Lins CV


Lins CV
Curriculum Vitae: Lin Prøitz
Date of Birth: 13 02 1971
Email: [email protected] Mobile: +47 97986897, Children: 1994, 1999
Education 2011-2009
Pedagogic Education, Practical, (PPU) University of Oslo
PhD in Gender and Media Science, Dept. of Media and Communication, University
of Oslo, Thesis: ‘The Mobile Phone Turn – A Study of Gender, Sexuality and
Subjectivity in Young People’s Mobile Phone Practices’
Master of Philosophy in Gender and Media Science, University of Oslo, Thesis:
‘Tilgjengelighetens uutholdelige letthet. En studie av bruk, selvforståelse og iscenesettelse
av kjønn i tekstmeldinger’
Subsidiary subjects at the University of Oslo (UiO):
Women’s Law and Human Rights (Faculty of Law); Gender and Visual
Representations; Freedom of Speech; Media Politics; Gender and Culture in
Literature; It’s history; Quantitative method
At the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU):
• Documentary Film; Film, Television and Video Production; Media Science
Photography, Vocational Training, Oslo/ Fredrikstad
Work Experience Current
Vestlandsforsking: Researcher at the IT Research Group, Key Expertise: public
digital services, e-Inclusion, migration, immigration, marginalisation and social
Current-2013 Centre for Gender Research: Guest Researcher, University of Oslo
2013- 2012
Norsk Barnebokinstitutt: Senior Researcher,, Key Expertise:
Digital Literature, Book Apps, EBook-productions, Young adult literature
Centre for Gender Research/ Dept. of Media and Communication/ UiO: Post Doctor,
‘Gender, Sexuality and Intimacy in Autobiographical Digital Genres’
Consultant and writer of the chapter Sexuality and digital media - for
Utdanningsdirektoratets ressurshefte for lærere, (Røthing and Svendsen 2009)
Telenor Research and Innovation, Researcher, Key Expertise: Mobile
Communication, digital experience, Rural and Urban youth, National and International
Impact Area, Fornebu/ Oslo
Art-­‐Research Productions 2015
Instagram-Exhibition at @preusmuseum, week 15, 2015, Øyeblikkfang (Kristoffer
Eliassen & Lin Prøitz) exhibited selfie-photos at @preusmuseum
Consultant for artist Ebba Moi, Grunnlovsjubileum 1814-2014, Akershus
Kunstsenter, Showroom 10th May – 14th September, Exhibition ‘1814 Revisited. The
Past is still Present’, Curated by Rikke Komissar,
Instagram Live-Feed Installation for Preus Museum Fotografiets dag 2013,
collaboration with artist Kristoffer Eliassen
Serielitteratur, digital og analog nettutstilling, vår 2013, Norsk Barnebokinstitutt,
Art Exhibition at Art Academy in Trondheim, Moving lines and knots (Artwork by
Pleym, Hellstrand and Prøitz), a joint project 11-18.11.2011, Galleri KiT
Lecturing Current – 2009
Diakonhjemmet Høgskole/ Familieterapi og systemisk praksis
2015, 2010, 2008
Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (guest lecturer)
Norsk Barnebokinstitutt/ Forfatterutdanning i barne- og ungdomslitteratur
2010, 2011
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus/ Inst. for journalistikk og mediefag (guest
Supervisor (Master students) Current – 2009
Diakonhjemmet Høgskole/ Familieterapi og systemisk praksis
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus/ Inst. for journalistikk og mediefag
Universitetet i Oslo/ Inst. for medier og kommunikasjon
Research Stays Abroad 2016-15
Forthcoming: University of Sheffield, Information School, H2020 Individual Fellowship, MSCA,
2 months [Commuting Oslo-London] at University of London, Birkbeck, Honorary
Research Fellow, Institute for Social Research,
2 months at University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, The Centre for Film and
Media Studies,
7 months at City University of New York (CUNY), NY, USA, at New Media Lab,
12 months at University of California, Berkeley (UCB), CA, USA, Dept. of Gender and
Women’s Studies
Grants and Scholarship (NOK) 2015
300.000,- RÅDET FOR ANVENDT MEDIEFORSKNING (RAM): Norske muslimske
innvandrerkvinner: sosiale medier og indentitetsspørsmål (Carol Dralega, Hilde
