Mota 2003
Mota 2003
Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden presents Month of the Arts January 29 – March 2, 2003 How are Jewish sources, such as the Torah, the Talmud, Midrash and Kabbalah, being interpreted in contemporary art? And how can our experiences of the arts be transformed by the challenge of traditional sources? Art in Dialogue with Je Drama, Art, Film and Musical Performances This is the dialogue that forms the core of Paideia’s ”Month of the Arts”. The collection of performances and events will not only give audiences the opportunity to see accomplished artists presenting and performing their works, but also partake in events encompassing text analyses/readings, lectures and workshops. Lecturers well versed in their subjects will be on hand to guide us through texts and and reflect on the ways art manifests itself and its sources of inspiration. Our hope is that this dialogue of arts and texts will serve as a platform enabling a flow of communication between different audiences, peoples and communities. Chevruta Students at Paideia. Cover picture: Ruth Wieder-Magan, The Jerusalem Theatre Company. wish Sources Below: A Talmudist in Cracow. Published by the Salon Malarzy Polskich, 1901. Music in Dialogue with Jewish Sources Wednesday January 29 at 19.00 The Concert House, Aulinsalen. Tickets: sek 120. 1. Opening Ceremony, Lecture and Concert Paideia’s Director, Barbara Spectre and Educator Clive Lawton, describe and demonstrate the classical Jewish method of study and describe how the Jewish Sources have inspired legendary artists. Composer and conductor Alexander Freudenthal will join in the discussion and will later take the floor with his big band, the ”Freudenthal Yiddish Big Band”. t i c k e ts ava i l a b l e at t h e co n c e rt h o u s e b ox office: phone +46-8-5o 66 77 88 [open mon – fri 1 1 – 1 8 s at 1 1 – 1 5 ] , at atg - o u t l e ts o r by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 7 7 - 1 7 o 7 o 7 o , w w w. ko n s e rt h u s e t. s e . Alexander Freudenthal Dr. Liane Alitowski Thursday January 30 at 19.00 The Concert House, Aulinsalen. Tickets: sek 120. 2. ”Savor de Ladino – A Taste of Ladino” – Presentation and Performance Paideia’s scholar-in-residence and pianist Dr. Liane Alitowski hosts with text and music. Katarina Hellgren and her ensemble will perform classical Ladino songs along with a world premiere of newly written songs by Yair Sapir. The ensemble consists of Gunhildur Gudmundsdóttir cello, Oskar Lindberg guitar and accordion and Simon Stålspets bouzouki and mandola. t i c k e ts ava i l a b l e at t h e co n c e rt h o u s e b ox office: phone +46-8-5o 66 77 88 [open mon – fri 1 1 – 1 8 s at 1 1 – 1 5 ] , at atg - o u t l e ts o r by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 7 7 - 1 7 o 7 o 7 o , w w w. ko n s e rt h u s e t. s e . Saturday February 1 at 19.00 Bromma Culture School, Växtverket, Arenan, Kapplandstrappan, T-bana Brommaplan. Tickets: sek 140 [sek 80 Members of Svenska Klezmerföreningen]. 3. ”The Strauss Warshauer Duo” Debora Strauss and Jeff Warshauer from New York perform a concert. On stage we present two of the most respected artists and teachers in the Klezmer and Yiddish arena. They draw from Klezmer, Yiddish, Hassidic and liturgical music and culture, adding their own original compositions and song settings from delicate and refined to the exuberant including foot-stomping. Ritual Art in Dialogue with Jewish Sources t i c k e ts to b e p u rc h a s e d at t h e d e s k n o l at e r t h a n 3 o m i n . b e f o re t h e s ta rt o f t h e co n c e rt. w w w. k l e z m e r. n u . ”Kidush Cup” by Tobi Kahn. Sunday February 2 at 16.00 Teaterstudio Lederman, Gästrikegatan 13. Tickets: sek 120. 4. The Kinorensemble perform a dramatized concert – ”Purim-Shpiel” with Semmy Stahlhammer violin, Marc Power violin, Torbjörn Helander viola, Isabel Blommé cello, Johan Ullén piano, Björn Salomonsson clarinet and vocal. t i c k e ts at w w w. t e at e r l e d e r m a n . n u , o r by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 3 o 3 o 9 4 . Monday February 3 at 14.00 Stallet – Folk and World Music, Stallgatan 7. Tickets: sek 50. 5. ”The Strauss Warschauer Duo” Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer present a lecture generously illustrated with Yiddish, Klezmer, Hassidic and liturgical music. Both members of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, they are two of the most respected artists and teachers on the Klezmer scene. o r at t h e ve n u e b e f o re t h e co n c e rt. Tuesday to Thursday, February 4–6 at 19.00 The Jewish Museum, Hälsingegatan 2. Tickets: sek 75 [sek 200 for series]. 