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THANK YOU SAN ANTONIO FOR HELPING US CONTINUE OUR LEGACY Spanish – English WEEKEND EDITION 11 de julio de 2010 WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXII • NÚMERO 2 NCLR expected to attract 30,000 attendees By Cristina Blackwell [email protected] National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, will celebrate Latino heritage with Texas families by offering valuable services, a variety of cultural and community activities and free, fun entertainment. “Latinos are a growing and young community in this country and the issues that affect them are the issues that will affect the rest of the nation in years to come,” said Marie Watteau, director of media for NCLR. “Latinos are the future workforce of the country and how we treat education and how we treat jobs in the economy today will have an impact in the future of all Americans.” Sponsored by UPS, the National Latino Family Expo is part of the 2010 NCLR Annual Conference, which will take place July 10-13 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The expo hall will be divided into seven different pavilions, allowing participants to expe- was in 1981 and obviously the Latino community, not only in San Antonio, but in the rest of the country has changed significantly so we’re happy to bring the conference back in Texas.” The National Latino Family Expo, the largest free Hispanic consumer show in the country, consists of over 240 exhibitors and is expected to attract 30,000 attendees. “What makes this event so special is that it provides the opportunity for Latinos and others to really learn about the issues that are important in the community, which are the same issues that are important to all Americans like education reform, healthcare, immigration, the economy, and jobs,” explained Watteau. “Our concept is to provide folks with an opportunity to really find out all about these issues under one umbrella.” Key highlights include the opening ceremony and official ribbon cutting at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 10, The National Latino Family Expo consists of over 200 exhibitors and features exciting and interactive programs, entertainment featuring Dora the Explorer, a and free giveaways. (Courtesy photo) Citizenship and Immigration Assistance Session, a Home rience a variety of activities. highlight services and activities senior population. San Antonio,” stated Watteau. See NCLR on page 3-A Additionally, Monday will geared toward the San Antonio “We’re excited to be back in “The last time we were here Inundaciones devastan a Monterrey Texas close’em By Michelle Gamboa Automóviles fueron arrastrados por la corriente que causó las inundaciones en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon apilándose uno encima del otro. (Foto Daniela Gutierrez) Alex arribó a tierras regias El huracán Alex se considera la catástrofe natural más devasta- en la madrugada del jueves 1ro dora de todos los tiempos en Mon- de julio tomando por sorpresa a muchos de los ciudadanos quienes terrey y su área metropolitana no pudieron tomar las medidas preventivas necesarias. Por Jimena Pérez “Dentro del sueño escuchaba [email protected] lluvia y desperté el jueves con la Se dice que después de la tor- cochera ¡inundada! era imposible menta llega la calma, no obstante salir de mi casa”, comentó Danlos regiomontanos encontraron iela Gutiérrez, 25, quién reside en su ciudad devastada después que la colonia Cumbres quinto sector el huracán Alex azotó la Sultana en Monterrey. Llovió continuamente el jueves del Norte. y el viernes se presenciaron las lluvias más fuertes y como resultado se cancelaron labores corporativas y escolares esos días. Las fuertes lluvias y el implacable aire arrastraron todo lo que encontraban a su paso — piedras, vehículos, árboles, carteles, etc. Se dañaron infraestructuras hidráulicas, vialidades y carreteras principales, servicios de agua, energía eléctrica, telecomunicación y cientos de casas. Automóviles fueron arrastrados por la corriente vandálica apilándose uno encima del otro. La precipitación pluvial varió en los diferentes sectores de la ciudad de Monterrey y sus alrededores alcanzando desde 2 hasta 3 pies de altura provocando severas inundaciones y desbordamientos de ríos y arroyos. Una de las imágenes más perturbadoras para los regiomontanos es haber presenciado el desborde del Río Santa Catarina. Vea Inundaciones la pág. 4-A Jaime Martinez, Texas frontrunner for LULAC presidency By Angela Covo [email protected] Jaime Martinez, 63, wants to be the new national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). Delegates at the Texas LULAC Convention nominated the “favorite son” for the position in June. Martinez, president of the Cesar Chavez LULAC Council 4626, former LULAC National treasurer, and immigration chair of the Texas Labor Council for Latin American Advancement of the AFL-CIO, has a vision for the future of LULAC. “I want to move LULAC into the 21st century with strong leadership to strengthen the organization’s advocacy with a rapid response to key issues, increasing LULAC relevance at all levels of government,” he told La Prensa. “I want to lead the charge to empower Hispanics at all levels.” “LULAC is not a radical organization – it is the oldest Latino civil rights organization in the United States,” he added. He hopes to use the national platform to build LULAC programs from the ground up by aggressively increasing membership rolls across the country. One of his key ideas is to establish a nonprofit LULAC national credit union to promote opportunity and financial literacy in the community. “Financial literacy is so important now and with the right tools, our members can progress and participate fully. A credit union can even help our small businesses succeed,” he said. Martinez is ready to lead – for 44 years he’s worked to strengthen the community, wearing many different hats since he started attending meetings with his grandparents in See LULAC on page 6-A Texas lawmakers are once again visiting the subject of expanding gambling in the state. A severe budget deficit has the legislators considering any path that might allow funding of government services without raising taxes. A poll was conducted in May of this year to research the opinions of voters. Five hundred people were polled and 57 percent of those surveyed like the idea, whereas 33 percent of the voters are against it. The remaining 10 percent of those surveyed are undecided. So what makes Texas so attractive to the gambling industry? Research has shown the high concentration of Hispanics in Texas provides a vulnerable population who is at risk for developing compulsions to gamble, which can account for 30 percent or more of the gambling industries profits. This may explain why the gambling industry has donated millions of dollars to Hispanic legislators. Some researchers believe the gambling industry wants to promote the use of slot machines, since they’re designed to take the most advantage of the compulsion to gamble from those that are most likely to develop gambling problems. Studies in the United States and Canada show that up to 12 percent of Hispanics who take up gambling will become problem gamblers. What’s more disheartening is that often times Hispanics are resistant to seeking treatment. There is no doubt that the gambling industry is a big business with growing influence. The American Gaming Association reported gross intakes of $34 billion dollars at American casinos in 2007. A study of the effect of gambling on the population of New Mexico found that over 70 percent of those with gambling problems were Hispanic. Gambling addiction or problem gambling means a person’s social life, family life, job and/ or financial security is threatened by the compulsion to gamble. Some research points to one percent of the population, but other research looking at specific populations such as NativeAmericans and Hispanics, when combined with other risk factors like low education have found rates up to ten times higher. A response to treatment may depend on early intervention but most of the time problem gamblers aren’t stopped from going to casinos until they have no money left to spend. Police officers who are against legalized gambling in the state told La Prensa that illegal gambling is definitely on the rise. All across the state of Texas there has been a growing number of these facilities which often mislead customers about payouts or have been the scenes of crimes. Texans are already gambling in unregulated facilities throughout the state that often cheat customers and have evaded law enforcement. The creation of resorts would allow the state to make sure that gambling is done fairly and safely in an environment that will attract not only local customers but visitors from other states and Mexico. However, many community leaders are apprehensive about legalizing gambling. Concerns came from consultant Rob Kohler for the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission, who said bringing casino gambling to Texas would enable people to gamble who do not have the means to go elsewhere. “I think gambling is an awful way to have to fund state services,” said Kohler. “We don’t need something else for people to get addicted to, to get in the poor house, to cause more crime in our state.” Marianne Ramos from Austin feels differently. “I just think it’s silly for the powers that be to ignore the money-making potential of legalized gaming,” she said. “In this economy it just makes sense to take advantage of this lucrative opportunity. And there is no need to worry that legalized gaming might create gambler-holics, because See Gambling on page 5-A 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO ¿Por qué mientes? Por María Marín Desde niños, hemos sido educados para siempre decir la verdad. Pero esta tarea muchas veces se convierte en una misión imposible. Según un estudio reciente, las personas dicen 3 mentiras cada 10 minutos. Puede ser una mentirita tan sencilla como “te llamo mañana” o algo más serio como “yo no me robé eso”. Lo cierto es que muchos mienten hasta sin darse cuenta. Quieras admitirlo o no, todos mentimos. ¿Por qué? Porque tenemos terror a las repercusiones de los errores que cometemos. Aquí te enumero los tres principales temores que te incitan a ocultar la verdad: (1) Miedo a meterte en un aprieto: Esta fue la primera táctica que aprendiste en tu niñez cuando te culpaban de algo y querías defenderte. “Yo no me comí los dulces”. Hoy día, la sigues usando en otras situaciones: “Yo no hablé mal de ti”. (2) Miedo a herir a alguien: Seguramente te has encontrado en una situación en la que te has visto obligado a ocultar la verdad con tal de no ofender a otro. Especialmente cuando una mujer te pregunta: “¿me veo gorda con este vestido?” y tu respondes: “¡claro que no!”. (3) Miedo a perder algo: Tal vez has mentido para salvar un trabajo, una relación, una oportunidad o tu reputación. A tu jefe le dijiste, “No pude trabajar ayer porque estaba enfermo”, a tu pareja le afirmaste, “Yo nunca te fui infiel”, y muchos para salvar su nombre han asegurado, “Nunca he probado las drogas”. Aunque un engaño puede salvarte de un problema momentáneamente, tarde o temprano la verdad siempre sale a relucir. Una mentira es como una bola de nieve, empieza pequeña pero según va rodando acumula mas nieve y se hace más grande. De la misma forma, cuando mientes, tienes que seguir inventando falsedades para que no ser descubierto, hasta que llega el momento en que no puedes ni acordarte de todos los cuentos inventados. Las mentiras son como una adicción, mientras más las utilizas mas las necesitas. Estoy segura que en algún momento has pasado por la vergüenza de ser “cachado” en una mentira y ahora eres catalogado por alguien como deshonesto y traicionero. No arriesgues tu integridad. Cuando te encuentres en una situación en la que el miedo te haga creer que una farsa es el escape, ten cuidado porque una mentira, en vez de liberarte, puede atraparte. Te recuerdo un pasaje en la Biblia: “La verdad siempre te hará libre.” Maria Marin es motivadora internacional, figura radial y autora de Mujer sin Límite. Visite su nuevo portal www. Together, we can get things done! Need for Federal Legislation to Limit Cadmium Exposure By Joe Riojas Last month, McDonald’s, one of America’s most popular and respected fast food giants, announced a recall of all Shrek glasses distributed in recent months. The recall of an estimated 12 million glasses was prompted by the discovery that the paint used on the outside of the glasses to portray Shrek and his companions contained cadmium. This represents another step toward identifying sources of cadmium that can affect the health of our children. Recalls of children’s jewelry made in China, containing high concentrations of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal and known carcinogen, were in the news over the last few months, and McDonald’s joins the list of responsible corporations like Wal-Mart, Disney, and Claire’s Boutiques by announcing its recall. But how does the potential for cadmium ingestion from a soft drink contained in a Shrek glass compare with the cadmium in a Big Mac? Yes, the cadmium problem is much bigger than most people realize—cadmium is in our food. The bun and lettuce in a Big Mac are likely to be high in cadmium because both wheat and lettuce are efficient at absorbing the heavy metal from the phosphate fertilizers used in growing these crops. The concentrations of cadmium in the soils of our farmlands have been steadily rising over the years as farmers continue spreading tainted fertilizer on their land. The problem is more serious than the lead problem that is kept in check by federal legislation. The current standards for cadmium are inadequate due to the extremely high biological half-life of the toxic metal (approximately 30 years compared to 78 days for the essential mineral, zinc). The State of California recently lowered its Public Health Goal (PHG) for cadmium in drinking water from 0.07 parts per billion (ppb) to 0.04 ppb due to its high kidney toxicity, but this is only one state, and the reduction does nothing to diminish cadmium in most non-smokers’ main source of exposure—FOOD. Cadmium doesn’t just cause problems with the kidneys. The cancer-causing heavy metal also adversely impacts sensitive organs including the liver (fatty liver disease), the pancreas (Type 2 diabetes), the lungs (emphysema, lung cancer), and the bones (osteoporosis, Itai-Itai disease), to name a few. McDonald’s corporate leadership is to be applauded for their recent stand on cadmium. They didn’t take a $24 million hit just to make a statement. But, they need to take another giant step—and we should all join them—by demanding tighter legislative controls over all sources of cadmium that impact our food supply and dissemination of information regarding the problem. A lot of you may say, “Well, I’m going to die from something anyway, so what difference does it make?” The difference is the quality of life that you and your children will have in your adult lives. Do you know someone with diabetes, someone on dialysis, someone with osteoporosis, or someone with cancer? These are all terrible and debilitating diseases. People need to know that the food supply is impacted and there are consequences associated with eating cadmiumtainted food. Learn about cadmium poisoning and how you can minimize cadmium in your diet (see my previous articles or search the Internet) and then spread the word—tell your relatives and friends about the problem. But don’t stop there! Call your legislators and demand that public health interests be protected through legislation. The federal government has laws to protect us from lead and mercury. We need similar legislation for cadmium. Contact your elected officials and tell them you want the federal government to get involved: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (202-224-5922 or hutchison.; Senator John Cornyn (202-224-2934 or; District 20 Representative Charlie Gonzalez (210-472-6195 or 202-225-3236); District 23 Representative Ciro Rodriguez (210-922-1874, 210-561-9421, or 202-225-4511); District 21 Representative Lamar Smith (210-821-5024 or 202-2254236). Let them know that this issue is important to you. Together we can get things done. Living with an uninvited guest: Four types of MS By Johnny Hernandez [email protected] When it comes to living with multiple sclerosis, T.J. has good days and bad days. Even when she was taking medication, and during her holistic healthcare regimen, it was difficult for her to imagine what kind of day tomorrow would be. T.J. lives with relapsing-remitting MS. This type affects about 85 percent of all people living with MS through clearly defined flare-ups or “relapses” of nerve cell damage, but with some kind of recovery or “remittance” in between. Sometimes damaged nerve cells can heal themselves after an MS attack, ridding a person of relapsing symptoms for a short period of time. But still, the MS attack will leave behind scars or lesions that can interfere with the nerve fibers that connect muscles and other sensory elements of the body to the brain and spinal cord. This is why it has been difficult for T.J. to live, work and play steadily from day to day. In the past, she has had to give up things like school, work and hobbies because the MS will once again jump from remitting to relapsing…the good days and the bad days. Even though the on-again-offagain chronic pain and fatigue keeps T.J. from finishing activities she enjoys beginning, she feels like she is one of the lucky ones…not having to live with a progressive form of MS, counting the days to immobility. There are three other types of MS—relapsing progressive MS, primary progressive MS, and secondary progressive MS. Secondary progressive MS is technically a form of progressive MS, but this type acts more like a relapsing form in its early-to-mid stage, with relapses and remissions being quite common. But after a while, a more continuous loss of physical and cognitive functions begin to take over while relapses become less common. About 50 percent of people with relapsingremitting MS will usually develop secondary progressive MS within 10 years of their initial diagnosis. Primary progressive MS is a type of multiple sclerosis with no flare-ups or relapses, but with a gradual loss of physical and cognitive functions over a period of years. This form of MS affects about 10 percent of all people with MS. Finally, relapsing progressive MS, sometimes referred to as PRMS, affects about five percent of people with the autoimmune disease and is characterized by a steady worsening of symptoms and occasional relapses. With the relapsing-remitting MS, T.J. has learned to take her life day by day, allowing herself to start whatever projects she can without any concrete deadline to finish the task. It’s important emotionally, mentally and physically for T.J. and other people with MS to stay as active as they can without over doing it while allowing their bodies to rest when the need is clear without feeling defeated. 11 de julio de 2010 Obama: Tarde pero aun bienvenido Por Jorge Ramos Ávalos El discurso reciente del presidente Barack Obama sobre inmigración, y sus esfuerzos para crear una ruta hacia la ciudadanía para los 11 millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, llegaron tarde, demasiado tarde, considerando que su partido carece ya de un control suficiente en el Congreso. No obstante, esos esfuerzos son bienvenidos. El discurso sólido y sombrío de Obama en American University el 1 de julio fue lo que hemos estado esperando desde que tomó posesión de la Presidencia hace 18 meses. Cuando era candidato presidencial, Obama prometió que apoyaría una propuesta de reforma inmigratoria en el primer año de su gobierno. Esa promesa ya ha sido rota. En este discurso nos dijo lo que ya sabíamos: muchos republicanos en el Senado que antes estaban dispuestos a apoyar la reforma, han revertido sus posiciones. Es una lástima que no haya hablado antes, cuando tenía 60 votos en el Senado. Pero son noticias bienvenidas saber que Obama seguirá tratando de cumplir su promesa de campaña. “Estoy listo para seguir adelante” en este tema, dijo el jueves. Y así, seguimos esperando, pese a la creciente frustración en la comunidad hispánica. He recibido muchos correos electrónicos y mensajes de Twitter acerca del discurso del presidente. El tema general es que la comunidad latina está cansada de discursos; quiere acción. La popularidad de Obama entre los hispanos se desplomó de 69 por ciento en enero a 57 por ciento en mayo, según la más reciente encuesta de Gallup. La comunidad observa cómo la falta de acción de la Casa Blanca y del Congreso ha permitido que estados como Arizona tomen el asunto inmigratorio en sus propias manos. La ley SB 1070 de Arizona, que entra en vigor el 29 de julio, promoverá el racismo al permitir a la policía detener a individuos basándose sólo en el color de su piel o en su acento. El presidente Obama puede estar preparando el camino para una demanda federal contra esta ley, pero en última instancia no será el presidente quien tome la decisión, sino su procurador general, Eric Holder. No olvidemos que, aunque el presidente no tiene los votos en el Senado, pudo haber suspendido las deportaciones de estudiantes y de padres inmigrantes de ciudadanos estadounidenses. Pudo haber presionado en el Congreso para la aprobación del Dream Act antes de noviembre, permitiendo que miles de jóvenes indocumentados iniciaran sus estudios universitarios. Pudo haber convocado a una reunión cumbre con líderes de ambos partidos para que dieran la cara ante los votantes hispánicos antes de las elecciones intermedias. Pudo haber presentado su propia iniciativa de ley inmigratoria, como prometió durante la campaña presidencial. No hizo ninguna de estas cosas. Pese a todo, el discurso del presidente estuvo muy bien. Nunca lo había visto tan tranquilo y directo. Fue al punto y se refirió directamente a los miedos de muchos estadounidenses, dejando en claro que la mayoría de los inmigrantes indocumentados no son criminales, y que tienden a desempeñar empleos que, de otra forma, permanecerían vacantes. En el mejor momento del discurso, Obama dijo que era imposible deportar a 11 millones de personas. “Eso sería logísticamente imposible”, dijo Obama, y agregó, “y rompería la esencia de este país”. Estableció también condiciones muy claras para la posible legalización de indocumentados: pagar multas e impuestos, aprender inglés y estar dispuestos a colocarse al final de la fila. Pero los discursos, incluso los grandes discursos, ya no bastan. “El sistema está roto”, dijo, y más adelante: “Nuestra tarea, entonces, es hacer que nuestras leyes nacionales realmente funcionen -- dar forma a un sistema que refleje nuestros valores como nación de leyes y nación de inmigrantes”. Incluso si los estadounidenses están dispuestos a aceptar la realidad de que debemos construir un sistema nuevo para enfrentar nuestra situación actual -- y la mayoría no lo está -- entonces los inmigrantes que esperan un trato justo todavía tienen un largo camino por delante. En el siglo 21, es moralmente indefensible que el país más poderoso de la Tierra persiga a aquellos que son los más débiles y menos protegidos. Un buen discurso. Pero ya se acabó el tiempo para las palabras. ‘On Our Behalf’ State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte Being a state Senator means that my appreciation of our armed forces typically takes the form of authoring and sponsoring veteranfriendly legislation. As an American, and as a citizen of this proud nation, my gratitude and respect for the men and women of our military runs deeper than any ceremony or words of recognition could ever hope to convey. It is those few Americans who are being deployed multiple times, who experience indescribable horrors on behalf of all Americans, whom we must remember and keep in our prayers. I have the privilege of representing a district in San Antonio that appreciates freedom. The Alamo is a constant reminder that men—Texan, Mexican, and American—were willing to die for what they each believed was a just and righteous cause. I note this because San Antonians, being a diverse people with a large veteran and active-duty population, understand that freedom is a precious thing. We perceive that the continued exercise of freedom requires a collective effort on behalf of a strong belief in a clear purpose. As of June 29, 2010, Texas has lost 495 men and women in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. The number of wounded Texans has climbed to 3,565, a figure that does not reflect the invisible combat injuries so prevalent in these wars: post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. As a whole, 5,509 Americans have been killed, and 38,334 wounded. Though one would be hard-pressed to know it here on the home front, America is engaged in a serious war. I have the honor of chairing the Texas Senate’s Veteran Affairs and Military Installations Committee. The work this committee does is becoming increasingly important as the war in Afghanistan nears its 105th month of completion. The Iraq timeline does not lag very far behind. The July 4th weekend we recently celebrated recognizes our nation’s very spirit, a spirit that is alive and strong today. It has been developed over the course of several difficult wars that affected every family regardless of income or education level. With nearly 200,000 Americans deployed to combat zones, this past holiday weekend represented nothing less than the spirit of a united America. In the 18th century, the men of the Continental Army understood that forcibly removing the yoke of British tyranny was their necessary mission. The Declaration of Independence and our precious Bill of Rights would ultimately have been meaningless documents had their claims not been reinforced by American military victories. Today, in the 21st century, the men and women of our all-volunteer armed forces conduct faraway missions across both oceans. And while the mission may not be as clear-cut, there is a unifying thread between the Revolutionary War and the Global War on Terror: the bravery and firm commitment of those few Americans who serve in combat units. As we go about our daily business, running errands and driving to work, it is so important that we remember the sacrifices being made in our names by those who volunteer to serve this nation. “Abogado, he sido abusada por mi esposo indocumentado.” Por Joseph B. De Mott, Especialista Certificado en la Ley de Inmigración English summary: The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) allows women (and men) who have been victims of abuse by US Citizen or Resident Alien spouses to immigrate because of the abuse. If the abuser was neither a citizen nor a Resident Alien, the victim of the abuse can apply for a “U” visa by showing that