme southern part of Alabama hordering Florida. Five ledgers fl'OOl too Land Offices have been compiled in this hook including two on Military Ibunty Land Warrants. Nearly 8,000 early ~ttlers are listed. '!his third book in a series on the old land offices of Alabama adde valuable information on too early hiStory of that state' OID SPARTA « OlD sr. Sl'EPIIDl'S LAND OFFICE REXXlRDS AMERICAN srATE PAPERS,PUBLIC LANDS, VOL. I, 1768-1888, by Marilyn Davis Hahn, pub. 1983, 196 pp. includ- ing full name index, cloth hound, $20.00. This hook, dealing with records from the st. Stephen's land office, is the second in a series of hooks on the early Alabama Land Offices. COntained in it are too 11Panish Land Grants, six ledgers of too St. Stephens Land Office. and Vol. 1 of the Airerican state Papers t Old Series, covering the tine span fl'OOl 1768 to 1888 with references as far back as 1745. Over 6,000 early settlers in what is now the State of Alabama and the soutOOrn portion of the State of Mississippi are listed. These records will serve as an excellent aide to researchers in locating early settlers in this area. 'I'he above tllI'ee books rr:ay be' ordered from oouthern Historical Press, Inc. c/o The Rev~ s. Elrt'rett Lucas, Jr., P. O~ .lbx 738, Easley, OC 29640. Books C & D, by Vera L. Dean index,$6.00 . Vera L. Dean, P. O. Ebx Station A, Richnond, CA 94808. There is a separate index for all brides and gro<:!lS for each book. These joint ~ilel's, hoth mentJers of Newton COunty Historical Society, have added greatly to the scant info:nna.tion in print concerning Newton CO., Ark. Books A « B have previously been published by Ms.Dean. !O'IIDE OOUNTY ARKANSAS CEMEI'ERY READINGS, VOLu.!E I, 1982, ccllected and pUbliShed by Mrs. Earl Tweedle and friends of ltmroe CO. Historical and Cemetery Association. 804 Walker St., Clarendon, AS 72029 (price not shown). Cemeteries recorded in this vol\.1l1'e are: Shady Grove &.ruth, New HOpe, Kevil, Webbs t Roe, Choctaw, Valley Grove, McCurley or Dyer t White Hall or Blackton, Harris or Roc Roe" Harts, Pine Ridge, Shady Grove North, Calvary at Brinkley, Oakla1Ml at Brinkley, Shiloh. Macedonia at fblly Grove, White Orurch at M::mroe t Upper CenEtery. Franks Cemetery and a surname index. A gift from the Ibnroe COunty Historical and Cemetery Association, "nieh adds to our collection of c€1'OOtery records and is much appreciated·. ·'CEMETE.:RY INSCRIPTIONS OF CARTER CO~. OKLAHOMA. Volume 11",1983, 8~ x Ilt!, 219 pages. goft vele-bind cover. This book is well done, listing the location of each cemetery and tombstone inscriptions from 16 cemeteries in Carter County. Corrections and listings of unmarked graves for Volume I and II are also included~ There is an index covering 1300 surnames. These cemeteries were copied in their entirety~ Any gravestone. funeral home marker. or field stone which could be read in part) or in whole. is included. Any additional information given on the stone, such as birth place, marriage date, or military service is cited. This volume would be a welcome addition to the library of anyone researching families in this area of Oklahoma. It may be ordered from SEARCH-N-PRINT, P.O. Box 777 t Farmersville. TX 75031. price $14.75 (Texas residents add 74c state tax). Volume I, containing inscriptions from 31 cemeteries in this county is also available at the same price. A list of cemeteries found in these books may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the publishers A welcome addition to our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY'S LIBRARY. liTHE HULSEY RESEARCHERIt 1982. 8~ x lIn. p~ 187 thru 255, soft cover .. This 68 page booklet is apparently a continuation of an earlier volume (p. 1 thru 186); contains issues for January thru December 1982, and an Index of Hulsey names as well as allied aurnames for 1983 (1) Ms. Lou Pero has included many miscellaneous records concerning present-day Hulseys (obituaries, letters, etc.) as well as past generations, which include pictures, census records, WILLS, documented sketches, land records, pedigree charts. all pertaining to the Hulsey surname. There was no indication as to a subscription price, but contact may be made with the publisher at P. O. Box 488, Be~d, OR 97701. While these newsletters are published by a spirit UDitto" process~ which will fade t it is gratifying to all genealogists that individuals such as Mrs. Pero will take on the task of publishing newsletters to share information with others researching the same families. We appreciate her sending a copy to ACS. lOA SPANN LINE, 1724-1982. North Carolina, South Carolina. Arkansas"~ Compiled by Ruby Emma (Spann) Herman (Mrs. J. R.), 4801 North Hills Blvd:~ Apt. 7-H1 North Little Rode, AR 72116. Published 1983, 8lg;11~ 45 pages plus" full-name index. $11.50 pp. Plastic spiral bind;ng. soft-cover. This history begins with John Spann~ who first appeared on North Carolina records in 1724, when he purchased a plantation of 270 acres. called Mount Royall. It continues on through his son, Richard) who was a Revolutionary soldiers, and goes through 10 generations to th"e ptresent time. This publication is well documented and neatly arranged. Thanks to Mrs. Herman for giving this volume to our AGS Library collection. NOTE: Mrs. Herman also sent a supplement to be added. UTHE HORNADAYS~ TOOT AND BRANCH". The unfolding of an American Family, by Quinn & Aline Hornaday, 6435 Avenida Cresta~ La Jolla. CA 92037 - published 1979 6x9~ inches, Hardcover~ 442 pages with full name index~ The Hornaday Family is recorded from the North Carolina cradle of their first known ancestors up to the present day (17501975)~ It includes a genealogical section listing all Hornadays. chapters on the Hornadayts in the Civil War. a chapter on the famous Naturalist William Temple Hornaday and much other information with pictures and charts~ The history begins with John Hornadav in Orange County, North Carolina. on the 1752-3 tax list and branches out through Tennessee, Georgia, Indiana, New York. Massachusett t California. Ohio and Iowa. ' To the authors listed above, we appreciate the donation of this excellent and complete Family History. "TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS of SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA", by Margaret C. Klein, 14 Crazy Horse Court, Palm Coast~ Florida 32037. $10.00 postpaid~ 8~111l) 109 pages including full-name index. Pulbished 1983 soft-cover. The cemeteries are divided into groups as 1. Proprietary. 2. Church, or 3. Family Cemeteries~ In all 96 cemeteries are listed. Directions of how to reach the cemetery, is given at the beginning of each listing. The surname is in all-capital letters. following are given names~ date of birth and death. and any other information given on the marker. such as relationship to others in the plot. The recorder even gives the result of their logical deductions of th~ information. This volume is well planned and easy to use. Donated to Arkansas Genealogical Society Library by R. W. Dhonau. EDITORHS NOTE~ Our many thanks to R. W. Dhonau! ItBATESVILLE (MISSISSIPPI) CEMETERY", a publication of the Panola County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Society, 1977, 22 page,s, including a surname inde:,c, 8~11", clear plastic cover $5. A history of the cemetery and drawing shows the plot arrangemtns to start this well-done record. The name of deceased is followed by relationship. comments. dates of birth and death and often names of places. where born or died. The surname is usually in bold type. This book was the first in a series of listing for cemeteries in this Mississippi County. • BOOK REVIEWS (Cone'd page 2) YELL COUNTY, ARKANSAS OBITUARIES and HISTORICAl, ITEMS, Vol. 1, 1983 by Mary Vinson Humphrey, 108 West 18th, P. O. Box 356) RU5sellv111e J AR 72801 Contains 545 obituaries of Yell Co:! AR people. actual newspaper copies. 