to and view the February 2014 Newsletter and Read
to and view the February 2014 Newsletter and Read
In This Issue • • • • • • • • Presidents Message Executive Directors Message Spotlight on Businesses From Fort McCoy Barb Brings to Mind Spotlight on Ambassador Al Wright Calendar of Events Annual Banquet Pictorial Volume XIV February 2014 The Sparta Ambassador Cabin Fever February 22 2014 Join us February 22, 2014 at the Club 16 for our annual Cabin Fever “All Stars” edition. This is a great event with wonderful opportunities to win guns, cash, and many prizes. Tickets can be picked up at the Sparta Chamber Depot at 111 Milwaukee St. Sparta WI. Tickets are $55 for a single, $90 for a couple ticket, and $100 for a gun table ticket. Presents CABIN FEVER *ALL-STARS* Strictly Business After 5 ABR Employment Services 5:30 February 19 2014 620 Industrial Dr #5 Sparta, WI SBA5 at ABR Employment Services. Find out how they can help your business grow with the right matches in the skill sets you need in employees. This is a great opportunity for networking and meeting with fellow business leaders in the industry so don’t miss out on this opportunity. RSVP YOUR SPOT FOR SBA5 OUTLYING BUSINESSES Showcase your business on March 19th at The Greens Restarant. Contact the Chamber to reserve your spot today! Limited to the first 12 businesses that participate. February 22 2014 CLUB 16 • • • • • • • • • • • • Tickets Can Be Purchased at The Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce 111 Milwaukee St. Sparta, WI or Call 608-269-4123 Ruger “American” 270 win Taurus “Judge” 45/410 H&R “Pardner” Pump 12 Gauge Weatherby “Vanguard II -Varmint 22-250 hvy bar Mossburg 715 Tactical 22LR Mossburg 802 Bolt 22LR Marlin 17VR Bolt - Heavy Barrel 17 HMR Mossburg Over Under 12 Gauge Savage “Axis” “Muddy Girl” Camo Youth 7mm-08 Ruger MK-III Target Pistol 22LR Weatherby “Vanguard II” Carbine 308 Win Smith & Wesson “Sigma Pistol 9mm • • • • • • • • • • • • Wingspans Tailgate Party Basketball games Plinko Fishing Pond Washer Toss Corn Hole Games Early Bird 50/50 Rafƕe Walk Arounds Board Rafƕes And More!! • MXB 360 Ɣnished in Mathews Lost Camo with accessories • Mission Riot with Hunting Accessory Package And Much More! or a prizes and deatails visit wwFw Annual Banquet Vice President of the WMC Jim Morgan give the opening address. President DeAnn Perzel starts the 2014 Annual Meeting Carol and Jeff Olson accept the President’s Pride Award Louis Zanon accepts his plaque for his many years of service to the Chamber New Board Members (from left to right) Dan Arndt, Todd Page, Ryan Tichenor, Rose Leis, Bonita Sanders, Mark Pierce, Shobi Zietlow, and Walt Wieland after the swearing in ceremonies. Award Winners Milt Leis, Louis Zanon, Carol and Jeff Olson, Kathy Mathweg, Luther Larson, Mark Pierce, and Jennifer Faber Presidents Message It was a pleasure to see so many of you at the Annual Dinner. Thank you Jake’s Northwoods for the wonderful meal and your hospitality. Congratulations to all our award recipients. I’d also like to extend a very warm welcome to our 2014 Board of Directors. It is going to be a great year! It is already February and that means Cabin Fever has set in; it also means Sparta Chamber of Commerce Cabin Fever event is just a few weeks away. Join us Saturday February 22 at Club 16 for this annual event. This year our theme is All-Stars and we have many games, prizes and fun planned for the evening. Stop into the Chamber, ask a director or call the Depot to get your tickets. If you have questions about an activity or want to get involved please contact the Chamber Office. Please check our calendar often as we continue to add activities to it daily. We welcome all to enjoy and participate in the many activities going on throughout the year. We have plenty of activities to enjoy and explore all that makes our area a year round destination for outdoor fun. Winter fun in the area includes cross country skiing, snowmobiles, ice fishing and more. Please visit our website or call the Chamber office with any questions. If your business would like to promote a winter event please contact the Chamber Office. Please shop local and support your fellow members. As you find yourself in need of a gift item, snow shovel, or something for your Valentine take a moment to stop in on one of your fellow members and see what wonderful items they have to offer. President DeAnn perzel Respectfully, DeAnn Perzel – President