Revista DX


Revista DX
Pagina 3
Pagina 6
Pagina 8
Pagina 9
Pagina 9
Pagina 15
Pagina 18
Pagina 19
Pagina 21
Pagina 22
Pagina 23
Pagina 25
Pagina 26
Pagina 27
Pagina 40
Pagina 41
Pagina 42
Pagina 43
Pagina 45
Pagina 51
Pagina 54
Pagina 55
Pagina 59
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Overcomer Ministry
Arnaldo Slaen
Noticas del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Antônio Avelino
Encuesta 2015
Fernando Luiz de Souza
Nesses tempos de raios e trovões
Silvio Pinheiro
Radioamador de Apartamento
Nestor Vargas
Quad Directiva Monobanda
Paul B. Walker, Jr
Shortwave Logs From Southern Arkansas including a RARE one!
Josivaldo Moreira Moreira
Bob Padula
Australian DX Report episode 493 - released Dec 15 2015
Antoni Karol Dianovsky
Diploma "90 years of IARU
Francisco Jackson
Asociación Española De Radioescucha (AER) Comunicado
Fiorenzo Repetto
AIR - RADIORAMA: Ascoltando Radio Alice Springs
Harold Sellers
Rob Wagner
Part 2 of “Receivers I Have Known”
Jorge Zuñiga
Antenas subterraneas (radioaficionados)
Paul B. Walker, Jr.
3 QSL Cards Received Today!
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 14, 2015
Sylvain Naud
I'm very happy to share here my recently made USB
Dino Bloise
Tevisión gratuita de México
December 14, 2015
Rob Wagner
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 13-14, 2015
Dino Bloise
Homenaje por el fallecimiento del Profesor Miguel Peiro
Benjamin Lagunes
Mis radios receptores de onda corta
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 12-13, 2015
Paul B. Walker, Jr
Paul's Shortwave Logs-including a NEW STATION!
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
B15 RVA Broadcast Schedule
Antônio Avelino
Brasileiro apaixonado pelas ondas curtas
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 850 Sunday / 13 December, 2015
Gilvan Souza Costa
Martín Herrera J
Robert Ross
Pedro Elonda
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
Manuel Méndez
Anker Petersen
Roland Richter
Sandipan Basu Mallick
Chris Crosby
Roberto Pavanello
Robert Ross
Lenildo da Silva
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
Overcomer Ministry
This is the house where Brother Stair lives. It was an old general store that the brothers tore down and rebuilt several years ago.
Then there is the Radio Room where the broadcast goes into all the earth…. to every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
Every Year, over $1.5 millions dollars is spent announcing the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ by the Last Day Prophet of God. Click HERE to see
what frequency you can find the Overcomer Broadcast.
Arnaldo Slaen
Noticas del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Comenzó a transmitir la primer emisora de FM de la provincia de Buenos Aires que emite desde un Centro cerrado
La señal de FM transmite en la frecuencia 89.9, mediante una antena montada en el predio donde se encuentra el Centro Cerrado.
Los Centros Cerrados son dispositivos que tienen por función el cumplimiento de medidas privativas de la libertad ordenadas por la Justicia en el
marco de un proceso penal seguido a personas menores de 18 años.
El equipamiento técnico de la radio incluye la antena, el transmisor, una computadora y los micrófonos. De esta forma, se convertirá en la primera
radio montada en un Centro de estas características en la Provincia, y la segunda del país, después de una emisora similar en la ciudad de Salta.
PERÚ: MTC otorgó 197 nuevas autorizaciones de radiodifusión sonora y televisiva en seis meses
Solo en noviembre de dieron 50 autorizaciones, de las cuales el 68% tienen una finalidad comercial .
El Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones ( MTC ) informó que en los últimos seis meses ha otorgado 197 nuevas autorizaciones para prestar el
servicio de radiodifusión sonora y televisiva en diversas regiones del Perú
Tesis Doctoral sobre la historia de Radio Nacional Saharaui
El investigador saharaui Malainin Slama ha obtenido el doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación por la Universidad del País Vasco
(UPV/EHU) con su Tesis Doctoral bajo el título “Radio Nacional Saharaui. Cuarenta años en las ondas. La voz de un pueblo.” Con el distintivo
sobresaliente “Cum Laude” , el Doctor Malainin Slama ha dedicado su Tesis a “todos los que han muerto y a los que viven para que la voz del pueblo
saharaui pueda ser escuchada”. Los miembros del tribunal, presididos por el Vice rector de la UPV/EHU D. Carmelo Garitaonandia, reconocieron la
excelencia de la Tesis y destacaron la importancia de este trabajo en el momento en que la emisora saharaui cumple cuarenta años y subrayaron
que “esta tesis, además, muestra la capacidad de los estudiosos saharauis para investigar su propia historia.” A la presentación de la Tesis
asistieron profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y miembros de la comunidad saharaui.(tomada
La emisora paraguaya Radio Cardinal fue comprada por el Grupo Zacolillo
La radioemisora Cardinal 730 AM pasa a manos del Grupo Zuccolillo, tal como se venía sosteniendo. El directorio de la Comisión Nacional de
Telecomunicaciones (Conatel) autorizó la transferencia de la licencia de la estación, a través de la resolución N° 2566/2015, informó la presidenta
del ente regulador, Teresita Palacios.
Ataque a radioemisora en Haití
El gobierno de Haití condenó un ataque armado perpetrado la víspera contra una radioemisora en la capital del país, y anunció medidas para dar
con los autores del atentado.
El Ministerio haitiano de Comunicación reiteró además el compromiso del gobierno del presidente Michel Martelly y de su primer ministro Evans
Paul “para armonizar sus relaciones con la prensa y a trabajar con ella por el pleno desarrollo de este sector.”
Las instalaciones de Radio Kiskeya fueron alcanzadas por disparos de bala la noche de este lunes, pero no se reportaron víctimas. Agujeros de bala
eran visibles en la fachada, paredes y la puerta de entrada de la estación, según reportes locales.
Emisora ugandesa salva a niños de una muerte segura
Entre las decenas de periodistas que informaron desde el terreno de la misa que el papa Francisco presidió recientemente en el santuario de los
mártires de Uganda en Namugongo, a las afueras de la capital (Kampala), podía distinguirse por sus chalecos a los reporteros de Radio Wa.
Esta emisora del norte del país cuenta en su hoja de servicios con un logro admirable: gracias a uno de sus programas consiguió la recuperación de
1.500 niños soldado que habían sido raptados y combatían en las filas del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (LRA, por sus siglas en inglés), el grupo
armado liderado por el fanático Joseph Kony que firmó un acuerdo de paz con el Gobierno ugandés en 2008.
Radio Ciudadana comienza a transmitir desde Concordia
Luego de un largo proceso y cuando aún restan detalles técnicos y burocráticos por resolver, la radio pública de Concordia, la primera en toda la
historia de la ciudad, anuncia en su dial, 89.7, que iniciará parte de su programación.
En efecto, está anunciado que comenzará con un informativo al que denomina central, en el horario de 7 a 8 hs. El mismo será conducido por los
informativistas Darío Martínez y Luís Giocondo y producido por un equipo de periodistas que integran Laura Terenzano, Daniel Lucero y el mismo
Aprueban dictamen para que 29 emisoras aplacen apagón analógico
Con 17 votos a favor y tres en contra, la Comisión de Radio y Televisión de la Cámara de Diputados, que preside la legisladora Lía Limón García
(PVEM), aprobó en lo general el dictamen de la minuta del Senado para prorrogar hasta por un año la entrada de alrededor de 29 emisoras públicas
estatales o complementarias, y las sociales, al apagón analógico, a pesar de que no sean de baja potencia.
El Museo CB dona una emisora de radio al instituto Carlos Cano
El Museo del radioaficionado CB ha entregado a otro instituto de la comarca del Campo de Gibraltar una emisora y antena de Banda Ciudadana (CB)
que en los próximos días podrá ser usada por los alumnos del centro.
Se trata de IES Carlos Cano de Los Barrios, que se suma así a los IES Virgen de la Esperanza, en La Línea; del IES Castilla del Pino, en San Roque; y
del IES Ventura Morón, en Algeciras, que ya poseen una emisora de Banda Ciudadana para el uso por los alumnos.
Equiparon a dos radios escolares de la provincia del Chaco
El ministro de Educación, Sergio Soto y la subsecretaria de Políticas Socioeducativas, Marcela Acquisgrana encabezaron la entrega de indumentaria
y certificados a los representantes voluntarios de la Mesa de Gestión y Trabajo del Parlamento Juvenil.
Así como también, en este mismo acto entregaron el equipamiento para que funcionen dos radios online de Centros de Actividades Juveniles (CAJ)
de las escuelas secundarias N° 61 de Barranqueras y N° 92 de Fontana. En la oportunidad, el ministro valoró la creación de espacios de
participación, “a través de los CAJ, de radios escolares, de Centros de Estudiantes, a fin de construir entre todos una mejor escuela”. “Estas son
políticas que no sólo hay que defender con uñas y dientes, sino que hay que profundizarlas, porque significan más conocimiento, más democracia,
mayor compromiso”, afirmó Soto.
Radio Rancagua celebró sus 84 años de existencia
Hace algo más de 84 años, el 6 de noviembre de 1931, se concedió oficialmente a don Jorge Romero Ramírez, la autorización para instalar una
Radiodifusora en la ciudad de Rancagua. Fue denominada “Radio Rancagua” y se convirtió en la más antigua de las Radios de la ciudad, siempre
bajo la dirección de su propietario, que la puso al servicio de la ciudad, reconocida como la Decana y una de las primeras en Chile.
Radiodifusora XEOJN celebrará 24 años al aire
Del 4 al 6 de diciembre, la Radiodifusora XEOJN “La Voz de la Chinantla” que transmite a través de su frecuencia 950 de amplitud modulada
celebrará 24 años de ofrecer servicios de comunicación a los pueblos indígenas de 117 municipios de su cobertura en los estados de Puebla,
Veracruz y Oaxaca, así lo informó Josías Zaragoza Maldonado, director de la emisora.
El Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones de Perú identificó diecinueve radios no autorizadas en Ayacucho
Un total de 19 estaciones de radio ilegal fueron identificadas por la Dirección Regional de Transportes y Comunicaciones en las provincias de
Huamanga, Huanta y La Mar, informó el director de Telecomunicaciones, Adu Garamendi. Muchas de las estaciones “pirata” operan dentro de
viviendas rústicas para pasar desapercibidos frente a la presencia de las autoridades que tienen el rol de monitoreo y verificación.
Se celebra la Asamblea Anual de AMARC en Mar del Plata
Desde este sábado 5 y por el lapso de cuatro días hasta el martes 8 inclusive, Mar del Plata será sede de una nueva asamblea nacional de la
Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (Amarc).
En el encuentro estarán representadas más de 20 emisoras alternativas de todo el país que deliberarán sobre la situación actual de los medios
considerados no comerciales y, sobre todo, del futuro que les espera, al tanto de los cambios que evidenciará el contexto político argentino.
La radio que funciona con electricidad producida por plantas de musgo
Moss Power es un blog dedicado al bio diseño y al musgo. Más concretamente al modo en el que las plantas terrestres briofitas pueden integrarse y
aprovecharse para obtener electricidad verde de verdad.
Un ejemplo es el Moss FM de Fabienne Felder, una radio que funciona con la electricidad producida por un puñado de musgo, que en este caso
funcionan a modo de celdas de combustibles naturales que pueden colocarse en batería o en paralelo —como se hace con las baterías
convencionales— para hacer aparatos eléctricos como un reloj digital, un instrumento de medición con pantalla LCD o una radio FM, como en este
Israel cerró tres radios palestinas en Hebrón por incitar a la violencia
Tropas de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel allanaron las oficinas de tres radios localizadas en el Hebron en noviembre debido a incitación a la
violencia, según una declaración oficial militar. Los soldados confiscaron equipamiento y computadoras.
Las emisoras cerradas fueron Radio Darim, Radio Hebron y Al-Hurriya, las cuales fueron acusadas de propagar contenido antiisraelí, según el medio
israelí The Jersualem Post. La medida se tomó tras numerosos ataques terroristas perpetrados en esa área.
Bolivia lleva a la radio su lucha contra la violencia de género
El gobierno boliviano impulsa una campaña con el objetivo de eliminar toda forma de violencia contra las mujeres, aseguró la viceministra de
Políticas Comunicacionales, Claudia Espinosa.
Según Espinosa, a través de la Ley 348 Contra Todo Tipo de Violencia, se tipifica y sancionan los diferentes tipos de agresiones, en un país donde
aún no se denuncian todos los casos de intimidación, todavía demasiado comunes. Para la viceministra, la erradicación de la violencia se ataca
desde varios flancos, por ejemplo desde el Ministerio de Comunicación con la difusión de información del Reglamento de la Ley 348, el cual
establece que los medios deben difundir de forma gratuita contenidos para prevenir y erradicar la violencia.
Adjudicaron LT 9 Radio Brigadier López y FM Láser
La Autoridad Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (AFSCA) adjudicó, por concurso público, la explotación de LT9 y FM 92.3 de Santa
Fe (Láser), que queda en manos de Prensa y Medios Santafesinos del Sur, que en Rosario conforma el GrupoPlus Multimedios que tiene el portal, la FM Si 98.9 MHZ y Radio El Mundo de Buenos Aires.
Presentan nuevo libro sobre historia de la radiodifusión cubana
El libro “Memorias de la Radiodifusión Cubana” fue presentado en Santa Clara ante la asistencia de un grupo de radioaficionados, quienes se
interesaron en la adquisición del documento que refleja en buena medida hechos vividos por ellos. Omar Pérez Salomón, autor de la obra, manifestó
que el libro recoge aspectos ligados a esos comunicadores, entre los que figura el surgimiento de la radio en Cuba, la participación en la lucha de
liberación nacional y la aparición de la Federación de Radioaficionados de Cuba.Agregó que también trata acerca de la participación de estos
hombres y mujeres en las tareas de la comunidad, su contribución durante eventos causantes de situaciones de emergencias y en misiones
internacionalistas. Este trabajo tiene la particularidad de ser el primero que se escribe sobre esta disciplina en el país y abre el camino para otros
volúmenes más abarcadores desde el punto de vista histórico, añadió el autor. Pedro Rodríguez Pérez, presidente de la Federación de
Radioaficionados de Cuba, dijo que durante los años de existencia de la institución, sus miembros han desarrollado innumerables trabajos en
beneficio del país y en especial de la comunidad. Dijo que la presentación del libro en este territorio constituye un reconocimiento a los
radioaficionados de Villa Clara por su destacada labor.
Saldrá al aire nueva emisora en idioma náhualt
Habitantes de Tlaxcalancingo y Zacatepec, entregaron el pago al Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, requisito que permite empezar el trámite
para instalar una frecuencia de radio indígena en la región cholulteca y zonas conurbanas.
Radio Universidad de Luján celebra sus 25 años
Radio Universidad, como la llaman en Luján, emite por FM 88.9 del dial.
La Radio cumple una función de nexo entre la Universidad y la comunidad de la cual se nutre y sustenta. A través de una programación en donde el
conocimiento científico y las temáticas culturales, sociales, recreativas y de actualidad interactúan con su objetivo: transferir el conocimiento
acumulado en la universidad, aportando soluciones a los problemas de la comunidad, mejorando su calidad de vida.
Panorama de la frecuencia modulada en Perú
En la década de los 90 cada estación de radio en la frecuencia modulada (FM) tenía prácticamente un propietario diferente que hacía todo lo
humanamente posible por sobrevivir.
Se trataba de alrededor de dieciocho emisoras apuntando prácticamente a lo mismo: propalar música hegemónica de moda ya sea esta salsa, rock
o baladas.
Si bien cada una era una trinchera distinta, la mayoría de radios iba detrás del mismo público masivo porque esto significaba atraer a los grandes
anunciantes, lo que a su vez generaba el dinero suficiente para seguir haciendo rentable un negocio que pasaba por su peor momento, con tarifas
deprimidas por la excesiva competencia.
Pocas emisoras como Radio Doble Nueve, Radio Inka, Stereo 100 o Telestereo se atrevieron a difundir algo distinto. Aún así fueron terriblemente
golpeadas por las bajas tarifas.
Ponen en marcha Radio Internacional, una emisora especializada en el mundo chino
Hasta hace unos meses Radio Inter, del Grupo Intereconomía, emitía en la frecuencia 92.9 de FM en Madrid. Tras cesar sus emisiones este espacio
lo ocupa ahora Radio Internacional, un proyecto que se dirige especialmente a la comunidad china en España.
Radio María Argentina viaja junto al Papa a tres países de África
El presbítero Javier Soteras, director de Radio María Argentina, participará del grupo de periodistas invitados por el papa Francisco a participar de la
visita que el pontífice inició a Kenia, Uganda y la República Centroafricana.
El sacerdote acercará a los oyentes testimonios de los encuentros y acontecimientos que Francisco presidirá en suelo africano, en el marco de una
cobertura especial Radio María Argentina y las Radios María del mundo.
La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones aprobó normas sobre tecnologías avanzadas de radiodifusión de audio
La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones aprobó normas sobre tecnologías avanzadas de radiodifusión de audio. Se trata de Normas abiertas
para lograr un sonido inmersivo que transformarán la escucha, de manera que permitirán que el sonido de la televisión y la radio se aproxime a la
vida real.
La emisora siria en el exilio Rozana Radio obtiene premio internacional
La emisora siria en el exilio Rozana Radio, que dirige Lina Chawaf en París , ha ganado como Mejor proyecto radiofónico online en la I edición de los
Premios Mariano Cebrián a la Innovación Radiofónica, convocados por el Seminario Radio y Red y el grupo GICID (grupo de investigación en
comunicación e información digital), de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Quienes somos ?
El Grupo Radioescucha Argentino GRA, es una institución a cargo de un grupo de personas que cuentan con una amplia experiencia en el hobby del
diexismo y la radioescucha. Cabe señalar que el GRA. no tiene fines de lucro, y desde hace unos años a esta parte se ha convertido en el único Club
DX en el ámbito nacional que, por su importancia y trascendencia, continúa ofreciendo con regularidad a sus asociados, las noticias del mundo de la
radio, la TV y las comunicaciones en general, tanto de la Argentina y del mundo.
Contáctenos a nuestra dirección:
Conexión GRA - Alvarez Thomas 248 - B1832DNF Lomas de Zamora - Argentina
Lea estas notas completas haciendo "click" en
Antônio Avelino
Encuesta 2015
Cuenta atrás (faltan 05 días) para el cierre de la Encuesta 2015 de los mejores de las Ondas Cortas (estaciones, programas y profesionales) ... Los
que no han participado el tiempo es ahora. Vamos a participar !!!
Fernando Luiz de Souza
Nesses tempos de raios e trovões
Nesses tempos de raios e trovões, nada como ser precavido...
Tem um aplicativo, confiável que deixa você informado da probabilidade de cair raios na sua região em dias chuvosos.
Essa dica foi me passada por um analista e radioamador que trabalha no INPE.
Pode ser usado em IOS e Android ( Só procurar no Apps store de seu celular) é grátis, digite na busca WEATHERBUG.
Segue o link caso queira dar uma olhadinha , o link aí de baixo aparece /lorena-sao-paulo-br, mas quando voce usar ira aparecer o nome de sua
cidade e seu estado.
Silvio Pinheiro
Radioamador de Apartamento
Workshop de Antenas Loop Magnética - Labre SP
Com grande alegria comunico que associado ao esforço e gentileza dos colegas radioamadores (Pedro Niccolini e Rubens - PY2PU), apresentarei o
Workshop de Antenas de Loop Magnético na Labre-SP.
Com apenas 10 vagas gratuitas, a idéia é dividir com vocês nessas três horas, as informações que venho adquirindo na realização caseira dessas
antenas. O foco principal desse evento é que vocês possam no final do encontro construir a sua antena experimental e também compreender quais
os pontos técnicos iniciais que devem dominar para poderem se aprofundar mais nesse assunto.
Será realizado nessa quinta feira dia 17 de dezembro, a noite das 18 as 21 horas na sede da Labre-SP, na rua Rua Dr. Miguel Vieira Ferreira, 345 Tatuapé - SP.
É necessário o agendamento prévio em horário comercial com o pessoal da secretária de nossa sede (Lucas e Carol) pelo número 11 2093 9888. O
critério de inscrições será feito por ordem de ligação, ou seja, os primeiros 10 que ligarem já poderão se inscrever. Segue o conteúdo que elaborei
para que vocês possam já ir vendo do que se trata.
Aguardo vocês para mais esse evento na Labre-SP.
Nestor Vargas
Quad Directiva Monobanda
Esta antena es muy popular entre los emisoristas y con ella se obtiene una gran ganancia ya que, semejante a la rómbica, es muy direccional y
especialmente adecuada para hacer DX en la banda sintonizada y hacía la zona del mundo donde la tengamos orientada. Por eso es muy adecuado
instalar un rotor para hacerla giratoria y así poder explorar las zonas con mejor propagación.
Paul B. Walker, Jr
Shortwave Logs From Southern Arkansas including a RARE one!
Here are some recent Shortwave logs from Camden, Arkansas.. It's about 75 miles east of Texarkana, Texas..110 miles northeast of Shreveport,
Louisiana and 100 miles southwest of Little Rock, Arkansas.
The time and date of reception along with antenna and radio used are noted in each log. I generally am using a JRC NRD535D with 80 foot long wire
these days but occasionally turn to my Tecsun PL880 and PK's loop 6-18mhz tuneable Shortwave loop when I want a little better audio and signal.
The loop does great at taking a weak signal and making it stronger and the PL880 has great audio.
The JRC NRD535D and 80 foot longwire are good at pulling something out of the mush but it isn't always very strong.
As always, comments are welcome!
Here's a RARE one.. The BBC World Service on 6005khz via Ascension Island
Heard on December 14th, 2015 at 1141pm central/0541utc on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire in southern Arkansas.
This one is rare because Radio Habana Cuba on 6000khz usually blasts away and splatters up and down the dial several kilohertz. Well, this time,
RHC while producing an S8 signal or so on the meter.. the audio was nearly non existent and the signal wasn't that great
this is a 3 minute 33 second recording of an S8 signal from 6005 via Ascension with some kind of whine in the background.
Voice Of Tigray Revolution 5950khz
Heard on December 14th, 2015 at 947pm central/0347utc using a Tecsun PL880 and PK's tuneable 6-18mhz Shortwave Loop
The signal was fairly strong, like S6-S7 as I recall, but audio didn't seem to match. Meaning, for the signal of it's supposed strength, I expected
better audio. modulation seems low, although not horrible.
Yes, the PL880 and tuneable loop did better then my JRC NRD535D and 80 foot longwire. The PL880 gave me slightly better audio and the tuneable
loop gave me a slightly stronger signal.
The Voice Of Korea 11735khz.
Heard at 1057pm central/0457utc on December 14, 2015 using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire in southern Arkansas.
The recording begins with a few seconds of dead air then a man speaking a foreign language for a few seconds then a very clear "This is Voice Of
Korea" in english followed by a female talking for 30 seconds or so before music started playing. The signal started out at like an S3 with moderate
fading but if you fast forward to about 19 minutes, you can hear the clip gets better.. better audio and the signal jumped to like an S5 with a slight bit
less fading.
The language supposedly scheduled was Russian which through me for a loop initially, but I checked what other Voice Of Korea signals were on the
air and 11735khz matched 13760khz, 15180khz and 15105khz. 13760 had a slightly better signal but some kind of buzzing/interference present.
15105 was incredibly weak,but I could match the tones/cadence/speech. 15180 was barely above a carrier level. I had VoK later this same evening
on 9875khz but it was incredibly weak, all I could make out was audio on the channel, not what it actually was.
Even though it has nothing to do with anything, Voice of Korea on 11735khz was about as strong with as good of audio as Zanzibar Broadcasting
corporation is on 11735 when they are putting out a strong signal with good audio. I just thought it was kind of ironic, I guess.
Here is 30 minutes worth of audio of what I heard from Voice Of Korea 11735khz, including sign off message and carrier dropping:
All India Radio 9445khz
Heard on December 13, 2015 at 419pm central/2219utc on a JRC NRD 535D and 80 foot long wire in southern Arkansas.
AIR never really puts out a good signal here and hearing them is compounded by somewhat poor audio to really poor audio.. not as bad as Radio
Cairo though. This 10 minute clip is generally just a woman talking, but since I don't understand anything but english, I can't tell what is being said.
Here's a recording of AIR 9445khz
Radio Sonder Grense 3320khz
Heard on December 13, 2015 at 921pm central/0321utc on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire.
RSG isn't incredibly rare here, but it doesn't happen often and it's not very strong usually. This is about average for what i get out of RSG, sometimes
even weaker.. just enough to tell there's something on the channel and other times I get an S5-S6 signal out of them
RSG's 3320khz signal is intended for northwestern South Africa where Radio Sonder Grense has limited FM coverage.
I'm awaiting two QSL's form RSG on 3320khz and Channel Africa on 5980khz and 15255khz. Sikander Hoosen at Sentech promises they will
eventually get them out to me!
Here's a recording of Radio Sonder Grense 3320khz
Radio Saudi 9870khz
Heard on December 13, 2015 at 447pm central/2247utc on a Tecsun PL880 and PK's Loop 6-18mhz tuneable shortwave loop in southern
They are a regular here and vary in strength... sometimes weak, sometimes listenable and like in this short clip, they about peel the paint off the
house they are so strong.
Heres a clip about 60-70 seconds long of what I heard on 9870khz this time:
The Voice Of Turkey 9650khz
Heard on December 13, 2015 at 836pm central/0236utc in southern Arkansas on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot longwire.
Voice of Turkey is usually in here most nights, ranging from a poor signal to local like strength..I've heard them on several frequencies. I don't recall
where my notes are, but i believe this recording is Voice of Turkey in spanish.. the signal was average, but not too much fading or interference so it
was listenable.
Radio Republica 9490khz
Heard on December 13th, 2015 at 841pm central/0241utc using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire in southern Arkansas.
The signal was like an S8-S9 with what sounded like a talk show with a man and woman discussing cuba and politics. The signal was initially free and
clear but sounded like it was getting jammed after 9pm central/0300 by Cuba.
Here is a 12 minute recording of Radio Republica 9490khz via Issoudun:
BBC World Service 9460khz
Heard on December 14, 2015 at 1037pm central/0437utc using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot longwire in southern Arkansas.
The signal wasn't very strong, but it was a news broadcast in english. Here is a 49 second recording:
Deustche Welle 9800khz
Heard on December 14, 2015 at 1044pm central/0444utc on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot longwire in southern Arkansas.
I can hear DW's broadcasts here on a semi regular basis but they are never usualyl very strong, like this english language broadcast.
Here is a 71 second recording:
VOA 6020khz off schedule
Heard at at 1155pm central/0555utc on 12/14 and 12/15 of 2015 in southern Arkansas using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire.
VOA is supposedly Hausa from 0500 to 0530.. I wasn't listening then but in the later half of the 0500 hour it was definately French, not hausa.
VOA is supposed to be in French on 6180 0600 to 0830 but I don't hear it. It's not on the Twente SDR and it's supposed to be broadcasting from
Sao Tome.
6020 does match the VOA French webstream and 9885 which IS on schedule and broadcasting in the right language, French.. from 0600 to 0830.
6020 does match the VOA French webstream and 9885 which IS on schedule and broadcasting in the right language, French.. from 0600 to 0830.
6020 is coming from Sao Tome where 6180 should be, but it's off. 9885 is coming from Botswana and 9885 matches 6020
Here's an 8 minute 50 second recording,.
Josivaldo Moreira Moreira
VALOR - R$ 2.500,00 + FRETE
E-MAIL- [email protected]
Type: Amateur HF transceiver
SSB 0.15-1.8 MHz: 1 uV
Frequency range: 10-160 m + WARC and 5.3 MHz (USA)
CW 1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
Selectivity: AM Narrow: 2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
RF Power output: Hi: 100 W (AM 40 W)
AM/FM: 6 KHz (-6 dB), 18 KHz (-60 dB)
Lo: 10 W (AM 4 W)
SSB/CW: 2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
S-Lo: 1 W (AM 0.4 W)
Image rejection: 70 dB
Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
Voltage: 11.7 - 15.8 VDC
1st IF: 71.75 MHz
Current drain: RX: 0.7 - 1 A
2nd IF: 455 KHz
TX: Max 20 A
Sensitivity: AM 0.15-1.8 MHz: 10 uV
Impedance: 50 ohms, SO-239
AM 1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
Dimensions (W*H*D): 240*94*255 mm
FM 28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
Weight: 4.1 Kg
Bob Padula
Australian DX Report episode 493 - released Dec 15 2015
Antoni Karol Dianovsky
Diploma "90 years of IARU
The diploma is issued by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) and is issued for QSOs with jubilee stations ** 90IARU from 10 different
countries, members of IARU.
QSOs valid in the period from Jan 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015 for all permitted amateur bands (160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m,
6m, 2m, 70cm) any mode (Mixed, CW, Phone, Digital)
Check-up of fulfilment of the diploma is carried out on the website where the special event station upload their logs.
If the terms of a diploma are satisfied, the applicant can make a request directly to the site. Free diploma in electronic form is issued automatically.
Individual certificates are issued for different modes (Mixed, CW, Phone, Digital) and different bands.
SWLs must send their application to e-mail [email protected] Diploma in paper form is not issued
Francisco Jackson
Apesar das tempestades de sábado e domingo, a LABRE-RJ participou do ARRL10 CONTEST 2015. Veja fotos do belíssimo lugar a quase 800
metros de altitude que estávamos.......
LABRE-RJ NO ARRL-10 Veja como foi. Fotos:
Asociación Española De Radioescucha (AER)
Hola Diexman
En nombre de la AER te informo que se te ha prorrogado el intercambio hasta el 2016-12-31, por lo que te confirmo que tus datos personales de
acceso a las zonas miAER y mobileAER del sitio web de AER serán válidos hasta entonces. por si acaso, te recordamos tus datos personales de
El nombre de u s u a r i o es tu propia señal distintiva en AER, o sea, en tu caso: E-C015 que, como ves, está escrito en mayúsculas y es inmodificable
Tu c l a v e actual es (XXXXXX) y nos puedes pedir que te la cambiemos por otra de 4 dígitos que te sea más fácil de recordar
Tu nivel de acceso es Boletin
Obviamente, si recibías el boletín por correo electrónico, en la versión que fuese, seguirás recibiendolo, dado que a todos efectos no ha habido
cambio malguno, aparte del alargamiento del intercambio que tienes con la AER.
Ya sabes que tienes la dirección [email protected] abierta a todas tus preguntas.
Recibe un cordial saludo.
Pedro Sedano - Coordinador General
ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE RADIOESCUCHA (AER) [email protected] twitter @aer_dx
La ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE RADIOESCUCHA (AER) es miembro de pleno derecho del Consejo Europeo de Diexismo, EDXC; además de miembro
fundador de la 'Plataforma en Defensa de la Onda Corta en Radio Exterior de España'; está inscrita en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones,
Sección Primera, con el número 53.079 y su N.I.F. es G79558557. Dirección postal: Apartado 10014, 50080 ZARAGOZA, España.
Aviso legal: Copyright © 2015 | Asociación Española de Radioescucha | Todos los derechos reservados.
Fiorenzo Repetto
AIR - RADIORAMA: Ascoltando Radio Alice Springs
Ascolti di Mauro Giroletti IK2GFT-SWL1510
4765,Tajik R 1 TJK Yangiyul,1743 Dec08, mx programme,
4835, VL8A AUS Alice Springs,1750 Dec08,px local ABC ,
5130,SW Relay Sce KGZ Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek,1755 Dec08,px local mx ,
4949.8,R Nacional de Angola AGL Mulenvos Luanda,2005 Dec08-10, px mx low modulation,
5025,R Rebelde CUB Bauta,2200 Dec08,px mx "Rebelde",
5035,R Aparecida B Aparecida,2210 Dec08,px mx ,
4845,R Cultura Ondas Tropicais B Manaus Amazonas,2215 Dec08,px mx ,
1550 MW ,Radio Nacional de la R.A.S.D ALG Rabouni,2225 Dec08, px local ,
7120,R Hargeisa SOM Hargeisa,1810 Dec09, px in vernacolo,
5915, ZNBC/R One ZMB Lusaka,1903 Dec09, px in vernacolo,
3255,BBC AFS via Meyerton,1910 Dec09, px in E,
3320, R Sonder Grense AFS Meyerton,1925 Dec09, px mx ,
4055,R Verdad GTM San Esteban,0515 Dec10, px in E best with Flag ,
3995, HCJB D via Weenermoor,0540 Dec10, px nw in G ,
4750, Bangladesh Betar BGD Khabirpur,1540 Dec10, px nw in E ,
15190,R Inconfidência B Belo Horizonte,1950 Dec10, , px local,
9630,R Aparecida B Aparecida,1958 Dec10, px local preyer "Ave Maria",
5848.5,Dougane Algerie ,2015 Dec08, Pactor1 message,
5055.5, MX Beacon call "V" Marine Khiva UZB,2030 Dec08,CW,
5154,MX Beacon call "C" Marine Mosca RUS,2105 Dec08,CW,
5153.8,MX Beacon call "P" Marine Kaliningrad KAL,2105 Dec08,CW,
5153.7,MX Beacon call "D" Marine Sevastopol UKR,2105 Dec08,CW,
5155,TBA TUR Marine Ankara,1750 Dec09, Stanag 4285 600L ,)
6652,KWY7 ARINC GUM Agana,1947 Dec09, HFDL msg ,
3336,Algerian Oil Sonatrach-Net ALG,2210 Dec09, ALE sound "SP1OZ2"-"SP3OZ2",
3322,REA4 Russian Air RUS ,2231 Dec09,CW mode ,
4732,MKL G Northwood,1640 Dec10, FAX120/576//8040,
6765,BanGkok Meteo THA Bangkok,1805 Dec10, Id in E signal and ID in Thai,
6535,ARINC THA Hat Yai,1930 Dec10, HFDL msg
25000,Mikes FIN Espoo,1030 Dec13, time signal "bip..bip...
Mauro Giroletti IK2GFT-SWL1510
-JRC 525 NRD-LOWE HF 150-Elad FDM S2
-Filter PAR Electronics LPF – HPF
-Antenna LOOP ALA100M-FLAG Antenna West direction
-Lat. 45.25’.00’’ Long. 9.7’.00” -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk9
Harold Sellers
Target Listening by Country DECEMBER 2015
Harold Sellers, 3211 Centennial Dr., Unit 23, Vernon, BC V1T 2T8 E-mail: [email protected]
Target Listening provides a guide to where, when and how to hear radio countries operating on the shortwave bands. Reports from DX references and
our readers are used to compile tips that can assist you to hear these countries.