'which date back to 17 May 1889, and some very recent ones. Many of these contain history and information over the last 90/100 years. All items are dated and from local newspapers: Post Dispatch, Dardanelle, Ark., Yell County Record. Danville, Ark. and the Courier Democrat, Russellville, Ark. Full name index. Some of the old news clippings did not copy well, but all are readable and add greatly to the historical and cemetery Tecords which Mrs. Humphrey has compiled On the l!Creat County of Yell", We appreciate receiving a copy for our collection. $11. pp HISTORY of CASS COUNTY PEOPLE, by Cass County Cenealogical Society, Atlanta, Texas. 243 pages, with surname index* Order from The Cass County Genealogical Society. P. O. Box 541, Atlanta, TX 75551 The Family Histories. tell much of the people who lived in Cass Co •• TX. HAnyone having an interest: in t.hese families should write: Rayburn C. Pyle, Jr. POBox 5704. Shreveport, LA 71135~5704, since much additional material is available", One special section includes families. researched by high school students (which gid a rather fantastic job, studying their own families and writing about them). Hard copies are $26~ pp. Some of the material is in the original form as submitted by the contributor. Some are genealogical, while others are in narrative form. lbe Society accepted them as they were submitted. The book contains numerous pictures and appears to be an excellent county project. OUR CAPEHART FAMILY, by Sharon Shaw Cully. 1230 Briarcove, Richardson, TX 75081. 86 pages 50ft-cover, Index I is given names of all persons with the surname CapehartJ Index II, all persons with surnames other than Capehart. including all females with maiden name of Capehart. The author says that much of the research done for this book was in Columbia and Lafayette Counties, Arkansas. and the ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN was a great help to her during her six years research compiling this family history chronicling the descendants of Henry Capehart, born 1755-1775 of Edgefield County. South Carolina. Copies of original records, family letters and pictures are throughout the history, which may b~ ordered from the author, price $20. pp DESHA COUNTY, ARKANSAS CEMETERY RECORDS, published by Mrs. Joseph Hilliard (Marion McKinney) Stroud, 230 pages SGillt hardcover. These tombstone records were compiled in 1968/69 by the men and women of Desha County and cover 35 cemeteries in this southeastern county of Arkansas, bordering the Mississippi R1ver~ Names of heads of households in Desha County in the 1840 census are also included. Full name index. May be ordered from Mrs. Joseph Hilliard Stroud t P. O. Box 432, McGehee, AR 71654 $24. pp 1860 U. S. CENSUS of CALHOUN COmITY J ARKANSAS, soft-bound and indexed by surname~ It contains mortality schedules and has 67 pages. $10.00 postage included. May be ordered from: Ouachita-Calhoun Cenealogical Society. P, O. Box 2092, Att: Treasurer J Camden, Arkansas 71701 "SCOTT COUNTY DAYS GONE Byl! published 1983. paper bound. Obituaries~ state land patents. family histories, photographs, affidavits of heirships~ etc. Please order from: Norman Coodner. Box 176, Waldron t AR 72958 $5.75 post paid (60 pages) "SOUTH PANOLA COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CEMETERIES", and Addenda for other Cemeteries of Panola County. 63 pages with surname index, 8~11f clear plastic cover, published 1981 The 2nd volume, published in 1980, was entitled IICEMETERIES of North PANOLA COUNTY MISSISSIPPI u and was previously reviews in our Quarterly. Surnames of the desceased are in bold face type~ Dates of birth and death are then listed with any cumments shown on the marker. There are 22 public cemeteries listed and 12 private cemeteries, three of which are unnamed. The public cemeteries by name are: Antioch, Black Jack, Bynum, Center Hill, Chapel Hill, Chape1town, Cold Springs, Concord, Eureka, Forest Memorial, Cood Hope, Liqerty Rill, Long Creek f Love Joy, Midd1eton s Mt. Olivet, Pilgrim's Rest. Pisgah~ Shady Grove, Shiloh, Terza t and Whitten. The private cemeteries with names are: Como-Friendship, David Chapel, Emory~ Fredonia, Glenville, Hebron, Lonttowu, McGehee's Chapel, McIvor, Old Liberty Hill, Peach Creek, Pleasant Grovel Sardis-Roseh~ll, Star Place-Shiloh, Union and Wesley Chapel. At the beginning of each cemetery listing is a brief history and location of cemetery. A County Map shows the location also. We appreciate the gift of these books by our member, M. C. Terry~ INDEX TO CONWAY COUNTY, ARKANSAS CENSUS 1830-1840-1850, by Emogene Tindall. 5310 Wood St .• North Little Rock, AR 72118 Soft cover $5~ pp~ The 1830 and 1840 lists page and line number where the family is found on the Federal Census. The 1850 lists household nu~ber and name of township. The full name of head of household is listed and surname only for others living in the household~ REVIEW OF BQ()](S CONTRIBUTED TO TflE ARKANSAS GE"'EALOGlCAL SOCIETY (these books are housed permanently in the Local History & Genealogy Room of the Little Rock Public Library~ and the Society expresses its generous thanks for the contributions,.) 1850 Census. Marion County, Arkansas. Transcr~bed and indexed by Nancy L. WOod, 4643 s. 2S W. Ave., Tulsa OK 74107 1 paperback, $8.00. This is a complete transcription of the microfilm, to the inclusion of parenthetic marginal comments of the census taker. e.g. "This family consists of fi.ve me.rnbers, but was absent when I called •. " and again, "This is the fellow who did not know the name of his own wife until his son little Hick put him right". The census was taken at the end of the bloody TUtt-Everett War, at which time all the Tutts were dead or run off, and the ranks of the Everett's were seriously decimated. Members of 363 households are enlisted, with age, sex, race, occupation and state of birth. The Francis Redfearn Family: A Study of the Family of Francis Redfearn {1777-1SS9), his Wife, Ruth Mil~er (1779-1857) and Their Three Sons and Three Daughters, by Louisa Redfearn Palls, 96 Townhouse Lane, Corpus Christi TX 78412, hardback, 761 pages, indexed. $30.00 postpaid. The REDFEARN family emigrated from England in 1830 and settled in Wayne and Hancock Counties, Ohio. before moving to Jo Daviess Co., Il1inoia and contiguous Lafayette Co., Wisconsin, where they all farmed. The youngest son, Joseph, remained in Hancock and wood counties, Ohio, all his life. The allied families of the daughters include the names OOLOSBoROUGH. !..:EVITT and ATEN~ Two of the grandsons of Francis and Ruth Redfearn married daughters of Joseph and Susanna (GREENWALT) LASH of Westmoreland Co. Penna., and one large section of this volume is devoted to their deScendants in Oh~o and Nebraska. This comprehensive volume is carefully and compellingly documented, and represents an enormous investment of study and research. Mrs. Pells ,is to be congratulated for an estimable contribution to the genealogical world. County, ~rkansas. Wills a~d Probate Court Records, by Emogene Tindall, 5310 wood St.