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Transcription commit to user A A Comparative Study of Appraisal in Love Songs between Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Study) THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment Of Requirements for the Sarjana Degree in English Department Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University By: Yeni Setiyawati C0308076 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012 commit to user commit to user ii commit to user iii PRONOUNCEMENT Name : Yeni Setiyawati NIM : C0308076 Stated wholeheartedly that the thesis entitled A Comparative Study of Appraisal in Love Songs between Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Study) is originally done by the researcher, not by others. This is not plagiarism and everything related to the other people’s works are written in quotations and included within the bibliography. If it is then proven that the researcher cheats, the researcher is ready to take the responsibility. Surakarta, July 2012 The researcher Yeni Setiyawati commit to user iv MOTTO “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak merubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri" (Al-Qur’an) “Salah satu untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan adalah kerja keras” (Harry Golden) “Change your life today, don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay” (William James) commit to user v DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to: My beloved father and mother My beloved brother My friends commit to user vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirrobil’alamin All praises just to the Almighty, ALLAH SWT for His blessing, love, and guidance given to the researcher to finish this thesis. The researcher believe that this thesis will not be finished without supports from many people. Hence, the researcher would like to express my gratitude to: 1. The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed., Ph.D., for approving this thesis. 2. The Head of Regular Program English Department, Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D., for giving me permission to write this thesis. 3. Dr. Tri Wiratno, M.A, my thesis supervisor, for giving his guidance, support and helping me in completing this thesis. 4. Dra. Susilorini, M.A, as my academic supervisor for her guidance and advice during my study. 5. All my lecturers in English Department, thank you very much for all knowledge given to me. 6. My beloved parents, Ibu Dalyanti, and Bapak Suprihadi, thank you for your love, support and alway pray for me 7. My beloved brother, Antono Adi Saputro, thank you for your helping me to provide my needs. commit to user vii 8. My senior, mbak Umi for the discussion, helping and sharing experience related to this thesis. Thank you so much for the time, hence I can complete my thesis. 9. My best friends Ornella, Diaz, and Asri, thank you for your support. Thank you for your advice and time for me to complete this thesis. 10. To my friends, July, Udiana, Rara, and Mimi thank you for the discussion, advice related to this thesis. I am sorry if I bother you much Guys. 11. All of my classmates in ED’08, thank you for the support and the happiness of having you guys. 12. For those, who have not listed, it does not mean that I have ignored your help and support. Thank you so much. Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is not perfect without the comments, suggestions and critics from the reader. However, I hope that this thesis will be useful for others. The researcher Yeni Setiyawati commit to user viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover ...................................................................................................... i Approval of The Thesis Supervisor ....................................................... ii Approval of The Board Examiners ........................................................ iii Pronouncement ....................................................................................... iv Motto ...................................................................................................... v Dedication .............................................................................................. vi Acknowledgement .................................................................................. vii Table of Contents ................................................................................... ix List of Tables .......................................................................................... xi List of Figures ........................................................................................ xiii Abstract .................................................................................................. xiv I. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background .................................................................. 1 B. Research Questions .................................................................... 6 C. Research Objectives ................................................................... 6 D. Research Significance/ Benefits ................................................. 6 E. Scope of Research ...................................................................... 7 F. Thesis Organizations .................................................................. 7 II. CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Music and Ideas .......................................................................... 9 B. Songs and Lyrics ........................................................................ 11 C. Profile of Singers ........................................................................ 13 D. Profile of Songs ........................................................................... 16 E. Systemic Functional Linguistics ................................................. 19 F. Text and Context......................................................................... 20 commit to user G. Appraisal..................................................................................... 21 ix H. Prosody and Genre ...................................................................... 31 I. Ideology ....................................................................................... 36 III. CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Paradigm ...................................................................... 38 B. Research Methodology ................................................................ 39 1. Research Location ................................................................. 39 2. Sample and Sampling Technique .......................................... 40 3. Data and Source of Data ....................................................... 40 4. Data Validity ......................................................................... 41 C. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................ 41 1. Applying Domain Analysis ................................................... 42 2. Applying Taxonomic Analysis ............................................. 42 3. Applying Componential Analysis ......................................... 44 4. Applying Finding Cultural Values ........................................ 45 IV. CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Introduction ................................................................................ 46 B. Findings ....................................................................................... 46 C. Discussion ................................................................................... 109 V. CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. Conclusion ................................................................................... 118 B. Recommendation ......................................................................... 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES commit to user x LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1. Table 2. 2. Table 2. 3. Table 2. 4. Table 2. 5. Table 2. 6. Table 3. 1. Table 3. 2. Table 3. 3. Table 3. 4. Table 4. 1. Table 4. 2. Table 4. 3. Table 4. 4. Table 4. 5. Table 4. 6. Table 4. 7. Table 4. 8. Table 4. 9. Table 4. 10. Table 4. 11. Table 4. 12. Table 4. 13. Table 4. 14. Table 4. 15. Table 4. 16. Table 4. 17. Table 4. 18. Table 4. 19. Table 4. 20. Table 4. 21. Table 4. 22. Table 4. 23. Table 4. 24. Table 4. 25. Table 4. 26. Table 4. 27. Table 4. 28. Table 4. 29. Table 4. 30. Table 4. 31. Table of Options of Affect ................................................... Table of Realization of Affect ............................................ Table of Example Judgement Character .............................. Table of Types Apppreciation in a Specialized Field ......... Table Options For Graduation ............................................. Table of Projecting Sources ................................................. Table the Example of Attitudes .......................................... Table the Example of Graduation ....................................... Table the Example of Engagemen ....................................... Table Analysis of Componential in All Texts .................... Table Number of Attitudes Text 1 ....................................... Table Analysis of Affect Text 1 .......................................... Table Analysis of Judgement Text 1 ................................... Table Analysis of Appreciation (Reaction) Text 1 .............. Table Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 1 ............ Table Analysis of Graduation Text 1 ................................... Table Analysis of Engagement Text 1 ................................. Table Analysis of the Relation between Attitudes, Prosodoy and Genre of Text 1 ............................................ Table Number of Attitudes Text 2 ....................................... Table Analysis of Affect Text 2 .......................................... Table Analysis of Judgement Text 2 ................................... Table Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 2 ............ Table Analysis of Graduation Text 2 ................................... Table Analysis of Engagement Text 2 ................................. Table Analysis of the Relation between Attitudes, Prosody, and Genre Text 2 .................................................. Table Number of Attitudes Text 3 ....................................... Table Analysis of Affect Text 3 .......................................... Table Analysis of Judgement Text 3 ................................... Table Analysis of Appreciation (Reaction) Text 3 ............. Table Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 3 ........... Table Analysis of Graduation Text 3 .................................. Table Analysis of Engagement Text 3 ................................ Table Analysis of the Relation between Attitudes, Prosody, and Genre Text 3 .................................................. Table Number of Attitudes Text 4 ...................................... Table Analysis of Affect Text 4 ......................................... Table Analysis of Judgement Text 4 .................................. Table Analysis of Appreciation (Reaction) Text 4 .............. Table Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 4 ............ Table Analysis of Graduation Text 4 ................................... Table Analysis of Engagement Text 4 ................................ to user Table Analysis of thecommit Relation between Attitudes, xi 23 23 24 25 28 29 43 43 43 44 47 48 49 52 54 55 58 60 62 63 65 67 68 70 73 75 76 77 80 82 84 87 90 92 93 95 99 100 101 104 Prosody, and Genre Text 4 .................................................. commit to user xii 107 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2. 1. Figure 2. 2. Figure 2. 3. Figure 2. 4. Figure 3. 1. Figure 3. 2. Figure of graduation ........................................................... 26 Figure of demand modality................................................. 30 Figure of modality for negotiating information .................. 30 Figure of ideology............................................................... 36 Figure of the flow data analysis .......................................... 42 Figure of finding cultural values ........................................ 45 commit to user xiii ABSTRACT Yeni Setiyawati. 2012. A Comparative Study of Appraisal in Love Songs between Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics). English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This research focused on the appraisal system in love songs between Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica taken from the album entitled “Luminescence” and “WhaddupA”. There were four texts were analyzed. There were two texts for each artist, the data are entitled “Saviour” and “Breathe in Water” performed by Anggun C. Sasmi, and the other data are entitled “What They Called a Soulmate” and “I’ll Light A Candle” performed by Agnes Monica. Appraisal theory is focused on attitudes, graduation, and engagement. This research was conducted to find out the appraisal areas applied in those texts, the influence of the appraisal areas toward the texts, and the reason why the appraisal areas employed in the texts. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The technique used in this research is total sampling. All data which contain appraising items in those texts become the data in this research. There were two data in this research consisting of primary and secondary data. The primary data is taken from the four analyzed texts and the secondary data is taken from the biographies and news related to the two artists. The results show that the three kinds of attitudes (affect, appreciation, and engagement) are used in the texts. Those attitudes are applied in the positive and negative ways. The engagement is monogloss in the first text Saviour performed by Anggun C. Sasmi and the fourth text What They Called A Soulmate performed by Agnes Monica. Meanwhile, the second text Breathe in Water presented by Anggun C. Sasmi and third text I’ll Light a Candle presented by Agnes Monica which are heterogloss. The graduation is mostly force: raise. The use of attitudes affects to the texts in terms of prosody, ideology and genre. Narrative genre is used in all texts represented by Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica. The appraising items are applied in the texts because the artists want to show their ideologies. The ideology is right protagonist for text entitled Saviour presented by Anggun C. Sasmi and What They Called A Soulmate presented by Agnes Monica. Meanwhile, the ideology is right antagonist for texts entitled Breathe in Water performed by Anggun C. Sasmi and I’ll Light A Candle performed by Agnes Monica. All of the texts tend to be positive because the artists want to show their feelings and attitudes toward their soulmate. It can be seen that the artists have similarities to express their feelings. The way the artists in expressing their ideologies in the songs entitled Breathe in Water and I’ll Light a Candle are similar, right antagonist. It is because the artist support the issue to wait their soulmate. Meanwhile, in the first text and third text, the ideologies of Anggun and Agnes are right protagonist. It is because they argue in two sided by giving positive and negative attitudes toward their soulmate. The commit to user positive attitudes represent that the saviour really important in their lives. On the xiv other hand, the negative attitudes represent their dissatisfactions of the leaving of their soulmate. commit to user xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background Appraisal theory deals with the emotions which are felt by people in different ways. Appraisal relates to the speaker’s thinking or feeling toward something (a person, action, thing, event, situation or idea, etc) whether it is good or bad (Thompson, 2004). People can feel joy, sorrow, excitement, anger and so forth. Generally, appraisal relates to the certain events which are brought an emotion, a response and an impact. In addition, as stated by Martin and Rose (2003) that appraisal theory concerns with the evaluation of attitudes employed in the texts, the strength of feelings are expressed by people, and the ways of values are obtained. The function of using appraisal theory is to reveal the feeling related to certain events. Moreover, appraisal theory focuses on interpersonal meaning that concerns with how social relations are negotiated, how people are interacted to share their feelings. As the appraisal connects to interpersonal meaning, it is closely related to tenor. It relates to the participants involved in the happening, where the participants have their own aspect including social status, character, role relationship among the participants whether it is temporary or permanent relationship (Martin & White, 2005). The writers of the text and the participants involved in the text as the part of the participants itself. It is influenced by many aspects, such as character, status, or identity relate to who or what kind of person who produces the text. commit to user 1 2 The appraisal itself is divided into three areas; attitude, engagement and graduation. Attitude concerns with feeling include the reaction of emotions. Generally, attitudes consist of effect of feeling, judgement of character, and appreciation of thing. Those kinds of attitudes can be used to analyze text. Engagement concerns with source of attitudes whether come from the text’s writer or the other sources. Meanwhile, graduation concerns with the grading of feelings, which can be categorized as stronger or weaker (Martin & Rose, 2003). As discussed before, appraisal can be analyzed from many kinds of text, one of them is lyric of songs. Song is a composition of musical about words and music ( Song is composed to express idea and feeling which can be from the singer or the writer of the song in the particular situation. It means that song reflects the singer and the writer’s experience. The difference experience of the singer or the writer of the song can influence to the lyric of songs. This is the reason why there are so many different songs in composition words although the theme is the same, namely love. In addition, the other parts of song are lyric. Lyric is a form of song that express idea and feeling of the singer, what they feel, such as happiness, sadness, and so on ( In many cases, love song still become the first choice for most of singers to be performed. Love song relates to the basic of human feeling, no one in the world never feel love. This thing makes love song accepted by people in different levels easily. In conducting the research, the researcher chooses two love songs for each singer of their own album. The two songs are sung by Anggun entitled “Saviour commit to user 3 and Breathe in Water” from the Luminescence Album. The other two songs are performed by Agnes entitled “What They Called Soulmate and I’ll Light A Candle” from WhaddupA album. In the past, in order to make an advance in her career, Anggun changed her citizenship to be French. Meanwhile, Agnes is an Indonesian artist who started to be a well-liked person in the world. The differences of Anggun and Agnes are their ways to reach the top career. The lyric of “Saviour” by Anggun and What They Called Soulmate by Agnes have the same theme, boh of them are about soulmate. Both songs tell about the process of waiting for a soulmate to complete in their lives. A soulmate is considered for accompanying and for sharing the feeling of happiness and sadness in their lives. Meanwhile, Breathe in Water by Anggun and I’ll Light A Candle by Agnes also have the same theme, it gives much information about love. Both songs explain about a love that they really wait for. The songs between Anggun and Agnes have same theme but it is expressed in differen ways by the artists because their feelings are different, the way they compose the words to be a song. It is because, the journey of those two artists is different and it influences the lyric. Thus, the researcher chooses the artists on the research by giving attention to the biography in influencing the lyric. Shortly, this research will analyze the four love songs to compare the attitudes used in the text and analyze why the singers use certain attitudes to show their feelings toward the lyric of love songs in different experiences. For example: commit to user 4 From the following verse of “Saviour” lyric, Anggun C.Sasmi says : Somewhere between my sleep Somewhere beneath my skin In places I can’t see Something is known to be a sin From the cut off of the verse, the words “to be a sin” is considered to negative attitude because the singer expresses her feeling that what she hopes and waits did not come true. It is a sin because the singer waits for long time and she looks for in her favorite place, but there was nothing. To have comparative study of appraisal, in the following verse of “What They Called Soulmate” lyric, Agnes Monica says : Why you said your love to me won’t ever die When you know that it’s only a lie From the cut off of the words, “it’s only a lie” is thought to be negative attitude because the singer expresses her feeling of her love and her promise from her soulmate is just words because it is not proven by the attitudes of her soulmate. The singer believes to the promise from her soulmate, but when she waits and hopes for long time, it is just promise. Based on the examples above, it can be concluded that the choice of words of the singers are influenced by their attitudes. The attitudes are influenced by their experiences about love experience. Specifically, it is influenced by their journeys of falling in love. As a result, the singer’s biography and the situation will influence the production of the text. Last, the attitudes which are found in the text will be used to determine the prosody, genre, and ideology of the singers. commit to user 5 The previous study related to lyric of songs in the English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS was done by Ratih Wulan Sari (2009) entitled “A Comparative Study of Ideational meaning between The Love Song Lyrics written by The Most Popular American Song writers in 1990s and Indonesian Song writers in 2000s (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Study)”. The research analyzes the songs on ideational meaning to see the process which is happened in the lyric. It focused more on the process behind the lyric such as existential, mental, or material process. Moreover, it gave less information of the writer’s experience related to the lyric. The related research on appraisal was done by Idha Dwi Prasetyo (2011) entitled “A comparative Analysis of Appraisal between Editorial and Opinion Column Exposing Ahmadiyah Issue Published on The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post Websites (A Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics)”. In the research, the writers did not give detail explanation of the words which are shown the attitudes. The writer only gave some explanations about what attitudes in the table without showing the specific words. Those two researches were giving research gap for the present research. Thus, the present researcher is interested in comparing the artist’s experience by conducting a research from some love song lyrics which are sung by two artists in a thesis entitled “A Comparative Study of Appraisal in Love Songs between Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica (Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Study)”. In this research the researcher will figure out the attitudes, the effects of commit to user 6 the attitudes toward the texts, and the reasons why the attitudes are employed in the texts which will lead to the information of the characters of both of singers. B. Research Questions According to the research background above the researcher proposes the following questions: 1. What are the areas of appraisal employed in the text? 2. How do the areas of appraisal influence the text? 3. Why are the areas of appraisal employed in the text? C. Research Objectives Based on the problem statements above, the objectives of this research are: 1. To figure out the areas of appraisal employed in the texts 2. To figure out the effects of the areas of appraisal employed in the texts 3. To explain the reasons of employing the areas of appraisal in the texts D. Research Benefit The research on appraisal found in the love songs of two singers, Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica has the following benefits : 1. To provide the reasons why the singers use certain attitudes to show their feelings as a reflection of their lives to conclude the prosody, genre and ideology of the singers. 