This column was last updated December 14
(1) The purpose of Target Listening is two-fold. One, to give you tips on how to hear the country in question. Second, to help you in your quest to hear
as many countries as possible. Some targets are easy to hear, while others may be extremely difficult – and everything in between!
(2) Target Listening includes two sections. The first section is a by-time listing, which lists only time, country and frequencies. The countries listed
here may be relay sites or the direct source of the broadcast. [Refer to the by-country listing for that country for complete details.] The second section
is a by-country list giving the best chances to hear the country, according to monitoring reports from club members or from other publications and
sources. We give you the best chances to hear broadcasts direct from transmitters in the target country, but we also list relay transmissions if these
may be well heard, so those interested in the programs from the country have the best opportunity to hear them.
(3) Relay broadcasters may be found under both the country where the studios are as well as where the relay transmitters are. In the first case, this is
so you will know where to look for the ransmissions of that country’s broadcaster. In the latter case, the intent is to give you an easier (usually!) target
to log the country serving as a relay.
(4) The country names used in T.L. are taken from the NASWA Radio Country List, which we use in the ODXA. As a result you will find some countries
from past history that are now politically part of another country. The Country List is available on the North American Short Wave Association website,
Legend : Times are in UTC, frequencies in kiloHertz * sign-on or sign-off time v variable frequency heard before and after time within brackets; 1800>
heard from this time;
Radio Tirana broadcasts in English: *0230-0255* Tues-Sun 7470; *2100-2130* M-Sa 7465. One hour earlier in the Spring.
Radio Algerienne *0500-0700* 9535; *2000-2200* 9655; all in Arabic with 5 minutes of French news at top-of-the-hour 05, 06, 21. All via
Radio Nacional in Portuguese 4950v <2100-0500>.
Caribbean Beacon *2200-1000* 6090, *1000-2200* 11775. University Network, Melissa Scott programs.
LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel 15476 Spanish *1830-2130* Mon-Fri. Sometimes very sporadic operation.
Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior *0300-0400*Tu-Sa English 11710.8.
Radio Nacional *2200-0300* Spanish 15345v.
BBC *0300-0330* Pashto 7445, 9880.
TWR India *1245-1600* various languages 12025.
Ascension Island
BBC *0500-0700* 5875(-06),6005,7445(-06); *1600-1800* 17830; *1700-2000* 15400; *2000-2200*(-21 Sa/Su) 12095; all English.
Radio Australia, in English except for brief Tok Pisin & French, 0900-2100 9580, 12065,12085; 2100-0900 15240, 15415, 17840.
Radio Ö International German *0600-0715*6155. One hour earlier in the Spring.
Adventist World Radio *2100-2130* English11980.
Radio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of Justice *0820-1410* Azeri 9677.6v. (Pankov, DXLD Nov17/15)
Radio Bahrain <1600-2100> Arabic 9745 USB.
Bangladesh Betar <1200-1600> Bengali, 1235-1245 English on Mondays only and daily 1530-1545, 4750, 7250. *1230-1300* English
15105; *1315-1345* Nepali 9455; *1745-1900* English 13580.
Radio Belarus, Belarussian *0400-0700* 7255.English *2020(2000- Tu/W/F)-2200* 11730, 11930.
Bhutan Broadcasting Service *0037-0100>,<1200-1300* 6035 in Bhutanese. (Howard,DXLD Dec 9/15)
Radio Santa Cruz 6135v <0000-0200*,*0900-1100> Spanish.
Radio Mosoj Chaski 3310 *0830-1000> and<2300-0200> Spanish.
Radio Pio XII 5952.5v Spanish <0000-0230*.
Voice of America in English *0300-0600* 4930; *0500-0700* & *1400-2000* 15580; *1800-2100*4930.
Rádio Nacional da Amazônia <2300-0800> Portuguese 6180, 11780.
Rádio Brasil Central <2300-0100> Portuguese 4985,11815.
Bible Voice, English *1515-1530* Fri, -1545* Sat 15640.
Depending upon your location, try for the following 24 hours-per-day shortwave stations: 6030 CFVP Calgary, 6070 CFRX Toronto, 6160
CKZN St. John's, or 6160 CKZU Vancouver.
Canada (Newfoundland)
CKZN St.John’s 6160 <1000-1200>,<2200-0100>.
Central African Republic
Radio ICDI *0530-1600* 6030 French & local languages.
China Radio International in English *0000-0200* 6020 & 9570 via Albania; *0100-0200* 9580 via
Cuba; *0300-0400* 9790 Cuba; *1300-1400* 9570 via Cuba; *1300-1600* 9870 direct; *1400-1600* 15700 via Cuba; *2300-2400* 5990
via Cuba..
China (Tibet)
Xizang PBS, Lhasa, <1100-1700> Tibetan, except English 1600-1700 4905, 6110, 6200, 7255. Tibetan <2200-2400> 4905, 6130, 7385,
9500, 9590, 12000.
LV de tu Conciencia 6010v <0000-0500>, <1000-1100> Spanish.
Alcaraván Radio 5910v <0100-1100> Spanish.
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Radio Candip 5066 *0330-0430> French.
Congo, Republic of
Radio Congo <1745-1830* approx., French, 6115.
Radio Habana Cuba, English,*0000-0100* 5040; *0100-0700* 6000, 6165; *0500-0700* 5040(06-), 6060,6100; *2000-2100* 11670;
*2200-2300* 11880.
HCJB, La Voz de los Andes *0130-0500* M-F, *0300-0500* Sa/Su Spanish 6050.
Radio Cairo in English *0200-0330* 9315; *1600-1800* 15345; *2300-0030* 9965.
BBC *2000-2100* 9915, English.
Equatorial Guinea (Bata)
Radiodif. da Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio Bata 5005 Spanish and Vernacular <2000-2100>.
Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, *0300-0600* 7175v 2nd program, 7200 1st Program (not parallel), in local languages.
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Ethiopia *0300-0400+ Amharic & local languages; *1600-1700 English, 1700-1800 French, 18002100* Amharic & local languages, on 7237v, 9566v.
Fana Broadcasting Corporate *0300-0430> 6110, 7210 Amharic.
Voice of Tigray Revolution *0300-0400> 5950 Tigrinya and Afar.
Scandinavian Weekend Radio broadcasts on the first week of each month.
Radio France International French *0400-0800* 9790(-07), 11700; *1700-1800* 17620, 17850; *1700-2000* 15300; *1800-2100*
11995. English *0600-0700* 9675. (Cooper, DXLD Oct 11/15)
Germany, East (former German Dem. Rep.)
The Mighty KBC *2300-0200* Su 7395.
Germany, West (Federal Rep. of Germany)
DW Radio, English *0400-0500* 9800 via South Africa, 12025 via Madagascar; *0500-0600* 9800 S. Africa, 15405 Madagascar; *07000800* 15530 France, 17800 via UAE. (Ivanov, DXLD Nov 18/15)
Voice of America *1800-1900* Amharic 11965.
ERT *2200-0900* Greek 9420.
KTWR, Trans World Radio, English *1030-1110* Mon-Fri 11965; *1530-1545* Mon-Fri 12120.
Adventist World Radio, KSDA *1600-1630* English 15660; *2330-2400* Sat/Sun English 15320.
Radio Verdad <0100-0610*, *1000-1200> 4055, Spanish, with some religious programs in English and Japanese.
Voice of Guyana <0000-0900> 3290 English, original and BBC programs.
All India Radio in English *1745-1945* 7550, 11670, 13695; *2045-2230* 7550, 9445, 11670, 11740; *2245-0045* 9690, 9705, 11710.
India (Andaman Island)
All India Radio, Port Blair 4760 *1030-1230> Hindi, English news at 1230; *2355>.
India (Goa)
All India Radio *1515-1600* Gujarati 15175. *2045-2230* 11740 English; *2245-0045* 9705 English.
India (Kashmir)
Radio Kashmir Srinagar <0100-0215*, <1200-1400* Hindi & Kashmiri 4950.
AIR, Gangtok 4835 *0100>, <1200-1400> Hindi.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
RRI, Wamena <1200-1400> 4870 Indonesian.
RRI, Nabire <0800* 7290v, Indonesian.
RRI, Merauke <1200-1400> 3905, Indonesian. Intermittent operation, including during Ramadan.
Indonesia (Jawa)
Voice of Indonesia, English *1300-1400* & *1900-2000* 9525.
Indonesia (Kalimantan)
RRI, Palangkaraya 3325 Indonesian <1100-1300>, in winter <2230>.
Indonesia (Maluka)
RRI, Ternate 3345v in winter <1200-1500* Indonesian. Intermittent operation, including during Ramadan.
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
RRI, Makassar 4750 Indonesian <1100-1400>, and in winter <2130-2230>.
The Voice of Justice in English *0323-0420* 7325, 9710; *1523-1620* 11940, 13785; *1923-2020* 6040, 7425, 13735, 15460.
NHK World Radio Japan, English: *0500-0530* 9770 via France, 13640 via UAE; *1000-1030* 9625 direct;*1200-1230* 11740 via Singapore;
*1400-1430* 11685 via Uzbekistan, 11925 via Palau; *1800-1830* 11800 via South Africa.
Radio Nikkei One *0800-1500* Japanese 3925, 6055, 9595.
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
Voice of Korea in English *0430-0530* 7220, 9445,11735, 13760,15180; *0630-0730* 7220,9445,9730; *1030-1130* 6170, 9435;
*1330-1430* 9435, 11710; *1930-2030* 9875,11635. One hour earlier in Spring.
Korea, Republic of
KBS World Radio in English *1300-1400* 15575; *1600-1700* 9515; *2200-2300* 11810.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty *2100-2200* Russian 7485. (D-Angelo, DXplorer Nov 9/15)
Kyrgyz National Radio, First Program 4010, 4820v *0000> in Kyrgyz and Russian.
Lao National Radio, Domestic Service 6130 <1100-1500> in Laotian and Thai 1330, English 1400, French 1430, Vietnamese 1500. Gongs/
bells on hour at 1200.
ELWA *0530-0800>, <2300-2400* English 4760, 6050.
Radio Free Asia *0100-0200* Uyghur 9405. NHK World Radio Japan *0430-0500* Russian 5910.
Radio Nationaly Malagasy *0230-0500* & <1400-1600> 5013v; <1400-1500* 6135v; in
Vatican Radio English *0300-0330* 9660; *0500-0530* 11625; 1730-1800 9660.
DW Radio, English *0400-0500* 12025; *0500-0600* 15405 Madagascar.
Malaysia (Malaya)
Asyik FM <1100-1500* 6050v in Bahasa Malay.
Sarawak FM <1000-1800> Bahasa Malay 9835.
Wai FM <1000-1600* and Limbang FM 1315-1400 Mondays & Thursdays, in Bahasa Malay, 11665.
Radiodiffusion-TV Malienne *0555-0800* 5995. <2200-2400* 5995. <1500-1800* 9635. In French and Bambara.
Radio Educacion 6185 Spanish, some English *0000-1200*.
The Cross Radio 4755.5 English <0700-1200*. Sometimes runs later. Not heard since Typhoon Dolphin on May 10. (Howard Sept 9/15)
Voice of Mongolia *0900-0930* English 12035.
Mongolian Radio 2 <0800-1000> Mongolian 7260. (Howard Dec 6/15)
Morocco (former Spanish Morocco)
Radio Medi Un 9575 French & Arabic <0500-0600>, <2200-2400>.
Myanmar Radio *0930-1630* Burmese with English 1530 on 5985. 7200 <1200-1500*. 9730 <1000-1130* Burmese and also airs some
VOA and Radio Australia programs in English.
Thazin Radio *0930-1430 Burmese, 1430-1500* English 6165. <1200-1330* vernacular 9590. (Howard, DXLD July 2/15)
New Zealand
Radio New Zealand International, English, *0459-0758* 11725; *0759-1058* 9765; *1059-1258* 13840; *1259-1745* 9700; *1746-2150*
11725; *2151-0458* 15720.
Radio El Buen Pescador (The Good Fisherman) 8989 USB <2300-0100*, Spanish, evangelical broadcasts to fishermen.
Voice of Nigeria *0600-0700 Hausa, -0730 French, -0800 Hausa, -0900* English, on 7255, 9690. *1800-1930* English 7255. (Hallmann,
DXLD Oct 12/15)
Northern Marianas Islands
Radio Free Asia via Saipan *1600-2100* Chinese 9455; via Tinian, *1400-1500* Cantonese 13695.
BBC in English *0000-0100* 5970; *0200-0300* 12095; *1300-1500* 9410.
Radio Sultanate of Oman in English *0300-0400* 9540; *1400-1500* 15140.
Radio Pakistan *0045-0215* Urdu 11600, 15730. *1330-1530* Urdu 15485. *1700-1900* Urdu 9350, 11570.
World Harvest Radio *1300-1400* Sat/Sun English 9930.
NHK World Radio Japan *1400-1430* English 11925.
PNG Stations tend to come and go, sometimes being off the air for many weeks or even months. It’s a good idea to watch all frequencies listed
here, but seldom are all on the air at the same time. Some that have not been heard recently are East New Britain 3385 and Sandaun 3205. Papua
New Guinea (New Guinea Territory)
NBC Madang 3260 <1100-1205* Tok Pisin. (Howard, DXLD Oct 19/15)
Papua New Guinea (Papua Territory)
NBC Milne Bay 3365 <1200-1400> & NBC Southern Highlands 3275 <1200-1314*, in Tok Pisin. (Howard, DX Window July 24/15)
Radio Logos 4810 <0200-0400>, *0900-1100> Spanish.
Radio Huanta 2000 *0930-1100> 4747 Spanish.
Radyo Philipinas in English & Tagalog,
*0200-0330* 15640, 17700, 17820; *1730-1930* 9925, 12120, 15190. (Wagner, ADXN via DXLD Apr 30/15)
Pridnestrovie (Moldova)
Denge Kurdistane *1200-1500* Kurdish 9400.
Radio Romania International, English
*0100-0200* 6145, 7325; *0400-0500* 6020, 7340, 11790; *1200-1300* 13580, 15150, 15460,17765; *2130-2200* 6170, 7310,
7375; *2300-2400* 6015, 7220, 7395, 9620. 1 hourearlier in the Spring.
Sao Tome
VOA in English *0400-0500* 4960; *2030-21* Sa/Su 4940.
Saudi Arabia
Radio Riyadh and Radio Jeddah *1800-2300 Arabic 11820, 11915, 11930.
BBC *2300-2400* 9740; *1000-1400* 6195, 9740; English.
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp. <0400-0500* 9545 & <0700-1200* 5020; Pijin & English.
Radio Hargeisa *0330-0400>, <1300-1400*, *1500-1600> Somali 7120. (Ron Howard Feb 10/15)
Radio Puntland One <1100-1800* approx. Somali, with multi-lingual IDs, 13800 carrier +USB.
South Africa
Channel Africa, in English and all M-F only, *0300-0500* 3345, 6155(-04); *0500-0700* 7230; *0600-0700* 15255; *1700-1800* 15235.
Radio Exterior de España *1500-1900* Sa/Su 9690, 15390, 15500, 17755; *1900-2300* daily 9690, 11530, 15390, 15500; all Spanish. 1 1
hour earlier in the Spring. (Jose Bueno, DXLD Oct 20/15)
Sri Lanka
Radio Sri Lanka (Ceylon) *0115-0230* Bangla & Hindi on 11905.
Radio Omdurman, Arabic *0215-0430* & *1930-2100* 7205.
Voice of Africa Radio, *0600-0800> local languages and English at 0800, 1630-1730 French, 1730-1830 English, local languages after 1830,
on 9505. (Jordan, DXLD Jan. 2/15)
Radio Apintie <2300-0900> Dutch and vernacular 4990.
Trans World Radio *0255-0330* M-Sa Ndebele, -0310* Su English 3200; *0255-0330* Shona 3240; *0400-0500* English Mon-Fri, German
Sat/Sun 3200, 4775; *0500-0800* English 6120, 9500; *1800-1830* English 9500.
Radio Taiwan International, English *1100-1200* direct 7445; *1600-1700* 6180 direct, 13810 via France.
Radio Tajikistan <2300-0400> Tajik 4765.
Radio Free Asia *2200-2300* 7505 & *2300-2400* 9875 in Tibetan; *1500-1700* Chinese 13675.
Tanzania (Zanzibar)
ZBC Radio *0300-0400> Swahili 6015;
<1800-2100* Swahili, English news 1800-1810, 11735. IDs also as "ZBC" or "Spice FM".
Radio Thailand in English *0000-0100* & *0200-0230* 13745; *1230-1300* & *1400-1430* 9390; *1900-2000* & *2030-2045* 9390.
Voice of Turkey, English *0400-0455* 7240, 9655; *1330-1425* 12035; *1930-2025* 6050; *2300-2350* 5960. 1 hour earlier in the pring.
UBC Radio 4976 *0200-0400> English news 0400. <2030-2200* daily, Swahili. Not Heard recently. (Eibl, Germany via DXLD Sept 2/15)
United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)
BBC *0500-0800* 15420; *1800-2000* 9410; English.
United States
Radio Marti *0000-0300* Spanish 6030.
United States (Alaska)
KNLS English *1000-1100* 9615; *1200-1300* 7355; *1400-1500* 9615.
Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay <2100-0300> Spanish 6125.
Radio La Voz de Artigas 6076v <2000-2300> Spanish.
NHK World Radio Japan *1400-1430* English 11685.
Radio Vanuatu <0600-1500> 3945, 7260 in English & Bislama. Japan's Radio Nikkei Two also on 3945.
Vatican Radio *0140-0200* 7410 & 9560 direct; *0300-0330* 9660 via Madagascar, 7360 direct; *0500-0530* 7360 direct, 11625 via
Madagascar; *1730-1800* 9660 via Madagascar, 11625 direct; *2000-2030* 9660 & 11625 direct; all in English.
Vietnam (Democratic People’s Republic, formerly North Vietnam area)
Voice of Vietnam English *0100-0130* & *0230-0300* 6175 via England; *0330-0400* 6175 via USA. *1230-1300* 9840, 12020. *23302400* 9840, 12020.
Republic of Yemen Radio *0300-0500>, <1400-1500* 6135 Arabic. *1800-1900* English 6135.
ZNBC *0250-0500> English and vernacular,
Radio One 5915. English news at 0500. (Howard, DXLD Sept 2/15)
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Rob Wagner
Part 2 of “Receivers I Have Known”
Now Available - Part 2 of “Receivers I Have Known” by our guest contributor, Roland Richter WA5IEX.
Jorge Zuñiga
Antenas subterraneas (radioaficionados)
Antenas subterraneas (radioaficionados) ..
Usadas por Rusos y Americanos en Comunicaciones Tácticas.
Dice una frase que nada es nuevo bajo el sol.
Y podemos aplicar esta frase al tema tan apasionante de las antenas bajo tierra
o sistemas de antenas que operan muy efectivamente en el subsuelo, ya sean colocadas en bóvedas, o simplemente enterradas en el subsuelo.
El tema de las antenas subterráneas, no es nada nuevo y tomando de referencias militares varios datos, hemos descubierto interesantes detalles
que ofrecemos a la consideración de nuestros lectores.
El primero en relacionar la reacción de una antena a la tierra fue el Croata, Nicolas Tesla.Este desde los anos 1893 en una Conferencia en
Philadelphia, discutió varios principios que se ilustraron con diagramas y se podría decir que ese, fue el nacimiento de la radio difusión.
Después llego Marconi que al patentizar varios de sus descubrimientos, lanzo una serie de batallas legales en su contra por parte de Tesla, que
acuso a Marconi de usar sus patentes. Esta batalla duro mas de medio siglo y Marconi gano la batalla legal aunque el genio italiano siguió sintiendo
la presión de Tesla "por robar mis aparatos y esquemáticos de la oficina de patentes".
Usando esos principios de Tesla los experimentos con antenas subterráneas comenzaron tan temprano como 1912,cuando James Harris Rogers
instalo el primer sistema subterráneo de antenas y otro sistema bajo el agua. Durante la 1er Guerra Mundial uso el sistema y fue capaz de enviar y
recibir señales.
Y TODOS los que conocieron del experimento, se dieron cuenta que LA ESTATICA SE ELIMINABA Y LA RECEPCION ERA QUIETA, FUERTE Y SIN
INTERFERENCIAS.Después, y alrededor de los años 20, llego H.H.Beverage con su antena muy cerca de la tierra con una onda transversal magnética
que se adaptaba para recepción a lo largo del paso del alambre de esa antena. Era la primera vez que se conocía el término de antenas de ondas
viajeras y este principio.
Después de finalizar la 2a Guerra Mundial las antenas subterráneas o cercanas a la tierra permanecieron como una curiosidad aunque se conocían
los sistemas de comunicaciones de submarinos en VLF que siguen usando hoy esta técnica.
Pero al comenzar a desarrollar la técnica de misiles, todos se preguntaban como podría un sistema perfecto de comunicaciones, sobrevivir los
efectos de un bombardeo nuclear y el Pulso Electro Magnetico(EMP) después de una catástrofe de esa índole, sin perder la capacidad de las
comunicaciones tácticas de sistemas militares.
! Mas luz bajo tierra!
Al parecer, no todos han tomado en serio el asunto de las antenas subterráneas de las que hemos hablado en varios boletines LATNET. Unos han
creído que se trataban de bromas del DIA de los Inocentes o el llamado April Fool Day en Estados Unidos. Pero no es ninguna broma. Hablamos en
una serie de 6 boletines de la historia y desarrollos de los sistemas de antenas subterráneos y narramos como desde finales de la Segunda Guerra
Mundial ya esos sistemas proliferaban en Rusia y de como después Estados Unidos comenzó a interesarse por la nueva técnica.
En esos tiempos, incluso los ingenieros estimaban que el poner una antena próxima a la tierra, era..Perder el tiempo. Los estudios demostraron que
esos ingenieros y expertos estaban equivocados y después con el transcurso del tiempo, se conoció que los famosos misiles norteamericanos
Minuteman, eran guiados por sistemas de antenas subterráneas que se colocaban en inmensas bóvedas bajo la superficie terrestre.
Sin embargo, después de varios escritos, permanece la creencia de que esto es un tema de ficción. Fortuitamente, hemos tenido contacto con la
compañía que por anos ha estado a la cabeza de estos experimentos y por medio del señor Dave Faust, Ingeniero de Pruebas y Desarrollo de Eyring
Inc, podemos dar mas detalles sobre este interesante tema.
La División de Sistemas de Comunicación de Eyring,tiene variados diseños de antenas, unas subterráneas, y otras que funcionan sobre la tierra. Las
funciones de estas antenas son de carácter táctico, comunicaciones de emergencia e incluso varios modelos que están diseñados para resistir el
conocido pulso electro magnético de altura (HEMP or High Altitude EMP) producido por explosiones atómicas.
Estas antenas de Eyring están diseñadas para varios tipos de operaciones, terrenos, frecuencias ( que llegan hasta VHF y son compatibles con el
Meteor Scatter) y ángulos de radiación. Las hay de 2,3 y 4 elementos y podemos decir que TODAS, se pueden instalar en una tremenda variedad de
configuraciones, incluyendo la de V invertida a 3 pies sobre la tierra.
Una gran sorpresa fue el recibir de Mr.Dave Faust el manual de operaciones para la antena ELPA 302A que opera HF/VHF y es de dos elementos.
Este manual para los amateurs, será una cosa fuera de lo común, porque los manuales que conocemos de antenas convencionales, solo tienen unas
3 a 4 paginas que nos muestran el proceso de instalación. El manual de la ELPA 302A tiene 109 paginas, y es todo un tratado sobre la materia. El
manual ofrece 76 graficas que comprenden pasos para la instalación, patrones de radiación, y aplicación de la ELPA 302A en comunicaciones de HF
con onda de tierra (groundwave),onda aérea (skywave) y onda aérea de múltiples saltos (long range skywave paths). Esta antena, la ELPA 302A opera
según la forma en que se coloque en el terreno (layout) desde 2 a 65 Mhz si los elementos se extienden a 150 pies y con 20 pies de separación uno
del otro. Desde 4 a 50 Mhz si extienden los elementos a 75 pies. Desde 10 a 65 Mhz si se extienden los elementos a 50 pies y finalmente de 15 a 65
Mhz si se ponen elementos de 25 pies. Estas longitudes son por cada elemento. Y en la ultima configuración, estos elementos van separados a 10
pies, mientras que en todas las anteriores configuraciones los elementos son separados por 20 pies uno del otro.
Como pueden ver, el asunto de antenas subterráneas, o colocadas sobre la tierra, no es nada nuevo. Mucho menos si se tiene en cuenta que Eyring
Inc de Provo en el estado de Utah ha estado en este campo de investigaciones y desarrollo por muchos anos. A pesar de ello, queda aun cierto
rechazo por parte de la comunidad amateur a creer que algo como esto pueda existir... pero tenemos que decir como Galileo cuando fue forzado por
la Inquisición a retractarse de sus creencias y descubrimientos en relación al movimiento de la tierra: " Y sin mueve".Y como en el
caso de Galileo...
"Las subterráneas funcionan. Reciben y transmiten." Yo les prometo a los colegas del mundo, mas detalles sobre este tema interesantísimo además
de una revisión de una de estas antenas que hasta el momento, es el prototipo de un modelo que se estará vendiendo al mercado amateur en
próximos meses, por la suma de $395 dólares. Esta será la primera vez que la comunidad amateur tendrá acceso a estas antenas y nos sentimos
orgullosos de poderles anunciar esta relevante noticia por este medio. Y por supuesto estaremos probando por primera vez EN EL MUNDO, antenas
que antes, solamente estaban al alcance de las altas esferas militares rusas o americanas. Varios radioamateus de Miami tendremos este privilegio
y entre ellos, Peter de la Rosa, KC4LFV.
Osvaldo Pla, KB4TFF.Marcelo Larghi, KC4YGB y este servidor que en los Cayos de la Florida, los días 23 y 24 de Febrero, estaremos operando en un
evento Especial.
Compañías conocidas como Westinghouse, GTE y RADC habían construido ya varios sistemas de antenas subterráneos para el gobierno de Estados
Unidos. Incluso, los famosos cohetes Minuteman, empleaban antenas de HF, y antenas de MF que estaban enterradas. Otros sistemas de VLF de
Westinghouse, se usaban en estos menesteres y eran antenas doble loop que no eran muy eficientes, pero trabajaban y resolvían el problema.
Ya mas tarde en 1983,se construyo el primer sistema de antenas subterráneas en Nueva York y consistía de un arreglo(array) que comprendía
elementos sencillos que radiaban en HF y VHF.Las pruebas realizadas con lugares remotos, demostraron que el sistema operaba a la perfección y
con ganancias en el orden de los 12 dBs.
Una de las ultimas pruebas la hizo la fuerza aérea y el array demostró que su operación, era comparable a un monopolio sintonizado de 35 pies a
una altura de unos 30 pies, lo que de por si...era ya sorprendente.
Enb 1979 el Instituto de Investigaciones Eyring, de Provo, Utah genero un gran interés en sistemas de antenas bajo tierra y a la misma vez condujo
una serie de impresionantes experimentos dentro y alrededor del Lago Utah. Los Resultados arrojaron desarrollos de nuevas técnicas y se comenzó
la fabricación de antenas subterráneas y otras que eran colocadas en la superficie, al nivel del terreno. Estas investigaciones y trabajos han
continuado hasta hoy y Eyring ha mejorado la tecnología de antenas subterráneas para supervivencia De ataques nucleares. Sus sistemas se han
probado en el centro de pruebas de White Sands en New Mexico y las antenas se han sometido a ensayos de ataques Atomicos y han resistido la
prueba sin sostener ALGUN DANO a su estructura y las comunicaciones han continuado sin alterarse.
Prototipos de estas antenas se han instalado en varias Bases Aéreas de los Estados Unidos, y entre ellas están las de Hill en Utah y la de Offutt en
Nebraska. La instalación del campo de antenas esta enterrada dentro de una bóveda gigantesca bajo tierra. Esta bóveda es de concreto a presión y
en la misma se encuentran tres antenas de banda ancha configuradas para proveer recepción y transmisión direccional u omnidireccional según se
requiera y a la misma vez, proveen buena diversidad en recepción. Dos de estas antenas cubren desde 2 a 30Mhz con optimización y énfasis en las
partes bajas y medias del espectro de HF mientras que una tercera antena, esta dedicada solo a la operación en la parte alta de HF. Los equipos de
transmisión son todos de Rockwell-Collins que fueron probados extensamente en el verano de 1984 ofreciendo resultados excelentes.
Otras pruebas se han realizado con antenas de bajo nivel, colocadas solo a unas 23 pulgadas sobre la tierra y el resultado ha sido magnifico
demostrando que la tecnología de antena subterráneas o de antenas a nivel de tierra es perfectamente aceptable, es real y funciona.
Le hago saber a mis colegas de que en relación al trabajo de las antenas subterráneas y de como estas funcionan, les daré el ultimo dato llegado del
Instituto Eyring.
800 de estas están funcionando en la operación Tormenta del Desierto y forman parte de un contrato de 6 millones de dólares del Gobierno de
Estados Unidos con este Instituto que produce estas antenas.
Como podrán ver......! Funcionan estas antenas! Articulo escrito por Lionel,KC4CLD
Sigmatica Características y ventajas (Download croquis y esquema balun)
1- Ausencia de pérdidas - 2 - Señal constante - 3 - Amplificación de la señal por reflexión - 4 - No necesita condiciones de propagación - 5 - No
recibe ruidos - 6 - Ganancia de 10 Db - 7 - No es atacada por condiciones climáticas - 8 - No necesita mástiles u otro sostén - 9 - Opera en todas las
bandas 10.11.15,17,20,40, y 80 metros - 10 - Impedancia de 300 ohms - 11 - Simple armado .ORIGEN DE LA ANTENA
Aparentemente la misma es de origen alemán, experimentada y usada durante la segunda guerra mundial alrededor de 1943, también se sabe que
fue usada en 1965 por él ejercito de EE.UU. en la guerra de Vietman, luego se mantuvo para uso exclusivo militar y desde hace poco se dio a conocer
en el campo de la radio afición. Es una antena que a diferencia de las convencionales se instala bajo tierra y utiliza como forma de rebote la magna
de la tierra, esta al estar en estado de función constante facilita el rebote y la amplificación de la señal transmitida, por consiguiente la señal
recibida se comporta de la misma manera. Por otro lado el Magna no posee periodos de cambio, se mantiene siempre constante a diferencia de
ionosfera utilizada por las antenas convencionales, por lo tanto con estas forma de transmisión-recepción la propagación no existe.-
1- Fabricación de las bobinas de carga se deben realizar tres iguales utilizando como soporte uno de los tubos plásticos de ¼ de pulgadas, en el se
realizan 8 vueltas de alambre de cobre de 1mm 0 , en cada extremo se deja un pequeño chicote para soldar los tramos de la antena. Las bobinas se
pueden terminar dándoles unas vueltas de cinta aislante por encima para darle mayor rigidez y terminación. Las bobinas listas deben tener un largo
de no más de 2Cm 2- Corte de los elementos tome las varillas tubulares de ¼ y córtelos en tramos de 93,75 Cm (6 en total. 3- Ensamblado final: se
toma unos de los tramos de 93,75 Cm y se suelda en un extremo una bobina de carga y en el extremo libre de esta se suelda otro tramo de 93,75 Cm
y así se concluye unos de los tramos de la antena(repetir el punto 3 dos veces más. 1.90 Mts. 93.75 cm. 2.5 cm. 93.75 cm. Luego con los tres
tramos concluidos tomar un triangulo que por lado queda 1,90 Cm en solo dos puntos extremos de este aplicar soldadura, de este modo queda
formado él triangulo. Todo este triangulo se introduce en la manguera plástica de mas de ¼ para que quepan fácilmente las bobinas. En el extremo
no aislado se suelda la cinta plana de 300 Homs de impedancia que sirve para cargar la antena, se debe tener cuidado de no separar demasiados
los extremos de los elementos ni de pelar mucho la cinta plata de 300 Homs para evitar variar la impedancia características. En Donde se soldó la
cinta y quedan los extremos de la manguera se suelda con brea u otro material, con el fin de conseguir una unidad hermética para evitar la
1- Fabricación de las bobinas de carga se deben realizar tres iguales utilizando como soporte uno de los tubos plásticos de ¼ de pulgadas, en el se
realizan 8 vueltas de alambre de cobre de 1mm 0 , en cada extremo se deja un pequeño chicote para soldar los tramos de la antena. Las bobinas se
pueden terminar dándoles unas vueltas de cinta aislante por encima para darle mayor rigidez y terminación. Las bobinas listas deben tener un largo
de no más de 2Cm 2- Corte de los elementos tome las varillas tubulares de ¼ y córtelos en tramos de 93,75 Cm (6 en total. 3- Ensamblado final: se
toma unos de los tramos de 93,75 Cm y se suelda en un extremo una bobina de carga y en el extremo libre de esta se suelda otro tramo de 93,75 Cm
y así se concluye unos de los tramos de la antena(repetir el punto 3 dos veces más. 1.90 Mts. 93.75 cm. 2.5 cm. 93.75 cm. Luego con los tres
tramos concluidos tomar un triangulo que por lado queda 1,90 Cm en solo dos puntos extremos de este aplicar soldadura, de este modo queda
formado él triangulo. Todo este triangulo se introduce en la manguera plástica de mas de ¼ para que quepan fácilmente las bobinas. En el extremo
no aislado se suelda la cinta plana de 300 Homs de impedancia que sirve para cargar la antena, se debe tener cuidado de no separar demasiados
los extremos de los elementos ni de pelar mucho la cinta plata de 300 Homs para evitar variar la impedancia características. En Donde se soldó la
cinta y quedan los extremos de la manguera se suelda con brea u otro material, con el fin de conseguir una unidad hermética para evitar la
Cavar un pozo sobre un terreno no muy húmedo ni tan seco, en lo posible lejos de alguna descarga a tierra, en el mismo se debe tener las siguientes
dimensiones 2*2*2*2 metros de longitud y 60 u 80 cm de profundidad. Colocar todo el conjunto de antena dentro y luego tapar bien todo el pozo
apisonando la tierra, (tener cuidado de que queden afuera los chicotes de la antena plana de 300 Homs. De esta forma queda concluido el trabajo.