* North Little Rock AR 72118, softback, $9.00. The prodigeouB Mrs. Tindall has transcribed herein some of the most valuable information in the COnway County Court House records, at least as seen by family historians. A complete listing of the names and dates in every conway Co. will and administrative record from 1826 to 1935 is recorded, although many of tbe earlier county records were destroyed by flood. Since this is the best 'source of family group information available, particularly for events prior to the 1850 u.s. census, members with ancestors/neighbors in the Morrilton area should be sure to scan the computerized index of this volume for clues to those missing family members! ~~ay Wright Family Workbook. Vol. It No.1. by Claudette's, P.O. Bo~ 37010, Bloomington, Minnesota 55431. This is a family magazine, due to be published each year in Jan., May and Aug., for $10.00 per annum. In tbis first issue of WRIGHT research one finds: Maryland Revolutionary War records; Dallas Co. (Iowa) Census Records IB50, Greene Co. (Iowa) Marriages; abstracts of a 1973 book ItPBTTY, WRIGHT, RILEY and Related Families"; a resume of William WRIGHT, Jr. (1828-1853) from an atlas of Bartholomew Co., Indiana; a 'resume on Dr. Thomas Jefferson WRIGHT (1836-1905) taken from a Johnson Co. Me newspaper, Texas census records 1860 to 1900; Ohio cemetery records; early Plymouth Colony (Mass.) marriages, and much more~ All families researching WRIGHT will want to consider subscribing to this unique new source. Little River County, Arkan~ast Ce~etery Census, indexed by name and locale, two volume softback set for $21.50 postpaid. Order from Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives, Old Washington Historic State park, Washington AR 71862. Little River county (located just north of Texarkana; Ashdown is the county seat) is one of those great places in Arkansas whose rich history i6 almost unavailable in printed form; this set of cemetery records is therefore especially welcome to genealogists. Inscriptions were copied primarily by CETA workers during 1979. using North to South or East to West rows~ Typing and proofing were done by volunteers for the southwest Arkansas Regiondl Archives (SARA). Vol. I contains burials in 17 oemeteries. ~ through E, 102 pages plus index and map. Vol. II contains burials in 33 additional cemeteries. F through Z, 91 p~ges plus index and map. , SURNAME ABBOTT 17'1 ABERNATHY 159 ASIWIS 131 AOiEIl.V 207 ACKERI'IAN 2H Aa\LIN 113 AU-IN Hl ADM 179 AJlAI1S 21039. ADAY 48do1 ADCOCII 75, 219 AOOIE 114 ADDISON 39 ADKINS 75.127,179,191 ADKISSON 05.134.1351130. AGEE 75>146 AINSWORTH 179 AKERS 48.195d'1l! ALBERTSON 209.21e ALESSANllIU 209 ALEXANDER IS. ALEXAN!l£R -.1103.75.117 .154.179,203 ALEXANDRED 179 ALFORD 1I4.15B ALISON 101 d6l ALLEN,186.220,228 ALLEN,08,75.107.120 ALLEY 48, 189. 20.1 ALLINSON 179 AllISON 93.121> ALMOND 41 ALPHIN 17'1 ALSPAUGH IllS ALSTON 178 ALSUP 30 AllANSON 179 /!ISlER 7. Al!BLERT 7. AIIITH 179 A'i'IANS 179 ANDERSON 174d75.1 79.206. 228 ANDERSON 35,51.76,122 ANDRAE 139 ANDRE 179 ANDREN 179 ANDREWS 63.163,228 ANDRIE!i 48 ANDRIESZEN 4B ANGEL 76.119 ANN 179 ANTELL 199 ANTHONEY 128 APPERSON 991179 ARCllERIl4 ARCUTT 149 ARINGTON 179 ARMOUR 155 ARI'iS 03 ARMSTRONG 149.152.179,204 ARNDT 35 ARt£L 128 ARIIOlD 27,76.1280177.179 ARf«lTT 235 ARlHNEiTON 177 ASHBY 23Il ASHCRAFT 96.235 IISH'ORD 1118 ASKE~ 179 ATEN 198 ATINSON 31 AMISON 164 ATKINS 127.179.191 ATKINSON 21e ATKINSSON 25 ATKISSON 28 ATIIATER 6b AUBRY 179 AULD 179 AULPH 225 AUS60RN 17'1 AUSTIN 76.123.165,179,208,234 AVANTS 2J7 AVERA 119 AVERILL 163 AVERITT 179 AVERY 1.3 AVEVA 179 AVEY 7b AWALT 31.191,192,193 ~TRAY 63 AXTON 158 AYERS 110.179 BABB 179 BADGE~L 76 BAILEY 23,39d25d75d79 BAIRD 3ll BAliER H9.125d41 tl64tl79,20lt213 BAKER 224.231 BAliER 36.39,46.49.51,\, BALE!i 03 BALfOUR 179 BALlEW H4 BALL 34.39,1310 201 BALLARD 179 BANKS 5 BANKSTON 179 BANTA 195.197,198 BARABEE 179 BARB 152 BA1l8ER 27 BA~UIl68 BARGER 20.37 BARIWI 76 BARKER,209 SARKHltIER 141 BARKHIIIIIER 7. BARKLEY 179 BARKSBALE 179 BARLETT 152 BARLOW 151 BARI1ES 17'1 BARIES lbltl79.tB'1 BARNES 30,39.41.54,127.140 BARNETT 33,39. 76t1"" BARNSTEN 201 BARR BARRING 17'1 BARRINGTQN 139 BARRON 179 BARRY l! BARTLET J9 BARTLETT 175 BARTON 7,154 BASIl 96 BASS 44017'1 BASTER 163 BASYE 162 BATES 31olBlt208 2. SiJRNAI'IE ===== BATTLE 213.214.215 BATTLES 54 BAUERS 98 BAWOOIt 76 BAXTER 179.224 BAYSE 161 BEACH 174 BEAL 62 BEALL 194 8EAR 116t118 BEARD 195.211 8EARDEN 145 tl46t155. 202. 223 8EARlIt"""N 95t102t127 BEARNS 179 8EASLEY 179t191 8EATTY 57 BEAVER 44,132 BEAVERS 44t132 BECK 92,120 BECKETT 236 8EDFORD 107 BEECK 233 BEELER 38 BEEMAN 179 BEGGS 168 BEGLEY 26 BELCHER 43,232 BELL 191.192.193,234,235 BELL 34,37,90t122t134t135t136t141 BELLAMY 239 8ENDURE 234 BENEFIELD 30 8ENEUX 88,B9,90,91 BENGE 63 8EtiiAM 139 8ENNETT 20,37,56,76,139,154,179 BENSON 63,114,156,159,179 8ENSONER 164 8ENTLEY 47,199,238 BENTLY 47 BENTON 179,202,233,240 8ERELEY 213 BERGEN 198 8ERRY 149,150,152,170,175,179 BERRY 69,76,96,228,229 BERRYMAN 240 BERTHAA 179 8ETHEA 179 8ETTS 179 BEVIS 43 BEll. Y 114 BIBBER 179 BICE 19B BICKNElL 190 BIDDICK 103 BIDDIX 103 8IEU 179 BIGHAM 201 BILHEIl'IER 161 BILLINGS 235 BIUIN6SLEY 67t179 BILLINGSLY 76,22B BINFORD 179 BINGHAM 76,203 BIRCH 189 BIRCIFIELD 154 BIRD 132,[79 BIRDSONG 147 8IREN 31 BISHOP 39,41,44,60,65,66,179,236 BlTTI.CK 103 BIVENS 6Il BlZZEL 162 BLACK 39,43,56,76,112,179,223 BLACKBURN 230 BLACKMAN 179 BLACKMON 126 BLACKSTOCK 118 BLACKWEU 22,52,60,111,112 BLACKWOOD 21 BLAIR 60 BLAKESL Y 133 BLANCK 226 BLAND 33,113 BLANK 102 BLANKENSHIP 53,127 BLEAVENS 92 BLEDSOE 66,111,155 BLESSINGAI1E 39 BLEVINS 128 BLOCKER 13,22lt 222 BLUE 42 BLUEJACKET 130 BLYETH 76 BO 76 BOEDECKER 201 BOEN 49,225 BOGARD 19B BOGART 197t198 BOGEL 201 BOGGAN 26 BOGLE 76 BOHALL 128,129 BOHANAN 203 BOHANNON 43 BOlT 179 BOLDEN 231 BOLDING 179 BOLING 60 BOLINGER 66 80LT 177 BOLTON 33,202 BOND 43 BONE 92 BONNER 49 BOOKER 51,59,60.99,100,101 BOOKS 202 BOON 179 BOONE 116,195,210 BOOTH 96t161 tl62 BOOTHE 179 BORDERS 117 BORHEACE 179 BOSTICK 142 BOUDRO 47 BOUGi:I 179 BOUNDS 28 BOURLAND 89,90 BOUTTE 153 BOWDEN 175 BOWEN 38t118t161 BOWIE 179 BOIl.AHD 175 BOWLES 32,69 BOIl.IN 89 80t.11AN 138 BOX 179 BOYD 106t179 BOYETT 179 SURNAI'IE BRACEY 161 BRACTON 179 BRADBURN 179 BRADFORD 9601060179.202 BRADLEY 30012701360179.203 BRADSHAW 27.390193 BRALY 204 BRAtlLETT 76 BRANCH m BRANDT 20B BRANNON 21110 BRANTLEY 3901670179 BRANTLY 16B BRANTON 106 BRANI.tI 39 BRASHER 179 BRASWELL 179 BRATTON 26.39.4B.160 BRAWLEY 204 BRAWNER 61.62 BRAZIL 33.45.120 BREAUX 103 BRECKENRIDGE 35 BREEDLOVE 76 BRENT 232 BRESHERERS 220 BREWER BRIDGES 1140145.215 BRIGANS 90 BRIGGS 49.760145 BRIGHT 63 BRIGHTWELL 76 BRILL 123 BRILLHART 179 BRIM 22 BRINKLE 105 BRISCO 236 BRISCOE 179 BRISTOL 63 BRITT 1090179 BRITTEN 179 BRITTON 199 BROADWAY 154 BROGDAN 107 BROIDENAX 179 BROKSHER 223 BRONTON 179 BROOKS 4B.91.11301260136.224 BROOM 510 56 0179 BROSSEAU 21l1l BROWER 196 BROWN 14101500154015901650176. BROWN BROWN BROWN 920113.11401220 12601300138. BROWNING 179.229 BROYLES 39 BRUCE 750145.219 BRUI'I8EL OW 76 BRI.tIEAIl 232 BRVMMETT 179 BRIRlNER 19B BR\JNSll'6F 179 BRYAN 42063 BRYANT 1640179.205 BRYANT 10201150126 BUCHANAN 107.1100168.229 BUCHER 148 BUCK 131 BUCKHART 12 BUCKLEY 179 BUCKIIASTER 150 BUCKNER 179 BUCKSTER 179 BUD 179 BUELL 174 BUFFALO 130 BUFORD 43 BUIE 179.210 BUlL 179 BUlLA 68 BULLEN 14 BULLER 126 BULLOCK 1101 9B BUMGARNER 106 BUMPASS 63 BUNCH 127.224 BUNKER liB BUNN 179 BUNTON 167 BURCH 76 BURDEN 7701020103 BURGESS 6301040179 BURGIS 63 BURK 179.233 BURKE 179 BURKET 49 BURKETT 770114 BURKITT 215 BURKS 53 BURLISON 77 BURNES 35 BURNETT 35.510 55.59 BURNaP 99 BURNS BURNS BURNSED 63 BURNSIDE 179 BURRESS 77. 