they aided in the investigation and/ or prosecution of the abuser. If the U visa is approved, a work permit will be issued for 4 years, but after 3 years one can apply for Resident Alien status. Pregunta: Abogado he sido abusada por mi esposo indocumentado. Me dijeron que puedo solicitar documentos de inmigración bajo VAWA, ¿es esto cierto? Respuesta: La Ley de Violencia Contra la Mujer (VAWA) protege a los miembros de la familia que han sido abusados por un esposo que es ciudadano o Residente Permanente de los Estados Unidos. Debido a que su esposo no tiene papeles aquí, no puede solicitar los beneficios de VAWA. Pero sin embargo, la ley dice que si puede aplicar para una visa “U.” La visa U es para alguien que ha sido víctima de un delito, y que ha ayudado o asistido al gobierno a investigar o presentar cargos criminales en contra de la persona que ha cometido el crimen. Así que si usted denunció el abuso a la policía, y si ayudó a la policía de investigar o al fiscal para presentar cargos penales en contra de su esposo, usted puede aplicar con inmigración para una visa U. Para poder obtener la visa U, primero tenemos que obtener una certificación por parte del gobierno diciendo que usted presento cargos criminales en contra de su esposo. Al tener la certificación del gobierno podemos ir a Inmigración para solicitar la visa U. Si la visa U es aprobada, se le dará permiso para permanecer y trabajar aquí en los Estados Unidos por 4 años. Después de 3 años en la clasificación de la visa U, usted puede solicitar la residencia permanente. Eventualmente, usted podrá hacerse ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Lamento escuchar sobre el abuso que ha sufrido en manos de su esposo, pero, afortunadamente, la ley brinda protección a las víctimas de delitos, incluyendo la violencia doméstica, aun cuando el que comete el delito no sea ciudadano o Residente Permanente aquí . ¡Hasta la próxima! Si Ud. tiene una pregunta particular, yo puedo tratar de contestarle en esta columna. Mándeme su pregunta a: Joseph B. De Mott Abogado de Inmigración 8930 Four Winds, local 106 San Antonio, Texas 78239-1971 (210) 590-1844 11 de julio de 2010 Calendario de la comunidad • FERIA DE CARRERA DE NCLR – 12 de julio, 10 a.m. a 3 p.m. – la organización Concilio Nacional de La Raza presentará feria de carreras como parte de la exposición nacional de familias Latinas. Contratistas de San Antonio asistirán la feria, buscando contratar profesionales para sus negocios. Para obtener más información adicional sobre el evento, visite la página web o vaya a para aprender más acerca de este evento y otros eventos como este. • EDUCATION THAT ROCKS – Through July 30 – Wonderland of the Americas hosts Education that Rocks, creative art classes offered for children and adults to show their creativity this summer. The conveniently located Wonderland of the Americas, formerly Crossroads Mall, will host children ages 6-17 and adults. The classes will teach the art of imagination, visualization and the creation of characters made from a simple rock. For program information and registration contact (210) 367-9331. • MESTÍZO BALLET FOLKLORICO – July 31, 7 p.m. – Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs Instituto Cultural de Mexico proudly presents Mestízo Ballet Folklorico “Mexico en la Piel”, regional dances from La Huasteca and Northern Mexico. This event will take place at 600 Hemisfair Park. Tickets will be sold at Instituto Cultural de Mexico or by calling (210) 542-0166. • LET’S READ FEST – August 14 – Bring your kids for a fun day of storytelling, playmaking and interactive activities, featuring local artists and organizations. For more information call (210) 225-9800 or visit • CHILDREN’S FALL VEGETABLE GARDEN – August 21 – December 4 – The Texas AgriLife Extension Service provides an opportunity for children 8-13 to learn about gardening by growing their own vegetables through the mentoring of Bexar County Master Gardener volunteers. This event will take place at the Botanical Gardens and the children will have fun growing different types of seeds, herbs, vegetables and flowers. Weekly educational gardening presentations are held to stimulate these young minds. The cost is $25 per child. For more information and to register please download an application at • HERBS FOR THE GARDEN, KITCHEN & BATH – July 24, 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Savor the joys of an edible and useful landscape. Herbalist and horticulturist Diane Lewis will present a PowerPoint with great herd pictures and discuss the herbs best suited to this area and how to blend them into everyday life. Learn how to cultivate, harvest and store herbs, all while saving money. This event will take place at the Botanical Garden and the cost is $43. For more information and to register please go online to • GUADALUPE ART EXHIBITION – Through August 27 – The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center continues its series of art exhibitions that celebrates the creators of the art that make San Antonio unique. This event will bring to the public eye the people who work, teach and live the arts that are essential to life. Seven artists will be featured in this exhibition representing a wide range of talent. For more information call (210) 271-3151. This event will take place at the Guadalupe Gallery, located at 723 S. Brazos. • TERRA INCOGNITA – Through August 29 – Acquired in 2006, this suite of eight masterful color lithographs by littleknown French Symbolist Charles Dulac with working proofs for each print will be shown for the first time at the McNay. The suite is a great example of French color lithography at the end of the 19th century. The complete suite is quite rare – only a few are known. General admission is FREE on Thursday nights and the first Sunday of the month. For more information please contact the McNay Art Museum at (210) 805-1732. • ¡ADELANTE! EDUCATION LEADERSHIP FUND – Monday, Sept. 27, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. – Actor and activist, Edward James Olmos will address our next generation of Latino leaders at The Sky Room, located at the University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway. Olmos will share his inspiring story of how he overcame numerous obstacles growing up in the barrio. Tickets are $200 and tables are $1500. Early registration is recommended. For additional information contact Andria Castillo at [email protected] or call 1-877-692-1971. • TEXAS CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS SERIES – Through October 15 – The Texas Contemporary Artists Series exhibitions showcase the talents of some of Texas’ premier artists. This series focuses on the work of contemporary artists who call Texas home. Regular hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. This event will take place at the Institute of Texan Cultures, located at 801 E. Durango Blvd. The cost is $8 for adults; $7 for seniors; $6 for children (3-11); free with membership, UTSA or Alamo Colleges ID. For additional information call (210) 458-2300. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. MARCUS MARTINEZ Entertainment Houston TINO DURAN JOE AGUILAR Publisher/CEO JOSE FRANCO Production Assistants TINO DURAN JR Sports MILYANKA Director of Operations STATE SEN. LETICIA ROBERT PEREZ MARIA ELENA CRUZ VAN DE PUTTE Staff Photographers Editor OSCAR GARCIA CRISTINA NINA DURAN JORGE RAMOS BLACKWELL Co-Editor DRA. M. ANTONIETA ROXANNE MACIAS ALICIA CONDE GONZALEZ ANGELA COVO Spanish Copy Editor JOHNNY Reporters MARCO A. LOPEZ HERNANDEZ MARIA CISNEROS Production Manager Contributing Writers MARIA GARCIA ADRIANA HERNANDEZ REY GONZALES JIMENA PEREZ Director of Sales Circulation Sales Marketing & Advertising EFE / UPI LUCY MORENO News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 230 N. Medina, San Antonio, Texas 78207 (210) 2427900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that mayo be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO NCLR... Rescue Fair, health and vision screenings, a Diversity Career Fair, cooking demonstrations, and celebrity autograph signings. “It really does provide all aspects of life for every family on issues that affect the whole Latino community,” said Watteau. New this year are pavilions showcasing products and services: Cultural and History/El Museo Pavilion: Engage with diversity of Latino culture and history. This pavilion will feature a low-rider exhibit, a CINExpo displaying documentaries and short films, arts and crafts, live performances, and a mercado area for the sale of arts and crafts from local artisans. Community/El Barrio Pavilion: Experience aspects of the barrios that contribute to the everyday life of the Latinos in San Antonio. This pavilion will feature clinics focused on higher education and also include storytelling, puppet shows, and soccer viewing. Health and Fitness/Tu Salud Pavilion: Partake in free services provided by NCLR health partners. This pavilion will feature cooking demonstrations; health screenings focusing on vision, lung health, and blood pressure, among others; and join-in group exercise, fitness, and dance classes. NCLR Family/Familia Pavilion: Learn about NCLR’s programmatic work and access relevant publications on services for families. This pavilion will serve as the information center for the National Latino Family Expo and will feature (continued from page 1-A) UPS, raffles and giveaways, and publications from NCLR. Technology and Environment/El Futuro Pavilion: Learn about recent technological advancements in various industries that will make our everyday lives easier. This pavilion will feature video games, a cyber café, and home energysaving tips. Tejano Experience USA FanFare Pavilion (Saturday and Sunday): This entertainment pavilion will feature lively Tejano music from two stages, with opportunities to obtain autographs and purchase Tejano music fan merchandise. Career/Tus Oportunidades Pavilion (Monday only): Receive valuable career resources, regardless of your age or work experience. This pavilion will feature direct connection to employers, networking opportunities, and over 20 national and local companies offering job opportunities. Citizenship and Immigration Assistance Session (Saturday only): Session participants will have an opportunity to receive one-on-one consultations with qualified attorneys on immigration-related issues. Home Rescue Fair (Sunday only): This event centers on the advice of professional housing counselors from agencies certified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Participants will receive information on community resources, housing counseling agencies, and legal assistance. The array of activities and giveaways at the National Latino Family Expo includes 3-A Consejo Nacional de la Raza 2010 Por Jimena Pérez [email protected] Teach for America o Enseña para América auspició un foro de discusión el sábado 10 de julio. Enseña para América es una organización nacional que recluta a estudiantes recién recibidos de la universidad con altas calificaciones y con cualidades de liderazgo. Enseña para América es patrocinador del panel de discusión de la Cumbre de Líderes Jóvenes fun for children and adults of all ages. The whole family can enjoy games, raffles, prizes, live music, dancing, food, and product giveaways as well as receive information from more than 200 exhibitors. “It’s really a unique family experience from the youngest member of the family to the oldest member of the family,” explained Watteau. “Almost all the town halls and workshops will be open to the public and hopefully we expect people to come through and really take advantage of all these free services.” San Antonio’s VIA Metropolitan Transit will provide free service to the National Latino Family Expo from Crossroads and Madla Transit Centers. Transportation will be available Saturday, July 10 and Sunday, July 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Monday, July 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Friday, the Mexican American Unity Council (MAUC) hosted a special naturalization ceremony for en donde discuten varios temas de relevancia sobre la educación. El tema de discusión en la conferencia NCLR 2010 fue “Tu puedes tener un impacto en la educación de América” el cual se enfocó en la desigualdad educacional de la comunidad latina. Éste foro formó parte de la conferencia 2010 del Consejo Nacional de la Raza (NCLR) y fue dirigido por la Vicepresidenta de Diversidad e Inclusión de Enseña para América, Amanda Fernández. the members of our country’s armed services at its San Antonio headquarters. The immigrants becoming U.S. citizens included about 12 military personnel from Fort Sam Houston and Fort Hood, Texas. MUAC is the first Affiliate of NCLR. There was also a presentation of the Color Guard, and one of the newly neutralized citizens shared his personal story as an immigrant becoming a U.S. service member and U.S. citizen. In addition, there was a recorded speech from President Barack Obama to the new citizens. Since it was incorporated in 1967, MUAC has been helping Latinos in San Antonio with economic and political empowerment, voter education and registration, education, housing, and other services. For more information about the National Latino Family Expo or to find out more about the National Council of La Raza visit De acá de este lado… las raíces están en los pies y se baila con el corazón Por M.Antonieta González Recientemente recibí una llamada que me invitó a compartir con ustedes la siguiente reflexión. Es cierto que particularmente en estos tiempos, la imagen de México al igual que la de los mexicanos, se encuentra probablemente en uno de sus peores momentos. Por consecuencia, la imagen inicial de los latinoamericanos en Estados Unidos queda envuelta en un estereotipo. Si no, pregúntenselo a la gente en Arizona, pues el perfilamiento racial se basa, no en de dónde vienes, pero en cómo te ves. La mayoría de los latinoamericanos descendemos de la mezcla de europeo e indígena, aunque haya alguno que otro ‘maya güero’ y desde luego los que juran que únicamente ‘descendieron de los barcos’. Sin embargo, hay quienes se sienten orgullosos de ser parte de esa llamada raza cósmica, el ‘Mestizo’. Sin embargo no voy a escribir ni de Arizona, ni de la violencia. Quiero hablar de otras realidades que con frecuencia, se ven opacadas por el abrumador estrépito de la violencia en nuestro mundo. Historias que frecuentemente quedan sepultadas en los espacios de los medios de comunicación bajo las montañas de noticias de caos. Quiero compartir con ustedes brevemente la historia de Corina García, quien es una de los nueve hijos de una familia mexicana, en la que padre y madre eran maestros de primaria y secundaria, además de ser maestros de baile folclórico. La madre de Corina Garcia, que como tantas otras admirables mujeres, fue capaz de desarrollar su profesión de maestra, también desempeñar pasión por el arte, tener una familia, nueve hijos y haber logrado incluso cultivar en ellos el amor por sus raíces culturales. Corina, cuando emigra a este país, al casarse con alguien que era “de acá de este lado”, siente la necesidad de rescatar los valores culturales con los que creció. Por eso fundó, junto con su esposo David García, La Academia “Mestizo” para la investigación y la difusión de la danza folclórica. En la corta vida de este grupo, ya han logrado hacerse de varios premios en concursos de baile folclórico, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en México, incluyendo-tres primeros lugares- en competencias. En esta ocasión, el grupo “Mestizo” ha sido invitado a una gira que incluye Los Ángeles, Denver, Wyoming y otra invitación al otro lado del mundo, en China. El 31 de julio en el Instituto de México presentarán el espectáculo “Unidos por el Folclore” al que han invitado a otros de sus colegas en el baile folclórico de Tamaulipas y de Veracruz. Esta presentación será parte de su campaña para recaudar fondos para su participación en esas giras. Para mas información sobre esta presentación, llame al Instituto de Mexico/Casa Mexicana al numero (210)227-0123, o visítalos en su localidad 600 HemisFair Plaza Way, San Antonio, Texas 78205. 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO La Prensa y UNAM-San Antonio Presenta: Dosis de ciencia: Educación y memoria Por Dr. René Drucker Colín “El abuelo ya está viejo, todo se le olvida…” es una frase que, aunque tiene mucho de verdad, no es necesariamente cierta para todas las personas mayores. Investigaciones realizadas por psicólogos han demostrado que la capacidad de la memoria de las personas de edad avanzada puede mantenerse en buen estado si en su juventud realizaron estudios superiores. Al hacer pruebas de memoria en adultos, tanto jóvenes como mayores (con y sin estudios superiores), se reconoció que en ambos grupos la habilidad memorística y cognoscitiva era superior respecto de aquellos que habían cursado la universidad. Sin embargo, el mecanismo cerebral para realizar funciones mentales cognoscitivas o de memoria es diferente, según se trate de un joven o de una persona mayor. Por medio de la resonancia magnética funcional se pueden visualizar las áreas del cerebro que trabajan cuando un individuo realiza un trabajo mental. Durante estas actividades se ponen a trabajar los lóbulos temporales del cerebro de los adultos jóvenes con estudios; en cambio, se observa una gran actividad en áreas frontales en los individuos mayores. La hipótesis de estos científicos establece que la pérdida gradual de memoria que se experimenta con la edad en los lóbulos temporales sucede en todos los adultos mayores. Sin embargo, aquellos que tuvieron una educación superior logran la conexión de una red neuronal compensatoria de los lóbulos temporales con el área frontal, que les permite “reclutar” y poner a trabajar neuronas de este último para efectuar funciones cognoscitivas. Esto nos recuerda ese dicho mexicano tan conocido: “todo por no estudiar…” Public Service Announcement ¿Necesita un Pasaporte? Se aumentan los Honorarios comenzando el 13 de julio de 2010 Visite la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal de la Ciudad de San Antonio, localizado en 719 S. Santa Rosa para solicitar un pasaporte antes del 13 de julio de 2010. Las horas para atender el público, será lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. hasta las 5 p.m. y los sábados por cita (210) 207- 4214. También tomamos fotos de pasaporte y ofrecemos estacionamiento gratis. El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, aumentará los honorarios de pasaportes a los siguientes: El Libro de Pasaporte para Adulto actualmente $75 aumentará a $110 La Tarjeta de Pasaporte para Adulto actualmente $20 aumentará a $30 El Libro de Pasaporte para Menor actualmente $60 aumentará a $80 La Tarjeta de Pasaporte para Menor actualmente $10 aumentará a $15 Los Honorarios del Departamento de Estado deben ser pagados por cheque o giro postal. La Ciudad de San Antonio cobra unos honorarios de ejecución de $25 por aplicación y $16.22 para fotos de pasaporte. /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC City Clerk La Prensa de San Antonio DHS launches “See Something, Say Something” By Angela Covo [email protected] Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano launched the first phase of DHS’ nationwide “See Something, Say Something,” enlisting everyone’s help to keep our country safe. The original program, implemented by New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority, was partly funded by a $13 million grant from the DHS’ Transit Security Grant Program in 2002. Some say it was instrumental in thwarting a terrorist threat in Times Square earlier this year when street vendors alerted police to an unmanned vehicle, which appeared to be smoking on the inside. According to reports, that car was indeed armed with three bombs, although the attack was foiled and at least one suspect was caught and is being tried. Napolitano believes this is a simple and effective program to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats and emphasizes the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper transportation and law enforcement authorities. DHS will use the “See Something, Say Something” campaign to complement the national Suspicious Activities Reporting initiative, a partnership among federal, state, and local law enforcement, to establish a standard process for law enforcement to identify and share suspicious incidents or activity nationally so it can be analyzed to identify broader trends. In a statement earlier this week, she said, “Implementing a national suspicious activity reporting partnership with DHS expands the “See Something, Say Something” campaign nationally with public education materials, advertisements and other outreach tools. (Courtesy photo) Amtrak and expanding the ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign strengthens our ability to guard against terrorism and crime.” “These initiatives enable us to provide frontline security personnel with the latest information and intelligence to recognize behaviors and indicators associated with new and evolving threats,” she added. Napolitano also announced the SAR initiative, a new national information-sharing partnership with Amtrak, in which DHS and the Department of Justice (DOJ) work with Amtrak to utilize the latest intelligence in law enforcement training to identify suspicious behaviors associated with new and evolving threats. Amtrak officers will also utilize an upgraded reporting system—made available by the Transportation Security Administration—to refer suspi- cious activity reports to DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for analysis and follow-up. “The SAR initiative establishes a unified approach at all levels of government to gather, document, process, analyze, and most importantly share information about terrorismrelated suspicious activities,” said Amtrak Police Chief John O’Connor. Expect to see more in the coming months as DHS expands the “See Something, Say Something” campaign nationally with public education materials, advertisements and other outreach tools to continue engaging travelers, businesses, community organizations, and public and private sector employees to remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping our country safe. For more information, visit or Sigue La Prensa en Facebook 11 de julio de 2010 Ventas Quizás estás a punto de graduarte del colegio o quizás ya trabajas. De cualquier manera, sabes que las carreras que ofrecen excelente sueldo y beneficios son bastante raras. Por estas razones y muchas otras debes traer tu talento de ventas a Allstate. Como el asegurador líder nacional de líneas personales de seguros, buscamos a profesionales para promover productos innovadores con la confianza de más de 17mil hogares en los EE.UU. Busca estas oportunidades prometedoras en nuestro nuevo Centro De Información al Cliente en San Antonio,TX: ✓ REPRESENTANTE DE CLIENTE BILINGÜE – CÓDIGO AM4 Recibe llamadas de clientes. Contesta preguntas, explica cobertura, hace cambios a pólizas y vende cobertura adicional. ✓ REPRESENTANTE DE VENTAS DIRECTAS BILINGÜE – CÓDIGO AM5 Recibe llamadas del consumidor sobre campañas de publicidad o comerciaales para vender nuestra línea de productos y servicios excepcionales. ones para Averigüe las mejores raz Allstate: construir una carrera con 401K, ico, vida, visión, plan de ✓SSeguropersmed mas beneficios onales pagados, y muchos días día ✓BBeneficios que empiezan desde el primer ✓VVender una marca popular y respetada ncias que lente potencial de gana ✓EExce ntivos mensuales incluye un salario e ince yendo inclu tunidades para crecer ✓OOpor después reembolso de colegiatura de un año de servicio ✓Programa de entrenamiento pagado ✓ ESPECIALISTA DE VENTAS Y DE SERVICIO BILINGÜE – CÓDIGO AQG Fortificar relaciones con el cliente en lugar de hacer llamadas a lo ciego, contactar y vender d a clientes l existentes y clientes l potenciales l que expresen un interés en los servicios de Allstate. ✓ DIRECTOR DE DIVISIÓN – CÓDIGO AJU Responsable por el manejo de operación de la compania para promover satisfacción al cliente y empleados de acuerdo al los objetivos de la compania. También responsable de la dirección estratégica y metas e implementación de procesos para mejoramiento dentro de la oficina. Para las posiciones de Representantes y Especialistas, se requiere excelente comunicación y habilidad de computación y teléfono. Se prefiere 1+ años de experiencia en ventas/servicio al cliente dentro de un ambiente de llamadas. Si eres un recién graduado y estas buscando crecer tu experiencia de ventas,Allstate es lugar para ti. ¿No tienes experiencia en ventas de suguros? No te preocupes, entrenaremos al la persona ideal. $1,000 de bono para el candidato con licencia P&C. Pon tu carrera en buenas manos con Allstate. ✓ Apliqa ahora al Allstate es un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades Representantes de Cliente: Código de busca AM4 Representantes de Ventas Directas: Código de busca AM5 Especialista de Ventas y de Servicio: Código de busca AQG Director de División: Código de busca AJU Inundaciones... El río tiene una extensión de 45 kilómetros y su desplazamiento es de oriente a poniente. Éste constituye el lugar público más trascendental de Monterrey y sus cercanías, inclusive el municipio lo considera la columna vertebral de la ciudad. En esa zona había un circo, una pista de go-karts, un campo de minigolf, canchas de fútbol soccer, escenarios al aire libre para eventos culturales y la zona comercial que se le llamaba “El puente del Papa”. “Fue impresionante ver la corriente con esa velocidad, parecía un mar, veías pasar árboles, carros, laminas, lonas—muchas cosas. Pero todavía más increíble fue ver desbordándose el agua, en un lugar donde se jugaba fútbol o se hacían otro tipo de actividades”, compartió Gutiérrez. Según el Secretario de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de Monterrey, Ingeniero Alejandro Palacios, más de 21 municipios de los 51 del estado fueron afectados por Alex y los daños aun son inconmensurables. “Todo esto [lo que costará la reconstrucción] es ahorita incalculable, fueron daños severos que sería irresponsable dar una cifra ahorita”, comentó Palacios. “Hay alrededor de un millón de personas damnificadas”, agregó. Para poder tener una cifra exacta el Alcalde de Monterrey, Ingeniero Fernando Larrazábal, instruyó a todo su equipo de colaboradores gubernamentales a hacer brigadas en todas las zonas afectadas durante 20 días para poder evaluar las zonas de desastre. “Estamos en todos los puntos, primero atendiendo las necesidades básicas, abrimos las vialidades primarias y secundarias, estamos llevando alimentos, se están entregando despensas, se está llevando agua potable y ya estamos haciendo prevención de enfermedades”, dijo Palacios. “Inmediatamente se instalaron albergues y se les está dando atención medica, alimentos e inclusive atención psicológica