Year 6 - Millfield School


Year 6 - Millfield School
Page 1
Heads of School
Page 2
Heads of Boarding
and Games Houses
Page 3
of Our Year
Page 4
Boarding Life
Page 6
Page 8 Page 32
Page 58
Charity and
Year 6
Year 7
Page 14 Page 20 Page 24
Year 8
Page 27
Page 34
Page 36
Page 38
Page 61
Speech Day and
Prizegiving Awards
Page 64
Page 68
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Headmistress’ Welcome
ur pupils have been amazing this
year. Full of life and on a quest
to find fun; they are always busy
and creative with stories to tell
and many questions to ask. This book gives
a vibrant account of our year and goes a
long way to illustrate how their curiosity
and eagerness to learn is rewarded.
Given the fast pace of life it has been valuable
to pause and reflect on all the good that has
been accomplished during the past year. As
well as outstanding academic and creative arts
achievements and sporting endeavour, it gives me
pleasure to shine a light on the caring and sharing
aspect of our ethos. This year saw termly tutor group
awards as well as annual year group awards for care,
consideration and good citizenship. Team building
exercises, the boarders’ activity programme and
whole year group experiences, such as World
War II Day and Bushcraft, have genuinely engaged
the pupils and strong friendships have been forged.
At Millfield Prep we want to inspire the children to
be creative and as W B Yeats says “education is not
about filling buckets but lighting fires”.
Ensuring we meet the educational needs of
our children and provide them with a lifetime of
opportunities has meant embracing the digital era.
By making digital literacy a fundamental part of the
education system, not only will schools equip the
children with vital tools for the workplace, they will
also be laying the ground for the next generation of
computer scientists and innovators. Not everyone
needs to be a computer scientist but we need to
give everyone the opportunity and this is the true
Millfield Prep way! Therefore the introduction of
iPads for us is a fantastic development. This year has
seen the use of iPads in the classroom and we want
the children to use them to improve their learning,
to be inspired by them and most of all to be creative.
tirelessly to ensure our pupils are cared for and will
take away the best from their time with us. We wish
a fond farewell to all of our pupil and staff leavers
and, in particular, our long serving members of
staff, Mrs Cookson, Mr Link and Mrs Mitchell who
between them gave 88 years to Millfield School.
They deserve the utmost praise for their dedication
and for all they have done for the school both in
and outside of the classroom.
I would also like to thank the Parents’ and Friends’
Committee for their tireless hard work and
fundraising for the school.
Gary and I are grateful to all of you for your support,
encouragement and companionship, which we have
valued hugely during the year.
This book paints a colourful picture of our busy
school. I hope you enjoy reading it.
This year I was delighted to announce that the plans
for our new Pavilion have been approved. We are all
very excited by the prospect of having such a
wonderful facility at our school.
On Speech Day, Lottie Dunning, our Head Girl for
summer term, pointed out that perhaps our staff
“are not praised enough in speeches”. Our teachers,
houseparents and support staff have worked
“For me, the
teachers at this
school have
been the most
important part
of this stage
of my life.”
Lottie, Head Girl,
summer term
“There has
always been
someone to
turn to for advice
and guidance.”
Toby, Head Boy,
summer term
Mrs Shirley Shayler
01 Mrs Shirley Shayler
with Pre-Prep pupils
Heads of School
Autumn Term
Head Girl and Head Boy
01 Millie Regan and Ben Penton
Spring Term
Head Girl and Head Boy
02 Zoe Jumabhoy and Max Jenkins
Summer Term
Head Girl and Head Boy
03 Lottie Dunning and Toby Dennis
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Heads of Boarding and Games Houses
Autumn Term
Heads of Boarding Houses
01 Berewall: Fenella Rice
02 Champion: Max Jenkins
03 Chestnut: Josh Deighton
04 Edgarley Manor: Luke Bassett
05 Hollies: Celeste Sifontes Pico and India Marsh
Heads of Games Houses
06 Angles: William Lewthwaite and Kitty Snaydon
07 Danes: Finn Bass and Vicky Tait
08 Jutes: Jack Burnett and Ellie Crispin
09 Saxons: Isaac Hughes and Rosie Smith
Spring Term
Heads of Boarding Houses
10 Berewall: Kate Sikorska
11 Champion: Charlie Samouelle and Nick Laws
12 Chestnut: Charlie Handley and Dan Elkin
13 Edgarley Manor: Glyn Jenkins and Marcus Vevey
14 Hollies: Octavia Greig and Alessia Davi
Heads of Games Houses
15 Angles: Tilly Bristow and Kynon Griffith-McCann
16 Danes: Ned Dunning and Samy Saldivia Araujo
17 Jutes: Gabriella Sexton and Travis Titley
18 Saxons: Ollie Sly and Sian Potter
Summer Term
Heads of Boarding Houses
19 Berewall: Verity Harrison-Allan
20 Champion: Callum Hui and Tigran Arzumanov
21 Chestnut: Ben Penton
22 Edgarley Manor: Ollie Sly
23 Hollies: Samy Saldivia Araujo and Ella Sykes
Heads of Games Houses
24 Angles: Olivia Twynham-Richardson
and Todd Oliver
25 Danes: Charlie Reid and Laura Smith
26 Jutes: Lauren Dolan and Oliver Manser
27 Saxons: Ellie Lloyd and Nick Laws
of Our Year
Academic Achievement
Maths Challenges
As well as successful science and general
knowledge quiz entries, our pupils have taken
part in several maths challenges. In the National
Primary Maths Challenge Will Smeed got a
special mention for achieving 100% in his paper.
As a result of their outstanding results in this
round, Max French, Max Hancock, Thomas
Hewitt, Rory Nicholson and Will were invited
to take part in the ‘Bonus Round’. They all shone
and Rory was awarded a bronze medal and Max
received one of only 40 gold medals in the whole
country. In the UK Junior Maths Challenge our
pupils achieved well above the national averages
for bronze, silver and gold awards.
Maths Olympiad
Max was invited to take part in the follow-up
round of the UK Junior Maths Challenge, known
as the Olympiad. The result from this two hour
paper was a silver medal for a perfect score on
section A, followed by three correct solutions to
the demanding, extended section B questions.
This result placed him among the top 100
mathematicians in the country.
Dauntsey’s Dodecahedron
Katie Maddock, Matthew Crofts and Year 6
pupils Will Smeed and Max French were
invited to the finals of the tough Dauntsey’s
Dodecahedron Maths Competition, an event
for Year 7 pupils. Max gained second place,
going one better than last year and he still
has a year to continue his progress.
Exploring history
Coming into school on World War II Day almost
felt like walking onto a film set. There was an array
of authentic costumes and military vehicles, a
realistic-looking UXB (unexploded bomb) and even
an allotment had sprung up on the Junior courtyard!
The Year 6 children loved the day which immersed
them in this historic time period.
Mad as
a hatter!
With their trip including visits to San Callisto
Catacombs, Pompeii, the Naples Museum,
Herculaneum and Rome, the pupils who visited
Italy had a wonderful time discovering these
ancient sites. Their visit to the volcano, Vesuvius,
proved popular (not to mention the authentic
Italian gelato and delicious fresh pizzas). Their blog
during their stay was enlightening and entertaining!
“It was really interesting to
know that the volcano is active
and could erupt.”
“I really enjoyed the walk around
Herculaneum because it was better
preserved than Pompeii – you could
actually see what the woodwork
was like.”
Whole school fun
During a surreal day in spring, the school was
awash with a fabulous array of book characters
in celebration of World Book Day. Winners
drew inspiration from The Cat in the Hat, Room
on the Broom, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and
the Chocolate factory and Mr Men. Our traditional
May Fair saw pupils and parents spending the day
together taking part in games and activities to raise
funds for charity and school facilities.
01 and 02 Colourful
characters on World
Book Day
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
May Fair
01 and 03 A taste
of wartime Britain
02 Pre-Prep treated us
to a Maypole dance at
the May Fair 04 Year 7
and 8 pupils experienced
ancient Italian culture
Boarding Life
fter busy days in school the
boarders let off steam with
an action-packed programme
of activities. From paintballing
and go-karting to Segway and scuba diving,
there was plenty of fun to be had. The
Boarders’ Extravaganza at the start of
the year helped them bond as houses and
gave them a flavour of the fun to come!
They also devoted time and energy to good
causes. Edgarley Manor boys organised a sledgepulling contest in support of polar explorer Alan
Chambers’ Greatest Challenge project; Berewall
girls cooked and delivered delicious pizzas to their
boarding friends, with proceeds going to Cancer
Research and the WWF; Chestnut boys managed
a staggering 126 runs up Glastonbury Tor between
them, in aid of Help for Heroes; Hollies girls raised
funds for Greyhound Rescue, ably assisted by their
canine companions, and a chilled pyjama day for
the Champion boys raised funds for Simonga
School in Zambia.
Celebrating diverse cultures
Millfield Prep is a melting pot of cultures and
traditions from around the world. The International
Evening was a wonderful opportunity to explore
these cultures, with pupils encouraged to wear
the traditional dress of their homeland and
sample tasters of local foods.
“My favourite costume was
Iris’s Chinese dress and my
favourite food was the salami
and ham. The hall decorations
were absolutely amazing; we
tried to find every country’s flag.
In the quiz there were questions
from Germany, Spain, Russia,
Japan, Turkey, France, Hong
Kong/China and Venezuela.
I read out the questions from
Japan and my table got them
all correct!”
01 Chestnut boys after
their Tor run 02 Scuba
diving in the school
pool 03 Pupils celebrate
during their International
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Next: the grand prix!
water fun
01 Go-karting during the Boarders’
Extravaganza 02 Berewall girls welcome
a new brood of chicks 03 Paintballing
04 Champion boys’ water-slide fun
05 Edgarley Manor charity sledge-pull
06 Hollies girls raise funds for
Greyhound Rescue
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Children in Need
Pudsey landed in a helicopter to meet the
Pre-Prep children, who brought their teddies
along for the experience.
Always a highlight of the Pre-Prep year, our end
of summer production was a huge success. Every
member of the cast performed so well and the
costumes and scenery were a credit to the mums
and helpers behind the scenes.
The Big Draw
The children took part in The Big Draw, a project
displayed at Millfield Senior School. Year 9 pupils
helped to draw around each child and then, using
inspiration from the artwork around them, they
coloured their own outline.
Opposite Pre-Prep pupils get creative at
The Big Draw 01 A scene from Pinocchio
02 Pudsey flew in to meet Pre-Prep
03 Meeting owls during their autumn
Explore Day
Amazing Owls
It has been a busy and rewarding year with the children
being involved in so many projects, creating some
wonderful work and enjoying enriching trips.