Thank you to our New and Returning Members • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fast Corp The Beautique Northwest Mutual Fast Eddie’s Lions Club State Farm - Scott Davis Agency Wayside Tavern Handishop Industries The Colonial Grapevine Log Cabins Lin’s Hair Salon Hansen’s IGA Best Western Justin Trails Resource Staffing Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Finishing Touch Drywall Magnum Radio Westside Wine & Spirits Mayo Health Flock’s Heating Edward Jones - Denise Halverson Edward Jones - Jerry Bisinger Innovations Rehabilitation On the Trails Festivals Flocks Heating & Colling Speeds Bike Shop Papa Murphy’s Sparta Festivals Shades Body Studio Executive Directors Message Exec January was a cold one, but things are hot at the chamber. Our ad campaign for tourism is well under way, events are being laid out for the year with a couple extra biking events in the works, upgrades to the websites are being implemented and planning for the next few months on traveling to various areas to promote Sparta. This month, I’m heading to Blain MN to speak at the Motorcycle Life Expo and promote Western Wisconsin as a go-to destination with The following week on February 22d is our “Cabin Fever” fundraiser at Club 16. Please try to support this, as the money is used to support various Chamber program, and plus- it is a lot of fun. Call the Chamber for details. Don’t forget to attend the Monroe County Economic Opportunities at Fort McCoy on Thursday, February 27th (look for the flyer in this newsletter). I’ll be finishing up the month by promoting Sparta at the La Crosse Golf Show. In March, we will be promoting at the Wisconsin Governor’s conference on Tourism, Canoecopia and Sparta Sports Expo. April will be the Wheel & Sprocket show. We have just about finished the line up for the Concert in the Park series, and will get that out in March. If you would like to sponsor these events, watch for the opportunity letter later this month. I would like to thank all those that attended the Annual Banquet. It was a great time to reflect on the accomplishments of 2013, and see the vision for the future. As we head into warmer weather (hopefully soon), remember I am here to serve you and your business. Please take the time to fill out the survey that we are sending out, so we know how to better serve the business community needs. Lastly, if you have not renewed your membership yet, please remember to invest in your community through the chamber. Also, think about the added benefits of being a corporate sponsor. You can go online to to download a form today. Sincerely, Tim Hyma Executive Director Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce Vision: We will take time to pause to envision a future for our region as it should be. We will create plans and seek collaborations that help make our vision reality. We will communicate our vision clearly, and empower others to act in order to achieve results Mission: Welcoming Business, Unifying the Community, Creating Possibilities Spotlight On Business: Union National Bank Union National Bank has a long history of serving Sparta and the surrounding communities in Monroe County that dates back to Monroe County Bank in 1894 that later merged with Farmers National Bank to become Union National Bank. We have embraced our community bank image and made an emphasis on being the best overall value to our customers. This is achieved by providing individualized service, cutting edge products, and the lowest fee structure in the area. We are the first Sparta financial to offer instant debit cards and one of the first to offer App based mobile banking. Whether it be a simple checking account or a complex SBA commercial loan we design the products with a specific customer in mind. As a community bank we pride ourselves as being good stewards of our community. No other financial institution does more when it comes to charitably supporting our local schools and non-profit charities. Just a few of the larger and more recent sponsorships include a 10k dotation toward school playground equipment, 5k Deke Slayton Fundraiser, 2.5k Skate Park, and 5k Boys and Girls Club Fundraiser. One of the more noteworthy sponsorships we do annually is the EverFi Financial Literacy program at our High School. This teaches our students not only banking fundamentals but many other useful personal finance lessons. Through these endeavors we let our customers know