season tickets 2015-16
season tickets 2015-16
season tickets 2015-16 6000 people can’t be wrong! Well, 5,950 to be exact. That’s how many of you are season ticket holders today! It’s hard to believe that it’s almost a whole year since we were all on the pitch at Kenilworth Road, celebrating our promotion back to the Football League as Conference Champions. But time flies in football, and here we are again launching our season tickets for the 2015-16 campaign - hoping to repeat those happy scenes with another promotion, as well as celebrating 130 years since our wonderful Club was founded. As this document is being published, the Hatters are sitting towards the top of the League 2 table. We’re still in with a great chance for promotion, whether it’s automatically or via the play offs - and this season, we’re launching our Early-bird tickets even earlier than usual. This gives you the chance to book at League 2 prices before things on the pitch are decided one way or the other. Even though we must encourage as much income as possible to make sure we can be competitive, we are committed to keeping prices as low as possible for all supporters as we progress through the pyramid - just as we are committed to rewarding loyalty. Gary Sweet Chief Executive Officer, Luton Town Football Club 2020 Ltd As you’ll see from our pricing matrix, we’ve held adult prices at the same rate as last year’s Early-bird discount rate and although there have been some incremental prices increases in other areas, we’ve tried to keep ticket prices as affordable as possible. Many of you will remember the last time we were in League 1, a standard adult season ticket in the main stand cost a shade under £600. Season ticket holders are a vital part of any football club, particularly ours. Of course the financial commitment is important in maintaining the aspirations for bigger and better things, but the loyal support you give the team from the stands, home and away through all seasons and weathers can makes all the difference – win, draw or lose. So whether you’re an old-timer or if you’re purchasing your very first season ticket, we’re looking forward to warmly welcoming you back for next season. Make the most of the excellent benefits your season ticket offers - and whichever league we find ourselves in, get behind the team and make yourself heard! Come on you Hatters BENEFITS If you’re planning on supporting the Hatters throughout the 15-16 campaign, a season ticket is the way to go. Here’s why... • • • • • • • Guaranteed seat for all home league matches First option on your seat for all cup games Priority booking for all-ticket away games Free admittance to all reserve and development games played at Kenilworth Road 10% discount on full-price merchandise in our club shops* Entry to the Eric Morecambe Lounge for drinks and food before, during and after games† The chance to upgrade to hospitality areas for individual matches, with the cost of a match day ticket discounted† ALL NEW BUY BACK SCHEME Can’t make it along to a game? Simply return your ticket for that game back to us and we’ll give you a £5 voucher towards your season ticket for next season. * On production of your season ticket † Subject to match availability SOAK UP THE OAK ROAD STAND This season you can enjoy the unique view and atmosphere sitting in the Oak Road Stand at specially reduced rates. In years-gone-by the Oak Road was the place to be for home fans. Relive the memories or try a different view on the match. Please note that season tickets will be unreserved seating and you may be required to move for certain cup games. applying for the first time? If you’re applying for a season ticket for the first time, you’ll need to call or email the ticket office to choose your seat! WEB: AuTO CuP AuTHORisATiON If you want to automatically book your seats for home cup games, we can automatically take payment for your seat and forward your tickets to you. It’s as easy as that! ONLINE STORE: pics: video: 2 DIAMONDs are a fan’s best friend As a Diamond season ticket holder, you pay a bit more. But by paying the premium, you’ll receive loads of extra benefits while enjoying the glow of knowing your money is helping develop important areas of the club. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE BENEFITS 3 1. One replica first team shirt of your choice OR a £20 club shop voucher. 2. Five complimentary Adult tickets vouchers redeemable for any league match. 3. Five complimentary Junior/Youth vouchers for any league game. Y 4. FREE away season ticket if requested (see application form). Y 5. £100 voucher for use on hospitality packages. (First come first served basis and subject to specific game availability.) 