DTY Pub - Direct to You Publications
DTY Pub - Direct to You Publications
direct to you dty publications Mt. Vernon - Jefferson County AND Surrounding Communities dtypub.com may 27 PRSRT STD CARRIER ROUTE SORT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Centralia, IL Permit #10 inside: Mt. Vernon grads honored for helping Franklin Kitchen.................................. 2 Mine rescue competition at Rend Lake College.............................................. 3 Karen Pelker of Integra Bank teaches third graders about banking................... 3 Third grade puts on guitar concert...................... 4 Don Sol cooks, Saul (right) and Daniel are grilling up steaks, chicken, and shrimp for lunch patrons at their brand new restaurant in Mt. Vernon. They are open every day for lunch at 11 am and serve a delicious all you can eat buffet on Sundays. For more information see their ad inside. Rams Baseball team wins conference championship..................................... 5 Special Olympics competition at Mt. Vernon High School.................................... 7 Steffy’s BBQs Prices! HUGE We intend to sell a lot of merchandise during this annual event and here’s how we’re going to do it! have a picnic saving money Look for SPECIAL rED & WhItE tAgS AnD SAvE uP to OR Look for BLuE & rED tAgS AnD SAvE An ExtrA OR SAvE An ExtrA 60 % 15 % 10 % On all kindS OF cleaRance itemS in eveRy dePaRtment! Some marked below cost! Hurry for the best selection! after RECLINING SOFA .......... start at $688 disc after SECTIONALS .............. start at $1259 disc after On all kindS OF FuRnituRe itemS in every department from quality famous name suppliers! Many additional items recently added! On neaRly eveRytHinG elSe! Including tons of new items in the most recent styles, finishes and covers! Tempur-Pedic products excluded. SOFAS ............................. start at $458 disc HIDE-A-BEDS .................. start at $557 disc after BEDROOM SUITES .... start at $1349 disc after DINETTE SETS ................. start at $269 disc after TV CONSOLES ............... start at $179 disc after RECLINERS ...................... start at $297 GReat FRee FinancinG PlanS* and FRee deliveRy** Steffy 700 s. 42nd st. Home mt. Vernon, iL FurnisHings 242-3146 ~ Since 1920 ~ *With approved credit. **See store for details. All items subject to prior sale. Sale HOuRS: Thurs 9am to 5:30pm Friday 9am to 7pm Saturday 9am to 5pm Mon Memorial Day 11am to 4pm Support your local community, to advertise call TIM at 315-0344 “Dangerous Gifts to Avoid on Father’s Day!” Please, forgive the stereotype here, but in my office, I see a LOT of painful problems that come from “guys being guys.” So please give it a little thought before feeding the tool addiction this Father’s Day. dty direct to you publications dtypub.com Publisher........................................................... Tim Halbin Sports Writer................................................Randy Olson Church & Religion...............................Ferris Orange III Advertising........ Tim Halbin, Randy Olson, Craig Lynch P.O. Box 831 Mt. Vernon, IL. 62864 877-266-8821 • www.dtypub.com project—because nobody can flush a toilet! Or back Robert L. Wise D.C. to the wiring disaster because the power’s off and nobody can cook (or turn ones where the guys feel on a TV). Their hands they have to: 1) show how are numb, their elbows much they know about are on fire, they can’t lift things they know NOTHtheir shoulder or turn their ING about; 2) compete neck. So to get a grip... with the kids; 3) feel tough so to speak...in our office and and relief—so macho by not “lock in” flexibility thebeing pain monthly newsletter we afraid of a challenge. Such doesn’t come right back! It’s called take a look at these dread- a waste...especially when Progressive it’s up only available ed afflictions Rehab™, and what and Dad ends in pain! to do about them. If you at HealthSource Clinics.But if he’s impossible, would like a copy give us we’ve got the “secret on fororthe last 15 years, I’ve had back a“Off call atand 244-3370 email mustache solution” in this pain. Then I experiencedmonth’s the worstnewsletter. back pain of me at [email protected]. If may 27, 2010 • Vol 4 Issue 4 dty is published monthly and mailed out to the Southern Illinois area. Submission of articles and art are welcome, email us at [email protected] or