5 Questions to Ask When Preparing an Application Modernization


5 Questions to Ask When Preparing an Application Modernization
5 Questions to Ask When Preparing an Application Modernization
Technology is continually evolving, and it can be overwhelming sometimes. The
previous standards are no longer accepted in several aspects of business and
everyday life. If you are in a business, you cannot stay on top of the game with old
applications and IT systems. You will need some application modernization
services to ensure that your business is able to compete with the others in the
industry. Before you begin the application modernization project, you need a
good plan. To develop the plan, you need some vital information and ask these
critical questions to evaluate all that information.
1. The age of the application
The older the app, the more work it requires. Older applications may need to be
wholly remodeled since everything has changed. The age of the application will
help you to decide the duration of the project and the potential cost involved.
2. Mode of migration
You should ask if they will migrate all at once or the modernization will be done
in phases. If the company can afford to work without the application for a period,
they may decide to migrate the application all at once. Usually, the method of
implementation depends on the business' style of operation. Other factors that
influence this decision include the urgency of the project and the available
3. Was the application built specifically for the business?
Although both off-the-shelf and customized application offers certain risks if they
have not been updated over time, the information will help you understand the
application you are working on. Off-the-shelf applications pose more significant
risks compared to custom made ones.
4. Should the application be remodeled or rebuilt?
In some cases, the business will have no choice than to opt for a complete remake
of the application. We mentioned one of the reasons why this may happen, and
that is the age of the application. However, in some cases, it will be the decision
of the business, but they will still need to consider some factors. They will need to
consider their budget; can the budget accommodate a rebuilding process? Can
the company wait long enough for the application to be wholly rebuilt or they can
only allow time for remodeling? Which of the modernization processes can the
available resources accommodate? All these factors will help the business get the
right answer to this question.
5. Was the application built with the cloud in mind
You need to ask this question if you are offering application modernization
services because it is all about cloud these days. Every modern application should
primarily support cloud services. If the application should be modernized, can it
support cloud storage? If the application was designed with the cloud in mind, it
would make things easier.
Application modernization requires proper planning and a lot of effort. It also
needs the right information, and the modernization process should also cater for
future technological advancements. Technology keeps changing, and it will
change even more in the future, and that is why modernization should not be
taken lightly. For more information, view source.