Despatch 17 -


Despatch 17 -
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Editor: W. B. Howard ... Despatch & “Beauty for Ashes”
Director: W. B. Howard ... Endtime Ministries Assoc. (Aust.)
Publications: W. K. Beuster
"..Stand fast in the Lord.." Phil. 4:1
2005 U.N.
World leaders from around
the globe attended the United
Nations five year review of the Millennium Summit this September.
This coincides with the United
Nations 60th birthday. The height
of the event is the UN REFORM
process. Gearing up towards
restructuring the world body, a
host of special reports and commissioned documents outline what
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Vol. 17 No.3.
Sept, 2005
the UN should
look like once reform measures are
This will mean
that the UN will
become rejuvenated and empowered to take new
responsibilities of
global governance
and international
management. This is an illegal government as a supra-national concept.
Billions of people across the globe
have not voted this government in;
they have not consented to this governance. They have not agreed that
the UN should have complete power
above and beyond national government across the planet. The United
Nations is Luciferian, ILLUMINATI
`Despatch' gives permission to copy whole articles [or complete magazine ] for private use,
: [email protected]
you acknowledge the source,Web
give the
& address of Endtime Ministries.
and usefor
other magazines
discuss it with
us first
4 issues @
p.a. [Despatch
4 issues
@ ...$30
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Christian Resource Centre
• A Non-Profit, Ind. Service Centre.
• A Salvation Gospel Ministry,
• Not Social Liberation orientated.
• No personal, financial gain received
by any staff member
• Publishes information that exposes
the New Age New World
• Order [Qrtly] magazine ~`Despatch'
• Publishes `Women’s Ministry’
• Booklet “Beauty for Ashes” ~
• Full Sanctification
• Seminars, home meetings etc., are
held on request, to reach out to those
who are in need of a
Saviour, and
those Christians who need up-to-date
information re the dangers of Global
Education, Mind Manipulation, Alternative Medicine, New Age Deceptions in the Churches ... to protect
their loved ones.
• Telephone counselling/help for
those of our subscribers who need
comfort in these trying times ... availability of a chat and a `cuppa' if they
pass this way. There are many who
are outside the churches needing encouragement and sound Bible Truth.
• This ministry is maintained by the
donations of committed Christians,
and those requesting publications
not by the publishing of Despatch
• This ministry maintains a Biblical
View towards the Jews, which is
in no way anti-Semitic. The Jewish
Nation's Restoration in the prophetic
scriptures is still future.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
... W. B. Howard
Publ. Dept. ... W. K. Beuster
Statement of Purpose
Endtime Ministries
is committed to:
• Presenting the TRUTH...
• A clear Trumpet call...
• Affirming that the "WORD OF GOD",
none other than the King James Version,
the Holy Bible, is the Truth in its
• Seeking to uncover those things which
the Hidden forces of evil desire to keep
from the people of the world.
• Seeking to present the Truth in an
objective, correct and God fearing
• Making available to others information on the insidious infiltration of the
• Seeking to encouraging the followers
of Christ to fight against the forces of
evil in prayer, and to warn the ungodly
while there is still time.
• Seeking to reinforce biblical belief in
these latter days, before Jesus Christ
• "...and the servant of the Lord must not
strive, but be gentle unto all men ... in
meekness instructing those who oppose
them." { II Timothy 2:23,25}
Despatch quotes from many sources, and
cites many people. It is impossible to delve
into every group, person, doctrine or association which the writers of these quotes may
embrace. Therefore, the staff of Despatch
may not necessarily agree with everything
these writers stand for.
... Editor
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
tant player for the New World
Order and Senator Humphrey
has been very connected too.
Repeatedly, these are the people Billy Graham spends his
time with doing various recreational activities. Much
more can be said along this
line, including his subtle support for his fellow Mason’s political campaigns, such as Sen.
Jesse Helms.
One particular Christian close to Billy Graham
spent time in an eastern city in a hotel room with Billy Graham talking
about the conspiracy [global government etc]. After spending 18 hours in
this hotel room discussing the New
World Order, Billy Graham is reported
to have said, ‘I am a captive of this
organization.’ It is a standard tactic of
the Illuminati, their New World Order and its various branches to use fear
and blackmail to bring people into
(Be Wise As Serpents,
Fritz Springmeier, p.329).
DESPATCH knows personally a man
who was once close to Billy Graham.
He recalls (without prejudice) Billy
swimming nude with President
Johnson. There was shocked talk at
that time because some of the
Graham Crusade staff had seen more
than just swimming going on!
Enough said.
No, we cannot reveal our source!
Chinese President Hu Jintao
shakes hands with EU Council
Secretary-General Javier Solana (left)
in the Great Hall of the People in
Beijing September 5, 2005, as
British Prime Minister Tony Blair (R)
and EU Commission President
Manuel Barroso look on.
The EU officials are in Beijing
for the EU-China summit to open on
Monday. (newsphoto)
See Despatch Vol. 17:2 for details
re this man SOLANA. He is a very
important world shaker.
We have a CD of a PowerPoint
demonstration of Constance
Cumbey’s info for running on a
computer. $5 posted.
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
European noblemen for the task. He
moved into the King’s palace at Temple Mount, which is the historical site
of Solomon’s Temple. The Illuminati
has a long obsession with Temple
Mount, right up to the present time.
[See more this issue on Benny Hinn
and the Temple Mount with the Illuminati.] Godfroi de Boullion was the
first King of Jerusalem and also the
Duke of Lower Lorraine, which is a
major region for the Illuminati bloodline right up to 2005. George W. Bush
talked of a “Crusade” against “Islamic”
terrorism after the awesome events of
September 11th - of course he was just
acting out again his family obsession.
Emerging from the “Crusade” of de
Boullion came the society known as
“The Knights Templar”, which is a foremost power structure of the Illuminati
today. Out of the Knights Templar
came the Freemasons, this is the largest secret society in the world. Both
George Bushes have an ancestry that
can be traced to England’s Alfred the
Great and to Charlemagne. Charlemagne was a significant figure to do
with the Illuminati and European
Bloodlines. From these particular
bloodlines 34 of the 43 US presidents
are descended. Both the father and
mother of George W. have heavy royal
and aristocratic ancestry, George W.
has a mass of Royal Bloodline connections. This is documented in
Burke’s Peerage, for the skeptical,
check up. The Bushes are of course
related to the British royal family. That
royal family, the Queen, Prince Philip
and Prince Charles, are BIG FIGURES
in the Illuminati organization. The
Bushes, both father and son, have been
mainstays of the ghastly Skull and
Bones Society which is established in
a mausoleum without windows known
as “The Tomb” near the campus at Yale
University, Newhaven Connecticut.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Volume 17. N o 3. Sept., 2005
The UN Millennial Summit
“Billy Graham’s Masonic Membership sticks out like a sore thumb to
those familiar with Freemasonry.”
So wrote Fritz Springmeier back in
1991. Billy is growing very old these
days, soon his eternal destiny will be
consummated, with no returning back
to have “another go.”
Pray for his soul, readers!
Read on for more of Springmeier’s
“Graham pals around with other Mason clergymen. In his books, if he refers to people it is typically someone
who is a Mason. His Masonic membership sticks out like a sore thumb to
those familiar with masonry.
Christ rubbed shoulders with all types.
But he didn’t legitimize them like Billy
Graham has. Graham commented
once concerning his friendships, ‘I
make every effort not to let it appear
that I favor one party over another. I
count Secretary Dulles as friend, but
Senator Humphrey is also a good
friend of mine, [who he met]…when
we were both swimming in the nude
at the YMCA pool in Minneapolis
where he was running for mayor.’
Allan Dulles was especially an impor-
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
01... Antichrist System Moving Rapidly Ahead
(on pages 1- 4 this issue)
03...STOP PRESS re failed UN Summit
in New York has failed,
as a tough new reform
10...(i) 2ND. REFORMATION - USA (S. Leslie)
agenda floundered this
(ii) 2nd Reformation - Australia
In Slovakia’s Pravda,
25...Blood Sacrifice at Tavistock Institute UK
Miloslav Surgos noted
28...Snippets (i) Planned Pandemic Warnings
the UN was celebrating
(ii) Codex - Anti-Natural Health Plans
its 60 th birthday “and
30...MICROCHIPS-(i) RFID A Tracking everything
clearly showing signs of
everywhere (ii) Kids & VeriChip Implants
progressing senility.”
36...Benny Hinn - Agent for Knights Templar
The Chicago Tribune
38...Snippets (i) Gail Riplinger - Harry Potter
warned the summit was
in danger of proving
1. Intro. 2. Are Hurricanes Scalar
3. Weather Wars 4. KATRINA = Asian Tsunami again “that the phrase UN
5. 17th. St. Levee Bombed 6.KATRINA, who reform is an oxymoron”.
“Diplomats who negotiabenefits 7. Fema blocking Relief Efforts
ted this proposed reform
8. Alpha, HAARP & Tsunami 9. New
agenda in advance of the
Orleans another 911 ?? 10. Sonic Crowd
gathering have so watered
Control for Orleans??
56...GLOBALISM 22 Steps - Aust. Info.
it down that you have to
wonder if they diverted
61...Snippets (i)Teaching Creationism (ii) Film
the nearby East River
“What the Bleep...” (iii) Harry Potter Cartoon into their headquarters
67...Rick Warren Attack on Lighthouse Publishers building,” it complained.
68...Snippets (i) Alpha News -Popes Man (ii)
Rick Warren & Forbes’ Dialectic Consensus
(iii) Salvation Army- Purpose Driven - NZ
...Beauty for Ashes 8:3
71...Editor’s Corner
73...Snippets (i) All USA Leaders, Royal Blood
Heresy booklet
line (ii) Billy Graham & Freemasonry
...Gospel tract samples
(iii) Javier Solana Meets the Chinese!
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Peace Message
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
*The declaration that
was made by the plenary body is available
on line.
{Send for a copy $2 stamps}
From a true “Illuminati” website comes the following amazing
“The Aspirant to the probationary
period of consecration and purification must have the arcane
hieroglyph and earthly sigil of the
O...A...I...., which is the Mark of
the Beast 666 tattooed upon her/
his flesh as a Mystic hieroglyph
and token of her/his initiation, and
member of the Body of the
O...A...I.... The Mark of the Beast
666 is a Mark of Luciferian Initiation, it ordains the Will of the Initiate to be a Kindred Luciferian
upon the earth, and denotes ecclesiastical dedication of the flesh
as a Potentate in the New World
….The Ordo Antichristianus
Illuminati is an Exterior College
of the Invisible Order of the
A..A…(Astron Argon) which is
the earthly New World Order
of Antichristendom…”
by Joshua Jacob
Seraphim (Frater
Annuit Coeptis)
copyright © 20022004 e.v.
All rights reserved.
These remarks, on July 20th. 2005.
The Associated Press revealed that
there is a MASSIVE MILITARY build
up in RED CHINA. Includes Chinese
intercontinental-range missiles
capable of striking targets across
the globe.
How should we Christians act,
what is our
to be on
Send for
“Christians &
$6 posted in
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
ably wealthy. Brian Houston strides
around on the platform preaching
prosperity doctrines, yelling “purpose”
every now and then, and at the sound
of “purpose” the congregation melts
into delight and cheers! New Zealand
is the same, according to John D.
Christian if you ever refer to him. (Did
you download his book from our website? It is 45mb, if you have broadband
or whatever, it is possible, otherwise
we can send you a disk with it on. He
writes about the new world order in
Relation to Alpha and the PDL)
This is madness, Satanic delusion, and we can’t see the spiritual
pressure being put upon these poor
victims. It is all weird, we are not deluded so we cannot grasp the full impact, of what Satan is doing supernaturally to them. “And when these things
begin to come to pass, then look up,
and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28.
Keep in touch, we are glad to
see your book is being accepted
so well. Phillip Powell of CWM is
selling your book now and our subscribers are getting it from him.
Love in Christ Jesus,
Wendy H and Wendy B.
Hi Wendys both,
Just as I suspected in Australia. You
know when we first began corresponding, Warren was just a blip on the radar and you rightfully exposed him
early on. But at that time he was just
one of many false teachers and aberrations of the faith. Now he has become the main course and the whole
radar screen has lit up...that is to those
who discern his incoming missiles
aimed right at the engine room.
Dr. Noah Hutchings at SWRC
just came out with his book
documentating case studies of
people driven from PDC churches. It
is entitled: "The Dark Side of the
Purpose Driven Church"
John Christian did send me his
book! It is very eyeopening. Now if
some one from the dead even arose
to warn the church... it would not
listen... except a remnant God has
kept for himself.
The Harlot is now in full flower!
Blessings, James
The control over our world is vastly
more longstanding than we imagine,
and it is airtight control. All of the
leaders in America have been of the
Royal Bloodlines of Europe, and Illuminati managed. What about the Bush
family? George Bush senior and his
wife Barbara are both descendents of
Godfroi de Boullion (also known as
Godfrey of Boullion). He led in 1099
a successful crusade to recapture Jerusalem from the Islamic faith, using
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
I sent them a copy of this chapter,
especially your pretty hut and bulldozer story. Loved this! I asked them
to take this story to the Lord, ask Him,
not self, what He wanted them to see
from this, and we will build our therapy
upon these truths, putting off and putting
on for real victory.
Just wanted you to know how
God is using your yieldedness to His
truth. If you think of it, we are trying
to get our new website up and out to
feed His sheep. Called ... www. His where missionaries and
pastors and others in the body of
Christ can find all the free resources
anyone could imagine on the web to
help them seek His face and know Him
better. Much resistance to this work;
good sign. Thank you for praying. Plan
to include your work on it. Can you
tell me the name of the person who
wrote Beauty for Ashes so we could
include it, if you wouldn't mind?
Praying God will use your ministry to encourage His robbed saints to
take up the Cross daily, die to self, and
really experience more of Him in victory. Let us exalt His glorious name
Dr. Charles Browning
Dear Wendys both,
Haven't heard from you for a
while...of course you haven't heard
from me either for a while...but just
wanted to check in to see how you
are doing?Is Australia a Purpose
Driven Country yet?
Blessings, James Sundquist
Dear James,
Good to hear from you! We are lonely,
shocked at what is going on, and
aware that others are suffering as we
are. It is indeed a lonely walk, with
few that understand! An editor of another Christian magazine like ours
wrote the other day, “I feel sometimes
as though I am going mad, and if it
were not for the Lord I would slash
my wrists.” Well, I don’t know if he
was being serious or not [I hope he
was just verbalizing his frustration
graphically] but it expresses the pain
we are all suffering, in a way. The
world holds no pleasure for us, the
“Christians” and churches are being
flushed down the toilet, and we sit,
neither fish nor fowl, crying out in
warning until we are blue in the face.
Not the best time we have had in our
lives I can tell you.
Is Australia a Purpose
Driven Country, you ask?
It certainly is, with bells on. The PDL
has spread like gangrene, and the
“Christians” love it. The Dialectic has
silenced all voices that oppose, we
must be “tolerant”, see other people’s
views, reinvent, fit in, be processed,
not be divisive or hateful etc. The
facilitators are having a ball, the huge
pictures of Rick Warren preaching go
up in the churches on overhead
screens, and the congregations sigh
“OOOO, AHHH.” If the churches are
not into this trash, they are into something else. Apostasy abounds. Hillsong
in Sydney is massive, politically surrounded with politicians from all sides
of the spectrum, and it is unbeliev-
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
W. B. Howard.
The escalating emergence of
the New World Order as the dominate POWER of this sad world should
be sending shock wavesinto every
reader’s heart. The conquest over our
world has included controlling and
“TRANS-FORMING” the denominations of Christendom, which are now
lying in tatters beneath the jack boots
of the global masters. The introduction of diabolically clever programs
ALPHA has all but nailed the lid on
the coffin of Biblical Christianity,
which was almost dead because
of the poison of false doctrine
and the prosperity/political power
Where were the sound and
solid Christians whilst
all this was going on?