call for more information. dty is an si direct publication. Copyright ©2008 All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content within this publication in part or in whole is prohibited without written permission by the publisher. Safety Street reminds kids of safety tips As the children at left learn what to do if dogs attack them, other students are instructed to watch for cars backing up from an alley by Firefighter Donnie Hayes. Both teachable moments are part of Safety Street, sponsored by St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The cityscape was set up in the Primary Center gym during the week of May 17 to remind District 80 Kindergarten through fourth grade students what to do when walking, biking, crossing streets, avoiding strangers, watching for trains, and being home alone, among other safety tips. & Back Pain Relief—Fast—No Matter How Long You’ve Had It! g New BREAKTHROUGH TECHNIQUE Relieves Suffering for Thousands—All Across the USA! That’s right, TOOLS— Answeras intohammers, BackscrewdrivPain ers, power saws,Pilates, screw ssage, therapy, yoga, guns, mowers, blowers, ses is like getting half-fixed. shears, drills, staplers, ough approach COMBINES trimmers, chain saws, routers, wrenches, band n, ligament therapy and rehab saws and rototillers. s, chiropractic for the spine, These can turn into “tools time.beBut 3 visits later, and I was pain rves, PLUS rebalancing to allAlso, careful about you want to know of torture”—not because Photo by Teri Clark 00 FREE EXAM $189 Comprehensive 19-point exam FREE takes guesswork out of pain relief—explained in everyday English. Written action plan for fast RELIEF. No obligation—no pressure! NO RISK—100% MONEY BACK TRIPLE SATISFACTION PLEDGE! what free...and still am!” —Bob Bove of the tools themselves, encouraging too many it is, you better get your 1) You must get in the same day you call, or but because of the way fix-up projects around the hands on a HealthSource your first treatment is FREE. relief fromNewsletter! MIGRAINES!” house or the yard—the the “guys” blindly rip “Life-altering You MUST be delighted with our office or into their projects with a —Rhonda Mitchell 2) you get YOUR MONEY BACK. vengeance— then pay the 3) Find a better PLEDGE than ours, you’ll get price...when they come Photo by Teri Clark a week of FREE treatment! shuffling into my office, MVTHS grads honored for their help in Franklin kitchen barely able to move, but Dr. (NAME HERE), D.C. 329 Broadway • Mt. Vernon Courtney Sammons (front) and Charnette Long (second from right) are among the Mt. Vernon Township High School students desperate to get back to This offer does not apply to federal insurance beneficiaries who have assisted Franklin Early Education Center cook Kathy Harris (behind Sammons) this school year through the Secondary 618-244-3370and• www.healthsourcechiro.com the unfinished plumbing ACN participants. Transitional Experience Program (S.T.E.P.). To celebrate the young women’s graduation from M.V.T.H.S., Harris, joined by S.T.E.P. coordinator Starla Brieseacher (back left) and Franklin principal Aletta Lawrence (far right), presented the graduates Send your questions or comments to [email protected] with a gift and a cake in their honor. lks Like YOU On Our corded Hope” Hotline al people in pain with fears and concerns! Call 1-800-646-0014 their recorded stories! Mt. Vernon’s newest restaurant is now open Try our specials Monday and Tuesday Buy two regular lunches SUMMER CAMPS or dinners and get a free cheese sauce Wednesday Margarita Pitcher ONLY $5.99 any flavor all day sunday Buffet (menu items not available during buffet, includes the most popular items from our menu) JUNE 7-25 Call 618-437-5321 Ext. 1250 Baseball Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Softball Golf Soccer Wrestling Dance Cheer Volleyball JUNE 14- JULY 1 Call 618-437-5321 Ext. 1267/1367 Animal Science Aqua Sports Blastoff! 