En los equipos que funcionan con impedancias de 300 homs se conecta directamente al mismo. Para la banda de 11 metros que trabaja con una
impedancia de 50 Homs es necesario colocar un adaptador de 300 a 50 Homs, el cual se puede instalar sobre una estaca en el lugar donde se
colocó la antena, de este adaptador sale la línea coaxial RG8 o RG 58 de 5ª Homs que va al transeptor.- Varilla de 10 ó 12 mm. Soldadura 93,75
cm. Conjunto de bobina Cañito de ¼ ´ Espiras de 1 mm. Cinta aislante Separación entre Manguera de + de ¼ ´ Espiras 1 mm. Largo total de la
Bobina 2,5 cm.
El Balum 6:1 Construcción
En este capitulo voy a describir como hacer el balum para la antena . Lo primero que tenéis que hacer es fijaros detenidamente en el dibujo adjunto,
pues en él está detallado clarisimamente todo el montaje, aún así detallaré paso a paso su construcción. Los materiales necesarios para la
construcción de este balum son los siguientes: 2 metros de hilo esmaltado de 1,5 mm 2 ferritas de 10 mm de diámetro y 100 ó 120 mm
aproximadamente de largo, de las usadas en receptores de OM / OC , también pueden valer las de tipo plano ( para cortarlas es necesario utilizar
piedra de esmeril ) 1 trozo de tubo de PVC de 40 mm de diámetro exterior de los de desagüe de 120 ó 150 mm aproximadamente de largo 2 tapones
para el tubo de PVC de 40 mm, pegamento especial para PVC tornillería con tuercas y arandelas de métrica de 3 y de 4 a ser posible de acero
inoxidable 3 Pitones roscados con tuercas y arandelas 1 PL SO239 con soporte cuadrado y cuatro agujeros de sujeción. A partir de ahora
comenzamos el montaje, primero soldamos cuatro tuercas de M3 en el lado interno del conector PL, ahora cogemos las dos barras de ferrita y con
cinta adhesiva las unimos una al lado de la otra, el hilo de cobre esmaltado, lo ponemos sujeto por un extremo a un sitio fijo, por ejemplo en un
tornillo de mesa, y cogiendo el otro extremo con un alicate, tiraremos fuertemente con objeto de estirarlo y dejarlo libre de arrugas, se corta o se
dobla por la mitad, se sujetan en el tornillo dos puntas y de esa manera se bobinan los dos hilos juntos, dando 12 espiras pero a su vez separadas de
dos en dos, 3mm, cuya separación se le puede dar bobinando a la vez una cuerda de ese grosor, que más tarde se puede dejar puesta bien atada en
el principio y final de la bobina, cortaremos y rasparemos el barniz del cobre, haciendo las anillas para los tornillos en la parte de arriba y en la parte
de abajo se sueldan dos de puntas en la masa del conector y en el vivo ponemos un trozo de hilo esmaltado de cobre que irá también soldado en la
espira 10ª de uno de los bobinados, según se indica en los gráficos. una vez terminada esta configuración se puede dar un barniz endurecedor para
que quede todo más compacto. Ya así se podría utilizar pero para darle más consistencia lo mejor es montarlo en algún soporte como podría ser una
placa de baquelita, PVC, etc. o como esta indicado en el dibujo, en un tubo de PVC de los que se usan para fontanería. Se corta el tubo a medida
suficiente para alojar el balum y haremos los agujeros, primero en el tapón de abajo para el conector PL y uno más al menos para que "respire" y no
se produzca condensación, montamos el conjunto de conector y balum en el tapón, metemos el trozo de tubo, todavía no lo pegamos, calculamos la
situación y practicamos los agujeros para los tornillos de conexión de los extremos superiores de las bobinas, ponemos el tapón de arriba y hacemos
el agujero central colocando el Pitón correspondiente para colgarlo en su caso, ahora se hacen los dos laterales que atravesarán también el tubo,
retiramos el tapón temporalmente. Ya podemos pegar el tapón inferior con el pegamento especial para PVC, que suelda literalmente las dos piezas y
es extremadamente resistente ( se vende en tubitos en tiendas de fontanería), colocando previamente los tornillos de arriba y conectando
internamente las bobinas. Para los cáncamos laterales, como son el cierre final, tendremos que pegar por dentro las tuercas con pegamento de PVC,
Loctite, etc. ¡ ATENCION ! No obstruir la rosca, entonces con el tapón puesto se roscan cada uno de ellos con una tuerca y arandela puestas por el
lado de las anillas y cuando estén suficientemente introducidos, con esa tuerca exterior apretaremos el conjunto a modo de contratuerca. Solo falta
enganchar las ramas del dipolo y a funcionar. Si todo ha sido bien montado la relación de ondas estacionarias será de un nivel bajo, 1,5:1 o menos
en todas las bandas previstas y en 80 metros con un ancho de banda considerable y muy superior a cualquier antena vertical . El hecho de montar
dos ferritas juntas es el de que no se sature el núcleo por calor y así de esta manera funcionar correctamente con cualquier equipo que salga con
100 ó 150 vatios de RF.
Paul B. Walker, Jr.
3 QSL Cards Received Today!
I got QSL cards from 2 shortwave radio stations today.
Radio Nikkei sent me a QSL card for my reception of 9595khz on November 25th, 2015 at 412am central/1012utc but on the card, didn't circle any
of the four frequencies listed on the card. 3925, 6055, 9595, 3945, 6115 and 9760 are on the card and Nikkei circles one to indicate which
frequency you reported hearing.
Here's a clip of what i heard:
I got 2 QSL cards from VoV 5, the Voice Of Vietnam's Overseas Service department.
One card was for reception of 11720khz in Vietnamese from Hanoi on October 25h, 2015 at at 620pm central/2020utc on a Tecsun PL880 and 80
foot long wire
Here's a clip of what was heard.. fairly rare and pretty clear.
My second qsl card from Voice of Vietnam was at 0242UTC/6:42pm pacific on May 4th, 2015 for 12005khz with a weak but steady signal, about a 2
out of 10 with light fading. Heard music being played. The report submitted mentioned it was the 12005khz frequency via Wooferton, UK
This is what I heard on 12005khz:
The card, however, mentions the 12000khz frequency.
I did hear 12000khz via Hanoi on May 4th at 1055utc/355am pacific, but never got a QSL card for that. This is what I heard on 12000khz.
I'm not as picky as some Dx'ers and i'm glad for what i can get these days. And i almost never ever ever write a station and told them they got it
wrong, unless it was an ultra rare QSL card i've been going after for awhile and I don't have one yet from the station. But with a station I have a QSL
card from already, a mistake isn't a big deal to me.
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 14, 2015
** COLOMBIA. 6010.24v, Dec 14 at 0634, presumed LV de tu Conciencia carrier is wavering audibly as I listen on SSB (Glenn Hauser, oK, DX
** CUBA. 6100, UT Mon Dec 14 at 0640, RHC English starting ``From Havana`` which is about local music performers, alternate Sundays.
Strongest frequency, but carrier is wobbling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 11675, Dec 14 at 1420, bit of VIRI IS before cutoff at 1421*; I think it was about S9 but barely had a chance to look at the meter. Thus
ends the Urdu sesquihour, 500 kW, 178 degrees from Kamalabad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 580, Dec 14 at 0704 UT, bit of Mexican NA mixed with CBS News on WIBW KS. Ergo it`s not XEMU in Coahuila, but midnight+ in the UT7 zone where exist two stations in the five states where that`s vigent winterly: XEFI Chihuahua2, or XEHO Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. Cf. this handy
color-coded timezone map, whence you may also reach such for other worldparts: (Glenn
** OKLAHOMA. Without doing another full FM bandscan, I can report that as of 1915 UT December 14, the following Enid stations are still off
following the Nov 28-29 icestorm:
88.3, K202BY, Family Radio
94.3, KLGB-LP
This gives me an excuse to refer to a photo of the icestorm aftermath: my main longwire antenna for SW, sagging but never broken, unlike the poor
tree next to it: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 6080, Dec 14 at 0636, VOA International Edition, with report from climate agreement in Paris; 0639 offers free 2016 VOA calendar with
photos of America`s #1 city, New York, by P-mail if requested by E-mail to [email protected] VG at steady S9+20, obviously Greenville site still
substituting for São Tomé, but during this semihour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Dec 14 at 1419, R. Sana`a clandestine continues to put in amazing signals this hour; is it really for deep North America
instead of Yemen?? Since 1403 tune-in, S9+20 during rousing music making me want to overthrow the usurpers; 1425 break for an exhortative
speech in Arabic, soon back to music, shifting at 1436 to brief Qur`an*, and tnx to long pregnant pauses, now I can hear IBB Kuwait to Afghanistan
underneath, a collision still not resolved.
Yemen still VG with music past 1505. Allegedly via 50 kW ND Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA transmitter, but no signal on 25m from Mideast anywhere near
comparable; e.g., Turkey on 12035 at 1417 altho aimed toward us was only S6-S9 with flutter. So where is this Yemeni really via???
*As for the Qur`an break, this site has an amazing number of Yemeni localities for a relatively
small country, showing Sana`a (San`a with a macron over the last A) sunset today was 1434 UT --- and Aden (`Adan), even closer, right on 1436! So
it was vespers, time for a 5x-a-day prayer break. Such precision can be helpful in identifying the source, if not the site, of other Qur`anic broadcasts
UNIDENTIFIED. 1140, Dec 14 at 1347 UT, ad but it`s about mattresses, not Wyoming, so not necessarily the 10 kW daytimer KZMQ in
Greybull (Cody address); in English, roughly east-west and soon losing out to Spanish, no doubt KLTK Arkansas. I`d like to think the casper station
was NV, CA, or ID, all with very unfavorable night patterns for us, but there are a number of little stations east of Arkansas; Enid sunrise was 1335 UT
today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11590, Dec 14 at 1421, S9+10 in S Asian? language, i.e. KTWR GUAM at 1345-1430? HFCC says langs are VARiable and EiBi
leaves it blank. So to Aoki for that detail: NO, no 11590 entries at all!
More than a sesquimonth into the B-15 season, Aoki has still not put up an easily accessible plain text version of the frequency schedule; via one must choose either an xlsx version unfriendly to my computer, or a condensed user list for
Perseus which is zipped --- but if you open that you will find that the traditional full Aoki sked in text format is also ready to be unzipped, from the
current or very recent date.
BUT, consulting that, no 11590 entries either!! How about the Bulgarian B15 archive of schedules for TWR? No 11590 there either, altho KTWR is included. During
this time period on weekdays it does have:
1345-1500 on 9910 TWR 100 kW / 345 deg to EaAs Korean Mon-Fri
1400-1430 on 9975 TWR 200 kW / 315 deg to EaAs Cantonese Mon-Fri
So maybe a replacement for one of those, but sure didn`t sound like either language to me; or not TWR at all on 11590 now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 12065, Dec 14 at 1415, music not // to 12085 Australia, so keep listening and at 1416, it`s a BaBcoCk test asking for reports to
[email protected] and back to BaBcoCk theme in medley of many music forms, sitar, fado, etc. This is S9+10, while 12085 is merely S9.
12065 RA normally has CCI from BBC Singapore collision at 1330-1430 & 1500-1600 et al. sites later, but what`s the point of this additional CCI?
Nominal assumption is that these tests come from Woofferton UK site, perhaps merely for training, but BaBcoCk controls lots of others. Recheck at
1422, it`s off already, uncovering weak S7 RA // 12085, which I couldn`t even hear while BaBcoCk was on (nor BBC in Hindi --- which ought to be
moving off 12065 which ABC has claimed for itself 12 hours a day, tough luck, BBC) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Sylvain Naud
I'm very happy to share here my recently made USB
I'm very happy to share here my recently made USB coax lines controller. It has been designed to replace the aging manual coax switcher I've been
using for years now. Lately, even after a recent replacement of the A-B-C CATV switches, it began to fail again with contact issues.
The new switcher was made by using an 8 channels automation USB relay board which I adapted for my needs. It can commute up four coax lines
towards two outputs to feed the phaser. Two of those lines (the choked one) are used to bring the signal from three Beverage antennas and two long
wires which can be selected via a separate remote wire antenna switcher mounted right at feedpoint, that I have been using successfully for years. It
also contain two homebrew splitters that divides the two main coax lines ( the BB-2 model; ) When the relays are in "rest" position, each coax lines are grounded via a 62 ohms
resistor (a value not so critical and having enough of these on hand). I also added to the USB cable four FT140-77 ferrites to minimize the noise
induced by my laptop.
With this new setup and this, combined with a recent "tightening operation" of all the in-shack RF plugs, I've been able to reach the lowest noise
floor I ever experienced in years, at least between 0 and 10 MHz which is my area of interest! The only drawback is if my computer fail, I will need to
connect directly my coax's one line at a time to my back-up receiver, the Icom R-75.
Dino Bloise
Tevisión gratuita de México
#NewsdeRadios: TV ► Informe dice que la Televisión gratuita de México tiene mala calidad |
December 14, 2015
Send your best DX WHEN YOU HEAR IT to: [email protected] Newer loggings highlighted in blue and older loggings in black.
Editing a column like this one is a definite labour of love and evey editor loves to know if their work is truly appreciated. When Listening In, and its
predecessor DX Ontario, were being published it was easy to track how many people were reading the column as we knew how big the subscription
list was and how many sales of individual copies of the magazine were being purchased at local ham radio outlets. These days it is not so easy to
gauge the interest as the column can be downloaded from the ODXA's Facebook and Yahoo group sites or from the main ODXA website. So, after 14
years of being the editor, I thought it would be nice to know if you are out there using and enjoying this column. If you are not a regular contributor
but still use the column then drop me an e-mail at the above address to let me know. I would also like to know your constructive criticisms . Thanks!
GUYANA Voice of Guyana at 0000 with pop music – Very weak Dec 5 Wilkner-FL
BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 2345 in Quechua with a woman with talk over music – Fair Dec 3 Wilkner-FL
PERU Radio Huanta 2000 at 2320 in Spanish with a man and woman with talk – Fair to Good Dec 3 Wilkner-FL
CUBA Radio Progreso at 0220 in Spanish with a man with brief talk with a mention of “Progreso” and into Latin American pop vocals – Fair
Dec 9 Coady-ON
4805 BRAZIL Radio Difusora do Amazonas at 2310 in Portuguese with a man with long talks – Fair Dec 3 Wilkner-FL – Bob mentions this recently
came back on the air – ed
4815 BRASIL Radio Difusora Londrina tentatively at 0000 in Portuguese with a man with talk and music – Fair Dec 5 Wilkner-FL
4985.5 PERU Radio Voz Cristiana at 2322 in Spanish with a male preacher – Fair with RTTY QRM Dec 3 Wilkner-FL
5459.3v PERU Radio Emisora Bolivar tentatively at 2320 in Spanish with talk – Poor Dec 3 Wilkner-FL – Bob mentions by Dec 5 they had drifted to
5460.23 – ed
5939.9 BRAZIL Voz Missionaria at 0506 // 9665 in Portuguese with a male announcer and possible Christian pop vocals - Good, but had to listen
to USB to escape heavy ACI from 5935 Nov 30 Sellers-BC
5952.44 BOLIVIA Radio Pio XII at 2320 in Spanish with a woman with talk – Poor with heavy CCI Dec 3 Wilkner-FL
6000 CUBA RHC in Spanish with a man and woman with talk – Very Good Dec 13 Barton-AZ
6070 CANADA CFRX (Toronto, ON) at 1230 with an ad for a hospital lottery – Fair Dec 3 Wilkner-FL
6080 BOTSWANA VOA at 2120 with “Country Hits USA” - Fair Dec 6 Sellers-BC
6115 JAPAN Radio Nikkei Two at 0555 playing Western pop tunes including “You Can’t Hurry Love” then English ID of “You’re listening to R-N-2”
at 0559 followed by a woman in Japanese - Poor Nov 30 Sellers-BC
6135 BOLIVIA Radio Santa Cruz at 2357 in Spanish with Latin American pops then program closing announcements at 0000 with frequencies for
SW, MW and FM, an ID of “Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia” - Good Dec 12 Sellers-BC
6160 CANADA-NEWFOUNDLAND CKZN (CBC St. John's, NL) at 2231 with an interview of a man about fighting child poverty in Canada – Fair Dec
6 Coady-ON
6185 MEXICO Radio Educacion at 0040 in Spanish with Mexican instrumentals then ID at 0045 and a woman with talk - Fair Dec 13 Sellers-BC
6195 SINGAPORE BBC at 2205 with news, ID, and into “The History Hour” at 2206 - Fair Dec 6 Sellers-BC
6850 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE TCS Relay Network (The Crystal Ship) at 2222 with “The Flower Power Show”playing late '60's music like "San
Francisco", "Along Comes Mary”, and "Live For Today" – Good with deep fades and QRM Dec 6 Forsythe-WI
7205 SUDAN Sudan Radio at 0322 in Sudanese Arabic with local instrumentals and a man and woman with talk to 0324 then a woman with
apparent news with local music bridges – Fair Dec 6 Coady-ON
7255 NIGERIA Voice of Nigeria at 2044 in Hausa with a man and woman with many mentions of Nigeria - Fair with ham QRM Dec 6 Sellers-BC
7395 EAST GERMANY The Mighty KBC at 0012 with oldies pop songs and a male DJ – Poor Dec 13 Sellers-BC
7485 KUWAIT RFE/RL at 2100 signing on in Russian with a “Govorit Radio Svoboda” ID and into news - Fair Dec 5 Sellers-BC
7570 USA Radio Slovakia International (via WRMI) at 2101 with English news - Fair Dec 6 Sellers-BC
9435 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1117 with choral patriotic music – Veru Good Dec 13 Barton-AZ
9445 INDIA AIR at 2045 signing on in English with ID and promptly into news - Poor Dec 5 Sellers-BC
9580 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 1033 // 12065 and 12085 with pop vocals – Good Dec 6 Barton-AZ
9625 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1020 with a man and woman with talk – Poor Dec 6 Barton-AZ
9700 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 1515 with weather forecast then a woman hosting a program of vocal music – Good with fading Dec 6 Barton-AZ
9810 SRI LANKA AWR at 0054 in listed Karen with a hymn then ID at 0057 and a woman with closing announcements with echo effect - Poor Dec
13 Sellers-BC
11665 JAPAN NHK World at 2155 in Japanese with talk and ID at 2200 ID – Good with slight longpath echo Dec 6 Sellers-BC
11670 CUBA RHC at 2035 with the weekend mailbag program and into “The World of Stamps” - Fair with deep fades Dec 6 Forsythe-WI
11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radio at 2046 in Swahili with national music then a man at 2047 with a news update to 2058 and
announcements and music including rap to sound effects at 2104 and several “Spice FM” Ids and more rap music - Good Dec 5 Sellers-BC
11740 I NDIA-GOA AIR (Panazji) at 2208 // 11670 with a woman with the news then news headlines and a woman at 2210 with “That is the news.
This is the general overseas service of All India Radio” and into a commentary – Very weak Dec 10 Coady-ON
11820 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA at 2153 in Arabic with Islamic recitations and a male announcer on occasion - Poor Dec 6 Sellers-BC
11900 SAO TOME VOA at 2007 with a man hosting a blues music program – Good with noise Dec 13 Forsythe-WI
15215 GUAM KSDA at 2200 in Chinese with a man with talk – Fair Dec 5 Barton-AZ
15320 GUAM KSDA (AWR) at 2347 with Sat/Sun English programming with “Wavescan” - Poor Dec 12 Sellers-BC
15480 SOUTH AFRICA AWR at 2000 in French with an African-accented woman with talk – Very Good Dec 13 Forsythe-WI
15500 SPAIN REE at 1740 with live football coverage – Fair to Good Dec 5 Barton-AZ
15580 USA VOA (presumed via Greenville) at 2131 // 6080 with “Country Hits USA”. – Very good Dec 6 Sellers-BC
Thanks to our contributors:
Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Harold Sellers in British Columbia; Robert Wilkner in Florida
I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz
apart); AIR – All India Radio; BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation; BSKSA – Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; CCI – cochannel interference (same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); CRI –
China Radio International; DRM – digital shortwave radio; DW – Deutsche Welle; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station ID; IS – interval
signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited); QRN – noise; QRM – manmade interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; RRI – Radio Republic Indonesia or Radio Romania International
(depends on the logging); RTI – Radio Taiwan International; RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB – upper sideband; UTE – utility station; v
(when used after a frequency) variable frequency meaning it drifts or is not exactly on frequency; VOA – Voice of America; VOIRI – Voice of the Islamic
Republic of Iran; // (#) - parallel (frequency)
Rob Wagner
11860 kHz - R. Sana'a (a.k.a Republic of Yemen Radio). Following on from my first report of this new station in the last Station News Post on Nov 27,
it's still operating and is heard very well here, as noted on December 10 between 2000 and 2330 when it fades out. The station appears to be on a
24-hour schedule now. Programming is in Arabic with talks, prayers and often featuring modern Arabic popular songs. There is a belief by some radio
observers now that the transmitter is 50 kW into a non-directional antenna and located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and not Riyadh as first thought.
However, at times the signal is so strong here at Mount Evelyn that I'm still not convinced of the veracity of that claim! One report says that the station
is carrying a live feed from "the main Yemeni TV Network". This has not been my experience - from all my listening observations the programming
appears to be radio-based and still announcing as Radio Sana'a. Perhaps the TV relay is occurring at times when I'm not monitoring them!
Furthermore, as I understand it, the Houthi rebels are controlling Sana'a, but the the station on 11860 kHz is supporting the exiled Hadi forces. So
why would this clandestine Radio Sana'a be relaying the Yemeni TV network? Still requires more investigation!!
If you're looking for RFS on 15420 kHz between 1030 and 1200 UTC over the next few weeks, forget it! I read on their Facebook page that they have
gone into holiday mode over the Christmas period. They are announcing that broadcasts will return on January 4. The station transmits from the
Palauig site in the Philippines beaming to SEAs on a weekday-only basis.
I notice from the HFCC registrations that DW are planning some changes during December and January, as follows:
Effective from December 15:
12025 kHz via Talata relay 0400 to 0500 in English to EAf (ex 11810)
15405 kHz via Talata 0500 to 0600 in English to SAf (ex 15520)
15190 kHz via Djabayya relay 1600 to 1700 in Amharic to EAf (ex 15560)
Effective from January 15:
11800 kHz via Issoudun 0630 to 0700 in Hausa to WAf (ex 9800)
It was nice to see TWR get a brief feature on a recent edition of the weekly Ham Nation podcast. Host of the show, Bob Heil, interviewed Lauren Libby
W0LE, the President and CEO of TWR. There were some great photos of the station's transmitters and antennas in Bonaire, Manzini (Swaziland) and
Guam. Check it out on YouTube:
Propagation conditions appear to have been quite variable over the past week or so. Some days the signals are quite strong but on other days
reception has been only fair to poor. Dr. Tamitha Skov is a Research Scientist at The Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, CA. She holds a B.S. in
Physics and a B.S. in Physical Chemistry from UCLA. She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in Geophysics and Planetary Physics from UCLA in 2000 and
2002, respectively. Dr. Skov works actively in the fields of solar and space physics, focusing on solar transient phenomena such as coronal mass
ejections, solar flares, solar energetic energetic particles, and galactic cosmic rays, and the subsequent effects these phenomena have on the Earth’s
magnetosphere and radiation belts. She is an instructor at the Aerospace Institute and serves on multiple review and anomaly teams for NASA,
NOAA, and other government and pivate contractors. As a service to amateur radio operators, shortwave listeners and lovers of auroral photography,
Dr. Skov has just released a new forecast for the coming weekend. You can view this update at:
6090 ETHIOPIA. Amhara State R. - Addis Ababa. Continuous music programming with only occasional anncts in Amharic at 2030. Closing anncts
and ID at s/off 2100. Good signal and appears to have been on later than the usual 1900 s/off (Sunday evening Addis Ababa time) on Nov 29. This
simultaneously noted by my UK friend, Alan Roe.
USA. WINB - Red Lion, PA. Exceedingly good reception on Dec 10 with "O Come All Ye Faithful" carol, then an English ID at 2052 as "This is
WINB, World International Broadcasting…..". Then Spanish preaching followed. This station often struggles the be heard well here, but not
this day!
9380 INDIA. AIR - Aligarh. National channel programming with Hindi music and talk at 2100, and with the usual QRM from co-channel R.
Algerienne via Issoudun. India was the stronger of the two stations on this day, Dec 10.
9389.97 THAILAND. R. Thailand - Ban Dung. Thai service at 2105 with news commentary. A good signal and slightly off-freq on Dec 10.
9400 MOLDOVA. R. Denge Kurdistane - Kichinev. A long political talkback interview at 2110, good signal on Dec 10.
9400 PHILIPPINES. FEBC - Iba. A strong signal for the Mandarin service to EAs at 1012, swamping any chance that Denge Kurdistane had of
making it through here at this time. However, checking with the Twente remote receiver showed that both stations can be heard in Europe,
with the Kurdish broadcaster being the stronger of the two, Dec 11
9524.98 INDONESIA. RRI - Cimanggis. Great to see this station return after an absence from this frequency. Noted on Dec 11 at 1015 with plenty of
carrier but no detectable audio. Then at 1100, the audio came up for the Mandarin service, but was still low in comparison to the good
carrier level. Some QRM from VOA's Mandarin service and the Chinese jammer on 9530.
9615 ALASKA. KNLS - Anchor Point. S/on 1000 in English to EAs and SEAs. A good signal but with some light QRM from the CNR 6 Hakka service
on 9620 kHz.
11735 D.P.R.KOREA. VoKorea - Kujang. Outside broadcast at 0915 in Russian to EAs, suddenly off at 0927 without station ID, good signal on Dec
11735 BRAZIL. R. Transmundial - Santa Maria-Camobi, RS. Heard after VoKorea s/off at 0927, ID at 0930, then religious commentary. ID again at
0940 with address, station jingle at 0942. Fair signal on Dec 5.
11765.12 TAIWAN. Sound of Hope at 0950 with a weak but clear signal in Cantonese, and with no jamming heard. Dec 5.
11780 BRAZIL. R. Nacional da Amazônia - Brasilia, DF. A long talk at 1003, Brazilian pop song at 1007, weak signal on Dec 5.
11795 TURKEY. VoT - Emirler. Farsi service to Iran at 1016, weak signal and needed to listen in LSB to avoid the monster-like signal and splash
from CNR-2 on 11800, Dec 5.
11850 PHILIPPINES. R. Veritas Asia - Palauig. Preaching in the Khmer language to SEAs at 1025, very good signal until suddenly off mid-sentence
at 1027, Dec 5.
11880 CUBA. R. Habana - Bauta. Beaming to Af with the Portuguese service at 2157 with music, then opening with the English service at 2200. Fair
signal on Dec 10.
11910 JAPAN. R. Japan - Yamata. Japanese service to EAs at 2155, fair signal on Dec 10.
11930 SAUDI ARABIA & USA….but NO BELARUS. At 2145, this freq has BSKSA - Riyadh and R. Marti - Greenville NC at equal strength. But no sign
of R. Belarus' English service. I tried the Twente remote receiver as well, but only heard Riyadh there. So….is Belarus still operating on this
freq in English at this time? Perhaps our European readers can advise us on this!
12034.88 MONGOLIA. VoMongolia - Ulaanbaatar. Quite a good signal at 1007 for the Mandarin service to As. English can be heard at 0930-1000,
Dec 11.
12095 ASCENSION IS. BBC - Ascension. English WS programming at 2135, poor signal on Dec 10 and usually better than this! This is a weekdaysonly service to WAf.
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 13-14, 2015
** CUBA [non]. 9490, Dec 14 at 0202, R. República is fair at S9 and no jamming audible, but maybe due to lower MUF between Cuba and here than
direct from France.
R. Martí also mostly clear, Dec 14 around 0207 on 7365 plus JBA leapfrog on 7425 and audio bleeding in under 7305 Vatican relay, all out of
Greenville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6951.0-AM, Dec 14 at 0212, weak S5 pirate with talk at tune-in, repeating a couple words, sounds like ``fool, fool, fool``
and another; 0215 recognized ``Lincolnshire Poacher`` IS. NO logs of this on HF Underground tonight, last heard a month ago on another
frequency, or rather ``Son of Lincolnshire Poacher``. Nor on Free Radio Cafe, but searching the latter forum on 6951 finds several stations in the
past, most recently Frederic Chopin Radio on Nov 22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. K17JN-D, RF 17, Enid, continues to regale us with six channels at once of Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 3ABN, Seventh Day
Adventism --- and other than someone running across it when rescanning for DTV channels, I bet I`m the only one in Enid who knows about this, due
to absolutely no publicity in local media. I`ve had a closer look at some of the lower-right bugs, hard to decipher due to font on SD at least, to make
out what the PSIP sub-IDs stand for, and find:
17-2, 3ABN-PR means Proclaim!
17-3, 3ABN-DD means Dare to Dream
Per they have several more networks than the six we get; can `t K17JN-D squeeze them in too? About::
``3ABN is not owned, operated or funded by any church, denomination or organization, so people from all cultures and backgrounds appreciate
3ABN programming. Many of 3ABN’s employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.`` History:
Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois,
was kept awake by troubling thoughts. . .
HQ is in West Frankfort, Illinois.
This station remains the *only* local TV signal in this city of 50K, otherwise forced to rely on fringe signals from OKC, requiring outdoor antennas and
even then some of them breaking up insufficiently.
Some other CPs or APPs are on file with FCC for Enid, and maybe like this one, will eventually activate one day, tho we anticipate nothing better than
yet more gospel huxters or home shopping. None of the following have ever been glimpsed even tho ``licensed``! FCC TV Query shows:
Licensee: EICB-TV EAST, LLC, For 0.5 kW, but CP for 15 kW, like K17JN, but at different site
And a NEW app for 1000 kW! on channel 21:
which sounds like another gospel-huxter front
Three more from one company:
KUOC-LD OK ENID LD LIC Licensee: DTV AMERICA CORPORATION, ch 48, Licensed for 3 kW, CP for 10 kW
K45EJ has three entries, but all are DK45EJ meaning deleted, at least for now; APPs and CPs from Griffin TV, i.e. KWTV-39, on behalf of its substation
KSBI-23. This was an analog translator of KSBI 52 under previous ownership but really off the air for many years!
KXOK-LD 31 is also still on the FCC books altho has been defunct for more than a year (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Dec 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1803 monitoring: after a terrific funky fill-music set (who was that?) from 0345 UT Monday Dec 14, confirmed ontime at
0400 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109.7-CUSB; (and to compensate for preëmption last week, followed by WOR 1802 at 0430). 1803 also confirmed on
WRMI webcast at 0430 UT Monday, but at 0400 I had found 9955 already inaudible along with 9395, presumably on but MUF`d out. Next:
Tue 1200 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v to WSW
BTW, Tom, W5KUB just informed me: Hi Glenn, I took your advice and changed the frequency from 9330 to 5110 kHz. This is for our Amateur Radio
Roundtable that is live every Tuesday night at 8 pm Central. (0200 UT Wed) Thanks, Tom`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9475, Dec 13 at 2114, WTWW-1 is off, and not on night frequency 5830 either; but 12105, WTWW-3 is on with Brazuguese Bibling. Next
check at 0203 UT Dec 14: 5830 & 9475 are still off; 12105 still on with S9 signal of PPPP bonus hour: sporadic E boost? 5085, WTWW-2 is also on
now with Xmas music, overmodulated/distorted, and still at 0403. By 0403 I can tell that 5830 is now on but plummeting MUF has made it JBA
** U S A. 7504.77, Dec 14 at 0205, WRNO is S9+20, but music is suptorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 930, Dec 13 at 1850 UT, altho the noisy computer is on, I head to the garaged caradio to hear if anything be audible in the absence of
WKY: NO. At least local device noise by sheer luck happens to land on frequencies away from 930. Then to the NRD-545 with ALA330S aimed eastwest: yes, a trace of a JBA carrier, or two it seems, while nothing on the north-south NVL wire. Might be skywave at lo noon, or remnants of
groundwave, the closest other 930s being:
KCCC Carlsbad NM
WTAD Quincy IL
KDET Center TX
KRKY Granby CO
KWOC Poplar Bluff MO
KLUP Terrell Hills TX
KOGA Ogallala NE
WSFZ Jackson MS
By 2100 UT, when skywave might really be kicking in, WKY is back on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Dino Bloise
Homenaje por el fallecimiento del Profesor Miguel Peiro
Homenaje por el fallecimiento del Profesor Miguel Peiro en Caracas, Venezuela, ocurrida el domingo 13 de diciembre. Descanse en paz!
Benjamin Lagunes
Mis radios receptores de onda corta
Estos son mis radios receptores de onda corta. El venerable Realistic SW-100 y la nueva adquisicion el Tecsun PL-380, que llega en relevo del
Grundig G5 que regale en promocion del hobby.
Glenn Hauser
Logs December 12-13, 2015
** CHINA. 9455, Dec 12 at 1945, Firedragon jamming at S8. This seems to be a reliable spot for that rather than CNR1 jamming, vs RFA Chinese via
SAIPAN at 16-21 (plus 21-22 via Lithuania). Sometimes it`s also on 9355, but not this season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. 5975, Dec 13 at 1354, soft music at S6, 1359 CCI from some talk, music runs past 1400 with no timesignal or ID, but 1401
announcement sounds Korean. So per Aoki that points to CNR8 service from China, Korean at 09-15, 100 kW, 63 degrees form Beijing 491 site, but
also scheduled is VOV-1, 50 kW ND from Hanoi-Sontay site in Vietnamese at 11-15; and BBC is opening Dari via Oman at 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** COLOMBIA. 28420-USB, Dec 12 at 1929, HK1T, good signal making quick contest contacts in English mostly with US stations. shows
he`s Salim (sal) Gechem, in Barranquilla, really into contesting. The extent of my 10m logs for this one, just demonstrating that the band was open
** CUBA. Sunday Dec 13 at 1436, it`s time for `En Contacto` but several RHC frequencies are open carrier/dead air, some hum: 17730, 17580,
15370, 11760, 9710; others are OK altho weaker: 9820, 9710, 9640, 9550. By 1448 when about over with Arnie segment, now he`s modulating
under the hum on 15370, 17580, 17730. The outages do not correlate exactly with the alleged sites as from Ivo in DXLD 15-46: 17750 & 9550
Quivicán; 17730, 17580, 15370, 11760, 9710 Bauta; 9820 & 9640 Bejucal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9570, Dec 12 at 1943, very poor S5 signal with music, frequency maybe a bit off; 1955 recheck, ME music until cutoff at 1955.5*.