They are few and far between.
But, I believe that many other
church-goers than we know of have
become aware of the disasters
happening to the Christian churches.
They knew that odd doctrines and
strange programs were happening,
but did nothing.
Why would these people
back off from responsibility?
I believe they have been
COWARDS mostly...
• afraid of the pastors and minis
ters, afraid of going against
popular opinion,
• afraid of being considered a crank,
• afraid of having to stand alone,
• afraid of rocking the boat,
• afraid of losing their friends,
• they were eager to be considered
“loving” and not “critical”.
They have “loved” the Antichrist
system right into their worship
services, youth groups and Sunday
schools. It is not too late to make your
stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in these
terrible days, child of God. If you are
still compromising because you are
a coward – then get up now and
stand on the Lord’s side. Warn,
exhort, and enlighten the churchgoers who have been deceived!
Despatch contains information on
the TRANSFORMATION of Christianity by the Internationalists this
“If we suffer, we shall also reign
with him: if we deny him, he will
deny us: If we believe not, yet he
abideth faithful: he cannot deny
himself.” 11 Tim. 2:12,13.
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Australia is going
through a kind of
are few Biblically sound
churches left here, the
power of the Roman
Catholic Church is growing stronger every day,
few churches can see
beyond their noses and
the global Change Agents have had
a field day in bringing confusion
and heresy. The poor deluded congregations sit with their “NEW”
versions soaking up the “NEW
Christianity” with glazed eyes. They
are sheep-like alright, but the
Shepherd is not the Lord Jesus Christ,
they are following the Judas sheep
to their own slaughter.
• our Political System,
• our Churches,
• our Economy,
and the way of life we once knew
has gone forever. COMING SOON
is the microchip for every citizen!
The remnant Church of the Lord must
be about God’s business of saving
souls, despite the chaos. PRAY for the
lost all around us, and speak to them
about their spiritual need of Christ
as Saviour.
Despatch has included the
above simple Gospel tract this
issue, designed to be (we pray it is
so) inoffensive and readable for
the unchurched.
We have also included
a deeper tract by Ron
Weeks, a subscriber, which
is more suitable for unsaved
churched people, or those
who doubt eternity security
in Christ.
You may copy these as you
will, (this small track needs
a master to copy from,
please send stamps =$1.50
for this to be posted out to you)
and give out to your unsaved friends
and neighbours, time is short and the
MARK of the Beast is coming soon!
Remember there are lost
people in the churches also, the
Gospel message has been “transformed” in many denominations,
and people remain lost even though
they attend a service on Sunday.
Extensive MICROCHIP info.
this issue. It is all happening, folks.
We all need to understand the
enormity of the “NEW REFORMATION” which is occurring rapidly.
The articles this issue may be long
and detailed; please take time to
study carefully what is going on! It
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Editor’s Corner...
From the Philippines:
Dear Wendy,
I thank God for having a brother and
sister in Christ who serve God in thruth
My question is this, in the book written by Dr. Gipp, entitled “The Answer
Book” he explain (sic) why the KJV use
(sic) the word EASTER instead (sic) the
word PASSOVER because of what was
written in verse Acts 12:3 (THEN
BREAD…) and concluded that “The
days of the unleavened bread are
never referred to as the Passover.” The
question is how we explain what was
written in Luke 22:1?
from a brother in Christ, J.L.A.
Dear brother in Christ,
The Feast of Unleaven Bread was
called this because Jews were required
to remove all leaven from their houses
before it began. We do not agree with
Dr Gipp that the feast of unleavened
bread was never called “the Passover”
as you have rightly pointed out. The
days of unleavened bread commenced
on Passover eve, Nisan 14, and lasted
till Nisan 21. Nisan 14 fell in that year
(A.D. 44) on May 1 – an unusually
late date owing to the intercalation of
a second month of Adar that year from
March 19 to April 17 inclusive. After
Easter in Acts 12:3 is not incorrect, as
The Passover strictly speaking was celebrated on Nisan 14, but the term was
sometimes used in a more general
sense, to cover the festival of
unleavened bread. The word Easter
was used as the pagan festival
occurred at the period referred to in
Acts 12:3.
(Authority for this Professor F. Davidson
M.A., D.D. Intervarsity Fellowship).
Dear Despatch
I've just stumbled on your website last
night, and just love it. I feel like the
proverbial kid in the candy
... Your web site is wonderful. I have
the links, and your letter asking for
prayer, continually on our prayer list.
I have learned quite alot, in a very
short time, mainly from your web site.
(Florida. USA)...Thankyou for the CD
of your Website. Thanks! Jacqie
"Blessed by what God
is doing thru you",
"Today the Lord led me to your Beauty
for Ashes. I am a Christian psychologist, using the Word of God as our
primary tool to feed His wounded sheep
at the Foundation for Applied Biblical
Counseling in southern California. We
provide no-cost professional help for
pastors and missionaries and their
Your 2nd chapter was perfect for
a couple fighting the enemy's use of
pronography to ruin a dear Christian
family; please pray for them!
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Katrina Corpses Get ‘Chipped’
A company is implanting RFID tags in
corpses in Mississippi to help identify
the dead....
Using RFID tags to ID corpses is the
company’s latest move in the growing field of RFID, which is expected
to one day replace barcode technology. The RFID market, which commonly tracks goods in a supply chain
and streamlines factories, is estimated
to become a multibillion-dollar industry over the next five years.
Last October, the company received approval from the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration for a ricesized chip that’s implantable in humans. The company implants the
device with a syringe under the skin
of its customers.
snooping 20050914.html
Researchers warn of
‘acoustical snooping’
Last Updated Wed, 14 Sep 2005
CBC News
If someone can hear you typing, they
can recreate what you wrote. That’s
according to a new study from the
University of California, Berkeley.
The researchers said they recorded
people typing on computer keyboards,
then fed the audio into a computer,
and used an algorithm to recover up
to 96 per cent of the original text.
British tanks storm Basra jail
to free undercover soldiers
Richard Norton-Taylor & Ewen MacAskill
Tuesday September 20, 2005
… In a day of dramatic incidents in
the heart of the British-controlled area
of Iraq, the two undercover soldiers almost certainly special forces - were
held by Iraqi security forces after
clashes that reportedly left two people dead and threatened to escalate
into a diplomatic incident between
London and Baghdad.
The soldiers, who were said to
have been wearing Arab headdress,
were accused of firing at Iraqi police
when stopped at a road block.
British “Pseudo-Gang” Terrorists
Exposed in Basra
21 Sep 2005 Source:
Baghdad Dweller, writing for
Uruknet, reports two British soldiers
held by “Iraqi authorities” in Basra
(also described as “Shiite militiamen”
in the corporate media), and subsequently freed after the British stormed
a police jail, were working undercover
as bombers. Baghdad Dweller includes a link to the Washington Post,
where the following appears: “Iraqi
security officials on Monday variously
accused the two Britons they detained
of shooting at Iraqi forces or trying
to plant explosives.
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
will be so important
for yourselves and
your family in time
to come.
Despatch recommends highly the
book “Alien Intrusion”
by Gary Bates. It deals
• Sci-fi mind games
• Scientist’s false statements
• UFOs sighted in every country;
• Alien abductions?
• Government cover-ups?
• Crop Circles;
• suicides in the cults;
• ancient astronauts?
This book is also available in
AUDIOBOOK form, for those who
prefer to listen to complex material. It is not just a book on the weird
phenomena of UFOs; it is thrilling
in its information on the universe,
natural science and the glory of God.
I could only read a few pages at a
time and put it down, it was so aweinspiring that I was overwhelmed.
arrived at the end of their agenda for
absolute control of the world by
global authority, IN OUR DAY. It has
been coming a long time, we are a
part of the climax – be prepared.
Clear your heads, grasp the truth, see
every-thing as GLOBAL. We must
determine to do right before the Lord.
Speaking out against the New Age
occultism within the churches, in
society, in the business world, in
education and so on should be a part
of every Christian’s life. We must
We obtained ours for $21 posted
from “Answers in Genesis”
P.O.B. 6302, Acacia Ridge DC, Q. 4110.
or Online with a VISA card from
Despatch will remind our readers of
the intents of the New World Religion hierarchy this issue – they have
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
not sit passively doing nothing.
Christ does not condone evil,
neither should we.
The destructive comment
“we take the good out of that church
program, and toss out the bad”
must be seen as closing the eyes to
the evil agendas of the globalists,
for this is what it is.
Purpose Driven Life, &
Alpha, are not just “Christian” programs by “Christians” with whom we share
a common faith, they are
high level indoctrination
and encoding programs by
Our churches have been targeted
by the occult hierarchy worldwide, just as all levels of society
have been. I know this sounds extreme to those who are not widely
read on the subject, but to remain
apathetic because of ignorance is
not acceptable in these dark days.
The world needs your prayers and
enlightenment, as the churches
sadly do also. Stand for God’s
TRUTH, do not embrace error in
the name of Jesus Christ and
“For the LORD is good; his
mercy is everlasting; and his
TRUTH endureth to all generations.” Psalm 1:5.
The devastating hurricanes
and Tsunamis of recent times have
been, arguably, the most alarming
events we have seen in our lives.
of the
weak, the
elder, the
and help
less has
gripped our
hearts with
are made that
GOD has
caused all this in His judge
ment against Muslims or
Buddhists it is grievous in the
Now that New Orleans and other
areas of the US have suffered under
horrendous conditions, thousands
dead, plagues occurring, cities
utterly destroyed;
Are these Christians now putting
the blame on God as well?
Maybe God is punishing the black
people in the American towns for
their drunkenness, or for drug
abuse, or maybe for immorality?
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Churches launch purposeful programme
Tuesday, 26 July 2005 * St John's Anglican Church,
About 200 people filled Town * Forbes Baptist Church,
Hall for the local and national launch * Salvation Army or
of the 40 Days of Purpose programme * Lutheran Church to register.
on Sunday night.
Four churches in Forbes, and EMAIL FROM: (Contact name witheld)
242 across Australia, aim to answer 25th. July, 2005
the question "what on earth am I here
for your web it is comforting.
for?" through the programme in AuJust
that there are others out
not been caught by
Julie Virtue from Forbes Salvathe
endorses my
tion Army said at the launch it was
and evil
great to see so many Christians from
so many denominations together.
She said the programme was
simple - it was about getting to know Forbes NSW has to be seen to be believed.
God and know who you were.
She said the study, designed by And also my family and my marriage
Rick Warren from Saddleback Church are caught up in this and other new
in California, ran for 40 days because age rubbish and I am an out cast, it is
40 days had proven a life-changing hard.
I will not eat their apple; pray for me,”
time for many in the Bible.
I will not yield one bit.
"The challenge
for you is to make
these 40 days a transforming time for each
of us," she said.
Hundreds in
Forbes have registered
to read a book - "The
Purpose Driven Life"
and participate in
home study groups
for 40 days from
August 7.
People are still NEW ZEALAND...SALVATION ARMY 40 DAYS OF PURwelcome to contact
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
The assumption was that if Mair
could be discredited then our press
release would be invalid.
http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch. com/
However, the evidence we provided
is solid, and we therefore stand
behind our press release.
The real issue addressed in the
press release was concerning Ken
Blanchard—a man who, according
to Rick Warren, has "signed on"
to help implement Warren's global
Peace Plan. Both in the press release
and on our research web site, we
have provided numerous instances
where Blanchard has shown his endorsement and promotion of the
New Age such as in the Foreword of
the 2001 book,
What Would Buddha Do At Work?,
in which Ken Blanchard states:
Buddha points to the path and
invites us to begin our journey to
enlightenment. I point to this
little jewel of a book and invite you
to begin (or continue) your journey
to enlightened work.
Blanchard's latest endorsement of the New Age centers
around Vijay Eswaran's book, In the
Sphere of SILENCE,
Preacher to the Papal
Household for the
last 25 years, opened
the International
Alpha Conference
in London in June,
declaring the need
for a ‘new evangelisation’. “This is the
reason why I took
with sympathy and
interest to the Alpha
course,’ he said. ‘It
seems to me that it
answers precisely to
this need of ours....’
a June 2005 release that
promotes the inner silence
through mystical prayer
practices, i.e. contemplative prayer.
Of the book,
Ken Blanchard states:
This book is a wonderful
guide on how to enter the
realm of silence and draw
closer to God....”
Extract from
Lighthouse Trails site:
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
When will this kind
of comment cease?
God has not dealt in this way by
floods since Noah and the Ark. He
has promised He will not bring
huge floods on the earth again;
Why doubt His word?
God promised that the seasons,
night and day, cold and heat, should
remain, and that He would not use
this means to destroy all flesh again.
He has set His rainbow in the sky as
a sign of His covenant with mankind.
For God to bring a flood again in
judgement, even if it did not involve
all flesh, would seem indeed to be
denying the rainbow in the sky,
God’s covenant. No, it is not enough
to say God might just destroy certain
areas by floods, killing thousands.
Those areas have rainbows too:
“And I will remember my covenant which is between me and
you and every living creature of
all flesh; and the waters shall no
more become a flood to destroy
all flesh. And the bow shall be in
the cloud; and I will look upon it,
that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and
every living creature of all flesh
that is upon the earth.”
See ”Genesis 8: 22- 9:16.
Jesus said:
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which
despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in
heaven: for he maketh his sun to
rise on the evil and on the good,
and sendeth rain on the just and
on the unjust.” Matthew 5:45.
See this issue for a synopsis of
the documents on KATRINA AND
WEATHER WARFARE. There is overwhelming evidence that the
terrible Tsunamis and hurricane
storms and floods in the US were
MAN-MADE! As wacky as this may
seem, the evidence proves that this
is about WEATHER WARS waged
against the populace of the earth
by the global hierarchy. We urge our
readers to get the proof of this in
their hands, write and request:
A CD for your browser containing
originating from `The Cutting Edge’ and
many other sources. Cost posted is $5.
Photocopying take us too long but we
can offer a small amount of material
for $5 posted for those with no access
to internet or a computer.
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Extract: Discernment Newsletter July/August 2005 Vol. 16:4
The Global Day of
Prayer: Part 2
By Sarah Leslie
“Thus saith the Lord God; Woe
unto the foolish prophets, that
follow their own spirit, and have
seen nothing! ... Because, even
because they have seduced my
people, saying, Peace; and there
was no peace; and one built up
a wall, and, lo, others daubed it
with untempered mortar: “
(Ezekiel 13: 3, 10)
The first Reformation was about
belief; this one’s going to be about
Pastor Rick Warren, May 15, 2005
On May 15, 2005, Pentecost Sunday,
the Latter Rain apostles held a huge
global prayer meeting. Believers
filled stadiums all over the world and
prayed scripted prayers in unison
while watching others do the same
via high tech satellite hook-ups.
A poster advertising the
Global Day of Prayer (G.D.O.P.) told
us in advance what was supposed to
“On Sunday, May 15 The greatest power known to man will
be released.”
If God’s people got together and
prayed with “one voice” in “one day”
that God would “reveal His
glory and bless the nations
of the earth.”
In the previous May/
June 2005 issue of Discernment Ministries newsletter
we reported on the plans
up to the Global Day of
Prayer. This report is a follow-up and
an overview of the next phase of
The reader should read Part 1 prior to
reading Part 2 for important background information. Send for a copy,
or access internet to view
TO REVIEW, the G.D.O.P. was scheduled to happen in three phases:
Phase I: May 6-15 was ten days of
organized prayer from the Day of Ascension through Pentecost.
Phase II: The actual Global Day of
Prayer, a global prayer event scheduled on Pentecost Sunday, May 15,
2005. The G.D.O.P. itself is scheduled
to continue yearly to the year 2010.
