Paul Jarle Mork - KongressPartner


Paul Jarle Mork - KongressPartner
Paul Jarle Mork
Røsslyngveien 16
7059 Jakobsli
Tlf.: 73572207 (p), 73590447 (a), 90104615 (m)
E-post: [email protected]
Personopplysninger Født: 5. mai, 1969
Sivilstand: Gift, to barn
Dr.philos, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, Det medisinske fakultetet,
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Trondheim
Cand.polit, Idrettsvitenskapelig institutt, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
(NTNU), Trondheim
Cand.mag, Elverum lærerhøgskole/Norges idrettshøgskole
Annen utdannelse
1996 – 1998
1994 – 1995
1991 – 1994
Personalpsykologi, NTNU
Kognitiv og biologisk psykologi, NTNU
Hovedfag i Idrettsvitenskap, NTNU
Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskningsmetode, NTNU
Statistikk for samfunnsvitere, NTNU
1. avd. spesialpedagogikk, Universitetet i Oslo
Mellomfagstillegg i tilpasset fysisk opplæring, Norges idrettshøgskole
Faglærer kroppsøving/idrett, Elverum lærerhøgskole
jan 2014 –
aug 2013 – des 2013
aug 2008 – jul 2013
des 2006-jul 2008
jan 2001-febr 2006
jan 2001 – des 2006
aug 1999 – apr 2000
aug 1999 – apr 2000
1999 (vårsemester)
1998 – 1999
1995 – 1997
1991 – 1994
1989 – 1990
1988 – 1989
Professor, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, NTNU
Professor og leder, Institutt for bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU
Førsteamanuensis og nestleder, Institutt for bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU
Førsteamanuensis, Program for bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU
Doktorgradsstipendiat, Institutt for ind. økonomi og tekn. ledelse, NTNU
Diverse undervisningsengasjement ved NTNU (Institutt for ind. økonomi og tekn. ledelse,
Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, og Program for bevegelsesvitenskap) NTNU
Forskningsassistent (50%), Inst. for ind. økonomi og tekn. ledelse, NTNU
Universitetslektor (50%), Institutt for idrettsvitenskap, NTNU
Timelærer, Institutt for idrettsvitenskap, NTNU
Deltidsstilling som instruktør (50%), Studentidretten i Trondheim
Student assistent, Institutt for idrettsvitenskap, NTNU
Adjunkt v/idrettslinje, Ørland videregående skole
Deltidsjobb ved pleie- og omsorgsavd., Sel og Nord-Fron kommune
Kroppsøvingslærer, Otta videregående skole
Andre vitenskapelige kvalifikasjoner
Antall artikler i internasjonale tidsskrifter med fagfellevurdering:
Antall artikeler som første- eller sisteforfatter:
H-index, ISI Web of Knowledge (per 15.01.15):
H-index, Scopus (per 12.05.15):
Associate Editor, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (fra juni 2013)
Editorial board member, ISRN Pain (fra desember 2012)
“A decision support system for self-management
of low back pain” (koordinator og prosjektleder)
Finansiert av: EU
“Validering av objektive målinger av fysisk aktivitet:
Samarbeidsprosjekt mellom HUNT og Tromsøundersøkelsen”
Finansiert av: NTNU
“Insomnia symptoms and chronic musculoskeletal pain:
Prospective data from the HUNT Study”
Finansiert av: Samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Midt-Norge RHF og NTNU
“A life course and intergenerational approach to the study of
musculoskeletal disorders: the HUNT Study”
Finansiert av: Samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Midt-Norge RHF og NTNU
NOK 50 000 000
NOK 100 000
NOK 3 000 000
NOK 3 000 000
Publikasjoner i internasjonale tidsskrifter med fagfellevurdering
Bardal, EM, Roeleveld K, Ihlen, E, Mork PJ (2015). Micro movements of the upper limb in fibromyalgia: The
relation to proprioceptive accuracy and visual feedback. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (in press)
Fanavoll, R, Nilsen TIL, Holtermann, A, Mork PJ (2015). Psychosocial work stress, leisure time physical exercise,
and risk of chronic pain in neck/shoulders: Longitudinal data from the Norwegian HUNT Study. Journal of
Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (in press)
Emanuelsen A, Sandbakk Ø, Mork PJ (2015). Comparison of heart rate variability derived from
electrocardiography and heart rate monitors. Gazzetta Medica Italiana (in press)
Bardal, EM, Roeleveld K, Mork PJ (2015). Aerobic and cardiovascular adaptations to moderate intensity
endurance exercise in patients with fibromyalgia. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 47, 639-646
Lier R, Nilsen TIL, Vasseljen O, Mork PJ (2015). Neck/upper back pain and low back pain in parents and their
adult offspring: Family linkage data from the Norwegian HUNT Study. European Journal of Pain, 19, 762-771.