ya que pasaron por momentos muy críticos”, agregó Palacios. Después de recibir el diagnostico de Nuevo León el gobierno federal ayudará utilizando los Fondos de Desastres Naturales del Gobierno Federal [FONDE]. El gobernador de Nuevo León, Rodrigo Medina, junto con los alcaldes del estado, decidieron utilizar 1,400 millones de pesos del Fondo Metropolitano para reconstruir su estado. Estos fondos ya estaban designados a ser utilizados para obras viales antes de Alex pero ahora se utilizarán en su totalidad para la reconstrucción. Alex provocó una catástrofe aún mayor que la del huracán Gilberto en 1988 cuando la lluvia alcanzó 1 pie de altura. A consecuencia de ese desagradable suceso el gobierno decidió construir la presa Rompepicos que amortigua el agua que baja al rio Santa Cantarina. El ingeniero Palacios asegura que si no hubiera sido por el Rompepicos la catástrofe hubiera sido (continued from page 1-A) Así quedó la colonia Cumbres en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon tras el paso de Alex. (Foto Francisco Reynoso) peor. “Aunque la tragedia fue de a causa de Alex pero afortunadadimensiones muy grandes fue mente los san antonianos tienen todavía poca en comparación a la un corazón dispuesto a tender la que hubiera sucedido en la ciudad mano al que lo necesite. sino se tiene esa presa”, agregó. Medicamentos, agua embotelA pesar de que labores se re- lada, pañales (para niños y adulsumieron el lunes, varias oficinas tos), comida enlatada, abrelatas, recorrieron sus horas de operación leche en polvo o tetra pack, debido a la destrucción parcial o cobertores, ropa, alimentos no total de avenidas fundamentales perecederos, utensilios y servilpara desplazarse en la ciudad y letas desechables, productos de hasta el gobierno concluyó el limpieza (detergente en polvo, ciclo escolar. También se restab- bolsas de plástico, cloro, etc.) lecieron los servicios de agua pero y artículos de higiene personal el agua sale sucia. (jabón, papel del baño, toallas Gutiérrez afirma que su vida ha sanitarias y cepillos de dientes) cambiado radicalmente después pueden ser donados en dos orga- Las fuertes lluvias arrasaron con todo en su paso en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. (Foto Francisco Reynoso) de haber presenciado el huracán. Opina que las personas deben prepararse cuando se pronostican eventos naturales y también deben crear conciencia de cuidar al medio ambiente. “Antes de cualquier tragedia vives de una manera y después de ella, otra, empiezas a tomarle el verdadero valor a las cosas del día a día o las [cosas] simples, como el servicio del agua. Creo que después de esto no volveré a desperdiciar ni una gota”, compartió Gutiérrez. “La naturaleza nos reclama cosas, yo creo que nosotros mismos provocamos esto en el sentido que contaminamos y que no cuidamos lo que tenemos”, expresó. Aun después de Alex ha llovido esporádicamente todos los días. Alex también arrasó con los municipios norteños de los estados de Tamaulipas y Coahuila. Incluso se cerró el Puente Internacional Las Américas que une a Laredo, Texas con Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas y también el Puente Internacional Reynosa-Hidalgo a causa del aumento en el nivel del agua del río Bravo. Lamentablemente los vecinos del sur tienen su ciudad devastada nizaciones en San Antonio. Unidos por Anáhuac repartirá los artículos recolectados a la ciudades de Anáhuac y Rodríguez Nuevo León (divididas por un rio desbordado) y los ejidos de Anáhuac, Rodríguez y Nuevo Camarón. Llame a María Cuevas al (210) 577-7369 para más información de donde se encuentra el centro de acopio más cercano. Los interesados también pueden llevar sus donaciones a las oficinas de Jaime Martínez, presidente de LULAC Consejo #4626, ubicadas en el edificio Cesar Chávez al este de la calle Commerce número 1504. Para más información llame al 226-2301. Para hacer donaciones monetarias desde San Antonio las personas pueden depositar a la cuenta de BANAMEX Sucursal 087 número de cuenta 9075580 con clave interbancaria 002580008790755800. A los neoleoneses les llueve sobre mojado ya que también se espera la llegada de la depresión tropical Bonnie al noreste de México y el Valle del Sur de Texas. 11 de julio de 2010 Gambling... if someone is inclined to gamble, they’re going to do so whether it is legal in Texas or not. They’ll just travel to another city and leave their hard, Texas-earned cash there.” In Texas, adding any sort of gambling would likely require a constitutional amendment. When legislators talk about legalizing gambling, there are enough options to fill up a roulette wheel. The biggest is to allow casinos or just slot machines at horse and dog tracks. “We already have it here – lotto and bingo is gambling,” explained Donna Taylor from Boerne, Texas. “What part of these two games don’t the legislators feel are not considered gambling? You might have the winning numbers for lotto and again you might not. That is the chance you take when you buy a ticket. As for Bingo, that is nothing but a gamble.” Miguel Lorenzana from San LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A (continued from page 1-A) Antonio doesn’t agree on allowing widespread use of slots or casinos on every corner. “However, I think we can derive good revenue that can benefit underfunded programs from limited and highly regulated gambling zones,” he stated. “Not to mention, we can attract out of state investors and thereby increase tax revenue from this. I really don’t think it’s wise to simply ignore an entire industry flat out.” Since the 1990’s a significant amount of research has been done on the problem of gambling addiction and identifying at risk populations. Many sources have found a relationship between income level, education, and ethnicity to the risk of developing a chronic addiction or gambling problem. The type of slot machines that will be introduced into Texas if the gambling measure passes Texas lawmakers are revisiting the possibility of placing slots at race tracks and licensing resort will create thousands of Texans casinos, as gambling revenue is desperately needed for a state budget fix. (Courtesy photo) becoming problem gamblers. It is more than predictable that the Hispanic community will feel the brunt of this new plague. A study of the effect on gambling on the population of New Mexico found that over 70 percent of those with gambling problems were Hispanic. What will be the costs to Texas taxpayers for the treatment of addicted players? What will the social service costs for the support of families whose major bread winner spends his or her paycheck at the casino or racetrack slot machine instead of clothes or medicine for their children? It’s not too hard to imagine that these costs will not be less than millions of dollars. There is clearly large opposition to any kind of gambling in the state. And those opponents may still win the day. It would take not only a two thirds vote in the legislature, but a statewide vote, as well, to pass. Federal government sues Arizona, challenges SB 1070 By Angela Covo [email protected] The Department of Justice challenged the state of Arizona’s immigration law, S.B. 1070, in federal court this past week. The suit was filed on behalf of the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State, which share responsibilities in administering federal immigration law. The Department has also requested a preliminary injunction to enjoin enforcement of the law, arguing the law’s operation will cause irreparable harm. But there’s doubt that an injunction will happen by July 29, the day the law goes into effect. U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton said she plans to take the time she needs to reach a sound legal decision. In the brief filed in the District of Arizona, the DOJ said SB 1070 unconstitutionally interferes with the federal government’s authority to set and enforce immigration policy. The brief states, “The Constitution and federal law do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country.” The federal government filing says a patchwork of state and local policies would seriously disrupt federal immigration enforcement. By signing SB 1070 into law, the federal government says Arizona effectively enacted its own immigration policy that conflicts with federal immigration law, thus Arizona “crossed a constitutional line.” Arizona Governor Jan Brewer “It is wrong that our own federal government is suing the people of Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law”, stated Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. (Courtesy photo) disagrees. “The irony is that President Obama’s Administration has chosen to sue Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law and not sue local governments that have adopted a patchwork of ‘sanctuary’ policies that directly violate federal law,” she said in response to lawsuit . Local “sanctuary” policies instruct the police not to cooperate with federal immigration officials in some cities across the United States. According to a press release, the DOJ says it filed the suit after extensive consultation with Arizona officials, law enforcement officers and groups, and civil rights advocates. “I was notified that the federal government has filed a lawsuit against the State of Arizona. It is wrong that our own federal government is suing the people of Arizona for helping to enforce federal immigration law. As a direct result of failed and inconsistent federal enforcement, Arizona is under attack from violent Mexican drug and immigrant smuggling cartels. Now, Arizona is under attack in federal court from President Obama and his Department of Justice. Today’s filing is nothing more than a massive waste of taxpayer funds. These funds could be better used against the violent Mexican cartels than the people of Arizona,” Brewer responded in a statement. According to the Associated Press, the number of illegal immigrants in the country fell for the first time this decade in 2007, and dropped another 800,000 between 2008 and 2009, primarily due to the recession and increased enforcement efforts. As of January 2009, an estimated 10.8 million people were in the country illegally, 1 million less than the 2007 peak, according to the Department of Homeland Security. The Arizona law does reflect the federal law; but Arizona’s position is that all illegal immigrants should be deported, while the DOJ says that treating every illegal immigrant as a criminal would be overwhelming and stretch available resources too thin. It boils down to differences about how laws should be enforced. In declarations filed with the brief, Arizona law enforcement officials said SB 1070 would hamper their ability to police San Antonio to launch downtown bicycle sharing, rental, and tours program Special to La Prensa City Council approved the establishment of a bicycle sharing, rentals and tours program to augment alternative and “active” transportation choices in the downtown area. The initial program will consist of 140 bikes at 14 locations supported by a “central hub” and is expected to serve both residents and visitors. Popularized in Europe and Asia where there are more than 50 cities with a public bike sharing system, San Antonio follows on the heels of three other North American cities that have launched bike sharing systems in the past year – Montreal in the summer of 2009, and Mexico City and Denver in the spring of 2010. “Bike sharing is yet another downtown amenity the city is adding to enhance fitness, improve the quality of life and to encourage commerce and residential living in the urban core,” Mayor Julián Castro said. The program is being over- seen by the City’s Office of Environmental Policy, and seed money is coming from stimulus funds through the Department of Energy and Centers for Disease Control. “San Antonio is the perfect city to launch a bike share system with our great weather, relatively flat terrain, and many fun and interesting destinations that are easy to get to on a bike,” said City Manager Sheryl Sculley. “This program is a win-win for everyone because it will help improve the environment, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and encourage people to be more physically active,” said Laurence Doxsey, Director, Office of Environmental Policy. San Antonio Bike Share, a nonprofit, is being formed to oversee the operation, which will be locally operated and maintained by Bike World. B-Cycle, the same system being used in Denver, will be supplying the bike share system. Riders can choose to purchase an annual membership or pay as they go. The system is designed so that users can pick up a bike at a conveniently placed kiosk and drop it at any other BCycle station. The bikes will be equipped with RFID chips and computers to track mileage, calories burned and carbon offsets. Eventually, riders can monitor their personal fitness, see their contribution to the City’s green efforts, and connect with others on a system-wide website. For more information, call Julia Diana, Senior Management Analyst for Sustainable Transportation, Office of Environmental Policy at 207-6321. MPO BIKE NIGHT Join the MPO’s Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee for a special evening committee meeting to report on the state of cycling in San Antonio and Bexar County. Find out what’s been accomplished and where we are heading. Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Time: 6:00 p.m.* Location: Community Room VIA Metro Center 1021 San Pedro *Open house starts at 6:00 p.m. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. *Open house starts at 6:00 p.m. Meeting at 6:30 p.m For more information, please callstarts 210-230-6911 or visit us at their communities. The chiefs also said that victims of or witnesses to crimes would be less likely to contact or cooperate with law enforcement officials. Sheriff Tony Estrada of Santa Cruz, AZ, concurs. “SB 1070 undermines my ability to set law enforcement priorities for my agency. As the Sheriff, I am responsible for setting my agency’s law enforcement priorities. My top priority is investigating, preventing and deterring the most violent and serious crimes. This new law requires me to expend substantial and already scarce resources on immigration matters at the expense of combating serious crime,” he said in his statement. “Arizonans are understandably frustrated with illegal immigration, and the federal government has a responsibility to comprehensively address those concerns,” Attorney General Eric Holder said. “But diverting federal resources away from dangerous aliens such as terrorism suspects and aliens with criminal records will impact the entire country’s safety.” Brewer says she just wants the federal laws already on the books enforced to protect the citizens of Arizona. “The truth is the Arizona law is both reasonable and constitutional. It mirrors substantially what has been federal law in the United States for many decades. Arizona’s law is designed to complement, not supplant, enforcement of federal immigration laws,” Brewer said. The government did not raise the issue of potential racial profiling in the lawsuit, the principal objection against SB 1070 of immigration reform advocates. “My legal team will not hesitate to assert the rights of the State of Arizona in this matter. Arizona will ultimately prevail against the lawsuits – including this latest assault by the Obama Administration. Our laws will be found to be constitutional – because that is exactly what they are,” she added. La Junta Asesora de Restauración (RAB, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Antigua Base Aérea Kelly La Agencia de Bienes Inmuebles de la Fuerza Aérea le invita a asistir a la próxima junta de la RAB. martes 13 de julio del 2010 6:30 p.m. – Inicio de Junta 8:15 p.m. – Periodo de Comentario Público Air Force Real Property Agency Sala de Reunión 485 Quentin Roosevelt San Antonio, TX 78226 Se discutirán una variedad de temas acerca del programa ambiental de Kelly. Para más información, favor de llamar a la Linea de Información Pública de Kelly al (866) 725-7617. Si usted necesitará un traductor de español o un intérprete de lenguaje de señas, por favor llame al (866) 725-7617 con no menos de dos días de antelación 6-A 11 de julio de 2010 in his personal life as well, when LULAC Council #4947 named him “Extraordinary Father.” Martinez has always appreciated his special bond with Cesar Chavez, and organized the successful Chavez March for Justice in 2006, which attracted more than 20,000 people in San Antonio. He founded the Cesar E. Chavez Legacy and Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships for underprivileged students that also preserves the history and legacy of Chavez. Arturo Rodriguez, president of United Farm Workers, has known Martinez for more than 30 years. “UFW is endorsing Jaime Martinez because he continually supported all our causes, and after Cesar passed in ’93 he continued to support farm workers and worked very Many local leaders endorse Martinez for national president of LULAC, among them Councilwoman hard to perpetuate Chavez’s legacy and history,” he said. Mary Alice Cisneros. (Courtesy photo) Dolores Huerta feels the same way. “I support Jaime because he “I told them I can read, I can the 25th Congress of the National state and national levels. Last year will defend women’s rights. He write, I can learn fast,” he said. Association for Chicana and Chi- he was recognized for excellence will fight for education reform. It made no difference, so he left. cano Studies recognized his work But more than ever, he understood defending human rights. Later that the importance of being a cham- same year, he submitted a report pion for civil rights, and the great and testimony to the delegates of achievement of his grandparents AFL-CIO representing 13.5 million workers in favor of resolution # 17: before him. In just the last ten years, the list Defending the Rights of Immigrant of Martinez’ contributions and Workers. He has also played many honors goes on and on. In 1999, crucial roles in LULAC at the local, He will fight for criminal justice reform. Jaime joined in the struggle for health reform long before it came to fruition this year,” Huerta, co-founder of UFW and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, said. Many local leaders also endorse Martinez for national president of LULAC, among them Councilwoman Mary Alice Cisneros. “I believe his experience in community organizing will make him a tremendous national spokesperson for LULAC,” the Councilwoman said. Former Mayor Henry Cisneros and several states, including Texas, also endorse Martinez for national president of LULAC. Martinez appreciates the support and recognition, but in the end, what he really wants is to make a difference. “I see a need, people crying out for help – and I believe my leadership will advance solutions to those issues important to LULAC membership,” he said. LULAC... 1950. It’s no surprise the community leader embarked on this adventure – he grew up in “el barrio” on the westside. His grandparents, Mauricio Martinez from Bustamante and Telesfora from Saltillo, migrant farm workers, raised him since he was three years old. They came to San Antonio as part of the Homestead Act at the turn of the century. “As far back as I can remember, my grandparents were activists -they helped organize La Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana and taught me, by example, to serve our people,” he explained. Later, Cesar Chavez, became his mentor. “Cesar instilled in me that ‘spirit of non-violence’ and the concept that unity in community is essential for social, economic, and political change. He taught me to never give up and the importance of working tirelessly for the greater good of the community,” he added. His own personal experience with injustice and discrimination came early. Martinez remembers a time when he first started out and just before he was to marry. He took a job as a metal grinder in a factory – with a promise he could advance to a better position as time went on and a slot opened. Several times that position opened - but the firm kept bringing in white Englishspeaking people to fill the spot. LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO (continued from page 1-A) TxDOT les recuerda a fans de la Copa Mundial que si toman, no manejen La campaña les recuerda a los entusiastas del deporte que tengan un conductor designado. Especial para La Prensa Para miles de tejanos, la Copa del Mundo es un momento de tremenda emoción. Es para reunirse con amigos y celebrar, ya sea en bares deportivos o en casa. Es por esto que el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) está lanzando una campaña por los medios de comunicación para recordarles a los aficionados al fútbol que, si animar a su equipo favorito incluye tomar alcohol, seleccionen a un conductor designado. La campaña está dirigida a los conductores varones entre las edades de 21 y 34, un grupo más representado que ningún otro en los arrestos y choques relacionados con Texas (TxDOT) está lanzando una campaña por los medios de comunicación para recordarles a los aficionados al fútbol que, si animar a su equipo favorito incluye tomar alcohol, seleccionen a un conductor designado. (Foto cortesía) el alcohol. Los conductores ebrios son responsables por casi un tercio de las muertes en las calles y carreteras de Texas. En Texas en el 2008 murieron 975 personas en choques de tráfico en los cuales un conductor estaba ebrio. Los choques relacionados con el alcohol ocurren con más frecuencia los sábados, en la hora entre las 2 y las 3 de la mañana. Para un primer delito por manejar ebrio, la ley estatal dicta un máximo de seis meses en la cárcel, una multa de $2,000, y una suspensión por un año de la licencia de conducir. Una condena por manejar ebrio también conlleva un sobrecargo anual de $1,000 por hasta tres años para mantener una licencia de conducir en Texas. Los agentes de la seguridad dicen que el costo total asociado con un arresto y una condena por manejar ebrio puede pasar los $17,000, incluyendo fianza, costos judiciales, audiencias ante los tribunales, clases exigidas por el juez, aumentos en el seguro del vehículo y otros gastos. Gran Re-apertura en El Foro en Olympia Parkway. Paquete especial fotográfico El paquete incluye: Una – de 10 x 13 Dos – de 8 x 10s Cuatro – de 5 x 7s Cuatro – de 3 x 5s 32 tamaño cartera No hay cargos de sesión adicionales por persona • Certificados de regalo disponibles The Neighborhood Place, 3014 Rivas St. Saturday, July 24, 2010, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Vineyard Shopping Center Charles w Anderson • Proof of income for adults over 18 years living in your home Loop 281 Charles w Anderson Loop Comenzando el 10 de Julio, nos encontraras en El Foro en Olympia Parkway. 1604 1604 35 281 Au • Verification of Unemployment Compensation payments • Documentation (i.e. Federal Income tax filing) that verifies self-employment gross income for previous year or previous quarter of 2010 sti nH wy Acceptable proof of income are: • Pay stubs for the last 30 days • Award letters for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Signed Declaration of Income Statement if household receives cash only USD ¡50 DIsEñOs DE TarjETas! You may qualify for the Casa Verde SA weatherization program and receive FREE home upgrades to save money on your CPS Energy bill. Join us at our next event to apply! • Most recent CPS Energy bill • Photo ID for all adults in your home 995 $ Además 6 tarjetas personalizadas completamente GRATIS FREE HOME UPGRADES = MONTHLY ENERGY SAVINGS Bring copies of: solo New Location The Forum at Olympia Parkway El cupo se llena pronto. ¡Date prisa y separa tu lugar hoy mismo! The Forum at Olympia Parkway CPS Energy representatives will be processing Casa Verde SA applications. Help available in Spanish. 8096 Agora Parkway, Suite 104 Universal City, TX 78148 • 210.764.8160 Customers must meet specific income guidelines and criteria to qualify for the program. For more information call 353-CASA (2272) or visit También visítanos en Bandera Pointe Es altamente recomendable que haga cita. Clientes sin previa cita serán recibidos, pero serán atendidos de acuerdo a su disponibilidad. No hay cuotas ni cargos adicionales. Solo un paquete especial fotográfico de $9.95 (USD) por persona, por familia o grupo durante cada periodo promocional por favor. Esta oferta no es válida con fines comerciales, personas individuales o menores sin compañía de un adulto. Esta oferta puede cambiar en cualquier momento. Fondos y promociones pueden variar según la ubicación del estudio. PI-1690-VSCFRM-C1-V1-F.indd 1 11619 Bandera Road, Suite 109 San Antonio, TX 78250 • 210.256.8000 Horario: martes - domingo 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 7/2/10 2:45:48 PM 11 de julio, 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Seis pabellones de: SHOWS INFANTILES JUEGOS MÚSICA PREMIOS ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! CL AS E S D E B AIL E DEMOSTRACIONES DE COCINA SALAS C & EX ÁMENES MÉ D ICOS D ¡Transporte GRATIS con VIA desde los Centros de Tránsito Crossroads y Madla! Sábado y Domingo de 10:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. y Lunes de 10:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. (210) 745-2392 ¡Presente este cupón para recibir un regalo sorpresa! Regalo disponible sólo para los primeros 200 participantes. AT THE LOOKING FOR A JOB? Don’t miss our CAREER PAVILION •SalesJobs •FederalJobs •CustomerServiceJobs Comeandfindyouridealjob! Monday, July 12 10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center H a l l s C & D For more information contact us at (210) 745-2392 FREE transportation by VIA from Crossroads and Madla! Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. FREE 7-A 8-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 11 de julio de 2010 ´ PARA tu FIESTA DE FUTBOL! 98 ! ¢ 1 $ paquete de 8 6.75 onzas surtido lb. ¡Frescos! Muslos o Piernas de Pollo lb. Hill Country Fare Compra Jugo Juicy Juice ice de Nestlé Uvas blanca sin semillas paquete económico 9 $ 99 Pastelitos P t lit 24 piezas pqte. llévate Papitas Pringles Super Stack 5.71 - 6.73 onzas surtido variado ¡GRATIS! con el cupón de la tienda Precios válidos hasta el martes 13 de julio del 2010 en tus tiendas vecinas H-E-B incluyendo H-E-B Marketplace y H-E-B plus!