2. To provide the detail characteristics of two singers Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica who have different career journey. commit to user 7 E. Scope of Research The research is limited on appraissal theory by seeing from attitudes, engagement, and graduation. The research is more focus on the analysis of two love songs for each singer taken from their album (Luminescence and WhaddupA) and related to their biographies about how they reach international achievement as singer. The research focuses on analysing songs from Luminescence Album by Anggun C.Sasmi, the songs entitled “Saviour and Breathe in Water” and from WhaddupA Album by Agnes Monica, the songs entitled “What They Called Soulmate and I’ll Light A Candle”. The appraisal analysis will cover the attitudes (affect, judgment, and appreciation), graduation, and the engagement to know the types of attitudes, prosody, genre and ideology of the love songs. To find the characteristic, the appraisal analysis is being limited to make the research focus only on the two love songs for each singer. F. Thesis Organization In this sub-chapter, thesis organizatiion consists of five chapters. It starts from Chapter I covers introduction, Chapter II covers literature review, Chapter III covers research methdology, Chapter IV covers finding and discussion, and Chapter V covers conclusion. The first chapter covers Introduction. It consists of Research Background, Research Question, Research Objectives, Research Limitation, Research Benefit, Scope of Research, and Thesis Organization. commit to user 8 The second chapter covers Literature Review. It consists of the Definition of Music, the Biography of Singer, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Appraisal, Prosody and Genre, and Ideology. The third chapter covers Research Methodology. It consists of Research Paradigm, Research Location, Sample and Sample Technique, Data and Source of Data, Data Validity and Technique of Data Analysis. The fourth chapter coveres Finding Discussion. In this chapter, it covers two parts relate to the answers of the research questions based on appraisal theory. They are the finding and the discussion. The last chapter covers Conclusion. It consists of conclusion of the results and recommendation for the next researcher or reader. commit to user CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Music and Ideas Basically human being is a perfect human being who is supported by brain to think and to feel something. Related to the feeling, human being always searches and listens to music. They consider that music can represent their feelings, either sad or happy. No one can live without music. Music is closely related to human being, everywhere and every time people always listen to music. As stated by Schoenberg (1995), music is not a kind of entertainment but a presentation of musical ideas from the poet‟s or thinker, ideas are perceive, reason, and expression of a man which must be same to the laws of human logic . Moreover, Schoenberg (1995) says that : in differentiating music from entertainment or play, characterizes art as a kind of knowledge. The musical work is a message of the artist. Just as the work is concrete, presented for immediate experience, not for the intellect, so the musical idea it realizes is not an abstract concept [Begriff], but a concrete thought [Gedanke]. It means that the listeners listen to music because the artists or the lyrics represent their feelings condition. In addition, music is called language of the emotions since the artist needs a public for his work not only from his desire for self expression but also his need to communicate with his fellows (Machlis, 1995). It means that music reflects the time and the place where it is produced and this makes a song not to be universal. Every song is a culture space which brings commit to user 9 10 significant social information (Griffee, 1992). Generally, music is formed in DVD or Cassette, containing many songs of the singer. Furthermore, Machlis (1995) states that music is an art dealing with the organization of tone patterns. Music is an art dealing with instrumental sounds for beauty of form for emotional expression and deals with some elements, they are rhythm, melody and harmony which is also combined with the chord ( Rhythm is a word come from Greek that means „flow‟. It relates to show the movement of music in time. Principally, the organization and design control the duration of tones. It is called heartbeat of music which is the pulse reflecting life (Machlis, 1995). Rhythm also concerns with the duration and stress towards the patterns ( The rhythmic organization involves three aspects: meter which organizes sequence of music into measures, rhythm which organizes the value of time within the measure and tempo which determines the speed of the measurements and the duration in actual time (Machlis, 1995). Furthermore, Machlis (1995) states melody relates to the elements of music that makes the appeal deeper and more direct, it is also known as the soul of music. Melody is perceived by the mind as an entity from the succession of tones. Meanwhile, harmony relates to what perspective of music to painting which creates meaning and direction as the impression of musical space (Machlis, 1995). Chord relates to two or more sounds of pitch or three or more groups of musical tones which work simultaneously ( Those commit to user 11 elements work together to create idea and to arrange the music. It is supported by Schoenberg (1995) that the inspiration is not the theme, but the whole work. The wholeness includes the intrinsic because it is prior to the work itself. B. Songs and Lyric According to Griffee (1992) the word songs refers to pieces of music that have words, especially popular songs such as those one hears on the radio. Songs are part of music which can be different from one singer to the other. This makes all people have different types of music. In addition, Griffee (1992) also states that : No one knows exactly why songs are powerful, but everyone knows from a personal point of view that they are. They are non-threatening; we usually choose which songs we listen to. Songs speak to us directly about our experiences, they reassure us in our moments of trouble. They are a satisfying art form: the lyrics fit the music and the music fits the lyrics and together they form a complete unit. Another reason might be the ability of songs and music in general to affect our emotions. Many people can be moved to tears or other strong emotions by music, and songs can acquire strong emotional associations with people, events and places. Moreover, Griffee (1992) states that songs have the same elements as speech and poetry, but they have unique forms. Both speech and song are vocally produced, they are meaningful and have melody in the way of linguistics. Meanwhile, songs and poetry use words to deliver meaning, both of them can be listened and put in music, for instance songs for concerts, and poetry reading for poems. Griffee (1992) states that songs have their own identity and the function is also differen from speech of poetry. Songs at least have three features : 1. Songs deliver lower information than poetry since songs are just heard rather than read commit to user 2. 12 Songs are more redundant than poetry; the redundancy includes borrowing lines from other songs, proverbs, cliche as well as alliteration, or catch phrase. Those things make songs simpler than poetry. 3. Songs have personal quality which makes the listener feel as if the songs are created for them personally. Songs create their own world of emotion and feeling, and the listeners participate in creating the world. It can be concluded that songs are usually written in simple way to deliver the message of the artist and it can be listened and understood immediately by the listeners. The songs consist of two parts to deliver the message itself, they are lyric and music. Those words are known as lyric which has tone and melody as music. Lyric is literary genre which brings representation of the author about feeling and emotion. It refers to having tone in the form and manner of songs ( Furthermore, lyric is composition in verse to constitute a song and it is sung in melody ( It means that lyric is the way of author to communicate his feeling to the fellows. They express their personal experiences through the words which are arranged to be a song. The personal experiences or the ideas can be from the singers or the writers of song. Lyric is a device to develop the idea which is delivered to the audiences to make them understand the message inside the lyric. By listening to the words, the audiences can understand the happening of the singers or the writers of song. Generally, audiences always listen to a song which also represents their feelings. commit to user 13 Either the singers or the writer of song have important role to create a good music as the way to convey the meaning. C. Profile of the singers a. Anggun Cipta Sasmi Anggun is an Indonesian singer. She was born on April 29, 1974 in Jakarta. She is a child from Darto Seno and Dian Herdina. She was taught by her father who has fully art blood in their families in hard way. Her father was very discplined and very hard in teaching her. She started as a singer when she was 7 years old. Firstly, she performed in Ancol, when she was 9 years old, she already accepted a singing job and tried to create her own songs. At 12 years old, Anggun is interested in rock music and she was started singing and published her album entitled Dunia Aku Punya or World is Mine. The album became well-known and a megastar in East-Asia. In the previous success, Anggun reached the top of popularity when she published her album entitled Mimpi and followed by recording her new album entitled Tua Tua Keladi in 1990. In this album the landmarks of Anggun is a lady rocker, she chose rock music in her career. Then, she became a popular artist in 1990-1991. From her popularity, Anggun has her own recording studio PT Bali Cipta Record. In 1992, Anggun decided to marry with a Frenchman, Michel de Ghea when she met him in tour in Banjarmasin. The marriage got rejection from her parents due to the distance of their ages. Then, in 1994 Anggun moved to Europe with her husband. Firstly, Anggun stayed in Britania London and Anggun started to send demo to studio in commit to user 14 Britania to introduce herself as a singer in clubs there. Since the high cost of living in London, Anggun nearly run out of her money. In addition, she felt dissappointed when her demo did not get positive response. Finally, she felt that her career would not grow up in Britania, then she decided to move to Netherland. However in the middle of trip Anggun decided to stay in French where her husband comes from. In 1996, she met Erick Benzi, a well-known producer in French, and Anggun changed her type of music, rock to pop music. In 1997, Anggun and Erick started to record her album entitled Au nom de la lune. This music became popular in Belgia, Swiss, and Canada. In the following year, Anggun recorded her album entitled Snow on the Sahara which was published in 33 countries. This album became hits in East Asia and top 5 in UK charts. In 1999, Anggun was formally divorced with Michel de Ghea and she changed her nationality to French. The changing of nationality became controversy in Indonesia. In 2003, Anggun came back to marry with Olivier Maury from Canada, but the marriage was not long. In 2006 Anggun was divorced again in her second marriage. In November 8, 2007 Anggun had a daughter named Kirana from her relationship with Cyril Montana, a French writer. Anggun is a follower of pluralisme. She considers that all religions are good, the news at that time told her that Anggun was learning Budha. Anggun is still a famous artist even though she got problems and controversies. Outside of those things, Anggun made Indonesian people proud commit to user 15 of her. Eventhough she changed her nationality, Anggun still can speak Indonesian fluently. b. Agnes Monica Agnes Monica Muljoto was born on July 1, 1986 in Jakarta. She is a child from Jenny Siswono dan Ricky Suprapto. She became an artist, presenter, and singer at a very young age. When she was 6 years old, she recorded her 3 albums entitled Si Meong, Yess, and Bala-Bala which made her name popular. In 1990, Agnes started to be an actress by acting in soap opera entitled Pernikahan Dini. The following step take by Agnes was recording her adult album entitled And The Story Goes in 2003. Agnes chooses hip hop, R and B, and pop music in her career. Then, in 2005 she recorded her album again entitled WhaddupA by inviting some wellknown Indonesian musicians such as Dewiq, Melly Goeslow and Andi Rianto and also she colaborated with an American Singer, Keith Martin. This album got some appreciations of three AMI AWARDS as the best soloist singer, the best RnB production, and the best album cover. The journey of Agnes career ran smoothly since she is a talented person. The next year, Agnes always creates something new in her career either acting in soap operas or singing in many stages. She acted in a movie in Taiwan. It was a stepping stone for Agnes to reach her dream. As it is known by everyone, Agnes always says that she would go international. Then, she proved it in 2005 by acting with one of the members of F4, Jerry Yan in a movie entitled The Hospital. After the year, Agnes tried hard to make her commit to user 16 dream comes true by becoming an ambassador of anti-drugs in 2007. Then, in 2008 Agnes proved that she is a star by acting in soup opera entitled Jelita and she also sang the soundtrack of the soup opera. Agnes also got appreciation of the most favorite female in MTV Indonesia Awards. In September 2008 Agnes got appreciation as the best Asian artist and the best performance in Seoul, South Korea. The amazing thing during her career happens when she became a presenter in American Music Awards in 2010. This achievment shows that Agnes is going to go international and she proves it from time to time. In 2011, Agnes has been contracted by the popular producer, Greg Ogan and she would also have duet with American singer, Timbaland. Moreover, Agnes was also nominated in the category of World Wide Act Asia Pacific Nominees in MTV Europe Awards 2011. It is little bit difficult to seek for personal information of Agnes rather than her achievements. The most information which is provided in the website is just about Agnes‟s career. There is no more personal information about her since Agnes is closed person. She focuses more on her career rather than creates gossip. D. Profile of songs 1. Saviour This song is the third popular songs in Luminescence album after the song entitled In your mind and Undress me. It is written by Frederic Jaffre, Evelyne Kral, and Anggun. The element of this song is rock. Saviour becomes soudtrack of hollywood movie entitled Transporter II. commit to user 17 There are two versions of this song in French and Indonesian. In French, this song entitled Cesse la pluie and in Indonesian entitled Mantra. The editor of the video clip of this song is James Christopher Monger and he mentioned this song is sensual song from Indonesian goddess. This video clip almost gallanted by Indonesian people caused at that time porn has been a serious issue discussed in Indonesia. This makes the video clip launched at Anggun Concert entitled Konser Untuk Negeri. 2. Breathe in Water This song is one of many songs in Luminescence album, it is written by Anggun, Jean Fauque and Jean Piere Taieb, the mos famous composers in French. Most songs in Luminescence are written by them. This song is not too popular for listeners since it is not explored more by local radio or television. Breathe in Water is not less famous than the other songs entitled in your mind, undress me and saviour. It is just compilation of this album to the listeners. The song represents the feeling of the singer about waiting a soulmate. This song is not played much in local radio or television. That is why it is difficult to find the information of this song include the chart music itself. 3. What They Called Soulmate What They Called Soulmate is one of songs in WhaddupA album in English Version. It is written by Agnes Monica and Andi Rianto. As known by many people Andi Rianto is a famous composer in Indonesia. This song is less popular than the other songs entitled Tak Ada Logika and Bukan Milik Ku Lagi. commit to user 18 This is because the market of Agnes Monica is Indonesian songs. This song is just alternative songs which can be listened by listeners besides the other songs in her album. It represents the feeling from the singer towards her soulmate. The message of this song is almost similar with the song entitled Saviour performed by Anggun. The song takes general theme, namely love but specifically it is about the meaning of soulmate. It is rather difficult to seek the information of this song about the chart music in local radio or television since it seems that the song is never played in media 4. I‟ll Light a Candle I’ll Light a Candle is one song in English Version. It is written by Keith Martin and Diana S Dayao. Keith Martin is an American Singer who made a collaboration wih Agnes Monica. I’ll Ligh A Candle is presented by Agnes Monica wih Keith Martin. He did not only compose the song but also sing the song duet with Agnes Monica. The target listener of this album is for Indonesian people. Many people know that Agnes Monica always launches songs in Indonesian rather than in English Version. This makes the English Songs not explored much by the local radio or private television. The way taken by Agnes Monica by putting English Songs in her album is just the beginning step to go an international career. commit to user E. 19 Systemic Functional Linguistics Systemic Functional Linguistics is introduced by MAK Halliday which focuses on meaning of the language used. Language is the main device to fullfill human needs. As stated by Halliday (1994), language is explained as a system of meanings completed by forms to see the meaning in it. It is supported by Eggins (1994), who states that systemic approach is increasingly identified as useful descriptive and interpretative framework to view the language as a strategic, meaning-making resource. Eggins (1994) states that there are four main theories about language: the functional of language use, how the functions of language make the meaning, how the meaning is influenced by social and cultural context which is given by them, and the process of using language. As the basic of language theories, it leads to focus in a text as the social interactions product. It is considered that a text is also influenced by social and cultural context which is negotiated by the writer and the participant themselves. In addition, the fundamental components in language meaning focus on the metafunctions area. Metafuntions deal with three main kinds of meaning: ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning. Ideational meaning represents experience of participants. Interpersonal meaning describes social relationship, how the social interaction is run to give or ask information or goods and services. Textual meaning relates to the two metafunctions (ideational and interpersonal) (Santosa: 2003). Halliday explains that ideational meaning represents experiences. It consists of two: experiential and logical meaning. Experiential employs to the commit to user 20 experience of the participant. Meanwhile, logical employs to the basis of reason experiences. Interpersonal meaning relates to social interaction; it expresses relationship between the writer and reader, and the attitudes toward the subject matter as the representation of the writer (Santosa: 2003). Then, textual meaning relates to how a text is organized as a speech or a piece of writing. Halliday added that a text can bring different meaning because of the units of sentence like clauses, texts, and sentences (Eggins: 1994). F. Text and Context Related to the study of SFL which focuses on language used, this proves that language is social product of verbal and non verbal process (Santosa: 2003). It is also supported by Halliday (1994), who states that a text as a thing of product is represented as a piece of writing. It relates to a product which represents the process as a writer, not as a reader to see the meaning. It means that it needs to focus more on the activities to lead the production. Moreover, Eggins (1994) states that a text is a social product of interaction which is related to the cultural and social context that are negotiated in the text. It means that in a text, cultural and social context become a unity, it can not be separated. Malinowski claims that a language became clear when it is put in its context. Meanwhile, cultural context relates to how a context gives purpose and meaning toward the fact. The contexts of situation are explained in the three variables or called as register variables: field, tenor and mode. These three variables worked simultaneously to get contextual and configuration meaning. The configuration commit to user 21 meaning is limited to the choice of words realized in social process (Santosa: 2003). Field refers to what happens in the events, what happens to characteristics of social process, and how the participants use language as medium including what, where, how and why the events happen. Tenor refers to who acts in the social events including the characteristic, social status and social characteristic which are running. Mode refers to how the language is acted by the participant including the aim of participant uses the language. Mode envelops two aspects: channel and medium. Channel represents what the kinds of language is used whether spoken or written. While medium refers to how language is used to express, it can be one way or two way communications, audio, audio-visual, or visual (Santosa: 2003). Text always connects with context situation and culture, Eggins (1994) states that in order to understand how people use language, it needs to consider the context of situation and context of culture. Furthermore, Santosa (2003) states that text is a process how the participants show the social process whether written or spoken. It can be conluded that the three metafunctions and three aspects of situation work simultaneously realized in social process based on the culture and context of situation. G. Appraisal Martin and White (2005) state that appraisal resources connect to the interpersonal in language. It relates to know how the participants communicate and to know what the feeling and value are shared by seeing from the attitudes of commit to user 22 the participants. Thus, the interpersonal meaning is closely related to tenor since that tenor relates to the social status of participants; how they show their feeling. This is why the appraissal is used to show the attitudes in