8 Bug’s Life Biotech Cake Creations Chefs of Tomorrow Comedy Camp Competitive Edge Swim Excess Energy Garbage Pail Science Horseback Riding Inside-Out Computer Kids Martial Arts Outdoorsman Outerspace Art Sign-Tastic Weird Science I & II Strike A Pose FOR COMPLETE BROCHURES, VISIT ONLINE AT WWW.RLC.EDU 2 www.dtypub.com may 27 Carry out available • Senior DiSCountS open sunday- Thursday 11am to 9:30 pm Friday and saturday 11 am to 10:30 pm 300 S. 44th St. • Mt. Vernon • 242-0003 dty Roberty Earl Jones Mine Rescue Competition Rend Lake College hosted the Robert Earl Jones Mine Rescue Competition for the fourth-straight year yesterday on the south side of the main campus in Ina. More than a dozen mine rescue teams from the tristate area competed on the course. American Coal’s Galatia Mine finished the course with the fastest time and took home first place. Runnerup honors went to Gibson County Coal’s Team Rhino. Knight Hawk member talks to his teammates on the course behind him. From the desk of Pastor Ferris Isn’t that good enough? The question often arises, if I live a good life and am a good person, isn’t that good enough? If I don’t hurt people, don’t drink, don’t cuss, don’t steal, and don’t lie, and I am basically good, isn’t that good enough? If my good works out number my bad works, isn’t that good enough? Well if you were a Buddhist, your good works might get you in one of their 33 heavens. But you could only stay for awhile. Here is what the Buddhist believes. “One day in the heaven realm is equal to 400 human years. But, one day the karma that put you in this heaven will be used up. You are only in heaven as long as your Karma account has merit in it. When the karma that put you in heaven is used up... you’re reborn. In this human rebirth, we experience anxiety and fear to keep us striving. We cannot relax too long in any one mental state as a human, because all things are in a constant state of flux.” When all is said and done, who wants to go to heaven just for a little while and then come back to try to earn a longer stay and do this over and over and over again, always working to achieve being good enough but never making it. Maybe if you were a Muslim, and deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and deny the Holy Spirit and only accept the Muslim belief that entry to Paradise is dependent upon recognizing and worshiping Allah, and performing good works, as a works-oriented religion, Islam requires that its adherents earn their way to heaven. Muslims have no guarantee of being saved. They believe that all their works will be accounted for and that on Judgment Day, if your bad works outweigh your good works, you are going to go to hell. But if your good works outweigh your bad works, you’ll probably go to heaven. None of us, no matter how much good we may do, deserve forgiveness or salvation. There is nothing you can do that will make you worthy of it. You cannot be saved by keeping the commandments; the word of God clearly shows you that you have not kept them. James 2:10 says “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.” In John 6, the Jews asked Jesus, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” (v 28). In other words, they wanted to know what works God required them to do for eternal life. But Jesus’ answer startled them: “This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent” (v 29). They could not be saved by doing Photo by Teri Clark Third graders hear about banking at Primary Center Karen Pelker of Integra Bank speaks to third graders about her career and the banking system. Third grade teacher Rebecca Frisby noted that she was especially pleased to have the children see a woman in such a positive professional role. Pastor Ferris works. God’s only requirement was belief in His Son. Furthermore, if we define believe as surrender, commit, or obey, we revert back to a salvation by works. It is impossible that faith could in any way be a work of merit or something done to earn God’s grace “Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt. But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness” (Rom 4:4-5). Faith is simple--so simple millions miss it! Many have missed it in Acts 16:31. What must you do to be saved? The biblical answer is simply believe only in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept his death as the price for your sins. Accept his resurrection as evidence of Gods power to give you eternal salvation and you will be saved. It is not by your works, there never good enough. It is only buy the work done on the cross. Accept his work done for you. Send your comments or suggestions to [email protected] Got an event you would like to see covered for your club or organization? Just email us the info at [email protected] Don’t miss our next exciting Interstate AUTO AUCTION SATUrdAy, JUNe 12Th MArk yOUr CAleNdArS fOr The I 64 AUTO AUCTION, The SeCONd SATUrdAy Of eACh MONTh! Visit our website for more information, i64auction.com i 64 auction. 