Our whole school Explore Days featured amazing owl
facts and nest box making in the autumn and maths
investigations about money, shape, time and capacity
in the spring term.
Book Week, Apple Day, Music at Millfield, Maypole
dancing at the May Fair and many other events brought
the children together.
“Do my fe
look big et
in these?
& Reception
lways keen to be outside and with
a natural curiosity to learn all about
the world around them, our younger
pupils have thoroughly enjoyed their
Forest School lessons and trips out this year.
Pre-School met dinosaurs at Wookey Hole,
fed the spring lambs at Court Farm, learned about
the variety of plants and flowers at Dobbies garden
centre, followed by planting some sunflower and
lettuce seeds in the garden.
Reception acted out Little Red Riding Hood in Forest
School, played in the woodland at Lytes Cary, made
pebble pictures on Kilve Beach and went for a sensory
walk in the orchard with their Pre-School friends.
Opposite A sensory
exploration of the school
grounds 01 Pre-School
trying on the biggest
shoes at Clarks
02 Reception feeding
the lambs at Court Farm
03 Pre-School firefighters at Yeovil Fire
Station 04 Reception
on an outing to Lytes Cary
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Blo ng ubbl
Year 1
ear 1 got up close to a variety
of species, from pond life to
lizards, during their science
investigations of the world
around them. They explored where our
food comes from and studied the life
cycles of sea creatures during their trips
to the beach. They also had their very
own ‘springwatch’ of butterflies in the
Pre-Prep garden.
Apple and berry picking
A lovely morning was spent finding apples
and berries in the orchard and whipping
up some delicious snacks with the fruits.
Pond dipping
The children investigated the creatures that
live in our school pond and were amazed by
the variety of minibeasts that were living there.
pond life
Picking apples
Space project
They loved their space project, transforming a
corner of the classroom into outer space. Even their
favourite teddies were dressed up as astronauts!
01 Meeting intriguing creatures at
Tropiquaria 02 Examining life in the
Pre-Prep pond 03 We have lift-off!
04 Picking apples for a snack
05 Enjoying a winter walk at Worley
Hill, Millfield’s nature reserve
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
a yarn
Year 2
ear 2 studied habitats in detail,
going on some interesting
trips to support their learning.
At Weymouth Sealife Centre they
handled crabs and starfish and learned about
our shores. They made dream catchers and
had a go at stripping willow at Musgrove
Willows. They also became history detectives
on their trips to SS Great Britain and Nunney
Castle, finding out what it would have been
like to live in the past.
Sheep shearing
At Thistledown Farm the children were fascinated by
the live sheep shearing and had a go at combing and
spinning their own wool.
Nature reserve
At Westhay Year 2 watched the great crested
grebe on her nest and listened for the ‘booming
bittern’! They used nets to catch and identify
several wetland creatures.
Animal habitats
The children designed animal homes, before going
into the woodland to find suitable sites to make them.
01 Making cosy homes
for animals in Forest
School 02 Spinning wool
at Thistledown 03 and
04 A trip to Westhay to
study wetland creatures
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
ear 4s history studies included
learning about Ancient Greece.
Much of their work was practical,
including debating and voting
democratically, making water clocks, trying
out ancient Olympic sports and reading
Greek myths in the temples at Stourhead.
In a special off-timetable event, they spent
a day exploring the culture of the time by
tasting and rating traditional Greek dishes,
creating their own pottery seals and scary
monsters, listening to the story of the Trojan
Horse followed by constructing their own
models and dressing up as hoplites (Greek
soldiers) or elegant Athenian ladies.
Yummy fish eggs!
“I liked the pottery best
because I made Medusa
– my favourite monster.”
“I thought dressing up
as a Spartan soldier
was exciting and fun.”
“Even the fish eggs
(taramasalata) tasted
better than they sound!”
Opposite Year 3 enjoying an autumn
ramble around Stourhead 01 Pottery
seal making 02 Trying out Greek
delicacies 03 Debating Greek-style
a habit
of it
01 Year 3 ‘monks’ at
Glastonbury Abbey
02 Year 5 re-enacting
an Anglo-Saxon charge!
Glastonbury Abbey
Defend the keep!
Anglo Saxon Day
Year 5 made some replica pottery and brooches as well
as producing decorative helmet masks and creating
riddles and runes during their Anglo Saxon experience.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Author Day
The Juniors were privileged to welcome author,
storyteller and actor, Chris Connaughton,
for a spirited reading of Alice in Wonderland by
Lewis Carroll, with Years 5 and 6 being treated
to solo acting of the thought-provoking stories,
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson and
Signalman by Charles Dickens.
“He made
you feel like
you were in
the story.”
“I liked the song
“I wanted him to
he sang when he
carry on reading.
I mean, he stopped had a lot of rum!”
at the best bit!”
sign here
Miffy, the Millfield Panda, has travelled far and
wide this year. Each week, a pupil was chosen
to take her home for the weekend and her
adventures chronicled by the children in a
journal. Among her highlights were meeting
giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo, huddling in an
igloo, meeting the boarders in Chestnut and
receiving made-to-measure items of clothing
for her wardrobe! It is a real honour to be
awarded Miffy and pupils were chosen for their
care and consideration of others in the school.
01 Book signing by
Chris Connaughton
on Author Day
Where will miffy go next year?
01 A colourful ‘Picture of the
Week’ by Maria Elliott, Year 5
02 Year 4 discovering the hard
facts at Whatley Quarry
Picture of
the week
We hosted an area heat of the National
Prep Schools Year 5 Science Quiz where
two of our teams demonstrated their
academic prowess. Team 1, consisting
of Vinnie Gillespie (captain), Loveday
Binsley, Henry Smeed and Tom
Maddock quickly established a sizeable
lead and won through to the semi-final
by correctly identifying a killer whale as
an orca, knowing that pathology is the
study of diseases and that an altoid is
not a muscle. Our second team of Jack
Palmer (captain), Henry O’Sullivan,
Amy Bassett and Maria Elliott showed
a good knowledge of science and fought
to the end to gain 5th place.
rock & Roll
Key Stage 2 General
Knowledge Quiz
Year 4 Earth
Science Studies
Entering for the first time this year, a team of
Juniors won through their heats and progressed
to the finals of the competition. Travelling to
the National Finals at Harrow School in London,
Max French, Loveday Binsley, James Maxfield
and Andrew Hewitt, supported by Tamara
Baxter-Allen, Vinnie Gillespie, and Emily
Bradshaw, were one of just 12 teams in the UK to
qualify. They achieved a brilliant 7th place overall.
The pupils enjoyed their visit to the Somerset
Earth Science Centre and were fascinated by
Whatley Quarry, one of the largest limestone
quarries in the country, especially when
truckloads weighing 100 tonnes were loaded
into the crusher! Tying in well with their science
topic for the summer term, the children were
involved with rock testing in the classroom
and used keys to identify different rocks.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Get s
During a ‘Ready, Steady, Cook’ style
show, two teams of Junior chefs took
on the challenge to cook a delicious
2-course meal in just 15 minutes in front
of a live audience! In the Red corner we
had Alex Ware, Will Cameron and Lily
Della Valle with Mrs Coates and in the
Green corner, Thea Nasta, Eleanor
Radford and James Bennett with
Miss Stone. Before the successful cookoff, in which the Red team won, the
assembled Juniors were quizzed about
healthy eating and the ingredients of
a balanced diet.
Red Team
Green Team
Oriental salmon
fishcakes with
lemon scented
rice and vegetable
chop suey
Chickpea, pepper
and spinach balti
with pilau rice and
Bombay potatoes
Year 6
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Eating all
the rations!
War II
ithout doubt the highlight
for Year 6 was the day spent
fully immersed in the sights,
sounds, smells, tastes and
hard graft of World War II. Building their own
Anderson shelter, dodging UXBs, making do
and mending, eating snacks from the NAAFI
van and watching a Tiger Moth do a fly-past;
it was a truly unforgettable day.
Opposite and 06
On-board authentic
WWII vehicles
01 A gas mask, just
in case 02 Building
an Anderson shelter
03 Sustaining the troops
04 Snacks from the
NAAFI van 05 Sounding
the air raid siren
Year 6
Picture of
the week
Opposite and 03 Raft
building and testing
01 A stunning ‘Picture
of the Week’ by Freya
Lucas 02 Dressing up as
Victorians 04 Examining
the evidence 05 Tree top
Bristol Schools Year 6
Maths Challenge
Sixty eight pairs of pupils from around the region
competed for this coveted prize. Hamish Sanford,
Max French, Rory Nicholson and Will Smeed
took part and performed very well. Max and
Will received a special mention for winning the
competition convincingly, twenty points clear
of the second placed team and one of the best
scores in the history of the competition.
CSI Glastonbury
Look mum,
no hands!
A former detective of the London Metropolitan
and Bristol Police forces helped pupils to solve
a fictional crime in school. They used forensic
clues to investigate the crime scene.
“We did what real investigators
do… but without the gory bits!”
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
“Year 5 parents: Your
children will love this trip!”
“Finally the raft was done.
We scrambled on, three
on each side. Luckily we
didn't capsize. Today
was awesome!”
Year 7
At the start of their year
together, Year 7 enjoyed
team building and challenge
days in the school grounds.
They completed a number
of thought-provoking
activities aimed at
improving communication,
team-work, leadership and
problem-solving skills.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Opposite Team building
fun 01 Hannah with her
country’s flag 02 The
Headmistress’ chosen
Christmas card design
and ‘Picture of the Week’
by Tyler Olding 03 Our
South African friends
braving the cold on
Ostrich Green
London Theatre
Trip to see Matilda
Speak Out Competition
This annual event gives pupils the opportunity
to hone their presentation skills. Henry
Maylam, Lucia Wakelin-Gilden, Hannah
Passmore, Abraham Turner, William Strutt,
Naila Owusu, Marina Hernando and Georgia
Timmins talked to us about their favourite
topics, which ranged from magic to hockey
and included much humour and audience
participation. Hannah won the competition
with her excellent talk about life in South Africa,
while introducing the audience to the unique
flavour of biltong.
“The production had
me sitting on the edge
of my seat the entire
time waiting for the
next comical moment
to happen. Although
the comedy was good
it still maintained a
good plot which had
a touch of sadness
running through it
which made you listen
to every word.”
Picture of the week
South African
Continuing the tradition
of hosting friends from
Selborne Primary School,
Eastern Cape, South Africa,
we were delighted to
welcome Amir Waheeb and
Jordan Ramoo to our school.
Looked after by Oska Zaky
and Charlie Bone during
the day and staying in
Chestnut and Champion
boarding houses, the boys
entered into life at Millfield
Prep with gusto, enjoying
lessons, clubs and getting
involved in sporting fixtures.