that when they do business with us it comes back to support the community in which they live in, our employees live in, and our shareholders live in. Spotlight On Business: ABR Employment ABR Employment Services is a staffing company that recruits and places temporary, try-before-hire and direct-hire administrative, call center, light industrial and skilled industrial talent in jobs with area employers. Founded in 1987, ABR has 12 branch offices throughout Wisconsin and 1 branch office in Winona, MN. When you need to hire, ABR doesn’t just promise a great employee, we guarantee it. Our hiring process is based on lean, total-quality management principles. This process enables us to provide higher caliber workers, faster and more efficiently. And, we unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction. To attract and retain the “best of the best”, we provide our Talent with a top-notch employee experience. Receiving the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Best of Staffing Talent™ award is testimony that we provide the employee experience we promise. In 2009 ABR acquired Kinsa Group. Kinsa helps food and beverage companies hire talented professionals and executives. Together, ABR and Kinsa Group are the only staffing company in Wisconsin with the ability to fully staff any position within a food or beverage manufacturing company. To learn more about full service staffing specific to the food and beverage industry. From Fort McCoy Fort McCoy public website Want to know what is going on at Fort McCoy? Want to know if there are any events open to the public, or are you a hunter and want to know if you can hunt on the installation? All these questions and more can be answered by visiting the Fort McCoy public website at The website features information that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It provides an overview of Fort McCoy, its history, and information for military and civilian personnel, and retirees, etc. The site is user-friendly. The navigational menu located at the top of the page features drop-down lists of submenus, which gives viewers a clearer indication of all pages that exist on the site. It provides links to the installation newspaper and the Fort McCoy guide. Information and links on hunting and fishing (i-sportsman), public events, employment, Pine View Campground, Whitetail Ridge Ski Area and much more are at your fingertips by visiting the site. Open House event set for May 17 Mark your calendars! Fort McCoy will host its Armed Forces Day Open House event Saturday, May 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Equipment Park located in the historic Commemorative Area was recently expanded and now features 70 pieces of military equipment. Activities planned include military equipment displays, personalized identification tags, sandbag filling station, installation bus tours and much more. The event is free and open to the public. Call 608-388-2407 for details. PINE VIEW CAMPGROUND Open to the public! Located near Fort McCoy off Highway 21. Follow signs to the campground. OFF SEASON RATES Valid October 15 - April 15 DAILY WEEKLY Rates are listed as Mil & DoD / General Public Handicap Accessible Cabin $65/$80 $390/$480 Lakeside Cabin (1 bdrm) $85/$105 $510/$630 Lakeside Cabin (2 bdrm) $95/$115 $570/$690 Eastside Cabin (2 bdrm) $110/$130 $660/$780 Lakeside/Eastside cabins are equipped with full kitchen (refrigerator, stove, microwave, coffee pot, pots/pans, dishes, table and chairs), living room, TV w/cable, private bathroom, bed linens, bath WRZHOVZDVKFORWKVDQGDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJKHDW(DVWVLGHFDELQVDOVRKDYHDJDVÀUHSODFH0RQWKO\ rates available - please call or visit our website for more information. 608-388-3517 | | Barb Brings to Mind February the Month of Hearts Brr!!! It’s been a cold one so far. Hope you are all surviving this band of arctic- freeze that we have been experiencing. Even my dog balks at me encouraging him to go out and do his business. But despite the cold we knocked off the Annual Banquet and had a great turn out. The evening went off with great success. Legislative Breakfast had a good turnout, also. We have some tuff birds in our area despite the -25 below with the wind chill. It amazes me some of you seem to manage to turn up for the occasion no matter what! Valentine’s Day-Friday Feb. 14th, I will be going into my 8th year working at the Chamber. I will have coffee