16501 n. woodlawn ln. woodlawn, il 62898 1-888-540-8640 618-735-2323 UNITED COVENANT CHURCH 743 Old Fairfield Rd. • Mt.Vernon, IL. • 618-367-6041 Sunday New Servic Time 10:30 am • Wednesday 7:00pm Bean Insurance Agency, Inc. When it comes to insuring your family, trust the professionals at Bean Insurance. We offer competitive rates and fast friendly service! 3 Day SaleS event Thursday • Friday • saTurday RecLining SofaS from $799 matching all leather brown FUll Set LaZBoy Sofa now only $1099 $ 599 QUeen Set matching loveseat chair & ottoman available $ Joshua LaZ-Boy ensenada oak Dining RecLineR Room TaBLe $399 your with 6 high leg chairs choice of colors onLy $999 Auto • Home HeAltH • life 699 King Set $ 899 We will be closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day Lang We’ve got you Covered! dty Mattress & Boxspring loveseat available For all your needs... 1310 Broadway • Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 Phone: 618.242.6017 • Fax: 618.242.6018 Email: [email protected] PeRFect SleePeR Furniture Quality Furniture For your entire Home! “Drive A Little and Save A Lot” may 27 7 miles south of Mt. Vernon on Rt. 37 in Bonnie 618-242-3929 HOURS: Mon.- Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.dtypub.com 3 Primary Center second graders dine at China Buffet Third grade guitar concert Photo by Teri Clark View our cur ren t list ings onli ne at ww w.b evis rea lest ate .com Edvis Badger watches as music teacher Janet Sinks gives a cue during a guitar concert on May 10 in the Primary Center gym. Every third grader has learned to play the guitar this school year, thanks to the work of Sinks and a grant from the Schweinfurth Foundation. An auditioned group of third graders that forms a chorus also performed several selections during the concerts. Second graders Jaccarri Hunt (left) and Tyrist Owens of Michelle Baumgarte’s class at the Primary Center use chopsticks to sample a variety of dishes at the China Buffet recently. The outing of children in Baumgarte’s, Becky Deaton’s, and Carlene Brown’s classes was the culmination of a two-week unit on China. Real estate llC Personal Attention, Professional Results. Photo by Teri Clark Miles of Smiles Cynthia A. Bevis Broker/Owner GRI, e-Pro, CSC 315-0392 Rosie (Nehrkorn) Cosens REALTOR® 438-1900 Dr. Brad Bush of the Miles of Smiles program examines kindergartner Shymeer Harris’ teeth on May 14 at the Primary Center. Approximately 270 students were eligible to receive a free exam, cleaning, sealant, and fluoride treatment, according to school nurse Deanna Metje. Wouldn’t you love to live in this setting? Brick ranch with full walk-out basement on 25 acres. 3 BR/2 Bath, beautiful hardwood floors. Lovingly landscaped with perennial flowers, bushes, fruit trees and more. Waltonville Schools. 281208 618-244-9500 • Toll Free: 877-526-7362 Bill Stewart REALTOR® 204-2900 Rob McGovern Broker Associate, REALTOR®, e-Pro, CSC 339-8187 815 Broadway Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 www.BevisRealEstate.com Photo by Teri Clark INtroducINg a rare breed: Now for a limited time take 20% off IN 12 aNd 15 feet wIde optIoNs the softer, stroNger NyloN carpet. Luxurious softness Plus get a fRee $1 49.95 rechargeable Value oReCk sweep n go with a 50 yard tigressa carpet purchase For ultimate comfort, exceptional strength and durability for long-term wear, That’s Tigressá SoftStyle. 12 moNtHS INtereSt free fINaNcINg ceramIc aNd porceLeaN tILe We are your authorized • 3 beautiful colors to um dealer cu va al ci er m m co k C e choose from R o ½ oN SaLe Come see the Now oNLY latest in new age vacuums u 2000 upright $ 299 Visit our 13,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom & Save! ONE STOP www.dtypub.com PRicE Now oNLY SalE $ 99 Voted #1 5 Flooring Store !!! Years in a Row 824 park plaza, Mt. Vernon (Behind Borowiak’s IGA) 4 • 18x18 or 20x20 • Regular $3.99 sq ft 618-242-5712 may 27 1 sq. ft. New Summer HourS Weekdays 9:00 to 5:30 Saturday 9:00-3:00 Closed Sunday dty ok? Are you on FaceboLook us up and join the So are we! direct to you publications group BlueBerry lattice Pie Yield: 10 servings Rams Baseball Team Wins Conference Championship The Mt. Vernon Rams Baseball team has exploded