Kerala Electricty bill payment


Kerala Electricty bill payment
KSEB Quick Pay using official KSEB Android Mobile
KSEB has launched their official android app for electricity bill payment.
The official KSEB mobile app is available in .
Follow below link to download KSEB mobile app for android phones.
There are two methods
for paying KSEB
electricity bills in KSEB
mobile app. They are,
KSEB Quick pay without registration.
KSEB bill payment for registered users.
Quick pay using KSEB Mobile App for Android phones
If you are a registered user, you can use your KSEB user name and
password to login in KSEB mobile app and make electricity bill payment.
Otherwise you can use quick pay method in KSEB mobile app for KSEB
electricity bill payment. For using this method, tap Quick Pay on the
bottom side in the first screen of KSEB mobile app.
After tapping quick
pay button, a new
screen will appear.
In this screen, fill up
your mobile
number, KSEB 13
digit consumer
number and your
email address.
Mobile number and
email address are
for receiving
notifications after
successful payment
of KSEB electricity
bill. After filling up
the details, tap
Submit to Pay.
You can now view
your outstanding bill
amount and some
more details. If you
are planning to
continue with KSEB
bill payment, tap
Pay Bill. A progress
screen will be
After the progress
screen, a payment mode selection screen will be displayed.
There are three type of payment methods are available in KSEB mobile app
for android phones. They are,
Internet Banking
Debit Cards
Credit Cards
You can select either one of this payment methods for KSEB electricity bill
payment. After selecting desired payment method, tap Pay Now button in
the bottom. After that, you will be redirected to the payment page of the
payment mode you have selected. Complete the transaction carefully. After
successful completion of transaction, you will receive payment success
notifications in your mobile number and your email address which you
have filled earlier.
You can pay your
KSEB Electricity bill
online also. For
instructions, click