the way to negotiate the relationship about how we feel. Martin and Rose (2003) state that the attitude deals with evaluating things, people‟s character and people‟s feeling. The evaluation connects to the amplifying of sound that it can be weak or strong. Furthermore, the source of attitudes can be from the writer‟s own or from the other resources. In addition, the appraisal emphasizes on the three interacting areas. They are attitude, engagement, and graduation (Martin & White: 2005). This system is formulated to know the sense of the appraisal towards the text. Furthermore, the appraisal system will be explained below : 1. Attitude Attitude consists of three domains, they are affect (relates to people‟s feeling), judgement (relates to people‟s characters), and appreciation (relates to evaluating things) (Martin & Rose: 2003). a. Affect Martin and White (2005) state that affect connects to the emotional reactions, it can be positive or negative such as happy, anger, gloomy and so forth. It means that someone‟s feeling deals with negative and positve feeling. Sometimes people can feel happy but in other time they can feel sad. Martin and Rose (2003) explain that affect can be expressed directly or indirectly. To make easier understanding, it can be seen from the table below : commit to user 23 Table 2.1 Options for affect positive negative direct implicit We were ecstatic We even celebrated I was torn to pieces I can’t explain the pain and bitterness in me emotional state Ecstaticc Wild consuming fear physical expression Withdrawn Shake uncontrollably extraordinary Wander from window to window behaviour Rolls this way, that side of the bed metaphor Ice cold in a sweltering night Eyes .... dull like the dead (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 28) In addition, Martin and Rose (2003: 58-59) state that appraisal is a huge resource to construct feeling communities and it is realized through grammar. In the term of Halliday (1994) the realization of the grammatical activity consists of quality, process, and comments. These three areas will be drawn from table below : Table 2.2 Realization of affect describing participants attributed to participants manner of processes affective mental affective behaving desiderative comment Affect as „quality‟ a sad father Ephitet the father was sad Attribute the father went sadly Circumstance Affect as „process‟ the work exhausted the girl Process (effective) The lady grimaced Process (middle) Affect as „comment‟ happily, he had a nice trip Modal Adjunct (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 58) b. Judgement The way of evaluating people‟s character is same with affect. It can express positive or negative and also cancommit be judged explicitly or implicitly. In the other to user 24 hand, unlike affect, judgement is divided into personal judgements and moral judgement. Personal judgment relates to give admiration or criticism as the way to evalute people‟s character. Meanwhile, moral judgement relates to give praise or condemnation as the way to evaluate people‟s character. Moral judgement can be used to judge character for more than one person directly or indirectly (Martin & Rose: 2003). It will be explained in the table below : Table 2.3 Examples of Judgment of Character Direct personal admire bubbly, vivacious, energetic, intelligent, popular criticize What’s wrong with him? ... I can’t handle the man anymore! moral praise their leaders have the guts to stand by their vultures ... condemn c. implied He was working in a top security structure I can’t explain the pain and bitterness in me when I saw I envy and respect the people of the struggle ... Our leaders are too holy and ...’those at the top’ innocent. And faceless were again targeting the next ‘permanent removal from society’... (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 30) Appreciation Appreciation relates to how people evaluate their surrounding to get the value of thing itself. For instance, we can evaluate about TV shows, films, books, homes, public buildings, parks of play, parades, and performances, etc. Similar to affect and judgment, appreciation can be positive or negative as the way to evaluate things. Martin and Rose (2003) state that the system of appreciation is divided into three variables : reaction, compositions, and valuation. Reaction deals with attention (reaction:impact) and impact of emotional which is commit to user realized as question of our captures (reaction:quality) in the text . Composition 25 deals with the proportionality (composition:balance) and detail (composition:complexity) of our perceptions of the text. Meanwhile, valuation deals with the most important part of our assessment towards social value of the text/process (Martin & Rose: 2003). The types of appreciation will be shown in the table below : Table 2.4 Appereciation in a specialized field linguistics positive reaction: timely, long awaited, impact engaging, landmark ... [notability] fascinating, exciting, reaction: interesting, stimulating, quality impressive, admirable ... [likeability] composition consistent, balanced, [balance] through, considered, unified, logical, well argued, well presenied ... composition simple, lucid, elegant, rich, [complexity] detailed, exhaustive, clear, precise ... valuation genesis] 2. negative untimely, unexpected, overdue, surprising, dated... dull, tedious, boring, pedantic, didactic, uninspired ... fragmented, loose ended, disorganized, contradictory, sloppy ... simplistic, extravagant, complicated, Byzantine, labyrinthine, overly elaborate, narrow, vague, unclear, indulgent, esoteric, eclectic ... [field useful, penetrating, shallow, ad hoc, reductive, illuminating, challenging, unconvincing, unsupported, significant, deep, profound, fanciful, tendentious, bizarre, satisfying, fruitful ... counterintuitive, perplexing, arcane ... (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 64) Graduation Martin and Rose (2003) explain that graduation relates to how people express or feel about someone or something strongly or weakly. It means that the expression or feeling deal with amplification. It can be seen from the choice of commit to user 26 word which is used by speaker to show her or his feeling. The example can be seen from the diagram below : Extremely intelligent Sharply intelligent Quite intelligent Fairly intelligent Somewhat intelligent high grading low grading Figure 2.1 Figure of graduation (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 38) From the diagram above, it can be seen from the choice of word how the intonation to say about something is different. When a speaker says the word “extremely”, it means that he feels really happy because the amplification of extremely/very/really has intensified meaning (volume up). It will be different when someone says the word “fairly or somewhat intelligent”, because the turning of those words are down and it represents that the feeling is just usual or in the standard level. Martin and Rose (2003) explain that graduation consists two parts, they are force and focus. a. Graduation : force Graduation force relates to the turning of words are up or down of how people express the attitudes (Martin & Rose: 2003). Furthermore, there are four types of gradution force : 1. Intensifiers Intensifiers relate to how strongly people compare one thing to something else. It can be seen from the example below : commit to user 27 Yesterday I faced bad condition of losing my money and today the condition became worst because I also fire from my job. The bold words show that bad can be compared to worst because those words are turning up (gradable). It reflects the experience of speaker which is fine and it increased to the worst situation. 2. Attitudinal lexis Attitudinal lexis is attitude which is realized in lexis. It deals with the degree of intensity from words, for instance adore-love-like. Those words are attitudinal lexis because the lexical items refer to the degrees of likeness. 3. Metaphors Metaphors deal with using unordinary language or metaphor utterances to express feeling. The example below is taken from Martin and Rose (2003) as can be seen in Helena‟s story. Ice cold in a sweltering night Dull like the dead Blood-curdling shrieks The bold words are metaphors utterances which are used in Helena‟s story relate to how cold her second love was, how dull his eyes were, and how frightening his screams were. 4. Swearing As same as metaphors, the other way to express the attitude is using swearing. Similar to example of metaphors above, Helena‟s story also used swearing to express her frustration with white South African leaders: commit to user 28 Our leaders are too holy and innocent. And faceless. I can understand if Mr (F.W.) de Klerk says he didn‟t know, but dammit, ……. (Adopted from Martin & Rose, 2003: 41) The word “dammit” refers to swearing words because it brings rude meaning of the writer express her feeling. b. Graduation : focus Martin and Rose (2003) state that graduation focus deals with the sharpening and softening of experiential categories. Sharpening relates to express something in up scale while softening relates to express something in down scale. The examples below are taken from Martin and Rose (2003: 42) : After about three years with the special forces After exactly three years with the special forces The word “about” is considered to down scale or softened focus while the word “exactly” is considered to up scale or sharpened focus. Martin and Rose (2003) sum up the graduation force and focus as the table below : Table 2.5 Options for Graduation intensifiers force attitudinal lexis metaphors swearing Sharpen focus Soften he still plays great the second part is fantastic … ice cold in a sweltering night dammit, there must be a clique a true guitar legend a part-time blues fan (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 43) commit to user 29 3. Engagement Engagement is the last part of appraisal in showing the attitudes. According to Martin and Rose (2003), engagement refers to who and where of attitudes which is taken from. It is divided into two parts : heterogloss and monogloss. Heterogloss refers to the source of the attitude that can be from one writer or more than one writer. Meanwhile, monogloss refers to the writer‟s own opinion, it comes from one author. In this part, there are three ways to express the additional voices in a text. a. Projecting sources Projections are quote result from someone‟s opinion or thinking. The tables below are examples of projecting sources. Table 2.6 Projecting sources projecting clauses names for acts‟ projecting clauses scare quotes Then he says : He and three of our friends have ben promoted I know where everything began, the background. „speech I end with a few lines that my wasted culture said to me they broadcast substantial extracts: within Many of those who have come forward had previously been regarded as repectable such offices as it may deem necessary „those at the top‟, the „cliques‟ and „our men‟ (Taken from Martin & Rose, 2003: 48) b. Modality Besides projection, there is another way to introduce additional voice in a text via modality. In the term of Modality, Halliday (1994) states that modality as a resource of devices to decide whether yes and no or positive and negative poles in the semantic areas. It consists of two types of modality, first is for negotiating commit to user 30 services and last is for negotiating information. For negotiating services can be described in examples as follows : do it positive you must do it you should do it you could do it don‟t do it negative Figure 2.2 Figure of demand modality (Taken from Martin & Rose (2003: 48) Based on examples above the words “do it” has high obligatory because it forces someone and he does not have the other choice. Meanwhile, for negotiating information can be described in the examples as follows: it is positive it must be it should be it might be it isn‟t negative Figure 2.3 Figure of modality for negotiating information (Taken from Martin & Rose (2003: 48) Based on examples above the word “must” has high amplification rather than “might”. By describing those two examples of modality, we can say how probable a statement is. For each poles represents choice of positive or negative polarity, so this makes that resource of additional voices include the polarity itself. c. Concession The last type of showing the additional voices is concession. Concession is conjunction to encounter the writer‟s expectation. Conjunction is logical connections between figures, by adding, comparing, sequencing them, or explaining causes, conditions or purposes (Martin & Rose, 2003: 52: 110). commit to user 31 To make a brief explanation, it will provide examples taken from Helena‟s story in the book of Working with Discourse as follows : Not quite my first love, but an exceptional person. He tried to hide his wild consuming fear, but I saw it. Eyes bewildered, but dull like the dead. I can understand if … de Klerk says he didn‟t know, but dammit, there must be a clique. According to examples above, but is mostly used because it brings another possibilities, it can be however and although, or the other variations on the theme including even if, at least, indeed and of course, in any case, etc. The word but itself is considered as a signal concession. It represents that concession refers to the conjunction of possibilities or it shows opinion from someone or more than one person, for instances: at least, only, even and so forth. . H. Prosody and Genre Martin and Rose (2003) states that prosody refers to combination of attitude to the others to make tone or mood in a text or a pattern of choices as called „prosodic‟. The patterns of prosodic can be decreased or increased in the manner of a musical prosody. Those prosodic patterns construct the stance or voice of the appraiser to show the valued as shared by kind of community. Frequency, the stances are from more objective to more subjective scale. It can be concluded that prosody refers to the combination of attitude to create the patterns of choices in giving opinion from the writer in subjective and objective ways. commit to user 32 Genre analyzes the stages, step by step to achieve the goals as the way to describe the impact of the cultural context in a text (Eggins: 1992). It is also supported by Martin in the book of In the introduction to systemic functional linguistics (Suzan Eggins). Firstly, he states that “A genre is a staged, goaloriented, purposeful activity in which speakers engage as members of our culture (1984: 25).” Secondly he states : “Genres are how things get done, when language is used to accomplish them (1985b: 248).” According to Santosa (2003), genre also expresses cultural event in social process (meta-field), purposes of social process (meta-tenor) and also the step of social process which is called GSP or Generic Structure Potential by Martin, it is united in the social process simultaneously. GSP is obligatory element that can be used to determine the genre whether the genre can be same or various to the text structure depends on the context of situation. Genre and GSP always appears in the social events of social culture. Martin (1992) (in Santosa 2010) divided types of genres into two : factual genre and story genre. 1. Factual Genre deeply related to social process which happens in the society, it can be from daily activity, academic or journalistic. There are eight types of factual genres : recount, description, report, procedure, explanation, exposition, discussion, and exploration. The explanation for each factual genrs are below: a. Recount Recount Genre is used to tell the past event which is unique (Santosa: 2010). He also adds that recount do not use to generalize but the activities have commit to user 33 structure based on the time event (Santosa: 2003). It is focused on specific participants and temporal sequence, by using past tense and material process ( b. Description Description is describing something whether it is live or not live, uniquely, this description is not used to generalize same types of things (Santosa: 2010). Moreover, the participants in the description genre are usually individual (Santosa: 2003). The writer can start to describe of something from she/he wants. For instance: describing a bank office. It can be started from front by saying the circumstances or back side by saying the view in its surrounding. c. Report Report Genre is used to describe things whether it is dead or live by spreading all over. Different with description genre, the charateristic of report genre is the group of participants (Santosa: 2003). It uses present tense and relational process without temporal sequence in it. d. Procedure Procedure Genre is used to explain the chronological of events to get the aim which focuses more to the activities of participants (Santosa: 2003). In addition, Santosa (2010) states that chronologicle is an obligatory element that should be put in the procedure to get the aim itself. For instance, how to make dress, it means that step by step must be done correctly to get the perfect dress. It usually uses present tense, temporal conjunction and material process ( commit to user 34 e. Explanation Explanation genre is used to explain a process of phenomena or event which has chronologic events of the structure firmly (Santosa: 2010). It is usually concerned with the question of how and why, for example why global warming is happened. f. Exposition Exposition genre is used to solve problem by delivering opinion but it does not have the chronological event structurally to make the explanation clearly (Santosa: 2010). Exposition is divided into two parts : analytical and hortatory exposition. Analytical exposition is to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case. Meanwhile, hortatory exposition is to persuade the readers and listeners that something should or should not be in the case ( g. Discussion Discussion genre is mainly in debate towards an issue but it is unstructurally, it can use different point of views (Santosa: 2010). It is usually that the elements of discussion consists of issue, argument includes argument for and against toward the issue, and closed by conclusion or recommendation. h. Exploration Exploration genre refers to get something in theoritical way, it must be structurally to the chronological activities to get result effectively and efficiently (Santosa: 2003). commit to user 35 2. Story Genre Story genre relates to the story of social process which is aimed to entertain. It is closely related to social activities where the activities depend on the participant views the social phenomena itself (Santosa: 2010). There are four kinds of story genre : recount, anecdot, exemplum, and narrative. a. Recount Different with recount genre in factural genre, recount genre in here refers to record of event or phenomena. The event in recount genre is common rather than the other types of story genres (Santosa: 2010). b. Anecdote Anecdote genre refers to story about real person or incident involves actual persons whether they are famous or not, usually in an identifiable place. The aim of this genre is not to entertain or make laugh but to reveal the truth. ( c. Exemplum Exemplum genre refers to see uncommon event as incidentically or to sustain an argument. d. Narrative Narrative genre deals to problematic events which leads to crisis or turning point to get resolution. Usually, it aims to entertain or to amuse and to deal with vicarious or actual experience ( commit to user in different ways 36 I. Ideology Ideology considers as the result of interaction between cultural norms, experiences also belief which has by someone in the way of seeing social phenomena in society. Furthermore, ideology is a part of context of cultural which contribute to decide the genre and register (Santosa: 2003), In addition Eggin (1994) state that whatever genre we are involved in, and whatever the register of the situation, our use of language will also be influenced by our ideological positions: the values we hold (consciously or unconsciusly), the biases and perspectives we adopt. Moreover, Martin (1992) proposes a model to show the agreement or disagreement dealing with ideology, they are consists of two lines; antagonist and protagonist, left and right. Antagonist refers to interlocuter who are interested in creating the issuess while protagonist refers to interlocuter who attempting to dissolve the issuess. Then, left refers to those who have semiotic power to gain through the ensuing debates, in other hand, right refers to support the issues. The perscpective of ideology can be summarized as follows : Right Issue Antagonist right (creating issue) Protagonist right (resolving issue) Left Antagonist left (power to gain) Protagonist left (power to lose) Figure 2.4 Figure of ideology commit to user 37 (Adopted from Martin, 1992: 584) Based on the figure above, it can be sum up that the aims of analyzing appraisal is to get the kind of ideology of the writer. The way to find out the ideology is by identifying the argument, whether the arguments support or refuse the issue. Thus, the ideology of writer can be identified as protagonist left or right or antagonist left or right. commit to user BAB III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Paradigm This research belongs to a qualitative research which employs descriptive methods since the researcher figures out the reasons why some attitudes are used in the text. According to Kirk and Miller (in Moelong, 1989) define a qualitative research is a particular tradition in socials which fundamentally depends on the observation to man and relates to people inside the language and the term. In addition, a qualitative research does not represent numeration or calculation but it relates to the data produced in the forms of words (Moelong, 1898). Furthermore, Bogdan and Taylor (in Moelong, 2002) define a qualitative research as research procedure to produce descriptive data in the form of written or oral words based on human behavior that can be observed. Based on the explanation above, this research also employed descriptive method. The reason why used this method is to describe the phenomena that occured in the society, for instance the appraisal theory to see the attitudes of the singers in the love songs by Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica. There are some steps needed in descriptive method: collecting the data, analyzing the data, and then drawing the conclusion based on the data (Hadi, 1990). This research also applies a case study which attempt to describe appraisal analysis of the love songs between Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica to see how the singers show the attitudes and the influences of the attitudes in the lyrics which are published on their album of Luminescence and WhaddupA. commit to user 38 39 Appraisal theory is used in this research. This teory is in the frame of Systemic Funtional Linguistics (SFL) (Halliday, 1994) because it focuses on spoken or written language relates to the purposes and the using of language itself in the contexts. This research uses SFL perspective because it covers the natural data, data collection, analysis and interpretation to see the meaning which made in the discourse through the linguistic resources. B. Research Methodology The research methods relate to determine the research location, sampling technique, data and source of data, and data validity. 