6. Workshops and lecture with the painter and sculptor Tobi Kahn of the Avoda Institute. His work has been shown in over 25 solo exhibitions, at 70 museum and gallery shows. It has challenged the viewer’s eye and heart to find abstraction within nature. The life of spirit is integrally bound up with the beauty of the world, with the rituals and symbols that are a Jewish medium to transcendence. Tobi Kahn will utilize creative ritual objects and art as a medium to investigate Jewish sources. w w w. s ta l l e t. s t. t h e t i c k e ts by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 3 1 o 1 4 3 , t i c k e ts at t h e d e s k n y b ro k a j e n 1 1 , o pe n we e k d ay s 1 2 – 1 7 , by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 4 o 7 1 7 o o , w w w. j u d i s k a - m u s e e t. a . s e . Drama in Dialogue with Jewish Sources Thursday February 6 at 19.00 Hollandersalen, Judiska Centret, Nybrogatan 19–21. Free entry. 7. ”The Bible and Israeli Theatre” Lecture by Freddie Rokem, Professor of Theatre and Head of the Faculty of Art at Tel Aviv University. 90 min. The Bible has been a central source of inspiration for Israeli theatre. Many of these performances have an avant garde character. The lecture is illustrated with video clips. re g i s t r at i o n by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 5 8 7 8 5 8 6 5 . Saturday February 8 at 19.00 Teaterstudio Lederman, Gästrikegatan 13. Tickets: sek 120. 8. ”The Theory of Everything” written and performed by Stephen Rappaport, directed by Judith Hollander. 75 min. The performance makes use of quantum physics, butoh dance, theology, Jungian psychology, past life regression and the experiences of a prostituted actor, to try to find forgiveness for Adolf Hitler. Or is it just a way for a German manufacturer to sell more beer? Performance and text study. t i c k e ts at w w w. t e at e r l e d e r m a n . n u , o r by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 3 o 3 o 9 4 . Stephen Rappaport ”Sara – Take 2” The Jerusalem Theatre Company Sunday February 9 at 16.00 Teaterstudio Lederman, Gästrikegatan 13. Tickets: sek 75. 9. ”Lips of Time” Ruth Wieder-Magan takes the audience on a musical-historical voyage in search of the woman’s voice embedded in ancient prayers [and lamentations] of lost Jewish communities in East and West. In her textual study she reveals the energetic qualities inherent in the sounds of speech and how they convey the messages hidden in the language. t i c k e ts at w w w. t e at e r l e d e r m a n . n u , o r by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 3 o 3 o 9 4 . Monday February 10 and Tuesday February 11 10. Jerusalem Theatre Company gives three exclusive workshops in 1. Writing Manuscripts 2. Acting 3. Voice. The workshops are led by actors and faculties from the group. Numbers of places are limited. re g i s t r at i o n by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 6 7 9 5 5 5 5 , o r e - m a i l i n f o @ pa i d e i a - e u . o rg . The Jerusalem Theatre Company has made guest appearances around the world and won several prizes. The company are world-leaders in bringing together traditional writings, contemporary theatre and music. They mix ancient legends and contemporary interpretations and build on the female perspective, with their performances bringing new life to the biblical first mothers. Wednesday February 12 at 19.00 Thursday February 13 at 19.00 Stockholm Culture House, Kilen. Tickets: sek 160. 11–12. ”Sara – Take 2” Guest performance by ”The Jerusalem Theatre Company” from Israel. The play’s use of biblical and midrashic sources interspersed with an ethnic mixture of Ladino, Yiddish, contemporary poetic Hebrew and slang, creates a field of dynamic polarities in which the trajectories of Sara’s voice emerge. Sara, the mother of Jewish people, dies as the New Year begins. On this day she learns of the Akedah, [of the binding of her son Isaac] who was almost slaughtered by his father as a sacrifice to G-d. t i c k e ts at w w w. k u lt u r h u s e t. s to c k h o l m . s e , ph o n e + 4 6 - 8 - 5 o 6 2 o 2 o o. Saturday February 15 at 19.00 Stallet, Folk and World Music, Stallgatan 7. Tickets: sek 50. 13. Concert and Dance with ”Tummel” Learn some steps, listen to some music, and then hit the dance floor again. Dance instruction by Leon Blank and Edith Haglund. tickets at the desk nybrokajen 11, open weekd ay s 1 2 – 1 7 , by c a l l i n g + 4 6 - 8 - 4 o 7 1 7 o o a n d at the venue before the concert. Film in Dialogue with Jewish Sources Memory, European History and Jewish Tradition. These three subjects form the focus of this year’s Jewish film days. One film offers an analysis of the role of memory for Jewish culture while another reflects upon how people in the modern world try to conquer their history. Two other productions present pictures of two women in very different social positions as they reflect on their lives – one as the private secretary of Adolf Hitler, the other as a mother and doctor in an Ukranian city just captured by the Nazi forces. Tickets [sek 40] for no. 14–17 are available 45 minutes before each showing at the desk at Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1–5, Gärdet, from February 12. Tell the clerk you come from Paideia. All films are in English or subtitled in English. Sunday February 16 at 16.00 Filmhuset, Bio Mauritz, Borgvägen 1–5, Gärdet. 