179.236 BURRIS 113 BURROWS 77 BURT 1000179.211 BURTON 960179 BUSBY 20.37 BUSH 23.124 BUSHYHEAD 132.155 BUSSEY 13BoI 79 BUSSIE 179 BUSTERNO 227 BUTLER 63.7701020155.<"3.235 BUTTS 179 BYARS 123 BYERS 77.122.162 BmIII 161 BYRD 530103.179.232.235 BYRDELL 12B BYRON 44 BYIM1 114 CABANISS 179 CABILL 202 CABLE 11.63 CAGLE 114 CAIN bb CALB REATH 94 CALDWELL 53.154.194 CALF 131 CALHOUN 168 CALKINS 151 CALLAHAN 77.! 17 01 62. 224 CALLAWAY 231 CALLOWAV CALVERT 21.1 9'1 ~ CAI1P 126 CNtI'Il£LL 1.,61" 771102. CMPIlELL 10'" 1181124. 126 CllllIIEH 179 CNWlY 155.22!1 CAIIlY 13 CANGliAII 179 CANNON 77.211 CANTERBURY !79 CANTRELL 65.66,77,111.112.145 CAPLES 96 CAPPS 175 CARAWAY IllS CARD£N 133 CAR ITf£llS 39 CAIIlETQN 179 . CARLILE 114 CARlIN 77 CARLTON 51. liB CARltINE 198 CARIU! 151 CARNE 69 CAAl£y 223 CAROLINA 141 CAROTHERS 187 CARI'ElfTER CARR 54 CARROL !79 CARROLL 179 CARSON 44.77d47.152 . CARTER CARTER&RRY 114 CARUTHERS 161.187 CASADAY 147.148 CASEBOLT 77 CASEY 54.771119 CAS!; 49.521124d91.228 CASP£R 179 CASSART 198 CASSELL 119 CASSIDY 2311 CASTEELL 77 CASTlEBERRY 39 CATCHING m CATE 39.119 CATES 233.239 CATHREN 288 CAT1l.ETT 189 CAUGIWI 179 CAV6HRQN 226 CAVAllAU6I! 193 CAVER 179 CEARLEY 22 CECIL 45.110d34 CEDAR 131 CHAII&RL.AIN 77 CHAl'tBERS 39. 63d 79 CIWtlLIN III CHAPIBlIS 69 ClWtBi..ISS 179 CHAIIPION 238 CHANCEY 33 QlANIlLER 179 CIWIEY 60 CIWiGl.ER 179 CHAPPIAN 103 CHARRIER 179 CHARRION 179 CHARTERS 133.149 CHASE 147d 48 CHASTE1N 77 ClEEK 77. 125 0iEESEI'IAN 47 CHERRY 54 CHESNEY 239 CHESTER 179 CHEW 179 CHIDD 17'1 CHILDERS 30.186 CHILDRESS 28.164 CHIlDS 179 CHILTON 190.191 CHISI'l 119 CHOAT 123 CHOATE 114.1231165 CHR ISTMS 43 CHRISTOPHER 179.206 CHRISTY 39 CIA 55.710 117.12411661169 CIKER 94 CIRO 63 CLAIBOItlE 179 a.ANTON lee CLAPPER 155 ClARK 122.152. 174. 176.178. 18B.232 ClARK,96.119. ClARKE 103 ClARY 54 ClAWSON lee ClAYTON 33 ClEll 77d03 ClEllNT 188 ClEIlENTS 241 CLIFTON 112.1811 ClINE 54.210.234 CLINGAN 16 ClINGFROST 190 ClOER 123 ClOOD 2<154.210 CLOVER 177.17lI ClOWER 188 ClUBB liB CHAD 51 CQ98 135.161.18B COCHRAN 151.152 CO(l(8lJRN JJ COOiRUM 240 COED 188 COFFER 236 COFFIN 126 COFFl1AN 38.22'/ COGBURN 33.198 COlT 188 COKER n.147 COlD 188 COLE i>B.1l4d38.18B COlEllAN 180.212 COlEY JB COLLIER 6B COLLINS 188 COLLOI1 212 COLLlJI1202 COlI'IER 235 COlTER lee COLVIN 188 • SVRNME == COLWELL lBil COIIBEST 77 COI1I!O 63 COIIBS 1811 CfIIttINGORE 198 C\lIt1ONGORE 191 COIIPTON 77 CONDRY 235 CONE 188 COIUY J'1 CONNEVYb3 00!iN0Il 16l! 162 CONOVER 19~0198 COIIWAY 117 COOK 37.39.~1.46.5~.67.1Bil COM 145 COOPER 155t1B1) COOPER,37.45.65 COOTE IJ'1 COPELAND COPELIN 77 CORIlEl.L 2Il0 CORll£R 45 CORE 9. COIUY 47 CORtlACK 47 CORN 23 CORNELIUS 107 COAIELL 63 CORZINE 6i> CQSART 197 COSSART 1611 COSSETT 1811 COSSEY 114 COTTON 24.77,116.142 COTTRELL1Bil COiLIES 1611 ~TISS 21 117 COUSATTE 131 CO~TS CO\IEIJTON 77 CiMRT 198.231 aMY 1611 COVlMiTON 45.152 COWAN 155 C(lI//\RT 17. OO!IDREY 77.2ZJ (MRY 141" 223 OO!IEN 77 COX COYE 1611 COliNE 1971198 CRABTREE 63.116 CRAIG CRAIN Hill CRANE OJt1611 CRAhfILL 125 CRANFORD 96.1611 CIOWENS 77 CRAWFISH 138.131 CRAWFORD 227 CRAWFORD 26.46.189,153.178.1811.210 CREECH 238 CREEL 93 CREER 1811 CllESP OJ CREWS 1<20146 CRIGLOII 96 CROCKER CROCKETT lBil CROFFORD 148.2.13 CROfIELD 198 CROOM 66 CR\lSNil£ 19 CROSS ZJ2 CROSS 63.2H CROUCH 1M CROll 113>1321161"227 CROWNOVER 46.65 CROIIONER 151 210219 CRlHiETON 151 CRUNIIEL TON 148 CiJll61iN 35 culL 77 CiU 219 CULPEPPER 180 CUIIIHMiS 163 CUNNI~ ~INGHAM 63.111.116 CUPPLES 120 CURB 100 CURETON 180 CURL J'1 CUiIt£E 241 CURRIE 2Il:! CURRIN6TORE 180 CURRY J'1.53.238 CURTIS CUTERER lBil CUTLER 138 CUTRELL Z2 CYPART 151 CYPERT 205 lWlNEY 239 DALE 148 DALTON 33 DANDY 1611 DitNFORTH 1115 n cm DitNIEL 2llB DANIELS 59.63t174t1611 DitRBV13 DitRDENI611 DitRllENNE 138.131 DitRDIN 33 UAII.ING 95 1iARNEll. 22 !lAUQ£RTV 16.19 DAVIDSON DAVIS 145. 146. !54. 177. 188.2H\ DitVIS 227.234 ~VIS,47.53 DAVIS 54.63.7B.!211t1210125d3B.141 DitVISON 103 DA~IIIS 180 DAIIS 238 DitWSON 194 Dity 9MB DitYLlBiT 130 DE ALEMiIR 217 DE BAl'I 198 DE "INT IIlI! DE PlOSS m DE I'I!)TT 198 SURNAiE =::=== DEAL 'Ill DEAN 1761177 DEARASAY 235 DEIlOYE 21 DEC" 211.230 DECKER 33,200.230 !JEtSON ~0 DEFFENBAUGH 2!l DELAMAR 239 DELONE 180 DEMAIN 241 DEMAR 78 DEMAREE 197'; 9!1 DENNIS 185,186 DENTON 39,78,14; IlERAMAVS 29 DERRICK 209 DERR1SDEAUX i31 DERffiilCK 210 DESHA 155 DESHAR 78 DESHARO 180 DESHAUTEL 180 DESHAZO 180 IlETTINHAM 180 DEVENPORT 223 DEVITT 52 DEWEY 121 DEWS 180 DHONAU 30,67,133,216 DIAMOND 33 nICK 1M DICKERSON 39,233 DICKSON 63,138,180 D1ER 118.160 DIGBY 208 DILL 100 DINGMAN 65,,6 DISNUiI(E 180 DITTlDAM 180 DIVERS 43 DIXON 168 DIXSON 78 lJOIlBIN 139 DOBes 34.78 DODD 13,78,148,158.221 DODSON 22, 220 DODWElL 180 DOGGETT 180 DOLAN 69 DOLLAR 1041180 DONAHO 232 llfJNDERRY 219 DONNElLY 155 DOANER 227 DOOLEY 21. 78 DOOLIN 98 DORLAND 198 DORMAN 1411.1.3 DOROUGH 180 OORSETT 16B OORSIE 18~ DOSHIER 78,]19 DOUGLASS 52, 10Bd 1BdS, OOVTHAT 227 DOUTHIT 116 00II 211 DOWO 224.239 OOWORY 151 DOWELL 78 DOWNEY 39 DOWNING 46d6ll DRAKE 174 DREWRY 59 DRIGGERS IBm,235 DRUMMOND 155,156,157,)58,159, DRUMMOND 161,162 DRUMMONDS 160 DRURY 59 DUCK 25.180 DUCKSWORTH IB0 DUCK~ORTi{ 100 DUDLEY ;80 DUE 78 DUETON 63 DUGALD 181l DUGAN 110 DUGGER 39 DUKE 30,91d80 DUMS 18\1 DUNAWAY 193 DUNBAR 14 DUNCAN 36,96,118,125,206,207 DUNEHEW 2J2 DUNFIELD 140 DUNlAP 154,221.222 DUNN 41.155,190,180,211,212 DUPRIEST 136 DUREE 195.198 DURNING 50 DUTTOII 210 DUVALL 78d81l DYE 63.227 DYER U8 DYSART 151 EAGIN 1&3 EAGLE 121. i76,]93 EAGLETON 181l EALEY 20, EANES 194 EARLE EARNEST 180 EAR""EART 146 EASLEY 63.209 EAST 93,239 EASTER 180 EASTWOOD 1<18,204 EATOII 201 EBERHART ECHOLS 100 EDDINGTON IB0,240 EDDLEMAN IS0 EDDS 171 EDDY 180 EDGAR 229 EDGMOII 141 EDIE 63 EDISON 17B EDMISTON 161 EDMOND 1<18 EDMONDSON 91,121 EDMUND 63 EDSON 78 EDWARDS 108,175,180,201,229,232 EDIIARDS 63,67,94 EGLESTON 234 EILAND 100 aDER 120,211 • ,3 4, , ELEII 18 aENIlER 1130 ELINGTON 216 ELIVm 281 ELKINS 18 mEN 1130 ELLIOTT 134.188 ELLIS 118.221 mlSON 10'/ mROD 34 ELRADT 34 ELROD 34 ELROOT 34 El£RS\lN 203 81M 1I1Iil Elll£RS\lN 162.203 EIt10IIS 31 ENDSLEV 170.203 ENGLAND 36.31>126 ENGLISH 1130 ENLlSHlllil EOFF 42 EPPERSON 30 EPROSOH 30 ERWIN 23.78 ESKEW 1130 ESKRIDGE 212 E5I'Y 78 ESTES 147.15a.151,152.223 ESTI£R 1130 ESTIS 78 ETa_I 109 ETHlUIlGE 159 EllBANKS 118. UII EUNY 188 EVANS 164.11lil.233 EVANS 36. 78d0lld 160129 EVANTS 46 EVENETT 188 EVENS 21\. 37 EVERETT 78 EVERIDGE 78 EIlERS 92 EZELL 39 FAARD 152 FABEL 209 • FACEMIER 194 FAGAN 6d0 FAIN 1811 FAIRCHILD 188 FAIRFIELD 148 FANAR 129 FANCIfR 60 fANNING 126 FARLER 188 FARLIS 177 FARlOW 6B fARMER 17Ihl88.211.227 FARMER FARRIER 78 fARRIS 18.1130.2IlB FARRISH 154 FARROW 38.53.237 FAOOiT 78 FAUKNER 19.38 FAULKNER 1130 FAY 1130 FEE 146.147>14801490158.1510152 FEE FEE 75.790145 FELKER 32 FENALL 79 FENNEl 1130 FENNERLL 1811 FENTER 181 FERARS )3 FERET 1130 FERGUSON 170,J130.199.2I\3 FERGUSON FERIL 47 FERIN 1130 FERRELL 47 FERTlC 103 FEWELL 20.37 FIElDER 114 FIELDING 79 FIKE 1130 FINtf£R 229 FINCfER 45 FINDEEN 9).108 FINLEY 95 FINNIGAN 199 FISH 133 FISfER 390188 FISK 125 FITE 9)1103d64 FIl16ERAlD 1130.241 FLENING 1130 FLENI6I\II. 188 FLETCHER,226 FLINN 161.162 FLINT 210 FLIPPIN 79.220.224 FLIPPO 79 FLQURNEV 188. FLOWERS 52.122,236 FLOYD 60.220.223,225 FOGLE 153,1130 FOLSOII36,92 FOOTE 93.94.161.\62 FOR1!€S 162 FORI) 1130 FORElWill J9 FOREMAN molB8 FOREMAN bb.114.1~.lb9.173.171 FORMBY 1130 FORREST 188 FORTENBERRY 97.1)7 FORTIER 16 FOSTER 39,63t1130 FOX 69.118 FOYLE 188 FRALEV 79,169 FRANCIS 69.125,138.139.141 FRANKLIN 96.141> 188 FRANKS 118 FRAZER 1130.189.236 FRAZIER 1371175.188 FREDERI CK 239 FREElJWl 180 FIlI'EI1AN 95 ol 0'/ ol 14.180. 