to a 26-4 record as they prepare to enter post season play in the Class 3A Baseball Regional. The Rams have recent quality wins overall Belleville East, Edwardsville, and Belleville West (all 4A schools) while extending their winning streak to 17 games. They captured the South Seven Conference Championship this season by running the table with a 10-0 record. They are coached by Tim Holloway. Crust: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 12 Tbsp (1-1/2 sticks) cold trans fat free margarine, cut into bits 2 large eggs 2 egg whites Heart Healthy Recipe Filling: 2 pints blueberries, rinsed and drained 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 Tbsp trans fat free margarine Nutrition facts (per serving): Set oven racks at the upper & lower thirds of the oven & preheat to 400° Make crust: In a medium bowl, combine flours, sugar, salt and baking powder, and stir well. Add margarine and, with your fingers, rub margarine into dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Calories: 372; Fat: 12g; Saturated Fat: 3g; Cholesterol: 42mg; Sodium: 314mg; Carbohydrates: 56g; Fiber: 4g; Protein: 7g In a small bowl, beat eggs and egg whites, and pour over the flour and margarine mixture. Stir with a fork until a dough just forms. Richardson Return To Defend State Track Meet On a lightly floured work surface, press and knead dough quickly 3 or 4 times, until smooth and uniform. Separate dough into two equal-sized balls. With a rolling pin, flatten dough balls into 6-inch circles and wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Refrigerate dough at least 1 hour or until ready to use. Margo Richardson of Mt. Vernon captured the Sectional Championship in the 1600meter and 3200 meter runs to advance to the State Track Meet again and attempt to defend her two State Championship Titles from a year ago. Richardson has set numerous school records at MVTHS and will run college track and cross country at St. Louis University. Make filling: In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup of blueberries with sugar and bring to a simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar is melted and mixture is very liquid, about 5 minutes. Stir constantly, over low heat, until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Pour into a large bowl and stir in cinnamon and margarine. Add remaining 3 cups of blueberries and stir gently. Set aside and let cool. Make pie: On a lightly floured surface, roll out bottom crust and arrange in a 9-inch pie pan. Pour cooled filling into bottom crust. Roll remaining dough into a rectangle and, with a fluted pastry wheel, cut 8 small strips. Weave strips, 4 in each direction, overlapping each other, and cut off excess. Crimp overhanging dough decoratively. From Place pie in oven on the lower rack and reduce temperature to 375°. Bake for about 30 minutes, until golden brown and filling is bubbling gently. If top crust has not colored sufficiently, move pie to upper rack for an additional 5-10 minutes. Cool pie on a rack. Watch the Health eCooking Show and find hundreds of other recipes at: Tate Selected As Conference MVP Again www.crossroadscommunityhospital.com. Mt. Vernon Lady Rams softball player, Kenzi Tate, was selected as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the South Seven Conference for the second straight year. Tate is enjoying another stellar season on the mound for the Lady Rams, compiling a 10-1 record at press time while chalking up numerous strikeouts. She also threw a no-hit perfect game earlier this season during which she struck out 19 batters, a school record. Tate is a junior for coach Amy (Jenkins) Johnson. Click on Health eCooking recipes. Flexsteel is America’s Seating Specialist ARe you ReAdy foR BeAutiful new mAintenAnce fRee energy saving windows oR siding foR youR home? Spend your dollarS wiSer at energy MI$ER $pend your dollars wiser Our windOws wOrk harder with eneRgy miseR: Your time is important •Ourappointmentsaren’tlongerthan30minutes Your schedule is important •Ifonlyoneofyouisavailable,that’sfine CALL NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR FOR YOUR FREE GUIDE TO LEAD & HEALTHY NUTRITION Whether you’re looking for that perfect sofa, relaxing chair and ottoman, luxury leather or simply adding new dimension to an existing room... Stop in Newell Furniture and experience the Flexsteel Difference. Your mONeY