Year 7
01 Year 7 Camp cook-off
02 Mud-magnets in
Year 7 Camp
Each night the pupils cooked their own tea of spaghetti
bolognese to perfection before hurtling round an obstacle
course and learning about fire lighting. Ghost stories and
campfire songs filled the balmy summer evenings and the
delicious scent of bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs
greeted them at breakfast. During the day, each group took
part in walking the Mendips, mountain biking and caving.
Normandy trip
Along with some of their friends
from Year 6, a group of Year 7 pupils
experienced a fun and educational
trip to Normandy.
“We went to Arromanches,
one of the places where
the Allied troops landed.”
quiet night in with a Mud pack!
“We did activities at
the chateau such as low
ropes and the obstacle
course. Some of us
stayed quite clean!”
Year 8
As Year 8s final year at Millfield Prep
commenced, the Bushcraft Company arrived
and pitched tents in the woods. There were
games, a fire workshop and wilderness
cookery, during which the pupils prepared
themselves a lunch of whole trout, bread
rolls and tomato paella, followed by roast
bananas – all cooked over an open fire. The
‘tribes’ donned camouflage face paint and
hid in the scrub during games that demanded
team work and good communication.
Year 8
Languages in Action
On Language Day we welcomed staff from
Millfield Senior School who provided taster
sessions in Mandarin, Italian, Japanese, Ancient
Greek and German. Through interactive teaching,
pupils were introduced to the culture and some
basic vocabulary and they were able to discuss
the language options available to them at the
Senior School.
A number of our pupils went to Brookside,
a local primary school, to help teach some
basic language skills to the little ones.
“We taught them greetings and
we sang a song to help them.”
“It was an interesting day
because I was put in the
position of teacher.”
h“ ola”
Year 8 Monitors
Our monitors play an important role in school
life and provide a good example for the younger
children. School Monitors were chosen by a pupil
and staff vote and they helped to ensure rules
were kept to and assisted during events such as
Open Day. Music Monitors played a prominent
role in the Music department, helping at music
events and encouraging others to keep practising.
Pastoral Monitors were chosen to help their peers
in times of difficulty and provided support and
mediation where possible.
Salters’ Festival
of Chemistry
Our team of Calvin Leung, Ben Penton,
Cicely Newton and Bethany George went to
the University of Bath to compete in this annual
practical-based chemistry competition, involving
schools from all over the South West. They had to
solve the case of “the body in the staff room” which
involved salt precipitation techniques and flame
testing to determine the murder suspect. In the
University Challenge, ‘Who can save the Tardis?’, our
team were one of only three schools to successfully
create a chemical coolant using baking powder and
citric acid in the correct ratio. Teams were judged on
practical techniques, safety, recording results and,
most importantly, teamwork. Our pupils were very
successful in all these areas and achieved a
creditable 2nd place in the challenge.
Previous page Blending
in during bushcraft games
01 Pastoral Monitors
join the Juniors for a
chat over hot chocolate
02 Language outreach
programme at Brookside
Primary School
03 Experimenting at
Salters’ Festival of
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Geography Trip
“We broadened our knowledge of the
coastline, drew some sketches and saw
some exquisite views and scenery.”
End of year programme
After working hard for their exams,Year 8 spent
the last few weeks off-timetable. A highlight
was the Bushcraft trip which involved such
delights as eating fish eyes and cooking over an
open fire. Big Beat gave them the opportunity
to create music and rhythms on a variety of
recycled instruments, and Challenge Day saw
them competing in a number of academic and
sporting activities to win points for their house
teams. The year was rounded off at their
Leavers’ Supper. As they all look to the future
and take the next step in their school careers,
we wish them all happiness and success. We
will miss you!
01 A memorable geography
field trip to Lulworth Cove
02 Creating rhythms during
Big Beat
Year 8
Year 8 Leavers
Summer Term 2013
Back Row
A Garrido Soriano, A Climent Canet,
L Honobe, C Samouelle, E Jeanes,
N Laws, J Wood, W Lewthwaite,
O McNulty, N Dunning, H Reed,
A Rumney, E Ksenofontov
Sixth Row
R Smith, F Rice, L Woodward,
G Jenkins, L Ngugi, M Jenkins, L Dolan,
S Saldivia Araujo, V Tait, A Bharti,
J Burnett, R Thornton, K Tilke,
R Yovkova
Fifth Row
L Whiskerd, O Twynham-Richardson,
K Sikorska, T Titley, C Leung, L Wilson,
C Hart, A Macdonald, A Colmar,
E Bathurst, R Spenceley, G Sexton,
E Crispin, N Landrock, M Carlin,
L Dunning
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Fourth Row
L Barker, D Holen de la Cruz,
R Garcia Rodriguez, T Oliver,
P Salmon-Brown, O Manser, T Oliver,
C Newton, F Mitchell, J Lawson,
B Penton, O Smith, E Hawkins,
K Snaydon, M Regan, A Davi, E Sands,
L Bassett, T Arzumanov, H Lunn
Third Row
B Close, C Sifontes Pico, Z Rolls, L Smith,
I Hughes, T Mapefane, H Kemp, I Brooks,
O Morrison, A Balsdon, L Venezia, C Hui,
C Exley, T Hall, J Deighton, M Bristow,
P Cuthbertson-Smith, E Vinnik
Second Row
M Vevey, I Lunn, E Lloyd,
B Ashton-Rigby, T Mazinyi, O Chambers,
W Easterfield, Z Jumabhoy, I Marsh,
Z Phillips, M Douglas, R Davies, D Jones,
D Greenhill, T Dennis, I Morland, D Elkin,
B George, F Milmo, S Potter
Front Row
T Rice, V Harrison-Allan, E Sykes,
O Elliott, P Locke, K Griffith-McCann,
S Whyte, O Greig, C Handley
rom collaborations with Millfield
Senior School to celebrating individual
achievements, all of our musicians have
shown commitment, enthusiasm and
practised hard for performances and exams.
Our fledgling Year 4 Orchestra each chose
a new instrument to try and their efforts
culminated in a wonderful concert. The
Rock & Pop Concert was full of energy and
our Summer and Autumn concerts were a
highlight of the event calendar, as was the
Joint Choral Concert, with pupils from Year 3
up to the Sixth Form at Millfield performing
together. Harry Kemp was selected to play
trumpet for Somerset County Youth Concert
Band and many pupils were involved in
performances in the community and in
aid of charitable causes.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Young Musician
of the Year
In this competition which showcases
individual musical talent at Millfield Prep,
adjudicator, Miss Deryn Edwards praised all
the pupils for their hard work and the high
standard of their performances.
Opposite Katya Vinnik
singing during the vibrant
Rock & Pop Concert
01 Woody Taylor at the
Young Musician of the
Year event 02 The Year 4
Orchestra performing
at Millfield 03 Singers
from Year 3 and up
performing with Millfield
Senior School pupils
Laura Woodward won the Vocal Prize.
Isabelle Barber won the Instrumental Prize.
Elsie Brade and Woody Taylor shared
the Most Promising Performance award.
“I have loved
about Year 4
the concert
was amazing!”
Joint Choral Concert
ith stunning costumes,
set designs and lighting, our
three full-scale productions
had their audiences cheering,
clapping and journeying to far away lands. It
is a credit to the directors, cast and backstage
crew that each show went without a hitch.
Our Year 8 thespians put on a version of the popular
panto Cinderella. With the obligatory ‘ugly’ sisters
and a gaggle of interesting characters, there were
‘oohs’, ‘aahs’ and ‘boos’ in all the appropriate places!
Year 7 breathed life into the land of Oz with several
scarecrows, tin men and cowardly lions, giggling
munchkins, dive bombing monkeys and even two
barking dogs.
Finally, Year 6 transported us to ancient Greece
with their adaptation of Fleeced. The audience set
sail with Jason and his intrepid, larger-than-life crew
of Argonauts, on their quest to find the Golden Fleece
enjoying their adventures along the way.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
“It was good to see
everyone having fun and
to see all the talent.”
“It was nerve-wracking but
everybody pulled together and
it was a great performance.”
“I had always wanted
to look green.”
Alice, Wicked Witch of the West
“I now know how to
walk like an old man.”
Tobias, Uncle Henry
in The Wizard of Oz
Opposite A fabulous costume from
Fleeced 01 Jason and cast members
in Fleeced 02 and 03 The ‘ugly’ sisters,
stepmother and pantomime dame in
Cinderella 04 and 05 Characters in
The Wizard of Oz
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
rom Pictures of the Week,
which feature in our newsletters,
to the annual Inter-House Art
Competition, pupils of all ages
have produced striking and imaginative
work this year.
Some of our pupils were privileged to meet
Norman Parker, a surrealist painter and former
Millfield biology teacher. He spoke to them
about the inspiration for his paintings and was
interested to see them creating work of their own.
Pictures of the Week
Opposite Isabelle Barber, Year 7
01 Radostina Yovkova, Year 8
02 Tatiana Obretetskaya, Year 7.
Her portrait came 2nd in the IAPS
Art Competition
03 Calvin Leung, Year 8
04 Isabella Lunn, Year 8
05 Roxy Spenceley, Year 8
06 Harry Kemp, Year 8
Junior Inter-House
Art winners
07 Molly Hayes, Year 3
08 Raffi Maxwell, Year 4
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
The U13 basketball season was a bit of a mixed bag.
For the first time, the school entered the South West
U14 Basketball League and, as in previous years,
we also competed in the Central Venue League. The
boys were playing a year above their age bracket
in the South West League and this certainly
showed at the beginning of the season.
While these are the highs, the rest of the season
was also very successful. Our teams travelled the
county competing in a variety of events and pupils
from Years 3 to 8 represented the school in the
quest for personal bests.
We competed against teams such as the Taunton
Tigers and Bristol Jets who both have very strong
and long-established programmes. For many
of our players, this was their first time playing
organised basketball. We were fortunate to
have two experienced players in Roberto Garcia
Rodriguez and Danila Margevich who provided
leadership and expertise to their teammates. Louis
Barker showed excellent dedication to the sport
and the team, often coming to matches before or
after swimming competitions. Finn Mitchell, Ollie
Sly and Jordan Wood, three excellent athletes,
picked up the sport quickly and made significant
contributions to the team. We finished off the South
West league towards the bottom of the table but
the boys deserve praise for the games they did win.
To put their accomplishments in perspective, at the
beginning of the season they were losing matches
by rather large margins but, by the end of the
season, they had picked up the odd victory and
were only losing by a handful of points.
Junior and senior inter-house athletic events
provided a great spectacle for the parents, with
new records set, which pupils are already queuing
up to beat next season!
Our Central Venue League matches were played on
Sundays at Jubilee Hall. The boys were playing in the
correct age bracket in this league and managed to
go undefeated, eventually winning the league title.