288 FREIIOO 91 FRENCH 163 FRIAS 79 FRIEND 79 FRIENDLY 101 FRISBY 1130 .fBISHY 1130 FROST 159 FRV 53.114 FRVER 79 FUlBRIttlT 41.42 FIliAS 114 FUlLER 127.191,11'2.211 F\IOOA 43 FURSRIDGE 7 FURGERSON 199 F~98 FURLOUGHI8i! FURLOW 1l9d80 FURR HII.. 107 FURRH 46 FUTCH IIl1l 6A8I!AfID SlI Go\IlIJERRY 39 GAGE 119 GAINER 79 GAINES 79,99dllll" IBid 13 GAJEWSI<I 231) GALBRAITH 38,181 GALBR£A TH 161 GAUlSON 181 GAlLAGHER 69 GALLIHAER 148 GAIt 152 GAII!!.E 79 GANES IBI 6AIiN 55.56 6ANO 4.10 GANTER 181 GANTT OJ GAAlll£R GARlAND 22, GARIIOIi 45 GARNER GARNES OJ GARRI75 GARRELL m GARRETT 28.31,, GARRIC~ 13 ,_ GARRISON 39.47 GARROTT 175 GARTON 138 GARY 2IZ 6AS!lAWII Y I H GATES lSI GATHRIttlT 181 GATLIN 120,181.236 GAWSO 221r 222 GAY 151 6EAGER lSI GEBOE 133 GEETERS 28 GElTERS 28 GElt< INGS OS GENTERY 181 GENTRY 46 GEORGE 33.!46dBI.221 GERNER 39 GERSHENON !l9 GEURIN 121 GIBSON 2B,I20,146.155 GIDION 238 GIFFORD 240 GILBERT Zit 181 GILBRETH 39 GILES 142 GILL 53.181.203 GILLEY 79 GILLIAI! 194 GILLIATT 235 GILLIES 53 GILLIHAN Ill. GILLIS 96 GILLISPIE 79 GIU£R 105.1116 6ILIIOilE IB1 GILPIN 203 GIPSON 120.170 GIST 65.97 GIYINS lal GLASGOW lb4dBI GLAZE IBI GLENN 46,' GLOSSON IBI GLO\IER .5dI4. IBI des, IB6 6LVER 181 60AIl 65.79 GOATS lB2 GOBER 209 GODFREY 181 GODLEY IBl GOFF 6 GOFORTH J6 GOFOORTH 36 GO!XRS 181 GOINS 47.103 GOLDEN 45.229 GOLJJ/1AN m GOLDSTON 2Il GOLLAER 1!4 GOOCH 122.123 GOODALL 79 IiOOI)E l!4.181 GOODLOE III GOODPIAN 79.94d410170 IiOOI)SON 181 GOOQIIIN 181 GOOSBy II. GOROON 2J!l09d25d33d74dBl GORDY 200.231 GORIIAN 181d94 GOR\JI! lSI GOSNELL 230 GOSS<TT 113 600GH lSI GOlA.D 163.2116 GCMWI 79 GOYNES 69 GRACE 181 GRACIE 48 GRAHAI! 54.79.116,181 GRAN!If 124 GRAVES 127.181,216 GRAY GRAY Ir.h 12B GRAYSON 134 GIIEfl.EE 181 GREEN 163.IBI.207 GREEN JI,31,63.79 GREENAIIAY 79 GREENBACK lJ1. 132, 133 GREENE 14>15.20 GREENHAW 1114 GRIDi£ART 131 GREENING 53 GREENLE 181 • ==p= • 6REHUE Ji> GREEMIAY 46.108 GREEMIOOD 119 GREER 1810 240 GREESIW1 181 GREESON 43 GREGORY 146 GREGRAGREY i 45 GRESHAM 181 GRICE 181 GRIDER 311048.194.2118 GRIFFIN 128 GRIFFIN GRIFFITH 181.204.215 GRI6S8Y 237 GRIMES 30.96.118 GRINDER 39 GRIST 227 GROIiAli 63 GRIlSS 228 GROVES 181 GR!tUl/ 181 GOADAGNI 128 GUERIN 121 6IJFFY 45 GI!l.lI CK 164 6IJNHlW 181 GUNTER m &lRflAY6I.E 155 G\!RIli 203 &lTHERY 148 &ImRIE 95.1111 &IV 13 GYSON leI IWlIlOO< 235 HAIlEY 181 HAGAII 220 HAGER liB HAGERIWI 114 HAGGARD 79.141 HAG6ERTON 107 HAGLER lBl HAI'M 63 HAILEV 136 HAINES 79 HAIRGON 2!0 HAlBERT 151 HAlO 201 fW.E HALL 150.152. 155.lelt20t.211. 216 HALL 46.47.511 79.81. 1I6.!27.134 HALLSElL 237 HALPIN 21l1! HALSELL 237 HAIl 37t1BI HAI1MER {PREFACE) IWIBlIN 100 HA"8RICK 181 HAIIILT(w 148tlllB.202 HAMILT(w 63.1111.127 HAIIITT III HAllET 150 HAlll.ETT 81 HAlliN !77 HN!I1 175 HAllHELL IBI _181 HA/II!ONI) 50. 12.tlBI ~ 185.186 -:1'17HAllPTON 223 HAltPTON 88.1140148014911521189.210 "HANCOCK 110d61ti62 HAND 88 HANEGAII 142 HANKINS 68,202 HANLEY 181 HAPTON 189 HARBIN 181 HARBOUR 238 HARDCASTLE 226 HARDEN 54,IBl HARDER 63 HARDIN 411153t170dBI HARDING 127.235 HARDY 9111.91,j ~0 HARLESS 109 HAII1.EV 39.181 HARiOIO 53 HAII1.OWE 22B HARMON 169, I1l _ESS 39 HARP 31 HARPER 15h 181 HARAlAll88 HARPOlE HARRELL 181,215, 2118 :a HARRINSTON 2Zl HAfiRIS 138.152,181 HARRIS,;;,56,63,80,114 HARRISON 154.181,185,210 HARRISON 23,32.51,63,132 HARRQLL lSI HARRY 18i HART 154.155.[Bl,'98 HART 2h56 HARTLEY 203 HARTMAN 203 HARTltELL IlIl HAR'IEY 6301550181 HARWELL 178 HASliELL IlIl HASKETT 1.5.147 HASSI: 33 HASTY 20B HATHORN 187,228 HATLEY 39 HATTON 211 HAWOOTT IlIl HAWES 63 HAIf(INS 111 01 120£36, 152.181 HAWTHORN IB7 HAYES 113tl29tl.5.J81 HAYNE 170 HAYNES 39 ••7.00.97,181 HAYNIE lSi HAYS HAlLETT iB9 I£AD 4•• 95d81 H£ARING lBl !£ARM 1180181 HEARNE 52 I£ATH 53.169.171 HEFFINSTON iJi> HEFLEY 81 HEFNER 81 I£G6LER 181 I£INl 21 I£LDERLEIN liB =--== HELI6 161 I£LTERBRAND ell !£LTV 167.168 f£II£TER 154 HENIEROII IBI i-£NDERSON 163.2211.229 hEN!lR1 CI(S 211 I£NDRIX 175 HENLEY 68,150 I£NNELL 181 HENNINGS 138 i-£NRV 25d IBd27,I75dBI HENSl<"Y J9.4i.lm7,114,m,232 i-£NSON 21,41.15J.189,221.23m HERD 14b i-£RITAGE 241 HERNANDEZ ll9.23B i-£RNDON 114 HERRItlG 121l.IZl I£STER 63 HEIJEU. IB! I£WITT IllS HEYSE 42 HIBBS 23m HICKENS 181 HI CKEY 113,163 HI 00iAN 1810 212 HICKS 6.96, HiETT 21B HIGGINS 164 HIGHFILL 210 21111l HIGHTOWER 53 HILL IJ.27.34.35,36,5I! HILL 148.177,181,235,230 Hll.l.iIIEHINE lSI HILLARD Zl4 HILLDIREAIl lSI HILLHOUSE 63d48 HILLIARD 162 HILTOII 11lS,IBb,217 HIIlES 169, t7l HINDERlITER 2111 HINDLERS BIl HINEIIAH 911,91 HINSLEY 187 HINSIItIN 199 HINSON 113 HISE 31 HISLER 17lI HlSSlETT 181 HITCHCOCK 95>1911 HIX 88dSI HOAGLANDI9Il HOBBS 40d IS HOOGOOD :1J5 HOBSON 123.1J9.151 HODENPHYL 19 f4iDGE 16J f4iDGES 54.88,IJ4,13S,lol,IBI HOED 48 H06I!N 88, 221. 221 H06E 227 H066 lSI H06t.E 37 ~IJER IIl'l H<l.BERT ell H<l.E~ 141 HOiJ.ABAUGH 23,25.28 f;QUADAY I Bl H<l.LAND 88. llI!Il f4iLLE1IAN 21 .HOlLENSWORTH lSI f4iLLElI,'ORTH 181 HOlLEY 1020122 f4iLLIN6SHEAD 163 H<l.L1N6SW!lRTH 156.157 H<l.L1S 41101 77 f4iLLOI/ElL SIl f4iLLY 4B fIJUIAN '19 HOLftES 40,4b,481IBl.19J HOlT lb9,17B,1711172,17J12Il3 HOlT 6601I18tl26.222.240 HOLTAN 2B4 HOlTON 288 HONEA 91>1 14 HONEYCUTT ell. 145,181 HOOIl 411.236 HOODEHPYLE 15.lb.19 HOOKER 17B tOOlS 162 ItlOTEN 411 1«lO\'ER105 HOPKINS 234 HOPP€R 2Ilil • HOPSOIIl25 HOREN 47 f4iRN Z9.32.109,145,152,215 HORNE 213,215 ~RNER 1'19 HDRTOII Zl,24.2b.27,S3,171.222 H09liINSOll 12b HOBLlTlm 232 HOTCH<ISS 171 HOUSE 234,235 HOUSEIIAN 23 HOUSlEY 209,210 HOUSTON 193 HOIJ1ENCllAfT 190 HOWARD 03.104,114.191.214 ~ IBltl94.228 HOWERTON 121>227.236 IN.ET 103 HOIi.ETT 163 f4iXlE 52 ~RD 94.!1J ilIIl8L£ 169 HUCKAIIEE 24,26.28 flJDl!L£STON 59,B0dli. 163 HUIl6ENS 214 HUDGINS 235 HUDSON 148,181.19B,212,211 HUDSON 88.127.221,223.229 HUDSPETH BIl.!46 HUETT 212 HUE'! 140 . HffItAN 127d9lt2J2 HlfFSTEII!..£R JI HUGGINS 175 HUEKS29.bO.'IJ HUEiHEY 63 HUGlS lSI HULL BB ~PHREY 23,191.21b HUMPHRIES 237,248 HUNT 49.881122.131 tl64d81 , HUNTE lSI f!JNTER 1115tl81'21'1.213 HURD 181 HJRI.EY 126 HURSH 236 ){)RST J.\. 8001 47.223 ){)RT 3811 J.\ Ii!SLEY I'/(! HUSTON 113 .. HUTCHINSON 80.138 HUTCHISON 223 HUTTON 238 HUJ 181 HYDER 202 HYDRICK 3il h'YLTON 80 HYTER 54 III8£AIJ 130 IMPSON lSi INGE 113 INGRAM 135. IS! INGREM 80 INKS 21 IHTRAVIA 109 IR8Y 204 IRE 152 IRWIN 60.02.... 92.100 ISH 63 ISRAEL 23. IVENS 152 JACI\ b3 JACKSON 181,193.202,230 , JACI\SON 26,29,33 ••7.80.101,100,113 JACOIlS .10181 JAMES 127.157,181,200.23\ JAMES 30 ..... 