™ Las ofertas no son validas en la tienda Central Market de Broadway. Debido a la popularidad de nuestros Precios Bajos de Cada Día, reservamos el derecho a limitar cantidades. Unos productos podrían no estár disponibles en cada tienda. Impreso en papel reciclado. ©2010 H-E-B Food Stores, 10-3105CS 11 de julio de 2010 Voks, Aztecs best teams in STAF league In this edition: In touch with the Page 2-B Las Silver Stars en community: segundo lugar Page 8-B Back to school checklist Handicapping the 2010 World Cup final Jamie Trecker By Albert Villegas The Voks and the Aztecs are the best teams that San Antonio has to offer after nine weeks of play in the South Texas Amateur Football League. Both teams share identical 5-2 season records. However, the Aztecs slipped past the Voks, 28-26 in thier game which was played on June 26. After the first half, it didn’t look like it was going to be a competitive game as the Voks led 20-0 at the break. But, the Aztecs scored 22 unanswered points throughout the second half. The last touchdown came with 1:10 left in the fourth quarter. “We’ve been coming from behind in several games this year; there was another game (against Pleasanton) where we were down 19-0 and we ended up winning, 20-19,” Aztecs coach Emilio Ledezma said. But what looked like a sure two-point advantage for the Aztecs against their opponent, was squandered when the Voks took the ensuing kickoff and returned it for their only score of the second half to take a 2622 lead. The Aztecs, however, were able to mount a comeback with 56 seconds left in the game to ensure themselves of a victory. “I’ve played and coached this team since 1999 and this game has to be one of the top two games ever I’ve been involved in,” Ledezma said. As a result, the Aztecs are in first place in the STAF’s Mesquite North Division; the Voks are still tops in the Mesquite South Division. They are part of a league that is comprised of 16 teams, including five others from San Antonio. They are grouped together in two divisions. Trailing the Aztecs in the Mesquite North Division are the Texas Mavericks, who entered the league in the fifth week. The Mavs, who played in the Minor Professional Football League and advanced to the playoffs, are 3-1 in the STAF league. Following the Mavs are the San Antonio Heat and the San Antonio Scorpions, who are both 1-6. In second place after the Voks are the San Antonio Phoenix (3-4), San Antonio Spartans (3-4) and Lytle Buccaneers (2-5). The team the Heat lost to, Lytle, is one of seven STAF teams that are from outside of San Antonio. There are four teams that are in each of the Cactus North and Cactus South divisions. After eight weeks of play, the division leader in the north are the Dilley Warriors (5-3), followed by the Pearsall Bulls (3-5), La Pryor Dogz (1-7) and See 3-B Sunday, July 11, 2:30 p.m. ET Netherlands vs. Spain at Soccer City Stadium No matter what happens Sunday in Johannesburg, a brandnew World Cup champion will be crowned in what is a second straight all-European championship final. Only seven teams have ever won the World Cup since its beginnings in 1930, but in just a few days it’ll be eight. In fact, Spain has never been in a World Cup final and is attempting to become one of the few reigning European champions to follow up with a world championship. Holland, on the other hand, is well-known for disappointment at the finals, having lost twice to host nations, in 1974 in West Germany and then in 1978 at Argentina. Both teams are considered the best to never have won a Cup. One will snap that ugly streak. This could be a tense, tactical final between two teams that haven’t seemed to quite catch fire, but have certainly gotten the job done. Both made the best of what now look like relatively easy paths into the finale. Slovakia and Paraguay are hardly world-beaters but both teams did take major scalps en route, as the Dutch toppled Brazil and Spain broke down a very impressive German side. Both teams are well-feted for their attack, which is somewhat ironic considering that the Spanish have only scored seven goals total in this Cup while the Dutch have ground out their wins using a smothering midfield to spring their attacking trident. (See World Cup... page 3-B) LeBron says he’ll sign with Miami Heat two of the greatest players that we have in this game today.” FOX Sports Radio’s Stephen A. Smith was the first to report that James, Wade and Bosh would end up in Miami. He made the prediction nearly a week ago, citing several sources. Ending weeks of round-theclock speculation, the two-time NBA most valuable player said he was uncertain until the eleventh hour before deciding that the only way he could fulfill his dreams of winning multiple championships was to leave his home state and a city that hasn’t sprayed championship champagne in 46 years. “It’s going to give me the best opportunity to win,” James said. “We’re going to be a real good team.” That’s not what Cleveland wanted to hear. Fans poured out of the same downtown bars and restaurants that have thrived with James around in frustration moments LeBron James walked away from the comforts of home to chase an NBA championship. Perhaps the most hystericallyhyped free agent in sports history, James announced Thursday night on national television that he plans to leave Cleveland to join the Miami Heat for a chance to play with Olympic teammates Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. It’s a power trio that could dominate the league for years to come. “I can’t say it was always in my plans, because I never thought it was possible,” said James, who wrestled with his decision for weeks. “But the things that the Miami Heat franchise have done, to free up cap space and be able to put themselves in a position this summer to have all three of us, it was hard to turn down. “Those are two great players, UIW football kicks off on KKYX Special to La Prensa With Incarnate Word moving into the highly respected Lone Star Conference, Cardinals football has now joined forces with a stalwart of San Antonio radio. This fall, UIW football will be heard on KKYX Radio, 680 on the AM dial. Additionally, the Mike Santiago Coaches Show will be aired by KKYX on Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Covering some 99,000 square miles of Texas with its classic country music, KKYX established a reputation of being sports-friendly long ago. “In our second year of football at UIW,” Director of Athletics Mark Papich said, “we wanted to be identified with a station that is strong in sports. KKYX is exactly that, with its several years of broadcasting San An- tonio Missions baseball among many other athletic events.” The Cardinals will play 11 football games in 2010, and all 11 will air over KKYX. The opening game is August 28 when Langston State of Oklahoma comes to Gayle and Tom Benson Stadium. After that one non-conference contest, UIW will play 10 straight games against Lone Star opponents. “We’re very excited to welcome UIW Cardinal football to KKYX for the 2010 season,” KKYX Program Director Doug Bennett said. “It’s great fit KKYX is the San Antonio flagship station of Texas League baseball and the Missions. Now, we’re thrilled to be a part of the Lone Star Conference and Cardinal Athletics.” “The range of KKYX coverage expands our reach over the state,” said Papich. “It even gets us into some of our oppo- nents’ areas. This arrangement came after much discussion and it is a multi-year deal.” For the second year the voice of the Cardinals football will be veteran sports broadcaster Paul Alexander. An Emmy Award winner, Alexander brings a wealth of experience to UIW with his work in such leagues as the NFL, Big 10, PAC-10 and Canadian. He will give the play-by-play descriptions of UIW games and he will host the weekly coach’s show. In 2009, its inaugural season, Incarnate Word posted a 5-5 record playing as an NCAA Division II Independent. Now the Cardinals will compete in the Lone Star which a year ago sent four teams to the NCAA playoffs. Some 100 players are expected to be on hand August 7 when the Cardinals report for pre-season drills at Benson Stadium on campus. (Courtesy photo) after the announcement. A few set fire to his No. 23 jersey while others threw rocks at the 10-story-tall billboard featuring James with his head tossed back and arms pointing skyward. “We Are All Witnesses,” the mural says. This was something Cleveland never thought it would see. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert posted an open letter to fans on the team’s website ripping James and told The Associated Press he believes James did not play up to his abilities in Cleveland’s second-round loss to Boston. “He quit,” Gilbert said. “Not just in Game 5, but in Games 2, 4 and 6. Watch the tape. The Boston series was unlike anything in the history of sports for a superstar. ... People have covered up for him for way too long. “As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this See 3-B 2-B La Prensa de San Antonio 11 de julio de, 2010 Silver Stars firmes en el segundo lugar Conferencia del Oeste Nota y fotos Por Franco Las chicas comandadas por la estratega Sandy Brondello, sacaron la casta durante su importante combate contra las visitantes del Sun de Connecticut, que cayeron abatidas por marcador de 79-66 puntos, en el encuentro transmitido desde el AT&T Center a nivel nacional por la cadena deportiva ESPN. El entrenador en jefe visitante Mike Thibault, desde que se dio el primer silbatazo buscó que sus jugadoras comenzaran a fincar su onceava victoria. Thibault, trabajó bastante duro en la primera mitad del encuentro, confiado en la ofensiva y defensiva de sus delanteras Asjha Jones y Sandrine Gruda, así como de la central Tina Charles, y de las guardias Tan White y Renee Montgomery. Silver Stars alineó a las estelares aleras; Sophia Young y Chamique Holdsclaw, la central Michelle Snow, la armadora Edwige Lawson-Wade y la valiosa guardia Becky Hammon. Transcurrió el primer cuarto con ventaja de las locales con marcador de 22-14, el segundo cuarto fue para Sun que ences- taron 24 unidades, por 18 de San Antonio. El tercer cuarto fue más combativo por ambos lados, más no se logró ver un marcador abultado, ya que Sun logró sumar 13 puntos y las anfitrionas 16. El cuarto periodo y tiempo complementario fue del lado de Silver Stars quienes se lanzaron con todo sobre la duela, logrando encestar 23 puntos por 15 de su rival que al final admitieron la derrota, la cual fue su séptimo descalabro de la temporada WNBA 2010, con ello se ubicaron en el cuarto puesto de la Conferencia del Este, que encabeza Atlanta, Washington e Indiana. Silver Stars están en segundo lugar de la tabla general en la Conferencia del Oeste, donde Storm de Seattle es líder con una ventaja de ocho partidos. “Lo bueno de Silver Stars, es que le ganamos a un buen equipo, gracias a la efectiva contribución de la reserva que fue la llave del triunfo. Roneeka Hodges, hizo lo suyo, lo mismo Jayne Appel y Helen Darling. En los siguientes partidos tenemos que hacernos de más balones y no desaprovechar cada oportunidad para anotar”, dijo Bron- dello. “Quiero jugar más consistente en los minutos que me den de juego, esto es lo más importante para la banca. En los siguientes partidos seguiré enfocándome en la defensa y ofensiva. Deseo contribuir más con el equipo”, indicó la alera Roneeka Hodges, quien contribuyó en la victoria encestando 2 triples en 5 intentos, se posesionó de cuatro rebotes en 4 intentos durante 19:09 minutos de acción. Las estelares Hammon encestó 12 unidades, Lawson-Wade encestó 7 puntos, seguida de Michelle Snow con 14, la alera Holdsclaw con 11 y Sophia Young en la delantera sumó 19 puntos, sobresaliendo en su promedio personal por juego que es de 15.4 puntos por partido. Young, Hammon, Snow y Young, fueron elegidas por la afición, para su participación en el primer encuentro que sostendrán las escuadras estrellas de la WNBA y el seleccionado nacional del baloncesto femenil, el cual se ha denominado 2010 WNBA All-Stars vs. USA Basketball: The Stars at the Sun”, a jugarse este sábado 10 de julio en la Mohegan Sun Arena, de Unscanville, Connecticut, casa del Sun. La afición podrá ver este interesante encuentro por el canal deportivo ESPN en el horario de las 2:30 p.m. tiempo del centro. “Estoy sorprendida por qué la afición nos eligió para jugar en el equipo de estrellas. Para mí personalmente es un gran honor y de todo corazón agradezco el apoyo de nuestra afición”, comentó Young, nativa del país insular San Vicente y Las Granadinas, ubicado en el mar Caribe. En pleno vuelo al aro, fue captada la alera suplente Roneeka Hodges (5), quien levantó los ánimos y contribuyó en el marcador para que Silver Stars derrotaran 79-66 al visitante Sun de Connecticut. Hodges, encestó dos triples en cinco intentos, sumando 10 unidades durante 19:09 minutos de acción. Sophia Young, delantera de Silver Stars, captada preparando tiro al aro, dejando “parada” a la Becky Hammon (25), encestó triple en seis intentos, logrando eludir el bloqueo de la defensora Tan central rival Tina Charles (31). Young destacó encestando 19 unidades durante 35:57 minutos de White, quien fue interceptada por la central Michelle Snow. Hammon, estará presente en el 2010 juego contra las visitantes del Sun de Connecticut. WNBA All-Star Game vs. Team USA, tras haber recibido la cantidad de 116,391 votos. Lalo Fernández héroe del Juvenil Arturo Díaz ejecutó gol Olímpico Arturo Díaz, director técnico y jugador de Artilleros, logró imponer marca personal tras anotar su segundo gol olímpico en Soccer Liga de Los Altos. El primero lo ejecutó durante su campaña en la división de ascenso, y el segundo de forma espectacular el domingo 4 de julio contra Deportivo Juvenil. (Foto JIF) Deportivo Juvenil y Artilleros, se enfrascaron en tremendo duelo, durante su cita dominical celebrada en el campo uno del Kennedy Park, sede de la Soccer Liga de Los Altos que preside el señor Juan Padilla. Juvenil entrenados por los jugadores Mauricio Fernández y Eduardo “Lalo” Fernández, al final sacaron el gol de la ventaja, derrotando con marcador de 3 goles por 2 a los Artilleros de Arturo’s Body and Paint, comandados por el jugador Arturo Díaz. Lalo Fernández anotó par de goles, uno de ellos el de la victoria, seguido por Gustavo Fernández con uno. Por su lado Artilleros, descontó con un gol ejecutado por Esaúl DeSantiago, y el número dos, ejecutado por Díaz, que se agenció su segundo gol olímpico en este circuito. El primer gol lo anotó durante su campaña en la división de ascenso. En otros resultados Real Bron- cos perdió 2-3 vs. New Braunfels. Deportivo San Andrés 2-0 al Nacional. Cazadores 2-1 a Coyotes. Marsella blanqueo 3-0 al ex campeón Atlético Celaya. Deportivo Palaú le dio la bienvenida a La Leonera, encuentro en el que se repartieron puntos tras finalizar con marcador de 2-2. Real Coactepec campeón de ascenso sigue imparable, derrotó 5-3 al Atlético Estrada. S.L.P. Pique F.C., invicto al derrotar 6-2 a Temerarios. Deportivo Azteca perdió 0-2 vs. Atlético Jesús María. Real Dolores 1-0 vs. Ángeles Azteca. Real Charcas 4-3 al Deportivo Portugal. AC Milán 1-0 al ausente Deportivo GTO. “Estos parece que celebraron en grande el 4 de julio”, dijo el presidente Padilla. Rol de juegos domingo 11 de julio Kennedy Park campo 1: 9:45 a.m. Real Dolores vs. S.L.P. Pique F.C. 11:45 a.m. Deportivo San Antonio vs. Deportivo GTO. 1:45 p.m. Artilleros vs. Marsella. 3:45 p.m. Cazadores vs. Atlético Estrada. Kennedy Park campo 2: 11:45 p.m. Deportivo Azteca vs. Deportivo Laredo. 1:45 p.m. Atlético Celaya vs. Real Broncos. 3:45 p.m. Deportivo New Braunfels vs. Nacional. Monterrey Park No.1: 5 p.m. Deportivo Juvenil vs. Real Coactepec. 7 p.m. Temerarios vs. Real Cazadores. Levi Strauss Park campo 1: 4 p.m. Coyotes vs. La Leonera. 6 p.m. AC Milán vs. Real Charcas. Sábado 10 de julio en campo 1 del Monterrey Park: 6 p.m. Deportivo Palaú vs. Marsella, ojalá que el carbonero mayor Juan Higa, ya tenga suficientes refuerzos para darle la pelea a la gente de Roberto Villalta. 8 p.m. Artilleros vs. Deportivo San Andrés. Para obtener resultados, rol de juegos y registro de equipos comunicarse con el presidente Padilla al teléfono (210) 3882760. Lalo Fernández, fue el héroe del clásico de primera división entre el Deportivo Juvenil vs. Artilleros. Fernández, anotó dos goles, uno de ellos el de la victoria, la cual celebró en grande durante los festejos del 4 de julio. (Foto Sendero Deportivo) Roma doblegó al Santa Fe En el clásico dominical de la San Antonio Hispano América Soccer Liga (Liga Hispano con sede en campos del Cuellar Park y Monterrey Park), el equipo Roma subcampeón de ascenso (primera A), con marcador de 5-3 goles se impuso ante el duro Santa Fe, equipo que ha logrado conquistar varios títulos en la máxima división de este circuito que preside el señor Oved D. Rodríguez y el señor tesorero Francisco Álvarez. Por Roma del magnate Juan Nava y dirigidos por Raúl Castillo, destacó el delantero central Mario González, quien anotó la friolera cantidad de cuatro goles, con los que en quince jornadas jugadas sumó 21 dianas. “Se está teniendo buena racha, anteriormente le habíamos ganado 5-1 al campeón Toros Neza (Tiburones Rojos). Esperamos seguir adelante jugando como se ha venido haciendo en estos dos partidos”, comentó Castillo. Resultados: Neza 3-1 al San Francisco. Deportivo Valle 5 Boerne 0. Olimpia 1 Atlético Español 0. Cosmos 3-1 a los Aztecas. Deportivo La Puerta 1 Atlas 0. Atlético Beltrán 6 Deportivo Comfort 1. Deportivo Senguio 2 Potosino 2. Valle S. GTO y Centro América empataron 2-2. Deportivo García goleó 6-0 al Puebla F.C. Constructores blanqueo 4-0 al Deportivo Pumas. Atlético Dolores 4-1 a Cazadores. Deportivo Apaseo 4 Zacatepec 2. Atlético San Martín 3-0 a Taquería Jalisco No.2. Deportivo México 2 Real Álamo 2. Deportivo Imperial 1 Deportivo Perú 0. Deportivo South West 1 Atlético Boerne 0. León goleo 5-1 a Pumas. Rol de Juegos domingo 11 de julio; Cuellar Park 11 a.m. Beltrán vs. Atlas. 1 p.m. San Francisco vs. Centro América. 3 p.m. Neza vs. Deportivo Comfort. Monterrey Park campo 1: 11 a.m. Aztecas vs. Potosino. 1 p.m. Imperial vs. Santos Laguna. 3 p.m. Chivas vs. Matehuala. Campo 2: 9 a.m. Roma vs. Atlético Español. 11 a.m. Boerne vs. La Puerta. 1 p.m. Senguio vs. Valle. 3 p.m. Olimpia vs. Cosmos. 5 p.m. Valle S. GTO vs. Santa Fe. Campo 3: 9 a.m. Deportivo García vs. Real Álamo. 11 a.m. León vs. Deportivo Pumas. 1 p.m. Atlético Boerne vs. Deportivo Perú. 3 p.m. Apaseo vs. San Martín. 5 p.m. Zacatepec vs. Constructores. Campo 4: 10 a.m. Pumas vs. Atlético Dolores. 12 p.m. Puebla F.C. vs. Municipal. 2 p.m. Deportivo México vs. Cazadores. 4 p.m. Deportivo South West vs. Taquería Jalisco 2. Mario González delantero central del subcampeón de ascenso Roma, captado en plena acción en la que rival del Santa Fe, trató de parar su carrera rumbo a la meta contraria. González, fue el héroe del partido, tras anotar cuatro de los cinco tantos que les dio su segunda victoria consecutiva en la Liga Hispano, donde llegó a 21 goles anotados en la máxima división. (Foto Sendero Deportivo) 11 de julio de, 2010 World Cup... David Villa has carried Spain while the surprising Dirk Kuyt has helped make the difference for the Oranje. The Netherlands is the only team at the Cup to have won every single one of its games, and it must hope that streak continues against a Spanish team that wins games without looking particularly impressive. Holland is a team that has played smart, but sometimes unattractive football, and while there’s no questioning the caliber of their talent, it could be argued that this side has been less than the sum of its parts. But there’s no question that manager Bert van Marwijk deserves all sorts of praise. His game plans have been masterful, and his management of his men is nothing short of superhuman considering the Dutch propensity for combustion. Holland was able to ease Arjen Robben into the tournament, giving the winger time to recover from injury by handling Denmark and Japan with aplomb, then giving the Bayern Munich star a testing 18-minute runabout in the meaningless group game against Cameroon. Van Marwijk has also kept Wesley Sneijder and Robin van Persie La Prensa de San Antonio (Continued from page 1-B) playing together, despite their enormous egos and tendency to snipe at one another. Holland wants to get Robben running at you right to left, whereupon he can uncork the kind of blinder that sunk Manchester United’s Champions League dreams. But paying too much attention to him — as Uruguay did in its semifinal meeting — has proved to give Kuyt a lot of freedom to run and create. No, the Liverpool man isn’t the most elegant, but he’s shown he can really play in this Cup. And while Van Persie really hasn’t shown us the kind of class he can dis- Exito en las clínicas de futbol Cruz Azul Por Franco Futbolistas mixtos menores de 10, 14, 15 y 18 años de edad, tuvieron la oportunidad de mostrar sus habilidades y a la vez aprender técnicas coordinativas. Esto fue durante dos importantes clínicas celebradas durante el jueves 8 y viernes 9 de julio, bajo la coordinación del señor Marco Barros presidente de Classics Elite Soccer Academy y representantes del Deportivo, Social y Cultural, Cruz Azul, cuyos representantes fueron el gerente de las fuerzas básicas, señor Guillermo Ledesma Ortega y Rodolfo Velarde, de relaciones públicas y buscador de talento de “Los Cementeros”. La primera sesión se realizó en los campos Classics Elite Soccer Complex (1600 East Bitters Road y Jones-Maltsbeger Road), y la segunda por motivo del clima, se tuvo que realizar en complejo deportivo Northwoods Ice Skating Rink, que tiene dispuesta una cancha para futbol de salón. Tanto los preparadores visitantes como el organizador local, estuvieron satisfechos por los resultados obtenidos. Ledesma destacó lo siguiente. “Esta es la primera vez que vengo a dar una clínica para esta organización que ya tiene vínculos con el Cruz Azul, el señor Barros, se muestra bastante entusiasmado de poder sacar adelante el programa de futbol entre ambas entidades. Los participantes de la clínica nos han dado sorpresas. Las chicas sobresalen en sus capacidades, se les vio bastante adelantadas en su técnica de futbol. Vi que tienen bastante conocimiento del balompié”. Ledesma Ortega, señaló que tratarán de realizar clínicas de futbol, trayendo a la ciudad de San Antonio entrenadores de renombre y jugadores del Cruz Azul, ya que se tiene planeado traer al equipo grande para que se midan ante equipos del nivel universitario y colegial. “Llevaremos al Cruz Azul un buen informe sobre nuestra participación en ambas clínicas, en las que se les enseñó a los participantes en la ejecución de técnica coordinada; golpeó, conducción, recepción y vista en el balón. Así como jugadas entre equipos. Todo esto les va ayudar a obtener una mejor condición física, diversión personal y a la vez mantenerse alejados de actividades negativas”, concluyó Ledesma Ortega. Por su parte la señora Rosa Mateos, quien llevó a la clínica a su hijo David Mateo de 14 años de edad y mediocampista del equipo IME, emocionada indicó lo siguiente. “La clínica fue buena, así los chamacos podrán aprovechar lo que se les enseñó. También les sirve de diversión y para que tengan mente sana y cuerpo sano”. El presidente Marco Barros, agradeció a padres de familia el apoyo que le dieron a ambas clínicas, llevando a sus hijos a participar, por igual a los señores Velarde y Ledesma Ortega. “Se tiene planeado que cada cuatro meses vengan entrenadores del Cruz Azul. Existe interés de trabajar con Rayados de Monterrey. En la academia tenemos jugadores que pueden ser vistos para el profesionalismo, esperemos ver buenos resultados de todo esto”, apuntó Barros. Rodolfo Velarde de relaciones públicas y buscador de talento de “Los Cementeros”, y el señor Guillermo Ledesma Ortega, gerente de Fuerzas Básicas del Deportivo Cruz Azul, captados dando indicaciones a futbolistas. play, he’s a harassing, superior striker who is always one touch away from killing you. Spain comes in with a great deal of experience, and a demonstrated ability to control the flow and the pace of the game. Yes, they can bore you to tears with their pass-first, shoot-later style, but they also can spring out at you in an instant, sending Villa or Torres hurtling toward the net and forcing your defenders to commit. They can absorb with the best of them, and given the great work Joan Capdevila has given them this Cup, it’s safe to say they are getting help from all over the field. Against Germany, Spain clogged up the main artery, then dictated the tempo with the 3-B careful, short-passing game that drives opponents to distraction. They keep opponents from settling in the center of the field while they look to go wide, and cut you apart with their triangle system of passing. You have to pick and choose with Spain: Xavi, Xabi and Andres Iniesta form a deadly spine and if you shut down one or two of them, you leave opportunities open for men like Villa and Sergio Ramos to get into the game. If you fail to handle them, however, you open yourself up to being passed to death. One thing Spain isn’t getting enough credit for is the coaching of Vincente del Bosque. Against the Germans, the coach had his team douse the midfield. Against Portugal, Spain shut down its key threats and forced them to absorb. Against Chile, it attacked through the center in a must-win game. Del Bosque will have a plan for the Dutch, too. Choosing a winner here is tough. Spain probably has the edge in personnel and experience; Holland will have overwhelming home support from a nation they helped found some 400 years ago and some worldclass talent of its own. The only weak links might be in goal. Iker Casillas has looked shaky; this is far and away the biggest game Maarten Stekelenburg has ever been in, and he made a howler against Diego Forlan Tuesday. My heart says Holland ... but my head says Spain. Northside Suburban represent San Antonio in sectional softball By Albert Villegas for the same San Antonio high schools mostly and they know each other,” Losoya said. Northside pitcher Hennessey Soto, who attends Clark High School, pitched the entire first game; Savannah Jackson, who attends Incarnate Word High School, pitched the second game. In the first game, the lone run was scored when courtesy runner Gabby Lerma was able to cross home plate on a throwing error by the Northwest catcher. Lerma had successfully stolen second and third base to advance. The inning was crucial for Northside as it was able to get four hits. Northwest’s bats were pretty much quiet from the third inning. The lone hit came from Faith (of Brandeis HS) in the first inning but she was tagged out going to second base when Alessia Gallegos reached first on a field’s choice. Northwest wasn’t able to do much on the bases after getting a couple of walks in the first two innings. Northwest Little League senior division all-star softball coach Andy Castro said it best when he felt that the Northside Suburban all-stars were going to be the most challenging team they were probably going to face in summer tournament play. That claim came to fruition but in resulted in a loss in the District 19 Little League Senior League Softball Tournament at Alamo Heights Little League Fields on July 5-6. Northside, which won by 1-0 and 5-2 scores, now represents District 19 and advances to the Texas West-Section 3 Tournament. According to its Web site, Northside will face a combined District 21 all-star team from the communities of Charlotte, Pleasanton and Jourdanton. These towns are located in Atascosa County, just south of San Antonio. Teams from district 4 and 35 will also be playing in the sectional tournament in Uvalde, beginning Wednesday, July 14. District 4 is comprised of teams from San Angelo or the surrounding area; District 35 has Little League teams in Del Rio, Eagle Pass or Crystal City. Northside Suburban all-star coach Joseph Losoya spoke of the game against Northwest and how competitive it can be. “It’s been a rivalry since these girls were 9 years old. They play Pitching for Northwest were Kenedy Urbany (of O’Connor H.S) and Gallegos (of Holmes H.S) (Photo by Albert Villegas) James... (Continued from page 1-B) David Mateos mediocampista del equipo IME, captado con su mamá, señora Rosa Mateos, quien se mostró satisfecha por las técnicas de juego que su hijo enseñó. Futbolistas participantes en la primera clínica internacional de futbol, acompañados de los entrenadores Rodolfo Velarde y Guillermo Ledesma Ortega del Deportivo Cruz Azul, con ellos el señor Marco Barros, organizador y presidente de Classics Elite Soccer Academy. (Fotos Sendero Deportivo) Football... Pleasanton Lightning (1-7). In the south, the Cuero Gobblers are the only team in the league that was still undefeated with an 8-0 record. Victoria Rage (6-1) follows Cuero, and then it’s the Bryan-College Station Cowboys (5-2) and the Floresville Tigers (5-3). There are plans to bring in five new teams for the 2011 season. They include the Killeen Revolution, Sharyland Sting, West Texas Scorpions, Rio Grande Valley Bandits, and the Texas Sabercats. The Sabercats are looking for players who are from Guadalupe and Comal counties, and portions of northeast Bexar County. Deacon Gillmore, STAF athletic director, said it’s a league with a lot of potential for growth. “We have on average three games in San Antonio’s south side, we’ll sometimes have hundreds of people here watching our teams throughout the day,” Gillmore said. “We’re still small but we’re growing.” Most San Antonio teams play their games at South Side Little Cowboys Field, along Roosevelt Avenue on Saturdays. They play some games around San Antonio (Continued from page 1-B) The San Antonio Phoenix (white uniform) defeated the San Antonio Scorpions, 7-6, in a South Texas Amateur Football League game on June 26. The league took a break in action during the Fourth of July weekend and resumed play on July 10. (Photo by Albert Villegas) also. The start times range from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on that day. Week 10 games scheduled July 17 are as follows: • Phoenix vs. SA Spartans, 11 a.m. (Little Cowboys) • Arlington vs. SA Scorpions, 4 p.m. (Little Cowboys) • SA Heat vs. Aztecs, 1 p.m. (Cougar Stadium, at 1900 Winans Road, in San Antonio) • Lytle vs. SA Voks, 1 p.m. (Elmendorf Fields) For more information on STAF, visit evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier,” Gilbert wrote. “This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, selfpromotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his ‘decision’ unlike anything ever ‘witnessed’ in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment. Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.” Olympic teammates four years ago in Beijing, James, Bosh and Wade all helped deliver gold medals while playing for the U.S. This time, the superstars will pursue another gold prize - an NBA trophy - the one Wade got in 2006, the one that James and Bosh have yet to touch. “Winning is a huge thing for me,” said James, who left more than $30 million on the table by not signing with Cleveland. It’s a huge victory for the Heat, which got Wade and Bosh, a five-time All-Star with the Toronto Raptors, to agree to take less money on Wednesday so James could join them. Heat president Pat Riley was able to corral the top three stars in an unprecedented free-agent class. So while Miami is building a dynasty, Cleveland is devastated. In a city scorned for generations by some of sports’ biggest letdowns, James’ long-awaited words that he is leaving represented a defeat perhaps unlike any other. “The Decision,” the name of the prime-time, hour-long special James and his team of advisers brokered with ESPN, now joins “The Drive,” “The Shot,” “The Fumble,” and “The Move” in Cleveland’s sports hall of shame. Cleveland fans, so accustomed to disappointment, have been let down again - this time, by one of their owns sons. Not long after James’ decision was announced, one of his jerseys was shown being burned in the city’s streets. “I can’t get involved in that,” James said. “I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James ... At the end of the day, I feel awful. I feel even worse that I wasn’t able to bring an NBA championship to that city. I never wanted to leave Cleveland. My heart will always be around that area. But I also felt like this is the greatest challenge for me, is to move on.” James’ decision ends nearly two years of posturing and positioning by teams hoping to add the 6-foot-8, 260-pound physical force of nature to their roster. He famously announced at New York’s Madison Square Garden in November of 2008 that “July 1, 2010, is going to be a big day.” He wasn’t kidding. When the clock struck 12:01 a.m. last Thursday, a free-agent frenzy unlike any before it - in any professional sport - got under way with the enough speculation, rumor and second-by-second intrigue to last a lifetime. James, Wade and Bosh were wined and dined by suitors who spared no expense to make them feel special. It was billionaires chasing millionaires, and depending on your view, it was either a shining moment for the NBA or a travesty. Last week, the Heat, Cavaliers, New Jersey Nets, New York Knicks, Los Angeles Clippers and Chicago Bulls converged on Cleveland to make their sales pitch to the league’s most wanted man. The Cavs only had to drive across town to meet with in the business offices of the local superstar, who grew up in a single-parent home in the Akron projects and has known no other pro basketball home. The Cavs appealed to James’ loyalty, his Buckeye roots and the fact that this is where he is raising his two young sons, to keep him. They hired Byron Scott as their new coach last week. None of it worked. Wade has shared the spotlight in the Heat locker room before, doing so when O’Neal was there for the 2006 title run. James said that if not for Wade being willing to make this megadeal happen, the trio wouldn’t be together. “D-Wade, he’s the unselfish guy here,” James said. “To be able to have Chris Bosh and LeBron James, to welcome us to his team, it’s not about an individual here. “It’s about a team.” 4-B La Prensa de San Antonio APUESTOS/BIDS APUESTOS/BIDS ALAMO COLLEGES BID/PROPOSAL INVITATION The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown below at the District Administration Building, Purchasing Office, 201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. 3, Room 101. All bids/proposals will be opened in the Bid Opening Room at that time. PACKAGE 3A – MAIN FACILIITIES BUILDING CANOPY FOUNDATION PALO ALTO COLLEGE Bid No. 10C-242 Opens 7/29/10 Pre-Bid Conference on 7/21/10 at 3:00 PM, General Education Building, Room 228, Palo Alto College, 1400 W. Villaret, San Antonio, TX casa. Se solicitan individuos para ensamble de productos no inglés ni experiencia. 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(830) 3791611 (07/28/10) BIDS/LEGAL NOTICES Rent PIPERS SQUARE APTS: 7750 Pipers Lane S.A. TX 78251 Townhouse de 1 piso de dos cuartos con patio grande y privado. Llame para el precio especial $99, de primer mes de renta. (210) 5205383 (08/04/10) --------------------------- 11 de julio de, 2010 Week starting To Advertise Texas-Wide! Call this newspaper or The Texas Community Newspaper Association's Texas-wide Advertising Program at 210-590-4402 July 12, 2010 MISCELLANEOUS FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! 1-877-850-5239 DONATE YOUR CAR, Truck or Boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 day Vacation. Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care of. 1-866-507-5455 VONAGE UNLIMITED CALLS around the world! Call the U.S. AND 60+ countries for ONLY $24.99/Month. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Why Pay More? 1-877-582-0988 DIRECTV FREE Standard Installation! FREE SHOWTIME+STARZ (3 mo)! FREE HD/DVR upgrade! 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Retail/Dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality/customer service. Earn up to $150 a day. Call 1-800-775-9748 $$EARN EXTRA INCOME$$ Working from home. $5.00 for every envelope Processed with our sales brochures. Guaranteed!! Free Information. 1-800210-2686 or visit: EARN $1000's WEEKLY! Receive $12 for every envelope Stuffed with our sales materials. Free 24-hr. information. 1-800-279-7307 code 16 NOW HIRING: Companies Desperately Need Employees to Assemble Products at Home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. TX-1856 DIVORCE DIVORCE $99.00 Covers Children, Custody, Property & Debts. Uncontested. Guaranteed Filing! Unlimited Customer Support. Call 24/hrs. Free Information! 1-800-250-8142 TV / ELECTRONICS DIRECTV FREE Standard Installation! FREE SHOWTIME+STARZ (3 mo)! FREE HD/DVR upgrade! Ends 7/21/10. New Customers Only, Qual. Pkgs. From $29.99/mo. DirectStarTV 1-866-577-5494 RV’S FOR SALE PRE-OWNED REPO SALE, New and Used Travel Trailers and Fifth Wheels. Call Now 888-853-6707 2001 CARRIAGE ROYAL INTERNATIONAL Full Timers Dream 39' fifth wheel slides. $29,999 Won't last! 888-853-6707 FINANCING MOTORCYCLE FINANCING for privately sold Harleys and other brands. Call 1-800 796-8151 ask for Finance Department. TN --------------------------Se reparan lavadoras, secadoras y refrigeradores a domicilio. Trabajo garantizado. Tambien se compran lavadoras y secadoras descompuestas. (210) 858-7318 (07/18/10) Sales Puertas nuevas para gabinetes todas medidas a $5 o puertas de entrada de Caoba $300. 1350 E. Southcross Blvd. (210) 533-1269 (10/31/10) --------------------------Vendo casa bonita 2 recamaras 1 baño, garaje, saltillo 89K, DISCLAIMER: This publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made and to use good judgment and reasonable care when dealing with persons unknown to you. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. E.L.C. área Judson & Stalh (210) 599-9141 (07/11/10) --------------------------Querido Corazón de Jesus ¡Oh Corazón divinísimo de mi amado Jesús, en quien la Santísima Trinidad depositó tesoros inmensos de celestiales gracias! Concededme un corazón semejante a vos mismo, y la gracia que os pido en esta novena, si es para mayor gloria de Dios, vuestro sagrado culto y bien de mi alma. Amén. T.D. --------------------------MIRACULOUS PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor not mine. Amen. favor sucumbire por falta de ayuda. Brazo poderozo, asisteme, amparame y conduceme a la Gloria celestial. Gracias dulce Jesús (rezar quince dias empezando viernes). Publicar entes de los ocho. Confio en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a El que illumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oirme. Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrira el cuarto dia E.V. EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in 4 Weeks! Free Brochure. Call Now! 1-800-532-6546 ext. 830 NEED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? Finish From Home Fast For $399! Nationally Accredited. EZ Pay. Free Brochure 800-470-4723 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks. Accredited. Payment Plan. FREE Brochure. Call Now 1-800-264-8330. Benjamin Franklin High School REAL ESTATE 20 ACRE RANCHES ONLY $99 per/mo. $0 Down, $12,900 Near Growing El Paso, Texas. Owner financing, No Credit Checks. Money Back Guarantee. 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By the 8th day you shall see results. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. AG. (01/10/10) Novena Los tres ángeles Novena Los tres ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel, San Miguel, y San Rafael. Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con agua y azúcar y haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día M.M.C. PARA LOS CASOS MAS DIFICÍLES Ante ti vengo con la fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado Consuelo en mi difi--------------------------cil situacion, no me desampares de las puertas que se me hacen de abrir e mi camino, sea tu Brazo Poderoso el que las abra para darme la tranquilidad que an- --------------------------sio (tres peticiones difíciles) suplica que St. Jude Novena te hace un corazon May the sacred heart of afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han Mr. Octavio Cardenas vencido siempre en RE: 1994 Ford F350 Vin 2FDJF37F6RCA54922 la lucha humana, ya Please call 830-773-8687 With Mrs. Cruz que sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi 11 de julio de, 2010 La Prensa de San Antonio APUESTOS/BIDS - LEGAL NOTICES 5-B BIDS WANTED BIDS WANTED BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Palm Heights Basketball Pavilion project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with RVK, 745 E. Mulberry Ave., Suite 601 San Antonio, Texas, 78212 (210) 733-3535. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $50.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, which are available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 11, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Tuesday, July 27, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 9th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Randolph Weidner Drainage project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with Pape Dawson Engineering, 555 East Ramsey San Antonio, Texas, 78216 (210) 375-9000. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $150.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, which are available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 4, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 7th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the 2011 Asphalt Overlay project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with City of San Antonio Pavement Engineering Division, 8030 Challenger Dr. Bldg. 1156 San Antonio, Texas, 78235 (210) 207-0752. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 4, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 6th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK Request for Proposals BIDS WANTED #1006-909-23-3242 The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for: REMODELING AND RENOVATIONS TO THE COMMON AREAS OF THE VICTORIA PLAZA & O.P. SCHNABEL APARTMENTS. Proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m. (CST) on July 19, 2010 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on July 9, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 Specifications packages are available online at http://www., or at, or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059. San Antonio Housing Authority By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Request for Proposals #1006-909-23-3244 The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for: REMODELING AND RENOVATIONS TO THE COMMON AREAS OF THE PARKVIEW & COLLEGE PARK APARTMENTS. Proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m. (CST) on July 23, 2010 and publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on July 13, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 Specifications packages are available online at http://www., or at, or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059. San Antonio Housing Authority By: Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Culebra Creek Park project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with Rialto Sudio, Inc., 2425 Broadway, Suite 105 San Antonio, Texas, 78215 (210) 828-1155. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $85.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 4, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Monday, July 12, 2010, at 10:30 a.m. at Culebra Park Creek, 10919 Westwood Loop, San Antonio, Tx 78254. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Contract Officer at 210-207-5872. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Fire Station # 51 Replacement project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with Chesney Morales & Associates, Inc, 4901 Broadway, Suite 250 San Antonio, Texas, 78209 (210) 828-9481. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $100.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, which are available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Wednesday, July 14, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 9th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMc CITY CLERK BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Fire Station # 50 Permanent project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with WestEast Design Group, LLC, 1517 E. Commerce St., Suite 7102 San Antonio, Texas, 78205 (210) 530-0755. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $100.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, which are available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 11, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Wednesday, July 28, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 9th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio 242-7900 BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the 2011 Asphalt Overlay with Rubber/Hot Paver Laid Micro-Surface with Rubber project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with City of San Antonio Pavement Engineering Division, 8030 Challenger Dr. Bldg. 1156 San Antonio, Texas, 78235 (210) 207-0752. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 4, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 W. Commerce, 6th Floor Conference Room. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Ron Ramirez at 210-207-8063. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK July 7, 2010 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE Bexar County, Texas Address sealed bids on IFB 2010-077 for Bexar County Firing Range, Phase I to Daniel R. Garza, Purchasing Agent, Vista Verde Plaza, 233 N. Pecos, Suite 320, San Antonio, Texas 78207. Offers will be accepted until: 10:00 O’clock A.M., Central Time, on July 30, 2010. A pre-bid conference/site visit is scheduled for all prospective bidders on July 12, 2010 at 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Bexar County Infrastructure Services Department, 233 N. Pecos, Suite 420, Large Conference Room, San Antonio TX 78207. Questions will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on July 13, 2010. Bid bond and Performance Bonds are required. Bexar County will issue payment by check. The solicitation documents may be downloaded at, Purchasing. DANIEL R. GARZA Purchasing Agent BIDS WANTED Sealed Bids addressed to the City Clerk, City Hall, 100 Military Plaza 2nd floor San Antonio, Texas, 78205 will be received for the Bitters Building & Scales Project project, in accordance with all bid documents, plans and specifications on file with Faraklas Engineering/Hartnett Engineered Solutions, Inc., 1135 W. Woodlawn Ave, San Antonio, Texas, 78201(210) 698-8469. A NON-REFUNDABLE FEE of $100.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications, which are available at the address above. Bids require a 5% bid bond. Contracts awarded through this bid process will require Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount. The City requires that not less than the prevailing wage rate for work of a similar character in this locality shall be paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the construction of this project. Bids will be received in the Office of the City Clerk until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any envelopes received after the specified time will be returned unopened. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Submission Conference will be held Tuesday, July 13, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. at 1800 E. Bitters Road, San Antonio, Tx 78216. For questions regarding general contracting processes please contact Contract Officer at 210-207-5872. Visitors to City Hall will be required to enter through the east side of the building during regular business hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For those that might require the use of a ramp, entry is available on the south side of the building (Dolorosa side). Please plan accordingly and allow for ample time to pass through security screening, sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in order to drop off you bid submittal(s). /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/CMC CITY CLERK 6-B La Prensa in English and Spanish, your source for news in San Antonio and more. Your only bilingual newspaper! La Prensa de San Antonio 11 de julio de, 2010 11 de julio de, 2010 La Prensa de San Antonio 7-B Eastside receives $1.3 million for Keeping it cool in the summer heat infrastructure improvements By Roxanne Macias [email protected] As part of the Federal Stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the City of San Antonio received a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce for basic infrastructure improvements for the Walters Street Corridor Revitalization. (Photo, Cristina Blackwell) By Cristina Blackwell [email protected] On Wednesday, the City received a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce for basic infrastructure improvements that will go toward the Walters Street Corridor Revitalization Initiative. The grant is part of President Obama’s Federal Stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was intended to create jobs and promote investment and consumer spending during the recession. “This Walter street improvement will serve thousands of men and women who use this avenue on a daily basis,” said Mayor Julián Castro. “It’ll help ensure that the post is more secure and the neighborhoods around it are a better place to do business, and a better place to live around.” The Mayor added that this investment will keep the momentum going as the city begins working to transform Fort Sam Houston into a catalyst to more growth on the eastside. “Congressman Gonzalez and the administration are to be applauded for making this a reality,” said Castro. “We’re talking about a residential revitalization,” explained Congressman Charles Gonzalez. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to present when we have this infusion of BRAC money. We’re going to make the United States government very proud of their investment in San Antonio.” The Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant will provide funds to support the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) growth at Fort Sam Houston and the community’s goals to revitalize the neighborhoods adjacent to the post. BRAC is the largest economic development event in the city’s history with 10,000 families moving in. Once completed, San Antonio BRAC will transform Fort Sam Houston into a premier medical complex and the largest medical training campus in the world. “News of this grant could not have come at a better time since District 2 residents recently completed three comprehensive Walters Street Charrette meetings to flesh out a common vision for development along Walters Street,” stated Councilwoman Ivy Taylor. “This funding provides a tremendous opportunity to not only enhance the quality of life for people who live right outside Fort Sam Houston through upgraded streets and sidewalks, but it also serves as an additional incentive to attract the type of retail development that community members and military personnel desire for the area.” Specifically, the grant will assist with the Walters Street Initiative and its goal to transform the area into a major commercial district with expanded economic opportunity for everyone in the area. “The EDA grant will provide needed infrastructure for the Walters Street Corridor and will make it a signature gateway to Fort Sam Houston,” added City Manager Sheryl Scully. “It will provide the foundation to spur commercial and residential revitalization in the area.” Work on the Walters Street Corridor is set to begin late summer or early fall of 2010. For more information, visit www. Free accordion lessons for seniors Josh Lancaster Senior citizens of San Antonio District 6 will have the opportunity to learn a new skill by learning how to play the accordion. Classes start July 8 and will run through August 10. Councilman Ray Lopez has partnered with the Edgewood Independent School District to provide the free lessons. The program is supported and funded by the Conjunto Heritage Taller, City of San Antonio office of Cultural Affairs Neighborhood Arts Project, and it is the third year the program is being offered. Master accordion players, Bene Medina will be conducting the classes, which will be no more than 16 students in size. Although seniors will be in a classroom setting, each student will receive individual attention from the instructor. Classes will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bethel Senior Nutrition Center, located at 227 S. Acme Road. After summer lessons are completed, participants will have the opportunity to put their newly learned skills to the test at a recital and reception, which will be held at the senior center. For more information or if any senior interested in these classes Seniors will have the opportucontact the Councilman Ray Lo- nity to learn a new skill with pez at (210) 679-6506. one-on-one attention from the instructor. Job fair offers opportunities for local jobseekers By Roxanne Macias [email protected] Job fair takes place July 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Community Family Resource & Learning Center (CFRLC), located at 3141Culebra Road. Full-time, temporary, and paraprofessional positions for candidates ages 17 and up will be offered at the job fair. Job security isn’t what it is used to be, and the city is doing what they can to help out. The Department of Community Initiatives’ Community Family Resources & Learning Division (CFRLC) will host a community job fair featuring over 20 area employers; the event is free and open to the public. The job fair takes place July 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Community Family Resource & Learning Center (CFRLC), located at 3141Culebra Road. Companies who are expected to participate in the job fair include Securitas Security, Allied Barton Security, Maximus Healthcare, Superior Health, Ace Cash Express, Manheim AutoAction, West Corporation, Sears, Goodwill Industries, San Antonio Independent School District, Aerotek, Industry 1, Icon, and Alamo Workforce Solutions. Full-time, temporary, and paraprofessional positions for candidates ages 17 and up will be offered. Interested jobseekers are urged to dress professionally, arrive early and bring their resume. Onsite interviews will be conducted by employers, so be prepared to interview. For more information on the