Phase III: “90 days of Blessing”
scheduled for the ninety days immediately following the Global Day of
What happened on the
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
A Public Response:
“Lighthouse Trails
to Attacks
from Rick Warren
June 17, 2005
On May 31st, 2005 we
received an email
from Rick Warren. Within hours of
receiving this email, we learned that
the email had been posted on the
Internet. After prayerful consideration, we have come to the conclusion that we will not provide a
personal response to Rick Warren
regarding the email we received.
However, we are compelled to
address this situation publicly.
While in the process of
preparing a response, we soon
realized that the contents of the
email sent to us by Rick Warren
were misleading and contained
much misinformation.
“aligned” to the new structure and
successfully “advancing His Kingdom”
on earth? The reader has every right
to be cynical. Buy the truth and sell
it not… (Prov. 23:23)
Endnotes: 1. See report on cell churches
available from Discernment Ministries.
2. This book is available from Discernment
SEE chapter 11 of Deceived on
Purpose by Warren Smith,
And having now witnessed the
mocking tone by those involved
with Rick Warren, we have decided
we cannot, in good conscience, engage with people who go to such
great lengths to hide the truth.
On April 20th, 2005 Lighthouse Trails Publishing issued a
press release,
http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch. com/
showing the connections
between Rick Warren and New
Age sympathizer Ken Blanchard.
In our release we used a line
from George Mair's book, A Life With
(a biography of Rick Warren)
While the press release was not
at all contingent on the quote by
Mair (it being used only as a qualifier), Rick Warren's email to us
focused primarily on George Mair.
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
taken center stage in promoting ONE,
halting a concert to plug everyone into
a cellphone “thousand points of light”
to sign up with ONE. Evangelical luminaries associated with this group
include Pat Robertson, Billy Graham,
John Stott, Chuck Colson and others.
According to one news account,
Last year a version of this leftright pincer helped get an Africa trade
bill through Congress, liberal development types made common cause
with churches and the business
lobby…. So the Bush folk are pretty
much surrounded. Even though
they’ve already launched two major
Africa initiatives – the Millennium
Challenge Account aid effort and the
president’s initiative on HIV – it’s a
pretty sure bet that in the run-up to
the G-8 summit and the U.N. gathering, the Bush administration will have
to do another something…. Announcing bold pro-Africa initiatives.
opinion_244932c 38406526700d5.html)
On its official website ONE
states: “ONE links directly to the international effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.” It is
outside the purview of this report to
delve into the UN Development
Goals, but this fact raises serious ethical questions about the ability to conduct authentic and traditional Christian evangelism.
There is no doubt that wonderful and
moving stories will come out of the
darkest recesses of interior Africa in
the years to come. One can still
retain hope that the mission trips to
Africa will be simple and humble acts
of mercy and compassion. But keep
in mind that the stories may be highly
undocumented – particularly unverified “transformation” miracle accounts
like those of George Otis.
GOVERNMENT. It also appears to
be a bold maneuver to create a new
market for corporate interests. It is a
flagrant attempt to export the “Kingdom theology” and worldview to this
undeveloped area of the world. Sadly,
the missionaries and organizations
who are working the fertile soil of
Africa are claiming to represent US –
evangelical Christianity! They claim
that their version is the truth. Rick
Warren brazenly asserts that his plan
is “God’s Plan.”
When the G8 countries meet
they will likely increase funding
because they have been lobbied by
Bono, Rick Warren and ONE. The
World Bank will soon release more
money to Africa. Bush will soon announce a global AIDS coordinator. Bill
Gates has committed a large sum of
money. Will a portion of this vast
ocean of money end up in the coffers
of Rick Warren and the Latter Rain
dominionists? After all, the false
prophets have “prophesied” an outpouring of funds for years. Won’t it be
presented as “providential,” that God
is now pouring out the monies
because the church is becoming
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Rick Warren of Saddleback
Church spoke to a gathering of
12,000 people in Dallas, Texas at the
Reunion Arena for a live broadcast
of the Global Day of Prayer event.
He was joined on-stage by Rev. Jack
Graham, T. D. Jakes, and other evangelical luminaries.
It is reported that the G.D.O.P.
commenced in New Zealand, and
that mass prayer meetings were held
on each continent, and in each time
zone, until the sun set in the U.S.
Event organizers were hoping for 200
million people worldwide to participate in the event. The exact attendance is unknown. Some individual
arena numbers have been issued in
press accounts. In the United States,
by Tuesday, May 18th, it was reported
that 182 communities from 38 states
and 1 overseas location held the
event. It is said that 149 countries
A Second Reformation
The Global Day of Prayer
( G.D.O.P. ) appears to be a chief
mechanism for launching a “Second
Reformation” in Christianity. The
G.D.O.P. provides a convenient
vehicle to transition the church
from the old order to a new global
order. Rick Warren is quoted as
saying at the Global Day of Prayer
“The first Reformation was about
belief; this one’s going to be about
behavior.” [emphasis added]
( ArID=9290)
An official press release from
Saddleback Church states that if
“Christians mobilize to confront the five ‘global giants’ of
spiritual emptiness, egocentric
leadership, poverty, disease, and
lack of education, it could spark
a second Reformation.”
Believers during the First Reformation were persecuted and martyred
for holding biblical beliefs such as
sola scriptura, the priesthood of
all believers and justification by faith.
These core doctrines can be found
in the great writings of godly Christian men the past 500 years – men
such as
Martin Luther,
John Calvin,
Matthew Henry,
John Wesley,
Charles Spurgeon,
and many others.
Latter Rain leadership has been
openly promulgating the necessity
for a Second Reformation for well
over a decade now. It is sometimes
referred to as the New Apostolic
C. Peter Wagner,
Luis Bush,
Ralph Neighbour,
Ralph Winter,
Bill Beckham,
Mike Bickle,
Lyle Schaller,
Todd Bentley,
Jim Goll,
et al,
have all written and spoken about a
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
new reformation. The Latter Rain’s
TENANTS OF THE FIRST REFORMATION. It teaches that revelation
can supersede the Word of God, that
believers must come under apostolic leadership, and that works are
necessary for the Kingdom.
Latter Rain is importing into
the Church a phase of transition
which includes new core doctrines for the Second Reformation.
Many of these doctrines turn
CATHOLICISM and early heresies.
Other “emerging” doctrines infuse
pure New Age esotericism. The chart
on page 6 will illustrate this transition.
Take note: there is a particular formula that is being widely utilized to
bring about this doctrinal transition
to a Second Reformation:
old “wineskin.” The believer is persuaded that the old doctrine or practice is defective, ineffective, inadequate, or incomplete. Believers are
taught that the old understanding is
counter-productive to building the
Kingdom of God on earth. Denominations and disunity are bad, stifling,
and obsolete. This is sometimes referred to as the old wineskin.
called “restoration”) of a new “wineskin.” The believer is presented with
a new method, a superior under-
standing, a more complete revelation, or new tools. Believers are told
there are unprecedented challenges
facing the church in this era and we
must face these “giants” by living out
our faith in a new manner. This new
way is often misrepresented as the
“old” way of the “apostolic” age. Key
scriptures, especially from the book
of Acts or the Old Testament, are
imbued with novel interpretations to
justify the new theologies.
RICK WARREN has stated that
the “second reformation needs to
change our behavior, not our beliefs”
(Ministry Toolbox #200). However, the
Second Reformation is about both
beliefs and behaviors. Rick Warren
explained this transition process.
Around the world, churches are in
need of transition. The 21st century is
presenting church leaders with new
challenges and new opportunities. It
appears that God is doing something
fresh and new in his church. Church
leaders are evaluating the need for
change in their own congregations.
Many are frustrated by the lack of
growth. Others simply want to get in
on what God is doing. The central
question is this: How can we lead the
transition from the church we are to
the church we want to be?
(Ministry Toolbox Issue #205)
[emphasis added]
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
It is entirely conceivable that
Saddleback mission trips to Rwanda
will be a joint cooperative effort between government, corporate (business), private and religious interests to
transform the country. Rather than
spreading the Gospel, American volunteers may be assisting in the conducting of surveys, meeting with governmental officials, and databanking
the results. One short term mission
entity is developing standards for comprehensive debriefing, on-field re-entry preparation, and post-field followup and evaluation to identify unresolved issues. It is conceivable that
some missionaries, with a great deal
of zeal to spread the Gospel, may need
comprehensive deprogramming to
grapple with the resulting cognitive
dissonance. They may have just been
sent on a mission trip that had
nothing to do with the Word of God
and everything to do with being
political/corporate emissaries. (http://
The ONE Campaign
On June 3, 2005, Rick Warren wrote:
Dear co-worker in Christ,
I have a simple request – but it
could determine whether millions
live or die.
You’ve probably read in the papers
about “The ONE Campaign: To
Make Poverty History” that’s been
endorsed by a wide coalition of
folks from all across the faith and
political spectrum….This summer,
at the G8 conference, our nation
has a historic opportunity to lead
the world by showing a visible and
significant commitment to the fight
against global poverty, hunger, and
disease. In early July, President
Bush will gather together with
leaders from the world’s eight
wealthiest nations in Edinburgh,
Scotland, to discuss these very issues – especially in Africa….
What can we do? For the past two
years, I’ve had 4,500 of our Saddleback members quietly testing a
prototype of our global P.E.A.C.E.
Plan in 47 countries. It is a strategy for small groups in churches
to show compassion. Once we
have the template perfected, we’ll
share it with every church that’s
interested….…Join me and other
evangelical leaders in an open letter to President Bush….All I need
you to do is e-mail me back at
[email protected] giving your name and
title and I’ll add your name to the
list. Also you can visit
for more information
The ONE Campaign is “a new
effort by Americans to rally Americans
ONE by ONE to fight the emergency
of global AIDS and extreme poverty…
through a diverse coalition of faithbased and anti-poverty organizers….”
David Brooks of the New York Times,
in a recent editorial (May 26, 2005),
called this organization a “nexus of a
vast alliance between socially conservative evangelicals and socially liberal N.G.O.’s.” ONE’s goal is one percent of the U.S. budget and raising
other funds internationally.
Bono, of the rock group U2, has
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Kingdom.” ICCC is mobilizing and
networking “Kingdom entrepreneurs,
executives, and government leaders
into the purposeful, strategic, global
Kingdom initiatives underway in our
day.” Their vision “calls for a worldwide network of committed
businesspeople in contact with each
other, exchanging ideas, products and
services.” (
Bill Gates of Microsoft has
“contributed 4.1 billion dollars to programmes tackling HIV/AIDS, malaria,
tuberculosis and other diseases over
the past five years.” Over the next five
years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $28 million to this
“Gates said governments needed
to stimulate private pharmaceutical companies to invest in research
on diseases that affect the world’s
poor by providing funding to ensure developing nations were able
to buy the resulting drugs. “
Perhaps C. Peter Wagner will
soon call Bill Gates a “philanthropic
apostle.” Indeed, it once seemed curious that the Gates Foundation once
employed Christian Right activist
Ralph Reed, but possibly he was an
outreach into evangelical partnerships
in Africa. Gates has been criticized for
narrowly targeting with his funds only
those activities that would benefit
pharmaceutical companies. It is apparent that there are economic trade-
offs for Gates, as the pharmaceutical
industry is a major purchaser of computer technology. Africa is also a wide
open market for computers.
When Rick Warren’s small
group mission trips go to Rwanda to
combat AIDS, they will find International Planned Parenthood already involved in some of the same “spheres”
of concern. Planned Parenthood is
“partnering” with other entities to
gather data, develop a strategic plan,
change public opinion about sexuality, and improve service.
(http://www.ippfnet.ippf/org/pub/IPPF_ Reg
ions/IPPF _CountryProfile. asp?ISO Code = RW)
The world’s biggest abortion provider
was founded by Margaret Sanger, who
held extremely racist views. There is
every reason to be distrustful of this
Rwanda is also currently the
target of a massive national grassroots
assessment process known as the Participatory Poverty Assessment. “International and particularly local NGOs,
trade unions, the private sector and
church based organizations will all be
key in reviewing the data collected by
the PPA and other survey data.” Surveys, data, assessment, focus group
results, and status reports will be fed
into a data analysis process so that
support strategies can be developed,
forecasting can be performed, linkages
created, stakeholders enlisted and
One could wonder whether Bill
Gates’ Microsoft computers will be
providing the storage capacity for this
massive data collection.
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
A key doctrine of the Second
Reformation is dominionism. Believers are told that Jesus must return
TO the church before he returns FOR
the church. And to make this
happen, they must fulfill a “Kingdom
Mandate” to “advance” (in the military sense of the word) a visible Kingdom of God on earth. This is also referred to as the Great Commission
“mandate.” These doctrines were
explained in greater detail in Part 1
of this report.
The Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan
Phase III of the Global Day of Prayer
is variously called “90 days of community transformation,” “90 days of
Blessing,” “90 Days of PEACE,” and
“90 days of good works.” The Internet links to Phase III of the Global
Day of Prayer take one directly to
Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. Plan.
But what are these
“90 days” all about?
What are they supposed
to accomplish?
In fact, why piggy-back them
onto the G.D.O.P. event itself?
Visiting the various G.D.O.P.
websites mentioned in Part 1 of this
report reveals that the third phase is
all about “Becoming the Blessing of
Christ” by doing “good works.”
These works include:
“• clean up,
• light construction,
• painting,
• serving meals,
• landscaping,
• working with children,
• moving furniture, • organizing products,
• assembling,
• assisting seniors,
• & performing basic household chores.”
“In Dallas, the projects include
building homes with Habitat for
Humanity, cleaning up a South
Dallas neighborhood, distributing
school supplies, painting
nonprofit clinics, beautifying
schools and reaching out to
If simple “good works” were
all that Phase III of the G.D.O.P. is
about, there would be much to commend and no need to write a critical
report. However, Phase III is actually
a launching pad for global transformation of church and society. Harvest Prayer Ministries reported that
the Global Day of Prayer was “the
beginning of a worldwide
to transform the globe for the sake of
Jesus Christ.”
Christianity Today reported that
“Christians cried out to God to transform the nation politically, socially,
economically and spiritually.”
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
In researching Phase III of the
G.D.O.P., one can quickly reach the
cynical conclusion that the whole
event was a huge publicity stunt
to launch the NEXT PHASE of
Rick Warren’s agenda – the Global
P.E.A.C.E. Plan. Sincere prayer
warriors around the world were
interceding with the scripted, dominionist prayers of the G.D.O.P.:
1 “Let Your Kingdom be established in every nation of this
world so that governments will
rule with righteousness and justice,”
2 “Give us wisdom and insight
in every sphere of life,”
3 “May Your blessing bring
transformation amidst every people on earth,” and
4 “Empower the Church to be
Meanwhile leaders were busy
putting flesh on these prayers with a
brazen agenda to literally transform
the Earth.
The use of the term “sphere”
in the second prayer listed above is
precise and intentional. “Sphere” is
a term that was first utilized by the
Coalition on Revival (COR) in the
1980s to describe seventeen
“spheres” of life and ministry. These
“spheres” were to be infiltrated and
taken over as part of a dominionist
political and spiritual Kingdom
The spheres of ministry include:
• law,
• government,
• economics,
• business,
• education,
• media,
• health care,
• church,
• family
• & others.
The term “sphere” is sometimes
referred to as “domain” or “gate” by
Latter Rain leaders.
COR has been described as a
“melting pot for Charismatic Dominionists and Reconstruction- ists” by Al
Dager in his book Vengeance Is
Ours: The Church In Dominion.2
These eclectic dominionists believe
that the ends justify the means, and
they will form alliances with anybody or anything that appears to be
working towards the “Kingdom” on
earth. As a result, key doctrines of
the First Reformation become further
eroded and even abandoned.
Rick Warren referenced several “spheres” (termed “pieces”) on
June 11, 2003, when he delivered a
speech to the Washington D.C. Hope
Tour. In this speech he presented the
vision for his P.E.A.C.E. plan.