The highlights of this year’s season came after
summer term had ended. The girls’ senior athletic
team qualified for the English Schools Cup Final
in Gateshead. They performed extremely well and
competed against the best athletes in the country.
The team finished 5th overall, which is the best
result since our school began competing in this
event. Just two days later we sent our largest
ever team to the National Prep Schools Final in
Birmingham. Tyler Olding won the discus and
there were medals for Henry Maylam, Emma
Costigan and Ellie Lloyd. This followed the South
West Championships where we celebrated 42
athletes on the podium.
Opposite Year 6 girls
on Sports Day 01 Tyler
Olding throwing the
discus 02 Team peptalk during half-time
03 Basketball in action
Team Records 2013
1st XI 21114 6
2nd XI 17150 2
U13B 107 0 3
U12B 9900
U12C 6204
U11A 13130 0
U11B 115 1 5
U11C 41 03
U10A 12110 1
U10B 5302
U9/8 134 2 7
01 U11 Eight-a-Side team
are jubilant after their
National win 02 The girls
meet England cricketer
Caroline Atkins
The highlight of a busy season was the success of
the U11 Eight-a-Side Hardball team in winning the
National title – the fifth such triumph since 1998.
The squad comprised Will Smeed (Captain), Scott
Reed, Harvey Morland, Tom Hall, Max Hancock,
Henry Smeed, Joe Mallett, Max French, George
Fox and Oliver Burnett.
teams had excellent records, winning all their
matches. Will Smeed scored an unbeaten 100
against Cardiff Cricket Club, captained both his
school team and Somerset U11s and even played
three matches for the 1st XI towards the end of
term. Will’s brother Henry also looks a great
prospect and captains Somerset’s U10 side. Well
done also to Will Owen and Edward Jeanes who
also scored centuries for school teams.
A younger than usual 1st XI did very well to reach
the semi-final of the National David English/
Bunbury Cup. The Somerset County U13 Shield
was also retained with a decisive 10 wicket success.
In Year 7, Sam Young was outstanding with the bat,
scoring 507 runs at an average of 72.42, Freddy
Zander’s left-arm spin saw him emerge as leading
wicket taker, Ned Dunning led the side well, also
scoring 415 runs and taking 14 wickets and Tom
Hall’s all-round ability brought him 247 runs and
15 wickets with his off-spin.
Girls’ Cricket continues to flourish with very
healthy attendances throughout the year at
Mr Beal’s sessions. The senior girls’ team gained
decisive victories against Clifton Prep and Monkton
Combe, while the junior girls achieved a fantastic
success against an older team from All Hallows.
Harriet Dimdore-Miles, at the age of 10, became
the youngest girl ever to represent the Somerset
U13 Girls’ side.
The 2nd XI/U12A side had outstanding results, the
final win being a comfortable victory in the County
Cup Final. The U13B team won the annual Millfield
Prep T20 Tournament – a thrilling success off the
very last ball. The U12B and U13C teams both had
100% records.
Some of the girls were inspired by a coaching
session with three England players. Former player
Ebony Rainford-Brent and current players Caroline
Atkins and Holly Colvin led the session focussed on
batting, bowling and fielding. The visit was arranged
by the Lady Taverners to help raise the profile of
girls’ cricket.
For the first time this year eight fixtures were
arranged for a Junior Development Squad involving
players in Years 6, 5 and 4. The U11A and U10A
Danes became Year 8 House champions; Angles and
Jutes shared the honours in Year 7. In Years 6 and 5,
Saxons and Jutes were the respective winners.
County players
in 2013
– Harriet
– Ned Dunning
– Kasey Aldridge
– Billy Gubb
– Will Owen
– Sam Young
– Tom Hall
– Harvey Morland
– Scott Reed
– Will Smeed
– Jonjo Dalton
– Will Hall
– Tom Maddock
– Henry Smeed
Max Hancock
represented the
Devon U11 team
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Cross Country
With a record 19 junior schools taking part in the
Mendip Junior League it was always going to be
very competitive, with the four best results from
five matches counting. Sam Raad won all five races
in the Year 3 and 4 Boys. The Year 3 and 4 Girls
and Year 5 and 6 Girls were both 3rd in the team
competition. Rory Nicholson and Niall Caley were
1st and 2nd in the Year 5 and 6 Boys’ event and the
team was 1st.
In the Mendip Senior League, Juliet Grogan Poulsen
was 1st overall in the Year 7 Girls with the team also
1st. The Year 7 Boys were 1st overall and the Year 8
Girls won the team competition with Ella Sykes
winning the individual award.
From 650 starting teams, both our boys’ and girls’
squads qualified for the National Final alongside 24
schools at the National Schools Cross Country Cup
in Bolton. The girls finished 10th and the boys
finished 21st.
At the National Prep Schools Championships, Niall
Caley was 7th and Rory Nicholson 10th in the Year
5 and 6 Boys’ race and the team won bronze medals.
In the Year 7 and 8 Girls’ race Ella Sykes and Rosie
Smith continued their fantastic season with a 7th
and 9th to help Millfield Prep win the Championship
for the third time in 10 years. Since it started in
1993, our girls have won eight times. In the Year 7
and 8 Boys’ race William Lewthwaite finished a
creditable 16th and the team was 23rd.
01 The winning girls’ team
at the Edgarley Relays
Ella Sykes had a magnificent run at the Somerset
Championships to win the Year 8 and 9 category a
year young. She was selected to run for Somerset in
the National Championships and finished 100th out
of 320 girls and helped Somerset to finish 10th.
As usual, the Edgarley Relays attracted top teams
from around the South West and beyond. Our girls
hadn’t won the event since 2010 but due to their
form this year, they started as favourites. Ella Sykes
ran the fastest time, Rosie Smith 2nd and Juliet
Grogan Poulsen 4th meaning their team won the
race convincingly. The girls showed strength and
depth with the B team finishing 3rd. The boys had
an exciting battle with Sir John Colfox School from
Dorset to finish 4th, with William Lewthwaite the
9th fastest runner.
En Garde!
Millfield Prep was proud to host the IAPS
Competition this year, where the squad won
the overall and boys’ and girls’ cups. Fencers
who won their events were Elena Launder U9
girls’ foil, Georgia Timmins U14 girls’ sabre,
Loveday Hedgcock U11 girls’ sabre, Tyler Olding
U14 boys’ sabre, Luca Jumabhoy U11 boys’ sabre
and Oscar Plant U11 boys’ épée. The team won all
four Master of Arms trophies: Georgia Timmins
U14 girls, Loveday Hedgcock U11 girls, Cameron
Baxter-Allen U14 boys, and Luca Jumabhoy and
Oscar Plant equal 1st U11 boys.
Ecaterina Sfiraiala won both the Dunstan U9 and
the Easter Egg Competition. Freddie Turnell also
won his event at The Easter Egg Competition.
Coach, Sue Benney, also had a busy season,
being selected to fence in the veterans World
Championships in Bulgaria and coming 6th
in the European Championships in Italy.
01 and 02 The IAPS
Fencing Competition
at Millfield Prep
for the
British Youth
the South West
U12 foil and épée
Oscar Plant
U14 sabre
Georgia Timmins
U12 sabre and épée
Loveday Hedgcock
U12 épée
Becci Curwen
U14 sabre
Katie-May Parsons
Loveday Hedgcock
was 8th in the
U12 sabre finals
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
on the
The U13 team was unfortunate to be knocked out
of the 6-a-side ISFA in the regional rounds but it
was exciting to learn that Jordan Wood and Kynon
Griffith-McCann gained selection for the South
West District ISFA team.
years of trying. In the round robin event all six
matches were won, without a single goal being
conceded. The team was superbly captained by
Ciaran Donoghue.
The U12s had an outstanding season. Despite
an early exit in the ESFA Cup, their potential was
rewarded with a Mendip League Cup win. Stuart
Rushmere and Harry Gardner got through to the
Exeter Academy and Will Coate is a regular player
for the Bristol City U12 team.
In the ISFA Regional 7-a-Side Tournament our U9
team reached the final, only to lose out to Taunton
Prep in a penalty shoot-out. At the same event, our
Girls’ U11 side also did very well to finish as runnersup to Shebbear College. The U9 Boys’ team
completed a hat-trick of runners-up awards when
they went down 2-3 to local rivals Elmhurst in the
final of the Millfield Prep Tournament.
The U13 girls did extremely well in the ESFA Cup,
getting down to the last 16 out of 380 schools
but with a weakened side due to injury, they lost to
the eventual winners of the Cup. A special mention
goes to Lauren Dolan who was chosen to play
for Somerset.
The customary fixtures against local schools – both
prep and state – took place at U11, U10, U9 and U8.
Jordan Edson was top scorer with 10 goals for the
U11A team and the highlight of the 8-2 win by the
U8 team against Perrott Hill was the seven goals
scored by Freddie Turnell.
In Junior Football the undoubted highlight of a busy
term was the success of the U10 7-a-side team in
winning the Millfield Prep Tournament – after 14
In the House competitions, Angles were triumphant
in both Year 6 and Years 4/3. Jutes took the honours
in Year 5.
01 Stuart Rushmere
honing his skills
This year has seen notable achievements and
improvements by our golfers. Oliver Morrison,
Ollie Sly and Charlie Reid represented the school
at the Somerset School Championships.
Two important events were the IAPS Competition
at the prestigious Royal Lytham and St Anne’s Golf
Club and our own Millfield Prep Open at Kingweston
Golf Club. Ollie Sly and Charlie Reid performed
brilliantly at Royal Lytham for a 2nd and a 4th finish
in the U14 age group. It was also encouraging to see
12 pupils representing the school at the Millfield
Open with great results for Barney French and
Lauren Dolan.
01 The boys at Royal
Lytham and St Anne’s
Golf Club 02 Charlie
on the Royal Lytham
driving range
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
01 U11 County Champions
02 Scott Reed heading for the
goal 03 Nick Brothers playing
for GB v Japan
Hockey (Boys)
Our U11 and U13 teams both became County
Champions and the 1st XI was undefeated in regular
school fixtures, winning the prestigious Dean Close
Tournament at the start of the season. Led by
captain and JRPC player David Greenhill, we
narrowly missed out at the West and National
IAPS Finals. With the strongest team since we won
the Nationals back in 2010, we were desperately
unfortunate to be defeated in sudden death
overtime or penalty flicks. However, we are passing
on an outstanding set of hockey players and further
down the school there is an exceptionally strong
pool of talent. There are exciting times ahead for
our hockey teams.
The new development of running Junior B team
tournaments alongside A team events provided
further opportunity for player development. Both
U9 and U10 teams finished as runners-up in their
tournaments with the U10A team retaining their
Millfield Prep Tournament title.