community job fair, adult educational programs and community resources available at St. Mary’s CFLRC, please call (210) 4367633. Summer temperatures are dangerously rising across the nation upping the urgency to keep safe while enjoying the outdoors. Heat rising 90 degrees and above are perilous for everyone, but for children, the elderly and pets, the high temperatures pose a greater risk for heat-related illnesses. These temperatures are usually an issue in states that are known for their hot climates like California, Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, but this year is a different story. Hot and steamy weather is slowly approaching New England, the Midwest, and southward to the Carolinas. According to , the blazing heat wave in the Northeast continues to challenge records, strain power grids, and create health hazards for over 80 million people. Humidity levels will continue to rise as temperatures climb well into the 90s or even 100s. The National Weather Service states that excessive heat was the number one weather-related killer, causing more fatalities per year than floods, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, winter storms, and extreme cold from 1994-2003.There are several precautions that can be taken to keep anyone especially kids, the elderly and pets safe. For babies six months and under, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends avoiding sun exposure, and dress- ing them in lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and brimmed hats that shade the neck. Parents can apply a small amount of sunscreen with at least SPF 15 to small areas, such as the infant’s face and the back of the hands if adequate clothing or shade is not available. For all other children, the AAP advises covering up with a hat with a three-inch brim or a bill forward, sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of ultraviolet rays, and cotton clothing to keep cool. The AAP also suggests using waterproof sunscreen on children, but do a test run on the child’s back to check for allergic reactions. For exercising children, the AAP urges limiting the intensity of activities that last 15 minutes or longer. Before prolonged outdoor activity, children should be well hydrated and should continue to periodically drink water or a flavored sports drink even if the child doesn’t feel thirsty. Clothing should be light-colored, lightweight, and limited to one layer of absorbent material to aid with sweat. Practices and games played in the heat should be shortened and more frequent water/hydration breaks should be enforced. For seniors, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocates that seniors always wear sunscreen, a hat, and light clothing that cover their skin while in the sun. Seniors should also apply the sunscreen an hour before heading out into the sun and reapply every two hours, more frequently if they are swimming. Sunglasses that wrap around the eyes and block the highest percentage of UV rays should always be worn to prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin cancer around the eyes. Seniors should also keep a close eye on any mole changes or skin abnormalities. Family members should help assemble or purchase a Senior Survival Kit which contains a reusable water bottle to maintain hydration, copies of all prescriptions and health insurance cards, phone numbers of health care providers and information concerning chronic health problems, sunscreen, at least SPF 30 to prevent serious burns, multivitamins to keep the immune systems strong, and a battery operated/ hand-held fan in case of power outages and extreme heat. For pets, promotes many tips to care for pets. Never leave your pet in the car since temperatures inside a car can reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep pets out of the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are at the steamiest. If they are exposed to the sun, apply sun block to unprotected areas like the tips of the ears, the skin around the eyes, lips, and around the nose. Even if a pet has fur they can still get sunburned. Keep pets with fur well-groomed. If furry animals have extremely thick hair or tangled fur, the fur might trap too much heat. Keep pets inside during humid days, especially those who can’t deal with the heat. If a pet exercises or takes a walk during the heat, allow them to go at a steady pace, and give them plenty of breaks and water. Summer should be a time filled with carefree fun and happy memories, not sunburn, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or death. These helpful hints will protect children, elderly and pets throughout this summer heat. El regreso a las clases puede ser más fácil si se toman medidas (EFE).- El inicio de las clases a finales del verano e inicios de otoño requiere de preparativos y cambios para los que tanto padres como hijos deben prepararse y empezar con antelación para disminuir la ansiedad de un nuevo ciclo. Con el ajetreo de los días de verano puede ser difícil darse cuenta de que el regreso a clases está más cerca de lo que parece y que es tiempo de empezar a preparar a los menores para la escuela. Y es que el “síndrome de regreso a clases” puede ser difícil de sobrellevar para muchos niños, en especial aquellos que acudirán a la escuela por primera vez, por lo que los expertos recomiendan tomar algunas medidas para ayudar a los niños a manejar la ansiedad y los nervios. La Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP, por sus siglas en inglés) recomienda resaltar los aspectos positivos de empezar un nuevo ciclo en la escuela, como hacer amigos o volver a ver a los compañeros del año anterior. Para hacer menos difícil la transición de regreso a clases, los expertos recomiendan introducir algunas actividades didácticas durante las vacaciones. Ir a la biblioteca, un museo o el zoológico puede ayudar a los menores a mantenerse “activos” mentalmente durante las vacaciones. Dormirse tarde, y hasta tarde, es una de las “actividades” preferidas de los menores durante el verano, y cambiar el horario de los largos días de verano suele ser una de las tareas más difíciles para prepararse para el regreso a clases. Por ello, los expertos recomiendan retornar al horario de época escolar al menos unas dos semanas antes de que inicien las clases para ayudar a los menores a adaptarse al nuevo patrón de sueño. No dormir suficientes horas puede afectar el nivel de atención y desempeño en la escuela, por lo que es importante que los niños duerman entre ocho y 12 horas cada noche dependiendo de su edad. De acuerdo con la organización, los menores en edad preescolar deben dormir entre 10 y 12 horas, aquellos entre 6 a 9 años necesitan al menos 10 horas y los adolescentes entre 8 y nueve y media. Además de ayudar a los menores a adaptarse a la nueva etapa que están por empezar, los padres también deben llevar a cabo algunas “tareas” pendientes que deben tener listas para el inicio de clases. Visitar al médico para realizar un examen físico al menor y verificar que todas las vacunas estén al día, no sólo son requeridos en algunos casos sino que pueden ayudar a detectar y tratar a tiempo cualquier problema de salud. Postergar esta visita al médico puede dificultar contar con todo Para hacer menos difícil la transición de regreso a clases, los expertos recomiendan introducir algunas actividades didácticas durante las vacaciones. lo necesario antes de que inicien las clases, debido a que conforme más cerca están la fecha de entrada se hace más difícil obtener una cita o los expedientes médicos necesarios. Los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomiendan vacunar a los niños de 0 a 6 años que empezarán a ir a la escuela para evitar la exposición a enfermedades potencialmente mortales y que se pueden prevenir. Asimismo, los CDC aconsejan actualizar las inmunizaciones de los menores entre 7 y 18 años para prevenir que también se enfermen. Los CDC cuentan con un calendario de vacunas y refuerzos necesarios de acuerdo con las edades de los menores en su página web ( CatchUpImmunizations/). Reunión Al-Anon En Español Creekview Office Complex 8600 Wurzbach, #702 Martes de 5:30 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. For more information call Delia (210) 520-4889 8-B La Prensa de San Antonio 11 de julio de, 2010 Helping kids cope with back to school jitters Stephanie De Luna and Brianna Dimas It may be difficult to get your children back into the groove of school and homework, so make sure your children have educational entertainment for the remainder of summer. Pry your kids away from the TV, computer and video games and encourage them to pick up a book. Summer reading is a great way to keep children geared up for the upcoming school year. Barnes and Nobles is rewarding young readers by providing free books to students who log their summer reading. Once a student reads 8 books, they can bring their form to any Barnes and Nobles location and pick up a free book. You can download the form online at www.barnesandnoble. com/summerreading. Be sure to check with your child’s school and find out about summer reading requirements as well. If your child will be entering school for the first time this year, there are some steps you can take to make sure they don’t experience first day jitters. First, visit your child’s new school before classes begin. Point out important locations within the school, such as the cafeteria, restrooms, classrooms and meet your child’s teacher if possible. Your child will become familiar with the campus and saying goodbye on the first day won’t be as difficult. Be organized and begin preparing a routine for you and your child. Prepare their backpack and layout their outfit for their first day. This task can also evolve into a daily responsibility for your child. Communicate with your child and answer any questions that they might have. Share your positive school experiences to reassure them that school will be enjoyable. Lastly, saying goodbye to your child on their first day of school may be difficult, but be supportive and learn to let go so your child won’t be as nervous. It’s a big day for both child and parent, so give them a big hug and let them know that you’ll be waiting for them at the end of the school day. While it may seem a little early to start gathering school supplies and uniforms, local organizations need your help now. “We’ve been getting calls from parents since June alarming us that they won’t be able to get school supplies come fall. The need is so great and we are very limited,” said Ilsa Garcia, Volunteer Marketing Coordinator for Communities in Schools. Project Stuff the Bus, sponsored by Communities in Schools, is an annual fundraiser that collects new school supplies for children in the local community. CIS asks for any school supplies you have to donate. “We especially need the uncommon school supplies like calculators, graphing paper, protractors, large bind- ers,” stressed Garcia. Supplies can be dropped off at 15 of the 45 San Antonio H-E-B stores, and monetary donations can be made at any H-E-B location with the tear-off coupons at checkout stands. To get in touch with Communities in Schools, call (210) 520-8440 or visit and click “Get Involved.” School uniforms are another fall expense for San Antonio families and the Family Service Association is hosting the “Khakis for Kids Uniform Drive” for the upcoming school year. The items requested include new or gently-used khaki pants, skirts, shorts and white collared shirts in all sizes. Donations can be made at all Cowboy Cleaners, Eyemasters, and Sterling Bank locations and at Paloma Blanca Mexican Cuisine until the end of July. If you are in need of public school uniforms, call the United Way at 211 or Family Service Association (210) 299-2411. Each year, many families plan their back-to-school shopping around the Texas Sales Tax holiday, also known as Tax-Free Weekend. Mark your calendars! This year Texas shoppers will get a break from state and local sales taxes from August 20-22. Effective this year, most school supplies under $100 will be added to the list of tax-exempt items. Approved clothing and footwear will also be tax-exempt, along with backpacks used by students in elementary and secondary schools. Individual items will only be tax-free if priced under $100. For a list and more information on tax-free and taxed items, visit http://www.window.state. tx98_490.html. COPS/METRO sets “Get out the Vote” strategy in Alamo City By Angela Covo [email protected] More than 400 gathered last week for the Community Organized for Public Service/Metro Alliance Delegates’ Assembly at Sacred Heart Catholic Church to pass the current issue agenda, including a strategy for closing the vote gap. Several public officials attended the meeting, but only one, Councilwoman Mary Alice Cisneros (District 1), stayed for the entire meeting. Paul Martinez, from St. Gabriel’s Church, opened the meeting. He explained as part of the meeting, city officials Mary Alice Cisneros, David Medina and Ray Lopez would be asked to commit their support and advocate for Senior Nutrition Centers; the summer recreation and after-school program for children; the San Antonio Education Partnership which provides college scholarships; Project Quest, an innovative job training program; and the DavisBacon act, which helps sustain the weatherization program for low-income families. He explained the group asks for these public commitments because “these issues will not be addressed by the good hearts of the politicians.” All city officials at the meeting publicly stated their support and commitment for the entire agenda. State representatives Mike Villarreal and Joaquin Castro were also asked to commit their support and advocate for items COPS/METRO Alliance consider essential to the community at the state level. The state officials were asked to support the current Jobs and Education Texas Fund of $10 million on the new state budget, to fight against any im- migration legislation similar to Arizona’s SB1070, to maintain CHIP funding in the new budget (health insurance for children), and to work to change the state-mandated testing in public schools to a diagnostic model. Both men publicly promised they would promote and support these issues. “You have all my support on all these issues,” Castro said. Rev. Rob Mueller addressed the standing-room-only crowd about the importance of getting everyone out to vote. “Su voto es su voz – remind them,” he said. Striking a body-builder pose, Pet of the Week CC Sunrise the best part of the day…I’ll be the most beautiful and best part of your life. I’m an 8 year old female Miniature Schnauzer mix who weighs about 21 pounds and I’m full of love. My wiry coat is mostly grey with wonderful light brown highlights on my delightfully pointed ears. What usually tends to grab everyone’s attention are my cool brown eyes because they have a hint of orange that makes them shimmer in the sun. They’re very stylish! I would love to go to a home with adults and can’t wait to meet your family. Please come by the Humane Society of San Hey there guys! My name is Antonio soon. I promise you CC Sunrise, that’s right just like won’t be disappointed! Adoption fees for Dogs: he added, “It’s time to flex our political muscle – use it or lose it, as the saying goes.” Mueller explained this political season was very important because it would determine the next Texas governor. “We will be voting for governor … and we will reclaim our territory,” he said. Many in the group were deputized to be able to register voters during the meeting. They will go door-to-door making people aware of the upcoming election and giving them the opportunity to register to vote. The group expects to be able to register more than 20,000 voters through these efforts. COPS and the Metro Alliance is a non-partisan but political organization that does not endorse candidates or parties, but an issue agenda to promote the people in the community. “We are coming together to lay claim to our neighborhoods and voting precincts. We will be doing the hard work of registration and getting out the vote in November,” Mike Phillips, COPS/Metro Alliance leader, said. For more information, contact the group at (210) 222-2367. La Prensa 242-7900 25 pounds & under - $125 26 pounds & over - $89 This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and tick prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days after adoption and 14 day complimentary follow up care at any one of the participating VCA animal hospitals, and one month free pet health insurance. In addition, you will receive a free bag of Science Diet food to get you started. For more information, visit the Humane Society of San Antonio at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., check out our website at, or call (210) 226-7461. ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aúnque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. -No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Hola soy una damita cristiana sin compromiso, sola, tengo 51 años, mido, 5”5’, peso 110 lbs, muy sencilla y moderna, elegante. Dicen que no parezco esta edad, que me veo mas joven. Gracias a Dios. Busco un caballero de 50 a 55 años, cristiano que no fume ni tome. Que sea honesto y de buen corazon, que no mienta y que busque de Dios como yo. Con relación seria que sea trabajador y estable. Soy muy feliz y quiero compartir esta felicidad con un buen hombre. D-17530 --------------------------66 year old healthy Christian Hispanic man, 5’4”, 153 lbs. Looking for relationship. I can be your companion, help you with house/car, etc. Take you to dances, dinner, movies, etc. I would pay your rent. I have a job, car and monthly income. I can speak Spanish. C-18180 --------------------------Soy mexicano de 50 años, busco señora de misma edad. Para una relación seria, peso 144 lbs, mido 5’2”. Me gusta bailar, caminar, ir al cine. Soy trabajador, hogareño y cariñoso. Si necesitas una persona como yo escribeme, no te arrepentirás, gracias. C-18190 --------------------------Hola, soy un hombre de 40 años, mido 5’3”, peso 180 lbs. Soy romántico, alegre; busco dama de 35 a 45 años, que sea respetuosa y cariñosa y que no fume ni tome y que sea sincera y hogareña. C-18200 --------------------------Caballero de 47 años, peso 144 lbs. y mido 5’5” busco mujer sola o con un niño de 30 a 51 años para una relación seria. Que sea sincera, cari- ñosa, hogareña y anhele ser cuidada y respetada como el vazo mas fragil. Creo en el amor y quiero conocerte muy pronto. C-18230 --------------------------Soy nuevo en ciudad, tengo 40 años, hispano, solo, complexión, robusta moreno, ojos color miel, trabajador, no me disgusta nada. Se respetar, risueño nada aburrido, me gusta el baile, conócer gente, no importa edad, conóceme y tu tendras tu opinion. C-18240 --------------------------Soy Tejana, bilingue, de Buena moral y buen caracter. Soy mujer alegre optimista, con buen sentido de humor. Soy católica sin prejudicios. Soy bajita de estatura, mido 5’, soy gordita, rubenesca. Soy morena clara, ojos café, pelo gris. Me gustan mucho los deportes, por ejemplo, basketball (fanática sobre los Spurs) beisbol, futbol la música, el cine, leer, y otras actividades sanas. Deseo conocer un caballero, decente, honesto, de Buena moral y buen character, sin vicios, que no fume. Que sea de edad entre 60 y 75 años con fin de tener una Buena Amistad, para compartir mutuos intereses y actividades. Comuniquese para explorer la posible. Espero su comunicación. D-18260 --------------------------Señor solo, 68 años, peso y estatura regular, ni gordo ni flaco. Busco señora sola para salir y pasar tiempo ir al cine y comer y viajar y más. C-18270 --------------------------Tengo 45 años, peso 165 lbs, mido 5’, divorciada, 3 hijos, 2 mayores y un menor. Soy muy trabajadora, tengo casa propia, busco hombre hogareño que tenga de 45 a 55 años que no fume o tome, que le guste las diversiones sanas. Que no tenga tatuajes o pelo largo que sea mexicano de Mexico o gringo cowboy para amigo y despues ya veremos. D-18290 --------------------------I am a Hispanic lady. 54 years old but I look younger. Medium complexion and medium weight. I don’t drink or smoke. I have good morals and a good character, sincere. Looking for man for a solid relationship that can make me laugh. Someone fun and outgoing, hardworking and owns his own car. That’s caring and loving. Age between 50 and 63. If you have these qualities please write to me. D-18310 --------------------------Hola, soy un hombre mexicano-americano, güero, blanco, mido 5´8, peso 202 libras, tengo ojos verdes. Mi palabra es divina, soy sincero, honesto, honrado y hombre de negocios. Responsable para tener una familia, busco una mujer de entre 38 y 55 años, que me comprenda y yo comprenderla en todo y compartir una vida sana, alegre y de felicidad para el resto de nuestras vidas. Espero tu carta para conocerte. C-18330 --------------------------Deseo conocer caballero de la tercera edad que mida entre 5’4 y 5’9, que sea honesto, sin compromisos, ni vicios. Soy una mujer de la tercera edad, mido 5’1 y peso 123 libras, no tengo vicios, ni compromisos, más detalles en comunicación. D18340 --------------------------Soy un hombre de 62 años, muy activo, tengo trabajo permanente, soy moreno, mido 5´11 , peso 260 libras, tengo ojos cafés. Busco una compañera de entre 45 y 55 años, soy muy romántico, me gusta todo tipo de música, y disfrutar de los paseos. Te garantizo no defraudarte. C-18350 --------------------------Hola damitas, soy un señor de 57 anos, peso 165 libras, soy chaparrito bonito y mido 1.50 metros, moreno y con mucho amor para una mujer de entre 40 y 60 anos. Gracias y espero conocerte pronto. C-18360 --------------------------Soy una dama sola, de 48 años, mido 5’ y peso 120 libras. Me gustaría conocer a un caballero honrado para compartir todo en la vida. Espero conocer hombre sincero, no mentiras por favor. D18370 --------------------------Deseo encontrar caballero que tenga la misma necesidad que yo (una compañia) que sea leal y honesto. Soy viuda, sin compromiso alguno, tengo 56 años, mido 5’3” de complexion robusta. Soy trabajadora, no tengo vicios y los mismo pido. Me gusta cocinar, escuchar música. D-18380 --------------------------Dama soltera de 60 años, busca caballero que busque de Dios, de 50 a 58 años. Que sea inteligente, trabajador, responsable, honesto, que no fume ni tome, de buen corazón. Ofrezco una relación seria, quiero compartir mi felicidad con un buen hombre para toda la vida. D-18390 --------------------------Soy un caballero de 58 años, decente. Mido 180 lbs, solo, sin compromiso, buen caracter, generoso, romantico. Busco dama de 43-56 años, responsable, cariñosa que le guste ir al cine, parque, deseo tener comunicacion primero a fin de una relacion seria. C-18400 --------------------------Dama de 65 años, saludable, cristiana, busca un hombre responsable, que le guste bailar, ver películas, ir a comer y viajar. Interesados favor de escribir. D-18410 --------------------------Soy mujer hispana, honesta de buenos sentimientos trabajadora, y alegre. Me gusta cantar en la iglesia y el gym. Soy romantica, mido 5’2”, blanca de facciones finas, atractiva, peso 150 lbs. Me gustaria conocer un caballero que ame a Dios, de 55 años a 66 mi clave es cielo. D-18420 --------------------------I am a happy “gordita” hispanic 62 yrs young widow (very pretty), love life, 5’9” tall, good cook, 220 lbs. I love fishing, dogs, hunting, music and family gatherings and travel - not by airplane. Looking for a professional, tall, gordito - 230 lbs, anglo or latino, hard worker, 65 to 80 yo, healthy, honest, sincere, loyal romantic, that owns a car and house. I know God will send you to me! D-18430 --------------------------Hola! Soy caballero de 43 años, peso 163 libras, mido 6 pies alto. Busco una mujer para relacion seria, que sea dama de 35 a 48 años. Sea poco llenita, sin compromises. C-18440 --------------------------Hola, Deseo conocer caballero americano de buenos sentimientos, hon- esto, cariñoso, trabajador, responsable que no use drogas, que sepa amar y respetar a su pareja. Yo soy una buena mujer honesta, cariñosa, decente, educada católica y deseo amar y ser amada. Pido mucha honestidad. Su edad me gustaría de 63 años a 70. Si usted es así espero su contestación. Gracias C18470 --------------------------¿A usted le gusta o gustaría ir al cine, caminar, fiestas, bailes, restaurantes, música, parques, desfiles, la playa y arena, leer, museos, conciertos, y flores? Soy católica de la tercera edad, peso y estatura cuando lo conozca. He escrito todos mis gustos al comienzo de este anuncio. ¿Es usted de edad entre 68 años o más y 5’5” o más? Lo más importante es que sea un caballero honesto y amable. If you like all of the above, I would like to meet you. D18460 --------------------------Hombre de 38 años, trabajador sin vicios. Busco mujer de 30-40 años, para compartir mi vida. Si interesa escríbeme. C18450 --------------------------Hola, soy dama Méxicana de 60 años mido 5’3 peso 170 libras. Soy blanca ojos café claro, honesta sincera, cariñosa, soy catolica y sin compromisos. Deseo conocer caballero Méxicano honesto, sincero, sin compromiso que tenga entre 60 y 65 años y mida entre 5’8 y 5’10 de estatura. Con buen sentido del humor como lo soy yo y le guste la musica. Ofresco amistad y desues Dios dira D18490 C SECCIÓN 11 de julio de 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO El 4 de Julio en Woodlawn Lake Fotos y texto por Roberto J. Pérez. [email protected] Con el patrocinio de H.E.B., la celebración oficial del Día de la Independencia tuvo lugar en Woodlawn Lake, con la coordinación de San Antonio Parks Foundation y la administración de la ciudad de San Antonio. El evento principal fue un colorido desfile de niños en bicicletas, remolques y carros miniatura adornados con los colores de la bandera. 