So, at Saddleback, we are going
to try a little experiment…. So
we’re going to try out ONE approach to dealing with the AIDS
crisis, and once we figure out
what works, we’ll create a template that can be used by thousands of other purpose-driven
churches…. Our objective is the
global glory of God. As I’ve
thought about this, it seems obvious that we all have different roles
to play. There is an educational
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
from p.17 ( Extract from page Discernment Newsletter)
Bruce Wilkinson is
connected with an organization called Bridges International Development (BID) out
of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.
This organization seeks to build
“an infrastructure for sustainable development” in Africa that “includes
utilizing government, NGOs [nongovernmental organizations, ed.] and
business.” BID’s “spheres” include:
“Orphans, Relief & Aid, Women, Agriculture, Health Care, Environment/
Energy, Economic Growth, Transportation, Communication Information
Technology, Good Governance/Accountability and Education.” BID is
seeking corporate partners to invest in
Africa for the purpose of “community
transformation” by creating Community Empowerment Centers fitting
USAID criteria. (
In other words, they are bringing in
corporate business interests alongside
the Gospel. How one can perform this
activity without compromising the integrity of the Gospel is not addressed.
In fact, most workplace ministries insist that they have only the finest of
intentions. Scriptures that come to
mind include: I Thess. 2:4-5; Titus
1:10-11; and Rom. 16:17-18.
Another organization working in Africa is called equip. Their first venture to South Africa took place in April
“A South African team has pioneered
the “host country” elements of equip.
We will partner in other
countries in the future. Our
goal for each venture is to
mobilize 10 consultants
from a sending country
and 10 from a host country to
work together to re-purpose 10 corporations in 10 days. Together we experience The power of 10. Our goal
is that all spheres of societies will be
transformed, starting with business, so
that the Kingdom of God is extended
to God’s glory.”
This organization unabashedly talks
about “kingdom building business
exploits,” “using business as a platform
for expanding the kingdom of God in
the future,” and becoming a “Kingdom
Capitalist.” equip uses a model with
specific “outcomes” including “new
definitions of success,” “funds flowing,” “society-changing initiatives,”
transforming “10 spheres of society,”
and a “kingdom worldview.”
“The larger context is being part of
God’s big plan to have people from
every “tongue, tribe and nation”
worship him. Our starting point is
business, and we will selectively
springboard from this into other domains where our teams have
gravitas and a calling. This goes
beyond “conversions” and “seeing
people saved.”
The International Christian Chamber
of Commerce (ICCC) is “releasing
business people into the walk of God’s
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academic thinkers commenting on
life’s grand themes, with an occasionally loopy narrative starring
actress Marlee Matlin. Depending
on your point of view, it’s either
very deep stuff or too New Age for
its own good. What’s clear is that
“What the Bleep...?” which made
more than US$ 10 million even before its recent release on DVD, has
struck a nerve.
Extract from the above interview with
Fred Alan Wolf a main voice re the
film, one of many questions ...
Do you think it’s possible to
bridge that gap between
science and spirituality?
Well, let’s put it this
way they’re not going to just come together and be one.
Nobody’s going to
get a degree in quantum Christianity or
something like that.
But I think a dialogue, a meaningful
dialogue, will take
place. These dialogues happened in
ancient times. I
mean, there was no
separation then between philosophy,
religion and spirituality. The Greeks talked
about earth,
fire and water. And
they also talked about a quintessence
[“fifth essence”], which they called
physis, which was the spiritual aspect of it all, from which the word
physics even comes. So it seems to
me that in our present state of consciousness, that kind of bridge could
be made, and be fairly firm.
July August 2005 NEW DAWN 61
*There is a book that accompanies this
film which makes it very dangerous
indeed. Religion and Science are not
evaluated the same. Science cannot
be transformed into a quasi-religious
Harry Potter selling
more than the Bible!
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
piece. There is a media piece.
There is a government piece.
There is a community development piece. There is a relief
piece. My question has been,
“What is the local church’s role?
What is our responsibility?”
The dominionists teach that restoration occurs as believers serve as
stewards of this world, taking back
what belongs to God. Believers are
to bring the Kingdom of heaven to
earth and enforce the dominion and
authority of heaven upon everything
evil. The spheres are a way to channel this mandate.
“Whatever It Takes”
Rick Warren has stated,
“It’s time for the church to be a
doer of the Word and not just a
hearer.” (
This new emphasis on “good works”
does not appear to be encumbered
by Christian ethics, normal restraint,
or traditional doctrines. At a recent
Purpose-Driven conference Warren
stated, “The P.E.A.C.E. plan will be a
‘revolution’ for global Christianity,”
and “I’m looking at a stadium full of
people who are telling God they will
do whatever it takes to establish
God’s Kingdom ‘on earth as it is in
heaven.’” (
bpnews.asp?ID-20603) [emphasis added]
Notice the phrase “whatever it takes”
and the word “revolution.” This type
of aggressive Latter Rain “transforma-
tion” terminology is increasingly
showing up in mainstream evangelicalism.
For example, a prayer organization in Orlando, Florida, headed
by Vonette Bright of Campus Crusade, stated in its “Guidelines for
Transformational Prayer, “As a city
we are beginning the process of
whatever it takes to see our city
transformed. We are doing it intentionally. The city must seek God….
[emphasis added] To underscore the
dominionist mandate to transform
the world, these Guidelines call for
“Intentional Prayer.”
“These are prayers that look for
God Himself to come and transform the entire city… to redirect
the city to the God given purposes
for that specific community….
Every city/nation has been called
by God for a specific role to play
towards the fulfillment of His
Son’s prayer, “Give me the nations for my inheritance.” So
each city must arrive at its God
given purpose, timing and
strength to contribute to the overall purpose of God for the nation.
(Acts 17:26-28) Nations are
called to seek God and find Him
(as a nation) and His purposes for
them.” [emphasis in original]
Even the Southern Baptists
now teach it. “The greatest hindrance
to the gospel is the unwillingness of
Christians to make a ‘whatever it
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takes’ commitment to the one who
commanded them to make disciples
of all the nations,” said Southern
Baptist International Mission Board
President Jerry Rankin at a church in
Plano, Texas in 2003.
Workplace Apostles
In Part 1 of this report we mentioned that partnering with business
was an essential feature of the
G.D.O.P. and we listed some key
leaders and their websites. Many of
these organizations are also linked
with Africa. In analyzing the preliminary data from Phase III of the
G.D.O.P., it is apparent that business
leaders will step up to the plate and
take center stage in advancing the
“Kingdom of God” on earth.
credited with concocting much of the
transitional doctrine for the New Apostolic Reformation (Second Reformation) announced last year that
there is a new type of apostle. He
calls this entity a “workplace apostle” and he was forced to dramatically alter ecclesiology (the definition of what constitutes a “church”)
in order to justify these new apostles. Workplace apostles will have
authority over the “spheres” –
• religion, • family, • education, • government, • media, • arts, and • business.
Wagner stated,
“We need to be fully aware of the
two strategic gates for the advance
of the kingdom of God that will be
opened through the ministry of apostles in the workplace.” Gate number
one, he says, is “social transformation.” GATE NUMBER TWO IS THE
Examples of the African
of his first acts as pontiff, told the international community to become
“more involved in helping solve the
problems of the African continent.”
“The official rollout of P.E.A.C.E. will
focus on the small country of
Rwanda in eastern Africa,” according to a report on Saddleback’s 25th
anniversary celebration
Rick Warren has been involved in the
transformation of Africa for a number
of years. In 2003 he formed a partnership with Turn the Tide, an organization established by Bruce
Wilkinson. Wilkinson’s recent book
The Dream Giver talks about the
“Giants” that need to be overcome.3
These two men intend to overcome
the “Giants” in Africa with the
help of • John Maxwell, • George Otis, •
Graham Power (credited with originating
the G.D.O.P. idea), • Alistair Petrie,
• Ed Silvoso, • and many other Latter Rain
leaders and organizations.
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August 31, 2005:
In a finding that is likely to intensify the debate over what to teach
students about the origins of life, a
poll released yesterday found that
nearly two-thirds of Americans
say that creationism should be
taught alongside evolution in public
The poll found that 42% of
respondents held strict creationist
views, agreeing that ‘living things
have existed in their present form
since the beginning of time.’
In contrast, 48 percent said
they believed that humans had
evolved over time. But of those, 18
percent said that evolution was
‘guided by a supreme being,’ and 26
percent said that evolution occurred
through natural selection. In all, 64
percent said they were open to the
idea of teaching creationism in addition to evolution, while 36 percent
favored replacing evolution with
The poll was conducted July
7-17 by the Pew Forum on Religion
and Public Life and the Pew
Research Center for the People and
the Press. The questions about
evolution were asked of 2,000
This film has been shown around
Australia, in ordinary theatres. It is a
NEW AGE, occultic attempt to bring
“science” and ”religion” together
and awaken people to “spirituality”
and “experiences.”
Where is our society heading now?
Here is a small part of an interview
with Fred Alan Wolf, a main voice
re the film, as shown in the New
Dawn magazine, July-August:
Quantum Physics & Spirituality
p. 61-63
The surprise hit film “What
the Bleep Do We Know?” tackles
some of life’s biggest questions,
without really answering them:
Where have we been?
Why are we here?
Where are we going?
Part documentary, part feature, it’s a
quirky film that draws parallels between the mysteries of quantum
physics a mind expanding field
whose findings suggest many so
called laws of science are a lot
less ironclad than we once thought
and some of humankind’s most
vexing spiritual queries.
The film weaves together
sound bites from a series of mostly
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
things cannot be so. Foreign Correspondent September 22, television
Australia, showed some super rich
Americans and Britons moving to
New Zealand to escape the dangers
and chaos of their countries.
DEMOLAY introduces a Microchip program for children to
keep them safe from abduction. The Indiana Freemason’s
MICRO CHIP is the most comprehensive child identification program available.
5. The EU has adopted proposals to
log details of all telephone, Internet,
and e-mail traffic, to [they say] combat terrorism and serious crime. No
doubt Australia will follow this plan.
FLU continuing. There is massive
ANIMAL AND BIRD DEATH ravaging the United States. Thousands are
dying in India from this engineered
flu. Millions of duck, geese, poultry,
song birds and cattle are dead in Asia
and the USA. It is killing off humans
massively; children are affected first,
mainly because they are more likely
to inhale from infected dust or feces.
for by the ROTHCHILDS reflex the
presence of Free Masonry and the
Illuminati... Engineers who were chosen for this job by the Rothschild's
...The first thing you will notice is the
h t t p : / / w w w. t h e g o l d e n r e p o r t . c o m / a s p /
jerrysnewsmanager/anmviewe r.asp?a=817
“...there has been a diabolical plot by
those we refer to as the New World
Order. Showing the architectural
design of the New Israeli Supreme
Court Building designed and paid
pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just
like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the
left....The larger circle you see at the
bottom of the picture is an inverted-
cross designed to walk on. It is the only
religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot.
include information on the disastrous
LABYRINTH –the One World Church is
using this occult Mandela to overthrow the
Cross of Jesus Christ, to make it obsolete.
If we have not been Raptured before then,
see you in December readers.
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
The Latter Rain, prosperity/political power, dominionism of
the Pentecostal denominations is
known to all. The growth of these
internationally supported churches is
unparalleled, under the GLOBAL
“apostles” of the great “transformation”. A few facts and figures on
Australia, compiled in June this
year, make the impact seem more
Prophet-Minded. BRW by Adele Ferguson - Pages 34-41 :
JUNE 1, 2005.
This weekend more than 200,000
Australians will flock to Pentecostal
churches to worship God, clap,
When Paul Kagame, President
of the Republic of Rwanda, spoke at
Saddleback Church on April 17,
2005, he spoke of a new partnership
between the church, his government
and business. “Rwanda is interested
in forging business relationships with
people in this country, and we will
be more than happy to tell you about
the investment opportunities that are
available,” he said.
ON Page 63
sing, speak in tongues,
faith heal, and donate 10 %
of their pre-tax weekly earnings.
Some will buy CDs, books,
DVDs, mobile-phone tunes, T-shirts,
fridge magnets and even a children’s
DVD featuring Jesus as a superhero. Others will tune into their TV
channels and web sites, visit their art
galleries, schools and medical centres and even move their savings into
church cash management trusts
that hold millions of dollars but are
All of this is helping to fuel an
industry that is turning over more
than $500 million a year and growing at warp speed.
Welcome to the new, commercial breed of Christianity that is
sweeping Australia and spawning
churches that are among the country‘s fastest-growing, most entrepreneurial and slickest enterprises.
So powerful are the new
Pentecostal churches that they are
changing politics, influencing
business, and turning their founders
into millionaires.
Critics of Pentecostal churches say they look more like shopping malls than churches. But their
members love it and the churches
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
argue that their ballooning revenue
is going back into the community. In
less than a decade, Pentecostalism
has become Australia’s fast-growing
brand of Christianity, represented by
churches such as:
HILLSONG Church, Paradise Community Church, CityLife Church,
Christian Outreach Centre, Christian
City Church, and former Wimbledon
champion Margaret Court’s Victory
Life Centre.
Demand for their product is so
strong that a new Pentecostal church
is opening every four days, and figures from the National Church Life
Survey (NCLS) show that Pentecostal churches -most of which come
under the Assemblies of God (AOG)
umbrella- now have the second-largest church attendance -198,000outstripping the Anglicans, Uniting
Church, Baptists and Lutherans, but
behind the Catholic Church, which
at last count had 764,800 practising
nothing short of a phenomenon,
given that traditional churches have
operated in Australia for hundreds of
years. So the Pentecostals are a force
to be reckoned with, particularly
given the penchant of many of their
leaders to mobilise their army of believers into politics and the business
world. And they could become a bigger force overseas; there are plans
to export, or plant, churches all over
the world.
Bigness is part of their story,
and they are success-oriented. The
churches are also big on growth targets. Christian City Church is the
most ambitious, with plans to open
1000 churches, with an average of
500 members each, by 2020. The
AOG wants to increase the number
of its churches nationwide by onethird, to 1500, and appoint 2000
more ministers in the next couple of
years. HILLSONG wants to increase
its membership of 18,000 and PARADISE wants to lift its membership
from 6000 to 10,000 in five years.
If the Pentecostals continue
to grow as they have
in recent years,
theirs will be the
nation‘s biggest
church within a
decade. This is
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
The Endtime events occurring are
coming so thick and fast that
Despatch must add more news
coming from underground sources.
Trying to access news
from the Internet is like trying
to sip water from a fire hose!
Full copies of the news items can be
sent for – posted $5. Indicate clearly
subject material required.
From Sorcha Faal in Russia:
1. September 22, 2005
Internal Crises occurring in the USA.
Massive Troop Movements continue.
Using the storms and terroristdanger scam the Military Leaders
of America are in the process of the
Militarization of the United States.
Russian Intelligence reports
today show the massive deployment
of United States Military Forces
under the command of NORTHCOM, which is the Military Organization charged with breaking apart
the United States into separate
Military Zones, as we had previously
reported on September 6th, report
titled ‘Operation Ophelia’ Begins in
United States as Plan for ‘Major
Cataclysmic Event’ Put Into effect,
NORTHCOM Assumes Control over
Entire Country.” (NOW RITA...)
But of immediate concern to
the Military Leaders of America is
that their stockpiles of gasoline and
refined petroleum products are
nearing collapse, and this coming
new Super Storm, Rita, will plunge
them into chaos….we are going to
see gasoline prices well over $3 a
gallon at the pump.
2. Russian Intelligence Analysts are
reporting today that American Warships have taken up positions in
the coastal waters off Venezuela and
that war between the two countries
appears imminent.