14. Film and Panel, ”Jizkor – slaves of memory” 97 min. France 1990. By Eyal Sivan. Every spring, life in Israel is dominated for thirty days by four celebrations that commemorate the past. We follow the road from child to adult and from school to army to acquire some insights as to how this ”official memory” is drummed into each civilian. A controversial film about identity and survival. Participants in the panel are the filmmaker Eyal Sivan, the Jewish scholar and Director of Paideia Barbara Spectre, Professor of Social Psychology Lars Dencik, and documentary filmmaker Pearl Gluck. Jizkor – slaves of memory community the filmmaker left as a teenager. Pearl Gluck is a young American documentary filmmaker. This is her first feature length film. Monday February 17: Text study at 17.30, Film at Bio Mauritz at 19.00 Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1–5, Gärdet. 15. Text study and Preview Screening ”Divan” 80 min. USA 2002. By Pearl Gluck. Divan is an unorthodox approach to a turn-of-the-century family heirloom, a couch upon which Hasidic rebbes once slept. From Boro Park in Brooklyn to a corner of Northeast Hungary, Divan is a visual parable about a religious icon that celebrates the Hasidic Tuesday February 18: Text study at 17.30, Film at Bio Victor at 19.00 Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1–5, Gärdet. 16. Film and Text study ”Blind Spot – Hitler’s Secretary” 90 min. Austria 2001. By André Heller and Othmar Schmiderer. She dreamt of becoming a dancer, but applied for a job as Hitler’s private secretary. As she grew older Traudl Junge had more and more qualms about this naïve decision borne of ignorance. The Austrian filmmakers’ idea to make the interview and film with Traudl Junge came just in time – she passed away last February, just after the film was finished. The film received the Audience Award at the Berlinale 2002. Wednesday February 19: Film at 19.00 Bio Victor, Lecture at 20.15 Bio Mauritz Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1–5, Gärdet. 17. Film and lecture, ”The Last Letter” 61 min. France 2002. By Frederick Wiseman. A stage adaptation in french of the novel ”Life and Fate” by Vassili Grossman. Anna Semionova is a Russian Jewish doctor living in a small town in the Ukraine just captured by the Germans. She writes a last letter to her son who dwells safely behind the front lines. The letter recounts major events in her life. Gradually Anna realizes that her Jewish heritage is more important to her than her Russian nationality and Communist beliefs. ”Certainly not just another Holocaust film but an outstanding filmmaking masterpiece. The perfect conjunction of director, cast and material” [Variety]. This film will also be screened at Bio Sture, February 21 at 17.30. The bi-valence of being Jewish in 20th century Eastern Europe Lecture by Professor Kristian Gerner, Lund University, presently researching the Holocaust in European historical culture. Tickets [sek 40] for no. 18–20 are available at the Jewish Center or by calling +46-8-587 858 65. Sunday February 23 at 18.00 Hollandersalen, Judiska Centret, Nybrogatan 19–21. 18. A lecture by documentary filmmaker Pearl Gluck with film sequences and some reflections on Jewish documentary filmmaking. Pearl asks whether we have come to the stage where we can talk of a Jewish documentary film tradition. Who were the pioneers and what effect did dealing with the issues of identity and culture have on them? Monday February 24 at 18.00 Hollandersalen, Judiska Centret, Nybrogatan 19–21. 19. Continuation of Lecture and Film clips with the documentary filmmaker Pearl Gluck. Sunday March 2 at 13.00 Hollandersalen, Judiska Centret, Nybrogatan 19–21. 20. Homosexuality in Contemporary Jewish Life and Debate Text, films and panel that will bring up the focus on the subject of homosexuality and Jewish life. The two films shown are ”Trembling before G-d” and ”Chicks in White Satin” followed by text interpretations and discussions on the Jewish homosexuality life. Participation from the Jewish Community. The Month of the Arts is produced with the support of: The Swedish Integration Board, Avoda: Objects of the Spirit, Embassy of Israel, The Cultural Committee of the Jewish Community of Stockholm, The Swedish Film Institute. And in good cooperation with: Stockholm Culture House, Stockholm’s Jewish Film Festival, The Jewish Museum in Stockholm, The Swedish Klezmer Association, Teaterstudio Lederman, Stallet RfoD, Stockholm Concert Hall. This program is subject to change. Swedish version on: Producer of Month of the Arts: Netta Frister Aaron. Filmweek by Kerstin Allroth-Dencik. Month of the Arts paideia nybrogatan 21 box 5o53 se-1o2 42 stockholm sweden phone: +46-8-679 55 55 fax: +46-8-661 15 55 e-mail: [email protected] internet: g r a ph i c d e s i g n p. co h e n • p r i n t e d by b i rg e r g u s ta f s s o n a b, s we d e n 2 0 0 3 B porto betalt