Mork PJ, Moe B, Lier R, Vik KL, Bardal EM, Nilsen TIL (2014). Sleep problems, exercise and obesity and risk of
chronic musculoskeletal pain: The Norwegian HUNT study. European Journal of Public Health, 24, 923–928.
Lier R, Nilsen TIL, Mork PJ (2014). Parental chronic pain in relation to chronic pain in their adult offspring:
Family-linkage within the HUNT Study, Norway. BMC Public Health, 14:797.
Holtermann A, Mork PJ, Nilsen TIL (2014). Hours lying down per day and mortality from all causes and
cardiovascular disease: The HUNT Study, Norway. European Journal of Epidemiology, 29, 559–565.
Holtermann A, Clausen T, Jørgensen MB, Mork PJ, Andersen LL (2014). Should physical activity
recommendation depend on state of low back pain? European Journal of Pain, 18, 575-581.
10. Mork PJ, Holtermann A, Nilsen TIL (2013). Physical exercise, body mass index, and risk of chronic arm pain:
Longitudinal data on an adult population in Norway. European Journal of Pain, 17, 1252-1258.
11. Westgaard RH, Mork PJ, Lorås H, Riva R, Lundberg U (2013). Trapezius activity of fibromyalgia patients is
enhanced in stressful situations, but is similar to healthy controls in a quiet naturalistic setting: a case-control
study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14:97.
12. Moe B, Mork PJ, Holtermann A, Nilsen TIL (2013). Occupational physical activity, metabolic syndrome and risk of
death from all causes and cardiovascular disease in the HUNT 2 cohort study. Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, 70, 86-90.
13. Mork PJ, Nilsson JP, Lorås H, Riva R, Lundberg U, Westgaard RH (2013). Heart rate variability in fibromyalgia patients and
healthy controls during non-REM and REM sleep. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 42, 505-508.
14. Bardal EM, Olsen TV, Ettema G, Mork PJ (2013). Metabolic rate, cardiac response and aerobic capacity in
fibromyalgia: A case-control study. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 42, 417-420.
15. Olsen O, Sjøhaug M, van Beekvelt MCP, Mork PJ (2012). The effect of warm-up and cool-down exercise on
delayed onset of muscle soreness in the quadriceps muscle: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Human
Kinetics, 35, 59-68.
16. Bardal EM, Johansen TO, Roeleveld K, Mork PJ (2012). Upper limb position control in fibromyalgia. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders, 13:186.
17. Mork PJ, Holtermann A, Nilsen TIL (2012). Effect of body mass index and physical exercise on risk of knee and
hip osteoarthritis: Longitudinal data from the Norwegian HUNT study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community
Health, 66, 678-683.
18. Mork PJ, Nilsen (2012). Reply to Letter to Editor on “Sleep problems and risk of fibromyalgia: Untenable conclusions”. Arthritis &
Rheumatism, 64, 1693-1694.
19. Vasseljen O, Unsgaard-Tøndel M, Westad C, Mork PJ (2012). Effect of core stability exercises on feedforward of
deep abdominal muscles in chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial. Spine, 37, 1101-11088.
20. Riva R, Mork PJ, Westgaard RH, Johansen TO, Lundberg U (2012). Catecholamines and heart rate in female
fibromyalgia patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 72, 51-57.