3. In August 22nd report from Russia
titled “United States Positions Tens
of Thousands of Foreign Troops
Throughout America, Cancels All
Military leaves and Ousts Another
Top General.” – shows that a major
part of the military forces in America
itself today are non-citizens, they
are foreigners. About 35,000 of these
foreign troops are in the US Armed
Forces, while another 12,000 serve
in the Reserve Components. The
navy has nearly 16,000 non-citizens
on active duty. The Marine Corps has
about 6,500, and the Air Force about
3,000. The monstrous, and barbaric,
agenda facing these unwitting
American people, totalitarian control
brought in through fear and slaughter by their own government, is causing them to depend utterly on these
very Military Leaders who they believe will protect them, but are in fact
their enemies. It is beyond their understanding to fully see this horror,
as they remain even to this last hour
asleep, and dreaming that these
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
STEP 19: National governments will
wind back their national armed
forces to levels sufficient only to subdue their own people and participate
in ‘global peace-keeping’ activities
as required by the UN.
STEP 20: National governments will
disarm their own citizens so there
can be no armed resistance to
STEP 21: National governments will
maintain a working relationship with
their local media who will divert attention from these developments
until they are too far progressed to
be reversed.
STEP 22: National governments will
agree to ultimately surrender their
own sovereignty and take direction
from the World Government.
“The real Australia is a nation which
appears to be self-destructing under
the deliberate policies of its own
government. ... Australians are entitled to know what is going on. That is
the purpose of this book.”
“ are in the process of losing
your country, your independence as a
nation, your democracy, your quality
and standard of living, your culture,
and in many cases you will lose your
farms, businesses, your homes, and
hopefully not, but possibly even your
“Mr. Downer failed to spell out precisely what `globalisation’ involved.
He talked on about `trade liberalisation’ (eliminating trade barriers between nations), leaving the impression
that was all there was to it. That was
only half the story.”
“Behind the facade of `free markets’
and `free trade’ a massive social and
political programme is also under way,
largely hidden from public view by
media silence, and which has enormous implications for civilisation.”
“....individual rights, freedom of
speech, private property, the traditional family, religion, and many other
things Australians take for granted, are
going to disappear forever.”
“Whether or not that will then be the
`end of human history’ depends on the
ability of the `ordinary’, decent, productive citizens of the world to arrest
and reverse the....
*Author says he hopes to update
this issue from 2001.
B.Sc., LLB., has worked
as a scientific research
officer, a personnel/
safety and training officer
in industry, a management consultant, practising barrister and professional musician. He
is now an author and international speaker
on the subject of globalisation. This is a
revised and updated edition of his third
book. His first was ‘Economic Rationalism: a Disaster for Australia’ (1997) (now
out of print), and his second, ‘Globalization: Demise of the Australian Nation’
(1998), now available in an updated and
expanded 2001Edition.
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Time to worship...the Premier, Bob Carr, & pastor Brian Houston address
the crowd at the Super Dome last night. Photo: Wade Laube
“The Prime Minister couldn’t attend. Nor
could the Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley,
who sent his apologies, a message of support and Labor’s chief whip as stand-in.
S.M.H. 05-07-2005
But a Labor premier, no fewer than five
federal cabinet ministers, eight Liberal
backbenchers and two National Party
Senate leaders were expected to front
30,000 evangelical Christians for the start
of the Hillsong Church’s pop event of the
In the wake of the rise of the Family First
party, Labor and Liberal Party politicians
say the influence of organised
Christianity is exaggerated.
Bob Carr, and pastor Brian Houston
address the crowd at the SuperDome last
night. Photo: Wade Laube
But few were leaving that proposition to
chance, keen to mix religion and politics
at the Sydney SuperDome, which turned
into a cathedral-cum-political stump for
two evening rallies last night....”
S.M.H. 05-07-2005
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
should be read carefully by our readers. It has been sent by Lynn and
Sarah Leslie of Discernment Ministries, USA. This is the epitome of the
deceptions we are all facing across
the planet. We, all of global society,
are to be TRANSFORMED in this
New Age, Luciferian Order. The
churches of Christendom are rapidly
being “transformed” along with everything else, few understand or even
Lynn & Sarah Leslie
August 15, 2005
In today’s neo-evangelical church,
the term “transformation” is currently
in vogue. Various churches and denominations claim to be undergoing
“transformation.” This word no
longer refers to the humble sanctification of the individual believer.
Rather, it now refers to an orchestrated, systemic and revolutionary
overhaul of the global church, including the “transformation” of cities, societies, cultures, marketplaces,
and more.
We first encountered this usage of the word during the early
1990s, when “transformation” came
to be associated with the massive
plan to overhaul our nation’s education system. “Education transformation” was a term nuanced with
esoteric meaning, -referring not only
to the comprehensive “economic,
social and cultural health of American society,”[1] but also, in global
education circles, to education in
“higher order thinking skills”
to facilitate the
collective evolution of consciousness.[2] We discovered that education reform
gurus were using the term
in the same way that the
New Age Theosophists
were using it.
New meanings for the
word “transformation” entered the
modern lexicon in the early 1980s.
New Age author Marilyn Ferguson,
who is credited with launching the
“coming out party” for Luciferian
Theosophists, extensively used the
term. She defined it as “transformation of consciousness,” “a new seeing,” “conscious evolution,” and a
“paradigm change.” Transformation
was an essential part of the Teilhardian leap from “individual evolution”
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
activities of TNCs and global investors in exploiting their resources including human resources.
STEP 8: National governments will
abolish all measures, including exemptions under Trade Practices legislation, which protect or assist small/
medium sized nationally-owned
STEP 9: National governments will
abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for
local industries.
STEP 10: National governments will
disempower unions, abolish wage
fixation, and allow their labour forces
to compete in an unregulated global
labour market.
STEP 11: National governments will
sell all publicly-owned governmentrun enterprises and public utilities to
TNCs and global investors.
STEP 12: National governments will
ensure international (not national)
ownership of farms by transnational
agribusiness corporations (TNCs) and
global investors.
STEP 13: National governments will
adopt policies of producing for export, and importing for local consumption.
STEP 14: National governments will
abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for
locally-owned farms.
STEP 15: National governments will
enter into agreements with international bodies which hand over ownership and control of their countries’
natural resources.
STEP 16: National governments will
sign multilateral treaties at the United
Nations which surrender their political and legal sovereignty.
STEP 17: National governments will
adopt policies of ‘regionalism’ and
‘multiculturalism’, and other policies
which will eventually eliminate national borders, culture, and identity,
and create global citizens.
STEP 18: National governments will
agree to implement globally
determined environmental, social
and cultural programmes in their
will have to fit in socially just as every
organization has to.
“Multiculturalism” will include multireligious policies, SYNCRETISM of all
religious beliefs. This means that
Christ Jesus will just be seen as another “god” amongst religious leaders,
all to be on the same level, Christ Jesus, Buddha, Allah, or the Earth Goddess Gaia. Our cultural changes will
include modes and places of “worship” dictated by the State – incorporation is the name of the game. Everything will be determined globally as
“culture” is changed to suit the One
Mind of the Luciferian government of
the One World.)
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An Australian Author about Australia.
The objective of the globalisation
programme is to do away with independent nations and turn them into
inter-dependent member states of a
single world Corporatist/Socialist
order with a single integrated global economy. This requires governments to implement policies which
progressively hand over ownership
and control of their national
economy, banks, big business and
industry, public utilities, and farming sector, to global interests; and to
surrender their political, legal, and
cultural sovereignty to so-called
‘institutions of global governance’
and ultimately the United Nations
world government. If the programme
were to be written out as it has to
be implemented by national governments, it would look something
like this:
STEP 1: National governments will
relinquish control of their money,
float their currency, and remove all
controls over the flow of money into
and out of the country.
STEP 2: National governments will
continue the practice of borrowing
from the international bankers to finance their affairs.
STEP 3: National governments will
depend on international investment
for all future development.
STEP 4: National governments will
ensure international (not national)
ownership of their banks and financial institutions by transnational corporations and global investors.
STEP 5: National governments will
wind back spending on welfare and
social programmes, including education and health.
STEP 6: National governments will
ensure international (not national)
ownership of their industries, and
businesses by transnational corporations (TNCs) and global investors.
STEP 7: National governments will
remove all impediments to the
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
to “collective evolution.”[3] Christian
discernment author Constance Cumbey bluntly remarked that Ferguson’s
type of “transformation” was “a euphemism for progressively deeper
levels of demonic influence.”[4]
There is currently a bait and
switch going on in neo-evangelical
circles. When evangelicals hear the
word “transformation” bandied
about, they assume it is a biblical
word from Romans 12:2: And be not
conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of God. In fact, the traditional
meaning of the word can be found
in Matthew Poole’s Commentary
from the 1600s, which exhorts: “Be
you regenerated, and changed in
your whole man; beginning at the
mind, by which the Spirit of God
worketh upon the inferior faculties
of the soul….”[5] Matthew Henry’s
Commentary further expounds, “The
progress of sanctification, dying to
sin more and more, and living to
righteousness more and more.”[6] The
Greek word for biblical “transformation” is metamorphoo, from which
we get the English word metamorphosis: i.e., a complete change, such
as a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Biblical transformation, then,
applies to an individual believer’s
progress in sanctification.
When evangelicals hear the
phrase “church transformation” they
may think of the paradigm shift in
liturgy, worship styles, music, megachurches, etc. In reality, “transformation” is substantial and deep, intent
on re-forging the very foundations of
Protestantism, western civilization,
and ultimately the governance of the
entire earth. While lip service is being paid to the traditional definitions
you read about above, in reality the
word “transformation” now indicates
a societal, cultural and global revolution. Here is one new definition
which hints at the larger scale:
Transformation—the measurable supernatural impact of the
presence and power of God on
human society, sacred and secular. In the church, this is characterized by increased holiness of
life, accelerated conversion
growth, reconciliation in relationships, mobilization of gifts and
callings, and an increased relevance to and participation in
greater society. In the culture, this
may be characterized by pervasive awareness of the reality of
God, a radical correction of
social ills, a commensurate
decrease in crime rates (evidence
of authentic biblical justice, as
described in Isaiah 58), supernatural blessing on local commerce, healing of the brokenhearted (the alienated and disenfranchised), and an exporting of
kingdom righteousness. To this
end, a catalytic core of saints typi-
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cally embrace a lifestyle of persistent repentance, humility,
prayer and sacrificial servanthood
that attracts the favor and presence of God, and breaks the predominating influences of the ruling power structures of human
flesh and the devil.[7]
If this new definition of “transformation” sounds complex and obscure, it is. Unless you have been
steeped in neo-evangelical doctrines, this will sound like mishmash. To aid the reader, below is a
nutshell synopsis of the new doctrines of “transformation.”
1. The term “transformation”
is used to describe a planned, intentional “SECOND REFORMATION”
(also called “New Apostolic Reformation” ). An early proposal for a
“second Protestant reformation”
appeared in The Emerging Order
(1979) by New Ager Jeremy Rifkin,
who called for a re-definition of Genesis 1 to create a stewardship mandate for a dominion over the earth.[8]
Rick Warren, of purpose-driven
fame, positively referenced Rifkin’s
proposal for this new
Reformation.[9] Just this year Warren launched
what he calls the “Second Reformation.”[10] Other evangelical leaders
calling for this new reformation include • Ralph Neighbour, • Bill Hamon, •
personal but is applied corporately
to groups and entities. One example
is: “Social transformation was defined as seeking positive change in
the whole of human life materially,
socially and spiritually, by recovering our true identity as human beings created in the image of God and
discovering our true vocation as productive stewards, faithfully caring for
our world and its people.”[12]
3. This “transformation” is to
be accomplished by a “mission”
strategy of doing “whatever it takes”
to launch political, social, and
cultural reforms on a global scale. A
philosophy of “the end justifies the
means” has been embraced to
accomplish these colossal goals.[13]
4. Extremely sophisticated
psycho-social marketing techniques
are employed to facilitate this “transformation.”[14]
5. State-of-the-art statistical
measurement and assessment methods evaluate this “transformation,”
judging “effectiveness” by pre-set,
man-made criteria.[15]
6. A plethora of intricate
spiritual activities with new names,
new techniques, new methodologies, and new doctrines purportedly
cause “transformation” to take place
in the heavenlies and then on
earth.[16] These include
Luis Bush, • C. Peter Wagner, • Jim Rutz,
• Robert Schuller, • Donald Miller • & many
• strategic-level spiritual warfare, • identificational repentance,• prayer evangelism, • on-site praying, • spiritual mapping,
• prayer walks, • labyrinths, • spiritual
formation, • & a host of other newly- con-
2. This “transformation” is not
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American Technology is donating four devices — three MRADs (medium-range acoustic devices) and one
LRAD (long-range acoustic device).
The four devices will be shipped out
Friday to a Marine military police unit
that is deploying to the Gulf States area
for disaster-relief efforts.
“We are donating the use of one
of our most powerful prototypes,
LTPMS-2, for use in Mississippi as soon
as possible, because the governor of
that state said that the biggest problem they have right now is the fact
that they have no communications infrastructure to get information or instructions out to people,” he said.
“They can very easily put this on a
truck and send sound out for a minimum of at least a mile in either direction.”
The Los Angeles Sheriff’s
Department, which hosted the event
as a guest of the Air Force base, is considering using MAD to replace conventional public address systems and
as a non-lethal “area denial option”
— a way to clear crowds in civil unrest without using chemical agents,
rubber bullets or the like.
“You don’t appreciate how
powerful this stuff is until you stand a
mile away and can’t see the transmitter — but can hear every word in a
Queen song,” said Cmdr. Sid Heal,
who heads the Los Angeles Sheriff’s
Department technology exploration
program. “At a quarter mile, it sounds
as clear as a car radio; at a half a mile,
you have to raise your voice to talk to
the guy next to you; at three quarters
of a mile, laborers raking up leaves
were putting in music requests.” ...
Both HPV’s MAD and American Technology’s LRAD are said to
excel in mid- to higher-frequency
sound ranges where sounds like sirens,
alert “chirps” and human speech reside. Products from both companies
could be used, at high volume, to
harm subjects who do not comply with
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54 Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
02:00 AM Sep. 02, 2005 PT
BASE, California — Air-raid
sirens, Frank Sinatra songs
and Muhammad Ali trash
talk blared over the Southern California desert in a
demonstration of new acoustic technology for crowd
control and disaster communications.
In mid-90’s morning heat at
Edwards Air Force Base, HPV
Technologies and American
Technology demonstrated
prototypes of non-lethal
sonic devices for a group of
military and law enforcement
guests, including representatives of the U.K. Home Office.
Representatives of
both companies say that
within days, they will ship
some units of their respective products to areas hit by
Hurricane Katrina, so authorities can use the tools
for crowd control, aid distribution and rescue operations.
Costa Mesa, California-based HPV showed off
three sizes of its Magnetic
Acoustic Device, or MAD, a black
square panel composed of multiple
speakers. The units on display ranged
from about 4 to 10 feet
The device uses magnets
approximately 6 inches
tall and 9.25 inches wide
to convert electrical
pulses into sound waves,
and is capable of aiming
sound precisely for thousands of feet — like the
sonic equivalent of a laser, or spotlight.
Its path and reach can be
affected by environmental factors such as nearby
flat surfaces, hills, bodies
of water or strong bursts
of wind.
A series of test sounds
beamed out by MAD, including gunfire, music
and instructional commands, were audible and
intelligible at distances of
up to a mile.
When a subject is at
close range in MAD’s
sonic path, and it is set to
high volume, the sound
can be excruciating.
The ability to broadcast
instructions or alerts at
great distances with minimal distortion could be
useful for authorities and rescue crews
in areas where other communications
systems are unavailable.
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
cocted doctrines with corresponding activities.[17]
(The reader is challenged
to find any of these in the Bible.)