is important •We’llgiveyouourpriceinwriting,withnominimums Your health is important •We’reanEPACertifiedContractor#NAT24098-1 Newell Furniture and Flexsteel are teaming up for prices and durability that can’t be beat!!! NAT 24098-1 For Replacement Windows, Siding, Exterior doors, Patio Doors or French Doors Call Graham or Tim today for a 200 E. Main WoodlaWn 618-735-2000 FREE no obliGaTion ESTimaTE 866-896-8364 Tim Regenhardt Graham Tamplin call 618-316-9399 or email us at [email protected] call 618-237-7001 dty F r e e De li v ery & Free Fi n a n ci ng Ava i la ble may 27 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00 Sat. 9:00-4:00 www.dtypub.com 5 90.9 The Vine Presents Summer Block Party at Central Local Christian Radio, 90.9 The Vine, is pleased to announce a series of concerts to be held in Mt. Vernon at Central Christian Church. The first concert to be announced is a Summer Block Party on Wednesday, July 28 to feature four national acts, including 33 Miles, Aaron Shust, Among the Thirsty, and New Fire. Admission will be just $5 with no advance ticket sales according to Operations Manager, Randy Olson, who says the radio station encour- Know Your ages everyone to simply show up at the door and pay their $5 admission and enjoy four great national Christian Artists together in one setting. “Bring your friends and family for an affordable night of great praise & worship,” said Olson. “It will be a lot of fun and an awesome experience for everyone with general admission seating.” 33 Miles and Aaron Shust both boast a long string of Contemporary Christian hits according to the Vine’s music Allergies director, Brian Fuller. “We play hits from 33 Miles everyday including What Could Be Better, Thank You, One Life To Love, Jesus Calling, and There is a God, while Shust has had success with Give Me Words To Speak, To God Alone, and My Savior My God which won the Dove Award for song of the year in 2007, said Fuller. “This will be an incredible concert value for just a $5 admission fee.” For more details, visit the station website at wvyn.org Inhalant • Food • Environment Causes Breath it, Eat it, Touch it • Animal Dander - Cat, Dog, Rabbit • Pollen - Grasses, Trees • Foods - Milk, Grains, Eggs, Citrus, Soybeans, Beef, Corn, Rice • Mold - Bathrooms, Dead leaves, Cheeses, Fermented beverages, Basements, Decks and porches • Perfumes • Smoke • Chemicals • Drugs • Dust symptoms treatments • Abdominal pain • Aching muscles • Balance disturbances • Circles under eyes • Cough • Ear problems • Fatigue • Headache • Hoarseness • Itching eyes • Irritability • Nasal congestion • Sneezing • Skin irritations • Urinary problems • Swelling of face & hands • Minimize exposure to allergens Change bedding, Change air filters, Avoid fumes, Avoid odors, Stay indoors, Wash clothes and hair, Use air purifiers • Manage symptoms with medications Antihistamines, Decongestants, Steriods, Other • Desensitize with allergy shots - Immunotherapy If you would like to discuss your symptoms, see Above is a list of some but not all of the causes, symptoms and treatment options for allergies. Allergies are just one of the many causes of the above symptoms. Dr. Dennis P. Mlot, M.D. at 2413 Broadway in Mt. Vernon. Call 618-244-6559 for an appointment. Board Certified Otolaryngologist Surgical & Medical Treatment AnniversAry sAle receive a 30% tax credit up to $1500 Fast Delivery $ FREE Low E GLass with arGon • Free Low E Glass with Argon is offered to home owners who purchase optional exterior capping. • Free Low E promotion does not apply to previously placed orders. Any size instAlled stArting At *Minimum 6 Windows. Price includes window and standard installation. See salesperson for details. Offer expires 6/15/10. White Vinyl Double Hung up to 120 U.I. Double Hung. Additional labor charges for metal tear out and exterior capping. 189 siding sale * Presents a Night of KnocKout Entertainment! Friday, June 18th Shooters Bar and Grill 1829 S. Pine, Centralia Main event - coMe See Nate “Holla at ya boy” McCoy, Ranks #3 in his last amateur fight before going pro against Chip Baker, ranked #5 oW Bi lls Lo we r Fu el om e fo r it AB eau tifu lH Ho m e to d Ad sL Va l ifet ue n ai Ag ai nt rP ve Ne Act Now! Prices will NEVER Be Lower! ime White, double hung Wind America’s finest vinyl siding will help keep your home new-looking and practically eliminates maintenance costs - can’t crack, can’t rust, can’t peel, can’t warp or rot and resists insects and weather. This high-tech, carefree siding needs only a squirt from your garden hose to keep it looking beautiful year after money-saving maintenance-free year! Phone Today! 