Dreams of Kaduna reactivated dashed by lookup as R. Cairo in German this hour only, 200 kW, 325 degrees also USward from Abis (Glenn Hauser,
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005.00, Dec 13 at 0553, very poor carrier, presumed RNGE. Maybe one of these nights I`ll catch them from sign-on an
hour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA [and non]. 9810, Dec 13 at 1216, S Asian song atop some talk CCI, i.e.: AIR Telugu service has just started via Panaji GOA, per Aoki, but
maybe Bengaluru instead; and CNR2 until 1230, 100 kW, 135 degrees from Baoji-Sifangshan 724 site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 570, Dec 13 at 1250, rock in Spanish, ``Nueva Vida 5-70 AM``, i.e. the newish name of XEBJB Monterrey NL as in the 2015-2016
IRCA Mexican Log. I guess it must have been gospel-rock (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. 900, Dec 13 at 1301, XEOK with ``OK-Noticias``, in which OK is pronounced as in English (Oh-kay) rather than Spanish (Oh-kah), then
full ID for Monterrey station, and 1302 plug Grupo Acir en su aniversario 50 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 930, Dec 13 at 1254 UT, I find that WKY OKC is off the air again (or maybe severely reduced power), so I chase other DX on the
frequency: see USA; UNIDENTIFIED. WKY is still AWOL at 1808 UT check; hope I can pull away to a quiet spot for some low-noon 930 DX (Glenn
** PERU [and non]. 5980, Dec 13 at *0059, a second carrier comes on beating against R. Chaski already on the air, i.e. BBC via UAE. Not back to
check until 0112 when I am hearing only one past 0116+ so it seems that R. Chaski has reset their autotimer earlier, forcing me now to listen
continuously past 0100 to detect its new cutoff times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA [and non]. 4996.0, Dec 13 at 0554, rapid clix, binary code detectable, i.e. one of the modes from RWM Moscow timesignaler. Now with
maximum night, the window for this is broad. Sunrise in Moskva is 0551 UT, and at 55.75 degrees north, the sun remains low for a `day` lasting only
7 hours.
4996-USB, Dec 13 at 1212, 2-way in Spanish here instead of RWM. But by 1350 again I can hear a trace of binary on 4996; Moscow sunset almost
an hour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** THAILAND. 9699.97 approx., Dec 12 at 1940, S5 signal in uncertain language, slightly off frequency, so maybe something odd, Turkey? No, not
scheduled at this hour, but only VOA Korean via THAILAND, 38 degrees USward. Wolfgang Büschel has observed that this IBB site has frequency
accuracy problems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 12035.04, Dec 13 at 1402, Turkish music varying around S7, VOT a bit off frequency on the R75 during English hour (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U K [non]. 7445, Dec 12 at 1947, JBA S3 signal with talk until 2000*. It`s BBC, 250 kW, 315 degrees from MADAGASCAR. We hear it much
better at 05-06 only, when this frequency is via Ascension.
Have also been hearing BBCWS on 11810 which is Ascension now, 1936 with S5 discussion of civil rights, 1958 a song alternating with lyrix spoken
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1803 monitoring: checking WA0RCR, 1860-AM, UT Sun Dec 13 from 0442, I am hearing only various ham radio reports
and also at repeated chex 0450, 0506, 0520, 0532. So either WOR played earlier than nominal 0415, already finished by 0442, or it was missed.
New WOR time on WRMI 5850, Sun Dec 13 at 0900: I slept thru it but Jeff said he would make sure it played this week; did anyone hear it? Next:
Mon 0400v WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 to WSW [but preëmpted last week]
Mon 0430 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 1200 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2200 WBCQ 7490v to WSW
** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Dec 13 at 0551, open carrier/dead air with hum from WTWW-2. Unclear whether it was modulating before or planned to
after, but it was not on circa 0100 check when it used to be with a ham radio show. Of course, on Tue-Sat, 5085 is normally on from 0500 with
`Midnight [sic] in the Desert`, and often playing music before 0500.
BTW, Saturday night/UT Sun Dec 13 around 0430, I am hearing old Art Bell show weekly reruns from a decade ago all over the bigsig MW dial.
Paranormal paranoia lives! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 680, Sunday Dec 13 before 0600 UT, surprised to hear a Fox Sports Radio promo, where KFEQ St Joseph MO is the usual #1 signal. Yes,
FSR is among their multiple partial affiliations, per NRC AM Log 2015-2016, and own sked shows an FSR hour at 11 pm-midnight Saturdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 930, Dec 13 without WKY, at 1300 UT a .com ID, ABC news from NW/SE, so maybe KOGA Ogalalla NE, but rather another ABC affiliate I am
then definitely getting from the north. 1307 UT, YL with ``headlines around the region`` ``on 930 KS--``, into classic rock; 1313 UT adstring
finally with some local ones including Aberdeen Monuments, with a jingle, so it`s KSDN Aberdeen SD; 1215 YL with sports scores from SD and ND.
Marred by splatter all the way from local 960 KGWA, unusual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 930, Dec 13 without WKY, at 1328 UT, from NW/SE, plug for and 1329 UT Jingle Bells Rock, 1332 UT dead air as
signal peaks; 1340 UT ID for KRKY, i.e. Granby CO, and that website chex out altho at first I thought they were saying Graham county. KRKY is
4500/121 watts U1, and December sunrise is not until 1415 UT (January: 1430 UT)(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1700, Dec 13 at 0606 UT, `Red Eye Radio` opening vs TexMex music from KKLF. Something new? Got to be KBGG Des Moines which
recently diversified its schedule from sports-only.
Avoid this website which comes up in searches: for it`s very outdated © 2011.
Instead, this should be current: but it too knows of no affiliate on 1700! Geez.
KBGG website confirms it has `RER` on at 12-5 am weekdays:
but this is Sunday! when they also claim to be CBS Sports 24 hours a day on weekends. Whew, we lost this far-right show from KFSW OK 1650, but
now on another X-bander (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** YEMEN [non]. 11860, Dec 13 at 1405, R. Sana`a clandestine, VG S9+20 in Arabic talk about Yemen; after 1431 check, mostly uptempo ME
music. Continues to seem remarkable that this could be the old 50 kW ND Jeddah, Saudi Arabia transmitter, not otherwise known for such good, wellmodulated, and on-frequency signals into North America, far outside the target (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZANZIBAR. 11735.0, Dec 12 at 1938, ME music at S6-7, presumably ZBC. Beware of R. Transmundial, Brasil which may or may not also be on,
but off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. With 930, WKY OKC off the air again, or greatly reduced power, what else can I get? Several weak signals in and out, some Spanish,
some English, before and after sunrise.
930, Dec 13 at 1254 UT, Spanish music loops roughly SW/NE, 1259 UT fading and only get a ``9-30`` mention. Could be KAPR AZ; as we have
already discovered, there aren`t any XE 930s further NW than Saltillo and Fresnillo, leaving only this and maybe KHJ Los Ángeles. This early, I think
XESHT Saltillo could still be propagating, but it`s more to the SSW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA for definites
UNIDENTIFIED. 3300, Dec 13 at 1200-1206, JBA carrier, where no broadcaster is listed in HFCC, Aoki or EiBi (and I`m pretty sure it`s not British
Honduras). 90m bears other carriers on the usual N Korean if not PNG spots. Of course, this could be a ute, or MWBC harmonic 2 x 1650, 3 x 1100,
or 6 x 550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7227-USB, Dec 13 at 0601, 2-way very poor signal, unseems Spanish. Ham or intruder? Deliberately tuning the 40m band in USB
mode instead of LSB uncovers stuff like this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Paul B. Walker, Jr
Paul's Shortwave Logs-including a NEW STATION!
Well, new in the sense I've never logged it before and I'm pleased that it's on the "tropical bands" on Shortwave, as I never hear much in that neck of
the dial.
My logs are kinda skimpy this time around, haven't been Dx'ing much as I prepare to move to again for another new job.
Voice Of The People 3480khz
Heard on December 9, 2015 at 651am central/1251utc using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire in Southern Arkansas
The Vocie Of Turkey 15350khz
Recorded at 12/07/2015 at 738am central/1338utc in Southern Arkansas using a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire
All India Radio 11650khz
Recorded on 12/13/2015 at 758 am central/1358utc on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire
Radio Fana 6010khz
Heard on December 8, 2015 at 1033pm central/0433utc on a JRC NRD535D and 80 foot long wire.
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
B15 RVA Broadcast Schedule
Zomichin (Th-F-S-S)
Teddimchin (M-T-W)
Antônio Avelino
Brasileiro apaixonado pelas ondas curtas
Brasileiro apaixonado pelas ondas curtas é conhecido entre colegas como Mr. VOA
Ouve as emissões da Voz da América há quase cinco décadas.
José Moura, de 59 anos, é dexista, co-produtor e apresentador do programa Encontro DX, o mais antigo programa de rádio dedicado ao mundo das
ondas curtas no Brasil. O programa pode ser ouvido pela internet através do site
Moura começou a escutar as emissões diurnas e nocturnas do Serviço Brasileiro da Voz da América por volta de 1968.
"Eram muitas horas de transmissão. Uma equipe fantástica do Serviço Brasileiro. E a gente se acostumou a ouvir a Voz da América".
E foi assim que começou uma bela história de amor entre o radialista, os Estados Unidos e a VOA.
A Voz da América teve uma influência grande na vida de Moura. Ele já visitou os Estados Unidos três vezes, sendo que da última vez morou aqui
quatro anos.
"Na verdade foi a realização de um sonho ter o privilégio de viver nesse país tão desenvolvido," comentou.
Durante a estada nos E.U.A teve a oportunidade de visitar o Serviço Brasileiro várias vezes. Guarda muitas lembranças dessa época.
"Eu tenho uma coleção de cartãozinhos aí do prédio guardados aqui comigo. Seguramente, visitei a Voz da América mais de 10 vezes".
A paixão pelo rádio fez com que Moura se tornasse um profissional do ramo. Há dois anos ele fez um curso de locução de rádio e se formou em
O jornalista brasileiro Valter Aguiar foi quem deu a alcunha de Mr. VOA a Moura por ele saber tudo sobre a Voz da América.
Confira a entrevista na íntegra.
Anatoly Klepov
“RUS-DX” # 850 Sunday / 13 December, 2015
“RUS-DX” # 850 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya. WEB radio. QSL world. Sunday / 13 December, 2015
Information bulletin of Russian DX League Electronic version Time : UTC Editor : Anatoly Klepov QTH : Moscow, Russia
E-mail : [email protected] Web site : (Russian / English) Mailing List :
“RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as sOurce.
Electronic transfer :
Help is needed. Gratefully accept a gift old "Sender & Frequenzen" and "Guide to Utility radio station" or other publications Address : Mr.Anatoly
Klepov, ul. Tvardovskogo, d.23, kv. 365,123458 Moscow,RUSSIA
Reginald Fessenden
HISTORY: Propagation uses a variety of ways. The oldest way to telegraphy code Samuel Morse (born. Samuel Finley Breese Morse). Telegraph benefit
to radio or amateur radio service - that spun out the question of who invented the radio, who conducted the first radio broadcast, etc. Usually involved
in the names of the pioneers in radio Marconi, Popov and others. Few know, however, that the first radio broadcast in the world, which sounded
human voice and music, has carried out a Canadian engineer Reginald Aubrey Fessenden. First, the trial was broadcast, and the human voice was
heard a mile (about 1.6 km) - this was the 23th of December 1900. But the first broadcast, which sounded for the first time in history, a real radio
program was aired on December 24th 1906, the night before Christmas. Fedesena radio transmitter was located at Cape Brant Rock on the coast of
Masachuzets, and the program takes on several ships in the bay. The program included:
"Ombra mai fu" (Xerxes aria from Handel's opera "Xerxes, the king, or in love");
Playing the violin itself Fesendena "O Holy Night";
Fesenden sang Gounod's aria;
I read out passages from the Gospel of St. Luke Bible.
The second transmission sounded 31st December 1906
Some DH reference periodicals or wrongly is obsolete note that 1st gear sounded on 24th December 1909, not 1906.
(Excerpts from the HH program, heard on December 9, 2011 on the waves of Radio Bulgaria English author Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria)
DJ History
As we all know, Wikipedia is not always right. The history of the profession Disc Jockey - a case in point.
Disputes and disagreements about who was the first DJ, very much. Try to understand and still get to the truth. We will not, we remember no stone age
and tapping rhythms of Aboriginal or inventor of the phonograph or radio.
First, a little deal with the understanding and perception of the word "DJ". In the mind of the modern man, there are two kinds of DJs - radio
presenter - DJ and singer - DJ. Of course, historically, that radio culture has spawned a culture of DJing.
Both of these "species" DJs are interrelated and complementary (for example, a radio DJ is often also known DJ-performer). Because of this dual
perception of the history of DJing is split into 2 logical and successive parts So EMERGENCE RADIO DJ.
1906. Christmas. The formal birth of a radio DJ. Canadian engineer Reginald Fessenden (Reginald A Fessenden) first aired uncoded radio signal into
several warships in the Atlantic Ocean. Live he was singing, reading the Bible and playing the violin. In fact, radio DJing was born before the first radio
station ...
LATIN AMERICAN DX SURVEY 2015. Available for Free Download.
Rob Wagner has compiled the 2015 survey of Latin American broadcasters. This list represents those stations that were monitored at his QTH at
Mount Evelyn, VIC. It is not intended as a complete list of all stations operating in South America. The survey covers many domestic South American
stations as well as two international broadcasters between March and September this year. Also featured in this year's survey is an article he wrote
for the August issue of The Spectrum Monitor magazine entitled "Radio Verdad - Small Signal, Big Heart", which focuses onthis very unique
Guatemalan broadcaster.This free survey is a 16-page PDF document, approx. 11 mb download. For more details, go to < (Jerry Berg via DXPlorer via SHORTWAVE BULLETIN Issue
no. 1838, edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden)
10 December.
World Radio TV Handbook 2016
We are delighted to announce the publication today of the 70th edition of WRTH. For full details of WRTH 2016 and to order a copy please visit our
website at where you can also order the B15 WRTH Bargraph Frequency Guide on CD and as a download. WRTH 2016 is also available
for pre-order, for readers in the USA, from Amazonor Universal Radio in Ohio. Nicholas Hardyman Publisher (BCLNES, Il radioascolto in Italia)
It is now 10 years since our first Christmas Eve transmissions started. There will be, as earlier, a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF
17.2 kHz CW from Grimeton Radio/SAQ in the very early morning on Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th 2015. A message will be transmitted
at 08:00 UTC. The transmitter will be tuned up from around 07:30 UTC. There will be no activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call SK6SAQ
this time because the radio room is redecorated and cannot be used. QSL-reports on SAQ transmission are kindly received:
- E-mail to: [email protected] - or via: SM bureau - or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Radiostationen Grimeton 72 SE-432 98 GRIMETON S W E D E N
Also read our web site: The radiostation will be open to visitors. WELCOME! Yours SM6NM/Lars (Lars Kalland, Sweden)
Country information.
Radio contest
On the tender for the right to carry out terrestrial broadcasting using specific radio frequencies on January 27, 2016
NOW Federal Service for Supervision In telecommunications, information technology
1 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, a single pool in the following cities:
Kerch, Crimea Republic, 91.2 MHz, 0.5 kW
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 99.5 MHz, 1 kW
Feodosia, Crimea Republic, 107.3 MHz, 0.1 kW
Yalta, Republic of Crimea, 98.5 MHz, 0.1 kW
2 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Voronezh, Voronezh region, 94.9 MHz, 0.2 kW;
3 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Nizhnekamsk (the installation point of the transmitter - Naberezhnye Chelny), Republic of Tatarstan, 98.7 MHz, 1 kW;
* - Applicant takes into account that the winner of 02.05.2014 for the right to conduct terrestrial broadcasting using radio frequencies - the
implementation of terrestrial analogue broadcasting, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, 98.7 MHz, 0.5 kW is LLC "Radio Dacha";
4 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, the Penza region, 97.0 MHz, 1 kW;
5 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, the Penza region, 100.1 MHz, 1 kW;
Subject of the competition 6: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Togliatti (transmitter installation point - of Zhiguliovsk), Samara region, 92.7 MHz, 0.25 kW
7 Subject of the competition: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Togliatti (transmitter installation point - of Zhiguliovsk), Samara region, 97.0 MHz, 0.25 kW
The subject of the contest 8: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with. Tulagino), the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7295 kHz, 250 kW;
Terms: broadcasting time - «Mon.-Fri .: from 06.00 to 09.00; from 12.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00; Sat, Su .: 07.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to
21.00 "; broadcasting concept - "cultural and educational."
Subject of the competition 9: The right to exercise terrestrial broadcasting using radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with. Tulagino), the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7345 kHz, 100 kW;
Terms: broadcasting time - «Mon.-Fri .: from 06.00 to 09.00; from 12.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00; Sat, Su .: 07.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to
21.00 "; broadcasting concept - "cultural and educational."
Subject of the competition 10: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region, 96.2 MHz, 0.25 kW
Subject of the competition 11: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region, 96.6 MHz, 0.25 kW
Source: Roskomnadzor (
Radio Network
UMMC forges ether. "New radio" goes to the largest cities in Russia.
The ambitions of the owners and top managers of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) is not limited to the Moscow market, where their
group "New Radio" has already bought the frequency of "Radio Record". As it became known "Kommersant" partners Iskandar Makhmudov ready
to build radioholding federal level and negotiating the purchase of Alexander Pirkova, adviser to the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir
Yakunin, and genprodyuser "Public Television of Russia" Stanislav Arkhipov regional radio network in 15 Russian cities, including one million .
The fact that the owners of "New Radio" buy VGTRK radio network partner - company "tiara" - "Kommersant" sources told in two major
radioholding. LLC "Tiara", according to, equally owned genprodyuser "Russian Public Television" Stanislav Arkhipov, a former top
manager of RTR and TVC, and Alexander Pirkova, former adviser to the president of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. Because the registry
Roskomnadzor shows that "Diadem" has FM-frequencies in Novosibirsk, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk,
Irkutsk, Magnitogorsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Omsk, Ufa, Oryol, Ryazan and Togliatti and everywhere retransmits the radio "Mayak". One of the
interlocutors "Kommersant" said that on December 23 the Federal Tender Commission (FCC) must approve the assignment of frequencies "Tiaras"
under the "New radio".
Genprodyuser "New Radio" Roman Emelyanov told "Kommersant" that is ready to comment on the subject closer to the new year. Representative
Victor Belimov UMMC not comment on "the proposed transaction." Stanislav Arkhipov through OTP representative declined to comment, as did
Alexander Piercy. Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky representative confirmed that the application of the "Tiaras" to replace the concept of
broadcasting in the "New radio" in the FCC received; The Commission will review its December 23.
"New radio" was launched in Moscow in late November at a frequency of 98,4 FM. First owned this frequency "European media group" (EMG)
relayed to her "Radio Record", but received an offer from the owners of UMMC financial conditions on which it was "impossible to refuse", he sold
the frequency at the end of October. Now the station is owned by Igor Kudryashkinu, Andrei and Andrei Bokarev Kozitsyn, top managers and partners
of the main shareholder UMMC Iskandar Makhmudov. Key positions in the new radio project was a former program director of "Russian radio"
Roman Emelyanov, whom the new station with the Russian music has passed and most of his team - leading the morning and evening shows,
producers and editors - in addition, a leadership position in the project will receive former deputy director of "Russian Media Group" (RMG)
Karmalita Philip, saying the two companion "b" in radioholding. He left with the "Russian Radio" shortly after the resignation of the director general
and co-owner of RMG Sergey Kozhevnikov. Personnel changes have occurred during the preparation for the sale of RMG structures music producer
Vladimir Kiselyov, which is not yet completed.
Roman Emelyanov program director worked "Russian radio" eight years and went there in August - a month after the resignation of General Director
Sergey Kozhevnikov RMG. Since RMG headed by Sergei Arkhipov, who just a few days after his appointment, said the departure because of the
pressure on Mr. Kiselyov editorial and personnel policy, but he worked until the end of October. RMG is now in the position of Acting General Director
supervises Roman Sarkisov, who before worked at "Red Square" and "CTC Media".
Shortly after the purchase frequency "REKOD" owners "New Radio" began to study the possibility of acquiring the frequencies in the region, told the
interlocutors "b". Now they are discussing the purchase frequency network partner Radio Maximum in Yekaterinburg, said one of the interlocutors
"b". A source close to the top management of "New Radio", confirms that in Yekaterinburg "agreed in principle". However, any transactions
completed yet, and the FCC before the meeting will not be negotiated it. According to him, "is negotiating with a number of regional broadcasters",
discussed different schemes - as purchase frequency or participation in the share, and the license agreement under which the partner is entitled to a
relay station. In view of Moscow from the new owners, the "New Radio" plan to start broadcasting in 22 cities own, and before the end of 2016 to
close the stations own the entire panel meter TNS Russia (according to him selling advertising) adds one of the interlocutors "b".
Source "b" in a large radioholding evaluates radio "Coronet" with a maximum of 300 million rubles. In 2012, EMG bought "Radio Network OPP"
has spectrum in 21 cities (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg), for $ 4 million, that the then exchange rate was about 150 million rubles., That is
about 7 million rubles. out of town. Now the rate in megacities is worth about 20 million rubles., In the city less - 10 million rubles., He said. With the
purchase of the network in 15 major cities, most of which are included in the panel of TNS, "New radio" seriously being consolidated, but is still
separated from the main federal players.
Anna Afanasyev Vladimir Lavitsky,
Catholic Church of Belarus began negotiations on state registration of "Radio Maria"
Catholic Church of Belarus began negotiations with state authorities to officially register the Belarusian edition of the Catholic "Radio Maryja Belarus", he told a press conference on December 8 in Minsk, the press secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Catholic priest Yuri Sanko.
"Radio will begin work on the Internet, - he said. - To date, there are negotiations about the state registration of the "Radio Maria".
The idea of "Radio Maria" is to house the faithful sounded "Catholic vote" that combines "religious program and prayer," said Bishop Yuri
Kosobutskaya. "It is necessary that people, especially those who, for reasons of illness, because of age can not visit the temple and are at home,
could thus join the life of the church," - he added.
As previously reported, the local branch of the Catholic radio station "Radio Maria" will begin work in Belarus in April 2016. Programs will be
conducted in the Belarusian language. Catholic Radio will broadcast the worship of various churches throughout the country. Its waves as you can
listen to the transmission of cultural, social, Christian themes, music, stories about important events in the life of the Catholic Church in the world
and much more.
Spiritual care over the radio set up in Belarus took the abbot of the church of Saints Peter and Paul in Kopyl (Minsk region), priest Alexander
Tarasevich, BelaPAN reports.
"Radio Maria" was founded in 1987 in Italy by the priests and faithful who have set a goal to make Catholic doctrine beyond the individual parishes
and make it available to the greatest possible number of people.
In 1998, the Italian association "Radio Maria" founded the international association "World Family" Radio Maria ". Since then, radio broadcasts in
75 countries, including in Eastern Europe. Catholic radio works only thanks to volunteer work and financial donations of listeners, advertising it does
not sound waves.
Radio Belarus QSL.
Received QSL from Radio Belarus - Transmit from Minsk Kalodzicy.
Our SWL are on 11.930MHz 21:30 - 21:40 UTC 08.08.2015.
Reception Report was sent to [email protected]
(DX Adam SWL Poland,
SW logs 12.11.15
4.010, 0128, Kyrgyz Radiosu, Krasnaya Rechka, kyrgyz, female talks, 14321 ( /)
Ukrainian radio began broadcasting in the city under the control of militias
In some localities the Luhansk region of Ukraine began broadcasting regional state radio "Pulse", it also can listen to the militia controlled by
residents of some cities, according to the head of Lugansk regional military-civilian administration George Tooke.
"Regional public radio" Pulse "can listen to the FM-band at a frequency of 105.9 Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, flint," - he wrote in
Also, according to him, the Ukrainian Radio is now available on the uncontrolled territories in Kiev Day, Kirovsk and Slavyanoserbsk.
In addition, the full power of the transmitter is included in the village of Lugansk on the frequency 99.5 MHz. Therefore, said Tuck, the radio signal
does not take only Stanichno Luhansk region, but also in Lugansk, under the control of militias.
Tuck noted that this is an important step in informing the public about the activities of the Ukrainian government, an alternative to the propaganda
that "overshadows the brain and the soul of residents" not under control of the central government of the country.
(Moscow. December 7. INTERFAX.RU)
News from the Russian SWL / DX site -
6 December 3010 kHz with a 19: 00-19: 24 UTC to 59 AM RS took a group of "free". Conducted group "Pendulum" with Belgorod.
Rx: P-311, Ant.LW ~ 35m, 4m. from the earth.
1.chastota "inhabited" since this post is written on it, a new "free" from a common challenge. 2.poslushal section 3000-3100 kHz AM to 19:45
UTC: a lot of "free", "mate" and even music (DX portal Forum)
November 2015
03.11.2015 / 1422-1423 / 936 / RUS / Radio Russia / - rarely heard in Moscow Russian Radio Frequency - 936
kHz. In parallel, the same goes for the transfer of 1 395 kHz / 32432 / sma4
11.11.2015 / 1637-1638 / 279 / TKM / Watan Radio / - Ashgabat heard together with Belarus / 32433 / sma4
11.12.2015 / 0310-0425 / 1485 / LVA / Radio Merkurs / Without a framework in concrete almost unheard of. The ID on the track (~ 4: 20MSK) /
35333 / abradox
24.11.2015 / 1655-1704 / 625 / RUS / Radio Russia / - Radio Russia modulated drive beacon Ostafyevo /
42442 / sma4
sma4 = The Moscow region. Receiver Degen 1103. telescopic antenna. abradox = The Moscow region. Receiver TECSUN PL660. Antenna DEGEN
31MS (DX Magazine Portal)
SHORTWAVE BULLETIN - Issue no. 1838, 6 December, 2015. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden
4009.9 Nov23 0035 Birinchi R, Bishek, Kyrgyzstan, slow songs, fair (Bernardini)
4009.91 Dec5 0315 KGZ Kyrgyz R1, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk and music. // 4819.88 (AP-DNK)
4765.00 Dec5 0305 TJK Tajik R1, Yangiyul Tajik talk, folksong. (AP-DNK)
4789.989 Nov25 1255 TX carrier already on air when tuned in at 1255 UT. On remote SDR unit in Moscow Russia noted S=9+25 to +30dB signal.
Grey line path at 13 UT Nov 25 was Moscow via Saratov - Astrakhan - Mashad - Zahedan - Karachi. 12.58:47 UT Babcock control room interval music
signal of guitar/cello piece started, til 12.59:35 UT, when ID of BBC London given in Uzbek language presenter, address of BBC given. Nice
6.4 kHz wide signal into Russian capital noted. No distortion, no jamming, no CODAR sigs,so far. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 25)
DX RE MIX NEWS # 929 – from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date: Dec.07, 2015.
ARMENIA Updated B-15 shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia from Dec.1:
1530-1545 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian
1545-1600 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek
1600-1630 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish
1630-1700 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi
1700-1715 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Turkish
1715-1745 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Azeri
1745-1815 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi
1815-1845 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic
Previous shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia in the past few years:
1430-1500 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi
1500-1530 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi
1530-1545 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian
1545-1615 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish
1615-1630 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek
1900-1930 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic
IRAN(non) Good reception of R.Ranginkaman/Rainbow on Dec.4:
1700-1730 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri
KURDISTAN(non) Final B-15 schedule of Denge Kurdistan
0400-0800 on 9400 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish
0800-1200 on 9400#ERV 300 kW / 192 deg to WeAs Kurdish
1200-1500 on 9400#KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish
2000-2200 on 9400 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Kurdish
# co-ch FEBC Radio in Chinese 0900-1400
* plus strong second harmonic on 18800.
KYRGYSTAN Good reception of Kyrgyz Radio 1, December 4
1538&1658 on 4009.9 BI 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Kyrgyz
RUSSIA Good signal of Comintern Radio on December 2
1430&1458 on 6990 VOR 001 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian
TAJIKISTAN(non) Good signal of clandestine Radio Free North Korea
1200-1300 on 9470 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, December 5:
TAJIKISTAN(non) Good signal of clandestine Voice of Wilderness
1330-1530 on 7615 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, Dec.5:
TAJIKISTAN(non) Good signal of clandestine National Unity Broadcasting Station
1300-1500 on 7515 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, former Radio Free Chosun
TAJIKISTAN(non) Good signal of clandestine North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 on 7590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean on December 5:
UZBEKISTAN(non) Weak signal of Stream of Praise Music Ministries, Dec.1
2100-2130 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Cantonese/Chinese
Shortwave DXDX-ing from Bulgaria - Bulgarian DX blog
SWLDXBulgaria Dec.6-7
IRAN(non) Reception of Radio Ranginkaman, Radio Rainbow on December 7:
1700-1730 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri, very poor
TAJIKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet, December 7
1200-1215 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15547
1215-1230 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15538
SWLDXBulgaria Dec.8-9
RUSSIA Comintern Radio relay Local Radio Voronezh on Dec.8
1200-1500 on 6990 VOR 001 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian
SWLDXBulgaria Dec.9
U.K.(non) Updated B-15 shortwave schedule of BBC in Farsi
0230-0330 on 6095 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs from Jan.01
0230-0330 on 7410 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs from Jan.01
0330-0430 on 7445 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs, whole B-15
0430-0530 on 9440 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs till Dec.31
0430-0530 on 13760 TAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs till Dec.31
SWLDXBulgaria News Dec.10
AZERBAIJAN Ictimai Radio with broadband FM modulation, December 10:
0904&0914 on 9676.9 unknown tx site to CeAs Azeri, very strong today
BRASIL Good signal of Radio RB2 relay Radio Aparecida on December 10:
0654&0717 NF 9724,9 CUR 010 kW / 020 deg to BRA Portuguese, ex 9722.3
SWLDXBulgaria News Dec.11
CANADA(non) Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting via Tashkent on Dec.11:
1400-1430 on 6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg to SoAs English Fri, low modulation
SWLDXBulgaria News Dec.12
ARMENIA(non) Good signal of FEBA Radio, R.Sadaye Zindagi on December 12
1500-1530 on 9445 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Dari Radio Sadaye Zindagi
UZBEKISTAN(non) Good signal of FEBA Radio/IBRA Radio on Dec.12:
1430-1500 on 9540 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Hindi FEBA Radio
1500-1530 on 9390 TAC 100 kW / 131 deg to SoAs Bangla IBRA Radio
BROADCASTING - edited by Glenn Hauser, USA
** ARMENIA. New B-15 shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia from
December 1, ALL: on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME:
1500-1530 Yezidi, not confirmed
1530-1545 Assyrian, not confirmed
1545-1600 Greek, ex 1615-1630, confirmed
1600-1630 Kurdish, ex 1545-1615 + video
1630-1700 Azeri, new on shortwave + video
1700-1715 Turkish, new on shortwave
1715-1745 Azeri, new on shortwave + video
1745-1815 Farsi, ex 1430-1500 + video
1815-1845 Arabic, ex 1900-1930 + video
Very poor signal on Dec 1/2. Languages schedule will be updated in
coming days!
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec 1-2, dxldyg via DXLD)
** AZERBAIJAN. Strong signal of Ictimai Radio on November 26:
0800-1400 on 9676.9 unknown transmitter site to CeAs Azeri with
broadband FM modulation
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Weak signal of Stream of Praise Music
Ministries, Dec 1
2100-2130 on 7530 TAC 100 kW / 090 deg to EaAs Cantonese/Chinese
73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec 1-2, dxldyg via DXLD)
The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov has demanded from the Ministry of Information of the region to turn off the Ukrainian mass media - TV
and radio, which you can watch and listen to the north of the peninsula.
"Ukrainian Media Strip as a class! To even I have not heard that someone was watching the telecast incomprehensible" - said Aksenov Thursday
evening at a meeting of the interdepartmental staff for emergency response in the Crimea, after hearing the report of Dzhankoy.
The minister of internal policy, information and communication in the region of the Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Polonsky said in
Crimea really documented cases of broadcast on medium and long waves of Ukrainian radio stations.
"People twist radios, they can catch and Arabs," - said Polonsky, arguing that the problem is not so massive.
"Well, make sure you have the information, check again" - insisted the Crimean speaker Vladimir Konstantinov ( via via
RusDX Nov 30 via DXLD)
The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov ordered to stop broadcasting the Ukrainian mass media on the territory of the northern regions of the
peninsula. So he responded to reports that in cities the Armenian and Ukrainian Dzhankoi broadcast station transmits TASS.
"Ukrainian Media Strip as a class. So I did not even hear that someone is listening in Crimea these programs is unclear. It is better to let "Good
night, kids" look "- he said at a meeting of staff for emergencies.
Deputy Prime Minister of the republic Dmitry Polonsky, in turn, said that the reports of Ukrainian radio stations broadcast regularly receives from the
inhabitants of the peninsula, though they stop broadcasting is very difficult. He said that the documented cases of broadcasting in the Crimea on the
medium and long-wave stations. "But on the medium wave radio, and can be the "Voice of America" to catch. Therefore, unless we sobem [sic]
satellite, we can drown it. Officially, no Ukrainian mass media on the territory of Crimea is not broadcasting, "- said Polonsky.