7. A re-alignment of church
hierarchical structures, not unlike
network marketing, is said to be
essential for “transformation” to take
8. These new authority and accountability structures must be superimposed between believers and
God. The model is touted as a return
to the early New Testament model,
in which churches met in homes. In
reality it is a data-driven model with
a top-down hierarchy of authority
and control. It is variously called cell
church, G12, shepherding,
House2House, etc.[18]
9. This “transformation” dialectically thrives on a diet of constant
change which is accelerating rapidly.[19] Continuous change in the
church is pointed to as “revival,”
despite the fact that it utilizes business marketing methods such as Total Quality Management.[20]
10. The claim is made that
submitting to and participating in this
radical and comprehensive “transformation” is necessary to fulfill the
Great Commission. Thus “transformation” has been inextricably linked
to the modern missions movement.[21]
11. This “transformation” is
said to be incomplete until the Bride
of Christ is perfected on earth and
“God’s kingdom is seen on earth as
it is in heaven.”[22]
12. Therefore, believers are
told they are co-creators and co-redeemers, renewing the earth through
their various “transformative” activities.[23]
Neo-evangelical “transformation” doctrines integrate (or
“contextualize”[24]) Theosophy with
Christianity for a hybrid new orthodoxy, sometimes termed the “emergent” church. Therefore, this “transformation” is fertile ground for all
new forms of ecumenism, easily finding common ground with both cults
and the occult. Popular neo-evangelical leader Leonard Sweet laid out
this broader concept of transformational ecumenism in
his 1991
Quantum Spirituality: A
Postmodern Apologetic.
A globalization of
evangelism “in connection” with others,
and a globally “in-formed” gospel, is capable of talking across
the fence with • Hindu, • Buddhist, • Sikh, • Muslim, - • people from other so called “new” religious traditions (“new” only to
us)–without assumption of superiority and power. It will take a
decolonized theology for Christians to appreciate the genuineness of others’ faiths, and to see
and celebrate what is good, beautiful, and true in their beliefs
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without any illusions that down
deep we all are believers in the
same thing.[25]
Pertaining to this new-style,
global-scale “transformation,” let the
reader note that there is
Greek word translated as “transformed” or “transforming” into KJV
English. This word is metaschematizo, which carries the root
word schema which means “fashion,” from which we get the
English word “scheme.” 2Cor. 11:1315 carries this warning: For such are
false apostles, deceitful workers,
transforming themselves into the
apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for
Satan himself is transformed into an
angel of light. Therefore it is no great
thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of
righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their works.
NOTE: Intensive foot notes not included
here please request them if needed.
The apotheosis (transformation into gods)
of Antoninus Pius & his wife Faustina; sculpted relief, c.AD 161 ©
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outrageous for us Australians to hear
that many, possibly thousands of
Americans, came to New Orleans
with their boats to help, but have
been turned back by FEMA.
We heard reports of food and
water help, being forced to return by
FEMA and other agencies.
Bush is now returning National Guardsmen back from Iraq to
help New Orleans. This underscores
how few military units are actually
left in the US. America - at the moment - is just a balloon full of nothing ready to explode. We hear now
more often about Americans accusing their own White House of treason. We would frankly not be surprised if a civil insurrections might
erupt in the US.
An Australian businessman
called a radio station yesterday here
in Brisbane. He was outraged and
said he called FEMA and offered to
send houses free - at his cost - to New
Orleans, but FEMA refused! Bush
said that Cheney WILL visit to
NewOrleans to investigate. Since
when do we let the cat guard the
In view of our SBS-TV report,
it is within the realm of possibility to
many Australians that:
1. One levee could have been blown
2. This was another '911' style calamity delivered to America by the
powers that be.
3. Katrina, being only Category 2 by
the time it hit New Orleans proper,
should not have destroyed the levee.
4. Government response resembled
more of a martial law exercise by
your Zionist-controlled White
House, than any honest, urgent intention to actually help Americans.
5. FEMA intentionally, repeatedly
hampered efforts to help New Orleans.
6. The White House is consistently
blocking all initial investigations.
7. Bush have sent most US National
Guard Units to Iraq, which was not
allowed by American law...and now
between 10,000 and 30,000 Americans are dead as a result of it.
8. It will take America many years
to recover from this blow by the
White House, if ever.
Binyamin Cohen BRISBANE,
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(9) AN Australian Wonders IS NEW ORLEANS ANOTHER SPIN ON 911?
By Binyamin Cohen
Brisbane, Australia 9-7-5
Dear -----,
Last night, our independent
Australian SBS broadcast report from
their own independent team on a
hired boat in New Orleans. The report was radically different from
what was reported by the BBC and
the American TV networks. I thought
I should report to you some details
from this SBS news:
1. From their boat, in the middle of
the swamp, SBS interviewed an
American doctor.
He said he was working there
already for a week, and he never saw
another doctor.
2. They interviewed a respectable
citizen, educated, very eloquent, in
his fifties, and he stated in no uncertain terms that one of the levees
around New Orleans was blown. He
did not say who he suspects, but his
body language was very honest. (I
read many reports about it over the
last week, but now that I saw the interview with that American last night,
I believe it is a possibility.)
3. SBS showed bodies floating on the
water, still one week after the storm
4. SBS interviewed a white educated
couple in their seventies, husband
was said to be 75, they lost everything. They said they do not understand why Bush has money to
help Iraq building a 'democracy'
while he cannot help Americans stay
alive in America.
5. SBS news also reported they had
the ONLY boat to help people...that
they were shocked they did not see
hundreds of boats around them.
6. SBS interviewed many people
black and white who said that the
government sent military...but not a
single medical team.
7. The SBS news crew in their boat
also interviewed many people still in
their houses, surrounded by water,
with no food, in total state of shock,
some with their own relatives dead
inside their house!
-----, the Australian and New
Zealand media are flooded by reports regarding the total lack of any
help from FEMA to New Orleans. We
are repeatedly told about endless
delays in help and blockage of investigation by the White House and
We also now know that
Catrina was ONLY category 2 when
it hit New Orleans proper and the
levees should have held as it has so
many times before. It is absolutely
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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One of the most chilling
incidents to occur during the
BOMBINGS in London this year
was the BLOOD on the surrounds
of the entrance to TAVISTOCK
Tavistock is an eerie member of a
network of Luciferian organizations
operating globally.
It is controlled by
We received the
above picture from
“Danny” www.rense.
who commented:
“Can any of you
tell me what the
odds against a
so-called ‘suicidebomber’ ending
up blowing himself and a bus up;
when the bus had been diverted
from its normal route and ended
up ‘lost’ in Tavistock Square; right
outside Fortress GB in Tavistock
House, and that the ‘blood of the
sacrificed” would end up spattered right on the two doorposts
and lintel of the entrance to the
original Tavistock Clinic from
where the Tavistock Institute emanated, like a Satanic ‘passover’
ritual? ... P.S. If a voice inside you
tells you that is coincidence and
you believe it, I suggest you go
back and read
the question
Blood stains a wall in the area around
the wreckage at the junction of Tavistock Square and Woburn Place.
* All bombings appear to be
at occult sites see next page...
properly until the truth sinks in.”
The New Age, Illuminati global
government is heavily involved in
blood sacrifice ceremonies. They
delight in Satanic demonstrations
to the “masses” of their superior
power, using almost hypnotic
displays of occult significance.
Could the above picture be
yet another such
“sick” religious exhibition?
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(From the top of the above graphic) * BMA House - Theosophy
* Old sessions House - Masonic Temple (Duke of Edinbugh’s Lodge)
* Tavistock Institure * Freemason’s Hall Grand Lodge
“Control of the human mind and
emotions is the very foundation of
the reptilian [Illuminati] control of
the human race. Control a person’s
mind and you control them. The
external manipulation of the mind
takes many forms and the question
is not how many are mind controlled, but how few are not. Every
time you allow a newspaper, news
programme, or manipulating
advertisement to affect your percepOCCUL
tions and decisions, you are being
mind controlled.
The emergence of today’s vast network of mind control centres and
operations can be traced back to
the British Army’s Directorate of
Psychological Warfare commanded
by Brigadier General John Rawlings
Rees. This interlocked with the
Tavistock Clinic which was founded
in 1920 under the direct support of
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radio energy at up to 100
billion watts or more into
the ionosphere 32-620
miles above the earth, to
create huge, extremely low
frequency (ELF) ionospheric lenses or mirrors
which could be refocused
over the horizon thousands
of miles away from the
transmitters and used to
heat up and manipulate the
ionosphere thereby controlling the world’s
weather, melt the ice-caps
at the north and south poles, create
storms, cyclones, hurricanes, tidal
waves, and destabilize the magnetic
field of the earth and thereby create
earthquakes and volcanoes, and upset the magnetically-based migratory
pattern of birds and fish (causing whale
and dolphin strandings etc).
*It is not just a mere coincidence
that the abnormal, massive increase
in killer storms, floods and hurricanes
during 2004 affecting the West Indies
and Florida have emanated from the
precise area of the Caribbean that is
in the optimum transmission range of
the Arecibo HAARP base in Puerto
Rico. Mt. St. Helens and the entire US
mainland also come under the immediate range of Gakona and others in
Alaska. The devastating earthquake
and tsunami epicentered off Sumatra
on Sunday, December 26, 2004, was
in the optimum range of Russia’s
Nizhny-Novgorod and Dushanbe
It should also be noted
that the transmitters at
Tromso, Norway operated by Germany’s Max
Planck institute; NizhnyNovgorod, Russia, and
Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan,
are all manned largely by
Russian scientists. *Russians are involved with
the US bases as well.
Zhirinovsky, the controversial Russian politician,
has derisively spoken about how
Russia has taken control of these
bases for many years, and ultimately
is going to use them to destroy
Not only can HAARP control the
world’s weather, it can also be used
to interfere with navigational aids,
VHF omni-directional range, global
positioning systems, instrument
landing beacons, computers and
anything with a microchip in it. ...”
[End of Quote]
NOTE: by author Sept. 2005
“Hence, last hurricane of 2004
named hurricane IVAN (after
Evan the Terrible) and the latest
one in August 2005, called Hurricane Katrina after Catherine
the Great!” JDC NZ.
This book can be sent by CD for
printing for $5 in Aust. or download
the 44mb fle from our website.
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
An Amazing List
FEMA won't accept Amtrak's help in
FEMA turns away experienced fire
FEMA turns back Wal-Mart supply
FEMA prevents Coast Guard from
delivering diesel fuel
FEMA won't let Red Cross deliver food
FEMA bars morticians from entering
New Orleans
FEMA blocks 500-boat citizen flotilla
from delivering aid
FEMA fails to utilize Navy ship with
600-bed hospital on board
h t t p : / / w w w. c h i c a g o t r i b u n e . c o m / n e w s /
FEMA to Chicago: Send just one truck
FEMA turns away generators
FEMA: "First Responders Urged Not
To Respond"
That last one is real -- not satire but
straight from FEMA's website.
(8) HAARP, &
(Extract: “Alpha : The Hidden Dangers” p.106) By J. D. Christian N.Z .
April 2005
In 1996, Dr. Nick Begich and
Jeanne Manning, Canadian authors,
published a book and produced a
video entitled Angels Don’t Play This
Haarp about the top secret Russian/
US government High-Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program
(HAARP). In his book and video,
Begich explained how the HAARP
Project was being developed as a
military weather-control and mindcontrol weapon by the US Pentagon,
Department of Justice, NASA, FEMA
and the CIA linked together around
the Groundbased/Space-based StarWars Weapons System with Russia.
Through a sophisticated series
a giant radio antenna transmission
bases located at Gakona in Alaska;
Tromso, Norway and Arecibo,
Puerto Rico, linked with similar secret bases in Russia, the system was
designed to transmit high-frequency
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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The king of Spain, The Queen of Denmark, The Duke of Gloucester, The Princess Royal, The Duke of Edinburgh, The
Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Kent, Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg, The ueen of the Netherlands The
King of Norway Second Row...Page of Honour The Honourable John Bowes-Lyon, Black Rod Sir Michael Willcocks,
Sir Edward Heath, the Duke of Deonshire, Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover, The Duke of Wellington, The Chancellor Lord Carrington, Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne, Lord Bramhall, Viscount Ridley, Lord Kingsdown, Lady
Thatcher, Garter Peter Gwynn-Jones, Page of Honour Lord Carnegie.Third Row...Lord Inge, The Duke of Abercom,
Lord Ashburton, The Register The Dean of Windsor, Sir Edmund Hillary, The Prelate The Bishop of Winchester, Sir
Timothy coleman, The Secretary Hubert Chesshyre, Sir William Gladstone and Sir Anthony Acland
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
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Later came the Tavistock Institute of
Human Relations in London
(also involved with MKULTRA Mind
Control) and this is the centre of a
global web which includes the
Stanford Institute in the United States.
The aim of these organisations
is the control of humanity via the
external manipulation of the mind.
Rawlings Rees was a vehement
racist and supporter of the eugenics
‘master race’ movement. He studied
‘war neuroses’ during World War I
and he believed that by using the
right conditions neurotic behaviour could be stimulated and controlled. He wrote in his book, The
Shaping Of Psychiatry By War,
published in 1945, that the Tavistock
Group had demonstrated during
the Second World War that there
was a ‘psychopathological tenth’ of
the population who were genetically stupid. The numbers of these
people had to be controlled, he said,
to protect civilised society and it was
necessary to take steps, including
the use of psychiatry, …”
( The Biggest Secret, David Icke. P.326).
The previous picture shows
the Royal Family of Europe
[and others]. This is part of
the top (13th.) Illuminati Family.
Researach from
Springmeier et al.
From: Internet Associate - AUSTRIA
OR Send $1.50 stamps to have it posted.
It is done by a secular
researcher, small sample of extracts
only included here...
• 78 top level microbiologists and
medical researchers who have been
murdered or met untimely deaths
since 1994.
• probability of influenza pandemic
• The American population control
think tank, Negative Population
Growth Inc., recommended in 1992
that the population of the U.S. should
be 125-150 million, requiring a 50%
cut from its current level. In 1995, the
same think-tank published a study
recommending an 80% reduction in
global population.
• Top investment bankers have said
that by 2008, oil prices will start to
rise dramatically, probably exceeding
$200 dollars a barrel by 2010.´
• Mr Strong was secretary general of
all three Earth Summits 1972, 1992,
and 1997. He initiated The Earth
Charter Project in 1994, the 'Ten Commandments' of sustainable development. Gorbachev was co-chair of
The Earth Charter Commission and
Stephen Rockefeller was Chair of the
drafting committee. The ceremony to
launch the Earth Charter initiative in
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
rible], 2004, and Katrina, 2005. And,
that these storms were created by technology long-known and directed to
specific areas.
One weatherman asserted that
Russia has long claimed they can send
extreme weather and turbulence from
Siberia targeting the United States. He
proclaimed that Russia did that with
Ivan [later called Ivan The Terrible] in
2004 and Katrina, 2005.
He appeared on the Coast- ToCoast radio talk show with host George
Noory, about a night after Katrina hit
the Gulf. In describing how brazenly
the hurricane was created and directed,
that as an inside signal, it came right
over the National Hurricane Center in
...3. Some assert that a friendly foreign
power, also having high technology,
made the man-made Katrina suddenly
take a right hook and veer slightly away
from New Orleans and directly hit the
refineries and facilities of British Petroleum, owned by the British monarchy.
4. In an exclusive bulletin on Cloak
and Dagger, we told how the Bushies'
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), sabotaged the levee
which holds back the nearby lake from
swamping below-sea-level New Orleans. More than 25 eyewitnesses to this
treason are primarily but not exclusively blacks. FEMA operatives vowed
to find these finger-pointers and snuff
them out. A friendly foreign power is
keeping the witnesses safe.
5. Nationwide, the American Red Cross
solicited funds for supposed "New
Orleans Hurricane Relief".
[Has everyone forgotten that Elizabeth
Dole, wife of now former U.S. Senator Dole, having been accused but not
punished for reportedly embezzling
150 thousand dollars while she was
head of the American Red Cross.?
She is now a U.S. Senator (R., N. Car.)].