21. Mork PJ, Nilsen TIL (2012). Sleep problems and risk of fibromyalgia: Longitudinal data from the Norwegian
HUNT-study. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 64, 281-284.
22. Riva R, Mork PJ, Westgaard RH, Lundberg U (2012). Comparison of the cortisol awakening response in women
with shoulder and neck pain and women with fibromyalgia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 299-306.
23. Nilsen TIL, Holtermann A, Mork PJ (2011). Physical exercise, body mass index, and risk of chronic pain in the
low back and neck/shoulders: Longitudinal data from the Nord-Trøndelag health study. American Journal of
Epidemiology, 174, 267-273.
24. Wakefield E, Holtermann A, Mork PJ (2011). The effect of delayed onset of muscle soreness on habitual
trapezius activity. European Journal of Pain, 15, 577-583.
25. Riva R, Mork PJ, Westgaard RH, Rø M, Lundberg U (2010). Fibromyalgia syndrome is associated with
hypocortisolism. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17, 223-233.
26. Westad C, Mork PJ, Vasseljen O (2010). Location and sequence of muscle onset in deep abdominal muscles
measured by different modes of ultrasound imaging. Journal of
Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20, 994-999.
27. Mork PJ, Vasseljen O, Nilsen TIL (2010). Association between physical exercise, body mass index, and risk of
fibromyalgia: Longitudinal data from the Norwegian HUNT study. Arthritis Care & Research, 62, 611-617.
28. Holtermann A, Mork PJ, Andersen LL, Olsen HB, Søgaard K (2010). The use of EMG
biofeedback for learning of selective activation of intra-muscular parts within the serratus anterior muscle: A
novel approach for rehabilitation of scapular muscle imbalance. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,
20, 359-365.
29. Stock R, Mork PJ (2009). The effect of an intensive exercise program on leg function in chronic stroke patients: A
pilot study with one-year follow up. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, 790-799.
30. Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2009). Back posture and low back muscle activity in female
computer workers: a field study. Clinical Biomechanics, 24, 169-175.
31. Holtermann A, Roeleveld K, Mork PJ, Grönlund C, Karlsson SJ, Andersen LL, Olsen HB,
Zebis MK, Sjøgaard G, Søgaard K (2009). Selective activation of neuromuscular
compartments within the human trapezius muscle. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19, 896-902.
Før 2008
32. Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2007). The influence of body posture arm movement and work
stress on trapezius activity during computer work. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 101, 445-456.
33. Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2006). Low-amplitude trapezius activity in work and leisure and the relation to shoulder
and neck pain. Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, 1142-1149.
34. Vasseljen O, Haug Dahl H, Mork PJ, Torp H (2006). Muscle activity onset in the lumbar multifidus muscle
recorded simultaneously by ultrasound imaging and intramuscular electromyography. Clinical Biomechanics, 21,
35. Haug Dahl H, Vasseljen O, Mork PJ, Torp H (2006). High frame-rate ultrasound imaging to assess motor control.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 8, A15-A16.
36. Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2005). Long-term electromyographic activity in upper trapezius and low back muscles
of women with moderate physical activity. Journal of Applied Physiology, 99, 570-578.
37. Westad C, Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2004). Firing pattern of low-threshold trapezius motor units in feedbackcontrolled contractions and in vocational motor activities. Experimental Brain Research, 158(4), 465-473.
38. Mork PJ, Westgaard RH (2004). The association between nocturnal trapezius muscle activity and shoulder and
neck pain. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 92, 18-25.
39. Bonato P, Mork PJ, Sherril D, Westgaard RH (2003). Data mining of motor patterns recorded with wearable
technology. Utilizing self-organizing maps to manage large data sets gathered in the field. IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Magazine, 22(3), 110-119.
40. Oterhals G, Mork PJ, Sørensen V (2000). A quantitative comparison between accelerometry and cable operated
position transduction in simple rhythmical arm movement. Corpus Psyche et Societas, 7, 1-30. (paper based on
equal contribution by all authors)
41. Mork PJ, Sigmundsson H (1999). A dual approach to movement disorders. Corpus Psyche et Societas, 6, 140156.