
I Fronter vil dere også finne forslag til videre lesing på en del tema.
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen til Ove Skarpenes
Boltanski, Luc og Laurent Thévenot 1999. "The Sociology of Critical Capacity", i European
Journal of Social Theory, vol. 2, nr. 3, 359-77 (18 sider).
Held, Lars 2011 “Introduktion til Luc Boltanskis sociologi”, i Boltanski, Luc. Pragmatisk
sociologi. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 7-40 (33 sider).
Alternativ til Helds tekst:
Skarpenes, Ove & Roger Hestholm 2007. «Den «nye» franske pragmatikken»,
Sosiologisk Årbok 1-2, 71-102 (31 sider). (kompendium)
Lamont, Michèle & Laurent Thévenot 2000. "Introduction: toward a renewed
comparative cultural sociology", in Lamont, Michèle and Laurent Thévenot (eds.) Rethinking
comparative cultural sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-22 (22 sider).
Lamont, Michèle 1995. “National Identity and National Boundary Patterns in France and the
United States.” French Historical Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Autumn, 1995), pp. 349-365 (16
sider) http://www.jstor.org/stable/286776
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen til Signe Ravn:
Bengtsson, T.T. (2013): What are data? Ethnographic experiences with young offenders.
Qualitative Research, early online. Pp. 1-16. http://qrj.sagepub.com/content/14/6/729
Holstein, J. & Gubrium, J. (1995): The Active Interview. Qualitative Research Methods Series
37. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Pp. 1-18, 52-65. Boka kan kjøpes i bokhandelen.
Järvinen, M. (2005): ”Interview i en interaktionistisk begrebsramme”. I: Järvinen, M. & MikMeyer, N. (red.): Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv. Interview,
observationer og dokumenter. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Pp. 27-48. Boka kan kjøpes i
Järvinen, M. & Ravn, S. (2014): “Cannabis Careers Revisited. Applying Howard S. Becker’s
theory to present-day cannabis use”. Social Science & Medicine, vol. 100, pp. 133-140.
Järvinen, M. & Ravn, S. (2015): “Explanations and expectations: Drug narratives among
young cannabis users in treatment”. Sociology of Health & Illness, 37(6) (Early online). Pp. 118. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.12239/
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen til Øivind Bratberg
Øivind Bratberg (2014): "Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere", Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
Spesielt kapitlene: Kap. 2 Diskursanalyse (30s) Kap. 3 Idéanalyse (25s) Kap. 7: Tekstanalyse
på tvers (16s). Boka kan kjøpes i bokhandelen.
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen til Kjell Ole K. Olsen:
Paredes, Américo 1977/93. On ethnographic work among minority groups: A folklorist’s
perspective. In Américo Paredes; edited and with an introduction by Richard Bauman (1993).
Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Border. pp. 73-110. Austin, Tex.: CMAS Books.
Briggs, Charles L. 2012. What We Should Have Learned from Américo Paredes: The Politics of
Communicability and the Making of Folkloristics. Journal of American Folklore, 125(495): 91110. http://search.proquest.com/docview/928761633?accountid=17260
Olsen, Kjell 2001. Å lage data på norsk grunn: Om barnløse, organdonatorer og samer. Norsk
Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 12(1 & 2): 41-50. (Kompendium)
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen til Anne-Grete Sandaunet:
Denzin, Norman K. (1999/1996). Cybertalk and the Method of Instances.
Ch. 5 in: Jones, S.: Doing Internet Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
Bjørn Gustavsen (2014). Social impact and the justification of action research knowledge.
Action Research December 2014 vol. 12 no. 4 339-356
Hammersley, Martyn (2008). Conversation analysis and discourse analysis: self-sufficient
paradigms? Ch. 6 in: Hammersley, M.: Questioning Qualitative Inquiry. Critical Essays. Los
Angeles: Sage Publications
Levin, Morten (2012). Academic integrity in action research.
Action Research June 2012 vol. 10 no. 2 133-149
Litteratur knyttet til forelesningen med Helen Verran:
Verran (2015) “Comparative Philosophy and I” (Nærmere referanse i Fronter)
Verran, Helen (2001): Disconcertment. C.h 1 Science and an African Logic. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press. Page 1-20. (Kompendium)
Verran, Helen: Working with those who think otherwise.
Common Knowledge, Volume 20, Issue 3, Fall 2014, pp. 527-539
Winthereik, Brit Ross and Helen Verran: Ethnographic Stories as Generalizations that
Intervene. Science and Technology Studies 2012, 1,