618-533-6349 or 800-624-7691 WindoWs, siding & doors 6 www.dtypub.com 1420 N. Elm • Centralia may 27 Credit & payment schedule must be approved prior to order. Tickets on Sale at Call 532-9931 for more info Tickets at the door $40 Ringside $30 General Seating $5 Off in Advance dty Special Olympics banner D.A.R.E. graduation at J.L. Buford Simon Venters (left) and Lary Monroe hold the Primary Center Special Olympics banner that was carried when several students competed at Mt. Vernon Township High School on May 10. J.L. Buford Intermediate Center fifth grader Jeremiah Watson seems delighted as retired San Francisco Giants legendary baseball pitcher Kirk Reuter signs his shirt during D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) graduation ceremonies on May 5. Reuter, who was the guest speaker, grew up in nearby Hoyleton, Illinois. Photo by Teri Clark Photo by Teri Clark Make Sure Your A/C is ready for Summer Call us today & schedule your... cLean & check SpeciaL $5495 RightnowaR SeRviceS, inc. Complete Home Service & Repair Specialists Buford at Cedarhurst Fifth Grade Fun Day Photo by Teri Clark Let Us help with high energy costs! Karla Rutherford’s class from J.L. Buford Intermediate Center recently participated in Fifth Grade Fun Day at Cedarhurst Center for the Arts. Besides a tour of the sculpture park, a lesson on acoustics in the performance hall, a visit to the permanent collection and Beck Family Center, and lunch, the youngsters did hands-on design at the Shrode Art Center, where they made the masks they are modeling in the photo. “one call Does it all” 244-1363 Si Vallett AUTO SALES 05 Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 SLT, 4.7 V-8, Loaded, 66K mi, Black/Grey Cloth Photo by Teri Clark Franklin promotion ceremonies Franklin Early Childhood Center held its promotion ceremonies on May 17 in the school gym. Pictured is Ethan Watwood with District 80 assistant superintendent Tyler Brown, who presented the certificates at the 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. sessions. In the GAme. 14,995 $ 06 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4 V-6, Auto, Loaded, 75K mi, Very Clean, Local Vehicle, Reduced to Black $ 10,995 06 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 Dr. 3800 V-6, Auto, Loaded, 56K mi, Burgundy/Grey Cloth 10,995 $ 07 Chevy Cobalt 2 Dr. Coupe L.S. It’s good to know that American Family Insurance is on your team. You’ll get reliable protection and solid agent service especially during crunch time when you need it most. We’re in the game, so you come out feeling like a winner Darrel Mays Agency, Inc. 2227 Broadway St., Mt. Vernon (618) 244-7606 1123 Route 14 West, Benton (618) 438-7606 Bus [email protected] American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company amfam.com NA-20316 – Rev. 4/09 All your protection under one roof® dty American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 amfam.com 8,995 ruuD Hwy 127 North Nashville, IL 327-3000 Since 1961 www.sivallettauto.com Tax, Title, License & Documents extra with approved credit 00 S-10 Ex Cab 4x4 L.S. 4.3 V-6, Auto, Loaded, Local Truck, Red/Grey Cloth 6,995 $ 06 Ranger Supercab 4x4 Sport 4x4, 4.0 V-6, 61K mi, 4 dr., Local Trade-in, Red, Metallic/ Grey Leather $ 14,995 08 Expedition XLT 4x4 3rd Row Seating, Leather, Sunroof, Loaded, 47K mi, Black, 19” Whls 27,995 $ 00 GMC Jimmy SLT Diamond Ed. Sunroof, Leather, 4x4 V-6, 88K mi, Indigo Blue/ Pewter Reduced to 6,495 $ 08 PONTIAC G5 2 Dr., 46K Mi..................................$10,995 08 SILVERADO LS REGCAB, Only 18K Mi...........$16,995 07 CHEVY COBALT 2 Dr., 27K Mi.............................$8,995 08 EXPEDITION XLT 4X4, 3rd Row, 47K Mi...........$27,995 06 HONDA CIVIC EX 4 Dr., 45K Mi. ........................$12,995 07 CHEVY UPLANDER LS, 4 Dr., 53K Mi..............$10,995 02 CHEVY IMPALA 4 Dr., Loaded, 81K Mi. ...............$6,995 06 RANGER SUPER CAB SPORT 02 MONTE CARLO SS, EarnhardtEd., Loaded ........$8,995 4X4, 4 Dr., 61K Mi....................................................$14,995 01 MIST. ECLIPSE GT, V6, 5 Spd., 88K Mi. .............