9. Oil machinery and other service
and equipment faker, Halliburton, has
been promised the contract to someday, perhaps not soon, rebuild New
Orleans. Vice President Richard
Cheney, a top-level criminal, was the
CEO of the firm and still receives
many millions of dollars per year in
delayed "compensation" from them
while he stonewalls important White
House oil dirty business.
The plan for treachery is simple. Residents of New Orleans fled for their life.
They obviously did not take along in
a plastic bag the deed to their property. So now out-of-town and out-ofwork, they do not have the funds to
pay their property tax nor do they have
their property identification code and
number. Sixty six per cent of the population of New Orleans have been
blacks, many impoverished, together
with a sizeable number of poor whites,
So it will be simple for land
swindlers like Halliburton and their
gang of pirates to grab lots of land from
the descendants of slaves or white indentured servants, bull-doze away the
hurricane-wrecked houses, and build
hotels and other structures to accompany a someday to be newly-enlarged
whorehouse district in New Orleans...
Disclaimer -
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Katrina was not on any radar screen,
although the 2005 hurricane season,
which began in July and will not peak
until September, had already seen a
record number of hurricanes...
Friday 9th September 2005
Report from the Houston Astrodome...
10:23: Joel just got removed. Almost
arrested. Fox News is down on the
floor. I’m in dome, hiding in seats.
They’re allowing some media on the
floor, not others.
10:31 Just met members of the Polish
press, they are being stopped from
entering floor. Says this is like the
former USSR.
10:57 Raw transcript of comments by
NOLA evacuee :
"The 17th street levee was bombed
by the Army Corps of Engineers to
save the more valuable real estate in
the city... to keep the French Quarter
protected, the ninth ward was sacrificed... people are afraid to speak
out... everyone who was near there
heard the bombings... they bombed
seven times. That’s why they didn’t
fix the levees... 20 feet of water.
Gators. People dying in water. They
let the parishes go, not the city center.
Tourist trap was saved over human
life. A six year old girl was raped in
here.. 9 year old boy killed. A man in
the shower beaten. No hot food. No
help for elderly."
Another evacuee:
"Over 20 rapes per night happening
inside this place. They bring in national guard for media purposes. Bush
wants us to stay here to raise his ratings. Some workers are stealing the
good stuff, like shoes."
11:16: Rough transcript of comments
by NOLA evacuee, male:
"We are treated like prisoners here.
Placed under mandatory curfew. We
are citizens!"
11:22 Now I’m speaking to someone
else, another woman, who says some
people report having witnessed "bomb
sounds," believe 17th street levee and
others were blown up to manage water flow and protect more valuable
portions of real estate.
"They blew the levee to save the
city..." Saying a barge broke the levee.
She is from St. Bernard Parish.
"More expensive places were saved
at the expense of the neighborhoods
that aren’t as valuable... Rebuilding
Bourbon Street matters more to the
government... that’s what mattered to
By Sherman H. Skolnick data page.html
Some meteorologists contend
there has been weather-warfare. That
is, they say, that there have been two
man-made hurricanes, Ivan [The Ter
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
May 2000, involved the presentation
of the document to regular Bilderberg
attendee and major shareholder in
Royal Dutch/Shell, Her Majesty
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands.
• With RFID tracking of every supermarket product on the horizon, compulsory biometric ID
cards, metering of water consumption, satellite tracking and taxation of motor vehicles,
and toll roads, it seems
that they are setting up
the infrastructure for
global resource management. This is of
course the reason why
they are trying
to get
the public to believe the
phoney global warming
• To date, the vaccine has
been the weapon of
choice in the war against
• Survival Tips
* Rule of thumb, if the government recommends it, be
it a vaccine or a pill labeled
cyanide, don’t take it
*Stop consuming caffeine and
sugar. Both of these substances markedly
suppress immune function.
*Selenioum. Vuruses mutate in seleniumdeficient animals and become virulent.
* believed to promote a strong
immune system...
*Vitamin C not only maintains a healthy
immjune system, it can halt infection...
*Vitamin A. reseach has shown that vitamin A boosts the immune sysstem...
*Vitamin E. A study funded by ARFS found
that high doses....fight off colds contracted
by the Elderly.
* Free e-book Beat the Bird Flu Virus...
• Population Control
• Global Elite re biological weapon is 14
billion to 1.
Note: The above vitamins etc relate only to
natural substances not
the laboratory copies.
... see BELOW
The Natural Health
Professionals are being
forced to close up or
are having their products seized by World
Health organizations,
thus aiding the Multinational manufacturers. Australia is a part of this
[email protected]
We know, from Europe, how the
CODEX agenda works and how the
attack will be carried out.
The government has already agreed
to CODEX - even if they say they
haven’t. The latest Australian Quarantine Investigation Service bulletin re-
Email: [email protected] Web Site:
Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
fers viewers to their CODEX implementation website. That is proof that
CODEX is to be in force.
We know, from Europe, what
is involved. The government will agree
to a World Health Organisation initiated “regulation” of health products
to “protect” us.
Any herb, vitamin, mineral,
enzyme or supplement above the
Minimum Recommended Daily Dose
will be declared a DANGEROUS
DRUG. As such it can only be supplied on prescription by an “authorised” medical practitioner, .from an
“accredited” pharmacy, and made
by an “approved” manufacturer. It will
still be legal to eat a heap of bananas
and overdose on potassium.
We know, from Europe, that all
health products, declared illegal/dangerous, will be seized to create an artificial “shortage” that can only be alleviated by the “Multinational” (foreign owned) manufacturers, at their
price, in their good time. They will
hold off until the sick (getting sicker)
will pay any price.
We know the Therapeutic
Goods Administration (TGA) will target and raid the big and the small.
We know the government, with
their lap-dog media, will do the old
“publicity stunt” to manufacture “public opinion” to justify prosecuting
practitioners for “endangering” public health.
A “paid stooge” will seek some
innocent supplement like Vitamin C
and suddenly “feign” numerous symptoms. The Vitamin C made him giddy,
"In 5-10 years, whole new ways
of doing things will emerge and
gradually become commonplace.
Expect big changes."
MIT's Auto-ID Center
Supermarket cards and retail
surveillance devices are merely the
opening volley of the marketers' war
against consumers.
faint and disorientated, gave him
diahorrea, brought him out in a rash,
triggered headaches and initiated a
burning sensation in his hip pocket
nerve for “compensation”. This in turn
caused a fire in the hip-pocket of the
Multinational owned law firm of
Sleazy Solicitors Limited.
The Minister for Health, responsible for topping up the coffers of
World Drug Lords will proudly claim
a great victory for public health....”
Much more info in this email plus a
second mail. Send for ...$2posted
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
There appear to
be three possible
1. Oil, which
now costs more
than twice what it
did before the Iraq
path has resulted
in maximum damage to the energy
and transportation
which will renew debate on energyconservation proposals in Washington. We will have to wait and see
what the outcome of these debates
will be, but they will not bode well
for the US consumer. Because of
Katrina, the Bush administration has
decided to open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in an effort to mitigate the economic impacts of oil-supply disruptions (and possibly to reduce
the price of oil, although this action
will do little to mitigate the inevitable oil increases).
2. Distraction. There are many reasons Bush might require a distraction.
Just two of these are the even further
faltering economy and emerging reports of his bribery to win the 2001
3. Martial Law. By now all the required laws and bylaws are in place
for the speedy implementation of a full
Police State within the US, requiring
only the right set of circumstances to
impose nationwide Martial Law. New
Orleans is now under ex post facto
martial law, and this could very well
be a localized test for the coming USwide implementation of Martial Law.
You can find further Weather
Manipulation and Katrina articles
online here.
EXTRACT: Mike Claydon
Katrina- By Stan Goodenough
Jerusalem News Wire
...Katrina has forced oil workers to
evacuate rigs in the Gulf of Mexico,
stopping the production of 600,000
barrels of oil a day. Seven oil refineries and a major oil import terminal
have been closed.
Oil prices have already gone
through the roof, soaring to a record
high of $70.80 a barrel of crude since
last Friday. Things could get much
The US is particularly sensitive
to oil price hikes. While comprising
just five percent of the world population, Americans daily consume 20
million barrels of oil – 25 percent of
the world's total.
Two weeks ago, the monster
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
area targeted for "de-population" so
that the land can go back to the
"wild", i.e., "Re-Wilding". Using
Weather Modification tools, the Illuminati is gradually establishing the
precedent that certain areas of the
land cannot be inhabited. When you
lose your Personal Property Rights,
you can thank "Re-Wilding" and the
UNESCO Biosphere program.
HAS NO CLOTHES!" -Part 1 -- Scalar Weaponry
Smoking Gun Proof That
God's Prophecies Control World
Events! As Bush leads the U.S. into
war in the Middle East, the shocking
reality is that our military forces do
not possess the most powerful weapons on earth. The Russians do, and
the Chinese, and maybe the Israelis
do -- Col. Weeks was right: We do
not have the weapons to back up our
global bravado! This war could turn
into unmitigated disaster.
HAS NO CLOTHES" -Part 2 -- Prophetic Line-up!
All of these topics are dealt with at
length on The Cutting Edge, (http:// and many other
sites as well. Our readers can write
to Despatch for a CD of “Weather
Wars” material, we cannot because
of time and the amount of material
collected here print any of this out.
But we have it available to be viewed
on a normal browser on a computer.
This could be viewed at library/friends
computer etc., then the chosen documents printed out at Officeworks for
yourself. Cost of posting CD in Aust.
$5. Other material following this also
On January 7 this year I published a
series of articles asking awkward questions about the SE Asian Tsunami that
killed more than 300,000 people on
December 26, 2004.
By now, it's widely accepted that the
quake was triggered by enhanced
HAARP activity. (HAARP uses electro magnetic pulses to trigger earthn1776b.cfm
quakes, severe weather patterns, and
More Prophetic Implications other 'population reduction catastroof Other Countries Having Greater phes').
Scalar Weaponry Than We Do.
Exactly the same seems true of
Lineup of nations possessing supeHurricane
Katrina that struck New
rior scalar weaponry are nations
days ago.
God gives a prominent role in the
End Times!
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
If consumers fail to oppose
these practices now, our
long-term prospects may
look like something from
a dystopian science
fiction novel.
A new consumer goods tracking
system called Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) is poised
to enter all of our
lives, with profound implications
for consumer privacy. RFID couples
radio frequency (RF) identification
technology with highly
miniaturized computers
that enable products
to be identified and
tracked at any point
along the supply chain.
The system could
be applied to almost any
physical item, from
ballpoint pens to toothpaste, which would
carry their own unique
information in the form
of an embedded chip.
The chip sends out an
identification signal
allowing it to communicate with reader
devices and other products embedded with similar chips.
Analysts envision a time when
the system will be used to identify
and track every item produced on the
Australian Passport New Chip
see also p.7 this issue
Human implants
Amal Graafstra's
left hand with the
planned location
of the RFID chip
Just after the
operation to
insert the RFID
tag was
RFID employs a numbering scheme
called EPC (for "electronic product
code") which can provide a unique
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
ID for any physical object in the
world. The EPC is intended to replace
the UPC bar code used on products
Unlike the bar code, however,
the EPC goes beyond identifying
product categories--it actually assigns a unique number to every single item that rolls off a manufacturing line. For example, each pack of
cigarettes, individual can of soda,
light bulb or package of razor blades
produced would be uniquely identifiable through its own EPC number.
Once assigned, this number is
transmitted by a radio frequency ID
tag (RFID) in or on the product. These
tiny tags, predicted by some to cost
less than 1 cent each by 2004.
[Note: the one cent tag has proved
unattainable as of late 2004. The
cost of a passive RFID tag is currently
between $0.20 and $0.80. -K.A. 9/
04] are "somewhere between the
size of a grain of sand and a speck of
dust." They are to be built directly
into food, clothes, drugs, or autoparts during the manufac-turing
Receiver or reader devices are
used to pick up the signal transmitted by the RFID tag. Proponents envision a pervasive global network of
millions of receivers along the
entire supply chain -- in airports,
seaports, highways, distribution
centers, warehouses, retail stores,
and in the home. This would allow
for seamless, continuous identifica-
Toll Way Car Scan
with Mobile
Shop with your smart card
tion and tracking of physical items
as they move from one place to
another, enabling companies to
determine the whereabouts of all
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
We review still more articles
about the technology to control the
weather. You will be stunned to learn
how prevalent it is today. We conclude with a shocking United Nations pamphlet that ties weather control into their New World Order Plan!
[Part 3 of 3].
Now that we have examined
firm, irrefutable evidence that
Weather Weapons do exist, let us see
how a massive, 500-year flood can
actually be created, in the exact spot
scientists choose.
Weird Weather continues to
rear its ugly head, in Communist
China. Once more, we see historically unprecedented storms - flooding this time - pummeling mankind.
Weather Warfare is a likely reason.
Updated 8-27-04
Just as Hurricane Isabel struck
a major U.N. Biodiversity area last
year, Hurricane Charley precisely
struck a major Biodiversity area
when it ploughed into Punta Gorda.
Government is still using "Weather
Modification" capability to convince
people there are just some areas they
cannot be allowed to live.
Action to implement Biosphere, "Re-Wilding" program is
apparently under way in earnest -[Part 2]
Hurricane Isabel originally
showed a Masonic Pentagram in the
middle of her eye for a very good
reason: this storm has devastated an
area targeted for "de-population" so
that the land can go back to the
"wild", i.e., "Re-Wilding". Using
Weather Modification tools, the Illuminati is gradually establishing the
precedent that certain areas of the
land cannot be inhabited. When you
lose your Personal Property Rights,
you can thank "Re-Wilding" and the
UNESCO Biosphere program.
Hurricane Isabel originally
showed a Masonic Pentagram in the
middle of her eye for a very good
reason: this storm has devastated an
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
After years of ratcheting up violent,
deadly storms, the finale just might
be the greatest "Perfect Storm" in history. In its aftermath, people would
allow themselves to be ordered off
their land, out of their cities, into their
"Reserves" and "Buffer Zones".
Sustainable Development =
Destruction of this Civilization-Part 4
In Parts 1 through 4 of this series on Weather Control and the Sustainable Development controversy
swirling through the world right now,
let us stop to review God's many
judgments in the Book of Revelation
that turn an aspect of weather against
wicked man.
The progress toward "Sustainable Development" in today's news
might be yet another indicator that
the End of the Age is very close. Sustainable Development =
Destruction of this Civilization-Part 5
When we study the progression of scientific advances that
allow government scientists to
control the weather, we can learn
much about Weather Warfare.
We shall take a basic look at
the technology involved in controlling the weather. We shall try to take
a simple look so you can understand
a most complex scientific subject.
Life Magazine takes note of
the terribly weird weather in the past
two years, gives great statistics, and
almost takes note of the capability
to control weather. Yet, their conclusion is almost the New World Order
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
their products at all times.
Steven Van Fleet, an executive
at International Paper, looks forward
to the prospect. "We'll put a radio
frequency ID tag on everything that
moves in the North American supply chain," he enthused recently.
The ultimate goal is for RFID
to create a "physically linked world"
in which every item on the planet
is numbered, identified, catalogued,
and tracked. And the technology
exists to make this a reality. Described as "a political rather than a
technological problem," creating a
global system "would . . . involve
negotiation between, and consensus
among, different countries." Supporters are aiming for worldwide acceptance of the technologies needed to
build the infrastructure within the
next few years.
The implications of RFID
We have reported that a
United Nations treaty is on record
prohibiting any nation from using
Weather Weapons against any other
nation. Now, we will review articles
that have appeared in the last 20
years boldly declaring that Weather
Weapons do exist and do work
"Theft will be drastically reduced
because items will report when they
are stolen, their smart tags also serving as a homing device toward their
exact location." - MIT's Auto-ID Center
Since the Auto-ID Center's
founding at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999, it
has moved forward at remarkable
speed. The center has attracted funding from some of the largest consumer goods manufacturers in the
world, and even counts the Department of Defense among its sponsors.