2-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 11 de julio de, 2010 LA VIDA EN... Classic Elite Soccer families gathered various sports items and donated them to Haven for Hope for a new soccer field. The Bolish family and the Jones family, delivered footballs, basketballs, volleyballs and soccer equipment. The sports material was very well Actor Denzel Washington took time off his busy schedule to visit accepted by Haven for Hope administrators, Ann Meyers and George Block. (Courtesy photo) wounded soldiers in San Antonio. (Courtesy photo) Distinguished visitors from Australia. From left to right, Manger of Art and School Supplies George Genoff, SFC Krystal Borrego, LTC Charlene A.S. Blanding 5th MRB Incoming Commander of Fort Sam Houston, Colonel Dingle, SFC Hack Anderson and Mrs. Christy Genoff, 2nd in command of Fire Station Headquarters in Adelaide, Australia. (Courtesy photo) In the historic grounds of the Alamo, the 5th Medical Recruiting Battalion (5th MRB), performed a colorful Change of Command with special remarks by the MRB Commander Colonel Rafael C. Montagno, as well as Lt. Col. R.G. Dikinson (outgoing commander), and incoming commander LTC Carlene A.S. Blanding. (Courtesy photo) Mr. George and Christina Genoff, from Australia, spent their vacation visiting San Antonio, as well as their dear friends Ramiro and Rosa Mendez. They met two years ago while vacationing in Paris and Rome. “Since then we keep in contact. We enjoy their visit,” said Mrs. Mendez. (Courtesy photo) La señora Vada Selsor en representación de padres de jugadores del equipo Cardinals de Kirby, Texas, agradeció el esfuerzo que realizó el manager José Figueroa y los coaches; Paul Hernández y León Alemán, quienes llevaron por el sendero del triunfo a su equipo que debutó en Pony Baseball Southwest en la categoría Mustang U10. (Foto Sendero Deportivo) 11 de julio de, 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO ...SAN ANTONIO 3-C Instructiva diversión es el mariposario del Zoológico de San Nina Durán coeditora de La Prensa de San Antonio y el más Ray Ybarra and daugther Kailey Renee at a family celebration. Antonio. popular de todas las mascotas de la NBA, Coyote. (Foto E.H.) BODAS DE DIAMANTE (60 AÑÓS) Los esposos Luis Ureta Santa Cruz y Eva Soto de Ureta celebraron su Boda De Diamante. La feliz pareja celebra 60 años de casados en agosto del 2010. Se casaron el 15 de mayo 1950 en Trujillo, Peru. Realizaron un viaje en un crucero por Europa en compañía de su hijo Alex, su esposa Raquel y su nieta Giovanna, los cuales visitaron Italia y el Vaticano. Presentamos en las páginas de este semanario a Cynthia Hinojosa, Mrs. Central Texas 2011, quien concursará el año Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio, entrante en un concurso inter- Texas (BAMC) recently. The actor made a generous donation to Fisher House, a place that houses nacional. the families of seriously ill or injured soldiers receiving medical treatment in San Antonio. La entusiasta comunidad que reside al rededor de Woodlawn Lake siempre participa de las festividades organizadas por la Ciudad Atraído por los festejos del 4 de julio en Woodlawn Lake el público, de San Antonio, como lo muestra esta familia que adornó su resi- Novedoso triciclo de pedales que además de divertido es un exdencia con motivos patrios para el Día de la Independencia. celente medio de ejercicio. como esta dama, acudió a la celebración sin temor a la lluvia. 4-C 11 de julio de, 201011 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO CASA NUEVA, VIDA NUEVA, MUERTE VIEJA Por el Hermano Pablo En la casa todo era alegría, festejo y felicidad. La casa estaba recién construida, y la familia se había mudado hacía apenas tres horas. Además del festejo por la casa nueva, se brindaba por la felicidad de una pareja de recién casados. Así mismo, en el jet de fabricación británica, todo era festejo y alegría también. El avión estaba recién reparado, y volvía a la casa de su dueño, el magnate liberiano Hawker Siddeley. El ingeniero de vuelo, Joseph Dovillie, inglés de cuarenta y un años de edad, se sentía feliz la caída del avión, el impacto en la casa, el incendio que estalla pavoroso, y ambos eventos felices que se convierten en escenas de horror y de espanto. De la felicidad más intensa se pasa, en un momento, a la desgracia, la ruina y la muerte. ¿Qué conclusión podemos sacar de esto? Una conclusión tan vieja como el hombre mismo: la muerte acecha a cada paso; por lo tanto, siempre hay que estar preparado. Hoy estamos vivos, sanos, bien provistos y felices. Mañana podemos estar enfermos, agónicos, arruinados o muertos. ¿Cuál es la actitud que nos conviene adoptar ante esta fragilidad e inseguridad de la vida humana? Estar preparados para cualquier eventualidad. Y como el Único que nos promete seguridad permanente y vida eterna es Cristo, entonces hoy, en este momento mismo, cuando el bienestar nos rodea —hoy y no mañana— más vale que recibamos a Cristo como Señor y Salvador. también. Pero la tragedia los envolvió a todos. El avión falló a poco del despegue. Se vino a tierra y chocó contra la casa. Diecisiete personas murieron en el accidente, entre ellos la pareja de recién casados. La casa y el avión se incendiaron y quedaron reducidos a cenizas. Todo esto ocurrió en Khartoum, Sudán, en abril de 1983. Hay tragedias de la vida real que parece que fueran pura fantasía. Llegan a ser una acumulación de hechos y de circunstancias que parecen más propios de una película de horror que de la vida que todos suponemos debiera ser tranquila, feliz y ordenada. He aquí toda una familia que celebra una doble felicidad, natural en cualquier familia: una casa nueva, recién comprada, y una pareja nueva, recién casada. Y he aquí un avión jet ultramoderno, que despega airoso del aeropuerto, para realizar un viaje que se supone es de placer. Pero en cuestión de minutos: Mensaje del Rey “El mejor jugador” Por Lourdes Ma. Nunez Encinas Toda tu experiencia ha sido un entrenamiento, todo lo vivido ha sido una práctica. Quiero que pienses en las experiencias de tu vida como entrenamiento para este día, practicaste para éste momento, para vivirlo en plenitud. Entrenamientos fuertes, prácticas exhaustivas son lo que acompañan la vida de un profesional del deporte. ‘Eres un profesional del deporte en el reino’. Lo vivido, lo experimentado ha sido entrenamiento, has asistido a las practicas, para vivir tus sueños, para completarlos, para ayudar a otros, para mostrarles el camino. Sentir pesar, dolor, por lo experimentado es no reconocer para que te he traído, para que has nacido, piensa en esto, tu vida tiene un propósito, un destino, hacia ese propósito son dirigidos tus pasos, reflexiona. Los deportistas en cualquier rama han sido entrenados arduamente. Tu mejor pensamiento es ahora, para el has sido entrenado. ¿Eres maestro? ¿Sabes como llegar a serlo? Muy bien, entonces enseña la ciencia que brota de tus sentidos, lo experimen- tienen esa semilla, dulcemente múestrales tu amor, comparte lo que eres, sé lo que tienes, escríbelo en un libro, “instrucciones sencillas de mi labor”. Debiera legislar que todos dejaran escrito lo aprendido de los errores de su experiencia, sus mejores consejos, describieran sus victorias para ser inspiración e inyección a quienes pretenden dedicar su tiempo a esa labor. Multiplica los talentos, dones, la esperanza. Que sea costumbre, asiste a tu práctica cada día ¡no faltes! Tu mejor pensamiento es ahora, has vivido esta trayectoria para este momento. No dejes secar tus huesos, mantente fresco, ahora sé un entrenador, el mejor. El campo es tuyo saldrás al juego siempre, diviértete en cada posición. Puedes brincar a otra rama, el reino es así, diversifícate el tiempo es hoy, no temas, prepárate antes de cada practica, disponte mentalmente, ordena a tu cuerpo diligencia y espera que sople nuevamente mi aliento, te inspire, te dirija, te llene para recrearnos para completar este momento, lograr revertir el marcador, y gritar ¡ganamos! ¡Otra vez ganamos! ¡Esa es la naturaleza de mi amor! Ven al campo, nuestra vida en el reino. ¿Practicamos? tado, lo vivido, para que guíes a quienes quieren encontrar ese camino. Es para que identifiques las semillas semejantes e infundas el amor a ese oficio, a esa labor y sea cultivado. Eres escudero, sabes como se llega a serlo, enseña a otros, guíales, disfruta tu labor, usa tu creatividad, no solo pienses en el dinero representarán, piensa en lo que van a aprender, en la cara que pondrán cuando sepan esto y ese genuino amor a servir, ese “fruto de tu entrenamiento” el propósito de tus prácticas es para que encuentres la pasión, la plenitud cada dia, multiplícate, también, se multiplicará en dinero. Siempre hay alguien con quien poder caminar, llévalo más allá. Si has sido el mejor pitcher, y el tiempo de serlo directamente pasó, enseña a otros, capacítalos, diles como pueden ser lo mejor, apasionate de la idea de compartir tu fruto, lo mejor de su sabor, de su color, de su tallo, de tu tierra, de su raíz, penetra en ello, da lo mejor. Si ya te cansaste de ser escribiente, enseña a otros, coordínalos a todos, sube así otro escalón. Has sido la mejor madre, cuidaste, enseñaste a tus hijos de lo mejor, busca chicas que no Grace tried is better than grace, and more than grace; it is glory in its infancy. Samuel Rutherford Iglesia Bautista Fe Victoriosa 8550 Bowens Crossing San Antonio, Tx 78250 Enrique M. Juárez, Pastor www.iglesia 210/818-5129 Servicios los Domingos 9:30 a.m. Escuela Dominical 10:45 a.m. Adoración y Predicación Miércoles 6:30p.m. Estudio Biblico DECISIONES IRREVOCABLES Por Carlos Rey En esta entrega podrá advertirse que el fútbol tiene preeminencia sobre otras manifestaciones deportivas. Y es que fue una de las primeras en enraizarse, difundirse y organizarse algunos años después de que en 1846, en la Universidad de Cambridge, Inglaterra, fuera elaborado el primer código del que se convertiría en un maravilloso y apasionante juego, atrapando a multitudes hasta en los más recónditos confines del mundo. Así reseña el fútbol Pedro Fernando Rivero Jordán en su capítulo sobre el deporte Del “Foot-ball” y de otras prácticas en el compendio histórico del siglo veinte titulado El espíritu de un siglo, que publicó El Deber: Diario Mayor de Bolivia, con sede en Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Rivero Jordán posteriormente ocuparía el puesto de director ejecutivo del periódico y publicaría su tercer libro sobre el fútbol. En 1927, ochenta y un años después de la aparición en Inglaterra del primer código del fútbol, se elaboró el primer reglamento del fútbol en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. En ese reglamento del fútbol cruceño se encuentra el siguiente estatuto para los jugadores: No dejéis de jugar mientras no suene el pito, y una vez pronunciada la decisión del “referee” (árbitro), no lo importunéis para que la revea ni lo molestéis con observaciones, porque nada conseguiréis. Al leer este serio decreto a tono con los documentos jurídicos castizos de la época, los fanáticos del fútbol no podemos menos que sonreír por lo gracioso que nos suena en la actualidad. Así como el fútbol tiene preeminencia sobre otras manifestaciones deportivas, también el verdadero cristianismo tiene preeminencia sobre otras manifestaciones religiosas. Esto se debe a que Jesucristo, el prototipo del cristianismo, tiene la preeminencia en todo. Don Pedro Rivero Mercado, director de El Deber, quien fue designado Embajador de Bolivia en Francia, dice en su presentación al libro El espíritu de un siglo: El presente resumen periodístico nació con la idea de inmortalizar un poco de este preciado tiempo por medio de tinta, sudor y papel. Así mismo Dios el Padre celestial, director de la empresa editorial más importante de todos los siglos, quien designó a su Hijo Jesucristo como embajador del cielo en la tierra, bien podría decir a modo de presentación de la Biblia que es un resumen periodístico que nació con la idea de inmortalizar, por medio de tinta, sudor y papel, ese preciado tiempo que Él vivió entre nosotros. Porque lo hizo a fin de que, mientras no suene la trompeta final, nos conduzcamos en este maravilloso y apasionante juego de la vida conforme a su Reglamento Sagrado, conscientes de que Él es el juez de toda acción en el campo de juego, el árbitro de toda decisión, y de que una vez que pronuncie su decisión sobre nuestro destino eterno a la luz de nuestras jugadas temporales, nada conseguiremos con interponer un recurso de apelación, pues su decisión será irrevocable. El Papa endurece normas contra abusos sexuales Especial para La Prensa El Papa Benedicto XVI ha aprobado nuevas normas contra los abusos sexuales que definen el uso de pornografía infantil por un sacerdote como “delito grave” del que los obispos deben informar a la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. La nueva instrucción, que será hecha pública dentro de pocos días, refuerza la prevención, de modo que no lleguen a Roma tan solo los informes sobre abusos cometidos sino las señales de alarma que aconsejen tomar medidas preventivas. La segunda novedad consiste en ampliar en diez años más el plazo de prescripción canónica de estos delitos. Con independencia de la responsabilidad penal, que suele marcar un plazo de prescripción de diez años en buena parte de los países, el Derecho Canónico establecía procesos y penas internas de la Iglesia durante un período mucho más largo: diez años, pero no a partir del momento del delito sino del cumplimiento de los 18 años de edad de la víctima. Es decir, hasta que la víctima llegase a los 28 años de edad. Perdura la responsabilidad A partir de ahora la respon- sabilidad prescribe sólo a los veinte años desde que la víctima cumple los dieciocho. De ese modo, si un sacerdote abusa de un niño o una niña de ocho años, su responsabilidad ante los tribunales eclesiásticos se mantiene durante 30 años —es decir, hasta los 38 años de edad de la víctima—, aunque la responsabilidad penal ante los tribunales civiles haya expirado mucho antes. La nueva Instrucción de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, consolida un conjunto de normas ya introducidas en 2001 y 2003, entre las que hay varias con carácter “excepcional” y que, por lo tanto, pierden su vigencia con la muerte del Pontífice. Por ese motivo, Benedicto XVI tuvo que confirmar las normas excepcionales aprobadas por Juan Pablo II en el año 2003. La nueva Instrucción las convierte en ley de la Iglesia, y por lo tanto válida después del fallecimiento del Pontífice que las promulga. Así, por ejemplo, una de las “excepciones” que ahora pasan a ser norma permitía incluir en los tribunales eclesiásticos no sólo sacerdotes que fuesen doctores en Derecho Canónico sino también laicos con un doctorado en Derecho Canónico o incluso con una simple licenciatura. En general, las nuevas normas favorecen la rapidez en resolver los problemas: suspensión de los encargos pastorales si hay denuncias creíbles, expulsión del sacerdocio, incluso por la vía administrativa sin proceso si se confirma que son ciertas. Expulsión a la primera falta Aparte de las normas legales aprobadas ahora, El Vaticano presentara el próximo otoño un conjunto de directrices para las diócesis y conferencias episcopales que extiende al resto del mundo las “Normas Esenciales” aprobadas el 8 de diciembre de 2002 pero solo para los Estados Unidos, donde están dando resultados muy eficaces, sobre todo el principio de “expulsión a la primera falta” en un tema tan grave y destructivo como es el abuso de menores. En los países donde los obispos se tomaron en serio el problema, los nuevos casos de abuso han desaparecido de modo prácticamente total, y además se ha llegado, a través de comisiones independientes, a la identificación, reconciliación e indemnización de las víctimas. Inglaterra y Gales, por ejemplo, son “terrenos limpios” desde hace una década mientras que Estados Unidos y Australia están terminando la limpieza. “Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas” Salmo 119:27 CHURCH DIRECTORY EL SENDERO ASSEMBLY OF GOD 5400 Daughty @ Evers Just inside Loop 410, 680-0111 Raúl C. García, Pastor 8:30 A.M. Spanish Service 11:00 A.M. English Service Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M. Bible Centered Preaching Active Youth and Children’s Programs Spanish & English Services LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA 508 Paseo de la Villita (210) 226-3596 Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Cleo Edmunds, Pastor San Fernando Cathedral Masses: Saturday 12 noon, 2 p.m., 5 p.m. 115 Main Plaza Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. Downtown • 227-1297 de julio de, 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-C Let’s talk about health: What is asthma? Proteja a sus hijos de enfermedades contagiosas tients with asthma, of which approximately 35,000 are pediatric patients. There are approximately 4,000 deaths from asthma each year in the United States, accounting for approximately 11 patients dying per day. Asthma is the number one reason children go to the emergency room and the number one reason children miss school. What are the symptoms of asthma? The most common asthma symptom in children is cough. Sometimes cough can be the only symptom of asthma. Other common symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, awakening at night because of cough and worsening of symptoms during exercise. What causes asthma? The underlying cause of asthma is unknown. There are genetic predispositions, and children born to parents who have asthma are much more likely to develop asthma in their lifetime. Asthma is a complex disease, not only caused by genetic factors, but also environmental exposures. It has been shown that children with the genetic predisposition to asthma, when exposed to various allergens (dust, indoor pets, smoke) have a higher chance of developing asthma. How is asthma treated? There are two main types of medications used to treat asthma. The “relievers” are used to treat the symptoms of asthma when present. These medications are also called bronchodilators and work by relaxing the smooth muscle in the lungs. This relaxation opens up the bronchioles and results in improved air flow and decreased symptoms. Because asthma is characterized by inflammation of the airways, the other types of medications are referred to as “controllers.” These medications treat and prevent asthma by decreasing the inflammation En California, un niño de siete años, a quien intencionalmente no se le vacunó contra el sarampión, infectó a once niños más que tampoco estaban vacunados. El niño había contraído el virus en Suiza. Las vacunas se encuentran entre las herramientas de salud pública más exitosas y económicas en la historia para la prevención de enfermedades graves y la muerte. Por medio de la constante evolución de las reglamentaciones y recomendaciones de salud pública, los brotes epidémicos como los anteriores, que antes mataban y deshabilitaban a millones de niños en los Estados Unidos, son cada vez menos comunes. Los funcionarios de salud pública comprenden que mantener seguros a nuestros niños y comunidades sólo toma unos cuantos segundos: el tiempo que toma ponerse una vacuna. La división de Servicios de Salud del Departamento de Estado dictaminó nuevos requerimientos el año pasado para todos los niños en edad escolar. Los cambios en las prácticas de inmunización infantil de rutina nos acercan más a las recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) y harán que Texas sea un ambiente mucho más seguro para la prevención de enfermedades prevenibles con vacunas, tales como la poliomielitis, el sarampión, las paperas, la tos ferina, la difteria y la rubeola. Acá en el condado de Bexar hemos visto un aumento considerable en los índices de cobertura de inmunizaciones en los últimos varios años. En el 2009, nuestra comunidad recibió un reconocimiento por ser la zona urbana con más mejoras en la nación en cuanto al número de inmunizaciones infantiles. Pero nuestro trabajo no termina ahí. El 23 de agosto es el primer día escolar para la gran mayoría de los niños locales. Este es el momento de comenzar a pensar cómo prepararlos para la escuela y asegurar que las visitas al médico tengan prioridad a By M.Antonieta Gonzalez, MD Guest: Joseph Diaz, MD Medical Director, Asthma and Immunologic Associates of South Texas. Dr. Joe Diaz continues the proud tradition of the Diaz family in Health care. His father, Dr. José Diaz, practiced family medicine for over 30 years in San Antonio and he is one of the sponsors of the scholarships that MAHPA (Mexican-Hispanic Physician Association) provides for high school students who are interested in continuing education in the medical field. Dr. Joe Diaz, board certified in Internal Medicine and Allergy/Immunology, has more than 20 years of experience in this field. What is asthma? Asthma is a condition of the lungs in which there is inflammation of the airways resulting in mucus production, tightening of the muscle in the lungs and subsequent obstruction. This results in narrowing of the airway and symptoms most often consisting of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. These asthma symptoms, when present, are often worse at night mainly due to coughing. Also, they can worsen with exercise. How common is asthma? Asthma affects approximately 8% to 10% of the population. In Bexar County, there are approximately 135,000 pa- that is present. The most common controller medications are the inhaled steroids. There are many types of inhaled steroids that are available, and they have been shown to be very safe and effective. Can asthma be outgrown? Many experts believe that if you have asthma, you will always have the tendency to have asthma. There are many patients, however, who have had asthma in their childhood, who have “outgrown” their symptoms in adulthood. Experts believe that although you still have asthma, your symptoms have become “quiescent.” On many occasions in patients such as this, the asthma does return later in life. At this time, experts believe that, in general, patients do not “outgrow” their asthma. Where else can I find information on asthma? There are many places where patients can find information about asthma. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (aaaai. org), the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (, and the American Lung Association ( are very good resources for obtaining further information on asthma. Our website ( also has further information and links to other organizations. For further information, for our office, you can call: Allergy/ Asthma and Immunology Associates of South Texas at 210-616-0882. Where can I find information on asthma research? The Allergy and Asthma Research Center (allergysa. com) has many ongoing trials investigating new medications for the treatment of asthma. Participants may receive free medical evaluation and medications and may also be compensated for their participation. For more information, call the Allergy and Asthma Research Center at 210-616-0894. Por Dr. Fernando A. Guerra, M.D. Muchas de las personas de mi generación recordarán la histeria que causaron los estragos de la poliomielitis en la población humana. Solo en un año, los Estados Unidos reportó 58,000 casos de esta enfermedad. Cuando Jonas Salk inventó la vacuna contra la poliomielitis y la vacuna oral apareció poco después, lo que fue una vez una enfermedad devastadora dejó de ser un problema. Gracias a exitosas iniciativas de salud pública, tales como la campaña de inmunizaciones masivas que promueve March of Dimes, solamente 121 casos de poliomielitis se habían reportado en los Estados Unidos para 1964. No todos los países gozaron de campañas de salud ni sistemas de salubridad pública con un alcance similar a los nuestros y sufrieron los resultados. No obstante, puesto que somos parte de una “aldea mundial”, lo que afecta a una parte del mundo también afecta a otra. Hay dos casos recientes que ilustran este punto. Una epidemia de paperas (parotiditis) que comenzó con un niño de 11 años quien contrajo la enfermedad en el Reino Unido se propagó a más de 3,000 personas en la costa Este de los Estados Unidos. Su propagación ocurrió cuando el niño asistía a un campamento de verano en Nueva York, donde infectó a sus compañeros, quienes a su vez transmitieron la enfermedad en las comunidades donde vivían. las visitas a los centros comerciales. Las familias deben hacer citas con un doctor, pediatra o clínica de salud ahora mismo, para evitar las carreras de las vacunas antes del regreso a clases y mantener en mente que también es necesario ponerse vacunas de refuerzo (revacunación), porque una sola dosis no dura para siempre. Los exámenes médicos anuales también son indispensables. Sin embargo, muchos padres de familia dejan pasar los exámenes médicos de sus niños, aun estando conscientes de que un examen médico anual y una revisión dental dos veces al año son las mejores medidas preventivas para asegurar la buena salud de sus hijos y evitar gastos que pueden resultar muy caros. Ahora que las familias preparan a los niños para un año escolar saludable, tienen que extender la barrera de protección a todo el hogar vacunando a los niños en edad preescolar, vacunándose a sí mismos y a sus familiares de edad avanzada. La vacuna contra la influenza debe ser la principal en la lista de inmunizaciones y se debe administrar en cuanto esté disponible este otoño, dada la imprevisibilidad de la temporada de influenza. Otras inmunizaciones importantes son la vacuna antimeningocócica (contra la meningitis) para estudiantes en edad universitaria, la vacuna Tdap (contra el tétano, la difteria y la tos ferina) para todos los adultos y la vacuna antineumocócica (contra la neumonía) para las personas de edad avanzada. Recuerde: las vacunas y los exámenes médicos son esenciales, pero la buena salud requiere un compromiso de toda la familia con el consumo de alimentos sanos y nutritivos y una vida con períodos constantes de actividad física y descanso. Esa es mi prescripción para que toda la comunidad goce de un año escolar sano y una vida saludable. Para ver los calendarios de inmunización y una lista de clínicas de salud, visite http://www. o llame a Metro Health, al 207-8894. Dealing with diabetes may no longer be as painful (NAPSI)-There is comforting news for the approximately 18 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes. The Situation: Although diabetes is a serious disease, its complications--including heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, and amputation--can be delayed or even prevented with proper diabetes management, which includes regular blood glucose testing. Unfortunately, though, for many people, the pain of lancing, which involves piercing the skin to draw a small blood sample for testing, can be a deterrent. In fact, of those people who quit testing their blood glucose each year, nearly one in six cite the pain of lancing as the reason for doing so. A Solution: New tools, such as the OneTouch Delica Lancing System from LifeScan, may help patients lessen the pain of testing. The device features a new, proprietary 33 gauge lancet that is 40 percent thinner than current industry standard 28 gauge lancets. In addition, the system’s Advanced Glide Control Sys- tem precisely guides the lancet in a swift, straight motion that reduces vibration for a smoother lancing experience. It also features seven adjustable depth settings to allow for shallower punctures that may be less painful. In a clinical study of nearly 200 people with diabetes, four out of five reported the new system was virtually painless and the most comfortable lancing device they had ever used. “It’s important for people with diabetes to regularly test their blood glucose, particularly those using insulin, who typically need to test several times a day,” said Dr. Marc Steinberg, a diabetes specialist who himself has type 1 diabetes. “A device like the OneTouch Delica System can significantly reduce the pain of lancing for many people. This can help them feel more comfortable about testing and can make it easier to get valuable information that can improve their day-to-day diabetes self-management.” General Diabetes Management Tips Changing lifestyle choices and habits to live with diabetes can be a real challenge. But taking care of yourself and your disease can pay off in the long run. According to the International Diabetes Federation, it’s important to: • Eat a balanced diet: Healthy eating is important to help control blood glucose and cholesterol levels, maintain body weight, and reduce high blood pressure. • Get regular physical exercise: Exercise helps to lower blood glucose levels in people with diabetes and control weight. And, it’s not just about going to the gym. Activities like gardening, vacuuming and walking can all count. • Reduce stress: Although the exact relationship be- New tools, such as the OneTouch Delica Lancing System from LifeScan, may help patients lessen the pain of testing. (Courtesy photo) tween stress and diabetes is unclear, it seems that stress has a negative impact on blood glucose levels. Relaxing with family and friends helps people with diabetes manage their glucose. • Stop smoking: By stopping smoking, you can improve your chances of preventing major complications associated with diabetes. It’s important to talk to your healthcare professional to develop a diabetes management regimen that works for you. Learn More For more information on diabetes care, products and services, visit or call (800) 227-8862. 