49,50.55.56. bJ.65.117. JAIIESOII 531181 JAMISON 40.126.169,174,203 JANES 380189 JAJlll£LAS 123 JARI10N 81 JAR8ELL 21B JARRETT 81 JARRIE 181 JARRY 181 JAYNE 140 JEANS !H,ll5 JEFFERSON 81,181,22\1,223.224 JEFFERY 40 JErFESON 152 JENKINS 1.5,106.168.223 JENKINS 7.40,BI.I82,123 JENNINGS 23,26.99 JEWELL 181 JILES lBl J!If<INS 181 JOBlIN 150 JOHNS 13B JOIttSON 1150121,,25.1270140.141 JONNSON 146, JOHNSON 2Ilb. JOHNSON,81.91,114, JOHNSON 240.241 JOHNSTON 53.IBI JOINER 167,lbB,181 JOlLY lBI JONES JONES 119, JONES 162>1710175.182.1851199, JONES 20,32.37,40,46.55,56,81.94, JONES 202,283.205,210.223 JORDAN 53,[82 JORDEN 165 JORDON 114,177, JOSEPH 131 JOY 2m2 JOYCE 174 JUDKINS 223 JUliAN 2lo48 JUSTEE 152 JUSTl~E 182 KAMEY 40 KANt 241 KANNADY 200 ,(ARNES 47 KARR 1770178 KASH 124 KAUFMAN 111,112.139 KAVANI\\.I6H 182 KAY 34 KEAI. 188 KEATHLEY 135.136 KEATING 1~2 KEATTS 63 KEEL 240 KEELE lBB KElliN 152 KEELING 141,182 KEENAN 44 KEBi:R 182 KEENTON 221 KEESE J8 KEESLING bB KEETER 81,152,219.220.222 KEETVN 212,234,248 KEaEY 1341135 KEITH 413 KELLE/II! lib KELLETT 51,,59 KELLEY 107.171,207,231 KELLY 25,[24.182 KELTNER 32,219 KEI1P 162,2117 KEIIl'ER bB,j B2 IItMlRICK 21 KENEY 81 KENNEDY 96,113,211,212 KENT J8,145,142,172 KERLEY 81 KERNS 54 KERR bJ KERSEY 15. KESNER 24,25,21,40 KESTER 45 NESTERSON 34, 413 KETCHEM 58 KETCHI.tI 52 KEY 239 KlDD21l KIFER 311 m80RN 3J KIlBURN 48 KILllifF 45,611 KILGORE 182 KILPATRICK 45,127 KIMBALL lB2 KIlIlllEll 413 KINARD 182 KINCf£LOE 227 KINEY 52.124 KING 169,[ 71.172.182d87 •18B'[89 SURNAME ===== KINS 19(J,2ZJ.2Z8.230,234 KING 35.42,.6,Bl,92,94,103 KIN.EY ll5 KINNEAR 12b KINNEY 52 KINSE 201 KINSO 182 Xl RaY 129.228 XI/li( 60,65,66 KI_ 411 KIRKLAND 182 KISSINGER 112 KITCHENS a KIZEll 2J8 KLIN'LIN 182 KLINKER 42 KL<:fERI82 KNAPP 236 KNIGHT 95.)7!i KNIGHTON 182 KNON 162 KNOIILES 182 KNOX 141> 182 KRAFT 81 KRONIE 103 KlJftI 175 KlJRTTI 43 KUYKENDAlL 411 KYLE 6.tl82 KYSER 32,65,237 KYZER 201 L'ROY 35 LAIlEFF 182 LACEY 182 LACKEY 140.175 LACKIE 115 LACY 23.28,36,66,67.182 l.ADNI)N 411 LADEROOLE 155 LAFFER 178 LAFFERTY 155 LAFOON 81 LAGRONE 182 LAIRD 81 LAIVE 411 LWR 237 LAMBERT 182,211.2411 LAI'II'!1AN 109,1.3 LANCASTER 31.164 LANDERS 182 LANE Ill8d 19!120d3B, 2\lIl LANGDON 81 LANfrORO 182 I.AN6LEY 182,203 l.AN6STON 182 LANINGHAM 203 LANS IB2 LANTER 128,129 LANH 38,81 LARANCE 182 LARSON 141 LASITER 182 LASSITER 2'/.125 LASTER 20,37.96 LATHE'( 112 LAT1iROP 233 LA!.IOEIlBI\CK 182 LIAAiON 9B LAUREN 2Il2 LAVASH 205 LAVIER 182 LAWRANCE 182 LAWRENCE 30,115,117.141.108 LAWSON 81,146,149,182.222.2411 LAWTON 182 LAY 81.119 LAYTON Bld49,152,219,2Z10223 LE FANU 139 LE FLORE 48 LEA~ LEAIlfl!'TTER 81 LEAOFORD 81 LEAK ·131 LEAMRS 211 LEBOII 36 .. LEDFORD 4381 LEE IJ.3O,40,45,53,Sld15d2ld29 LEE 146.152')62,194.233.234 LEEDS 33 LEGATE 59 LEG6 38 LEITZ INGER 212 LEMLEY 69 LEMON 29.150 LENNEA 148 LENNY 182 LEROALL 42 Lt1l0V 35 LESLEY 3.4,35 LEllIE 35d7S LESSURE 182 LESTER 182 LEVENTHAL 182 LEVERETT 182 LEVINSON 164 LEWELLING 9B LEWIS 162, 163tl64d82t191 .1'12 LElIIS J5,~7,49,6J, B1> 109tllJd36 LEWTER 182 L1ll1lELL 154 LILLY 182 LINDAUER 2Il8 LINSER 154 LINDLEY 145 L1NDLV 147 LINDROTH 200 LINDSEY 34,48,160,161,182 LlNEBAI)I;; 182 LlNSIlAUGH 182 LINSCOTT 81 LINSEY 182 UNVILL 223 Ll STENSEE 8I LITES 22.212 LITTLE 59.67 LITTLE TURTLE 132 LITTLEFIELD 125,127 LlVESAV 133,135,1/,/" 168 LLOYD 32,4;,1&4,182,236 LLROllS LMOLEY 182 LOCKARD 119 LOCKE 164,172,182 LOCKE"Y IB2 LOCKHART 182 LOCK~ILLER 129 LOCKWOOD 1B2 LOFlTS 115 LOFTINE 182 LOFTON 178 LOGAN Ill! 236 , ==== LOKEY 96 LOI'IACK 109 lOl'lAX 199.2IIIl L0!IBARll 202 lOi'lENCE 51 LONG LON6Q8ARDI 1a4 LORETZ 5S lOSJl£IiIIACK 18Z LOVE 40 LOVELL 81 .. LOVEIElL '/5.128.12'1 LOW 182 LllWllEliIIAOi 182 LllWllERltITH 182 LOIoERBI\CK 182 LOWERY 41012801820194 LOWREY 81 LOYD 98.182 LROY J5 LUBER 281 LIJ8IN 28.2'1 LUCAS LUCIUS 241 LUCKY 182 LUlIWEU. .11iIII LUEBIiE '1'1 lUliLEY 13901 40 LUltPKIN IObolbB LIR1I'KINS 29 LUNDGINE 223 lUNKLIN 29 LUTTRELL 40 LUYKAS 48 lYLE 141 LYNCH 23.38.81,160.161 LYNN 48,182 LYON 182 LYONS 1611 I'o\C COll 23 I'o\CIWUY 65 IWllJ£N 127 IIAIlEIW"II/T 200 IIAIlEW£Ll 82 I'o\DISON HIlt IWFETT 125 MAGBY 126 ~ 82.187,16; I1A6RUDER 12.13.287 IWIAN 1021205 KAHONEY 182 I'o\IKARD 154 I1AlNER 126 I'o\INUS 239 I1ALONEY 95 d28ol29 illNCOC!( 162 I1AI£S 239 _55 48 1'AN15172 11AN1US 239 MANKINS 4 I1ANIEY 63 KAltHNG 182.2J5 _182 _Y44 IMJEL 27 IW«JS 36 I'o\PLES 69 1'o\R8URY,18.19.28 I'o\ReOll 50 KAReUSI82 I1ARKER202 I'o\Rl.AR 241 KARLER 82.241 I'o\RLIN 182 I1ARLOR 241 I'o\RLOW 241 I'o\RKADUKE 1.3, I'o\RPLE 82 I1ARRA8LE 182 I'o\RRlQC 182 I1ARRS 212.227,234 I'o\RSH 182 I1ARSHAlL 48.40d25 I1ARTIH 115.118.122,141.176.182,193 I1ARTIN;. KARTIN 284.214 I1ARTlNllALE III I1ARI'EL 182 I1ASLOY 119 II4SON 1821189.2112,232 II4SON 34.42, I'o\S5ON 91 I1ATHESIS 82 I1ATHESON 16 I1ATHEWS I1ATLOCK I1ATSON 235 I1ATTHEWS 138,151 I1ATTOX 232 I'o\LlOIN 234 MAULOIN6 234 I'o\XEVERE 211 1'1AlLEY 21113 III\YES 182 KAYFIELD 96.166.182 I1AYNARD 154 . I1AYNER 175 III\YO 11\5, [53 III\YS 161 KC ADAMS 42.182 KC AFE£ 97 Me ALISTER b9 KC ALLISTER 128 Me BEE \8,82,145,146.147 MC BlASlECK 182 Me Bl.IMICii 182 Me BRIOE 2, Me CAllE 81 d47d52 MC CAIN 182 NC CALL 182,287 MC CALLISTER 21.1J5 NC CALLUN 52>124 KC CAN 182 MC CANN 177 MC CARROLL 202 Me CARTY 82 MC CASKILL 182 Me CAULEY llJ.233 KC CHRISTIAN 54 Me I1AIN 241 MC ClARE 82 Me CLENOON 16.t8.19 MC CLERKIN 182 Me CLINTlCIi 2IIIl KC CLROY 182 Me CLUNE MC CLURE 116 I1C COFFERTY 21>22 KC COLL 46.96 Me COLLUK 54 . KC CONNELL 21 SURNAI'IE MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Me MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Me MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC Me COOl 121,127,227 COREVS 182 CORIU 142 CORMICH 182 . COWAN 63 COY 137.182 CRACKEN 81,121 CRACKIN 145 CRAY 3,4,42,239 CRIGHT 96 CROSKEY 48 CROTTY 219 CULLAR 182 CULLOCK 89,90 CUNE 190,191 CURREY 225 CUTHEON 24 DAIN 182 DANIEL 40,107,182,241 DANIELS 40,107 DANNALD 65 DONALD 73,141,182,230 DOUGAL 21.182 DOWEL 182 DOWELL 67,210 ELROY 61,62,182 ENTIRE 82 FADDEN 53,127,141,189,202 FELCH 82 FERRAN 21h212 GALIN 117 GARRAH 82 GEE 182 GEHEE 30 GILL 138 GOUGH 182,240 GOWAN 104 GOWEN 182 GRAW 29, IB2 HENRY IB2 INTURFF 27,101 INTURN 40 KAMISH 120 KAY 63 KEE 22 KENNEY 111 KENZIE 133 KILLAN 50 KINEY 37,182 KINLEY 154,234,235 KINNEY 20,182 KINNIE B2,166, 168, 182 KINNON 177,182 LAIN 3h 63.1 94,208 LANE 187,189,216,228,229,238 LAUGHLIN 44 LEAN 241 LENDY 63 LEON 40 LIN 63 MAHON 93 MILLAN 93,94,153 MILLIAN 94 MILLIN 40 MULLI N200 MURRIAN 182 NAIR 40 NALLY 13 NEILL 104 NUH 115 PHARR 182 PHERSON 20,37,68,113,209,210,227 MC RAE 182 MC VAY 4B r.C VEY B2 MC WHIRTER 164 MC WILLIAMS 1B2 MC YORK 159 MEACHUM 199 I'IEADOR235 MEADOWS 172 I'EANS 156,157,159 MEARS 82,145,224 !'EASURALL 117 MECHAM 176 I'EDICINE 130,133 MEEK 182 !'EETA 212 MEFFORD 117 I'EKIS 241 MELCIllR 162 !'ELTON 162 MEL TON 25, :it" 27, 28, J7,4llh 10211 12 MERCER 16,171,172 MERIOTT 147 MERRILL 53.1 11 MERRIOTT 111,121 MERRITT 182,228 MERRYWEATHER 182 METZGER 82 MEUBLY 194 MEUVLY 194 I'EUWLY 194 MIDDLETON 14,102,163 MIDKIFF 82 MILAN B2 MILCOM 161 MILIGAN 178 MILLER 155.164.175..182 MILLER 21,29,30,37,38,48,54,56,63, MILLER 66,68,92,115,118 MILLICAN 182 MILLS 47,182 MILLSAP 82 MILLY 240 MILNER 139 MILTON 50.175 MILUM B2,149,151 MIMS 235 MINGE 235 MINOR 182 MINTER 185.186 MINTON 241 MITCHELL 52,82,97,98,109,117,182 MIZE 96 MOBERLY 116 M08LEY 216 MODE 82 MOLYNEAUX 34 MONCRIEF 154 MONFORT 197,198 MONTGOMERY 182,202,230 MOODY 40.152.182 MOON 63,123,165,201 MOOR 53 MOORE 14,35,41,63,82,89,99,122,133 MOORE 162,182,201,204,234 MOORES 54 MOOTY 182 !'lORAN 21 MORELAND B2 MORELOCK 116 MORGAN 118,141,146,146,169,172 MORGAN 174,176,177,178,182,208 ~RGAN, !'IORPHIS 175 ~RQi£!IiO • 1'1J • !'IORRIS 125,168,175,183,199,213 ~RRIS 40, 47, 413.89.'19t1Il1!. !lS. !lB. ~RRISON 120,183 ~RROW B2 !'IORSE 238 MORTS; 96 !'lORTON 101 I'IOSELY 23 iIIlSSl2'l nOTE 2J iIIlTlEY 82.83 MOULDER 107.11l1! . I10IlNTS 83 iIIlUTRAY36 MUS 132 I1UEl.l.ER IIl2 I1UIR 31 1W.AS120 I1UI.1.S;AX 34 I1ULLINIX 34,226 I1ULLINS 42.193 ItJLLIS 120 /MI£Y 10Z I'iJN'ORD HD MUNN 125 ItJROOCK 33 I1URFREE 1640165 ItJRPIi 183 ItJRPIiY 1.83t12lt 1721183.237 I1URRAY 41,44 ItJRRELL 183 I1URTISHAWS 194 MUSIC 83 I1USICK ,",63.228.222 MUSTIN 201 MYERS 75.83. 