$6,795 06 LIBERTY SPORT 4X4, V6, Loaded, 75K Mi. ......$11,995 99 CHEVY CAMARO, V6, Auto, 89K Mi. ...................$6,495 05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING, 07 CHRYSLER TOWN & CO TOURING, Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 © 2009 4 Cyl., Auto, C.D., Only 27K mi, Super Gas Mileage, Bright $ Blue Rely On Stow & Go, 50K Mi...................................................$13,995 may 27 3rd Row, Loaded, 75K Mi.........................................$12,495 02 TOYOTA TACOMA, 4 Cyl., Auto, 93K Mi. ...............$8,995 www.dtypub.com 7 Carnival of Savings At Weeks in Benton noW thru FridAy, MAy 28th, 2010 ‘10 DoDge Ram hD ‘10 jeep WRangleR MOTOR TRENd TRUCk Of THE YEAR! Fun ‘10 DoDge jouRney ‘10 jeep patRiot Stk# 0D197 Stk# 0J214 PW, PL, CC, Good MPG MSRP: $22,540 Auto, Good MPG MSRP: $19,525 18,995* $ ‘10 DoDge avengeR weekS Price: Big Horn, Chrome 20In Whls, Bucket Seats, Remote Start 8 to chooSe from Save $10,000* ‘10 ChRySleR SebRing Stk# 0C207 weekS Price: 0% for 60 Mos. or 1.9% for 72 Mos. $ 16,999* $ ‘10 Chevy SilveRaDo Stk# 0H335 Up to 34 MPG, ALL NEW! 17,999 $ Ext Cab, LT, 4x4 MSRP: $34,550 Now iN Stock * weekS Price: ‘10 Chevy Cobalt ‘10 Chevy malibu ‘10 Chevy hhR Stk# 0H182 Stk# 0H474 Stk# 0H314 LT, PW, PL, CC, Auto, Remote Start MSRP: $19,030 Over 30 MPG, On Star MSRP: $22,875 Remote Start, Great MPG MSRP: $20,705 weekS Price: 13,999* $ 26944 Per Mo. oNly: ‘10 Chevy equinox Stk# 0D145 SXT, Sporty, 30 MPG MSRP: $20,970 Stk# 0D147 fOR THE SUMMER! Now iN Stock weekS Price: ‘10 DoDge Ram 1500 weekS Price: 17,854* $ 25,995* $ 15,905* $ weekS Price: * PRICE INCLUDES TOYOTA CONQUEST. PRICE MAY INCLUDE GMAC BONUS CASH. PRICES INCLUDE ALL AVAILABLE REBATES. PAYMENTS BASED ON 10% OF SELLING PRICE DOWN PLUS TAX, TITLE, AND LIC @ 1.9% FOR 72 MOS. ALL REBATES MAY NOT APPLY FOR EVERY CUSTOMER. PICTURES MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL VEHICLE. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. TAX, TITLE, LIC. AND DOC FEE ARE EXTRA. THE MSRP MAY NOT BE THE PRICE AT WHICH THE VEHICLE IS SOLD IN THE TRADE AREA. SALE PRICES ARE ON IN STOCK VEHICLES. NEW CAR PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER MARCH 1ST. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. ‘10 Ford Fusion se STK# 1202 pwr seat, steering whl cntrl ‘09 subaru Forester 2 STK# 0J395A only 15k, clean, roof 17,995 ‘07 Ford Fusion se STK# 0D365A se, v6, steering whl cntrl $ ‘04 Pontiac grand am STK# 1223A local trd, great mpg 13,995 5,995 $ ‘06 cHevy imPala STK# 0H435A local trd, leather, ltz $ ‘05 toyota tundra STK# 0H408A v8, local trade 11,995 10,995 $ ‘03 dodge durango STK#1216A leather, 3rd row, v8 $ ‘04 cHevy blazer STK# 0D400B local trd, 4x4 WEEKS 11,995 9,995 $ 29,995 WEEKS WEEKS WEEKS 12,995 JuSt iN $ ‘06 JeeP Wrangler ‘06 Harley-dav FXd35 STK# 0H429C hard top, auto, 6 cyl STK# 1159A anniv. edition 17,995 $ ‘06 dodge ram 2500 STK# 1191D diesel, slt, mega cab 12,495 $ 25,995 $ ‘05 cHevy silverado ‘04 lincoln aviator STK# 9H255A crew cab, 4x4, 1 owner STK#1157A roof, nav, dvd, wheels 18,995 $ ‘04 buick rendezvous STK# 1201A 3rd row, local trd, wheels 9,995 14,995 $ $ $ ‘01 cHevy tracker lt ‘00 cHevy c2500 STK# 0H368D 4x4, v6 IN BENTON IN BENTON CHEVROLET - CHRYSLER - DODGE POLARIS$- KAWASAKI STK# 0H457A 3/4 ton, v8, hard to find JEEP 5,995 POLARIS - KAWASAKI POLARIS - KAWASAKI POLARIS - KAWASAKI WWW.WEEKSINBENTON.COM IN BENTON ‘99 Pontiac grand am STK# 0H403B gt, sporty, v6 “NORTH OF TOWN BUT WWW.WEEKSINBENTON.COM 5,995 3,995 PH:618-435-3334 - 6 PM HOURS: HOURS: HOURS: MON. - FRI. 8AM - 6 PM SOUTH MON. - ON FRI. THE 8AM -PRICE” 6 PM MON. - FRI. 8AM SAT. 8:30 AM - 6 PM “NORTH OF TOWN BUT SOUTH ON THE PRICE” WWW.WEEKSINBENTON.COM “NORTH OF TOWN BUT SOUTH ON THE PRICE” WWW.WEEKSINBENTON.COM www.dtypub.com ‘08 Ford Focus se/s STK# 1213 roof, fog lamps, sporty HWY 37 N. BENTON IL HOURS: $ $ $ MON. - FRI. 8AM - 6 PM SAT.IL8:30 AM - 6 PM CHEVROLET - CHRYSLER -- DODGE - HWY JEEP HWYIL CHEVROLET - CHRYSLER - DODGE JEEP HWY37 37N. N. BENTON BENTON www.weekSiNbeNtoN.com CHEVROLET - CHRYSLER - DODGE - JEEP IL37 N. BENTON IN BENTON 8 ‘10 Ford edge STK# 0D523A local trade, 20in chrome whls, 4x4, crew 19,995 $ ‘09 cHevy silverado STK# 1217 SAT. 8:30 AM - 6 PM SAT. “North towN but South oN the Price” 8:30 AM -of 6 PM PH:618-435-3334 PH:618-435-3334 “NORTH OF TOWN BUT SOUTH ON THE PRICE” may 27 PH:618-435-3334 dty