1. Research Location The research location of this research is in the form of text on songs by two famous artists in album, entitled WhaddupA performed by Agnes Monica and Luminescence performed by Anggun C. Sasmi. There are wo songs which would be taken from each album of each singer. The songs entitled saviour, breathe in water, what they called soulmate and I’ll light a candle. Those songs are taken as the data because they have the same theme, namely love. Spradley (1980) states that the primary elements of this research location consists of place/setting, participants, and events. The setting of this research was album taken from WhaddupA which published in 2005 by Agnes Monica. The other songs taken from album of Luminescense by anggun C. Sasmi which was also published in 2005. The researcher took four comparative songs from those albums. The songs cover artists, place end time of scene on the album. Menwhile, the artists cover all participants which took part in the songs. Finally, the events commit to user 40 cover the happenings that took place in the bioghraphy of the singers related to the songs. 2. Sample and Sample Technique Sample is a representation of data being observed (Hadi, 1983). The researcher uses total sampling technique in this research. It means that the researcher takes all samples in the source of data. This is because all of the data contained in the texts were analyzed in this research in order to figure out the prosody, genre and the ideology of the singers. 3. Data and Source of Data The data may appear in the form of discourse, sentence, clause, phrase or word which can be obtained from magazine, newspaper, books, etc (Subroto, 1992). Meanwhile, source of data is the subject from which the data are captured (Arikunto, 2002). The source of data in this research is the four songs taken from two albums. The two songs taken from Luminesecence album entitled Saviour and Breathe in Water performed by Anggun C.Sasmi.. The other two songs were taken from WhaddupA album entitled What They Called Soulmate and I’ll Light a Candle performed by Agnes Monica In this research, there are two kinds of data: they are primary and secondary data (Blaxter et. Al, 2006). The primary data of this research consists of linguistics phenomena and the detail include the types of attitudes: affect, judgement, and appreciation which taken from the songs. The secondary data consists of the biography of the singers relate to the songs. commit to user 41 4. Data Validity To check the trustworthiness of the data, there are four types of data validity; source of data, investigator or research, method triangulation, and theoretical triangulation technique (Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Patton, 1980). The source of data triangulation of the research was applied from the same publishing time of both albums WhaddupA and Luminescence by taking from the four songs which have same theme, namely love. The two songs taken from Luminescence album entitled Saviour and Breathe in Water performed by Anggun C. Sasmi. The other two songs were taken from WhaddupA entitled What They Called Soulmate and I’ll Light a Candle performed by Agnes Monica 5. Technique of Data analysis The content analysis applying appraisal theory will be used as the technique of data analysis in this research. According to Spradley (1980) there are four steps of content analysis: domain, taxonomic, componential analysis, and finding cultural values. Domain analysis is the analysis to identify the attitudes toward the songs. Taxonomy analysis is to classify the data based on the types of appraisal. There are several kinds of attitudes of appraisal; affect (feeling), judgement (character), and appreciation. Componential analysis is intended to see the relation between classification and phenomenon. Finding cultural values analysis is used to figure out the reason why the attitudes employ in the texts. commit to user 42 The illustration of the analysis in the following figure: Domain Taxonomy Componential Finding cultural value Figure 3.1 The flow of data analysis (Adopted from Santosa, 2010) The example of the analysis steps are follows: 1. Domain Domain analysis is used to separate data whether it belongs to the data or not. “Something is known to be a sin” The clause above refers to appraising item since the cut word of “to be a sin”. Thus, it will be the data in this research. “in places, I can’t see” In the second clause, it can be found the modality “can” but it does not belong to the data since there is no attitude which found in it. 2. Taxonomy The taxonomy analysis is applied to classify the data according its categories. For example : commit to user 43 Table 3.1 an analysis of attitudes: clause form appraising items attitudes judg affect 4 carrier attribute Something is known to be a sin 7 carrier attribute Something that needs a lie appre negative negative Table 3.2 an analysis of graduation: clause form appraising items 4 attitudinal lexis force Something is known raise to be a sin 7 attitudinal lexis Something that needs a lie graduation focus raise Table 3.3 an analysis of engagement: Clause form appraising items engagement monogloss heterogloss is 4 attitudinal lexis Something known to be a sin 7 attitudinal lexis Something that needs a lie - Based on the tables above it shows the way of classification for each data. The Table 3.2 shows the classification of data whether it belongs to affect, judgment, and appreciation. The Table 3.3 shows the gradable of data whether it is force or focus graduation. The last is Table 3.4 which shows the sources of the attitudes in the texts whether it belongs to one voice or more than one voice. For commit to user 44 example, both of data belong to appreciation, it is because the artist evaluates her love towards her soulmate. It also happens in graduation (force; raise) and engagement (monogloss) when the artist uses the same kind of graduation and engagement. 3. Componential Table 3.5 An Analysis of componential analysis in all texts Attitude Affect Positive Negative Judgement Positive Negative Appreciation Positive Negative Graduation Force Focus Engagement Monogloss Heterogloss Text 1 2 5 3 2 6 16 2 10 8 Text 2 2 2 13 3 1 19 2 5 16 Text 3 1 15 2 5 5 24 4 13 15 Text 4 7 19 3 2 1 24 8 18 16 Componential analysis is an analysis which is done by seeing relation between categories. Componential analysis is used to find out the graduation, force and focus, the genre and the prosody of the texts. The data are lyric which has many repetitions, it wil be anlayze one data for the repetition of the lyrics. The term of text 1 represents “Saviour”, text 2 represents “Breathe in water”, text 3 represents “What They Called Soulmate”, and text 4 represents “I’ll Light a Candle". From the data above, the researcher will describe the attitudes impact involved in the texts which lead to get the similarities and the differences between the texts. Based on the example above the sentence is included to sharp scale. The genre belongs to description since the singer just wants to express her feeling. commit to user 45 4. Finding Cultural Values Finding cultural values is used to figure out the reason of appraisal analysis on context by combining the primary and the secondary data. Below is the figure of finding cultural value Text genre attitude stance Figure 3.2 figure of finding cultural value The example of componential and finding cultural values based on the sentence above. For instance: In this part, the research only took some examples of data as seen the previous table. Based on the table above, it can be seen that the singer wants to express her feeling towards her soulmate. It shows by the appreciation of negative with strong graduation. It shows how deep her feeling towards her soulmate. The genre of the text is considered as description, because it represents one sided argument of the singer since she just wants to describe her condition of her love. Then, the prosody is more subjective due to the used of many attitudes in text. 5. Drawing the conclusion based on analyzing the attitudes, prosody, genre, and ideology on the texts by using appraisal theory. commit to user CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Introduction This chapter consists of two parts: finding and discussion. In finding will be conducted of technique in Chapter III based on content analysis of domain, taxonomic, componential analysis, and finding cultural values. The finding will be applied the technique of domain, taxonomic, and componential analysis. Meanwhile, for the discussion will be applied the componential values and finding cultural values to figure out the relationship between the context and the components. Furthermore, this part is aimed to answer the research question which is stated in the Chapter I. The questions include the types of appraisal areas used in four texts by two famous artist (Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica), the influence of the appraisal areas toward the texts, and the reason why the appraisal areas employed in the texts. To analyze the data, the researcher uses Martin and Rose (2003), and also combines with theory of Martin and White (2005). B. Findings This sub-chapter will describe the types of attitudes, graduation and engagement from all texts. 1. 1.1 First Text Analysis of Attitude In the first text entitled Savior performed by Anggun Cipta Sasmi there commit to user are three kinds of attitudes; affect, judgement and appreciation. The domain and 46 47 taxonomic analysis are applied in order to find the type of attitudes and the classifications. The following table shows the finding of the first text : Table 4.1 Number of attitudes Text 1 Attitude Affect Judgement Appreciation Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Frequency of occurence 2 5 3 2 6 Percentage 11,1% 27,8% 16,7% 11,1% 33,3% Table 4.1 above shows the number of attitudes that found in the first text. The singer employs affect to show her feeling towards her behavior. It can be seen from the numbers which consists only two affects. In the other hand, she wants to show her attitudes about the leaving of her soulmate. This is why the singer uses many judgements and appreciations. The judgements are used to evaluate the participants in the text, the singer herself while the appreciations are used to evaluate the happening as the effect of her suffering. Based on the table, the amounts of positive affect is 11,1%, judgement is 44,5%, consisting of 27,8% positive and 16,7% negative, meanwhile the amounts of appreciation is 44,4%, consisting of 11,1% positive and 33,3% negative. It can be sum up that the singer expresses her behavior to show her suffering due to the leaving of her saviour. The singer uses many positive judgement and negative appreciation. It aims to show that physically she needs her saviour to rescue her from suffer, but mentally she curse out the leaving. The detail explanation of judgement and appreciation commit to user will be discussed in follows : 48 1.1.1 Affect As explained before that affect deals to someone feeling about something whether it is good or bad. It can be expressed in the positive, negative, direct and indirect ways. The following table provides the finding data of affect in the first text and follows by its explanation. Table 4.2 Analysis of Affect in Text 1 No of clause 10 Form Appraising item mental process 14 mental process Rescue me [from this fire in my soul] Rescue me [from the sight of regret] Type of affect metaphor; process metaphor; process Based on the table above, it can be seen that the actress uses two affects to show her feeling in implicit ways. She express her feeling in the metaphor form because of her suffer of the leaving her saviour. It shows that she really needs her saviour to be her side to save her from the bad things for instance sadness and regret. In clause 10 she says “Rescue me [from this fire in my soul]”, it represents how important her saviour in her life. She needs him to save her from the anger in her heart. The clause also brings the sad feeling with the losing hope to run her life. Furthermore, in clause 14 she says “Rescue me [from the sight of regret]”, it means that she also needs him to rescue her from the regret in her life. All clauses represent how much important he is in her life. commit to user 49 1.1.2 Judgement As explained before in Chapter II, judgement is evaluation on behavior of people. The way to judge behavior can be positively and negatively, implicitly and explicitly. In the other hand, the evaluation can be done personaly or morally. The following table will show the whole data of judegment in the first text and followed its description : Table 4.3 Analysis of Judgement Text 1 No of Form clause 9a behavioral process 9b mental behavior process 11 behavioral process 12a mental behavioral process 13 mental behavioral process 16b carrier attribute Type of judgement Rescue me positive personal admire direct before I lose control negative personal criticize direct There's only you who can stop positive personal admire direct me from falling I need a saviour positive personal admire direct 19 Something I have ignored 28b mental behavioral process mental behavioral process Appraising item before I lose my head negative personal criticize direct you're my saviour positive personal admire direct negative personal criticize direct need my saviour positive personal admire direct Based on the table above, it can be seen that the singer uses judgement as the way to evaluate the leaving ofcommit her savior. She judges how important her savior to user 50 in her life. Generally, she uses more admires form to get back her savior. This proves that she is left by her savior and it makes her life uncomplete. It relates to her personal life, so that she uses many judgements in the way of admire form rather than criticize form. In the other hand, she uses many judgements in positive ways in order to her behavior towards her savior. The use of positive judgements show that she needs him to make her life more complete. Based on the table, it can be seen that the behavior process is applied mostly in the judgements. It aims to prove that she really suffers from the leaving of his savior. Moreover, she could not live without her soulmate in her side. From the behavioral form in clause 9a she says that “Rescue me” related to the previous statement that she leaves him so long. She could not life without her saviour. Then, she makes sure that she really needs her savior as in clause 9b that she says “Before I lose control” which has mental behavioral process. It means that when her savior in her side, she could do it everything properly but when her savior left her, she could not do it anymore. The one who can control and safe her life is only her savior. In the other side, she still uses mental behavior process, for instance on the clause 12a and clause 28b. In clause 12a she says that “I need saviour”, it is clear that what happens in her life she really needs her saviour to be in her side forever. She restates again to make sure that she really needs her savior like what she states “need my savior”. Besides, she also uses carrier attribute in clause 16b that “you’re my savior” to show that from her previous statements that she needs her commit to user 51 savior and hope that he come back. The clause 16b shows that no one could replace the position of his saviour. In her text, the singer just gives two negative judgements to her behavior toward her savior. The first negative judgements already explained above. In clause 19 she says negatively “something that I have ignored”, it refers to the mistake that she done towards her savior. She does not permit him to come back in her life. This clause shows the contradiciton that she did not forgive him, but in the other hand she could not do everything without her saviour in her side. 1.1.3 Appreciation The other attitudes which is employed in the first text is appreciation. Appreciation deals with the evaluating things. In this text, she uses two kinds of appreciation : reaction impact and quality, and valuation in the way positively and negatively. It is dominated in negative appreciation rather than positive. It connects with her expression towards her savior about dissatisfaction. The table below provides the appreciation from reaction until valuation. Appreciation Reaction The table 4.3 shows the use of appreciation from the artist. She uses appreciation of reaction to give attention toward the issue. It is done by giving emotional impact which is called reaction ; impact and giving reaction by degree which is called reaction ; quality. commit to user 52 Table 4.4 Analysis of Appreciation (Reaction) Text 1 No of Form clause 4 carrier attribute 8 15 carrier attribute epithet thing 20 24 carrier attribute carrier attribute Appraising item Something is known to be a sin Trying to turn into a sin 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting Wanting to be a sin Can't let it be a sin Type of appreciation negative; reaction quality negative; quality positive; quality negative; reaction impact positive; reaction impact Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are five data. It consists of three negative appreciations and also two positive appreciations. It is dominated by negative appreciation. It shows that she criticizes her behavior towards her savior. It represents her sadness causes by the disappearance of her saviour. In another way, she also uses positive appreciation. It reflects how much she hates her savior, while she also still needs him to be her soulmate forever in her life. The negative quality of appreciation can be found in clause 4 and 8. Those clauses are formed in carrier attribute. It is for pressuring to her savior that what he did really big mistake. In clause 4 she says that “something is known to be sin”, it represents that the leaving of her savior is big mistake. She restates again in clause 8 she says “trying to turn into a sin”. She repeats sin twice in same ways in negative appreciation. Based on this case, it is clear that she still loves with him, even though he leaves her. commit to user 53 Differently in clause 15 she uses positive quality with process of ephitet thing. It means that beside her hate, she still needs and likes him. She states in clause 15 that “Cause only your love can stop me from wanting”, it reflects what makes her hold out to want him although there is no information about him. She addes by applying positive and negative reaction impact of appreciation in the form of carrier attribute in clause 20 and clause 24. Both clauses consist of one positive and negative reaction. It means that she depresses from waiting and leaving for him. In clause 20 she says “wanting to be a sin”, it is negative appreciation due to his leaving but differently in clause 24, she also says “can’t let it be a sin”. The negative appreciation represents the bad feeling or the hate toward him. Meanwhile, the positive aims to balance the attitudes of the negative way. It reflects her attitude evaluation that both of them are wrong whether in loving or in leaving. The way she expresses her feeling in clause 20, shows that she does not care about what people say about her love. She is sure that her love is true even though the savior has gone. Appreciation of Valuation In this text, the artist also uses appreciation of valuation towards to her savior. Valuation refers to the social significance of our assement on the text. She expresses her feeling in a negative way. It represents her dissatisfaction of him due to his leaving. She wants to evaluate all activities which are done by her towards her soul mate. It relates to his loving or his leaving. The following tables provide data of the artist‟s appreciation of valuation. commit to user 54 Table 4.5 Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 1 No of Form clause 7 carrier attribute 21 carrier attribute 23 carrier attribute Appraising item Type of appreciation Something that needs a lie It's been around for so long negative; valuation I know that it's so wrong negative; valuation negative; valuation Based on the table above, it consists of negative valuation of appreciation and both of them are carrier attribute process. There is no positive appreciation due to the artist‟s attitude. The singer says in clause 7 that “Something that needs a lie” it represents the behavior of the singer towards her surrounding. She needs a lie to her family and her environment about the leaving of her savior. It is done because she would not make neither her family nor her environment know and sad of it. It connects to clause 21 that she says “It’s been around for so long”, it means that not only she lies with her family but also she waits her savior for long time and there is no information about him. In the other side she lies where her savior is and she wishes that he will be back soon. In clause 23 she says “I know that it’s so wrong”, this clause reflects to her lies and waiting of him. She already knew that what she does is wrong but she does not have another choice to tell the truth to her family or her environment. She keeps forward to wait for her savior until he comes back. She ignores what people say about her. He only hings she knew are loving and waiting for him to make her life more complete. commit to user 55 1.1.4 Analysis of Graduation In the previous Chapter II, it is already explained that graduation deals with the amplifications which is used in the text. It means that it connects to raise or low of the volume that used by the singer or the writer. In this text, the artist express her attitudes by using both types of graduation; force and focus graduation. The attitudes of the artist related to the amplification; force which is raise and lower, while for focus is sharpen. It reflects that the artist expresses her attitudes sharp and strong. Meanwhile, for lower amplification proves that she is still need him whether she hates him. The table below provides the analysis of graduation. Table 4.6 Analysis of Graduation Text 1 No. of Form Clause 4 attitudinal lexis 4 attitudinal lexis 7 attitudinal lexis 7 attitudinal lexis 8 attitudinal lexis 9a attitudinal lexis 9b metaphor 10 metaphor 11 intensifier 12a attitudinal Appraising item Something is known to be a sin Something is known to be a sin Something that needs a lie Graduation Force Focus raise raise raise Something that needs a lie raise Trying to turn into a sin raise Rescue me raise before I lose control Rescue me [from this fire in my soul] There's only you who can stop me from falling to user I need acommit saviour raise raise raise raise 56 13 14 15 lexis metaphor attitudinal lexis intensifier 16b attitudinal lexis 19 attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis 20 21 23 24 28b attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis before I lose my head Rescue me [from the sight of regret] 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting you're my saviour raise raise Something I have ignored raise Wanting to be a sin raise raise lower It's been around for so long I know that it's so wrong Can't let it be a sin sharpening sharpening raise need my saviour raise Based on the table above, it can be seen that almost graduation is dominated by raise amplification and it is dominated of attitudinal lexis form. Meanwhile, the number of lower and sharpening amplification are few. It represents her feeling towards him. It aims to balance her feeling whether it is bad or good. For instance, when she says in strong amplification in clause 4 in the form of attitudinal lexis that “Something is known to be a sin”, it means that it gives more exact and deep meaning towards her attitude. She uses the expression because she has been left by him for long time. It makes her angry and confuse to do something right or wrong in her life. Futhermore, she also uses the word “something” in clause 7 “something that needs a lie”. It means that she wants to make sure that her feeling is worstcommit than before. to user 57 The artist uses force graduation which is dominated by raise and it brings high amplification towards her attitudes. This amplification formed in three types; attitudinal lexis, intensifier and metaphor. Attitudinal lexis form can be seen from clauses 4, 7, 8, 9a, 12a, 14, 16b, 19, 20, 24, 28b. It aims to explain what happened with her after she left by her saviour. As explained above in clause 4 and clause 7 that she used attitudinal lexis form towards her behavior. In the other hand, the intensifier form can be seen in clause 11 and clause 15. Although it is only two forms of intensifier, it indicates that she wishes her savior to come back soon to make her life better. As she says in clause 11 and clause 15 by using the word “only” brings hope and certainty that only him who can make her life more complete and better. Meanwhile, for the last form that used by the artist is metaphor. It is consist of three metaphors form in the text in clauses 9b, 10 and 13. One example in clause 10 that she says “Rescue me [from this fire in my soul]”. It means that she wants to him come back to hold on her uncontroll feeling. The using of metaphor aims to give more attention that her feeling is uncontrollable and only him who can do it. The other form of graduation is focus; sharpening. It only can be seen from clause 21 and clause 23. For example in clause 21, she says that “it’s been around for so long”, it explains that she waits for him for so long and there is no certainty when he would come back. 1.1.5 Analysis of Engagement The last feature in analysis of attitudes is engagement. It deals with attitudes sources which can be from one writer or more than one writer. The table commit to user 58 below shows that the artist uses monogloss as the way to deliver her opinion rather than heterogloss from many sources. The following table provides the engagement data in the first text. Table 4.7 Analysis of Engagement Text 1 No. of Form Clause 4 modality 7 8 9a 9b 10 modality 11 modality 12a 13 14 15 modality 16b 19 20 21 modality 23 24 28b modality modality modality Appraising item Something is known to be a sin Something that needs a lie Trying to turn into a sin Rescue me before I lose control Rescue me [from this fire in my soul] There's only you who can stop me from falling I need a saviour before I lose my head Rescue me [from the sight of regret] 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting you're my saviour Something I have ignored Wanting to be a sin It's been around for so long I know that it's so wrong Can't let it be a sin need my saviour Engagement Mono Hetero As stated before, the engagement is dominated by monogloss which came from the artist herself rather thancommit in heterogloss. to user It can be seen in many clauses, 59 for instance in clause 12a, she says that “I need savior”. It means that the one who needs savior is only the artist because of the using “I” in the text. Many texts above express her opinion of her feeling towards him. To support clause 12a, the artist also use pronoun in the clause 9a, she says that “Rescue me”. It means that everything which is expressed by her is come out from her own heart. Thus, there is no other factors which influences to her attitudes. Meanwhile, there are many voices which came from the other sources. It can be seen from clauses 4, 7, 11, 15, 16b, 21, 23, and 24. All of clauses use modality form that it brings the possibility to her attitudes that needs to be done. For instance in clause 24 “Can’t let it be a sin”. The using modality of “can” brings possibility to everything that she done. It can not be wrong behavior to wait and to love him. As the results, it shows that when the artist evaluates of leaving her savior, she uses monogloss (one voice) in the text rather than heterogloss (more than one voices). It brings meaning that she becomes more subjective in evaluating her attitudes rather than objective. 