Corneliussen, Lin Prøitz)
900.000,- Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, EU Research/ H2020, at
University of Sheffield, UK: ENGAGE: How political events are experienced and
expressed in young people’s photos in social media
75.000,- Non-Fiction Author Grants from Fritt Ord
240.000,- The Nordic Research Network on Gender and Intimacy research from Joint
Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
150.000,- Non-Fiction Author Grants from Norsk Faglitterær forfatter- og
3.000.000,- Individual Fellowship, Post-Doctoral Research from The Norwegian
Research Council, incl. Mobility Grants for Research Stay at City University of New
227.000,- Family Allowance for Research Stay at UCBerkeley, Competence and
media Convergence, Faculty of Humanities and Dept. of Media and Communication,
25.000,- Master Thesis Author Grants, Telenor ASA
Scientific Articles, Chapters and Reports Prøitz, L. August 2015. Den norske Sjølingen. Digitale fotografiske selvfremstillinger i offentligheten
[Scientific E-Book in Gender and Media Studies], Universitetsforlaget
Mainsah, H. and L. Prøitz. [in print] 2015. ‘Two journeys into research on difference in a Nordic
context: a collaborative autoethnograph’. In 'Affectivity and Race. Studies from a Nordic context',
Rikke Andreassen & Kathrine Vitus (eds.), Ashgate Publishing UK
Dralega, C. and L. Prøitz (2015) Mapping digital paths to integration in local municipalities in Sogn
og Fjordane: The case of Stryn municipality, Vestlandsforsking report 3/2015
Prøitz, L. 2014. ‘Male-stream móvil. Un estudio de la estética y los significados de los anuncios
personales masculinos en’, In Lasén, Amparo & Elena Casado (eds.) Mediaciones
Tecnológicas. Cuerpos, Afectos y Subjetividades. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas,
Coleccion. Debates Sociales, pp. 87-98
Prøitz, L. 2014. ‘Den digitale tekstsyklussen’, i Jakten på fortellinger. Barne og ungdomslitteratur på
tvers av medier, Tønnessen (ed.), Universitetsforlaget.
Prøitz, L. and E.S. Tønnessen. (2014). ‘Tekstpraksis i mediesamfunnet’, i Jakten på fortellinger.
Barne og ungdomslitteratur på tvers av medier, Tønnessen (ed.), Universitetsforlaget.
Prøitz, L. 2012. ‘Uten Grenser’. In Sammen om det. Forskere og kunstner
undersøker intimitet, W. Mühlesien, Sverre, C. (ed). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Hellstrand, I., M. Pleym and L. Prøitz. 2012. ‘Søndagsmiddag’. I Sammen om det. Forskere og
kunstnere undersøker intimitet, W. Mühlesien, Sverre, C. (ed). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
Prøitz, L. 2011. ‘Disturbing fine memories? An empirical study of young people’s camphone family
pictures’. Photographies 4(2): 191-207, Routledge (Cited 4)
Lüders, M., L. Prøitz, and T. Rasmussen. 2010. 'Emerging Personal Media Genres'. New
Media and Society:1-17. (Cited: 38)
Prøitz, L. and B. Due. 2010. "Å tilskrive samtalen kjønn. En studie av kjønn og språk i en norsk
telefonhistorisk kontekst". In Travelling thoughtfulness. Feminist technoscience stories., edited by P.
Elovaara, C. Björkman, M.-B. Öhman and J. Sefyrin. Umeå: Department of Informatics, Umeå
Geirbo, HC., M.H. Jacobsen, M. Jensen, T. Johnsen, L. Prøitz (eds.) 2009. Media use and lifestyle
among youth in rural and urban Ukraine, Telenor R&I Research Report, R&I R 14/2009
Prøitz, L. 2009. Seksualitet og nye medier, Et ressurshefte for lærere i grunnskoleopplæringen, s 5255 i Åse Røthing/ Culcom/ Utdanningsdirektoratet 2009; Undervisning om seksualitet. (report)
Lüders, M., L. Prøitz, and T. Rasmussen. 2007. Personlige medier. Livet mellom skjermene:
Gyldendal Akademisk (Cited 4)
Prøitz, L.2007. '"Alle har sitt familietre - og her er mitt". Å skrive sin egen historie. En studie av
familiebildepraksis via familiealbum til mms'. In Personlige medier. Livet mellom skjermene:
Gyldendal Akademisk.
Prøitz, L. 2007. 'Mobile Media and Genres of the Self'. In Ambivalence Towards Convergence.
Digitalization and Media Change: Stuedahl and Storsul (eds.) Nordicom.