In a mid-2001 pilot test with Gillette,
Philip Morris, Procter & Gamble, and
Wal-Mart, the center wired the entire city of Tulsa, Oklahoma with radio-frequency equipment to verify its
ability to track RFID equipped packages.
Though many RFID proponents appear focused on inventory
and supply chain efficiency, others
are developing financial and consumer applications that, if adopted,
will have chilling effects on consumers' ability to escape the oppressive
surveillance of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers. Of course, government and law enforcement will
be quick to use the technology to
keep tabs on citizens, as well.
The European Central Bank is
quietly working to embed
[Part 2 of 3].
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
RFID tags in the fibers of Euro
banknotes in 2005. The tag would
allow money to carry its own history
by recording information about
where it has been, thus giving governments and law enforcement agencies a means to literally "follow the
money" in every transaction. If and
when RFID devices are embedded
in banknotes, the anonymity that
cash affords in consumer transactions will be eliminated.
Hitachi Europe wants to supply the tags. The company has
developed a smart tag chip that--at
just 0.3mm square and as thin as a
human hair -- can easily fit inside of
a banknote. Mass-production of the
new chip will start within a year.
Consumer marketing
applications will
decimate privacy
"Radio frequency is another technology that supermarkets are already using in a number of places throughout the store. We now envision a day
where consumers will walk into a
store, select products whose packages are embedded with small radio
frequency UPC codes, and exit the
store without ever going through a
checkout line or signing their name
on a dotted line."
Jacki Snyder, Manager of Electronic
Payments for Supervalu (Supermarkets),
Inc., and Chair, Food Marketing Institute
Electronic Payments Committee
On July 2005 this article appeared
in the newspapers in Rotterdam. The
article in Dutch is given here, and
the general meaning below:
ROTTERDAM — Goede en be-roemde
klanten van de Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam
kunnen vanaf eind juni en-tree en . drank
betalen via een onderhuidse chip. De chip
heeft de grootte van een flinke rijstkorrel en is
onder de huid van de bovenarm onzichtbaar.
De Baja Beach Club is naar ei-gen zeggen de
eerste disco-theek in de wereld die de
indentificatie- en betaaltech-niek gebruikt.
De klant betaalt 125 euro en krijgt daarvoor
de chip. de implantatie en een beginte-goed
van 100 euro. Een verdoving maakt implantatie
pijnloos. De operatie duurt enkele minuten.
Het sys-teem is ongevaarlijk, zegt de
discotheekdirecteur. De chip techniek komt uit
Amerika. Leverancier VeriChip verkoopt ook
aan ziekenhuizen die de chips gebruiken om
de gegevens van hun patiënten op to slaan.
If the children want to go into
the Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam,
they have to receive an American
made Verichip implant in order
to buy drinks and food, and pay
for entrance fee – or they will not
get in! HMMM!
How close do you think
Revelation 13:16-18 is?
“Mark of the Beast”
IN the right hand or forehead for
all buying and selling?
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
for the atmosphere IS heating up.
We part ways with these Environmentalists as to WHY Global
Warming is occurring and WHO
are the culprits.
To comprehend how our leaders could hate this Industrial Civilization so much they would take
gradual action to destroy it, we have
to begin at the religious level - the
religion of the occult. Remember, our
current and past national leaders not
only control armies, navies and aircraft of the word, they control our
national environmental policies as
Sustainable Development =
Destruction of this Civilization -Part 1
History's Greatest Misconceptions
Held by the Masses of People
1. The earth is flat
2. The Sun revolves around our Earth
3. "If God had wanted man to fly, he
would have created us with wings".
4. Only God can control the
Since our educational system has
been deliberately dumbed down to
prevent citizens from being well
trained in logic, mathematics, and
science, most people do not believe
that man controls the weather. In this
article, we will demonstrate the obvious worthlessness of this stagnate
Sustainable Development =
Destruction of this Civilization -Part 2
When you see that the pattern
of past deadly storms is consistent
with the U.N. Map referenced
above, your eyes should be opened
to the fact that our weather is being
controlled and utilized to create the
social engineering so desired by the
Sustainable Development =
Destruction of this Civilization-Part 3
"It is patently impossible to discuss
social engineering ... without implying extensive objectives of social
control and destruction of human
life, i.e., slavery and benevolent
genocide ... When a silent weapon
is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns
to tolerate its encroachment on their
lives until the pressure ... becomes
too great and they crack up.”["Behold
A Pale Horse", Cooper, p. 36, 40]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
effects of this atmospheric manipulation. There appear to be at least four
separate types/mixtures of contrails
deployed to ascertain/provide surveillance to the military as to what is happening with the atmosphere in near
real time. These planes have very
specific flight paths, aligned with energy bursts or extractions, and are not
just generally broadcasting this
chemical mixture into the sky.
In the above The bottom arrow
points to one of these EM energy deposit points used to create a cirruslike cloud. This energy point must
then have an opposite pole (+/-) much
like a battery; the second arrow points
to that second pole. Note that the contrail plane found that point exactly..
Thus clearly demonstrating the precision that these planes use while doing their jobs.
summaries & links only here...
Anchor, KPVI, Channel 6, Pocatello, Idaho
Weather Modification a LongEstablished, Though Secretive,
Reality"Weaponized weather
control is in use
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
By the
way, in the
“new versions”
of the Bible the
word “in” has been changed
mysteriously to “on”. The New
World Order organizations that are
foisting these things upon the world
have commented that the microchip cannot be aligned with Bible
prophecy about the Mark of the
Beast, as some are saying, because
the Bible states that the Mark is ON
the hand, and their chip is IN the
hand or forehead.
Ah, but the real Bible says
IN not ON. Funny how the “new
versions” have fitted so well into
this scenario.
SEE...Stop press p.70 for Freemason link to Kids & Microchips
extract “Alpha’s , Hidden Secrets” by J. D. Christian.
NOTE: Snake Eye ! (remind you of someone??)
For once, we agree with the Leftist
Environmentalist! Human activity IS
causing global warming,
4 September 2005
Hurricane Ophelia continues this trend of manufactured
weather. ALL of our weather now
has some imprint of scalar technology contained within. The
above image was taken
Saturday September 10th 4:32pm
Eastern. This is supposed to be the
eye of Ophelia; once again displaying geometry that would be
impossible to create naturally
within a fluid environment.
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Bush said as he toured Alabama and
Mississippi and headed for Louisiana.
"It's as if the entire Gulf Coast were
obliterated by the worst kind of
weapon you can imagine," he said.
I whole heartedly agree with the
President on this fact!
Remember this vital quote from
Franklin D. Roosevelt:
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it
was planned that way."
The evil Luciferian
organization named
“The Knights Templar”, a Freemasonry
cult, has Benny Hinn
aiding and abetting
its take-over of Israel.
Despatch has dealt with this
before, Hinn’s work is progressing as days go by.
29 August 2005 1425Z Katrina makes
landfall Monday morning. MANY
the hurricane rolls over the marshy
lowlands of southeastern Louisiana.
August 29, 2005 2225Z 6:25pm
Katrina is now well inland but still
a category one hurricane. SCALAR
this massive tropical storm.
Note: All the Pictures of these features
cannot be included here because of space.
Obtain a CD for viewing. See advert p.42.
Extract: Barbara Aho “Watch
& Pray”site
Why is Benny Hinn
Aiding & Abetting
The Templar
Takeover of Israel?
And why is Benny
working with Templar
organizations that promote the
ordination of homosexuals?
The following report confirms
our suspicions that the Knights Templar are conducting the present
crusade in the Middle East to establish a base for their planned invasion
of Israel. These modern-day knights
are also forming a religious coalition
to mollify Israel with a phony peace
treaty and to rebuild the Temple of
Solomon, from which venue the Bible states the Antichrist will rule over
a Masonic one-world religion and
government. The report also reveals
that Charismatic healer, Benny Hinn,
is involved in this religio-political initiative and working closely with an
Anglican Templar/Jesuit organization
that promotes the ordination of homosexuals.
It seems that Benny Hinn's assignment in the Templars’ current
Crusade is "to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in favour of the
Middle East Peace Process." The ICR
Middle East Update from Knight
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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August 28th 2005 This image was
taken from one of the hurricane hunter
aircraft as the photographer (pilot?)
is looking back across the eye to the
eye wall on the far side of Katrina.
What is curious, and I have yet to see
this 'ion beam' with any other images
of hurricane eyes, is that the photographer centered and framed it ... and
probably is just amazed at the sight of
this feature. (I would sure like to get a
first hand account concerning the behavior of this object.) Whose technology is
this? American, Russian, the Elite or
someone else's? This very well could
be one of the smoking guns that we
are able to add to our bulging portfolio of evidence.
One measure that a secret, but not
hidden, operation of the military has
deployed along side this EM (electromagnetic) scalar warfare is the contrail marking program. This program
has deployed a fleet of aircraft, impressive in number, that fly the skies
leaving trails that spread out making
portions of these EM waves visible. It
is like drawing a chalk line over a
chessboard where the individual
squares that comprise that chessboard
are being heated/expanded, cooled/
contracted, pushed, lifted, and ionized. Gaps, short breaks, helical twisting and other behaviors are looked for
as physical boundaries to the local
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
This NOAA satellite image
shows Hurricane Katrina hours
after making landfall on the
Louisiana coast. Reuter News
Scott Stevens'
Cont’d from p. 39
global government with its army,
police force, and enslavement of the
masses in every manner possible. The
Freemason’s motto is “Order out of
Chaos”, and this is what they are about
with the weather wars waged against
HAARP project (High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Programme) in Alaska is being used
in weather control. But it seems that
much more is happening than just
Haarp, as the websites on Internet
and various newsletters and magazines are revealing. KATRINA was
triggered by the powers-that-be; it
was directed right to its target.
Hurricane Katrina wind swath.
It is my humble opinion that
Katrina was an inside job. Planned by
the power Elite, not necessarily the
Bush Administration but certainly
by elements within, to introduce an
element of change into American
society; only time will tell as to the
full extent of changes that they desire.
All is not as it seems...
"It's worse than imaginable," the president said after walking through a
battered neighborhood in Biloxi, Miss.
He warned of gasoline supply problems this weekend because of damaged refineries and pipelines.
"I'm not looking forward to this trip,"
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
Ph. 38882974 Mob. 0422359978
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
Templar Andrew White
dated 13th February
2004 stated:
"Benny had phoned me
whilst in the US last week
stating that he wanted to
meet me soon. It just so
happened we were both
in Dubai the same day.
This was in relation to our
need to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in
favour of the Middle East A surge of Satanic power flows between these two
men, like electricity! Benny Hinn is the more powerPeace Process. We met at
ful, as he is imparting the power to Copeland !
his hotel for breakfast on
Thursday morning. He explained Thes.2:3-4) Evangelical Christians
that he had heard much about our seem strangely ignorant of these endwork and wanted to support it. He time prophecies, judging from their
has also said that he will come to Is- support for the Antichrist's program
rael with us ASAP. Both the Israelis with millions of dollars in donations
and Palestinians are very keen that to ministries like Benny Hinn’s -he should come on board with the $$$$$$ that will be spent rebuilding
Alexandria Process."
the Masonic Temple of Solomon.
So Benny Hinn is participatThe Anglican Templar organiing in the deceptive peace process zation with Jesuit leadership that
which will mislead the Jews to Benny works with also promotes
receive a false Christ, who will drive Christian reconciliation with homothem from the Holy Land which will sexuals and the ordination of homothen become the headquarters of sexuals as ministers, priests and bishsaid Antichrist who will place the ops. The Knights Templar were the
Abomination of Desolation in the powerful medieval chivalric order
Temple (Matt. 24:16) and proclaim from which the present orders of
himself to be God. "...that man of Freemasonry evolved. They claim to
sin...the son of perdition; who be working to restore traditional valopposeth and exalteth himself above ues, however, the evidence of hisall that is called God, or that is tory presents a rather different testiworshipped; so that he as God sit- mony as to moral values of the
teth in the temple of God, shewing Templars. Dr. Cathy Burns wrote of
himself that he is God."
(II the homosexual proclivities of the
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.
Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
From Gail Riplinger,
“In Awe of His Word”,
“Modern art, architecture, and
music are characterized by their
lack of beauty, order, balance
and rhythm. The decay of the
soul is evident in modern painting and architecture. Compare
Handel’s musical composition, The
Messiah, written in England a generation
following the 1611 King
James Bible, with music written since
1973 when the NIV was first printed.
Compare a building designed by
Indigo Jones (A.D.1572-1652), the
architect of King James 1 of England,
with today’s ‘award winning’ architecture. Compare a painting done in
medieval Templars in her book,
“Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star”:
"In the book entitled The Guilt
of the Templars, we are told that 'the
Knights Templars' confessions show
them to have been basically homosexual warrior order...' Other chargers were that the Knights Templar
participated in black magic and pederasty (anal intercourse, usually with
a boy). They practiced 'phallicism or
sex-worship and Satanism and venerated 'The Baphomet,' the idol of
the Luciferians. The crime of sodomy
was a rite of Templar initiation."
Documentation of Benny Hinn's collaboration
with this Antichrist organization with links to
the UN, CFR and the Jesuits has been submitted by Dennis Rhodes of Australia.
the 1600s with a product of the Modern Art
movement. (HPB: The
Extraordinary Life and
Influence of Helena
Blavatsky documents
that the artists of the
modern movement were Luciferians
and followers of occultist H.P.
Blavatsky. These include Paul
Gauguin, Paul Klee, Piet Mondrian,
Wassily Kandinsky, and L. Frank
Baum author of the propaganda
‘good’ – witch play, Wizard of Oz,
and his subsequent work entitled,
The Uplift of Lucifer. Today’s depraved children’s literature (Harry
Potter and the Prisoner of Azaban)
had a character called ‘VLABATSKY’,
an anagram for BLAVATSKY …”
The late Madame Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky was an occultist,
New Ager, Satanist and is now the
venerated ‘guru’ of the New Age
New World Order! She wrote of
white and black magic, good and
bad witches! “the serpent has ever
been the symbol of the adept, and of
his powers of immortality and divine
knowledge….It shows the dual
power of the Secret Wisdom: The
(Scott Cunningham, Wicca: A Guide
for the Solitary Practitioner, p.12).
This book can now be purchase from the
ELE Christian Organization. Lawnton.
$32 + postage?
Endtime Ministries...Christian Resource Centre [P.O.B. 1265, Burpengary. Q. 4505]
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Despatch Magazine ~ Vol. 17:3 Sept., 2005
The “natural disasters” versus “technological means of
manipulating the
weather” debate
continues on Internet and elsewhere.
Despatch comes out
firmly and decisively on one side:
we believe that what
we are seeing in the
Asian and US floods
and storm disasters
is deliberate technological warfare, created by the
global power structures. “Knowledge
suppressed” is the reason why much
of the population of the world
regards any comments along these
lines to be from extremists or kooks.
The technological means of
manipulated the weather has been
about for many years. The Illuminati
has been using weapons against
the populace of earth that seem to
be “natural” weather happenings,
in order to bring about control
Just a few comments here, from what
we can gather from Internet and
top-level investigators;
1. The Illuminati
is instigating
chaos in abundance in order
to create the
most fear possible, and to force
the masses on
earth into a state
of total dependency.
2. They want
chaos so that
they can impose
military law, so
that the masses
which are left after disasters can be
kept in “holding” or concentration
camps, or disposed of by plagues and
3. They are instigating centralized dictatorship through global state planned
4. Terrorism is being engineered, thus
bringing about more tyranny as the
“war on terrorism’ escalates and
causes more fear, panic and demand
for the global masters to “do something.”
5. The same agenda that is bringing
about the crash of the world economy,
the “wars”, “natural” disasters, Purpose Driven Life with its global “kingdom” Dominionism, and upheavals
everywhere the world looks is bringing to pass the CENTRALIZED
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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.