More information on the RBC: (MIDXB # 970 via RusDX Nov 30 via DXLD)
Is that unclear? (gh, DXLD)
** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Nov 30 at 1425-1500, fair but clear signal
from Denge Kurdistane during Kurdish music concert. Ivo Ivanov indicates the France transmitter site is no longer in use, but now: 04-08 & 12-15
PRIDNESTROVYE; 08-12 Armenia, 15-17 Bulgaria; so not on after 1700 at all? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. The Russian Buzzer UVB-76, 1255-1855 on 4625 USB, Nov 26:
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. Voronezhskaya oblast. Information from the Comintern Radio: "The power, which is now working station named. Comintern, about 1000
carrier mode in watts and about 3000 watts peak. But only if the earlier year ago, I reached about the same with an anode voltage of about 3,000
volts, OSD 730 volt -200 volt bias, but now, in the past two months, I reach the same at the same voltage anode 3,000 volt, and the screen 630 volt 160 volt bias. More occasionally there are times when you have to fix the main amplifier 2 SU-81m, is working on a backup amplifier 4 SU-50 with
common grids, power of about 350 watts.Sincerely, Sergei, the city Rossosh, Voronezh region." (Forward Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "denebradio-dx", via RusDX Nov 30 via DXLD)
6990, Mezinarodne Radio (?), 1320 with lively Russian song then with talks, Nes [news?] at 1335 weather at 1357 and ID at 1400 and continued
past 1400 + I can suppose which is the station but dont remember the station name (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov 27, DX
Ascoltata per la prima volta. Venerdì 27 novembre 2015, 1447 - 6990, KOMINTERN R. - Mx popolare russa non stop. IN-SF +++ SEGNALE-SIGNAL:
IN - Insufficiente-Poor, SF - Sufficiente-Fair (SWL I1-0799GE, Luca Botto Fiora, QTH Rapallo (Genova) - Italia, G.C. 44 21' 06.89" N / 09 13'
30.94" E, yg via DXLD)
Good signal of Comintern Radio on December 2
1430 & 1458 on 6990 VOR 001 kW / non-dir to EaEu Russian 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec 1-2, dxldyg via
DXLD) VOR = Voronezh, not Voice of Russia
** RUSSIA. Yakutia. On the tender for the right to carry out terrestrial broadcasting using specific radio frequencies by January 27, 2016
The subject of the contest 8: the right to conduct broadcasting using terrestrial radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with. Tulagino), the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7295 kHz, 250 kW;
Terms: broadcasting time [presumably local, whatever that is] - «Mon.- Fri.: from 06.00 to 09.00; from 12.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00;
Sat, Su .: 07.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00 "; broadcasting concept - "cultural and educational." One-time fee - 250 000 rubles., The size
of competitive fee (2%) - 5 000 rubles;
Subject of the competition 9: The right to exercise terrestrial broadcasting using radio frequencies - the implementation of terrestrial analogue
broadcasting, Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with. Tulagino), the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7345 kHz, 100 kW;
Terms: broadcasting time [presumably local] - «Mon.-Fri .: from 06.00 to 09.00; from 12.00 to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00; Sat, Su .: 07.00
to 14.00; from 18.00 to 21.00 "; broadcasting concept - "cultural and educational." One-time fee - 250 000 rubles., The size of competitive
fee (2%) - 5 000 rubles (via Victor Rutkowski, Ekaterinburg, Russia / "open_dx" via RusDX Nov 30 via WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DXLD)
Most of the info in RusDX is now about domestic FM broadcasting, mostly skipped here, but above alleges SW services are paying big rubles for the
privilege to (re) start in Yakutsk (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1802, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RUSSIA. Would you believe that Voice of Russia is still on SW? HFCC still has a bunch of imaginary registrations for B-15, including 11001300 in DRM from Irkutsk on 12035. And mostly non-DRM all over other bands from 6 to 17 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TAJIKISTAN [and non].
CHINA vs TAJIKISTAN CNR-2 vs Voice of Tajik on 7245 kHz, Nov 26:
1300-1400 on 7245 BEI 150 kW / non-dir to EaAs Chinese CNR-2
1300-1400 on 7245 DB 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs English Voice of Tajik
(Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** UKRAINE. Strong signal of Radio Broadcasting Ukraine World Service 1700-2100 on 1431 SMF 800 kW / 055 deg to RUSS Russian, Nov.29 -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, B`lgariya, dxldyg via DX LISTENING
DX/SWL/Media Programs:
WORLD OF RADIO schedule:
Alan Roe`s HITLIST of SWBC stations: (gh, December 4, DXLD)
are uploaded on our blog, temporarily on main page. Please visit:
-- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov 28, dxldyg via DXLD)
RUSSIA: Mass media
The government has approved the change of time zones in the two regions.
The Russian government to support the bill on the transfer of Astrakhan area and the Trans-Baikal region in a different time zone. This is stated in
released Tuesday a statement on the government website. One of the bills proposed the deletion of the seventh Trans-Baikal Territory time zone (GMT
+5, UTC + 8) and take it to the eighth time zone (GMT +6, UTC + 9). [SIC]
Another bill provides for an exception from the Astrakhan region second time zone (GMT, UTC + 3) and the assignment of its third time zone (GMT +1,
UTC + 4).
According to the report, these changes will lead to an increase in total for the year effectively used public light the evening time of day from 18 to 23
In the night from 25 to 26 October 2014 for the whole of Russia was transferred to the hands of time permanent winter. Constant winter was
returned to Russia 1 July 2014. Then, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law <on-year time>. July 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin
signed the law. In the Later transfer clock is not planned, and the spring daylight saving No becomes. On Monday, it became known that the National
Assembly Altai Republic has submitted to the State Duma a bill on referring to the region of the 6th time zone (GMT + 4), that is, the transfer of the
arrows on the hour ahead.
The relevant draft law was published in the database of the State Duma. How It noted in the explanatory note to the document, in October 2014
Russia I moved to a permanent winter, resulting in the light day in the Altai. It was the start <long before the awakening of man, and became
offensive approach so early that most of the afternoon, when the man returns home from work falls on the dark>. (via Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia
/ "deneb-radio-dx" via RusDX Nov 30 via DXLD)
What are they talking about? UTC and GMT are the same, not 3 hours apart. Another translation fracasy? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)
DXDX-Window No. 544 - from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark - Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen - December 09, 2015
On December 22 we reach solstice with the longest night with good possibilities for DX-ing on lower SW bands!
4810, Voice of Armenia, Noratus, Gavar. Updated B-15 schedule from Dec 01 heard with very poor signal Dec 01-03:
1530-1545 Assyrian, 1545-1600 Greek, 1600-1630 Kurdish, 1630-1700 Yezidi, 1700-1715 Turkish, 1715-1745 Azeri,
1745-1815 Farsi and 1815-1845 Arabic. (Ivanov)
4009.91, Kyrgyz R1, Krasnaya Rechka, 0315-0330, Dec 05, Kyrgyz talk and music, 45333 // 4819.88 (34232). (Petersen). Also heard on 4010 at
1711-1715, Nov 28, talk, 25331-2. (Mille)
6990, Comintern R, Voronezh (1 kW), 1430-1458, Dec 02, Russian to Eastern Europe, good signal. (Ivanov)
A letter from the Comintern Radio:
"The radio station named ”Comintern” works Moscow time in summer from 18-00 to 21-00, and in the winter from 15-00 to 18-00. Basically
broadcast first two hours of news from "the local radio of Voronezh", as Lenin district committee of the Communist Party of Voronezh calls his
Internet radio station, you can listen to it at this address: = com_content & view = article & id = 110 &
Itemid = 44 . Then another hour sung patriotic songs that I already pick up directly. Frankly, at the Lenin district committee of the Communist Party of
the city of Voronezh, I did not ask permission to rebroadcast they are even Internet radio stations, I just never occurred that they may be against it,
quite the contrary. But if you think this is necessary, I will refer to them with this issue. In general, the radio ”Comintern” because the whole illegal,
too, Lenin at one time the newspaper "Iskra" issued illegally, this is our fate communists, the authorities do not want to be criticized, thus raising the
masses.Sincerely, Sergei, Rossosh Department of the Communist Party. «. (Klepov in RUS-DX 849)
6990, R Komintern verified an electronic report with F/D eQSL and message in Italian (!) of congratulations on the 98th anniversary of the Soviet
Union's October Socialist Revolution (That probably in response to my note, that I listened to the station just on the day of 98th anniversary of
October revolution) in 2 days. V/S: Sergei. E-mail: [email protected] . (Antonello Napolitano, Taranto, Italy in RUS-DX No. 849, Dec 06)
4765.00, Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, 2315-2330 and 0305-0320, Nov 24 and 29, Dec 05, Tajik reading verses, folksongs, 35433. (Petersen and Scholz)
1431 MW, R Broadcasting Ukraine World Sce., Simferopol (800 kW / 055 deg ), 1700-2100, Nov 29, Russian to Russia, strong signal. (Ivanov)
HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest - Vol 156, Issue 9
4765 TAJIKISTAN R. Tajik 12-2-15 01 MX deep voiced anncr. more MX by group. Good variety of songs by singles and group. Lost it on half
hour 0230, into R. Progresso, Cuba./ 0150 12-4-15 MX vocal and group. 'Just Called To Say I Love You' in EE. Rock-like with OM lead L? 0200 ID
R.Tejik, Dushabe by OM with very deep voice. Continuous MX by YL, L? into SS, RHC. G. (Ervine-TX)
BCBC-DX 1231, 12 December 2015 -edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany
ARMENIA New B-15 shortwave schedule of Voice of Armenia from December 1, ALL: on 4810 ERV 50 kW / non-dir to NE/ME:
1500-1530 Yezidi, not confirmed
1530-1545 Assyrian, not confirmed
1545-1600 Greek, ex 1615-1630, confirmed
1600-1630 Kurdish, ex 1545-1615
1630-1700 Azeri, new on shortwave
1700-1715 Turkish, new on shortwave
1715-1745 Azeri, new on shortwave
1745-1815 Farsi, ex 1430-1500
1815-1845 Arabic, ex 1900-1930
Very poor signal on Dec 1/2. Languages schedule will be updated in coming days! (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 2)
ARMENIA/RUSSIA International News Agency and Radio Sputnik Armenia starts from the 1st of December in an updated format Sputnik
roadcasting in the Armenian language. Radio Sputnik Armenia available to listeners on the same frequency 106.0 MHz, a Russian and Armenian
versions of the portal, as well as through a special mobile application Sputniknews the clock on both iOS and Android. see also (via Alexander Dementyev-RUS, RUSmidxb Dec 1)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC/TAJIKISTAN About a year ago, I became interested in receiving station Ovozi Tojik (Voice of Tajik) at a frequency of 7245 kHz.
Power 100 kW, the antenna is non-directional. On the Russian broadcast two times a day, from 08:00 to 10:00 UTC and 16:00 to 18:00 UT. But
thanks to the Chinese "tusuyuschim" on the same frequency, take Voice Tajiks I could not. Recently I learned that Kyrgyzstan also broadcasts in
Russian. The radio station Radio Birinchi. Timetables on the official website there. That will bring the schedule from the site
From 00:00 to 00:20 UT on at a frequency of 4820 kHz, on Monday and Tuesday in Russian and Kyrgyz languages (there are alternative frequency
4819.861 kHz). In the remaining days in Russian, Kyrgyz and English.
From 02.00 to 02.20 UT on 4820 kHz at a frequency only on Monday and Tuesday, in Russian and Kyrgyz languages.
From 11.00 to 11.10 UT on 4820 kHz frequency on all days except Tuesday, in Russian.
From 16:00 to 16:30 UT on 4820 kHz frequency on all days of the week in Russian.
The transmitter in Bishkek, the omni-directional antenna, the power of 15 kW.
On Tuesdays from 04.30 to 05.00 UT at the frequency of 4010 kHz{4009.916v}, they broadcast in the Ukrainian language. Here the transmitter
power of 100 kW, the omni-directional antenna.
So please all users of the portal, if possible, promonitorit these frequencies, there really broadcasting in Russian. Well worth adding to our portal. All
thanks in advance. (via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
LITHUANIA QSL Radio Baltic Waves, 1386 kHz, verified e-mail report with an electronic f/d QSL letter (*.doc file) after 45 minutes from the time I
sent my report V/S: Rimantas Pleikys (who says that as from Febr 2015 they have stopped sending QSL letters by snailmail).
E-mail addr: <riplei -at-
NHK World Radio Japan, 6165 kHz via Sitkunai-LTU relay site, verified an electronic report sent by E-mail <nhkworld -at-> and via their
website to Russian section with p/d QSL card in Russian and program schedule in 34 days. (Antonello Napolitano-ITA, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS,
RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL 1386 kHz. Polskie Radio 5 (Radio Polonia) via Sitkunai-Lithuania, 27 Oct 2015, at 1700 UT, QSL-card in Russian <ru -at->
(morodx73 Bedford, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
LITUANIA Radio Baltic Waves International, via Sitkunai-Lithuania tiene el siguiente esquema de invierno (UT)
1600-0500 1386 kHz (Sitkunai, 75 kW, nd)
1630-1730 R. Poland, Ruso
1730-1800 NHK World, Ruso
1800-1900 R. Liberty, Ruso
1900-2100 R. Liberty, Bieloruso
2100-0300 R. Liberty, Ruso
0300-0330 R. Liberty, Bieloruso
0330-0400 NHK World, Ruso
0400-0500 R. Poland, Bieloruso
(, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
LITHUANIA Re: [A-DX] RMRC KW-Sendung via Sitkunai Lithuania on 11690 kHz. Nichts auf 11790 kHz um 0940 UT Dec 5. Und nichts auf 11690 kHz
um1000 UT. Ersatzlog: 12034.9 kHz die Stimme der Mongolei aus Ulan Bator. (Christoph Ratzer-AUT OE2CRM, A-DX ng Dec 5) Footprint accurate on 12034.875 kHz Dec 11 at 0945 UT Mongolian, wb.
MOLDOVA QSL Vesti FM, 1413 kHz, verified e-mail report with f/d eQSL sent to Pridnestrovskiy Radiotelecentr <prtc -at-> in 5 days.
V/S: Sergey Omelchenko, Technical Director of Pridnestrovskiy Radiotelecentr (PRTC) at Grigoriopol, Maiac. QSL TWR Europe, 1548 kHz, verified email report with f/d eQSL including Grigoriopol Maiac transmitter site, [Pridnestrovskiy Radiotelecentr (PRTC)] sent to <kdobos -at-> and
<twre -at-> in 20 days. V/S: Kalman Dobos, broadcsat monitoring TWR. The reply came from <kdobos -at-> (Antonello Napolitano-ITA,
via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL Vesti FM, 1413 kHz, verified e-mail report with f/d eQSL sent to Pridnestrovskiy Radiotelecentr <prtc -at-> in 2 days. (Roberto
Pavanello, Vercelli-ITA, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
RUSSIA QSL-cards received by WRN for reception in Russian program "Voices Hope "- 26 Oct 2015, 1500-1530 UT on frequency of [Moscow]
MW 738 kHz. The report sent by E-mail to:
<golosnadezhdi -at->
The answer came from Tula. Also sent booklet "Voices of Hope" and newsletter "Voice of Hope" #3 in 2015. (Dmitry Kutuzov-RUS, "deneb-radiodx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL-cards received from the Russian service Radio Slovakia International. 03 Nov 2015 on Moscow 738 kHz. The radio confirms reports about the
reception on HF, via satellite, through a network of WRN and receive via the Internet. (Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL-cards received from the Russian Service of KBS World Radio reception 26 Oct 2015, 1730-1800 UT on frequency 738 kHz (via World Radio
Network Moscow relay site). Subject Cards: 70 years of independence. Panorama of the Republic of Korea.
QSL-cards received from the Russian Service of KBS World Radio reception 08 Nov 2015, 1330-1400 UT on frequency 738 kHz (via WRN Moscow
relay). Topic cards: Archives transmission KBS - in the register of UNESCO's "Memory of the World".The reports sent via E-mail: <russian> (Dmitry Kutuzov-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx" via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL received from KBS for reception on Oct 26 at 7235 kHz. QSL-kartochka released in 2011. 50 years, the Russian service of KBS. (Alexander
Golovihin, Togliatti-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx"via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
QSL Radio Prague, Moscow WRN relay 738 kHz, 4 Nov 2015, at 0030 UT, QSL-card, sticker, postcard, printed materials, Russian section
<ruski -at-> (rusborder Saratov-RUS, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx Dec 6)
TAJIKISTAN Good signal of clandestine Radio Free North Korea
1200-1300 9470 DB 100 kW 71 deg to NEAs Korean, Dec 5
Good signal of clandestine Voice of Wilderness
1330-1530 7615 DB 100 kW 71 deg to NEAs Korean, Dec 5
Good signal of clandestine National Unity Broadcasting Station
1300-1500 7515 DB 100 kW 71 deg to NEAs Korean, former R Free Chosun
Good signal of clandestine North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 7590 DB 100 kW 71 deg to NEAs Korean on Dec 5
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 5)
UZBEKISTAN QSL NHK World Radio Japan, 15735 kHz, verified an electronic report sent by E-mail <nhkworld -at-> and via their website
with two (!) real f/d QSL card including transmitter site Tashkent Uzbekistan in 14 days. (Antonello Napolitano-ITA, via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx
Dec 6)
Moscow Information DX Bulletin - A weekly electronic publication # 972 - December 8, 2015
The editor of the current issue: Konstantin Gusev. Russia
An updated schedule Voice of Armenia on December 1:
15.30-15.45 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Assyrian
15.45-16.00 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Greek
16.00-16.30 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Kurdish
16.30-17.00 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Yezidi
17.00-17.15 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Turkish
17.15-17.45 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Azeri
17.45-18.15 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Farsi
18.15-18.45 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N / ME Arabic
(Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, DX RE MIX NEWS # 929)
From letters from Radio Comintern:
Radio them. Comintern works Moscow time in the summer time from 18.00 to 21.00, and in the winter from 15.00 to 18.00. Basically broadcast first
two hours of news from "the local radio of Voronezh", as Lenin district committee of the Communist Party of Voronezh calls his Internet radio station,
you can listen to it at this address: = com_content & view = article & id = 110 & Itemid = 44. Then another
hour sung patriotic songs that I already pick up directly. Frankly, at the Lenin district committee of the Communist Party of the city of Voronezh, I did
not ask permission to relay! tion they are even Internet radio stations, I just never occurred that they may be against it, quite the contrary. But if you
think this is necessary, I will refer to them with this issue. In general, the radio it. Comintern it because the whole illegal, too, Lenin at one time the
newspaper "Iskra" issued illegally, this is our fate communists, the authorities do not want to be criticized, thus raising the masses.
Of all the reports about the reception that come to me probably more than half of other countries. This is mainly European countries: Germany,
Austria, Poland, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, England, Denmark. But also once they came from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa.
The only thing not come from reports of reception is North and South America. Address for reports: [email protected] (Sergey,
For several years, Radio broadcasting in Finland is not short and medium wave. The Russian-language page of the site YLE: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / " deneb-radio-dx ".)
Finland Radio broadcasts via radio Yle Mondo in Helsinki
Novosti Yle program on the frequency 97.5 MHz: 22.05-22.10 (local time) (20.05-20.10 UTC), as well as through radio station Yle Radio Suomi at a
frequency of 94.00 MHz: 21.35-21.40 (local time) (19.35-19.40 UTC) (
I got an e-mail confirmation from Reach Beyond Australia for enrollment for English - 11.11.2015, 15.00-15.15 UTC on 15340 kHz frequency.
Report send e-mail: radio @ The confirmation Photo Crimson Rosella (birds of the parrot family).
I got an e-mail confirmation from Reach Beyond Australia for enrollment for English and Hindi - 27.11.2015, 13.30-14.00 UTC on 9720 kHz
frequency. The report sent e-mail: radio @ In confirmation Photo Crimson Rosella (birds of the parrot family). (Dmitry Kutuzov,
Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
I got an electronic QSL from the pirate radio station from England – Radio Underground for the reception 06.12.2015, 17.47 UTC on 3905 kHz
frequency. Report send e-mail: radioundergroundsw @ (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL-cards received from the Russian edition of "Voice of Vietnam". November 3, 2015 / 16.30-16.57 UTC / 7280, 9730 kHz. Subject: The boys
herding buffalo. View card here - (Anatoly Klepov, Russia, Moscow)
I Got QSL-cards from the "Voice of Vietnam" for the reception in Russian 14.07.2015, 16.30-16.58 UTC on 9730 kHz frequency. The card - "Fairy
sea coast of Vietnam. "The report sent e-mail: golosvietnama
I Got QSL-cards from the "Voice of Vietnam" for the reception in Russian 25.10.2015, 20.00-20.28 UTC on frequency 6135 kHz (via transmitter
Great Britain). The card - "boys herding buffalo." (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Netherlands / Germany
Got E-QSL-letter from the Dutch radio station Mighty KBC Radio for reception 06.12.2015, 09.00-09.20 UTC on frequency 6095 kHz (transmitter
Nauen, Germany 100 kW). The message is sent to the address: themightykbc @ Report He confirmed Eric van Willegen. (Dmitry Kutuzov,
Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL received from Missionswerk Friedensstimme for reception in Russian 29.08.2015, 16.00-16.29 UTC on 13750 kHz frequency (Nauen,
Germany). Report send e-mail: redaktion @ (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
I Got eQSL from Holland by pirate radio station Radio Montferland reception for 6 December 6295 kHz. In the picture a pirate frigate in the night.
Nicely done. Report: radiomontferland @
I Got eQSL from Holland from the pirate Pioneer Radio reception for June 26 at 6735 kHz. Dedicated special QSL. Christmas holidays. Report:
[email protected] (Alexander Golovihin, Togliatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx" & “open_dx”)
I Got eQSL Radio Comintern. December 6, 2015 / 12.15-13.00 UTC / 6990 kHz View card here -
(Anatoly Klepov, Russia, Moscow)
There is an electronic confirmation. (Victor Varzim, Russia, Leningrad region., G.Kommunar, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Card in QSL - album on (Sergey Rogov (MA3031SWL), Bedford, United Kingdom / "deneb-radio-dx")
I got e-QSL for the report. (Michael Bykhanov. Apsheronsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
There are e-QSL (Sergey Smolin, South Dnepropetrovsk region., Ukraine / "Deneb-radio-dx")
About Radio Comintern.
"Good evening, Dmitry.
Of all the reports about the reception that come to me probably more than half of other countries. This is mainly European countries: Germany,
Austria, Poland, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, England, Denmark. But also once we came Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa. Only
where no came reports of reception is North and South America. Sincerely, Sergei, the city Rossosh, Voronezh region. " (Forward Dmitry Kutuzov,
Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
There is an electronic confirmation. (Konstantin Aseev, Kursk region, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
I got an electronic QSL from Radio Comintern for reception 05.12.2015, 14.15-14.30 UTC at a frequency of 6990 kHz. The report sent e-mail:
050353 @ (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
USA / Palau
I got a confirmation letter from the religious program of the Eternal Good News welcome 15.11.2015, 12.30 UTC on 9930 kHz frequency through the
radio World Harvest Radio (transmitter on. Palau). The report sent e-mail: gabry @ Confirmation of George Bryan.
QSL received from the radio station T8WH (World Harvest Radio) for enrollment for English 15.11.2015, 12.30-13.00 UTC on 9930 kHz frequency.
Card released for the 30th anniversary radio stations and different from the cards that I received recently for reception WHRI. The report is sent via the
form on the site. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
QSL-cards received from the Pan American Broadcasting for reception in English language transmission Radio Africa Network 14.11.2015, 14.0014.15 UTC on frequency 21675 kHz. The card image of the transmitter from which are transmission Radio Africa Network and the inscription
Transmitter 7 - Okeechobee FL USA. The report sent e-mail: info @ and radioafrica @ Also senttransmission schedule
Radio Africa Network. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
USA / Northern Mariana Islands.
I got a QSL from Radio Free Asia for acceptance in Korean 11.18.2015, 15.30-16.00 UTC on frequency 9985 kHz (transmitter on the island of
Saipan). Subject cards: RFA 1996-2015. The report sent e-mail: qsl @ (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
Got E-QSL-letter from the pirate radio station from Finland Scandinavian Weekend Radio reception of 05.12.2015, 11.30-11.50 UTC on 11720 kHz
frequency. The report sent: info @ E-QSL under number e0122. Confirmation sent Tapani Hakkinen. To get the QSL regular mail, you
need to pay to send the response $ 2 or € 2 or 2 postal coupon. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
I Got E-mail QSL from Scandinavian Weekend Radio reception for 5.12.15 09.30.-10.20 utc E-mail: [email protected] (Vasily Lazarev, Samarskaya
oblast, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx")
I Got QSL (A4) + Contact Us + Sticker + business card station by Radio Wave International (RWI) for receiving the jubilee program Station dedicated
to 32 anniversary of the airing. November 1, 2015 / 10.00-111.00 / 7265 kHz Card Station and attributes can be found here (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Got QSL printed on a sheet of paper from the Radio Waves International for welcome 15.11.2015, 07.10 UTC on frequency 6070 kHz (via Channel
292). QSL devoted to Radio Waves International's 32 years on the airwaves. Report send e-mail: rwaves @ (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Rusia /
South Korea
Got anniversary pennant KBS World Radio The 70th anniversary of Korean Liiberation View pennant here - (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)
Russian SWL / DX site QSL album. Moscow, Russia December 13, 2015
Author: ukidd102
Reception Location: Japan
Receiver: ELAD FDM-S2 | Antenna: Wellbrook ALA-1530S +
JORF / 1422 kHz / 18.10.2015 15:00 / QSL-card / It is JORF Radio Nippon, the domestic commercial station, not be Radio Japan Int. / Japanese /
JORF Radio Nippon, choja machi 5-85, naka-ku, Yokohama, postal code 231-8611 Japan
Valparaiso Playa Ancha Radio / 8414,5 kHz / 09.10.2015 10:05 / e-QSL / DSC (Digital Selective Calling) reception. / English / Valparaíso Playa
Ancha Radio, Centro Telecomunicaciones Marítimas, Subida Carvallo Nº 150, Valparaiso, Chile
New Zealand
Taupo Maritime Radio / ZLM / 12577 kHz / 23.11.2015 07:51 / e-QSL / DSC (Digital Selective Calling) reception. Email reply with the introducing
document file attachment of ZLM. v / s: Peter Baird, Radio Operator, KORDIA MILITED. / English / [email protected]
Author: rusborder
Reception Location: Saratov
Receiver: Tecsun PL-880 | Antenna: LW 30m
World Harvest Radio / 9930 kHz / 15.11.2015 14:12 / QSL-card / english /
Posted via web-form station site
Belarusian radio First National Channel / 7255 kHz / 15.11.2015 06:06 / e-QSL / Belarus / [email protected]
The Mighty KBC / 7395 kHz / 06.12.2015 00:04 / e-QSL / English / [email protected]
Radio Komintern / 6990 kHz / 05.12.2015 13:03 / e-QSL / Russian / [email protected]
Author: morodx73
Reception Location: Bedford
Receiver: Tecsun PL-660 | Antenna: Telescopic whip
Deutscher Wetterdienst / 5905 kHz / 01.12.2015 12:05 / QSL-card / German / [email protected]
10.12.1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and free expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers gosudarstvnnyh.
(Sergey Izyumov, Moscow, Russia)
Vologdskaya oblast. Sokol.
Sokolskaya celebrated the anniversary edition of Broadcasting
For a quarter century, the inhabitants of the Sokol and Sokolsky district tune their receivers on the radio wave Sokol.
Due to the high professionalism of the reporters the transfer station are great love and respect fellow-students. Sokol radio features a wide range of
topics discussed, the speed and sharpness of materials. The head of the team of radio Sokol Olga Larionov.
The anniversary event was constructed in the form of information and music program. Each guest had the opportunity to become a member of "Live",
to make greetings at a makeshift microphone. About the history of broadcasting and its development present the first editor told Radio Valery
Shadrunov. A surprise for the team was the "direct incorporation" of the regional capital of the head of department of information policy of the
Vologda region Darya Neklyudova. Sokol radio congratulated the head of the district Vasily Zworykin, Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Assembly
Nikolai Serov, Head of Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media Anatoly Palnikov, deputy head of
the analytical department of the Vologda Regional Information Center Eugene Starikov. Hero of the day came to congratulate our colleagues - the
heads of the media Sokolsky Golzberg Ho e and Michael Konichev. (
For a quarter century, the inhabitants of the Sokol and Sokolsky district know the latest news and information via radio Sokol. December 4 edition
Sokolskaya radio said the 25-year anniversary. This means that the organization has its own history, the era of development, improvement and today.
Today, there are all the necessary equipment for the recording and broadcasting of radio programs, there is a reliable network partner Retro FM and
has an audience of listeners ... Official page of the ANO "Sokolskaya edition of broadcasting." We heard on the waves Retro FM (107,9 FM). WEB: (In contact with )
Dear listeners! December 10 "Radio Russii" marks a quarter century. Thank you for what you have there. Without you, our work would not have any
sense. We truly love you! Today, "Radio Russia" - the country's only federal radio common format, producing all kinds of radio production:
information, socio-political, musical, literary, dramatic, scientific, educational, children's program. Live 174 out of the original transmission.
Broadcasting around the clock. How does the "Radio Russii" (film)
mBtn=true State Broadcasting Company "Radio Russii" - the main state radio station of the country. The first call sign sounded December 10,
1990. "Radio Russii" can take on more than 1,100 regional frequencies across Russia. Broadcasting carried out on the FM-band, the 1st button
wire broadcasting, VHF, medium wave, via the Internet. "Radio Russii" is the first multiplex of digital television in Russia.
This allows you to listen to "Radio Russii" anywhere in the world, including the world's oceans. Technical opportunity to take "Radio Russii" has 143
million people in Russia and more than 50 million people in the neighboring countries.
10/12/1990 year that is 25 years ago (anniversary!) The first time the radio came on all ranges L, SW, HF and VHF frequencies allocated to the First
All-Union Radio Program as well as a wired network - Radio Russii (according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation BN Yeltsin.).
Also in the first TV program started to broadcast TV issues Russia-then this is called RTR.
(Sergey Izyumov, Moscow, Russia)
Moscow region. Oziory.
Birthday "Radio Dacha" Oziory
One year since the start of the broadcast notes "Radio Dacha" in the Moscow region Ozery, reports citing the press service of Krutoy Media.
Broadcasting frequency 101.1 MHz. Potential coverage of the population - 32.5 thousand. People. Regional partner "Radio Dacha" - LLC
"Positive", the director - MA Shilov Congratulations to the team radio on the first anniversary! We wish that every new year opened new
perspectives and all the great features. (
Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk
December 6 radio 'Uniton »( celebrated its official birthday - 20 years on the air. A feast for the audience lasted a whole week.
Mass media
Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk.
In Novosibirsk, the evening listening to the radio ban
Novosibirsk Oblast Prosecutor proposed regional parliament to impose strict restrictive measures on the play sounds in residential buildings.
According to the prosecutor's office in the region, particularly in apartment buildings from ten o'clock in the evening until seven in the morning and in
the afternoon with an hour to three hours of the day you can not listen to music or the radio, shouting, whistling, loud singing, playing musical
instruments. Maintain and repair the furniture can not be moved since eight o'clock in the evening. The same rules, on the proposal of the
prosecutor's office, will act in the courts, schools, hospitals, hotels and spas. For violation of rules established penalties. (
Director of the Public Radio of Armenia Armen Amiryan filed a letter of resignation on their own. He intends to take part in the competition announced
for the vacant seat of a member of the Public Television of Armenia. This Amiryan recorded on his page on Facebook, thank all the staff of the Public
Radio for many years of working together. (
Mikhail Gutseriev "merge" into a single holding station and create a music cannel The owner of "Russneft" and radio "Chanson" Mikhail Gutseriev
is considering launching a music channel and buying stations. This he said in an interview with the channel "Russia 24", reports
"In the near future, all stations merge into a single holding company, and will deal with the creation of the channel" - Said Gutseriev. According to
him, the decision of the channel will be taken next year, when it will be clear to the speaker of Russia's GDP. This is not about buying, but about
creating a TV channel from scratch, he said. Gutseriev said that considering the purchase of new radio stations.
"We do not have a retro, no Western music"
- Gutseriev said, answering the question, what radio stations may be interested.
Gutseriev owns radio stations such as "Chanson", "Spring FM», «East FM», Love Radio, «Radio Dacha", "Moscow speaking", "Capital FM» and
«Taxi FM».
Mikhail Gutseriev has become a key player in the broadcasting market of the Russian Federation in the 2010s.
In June 2012, Mikhail Gutseriev bought Alexander Lebedev radio "Just Radio" (FM 94 in Moscow) and "Good Song» (94,4 FM in Moscow).
Subsequently, at the first frequency the radio station came "East FM», and the second - "Spring FM».
January 30, 2013 it became known that 75% of the holding Krutoy Media («Love Radio», «Radio Dacha" and "Taxi FM») were acquired structures
Mikhail Gutseriev, while 25% are owned by Igor Krutoy. The new owners have announced maintaining the same program policy of the holding, then
the cost of which was estimated at $ 50-60 million.
In November 2013 Mikhail Gutseriev bought a radio station "Finam FM» (99.6 FM Moscow), which together with the stations "East FM» and «Spring
FM» included in the holding "Raisin". The radio station has been reformatted into a new radio station "Capital FM».
In December 2013 it was completed the acquisition of another radio station - «RU.FM» (frequency 94.8 MHz) for $ 10 million, in its place was
created by Radio "Moscow speaking".
In April 2015 Mikhail Gutseriev has acquired 100% stake in the radio station "Radio Chanson". The transaction value is estimated on the radio in
the $ 50-60 million, according to Gutseriev - $ 60.
In early December, it was reported that Mikhail Gutseriev, may give Russian producers of 50% of "Capital FM». The new station, created on the basis
of "Capital FM», may give the management of PMBC radio holding, part of the "Gazprom-Media"; He will also be responsible for advertising sales. A
final decision on the launch of a new project between producers and Gutseriev yet.
In Latvia, the radio "Russian Hits" fined for violating the broadcasting quotas in Latvian
Latvian National Council for Electronic Media (NSESMI) ordered the radio "Russian Hits" to pay 650 euros for the violation of the established
amount of the broadcast in the Latvian language. During the inspection records radio broadcasts for 17 June 2015 NSESMI stated that the
proportion of broadcasting in the Latvian language is 3.8% of the text of the program, the agency BNS. December 5, 2011 Radio "Russian Hits" has
been granted permission to broadcast on the condition that 50% of air time to be in Latvian, 50% - in Russian. (
The largest radio holding Astrakhan changed owner
Caspian capital of Russia has found a new major player in the media. The main region of the weekly "MK Astrakhan" reports that the largest radio
holding was sold to OOO "Nizhnevolzhsky tehnokommerchesky center." Well-known "Russian Radio - Astrakhan" radio "Chanson-Astrakhan",
radio "Maximum-Astrakhan» and «Love-radio-Astrakhan", included in the structure now changed ownership. It clarifies that a package of
constituent documents of the company early last month acquired Andrew Mleynik, owning a network of media resources in some regions of the
country. This is the same businessman who has committed a multi-million dollar deal in the Caspian capital of Russia, belongs to the company
"Video advertising-Astrakhan", which is engaged in the placement of advertisements in regional broadcasting schedule of the federal TV channels.