1.1.6 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre The following table shows all analysis results of attitudes, prosody, and the genre of the Anggun‟s song. The whole result of attitudes appear different from the stages of the structure of the text. commit to user 60 Table 4.8 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre of Text 1 The Generic Structure Clause Orientation Somewhere between my sleep Somewhere beneath my skin In places I can't see Something is known to be a sin Evaluation complication resolution Kinds of attitudes negative Hiding inside my eyes positive Burning from deep within Something that needs a lie Trying to turn into a sin Rescue me before I lose control Rescue me from this fire in my soul There's only you who can stop me from falling I need a saviour, need my saviour Rescue me before I lose my head Rescue me from the sight of regret 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting I need a saviour, you're my saviour Rescue me before I lose control Rescue me from this fire in my soul There's only you who can stop me from falling I need a saviour, need my saviour Rescue me before I lose my head Rescue me from the sight of regret Knocking behind my door negative Asking to be let in Something I have ignored Wanting to be a sin It's been around for so long And waiting to begin I know that it's so wrong Can't let it be a sin 'Cause onlycommit your love can stop me positive to user 61 reorientation from wanting I need a saviour, you're my saviour positive Based on table above, it can be seen that the artist starts with negative way towards the issue. In the other side, she also expresess by giving evaluation in positively which balanced with the complication in negatively. This complication shows her attitudes evaluation of the leaving her savior. In the end of stages, she expresses her attitudes in positive way. It can be concluded that in the beginning of issue she started with negative-positive-negative and ended with positive ways. It proves that she felt dissatisfaction towards her savior, but she also missed and needed him. It shows that she expresses her bad feeling first to make straight point to her savior to come back soon in the end of the text. It is related in the last clause that she says “I need my savior, you’re my savior”, it means that she still needs him to come back in her life. The aims of using negative prosody and discussion genre, it can be sum up that the ideology of the artist is right protagonist. She criticizes her attitudes, but in one moment she still wishes her saviour to come bak in her life. The ideology of the artist indicates that she evaluates the attitudes by giving strong and sharp, positive and negative evaluation in the argument which is dominated from her side and just few sides from its surrounding. For the argument that come out, it shows that the artist is giving her argument in subjective way as the expression of her feeling. commit to user 62 1.2 Second Text 1.2.1 Analysis of attitudes The second text is still taken from Anggun‟s song entitled Breathe in Water. There are three kinds of attitudes in this text; affect, judgement, and appreciation. The table below shows the findings of the second text. Table 4.9 Number of attitudes in Text 2 Attitude Affect Judgement Appreciation Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Frequency of occurence 2 2 13 3 1 Percentage 9,5% 9,5% 62% 14,2% 4,8% Similar with the first text, Anggun also applies three kinds of attitudes; affect, judgement, and appreciation. Meanwhile, she only uses 1 negative appreciation, it is different from the first text which uses both positive and negative appreciation. The negative appreciation reaches 4,8% in this text. It can be seen from the table above that it is still dominated with positive judgement which reaches 62%, it is followed by negative judgement in amount 14,2%. In the other side, she uses attitudes of affect in the same amount 9,5%. Based on the data above, it shows the good attitudes of the artist towards her love problem or to her savior. All the arguments came from her own feeling due to the problem that she faced, about feeling towards her soulmate. commit to user 63 1.2.2 Affect Affect deals with feeling of people about something. It connects either good or bad feeling, for instance someone can feel sad or happy. The way to express this attitude can be positive or negative, direct or indirect way. The table below provides the data of affect in the second text. It will be followed by its explanation for each clause. Table 4.10 Analysis of Affect Text 2 No of Form clause 6 mental behavioral process 15 mental process 27 28 mental process mental process Appraising item Type of effect When I'm away from you negative;process Somehow I feel so lost [with a homeless heart] This is all that I feel And what I feel is real metaphor;quality positive;process positive;quality According to the table above, it can be seen that the artist uses positive and negative appreciation of affect. In addition, she also applies metaphor form to show her deep feeling. It relates to her feeling when she left by her soulmate. In one way she feels sad but she also brings positive feeling to motivate herself towards her soulmate. The negative affect of appreciation can be seen from clause 6 in the form of mental behavioral process and clause 15 in the form of mental process. In clause 6, she says “When I’m away from you”, it deals with her bad feeling when she left by her savior. It is bit weird that she always accompanied by him, but she needs time to adapt with the condition where she left by him and do everything without him. commit to user 64 It supports with clause 15 of her bad feeling. The previous clause which is in the form of mental behavioral process and followed by mental process is used to express her feeling in the deep way. She suffers of her feeling mentally and physically. In clause 15 she says “Somehow I feel so lost [with a homeless heart]”, it represents her bad feeling. The using of the words “so lost” which is followed by “homeless heart” proves that her deep feeling is hurt. It is difficult for her to do everything alone without any guardian to keep and save her life. Meanwhile, she expresses her feeling in positive way. It aims to balance her bad feeling to good feeling. In addition, it can motivate her to struggle of her life. It can be seen from clauses 27 and 28 in the form of mental process. Both clauses show her satisfaction with her attitudes. She does not regret her own feeling. In clause 27 she says “This is all that I feel”, which is followed by clause 28 that she says “And what I feel is real”, it reflects what she really feel, including the feeling of being left by her saviour. She just wants to fight of her feeling whether it is good or bad. 1.2.3 Judgement Judgement relates to character of people. The way to express judgement can be positive or negative, implicit or explicit. It also can be done in personal or moral way. The table 4.10 provides the finding data in the second text and follows by its explanation. commit to user 65 Table 4.11 Analysis of Judgement Text 2 No of Form clause 2a verbal process I can't tell the time 2b I forget their names 5 7 8 10 11a 13b 14 17 18 20 22 25 29 32 mental behavioral process mental process mental behavioral process behavioral process mental behavioral process mental behavioral process verbal process Appraising item With daze in my head I can't abide To show how much you mean to me I'd give up my gravity To find where you would be I'd breathe in water If you asked me to mental behavioral process mental process Breathe in water mental behavioral process mental process But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes When I think about you mental behavioral process mental behavioral process verbal behavioral process I've erased my memory mental behavioral process I can breathe in water When I am missing you This is what I can do This is what I have prayed commit to user Type of judgement negative personal criticize direct negative personal criticize direct negative personal criticize direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct 66 Based on the table above, the artist applies more positive personal judgement because she can fight the bad feeling and followed with good attitudes. The way she expressed her attitudes is in the form of personal judge, either by admiring or criticizing, and direct or implied. The negative judgement can be seen from clauses 2a, 2b and 5. All of clauses show her bad feeling toward the issue. In clause 2a she says “I can’t tell time”, it relates to the way that she already forgot how long she waits and loves him. To support her argument in clause 2a, she also states in clause 2b that “I forgot their names”, it represent her behavior towards him. She just knows that he would come back and would be her guardian forever in her life. She is already waiting and loveing him for a long time. This supports in clause 5 that she says “with daze in my head I can't abide”, it reflects that she suffers for long time. Even the worst, there is no certainty when he comes back. In contrast, she uses more positive way to express her feeling. It is dominated with this attitude. It aims to balance her bad feeling instead of good feeling, it is proven by three negative attitudes applied in the text. In clause 7, she says “To show how much you mean to me”, it indicates that she ignores all of bad feeling. She just wants to more focus that he is really important to her. It is supported in clause 10 when she says “To find where you would be”, it reflects how much important he is to her and she would do everything for him. Similarly, in clause 10, the other clauses also expressed her behavior to get him back. For instance in clause 17 she says “when I missing you”, it is commit to user representation of her feeling towards him. In the next clause 18 she also says “but 67 I chase dark clouds from my eyes”, this statement is reflection of attitude when she missed him. She would do anything whatever her feeling. She wishes that he would come back in her side and would be guardian for her. This is why she says in clause 29 “This is what I have prayed”. In the other way, she also says in clause 32 “I can breathe in water”, it means that she would keep hold on to wait him until he comes back in her side. 1.2.4 Appreciation Appreciation relates to evaluate something. There are three kinds of appreciation; reaction impact and quality, compositional balance and complexity, and valuation. In this text the artist (Anggun) uses one appreciation of valuation relates to her attitudes. It aims to give strength of her feeling related with her suffering. The table below provides appreciation datum and follows its explanation. Table 4.12 Analysis of Appreciation of Valuation Text 2 No of Form clause 1 carrier attribute Appraising item Somehow the days and the nights are all the same Type of appreciation negative;valuation From the table above, the artist uses negative valuation towards everything which is happened in her life. In clause 1 she says “Somehow the days and the nights are all the same”, those words give strength of attention of her attitudes. She says that “are all the same”, it represents her heart which is waiting for him for so long. She just thinks that there is nothing different day by day or second by commit to user 68 second. This is because she waits for long period but there is no information or explanation about him. This statement emphasizes the listeners of her sadness about her savior. 1.2.5 Graduation Graduation relates to amplification of attitudes which is used in the text. The amplification can be expressed strongly or weakly of someone expression. In this text, the artist uses force and focus of graduation. She uses both types of force graduation: raise and lower, but she only uses one types of focus graduation: softening. The way she amplies her attitudes by soft and strong way. The following table shows the finding data of graduation. Table 4.13 Analysis of Graduation Text 2 No. of Form Clause 1 metaphor Appraising item 2a I can't tell the time lower I forget their names raise With daze in my head I can't abide When I'm away from you raise To show how much you mean to me I'd give up my gravity To find where you would be I'd breathe in water to to user If you commit asked me raise 2b 5 6 7 8 10 11a 13b attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis metaphor attitudinal lexis metaphor attitudinal Somehow the days and the nights are all the same Graduation Force Focus raise raise raise raise raise raise 69 14 15 17 18 20 22 25 27 28 29 32 lexis metaphor metaphor attitudinal lexis metaphor attitudinal lexis metaphor attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis metaphor Breathe in water Somehow I feel so lost with a homeless heart When I am missing you raise raise But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes When I think about you raise I've erased my memory This is what I can do This is all that I feel And what I feel is real raise This is what I have prayed I can breathe in water raise raise raise softening softening raise raise Based on the table above, it can be seen that the artist only uses one lower of amplification towards her behavior. It can be seen in clause 2a when she says “I can’t tell the time”, by using the modality of “can” gives low amplification to her attitudes. She just tells the listeners about her feeling but it is not in a strong way. She just says that she forgets how long she waits. In another way she does not want anyone knows of her waiting to him. This is way she only uses the modality “can not” which has lower amplification. As explained before, the artist only uses one lower of amplification, so the amplification is dominated with strong amplification. It is also dominated with the form of attitudinal lexis in the text. Meanwhile, the artist only uses few forms of metaphors in the text. The attitudinal lexis form can be seen from numbers of commit to user clauses above, for instance clauses 6, 7, and 10. The aims of using this form are to 70 explain all of her attitudes towards the leaving of her boyfriend. In the clause 6 when she says “when I’m away from you”, it means that she evaluates her attitudes when she is in long distance with her boyfriend and she does not know where he is. It is also happened in clause 7, she says “to show how much you mean to me”, and this clause also contains her attitudes towards him. Meanwhile, she also uses softening amplification in the text. It only consists two forms of the amplification. The aim of putting this amplification is to give smoother evaluation and motivation about her attitudes. It can be seen in clause 25 and clause 27. In clause 25 she says “This is what I can do”, it reflects her attitudes which are done by her towards him. By giving this amplification, she hopes that her attitudes are right and she motivates herself to keep struggling. 1.2.6 Engagement The last feature that used in the appraisal analysis is engagement. Engagement deals with the sources of attitudes. In the text, the artist uses two kinds of sources of attitudes: monogloss and heterogloss. In the other hand, the way of her expression is dominated by heterogloss (it comes from more than one voice) rather than monogloss (only one voice). The following table shows the finding of engagement in the second text. Table 4.14 Analysis of Engagement Text 2 No. of Form Clause 1 concession 2a 2b modality Appraising item Somehow the days and the nights are all the same I can't tell the time to user I forgetcommit their names Engagement Mono Hetero 71 5 modality 6 7 concession 8 10 modality modality 11a 13b 14 15 modality concession 17 18 concession concession 20 22 25 27 28 29 concession 32 modality concession modality modality modality With daze in my head I can't abide When I'm away from you To show how much you mean to me I'd give up my gravity To find where you would be I'd breathe in water If you asked me to Breathe in water Somehow I feel so lost with a homeless heart When I am missing you But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes When I think about you I've erased my memory This is what I can do This is all that I feel And what I feel is real This is what I have prayed I can breathe in water From the table above, it can be seen that the form of heterogloss consists of modality and concession. It proves that she gives evidence and real activities towards the attitudes of her feeling. The example of modality is in clause 11, she says “I’d breathe in the water”, it means that she would do everything which is related to her savior, even when she must wait and keep hold on for him in the unpredictable period. She also expresses her feeling by concession which is used in the text. It can be seen from clause 1 by using the conjunction “somehow” in the sentences commit to user 72 “Somehow the days and the nights are all the same”. The using of the clause is aimed to give additional explanation about what she done to the listeners. It can be the activities not also done by her but also done by another people. The clause represents of her ignorance about the changing time she passed. She just knows that one thing which can do by her is waiting. The other concession which is used in the text is “But”, it can be seen from clause 18, she says “But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes”. It is almost same with the previous clause that she just wants to make sure that she would do everything for him. She is pretty sure that this activity would be done by all of girls in the world which has same condition of being left by their soulmate. All of forms that used in the text can be done by many people. Thus, she uses many concessions in this text. In the other hand, the artist only uses five attitudes which come from herself. The example of this form can be seen in clause 7, she says “To show how much you mean to me”, in this clause brings her feeling that the savior really much important to her. It comes from herself due to the feelings that she only felt. Based on the analysis above, it proves that the artist uses heterogloss (modality and concession) rather than monogloss (one voice). It indicates that she tends to be more objective rather than subjective as the way to evaluate of the leaving her savior. 1.2.7 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre The whole results of the analysis will provide in the following table. The whole results cover the attitudes, prosody and the generic structure of Anggun‟s text. The following table shows the prosody and genre of the attitudes in text 2. commit to user 73 Table 4.15 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody, and genre Text 2 Kinds of attitudes The Generic Structuree Clause Orientation Somehow the days and the nights are all the same I can't tell the time I forget their names When I am without you negative Evaluation And I'm spinning around like a satellite With daze in my head I can't abide When I'm away from you To show how much you mean to me I'd give up my gravity I'd walk the surface of the sea To find where you would be Chorus: I'd breathe in water - And drown myself in you I'd breathe in water - Dive myself in you I'd breathe in water - If you asked me to Breathe in water Somehow I feel so lost with a homeless heart I've nowhere to run, I've nowhere to hide When I am missing you But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes Send them away like butterflies When I think about you To show how much you mean to me commit to user I've erased my memory positive complication resolution positive positive 74 reorientation To walk the surface of the sea To be where you would be This is what I can do What a woman can do This is all that I feel And what I feel is real This is what I have prayed For this love in my way I breathe in water I can breathe in water positive It can be seen from the table above that the artist starts with negative attitudes towards the issue. It is followed with positive opinions from her. She also closes the text by giving positive opinions about the issue. It shows that the artist gives negative arguments as the expression of her sadness about the leaving of her saviour. In the other hand, she provides the evaluation of the leaving with positive evaluations. It is important for her that she should struggle to keep holding on him and hopes he would come back soon. The aims of using positive evaluation and complication, it can be sum up that the ideology of the artist (Anggun) is right antagonist since she gives positive arguments in strong and softening ways. In this case, it seems that she gives positive attitudes towards the issue. However, she still face the negative problem about the issue. It can be seen in the clause “Somehow I feel so lost with a homeless heart” and “I've nowhere to run, I've nowhere to hide”. Those clauses prove that she still fights the bad feeling. However, she does not have the right place for replacing her feeling. Based on this, the artist tries to more objective rather than subjective because what she feels or does, it will be done by commit to user someone who has same feeling. 