and treats at the Chamber that day to celebrate. So stop in for coffee and a chat! I can remember my first day. The first person in the door at 9:45 was Al Roberts, saying so you’re the new kid on the block introduced himself, and said just do what Sharon has to tell you and everybody else in town and you will survive! And with that I was wondering what he was talking about. The fast pace and all the things to remember I was beginning to wonder what I did to myself, as it was really overwhelming, and in short term I thought I would have a slight nervous breakdown.. Sharon kept giving me encouragement and pushing me forward. And if I heard it once, I probably heard it a hundred times telling me if she could do it, so could I! Low and behold I’m still here and never regretted the change. Meeting so many wonderful people, having the chance to seek out into some adventurous places, hearing some great stories and grasping unto the vast amount of knowledge that I have gained over the past years.(Thanks to a good teacher)! My heart is at the Chamber and hope quite to be here for some time yet! We always had a Valentine’s Day Celebration in school. Sister Rose Rita had the game all figured out long ago. We had plenty of sugary treats all day long and the cooks in the lunch room fixed barbecue, hot dogs, chips and pickles and we even got orange drink. My mom was always called upon to furnish treats for our class. I can still hear her saying doesn’t anyone else’s mom own a stove? But she always came up with something. Sister was set in her mind that we could each only bring three valentines and place them in a heart shape box that she furnished. And the last hour of the day we received our final treat and each kid was allowed to come up and take three valentines out. At the time some of us couldn’t see why we could only do three. But year’s later I realized how she saved some of the kids the embarrassment of being left out by receiving only a few cards and maybe some….none! Everyone went home that day happy with the same amount. One thing those sisters did not tolerate was showing favoritism. Yes, we had a form of bullying back them also! Coming this month is the Chambers Annual fundraiser…Cabin Fever. Mark your calendar Feb. 22 at Club 16. SBA5 will be at ABR on Feb. 19th. Downtown Assoc. meeting Feb 11th at Park Bank-8:00am (Spring Events will be up for discussion). Hope the Ground Hog has good news for us on the 2nd and have a great Valentine’s Day, Barb Calendar of Events Want to become a Sparta Ambassador? Ambassadors meet on the first Tuesday of every month. For more information or to get involved and support our community please call the chamber at 608-269-4123 or Pete Perkins at 608-269-4759 Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday @ NOON at Jake’s Northwoods, except if there is a 5th Tuesday; they meet at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Rotary meets every Tuesday evening at Jake’s Northwoods @ 7pm Play Shoppe meets every Friday from 10am - 11:30 am @ the Parenting Place Saturday February 1 - Driftless Snowshoe Race - Justin Trails 7:30am - 4 pm Saturday February 1 - Sparta Area Education Foundations Casino Night - Sparta American Legion 5:30-10pm Saturday February 1 - Candlelight Ski/Hike/Snowshoe - Black River State Forest 6-9pm Sunday February 2 - Sparta Eagles Lumberjack Breakfast - Sparta Eagles Club 8am -12pm Tuesday February 4 - Sparta Ambassadors Meeting - Sparta Depot - 9-10:30am Friday February 7 - Chamber Executive Meeting - Sparta Depot 12:00 - 1:30 pm Saturday February 8 - The Compassionate Relationship - Justin Trails Resort 11am-3pm Sunday February 9 - Omelet Breakfast - Sparta American Legion 8-11am Monday February 10 - Tourism Committee Meeting - Sparta Depot 12:00-1:30pm Tuesday February 11 - Downtown Association Meeting - Park Bank 8am Wednesday February 12 - Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce Full Board Meeting - Barney Center - 12:00-1:30pm Saturday February 15 - Dueling Pianos - Jakes Northwoods - 7pm-11pm Sunday February 16 - Sparta Eagles Lumberjack Breakfast - Sparta Eagles Club 8am-12pm Monday February 17 - Chamber Membership Committee Meeting - Sparta Depot 12:00-1:30 pm Wednesday February 19 - SBA5 - ABR Employment Services 5:30-7:30pm Saturday February 22- Cabin Fever - Club 16 - Doors open at 5pm Tuesday February 25 - Advancing Wisconsin Manufacturing Seminar Series - Western Technical College 7:30-10am