Thus, we can talk about that in the media space of the Astrakhan region has a serious player, which will need to be considered - perhaps in the near
future it will increase its existing list of available radio stations. But whether the sale of the holding is associated with the economic problems in the
company - can only guess. (
Gilvan Souza Costa
01/12/15/2:30/4444/15392 R.kanza romania px noticias na lingua local om faland radio kitai dx oc longo freq exata
Martín Herrera J
El día de 14 diciembre hubo muy buena propagación, pude sintonizar Radio Saudí. con un SINPO de 44444. 9870 R.SAUDI 18:00 23:00 1234567
Arabic 500 310 ARSRiyadh BSKSA
9870 R.SAUDI 18:00 23:00 1234567 Arabic 500 310 ARSRiyadh BSKSA Genaral 1st
El dia de ayer pude sintonizar con muy buena calidad R Saudí con un SINPO 44444 tan solo con antena de hilo de 4 metros que viene de paquete en
el receptor TECSUN PL660-
Robert Ross
Well….I didn't think there was anything too exciting going on with the Aurora when I went to bed last night. BUT…when I woke up and started
checking this morning's Captures on the ELAD, I realized there was indeed something Good going on!! Although the Signals did not really sound
Auroral……the South was booming in from Texas to Missouri to Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky etc…….
I still haven't checked my 0600 EST Capture , so there may be more on there….but so far I have found 12 NEW Stations and a Pile of Lower Powered
Relogs from down south!!
I don't remember ever hearing as good an opening as this before, and will let the Logs below speak for themselves!!! Since I got the SDR and the
Wellbrook Loop, I have been waiting for one of these openings, and I finally got my wish.
All of this was heard despite having the Loop oriented EAST/WEST…..not NORTH/SOUTH!!
This is the stuff that makes DXing FUN!!! This lot of Loggings put me over 1700 Stations heard on AM BCB…….
ANTENNA……………….WELLBROOK ALA-1530LNP Imperium Loop
73………..ROB VA3SW - Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA
1320 WBRT Bardstown, KENTUCKY Dec/14/15 1800 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1800 EST as "WBRT Bardstown - W246AT Bardstown 1320AM and 97.1 FM - Your Number 1 Radio Station". Into Country Music @ 1800 EST NEW STN 1 kW/44 Watts ROSS, ON.
1400 WHGB Harrisburg, PA. Dec/14/15 2150 EST EE FAIR Country Music @ 2150 EST. Male with ID as "Playing Country Hits from yesterday
and Today - 95.3 NASH ICON" @ 2154. More C/W Music. NEW STN 1 kW ROSS, ON.
930 KWOC Poplar Bluff, MISSOURI Dec/15/15 0659 EST EE VG STRONG Signal!! ID as "Today's Talk 930 - KWOC Poplar Bluff, Missouri and
93.3 FM W227BK Polar Bluff." Male DJ said "Good Tuesday morning from KWOC. Into Local Weather @ 0700. Male DJ with Local Highschool
Basketball update. "KWOC Morning Edition - Newstime is 06:02" @ 0702 EST. NEW STN 5 kW/500 Watts ROSS, ON.
1320 WMSR Manchester, TENNESSEE Dec/15/15 0700 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID as "Now here's the local weather on WMSR Radio".
@ 0700 EST. Female DJ read weather and said "And now the National Anthem" @ 0701. Into YL Version of SSB @ 0701 EST. NEW STN 5 kW/79
Watts ROSS, ON.
1180 WZQZ Trion, GEORGIA Dec/15/15 0658 EST EE FAIR Mixing with WHAM Rochester. Country Bluegrass Music "Rocky Top" @ 06580700 EST. Male DJ spoke @ 0700. Hillbilly howls and whoop ups!! ID as "Classic Country". Female with a Spot for a local event on Jan. 7th.
710 WTPR Paris, TENNESSEE DEC/15/15 0658 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with Local News @ 0658 EST. Male DJ read Obituaries for Residents
from PARIS Tennessee. Local Weather @ 0701 …"Current Temp is 57 Degrees with a High today of 62 Degrees. NEW STN 750 Watts DAYTIMER
720 KSAH Universal City, TEXAS DEC/15/15 0658 EST SPANISH FAIR Under WGN Chicago. Ranhero Music and Male/Female with SS Vocals.
Lots of Guitars and cowboy sounding. ID in SPANISH as "RANCHERO". NEW STN 10 kW/890 Watt ROSS, ON.
730 WUMP Madison, ALABAMA DEC/15/15 0659 EST EE GOOD Ads. ID by Male DJ @ 0700 EST as "All Sports all the time - all over the
Tennessee Valley". "WUMP - Madison W280BA Madison/Huntsville - A Cumulus Station on AM 730 and 103.9 THE UMP". Into Sports Talk and
gave Phone # as "866-485-WUMP". NEW STN 1 kW/129 Watts ROSS, ON.
1150 WJRD Tuscaloosa, ALABAMA DEC/15/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with Local Ads. One for a Business in "Downtown Birmingham".
ID as "WJRD" Into ABC News @ 0700 EST. NEW STN 20/1 kW ROSS, ON.
1310 WBFD Bedford, PA. DEC/15/15 0759 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0759 EST as "1310 - WBFD Bedford". Into SRN Town Hall News.
NEW STN 2.5 kW/85 Watts ROSS, ON.
1300 WIMG Ewing, NEW JERSEY DEC/15/15 0800 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0800 EST as "1300 WIMG" Female with News @ 0800.
"WIMG Newstime is 8 O'clock". NEW STN 3.2/1.3 Kw ROSS, ON.
1500 WBZI Xenia, OHIO DEC/15/15 0800 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 0800 EST. "WBZI Xenia and WEDI Eaton".
Into FOX News @ 0800 EST. NEW STN 500 Watts DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
1360 WMOB Mobile, ALABAMA DEC/14/15 1900 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1900 EST as "You're listening to WMOB Mobile and
WDOL Bay ???" Christmas Music. RELOG 9 kW/200 Watts ROSS, ON.
1440 WZYX Cowan, TENNESSEE DEC/15/15 0700 EST EE VG Strong Signal!! Male DJ with ID as "We're playing the Music - Are you
listening?" "WZYX Cowan, Tennessee 1440 AM, 94.5 and 95.3 FM". Into FOX News. RELOG 5 kW/66 Watts ROSS, ON.
1520 WSVX Shelbyville, INDIANA DEC/15/16 0658 EST EE VG Pop Music. ID as "GIANT 96 - Real Radio and WSVX" by Female DJ. RELOG
260/4 Watts ROSS, ON.
960 WERC Birmingham, ALABAMA DEC/15/15 0659 EST EE VG ID as "News Radio 105.5 WERC Birmingham". Into "Traffic and Weather
together" for Birmingham. Into FOX News. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
990 WNML Knoxville, TENNESSEE DEC/15/15 0659 EST EE VG Ad for "Smokey Mountain Tops" (Granite Counter Tops. Male DJ with ID as
"WNML Knoxville - The Sports Animal". Into CBS Sports Talk. RELOG 10 kW ROSS, ON.
1030 KCTA Corpus Christi, TEXAS DEC/15/15 0659 EST EE VG OVER Boston!! End of Religious Pgm @ 0659 EST. Spot for "radiobible dot org"
ID by Male DJ @ 0659 as "KCTA - Corpus Christi". "This is the TEXAS ??? News" 0700 EST RELOG 50 kW DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
1130 WLBA Gainesville, GEORGIA DEC/15/15 0658 EST SPANISH FAIR Mexican Music and SS Vocals. Male DJ with Mentions of "ATLANTA"
and "WLBA, and LA MEJOR". Female with SS Talk. RELOG 10 kW DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
1580 WLIJ Shelbyville, TENNESSEE DEC/15/15 0700 EST EE VG OVER CKDO Oshawa. "??? CITY Radio News" @ 0700 EST. Male DJ with ID @
0700 EST as "This is AM 1400 The Zinger in Shelbyville, Tennessee". RELOG 5 kW/12 Watts ROSS, ON.
1270 WLIK Newport, TENNESSEE DEC/15/15 0700 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with several mentions of Newport. ID as "More of your favourite
Hits here on 1270 WLIK". Into Oldies Music. RELOG 5 kW/500 Watts ROSS, ON.
1600 WARU Peru. INDIANA DEC/15/15 0800 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ in the Jumble as "AM 1600 WARU". RELOG 1 kW/37 Watts
Pedro Elonda
87'5 Emissora llatina no identificada. Observada per primer cop avui dematí. Casualment tenia sintonitzada la 87'6 Fiesta FM Mallorca quan al
passar amb el cotxe pel barri de l'ambulatori de Manacor he notat unes interferències. Ja el capvespre he anat amb temps per investigar i he gravat
uns vídeos. Molta música llatina, quasi sempre batxates, i poca locució. Voltros mateixos sentireu una (minut 0'58), però resulta poc inteligible.
Quin sentit té que una emissora local es col—loqui en aquesta freqüència, quan resulta que 87'6 Fiesta FM és tot un Sr. Cogombre des
Atenció, David Ripollés, si ens pots ajudar. Te deix un vincle al tema de l'associació de Ràdio Vila-Real...
N'hi prou, si bé n'hi ha que són com a recordatoris:
90'3 SWEET RÀDIO, Alfàbia, modula una mica alt, no té estéreo ni RDS, i surt // amb 104'8
96'4 IB3 RÀDIO, Capdepera, normalitzada
100'3 LASER FM, Palma, modula baix, segueix sense estéreo ni RDS i té una espúria al 94'7
104'8 SWEET RÀDIO, Alfàbia, madula baix, amb estéreo sense RDS i surt // amb 90'3
107'6 RADIO MEDINA MAYURQA, Palma, surt amb mono, i no es dóna per assebentada del "cogombre" que té al costat (veure 107'7)
107'7 TITOIETA RÀDIO, Algaida, torna a reprendre les emissions des del nou centre del Santuari de Cura, al Puig de Randall Picado
107'9 DISTINTA FM, Llucmajor, no té estéreo ni RDS
DXP SERRA DE TRAMUNTANA.TRAMUNTANA.Ahir de matí vaig pegar un bot al poble de Banyalbufar, a la costa N.E. de Mallorca, era un projecte que tenia en cartera feia mesos. Per mor de la
cota baixa i de falta de tropo, es pot dir que el dial estava molt ocupat, però en general amb senyals de baixa intensitat. Després d'haver pres nota
del dial local, vaig partir direcció Andratx, però al cap de 10 minuts vaig fer un alt en el camí i aprofitant la cota més alta (Mirador des Verger) en vaig
fer un en vídeo.
Més envant pujaré els dials locals que he dit abans, però volia comentar un fet curiós. A Banyalbufar COPE TARRAGONA, m'entrava fluixeta al 97'85
i al 98'15, però ni l'ensumava en la seva freqüènica, 98'0, que estava buida. En canvi al Mirador des Verger, entrava a plena potència als 98'0...
francament, ni m'ho conten, no m'ho crec... hipòtesis???
90'3 FIL MUSICAL, Alfàbia. Recuperen aquesta freqüència després d'uns mesos inactiva. Conecten amb Sweet Radio.
102'7 RADIO BALEAR MENORCA, normalitzada
104'8 FIL MUSICAL, Alfàbia, distint del que surt per 90'3. Aquí havia començat Sweet Radio fa uns dies.
96'4 IB3 RÂDIO, Capdepera, inactiva
102'7 RADIO BALEAR MENORCA, en portadora sense estéreo ni RDS
107'7 TITOIETA RÀDIO, Algaida, de nou amb el vell emissor, pareix que el nou encara no està al 100%.
104'8 SWEET RADIO, Alfabia, nova. (ex Fil Musical Red FM). En període de proves (molts de talls), molta música pop (80% anglosaxona i la resta
en castellà) i cunyes esporàdiques en castellà (la paraula RADIO la diuen en castellà, per descompat). A vegades anuncien un nom més llarg: MIL
HITS SWEET RADIO. Estéreo sense RDS i modulació una miqueta baixa.
105'3 MELODIA FM, Gandia (ex 105'2 Loca FM) segons ha llegit el nostre company Guillermo Sáez al Mundoplus.
107'2 RADIO CENTO UNO. Hi ha dos emissors, un en l'àrea de Savona i una altre a Monte Faito (Nàpols). És difícil destriar.
107'4 RADIO SUBY. Monte Gennaro. Rebuda amb señal local, malgrat tenir Ràdio Calvià a poca distancia en la mateixa freqüència.
103'0 RFM. Mont Ronzon.
103'7 RADIO SUBASIO, Monte Pancrazio. Primera captáció d'aquesta emissora de la regió italiana de la Umbria
102'1 RTL102'5, Monte Gennaro.
89'0 INCA RÀDIO, el PS de l'RDS d'aquesta emissora apareix al butlletí d'EDFM d'aquest mes, gràcies a la col—laboració del colega Miquel Nicolau.
Des del Puig de Randa avui dematí l'he pogut visualitzar per primer cop.
89'0 INCA RÀDIO, el PS de l'RDS d'aquesta emissora apareix al butlletí d'EDFM d'aquest mes, gràcies a la col—laboració del colega Miquel Nicolau.
Des del Puig de Randa avui dematí l'he pogut visualitzar per primer cop.
93'7 RAC MALLORCA, Palma. Fa uns dies us vaig dir que aquesta emisora ja té RDS i us vaig prometre que en pujaría un vídeo. Vet aquí.
93'0 RADIO ROMA CAPITALE, Monte Gennaro.
95'3 MUY BUENA FM MARINA ALTA, Dénia. Com podeu sentir, entrava amb
107'3 NO IDENTIFICADA. Probable EM d'alguna població de la costa catalana entre Barcelona i Tarragona. Primer vídeo.
Panorámica mirant al Llevant de Mallorca, explanada i entrada Santuari de Cura i Bar-Restaurant dins el santuari.
Vet aquí 3 grups d'antenes al cim del Puig, a les rodalies del Santuari de Cura. Hi ha un altre grup dalt del Santuari, on possiblement estigui
instal—lat el nou emissor de l'EM Titoieta Ràdio d'Algaida, ara inactiu, tal volta per treballs.
Avui he fet una sortida insòlita, he agafat el cotxe i pujat al Puig de Randa, després de 17 anys. Les condicions troposfèriques m'han permès
sintonitzar emissores de tot Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa, Girona, Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Alacant, Algèria, França i Itàlia.
87'6 FIESTA FM MALLORCA, Palma, de nou sense RDS
100'2 ULTIMA HORA RADIO, Alcúdia, recupera potència, pero continua sense RDS
105'8 RADIO SOLIDARIA, Alfabia, normalitzada, després d'uns dies en portadora
Aquestes són les emissores que poblen el segment municipal de la banda d'FM en aquests moments:
107'1 GESTIONA RADIO, València
107'2 RÀDIO DESPI, Sant Joan Despí
107'6 ROCK FM, Eivissa
107'7 TITOIETA RÀDIO, Algaida
107'8 RÀDIO LLAVANERES, St. And. de Llaveneres (estrene)
107'9 RÀDIO MUNICIPAL, Pollença
El Dial (fm) de DICIEMBRE 2015, ya disponible | AER, Asociación Española de Radioescucha Sitio web de la AER Asociacion Espanola de
Radioescucha|De AER, Pedro Sedano
Jose Ronaldo Xavier
++4950 12/8 0314 RNA,Mulenvos,in Portuguese.Open carrier w/strong transmitter buzz,33431.
++7325 12/8 2018 CRI,Urumqi,in Serbian. YL/OM talks;2026 A song;2027 s/off;fair stn,45433.
++12055 12/8 0435 CNR17,Lingshi,in Kazakh. YL talks; A song;very good broadc,45444.
++9400 12/8 0452 Denge Kurdistan,kishinev,in Kurdish. Music;OM talks;0456 s/off;good stn,45444.
++6060 12/8 0344 RHC,Bauta,in Spanish.OM talks;0345 pgm Vida y Historia cubanas;0400 IS,ID,freqs; very good broadc,today,45444.
++6195 12/8 0403 J R.Japan,Furman,in Spanish.OM presents a NHK News; fair stn,35433.
++7255 12/8 1958 VON,Abuja-Lugbe,in Hausa.IS;start programming at 2000utc:YL ID,talks;2004 OM talks;2005 YL talks nxs,presumed;very good
stn !,45444.
++3320 12/8 0239 RSG,Meyerton,in Afrikaans.OM talks;YL talks;0310 musics;poor broadc,35432.
++9605 12/8 0105 KBS,Furman,in Spanish.YL presents a KBS Newsletter;ID;very good stn,45544.
++15390 12/8 2101 REE,Noblejas,in Spanish.OMs presents a football transmission game: Sevilla x Juventus; very good stn,55544.
++11920 12/8 0200 RTI,Okeechobee,in Spanish.ID,programming of the day,monday 7;YL/OM presents News Bulletin;0215 pgm Proverbios
Cninos;fair broadc,45433.
++6015 12/8 Zanzibar BC,Dole,in Swahili.OM talks;News,presumed;today,fair stn,
++9390 12/8 2035 R.Thailand,Udon Thani,in English.YL talks;ID;2045 YL talks,ID,
start pgm in thai lang;fair broadc,35433.
++9410 12/8 0222 VoT,Emirler,in Spanish. YL makes a cms abt turkish travel;0225 pgm Por un Mundo Mejor; very good stn,55544.
++12050 12/8 1940 Dandal Kura,Ascension,in Kanuri.OM/YL:converstion; very good stn,45444.
++5915 12/8 0324 Zambia NBC,Lusaka,in Tonga lang.Regional mx;OM talks;fair stn,45433.
++9415 12/7 0842 CHN CRI,Xi´an,in English.OM talks abt chinese science and technology; very good stn,45444.
++17765 12/6 1620 F Manara R.,Issoudun,in Hausa. OM talks ;1632 ID,txn to Nigeria; OM talks;1657 f/out;1700 s/off;very good stn,45444.
++21580 12/6 1003 ROU RRI,Tiganesti,in Romanian.YL presents a Newsletter;ID;very good stn,45444.
++15120 12/6 0943 ARS Saudi Intl.R.,Riyadh,in Bengali. OM talks;0955 a short mx; 0956 No modulation,open carrier; 0957 returns
programming;mx;1000 OM talks;fair stn,45433.
++6015 12/7 0314 TZA Zanzibar BC,Dole,in Swahili.OM talks;0320 OM talks;35433.
++9930 12/6 0925 USA WHRI-T8WH,Medorm,in English. OM talks; mx;poor stn,35332.
++9955 12/7 0103 USA WRMI,Okeechobee,in Spanish. Rlg pgm "Maravillosas palabras de Vida;0107 Rlg song;good stn,45444.
++11870 12/7 0032 USA R.Catolica Mundial,Vandiver,in Spanish.OM presents a pgm of catholic songs Fe hecho canción:faith messages;fair
++11935 12/7 0000 USA RVA,Palauig,in Karan lang.Song by chindren;YL/OM talks; 0010 Short mx;YL talks;0019 YL:ID,talks;0027 ID in
english,s/off; fair stn;45433.
++17655 12/6 1700 USA VoA,Greenville,in Portuguese. News by João Santa Rita;ID; 1705 YL: ID;invite to pgm Angola fala Só,next friday; OM
talks;very good stn,45544.
++5915 12/7 0244 ZMB Zambia NBC,Lusaka,in Luvale lang. IS;0250 Start pgm:N.A.;OM talks; a regional mx;YL talks;moderate interference by
WHRI on 5920; 33432.
Argentina/Austria/Brazil/Clandestine/Cuba/Greece/Japan/Netherlands/Nigeria/Tanzania/United States/.
++ (B15 Logs).
++5025 11/28 0346 CUB R.Rebelde,Quivicán,in Spanish. A cuban song;YL/OM talks;ID;other songs;0400 Las Notícias;distorted
voice modulation; fair broadc,35443.
++6015 11/28 0303 TZA Zanzibar BC,Dole,in Swahili. The Qur´an Cantic in arabic lang;0305 Qur´an recitation in arabic lang; 0315
start a pgm in swahili;fair broadc,45433.
++6155 11/28 0637 AUT R.Austria Intl.,Moosbrunn,in Germany.OM talks;classical mx of Renascentist period,presumed;good
++6195 11/28 0406 J R.Japan,Furman,in Spanish. YL/OM presents NHK News;0410 Pgm Rincón Literario; very good stn,45444.
++7415 11/28 0610 USA Dandal Kura,Ascension,in Kanuri.OM talks;veru goos stn,55444.
++7515 11/28 0616 USA R.Catolica Mundial.Vandiver,in Spanish.OM:cms abt Pope homilia The Power of Gospel; cms abt Pope visit
to Kenya;goos broadc,45444.
++7255 11/28 0627 NIG VON,Abuja Lugbe,in Hausa. OM talks;very good stn,45444. Parallel log on 9690,45433.
++9400 11/28 0446 CLA Denge Kurdistan,Kishinev,in Kurdish.YL talks;kurdish song;fair stn,45433.
++9420 11/28 0232 GRC VOG,Avlis,in Greek.YL/OM:conversation;0245 A romantic song;other songs;0300 IS,ID; traditional greek
songs; very poor broadc,35432.
++9600 11/28 0420 HOL R.Tamazuj,Issoudun,in Sudanese(Arabic Sudan).YLs talks;0423 OM talks;fair stn,35333.
11710 11/28 0431 ARG RAE,B.Aires,in Mandarin. Argentinian mx;YL talks; very good signal and poor modulation,45442.
++15190 11/28 0331 B R.Inconfidência,Contagem,in Portuguese. A musical pgm "Memória Musical;old brazilian hits,variety
rhythms; Anns,ID;fair stn,45433.
++21480 11/28 0632 USA RFA,Tinian,in Tibetan.OM talks;YL talks;fair broadc,35433.
++21620 11/28 0442 USA VoA,Tinang,in Tibetan.OM/YL talks;fair stn,45433.
Manuel Méndez
AUSTRALIA, 4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1820-1835, 11-12, English, comments, at 1830: "ABC news", news. 24322. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1758-1812, 11-12, French, comments, at 1900 identification: "Radio Congo, le journal", news. 13221.
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0650-0705, 13-12, religious songs in English. 14321. (Méndez)
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0900-0910, 13-12, French, identification, comments. Weak modulation and strong carrier. 14421. (Méndez)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0702-0706, 13-12, French, comments. Very weak modulation and strong carrier. 14321. (Méndez)
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0550-0600*, 13-12, lyric songs. 24322. (Méndez)
MONGOLIA, 12015, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaan Baatar, *0900-0907, 13-12, tuning music, English, identification "Voice of Mongolia", comments.
14321. (Méndez)
ANGOLA, 4949.8, Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 1931-1950, 05-12, Portuguese comments, songs. 14321. (Méndez)
9515, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2120-2133, 05-12, Portuguese, religious comments. 13221. (Méndez)
9724.85, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 2108-2117, 05-12, Radio Aparecida program "Econtro DX de Radio Aparecida", "Radio Clube do Brasil". //
11855 and 11934.90. 24322. (Méndez)
10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 0803-0815, 06-12, time signals, female: "Observatorio Nacional, 6 horas, 4
minutos, 0 segundos". 24322. (Méndez)
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0835-0850, 06-12, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs. 34433. (Méndez)
11895, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2021-2140, 05-12, Portuguese, religious program, comments and songs. 13321. (Méndez)
11934.90, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 2106-2118, 05-12, DX program "Encontro DX". 23322. (Méndez)
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2012-2028, 05.12, Brazilian songs. 34433. (Méndez)
CANARY ISLANDS, 1008 MW, ES Radio Las Palmas, Las Palmas, 1735-1752, 06-12, live soccer match between Sporting de Gijon and U. D. Las
Palmas, advertisements, identification: "Radio Las Palmas". 13321. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1755-1810, 06-12, French, comments, at 1800 news. 13221. (Méndez)
6005, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekell, 0700*-0720, 05-12, identification: "Radio Mi Amigo International," English
comments and pop music. 34433. (Méndez)
7265, Hamburger Lokal Radio, Gohren, 0730-0750, 05-12, English, Glenn Hauser's program "World of Radio". 24322. (Méndez)
7310, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekell, 1418-1428, 06-12, English comments, pop music, identification: "Radio Mi Amigo International". 34433.
GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0550-0612*, 06-12, English, religious comments, identification, anthem and close. Very weak, best
on LSB. 14321. (Méndez)
11720, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat (presumed), 1033-1045, 05-12, pop songs. Very weak. 14321. (Méndez)
25000, Time Signal Station Mikes, Espoo, 1105-1110, 05-12, time signals, beep with seconds and silent at second 59. 25432. (Méndez)
4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1711-1719, 05-12, Vernacular songs. 14321. (Méndez)
4920, AIR, Chennai, 1710-1735, 05-12, Hindi music, at 1730: "This is All India Radio, the news", news in English. 34433. (Méndez)
5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1718-1725, 05-12, Hindi music. 24322. (Méndez)
HAWAII, 15000, Time Signal Stations WWVH, Kekaha, 1748-1753, 05-12, time signals, female announcements: "At the tone 17 hours, 48 minutes,
Coordinated Universal Time".
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0526-0700, 06-12, classic music, at 0535, religious program in English, comments and songs. 24322.
MADEIRA, 1530, Posto Emissor de Funchal, Poiso, 1848-1905, 05-12, Portuguese songs, interference VOA Sao Tome same frequency. 12321.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Mexico D. F., 0539-0550, 06-12, Spanish, comments. 14321. (Méndez)
BRAZIL, 4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0555-0610, 28-11, Brazilian songs. 24322. (Méndez)
CANARY ISLANDS, 1008 MW, ES Radio Las Palmas, 2030-2110 , 28-11, identification: "Por Radio Las Palmas, transmisión del partido de fútbol
entre la Unión Deportiva Las Palmas y Deportivo de la Coruña", advertisments, live, soccer match Las Palmas vs Deportivo de La Coruña. 13221.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0430-0437, 26-11, Cuban songs. 24322. (Méndez)
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata (presumed), 1810-1818, 29-11, comments, due to the very weak signal I can't identify if in
Spanish or Vernacular. 14321. (Méndez)
6070, Atlantic 2000 International, Gohren, 0910-0917, 29-11, pop music. 14321. // 9485. (Méndez)
7265, Hamburger Lokal Radio, Gohren, *0700-0740, 28-11, Identification: "Hamburger Lokal Radio", program in English, at 0730, Glenn
Hauser's program "World of Radio".. 24432. (Méndez)
7265, Atlantic 2000 International, Gohren, *0800-0820, 29-11, identification: "Atlantic 2000 International", French, comments, pop music.
24322. (Méndez)
9485, Atlantic 2000 International, Gohren, 9011-0918, 29-11, pop music. 34433. // 6070. (Méndez)
GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0556-0605*, 28-11, identification in various languages, anthem and close. 14321. (Méndez)
5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1712-1720, 28-11, Vernacular songs and comments. 14221. (Méndez)
4850, AIR, Koshima, 1715-1725, 28-11, Vernacular songs. 14321.
MALI, 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1710-1727, 28-11, Vernacular and French comments. 14321. (Méndez)
MOROCCO, 9575, Midi 1, Nador, 1605-1625, 29-11, program "Ritmo Latino" with Leila Belarbi, French and some comments in Spanish, Latin
American songs. 34433. (Méndez)
SWEDEN, 6105, Radio Nord Revival, Sala, 1801-1850, 28-11, comments in Swedish, songs. Strong interference from CRI with program in English
on 6100. 32332. (Méndez)
1449, SBC Radio Riyadh, Jeddah, 2253-23-02, 18-11, Arabic songs. 24322
1521, SBC Riyadh, Duba, 2241-2253, 18-11, Arabic songs. 34433
549, Jil FM, Les Trembles, 2245-2253, 18-11, pop music in English, Arabic comments. 44444
783, Radio El Oued Souf, El Oued (presumed), 2242-2253, 18-11, Arabic songs. 14321. (Méndez)
1550, Radio Nacional República Arabe Saharaui, Rabuni, 2237-2250, 18-11, Arabic, comments, mentioned "Saharaui". 44444
693, RDP Antena 1, Azores, Sta. Barbara-Terceira, 0653-0710, 18-11, Portuguese, comments, at 0700 news, identification: "Antena 1". 14321.
Also 0723-0735, 20-11, Portuguese, news and comments. // 828. 14321.
828, RDP Antena 1, Azores, Mte. das Cruces-Flores, 2000-2015, 17-11, Portuguese, soccer comments. 14321.
Also 0635-0645, 18-11, Portuguese, news, songs. 14321.
Also 0724-0733, 20-11, Porrtuguese, news, comments. // 693. 14321.
576, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 1 Las Palmas, 0646, Spanish, news. 55555
621, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 1 Tenerife, 0657, Spanish, news. 55555
720, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5, Tenerife, 0648, Spanish, news. 45444
747, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5, Las Palmas, 0649, Spanish, news. 45444
837, COPE Las Palmas, 0650, 17-11, Spanish, advertisements, very weak all days, transmitter failure, station staff inform me by telephone they are
trying to fixing it. 14431
882, COPE Tenerife, 0651, 17-11, Spanish, identification: "COPE, estar informado". 35433
1008, ES Radio Las Palmas, 0652, 17-11, Spanish, news 45444
1179, Radio Club Tenerife, SER, 0653, 17-11, Spanish, local news. 35433.
1269, Radio ECCA, Las Palmas, various years out of air.
LIBYA, 1053, Lybia TV Audio, Tripoli, 2258-2310, 18-11, Arabic songs. 34433.
MADEIRA, 1530, Posto Emissor do Fuchal, Poiso, 0701-0720, 17-11, Portuguese, news, identification: "Posto Emissor do Funchal". 34433.
1280, Radio Trujillo, Trujillo, 0701-0712, 18-11, Venezuelan songs, Spanish, comments, mentioned "Trujillo". 14321.
1290 MW, Radio Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello, 0640-0733, 18-11, Venezuelan and Spanish songs, "Morir de amor" song by Camilo Sesto,
identification: "Radio Puerto Cabello", at 0716: "las 2 y 46 minutos, Radio Puerto Cabello, en primer lugar", "Las 2 y 57 minutos, las amas de
casa felices escuchan Radio Puerto Cabello 12.90". 14321.
Also, 0645-0710, 20-11, Venezuelan songs, Spanish, comments, identification: "Radio Puerto Cabello". 14321
711, Radio El Aaium, El Aaium, 0646-0710, 17-11, Arabic comments, heard all days in Playa Blanca with good signal, some times in parallel whit
other Morocco MW stations. 45444
ANGOLA, 4950, Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 1825-1857, 20-11, Portuguese, comments, vernacular songs, identification: "Boa noite, Radio
Nacional de Angola". 24322. (Méndez)
4775, Radio Congonhas, Congonhas, 2139-2150, 19-11, Portuguese, comments, program "A Voz do Brasil". 14321.
Also 2133-2145, 20-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 14321. (Méndez)
4825, Radio Cançao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, 2159-2210, 19-11, Portuguese, religious comments. 14321. (Méndez)
4845,Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, 2137-2150, 19-11, Brazilian songs. 14321. (Méndez)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2145-2157, 16-11, Portuguese, comments. 24322.
Also 2150-2201, 19-11, Portuguese, comments. 24322. (Méndez)
4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 2133-2145, 16-11, Portuguese, comments, identification: "Radiodifusora". 14321.
Also 2135-2144, 19-11, program "A Voz do Brasl". 24322. (Méndez)
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0525-0536, 15-11, Brazilian songs. 14321.
Also 2132-2140, 20-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 14321. (Méndez)
5035, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0644-0653, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 24322.
Also 2151-2156, 19-11, probram "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Méndez)
5940, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2157-2159, 19-11, "A Voz do Brasl". 24322. (Méndez)
5965, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 0533-0542, 15-11, religious songs and comments, Portuguese. 14321. (Méndez)
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0707-0716, 17-11, Brazilian songs, comments: "Estamos apresentando Trem Caipira". // 15190.
Also 2152-2156, 19-11, program "A Voz do Brasil". 13321. (Méndez)
6040, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0643-0652, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 34433. (Méndez)
6120, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0536-0545, 15-11, religious comments, Portuguese. // 11765. 14321. (Méndez)
6135, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0645-0649, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 24322. (Méndez)
9515, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2156-2158, 19-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Méndez)
9565, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0647-0655, 19-11, religious comments, Portuguese. 24322. (Méndez)
9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0645-0650, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 24322. (Méndez)
9665, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2156-2158, 19-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 34433. (Méndez)
9725, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0646-0649, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 24322. (Méndez)
9820, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0646-0651, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 24322. (Méndez)
11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 09130-0945, 20-11, Portuguese, religious comments and songs, identification: "Transmundial".
34433. (Méndez)
11765, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 2155-2158, 19-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 34433. (Méndez)
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2155-2157, 19-11, "A Voz do Brasil". 34433. (Méndez)
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0720-0735, 19-11, Brazilian songs. 34433. (Méndez)
11935, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0647-0751, 19-11, religious, "Santo Rosario". 14321. (Méndez)
15190, Radio Inconfidencial, Belo Horizonte, 2153-2157, 19-11, program "A Voz do Brasil". 34433. (Méndez)
5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0743-0752, 20-11, Latin American songs. 14321. (Méndez)
6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0740-0750, 16-11, religious comments, Spanish. 14321. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1745-1810, 16-11, French,comments, Vernacular songs, at 1800: "Radio Congo, le journal", news.
24322. (Méndez)
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 1815-1847, 15-11, Spanish, comments, pop music, identification: "La radio de Guinea
Ecuatorial", "Mandamos cordiales saludos a todos los oyentes por la Radio Bata. Transmission cuts off abruptly at 1847. 14321.
Also 1802-1848, 16-11, Spanish and Vernacular comments, Vernacular songs. Transmission cuts off abruptly at 1848. 14321. (Méndez)
Also 1802-2131, 20-11, Vernacular and Spanish comments, identification: "Radio Nacional Guinea Ecuatorial", "Radio Bata", vernacular songs.
14321. (Méndez)
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA RADIO, Monrovia, 0635-0650, 18-11, religious comments, English. 34433. (Méndez)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 00624-0640,15-11, Vernacular songs and comments. 23322.
Also 2150-2157, 20-11, Vernacular songs. 14321. (Méndez)
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0940-0950, 16-11, Vernacular and French comments. 14321. (Méndez)
Log in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote.
Sangean ATS-909X
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 1802- , 20-11. After 3 days out at this time, Radio Bata now on air. Male with comments in
Spanish and Vernacular. Weak but improving signal at sunset here in Playa Blanca 15321. (Méndez)
BRAZIL, 5035, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2203-2210, 18-11, now on air with religious program. // 11855, 9630, 6135. 14321. (Méndez)
1280 MW, Radio Trujillo, Trujillo, 0701-0712, 18-11, Venezuelan songs, Spanish, comments, mentioned "Trujillo". 14321.(Méndez)
1290 MW, Radio Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello, 0640-013, 18-11, Venezuelan and Spanish songs, "Morir de amor" song by Camilo Sesto,
identification: "Radio Puerto Cabello", at 0716: "las 2 y 46 minutos, Radio Puerto Cabello, en primer lugar" 14321. (Méndez)
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, now on air again, at 1802, 16-11, comments in Spanish, mentioned "Guinea Ecuatorial". Weak.