75 1.3 Third Text 1.3.1 Analysis of attitudes The third text which is used in this research is taken from Agnes Monica‟s song entitled What they called a soulmate. It is similar with Anggun‟s song entitled Breathe in the water, she uses three kinds of attitudes: affect, judgement and appreciation in the way of evaluating issue. The following tables provide the finding of the third text. Table 4.16 Number attitudes Text 3 Attitude Affect Judgement Appreciation Frequency of occurence 1 15 2 5 5 Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Percentage 3,6% 53,5% 7,1% 17,9% 17,9% In this text, the artist (Agnes) uses same amount to express the appreciation both positive and negative. The amount of the appreciation is 17,9% for positive and negative. Meanwhile, she only uses one negative affect which reaches 3,6%. Besides, it is still dominated with the positive judgement which reaches 50%, for the negative judgement reaches only 7,2% towards the issue. From the domination positive judgement shows that she express her happiness of satisfaction about the soulmate. The complete explanation for each types will explain in the following sub-chapter. commit to user 76 1.3.2 Affect As explained before in Chapter II, affect deals to someone feeling whether it is sad or happy. It can be expressed negative and positive, or direct and indirect. The table below provides the data of affect which is used in the text and follows by its explanation. Table 4.17 Analysis of affect Text 3 No of Form clause 24b carrier attribute Appraising item no more feeling Type of effect negative; quality From the table above, the artist only uses one negative affect in clause 24b. In this clause, she says “no more feeling”, it represents all of her sadness towards the soulmate. This statements deals with her waiting for him in long time. She waits and keeps holding on him for his love. Even, she does not care what people say. After her waiting for long time, finally she collapsed by saying that there is no more feeling. The love is only wasted for him. It is because she spend much time to love and to think about him. Meanwhile, there is no information about him, where he is. She express her feeling as the representation of her anger and hateness toward her soulmate. 1.3.3 Judgement Judgement deals with people‟s character. It can be expressed negative or positively, implicit or explicitly. It also can be expressed personally or morally. The table below provides the data of the third text. commit to user 77 Table 4.18 Analysis of Judgement Text 3 No of clause 1 Form Appraising item behavioral process behavioral process mental behavioral process mental process i see you standing here behavioral process verbal process I‟m still standing on that's what i can't do 14 behavioral process mental behavioral process mental process 15 verbal process 17 verbal process we are what they call soulmate they tell me the love we had 19 mental process but to feel once your love 21 behavioral process mental behavioral process if i could do anything to show that i need you if i could do anything to show that i need you 4 6a 7 9b 11a 11b 13 21 Feel this love that I bare when you know why you made me trust no one can tell me to loose the thirst drink the water from you don't wanna deny our faith commit to user Type of judgement positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct negative personal criticize direct negative personal criticize direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct 78 22b verbal behavioral process i could never end baby positive personal admire direct 23 behavioral process positive personal admire direct 24a mental behavioral process i wanna show the whole world of how you once loved me i don't wanna cry positive personal admire direct From the table above, it can be seen that the artist uses many positive judgements toward the issue of meaning a soulmate. She starts with positive attitudes and only puts two negative attitudes between the positive attitudes themselves. It relates to her own feeling, in which she uses more personal than moral towards the issue. The positive attitudes can be seen from many clauses in the text. Some examples of them are in clauses 1, 4, 5, 6a, 7, 9b and so forth. In clause 1 in form of behavioral process, she says “I see you standing here”, it reflects her attitudes when she memorizes that she can see him standing beside her. This is the beginning to start the issue by giving the positive attitudes of seeing him. The next thing which is done by the artist is clause 4 when she says “Feel this love that I bare”, it is representation of her attitudes when she saw him. She only shows her love instead of the bad feeling of waiting him. This is why she uses clause 1 and clause 4 in the form of behavioral process, it shows her attitudes toward her saviour. commit to user 79 In the other hand, the example of mental process form can be found in clause 14 and clause 7, when she memorizes and waits her, one important thing that she never forget about promise from her soulmate. It shows in clause 14 when she says, “don't wanna deny our faith”, she would not neglect the faith and the promise. Therefore, she still keeps waiting for him based on the faith and the promise they had. The other clause which supports the arguments can be found in clause 7, she says “why you made me trust”, both clauses supports the promise that they made and she still keeps her wishes. The positive attitudes which are used in the text proves everything that she done to find the meaning of soulmate and to keep her hope that he would back to her side. Meanwhile, she only puts two negative attitudes in the middle of her struggling to wait him. It can be found in clause 11a and clause 11b. In clause 11a in the form of verbal process, she says “no one can tell me”, it represents her feeling that she is tired of waiting for him. Moreover, no one can help and tell her what should she do while waiting for him. She only knows that by loving him forever is something true in her life. This is why she keeps holding on him. In clause 11b in the form of behavioral process, she says “that's what i can't do”, she can wait for long period but one thing that she never do it, she would betray their love. She would keep and wait for him whatever the reason. Thus, the use of verbal process in clause 11a and follows form of behavioral process in clause 11b prove that she considerates everything related to her saviour. As supports in clause 15 which is also in form of verbal process, she says “we are what they commit to user 80 called soulmate”, this clause proves that she keeps their love. Their perfect love becomes an example for the other couples. 1.3.4 Appreciation The next attitude which is used by the artist (Agnes Monica) in the text is appreciation. Appreciation deals with evaluation of things. In this text, the artist uses two kinds of reaction impact and quality, and valuation appreciation. For all appreciations express in positive and negative by the artist. The following table provides the data of appreciation from each type, it is starting with appreciation reaction and ending with valuation appreciation. Appreciation Reaction In this text, the artist uses reaction appreciation in positive and negative ways toward the issue. The kinds of reaction appreciation can be done in two ways: reaction: impact which gave emotional impact towards the issue, meanwhile, reaction: quality which gave reaction in the degree form. The data will provide in the table below. Table 4.19 Analysis of Appreciation (Reaction) Text 3 No of Form clause 5 mental behavioral process 8 carrier attribute 9a carrier attribute 20 extra causer Appraising item why you said [your love to me won't ever die] that it love, not a lust days were gone making my life more complete commit to user Type of appreciation positive; impact negative; impact metaphor; quality positive impact 81 As can be seen from the table, the artist uses three reaction impacts and one reaction quality. The reaction impact consists of one negative and two positive ways. She uses those reactions to evaluate all of her attitudes toward the issue. The metaphor form of quality can be found in clause 9a in the form of carrier attribute when she states “days were gone”, it reflects the long time when she waits for him. She only knows that she waits day by day and there is no exact time when he would back. In the other hand, the negative impact can be found in clause 8 in the form of carrier attribute when she says “that it love, not a lust”, she states that she wants to evaluate her attitude about the promise which they made. The promise keep the love never end whatever the condition, but the effect of waiting him makes her to evaluate more about her attitudes. As said in the clause 8 that she says contrary between love and lust. She waits him for long period, and she thinks that the love which felt by her is not love but it is only lust. Lust is representation of negative feeling when someone feels that it can be appear and disappear easily. Meanwhile, in clause 5 in the form of mental behavioral process, she says “why you said [your love to me won't ever die]”, it represents that she still keeps the promise that their love never die and never end with sadness. She hopes that the love still came back to make her life more complete and to pursuit happiness. It supports in clause 20 in the form of extra causer, she says differently“making my life more complete”. The extra causer aims to give additional information as the impact of their loving. From the evaluating that the commit to user love is only lust, she still remembers about their love in the past. In the past, when 82 they can love each other, she feels happy and makes her life more complete. They can share the happiness and sadness each other, but now she faces different condition when the love is gone. Appreciation Valuation In this text, the artist uses appreciation of valuation towards the issue. Valuation deals to the judgment of something which is used by someone. She expresses in positive and negative ways and it aims to give her evaluation towards her attitudes. The following table below shows the data of valuation appreciation. Table 4.20 Analysis of Appreciation (Valuation) Text 3 No of Form clause 6b carrier attribute 10 carrier attribute 16 18 extra causer carrier attribute 22a 24c carrier attribute carrier attribute Appraising item that it‟s only a lie to love you is something that true the promise we made shouldn't happen by any reason there's so many reasons this love......wasted by you Type of appreciation negative valuation positive valuation positive valuation positive valuation positive valuation negative valuation Based on the table above, it can be seen that positive valuation in the form of carrier attribute is dominated in the appreciation of the text. There is only one negative valuation in the text. It represents of her attitudes that she would still hold on him. The positive appreciation of carrier attribute form can be found in clauses 10, 18, and 22a. In clause 10 she says “to love you is something that true”, it reflects the whole activities which are done by her to wait him forever. commit to user She believes that her love and sacrifice are true whwther the condition is good or 83 bad. In addition, the positive appreciation of extra causer form can be found in the clause 16 she says “the promise we made”, she believes that the promise which they made is only one reason to keep holding on. She does not care about the situation and the condition in her surroundings. It is also support in clause 18 she says “shouldn’t happen by any reason”, it deals with their loves that it would never end with sadness with any kind of reasons. Furthermore, she restates in clause 22a, she says “there’s so many reasons”, it is positive due to the reasons represent to her that she could not end this love to him whatever the reasons. The love would be everlasting forever. She puts two negative appreciations which are also in carrier attribute form in the text. It can be found in clause 6b and clause 24c. It reflects to evaluate all attitudes toward the issue of his leaving. In clause 6b when she says, “that it’s only lie”, it means that she evaluates her attitudes as the way to waiting him. The promise and the love are considered as a lie for her because she waits in long time and never get the exact information about him. In the end, she states in clause 24c, “this love …. Wasted by you”, it proves that she spends much time to love and wait her soul mate. She does not think anything else, she only thinks and keeps her love. 1.3.5 Graduation Graduation deals to strong or weak of someone expression. It can be expressed raise or lower volume. The artist (Agnes Monica) uses two kinds of graduation: force and focus toward the issue. The gradable which is used by her is force: raise and focus: softening and sharpening. It brings the attitudes volume of commit to user 84 the artist which is strong and sharp in the way of evaluating the issue. The following table shows the data of graduation in the text. Table 4.21 Analysis of Graduation Text 3 No. of Form Clause 1 attitudinal lexis 4 attitudinal lexis 5 attitudinal lexis 6a attitudinal lexis 6b attitudinal lexis 7 attitudinal lexis 8 attitudinal lexis 9a metaphor 9b attitudinal lexis 10 attitudinal lexis 11a 11b attitudinal lexis 13 metaphor 14 15 16 17 attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis Appraising item i see you standing here Graduation Force Focus raise Feel this love that i bare raise why you said [your love to raise me won't ever die] when you know raise that it‟s only a lie raise why you made me trust raise that it love, not a lust raise days were gone I‟m still standing on raise raise to love you is something that true no one can tell me that's what i can't do raise to loose the thirst drink the water from you don't wanna deny our faith we are what they call soulmate the promise we made raise they tellcommit me thetolove userwe had raise Sharpening raise raise raise raise 85 18 19 20 21 21 22a 22b 23 24a 24b 24c attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis metaphor attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis shouldn't happen by any reason but to feel once your love making my life more complete if i could do anything to show that i need you if i could do anything to show that i need you there's so many reasons i could never end baby raise i wanna show the whole world of how you once loved me i don't wanna cry raise no more feeling this love......wasted by you Sharpening raise raise raise Softening raise raise Sharpening raise As can be seen from the table, she uses force graduation: raise and focus graduation: softening and sharpening. It is dominated with raise graduation rather than sharpening or softening. It aims to give high attention to her attitudes towards the issue. For instance when she says in the clause 6, she says “that it‟s only a lie”, the statement is in the form of attitudinal lexis. The cut word of “only” makes straight point about the promise that it is not true. It is just a lie to make her happy like what she gets from the long process of waiting. She wants to express all of her bad feeling towards the leaving by giving raise graduation in all of her arguments. She uses two forms of graduation: attitudinal lexis and metaphors. She does not use intensifier because she did not commit to user talk the possibility when he would came back. The other clauses which are formed 86 in attitudinal lexis can be found in many clauses such as: 1, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 14, 22b and so forth. In clause 22b she says, “i could never end baby”, it reflects her feeling that she would not end the love whatever the condition. She closes in the clause 24a in the form of attitudinal lexis, she says “I don’t wanna cry”, it supports and reflects all of her activities to waiting him. Moreover, she would never regret for everything she done. The other form in the graduation is metaphor and it can be found in clauses 9a, 13, and 23. The using of metaphor aims to give the deep meaning for her activities related to the issue. For instance in clause 9a, she says “days were gone”, it shows that she spend much time to wait him. The word of “gone” gives the deep impact and represents for long time. Furthermore, she says in clause 13 “to loose the thirst drink the water from you”, it means that by loving him, it will give her happiness and will make her life more complete. The last clause which is in metaphor form can be found in clause 23, she says “i wanna show the whole world of how you once loved me”, it represents her attitudes that she wants to show everything in the world, to show that he really much important to her. 1.3.6 The Analysis of Engagement This is the final aspect that used in analysis is engagement. It deals to the source of attitudes. There are two kinds of engagement: monogloss and heterogloss. Monogloss deals to the sources of attitudes that comes from one voice. Meanwhile, heterogloss deals to the sources of attitudes that come from more than one voices. The table below shows the finding data of engagement. commit to user 87 Table 4.22 Analysis of Engagement Text 3 No. of Form Clause 1 4 5 modality 6a 6b 7 8 9a 9b 10 modality modality 11a 11b 13 modality modality 14 15 modality projection 16 17 18 projection modality 19 20 concession 21 concession 21 modality 22a 22b 23 modality modality Appraising item i see you standing here Feel this love that i bare why you said [your love to me won't ever die] when you know that it’s only a lie why you made me trust that it love, not a lust days were gone I‟m still standing on to love you is something that true no one can tell me that's what i can't do to loose the thirst drink the water from you don't wanna deny our faith we are what they call soulmate the promise we made they tell me the love we had shouldn't happen by any reason but to feel once your love making my life more complete if i could do anything to show that i need you if i could do anything to show that i need you there's so many reasons i could never end baby i wanna show the whole world of how you once loved commit to user me Engagement Mono Hetero 88 24a 24b 24c modality i don't wanna cry no more feeling this love......wasted by you From the table above, it is dominated with monogloss form. She also applies heterogloss in the all of three forms: modality, projection, and concession. The form of monogloss can be found in clauses 1, 4, 6a, 7, 8, 9a, 9b, 13, 16, 20, 23, 24b and 24c. For instance in clause 9a, she says “days were gone”, it means the long time of waiting him. On contrary, she says in clause 9b, “I’m still standing on”, the clause gives contradiction of what she feels. She waits for long time which is shown in clause 9a, but she wants to show that she keeps holding on to him which is shown in clause 9b. It proves that she never care about what happen in her surrounding and she just wants to wait for him. Clauses which are used modality form can be found in clauses 5, 10, 11a, 11b, 14, 18, 21, 22a, 22b, and 24b. For instance in clause 21, she says “if i could do anything to show that i need you”, she uses the modality of could and conditional sentences to connects the wish if she could do something. The modality “could” relate to the past tense. It means that she regret that she did not do something as he likes. She still talks the possibility because she still wishes that her soulmate would come back. Moreover, she still use the modality of “could” in clause 22b, she says “i could never end baby”, this statements proves that she would never give up whatever the condition whether in the past or present. She makes sure by using commit to user 89 the word “never” in the sentences. Thus, she combines the sentences with the modality of “could” and adverb of “never”, it shows how strong the artist keeps the faith and the love. She would not give up for her love and she would keep fight to make him back. Another form is projection, it can be found in clauses 15 and 17. In clause 15, she says “we are what they call soulmate “, it means that many people think that they are perfect couple. She uses the projection forms to make her soulmate sure that they are perfect couple. The aim of projection is to prove that it is not only her who thought that they are perfect couple, but also the outside people who thought same thing. In clause 17 supports the previous clause, she says “they tell me the love we had”, it shows that many people tell her that the condition of leaving by him should not happen. It relates to the love they had. They are pretty sure that the biggest love of them which can make them happy. From the voice of many people, it makes her sure that they have a true love. The last form of heterogloss is concession. It can be found in clauses 19 and 21. In clause 19, she says “but to feel once your love”, the using of “but” brings the contradiction of what she feels. In the other side, she only can feel the love of him for once but she must feel the sadness of leaving by him. The last clause which is formed in clause 21, she says “if i could do anything to show that i need you”, she uses the word “if” in the clause to show that she still wishes that there is a second chance to her to repair all of mistakes which are done by her. commit to user 90 1.3.7 The Analysis of relation between attitudes, prosody and genre. The table below provides the whole of analysis of attitudes, prosody, and the structure in the text. The whole analysis of attitudes start from the stages of the generic structure in the text 3 can be seen in the table below: Table 4.23 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre in Text 3 The Generic Structure Clause Kinds of attitudes Orientation Negative i see you standing here Watching you breathing my air Holding hands with someone else Feel this love that i bare Evaluation complication resolution why you said your love to me won't ever die when you know that it's only a lie why you made me trust that it love, not a lust days were gone,i'm still standing on to love you is something that true no one can tell me that's what i can't do to want you forever just you to loose the thirst drink the water from you don't wanna deny our faith we are what they call soulmate the promise we made they tell me the love we had shouldn't happen by any reason but to feel once your love making my life more complete if i could do anything to show commit to user that i need you Negative Positive Positive 91 reorientation there's so many reasons i could never end baby i wanna show the whole world of how you once loved me i don't wanna cry no more feeling this love......wasted by you Positive From the table above, it can be seen that the artist uses positive and negative attitudes toward the issue. She continues the evaluation by giving arguments in the negative ways. Those arguments prove that she wants to keep fighting to get him back. She never regrets or sad about what happens to her, but she focuses to fight the sadness to wait him with everything she can do. Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the ideology of the artist (Agnes Monica) is right protagonist. It is because she supports and challenges the issue by giving the positive and the negative ways. She criticizes the leaving of her saviour, but in other way she still hopes her saviour to come back home soon. It seems that she supports the issue by doing some positive attitudes. In the other hand, she also challenges the issue by providing the negative attitudes. It can be seen from the clause “why you said your love to me won't ever die, when you know that it's only a lie”, it means that she is disappointed about the promise. She only can keep the promise and can wait him without another solution to end her bad feeling. By providing the arguments in strong and sharp, and negative valuation, it proves her ideology that she disappointed with commit to user 92 her feeling and she wants to move on her life. It shows that she tends to be more objective since the domination of arguments that came from more than one voice. 1.4 Fourth Text 1.4.1 Analysis of Atitude This research is taken from the text entitled I’ll Light A Candle performed by Agnes Monica. It is similar to the three texts in the previous subchapter, in this text the artist uses three kinds of appraisal: affect, judgement, and appreciation. The domain and taxonomic analysis will be applied in order to find the types of attitudes and the classification. The following table below provides the number of attitudes in the text 4. Table 4.24 Number of Attitudes Text 4 Attitude Affect Judgement Appreciation Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Frequency of occurence 7 19 3 2 1 Percentage 21,9% 59,4% 9,4% 6,2% 3,1% The table above shows the finding data of attitudes that found in the text 4. Based on the data above, the artist (Agnes Monica) uses three kinds of attitudes toward the issue. She only uses positive affect to show her feeling about the issue. The amount of positive affect reaches 21,9%. Meanwhile, she employs judgement and appreciation in positive and negative ways. The positive judgement is dominated in the data rather than the others attitudes, it reaches commit to user 59,4%. The negative judgement reaches 9,4%. 93 The using of judgement is to evaluate her attitudes of herself toward the issue. In the appreciation data, the positive appreciation reaches 6,2% same with the negative judgement, and for negative appreciation only reaches 3,1%. From the domination of positive judgement, it can be concluded that the artist shows her spirit fighting to run her life or to support the issue. The detail of three kinds of attitudes will be discussed below. 1.4.2 Affect Affect deals with someone feeling whether it is happy or sad. It can be expressed positive or negative, direct or indirect. The following table provides the finding data of affect in the fourth text. Table 4.25 Analysis of Affect Text 4 No of Form clause 3 mental process 8 mental behavioral process 9 mental process 10 mental process 25 mental behavioral process 28 mental process 37 mental process Appraising item Type of effect Are fell when missing you The thought of you keeps me warm positive;process positive;quality I’m longing for your touch And your kisses I really miss I can feel your touch in my dreams positive;process positive;quality metaphor; process Makes me feel warm inside Don‟t you worry girl positive;quality positive;quality From the table can be seen that all of affect is positive. The artist uses positive affect relates to express her feeling in the past when she still accompanied by her soulmate. There are two positive processes, four positive quality, and one commit to user 94 metaphor process of affect found in the text. The positive process of affect can be seen in clause 3 and clause 9 in the form of mental process. Furthermore, she applies metaphor form to show her deep longing of her saviour. It aims to show what happens inside her heart. In clause 3, she says “are fell when missing you”, it means a process because of her heart is hurt when she miss with her soulmate. It also happens in clause 9, when she says “I’m longing for your touch”, this clause brings the feeling of the artist that she does not only miss with him but also miss his touch how he treats her. Similarly, in clause 25, she says “I can feel your touch in my dreams”, it represents of her feeling as the impact of thinking him so much. The clause shows how she really miss to her saviour who can not meet in the real life. The other kind of affect is positive quality, it can be found in clauses 8, 10, 28 and 37. She uses this affect to show how deep her feeling towards her soulmate. It can be seen from clause 8 which has form of mental behavioral process, she says “the thought of you keeps me warm”. The form purposes to show the cause and effect for mentally and physically. The clause means the effect of thinking to him always give her a warm and safe feeling. She also makes stress of her feeling that she really misses him. It proves in clause 10 in the form mental process, she says “and your kisses that I really miss”. This clause shows that she misses everything which relates to her soulmate include the touch, kiss, and feeling. In addition, thet clause which shows her feeling can be seen in clause 28 in the form of mental process, she says commit to user 95 “makes me feel warm inside”. It shows that the effect of her attitudes gives the warm feeling. This makes her really misses and remembers him. 1.4.3 Judgement Judgement relates to evaluate of people‟s character. The way to judge the character can be positive or negative, and can be implicit or explicit. It can also do in personally or morally. The following table shows the judgement data and the description of fourth text. Table 4.26 Analysis of Judgement Text 4 No of Form clause 1 behavioral process 2 mental process I spend my time today 5 mental behavioral process behavioral process mental process I can't wait for the moment behavioral process mental behavioral process behavioral process mental process but until then this is what I’ll do mental behavioral process That I‟m waiting so long for you to hold me commit to user 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 Appraising item Just thinking of you When you finally back in my arms I hope you come home soon I‟ll light a candle To see when you get home Just to let you know Type of judgement negative personal critize direct positive personal admire direct negative personal critize direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct negative personal critize direct 96 17 18 19 21 22 24 26 27 38 40 42 43 behavioral peocess behavioral process mental behavioral process mental process Until the night you will stay behavioral process behavioral process behavioral process mental behavioral process behavioral process behavioral process mental behavioral process behavioral process Gets me through my days (Stay with me forever) I‟ll light a candle in the window Just the thought of you And never be seen go away I dont want to open my eyes Just to know that you're waiting for me You wont be alone too long And I see your face We will making love forever Dont ever leave positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct positive personal admire direct According to the table above, it can be seen that the artist uses judgement to evaluate her attitudes towards her soulmate. She uses many positive ways to express her feeling rather than negative ways. Thus, she uses more admire rather than criticize. The aims of using this judgement are to evaluate her attitudes to her soulmate in the past. The attitudes show how her struggles without her soulmate in her life. This is why the artist uses positive judgement because it commit to user 97 relates to her behaviour towards her soulmate. Therefore, it is more personal than moral. The negative judgement in the form of mental behavioral process can be found in clause 5 and clause 16. The aim of using this negative form is to show that she suffers mentally of leaving by him. She does not know what she should do to forget him. She says in clause 5 “I can’t wait for the moment”, it means a deep hope for her to the coming of her soulmate. That is why she said that she could not wait the moment of her soulmate back. The positive judgement which contains mental behavioral process can be seen in clauses 13, 19, 27 and 42. In clause 13, she says “I’ll light a candle”, it proves that she will do everything until he come back to home. In clause 27 she says “Just to know that you're waiting for me”, it reflects from her attitudes towards him. This is her wish towards her saviour because she hopes that her saviour also waits for her. The hope makes her to survive. In the mental behavioral process in clause 42, she says “We will making love forever”. It represents that she hopes her love will be happy ending by seeing him come back and never go anymore. The positive judgement in the form of mental process can be found in clauses 2, 11, 15, and 21. She uses this form to show her feeling towards her soulmate inside her hear. In clause 2 she says “just thinking of you” it means that in her life she only thinks about her soulmate. It represents what happens in the present when she left by him. The one thing that she can do is to think of him. The other clause which has same form can be seen in clause 11, she says “I hope commit to user 98 you come home soon”. The word “hope” reflects from she thinks him forever in her live, she still hopes that he would come back home soon. The mental process form shows that she still has same feeling. There is no difference between feeling in the past and in the present. The last form in the judgement is behavioral process, it is found in clauses 1, 6, 12, 14, 17, 22, 24, 26, 38, 40 and 43. Those clauses aim to show her attitudes while waiting for him. In clause 6 she says “When you finally back in my arms”, this reflects from her hopes that he is finally back to her side. The other clause which shows her attitudes towards him is in clause 12 she says “but until then this is what I’ll do”, it reflects to one thing that she only can do to wait and hope him to come back home soon. All of clauses in the behavioral form aim to tell that he come back. It relates about what she will do until the day come. 1.4.4 Appreciation Appreciation deals to evaluate thing towards certain issue. It can be expressed negative or positive. There are three kinds of appreciation: reaction, valuation, and composition. In this text the artist uses two kinds of appreciation: reaction and valuation. The following table provides the data of appreciation in the fourth text. Appreciation Reaction In this text the artist uses reaction of appreciation to show her attention towards the issue. The reation of appreciation can be expressed: reaction impact (by giving emotional impact of the artist), and reaction quality (by giving commit to user 99 reaction in the degree). The table below provides the finding data of appreciation reaction in the text 4. Table 4.27 Appreciation (Reaction) in Text 4 No of Form clause 30 qualifier Appraising item That keep us apart Type of appreciation negative;reaction,quality As can be seen in the table, the artist only uses one reaction of appreciation in the form qualifier. The clause is negative meaning towards the issue. She uses this clause to evaluate her attitudes about her soulmate. As she says in the clause “That keeps us apart”, it relates to the separation of her and him. She believes that their love is everlasting. The only thing which made them separate is only time. The time makes them far each other. The form qualifier gives the information about what happens and impacts relate to the leaving of him. Appreciation Valuation The other form which is used by the artist is valuation of appreciation. Valuation connects to the social significance of our assessment towards something on the text/process. It can be expressed in positive or negative ways, but in this case the artist only uses positive valuation to support her attitudes of facing from the leaving her soulmate. commit to user 100 Table 4.28 Appreciation (Valuation) in the Text 4 No of Form clause 29 carrier attribute 34 existential process Appraising item It's only time There's nothing Type of appreciation positive ; valuation positive;valuation From the table above, it can be seen that the artist uses valuation of appreciation to evaluate her attitudes. She uses two forms for each of appreciation: carrier attribute and existential process. The form of carrier attribute can be seen in clause 29, she says “It’s only time”, it represents that the evaluation from the separation is time which cause them separate each other. The other clause is in form of existential process in clause 34, she says “There’s nothing”, this clause relates to the happening that there are not reasons which can make them separete. She believes that he would come back to her side, to talk about everything together. In specific, she only uses valuation of appreciation in positive way. She does not use negative valuation towards the issue, because she just wants to show her positive assessment related to her attitudes. She hopes that the positive assessment can give motivation for her. 1.4.5 Graduation Graduation deals with amplification of the attitudes which is used in the text. Amplification relates to the attitudes which can be strong or weak. In this text, the artist uses two kinds of graduation to express her attitudes towards the issue. The graduation which is used in thetotext are force and focus. By using those commit user 101 kinds of graduation, it shows that the volume of evaluating the issue is strong and sharp. The table below provides the analysis data of graduation. Table 4.29 Analysis of Graduation Text 4 No. of Form Clause 1 metaphor 2 attitudinal lexis 3 metaphor 5 attitudinal lexis 6 8 metaphor 9 attitudinal lexis intensifier attitudinal lexis 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis intensifier attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis metaphor Appraising item I spend my time today Just thinking of you Graduation Force Focus raise raise Are fell when missing you I can't wait for the moment raise lower When you finally back in my arms The thought of you keeps me warm I’m longing for your touch sharpening raise And your kisses I really miss I hope you come home soon raise lower raise but until then this is what I’ll do I‟ll light a candle lower To see when you get home raise Just to let you know That I‟m waiting so long for you to hold me Until the night you will stay (Stay with me forever) I‟ll light a candle in the window Just the thought of you Gets me through my days commit to user softening sharpening raise lower sharpening raise sharpening raise 102 24 25 26 metaphor attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis 27 28 29 30 34 37 38 40 42 43 attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis intensifier attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis attitudinal lexis And never be seen go away I can feel your touch in my dreams I dont want to open my eyes Just to know that you're waiting for me Makes me feel warm inside It's only time That keep us apart raise raise lower sharpening raise sharpening raise sharpening There's nothing Don't you worry girl lower You wont be alone too long And I see your face raise raise We will making love forever lower Dont ever leave raise Based on the table above, it can be seen that the graduation of force is dominated in the fourth text. Meanwhile, there are eight data which uses graduation of focus: softening and sharpening. For example, focus: sharpening happens when she states her hopes to her soulmate to come back soon in clause 6, “When you finally back in my arms”, this clause represents her wishes that he would came back in her side. She uses the word finally in the clause to make straight point that she still waits of his coming until the last time. Meanwhile, she only uses softening graduation in clause 12, she says “but until then this is what I’ll do”, it represents her behavior that she done to wait her soulmate. The commit to user 103 softening aims to give positive value towards her surrounding that what she done is true. As stated before that the artist uses many graduation of force: raise. The purpose of using this graduation is to show her feeling highly. There are three kinds of graduation that used in the text: attitudinal lexis, intensifier and metaphor. Moreover, the artist uses many forms of attitudinal lexis in the text. Some of them can be seen in clauses 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16 and so forth. For example in clause 9, she states “I’m longing for your touch”, it represents her attitudes that she really misses him to make her life more comfort. Furthermore, she proves her feeling of missing him in clause 11, when she says “I hope you come home soon”, both clauses reflect her feeling of missing her soulmate. She hopes that he would come back soon in her side to make her life more complete. The using of attitudinal lexis form is to show value in her attitudes towards her soulmate. In addition, the other forms that found in the graduation of force: intensifier. It can be seen in clauses 10, 16, and 38. The aims of using the intensifier form is to straight the point that only him who make her happy. Moreover, there is no possibility for someone else to be her soulmate. For instance she says in clause 10, “And your kisses I really miss”, it reflects her feeling that she really misses everything which relates to him. All of things can make her happier and comfort than before. The last form of graduation that she uses in the text is metaphor. She uses metaphor to give deep meaning to her saying related to her soulmate. It can commit to user 104 be found in clauses 1, 8, 22 and 24. In clause 8, she says “The thought of you keeps me warm”, it means that by thinking of him, she can feel the warmth of her soulmate. This feeling makes her happier and more complete to her life. She does not worry anymore when her soulmate is in her side. It also happens in clause 22, when she says “Gets me through my days”, from the thinking of him, she could run her life as well as other people. The thinking of her soulmate gives her much spirit to continue her life. 1.4.6 Engagement The final feature that used in the fourth text is engagement. It relates to the source of attitudes. There are two kinds of engagement: monogloss (come from one voice), heterogloss (come from more than voice). The following table provides the data of engagement that used in the text. Table 4.30 Analysis of Engagement in the Text 4 No. of Clause 1 2 3 5 6 Form modality concession 8 9 10 11 12 concession Appraising item I spend my time today Just thinking of you Are fell when missing you I can't wait for the moment When you finally back in my arms The thought of you keeps me warm I’m longing for your touch And your kisses I really miss I hope you come home soon but until then this is what I’ll do commit to user Engagement Mono Hetero 105 13 14 15 16 modality 17 18 19 modality 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 37 38 40 42 43 modality modality modality modality modality modality modality modality modality I’ll light a candle To see when you get home Just to let you know That I‟m waiting so long for u to hold me Until the night you will stay (Stay with me forever) I’ll light a candle in the window Just the thought of you Gets me through my days And never be seen go away I can feel your touch in my dreams I dont want to open my eyes Just to know that you're waiting for me Makes me feel warm inside It's only time That keep us apart There's nothing Don't you worry girl You wont be alone too long And I see your face We will making love forever Dont ever leave It can be seen from the table above that it is dominated by monogloss (one voice). There are few of heterogloss that used in the text. Some clauses that use monogloss of engagement are 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 and so on. For example in clause 1 she says “I spend my time today”, it reflects her behavior that she spends much time to think and to remember him. In the other clause that proves her own feeling can be seen in clause 11, when she says “I hope you come home commit to user 106 soon”, it represents her own wishes that she has deep hope to her soulmate to come back in her life. In the other hand, the artist only uses two kinds of heterogloss: modality and concession. The form of modality can be found in clauses 5, 13, 17, 19, 25, 26, 29, 34, 38, 42, and 43. For example, in clause 19, she says “I’ll light a candle in the window”, it means that the artist will use all of her attitudes to wait her soulmate come back. The modality shows the possibility for her to waiting her soulmate until the day come (the coming back of her soulmate). It shows the possibility for everything which is done by her. In clause 29, she says “it’s only time”, she gives sharp point that the factor which makes them separate is only time. There is no the other thing that cause them apart for each other. The modality used to show the reader that the factor or impact can be occured by many people. Therefore, she uses heterogloss of engagement. The last form of heterogloss is concession. It is also to give wider point of view about what happening to her and him. Everything which occurs in their life can be took placed to everyone in the world. The clause that uses concession form can be seen in clauses 6 and 12. In clause 6, she says “When you finally back in my arms”, it represents her hope of coming from her soulmate. It supports in clause 12, when she says „but until then this is what I’ll do”, it is clear that she keeps her hope, while she is doing everything to the coming of her soulmate. From the analysis and the domination of kinds of engagement, it proves that the artist (Agnes Monica) tends to be monogloss (one voice) rather commit to user 107 than heterogloss (more than one voice). Therefore, she is more subjective rather than objective in evaluating her feeling towards her soulmate. 1.4.7 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre The following table provides the whole result of analyzing the fourth text, it covers the attitudes, prosody and genre. The whole analysis of attitudes from the stages and the generic structure of the text can be seen in the table below. Table 4.31 Analysis of the relation between attitudes, prosody and genre in the Text 4 The Generic Structure Orientation Evaluation complication Clause I spend my time today Just thinking of you My heart and my mind Are fell when missing you Kinds of attitudes negative I can't wait for the moment When you finally back in my arms So for now while you're not around The thought of you keeps me warm I'm longing for your touch And your kisses I really miss I hope you come home soon That until then this is what I do I'll light a candle To see when you get home Just to let you know That I'm waiting so long for you to hold me Until the night you will stay to user (Stay with commit me forever) positive positive 108 resolution reorientation I‟ll light a candle in the window Hurry come my way Just the thought of you Gets me through my days U constantly in my mind And never be seen go away I can feel your touch in my dreams I dont want to open my eyes Just to know that you're waiting for me Makes me feel warm inside It's only time That keep us apart But in a moment We'll be face to face And heart to heart There's nothing Than even to know That you're coming home Don't you worry girl You wont be alone too long When the morning comes And I see your face Lying next to me We will making love forever Dont ever leave positive positive Based on the table above, it can be seen that the artist (Agnes Monica) begins the negative attitudes towards the issue. In the other hand, she continues to give positive attitudes in the following stages until the end of stages. It shows that the negative attitudes used by the artist is to express the dissatisfaction of her soulmate. Meanwhile, the positive attitudes proves that she would fight and wait whatever the condition is. Therefore, she applies narrative genre in evaluating the commit to user issue by giving reorientation what the solution should be taken by him. 109 By applying the negative and positive attitudes in the narrative genre it can be sum up that the ideology of the artist is right antagonist. Her ideology indicates that she supports the issue by giving sharp and strong, positive and negative arguments towards the issue. It seems that she uses many positive attitudes towards the issue. However, she still faces negative problems which can be seen in the sentences “That I'm waiting so long for u to hold me”. It means that she spends much time only to wait him. Thus, she tends to be more subjective rather than objective, because it relates to her own feeling. C. Discussion This part is conducted to answer the three research questions by using theory of appraissal. The questions consist of the type of appraisal areas which employed in the text, the influence ot the appraisal areas toward the texts, and the reasons why the singers used the appraisal areas in the texts. 