A Hockey
David Luckes, current FIH
(International Hockey Federation)
Director of Sport and former
Millfield Prep hockey teammate
of our own Steve Heal, represented
Great Britain at three Olympics
(1992, 1996 and 2000).
Nick Brothers was a pupil at
Millfield Prep from 1994-96. He
was an England and GB goalkeeper,
played in two World Cups (2010
and 2006) and won a gold medal
at the European Championships
in 2009.
More recently…
Former Millfield Prep pupils
Olly Taylor (England U21) and
Ezra Lock (England U18) have
played in goal internationally.
Our former girls Laura Myers and
Becky Garner have represented
England at U21 and U18 level.
Perhaps our own Millie Regan
and Oliver Smith, both JRPC
representatives, are the next
in line?
01 U12A keeping warm
at the regional IAPS
competition 02 U11A
were very happy with
their performance
Hockey (Girls)
Our Junior girls displayed great potential, with the
U8s undoubtedly winning the prize for the most
excited team to take to the pitch! The U9s have
achieved success throughout, with the A team
winning the Millfield Prep Tournament to complete
their unbeaten season. The superb U10s reached
the final of their tournament and are a team to
watch next season.
The U11 girls are the most improved year group with
all girls challenging for positions throughout almost
three terms. The A team notably came runners up
at the Counties and went on to demonstrate their
steep learning curve to be crowned West of
England Champions.
Our U12s are set to impress next year with this
year’s B and C teams proving unbeatable in all
school fixtures. The A team became silver medallists
at the prestigious IAPS Nationals Finals and have
the flair to go one better next season.
Due to their depth of talent, the U13 team often
played fixtures against higher ranked teams.
This proved to be very beneficial and the girls
participated in closely contested matches.
The U13A girls endured the longest season
and achieved outstanding results. They finished
as Somerset, West of England and West IAPS
Champions, reaching the National Finals. The
girls have demonstrated natural flair and fantastic
ability and will undoubtedly go on to become stars
of the future.
JAC Selected
(Junior Academy
– Millie Regan
– Amy Rumney
– Zoe Phillips
JRPC Selected
(Junior Regional
– Millie Regan
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
The season kicked off in very wet conditions in the
autumn term with 24 children taking part in the
qualifying time trials for the Schools Biathlon
competition, along with over 6000 school children
from across the country. These qualifiers were
followed by the Area semi-finals at Millfield and we
were delighted to find that a record 13 Millfield Prep
pupils had qualified for the National Finals at Crystal
Palace. Following fantastic results the previous year,
the pressure was on, but they did not disappoint. Top
individual performer was Niall Caley, finishing 3rd
in the Year 6 boys field. Josh Lawson, already a top
swimmer, worked hard on his running and finished
8th in the hotly-contested Year 8 boys. With Charlie
Samouelle and Nick Laws, the boys’ team was an
impressive 2nd overall. Alice Gray was top Millfield
Prep girl, finishing 12th in the Year 7 girls’ event.
Nick Laws, Juliet Grogan Poulsen, Loveday
Hedgcock and Alexander Sargeant took part in
the Modern Triathlon competition, with qualifiers
at Millfield and subsequent Nationals in Solihull.
Although fairly small in competitor numbers, this
is a difficult sport, with very different disciplines
of swimming and a combined run/shoot event.
01 Year 7’s Harriet Lillis
and Iris Chu competing
02 Niall Caley during a
GB Biathle event
Niall Caley also took part in biathle competitions
and has been in fine form in this continuous run/
swim/run competition, winning his age group at
the South West Schools Biathle qualifier.
With 17 teams from Years 3-8, all the girls who
wanted to be involved were able to play in a
competitive game.
The U8s worked hard during the term, learning
the rules and tactics involved and impressed all the
games staff with their commitment and enthusiasm.
The U9As had an unbeaten season and with such a
big year group the competition was on for places in
the team and this kept everyone on their toes. At the
U9 Millfield Prep Tournament the U9As finished as
champions and the U9Bs played brilliantly to be
runners-up in an A team competition.
Our U10s entered Exeter, Leweston, King’s Bruton
and Millfield Prep Tournaments, were runners-up
in three of them and proved successful in their
friendly fixtures.
The U11A team had an unbeaten season in friendly
fixtures and were the tournament winners at
Badminton and Millfield Prep. All their hard work
paid off in the IAPS Regional Finals where team
spirit and determination gained them the IAPS
Regional U11 Champions trophy.
The U12 team had an outstanding year and won
the King’s Bruton and Millfield Prep Tournaments
convincingly, were unbeaten in fixtures and went
on to become IAPS South West U12 Champions.
The U12Bs were extremely strong and were
unbeaten in local fixtures, with many of the girls
pushing for an A team spot. Juliet Grogan Poulsen
was selected by Somerset a year young for the
County Satellite programme.
Our U13 girls started the year well by getting three
of the team into the Somerset County Satellite
squad – Millie Regan, Vicky Tait and Gaby Sexton.
With the Bryanston Tournament cancelled we were
unable to defend our title, but the girls started the
year with an abundance of wins in local fixtures.
They went on to become Millfield Prep Tournament
winners, Somerset County Champions and Regional
IAPS champions. The U13B team had a successful
term and were unbeaten in like-for-like fixtures.
We hosted this year’s Regional IAPS Netball
Tournaments at Millfield Senior School and the
home advantage definitely paid off with the girls
becoming West Champions in U11, U12 and U13 age
groups. It was a disappointment that the Nationals
were cancelled due to inclement weather.
Season Highlights
U13 Won County tournament, Millfield
Prep Tournament and became Regional
IAPS Champions
County Satellite players
Millie Regan, Gaby Sexton, Vicky Tait
Won King’s Bruton Tournament, Millfield
Prep Tournament and became Regional
IAPS Champions
County Satellite player
Juliet Grogan Poulsen (a year young)
Won Badminton Tournament, Millfield
Prep Tournament and became Regional
IAPS Champions
Exeter, Leweston, and Millfield Prep
Tournament runners-up
Undefeated season and Millfield Prep
Tournament winners
01 U12 IAPS Regional
winners Opposite Millie
Regan shoots to win
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
01 Making friends with
the ponies 02 Eloise
Littman jumping with
Sweep 03 Phoebe
Locke at the Pony of
the Year competition
04 Competitors at
the Millfield Prep
showjumping event
The year began with great excitement as we
welcomed some new ponies to the yard. The
gorgeous mini Shetlands quickly became firm
favourites with all the pupils.
There was an increase in pupils taking up riding
lessons and many willing hands got stuck into
helping out in the yard. To support our riders,
Millfield Prep became a certified Pony Club centre,
which enabled many to work towards their Pony
Club badges and tests to improve their practical
and general knowledge.
Due to the progressions of our riders, more pupils were
able to compete at inter-school competitions and the
new partnerships between the ponies and riders grew
stronger and resulted in rosettes coming home.
For competitors who continued their riding outside
of school, some excellent results were recorded.
Many achieved personal bests and Phoebe Locke
competed in her first BE (British Eventing) 100
against adults and was thrilled to win her class.
As the year came to a close, the Millfield Prep
NSEA Showjumping event saw some of our riders
competing for the first time with excellent results:
Two 1st and 2nd placings in the first two classes,
a team 2nd and an individual 5th in the 3rd class.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
01 U9A winners of
the Millfield Prep
02 U13 JET National
Rounders champions
Our teams were able to complete most of their
school fixtures this year, which gave the opportunity
for every girl in Years 3 to 6 to play. All the girls
showed great determination and good
sportsmanship throughout the term.
Year 7 and 8 created three teams in each year group
and all girls had the chance to represent the school.
Most of our senior teams had to play up a group in
their school fixtures and this was reflected in their
results. They proved they had strength and depth
in producing wins over strong opposing teams.
The U8A, U9A, U9B, U10A, U12A, U13A had an
unbeaten season and the U9A, U12A and U13A
all won the Millfield Prep Tournaments. The U10
event was cancelled due to inclement weather
and the U11As were missing five girls from their
original team but still went on to win the
Clayesmore Tournament.
The 1st team had an outstanding season, winning
the U15 Colston’s Tournament, Millfield Prep
Tournament, Port Regis Tournament and went
on to win the JET National Rounders Competition
in a thrilling match against Denstone College.
Our teams were galvanised for the season and,
individually, three Year 8 boys and three Year 6 boys
were selected for trials in the hope of being selected
for the South West Barbarian Rugby teams. Henry
Lunn, Jack Burnett and Oran McNulty were all
successful and were picked to play at U13 level for
the South West Barbarians.
Henry and Oran then went one better and were
selected to play for the England Lambs Independent
Schools Rugby team. This entailed a tour to the
south of France and both boys played very well
in their matches.
Scott Reed, Harvey Morland and Will Smeed were
all selected for the U11 South West Barbarians team.
Season Round-up
1st XV A rollercoaster ride this season,
enjoying many excellent victories,
though struggled at times against
some very strong teams.
The team reached the final of
the Port Regis U11 Tournament as
well as the semi-final of the Super
12s, held at Monkton Combe.
2nd XV
A successful season and by
the end of the term they had
transformed themselves into a
much more accomplished side.
The boys had a good season and
enjoyed some excellent victories.
3rd XV
A team full of enthusiasm and
it was a pleasure to see their
rugby develop.
An athletic and skilful set of boys
who delivered some outstanding
results. At the Taunton Prep U12
Ten-a-Side Tournament, they
were crowned champions.
01 The U12A
team in action
Opposite Cameron
Macdonald scoring
for the U11Bs
U12B & C
Both played some very attractive
rugby at times achieving super
results along the way.
At the Queen’s U10 Tournament,
Millfield Prep was victorious
for the very first time since
the tournament began back
in 2000, beating The Paragon
in the final 15-0.
U9A The team enjoyed the inaugural
Millfield Prep U9 Tournament. In
glorious sunshine they played five
games, winning each of them to
become the overall winners.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Rugby Sevens
In December the U13s and U11s travelled to
Bryanston School to participate in the first of the
major sevens tournaments. The U11s reached the
quarter-final but lost out to Cheltenham. The U13s
reached the final against St Olave’s, winning 15-7
to retain the trophy. Jordan Wood was presented
with the Player of the Tournament award.
At the U13 Port Regis Sevens, with several key
players missing from the team, we managed to
reach the final, narrowly losing to Kingswood
School from Bath.
At The Downs Sevens the 1st VII again managed
to progress through to the final where they played
well to beat St John’s-on-the-Hill 36-14, again
retaining the trophy. Also, the U11s played brilliantly
to win through to the final where they met The
Dragon. After full time the scores were level which
meant extra time. Whoever scored first was the
winner and unfortunately that wasn’t to be us.