6-C 11 de julio de, 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Hilda Solís insta a los hispanos a Calderón pide cautelo en dedicarse a trabajos “verdes” el manejo de presas Hilda Solís considera que buscar trabajos en carreras no tradicionales y energías renovables contribuiría a la mejora de la comunidad hispana. EFE/Archivo (EFE).- La secretaria de Trabajo de Estados Unidos, Hilda Solís, pidió a los hijos de inmigrantes y especialmente a las latinas a que estudien carreras no tradicionales y se dediquen a trabajos relacionados con las energías “verdes”. “Tengo una esperanza muy grande desde este puesto que ahora ocupo y es la de ayudar a que cada vez haya más latinos, más mujeres y más hijos de inmigrantes dedicándose a carreras en energía renovable”, dijo Solís a EFE. La secretaria de Trabajo consideró que esta sería una manera de mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la comunidad latina en el país. “Se trata de carreras e industrias que cuentan con el respaldo del presidente (Barack) Obama y que representan una buena alternativa para la gente que ahora no tiene trabajo”, agregó. Solís visitó las instalaciones de Iniciativa de Denver para Trabajos Verdes, un centro educativo comunitario en el noreste de la ciudad, donde se concentran cinco de los barrios más pobres de la zona. Este centro forma parte de “Caminos para Salir de la Pobreza”, un proyecto del Departamento de Trabajo federal que comenzó en enero pasado y que destinó 150 millones de dólares para centros de capacitación de todo el país. “Educarse no es solamente ir a la escuela, es conocer el sistema. Los obstáculos sólo existen en la mente. Las mujeres latinas deberían dedicarse a ciencia, matemáticas y medicina, carreras en las que sabemos hace falta una mayor presencia hispana”, opinó. Solís enfatizó que ella, como hija de inmigrantes, debió enfrentar muchos de los mismos desafíos que las recientes generaciones de inmigrantes enfrentan. “Lo cierto es que en Estados Unidos existen muchas oportunidades, pero hay que trabajar duro para aprovecharlas. Nadie nos dará nada gratis. Pero si tenemos una esperanza o un sueño, sabemos que se puede lograr”, aseveró. Por eso, aconsejó a los jóvenes inmigrantes que aprendan inglés, no se involucren con pandillas, completen sus estudios y piensen en carreras universitarias que beneficien a la comunidad. Para Solís, “no es éste el momento de ser egoístas, sino de ayudar a la comunidad, y eso significa también enseñarles cómo votar y cómo ser ciudadanos responsables”. La secretaria de Trabajo reconoció que se viven “duros momentos económicos y una severa recesión”, con casi un 10 por ciento de desempleo, pero que en esta situación también existen oportunidades, especialmente en el sector de la salud (con 200,000 nuevos empleos en los próximos años) y en “trabajos verdes”. “Esos trabajos verdes representan tremendas oportunidades para la gente que ya tiene conocimiento y experiencia en otros trabajos y que los pueden transferir rápidamente a la creciente industria de la conservación de la energía y la energía renovable”, indicó. Por ejemplo, en una de las clases a las que Solís acudió en Denver, los estudiantes, mayormente hombres hispanos y afroamericanos, aprendían cómo instalar aislantes en los conductos de la ventilación para evitar la fuga de aire frío o caliente. Esos estudiantes también se capacitan en prácticas de construcción “verdes” y en instalación de paneles solares, así como capacitación laboral y ocupacional en general. En el caso específico de Denver, los cien participantes de la Iniciativa para Trabajos Verdes provienen de cinco barrios donde al menos el 30 por ciento de las familias vive por debajo del nivel federal de pobreza. “La actual situación económica es difícil para todos los estadounidenses, pero para quienes viven en situaciones de pobreza o cerca del nivel de pobreza representa graves desafíos. Debemos recordar que todos, incluso los que viven en desventaja en nuestras comunidades, merecen un buen trabajo”, concluyó. Former Miami Herald president dies (EFE).- Roberto Suarez, a president emeritus of The Miami Herald and former publisher of its Spanishlanguage sister publication, El Nuevo Herald, died after suffering from Alzheimer’s, the paper reported Thursday He was 82. “With the death of Suarez, a native of Cuba, who began his career at the paper as a clerk in the mailroom, a hardworking executive of great sensitivity who was respected for his leadership and passion by the media has departed,” said El Nuevo Herald. Suarez’s vision left “un- mistakable characteristics” on the paper since its relaunching in 1987 as a Spanish-language daily, and “he increased its (distribution) among the community,” said Joe Natoli, the former chief operating officer at The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald. His efforts also were decisive in converting El Nuevo Herald into an independent publication in 1998. “He was the paper’s key to success. El Nuevo Herald was very much ahead of its time in the edition in Spanish,” said Natoli. Roberto Suarez was a key figure in the development of Miami’s El Nuevo Herald, one of the major Spanish-language dailies in the United States. EFE/Courtesy (EFE).- El presidente mexicano, Felipe Calderón, pidió un manejo “muy cuidadoso” de las represas en el noreste de México, debido a las fuertes lluvias que amenazan con desbordarlas, lo que podría afectar a poblaciones en los estados de Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Nuevo León. “Debemos llegar a un acuerdo muy firme para poner la seguridad de la gente (...) por encima de cualquier otro interés económico”, señaló el mandatario durante una reunión en la ciudad de Matamoros para evaluar los daños causados por las severas inundaciones y lluvias que afectan al noreste de México. El pasado 1 de julio el meteoro “Alex” golpeó el territorio mexicano como huracán de categoría 2 en la escala Saffir-Simpson (de un máximo de 5), pero después la tormenta se disipó rápidamente y desapareció sobre las montañas del centro de México. Las lluvias intensas que produjo ese fenómeno y sus remanentes causaron graves daños en los estados de Nuevo León y Coahuila, y también afectaron al de Tamaulipas. Las precipitaciones dejaron 12 muertos en el estado de Nuevo León, el más afectado de México, un fallecido en Tamaulipas, y un desaparecido en Coahuila, donde 80,000 personas duermen en albergues. En una reunión de evaluación en Monterrey, capital de Nuevo León, se informó al mandatario que los estragos que provocó el Las fuertes lluvias en el noreste de México han dejado bajo el agua a poblaciones como Anahuac, en el estado de Nuevo León. huracán “Alex” a la infraestructura hidráulica de ese estado ascienden a 4.518 millones de pesos (unos 350 millones de dólares). El secretario de Educación Pública de Nuevo León, José Antonio González, informó al presidente Calderón que el meteoro dañó más de 1,100 escuelas, de las cuales 60 registran “severas afectaciones en su infraestructura”. La tarde de este jueves volvieron a registrarse lluvias, lo que obligó a las autoridades de Monterrey a evacuar a 90 familias que habitan la parte alta del cerro de la Campana, ante el riesgo de un corrimiento de tierra. Las lluvias en el noreste del país se debieron a la llegada hoy de una depresión tropical que trajo aguaceros torrenciales sobre el Río Bravo, que marca en esa zona la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. Las autoridades mexicanas se encuentran en alerta por la crecida de ese río, cuyo caudal se ha incrementado además por la salida controlada de agua de la represa de “La Amistad”, ubicada en las inmediaciones de Ciudad Acuña, en el estado de Coahuila, una urbe fronteriza con Del Río (Texas). Al respecto, Calderón celebró que en el seno de la Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas entre México y Estados Unidos (CILA) se llegara a un acuerdo para enviar hasta mil metros cúbicos por segundo de agua de la represa “La Amistad” a la presa Falcón, ubicada en Texas, EE.UU. Ese acuerdo “nos ayuda, por lo menos en lo que toca a la vertiente del Río Bravo, a poder evitar el riesgo de un colapso, proveniente de la crecida del río”, sostuvo el mandatario. El fuerte desagüe de agua de “La Amistad”, que no alcanzaba su máximo nivel de almacenamiento desde 1974, obligó al cierre de dos cruces internacionales entre México y Estados Unidos. Asimismo, la presa Venustiano Carranza, localizada en Coahuila, ha tenido que ser desfogada porque se halla en su máxima capacidad, lo que forzó la evacuación total de los 16,000 habitantes del municipio de Anáhuac, en Nuevo León, una localidad que se encuentra ahora sumida bajo el agua. De otra parte, el jefe de Estado criticó que algunos ciudadanos hubieran construido sus viviendas en el lecho del llamado cauce de alivio del Río Bravo, un canal de emergencia edificado para reducir el caudal de esa afluente en condiciones de emergencia. Palin alaba a madres conservadoras llamandolas “mamás osas” (EFE).- Sarah Palin, ex gobernadora de Alaska y ex candidata republicana a la Vicepresidencia de EE.UU., lanzó un vídeo destinado a las madres conservadoras del país, a las que llama “mamás osas”, y con el que busca atraer a las votantes independientes de cara a los comicios legislativos de noviembre. “En todo el país las mujeres se están alzando y hablando a favor de soluciones que tengan sentido común”, dice Palin en el vídeo de dos minutos, en el que asegura que la transformación que ha puesto en marcha la actual Casa Blanca tiene a muchas mujeres “muy preocupadas” por el futuro de sus hijos. “No nos gusta esta profunda transformación y vamos a hacer algo al respecto”, asegura la ex gobernadora de Alaska que intercala en el vídeo imágenes de ella durante distintos actos políticos. En el vídeo, colocado en su página de Facebook y en YouTube, Palin equipara a las mujeres conservadoras del país con las osas de Alaska, que, dijo, se ponen en dos patas cuando alguien se atreve a atacar a sus crías. Según la ex candidata a la Vicepresidencia de EE.UU., un montón de mujeres se están aliando para protestar por las políticas de Washington el próximo noviembre. En noviembre se celebrarán elecciones legislativas en Estados Unidos, en las que se renovará toda la Cámara de Representantes y un tercio del Senado. La ex gobernadora de Alaska Sarah Palin declaró: “En todo el país las mujeres se están alzando y hablando a favor de soluciones que tengan sentido común”. EFE/Archivo 11 de julio de, 2010 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-C La Prensa Foundation awards local McMurry University graduate who aims for stars announces Texas Semester Students getting the inside scoop at The Alamo. Trips to important sites are a key component to the Texas Semester. (courtesy photo) By Stephanie De Luna and Brianna Dimas Why study abroad when the Lone Star State has just as much to offer? McMurry University in Abilene, TX recently launched the newest study abroad program, “The Texas Semester” which is open to ten selected applicants who will spend their spring semester immersed in Texas history and culture. “One of the things that occurred to us when we were thinking about the future of academic programs was that no one has really undertaken a purposeful investigation of Texas history and culture as a distinct expression of the American story,” said Dr. Don Frazier, professor of History at McMurry University. “We thought that this program would be a useful contribution to the education of not only people from Texas, but people from across the country and around the world to appreciate it in all its grandeur and complexity requires conscientious inquiry—and that’s what we do at the Texas Semester,” said Frazier. The Texas Semester is open to any college student who is interested in a unique and potentially exotic learning experience in Abilene and other Texas cities. “We’ve had serious inquiries from places like Maine, Washington and Canada. To them, Texas is an amazing mystery,” said Frazier. The program is also open to Texas students who wish to learn more about the Lone Star State and what it means to be a Texan. “Texas is a big place. People in Amarillo are different from people in Kingsville. People from San Antonio have a very unique culture that’s different than the culture in Dallas, Longview or Nacogdoches. Living in Texas, we take for granted some things that are in our own backyard,” said Frazier. The program adds up to 18 hours of university credit that will be transferred to the student’s primary institution. By the end of the semester, students receive certification in Texas history and culture. The core of the program is 15 hours of coursework. The five courses taught, which are three hours each, cover traditional history courses such as Spanish colonial experiences in Texas. There is also a course about the myth and mystique of the state, including art, literature and food ways that craft the Texas persona. The tours of Texas cover the remaining three credit hours. The program will allow students to journey through the six geographic regions of Texas, stopping at historical sites, natural wonders, archival repositories, museums and restaurants. “Texans are still tied to a place. We happen to think it’s important to be from some place,” said Texan actor Tommy Lee Jones. Students will also have the opportunity to meet distinguished historians and receive personal tours, one of which is an after-hours tour of the Alamo conducted by Dr. Richard Bruce Winders, an award-winning author and curator of the Alamo. Another stop includes walking the battlefield of San Jacinto with Dr. Stephen L. Hardin, historical advisor for the film “The Alamo” and award-winning author of “Texian Iliad: The Military History of the Texas Revolution.” “We want a compatible and highly selective group. The first group is going to set the pattern for the future of this program,” said Frazier. To apply for the Texas Semester, fill out the form at and mail with letters of recommendation to: Attn: Judy Surles, Box 638 McMurry Station, Abilene, TX, 79697. The deadline is October 15, 2010. UTSA program brings Ancient Egypt to summer campers analyze, weigh, measure and draw the artifacts they discovered, just as real archaeologists would do. At first glance, the Legacy The summer camp is also Program may seem like any history lesson in which the other summer camp with chilchildren learn that in different dren enjoying their days outcultures and time periods chilside and having pizza parties, dren were basically the same but this program is a unique as they are now. educational experience where “The children enjoy learning campers learn about archaeabout the different aspects of ology and anthropology at an how children lived 5,000 years early age. ago and how different their Each summer, the UTSA lives were. At the same time, Center for Archaeological Retheir lives were very similar. search hosts week-long day They had parents, and they camps for children ages 7-12 with archaeological themes played with toys,” said Yakubik. where children get to work “It gives you an appreciaalongside trained archaeolotion for people who have difgists. ferent beliefs than yours,” she The first of four sessions beadded. Although only a week long, the summer camp experience has impacted campers and has received positive feedback over the years. Yakubik said that after the sessions many of the campers, especially the older children, show interest in pursuing careers in archaeology and anthropology. Legacy has proven to be popular over the years. “The spots always fill up extremely fast,” said Yakubik. Applications are posted on the website every year in March. To find out more information on the Legacy Program and other projects that the UTSA Center for Archaeological ReThe Legacy Program allows campers to work alongside trained search works on, visit http:// archeologists and learn about archaeology and anthropology at an early age. (Courtesy photo) By Stephanie De Luna gan Monday and involves 15 children who are at the camp from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. With this year’s theme, “Ancient Egypt,” campers will learn about Egyptian culture and religion and make Egyptian arts and crafts. “We have a lot of outside activities. We have mock digs where we set up sandboxes and put artifacts in them. The kids have to excavate like archaeologists,” said Lynn Yakubik, Legacy program coordinator. “They find it fascinating,” she added. “Although fun, the children put in hard work with their findings.” The children take notes during the excavations and participate in labs afterwards. They Special to La Prensa Sabrina Lynn Coughlin, valedictorian of Sendero Academy was recently awarded a $1000 scholarship from La Prensa Foundation for her outstanding academic performance her senior year. Sabrina sustained a closed head injury in an automobile accident when she was 14 months old. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed as autistic and developmentally delayed. Doctors were unsure of her ability to develop beyond age 3 or 4. She attended public school as a special needs student through the 5th grade. At that point, having passed the TASS tests, she was enrolled in Covenant Academy. It was here, with smaller classes, a boost of confidence from Girl Scouts and family support that Sabrina really started to shine. She already beat all the odds, but she didn’t stop there. She excelled academically, and was a teacher’s delight. She earned several Presidential Academic Excellence Awards, and a number of class awards. She even performed in the school Christmas play two years in a row. Girl Scouts gave her opportunities to interact, and develop leadership skills. In 2004 Sabrina completed basic Program Assistant Training with the Girl Scouts, and following specialty training, she worked as a counselor at Girl Scout resident camp, and Winter Horse Camp. At age 13, she started her own business to raise money to sponsor her entrance into the National American Miss Pageant in Houston. She told her mother that she wanted to enter because it might help her “to not be so afraid to get up in front of people.” Her business, SalSabrina’s, raised enough money for her pageant expenses – two years in a row, and for a few other things she wanted as well. High School was another challenge. Sabrina entered Sendero Academy as a freshman, very shy and not knowing if she could fit in. Four years later, she graduated as the class valedictorian and the senior voted “most likely to succeed”. Sabrina has beaten the odds all the way – and she will continue to aim for the stars. Sabrina Lynn Coughlin, El Sendero Academy Class of 2010 valedictorian received a scholarship from La Prensa Foundation for her great accomplishment. New School of Excellence Superintendent leads to excellent academic scores Special to La Prensa In August of 2009, Dr. Kenneth Matthews was hired to take over the School of Excellence in Education, San Antonio’s largest chart school district with 8 schools and approximately 2,000 students. The district had one campus rated Exemplary and another rated Recognized by the Texas Education Agency. This year, the districts academic improvement is jaw dropping, particularly in the areas of high school math and science, where African-American and Hispanic students show significant achievement gaps with their white counterparts. The district can now boast about preliminary test scores for 5 of its campuses, which are on track for receiving recognized status with the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The schools slated to be recognized include: Kelley Elementary, Copelend Elementary, Walker Elementary, Burch Elementary, and Milton B. Lee Academy of Math & Science. In a press statement issued 9 months ago by the school district, Dr. Matthews winner of TEA best principal award in Houston and also most improved school status, stated people will see change and improvements in the next year. “I don’t believe in waiting for change over 3 and 5 years,” said Matthews, my actions will show clearly that I’m there for the kids and to improve achievement.” The Districts improved scores are hard enough to achieve for the majority of schools, but statistics show the odds were against the predominately minority district, which is 53 percent Hispanic and 40 percent African-American. According to preliminary TAKS scores of the District, 9o percent of students passed Reading, 83 percent writing, 85 percent social studies, 73 percent Math, and 72 percent Science. Mr. Matthews has raised the bar for faculty and students and made the entire organization work smarter and harder for student success. “The benefits of having inner-city children achieve at these levels will pay untold dividends to our city and beyond,” said district spokesman Tommy Calvert, Jr. Perhaps the most impressive improvement came at the Milton B. Lee Academy for Science Technology & Engineering. “There are a lot of great people at the School of Excellence who worked together as a team to improve student success and I am very delighted to see their hard work being recognized by the TEA,” stated Dr. Matthews. North East ISD restructures Fine Arts magnet school Special to La Prensa North East ISD administration announced today a restructuring of the North East School of the Arts (NESA), a fine arts magnet school located at Lee High School. The plan calls for greater coordination between Lee and NESA to increase efficiency within the magnet program. The NESA full-time director position will be replaced with two half-time coordinators, Dena Mabry and Mark Ayers. “This is the first step to secure the long-term survival of NESA and increase the coordination between the NESA and Lee High school,” said North East superintendent Richard Middleton. “We are able to keep two highly regarded teachers and maintain their programs, all while being more efficient.” Mabry, part of the original staff that opened NESA in 1996 and Ayers, a NESA technical theater teacher since 1999, will be full-time employees serving as part-time coordinators and part-time teachers. The restructuring plan calls North East School of the Arts will be unified with Lee High School. for the co-directors and the Lee NESA, rather than only one or administration to work closely the other. By sharing resources together in managing the op- across both campuses NEISD is erations of the NESA program. able to serve students with less “The new structure provides the staff. NEISD has been studying best of both worlds for NESA,” ways to reduce NESA program said Lee High School princicosts and increase its efficiency pal Michael Cardona. “Dena as it is one of the most expenand Mark bring their creativsive programs in the district. ity, skills and knowledge about With a current student populaNESA to the job, and they will tion where half of the students have the full support of the Lee come from outside of the disadministrative team.” As part of the restructur- trict, Mabry and Ayers will also ing, some teachers will also be responsible for developing teach classes at both Lee and stronger in-district recruitment strategies. 8-C Courtesy Food Network Magazine Photo by Antonis Achilleos Ingredients · 1 cup couscous · 2 bell peppers (red and yellow), cut into chunks · 1 (12-ounce) package chicken sausage (preferably garlicflavored), cut into 1-inch pieces · 1 large red onion, cut into chunks · 1 cup cherry tomatoes · 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil · Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper · 1/4 cup fresh parsley · 1/4 cup fresh cilantro · 4 scallions, roughly chopped · 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 11 de julio de, 2010 Quick and easy Sausageand-Pepper Skewers Directions · Soak eight 8-inch skewers in water, at least 15 minutes. Preheat a grill or grill pan to medium high. Prepare the couscous as the label directs. · Meanwhile, toss the bell peppers, sausage, onion and tomatoes in a bowl with 1 tablespoon olive oil; season with salt and pepper. Thread onto the skewers, alternating the sausage and vegetables. Grill, turning, until the vegetables are slightly softened and the sausage begins to brown, 6 to 7 minutes. · Meanwhile, puree the parsley, cilantro and scallions in a blender with the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil, the vinegar and 2 tablespoons water. Season with salt and pepper. Brush the skewers with some of the pesto and continue to cook, turning, until the tomatoes are tender and the sausage is charred, 6 to 7 more minutes. · Toss the couscous with half of the remaining pesto and season with salt and pepper. Serve with the skewers and the remaining pesto, for dipping. · Per serving: Calories 396; Fat 13 g (Saturated 2 g); Cholesterol 56 mg; Sodium 356 mg; Carbohydrate 45 g; Fiber 5 g; Protein 24 g Seafood EL 7 MARES Restaurant La Familia Villanueva Romero ha modernizado el 7 Mares para más comodidad de clientes y amigos. Visítenos y se convencerá. La Mejor Michelada en S.A. prepare su I.D. $ 1.25 Phone: (210) 436-6056 • Fax: (210) 436-6061 Cocteles de camarón fresco y cerveza bien helada con su comida, de importación y del país. También servimos rico cabrito y steaks a su gusto. 3831 W. Commerce Across from Our Lady of the Lake University San Antonio, Texas 78207 Frutería Las Güeras Localizada en 2200 Bandera @ Evers. Le invita a disfrutar de lo mejor en frutas frescas. Especializado en coctel de frutas y aguas frescas Presente este cupón para una Agua Fresca o Raspa completamente GRATIS. Para más información llame al 432-9472