Saturday March 1 - Monroe County Historical Society Spring Craft Show - Sparta High School - 9am-4pm Saturday March 1 - Ice Bowl - Justin Trails Resort 10am-4pm Sunday March 2 - Sparta Eagles Lumberjack Breakfast - 8am-12pm Tuesday March 4 - Sparta Ambassadors Meeting - Sparta Depot 9-10:30 am Friday March 7 - Chamber Executive Committee Meeting - Sparta Depot 12-1:30 pm Saturday March 8 - Sparta Sports Expo - Sparta High School Sunday March 9 - Omelet Breakfast - Sparta American Legion 8-11am Sunday March 9 - Chili Feed - Leon Community Center - 11am-10pm Monday March 10 - Tourism Committee Meeting - Sparta Depot 12-1:30pm Tuesday March 11 - Downtown Association Meeting - Park Bank 8-9:30am Wednesday March 12 - Chamber Full Board Meeting - Barney Center 12-1:30pm Saturday March 15 - Brew Ha Ha - Justin Trails Resort 6:30-11pm Sunday March 16 - Sparta Eagles Lumberjack Breakfast - Sparta Eagles Club 8am-12pm Monday March 17- Membership Committee Meeting - Sparta Depot 12-1:30pm Wednesday March 19 - Safety first seminar on shoplifting and robbery - Colonial Bowling & Banquet Center 11am Wednesday March 19 - SBA5 Outlying Business Showcase - The Greens - 5:30-7:30pm COMMUNITY CALENDAR The Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a Community Calendar. You can add events to our calendar by going to our events page, and clicking on “Submit Event” Go to and click on events to view everything that is happening in the area! For more information on how to use this wonderful free feature please contact Ike at [email protected] or by phone at 608-269-4123 Ambassador Al Wright Al moved to the Sparta Community 60 years ago from LaCrosse. He met his wife Tod at LaCrosse Logan and then went on to serve in the Army fighting in the Korean War. His dad had always told him to “Get in business for yourself ” so upon his return from Korea that is what he and Tod did. He started with a small restaurant in La Crosse, and then had the opportunity to purchase the Dairy Queen in Sparta, it was a chance of a lifetime and Al, being as decisive as he usually is, he took the plunge. Al owned the Dairy Queen for the next 30 years. Both of his children graduated from Sparta High School and were involved in activities such as band, track, and wrestling. Al was an active partner in his children’s education as President of the PTA, and helping with the DECA organization. “It’s always important to be part of that process” Al added. Al became a member of the Chamber of Commerce when it was located at the old Nicolet hotel. He became a member knowing the importance of the networking availability with business leaders. As Al says “These are the people that can help you grow, by sharing their experiences to get things done”. 25 years later Al became a member of the Ambassador program and has been a driving force ever since. Al enjoys the Business After 5, especially the Fort McCoy appreciation. “I enjoy sitting with the GI’s and talking about where they are from and talking about the Sparta Community, it’s an event that really hits home”. Al’s sense of humor is always prevalent in any conversation that he is part of. When I asked him what one thing a tourist should take the time to do in the Sparta Area his response, “Talk to a Past Festmaster”. He may be slightly biased being one of the Past Festmasters, but nobody will hold it against him. Al went on to talk about the wonderful things that the Ambassadors do “You know we don’t have a lot of money, but we donate the funds we do have wisely to support the community and I’m proud of what this group accomplishes” The Ambassadors typically do Brat Fries, Getting the Float ready, helping at the Chamber office and many more projects each year to enrich the quality of life in the Sparta Community. Al was instrumental in helping the Elroy-Sparta trail and was the first president of the Friends of the Elroy-Sparta trail. His favorite part of the trail is the tunnels and it has a special place in his heart. “There was no place to rent bicycle’s in the area, so we decided to start renting bikes out of Dairy Queen, you couldn’t have picked a place farther away to rent bikes from the trail, those people were tired before they even got to the trail itself ” Al talked about the success of the trail and how far it has come from the days when there were no guardrails on the trails to where it is now it has been a vast improvement over the last 40 years. The Elroy Sparta Trail