183.18e I'IVRES32 NAilER 83 NALON 127 NANCE 172 NANNEY 17b NATSAW 183 NAVE 93t19'1 NAWI'Ul 18l NEIL I 63t183t19'1 NEILEN 183 NEDEMNIS 183 NEa 531183 NEELL III NEELY 48t16B.183t211 NEETLER ISl NEGVS 212 NE IGHBORS 163 NEIL 181 ~LU" 183 . ~SON 4901820183.203 NESBITT 112 NETTLER 183 NETTLES 91 tl83 NEW 183 NEltIlERRY 63.236 NEIfiOUSE 131 NE~ NEWSOII 41068 NEWTON 147d83tl94 NEWTON NICHOLS 44.237 NICHOLSON 53.172 NICKEL 54.234 NIELSON 199 NIX 45.490183 NIXON 6l NOBLE 1630194 NOBLES 183 NOE NOE NOLAND 113 0183 NOLEN 113 NOONER 141 NORMAN 1280183 NORR 183 NORRIS 34.1160183 NORSWORTH 183 NORSWIlRlIIY 183 NORlIICUTT 83.239 NORTON 1720183 NORWOOD 127 NOSSI83 HOWLEN 83 NliFF 18l MILL 400122.231 NUNfORD IS3 21 I)' CONHOi! O'OAY 241l O'FARRELL 22'1 O'HARA 119 O'IIALLEY 43 O'NEAL 128,148 O'RIELLY 69 OAIiLEY 107db2 OAKS 83 OBRIEN 238 06ll0N 83 OIlER 24m OLIlHM 202 OlEINIK 41 OLIVER 17B.I83.19i OlIVER 159. 160. 168. OLSON 44.69 OOZENCRAFT 190 ORCUTT 239 ORR 83.11l2 ORREN IIl2 osaoRN 4Bd83 OSBORIE 115 OSBOURN 83 osaoY 183 OS6OOD 183 OSHN 183 OTT 83 OTWELL 52 OOSTIL 83 OVERBY 194 QijENI83 OWENS 21,83,169.2112 CllSLEY 2114 OYLER 172 PACE 223 PAo(£T 40 PAIJ£N 172 PAGE 107.241 PAINTER 83 PILMER 40.46.161 PAltI'LEN 45 PANGLE 83.223 PANNELL 83 PARDIEW 183 PARJWI 95 PANR PARKER 30, PARKIIAN 138 SuRNAME PARKS 3/,,40,05'; 16t103 PARlElL 83 PARRAVANO III PARRETT JI PARRISfi 153 PARSLEY 40.1 15 PARSONS 22,.i 13 PASCOE 83 PASSMORE 37,40,232 PATE 32,134,183 PATHER 103 PATRICK 44 PATTEHSON 219,Z22,223,224 PATT.RSON 03,83,94,152,183 PATTON 33,83.103,2Z9 PAtlEY 123 PAILEY 123 PAlTON 150,23!1 PAYNE 0,03,104.210 PEA 154 PEACE 183 PEACUCK 38 PEAK 103 PEAKE 121 PEARCE 22,40,150,226,240 PEARCY 115 PEARSON 8311 63 PEBBLES 69 PEIlSWORTH 177,178 PEE 154 PEEl 421 PEElE 49 PEES 154.155,227 PEi'IIlERTON 1721173 PENDER 238 PENDERGRi;SS 156.1611 PENDlETON 183 PE~IHGTON 138.224 PENROD 69 PEPPER 183,208 PEIPERDINE 222 PERDIJE 183 PERKINS 03,63.163,178 PEIUY 831103 PERRY 38,84,183,223,226 PERRYI1AN 236 PERSONS 37 PETERS 202 PETERSON 43,141,183 PETTERSON 117 PETTITT 236 PETTUS 96.1 94 PETTY lIS PFEIFER 173 PHARR 183 IIlElPS 149,226 PHIllIPS 14,20,25,40,43,84,93,115 PHILLIPS 165,168,183,226,227 PHILPOT 232 PICliERIHG 183,i:i;9 P!CliETT 199 PIERCE 146.166.183,2011210 PIERCE 22, .8,53,84 PIERCY 139 PIERSON 239 P!ERSIlN 83 PIGG 84 PILGREEN 54 PILGRiM 174 PILlGI1fN 183 P1UIU,ST 166 PINE 202 PINION 51 PINKNEY 103 <PINSON 183 PIPER 92,!15 PITMAN 8.,183 PITTMAN 113 PITTS 183 PlACE B4 PlAIN 183 PlAIR 183 PLESS INGTON 11 PLEW 53 • PLUlll'lER 134 PLY 84 POE 63,96.153 I'IlINTS 46 POLK 128,213,215 POlLARD 141 POLLY 123 PONDER 241 POOL IS3 I'IlOLE 60,153,183 I'IlPE 48.161 I'IlRTER 159,183,226,239 I'IlRTERFIELD 95 PORTIS 130 I'IlRTLOCKS 157 POST 183 POTER 163 POTTER 40.84 I'IlTTS 54,223,233 POUND 175 !l 87 I'IlWEL 183 MWELl 148')50.152.183,202,239 POWELL 34,53,63.103.139 I'IlYNTER 84 PRATER 240 PRATT 211.37 PRECTOR 183 PR!:SLEY 46 PRESTON 138 PRaiETT 84 rRfJ,iITT 52 PREYER 139 PRICE 183,201 PRICE 5,9.10.11,12,13,48.45,102,106 PRI" 183 PRIMEAU 1211 PRIMM 183 PRINE 47 PRlTCHElT 2114 PRIVETTE 227 PROTHRO 183 PROUSE 92 PR~SE 92 PRtIETT 24 PRUITT 52 PllETl611 PUGH 32.3'l f'(JLLEY 206,207 PULLlEM 181 f'(JHPHREY 183 PURDY 183 PURNELl 212 PUTMAN 175 PYLE 53.84 QUALLS 203 IWAl'AW130d32d33 QUARLES 113 tit.£RY lOi> , SURNAME ====::== QiJESENBURY 91 ilUlCK 280194 iiUlU-IN 125 ilUlt.N 183 ilUISEt.BERRY 8'1 III CIIITTS 30 RICKIWI 51 RICKS 166. 167tl68 RIDDLE le2d 16 RiDDlING 127 RIDINGS 4\l RIEGER 31 RIGESSY B4 RIGGS 3J,Bltd20tl56d57,158d59dbS RIGHT lID RIGSBY 230 RIKARD 45 RIKER 198 RILEY 36 RING 125 RIPLEY 201 III Pl'fRDItN 198 RIPPET(IE 163 RIBI'IffiOI.£R 211 RISINGER 183 RISNER 52.57,191 RITTER 84 RIlZLEY B4 ROAIIK 107 d08tlS3 ROOIlARDS lID ROBSEROOII 203 RA&lRN 183 RAlIFORil 148>183,223 RAGSDALE 45 RAllSIIACK 8'1 RAINEY 651183 RAINS 84.91 RAINWATER 2112 RAISEY laJ RAKESTRAW 154 RAl'llJAUD lil1' IWfY 47 RAHSEY 48.161,laJ RANDOlf'll 155 RANEY <n RANKIN 43 RAPE 212 RASBURN laJ RATLIFFE la3 RAWLINGS 63 RAWlS 248 RAY 29.130.194,232 RA\'BURN laJ RAYfORD 183 REA BIt .221 READ 123.155,laJ,213.215 REAVES 129,139 RECORD 149 RED iilJ REDDING b6 REDDINGS 126 REDEAGlE 1301131 REDINGT~ 163 RfDI!AN 24 REDWINE 163 ROOBERT 183 ROBBINS 113 ROBERDS 183 ROBERS\lIII 123 tl62, 204 RQBERT lill ROBERTS llBtl37,21J.236 ROBERTS 22t43tS2.68,63,84.96t113, ROIlERTOOII 49,84.IBl ROBINSON 218,228.239 ROBINSON 63,109,129,183.201,203. ROBIOOII 150, m ROBSON 203 ROCK 122 ROQ\WEU 31t148.194,2112.20S ROCOLE 210 RODGERS Iill,241 ROF 183 ROGER IBl R06ERS 168. J73d& ROGERS 30,37,43.4',53,116 ROHAU. 95 ROlAND 149.153 ROI1EESE 13 ROPER 23. 1M. !II ROSE 20J RfE8ESI83 REECE 1190164 REED 21,,IB3 REEDER 53 REEF IlIMB REESE 164tlaJ REESOR 59 REEI'ES 40,12Bo1aJ REICHART 42 RUD 193,2il8 REIFf ill' REIVES 66 RElFORD a REU-I77 RENFRO le7 REt.NIE lletl61t 162 RENSONER 164 Rfl;TFRO le7 RE'lE IlLE 91 REVR 183 RE~ 37. 21 It 232 REYNEN 205 REYNOlDS 53.63.94,135.183 ROSE,98.124.125,127 ROSEWELL 54 ROSHON6 137 ROSS 22.183.201 ROSSA6E lill ROSSEN 212 ROSSER 1221212 RDSSOtl m ROw.lAYAl 15 ROUNTREE 121l RilUSE 235 RO\JS!l235 ROUTH 126 ROIlEX 60 ROWAN 41 ROWDEN 84 ROlE 122 RHEIIE 183 RNEII IB3 RHOIlES 84t149t1BS.219 RICE,136,237 RICHARD 183 RICHARDSON 40.46.BIt,92,93,121.183 RICKER 60 RICKET 136 > ROWEll 124 ROllIN 53 ====::: ROWLAND 163.173.1BJ ROWS<T 183 RQijSEY !l9d60 . ROYALSTON 8. ROYL£S 63 ROYNTER 148 ROYSTER 149 ROIELL 51 ROZIER 69 ROZZELL 60 RRUa 183 RUCKER 155 RUCKER 9bdZh RUFF b.40,,2. RUFFIN 43 RUFUS 183 RUN:Y 94 R\H!IEl.S 177.183 RUSHING 183 • RUSHTOIi 119 RUSSELL Ib3.178.18J.21 •• 236 RUSSELL RUTHERFORD 4 RVKER 195 RVCKEN 198 RYCKEWS 1'1S RYE 1901191 RYKER 1'1S SADDLER 51 SADLER Jib !l5. 122 SALES 63 SALLEE2Zh SCHQGGIN 54 SCHQOR HJ SCHROEDER 128 SCHLUJll!lSSER 184 SCflULL 139 SCHYHOS 113 SC06GANS 63 SCOMP 198 SCOT 184 SCOTT 184.190.200 stOTT 2213tu95,B9 SCR0E6INS 184 SCROIi65 69t117 SClJRLOCK 229 SCURRY 155 SCUSSEL 194 SEAIK!T 111.155 SEAGO 174 SEAGRAVES 28.:1'1 SEAHORN 184 SEAl 203 SEALES 102 SEALS 103. 230 SEALS 23il BEARER 1.14,35.121.124 SEARLES 134 SEAWEL 151 SEAWELL Il5 d 40.147'; 4Bd48. 223 SECREST 59 SEGO .J74 SEIZ 11! SELLERS 177 s.\LSBER6 .2 SEVIER lBit SALSBURY 31 SAI'IIION 154 SAltUELS 52 SEWARD 208 SEXTON 521l1illl SEYlIAN bJ SfWiDEN 193 GHAIlOOCK 193.205 SHADRI CK 240 SHAFFER 85 SHAl.LOCK 95 SHANKS 125.203 SANDERS 16.22.28,2'I.40,52.85dSil SAIlDERS 152. Ibll 164, 183118711881189 SANDERS SilNDERSON 1.0 SANOOVAL 209 . SAIlDRIDGE 63.65 SANDY 183 SfWfMII84 SAIlUELSI83 SHAVER 45d27 SHAW 85,92.97,109 Sl£A 199.280 Sl£LBORN 1114 Sl£U!V 3.9.19,184 SAl'!' 210 SAR6ElIT 183 SAlUS 13. SATER 163 SATTERFIELIl itI SA\IlDERS 228.22'1.230 .SA\IlDERS 281136.148. 187tl8B.tB'i SAVASE 47.104.105,lbJ Sl\VIALc 60 SAVIER 183 SAWYER 183 Sc,.u:s 183 SCANTLIN 124 SCARBERRY 122.162 SCAIillOROUGH 1lJ SCARBROUGH 162,236 SCHAEFER 129 SCHALES 169.173.174 SCIiANIiS m SCHALPKE 31 SCHELL .3 SCf£RllER 30 SCHIERMfYER Ziti SCHILLINGS 2M SC!l..A6EL 117 StHftIDT 102.103 SCHOFIELD 102 SHELL 63 Sf£LTOII 184.203.229 Sl£NI< 178 Sl£PHERD 94. 106 Sl£PPARD 184.230 SHERIDAN 96,139 Sl£RILL 42 Sl£RROD 160 Sl£RWOOD 141 Sl£TOIl 38 SHIELDS 184,194 SHINN bJ.155.24"5 SHINPII(K 184· SHI~ SHIPP 35 SHIRLEY 40,95,232 SHIVELV 197 GH(HITS 148 SOOCKl97 SHoCKLEY 60 SHOPTAW 96 GHORT 184 SHORTEN 184 SURNAIIE ====:::== SHORTER 184 SHOTT 21b SHOOP !r.j SHOIiALTER m SHUBERT 3J SIlIGG 54 Slf.LER 184 S!lJTE 184 SILK 130 SIPIES !r.j SI~11lS 184 SII9IaiIl5 53 SI~S 23.3J,4B,184.238 SII10Ii 226 SI~ 184 SIMPSON 67, t.lJ.I84 SIMS 43,114,184 SINO..AIR 'Ill SIt.ER 66 SIt.ES 183 SINGLEFERRY 41 SINGLET~ Ijj SINOR 65.66 SHM-AIR 184 SISSON 28,29 SITTON 124 SlZEi'lQR£ 238 SKAGG 184 SKA66S liS. 15. SKaTOH 117 SKENDER 161 SKlNNER 167>168.237,238 SlAtTON 184 SLATEIl 115 SLATER 184 SlATOH n SLAtIGIlTE R 184 SLAUKARD 232 SLAYTON n SLOAN m SLOWEY m S/lAU.WOOD 155 ~LY 184 StlART 490121 MAD 184 SI1JTH 116. I1l>1 19t120d23. 126. 