The Assumption 14th August 2016


The Assumption 14th August 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
On your right stands the
queen, in garments of gold.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Mary has been taken up
into heaven; all the choirs
of angels are rejoicing.
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome into our parish Community
who is
baptised here today/
Sunday (12.30pm).
As Tracy Hulley and
thanks to God for the gift
of Alfie, may he in turn
bring many blessings
and much happiness to them.
Sunday morning
Reading rota
There are two vacancies for new
readers on the Sunday morning
Mass rota. As we have quite a large
rota, each person is only required to
read six times a year and there are
notes and guidelines available for
new readers.
If you are interested in joining the
Sunday reading rota, please let me
Thérèse Leighton
([email protected])
Money Matters :
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Offertory Collection last weekend
£594.10 of which £317.65 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then please
use the Green envelopes. Please remember to write your name, address, sign and
date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: [email protected]
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
14th August 2016
Let us pray for the Sick
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
(13th Aug) Thomas James Shannon, Annie
McVey, Josephine Owen, Jan Sieka Margowski (14th Aug) John Cooper, Bridget
Welsh, Ann Cafferty, Thomas Waldron, Edith
May Rimmer, Agnes Davies, Luigi Sereni,
Helen Powers, Michael Butterworth (15th
Aug) Mary Geraghty, William Parry , Thomas
Finn, (16th Aug) Katie Jones, (17th Aug)
Greta Garnham, David Williams (18th Aug)
Charles William Kunstle, Thomas Hayes, Pauline Hazlehurst (19th Aug) Thomas James
Fox, Thomas Murphy, Sarah Walsh, John Edwin Jones, Allen George Tyson
“Thank you for all the prayers that have been given for our friend Ian Byron
over the past few months. His condition was life threatening. We are so pleased to
say that Ian has made a full recovery. Who can ever doubt the power of prayer.”
Sue and Dave Norris.
Year C
13th August Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Michael Jones, Anne Jones, Jim Hughes,
Margaret Carr, Judith Rowe, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin, Ian Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia
Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay
McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne
Turner, Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa
Shelagh Fulham,
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,
and Leo
We remember in our prayers
The Assumption of BV Mary
For People of the Parish
14th August Sunday
Mass 11am
Hannah Roberts RIP
(Angela Green)
Monday :
15th Aug
16th Aug
Liturgy of the day
Mass 9.15am
Michael Butterworth RIP (Joane&John)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 7pm
Alan Newill RIP (Jane Kay)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
17th Aug
Mass 9.15am
Helen Powers RIP (Christine Jeffrey)
Liturgy of the day
18th Aug
Mass 9.15am
Philip Hammersby RIP (Maura Edney)
Liturgy of the day
19th Aug
Mass 9.15am
Allen Tyson & Jimmy Goggin RIP
(Bridget & Molly Rathbone)
20th August Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
21st August Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Teresa McKeogh RIP
(John Goggin)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
ary’s song for today’s feast of the
Assumption is called the
Magnificat and is based on
an Old Testament song by
Hannah. But the song is not
actually about Hannah or
Mary. It’s about God and
it’s about you and me. The
word “Magnificat” means
that I am praising God for
his greatness.
Mary was blessed because the Lord was with
her. Everyone with whom
God dwells is blessed,
and you are one of those
people. Christ dwells with
you. He has given you
faith to believe in him. He
has done everything necessary for your salvation. He
talks to you, through his
word. He feeds you, with
his body and blood. God
watches over you and protects you until the day he
calls you to be with him. All
generations can most certainly call you blessed. You
are blessed because Jesus
is with you, and he always
will be. So with Mary as our
example we too can sing
the Magnificat.
What are the great things
that the Lord has done for
me that I want to burst into
song about and sing Magnificat? What have I done
that needs God’s mercy
and how do I feel the forgiveness of God? What are
the ways that God shows
he is working in my life,
with the power of his arm,
icat! Through my baptism
God has promised that I will
be his child and he will be
my Father, until that day
when I shall see him face to
face, Magnificat!
Today’s feast represents
the crowning glory of
Mary’s life of faith lived in
the hope and trust that the
promises made to her
would be fulfilled. By singing the Magnificat Mary
shows that she had a deep
understanding of God’s
continual presence at her
side in good times and in
bad, and that her gratitude
was such that her heart
overflowed with praise just
and which make me want at the thought of what God
to sing Magnificat? Time was doing in her life.
and time again God stops By making the Magnificat
me from getting proud- our own, we too can recoghearted, Magnificat! The nise a God who has faGod who thwarts the high voured his lowly servant;
and mighty and raises the we can show our gratitude
common and garden folk, to God for the many ways
this same God never ig- in which his love surrounds
nores me when I stand be- us daily; and we can hope
fore him with honesty of and trust in his promise
heart, Magnificat! He fills that, like Mary, we will one
me when I am hungry and day see him face to face
he laughs at my false and praise him for eternity
claims to be needy, Magnif- with the saints in heaven.
For the holiday month of August here are some bits of trivia for you to take a
look at. All you have to do is decide whether they are true or false:
( continued from last week….)
*The seven archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Henry, Chamuel, Jophiel, and
*The Seven Deadly Sins are ignorance, apathy, pride, anger, sloth, avarice and
*The Seven Virtues are prudence, generosity, courage, temperance, justice, rejoicing
and charity.
*The shortest verse in the Bible consists of two words: “Jesus wept”. (John 11:35).
*The two robbers crucified next to Jesus were named Dismas and Gestas.
*There are 49 different foods mentioned in the Bible.
*Mabel was the wife of Moses.
*The Bible was written by about 40 men over a period of about 1600 years dating from
1500 BC to about 100 years after Christ.
*The Three Wise Men from the East brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant
Jesus. Frankincense is a gum resin used as a base for incense. Myrrh, also a gum
resin, was valued as a perfume and an ointment used in embalming dead bodies.
*The Bible never mentions that there were three wise men.
*St Beryl is the patron saint of boring people.
*One of the holiest Christian holidays is named after a pagan goddess. The name
“Easter” derives from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, who governed the vernal
*Sugar is never mentioned in the Bible.
*Almonds and pistachios are the only nuts mentioned in the Bible.
*Catholics have more books in their Bible than Protestants.
*Jesus’ first miracle took place at a funeral.
*When a priest forgives sins it is called absolutism.
*The bowl in which a baby is baptised is called a font.
*The thick cushions used in some churches for people to kneel on are called cassocks.
*Chrism is another name for the ashes that some Christians put on their heads on Ash
Wednesday to begin the season of Lent.
*The Mormon Church was founded in 1147 in Pontefract, Yorkshire.
*The word Pentateuch refers to the first five books of the Bible.
*The three disciples who went around most with Jesus were Peter, James and John.
King’s Christian Centre: Ladies Day
10th September 2016 : At Old Library from
9.45am to 4pm. Poster on the Noticeboard
Mayor of Mold’s Variety Concert Wednesday 24th August, 7.30pm in aid of
the Mayor’s Save a Life appeal,
An evening of music, dance and magic! special
guests include 12 year old singing sensation
Beau Dermott, star of this year’s Britain’s Got
Talent final and 2013 semi finalist Jodi Bird.