On the same day, an U12 VII entered the Warwick
Sevens, played well and were unfortunate to just lose
in the quarter-final to Portsmouth Grammar School.
At the Caldicott Sevens our 1st VII won their group
but were beaten by Shrewsbury House in the
quarter-final. Our U12 VII playing in the second
team tournament narrowly lost in their final.
At the Millfield Sevens the 1st VII again reached
a final which was played against Dulwich Prep,
London, and the boys put in a great performance
to win the match 20-0, thus retaining the trophy.
The U11s also played well, winning their group
and going through to compete in The Cheney Cup
which they won by defeating The Downs 21-0.
The finale to the seven’s season is the National
School Sevens which is the biggest schools’ rugby
tournament in the world and the most prestigious
event on the school’s sevens circuit. In atrocious
conditions we won our group matches convincingly.
Our group play off was against Holmewood House
and the team turned in an excellent performance
to win 30-5. In the quarter-final we came up against
St John’s-on-the-Hill, a team we had beaten fairly
comprehensively in an earlier tournament. However,
we didn’t play our best sevens and just lost 17-19.
01 The 1st VII celebrate
retaining The Downs
Sevens trophy
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
The swimming squad has had another fabulous year,
starting with the selection of Louis Barker, Joshua
Lawson and Kitty Snaydon into the England Talent
Development Squad.
At the Somerset County Championships, the squad
was crowned the Top Age Group Swimming Club in
the county. Personal best times tumbled and, more
importantly, skills and techniques were improved
in training sessions and taken into races. Well done
to the following swimmers for setting new school
records: Louis Barker, Alice Gouldby, Thomas
Hewitt, Joshua Lawson, Kitty Snaydon and
Olivia Twynham-Richardson. We also had 3
top swimmers in their age group (bagcats):
Alex Sargeant, Santos Villalon and Dan Elkin.
Twenty four swimmers qualified for the South West
Championships at Millfield Senior School. This event
is highly ranked in the swimming year and contains
only the best club swimmers in the South West of
England for each age and stroke. Two school records
were broken by Alice Gouldby and Thomas Hewitt
and extra National Qualifying times were gained
by Santos Villalon (3) and Oliver Manser (3).
The boys were in magnificent form,
smashing five IAPS records and winning
the overall top school.
Individual winners
Alexander Sargeant, Josh Lawson,
Louis Barker
Medley Relay: Team 1st
Louis Barker, Josh Lawson,
Oliver Manser and Dan Elkin Freestyle Relay: Team 1st
Louis Barker, Josh Lawson,
Charlie Samouelle and Oliver Manser
The girls were also in superb form with two
IAPS records and winning the overall Top
School for an amazing 28th consecutive year.
Individual winner
Harriet Lillis
4 x 25m Medley Relay: Team 1st
India Marsh, Kitty Snaydon,
Olivia Twynham-Richardson
and Rosie Smith
01 Our girls won the
IAPS Top School title
02 Santos Villalon in
Congratulations to Louis Barker, Joshua Lawson,
Oliver Manser, Zoe Rolls, Rosie Smith, Kitty
Snaydon and Santos Villalon, as they qualified
for the summer Nationals in Sheffield.
The Year 8 boys’ team reached the finals of the
Aegon National Schools at Bolton but narrowly
lost to the number one seeds, Reeds School,
in a very exciting final. The team included Luke
Hammond, Finn Bass, Tristan Rudolph, Tim
Kiehl and Matthew Crofts.
Our team made it through the county stages
of the boys and girls Year 8 Aegon National
Schools Competition and will go on to
compete at regional level.
Matthew Crofts represented Somerset at U12 and
U14 in the County Cup and Oliver Monteiro and
Emily Thomas represented their respective counties
(Somerset and Avon) at the U12 County Cup. Sam
Raad, Grace Raad and Adam Lewis-Williams
also represented Somerset in the U9 County Cup.
Lefteris Ngugi won the Somerset Area Finals of
the Road to Wimbledon Competition and went
on to represent Millfield Prep in the finals at the
All England Lawn Tennis Club. Luke Hammond
won the National Finals of this event last summer
and was presented with his trophy by Tim Henman.
Lefteris was School Champion this year, beating
Roberto Garcia Rodriguez in the final. He played
several Tennis Europe events and represented
Kenya in the Junior Davis Cup.
Lapthorne, Paralympic silver medallist and
Jordanne Whiley, Paralympic bronze medallist.
Twenty two pupils attended the annual IAPS Tennis
Tournament at Queenswood School where Emily
Thomas won the U14 girls singles, playing Phoebe
Cuthbertson-Smith in the final. Lefteris Ngugi
and Oliver Monteiro won the U14 Boys Doubles
Title and Tara Ellis and Emily Thomas won the
U14 Doubles title.
Finn Bass
Our Mini Red, Orange and Green teams have
continued to go from strength to strength,
improving their ratings and competing regularly
in local tournaments. Eight of our players attended
the LTA Talent ID Day in Weymouth. We have over
50 Mini Tennis players training in squads and there
is some real talent coming through to follow in the
footsteps of Luke Hammond and Finn Bass.
Both our boys’ and girls’ teams competed in the
Aegon National Schools Championships this year,
which is an U18 competition. Our boys qualified
for Tier 2 of the U14 Aegon National Club League
which provided our players with the opportunity
to compete against some very strong teams in
singles and doubles.
A large group of keen parents attended
Parents’ Tennis on Thursday mornings and
we had a very entertaining Save the Children
Doubles Tournament, featuring a couple of
very well dressed clowns.
In the National Finals at the National Tennis Centre
last October Oliver Monteiro and Rodrigo Mendez
won the U14 Boys Doubles and got to meet Andy
01 Save the Children
Doubles Tournament
02 Finn Bass with his
trophy at the Aegon
British Junior National
Represented GB
in the Winter Cup
and reached the
semi-finals of the
Summer Cup
Played in the
Reached the
quarter-finals of
the World Team
Finn Bass has had an incredible year. Last summer
he became U12 National Singles Champion and
was ranked 550 in Europe. Since then he hasn’t
looked back. He made Tennis Europe Finals in
Malta, Dublin, Slovenia and Nottingham and is
now in the top 25 in Europe in his age group. He is
currently the No 1 U13 seasonal ranked player in
Great Britain and No 2 in the U14 national rankings
(he is the youngest player in the U14 top 20).
Qualified for the
main draw of the
Tarbes Tournament,
considered the
unofficial World
Played in the
County Cup for
at U14 and U18
Finished No 2 on the
Nike Tour leaderboard
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
01 The IAPS
Trampolining team
celebrate their success
Our first competition was the South West Schools
where Arthur Grob was placed 3rd in the U11
Boys and, along with Edward Wardell and Bertie
Howard-Higgins, came 1st in the team placings.
Ollie Sly was 1st in the U13 Boys’ category and
Josh Deighton enjoyed a personal best score,
finishing 4th. Lucas Wilson came 5th and together
the boys won their team event. Our U11 girls
finished 4th in the team competition, four of
whom were still under age nine. In the U13 Girls’
individuals, Celeste Sifontes Pico was 1st – another
South West Champion for Millfield Prep – and
Eleanor Lloyd was 0.6 behind for silver. Vicky Tait
and Bethan Close made up the team and together
the girls achieved 1st place.
At the Southern Schools competition, Ollie was in
good form, achieving 2nd place and earned himself
a place in the National Finals. In the team event,
Ollie, Josh, and Lucas were joined by Marcus Vevey
and were 2nd, qualifying for the National Schools.
Our U13 girls bounced well but not quite enough
to reach the National Finals, although Celeste was
almost there, placed 4th. The team were also 4th.
Our U11 boys were close to the Nationals with the
team in 4th, with Arthur placed 5th in the individuals.
The National Schools competition, held at Cannock,
was where our remaining pupils competed in the
U13 Boys’ event. Ollie competed well for 5th place
and the team of Ollie, Marcus, Josh and Lucas
finished just outside the medals in 4th place.
IAPS Championship
From 52 competition routines,
50 were completed faultlessly.
U11 boys
Edward and Sam Wardell, Jacob Mitchell and
Bertie Howard-Higgins were 3rd placed team.
U11 girls
2nd place – Lily Della Valle, Tamara BaxterAllen, Cerys Jenkins and Eloise Littman,
who was rewarded with an individual
bronze medal.
U9 girls
Individually, Grace Raad was placed 3rd with
India-Rose Owen 4th, Philippa Letchford
5th, and along with Charlotte Taylor and
Emily Bradshaw took gold to become the
IAPS Team Champions.
U13 boys
Ollie Sly, Josh Deighton, Lucus Wilson,
and Marcus Vevey, defended their title
to also win gold, with Ollie winning silver
in the individuals.
U13 girls
Eleanor Lloyd was in top form, winning an
individual bronze medal. U13B team were
4th and the A team of Bethan Close, Vicky
Tait, Celeste Sifontes and Eleanor Lloyd,
were 1st, retaining the title for the 3rd year
in succession.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
“My favourite
game was
Captain Says.
We had to do
all sorts of silly
things like ride
the kayak like
a horse, or do
a wheelie. My
favourite was
sitting on the
front of the boat
and balancing
it so we didn’t
fall in... I fell in!
At the end we
had to capsize
the boats to get
out; it was loads
of fun!”
Achieving with the Cubs
Cubs has proved a popular choice for our Junior
pupils and they successfully worked towards a
number of badges including Scientist, Map Reader
and Communicator. Their activities each week
have seen them outdoors finding their way with
a compass, enjoying scavenger hunts, nature trails,
erecting tents, singing along to campfire songs and
toasting marshmallows on an open fire – yum!
On and in the water
A summer of good weather provided the
opportunity to try out some water sports. Older
pupils were able to join the PADI sub-aqua training
course, jet skiing was great fun and after honing
their skills in the school pool, kayaking at
Weymouth proved very popular. Following
confidence and balance games, they managed
voyages across the bay which tested their
new found talents and sense of humour after
a few soakings!
Opposite Our Cubs
successfully pitch a tent
01 and 02 A comical
illustration of a kayaking
expedition by Isabelle
Barber, Year 7
Above and below ground
With so much to choose from, the list of MultiActivities and Clubs has provided many opportunities
for pupils to try new things and learn valuable skills.
Groups have been underground at Swildon’s Hole
Cave, braving the dark, wet and cold and discovering
a great sense of achievement when they emerged
back out into the open. As well as practising on the
climbing wall at school, pupils travelled to Split Rock
Quarry to put their skills to the test.
Chess Challenges
The year began with Max French winning his
first International tournament by claiming victory
in the U10 Championships at the Gibraltar
International Junior Championships. It also finished
in fine style with Roberto Garcia Rodriguez winning
his first adult chess event at the Bristol Rapidplay.
