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ROSKILDE HARBOUR 16th — 23rd July 2016
Atlantic Challenge Roskilde har i 25 år
repræsenteret Roskilde og Danmark
ved VM i sømandskab.
Hvad er Atlantic Challenge
Atlantic Challenge er en international konkurrence, som afhol­
des hvert andet år. Konkurrencerne omfatter øvelser under sejl,
for årer, med navigation og med knob og t­ovværksarbejde. Det
drejer sig ikke blot om at komme først, men også om at løse
opgaverne med sikkerhed og elegance samt at træffe den rette
beslutning i rette tid, ved hjælp af godt lederskab og samar­
bejde i båden – og dermed udvise godt sømandskab.
Afvikling af Atlantic Challenge 2016
I 2016 deltager 14 hold fra hele verden. Selve arrangementet
varer 8 dage med ca. to konkurrencer om dagen. Der vil være
en åbningsceremoni, med march gennem Roskilde centrum,
hvor alle hold vil deltage.
Om foreningen Atlantic Challenge Roskilde
Atlantic Challenge Roskilde er en forening for maritim
kulturarv, som blev stiftet i 2005. Foreningens formål er, at
formidle og udbrede kendskabet til bygning, vedligeholdelse
16th J uly
S atur day
17 th J uly
Sund ay
Parade through town and
opening ceremony
og anvendelse af traditionelt byggede både samt kendskabet
til godt sømandskab i ordets videste forstand. Det er endvidere
foreningens formål, at udvikle, især de yngre medlemmers,
lyst til at engagere sig, tage medansvar og vise lederskab i
­foreningens aktiviteter og drift.
events per day. To start off the Atlantic Challenge there will
be an opening ceremony, where all the teams will march
through the town center together.
For the past 25 years, Atlantic Challenge
Roskilde has represented Roskilde and
Denmark at the World Championships
of the Atlantic Challenge.
Atlantic Challenge Roskilde is an association of maritime
heritage, founded in 2005. The purpose of the association
is to disseminate the knowledge of building, maintaining
and sailing the traditionally built ships as well as passing on
knowledge of good seamanship in the broadest sense of
the word. Furthermore, it is the purpose of the association to
develop, especially the young members’ inclination to engage
themselves, feel that they have joint responsibility and
encourage them to show leadership for the activities and the
operations of the association.
What is Atlantic Challenge?
Atlantic Challenge is an international biennial contest. The
contest consists of sailing, rowing, navigation and rope work
exercises. The idea is not only to be the first to cross the finish
line, but also to solve the tasks proficiently and ­elegantly as
well as making the right decision at the right time, by dis­
playing good leadership and teamwork, and thus illustrating
good seamanship.
About the association of
Atlantic Challenge Roskilde
The Atlantic Challenge 2016
*Datoer og program med forbehold for ændringer
In 2016, 14 teams from around the world will be participating.
The duration of the event is 8 days, with approximately 2
*Dates and programme may be subject to change
18th J u ly
M o n d ay
1 9 t h Ju ly
Tu e s d ay
2 0 t h Ju ly
We d n e s d ay
09:00 - 09:30*
Spectator boat
(S/S Skjelskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
09:00 - 09:30*
Spectator boat
(S/S Skjelskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
08:45 - 09:15*
Spectator boat
(S/S Skjelskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
21st J uly
Thur sday
22nd J uly
Fr iday
23r d J uly
Sa tur day
08:45 - 09:15*
Spectator boat
(S/S Skjelskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
09:00 - 09:30*
Spectator boat
(S/S Skjelskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
10:00 - 17:00
Rowing club cafe is open
Welcome to AC 2016
At Town Square
Rowing Slalom
(close to Museum)
L’Espirit Sailing
(Inner fjord)
Oars & Sails 1
(Inner fjord)
Sailing 1
(Outer fjord)
(Inner fjord)
Sailing 2
(Outer fjord)
Rowing Race
(Veddelev - Roskilde)
Walk to the boats, crews get
ready for captains gig
Captains gig
13:30 - 14:00
Practical Challenge
12:45 - 13:15
Spectator boat
(S/S Skejlskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
12:30 - 13:00
Spectator boat
(S/S Skejlskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
12:45 - 13:15
Spectator boat
(S/S Skejlskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
12:45 - 13:15
Spectator boat
(S/S Skejlskør). Ticket sale and
boarding at Museum Dock
12:30 - 14:00
Closing Ceremony
at Town Square
13:30 - 14:00
Man Overboard
(Inner fjord).
Late afternoon
13:30 - 14:00
Oars & Sails 2
(Inner fjord)
13:30 - 14:00
Oars & Sails 3
(Inner fjord)
13:30 - 14:00
Jackstay Transfer
(Museum Dock)
13:30 - 14:00
Passage Race
*Spectator boat (S/S Skjelskør) tickets are sold just before departure at a cost of 50 DKK/person