will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary next year, and Al looks forward to the opening of the bike trail. “I really enjoy the ribbon cutting for the Elroy Sparta Trail, there is just something special about it.” One of his fondest memories of the trail was one mother’s day the DNR allowing for golf carts to be on the trail. They used the golf carts to move senior citizens and handicapped around on the trail into the different towns to get a chance to view the trail, some for the first time. Anyone who knows Al knows that he loves to eat. While his favorite restaurant still remains the Dairy Queen, he talked at great lengths about the variety of food in the area that makes the atmosphere of Sparta what it truly is. “The people make this community, the hospitality, the important things like opening a door for someone, or how the hotel or restaurant owners will always take time to stop and say hello” I asked Al what would be the perfect vacation idea for the Sparta area, of course he pointed out the trail, but then added that the monuments at Fast Corp are something that cannot be missed. But to him it was the beauty of this part of the Coulee Region that truly made this home for Al. As we sat at his house on top of one of the “hills” of the Sparta Community I could look across the fields and appreciate the view, and why he believes that Sparta is truly unique. What truly makes Al special to the community is his ability to remember the friendships that he has made, in his typical tone of promoting others he talked about one of his most memorable moments of recent time being that of Harlan’s recognition at the Bike Trail this last Spring. “What Harlan has done for his portrayal of Ben Bikin’ and taking that object and making it human really stands out” he went on to add “It’s just amazing, there have been so many special people that have done so much for Sparta, Chamber Members, Sparta Ambassadors, all kinds of people come to mind, who have gone out of their way to make a community better.” Board of Directors the Board of Directors Mark Pierce United Country Markim Realty 608-269-0057 Wade Nolte Century Foods 608-366-1900 President Scott Davis State Farm Insurance 608-269-5441 President Elect Ryan Tichener Handishop Industries 608-372-3289 Dan Arndt Arndt, Buswell & Thorn 608-269-1200 Vice President & Treasurer - Darren Schauf FastCorp 608-269-7514 Jeff Nilssen Nilssen Electric 608-269-3300 Vice Presidents Bonita Sanders Bonita’s Bridal Boutique 608-633-1937 Denise Halverson Edward Jones 608-269-9136 Walt Weiland Union National Bank 608-269-6737 Jeanne Button Gerrard-Hoeschler Realtor 608-269-0542 the Executive Board Past President - DeAnn Perzel Shades Body Studio 608-269-8282 Todd Page All American Lumber 608-269-5028 William Hoffman Sparta Tomah Broadcasting Rose Leis Speed’s Bike Shop 608-269-3307 608-269-2315 Shobi Zietlow Resource Staffing Solutions Staff Tim Hyma - Executive Director [email protected] 608-487-4421 Ex Officio: Barb Bendel-Sandvigen - Tourism & Event Coordinator [email protected] Ike Rebout - Administrative Assistant [email protected] • • • • • • City of Sparta Department of Natural Resources Fort McCoy Sparta School District UW-Extension Monroe County Western Technical College Summer/ Weekend Staff Victoria Horstman Kassie Perkins Get Involved Today! Geting involved with a Chamber committee is a great way to help the community, contribute to the direction of the Chamber of Commerce and advance other opportunities to promote your business even further. For more information on how to get involved please contact Tim at 608-2694123 or by email at [email protected] Annual Banquet Milt Leis accepts the Lifetime Member Award Luther Larson Accepts the Ambassadors Y.A.P. Award Kathy Mathweg Accepts the Ambassadors Y.A.P. Award Directors Arndt and Page share a moment on stage. Mark and Jennifer Faber accept the 2014 Community Service Award as 2013 winner Bob Ohm, Executive Director Tim Hyma, State Senator Julie Lassa, and State Senator Jennifer Shilling look on. Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Sparta, WI Permit NO. 160 The Sparta Ambassador 111 Milwaukee Street Sparta, WI 54656 Address Service Requested 73 Years Cre es Unifyai ting Possibilitui nity ng the Comm Welcoming Business Mission: Welcoming Business, Unifying the Community, Creating Possibilities Platinum Bronze Gold Silver
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