15321. (Mendez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 6115, now on air, 1800, 16-11, with news in French, id "Radio Congo, le journal". 24322. (Méndez)
ANGOLA, 4950, Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 1858-1912, 15-11, Portuguese, comments, identificatio, "A Radio Nacional". 14321. (Méndez)
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA RADIO, MONROVIA, 0620-0635, 16-11, heard all days in Lanzarote with good signal, religious songs and comments, English.
34433. (Méndez)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 2223-2315, 15-11, Vernacular songs. 14321
0635-0643, 16-11, French, comments. 25322. (Méndez)
9635, Radio Mali Bamako, 1515-1545, 15-11. Vernacular comments. 13221. (Méndez)
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, Radio Bata 5005,improving reception at 1843, 15-11, id. "mandamos cordiales saludos a todos los oyentes por la Radio
Bata", "Radio Bata, la estación más musical, desde la casa de la radio" 25432. At 1849 transmission cuts off abruptly. (Méndez)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0446-0455, 08-11, Brazilian songs. 14321. (Méndez)
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0720-0745, 06-11, Portuguese, program "Trem Caipira", comments and Brazilian songs. 13321.
15190.1, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0810-0830, 06-11, "Pela Radio Inconfidencia, Trem Caipira", "Bom dia, bom dia, 6 y 20". 24322.
9819.4, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0835-0846, 06-11, Portuguese, religious songs. 14321. (Méndez)
10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 0740-0755, 07-11, time signals, female announcements: "Observatorio
Nacional, 5 horas, 44 minutos, 30 segundos". 23322. (Méndez)
11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 0905-0920, 07-11, Portuguese, religious program, identification: "Unha produçao da Radio
Transmundial,". 34433. (Méndez)
5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0735-0748, 06-11, Latin American songs. 14321. (Méndez)
6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0802-0813, 06-11, Spanish, religious comments and songs, slight interference from Radio
Inconfidencia. 23322. (Méndez)
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0450-0504, 08-11, Cuban and Latin American songs. 24322. (Méndez)
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, *0825-0837, 06-11, tuning music, anthem, Quechua, identification: "HCJB Quito, 690 AM, onda corta
6050...", time signals at 0830, Quechua comments, Ecuadorian songs, flute music. 24322. (Méndez)
GERMANY, 7265, Hamburguer LokalRadio, Gohren, 0740-0755, 07-11, English, Glenn Hauser's program "World of Radio". 14321. (Méndez)
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0606-0612, 06-11, Koran songs. 14321. (Méndez)
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0800-0810, 07-11, tuning music, French, comments. 14321. (Méndez)
ARGELIA, 1550, Radio Nacional República Arabe Saharaui, Rabouni, 1933-1942, 29-10, Arabic comments. 23322. (Méndez)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2107-2120, 31-10, Portuguese, soccer comments. 14321. (Méndez)
6040, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0650-0710, 01-11, Portuguese, religious songs. 24322. (Méndez)
9723.7, Radio RB2, Curtiba, 0653-0710, 01-11, religious program, Portuguese. // 6040. 24322. (Méndez)
9819.4, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0741-0758, 01-11, religious comments and songs, Portuguese, identification: "Radio 9 de Julho". 24322.
10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 0748-0755, 01-11, time signals, famale: "Observatorio Nacional, 5 horas, 50
minutos, 0 segundos". 22322. (Méndez)
11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 0900-0930, 01-11, identification: "Transmundial, 7 horas y 1 minuto", religious comments. 24322.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0608-0712, 01-11, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, "4 horas y 12". 34433. (Méndez)
11935, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0656-0715, 01-11, religious program, Portuguese. // 6040, 9723.7. 14321. (Méndez)
11895, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2045-2057, 31-10, Portuguese, religious comments. 13221. (Méndez)
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1950-2015, 31-10, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, at 2000: "Inconfidencia, Campeonato
Brasileiro de futebol", soccer comments. 24322. (Méndez)
COLOMBIA, 5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0550-0715, 01-11, Latin American songs, at 0635: "La 1 y 36 minutos", at 0700 religous
comments in Spanish. 34433. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1730-1810, 31-10, African songs, French, comments, at 1800: "Radio Congo, le journal", news, French.
24322. (Méndez)
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0330-0338, 01-11, Cuban songs. 24322. (Méndez)
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0333-0340, 01-11, religious songs, Spanish. 14321. (Méndez)
ECUATORIAL GUINEA, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata (presumed), 0530-0537, 02-11, strong carrier but very very weak audio, barely audible, some
comments, unintelligible language due to weak signal. 14221. (Méndez)
FINLAND, 25000, Time Signal Station Mikes, Espoo, 1041-1050, 01-11, time signals, beeps, silent at second 59. 24322. (Méndez)
GERMANY, 7265, MV Baltica Radio, Gohren, *0800-0812, 01-11, tuning music, identification in English "This is MV Baltica Radio", German
comments, pop music. 34433. (Méndez)
GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0337-0348, 01-11, religious songs, Spanish. 14321. (Méndez)
4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 1659-1710, 31-10, Hidi music. 14321. (Méndez)
4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1658-1706, 31-10, Hidi music. 14321. (Méndez)
4895, AIR, Kurseong, 1700-1709, 31-10, Hindi music, Vernacular comments. 14321. (Méndez)
4920, AIR, Chennai, 1656-1707, 31-10, Hindi music. 34433. (Méndez)
5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1652-1715, 31-10, hindi music 34433. (Méndez)
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0535-0610, 01-11, English, religious songs. 24322. (Méndez)
MADEIRA, 1530, Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 0557-0615, 01-11, Portuguese songs, at 0600 identification song: "Posto Emissor do
Funchal...". 12221. (Méndez)
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0545-0600*, 01-11, Spanish and Latin American Songs. 24322. (Méndez)
MONGOLIA, 12035, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaan Baatar, *0859-0911, 01-11, tuning music, identification "Voice of Mongolia", English, comments,
music. 14221. (Méndez)
AUSTRALIA, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1629-1640, 24-10, pop music, at 1630 news, English, “ABC news”. 24322. (Méndez)
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0530-0543, 25-10, Brazilian songs. 14221. (Méndez)
9515, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 2020-2030, 24-10, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. 14321. (Méndez)
9724.05, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0524-0540, 25-10, religious program «Com a Mae Aparecida». //11935. 34433. (Méndez)
10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 2030-2042, 24-10, time signals, female anouncements: «Observatorio Nacional,
18 horas, 33 minutos, 30 segundos». 23322. (Méndez)
11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 0927-0940, 25-10, Portuguese, religious comments, identification: «A Radio Transmundial, Voce esta na
Transmundial,». 24322. (Méndez)
11895, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2025-2040, 24-10, religious comments, Portuguese. 13221. (Méndez)
11935.1, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0519-0533, 25-10, religious comments, Portuguese. //9724.05. 34433. (Méndez)
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1935-1950, 24-10, Brazilian songs, identification: «Rede Inconfidencia de Radio, Belo Horizonte,
Minas Gerais, Brasil». 34433. (Méndez)
CANARY ISLANDS, 1179, Radio Club de Tenerife, Cadena Ser, 1812-1835, 25-10, identification: «Radio Club», advertisements, soccer, live, mach
between Tenrife and Osasuna. Interference from SER Rioja, Logroño and Ser Valencia on the same frequency. 12321. (Méndez)
Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0501-0510, 20-10, Latin American songs, "Son las 12 y 2 minutos". 24322.
6010, La Voz de Tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0547-0505, 20-10, religious songs, identification at 0500: "La Voz de tu Conciencia, son las 12
horas, desde Colombia...". 14321.
Also 0450-0505, 25-10, religious songs and comments, Spanish. 13221. (Méndez)
CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville. 1757-1810, 19-10, French, comments, at 1800 identification: "Radio Congo, Les nouvelles", news about
Congo. 24322.
Also 1745-1756*, 24-10, French, comments about Congo, cut transmission abruptly at 1756. 34433. (Méndez)
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0445-0500*, 25-10, religious comments and songs, Spanish, identification: «HCJB», time signals, anthem and
close. 24322. (Méndez)
GERMANY, 9485, Radio Gloria International, *0700-0712, 25-10, identification: «Radio Gloria International», English, comments, pop music.
34433. (Méndez)
GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0557-0608*, 25-10, religous songs, identification, anthem and close. 14321. (Méndez)
4760, AIR, Port Blair 1625-1633, 24-10, Hindi music. 14321. (Méndez)
4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 167-1733, 24-10, Hindi music, news in English at 1730. 24322. (Méndez)
4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1717-1733, 24-10, Hindi music, at 1730 news in English. //4800. 24322. (Méndez)
4880, AIR, Lucknow, 1715-1735, 24-10, vernacular comments, news in English at 1730. 24322. (Méndez)
4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1735-1737, 24-10, news in English. //4800, 5040. 14321. (Méndez)
5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1734-1736, 24-10, English, news. //4800. 24322. (Méndez)
MADEIRA, 1530, Posto Emissor do Funchal, Poiso, 0530.0541, 25-10, Portuguese songs, identification: «Posto Emissor do Funchal». 13321.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0444-0501*, 25-10, Spanish, comments, songs. 24332. (Méndez)
MOROCCO, 9575, Midi 1, Nador, 2135-2150, 24-10, program «Ritmo Latino», with Leila Belarbi, French and some comments in Spanish, nice Latin
American songs. //171 LW. 34433. (Méndez)
SPAIN, Radio Exterior de España winter frequencies here in Friol at *1458, 25-10, tuning music and program "Tablero Deportivo"
17755, fair, 34433
15500, good, 45444
15390, good, 45444
9690, very good, 55555
En 11 dic 2015, en 12:45, Marconi Radio <[email protected]> escrito:
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcast of Marconi Radio International:
13th December 2015, from 0700 to 1300 UTC
Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts consist of non stop music, station identification announcements in
Italian, English, Spanish and Catalan as well as DX shows in English and Italian.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome!
Until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: [email protected]
We hope that you will share this information with your members.
Thank you very much for your cooperation
Marconi Radio International (MRI) - Short wave test broadcasts from Italy on 11390 kHz
En 4 dic 2015, en 10:30, Marconi Radio <[email protected]> escrito:
Greetings from Italy!
Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
05th November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
06th November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts consist of non stop music, station identification announcements in
Italian, English, Spanish as well as DX shows in English and Italian.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome!
Until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: [email protected]
We hope that you will share this information with your members.
Thank you very much for your cooperation
Marconi Radio International (MRI) Short wave test broadcasts from Italy on 11390 kHz
Radio Mi Amigo Newsletter December 2015
"Welcome to the Radio Mi Amigo International NEWSFLASH for December.
Weekday Schedule change
As you may be aware, our recent weekday broadcasts at 17.00 CET on 6005 kHz are being severely compromised by The Voice Of Iran. Therefore, we
decided to change our weekday schedule from this week as follows:
Monday to Friday:
14.00 CET (13.00 UTC) on 6005 kHz and repeated:
19.00 CET (18.00 UTC) on 3985 kHz
How would you like your Festive Top 5 played on Radio Mi Amigo International this month?
Email: [email protected]
and listen out on Sundays to Paul Newman's Radio Shack to hear it between 10.00 - 11.00, repeated 14.00 - 15.00 CET.
If your Top 5 is played, you'll receive some Radio Mi Amigo Christmas Goodies, but get in quick!
Make a date with us over Christmas. We're going to broadcast special Festive programmes
(in addition to our normal run of schedule) on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th December from 10.00 -15.00 CET on 6005 & 7310 KHz.
On the same evenings between 20.00 - 01.00 CET we will be repeating these programmes from our 1485 KHz medium wave service based in Riga,
Latvia, so yet another chance for a nice bit of Festive DX!
All programmes will be simultaneously broadcast online in stereo.
Please see our Festive Schedule here:
FM stations heard in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote - Sangean ATS-909X and telescopic antenna
MADEIRA, tropospheric propagation, 520 km away
88.00, Radio Renascença, Pico da Silva, 0710, 20-11, pop music, Portuguese comments, identification:
"Renascença". 45444. (Méndez)
93.6, RFM, Pico da Silva, 0650, 20-11, pop music, at 0700 news, Portuguese. 45444. (Méndez)
100.00, TSF Madeira, Funchal, 0730, 20-11, Portuguese, comments. 22322. (Méndez)
101.00, Radio Popular de Madeira, 0731, 20-11, Portuguese, advertisments, identification: "Radio Popular, 7
horas 31 minutos na sua Radio Popular". 34433. (Méndez)
87.70, Radio Nacional de España, Radio Clásica, Fuerteventura
88.00, Exito Radio,
88.80, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
89.00, 7.7 Radio, Fuerteventura
89.30, Happy FM, Fuerteventura
89.90, Cadena SER, Yaiza, Lanzarote
91.00, Radio Insular, Lanzarote
91.20, COPE Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura
91.40, Fecko FM, Fuerteventura
91.6, Onda Fuerteventura, Fuerteventura
91.6, COPE Antigua, Fuerteventura
93.00 Radio Ecca, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura
93.30, 7.7 Radio, Pájara, Fuerteventura
93.80, Marcha FM, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
94.00 Onda Cero, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
94.60, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 1, Fuerteventura
94.8, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 1, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
95.30 Onda Cero,
96.90, Canarias Radio, Fuerteventura
97.70, Onda Cero, Fuerteventura
98.60, Fuerteventura Radio, Fuerteventura
98.90, Ondas Yaiza, Lanzarote
99.6, Radio Agua Cabra, Pájara, Fuerteventura
100.10, Classic Box M80 Radio, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
100.60, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 3, Fuerteventura
101.10, Cadena SER, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
101.40, Cadena Dial, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
101.70, Atlantis FM, Yaiza, Lanzarote
102.00, Happy FM, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura
103.10, Kiss FM, Yaiza, Lanzarote
103.7, Radio María, Fuerteventura
104.30, Cadena 40 Principales, Yaiza, Lanzarote
104.50, Radio Nacional de España, Radio Clásica, Isla de La Palma (Tropospheric propagation, 400 km away)
104.80, Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5, Fuerteventura
105.10, COPE, Tenerife (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
105.30, Cadena 100, COPE, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura
106.10, COPE, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura
106.60 Radio Ecca, Tenerife, (probably Tropospheric propagation, 250 km away)
107.80, Radio Aventura Siglo 21, Gran Canaria
From: Marconi Radio <[email protected]>
Date: 09/11/2015 18:26:24
Subject: Re: Schedule of new Marconi Radio International's test roadcasts
To: gabriele somma [email protected]
Greetings from Italy!
After two weeks of stop we resume our test broadcasts on 11390 kHz with power in the rehion of 30 watts.
Here is the schedule for this week’s test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:
11th November 2015, from 1600 to 1900 UTC
14th November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
15th November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
Test broadcasts consist of non stop music and station identification announcements in Italian, English, Spanish.
MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts are welcome!
Until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 10 countries: Italy, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Belgium, Finland, France,
Netherlands, Romania and Switzerland. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!
We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is: [email protected]
We hope that you will share this information with your members.
Thank you very much for your cooperation
Marconi Radio International (MRI) - Short wave test broadcasts from Italy - on 11390 kHz
Manuel Méndez – Lugo, Spain - Logs in Lugo - Tecsun PL-880 and Sangean ATS 909X - Cable antenna, 8 meters
Anker Petersen
Dear DX-friends,
Here are my latest loggings from Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
3949.96 2325-2335 14.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk with piano music in the background, then a woman talking all the
time with a man often answering by "Ah" (= Yes ?) 45343 // 5060 (35333) AP-DNK
4009.86 *0000-0010 15.12 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka Opening with local music, ID's in Kyrgyz and Russian: "Govorit Bishkek",
national hymn, folksongs 45444 AP-DNK
4765.00 *2259-2350 14.12 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik opening ann by man and woman, Tajik folksongs 45333 AP-DNK
4765.00 0440-0450 15.12 CUB R Progreso, La Habana Spanish ann, Cuban music, disturbed by heavy digital QRM in LSB 21231 AP-DNK
4949.74 0450-0500 15.12 AGL R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Portuguese ann, pop music 25232 AP-DNK
4960.00 0455-0505 15.12 STP VOA, Pinheira English talk about awards, song, "Enjoy the Day", editorial about Ukraine, 0500 Hausa
programme 45344 AP-DNK
5985.00 1530-1545 13.12 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw English talk and Burmese songs, splashes from 5980 and 5990 24121 AP-DNK
5995.00 2240-2250 14.12 MLI RTV Malienne, Bamako French talk by man and woman, Afropop, weak modulation 35322 AP-DNK
6050.01 1545-1555 13.12 CHN Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet Chinese ann, songs, adv for chocolate 35333 // 7240 (32332) AP-DNK
6130.00 2250-2300 14.12 CHN Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan talk with Tibetan music in background, song 45434 // 4905 (35333)
Dear DX-friends,
This is what I heard this afternoon in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4750.00 1440-1450 12.12 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Khabirpur Bengali talk 25232 AP-DNK
4835.00 1445-1455 12.12 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs, NT English interview, Australian pop song 35233 AP-DNK
4895.00 1450-1515 12.12 IND AIR Kurseong English newsreel comments, 1459 jingle and a very long pause, 1513 back with Hindi
talk 25232 AP-DNK
4940.01 1515-1535 Sa 12.12 CHN Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou English news and interviews, 1530 Chinese talk 25222 AP-DNK
4970.03 1520-1535 12.12 IND Hindi talk, 1530 time signal, English news 25232 // 5010 (15121) AP-DNK
5985.00 1535-1545 12.12 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw English talk and Burmese music 23232 QRM Italian pirates AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Herewith my latest loggings on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde:
3905.00 1440-1450 7.12 INS RRI Merauke Bahasa Indonesia ann, local music Thanks to Thomas Nilsson for the tips 25343 AP-DNK
3949.98 2350-2400 9.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk, advs, 0000 time signal, ID: "Xinjiang renmin kwangpo dientai"
45444 // 5060 (35333) and 5960 (25232) AP-DNK
4500.00 2345-2355 9.12 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Mongolian talk, choir 45333 // 6190 (22322) AP-DNK
4750.00 1450-1500 7.12 BGD Bangladesh Betar, Khabirpur Bengali talk with musical interludes 35232 AP-DNK
4810.00 0100-0115 10.12 IND AIR Bhopal Hindi ann, native hymns 35233 AP-DNK
4819.82 0000-0010 10.12 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz ann, folksongs 23232 QRM Xizang 4820, // 4009.91 (45434) AP-DNK
4870.00 1455-1515 7.12 IND R Sedayee Kashmir, Kingsway Kashmiri ann, Indian songs, 1512 Dogri ann, music 35333 AP-DNK
5010.00 *0018-0025 10.12 IND AIR Thiruvananthapuram AIR IS, 0020 "Vande Matapuram" hymn, ann in Malayalam, folksongs 35333. R Taiwan
signed off at 2400*, but the Chinese jammer Voice of China // 4800 first at 0018*, when the AIR IS was played! AP-DNK
5040.00 *0023-0030 10.12 IND AIR Jeypore AIR IS, "Vande Mataram" hymn, Hindi ann 22322 QRM R Habana Cuba 5040 AP-DNK
6034.96 *0115-0120 10.12 BTN BBS, Sangaygang Dzongkha talk after very late abrupt s/on. I monitored the clear channel from
scheduled s/on at 0000 !
Dear DX-friends,
Here is what I heard today in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4009.91 0315-0330 5.12 KGZ Kyrgyz R1, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz talk and music 45333 // 4819.88 (34232) AP-DNK
4765.00 0305-0320 5.12 TJK Tajik R1, Yangiyul Tajik talk, folksong 35333 AP-DNK
5025.00 0330-0340 5.12 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish ann, Cuban love songs with jazz 35343 AP-DNK
5910.07 0340-0350 5.12 CLM Alcaraván R, Lomalinda Spanish talk 25232 AP-DNK
5950.00 0345-0355 5.12 ETH Voice of the Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa Tigrinya fast talk, Horn of Africa music 45444 AP-DNK
6005.00 *1300-1358* 5.12 D R 700, Kall-Krekel (1 kW) RMRC special broadcast from EDXC Conference in St. Petersburg with interviews
by Harald Gabler of Chrissy Brand (BDXC), Jan-Mikael Nurmela and Kari Kivekäs (both EDXC) 35333 AP-DNK
6030.00 0350-0400 5.12 ETH R Oromiya, Adama Oromo ann, songs from the Horn of Africa 44433 splashes from CRI 6020 AP-DNK
6110.00 0355-0405 5.12 ETH R Fana, Addis Ababa Amharic ann, pop songs from Horn of Africa, 0400 news 45333 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here are the latest loggings I made on my AR AOR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire here in Skovlunde:
4409.79 2350-2400 1.12 BOL R Eco, Reyes Spanish talk 14221 CODAR QRM AP-DNK
4765.00 0320-0335 1.12 CUB R Progreso, La Habana Spanish talk 25232 AP-DNK
4774.92 0005-0015 and 2345-2350 2.12 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk 15131 AP-DNK
4885.03 2355-2400 2.12 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese talk, orchestra music 35233 AP-DNK
4930.00 0335-0345 1.12 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English report from the Climate Conference in Paris 35343 AP-DNK
5085.00 0345-0350 1.12 USA WTWW, Lebanon, TN English ann, orchestra music 25333 AP-DNK
6130.00 1445-1500 3.12 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan ann and local music 45333 // 4905 (25132) AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Before the hurricane "Gorm" will arrive here tonight, I send you the latest loggings, heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire partly
laying on the ground and covered by snow!
3215.00 0650-0700 29.11 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English ann, hymns 35232 AP-DNK
4875.10 2335-2345 28.11 B R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese ann, Brazilian songs 25232 AP-DNK
5010.00 2350-2400:00* 28.11 TWN R Taiwan International, Kouhu Chinese talk 22322 jammed by Voice of China (44333 with echo,
signed off at 0001:02*) // 4800 (45434) AP-DNK
5025.00 0645-0655 29.11 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish ann, nice Cuban and U.S. songs 45434 AP-DNK
5109.70 best in USB 0000-0010 Su 29.11 USA WBCQ, Monticello, ME English talk and song 34333 CWQRM AP-DNK
6060.00 AM+LSB 1200-1240 Sa 28.11 S R Revival, Sala The monthly DX-programme from the Swedish DX-Federation mostly in Swedish,
1200 English ID, Christer Brunström about stamps from Mongolia, Moritz Saarman with Letterbox, mentioning many reports. After 7 minutes a
technical problem arose and the first 7 minutes of the Letterbox were broadcast again! 45434 AP-DNK
9615.01 1045-1059* 27.11 ALS KNLS International, Anchor Point English religious talk, hymns 25232 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here are the latest loggings in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4765.00 2315-2325 24.11 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik reading verses, folksongs 35433 AP-DNK
4774.91 2320-2330 24.11 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk 25322 AP-DNK
4800.00 *2025-2400 20+21+24.11 CHN Voice of China, Golmud Chinese talk, music, ann, ID's: "Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo Diantai"
45232 AP-DNK
4835.00 1815-2000 21+22.11 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs, NT English talks 35333 AP-DNK
4930.00 1820-1830 Su 22.11 BOT VOA, Moepeng Hill English report from Ethiopia, ID's: "VOA News, Addis Ababa", "VOA News, New
York", "Niteline Africa Sports" 35343 AP-DNK
5935.00 2345-2355 24.11 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Chinese talk by man and woman, ID: "Xizang Renmin Guangbo Dientai" 35333
// 4820 (32333 CWQRM in LSB) AP-DNK
5939.90 2350-2400 24.11 B Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC Portuguese religious talk 25333 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here are my latest tips from Skovlunde heard on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4009.92 0050-0100 19.11 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka Kyrgyz ann, folksongs 45333 // weak carrier on 4819.86 AP-DNK
4800.00 0025-0045 19.11 IND AIR Hyderabad Vernacular talk, 0030 man chanting without music, 0034 the man then talked, 0035
English ID: "This is All India Radio. The news read by ..."// 4895 (35333), 4920 (43343 QRM Xizang) and 4970 (25222), 0040 Indian
songs 35333 AP-DNK
4875.11 2220-2230 11.11 B R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese talk 25232 AP-DNK
4925.23 2225-2235 11.11 B R Educacão Rural, Tefé, AM Portuguese talk 23222 QRM Xizang 4920 AP-DNK
5040.00 0040-0050 19.11 IND AIR Jeypore Hindi ann, Indian songs 33333 QRM 5040 R Habana Cuba in English AP-DNK
5915.00 2150-2205* 11.11 ZMB ZNBC, R Zambia, Lusaka Vernacular talk, Afropop, deep fades 25211 AP-DNK
5985.00 2332-2340 17.11 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw Bamar talk 24333 QRM 5990 CRI in Russian AP-DNK
7205.00 2345-2355 17.11 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur conversation QRM 7205 CRI in Mongolian 32432 // 3990 (44433 QRM
3990 Gannan PBS), 4980 (35333) and 6120 (45434) AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here are the latest loggings from Skovlunde heard on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
3320.00 2210-2220 10.11 KRE PBS, Pyongyang Korean talk 25222 // 6400 (15221) AP-DNK
4750.00 2230-2240 10.11 CHN Voice of China, Hailar Chinese conversation 35233 AP-DNK
5975.00 2300-2315 8.11 VTN Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay Vietnamese programme 25343 // Voice of Vietnam 5925 (22342 Hum
from another station) AP-DNK
5985.00 *2330-2340 8.11 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw Bamar talk, interlude by drum, local song after the election 34343 QRM
5990 AP-DNK
6165.00 2315-2325 8.11 CHN Voice of Shenzhou, Beijing Amoy talk by man and woman 24332 splash from CRI 6175 in Spanish AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
This is what I heard yesterday in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4774.91 2305-2315 7.11 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish ann, Peruvian music 25232 AP-DNK
4885.00 2315-2325 7.11 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese talk 25232 AP-DNK
4970.02 1520-1535 7.11 IND AIR Shillong Hindi talk, 1530 English news 35132 // 4800 (45233), 4895 (25132), 4920 (43233 QRM
Xizang), 5010 (35232) and 5040 (25132). Local TV-QRM all over! AP-DNK
4985.00 2325-2335 7.11 B R Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO Portuguese talk 25222 AP-DNK
5939.94 2335-2345 7.11 B Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC Portuguese religious talk 35233 AP-DNK
5985.00 2345-2355 7.11 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw Bamar talk in Main Programme with short, local string music on the morning of the
Election 35333 AP-DNK
6025.00 2350-2400 7.11 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan ann, local songs 35333 // 4905 (45344) AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
A few unusual stations were heard in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4790.00 *1300-1310 7.11 TJK BBC via Yangiyul Opening melody, Uzbek news about Kabul, 1310 musical interlude 25131 // BBC via
Thailand 15510 (45344) AP-DNK
4800.00 2315-0025 6-7.11 CHN Voice of China, Golmud (tentative) Non-stop Asian string and flute music, no ann ! Probably a test after 4
weeks of maintenance 45333 AP-DNK
4800.00 *0018-0025 7.11 IND AIR Hyderabad IS, 0020 ann "Vande Mataram", Vande Mataram hymn played, vernacular ann, Indian flute
music. Before that a whisteling tone at 2345 and again at 0002-0018. 33333 AP-DNK
4830.00 *2302-2315 6.11 MNG Mongoliin R, Altay Mongolian talk and songs. Thanks to Daniel Wyllyans for alerting me on this
reactivation. However the signal was much, much weaker than when it disappeared in January 2015 using 10 kW! 15211. No carriers noted on
4895 or 7260 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
In our late evenings and early nights, ASIA comes in well on the 75-49 mb here in Skovlunde, whereas Latin America is very difficult to hear,
except for Cuba.
Here is what I heard early november in my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
3900.00 2250-2300 1.11 CHN Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar Chinese report from a music festival 35323 AP-DNK
3915.00 2255-2300* 1.11 SNG BBC, Kranji English talk about Russia, 2259 local adv, no ID before s/off 45333 AP-DNK
3990.00 2300-2315 1.11 CHN Gannan PBS, Tianshui Tibetan talk between R 700 on 3985 and HCJB Weenermoor on 3995 44333 // 5970
(34333). Xinjiang 3990 had not yet started on winterschedule 1.11. Cf. 4980 below. AP-DNK
4765.00 2305-2335 1+3.11 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, folksongs, talk 45444 AP-DNK
4850.00 2340-2350 3.11 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kazakh interview, folksongs, incl. a wellknown melody, ID. Now back on winterschedule!
55344 AP-DNK
4980.00 2350-2400 3.11 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Uighur ann, local stringmusic, web address, ID 45343 // 3990 (54444 QRM Gannan
PBS), 6120 (45233) and 7205 (32332) AP-DNK
5060.00 2355-2400 3.11 CHN Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Chinese talk, 2400 ID: "Xinjiang renmin kwangpo dientai", news 45333 // 3950
(55444) and 5960 (45434) AP-DNK
5915.00 0005-0025 4.11 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw Bamar talk and music 34333 QRM from 5920 AP-DNK
5985.00 0000-0010 4.11 MYA Myanma R, Naypyidaw Bamar talk with frequent drum interludes 34333 QRM from 5990 AP-DNK
6034.96 *0038-0055 4.11 BTN Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Indigenous music, 0042 Dzongkha ann, 0043 non stop folksongs
34333 CWQRM and QRM from 6030 AP-DNK
6165.00 0025-0040 4.11 MYA Myanma R, Pyin U Lwin Chin ann (not Chinese!), pop music, 0029 song by choir, 0035 female introducing in Kachin,
0037 indigenous music 35232 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here is what I heard last evening during a scan through the tropical bands here in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
2850.00 2220-2230 31.10 KRE KCBS, Pyongyang Korean talk 15231 AP-DNK
3915.00 2230-2240 31.10 SNG BBC, Kranji English talk 35232 AP-DNK
3995.00 2240-2250 31.10 D Ichtys R, via HCJB, Weenermoor German ann, British hymns like "Down by the Riverside", "We believe", ann website 45454 AP-DNK
4765.01 *2258-2310 31.10 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Abrupt s/on with a lady reading a story in Tajik, 2309 short interlude music and the lady
continued reading 35233 AP-DNK
4774.90 2250-2300 31.10 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish ann, Peruvian music 25242 AP-DNK
4820.00 2310-2320 31.10 CHN Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Chinese talk by man and woman (news ?) 45233 AP-DNK
4949.74 2320-2330 31.10 AGL R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Clear carrier, but very weak talk in Portuguese 15211 AP-DNK
5010.00 2330-2340 31.10 CHN Voice of China (// 6125) jamming weaker Taiwan, both in Chinese 43233 AP-DNK
5070.00 2335-2345 31.10 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN back on winterschedule English religious talk 35332 AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
Here are my latest loggings in October from Skovlunde done on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4750.00 2120-2145 29.10 CHN Voice of China, Hailar Chinese ann, songs, talk 25232 // 5945 (35333), 6000 (33333) and 6125 (35433). 4800
is still off AP-DNK
4840.00 0410-0420 30.10 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious phone-in program about 9/11 55344 AP-DNK
4940.00 2045-2100* 29.10 STP VOA, Pinheira Hausa interview, musical interludes, VOA melody, 2059 English ID, "Yankee Doodle" 45233 APDNK
4960.00 0420-0435 30.10 STP VOA, Pinheira English interview from a school in Malawi in "Africa News today", ID 45333 AP-DNK
5005.02 0505-0515 27.10 GNE R Bata, Bata (presumed) Spanish talk 13211 CWQRM AP-DNK
5910.09 0425-0520 27+30.10 CLM Alcaraván R, Lomalinda Spanish ID, Colombian songs 35343 AP-DNK
7120.00 1825-1835 30.10 SOM R Hargeisa, Hargeisa Somali ann, Horn of Africa songs 33343 HAM QRM AP-DNK
Dear DX-friends,
I went up early this morning and heard the following in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4765.00 0330-0340 24.10 CUB R Progreso, La Habana Spanish ann, Cuban jazz melody and songs 45333 AP-DNK
4875.11 0335-0350 24.10 B R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR Portuguese ann, Brazilian songs 35233 AP-DNK
4915.00 0345-0355 24.10 B R Dif. Macapá, Macapá, AP (presumed) Portuguese ann, Brazilian songs 25222 AP-DNK
5025.00 0350-0400 24.10 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish report from a sports event, reporter counting to 8, crowd shouting and blowing horn
35433 AP-DNK
5040.00 0400-0410 24.10 CUB R Habana Cuba, Quivicán Spanish time check, ID, frequency ann, "Noticias" about Raul Castro receiving a
guest from Palestine 45333 AP-DNK
6050.00 0415-0440 24.10 EQA HCJB, Pichincha New test transmission: 0415 English ann, jazz music and song, 0430 HCJB melody, German ann,
German hymn, religious talk. Thank you to Klaus-Dieter Scholz for the advice! 45434 AP-DNK
Roland Richter
Two notes on stations on 1480 in Texas. What has been KBXD was off for awhile is back on but in place of religious programming is constant classic
country music, no spots, no announcements. The 1480 in Pasadena KLVL is ruining s continuous announcement saying its live programming had
moved to 106.1 fm. That info might help someone ID them. The Dallas 1480 runs 50 kW day
And around kW night.. KLVL is 5 kW day 500 w night
Probably a good night. At 0010 GMT hearing sayeside ststions working Europe on 160 meters. Hearing a 9A5 at noise level on 1828.5. Can't quite
get all the call.
Sandipan Basu Mallick
Radio Latino, Pirate Station, Italy. Listened on 01-Dec-2015 between 15:45 - 16:10 UTC at 7630kHz via SDR Twente and Global Tuners, Grenoble,
France. eQSL received on 15-Dec-15 for report to [email protected]
Happy Hanukkah Radio, Pirate Station, USA, listened on 12-Dec-2015 between 13:14 - 13:38 UTC at 6950 kHz via WebSDR at NJ. eQSL received on
13-Dec-15 for email to [email protected]
Pioneer AM, Pirate Station, Netherlands. Listened on 7-Aug-2015 between 22:00 - 22:25 UTC at 6870kHz via SDR Twente. eQSL received on 13Dec-15 for report to [email protected]
Radio Slovakia International [Slovak Radio] English Service, listened on 17-Nov-15 between 15:42 - 15:51 UTC, 7310 kHz via SDR Twente. QSL
received on 05-Dec-15 for report to [email protected]
Chris Crosby
7550 drm all india radio 2200 z s9+ 10 inglés / hindi
Para aquellos de ustedes buscando una señal drm para trabajar, aquí está!