6. Priority access to purchase away tickets and cup match tickets. Y 7. FREE admittance to the first home cup game played in the season. Y 8. The chance to vote in the Diamond Player of the Month award, and be drawn out to present the Trophy. An adult winner will receive two hospitality tickets for the Eric Morecambe Lounge for the game presenting the Diamond Trophy after the match. 9. Meet the Manager event. Y 10. Distinctive Season Ticket wallet with LTFC crest. Y 11. Diamond season ticket holders who are also members of Trust in Luton will also be able to vote on next season’s kit designs. Y club: 01582 411622 ticket office: 01582 416976 EMAIL: [email protected] Y Benefits marked with this symbol apply to junior Diamond ticket holders. Diamond juNiORs AND YOuTHs Junior and youth season ticket holders who upgrade to a Diamond (costing £50) will receive these additional benefits Y J unior / youth match day experience. The opportunity to take part in a penalty shoot-out on the Kenilworth Road pitch at half time of a home league game Y The chance to vote in the Diamond player of the month award, and be drawn out to present the Trophy. A junior winner will receive a Diamond mascot package and present the trophy after the game. Y Diamond children’s Christmas event Y Free signed player picture card of your choice. WEB: ONLINE STORE: pics: video: 4 #love #loyal #coyh Our average away following for the 14-15 season is currently over 1200 fans. This gives us the highest away following in League 2, and would give us the 3rd biggest away following in league 1. Amazing support! THE AWAY sEAsON TiCkET Travelling home and away? Then you’ll need an away season ticket. We’ll send you away tickets automatically for all league and cup away games so you don’t have to worry. Away season ticket holders get priority when booking tickets for any away fixture or cup ties. It costs just £35 to join the scheme and is included as part of a Diamond membership. HOW DOES IT WORK? When a game with allocated tickets is announced, the ticket office will automatically take payment from card details held on file and send out tickets. If you don’t want a ticket for a specific game, just let us know in in advance and payment will not be taken. You can cancel tickets up to 6 times per season*. * Further cancellations may result in the withdrawal of this service 7 club: 01582 411622 ticket office: 01582 416976 EMAIL: [email protected] IMPORTANT! EXISTING SEASON TICKET HOLDER’S SEATS WILL BE HELD UNTIL 31ST MAY. TO RETAIN YOUR CURRENT SEAT PLEASE BOOK BY THIS DATE OR YOUR SEAT WILL BE RELEASED FOR GENERAL SALE our prices Our season tickets go on sale in three phases Early-bird, Primetime and Anytime. The sooner you purchase your ticket, the cheaper it is. Plus you can spread the cost by paying in instalments. 2ND - 23RD 3RD APRIL FROM 1ST EARLY-BIRD PRIMETIME ANYTIME MARCH Buy your ticket early - the cheapest way to pay. 31ST MAY Pay a reduced rate before the end of the 14-15 campaign. You can pay in three ways: 1) In full on application. 2) In four monthly instalments. 3) In eight monthly instalments paying a £30 admin fee. JUNE Our standard season ticket price, available pro-rata until February 2016. Please note that if you buy your ticket during the Primetime period you are committing to paying the full League 1 price if we gain promotion. Tickets purchased before promotion is decided will be sold at League 2 prices, and these will be held until the balance is paid. EARLYBIRD PRIMETIME ANYTIME League 1 League 2 League 1 League 2 ADULT £330.00 £380.00 £360.00 £410.00 £390.00 OAK ROAD £250.00 £320.00 £280.00 £350.00 £310.00 YOUNG ADULT (18-21)* £230.00 £270.00 £250.00 £290.00 £270.00 SENIOR (65-74)* £230.00 £270.00 £250.00 £290.00 £270.00 GOLDEN SENIOR (75 +)* £160.00 £200.00 £180.00 £220.00 £200.00 UNACCOMPANIED YOUTH (10-17)* £120.00 £140.00 £130.00 £150.00 £140.00 ACCOMPANIED YOUTH (10-17)*† £80.00 £100.00 £90.00 £110.00 £100.00 ACCOMPANIED JUNIOR (UNDER 10)*† £50.00 £70.00 £60.00 £80.00 £70.00 Disabled supporters** over 17 will pay one age category below their normal age band. * AGE CONCESSIONS: The date used to determine the correct age category for supporters is the first day of the 15/16 season. If you are purchasing a concessionary priced ticket, you are required to provide proof of age by post or in person when purchasing or collecting of your season ticket. † Accompanied youth and junior season tickets must be purchased at the same time as the accompanying adult, and seated together. **Disabled supporters are required to join the Luton Town Disabled Supporters Association (LTDSA) free of charge to qualify for concessionary price. For further details, please contact the ticket office. 