In between, Millfield Prep contested matches
against Stoberry Park and Ubley for the first time
and organised the inaugural Millfield Prep Chess
Challenge Day. The day saw 10 local primary
schools competing in matches, tackling dastardly
problems, doing a fair bit of running around and
getting expert tuition from Millfield Senior School
chess captain, Alex Gould, and our resident
Grandmaster, Matthew Turner. If that wasn’t
enough they also got to try out our brand new ipads.
After some lovely training
conditions in the autumn term,
our crews at the IAPS Regatta at
Farmoor Reservoir in Oxford got
a bit of a shock as they found
themselves competing in windy
conditions with temperatures in
single figures! Laura Woodward,
sailing with Octavia Greig, and
Isabella Lunn with Tobias HunterTod had a tough day with a steep
learning curve, but came away
having learned a lot from some
top-class young sailors.
The summer sailing was pretty
breezy on several weeks, but
very successful, with our beginners
crewing for the more experienced
sailors. A gale forecast unfortunately
put paid to a planned friendly
regatta with Plymouth College,
but the pupils have enjoyed sociable
racing with King’s Hall, Taunton.
Max French, Roberto Garcia Rodriguez and
Eduard Ksenofontov went on to represent the
Glastonbury adult side and Millfield Senior School
team, helping the latter to the quarter-final of the
National (U18) Championships.
01 Chess Challenge Day
02 Ed and Tobias at full speed
Charlie Powell, Sam Wardell,
Andreina Garrido Soriano and
Ella Sykes have all achieved RYA
Stage 1, Oska Zaky and Nick Laws
have gained Stage 2 and Tobias
Hunter-Tod earned his Stage 3.
Two crews were selected to
compete at the National IAPS
Regatta at Portland. With highquality opposition from all over
the country, the aim was to
finish in the top half of the large,
competitive fleet of over 50 boats.
Showing serious determination,
Nigella Landrock and Octavia
Greig achieved a super 21st place
overall. Although a number of crews
found the conditions too strong for
them, our boys team of Edward
Jeanes and Nick Laws produced
some great boatspeed and finished
in a very respectable 26th place.
Charity and
Charity and Community
his year, there were traditional
favourites such as Comic Relief
and Children in Need as well as new
and interesting ideas to raise funds
for good causes. Much of this fundraising
wouldn’t have been possible without the
enthusiasm and organisational skills of
our Millfield Prep Parents’ and Friends’
Committee. Through regular bake sales
and coffee mornings and full-scale events
such as the May Fair, their efforts, with the
support of parents, pupils and staff, have
helped to raise thousands of pounds for
the school’s chosen charities.
cakes and sold them to parents. Andrew Hewitt
organised his own sponsored swim and was well
supported by his family and friends. Harry Kemp
organised a car boot sale from items donated by
neighbours and friends. Alexander Sargeant’s
‘Scrumptious Scones’ were a hit. He made a
phenomenal 378 scones with the help of his
grandma and ingredients donated by neighbours
and local businesses. Between these events alone,
the pupils raised over £525.
Previous page Pre-Prep
children meet Pudsey
during Children in Need
01 Amazing Shoe Shine
02 Alexander Sargeant
with his ‘Scrumptious
Harvest Appeal
This year, rather than simply donating money for the
school appeal, the pupils were asked to ‘sow’ some.
From a small start of £5 or £10, they came up with
some ingenious ideas to grow the money in aid of
ShelterBox. An ‘Amazing Shoe Shine’ was set up in
Clarks Village by Oska and Morgan Zaky and Rosie
and Ruby Smith with help from Lando Norris. Tyler
Olding organised a ‘Guess the Amount of Sweets in
a Jar’ competition. Bethan Close made delicious
Fundraising Highlights
Pre-Prep Sponsored Swim
Our Year 2 pupils made a terrific effort
and raised around £460 for the RSPB
and the Lions Club.
Junior Sponsored Swim
The Juniors’ swim brought in an amazing
£1,061 for their charity, Cancer Research,
and the Lions.
Romania Appeal
Caretaker, Tim Kelly, his wife Lesley
and their supporters made their annual
journey to Alexandra Orphanage in
Romania to provide much needed
clothing and general supplies and
to offer support to the children who
live there. School fundraisers, local
businesses and donations of items from
our families contributed to this effort.
May Fair
A delicious barbecue, Maypole dancing,
Pimms and strawberries and a variety of
entertainment kept everyone happy for
the day. Pupils came up with innovative
fundraising ideas including ‘Guess the
Weight of a Sheep’, and altogether the
Fair raised a staggering £2,500.
Bake Sales
Delicious cakes were produced and sold
during the Children in Need Best Bake
competition and a bake sale on Red
Nose Day by Prep and Pre-Prep families
raised over £1,000.
World Book Day
Donations from Prep pupils on their
book character day raised £392.60 for
Life for a Cure. Pre-Prep raised £35.50
from their book swap which went to the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Tour of Wessex Bike Ride
Four members of staff completed the
Wessex three day bike ride; an extremely
tough challenge consisting of 335
miles and 25,000 feet of climbing
through Somerset, Wiltshire and
Dorset. From generous sponsorship
their efforts raised close to £1,000
for St Margaret’s Hospice.
World Water Day
Jutes House had lots of fun polishing
staff shoes and raised £71.40 for the
charity Wateraid.
Christmas Fair, Bishop’s Palace
The Junior Choir were one of the star
attractions at this festive event in
Wells which helped support Tim Kelly’s
Romania effort and pledged £500 to
Life for a Cure.
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
01 Making recycled paper
during Waste Week
Green Team
For the autumn and spring terms, environmental
work has formed part of the Wednesday afternoon
Multi-Activity programme. Each week, groups of
children have worked with the Natural England
volunteers at Shapwick Heath on projects such
as habitat preservation and maintaining paths
on the reserve.
Woodland Trust
Children from the Pre-Prep worked with pupils
from Years 6, 7 and 8 to plant hundreds of saplings
in the lower orchard area. The trees came from the
Woodland Trust and are doing well. We have been
pleased as well to note that the trees planted by Year
4 and 5 a few years ago are also growing very nicely.
Climate Week
As part of Climate Week at the beginning of
March, the Green reps took part in the Climate
Week Challenge. For the whole morning, teams
worked to research and design an Eco Home, which
was a valuable exercise in collaboration, research
and planning. It also provided an opportunity to test
the network capabilities with the new iPads, which
were used extensively.
Waste Week
A whole-school assembly highlighted the main
areas of wasted resources in school. Later that
week, we welcomed Neil Gemmell from Carymoor
Environmental Trust, who gave an excellent
assembly, reinforcing the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle
theme and also introduced pupils to wasteassociated issues in other parts of the world.
The Juniors then enjoyed a workshop, making
recycled paper and getting very messy!
Green Flag status
Following an assessment by an Eco Schools
representative, we were pleased to discover
that our Green Flag status had been approved
and renewed for another two years. The assessor
kindly commented that ‘It is clear that both parts
of the school are working closely together to build
a consistent culture of sustainability across the
school. The opportunities for children to participate
in environmental learning and projects are very
good, and the strong links with local companies,
groups and individuals have given the children a
very good understanding of their place within the
local community. Well done.’
Speech Day and
Prizegiving Awards 2013
Year 3
Lily Holme
Year 4
Sena Barron
Year 5
Brad Rooks
Year 6
Harvey Morland
Year 7
Isabelle Barber
The Sculpture Prize
Oliver Morrison
The Art Prize (Year 8)
Calvin Leung
Year 6
Arthur Grob
Commendation for her
role in ‘Fleeced’
Loveday Hedgcock
Year 7
Talullah Bartlett
Year 8
Verity Harrison-Allan
Cook Cup for Speech
and Drama
Harry Kemp
Most Promising Junior
Henry Smeed
Most Promising Senior
Juliet Grogan Poulsen
Most Promising Junior
Harriet Jensen
Most Promising Senior
Alex Cottrell
Music Progress – Junior
Joanna Maddock
Music Progress – Senior
Travis Titley
Outstanding Contribution
to Junior Ensembles
Emily Bradshaw
Outstanding Contribution
to Senior Ensembles
Bethan Close
The Year 3 Music Shield
Andrew Hewitt
The Mary Webb Cup for
U9 Music
Elena Launder/Annabel Jeanes
The Ben Morton Cup for
U10 Music
Loveday Binsley
The Jill White Cup for
U11 Music
Elsie Brade
The Hennessy Cup for
U12 Music
Phoebe Colmar
The Rutter Shield for U13 Music
Ellie Crispin
The Miles Knapman Cup for the
highest mark in a Music exam
Isabelle Barber
The Olivia Jarvis Cup for Voice
Alessia Davi
The Judy Green Cup for Brass
Abraham Turner
The Cup for Excellent Practice
Asha Colmar
