Gianluca Botto, MD, FESC, Fibrillazione Atriale Non
Gianluca Botto, MD, FESC, Fibrillazione Atriale Non
Fibrillazione Atriale Non Valvolare Ischemia o Emorragia le Due Utopie Rivali nella Scelta dei NAO Gianluca Botto, MD, FESC, UO Elettrofisiologia, Dip Medicina Limitations Limitations of of VKA VKA Therapy Therapy Unpredictable response Narrow therapeutic window (INR range 2.0–3.0) Numerous food–drug interactions VKA therapy has several limitations that make it difficult to use in practice Slow onset/ offset of action Routine coagulation monitoring Numerous drug–drug interactions Warfarin resistance Frequent dose adjustments Ansell J. Chest 2008; 133; 160S-198S. Umer Ushman MH. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2008; 22: 129-137. Nutescu EA. Cardiol Clin 2008; 26: 169-187. Patient With High INR Variability Hazards of Warfarin Budnitz DS. M Engl J Med 2011; 365: 2002-2012 Rationale of a Replacement for Warfarin in NV-AF ■ W is an effective agent for stroke prevention in NV-AF, however: ■ Pts find frequent INR monitoring difficult ■ Phisicians are reluctant to use W due to the increased risk for bleeds ■ The potential for improvement in bleeding and possibly stroke prevention was seen with more targeted NOAC therapy Selecting the most appropriate antithrombotic therapy for a pt is one of the most important management decisions in AFIB The net clinical benefit associated with a given therapeutic choice should guide this decision. The net clinical benefit associated with a given therapeutic choice should guide this decision. Anticoagulation Use Balancing Stroke Prevention and Risk of Bleeding Anticoagulation In Pts With Non-Valvular AF Annual Rates Of Major Hemorrhage Fuster V. ACC/AHA/ESC Practice Guidelines 2006 CHADS2 annual stroke risk (%) 4-6 ≥8,5 3 5,9 2 4,0 1 2,8 0 1,9 Ann Intern Med. 2009; 151: 297-305. AVERROES AVERROES Primary Primary Efficacy Efficacy and and Safety Safety Outcome Outcome Connolly SJ. N Engl J Med 2011; 364: 806-17 2011; 155: 579-586. Net Net Clinical Clinical Benefit Benefit for for Warfarin Warfarin and and NOAs NOAs by by CHA CHA22DS DS22-VASc -VASc and and HAS-BLED HAS-BLED Score Score Banerjee A. Thrombosis Haemost 2012; 107: 584-589 Comparison Between Annualized Thromboembolic Risk Stratified by CHADS22 Risk Score and CHA22DS22-VASc Risk Score Atrial Atrial Fibrillation Fibrillation HAS-BLED HAS-BLED Bleeding Bleeding Risk Risk Score Score A score ≥ 3 indicates “High Risk” and cautions and regular review of the pt is needed Although Although Stroke Stroke Is Is Generally Generally More More Feared Feared By By Patients, Patients, There There Is Is A A Strong Strong Bias Bias Among Among Physician Physician Not Not To To Cause Cause Harm Harm Allocation to a NOAs significantly reduced the composite of stroke or systemic embolic events by 19% as compared to WRF The overall beneficial effect was mainly driven by a large reduction in haemorrhagic stroke (RR on combined data: 0.49, 95%CI: 0.38-0.64, P<0.0001) All-cause mortality was significantly reduced with NOAs vs. WRF (RR: 0.90, 95%CI: 0.85-0.95, P=0.0003), while ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction were not NOAs NOAs vs vs Warfarin Warfarin in in Pts Pts with with AF AF ALL-CAUSE STROKE or SE ISCHEMIC STROKE HEMORRHAGIC STROKE Miller CS. Am J Cardiol 2012; 110: 453-460 Major Bleeding in the NOACs SPAF Trial Intracranial Hemorrage NOACs Are Associated with Significant Fewer Intracranial Bleeds than Warfarin ENGAGE-AF Fatal Bleeding Giuliano RP. ESC Annual Meeting, Barcelona (abstract) Intracerebral/Hemorragic Stroke and Mortality in SPAF ■ ICH has a mortality rate of 40-50% ■ Much worse than ischemic stroke, MI, GI bleed NNT to prevent ICH vs Warfarin Chatterrjee S. JAMA Neurol 2013; 70: 1486-90 Risk of ICH in Pts with Chonic Cerebral Microbleeds on Gradient Echo MRI ■ 68% of spontaneous ICH ■ Microbleeds increase the risk of Warfarin-associated ICH 12 fold Van Etten ES. Stroke 2014: 45; 2280-2285 Reducing the Risk for ICH in SPAF Pts Receiving Anticoagulation Rx ■ Assesses risk factors ■ Aggressive risk factor reduction ■ Do not add AP to anticoagulant unless pts has recently had a coronary stent deployed ■ Switch from an AVK to a NAOC Major GI Bleeding in the NOAC SPAF Trials Flexible Dosing to Prevent Bleeding ■ High vs low-dose regimens - more ischemic events but less bleeding ■ Dose modification/reduction - preventing excess dose exposure in vulnerable pts ■ Once-daly vs twice-daily dosing - different plasma concentration carries differen bleeding risk Rivaroxaban Dosing Overlap B/ween OD and BID Regimens Maximun (Cmax) and minimun (Ctrough) blood concentration of rivaroxaban in bid and od studies, with 25° and 75° percentiles (orizontal lines) and 5° and 95° percentili (dots) 120 bid od Cmax 300 200 100 Rivaroxaban Cvalle (µg/l) 400 Rivaroxaban Cmax (µg/l) • 100 bid od Ctrough 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Rivaroxaban daily dose (mg) 5 10 15 20 Rivaroxaban daily dose (mg) Mueck W. Thromb Haemost 2008; 100: 453–461 Anticoagulation Anticoagulation Rx Rx in in Pts Pts With With NV-AF NV-AF Projected Projected Costs, Costs, Cost-Efficacy Cost-Efficacy and and Cost-Benefit Cost-Benefit Harrington AR. Stroke 2013 in press The VKA Habit is Under Pressure …but Overall Usage is Still on High Level Global AC Market Volume Shares in % (based on SU) Volume in SU (000) 100 800,000 700,000 81% 80 600,000 69% 500,000 60 VKAs 400,000 Novel OACs 40 300,000 Others* 20 13% 19% 200,000 137.302 100,000 6% Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov 2012 2013 2014 495.217 Feb Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov 2012 2013 2014 Feb * Others = mainly B1B1 Unfractionated Heparin and B1B2 LMWH IMS MIDAS Database Monthly Sales Italy: The Paradox Effect of NOAs IMS MIDAS Database Monthly Sales Summary ■ Appropriate AC is required to prevent TE events in pts with NV-AF while minimizing the risk for bleeding ■ NOACs provide a similar level of protection from ischemic stroke as VKAs but are associated with a significant lower rate of intracranial bleeding ■ NOACs are powerful drugs, can cause serious bleeding and should be used in strict accordance with their specific scientific evidence New New Guidelines Guidelines for for Anticoagulation Anticoagulation of of Pts Pts With With AF AF Particular emphasis on identification of pts at low risk that don’t need any antithrombotic Rx ASA just for few pts for whom anticoagulation cannot be proposed NOAs significantly reduce the major bleeding Primarily driven by a substantial reduction in ICH NOAs are poised to replace warfarin for the majority of the pts
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