1. The Types of Appraisal Areas which are Used in Four Texts As elaborated before, the artist mainly uses three kinds of attitudes in appraissal theory: affect, judgement, and appreciation (Martin & Rose:2003, Martin & White: 2007). All texts employ three attitudes in the text towards the issue. The way they express the affect by using metaphors. It aims to give deep meaning to what they feel about their soulmate. In addition, all texts employ the judgments and appreciations, this is because they want to evaluate their attitudes about the issue. The judgements for all of the texts can be seen in Table 4.3 p. 52, Table 4.11 p. 71, Table 4.18 p. 87, and Table 4.26 p.109. Furthermore, the commit to user 110 appreciations for all the texts can be seen in the Table 4.4 p.55, Table 4.5 p.58, Table 4.12 p.74, Table 4.19 p.91, Table 4.19 p. 95, Table 4.20 p.93, Table 4.27 p.114 and Table 4.28 p. 115. Furthermore, all texts use graduation force: raise and lower, focus: sharpening and softening in order to show their attitudes which are sharp and strong in evaluating the issue (see table 4.6 p. 59; Table 4.13 p. 75; Table 4.21 p. 95 and Table 4.29 p. 116). The text entitled Saviour performed by Anggun C. Sasmi and What They Called A Soulmate performed by Agnes Monica employ monogloss rather than heterogloss. This is because they want to express their attitudes and feeling from their heart. It is bit different because of the other texts employ heterogloss rather than monogloss. Meanwhile, the other texts entitled Breathe in Water performed by Anggun C. Sasmi and I’ll Light a Candle performed by Agnes Monica employ heterogloss rather than monogloss. It is because they show not only her feeling but also someone feeling. The artists also want to see something in the objectivity rather than subjectivity. Meanwhile, the monogloss which is used in first and fourth texts represent their own feeling towards their soulmate. They want to see something subjectively. 2. The Influence of Appraisal AReas Toward All Texts The attitudes which are used in the texts influence the register, genre and ideology. The use of affect, judgment, and appreciation in the level of register proves that the language, in the clause in four texts is dominated by mental behavioral, behavioral, and carrier attribute process. This is why they use those process to express their attitudes toward the issue. For instance: commit to user 111 a. Mental behavioral process - I need a saviour (First Text) - I'd breathe in water (Second Text) - to loose the thirst drink the water from you (Third Text) - Just to know that u're waiting for me (Fourth Text) b. Behavioral Process - There's only you who can stop me from falling (First Text) - I'd give up my gravity (Second Text) - if i could do anything to show that i need you (Third Text) - Dont ever leave (Fourth Text) c. Carrier Attribute - Something is known to be a sin (First Text) - Somehow the days and the nights are all the same (Second Text) - days were gone (Third Text) - It's only time (Fourth Text) In addition, the use of graduation: force in the four texts is dominated by attitudinal lexis, and few numbers of intensifiers and metaphors. There are only two texts which are used intensifier in showing their attitudes (First Text and Fourth Text). The dominant of attitudinal lexis in the four text is to give deep information towards the issue. For examples: a. Attitudinal Lexis - commit to user Something that needs a lie (First Text) 112 - I forget their names (Second Text) - that it love, not a lust (Third Text) - I’m longing for your touch (Fourth Text) b. Intensifier c. - 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting (First Text) - And your kisses I really miss (Fourth Text) Metaphor - before I lose my head (First Text) - But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes (Second Text) - to loose the thirst drink the water from you (Third Text) - Are fell when missing u (Fourth Text) Furthermore, the use of monogloss is dominanated in text 1 and text 4 rather than heterogloss in text 2 and text 3. But in fact, the form of heterogloss are mostly by modality, few numbers of concession, and few numbers of projection that used in second text and third text. The Monogloss can be seen as follows: A. Monogloss - I need a saviour (First Text) - Something I have ignored (First Text) - I forget their names (Second Text) - I've erased my memory (Second Text) - i see you standing here (Third Text) commit to user I‟m still standing on (Third Text) - - I hope you come home soon (Fourth Text) - Just to let u know (Fourth Text) 113 Based on the examples above which are found in all texts, the attitudes show how the artists express their feeling about their soulmate. It relates to their own feeling, especially for the first text and the fourth text. Thus they use one voice (monogloss) which comes from their own heart. B. Heterogloss a. Modality - 'Cause only your love can stop me from wanting (First Text) - I can breathe in water (Second Text) - shouldn't happen by any reason (Third Text) - Until the night u will stay (Fourth Text) b. Concession - But I chase the dark clouds from my eyes (Second Text) - if i could do anything to show that i need you (Third Text) - but until then this is what I‟ll do (Fourth Text) c. Projection - we are what they call soulmate (Third Text) As can be seen above, the number heterogloss in the text is less than monogloss. For instance, concession form which is not used in the first text. It can be seen from the table of engagement on page 63, 78, 99 and 120. Based on the table, there is differenciation amount of engagement finding in all texts. It indicates that the artists use monogloss in evaluating their attitudes toward the commit to user 114 issue, because there is only few numbers of types heterogloss that used in the text, especially the first text and the fourth text. By using more monogloss shows that the artists are more subjective rather than objective. In the other way, the second text and third text employ mostly heterogloss in the form of modality and concession. It is clear that the artists tends to be objective rather than subjective. To support those arguments in the case of prosody and relation to genre, Text 1 applies negative attitudes in orientation and complication, but positive attitudes in evaluation, resolution and reorientation. Meanwhile, at text 2 and text 4, the artists apply negative attitudes in the orientation and follow the positive attitudes in the complication, evaluation, and reorientation. In the text 3, it is found that the artist uses positive attitudes in the complication, resolution and reorientation and negative attitudes in the orientation and the evaluation. Based on the those stages, it can be seen the ideology of the artists. In the first text and the third text, the ideology of the artists are right protagonist. For the text 2 and text 4, the ideology are right antagonist. The use of mental behavioral process, behavioral process and carrier attribute indicate the attitudes of the artist; affect, judgment and appreciation. Meanwhile, the use of intensifier, attitudinal lexis, and metaphor indicate the strength of the attitudes in the text. The last part is projection, modality and concession in the engagement are contributed in the heterogloss from all of texts. Finally, the use positive and negative attitudes in text 1 and text 3 realize the narrative genre with right protagonist of ideology of the artists. It is because they supports and challenges the leaving of their soulmate. Meanwhile, the use commit to user 115 positive attitudes in text 2 and text 4 realize the narrative genre with right antagonist of ideology of the artists. This is because they want to keep holding on to their soulmate. 3. The Reason Why The Appraisal Areas are Employed in the Texts All texts which are performed by Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica employ three kinds of attitudes toward the issue. They want to show their feelings and to evaluate their attitudes about the leaving of their saviour. Furthermore, those texts are dominated by positive judgement rather than the other attitudes. All texts related to the private live of the artist. This is why Anggun says she needs savior, it connects to her past when she must divorce with her first husband, Michel de Ghea ( sasmi.html). She must fight to get her soulmate whether it is accepted or not by her parents. The first text tells much about the process of looking for saviour. After divorced with Michel de Ghea, Anggun married with Olivier Maury who is known as Political Degree. However, her second marriage cannot hold for long time, she divorced for the second time in 2006. Her finding process of soulmate ended with Cyril Montana which gets a daughter from their relationship ( This is why, she stands as right protagonist because she must fight whatever the condition of her feeling. Moreover, the second text entitled Breathe in Water tells about her strength to hold on in the relationship. For instance, when she says “I‟d breathe in water”, it indicates that she would keep holding on to her decision of her commit to user 116 soulmate. She does not care what people say about her relationship. It can be seen from the rejection of her family for her first marrying with Michel de Ghea due to the distance age ( It also tells about the controversy of changing her nationality and her missing towards her family ( It tells about how her struggle to face the insult from Indonesian people who consider that she is not nationalist anymore. She believes that she only changes her passport and does not influence to her nationality. Thus, she stands to be left antagonist as the way to support her attitudes. In addition, in the text 3 and text 4 performed by Agnes Monica entitled What They called Soulmate and I’ll Light a Candle also apply three kinds of attitudes. Those attitudes are aimed to show her feeling and attitudes towards the issue. However, she prefers to use more judgments as the way to show the attitudes. By expressing in the sharp and strong attitudes, it shows that she supports her subjectivity as relation to her own feeling. The similarity is the ideology of the artists toward their soulmate. It can be seen in the first text and the third text that the ideology of the artists are right protagonist. Meanwhile, the ideology of the artists are right antagonist in the second text and fourth text. The first text and third text tell about the meaning of soulmate. In other way, the second text and the fourth text tell about the waiting of their soulmate. However, Agnes is belonged to close person because it is so difficult to find news related to her love. She prefers to focus in her career rather commit to user 117 than her private issue. It can be seen from many achievements as a singer or an actress ( In text 3 which is related to What They Called Soulmate, Agnes does not show up her relationship. Moreover, she is not sure about the meaning of soulmate. She was ofen gossiped about her intimate relationship with some male Indonesian celebrities such as Bams Samson, Afgan and Rezky Aditya ( However, it is only gossip and it is not proved in the reality. In addition, she is difficult to find soulmate which fits to her personality. Meanwhile, text 4 tells about the further step which will be taken by Agnes if she already found her soulmate. She also wants to fight to reach the best condition of her career. Specially, this text is collaboration between her and Keith Martin, the singer of United States. The song represents as the reaction of Agnes to face her relationship. It can be seen from character of Agnes that she belonged to hard worker. Thus, she will be loyal to her next soulmate. Even though, it takes long time to find him. Based on the reason, it can be seen from the characters of Anggun and Agnes in expressing their feelings. Anggun expresses her feeling by using the sharp and strong word. For example, as comparison, Anggun says “saviour” and Agnes says “soulmate”. This is done by Anggun because of the impact of her cooperation with many people who have good background in the music. Meanwhile, Agnes is still studying to reach the process how to package the deepest meaning as her expression. commit to user CHAPTER V CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION This chapter consists of two subchapters: conclusion and recommendation from the whole data analysis in Chapter IV. This chapter covers summary of appraisal areas which are employed in the texts, the influence of the appraisal areas, and the reason why the appraisal areas are employed in the text. Based on the analysis in the texts 1, 2, 3, and 4 by Anggun C. Sasmi and Agnes Monica in Chapter IV, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: A. Conclusion Based on Chapter IV of finding and discussion, the conclusion can be drawn from this research as follows: 1. Types of appraisal areas employed in the texts The first and second texts are presented by Anggun C.Sasmi entitled Saviour and Breathe in Water. The first text employs 11,1% positive affect, 27,8% positive judgement, 12,7% negative judgement, 11,1 % positive appreciation, and 33,3% negative appreciation. It shows that the first text is dominated by positive judgement. Meanwhile, the second text employs 9,5% positive affect, 9,5% negative affect, 62% positive judgement, 14,2% negative judgement, and 4,8% negative appreciation. Similarly with the first text, it is also dominated with positive judgement. In the other hand, the third and fourth texts are presented by Agnes Monica entitled What They Called Soulmate and I’ll Light a Candle. commit to user 118 119 The third text employs 3,6% negative affect, 53,5% positive judgement, 7,1% negative judgement, and 17,9% for positive and negative appreciation. Thus, it is dominated with positive judgement. The fourth text employs 19,4% positive affect, 61,2% positive judgement, 9,7% negative judgement, 6,5% positive appreciation, and 3,2% negative appreciation. It proves that it is also dominated with positive judgement. Furthermore, all texts use force and focus graduation by giving strong and sharp attitudes. The using of those graduation in the first, third and fourth texts are to support their subjectivity in the evaluating the issue. Different from first text, the second text is used to show her objectivity rather than subjectivity. Based on the percentage, it can be seen that there is different point of view between the first text and the other texts. The first text and the third text support and challenge the issue by giving the positive judgement and negative appreciation. Meanwhile, the other texts apply more positive judgement, this is why the artists tend to support the issue. The artists keep fighting and holding on to their soulmate. They do not care about whatever people say. 2. The influences of the appraisal areas toward the texts Based on the finding and discussion in the Chapter IV, it can be seen of the application of appraisal areas from all texts which influence to the register, prosody, genre and the ideology of the texts. a. Register The use of affect, judgement and appreciation in each text indicate that the language in the clause level is dominated by behavioral, mental behavioral, and commit to user 120 mental process. Those are appropriate forms for the attitudes because there are behavioral verbs. It connects to the attitudes which are used by the artist towards the issue. In the level of nominal group, ephitet thing and qualifer are having same frequency that used in the texts rather than the other forms. It is because those forms are appropriate in the form of judgement and appreciation. Meanwhile, in the level of graduation, the forms of intensifier, attitudinal lexis, and metaphor which are used in the texts indicate the volume of attitudes is strong and sharp. b. Prosody In the level of engagement, text 1 and text 4 are dominated by monogloss, while text 2 and text 3 are dominated by heterogloss. The aim of using monogloss is to show subjectivity of the artists. In other way, the aim of using heterogloss is to show objectivity of the artists. It is proven by the number of modality in the text 2 and text 3. c. Genre In the case of prosody and relation to genre, all of texts performed by Anggun C.Sasmi and Agnes Monica use narrative genre of the result of the attitudes. It is because they want to express their feeling towards their soulmate by applying negative and positive attitudes in the texts. d. Ideology The relation of prosody and genre will lead the ideology for each text. In the other hand the same way in using narrative genre lead the difference of ideology from the artists. The first text performed by Anggun C.Sasmi by applying negative in the orientation and complication and positive in the commit to user 121 evaluation, resolution and reorientation. It shows that ideology of the artist is right protagonist. In addition, the ideology in the third text is also right protagonist. The artists gives negative attitudes in the orientation and evaluation, and positive attitudes in the complication, resolution and reorientation. On the contraty, the second text and fourth text are employed in negative attitudes in the orientation, while the positive attitudes in the evaluation, complication, resolution and reorientation. It indicates that the ideology of the artists are right antagonist. 3. The Reason Why The Appraisal Areas are Used in The Text Based on the finding and discussion in the Chapter IV, it can be found the reason why the artists apply the appraisal areas in their texts. a. All texts employ three kinds of attitudes; affect, judgement and appreciation to show their feelings and to evaluate the issues. Those texts are dominated by positive judgement. It represents to the behavior of the artists toward their soulmate. b. All texts employ graduation of force: raise and focus: sharpening and softening in their attitudes. It is because they want to show their subjectivity and objectivity in strong and sharp attitudes. In first text performed by Anggun C.Sasmi, she supports both sided by applying negative and positive attitudes in narrative genre to support her soulmate. This is because her past life that she was married for more than once. In her first marriage, she could hold out her marriage for 7 years. Meanwhile in her second marriages, she only could hold out for 3 years. In the last of her relationship, she got a baby from Cyril Montana, a French Writer. Thus, she always says in the text that she needs a saviour, “you’re my commit to user 122 saviour”. The marriages represent how Anggun needs saviour for her life. ( For second text, she uses positive attitudes to evaluate the issue. This is why her position is right antagonist. This is because she is a singer who wants to make her carrer success internationally. It is proven when Anggun decides to move to French with her husband, Michel de Ghea. This marriage is rejected by Anggun’s parents because of the age distance between them. In the other hand, she also got refusal from Indonesian people because of the changes of her nationality. This way is taken by Anggun because there is long and difficulties bureaucracy as a singer who have long and full schedules in overseas. ( Thus, she says in the text that “if you asked me, I’d breathe in water”. It represents her comitment to do what she considers as true. Furthermore, it is proven by Anggun that by the changing of her nationality, she still keeps her long black hair and talks with Indonesian language fluently. In the third text is performed by Agnes Monica. She argues in two sided in narrative genre to support and to challenge the issue. It is proven by applying the positive and negative attitudes in the text. Thus, her position is right protagonist. Agnes’s relationship does not explore so much by many media. This is because she is a singer who success in Indonesia and she wants to make her carreer success in overseas. It is proven by her efforts of filming in many movies and many achievements. commit to user 123 Those achievements show that she only wants to focus to her carreer and this makes her not to think much about soulmate. This text also shows her feeling about the meaning of soulmate. She still looks for the exact meaning of soulmate while she focuses in her career. Thus, she ignores her gossips about Indonesian celebrities. She would keep her comitment to work hard as her dream to be success as international singer. ( In the fourth text is performed by Agnes Monica, she argues in one sided in narrative genre to support the issue. This makes her position is right antagonist. This text represents to her soulmate criteria, because she belonged to hard worker and she looked for someone based on loyalty. Agnes would keep her comitment strongly and would keep her believe to make her dreams come true. Therefore, she still looks for the right soulmate to be her side as can be seen from the long process how she reaches her success in international carreer. Moreover, it relates to her relationship by closing all informations about her and she will not give much comments or informations about her relationship. This is because Agnes wants to explore more about her carreer, not her relationship. She thinks that her relationship is her privacy and it can not be related to her carrerr. This is why in many mass media, she only gives few information about her relationship without telling much about her privacy. ( It relates to her hard work that she wants to get what she dreams about. In addition, it reflects to what Agnes will do if she has a soulmate. She will keep her commit to user 124 comitment to run her life either in career or in her relationship. It also deals with the effort of Agnes Monica to wait him that make her considered as a loyal person to her relationship. This song is duet result with Keith Martin as the first step for her in International career. The song shows the wish of Agnes to her feeling and relationship in the future. B. Recommendation Based on this research, the researcher has some recommendations to the next researcher and song writer as follows: 1. It is recommended for the next researcher to take the issue in any kind of genre, for example recount or description genre. 2. It is expected for the next researcher to use other references as the way to broaden information for example by searching some journals of appraissal. 3. It is better for the song writer to compose love songs based on the real phenomenon rather than imagination. This is because it makes the songs have deep meaning. commit to user