The Longbourne Prize for
contribution to Woodwind
or Brass
Arthur Green
The Fay Cup for loyalty to the
musical life of the School
Katie-May Parsons
The Bach Cup for excellence
and outstanding performance
Woody Taylor
Progress in English
Year 3
Molly Hayes
Year 4
Jemima Downing
Year 5
James Broomhead
Year 6
Alexander Cameron
Year 7
Regina Minnakhmetova
Year 8
Octavia Greig
The Beverley Kelson Trophy
Louis Venezia
The Wall Award
Ella Sykes
The EAL Prize for Achievement
(and progress)
Luka Honobe
Year 3
Cisca Norris
Year 4
Emily Bradshaw
Year 5
Loveday Binsley
Year 6
Lulu Tant
Year 7
Lucia Wakelin-Gilden
Year 8
Ellie Crispin
The Aubury Prize for Reading
Ben Penton
Year 3
Theodore Downer
Year 4
Wyatt Walsh
Year 5
Henry Smeed
Year 6
Max French
Year 7
Katie Maddock
Progress in Maths
Phoebe Locke
The Nichol Trophy for
Excellence in Mathematics
Bethany George
Year 3
Freddie Turnell
Year 4
James Maxfield
Year 5
Tom Maddock
Year 6 Biology
Hamish Sanford
Year 6 Chemistry
Loveday Hedgcock
Year 6 Physics
Sonny Mandil
Year 7 Biology
Nastia Aumueller
Year 7 Chemistry
Freddy Zander
Year 7 Physics
Katie-May Parsons
Year 8 Biology
Cicely Newton
Year 8 Chemistry
Calvin Leung
Year 8 Physics
Joshua Lawson
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
Modern Language
Year 3
Grace Raad
Year 4
Ecaterina Sfiraiala
Year 5
Eleanor Radford
Year 6
Freya Lucas
Year 7
Sam Young (French)
Stuart Rushmere (Spanish)
Year 8 The French Cup
Ana Climent Canet
Year 8 The Mary MacBlain
Memorial Cup
Millie Regan
Year 8 The Spanish Prize
Alessia Davi
Prize for Excellence in more
than one Language
Eleanor Lloyd
Year 6
Thomas Hewitt
Year 7
Maddy Johnson
Year 8
Isaac Hughes
Year 3
Michael Jensen
Year 4
Amy Seal
Year 5
Vinnie Gillespie
Year 6
Cerys Jenkins
Year 7
Lauren Bartlett
Year 8
Oliver Manser
Year 3
Polly Maddock
Year 4
Samuel Raad
Year 5
William Hall
Year 6
William Smeed
Year 7
Tara Ellis
Year 8
Zoe Jumabhoy
Cheney Eco Cup
Charlie Exley
Religious Studies
Year 3
Bethan Kolind
Year 4
Joanna Maddock
Year 5
Amy Bassett
Year 6
Eloise Littman
Year 7
Lulu Scott
Year 8
Gabriella Sexton
Year 3
Asher Brooks
Year 4
Rosa Launder
Year 5
Spencer Findlay
Year 6
Alex Cottrell
Year 7
Alice Gray
Year 8
Emily Hawkins
Food Technology
Year 5
Maddi Breeze
Year 6
Alex Li
Year 7
Mia Russell
Year 8
Nigella Landrock
Year 3
Seth Hedgcock
Year 4
Barney French
Year 5
Maria Elliott
Year 6
Jacob Mitchell
Year 7
Sheldon Lee
Year 8
Fenella Rice
The Captain’s Chess Cup
(most improved)
Roberto Garcia Rodriguez
The Junior Chess Cup
Oscar Plant
The Senior Chess Cup
Max French
Cross Country
The Claire Forbes Cup for Girls’
Ella Sykes
The James Starr Cup for Boys’
Charlie Samouelle
Award for Dance
Laura Smith
The Henley Shield
(most improved Fencer)
Luca Jumabhoy
The Collins Fencing Shield
Cameron Baxter-Allen
The Gorham Cup for Fencing
Georgia Timmins
The Cup for Contribution
to Fencing
Oska Zaky
Girls Football Cup
Lauren Dolan
U9 Football
Oliver Mallett
U10 Football
Finn McNulty
U11 Football Cup
Jordan Edson
U12 Football Trophy
William Coate/
Stuart Rushmere
The Senior Football Cup
Kynon Griffith-McCann
Contribution to Golf
Oliver Sly
The Adam Mason Shield for Golf
Charlie Reid
Gymnastics and
Cup for Contribution to
Eleanor Lloyd
Trampoline Trophy (Best Boy)
Oliver Sly
Trampoline Plate for Contribution
Bethan Close/Asha Colmar
The Trampoline Trophy
for Best Competitor
Eleanor Lloyd
Speech Day and Prizegiving Awards 2013
Outdoor Pursuits
The James Wheeler Trophy
for Outdoor Pursuits
Radostina Yovkova
Progress in Riding
Angus Macdonald
Contribution to Riding
Megan Douglas
Junior Riding Trophy
Joel Hart
The Pickering Cup for Riding
Phoebe Locke
Girls Biathlon Cup
Alice Gray
Boys Biathlon Cup
Niall Caley
Peter Reigal Cup for
Achievement (Progress)
in Multisports
Juliet Grogan Poulsen
The Trophy for Sailing
Nigella Landrock
The Best Shot
Ella Bathurst
Kirkland Cup for
most improved
Billy Gubb
The Jonah Barrington
Squash Cup
Luke Bassett
Most Valuable Player
Roberto Garcia Rodriguez
Special Award for Karting
Lando Norris
The Junior Cup for Tennis
Jamie Thomas/Isabel Bartlett
The Kay Cup for the Girls
Tennis Championship
Emily Thomas
The Boys’ Cup for
Contribution to Tennis
Lefteris Ngugi
The Senior Girls’ Cup for
Contribution to Tennis
Phoebe Cuthbertson-Smith
The Senior Boys’ Tennis Cup
Finn Bass
All Round Sports Award
All Round Girls’ Sports Award
Grace Raad
All Round Boys’ Sports Award
Freddie Turnell
Year 6 Athletics Girls
Flo Norris
Year 6 Athletics Boys
Harvey Morland
Intermediate Athletics Girls
Tabitha Billingham
Intermediate Athletics Boys
Henry Maylam
Senior Athletics Girls
Millie Regan
Senior Athletics Boys
Jack Burnett
The Mary Glover High Jump Cup
Ikey Morland
The Hobday Cup for Middle
Distance Running
Will Lewthwaite
The Nichol Cup for Throwing
Rosie Smith
The U9 Cricket Plate
Adam Lewis-Williams
The U10 Cricket Plate
Henry Smeed
The BA Lewis Cup for
contribution to U11 Cricket
William Smeed
The U12 Cricket Plate
Kasey Aldridge
The Timothy Martin Batting Cup
Sam Young
The Durston Bowling Cup
Freddy Zander
The Fielding Cup
Max Jenkins
The Richard Barker Cricket
Cup for the Best All Rounder
in the 1st XI
Tom Hall
The Ben Hollioake
Memorial Trophy
Ned Dunning
Cricket Cup for Girls
Gabriella Sexton/Lottie
The U9 Hockey Cup for Girls
Philippa Letchford
The U10 Hockey Cup for Girls
Harriet Dimdore-Miles
The U11 Hockey Cup for Girls
Alice Gouldby
The U12 Hockey Cup for Girls
Tabitha Billingham
The U13 Hockey Cup for Girls
Vicky Tait
The U9 Hockey Cup for Boys
Samuel Raad
The U10 Hockey Cup for Boys
Tom Maddock
The U11 Hockey Cup for Boys
Joe Mallett
The U12 Hockey Cup for Boys
Sam Young
The Mike Rutter Trophy for
contribution to Boys’ Hockey
David Greenhill
The U9 Netball Trophy
India-Rose Owen
The U10 Netball Cup
Lily Della Valle
The U11 Netball Trophy
Cerys Jenkins
The U12 Netball Trophy
Juliet Grogan Poulsen
The Windmill Trophy
for Netball
Millie Regan
The U9 Rounders Cup
Rebecca Stowell
The U10 Rounders Cup
Loveday Binsley
The U11 Rounders Cup
Ollie Hayes
The U12 Rounders Cup
Tara Ellis
The U13 Rounders Cup
Amy Rumney
The Year at Millfield Prep 2012/13
The U9 Rugby Cup
Arthur Green
The U10 Rugby Cup
Ciaran Donoghue
The U11 Rugby Trophy
Scott Reed
The U12 Rugby Cup
Tyler Olding
The Rugby Cup for
contribution to the game
Oran McNulty
The VE Tackling Cup
Henry Lunn
The Year 3 Swimming Shield
for Girls
Charlotte Gouldby
The Year 4 Swimming Shield
for Girls
Ruby Smith
The Year 6 Swimming Shield
for Girls
Alice Gouldby
The Year 7 Swimming Shield
for Girls
Harriet Lillis
The Sarah Funnell Cup for
Girls’ Swimming
Kitty Snaydon
The Year 3 Swimming Shield
for Boys
Andrew Hewitt
The Year 4 Swimming Shield
for Boys
Wyatt Walsh
The Year 5 Swimming Shield
for Boys
Alexander Sargeant
The Year 6 Swimming Shield
for Boys
Thomas Hewitt
The Year 7 Swimming Shield
for Boys
Santos Villalon
The Paul Howe Cup
(most improved swimmer)
Nastia Aumueller
The Duncan Goodhew
Swimming Cup
Louis Barker/Oliver Manser
The Helen Bewley Cup for the
Most Outstanding Swimmer
Joshua Lawson
Contribution to Swimming
Luka Honobe, Zoe Jumabhoy,
India Marsh, Laura Smith,
Rosie Smith, Oliver
Ben Ashton-Rigby, Luke
Bassett, Rory Davies, Dan
Elkin, Nicholas Laws, Charlie
Samouelle, Roo Thornton
Overall Contribution to Sport
Zoe Phillips, Fenella Rice,
Lowri Whiskerd
Ollie Chambers, Toby Dennis,
William Easterfield, Isaac
Hughes, Finn Mitchell, Oliver
Smith, Marcus Vevey
Major Awards
The Mantell Award for
Olympic Potential
Lauren Dolan/Finn Bass
The Marion Rutter Shield for
High Endeavour in the Juniors
Harriet Dimdore-Miles
The Fellows Trophy for
Goodwill and Citizenship
in the Juniors
Lily Della Valle
Martin Award for Goodwill
and Citizenship in Year 6
Molly Seal
Goodwill and Citizenship in
Year 7
Tyler Olding
The Carrie Heppner Drama Cup
Lottie Dunning
The Martin Trophy for Art
Lucas Wilson
The Aram Cup for Music
Isabelle Barber
The Holland Trophy for
Dedication and Determination
in Sport
Jordan Wood/Rosie Smith
The Atkinson Trophy for
Loyalty to School Teams
Amy Rumney/David Greenhill
The Heidi & Nick Morris Cup
for Good Citizenship In Sport
Gabriella Sexton/Oliver Smith
The Nicola Parr AllRounders Award
Eleanor Lloyd/Joshua Lawson
Top Continuous Curriculum
Results (non-award holder)
Lottie Dunning
Top Adapted Continuous
Curriculum Results
Ewan Sands
Gabriella Sexton, Ellie Crispin,
Cicely Newton, Millie Regan
Asha Colmar, Laura
Woodward, Charlie Hart,
Travis Titley, Harry Kemp
Ben Penton, Joshua Lawson,
Eleanor Lloyd
Lucas Wilson, Calvin Leung,
Harry Kemp, Cicely Newton
Headmistress’ Award to
Heads of School
Toby Dennis, Lottie Dunning,
Max Jenkins, Zoe Jumabhoy,
Ben Penton, Millie Regan
Ben Rushton Trophy for
the Three Cs
(Care, Consideration and
Community Spirit)
Glyn Jenkins
Top Row (L-R)
Middle Row (L-R)
Bottom Row (L-R)
Sir John Reith, Chairman
Mr John H Jackson
Mr Oliver Tant
Mr William J Bushell
Mr Atul A Patel
Mr Timothy Taylor
Mr Richard J R Clark
Mr Michael W Roulston
Mr Robert P Thornton
Mrs Clare Cripps
Mrs Anabel Sexton
Mr Roger S Trafford
Mrs Christobel Flood
Mr Marc A L Simon
Mr David S Williamson
Mr Christopher H Hirst
Mr Rod Speed