8 SEASON TICKET BOOKING FORM. One form per person. PERSONAL DETAILS NAME D.O.B ADDRESS Note: proof of age is required for all concessions D D M M Y Y Y Y CLIENT REF (if known): CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS MOBILE EMAIL HOME SEASON TICKET Please complete the grid below, entering the appropriate price for your age category plus any additional charges in the ‘ADDITIONAL CHARGES’ section. PLEASE SPECIFY WHICH SEASON TICKET YOU REQUIRE AND HOW YOU WISH TO PAY FULL DEBIT FULL CREDIT CASH/CHQ 4 MONTH INS. EXAMPLE ADDITIONAL CHARGES 8 MONTH INS. POST (+ £0.90) £330 £0.90 CREDIT (+ £5) TOTAL 8M INS (+£30) AMOUNT £30 £360.90 ADULT OVER 65 UNDER 22 OVER 75 UNAC U18 ACC U18 ACC U10 OAK ADULT SEASON TICKET SEAT LOCATION UPGRADE TO A DIAMOND SEASON TICKET STAND ADULT + £150 CONCESSION + £130 BLOCK ROW SEAT YOUTH + £50 TOTAL 15/16 SEASON TICKET CHARGE: £ If you are paying in 4 or 8 monthly instalments, the amount will be divided equally across the number of payment period. Eg: 360.90 / 8 = 8 payments of £45.11 The first Payment will be taken on the first of the month after your application is received, followed by the next 3 or 7 months depending on the scheme you choose. TRUST IN LUTON Join or renew your Trust in Luton membership SUPPORT LUTON TOWN YOUTH ACADEMY Please note that if you opt-in to these options, an additional one-off payment of will be taken from the card provided for Trust in Luton membership and Academy donations. TiL ADULT - £10: TiL UNDER 16 / OVER 60 - £5: Suggested Academy donation - £10 AWAY SEASON TICKET Other amount: YES PLEASE The Away Season ticket box should only be ticked if you wish to automatically purchase tickets for all away league games (only 5 cancellations permitted per season). One additional Payment of £35 will be taken from the card provided. HOME CUP AUTHORISATION FORM £ NO THANKS PRICE DIAMOND INCLUDED REGULAR £35 YES PLEASE NO THANKS Do you want the ticket office to automatically book and forward you your home cup match tickets? Please tick the appropriate box: PAYMENT CARD DETAILS If you wish to use a payment card for any season ticket purchase, instalment, home cup authorisation please complete the card details section below. LONG CARD NUMBER: EXPIRY DATE: VALID FROM: LAST 3 DIGITS ON REVERSE OF CARD: CARD HOLDER’S NAME: CARD HOLDER’S SIGNATURE: I agree that Luton Town Football Club 2020 Ltd may use the card details provided for payment for this season ticket application. For full terms and conditions please see page 10 Credit agreement regulated by the consumer credit act (1974) If you wish your season ticket to be sent to you please enclose a self addressed envelope to the value of 93p (large letter) otherwise your season ticket will be held at the ticket office for collection. If posting please return all application forms to Luton Town Ticket Office, Kenilworth Road, Luton, Beds, LU1 1DH. join Trust in Luton Simply tick the box on your application form to become a member. It’s only £10, or £5 if you’re under 16 or 60 or over. “the stronger the team, the stronger the team” John Still, Manager. Once again we are giving you the opportunity, whilst purchasing your season ticket, to join or renew your annual membership of Trust in Luton, the Club’s official supporter’s body. Trust in Luton now incorporates the Luton Town Supporters Club and, as well as being a shareholder in the Club, are custodians of the Club’s identity assets. The Trust meets regularly with the board, representing the supporters on important issues and also organises events throughout the season. Take a look at the Trust website to see what Trust in Luton has been up to recently. what happens now? You’ve chosen your ticket, filled out your form and read the terms, what’s next? RETURN YOUR APPLICATION FORMS Season ticket application forms can be returned in person to the ticket office or can be sent by post to Luton Town FC Ticket Office, Kenilworth Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1DH. Season Ticket Postage Season Tickets can be collected from the ticket office when advised or can be send by post if preferred. If you require your season ticket to be posted, please supply a SAE for the value of 93p (large letter), or advise the ticket office to add the charge to your payment. Any season ticket where the correct postage is not paid may be left for collection 9 club: 01582 411622 ticket office: 01582 416976 EMAIL: [email protected] THE SMALL PRINT 4/8 MONTH INSTALMENT PLAN: TERMS & CONDITIONS It is important you take note of these terms and conditions when using the instalment plan. this is not a direct debit and notification will not be received from your bank if payments fail. Please check your payments on a regular basis. It is your responsibility to inform the Ticket Office of any change in your card details. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In these terms and conditions the following words shall have the following meanings: Application Form “The instalment plan application form”. The Card “The credit/ debit card you have nominated on the Application Form”. Club “Luton Town Football Club”. Instalments “4 or 8 equal payments totalling the cost of the season ticket(s) and if applicable, the instalment plan joining fee and payable on the dates referred to on the Application Form”. Instalment Plan “The scheme whereby a season ticket may be paid for in instalments”. You, your or yourself “The person applying to the instalment. Plan by completing and submitting the Application Form”. Instalment Plan Joining fee 10% of the relevant season ticket price. The option to pay using the instalment plan is not available to anyone aged under 18 years of age. The Club agrees to use reasonable endeavours to collect the instalments on the specified dates referred to in the application form. These dates cannot be changed. The instalment Plan joining fee (if applicable ) will be payable at the time of joining and is separate to the instalments. In the event of an instalment being returned unpaid you will be subject to a penalty fee of £2 for each time this occurs. The Club will collect payment on the 1st of the month, should that request fail a subsequent request will be made on 2nd 3rd, 4th or 5th, after which time the Club is not obliged to make further attempts and your account will be arrears. At this point in time the Club will have the option of requesting the return of the season ticket or to take other action as it considers appropriate to recover the arrears. In the event of a failure to return the season ticket as described in clause 6 over the Club reserves the right to take whatever legal action it considers necessary to affect the return of any season tickets not returned as agreed. Any costs thus incurred will fall to you to pay. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. You will not without prior consent of the Club be entitled to use the season ticket in the event of a default as described in clause 6 above any such use without prior consent by the Club is prohibited. If following a default as described in Clause 6 above you wish to continue to be a season ticket holder for the remainder of the current season, you shall pay forthwith to the Club to total of the remaining payments which are unpaid, together with interest thereon at 4% above the base lending rate from time to time of Bank of Scotland PLC. It is your responsibility to notify the Club of any change to the card details. if the Club is not notified of any change and an instalment payment fails as a result, the Club shall have no liability to you and the provisions of clause 6 and 7 shall apply. Following a default as described in Clause 6 and 7 above, all instalment facilities will be withdrawn from you indefinitely. No time or indulgence extended to you nor any waiver of any breach hereof shall prejudice, affect or restrict the rights and powers of the Club. This agreement is personal to you. The terms of this agreement will apply to any renewal unless otherwise advised by the Club on or before the date of such renewal. The above terms are governed by English law. By signing the season ticket application form and completing relevant card details you are giving permission to automatically take payment for your seat and forward your tickets to you. The Ticket Office will need to be informed of any card changes throughout the season. 4/ 8 MONTH INSTALMENT PLAN PRIVACY COMMITMENT Luton Town Football Club 2020 Ltd will do nothing with your personal data that you would not anticipate from privacy conscious company with a contact strategy founded upon permission based marketing. HOW WE USE YOUR DATA we will use the information you provide us, or we have garnered from web-based technology, for administration, marketing, customer services and profiling your purchasing preferences. if compelled to do so, we will disclose your information to law enforcement agencies. we may keep your information for a reasonable period to contact you about our services, offers and promotions. YOUR CONSENT By providing this information you consent to our processing your sensitive personal data for the above purposes. To make sure we follow your instructions correctly and to improve our service to you through training of our staff, we may monitor or record communications. when you give us information about another person, you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent to the processing of their personal data, including sensitive personal data and to receive on their behalf any data protection notices. YOUR RIGHTS if you wish to exclude yourself from receiving Luton Town Football Club related offers (e.g. season ticket discounts or kit promotions) you can do so by emailing [email protected] or writing to the Data Controller, Luton Town Football Club, Kenilworth Stadium, 1 Maple Road East, Luton,Bedfordshire, LU4 8AW. 10 Luton Town Football Club 2020 Ltd Kenilworth Road Stadium, 1 Maple Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8AW Any questions? Just ask! Call: 01582 411622 Email: [email protected] Ticket Office: 01582 416976 @lutontown #COYH
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