138 SKITH 14t.1540165017~;' 184, 199.2111 SKITH 202.203.2Il6,211,211,216,221, SMITH 227,238 SMITH 5.29,30.32,41,,63 SMITH 65.!r.j.89, 94, 960104. 109. 111, SIIOO\ 197 tl'lll SKOOT IB4.123 SKOTHERS 65,66.229 SKYTHE 13 SNEIlGER 230 SNELL 135 SNELLGRO\IE 41 StRUNG 1119, 190 SK1DER 66 SNODGRASS '1Ii,161 SNOW 33,!r.j, 229 SNYDER 66 SOEU.E 34 SOlO/KlN 176 SlllERS 167 SilMRVILLE 14 SQ/lNTAG 19lt192 SOPHIA 184 SORRElL 184 SORR£LS 119 SOUDDR£SS 162 SOUTHER 85 SPAllA 132 SPAHN 152 SPIIRJ(PIA/l 109 SPARKS 65,116.184 SPEARIWi 47 SPEARS liS 0184 SPECK 38tl93 SPEIR 123 SPElMN 69 SPENCE 6.46.63,93,94 SPENCER 46,116,12, SPICER 230 SPLANN 211 SPOONER 163 SPRADLIN 141 SPRING 85 SPRUCE 202 SPURlI N 204 SPURLOCK 173.174.188 STAFFORD 85.131.216,235 STAGGS 115 STAEil£R 229 STAIR 92.236,238 STMPS 231 STANDifER 23l STAIIJ) IfORD 5h 59· STANDlEE 54 STANER 46 STANFORD 184 STANLEY 85,99.163.184,223 STANLY 184 STANTER 184 STANTOH 99, I III! STANIIo\!TE 10 STAPlES IB4 STAPP 35 STARK 184.2Il3 STARKEY 20,37 STARliNG 38 STATEN 1!5 STATlAN 184 STATOH 3J STEDKAN 184 STEED 41 STEEL 53 STEELE 4,\, STEEIJIAN 125 STE6AU. 208 STEIPlING 184 STEll 184 STEPIEN 151 STEPHENS 38.115,184,213 STEPHENSON 4.24,25,28.43 •• 1,169.211 STERLING 63 STERN 99 STEVENS 29,126,184.236 STEVENSON 184 STEiII\RD 117 STEiII\~T 22,54.as.9a.123,IB4.227 snlll1AN ll3 STI6ALl 85 SURNAME ======= STINES 15~ STINNETT 85,216 STINSON 27 STIPINS 184 STOBAUGH 40 STOCKIIAN 184 STOCKTON 121,184 STOKES 6,49,65,121 STONE 1510238 STONE 60,63,65,92,99,10~,1~1,115 STONECIPHER 65 STONES 138 STORY 138 STOUT 51,205,240 STOVALL 185 STOWE 184 STRAHAN 126 STRAIN 116,164 STRATON 164 STREATY IB4 STREET 63 STRICKLAND 40.120.1540157 STRICKLER 47 STRONG 169,236 STROTHER 40,122 STROUD 54 STUB6LEFIELD 63 STUBBS 128,129 STUCKEY 47.63 STUDIVANT 184 STURAT ,B4 STURCH 47 STURDIANT 208 STURDIVANT 184 SUGGS 65,107, 12B, 184 SULIVANT 159 SULLENS 68 SULLINS 68 SULLIVAN 156.158.1590160 SULLIVAN 23,24,25,26,27,28,63 SULLIVANT 157,158 SUi'lERS 145 SUMMER 184 SUMMERS 65 .1 13 SUI1NER 213 SUMRALL 45 SURBY 147 SUTHERLAND 22 SUTTERfIELD 13 SUTTON 40,85,147 SWAGERTY 102 SWAIN 53 SWAN 62,67 SWARTZBAUGH 112 SWEET 26 SWENSON 128 SWINNEY 184 SWIRTZ 23 SWOfFORD 65 TABOR 65,152 TACK 43 TACKETT 40 TALBERT 236 TALBOT 91 TALLEY 152 TALLHADGE 22 TANNER 184 TANNIHILL 63 TARRY 184 TARVIN 120 TATE 220 TATlJl'l 146,147,184 TAUNTON IB4 TAYLER 231 TAYLOR 107,108,110,127,136,141 TAYLOR 163,176,178,184,239 TAYLOR 2111,22128,45,49,51,63,85,961 TEAFF 85 TEDFORD 55 TEETERS 174 TEMPLE 184 TEMPLETON 178.194 TERHUNE 198 TERRAL 53 TERREL 124 TERRELL 184, 168 TERRETT 32 TERRY 37,40,47,85,184 THACKER 20,37 THARP 63 THERILKILN 184 THilWIS,.208 THOIIAS 50d05d4!.21!.234,235 THOIIASSON 107 THOMPSON 126,131,147,152,161,164 THOMPSON 175,184,190,202,208,219 THOMPSON 223,238 THOMPSON 40,43,63,, THORNTON 103,157,,5B,160,178,lB4 THORPE 36 THRASHER 154 THREEK I ELD 63 THROGMORTON 20 THURMAN 1B4,240 TIBBS 1B4.237 TIDWELL 46 TIGUE 1B4 TILFORD 63 TILLERY 111 TILLEY 40 TlLLlOTT 184 TIMMONS 1210227 TIMS 184 TINDALL 60.137.141 TINETER 184 TINKER 51.59 TINKLE 40 TINSLEY i64 TIPPET 95 TIPTON 106 TISDALE 125 TISSUE 184 TITSWORTH 65.66 TOBIN 184 TOCBAH 86 TODARO 241 TODARO 204 TODD 113.118.164 TOLAR 184 TOLBERT 86.236 TOLER )3,184 TOLLESON 111 TOHBLIN 109 TOMLINSON 48.86,109 TOHHINS 97 TOMPKINS )0,51 TONEY 101 TONKS 238 TOOK 184 , SURIWtE ======;; TOOKE 184 TORRENCE 287 TOTItAN 105 TOIINS 184 TRACK 131 TRALOR 184 TRAMIEL lib TRAII1ElL 54 TRANTIWI 37 TREADlIELL 48 TREATT 86 TREECE Zh 27 TREEP 40 TREESE 4~ TREEr 24.48 TRI" 229 TRIIIBLE 86.1390184 TRIPLETT 58 • TRITT 86 TIlQTH 155 TRIlTTER OJ. 15. TROXELL 20 TIlQXIEl.L J7 TRYliICK 194 TUBBS 96.113 TUCKER lbad61d74017bdB4 TUCKER 30. <8.OJ. 61" 96d 25 TUELL 96 TiJG6LE <8d84 TUll 34 TW,IS IB4 TULLOS 17b TIJIISTAU. B6d61 TURNAGE lJ3d34 TUR~ 23.86 TURNBOW 2ilJ TURNER 1B4 TURNER TURllEY 48 TUfOIIIlGE 133 TURRENT llIE 184 TUH B6 TUTTLE 54.116.223 TWEEDLE 49 TIlEDY 54 TWOHEY 13 TYLER 40.86.119,142 TYIlER 155 TYOiI IB4 lULL 194 ULI1ER 34 • ltSH liB UNDERWOOD 174 USSERY 194 UTLEY 175 VALLIER 138.131.133 VAIl ARSDALE 19B VAIl AUSIlAU. 17b VANMATRE 30 VAN METER 38.175 VAIl NUYS 19i1 VAN VI\IJ\ENBUR6 63 VANi:E 165 VANDERBUR6 112 VAIIDYCK IB4 VANIlIANT 224 V_IB4 VAN05DAl 197 YN<IANDT 148 VANlN<T 87,145.152.225 VANlANTS 150 VARLEY 232 VAU6IWI 194 VAU6HN VAUOIiT 236 VEATCrl OJ YELDON 50 VERCI£R 184 YEST ISS VICKERS 20B VIE 194 VILLMVA 108 VINES 22. 16A. 184 VIIlEYARD 134 VINYARD 47 VOlENTINE 248 WLlI94 VOORHEES 1'1ll WIllIS 191 VORIS 194d'1ll VOIoELL 241 1iAIl0lE 127 IWlE 86d3Jd B4 IlAFFOIIJ) IB4 1lA66000R lIB WALCEK 111'1 WALDENMAIER 97 Wlll.KER 146.15501940191> 201 WALKER 38.4J.45.52.5J.b0.6B.9B.Ql. Wlll.KER 95.11101270138 WALKING COD 132 WAU<lJiI OJ WALL 53 WALLACE, WALLACE ~ 22,69 WALLIN 109 WALLING 174 WALLIN6SFORD 184 WALLIS Bo,236 WALLS .22. IB4 II!\lJIAN 150 WALST~ 43 WALTERS 154 . WAlTERS 86.96 WAlTON 690184 WMBLE IB4 lWtIACK 22 lWtI'NAR 117 WARD 184.224,220.228 WARD,121 WARDEN 134.135 . WARDLAW 123 WARE . WARlI CI\ 193 WARNACAT 134 WARI£R 86 WARHOe1I 46.92 WARREN BI" 194 1oiASH236 WASHINGTON 8O.133,la~ WASSON 194 WATERHOUSE OJ WATERIIAN 17B WATKINS 8O.145.146.1B4.205.201 WATKINS 2310 232 WATLEy 149 WATSON IB4.186. 190 SURNAME ======= WATTERS 4B WATTERSON 113 WATTS 148.153 WATTS 2•• 25.26,27, WAX 47 WAYI!(tI 138 IIIIYNE 161 WEAST Il6 WEATHERLY 184 WEATHERS 104.184.234 WEATIERSON 204 WEAVER 20.37.66 , WEBB WEBBER 8b WEBSTER WEEDON WEEI(S, ,20. J7 WEIIlEi'IEYER 161 OUCH 184 • WELLES 96 WELLS 31!. WElTON 49.~iI"5hI85 11. WEliTS Ilb WERElIUS 211 WESLEY IllS WESSON WEST WESTBROOK 1b9 WESTBROOKS Ib i£STEN 35 ' WESTEllflELD 198 i£STFilLLI22 WESTLER 185 WESTOII 35 WETHER1N6TON 185 WETIERL Y 1841185 WErLEY 185 IoIiARTOli 117 \/HATLEY 185 IoiHAYtf: 164 ire IliEELERm , ¥IlELAN 2BI "'UDDER 163 WHISENAIiT II!'I WHlSElfllNT 237 WHITE 146.147. 160d61 1162.175. 178 WHITE 202.232 WHITE 22.30.4b. WHITE NOSE 132 WH!TE9YRD 130 WIUrED 174 WHITEIEAD J3 WHITELEY 1211 WHITESIDES 98,123.165 WHITETURKEY 2411 WHlTFORD 167 WHlTilYlB5 WHITLEY 234 WHITL~CI( 115 WHlTIW099 WHITMIRE 411 WH I TSOII 238 WHITT 134 WHITTENBERG 2411 WHJTTENBERY2411 WHlTW.sURG 240 WICl<ER 16 WICl<ERSHAK 2.80.149,222,223 WIGGINS 145 W!LB/IMIS l62d87olBS WILBOUIIN 80 WILBUR 185 WILBURN 128,175,193,,211. 212 WILEY 185,203 WILHOIT 133 WILKERSON WILKINS 185 WILKS 125.203 WILLARD 90 IilLLETT WILLINIS 110.115.1lbl1lbo138d4l WILLIAMS 147,153, WILLIAMS WILLINIS 31.46.47,59.03.68,87.186 W!LLINISON WILLIfORD WILLINGHAM 153.176 WILLIS H8d85.234 WILLIS 94.106."20 WILLIs\)~ 189 . WILLITT 158 WILLIlON 160 WILLS 185 WjLI10TH B7.200 WILSON 141.1420147.166.176.185, WILSON 205.221.223,241 WILSOII lb. 411. 43.,1 17. WII'IlERLY 185 WiNfiELD IB5 WINFREY 115 WINKLE 87.111 WYCOfF 198 WYLIE 21B,2J9 XAVIER 132 YANCEY 59 YANCY 67 YARBERRY 92 YARBIroUGH 185 YATES 175 YEAKLE 2. YEARY 411 1"£0,0I11CO 212 YIELDiNG Je.2J7 Y(lAST JS YOCHAM 87.239. YORK 32.1580190 YOUNS 121 d29olJ2.14ldS0. is!. 151 , YOUNG 1b01185,223,227 YOUNG,96.111.115, YOUNGBLOOD lB5 YOlINSfR 40 lAlil'l 113 lmE 34 ZIGLER 12/0 ZLETT 2e2 WINN O3,jE1i W1NNINGHNI 185 WINSTON 104,115 WINTERS 61 WISE 185 WITHERS 63 WITl£Y 111 WITT 4.22.1071116 WOLF 87.113.240 WOLfER l4b 1mllE1B5 WOII!1ACI( 54. 203 IQ1/1Acorr 134 WOOD 149d52.t{'2dB5,210 • WOOD 4.5,7.,35.5B.65.06. I«)()D 870108.109. 1l3d 160122. 126. WOODi\LL 95.122 . WOOD COCK B7 WOODRUFF 221 I«)()DRtII1 411 WOODS 223.224 I«)()DSON 104 WOOlllllUl: J27 UOCtLEY 21 dB5 WOOlSEY 87,91.18S.237 WOOSLEY 237 IIOOTEN 59 WOOTON 87 WORD :lIl WORES 185 WQRKMAN 411 WORlEY 39 WORTHNI 20,37 WOZENCRAFT 198 WREN 40 . , WRIGHT 1.3d85d98.Zl4 WRlGHT•• 113.115 WROLENS 185 WYATT 3B.49 •