Prøitz, L. 2007. The mobile phone turn : a study of gender, sexuality and subjectivity in young
people's mobile phone practices, PhD Thesis, Unipubavhandlinger, University of Oslo: Faculty of
Humanities Unipub (Cited 9)
Geirbo, HC., M.H. Jacobsen, M. Jensen, T. Johnsen, L. Prøitz (eds.). 2007. (ed.) Youth 2007.
Telenor R&I Research Report, R&I R 34/2007
Prøitz, L. 2005. 'Cute Boys or Game Boys? The Embodiment of Femininity and Masculinity in
Young Norwegians’ Text Message Love-Projects', i Fibreculture Journal Issue 6: Mobility (Cited 21)
Prøitz, L. 2005. 'Intimacy Fiction. Intimate Discourses in Mobile Phone Communication amongst
Norwegian Youth'. In A Sense of Place. The Global and The Local in Mobile Communication:
Passagen Verlag (Cited: 23)
Non-­‐Scientific Articles Prøitz, L. [in print] 2015. ‘Det digitale selvportrettet (#selfie)’, chapter in Jubileumsbok for Preus
Museum 2015, H.Holm-Johansen og H.Oulie (red.), Forlaget Press
Prøitz, L. (2015). ‘Auto-Fokus’, Fotografi, Elli Trier (red.), Forlaget Fotografi, 2015/#2
Talks and presentations at scientific conferences and seminars International and national 2015 -­‐ 2005 2015
Oslo, Norwegian Research Council, 'Experiences made from applying to IF-2014',
Informasjonsmøte Horizon 2020: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Individual Fellowships 2015, 06.05.2015 (Invited Speaker)
Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 'Kids Code in a remote village
in Norway. Code clubs as a new arena for increasing girls' digital interest and
competence?', Worldwide Universities Network Understanding Global Digital
Cultures Conference, 25-26 April 2015
Sheffield, University of Sheffield, 'From Self-presentation to #Selfie. Identity and the
self in a visual digital culture', at the International Conference Picturing the Social.
Analysing Social Media Images, ESRC Festival f Social Science, ICOSS, University
of Sheffield (Invited Speaker) 08.11.2014
Oslo, Norsk Barnebokinstitutt, 'Den digitale tekstsyklusen', Book launch at the
Seminar Jakten på fortellinger, NBI/ Universitetsforlaget 15.10.2014
Istanbul, Kelime Yayinlari/ Istek, 'Digital literature for Children and Youths'.
International Conference Istanbul 24.05.2014, Istanbul, Turkey (Invited Speaker)
Sandefjord, Barne- og Ungdomsfaglig Forum/SalTO: 'Fra sms til selfies.
Selvframstillinger i en visuell digital ungdomskultur', Generasjon Millennium trender og kulturer, 26.05.2014, Oslo Kommune, SaLTO (Invited Speaker)
Oslo, University of Oslo, E-skills: 'Gender, Race and Ethnicity in a Digital Age',
Seminar, 20th March, (Seminar Project Leader and Organiser)
Trondheim, NTNU, 'Digital barnelitteratur i Norge – en innføring, at the seminar
'Leken Litteratur – Brettet den nye boka?', NTNU; 11.02.2014 (Invited Speaker)
Horten/ Preus Museum: '#Øyeblikkfang: Det Sosiale Fotografiets Grenser', Keynote
Fotografiets Dag 2013, 25.08.2013 [Instagram and the social photography]
C (Invited Speaker)
Drammen/ Union Scene: 'Opplevelsens Hervær', Ung 3.0 Conference, Buskerud
Fylkesbibliotek, 13-14 March http://Ung3null.Wordpress.Com/ (Invited Speaker)
Maastricht/ Maastricht University: 'Words In Motion. Book-Apps & Digital
Literature For Children And Youth', International Research Society On Children’s
Literature, Congress 11-14 August Http://Irscl2013.Com/
Lysebu/ Nordic Exploratory Network Workshop 15-17 January: Exploring Nordic
Intimacies, Emotions and Affects through Creative Academic Writing and Aesthetic
Genres, (Seminar Project Leader and Organiser)
Oslo/ Norsk Kulturråd. 'Stories in motion. Barnelitteratur i digitale omgivelser'
Internal presentation for the Arts Council Norway (Invited Speaker)
Oslo/ Nasjonalbiblioteket. 'Love Actually, at Where is the letter? a multidisciplinary
conference; 16-17 February 2012 (Invited Speaker)
Madrid/ Complutense University of Madrid. '“Es casi como un accidente de
tráfico: tienes que mirar…' at Intimidad y privacidad en las vidas públicas de la gente
ordinaria. Emoticones. Mediaciones tecnológicas de la afectividad; 14-16 March
2012 (Invited Speaker)
Stavanger/ Norges Forskningsråd. 'In/appropriated Sameness?,
Kjønnsforskningsprogrammet, 13-14 September
Stockholm/ University of Stockholm. 'Slektskap og familie. Kunst møter forskning',
(Prøitz, L. and M. Pleym). Tema genus.
