Florentine Mosaic
Florentine Mosaic
Toby Lischko presents Florentine Mosaic Designed by Toby Lischko Quilt features La Scala collection by Studio RK with Robert Kaufman Fabrics. TL - 40 Florentine Mosaic Fabric Requirements: Based on 42” wide usable fabric Fabric #1: 1 Panel Fabric #2: 1 Panel second color way Fabric #3: Gold -3/8 yard Fabric #4: Dark Blue 3/4 yard Fabric #5: Medium Blue 1/4 yard Fabric #6: Light small floral 1/4 yard Fabric #7: Large floral 1/2 yard Backing: 3-1/4 yards 42” wide fabric or 1-5/8 yards if using wide backing Batting: 52” x 52” Heavy template plastic ©Toby Lischko 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this pattern may be photocopied or reproduced without written consent of the designer. All finished items produced from this pattern may not be used commercially. The enclosed pattern is presented in good faith: however, no warranty or guarantee of results is given. Published by Gateway Quilts & Stuff, Inc. 212 Fox Meadow Lane Beaufort, MO 63013 (314) 913-1197 Toby Lischko, Designer/Author [email protected] Great quilt for medallions and for fussy cutting! TL - 40 Quilt size: 44” x 44” Level: Intermediate Florentine Mosaic PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING Designed by Toby Lischko on EQ7 General instructions * All seams are sewn with 1/4” seam allowance. * Skill level intermediate. * With heavy template material, make templates A, B, C, D, E, F, and G from page ....If there are templates covering two pages, cut out paper template parts, line up the matching lines and tape together before making the plastic template. * To avoid cutting into the template material when fussy-cutting, use a ruler lined up along the edge of the template before trimming. *** In order to get the medallions cut out correctly, it is important to follow the cutting illustrations. Cutting Instructions (based on 42” wide) From Fabric 1 (First Panel print): * Cut the two medallions apart by cutting through the middle of the small medallion halves, between the large medallions. Cut four 3-1/2” squares using template A on the small medallions as illustrated. Quilt size: 44” x 44” The medallion should look like this illustration. * Using template B, cut four triangles from the second medallion as illustrated. From Fabric 2 (Second Panel print): * As with Fabric 2, cut the two medallions apart through the middle of the small medallion halves, between the large medallions. Cut four 3-1/2” squares using template A on the small medallions as illustrated. Fold the medallion in half diagonally through the center. Placing the seam line of template C on the fold, cut out fold two large triangles. Repeat with the other medallion. seam line 4-1/2” trim off 10” fold 4-1/2” 10” fold Toby Lischko © 2015 From Fabric 3 (gold): * Cut four 1-3/4” x WOF strips. Fold the medallion into * Cut four 1-1/2” x WOF strips. From Fabric 4 (dark blue): fourths through the * Cut forty triangles with Template D center. Measure 10” * Cut five 2-1/4” x WOF strips for binding. from the center and trim the raw edge sides. From Fabric 5 (Medium blue): Measure 4-1/2” from the * Cut eighty triangles with Template G. From Fabric 6 (light small floral): fold on each raw edge *Cut thirty-six diamonds with Template E. and trim off corner. * Cut eight triangles with Template F. From Fabric 7 (large floral print): * Cut four 3-1/2” x WOF strips. Floretine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 1 of 7 QUILT CONSTRUCTION: 1. Sew Fabric 1 B triangles to each corner of the Fabric 1 large medallion. Press to triangles. Square should equal 20” x 20”. Trim if necessary. 5. Starting with a left side triangle unit, alternate ten Fabric 4 triangles D and nine large triangle units, ending with a right side triangle unit. Press to piece sewn on. Section should equal 3-1/2” x 30-1/2”. 30-1/2” BORDER CONSTRUCTION 2. Sew a Fabric 2 C triangle to each side. Press to large triangles. Square should equal 28” x 28”. Trim if necessary. Follow the illustration on the following page for border placement. 6. Trim two 1-3/4” Fabric 3 strips to 1-3/4” x 28”. Sew to sides of center medallion. Press to border strip. Trim remaining two 1-3/4” Fabric 3 strips to 30-1/2” x 1-3/4”. Sew to top and bottom. Press to border strip. 7. Sew two border sections from step 5 to the sides. The large dark blue triangles will touch the center quilt. Press to solid border strip. 8. Sew the four 3-1/2” fussy-cut Fabric 2 squares to each end of the remaining two border sections. Be sure to place the corner of the small medallion facing towards the border section on each side. Sew these to the top and bottom. Press to border strip. 3. Sew Fabric 5 triangles G to the top two sides of a Fabric 6 E diamond. Press to triangles. Make forty large triangle units. Left side triangle unit. 9. Trim two 1-1/2” Fabric 3 strips to 1-1/2” x 36-1/2”. Sew to sides. Press to border strip. Trim remaining two 1-1/2” Fabric 3 strips to 38-1/2” x 1-1/2”. Sew to top and bottom. Press to border strip. 4. Sew a Fabric 5 triangle G to the top of a Fabric 6 triangle F. Press to Fabric 5 triangle. Make four left side triangle units. Rotate the Fabric 6 F triangle Right side and sew a Fabric 5 triangle G triangle to the opposite side. Make four unit. right side triangle units. Toby Lischko © 2015 10. Trim the four 3-1/2” Fabric 7 strips to 3-1/2” x 38-1/2”. Sew two to the sides. Press to border strip. 11. Sew the four 3-1/2” Fabric 1 squares to the remaining two 3-1/2” Fabric 7 border strips following the same directions as in step 7 for placement of the squares. Sew to top and bottom. Press to border strip. Florentine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 2 of 7 PIECED BACKING (See illustration on page 4) 12. You may use a 1-5/8 yard piece of wide backing. If using 42” wide fabric, cut two backing pieces at 58-1/2” by WOF. Sew together along the selvage edges using a 1” seam. Trim the selvages off and press to one side. The backing seam will be vertical to the quilt. FINISHING 13. Layer top, batting, and backing and quilt as desired. 14. Sew the five 2-1/4” Fabric 4 binding strips together end to end using diagonal seams. Sew to the quilt using a French binding technique. BE SURE TO PUT A LABEL ON THE BACK AND ENJOY! Toby Lischko © 2014 Florentine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 3 of 7 LA SCALA TEMPLATES Pieced Backing Illustration Be sure to print the templates to “Actual size” or “No/none scaling” to insure that the printed 1” square actually measures 1” square. B' 1” Toby Lischko © 2015 Florentine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 4 of 7 LA SCALA TEMPLATES 1” Place this seam line on the fold of the panel. C $ ALIGN THIS LINE WITH THE ONE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. ALIGN THIS LINE WITH THE ONE ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE. LA SCALA TEMPLATES C 1” E $ Toby Lischko © 2015 Florentine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 6 of 7 LA SCALA TEMPLATES STRAIGHT OF GRAIN D $ $F STRAIGHT OF GRAIN 1” A $ $ G STRAIGHT OF GRAIN Toby Lischko © 2014 Florentine Mosaic www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com Page 7 of 7