No se trata sólo de drm, es doble canal drm!!!
Este es de 250 kw de bengaluru, no 500 kw desde delhi como antes drm agenda los estados [Lookup por onda corta. Información] Adjunta!!!
6650 millas a Virginia! 2º día para mi 2 ª estación drm alguna vez!!!
Roberto Pavanello
QSL. Radio Sunflower 6201 KHz - [email protected] con documento allegato in 1 giorno.
828 13/12 00.35 Innominata - Lombardia EE no stop MX buono
837 7/12 18.50 COPE - Sevilla SS NX reg. Andalucia buono
864 8/12 10.10 France Bleu 107.1 - Paris FF MX buono
1935 10/12 18.55 Media Veneta R. - Piove di Sacco IT ID e MX buono
1134 10/12 18.50 COPE - Pamplona SS NX reg. Navarra buono
1521 9/12 18.30 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1548 8/12 10.20 Gold - London EE MX suff.
3330 13/12 00.10 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
5952.5 13/12 00.15 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX Aymara talk YL suff.
6070 13/12 00.20 CFRB - Toronto EE NX suff.
6070 13/12 09.20 R. Diamond - [email protected] Tedesco ID e MX buono
6090 13/12 00.25 Caribbean Beacon - Anguilla EE predica buono
6201 13/12 09.40 R. Sunflower - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6295 13/12 09.50 Tower R. - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6325 13/12 10.00 R. Zwarte Panter - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono
6943 13/12 09.30 R. Enterprise - [email protected] IT ID e MX buono
7120 9/12 18.40 R. Hargeisa - Somalo Talk YL buono
9610 13/12 10.05 AWR - Firenze IT Studio DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9630 13/12 00.30 R. Aparecida - PP Rosario suff.
9820 8/12 00.15 R. 9 de Julho - Sao Paulo PP NX suff.
10000 8/12 00.10 Obs. Nacional - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e ora suff.
11780 8/12 00.05 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX buono
11815 8/12 00.00 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP Meteo buono
Roberto Pavanello
Robert Ross
Hi Guys: A couple of Pirate Stations logged on the weekend. Both of these Stations sent an eQSL within hours of me sending them an Emailed report.
Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA
6950 USB Amphetamine Radio USA PIRATE Dec/13/15 2001 UTC EE VG Music @ 2001 UTC Tune In. Slow Scan Transmission heard @ 2003-05
UTC. ID by Male DJ as "Amphetamine Radio". Morse Code with Email Address for QSLs. Song "Hungry Like a Wolf" @ 2005-10 UTC. Lots of
"Amphetamine Radio" IDS. Played a Request @ 2015 UTC "Stop Draggin' my heart around". Gave Email address as
[email protected] NEW PIRATE STN for me! ROSS, ON.
6925 USB Radio Fusion Radio USA PIRATE Dec/13/15 2202 UTC EE VG Music @ 2202 UTC Tune IN. ID as "Radio Fusion Radio". Funny
Christmas Ad for "Ray the Plumber". Funny ad for "Christmas Nativity Scene in your House". "Direct from the College of Knowledge - Radio
Fusion Radio" ID. Gave Email address for QSLs as [email protected] . Duane Eddy Instrumental Music @ 2213-15 UTC.
Abruptly Off the Air @ 2215 UTC. NEW PIRATE STN for me! ROSS, ON.
KLTF Little Falls, MINNESOTA Dec/14/15 0759 EST EE GOOD Christmas Music "I'll be home for Christmas" by Frank Sinatra @ 0759 EST.
Male DJ talked about Frank's 100th Birthday. ID @ 0800 EST as "Playing Christmas Songs for you this morning on AM 960 KLTF Little Falls,
It's 7 O'clock and 32 Degrees with overcast skies". Into SRN News. NEW STN 5 kW/38 Watts ROSS, ON.
WHA Madison, WISCONSIN Dec/14/15 0859 EST EE VG Female DJ with Local Holiday events and mentioned WPR. ID as "Now
Transmitting in both Analog and HD Digital - WHA" @ 0900 EST. NPR Promo. Into WPR Pgm with 1-800 # and WPR url given. NEW STN 5
kW/51 Watts ROSS, ON.
WXKS Newton, MA. Dec/12/15 1500 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID as "This is WXKS and on the World Wide Web @ ???" Into AP Radio
News @ 1500 EST. RELOG…….But NEW CALLS 50 kW ROSS, ON.
WINY Putnam, CT. Dec/12/15 1459 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 1459 ESt as "WINY-Putnam". Also gave url as "".
Into AP News @ 1500 EST. RELOG 5 kW/79 Watts ROSS, ON.
WFIF Milford, CT. Dec/12/15 1459 EST EE VG Randy Burkson with the Weather Update @ 1459 EST. ID as "Stay tuned for more great
programming on AM 1500 WFIF - Milford". Into SRN News. RELOG 5 kW DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
WCAT Burlington, VERMONT Dec/13/15 1559 EST EE VG ID by Male DJ @ 1559 EST as "This is Burlington's Big Cat - WCAT". Into OLDIES
Music. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WPVL Platteville, WISCONSIN Dec/14/15 0800 EST EE GOOD ID as "ESPN Radio on WPVL - Platteville" by Male DJ @ 0800 EST. Spot for
ESPN Mike and Mike show. ESPN Promos. RELOG 970/470 Watts ROSS, ON.
KDTH Dubuque, IOWA Dec/14/15 0900 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 0900 EST as "You're listening to the Voice of the Tri-States,
AM KDTH - Dubuque". "It's 8 O'clock" @ 0900 EST. Into CBS News . RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
KRNT Des Moines, IOWA Dec/14/15 0900 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 0900 EST as "Here on Des Moines Sports Station - KRNT
Des Moines. Into ESPN Mike and Mike Promo. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WVFN East Lansing, MICHIGAN Dec/14/15 0900 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0900 EST as "This is AM 730 WVFN - East Lansing".
Into Sports Talk.
USB RADIO FUSION RADIO PIRATE Station Full Data eQSL Sheet received in about 6 Hours from Sweet Pea Johnson. "Have a Funky
Holiday" QSL Sheet " for their Broadcast last night. ROSS, ON.
USB Amphetamine Radio - PIRATE STATION Full Data e-QSL received in 2 hours for an emailed report to [email protected]
Says Power is 100 Watts into a Sloper Wire. ROSS, ON.
WAGN Menominee, MICHIGAN Dec/11/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as "1340 WAGN Menominee-Marinette". Into
WMST Mount Sterling, KENTUCKY Dec/12/15 0600 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0600 EST as "106.9 FM and 1150 AM WMST Mount
Sterling." "CBS News Time ….It's 6 O'Clock". Into CBS News. NEW STN 2.5 kW/53 Watts ROSS, ON.
WIOO Carlisle, PENNSYLVANIA Dec/12/15 0800 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0800 EST as "WIOO Carlisle and WEEO Shippensburg".
Heard in a Brief period of Dead Air from WMVP-Chicago". NEW STN 1 kW Daytimer ROSS, ON.
WKBZ Muskegon, MICHIGAN Dec/11/15 1600 EST EE VG ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as "The Talk of Muskegon is Newstalk 1090 - WKBZ
Muskegon, and heard 24 hours a day on WOOD HD2 Muskegon". Into FOX News Alert . RELOG 1 kW Daytimer ROSS, ON.
WBZU Scranton, PENNSYLVANIA Dec/12/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0700 EST as "WBZU - Scranton". Also listed a few of the
other WILK Network affiliates. Into ABC News. RELOG 900/440 Watts ROSS, ON.
WZYX Cowan, TENNESSEE Dec/12/15 0659 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0659 EST as "AM 1440 - Your home of the EAGLE RADIO WZYX". Into FOX News @ 0700 EST. RELOG 5 kW/66 Watts ROSS, ON.
MD Harrisburg, PA. Dec/11/15 0455 UTC Morse Code FAIR (ENOLA) MD Beacon L/W Station # 500 Heard!! NEW STN ROSS, ON.
LC Columbus, OHIO Dec/11/15 0543 UTC Morse Code FAIR (PICKL) LC Beacon NEW STN ROSS, ON.
WDUZ Green Bay, WISCONSIN Dec/11/15 0759 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with Local Weather. ID by Male DJ @ 0800 EST as "WDUZ-FM
Greenbay and WDUZ-AM Green Bay. A Cumulus Station". Into News @ 0800. NEW STN GRAVEYARDER # 183 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WKBI St. Marys, PA. Dec/10/15 1758 EST EE GOOD Oldies Music - Beatles @ 1758 EST. Male DJ with ID as "94.5 FM and 1400 WKBI - St.
Marys. News will be next and we'll be right back with America's Best Music". Into ABC News @ 1800 EST. NEW STN GRAVEYARDER # 184
1 kW ROSS, ON.
WWCH Clarion, PA. Dec/10/15 1858 EST EE FAIR Christmas Music @ 1858 EST. ID as "Your Local Station - WWCH Clarion". RELOG
850/28 Watts ROSS, ON.
KOKC Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA Dec/10/15 1900 EST EE GOOD IDs as "News Talk 1520 KOKC" and "This is News radio 1520 KOKC
Oklahoma City…since 1955". Into News @ 1900 EST. RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
WWTR Bridgewater, NEW JERSEY Dec/10/15 1558 EST EE FAIR Local Indian subcontinental music and Vocals @ 1558 EST. ID as "Around
the World - This is EBC Radio - Wherever you are". RELOG 600 Watts Daytimer ROSS, ON.
CFBC Saint John, NEW BRUNSWICK Dec/10/15 1658 EST EE FAIR Country Music @ 1658 EST. ID by Male DJ as "Country Favourites and
Super Stars - 930 CFBC". Under WBEN-Buffalo. Not Heard in years!! RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
WJOY Burlington, VERMONT Dec/10/15 1700 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1700 EST as "Bringing the Champlain Valley America's best
music and latest News and Weather - This is AM 1230 WJOY Burlington". Into AP Radio News. RELOG 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WTSN Dover, NEW HAMPSHIRE Dec/11/15 0759 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0759 EST as "Coming up here on WTSN Radio". Into ABC
News @ 0800 EST. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WCVX Florence, KENTUCKY Dec/11/15 0659 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with Local Traffic report@ 0659 EST. ID as "Christian Talk 1160 WCVX
Florence" Into SRN News. RELOG 5 kW/990 Watts ROSS, ON.
WQFG689 Secaucus, NJ (Hudson Cty) Dec/11/15 0107 EST EE FAIR TIS STation with continuous Loop read by Male and Female. ID as
"WQFG689 Operated by the Hudson County ????" Gave Email address as "MRT@ hudson???.org" Female said call us at 201-223-1136.
WBQH Silver Spring, MARYLAND Dec/09/15 0758 EST SPANISH FAIR Regional Mexican Music and SS Vocals @ 0758 EST. Lots of Tubas
and Accordions. ID @ 0801 EST as "La Mera Mera". UNDER CHUM Toronto. NEW STN 10 kW/44 Watts ROSS, ON.
WXFN Muncie, INDIANA Dec/09/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as " Muncie's Sports Powerhouse on Muncie's Sports
Station 102.9 and 1340 AM WXFN". Also a Mention of FOX Sports. Into Sports Talk. NEW STN 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WHHQ Bridgeport, MICHIGAN Dec/10/15 0800 EST EE GOOD Religious Program produced by Ave Maria Radio. EWTN Promos and IDs @
0800 EST. Into "Catholic Connested" program. NEW STN 5 kW/1100 Watts ROSS, ON.
WKQA Norfolk, VIRGINIA Dec/09/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID @ 1600 EST as "e wish you a very Merry Christmas from Freedom 1110 WKQA".
Into SRN News. RELOG………But NEW CALLS 50 kW Daytimer ROSS, ON.
WFNT Flint, MICHIGAN Dec/09/15 1700 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1700 EST as "Newstalk AM 1470 WFNT. The #1 source for News
around Michigan and the Great Lakes Area". Into News/Talk. RELOG………But NEW CALLS ROSS, ON.
WHVW Hyde Park, NEW YORK Dec/10/15 0558 EST EE FAIR UNDER WWJ - Detroit. Doo Wop Music @ 0558 EST. Male DJ with ID @ 0600
EST. Into Accapella group Music @ 0601. This Station is owned by Pirate Radio Joe Ferraro…a Friend/Radio Buddy of Alan Weiner of Radio
New York/WBCQ Fame. Both of these guys are from Yonkers New York!! I have a Pirate QSL signed by Joe for one of the Many Pirate
Stations he has been affiliated with over the years. Interesting guy to say the least. Most of the stuff they play on this station is on Old 78
RPMS from Joe's collection! He also plays Rockabilly, Blues, R&B and Old Americana Music. This is my 2nd time hearing them. RELOG 500
Watts/57 Watts ROSS, ON.
1520 WHOW Clinton, ILLINOIS Dec/08/15 1659 EST EE VG Strong Signal ID by Male DJ @ 1659 EST as "At the Big Red Barn….WHOW
1520 along with FM Translator W222BG 92.3 Clinton". Into CBS News. (The Big Red Barn is where their Studios are located!) NEW STN 5
1090 KEXS Excelsior Springs, MISSOURI Dec/08/15 1759 EST EE FR-GD EWTN IDs @ 1759 EST. Long sign off and ID as "Join us tomorrow
for the finest in Catholic programming. KEXS Excelsior Springs, Missouri is now signing off but remember you can join us Obline. KEXS
operates on a frequency of 1090 Khz with a Maximum Power of 8000 Watts. Join us tomorrow right here on KEXSExcelsior Springs/Kansas
City". EWTN Promo and OFF AIR @ 1700 EST. NEW STN 8 kW DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
WKDA Lebanon, TENNESSEE Dec/08/15 1759 EST SPANISH FAIR Female with Religious Talk in SPANISH. 1759 EST. Many mentions of
"Familia and Amigos". ID by Female @ 1801 EST as "RADIO LUZ". Into more SS Religious Music. Mixing with CHML Hamilton, ON. NEW
STN 5 kW/100 Watts ROSS, ON.
1470 WTOE Spruce Pine, NORTH CAROLINA Dec/08/15 1859 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ 2 1859 EST as "WTOE - Spruce Pine - The Greatest
Hits of all time" Into Classic Rock hits "Play the Funky Music Whiteboy". NEW STN 5 kW/103 Watts ROSS, ON.
1460 WOPG Albany, NEW YORK Dec/08/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as "1460 WOPG and 89.9 FM and Streaming at
???? EWTN Global Catholic Network. EWTN Promos and Religious Talk. RELOG……But NEW CALLS 5 kW ROSS, ON.
1600 WRPN Ripon, WISCONSIN Dec/08/15 1700 EST EE GOOD Female DJ with several Milwaukee Mentions in the Local News. ID as
"From WFRV TV in Green Bay, Fox City to the Lakeshore - This is Local 5 News @ 5 in HD". Female with Local Wisconsin News @ 1700 EST.
1440 WPRS Paris, ILLINOIS Dec/08/15 1700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 1700 EST as "Newstalk 1230 WIBQ Terre Haute and AM
1440 WPRS Paris". Into News "FOX REPORT" @ 1700 EST. RELOG 1 kW/250 Watts ROSS, ON.
1350 WZGM Black Mountain, NC Dec/08/15 1700 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1700 EST as "News, Weather and Sports 1350 AM WZGM
Black Mountain-Asheville". Into News @ 1700. RELOG 10 kW/56 Watts. ROSS, ON.
1300 WNQM Nashville, TENNESSEE Dec/08/15 1659 EST EE VG Strong! 615 Area Code Numbers given. ID by Male DJ @ 1700 EST as
"You're listening to WNQM Nashville College Ministries - Your 50,000 Watt Christian station in Middle Tennessee". Into a Religious pgm in
English @ 1700 EST. Station listed as SPANISH??? RELOG 50/5 kW ROSS, ON.
KWMT Fort Dodge, IOWA Dec/08/15 1658 EST EE VG Country Music . Male DJ with ID @ 1700 EST as "For the most accurate weather
forecast - Iowa depends on AM 540 KWMT". Into Classic C/W Music. RELOG 5 kW/370 Watts ROSS, ON.
1080 KRLD Dallas, TEXAS Dec/08/15 1759 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1759 EST as "Nes Radio 1080 KRLD and HD KRLD HD2".
Into News @ 1800 EST. RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
KWOS Jefferson City, MISSOURI Dec/08/15 1800 EST EE VG ID by Male DJ @ 1800 EST as "950 on your AM Dial and 101.1 FM and
Online @ KWOS Dot Com. You're connected to the world on KWOS Jefferson City - A serviceof Zimmer Radio Marketing Group" Into FOX
News @ 1800. Very Strong Signal! RELOG 5 kW/500 Watts ROSS, ON.
WCND Shelbyville, KENTUCKY Dec/08/15 1758 EST SPANISH FAIR Regional Mexican Music @ 1758 EST. Lots of Tubas!! ID by Male
DJ in SS as "Este es WCND" and "LA EXPLOSIVA". IDs @ 1802 EST. RELOG 250/10 Watts ROSS, ON.
KFUO Clayton, MISSOURI Dec/08/15 1758 EST EE FAIR Male and Female with Religious Talk @ 1758 EST. Over/Under WKNR
Cleveland. Church Choir music. Sounded like a Catholic Station but I believe it was Lutheran?? ID as "KFUOAM dot org" @ 1800 EST.
atches Live Webfeed. RELOG 5 kW DAYTIMER ROSS, ON.
1190 WSDE Cobleskill, NEW YORK Dec/08/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as "WSDE Cobleskill - Lite 94.3 and AM 1190".
Into ABC News @ 1600 EST. RELOG 1 kW/20 Watts ROSS, ON.
KWAM Memphis, TENNESSEE Dec/08/15 1859 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1859 EST as "The new voice of Memphis - This is KWAM
Memphis". Into CBS News @ 1900 EST RELOG 10 kW/450 Watts ROSS, ON.
95.5 WQEZ Glen Arbor, MICHIGAN Dec/05/15 0615 EST EE VG Male DJ with ID @ 0615 EST as "95.5 WQEZ" Into Christmas Music.
RELOG………..But NEW CALLS EX-WJZJ 271 Miles 21 kW ROSS, ON.
88.1 WHID Green Bay, WISCONSIN Dec/05/15 0557 EST EE FAIR BBC World Service. IDs as Wisconsin Public Radio. RELOG 355 Miles 17 kW
101.9 WDEZ Wausau, WISCONSIN Dec/05/15 0629 EST EE GOOD Country Music. ID as "Great Country 101.9 WDEZ " Station Promo. RELOG
439 Miles 98.5 kW ROSS, ON.
89.3 WPNE Green Bay, WISCONSIN Dec/05/15 0655 EST EE VG Classical Music. WPR IDs, and WPR Promos. Fund Raiser spot for
ID as "89.3 WPNE Green Bay - Your home for Classical Music". RELOG 355 Miles 97 kW ROSS, ON.
101.1 WIXX Green Bay, WISCONSIN Dec/05/15 0820 EST EE GOOD Pop/Rock Music. ID as "101 WIXX". RELOG 355 Miles 100 kW ROSS, ON.
89.1 WBOI Ft. Wayne, INDIANA Dec/05/.15 0859 EST EE GOOD NPR IDs and Promos. ID as "89.1 WBOI - Ft. Wayne". Int NPR News. RELOG 34
1030 UNID Unknown Location Dec/06/15 2201 EST EE FAIR Partial ID by Male DJ @ 2201 EST as "Whether at work or on the go - We are where
you go" Classic Rock/Oldies type music. Mixing with WBZ Boston. Anyone recognize that Station Slogan??? ROSS, ON.
1310 KOKX Keokuk, IOWA Dec/07/15 1659 EST EE GOOD Standards Music. ID @ 1659 EST as "You're listening to 1310 KOKX-AM Keokuk.
Your Station for News and Music Memories". Into News @ 1700 EST. NEW STN 1 kW/500 Watts ROSS, ON.
1300 KGLO Mason City, IOWA Dec/07/15 1700 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 1700 EST as "KGLO 1300 and online @ ???". Into CBS News @
1700 EST. NEW STN 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WNML Knoxville, TENNESSEE Dec/06/15 2201 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 2201 EST as "Sports Radio WNML 990". Into CBS Sports
Talk Football Talk. RELOG ………But NEW CALLS 10 kW ROSS, ON.
KKLK Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Dec/07/15 1700 EST EE FAIR Male and Female DJs with ID @ 1700 EST as "Live from the Richards
Warehouse Dot Com Studios KKLK 1130, 103.5 and 100.3 The Twin Cities News Talk Station". Into "The FOX Report" News.
WPRV Provide nce, RHODE ISLAND Dec/08/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0700 EST as "It's 7 O'clock WPRV Providence". Into
News . RELOG……..But NEW CALLS 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WARV Warwick, RHODE ISLAND Dec/08/15 1600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1600 EST as "1590 AM WARV - Warwick/Providence".
Into SRN News @ 1600 EST. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WPEO Peoria, ILLINOIS Dec/07/15 1658 EST EE VG Religious Music. ID by Male DJ @ 1700 EST as "AM 1020 WPEO and FM 99.7
W249ZZ Peoria" Into SRN News @ 1700 EST. RELOG 1 kW Daytimer ROSS, ON.
KSOO Sioux Falls, SOUTH DAKOTA Dec/07/15 1700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 1700 EST as "The Talk of Sioux Falls KSOO Sioux
Falls". Into ABC News @ 1700 EST. RELOG 10/5 kW ROSS, ON.
ion Full Data E-QSL received from Richard Blaine in 16 Hours for an Emailed Report to [email protected] ROSS, ON.
WCHE West Chester, PENNSYLVANIA Dec/07/15 0800 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 0800 as "It's 8 O'Clock…."On Air serving the
greater Philadelphia area WCHE 1520 AM". Into Morning show with a Male Host. Over WWKB Buffalo! NEW STN 1 kW Daytimer ROSS, ON.
WGKA Atlanta, GEORGIA Dec/06/15 1900 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1900 EST as "WGKA-Atlanta". Into News @ 1900.
RELOG….But NEW CALLS 14 kW/490 Watts ROSS, ON.
WPLA Dry Branch, GEORGIA Dec/07/15 0759 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 0759 EST as "WPLA Macon's 24/7 Sports Station".
"Fox Sports 1670 dot com". Into Fox Sports talk. RELOG……But NEW CALLS 10/1 kW ROSS, ON.
WILM Wilmington, DELAWARE Dec/06/15 2000 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 2000 EST as "Delaware's New radio - 1450 WILM". Into
News @ 2000. RELOG 1 kW ROSS, ON.
CBK Regina, SASKATCHEWAN Dec/07/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Mention of the 102.5 CBC FM Outlet. Spot for CBC's "The Current".
CBC ID in to "World Report". RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
WVMT Burlington, VERMONT Dec/07/15 0659 EST EE GOOD "WVMT Weather" @ 0659 EST. ID as "Burlinton/Plattsburgh's # 1
News Talk 620 WVMT". "It's 7 O'Clock". Into ABC News. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WPWC Dumfries-Triangle, VIRGINIA Dec/07/15 SPANISH/EE FAIR Male DJ with ENGLISH ID @ 0800 EST as "WPWC Dumfries - Radio
Zion". Fanfare and into Spanish Religious talk. RELOG 1 kW/500 Watts. ROSS, ON.
WLIE Islip, NEW YORK Dec/07/15 0800 EST EE/SPANSIH VG Female with ENGLISH ID @ 0800 EST as "You're listening to 540 AM
WLIE Islip, NY" Male DJ also gave SPANISH ID. Into SS Religious Talk. RELOG 10 kW/220 Watts ROSS, ON.
WEEF Deerfield, ILLINOIS Dec/04/15 1659 EST EE/Ethnic GOOD English PSA for "American Institute of CGS's" @ 1659 EST. ID by Male DJ
@ 1700 EST as "AM 1430 WEEF Deerfield, Northbrook, Chicago. Chicago's "IN LANGUAGE EURO STATION". Into EZ Listening Instrumental
Music. NEW STN 1.6 kW/750 Watts ROSS, ON.
WUMY Turrell, ARKANSAS Dec/05/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Local Memphis Ads @ 0659. One for a Local Auto Sales. ID as "GUESS-FM Memphis's Classic Hits - Guess what's next?" @ 0700 EST. Into Classic Rock "Abracadabra" @ 0700 EST. RELAYING their FM Sister
Station. NEW STN 5 kW/26 Watts ROSS, ON.
WCWA Toledo, OHIO Dec/05/15 0700 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 0700 EST as "You're listening to Toledo's Sports Leader - AM 1230
WCWA". Mention of FOX Sports Radio and "1230 Fox Sports dot com". Into Sports Talk. NEW STN GY # 182 Heard 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WBAS West Yarmouth, MA. Dec/03/15 0600 EST EE FAIR Fanfare into an ENGLISH ID @ 0600 EST as "WBAS - It's ?8 Degrees". Into an
Instrumental Star Spangled Banner…but not sure if the SSB was them or someone else. Not heard after the SSB so no Portuguese
Programming heard. NEW STN GRAVEYARDER # 181 1 kW ROSS, ON.
KTUI Sullivan, MISSOURI Dec/04/15 0659 EST EE FAIR SIGN-ON by Male DJ @ 0659 EST as "This is KTUI authorized to operate on an
assigned frequency of One Thousand , Five Hundred and Sixty kHZ, with a Power of 1000 Watts". "Owned and Operated by Fidelity
Inc. a Home grown Station located in Sullivan, Missouri". "We invite you to tune into KTUI-AM for News Weather and Sports". Into
Instrumental Star Spangled Banner @ 0700 EST and gone……. NEW STN 1 kW Days ROSS, ON.
WRYT Edwardsville, ILLINOIS Dec/04/15 0700 EST EE FAIR ID in the Jumble by Male DJ as "EWTN-St. Louis". Mixing with WOAP and WTIC.
NEW STN 500 Watts Days/20 Watts Nights ROSS, ON.
WCVX Florence, KENTUCKY Dec/02/15 2237 EST EE FAIR Female DJ with ID as "1160 WCVX" @ 2237 EST. Spot for the "Indiana
???Association". Local Kentucky Ads. RELOG 5 kW/990 Watts ROSS, ON.
WKJK Louisville, KENTUCKY Dec/03/15 0700 EST EE FAIR ID as "Talk Radio 1080 WKJK Louisville" by Male DJ @ 0700 EST. Into CBS
News. RELOG 10 kW/1 kW ROSS, ON.
WAKM Franklin, TENNESSEE Dec/03/15 0700 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0700 EST as "This is WAKM - Franklin". Into ABC News.
RELOG 5 kW/8 Watts ROSS, ON.
KSCJ Sioux City, IOWA Dec/03/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID as "For 85 Years we've brought you the latest news @ 1360 and also
available online @ KSCJ dot com". Into CBS News @ 0700 EST. RELOG 5 kW ROSS, ON.
WLTI New Castle, INDIANA Dec/04/15 0658 EST EE GOOD Country Music @ 0658 EST. Male DJ with ID as "Stars and Legends Real Country
WLTI-AM and WMDH-FM @ 0700 EST. RELOG 250 Watts ROSS, ON.
WPDR Portage, WISCONSIN Dec/04/15 0700 EST EE GOOD Oldies Music "Knock 3 Times" @ 0658 EST. ID on hour as "AM 1350 WPDR-Portage". Into Weather and News. RELOG 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WKJW Black Mountain, NC Nov/30/15 1758 EDT EE FAIR Gospel Christmas Carol 1758-1800 EST. ID on Hour as WKJW – Black
Mountain - Christian 1010. UNDER CFRB Toronto, but quite readable! NEW STN 47 kW/90 Watts ROSS, ON.
WGLB Elmgrove, WISCONSIN Nov/30/15 1700 EST EE GOOD Male DJ with ID @ 1700 as "WGLB 1560 Elmgrove-Milwaukee - Your
Home for Gospel Music". Into Gospel Music. RELOG 185/250 Watts ROSS, ON.
WH2XDE/3 Wayland, MASSACHUSETTS Nov/28/15 0117 EST EE Modulated Morse Code Part 5 Experimental Ham Station operated by
Warren - K2ORS with 60 Watts of Power. TESTING in slow speed Modulated Morse Code with ID Loop as - "WH2XDE/3 FN42SI Wayland
MA". RELOG 60 Watts ROSS, ON.
WMUB Oxford, OHIO Nov/30/15 1058 EST EE GOOD PBS Promos Talk about Cincinnati. ID as "Life 91.7 WVXU on Facebook". ID on
hour as "91.7 WVXU Cincinnati and 88.5 WMUB Oxford". Weather report @ 1600 EST. RELOG 301 Miles 24.3 kW ROSS, ON.
WGTZ Eaton, OHIO Nov/30/15 1053 EST EE VG ID as "Another Christmas Music Marathon on WGTZ - Dayton's Christmas Station". Into
Christmas Music. RELOG 285 Miles 32 kW ROSS, ON.
WBLB Pulaski, VIRGINIA Nov/25/15 1858 EST EE FAIR Black Gospel Music 1858-1900 EST. Female DJ with ID as "WBLB - Pulaski".
Also a Musical Jingle with the word JOY in it. NEW STN GRAVEYARDER # 180 1 kW ROSS, ON.
WHVO Hopkinsville, KENTUCKY Nov/25/15 2100 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 2100 EST as "Cadiz-Cedar Valley - 1480 WHVO".
Into Oldies Music "You're no Good". @ 2100 EST. NEW STN 1 kW/24 Watts ROSS, ON.
WIGN Bristol, TENNESSEE Nov/26/15 0658 EST EE GOOD Gospel Bluegrass Music @ 0658 EST. ID by Male DJ as "WIGN - Bristol,
Tennessee" Over CBC Windsor. RELOG 35 kW/6 Watts ROSS, ON.
WONW Defiance, OHIO Nov/24/15 0400 EST EE FAIR Spot for the "I-Heart Radio App". ID by Male DJ @ 0400 EST as "From the Butler
Real Studios – This is News Talk 1280 AM, an I-Heart Radio Station" . "WONW Defiance". Into News @ 0400 EST. NEW STN 1 kW/500
Watts ROSS, ON.
WLJN Elmwood Township, MICHIGAN Nov/25/15 0659 EST EE FAIR Male with Local Weather Report @ 0659 EST. ID as "89.9 FM, WLJN
1400 and WLJW 1370". DJ Said "Thanks To our Listeners……..". NEW STN
GRAVEYARDER # 179 640 Watts ROSS, ON.
WNER Watertown, NEW YORK Nov/25/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Heard under Local Station's Carrier - CKSL London Off the Air!! ID by
Male DJ @ 0700 EST as "FOX SPORTS Radio 1410 The Winner". "WNER 1410 dot com" url given. Fox Sports promos and IDs. Fox Sports
Daybreak Show @ 0701 EST. NEW STN 3.5 kW/58 Watts ROSS, ON
KTGR Columbia, MISSOURI Nov/24/15 0600 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 0600 EST as "This is KTGR" and mentioned Jefferson City,
which is a secondary coverage area for KTGR. Mixing with a UNID Spanish Station. NEW STN 214/8 Watts ROSS, ON.
WBEX Chillicothe, OHIO Nov/23/15 1800 EST EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 1800 EST as "News, Talk, Sports - 1490 WBEX - Chillicothe".
Into Local Weather and News by Female @ 1800 EST. NEW STN 1 kW ROSS, ON.
KGOW Bellaire, TEXAS Nov/22/15 1959 EST EE GOOD ID by Male DJ @ 1959 EST as "KGOW - Bellaire/Houston - A Gow Media
Station". "Your home for the latest sports on YAHOO Sports Radio 1560". Into Sports Talk. RELOG 46/15 kW ROSS, ON.
KQQZ DeSoto, MISSOURI Nov/22/15 2000 EST EE GOOD ID sung out by Females @ 2000 EST as "KQQZ - St. Louis". Into Classic
Country Music "Big Iron on his hip". RELOG 10 kW/22 Watts ROSS, ON.
KOA Denver, COLORADO Nov/22/15 2000 EST EE GOOD ID @ 2000 EST as "Now on 94.1 and I-Heart Station - KOA Radio Time
is 6 O'Clock" (MST). Into News. Mix with WKNR-Cleveland. RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
KOKC Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA Nov/24/15 0700 EST EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 0700 EST as "News Talk 1520 KOKC OKlahoma City A Product of Tyler Media since 1955?? Into CBS News @ 0700 EST. RELOG 50 kW ROSS, ON.
KZQZ St. Louis, MISSOURI Nov/24/15 0800 EST EE GOOD ID sung out by Females @ 0800 EST as "An All American Station - KZQZ - St.
Louis". Into OLDIES Music "Sweet Soul Music". RELOG 50 5 kW ROSS, ON.
Lenildo da Silva
• BRASIL - A Rádio Universo, de São Paulo (SP), voltou a transmitir em 9585 kHz. A emissora é responsável por gerar para suas afiliadas, AM e FM,
os cultos e programas da Igreja Pentecostal Deus é amor.
Antes de ficar inativa, a estação estava emitindo seu sinal em 9587 kHz, e com qualidade de áudio comprometida. Agora, todavia, voltou ao seu
canal padrão e com boa qualidade. Também está transmitindo normalmente em 6120 kHz.
• BRASIL - A Rádio Bandeirantes, de São Paulo (SP), terá que continuar transmitindo a "Voz do Brasil" das 19h às 20h, horário considerado nobre.
Decisão do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região havia permitido que a emissora transmitisse em horário alternativo, mas agora o Supremo
Tribunal Federal (STF) deu provimento a recurso da União e restabeleceu o que está previsto na alínea "e" do artigo 38 da Lei 4.117/1962 (que
instituiu o Código Brasileiro de Telecomunicações).
Neste ano a Rádio Bandeirantes deixou de transmitir em seus três canais de ondas curtas (6090, 9645 e 11925 kHz). Não há informações se a
emissora do Morumbi voltará a operar por essa modalidade.
• IÊMEN via ARÁBIA SAUDITA - A estação clandestina Radio Sana'a, do Iêmen, agora transmite 24 horas por dia em 11860 kHz, via transmissor de
50 kW, localizado na cidade saudita de Jidá.
Aqui na Paraíba, a Radio Sana'a pode ser captada com bom sinal, na referida frequência, a partir de 19:00 UTC.