Oslo/ Norsk barnebokinstitutt. 'Nye medier – endrede opplevelser?' at the Nordic
Conference Nordisk barnelitteratur – Et nytt kunstforskningsspørsmål? 23-25 August
Oslo/ University of Oslo. 'Internett og dating', Idéfestivalen 17th September at
University of Oslo (Invited Speaker)
Oslo/ Norges Forskningsråd. 'Familie uten grenser, slektskap uten bånd; om hvordan
en koreanskadoptert blir i slekt med Oscar II.', Fra Hottentott Venus til familiebilder.
Aktuell humanistisk kjønnsforskning, Litteraturhuset 22nd October (Invited Speaker)
Umeå/ Umeå University. 'The fall of private intimacy', Gender and ICT-Conference,
08-10 March
Oslo/ Norges Forskningsråd. 'intimitet er jo antall centimeter du har mellom…'
Agenda kjønnsforskning, Kjønnsforskningsmaraton, Litteraturhuset, 6. September
Stockholm/ The Nordic Network for Visual Studies. 'Camphone culture. A
qualitative study of young norwegians’ camphone pictures of the family', From family
album to social media – traditions and change, Stockholm September 2010
Kristiansand/ University of Agder. 'Re-territorializing sexuality, intimacy and
citizenship. A case-study of online personal media', Kjønnsforskningsprogrammet,
NFR September
London/ Birkbeck University. 'New media genres, new citizenships?', Beyond
Citizenship: Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging, London, May 2010
Hong Kong/ Lingnan University. 'Mobile intimacies online', Crossroads,
Association for Cultural Studies, in spotlight panel on Mobile Intimacy, organised by
Larissa Hjorth (RMIT), Hong Kong 17th-20th June
New York/ City University of Staten Island. 'Norwegian Youths and Social Media',
May 2009 at Psychology Department and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Program at CSI, Kathleen Cumiskey (Invited Speaker)
New York/City University of New York 'Sexuality and intimacy in autobiographical
digital genres', presentation at the New Media Lab, City University of New York
April 2009 (Invited Speaker)
København/ University of Copenhagen: 'Gender and sexuality in autobiographical
digital genres', The mediatization of intimate experiences, 25-26 November 2009
(Invited Speaker)
Mexico City/ Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. 'Toxic Queer? A study of
queer self-performances in digital match-making- and social networking societies
among Norwegian men and women', Queer Studies Easter Symposium April
Karlstad/ Karlstad University: 'Online male-streams. The aesthetics of men’s
personal ads', 19th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, 13-15
August, 2009, Sweden
Helsinki/ University of Helsinki. 'Family Album Photos', 18th Nordic Conference on
Media and communication, Finland
Seoul/ Ewha Womans University, presenting 'Gender and Text Messages', panel on
Mobile Technology, Women’s world Conference June 2005, South Korea
External Examiner (Master and bachelor) Current -2009
UiO; UiA; HiOA; DIAKON; NTNU; UiB, HiVolda
Peer Review Men and Masculinities; Photographies; Mobile Media and Communication
Research Networks 1. The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
2. Theory Nord, Nordic Network for research fields of migration/ethnic relations’ studies and media
3. Norsk Medieforskerlag
4. The Nordic Network for Visual Studies in Social Sciences
5. Network for Exploring Nordic intimacies, emotions and affects: through creative academic writing
and aesthetic genres (SE, N, DK) (Project Leader and Organiser 2013-11)
6. Senter for tverrfaglig medieforskning
7. Visual Social Meida Lab,
Administrative Board Current - 2014 Norsk Medieforskerlag Chair Woman,
Juror for the Trygg Bruk-Prisen 2012
Juror for the Centre for Gender Research-Price 2011: Price for best Master Thesis
Chair Woman, Telenor Research and Innovation Sports Club
Board Member, Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo
References Wencke Mühleisen, Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning: [email protected], +47
Elise Seip Tønnessen, Norsk Barnebokinstitutt/Universitetet i Agder: [email protected], +47
Merete Lunde, Direktør Vestlandsforsking, [email protected], +47 996 07 678